Agenda 03/09/2010 Item #17A Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 1 of 78 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY "'~ RZ-PL2009-469: East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District No. 26, represented by Robert L. Duane, AICP of Hole Montes Inc., is requesting to rezone from Rural Agriculture (A) and Commercial Intermediate (C-3) zoning districts to the Public Use (P) zoning district for a Fire Station and accessory uses. The subject property is 3.6801: acres and is located in Section 20, Township 51 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) consider an application for a rezone as noted above and ensure that the project is in harmony with all the applicable codes and regulations in order to ensure that the community's interests are maintained. CONSIDERATIONS: The petitioner proposes to rezone the subject 3.68 acre site from the Commercial Intermediate (C-3) and the Rural Agricultural (A) Zoning Oistricts to the Public Use (P) Zoning District to permit a fire station which is permitted as an essential safety service facility in the "P" Zoning Oistrict. The Land Development Code (LDC) defines an essential safety service as follows: ~ Essential services: Those services and facilities, including utilities, safety services, and other government services, necessary to promote and protect public health. safety and welfare, including but not limited to the .following: police; fire. emergency medical, public park and public library facilities; and all services designed and operated to provide water. sewer, gas, telephone, electricity, cable television or communications to the general public As depicted on the Map of Oevelopment Area included as Exhibit C in the attached Ordinance, the project provides approximately 2.01 acres of wetland preserves to the west while the access to the proposed fire station will be from Lake Park Boulevard. The actual wetland preserve area will be determined at the time of site development plan review. FISCAL IMPACT: The rezone by and of itself, will have no fiscal impact on Collier County. There is no guarantee that the project, at build out, will maximize its authorized level of development, however, if the rezone is approved, a portion of the land could be developed. - The County collects impact fees prior to the issuance of building permits to help offset the impacts of each new development on public facilities. These impact fees are used to fund projects identified in the Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan as needed to maintain adopted Level of Service (LOS) for public facilities. Additionally, in order to East Naples Fire Control & Rescue Station # 26 RZ-PL2009-469 Date revised: 2/5/10 Page 1 of? ..-_...."-,-""'~._'"_..- - - ,',." -"...~.,.,,",'" ,..,',._,,',-'" "." -,_.,-<.._.~~--~_.__.- Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 2 of 78 meet the requirements of concurrency management, the developer of every local development order approved by Collier County is required to pay a portion of the estimated Transportation Impact Fees associated with the project in accordance with Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances. Other fees collected prior to issuance of a building permit include building permit review fees. Please note that impact fees and taxes collected were not included in the criteria used by staff and the Planning Commission to analyze this petition. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMPACT: Future Land Use Element (FLUE): The subject site is designated Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, Neutral Lands, and is further identified within the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA), as depicted on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the Growth Management Plan. The designation of Neutral Lands is intended to accommodate a variety of land uses, including essential services as permitted under the most recent Land Oevelopment Code (LOC), Section 2.01.03. The requested rezone to Public Use (P) zoning district limits uses to essential services. The Collier County FLUE and other GMP elements contain various goals, objectives and policies that are applicable to this petition. These items are discussed below with GMP provisions shown in italics, while staff analysis and commentary is provided in bold type. .""'" Policy 7.1: The County shall encourage developers and property owners to connect their properties to fronting collector and arterial roads, except where no such connection can be made without violating intersection spacing requirements of the Land Development Code. [The Conceptual Site Plan depicts access to the subject site with a north and south entrance from Lake Park Boulevard, off of East Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41). It is believed that intersection spacing requirements would not allow an access point on East Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41).] Policy 7.2: The County shall encourage internal accesses or loop roads in an effort to help reduce vehicle congestion on nearby collector and arterial roads and minimize the need for traffic signals. [The Conceptual Site Plan depicts 60 percent or 2.0H acres of wetland preserve on the 3.68 '" acre site. This, combined with the type of project and lack of actual roads - just parking lot and drive, make provision of internal access or loop roads not feasible.] Policy 7.3: All new and existing developments shall be encouraged to connect their local streets and their interconnection points with adjoining neighborhoods or other developments regardless of land use type. [The Conceptual Site Plan does not show access to the adjoining "A" zoning district to the west of the site, nor the existing zoned "MH" site to the south, both abutting the subject property. Due to the small size of the project and the absence of local streets, connection oflocal streets is not feasible.] Policy 7.4: The County shall encourage new developments to provide walkable communities with a blend of densities, common open spaces, civic facilities and a range of housing prices and types. [The Conceptual Site Plan depicts pedestrian access to the site from Lake Park "- Boulevard, and payment in lieu of for a sidewalk along East Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41). Policy 7.4 is not applicable to this project.] East Naples Fire Control & Rescue Station # 26 RZ-PL2009-469 Date