Agenda 06/22/2010 Item # 5B Agenda Item No. 5B June 22, 2010 Page 1 of 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Joint presentation on Rainy Season Readiness by the South Florida Water Management District/Big Cypress Basin and County Staff, OBJECTIVE: To update the Board of County Commissioners (Board) on the current conditions of the area's surface water management system and rainy season/hurricane preparedness. CONSIDERATIONS: With the beginning of the 2010 hurricane season, staff from the South Florida Water Management District's (SFWMD) Big Cypress Basin and Collier County Stonnwater are providing a briefing to the BCC on several stonnwater management issues. Protection from flooding is a shared responsibility. The SFWMD, County and City government as well as and residents of Collier County, all playa critical part in management of the precious water resources of the area. The path stormwater runoff follows from a neighborhood to its final destination can be long and arduous. During the rainy season ground water levels rise, the soil's capacity to absorb rainfall wanes, and stormwater runoff begins. Some runoff is temporarily stored in public areas, yards and swales. Excess water drains to community lakes and em-site ponds. Maintenance and upkeep of the community water management facilities are typically the responsibility of homeowner associations. Water then drains from the community or "tertiary" systems via pipes, swales, and ditches to the "secondary" system. Maintenance of the secondary system is typically the responsibility of local government. Responsibility includes the design, construction, and maintenance and operation of water conveyance and control facilities. The South Florida Water Management District operates and maintains the "primary" system which typically includes all thc larger downstream canals and water control structures. Weather conditions and water levels are monitored around the clock by SFWMD. Open lines of communication between District staff and staff oflocal governments provide for frequent and essential transfer and sharing of data throughout the stonn scason. Floodgates are opened and water levels are lowered to the greatest extent possible in anticipation of heavy rains to accommodate direct rainfall and inflows fi'om the secondary systems. Year-round maintenance programs performed by local government and the Water Management District assure peak performance of all facilities under emergency conditions. FISCAL IMPACT: None GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT; None LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS; This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office and it does not present a legal issue~SRT. RECOMMENDA nON: Discussion and guidance at the Board's pleasure. Prepared by: Jerry Kurtz, P.E., Stormwater Manager, Land Development Services Department, Stonnwater and Environmental Planning Section, Growth Management Division Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Agenda Item No. 58 June 22, 2010 Page 2 of 2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 58 Joint presentation by South Flonda Water Management District Clarence Tears, Big Cypress Basin Director and Collier County Staff to brief the Board of County Commissioners on the current conditions of the areas surface water management system and rainy season/hurricane preparedness. 61221201090000 AM Prepared By Gerald Kurtz Transportation Division Project Manager. Principal Date Transportation Road Maintenance 6/10/20108:25:07 AM Approved By Scott R. Teach County Attorney Deputy County Attorney Date County Atiorney 6/10/2010 8:2.i AM Approved By Nick Casalanguida Transportation Division Director - Transportation Planning Date Transportation Planning 5110120108:41 AM Approved By Gerald Kurtz Transportation Division Project Manager, Principal Date Transportation Road Maintenance 6110120109:21 AM A pproved By Judy PUlg Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Date Community Development & Environmental Services 6/10/20104:05 PM Approved By WilHam D. Lorenz, Jr., P.E. Community Development & Environmental Services Director - ::DES Enginee-ring Services Date Engineering & Environmenta! Services 6/10/20104:11 PM Approved By Norm E. Feder. AICP Transportation Division Administrator - Transportation Date Approved By Transportation Administration 6/10/201 (; 4~26 PM OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office Date Office of Management & Budget 6111/201010:12 AM Approved By Michael SheffiBJd Assistant to tile County Manager Date County Managers Office 6!14/2010 1 :49 PM 6/17/2010 ,.p''';, . '. . ,"'" _".".'" .'_, __ c,,:_.. SFWfAO $nd:Coli~ '~nty Operations ~ Actl()ns" . ~ Ch;lrence T~ars, Big C~Qr~ss Bas~n, Director Travis ~sarQ, COJti~ .coul)ty Tran!>portation, . Supenntendent Road :Malntenance . June 22, 2010 Board of County Commissioners Meeting Item 58 .... . . ) () l!j F t (J RIO A W A T [R MAN A G t M [ N T D I -, T R I c: 1 16 counties of SFWMD home to 6 million people 2 1 6/17/2010 Decades of drainage and development made this possible Seasonal Variation of South Florida Rainfall Dry Season _ Wet Season 10 1 c " .., 9 i 8 I 1 7 . ::6 .s: "5 .