Agenda 05/11/2010 Item #16D 5 Agenda Item No. 1605 May 11, 2010 Page 1 of 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families Challenge Grant and subsequently recommend approval to authorize the Chairman to terminate the 2010 Challenge Grant sub recipient agreement between Collier County and the Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition. These actions are necessary due to a cbange in the administration of Homeless Management Information System. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families (DCF) Challenge Grant. The amendment is necessary due to a change in the administration of Homeless Management Information System from the Hunger and Homeless Coalition (HHC) to the Collier County Department of Housing and Human Services (HHS). CONSIDERATIONS: On May 27, 2003, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) gave approval for the County to become the Lead agency for the Collier County Continuum of Care (CoC) and to apply, on behalf of thc County's social service agencies for annual homeless assistance. On July 28, 2009, the BCe provided after the fact approval (Item 16D2) for the 20] 0 Challenge Grant application. In September 2009 the Depmiment of Housing and Human Services received notification Collier County had received a total Challenge Grant award in the amount of $96,000. This Challenge Grant funding now provides homelessness assistance through five non-profit entities: St. Matthew's House, The Shelter for Abused Women and Children, National Alliance on Mental Illness, The Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition, and Youth Haven, Inc. On March 12, 2010, the Hunger and Homeless Coalition notified the Department of Housing and Human Services it wished to relinquish administration of the HMIS system. HHS has been advised by DCF the department could assume administration of the HMIS system with an approved anlendment to the original Challenge agreement. FISCAL IMP ACT: The acceptance of this amendment does not chmlge the overall Challenge Grant Award amount. The amount for funding for the administration of the HMIS will now be retained by HHS to administer the program. No general funds are associated with the Challenge Grant or this mnendment. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Challenge Grant and this amendment are consistent with the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This Challenge Grant amendment has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action.- CMG Agenda Item No. 1605 May 11, 2010 Page 2 of 5 RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families 2010 Challenge Grant agreement, allowing HHS to assume administration of the Homeless Management Information System. Subsequently recommend approval to authorize the Chairman to terminate the 2010 Challenge Grant Subrecipient agreement between Collier County and the Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition. Prepared by: Margo Castorena, Grants Operations Manager Housing and Human Services Department Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1605 Agenda Item No. 16D5 May 11, 2010 Page 3 of 5 Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families Challenge Grant. The amendment is necessary due to a change in the administration of Homeless Management Information System. 5111/20109:00:00 AM Date Prepared By Margo Castorena Public Services Director Domestic Animal Services 4/23/20109:51 :56 AM Date Approved By Marcy Krumbine Public Services Division Director ~ Housing & Human Services Human Services 4/30/20109:49 AM Date Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Division Administrator ~ Public Services Public Services Division 4/30/2010 9: 55 AM Date A pproved By Kathy Carpenter Public Services Executive Secretary Public Services Admin. 4/30/201010:06 AM Date Approved By Marlene J. Foard Administrative Services Division Grant Development & Mgmt Coordinator Administrative Services Division 5/3/201012:35 PM Date Approved By Colleen Greene County Attorney Assistant County Attorney County Attorney 5/4/20108:28 AM Date Approved By OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/4/20109:17 AM Date Approved By Sherry Pryor Office of Management & Budget Management! Budget Analyst, Senior Office of Management & Budget 5/4/2010 11 :07 AM Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Date Approved By County Managers Office County Manager County Managers Office 5/4/201012:03 PM Agenda Item No. 1605 May 11, 2010 Page 4 of 5 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Amendment #0002 This amendment, entered into between the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, hereinafter referred to