revised: 2/5/10 Page 2 017 Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 3 of 78 Policy 1.5: Collier County will work with the sheriff, fire districts, municipalities, and other appropriate entities to provide a strong public safety program capable of protecting the citizens of the County and their property. [This project furthers this Policy.) Transportation Element: The Transportation Department Staff has reviewed the petitioner's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) and notes the following: The first concurrency link that is impacted by this project is link 95, Tamiami Trail East (US-4I) from Collier Boulevard (CR- 951) to San Marco Road (CR-92). The project proposes to generate two (2) net new PM peak hour, peak direction trips, which represents a 0.18 percent impact on East Tamiami Trail (US- 41). This segment of Tamiami Trail East (USA I ) currently has a remaining capacity of 27 trips, and is currently at Level of Service (LOS) "E" as reflected by the adopted 2009 AUIR. No subsequent links beyond this segment of Tamiami Trail East (US-41) are significantly impacted, thus no further analysis was required for PM Peak Hour impacts. Furthermore, the TIS submitted for the above referenced project doesn't need to be revised to reflect the other uses allowed in the proposed Public Use (P) Zoning Oistrict because the site generated traffic for those uses under the proposed zoning do not exceed what could have been generated under the site's current C-3 and Agricultural zoning. Therefore, the proposed Fire Control and Rescue Station can be deemed consistent with Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). The net new trips associated with the proposed Conditional Use will not be subject to concurrency review at the time of SOP. Conservation and Coastal Management Element: A review of Objective 12.2 and subsequent policies yields that Collier County has an obligation to protect life and property within the CHHA from hurricanes [Objective 12.2]; and, that limited additional growth is expected within the CHHA and that Collier County will provide, or allow to be provided, the necessary public facilities to serve that future growth and at the level of service standards adopted in the GMP [Policy 12.2.2]. Objective 12.2: The County shall ensure that publicly funded buildings and publicly funded development activities are carried out in a manner that demonstrates best practice to minimize the loss of life, property. and re-building cost from the affect fi'om hurricanes, flooding. natural and technological disaster events. Best practice efforts may include. but are not limited to: a. Construction above the flood plain; b. maintaining a protective zone for wildfire mitigation; c. installation of on-site permanent generators or temporary generator emergency connection points: d. beach and dune restoration, re-nourishment, or emergency protective actions to minimize the loss ofstructuresfi'omfuture events; e. emergency road repairs; f repair and/or replacement of publicly owned doding facilities, parking areas, and sea walls. etc. ,.,... Applicable "best practices" as stated in CCME Objective 12.2 above, must be a condition of approval of this petition, to be included/specified at time of SDP submittal (and reviewed by the Collier County Emergency Management staft). East Naples Fire Control & Rescue Station # 26 RZ-PL2009-469 Date revised: 2/5/10 Page 3 of 7 Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 4 of 78 Policy 12.2.2: Within the coastal high hazard area. the calculated needs for public facilities, as represented in the Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) and Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements, will be based on the County's adopted level of service standards and projections offuture growth allowed by the Future Land Use Element. Various Elements and Sub-Elements allow or require provision of Essential Services to serve all population in Collier County, including the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA). GMP Conclusion: Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes this petition may be deemed consistent with the FLUE, the Economic Element, and the Conservation and Coastal Management Element Objective 12.2 and subsequent policies, subject to the following condition: At the time of Site Development Plan approval, applicable "best practices" listed in Objective 12.2 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element shall be incorporated, as deemed necessary by the Collier County Emergency Management Department. That condition is included as Condition #] in Exhibit B to the Ordinance. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT: This request contains no provisions to address any Affordable-Workforce housing demands that it may create. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The Environmental Services staff has reviewed the petition to address any environmental concerns. This petition was not required to submit an Environment Impact Statement (EIS) nor was a hearing before the Environmental Advisory Commission (EAC) required because the applicant has requested a waiver to Section] 0.02.02 A.2 of the Land Development Code (LOC) which is the requirement to prepare an EIS in the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA). The request for a waiver to submit an EIS was granted. The basis for the EIS waiver is that this is a conventional rezoning application. According to Section ]0.02.02 7.h, (exemptions) a conventional rezoning application with no proposed site plan or proposed development plan is eligible for a waiver. The EIS waiver was requested because the applicant's are in the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) permitting process with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the site plan has the potential to change based on the pennitting conditions. Since the subject property is located in the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, Neutral Land on the FLUE map, properties are required to preserve a minimum of 60 percent of the present native vegetation but not to exceed 45 percent of the total site area. The environmental requirements will be established during the site development plan approval process. The applicant has agreed to go before the EAC with the EIS prior to site plan approval. East Naples Fire Control & Rescue Station # 26 RZ -PL2009-469 Date revised: 2/5/10 Page 4 of 7 Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 5 of 78 ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: Since no EIS was completed as part of the rezone action, this petition did not require review by the EAC. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: The CCPC heard this petition on January 7, 2010, and by a unanimous vote (6 to 0) Commissioners Wolfley and Vigliotti had left the meeting) recommended forwarding this petition to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) with a recommendation of approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Condition # 2, that limited the building height to 30 feet of zoned height and 37 feet of actual height shall be removed; and 2. Exhibit C of the Ordinance shall be re-titled as a "Map of Oevelopment Area" instead of a Conceptual Site Plan. The CCPC determined Condition #2 was not necessary because it is redundant; it duplicates the maximum height limit provided in the "P" zoning district. It should be noted that the proposed Ordinance was approved at the January 21,2010 CCPC consent hearing, with Exhibit C entitled the "Map of Oevelopment Area with Access for "P" District Zoning." The CCPC approval recommendations were both unanimous; and no one has provided written or verbal opposition to the petition, therefore this petition can be placed on the Summary Agenda. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: Petitioner is requesting a rezone from the Rural Agriculture (A) and Commercial Intermediate (C-3) Zoning Oistricts to a Public Use (P) Zoning District. The attached staff report and recommendations of the Plmming Commission required are advisory only and are not binding on you. All testimony given must be under oath. The Petitioner has the burden to prove that the proposed rezone is consistent with all the criteria set forth below, and you may question Petitioner, or staff, to satisfy yourself that the necessary criteria have been satisfied. Should you consider denying the rezone, to assure that your decision is not later found to be arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable, the denial must be based upon competent, substantial evidence that the proposal does not meet one or more of the listed criteria below. Criteria for Straight Rezones: I. Will the proposed change be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies and future land use map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan? 2. Will the proposed rezone be appropriate considering the existing land use pattern? 3. Would the proposed rezone result in the possible creation of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts? ,". 4. Are the existing district boundaries illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change? East Naples Fire Control & Rescue Station # 26 RZ -PL2009-469 Date revised: 2/5/10 Page 5 of7 .--....." Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 6 of 78 5. Do changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed amendment necessary? 6. Will the proposed change adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood? 7. Will the proposed change create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create types of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak volumes or projected types of vehicular traffic, including activity during construction phases of the development, or otherwise affect public safety? 8. Will the proposed change create a drainage problem? 9. Will the proposed change seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas? 10. Will the proposed change adversely affect property values in the adjacent area? 11. Will the proposed change be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations? 12. Will the proposed change constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasted with the public welfare? 13. Are there substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing zoning? 14. Is the change suggested out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the County? 15. Consider: Whether it is impossible to find other adequate sites in the county for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use. 16. Consider: The physical characteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration which would be required to make the property usable for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification. 17. What is the impact of development on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County Growth Management Plan and as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance [Code ch.106, art.II], as amended? 18. Are there other factors, standards, or criteria relating to this rezone request that the Board of County Commissioners shall deem important in the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare? -...,. East Naples Fire Control & Rescue Station # 26 RZ -PL2009-469 Date revised: 2/5/10 Page 6 of 7 Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 7 of 78 The proposed Ordinance was prepared by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action. - (STW) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the request for RZ-PL2009- 469 subject to the CCPC's condition of approval as shown in the proposed ordinance. That ordinance includes the following condition as recommended by the CCPC: At the time of Site Development Plan approval, applicable "best practices" listed in Objective 12.2 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element shall be incorporated, as deemed necessary by the Collier County Emergency Management Department. PREPARED BY: Kay Oeselem, Principal Planner, AICP Oepartment of Engineering, Environmental, Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Services .-- ..",~, East Naples Fire Control & Rescue Station # 26 RZ-PL2009-469 Date revised: 2/5/10 Page 7 of7 .1.u'6'" J. OJ.1...... Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 8 of 78 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Meeting Date: 17A This Item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. RZ-PL2009-469 East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District No. 26, represented by Robert L. Duane, AICP of Hole Montes Inc., is requesting to rezone from Rural Agriculture (A) and Commercial Intermediate (C-3) zoning districts to the Public Use (P) zoning district for a Fire Station and accessory uses. The subject property is 3.68 acres and is located in Section 20, Township 51 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida. 3/9/2010 9:00:00 AM Item Number: Item Summary: Prepared By Kay Deselem, AICP Planner, Principal Date Community Development & Zoning & Land Development Review 2/5/20105:16:41 PM Environmental Services Approved By Norm E. Feder, Alep Administrator - Transportation Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 2/9/201010:23 AM Approved By Judy Puig Operations Analyst Date Community Development & Community Development & Environmental Services Environmental Services 2/9/20102:13 PM Approved By Steven Williams Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney 2/9/2010 2:58 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date 2/9/2010 3:01 PM Approved By Ray Bellows Manager - Planning Date Community Development & Zoning & Land Development Review 2/11/20103:40 PM Environmental Services Approved By William D. Lorenz, Jr., P.E. Director - COES Engineering ServIces Date Community Development & Engineering & Environmental Services Environmental Services 2/16/2010 12:37 PM ~'" Approved By Nick Casalanguida Director - Transportation Planning Date Transportation Division Transportation Planning 2/18/2010 10:43 AM .-. ".....,. . ~ .~ .,~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~._..- ---- - -.---, ----- ,..-...-.-. - ,- '- - . - "._~- "-"--".. .~-_.. .---..-"". """._~ '"'' ~---'-- ~ ....0..... ... ......... ... Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 9 of 78 Approved By OMB Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 2/23/20108:57 AM Approved By Therese Stanley Office of Management & Budget Manager - Operations Support. Trans Date Office of Management & Budget 3/1/20109:43 AM Approved By Mark Isackson Management/Budget Analyst, Senior Date Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget 3/1/20101:41 PM .-. ".......\. . ~ ,~ , 4 _~ , , . ~ _~4~'._ _TV"T..__v '_~_~_"._"'_'~' - ,- ,-~.- AGJ~ePn'MW~WoE 17A March 9, 2010 Page 10 of 78 --', BY ( :Ount'\J 'If.- - ~ STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: OEPARTMENT OF ZONING & LANO OEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING DATE: JANUARY, 7, 2009 SUBJECT: RZ-PL2009-469; EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE No. 26 PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT: Owner: Agent( s): -.-'." East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District No. 26 4798 Oavis Boulevard Naples, FL 34104 Robert L. Ouane, AICP Hole Montes Engineering, Inc 950 Encore Way Naples, FL 34110 REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioner requests that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) consider a rezone of the subject site from the Rural Agricultural (A) zoning district and Commercial Intermediate (C-3) zoning district to Public Use (P) zoning district. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The property is located on southwest corner of East Tamiami Trail (U_S. 41) and Lake Park Boulevard, in Section 20, Township 51 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida. (See illustration onfollowing page) PURPOSEIDESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The petitioner proposes to rezone the subject 3,68 acre site from the Commercial Intermediate (C-3) and the Rural Agricultural (A) Zoning Districts to the Public Use (P) Zoning District to permit a fire station which is permitted as an essential safety service facility in the "P" Zoning Oistrict. _e_' The Land Oevelopment Code (LOC) defines an essential safety service as follows: RZ-PL2009-469 Revised: 12-20-09 Page I of1 t --- _.._.,,~--,"-.------------ .... 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Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 13 of 78 Essential services: Those services and facilities, including utilities, safety services, and other government services, necessary to promote and protect public health, safety and welfare, including but not limited to the following: police; fire, emergency medical, public park and public library facilities; and all services designed and operated to provide water, sewer, gas, telephone, electricity, cable television or communications to the general public As depicted on the attached conceptual site plan, the project provides approximately 2.01 acres of wetland preserves to the west while the access to the proposed fire station will be from Lake Park Boulevard. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: East Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41) right-of-way (ROW), Tamiami Canal, and vacant land with a zoning designation of Rural Agriculture (A) at a maximum density of I dwelling unit per 5 acres, East: Convenience store and Lake Park Boulevard right-of-way (ROW), with a zoning designation of Commercial Intermediate (C-3); vacant land with a zoning designation of Rural Agriculture (A) at a maximum density of I dwelling unit per 5 acres. South: Mobile homes and vacant land, with a zoning designation of Mobile Home at a maximum density of 7.26 dwelling units per acre. Single-Family homes, with a zoning designation of Single-Family Residential (RSF-3) at a maximum density 00 dwelling units per acre. West: Vacant land with a zoning designation of Rural Agriculture (A) at a maximum density of I dwelling unit per 5 acres. AERIAL PHOTO RZ-PL2009-469 Revised: 12-20-09 Page 2 of II Agenda Item No. 17A March 9. 2010 Page 140178 "~"" GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) CONSISTENCY: Future Land Use Element (FLUE): The subject site is designated Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, Neutral Lands, and is further identified within the Coastal High Hazard Area, as depicted on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the Growth Management Plan. The designation of Neutral Lands is intended to acconunodate a variety of land uses, including essential services as permitted under the most recent Land Oevelopment Code (LDC), Section 2.01.03. The requested rezone to Public Use (P) zoning district limits uses to essential services. Policy 7.1: The County shall encourage developers and property owners to connect their properties to fronting collector and arterial roads, except where no such connection can be made without violating intersection spacing requirements of the Land Development Code, [The Conceptual Site Plan depicts access to the subject site with a north and south entrance from Lake Park Boulevard, off of East Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41). It is believed that intersection spacing requirements would not allow an access point on East Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41).) " Policy 7.2: The County shall encourage internal accesses or loop roads in an effort to help reduce vehicle congestion on nearby collector and arterial roads and minimize the need for traffic signals. [The Conceptual Site Plan depicts 60 percent or 2.01:10 acres of wetland preserve on the 3.68 :10 acre site. This, combined with the type of project and lack of actual roads - just parking lot and drive, make provision of internal access or loop roads not feasible.) Policy 7.3: All new and existing developments shall be encouraged to connect their local streets and their interconnection points with adjoining neighborhoods or other developmems regardless of land use type. [The Conceptual Site Plan does not show access to the adjoining "A" zoning district to the west of the site, nor the existing zoned "MH" site to the south, both abutting the subject property. Due to the small size of the project and the absence of local streets, connection of local streets is not feasible.) Policy 7.4 The County shall encourage new developments to provide walkable communities with a blend of densities, common open spaces, civic facilities and a range of housing prices and types. [The Conceptual Site Plan depicts pedestrian access to the site from Lake Park Boulevard, and payment in lieu of for a sidewalk along East Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41). Policy 7.4 is not applicable to this project.) Policy 1.5: Collier County will work with the sheriff, fire districts, municipalities, and other appropriate entities to provide a strong public safety program capable of protecting the citizens of the County and their property. [This project furthers this Policy.) -,,_. Transportation Element: The Transportation Oepartment Staff has reviewed the petitioner's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) and notes the following: The first concurrency link that is impacted RZ-PL2009-469 Revised: 12-20-09 Page 3 of II ... -_.,-, , -- -~-' .- '--'-'~-"".~ -.-, m _"'___~ ~_'" -".-. , Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 15 of 78 by this project is link 95, Tamiami Trail East (US-41) from Collier Boulevard (CR-951) to San Marco Road (CR-92). The project proposes to generate two (2) net new PM peak hour, peak direction trips, which represents a 0.18 percent impact on East Tamiami Trail (US-41). This segment of Tamiami Trail East (US-4I) currently has a remaining capacity of 27 trips, and is currently at Level of Service (LOS) "E" as reflected by the adopted 2009 AUIR. No subsequent links beyond this segment of Tamiami Trail East (US-4I) are significantly impacted, thus no further analysis was required for PM Peak Hour impacts. Furthermore, the TIS submitted for the above referenced project doesn't need to be revised to reflect the other uses allowed in the proposed Public Use (P) Zoning Oistrict because the site generated traffic for those uses under the proposed zoning do not exceed what could have been generated under the site's current C-3 and Agricultural zoning. Therefore, the proposed Fire Control and Rescue Station can be deemed consistent with Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). The net new trips associated with the proposed Conditional Use will not be subject to concUlTency review at the time of SOP. Conservation and Coastal Management Element: A review of Objective 12.2 and subsequent policies yields that Collier County has an obligation to protect life and property within the CHHA from hurricanes [Objective 12.2]; and, that limited additional growth is expected within the CHHA and that Collier County will provide, or allow to be provided, the necessary public facilities to serve that future growth and at the levcl of service standards adopted in 1he GMP [Fohcy ] 2.2.2.] Ob' , " ]',). ~pc.tl"e ,~._. The County shall ensure that publicly funded buildings and publicly funded development activities are carried out in a manner that demonstrates best practice to minimize the loss of life, property, and re- building cost from the affect from hurricanes, flooding, natural and technological disaster events. Best practice efforts may include, but are not limiled 10: a. Construction above the flood plain; b. rndintaiJIillg a plotective I.OUt:' [(x v>,j]JIlre miligalion; c. in3lalLui011 of elD-site pc-r:manc~n1. ;ClkTators \'1" tclnp(\r~ry generator clnergency connection puints; d. beach anJ dune r(:storal ion\ ::'c-n0urisluJlcnt, or en1crgcnc)' protective actions to minimize the loss of structures from future events; e, emergency road repairs; f. repair and/or replacement of publicly owned docking facilities, parking areas, and sea walls, etc. [Applicable "best practices" as slai<.:d in CCME Objective ]2.2 above, must be a condition of approval of this petition, to be included!spccificd al time of SOP submittal (and reviewed by the Collier County Emergency lI/ianagc111cnt staff).] Policy 12.2.2: Within the coastal high hazard area, Ihe calculated needs for public facilities, as represented in the Annual Update and Inventory Report (A UIR) and Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements, will be based on the County's adopted level of service standards and projeclions 0.( future growth allowed by the Future Land Use Element. [Various Elements and Sub-Elements allow or require provision of Essential Services to serve all population in Collier County, including the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA).] RZ-PL2009-469 Revised: 12.20-09 P"ge 4 of II Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 16 of 78 ~"..- GMP Conclusion: Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes this petition may be deemed consistent with the FLUE, the Economic Element, and the Conservation and Coastal Management Element Objective 12.2 and subsequent policies, subject to the following condition: At the time of Site Oevelopment Plan approval, applicable "best practices" listed in Objective 12.2 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element shall be incorporated, as deemed necessary by the Collier County Emergency Management Oepartrnent. ANALYSIS: Staff has completed a comprehensive evaluation of this land use petition including the criteria upon which a recommendation must be based, specifically noted in LDC Subsection, Nature of Requirements of Planning Commission Report (referred to as "Rezone Findings"), which establish the legal bases to support the CCPC's recommendation. The CCPC uses these same criteria as the basis for their recommendation. to the BCC, who in turn use the criteria to support their action on the rezoning request. This evaluation is completed as part of the Zoning and Land Development Review provided below. In addition, staff offers the following analyses: .