= 4 c .c 3 " GI U .., ... GI 2 Q 1 0 Average Monthly Rainfall . 2 6/17/2010 . Compare it to the roadway system with superhighways and turnpikes connected to major roads, major roads connected to smaller highways, and smaller highways to neighborhood streets. Drainage superhighways are the major canals operated by the Big Cypress Basin. These are connected to secondary canals operated by water control districts, cities, or counties. 6 3 ,"""" I :~D;it;:-~.~:':~=:: ,c" ...r ~.,-. c:-:.::'I: '. . ".... ,. ,~,' -I-- i....'. '..., j' .' " r""~ , i ill ~l .." ; :: i-' : I r' ~ ,r" T 6/17/2010 l'<D. J 'J- , , 7 4 6/17/2010 Naples Bay Watershed 1950 - 10 square miles vs 1970 -127 square miles , 0 I T H I ,J RID A W t. T r H MAN A (, [ M ( N T () ..) T f( leT Partnership to create Freedom Memorial Park (originally Gordon River Water Quality Park 16 5 6/17/2010 Old and New FU#4 Improvement of AQinQ Facilities · Reconstruction of old V- notch weirs with automated gated water control structures with real-time monitoring of water levels and flows to enhance flood control and reduce overdrainage. 11 " n LI T fj f I () I~ I D A W A T r i~ MAN A G : M [ NT 0 I -' T R leT . Terrestrial vegetation control and tree removal for ROW maintenance . Administer ROW permit applications . Chemically treat and mechanically remove floating, emerged or submerged vegetation 12 6 6/17/2010 ',OJ T Ii f I rj '\ I D A VL; ATE (, MAN A (, f M l N T D I j T R I I T Basin Actions Wet Season IHurricane Preparation: . Annual updates of Standard Operating Procedures and Training . O&M and Basin Staff performing joint aerial inspection of entire system - canals and weirs, spillways and culverts . Regulatory inspections of above-ground impoundments and permitted projects . All facilities and auxiliary equipment inspected . Communications equipment tested . Emergency response equipment on stand by . Meeting with Collier County staff . Ready for storm draw down if needed 13 " 0 LJ T II r I (J f'> I n A WAr l f\ MAN A [, E M ( r'.j 1 D I 1 f\ leT How much water can we move? More than 5.4 Billon Gallons per Day! . Fill Fenway Park to height of Green Monster 264 times per day (or 33 times during a game) . Fill up Empire State Building almost 8 times per day. -'", ,. 7 6/17/2010 What can you do? . Inspect and maintain neighborhood drainage systems . Clear debris trom ditches, swales and drainage grates . Ensure canal right-ot-ways are clear . Identity and address drainage problems, blockages or tlow restrictions . Utilize storm wise landscaping . WORK WITH US - CONTACT US IF SOMETHING DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT ~"'>, 8 6/17/2010 For more information: www.sfwmd.gov ... "0""'/\___' W'~ ~.. .- .~. .~ ';;:;;~.... .1.....1 --. -....."" l.o<J<.",eogr,~ ~~,l~1 sr....,,_ ......._,-" ~,~~:,~}91 -........" ....._-.,.... '''-- 1""'.2!1 2II10_r"... En_..._ l&FtA~ ',"~ , .......- twitter 17 c (, T Ii L (. , I L /, ~\....., l Ii: MAN A ( [ M I N 1 n T r.: I ~ T Collier County Storm Readiness Travis Gossard, Superintendent, Road Maintenance Department 9 . 6/17/2010 . I '17 '", i I ! i I ! Cottier .County ""A.-aI ~.- '~~'-"_,",:\?~1J;.a'9~-~-.. Legend - Canal Maintained by Collie, County - ClnalMaintalnectby8Ce · Appn:>>x. 1.80 miles of $econdary <:anafa ,. . 230 miles of tertia . canals and ditches · 47 water.level contfol structureS . and 4 pump stations ':",. .. \""~ . '..:.I' "1. I ~ - " .1 I ,~,~r ~ ~I I , - :ill ~I:l',,"l"lml~ 19 s () 1 Ii r l U h: I D {, W t.. T [f\ M A tJ A \" L M r r. 1 D I , T r\ I C 1 Operation and Maintenance Activities . Cleaning existing channels, ditches and swales . Easement inspection and mapping . Aquatic vegetation management . Structure maintenance 20 10 6/17/2010 Three Levels of stormwater Systems TERTIARY SYSTEMS (Responsibility Varies) Development StormWllter Systems (Homeowners IAssoclations) ~.c.",,,~y Canal System Operated & Maintained by County & State Manage& SUJ'fa<:e water levels throughout the county Neighborhood Ponds Malnblined by the HOA ' aapart of the PUD's I atormwatermanagement system DraiMtothe canal system CoIllerCounty StDmIwCer IrIMagem8llt- NPOES _rom cJ1t. Co,,"'... Road Drainage Systems (Collier County Road Maintenance) Private DrlvawllysJCulverts (Individual Owners) 21 l -"'!It ~~' ~'~_ ~'.- ,.'" '1 I '" ~, .., .. ,,' ; , , " ',.JI _ ' '", ." .....'. n.. t:; ~I'~ / I,~'--' -~il",<,ko.f;Y'".Il1 , ..:: 1~ :,'~ "" ~'J', .~ f '1.1:,,.1 ,I ~ : --"-- _, _ __~L~_~_ . 11 6/17/2010 System Capital Improvement Effort Projects Currently Under Construction . Gateway Triangle SW Imp. Project . Lely Manor Canal West Outfall (Lasip) . Lely Main Canal (Lasip) ~nW 23 o II 1 If r [ ) P I [, A v~ /.. 1 l R M h N A (J l M r N T n I ) T Pit T Report Flooding to: (239) 252-8924 Collier County Road Maintenance Department 4800 Davis Blvd., Naples Or email: RoadMaintenance@collierQov.net ~ 24 12