as 'Department', and Collier County Board of County Commissioners, hereinafter referred 10 as the 'Grenlee', amends Grant # HFZ03 to: . Amend Grant language Challenge Grant Agreement, Page 1, Paragraph 2. Is hereby amended as 10110_: 2. Grantee hereby agrees to perform the tasks and to provide the services described in the application as described In Attachment I with the following exceptions: A. With or prior 10 requesting the first draw, a copy of the Grantae's execuled sub- reclplent agreements will be provided to !he Department. B. Beginning May 01,2010, the Grantee wilT operata and manage the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) as refIec:ted In the Lead Agencies Continuum of Care, The Grantee will be responsible for all financial obligations to the Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition, Inc. pursuant to this grant up to and including April 30, 2010 as it relates to HMIS activities performed before May 01, 2010. Any remaining funds subject to this grant for HMIS actlvltles will be used by the Grantee to manage and operate HMIS, This amendment shall begin on ADri115, 2010, or the dale which the amendment has been signed by both parties, whichever is later. All provisions In the contract and any attachments thereto In conflict with this amendment shail be and are hereby changed to conform wtth this amendment. All provisions not in conflict with this amendment are still In effect and are to be performed el the level specified In Ihe contract. This amendment and ail of its attachments are hereby made a part of this grant. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this i-page amendment to be executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. PROVIDER: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SIGNED BY: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SIGNED BY: PRINT NAME: PRINT NAME: Harriet A. Coleman PRINT TITLE: proved as to form & legal sufficiency Page 1 Amendment 0002 Onurt # HFZ03 PRINT TITLE: Circuit AdmInistrator DATE: Provider FEID#: 596000556 DATE: Colleen Greene. Assistant County Attorney ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk By: 1044 6th Avenue North Naples, FL 34102 Agenda Item No. 1605 May 11, 2010 HUNGER & HOMELESS COALmON OF COLLIER COUN1Y Page 5 of 5 (239) 253-3449 (Ph) (239) 263-6058 (Fax) T~_WeAl&bADiIferr.nce www.collierhomelesscoalition.org Boarii1lthj~__ March 12,2010 OJr": . A1IegniBillliJirI " . CalholicCJl8rlties:. ". co~~~ .. ~=:4f;:~. .... .' Ody FIoI8s.Dicicman . Conroy, Sirilberg, P:A. George Orobinski . TreatmelitW61kS . ~~i( Communii}' Founclationcl,tolli&r' 'COWltY:, '. "; The leagu6-9ri6;jn~: To: Collier County Re: Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a tool that benefits all agencies in our Continuum of Care, As a program of the Hunger and Homeless Coalition, the HMIS system has expanded to serve 13 agencies. Over the past two years the system has been administered efficientiy and effectively and we have gained the confidence of end users. The HMIS staff has consistentiy been available for training and ongoing support. We were pro active in preparing agencies applying for new HUD homeless prevention funding where HMIS was mandated, and successful in bringing all HPRP participants live in the system. Unfortunately, reimbursement and contract delays for HUD HMIS funding through CCHHS, the Lead Agency, has put the Hunger and Homeless Coalition at risk fiscally. Therefore, the Coalition Board has made the difficult decision to turn the HMIS System Administration over to the Lead Agency. The Coalition will fulfill current HUD CoC HMIS renewal grant funding obligation through April 30th 2010, The new funding cycle for HMIS CoC renewal begins May 1st, 2010, at which time HMIS will be turned over to Collier County, .. The current HMIS Administrator, Bonnie Seargeant has put in notice to the Coalition that her last day of employment will be March 31st, 2010. Bonnie will be available without delay to assist with HMIS training and the turnover of information, Sincerely, ~fl1. w-'~ . Lynda Waterhouse/Board Chair [lL/tfc~ Debra Mahr/Executive Director Attachment: HMIS Status Report as of March 2010 THE COLLIER COUNTY IIlNGER ANO HOMELESS COALITION IS A OESIGNATED 501(C)3 NON-l'ROFfT ORGAlllZATION SINCE 2001. FED 10110<-3810154. "A COPY OF THE OFRCIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CAWNG TOll.fREE (8flO.435.T352) WITHIN THE STATE REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL. OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE.. REG#CH21737 The COIllition is sponsored by the Comer County Un;tt!d WilY and the Smte of Florid;', INjHlrtmenl of Children and Families