- Environmental Review: The Environmental Services staff has reviewed the petition to address any environmental concerns. This petition was not required to submit an Environment Impact Statement (EIS) nor was a hearing before the Environmental Advisory Commission (EAC) required because the applicant has requested a waiver to Section 10.02.02 A.2 of the Land Development Code (LOC) which is the requirement to prepare an EIS in the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA). The request for a waiver to submit an EIS was granted and is Attachment "C" of this staff report. The basis for the EIS waiver is that this is a conventional rezoning application. According to Section 10.02.02 7.h, (exemptions) a conventional rezoning application with no proposed site plan or proposed development plan is eligible for a waiver. The purpose of the EIS waiver was requested because the applicant's are in the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) permitting process with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the site plan has the potential to change based on the permitting conditions. Since the subject property is located in the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, Neutral Land on the FLUE map, properties are required to preserve a minimum of 60 percent of the present native vegetation but not to exceed 45 percent of the total site area The requirements will be established during the site development plan approval process. The applicant has agreed to go before the EAC with the ElS prior to site plan approval. Transvortation Review: The Transportation Oepartment Staff is recommending approval of the proposed rezone to allow a fire station as depicted on the attached conceptual site plan. ~ Utility Review: The Utilities Oepartment Staff has reviewed the petition and notes the following: the project location is within the Collier County Water - Sewer Oistrict Service Area, There is an existing 12-inch water main and 6-inch force main on Tamiami Trail East. There is an existing 8-inch water main on Lake Park Boulevard. At the time of the SOP, this project is subject to the conditions associated with a Water and Sewer Availability Letter from the Collier County Public Utilities RZ-PL2009-469 Revised: 12-20-09 Page 5 of 11 _.,_..,~.~,. . .,,, ......--.". . .....~. . -, .~..-- Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 17 of 78 Oivision. Water distribution, sewage collection and transmission facilities to serve the project are to be designed, constructed, conveyed, owned, and maintained in accordance with Collier County ordinance 2004-31 and 2007-60, as amended, and other applicable County rules and regulations. Zoning Review: The future land use for this property has been identified as Rural Fringe Mixed Use Oistrict, Neutral Lands, which is consistent with the requested rezoning. Based on the consistency reviews found on pages three (3) and four (4), staff has determined that the rezoning request is suitable for the proposed fire station. The subject property is 3.68 acres in size and is located within the Coastal High Hazard Flood Area as designated on the official Zoning Atlas. The subject property currently has two (2) zoning designations and both zoning districts allow for Essential Services as a permitted use. Since the development standards are different in each zoning district, the petitioner has chosen to rezone to the "P" zoning district which will allow for a cohesive development plan. A comparison of the development standards for each zoning district is noted below: Development Standards in current and proposed Zonin2: Districts Zoning Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Side Yard Minimum Rear Yard District Building Floor Area of Front Yard (feet) (feet) Height Buildings (feet) 'feet) ~uare feet) A 35 550 50 30 50 current zonm C-3 50 700 (ground 50 percent Waterfront Non- Waterfront Non- current floor) of building waterfront waterfront . zomng height, not Jess than 25 25 50 percent 25 50 percent feet of building of building height, not height, not less than less than 15 feet 15 feet p C None The yard requirements shall be equal to the most restrictive proposed adjoining district C = Buildings within 100 feet of an adjoining district are limited to the height of the most restrictive of an adjoining district. The table above provides a comparison of the development standards in the current and proposed zoning districts. The subject property is located in an area that is a mixture of residential and nonresidential land uses and the majority of the surrounding area has a zoning designation of "A" and "MH". There are no immediate plans for the construction of the proposed fire station, and the applicant understands that all provisions of the "P" zoning district need to be met, should this application be approved. Staff has requested that a conceptual site plan be provided that depicts the proposed access and location of the preserves. The site plan includes the preserve setbacks and calculations along with the required yard setbacks. The "P" zoning district requires the yard setback requirements to be equal to the most restrictive adjoining district which is the MH zoning district. RZ-PL2009-469 Revised: 12-20-09 Page 6 of 11 Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 18 of 78 Rezone Findin~: LDC Subsection states, "When pertaining to the rezoning of land, the report and recommendations to the planning commission to the Board of County Commissioners...shall show that the planning commission has studied and considered proposed change in relation to the following when applicable" (Staff's responses to these criteria are provided in boldfont): 1. Whether the proposed change will be consistent with the goals, objectives, & policies of the Future Land Use Map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). The proposed rezoning from "C-3" and "A" to "P" zoning district is consistent with the FLUE designation of Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, Neutral Lands. The rezoning of the site will allow the East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District to construct a fire station to serve the surrounding community. 2. The existing land use pattern. The existing land use pattern is mostly vacant except for the mobile homes 600 feet south of the subject property and the convenience store on the east side of Lake Park Boulevard. 3. The possible creation of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. The purpose and intent of the requested "P" zoning district is to accommodate local, state and federal government facilities to provide essential public services while minimizing the potential disruption of the uses of nearby properties. 4. Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change. As shown on the zoning map included at the beginning of this report, the existing district boundaries are logically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property and follow the property ownership boundaries. 5. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed rezoning necessary. The proposed rezone to the "P" zoning district will allow the applicant to design the fire station with unified development standards. The rezoning is being initiated to better provide an Essential Safety Service facility for the neighborhood. 6. Whether the proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood -~" Staff is of the opinion that the proposed rezoning will not result in any significant adverse impacts or influence on the living conditions in the neighborhood. The RZ-PL2009-469 Revised: 12-20-09 Page 7 of 11 . ._H "~-___-",_..,..__..-_.._., l' '-_____"'_ - . -~....- Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 19 of 78 proposed fire station will serve the surrounding properties providing quicker response to emergency situations. 7, Whether the proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create types of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land u.ses, because of peak volumes or projected types of vehicular traffic, inclu.ding activity during construction phases of the development, or otherwise affect public safety. Adequate infrastructure is in place for the development of this property. The project is also been deemed to be consistent with all the adopted level of service (LOS) standards. 8, Whether the proposed change will create a drainage problem. Any proposed water management and drainage system will need to be designed to prevent drainage problems on site and be compatible with the adjacent water management systems. }<'urthermore, the LDC and GMP have regulations in place that will ensure at the time of subsequent development order review that the drainage for this project will not create a drainage problem. 9. rVhether the proposed change will seriouslv reduce light and air [0 a'i/acent area. At the time of site development plan review, the project will be required to adhere to the LDC open space and buffering standards. The fire station is also limited to a maximum of 30 feet in zoned height and 37 feet in actual height. Furthermore, the subject property is located in the Nentral Lands of the Rnral Fringe Mixed Use District on the FLUE map which rcquires projects to preserve a minimum of 60 percent of the present native vegetation hut not to cnecd 4S percent of the total site area. This requil'ement should assist in keeping light and air circulation to the ad,jacent ;lreas. 10, Whether the proposed change will adversely affect property values in the adjacent area. Staff is of the opinion that the proposed rezoning should have a generally positive impact on the community by allowing the fire station to be designed in a cohesive manner, instead of having to conform to two scparate zoning districts. However, the value of a propeliy is a subjective determination based npon anticipated results which may be internal or external to the subject propcrty. Since property valuation is affected by several factors, the proposed rezone by itself mayor may not affect the values of the adjacent area. 11. Whether the proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations. The proposed fire station will not result in a deterrence for improvements to the adjacent properties because the applicant will have to adhere to the LDC regulations RZ-PL2009-469 Revised: ] 2.20.09 Page 8 of 11 Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 20 of 78 for landscape and buffer requirements in conjunction with the GMP requirement that 60 percent of the present native vegetation of preserves shall remain, and the proposed development standards that yard setback requirements shall be equal to the most restrictive adjoining district, provides assurance that this project will not be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent properties. 12. Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasting with the public welfare, The proposed rezone will not constitute a special privilege because the development complies with the GMP. As described in detail on pages three (3) and four (4) ofthis report, the rezone request was found to be consistent with the FLUE. Consistency with the FLUE is further determined to be a public welfare relationship because actions consistent with plans are in the public interest. 13. Whether there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing zoning. As mentioned previously in this staff report, the subject property has two (2) zoning designations and essential services are permitted uses within both zoning districts, it would be difficult to develop the subject property in a cohesive plan. - 14. Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the County. Staff is of the opinion that because the proposed change is not out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood because the use is limited to the similar development standards as the adjacent MH zoning district. 15. Whether is it impossible to find other adequate sites in the County for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use? The applicants stated in their application that fire stations must service a five (5) mile radius and this location is needed to meet this requirement. 16. The physical characteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration, which would be required to make the property usable for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification. The extent of the site alteration will be required to go through extensive evaluation by federal, state, and local development regulations during any site development plan approval process. The application states the fire station will be developed on the eastern portion of the subject property that has been previously disturbed. - 17. The impact of development on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County Growth Management RZ-PL2009-469 Revised: 12-20-09 Page 9 ofll _.- .--.-,... -,~."'" ,--.-,.-. - -","_'_'" - -._- Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 21 of 78 Plan and as defined and implemented' through the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, as amended. The project will have to meet all applicable regulations set forth in the LDC and the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. 18. Such other factors, standards, or criteria that the Board of County Commissioners shall deem important in the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING (NIM);, The meeting was held on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 5:30 PM at the Eagle Lakes Country Club/Royal Palm Golf Estates Clubhouse. No one from the public attended the meeting. The applicant's, their agents and staff waited a half hour before closing the public meeting. COUNTY ATTORNEY OFFICE REVIEW: The County Attorney Office has reviewed the staff report for RZ-PL2009-469 revised on Oecember 20,2009. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) forward Petition RZ-PL2009-469 to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) with a recommendation of approval subject to the conditions of approval that have been incorporated in Exhibit C of the Ordinance of Adoption. Attachments: A. Ordinance B. Application C. EIS waiver request and approval PREPARED BY: RZ-PL2009.469 Revised: 12.20-09 PagelOoflJ Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 22 of 78 PREPARED BY: /t9,.- /1- ~eo9 MELIS Z ,P CI t\LPLA R DATE OEP ARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REVIEWED BY: /Z-?"O .<:Jr RAYM DV.BELLOWS,ZONINGMANAGER DATE OEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LANO OEVELOPMENT REVIEW I z. 'Z-f? 0 SUSA . IS ENES, AICP, OIRECTOR 0 TE OEPt\RTMENT OF ZONING ANO LANO OEVELOPMENT REVIEW ",'.. APPROVED BY: 1..2 . ~ (;) PH K. SCH AOMINIS TOR DA E MUNlTY OEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES OIVISION Tentatively scheduled for the March 9, 2010 Board ofCounly Commissioners Meeting COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: P. STRAIN, CHAIRMAN 1-1-10 OATE - RZ-PL2009-469 . .' ~, .' ,~ . '" ,,- Page II of II . --- .-.. --.,,---. - - ,-<>.-.'- COLLlER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET AgE'Jnda Item No. 17 A 2800 NORTH HORSE5HOEJQIU~9. 2010 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 Page 23 of 78 (239) 252-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 " .' ";:'''''''''''~,: c, ,.-" "''i'' .. ','.Y;'.,,"" """-',,": ""'~' ;', ,;,,-.! 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CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34112 NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: ,'"- MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP -- - ---"'-'-'._--'~ ---- --~-- W' _ --~~~-" '- . ---~.,-- " Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 " "~::r:~;:,~r:': :','\ : ;': UA~;:':h~: i;~::s;~ u~Q~(~~di>t;~::;~~Kojs~fo.:- 'S-OiE:i~l*til~ftR'Risfi;j~!."'F':"O":"'R"':M'~A'~-IO":;"......t> ":<';::/l~?;>:,:~j;a~,:v,:::::,~:;,,,/';;:Fk/', -\I::..::~.:~,,:"::'::',;':~.:,:~: :::~,::", , '>:')":;::": :'.;; , ;,:!,..nj".!.;;;')1~ f '::;./t;:::: "".:,._;",",;" ,;,_-,,:",_~~.~:::,,-, .~". ..~. ','_' ,-;: ."",.:,,' ',' :,~, !,,\ J!'J1;~, , _, m_' ".1.",'" _','. :~J,''''':~';''' ' ~ "'.;1:' "'.>.,"::i:--::'I~',",:;': i~~;-,'~~'::)_;~) ;c.,,",-":_": :'::' .':;~ ;,i,l::'''-I ;,:':;;~:['::"':::':} ;,':'l,' a. If the property is owned fee simple by on INDIVIDUAL, tenancy by the entirety, tenancy In common, or joint tenancy, list 011 parties with on ownership interest os well os the percentage of such Interest. (Use additional sheets if necessary). Name and Address % of Ownersh!l!... EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT #26 100% 4798 DAVIS BOULEVARD NAPLES, FL 34104 b, II the property is owned by 0 CORPORATION, list the officers and stockholders and the percentage of stock owned by each. Name and Address % of Ownership c. II the property is In the nome of 0 TRUSTEE, list the beneficiaries of the trust with the percentage of interest. Name and Address % of Ownersh1P- d. Agenda Item No. 17 A If the property is In the naRlO of a GENERAL or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, list the nam~arch 9, 2010 of the general and/or limited partners. Page 26 of 78 Name and Address % of Ownersh~ ,"-. e. If there Is a CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, with an Individual or Individuals, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names of the contract purchasers below, including the officers, stockholders, beneficlarles, or partners. Name and Address % of Ownership , _..,.~. Date of Contract, f. If. any contingency clause or contract terms involve additional partles, list all Individuals or officers, if a corporation, partnership, or trust. Name and Address g, Date subject property, acquired [8J leased 0 4/1/08 Term of lease yrs./mos. If, Petitioner has option to buy, indicate date of option: and date option terminates: / or anticipated closing date ,...- h. Should any changes of ownership or changes in controcts for purchase occur subsequent to the date of applicatlon, but prior to the date of the final public hearlng, It Is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on his beholf, to submit a supplemental disclosure of interest form. ~.. ---,---....... --"~- . - -....- ,. Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 "~',,:,..";' ,.:.;.-"Y::'l'i' '";,:,;;~";'_i':,!.;; F"~l~~l:UTl;:":~}:i,:',,'!;;'.-,j~\',;,,:;l'~'\'i';~ .,!;F;"Wii",':'::i'I':~j'\:"";"'R''''''O:-'''' ;'''.'' - "'R'" ',.".,'....:~rl.""'.~".,.."'-,..":.""""'..", -"'0" ''''''';''N:'':'~:~''-~l;Y'~''',';;iit'''';':i;';,<-:.',;.i;}~\;.i:i'~;:....:~;""j,,;:,:~"~\;,,':'::;;ii':"'lil ,,,: - ',:, .'.-: " , ,;::: !: ;,c- - ","." ',_.. ,-.". ,.~J.", _'.'_' ."'''' .'. ", ....,..,,"._..', ...,., '__"," , .,~.".. .eo,' ..' ......,. ,,' . , ,'~.,.. _.... T0<.-' -:u ,. .-. .., ,'" ''- ".' ',' .,. r ,....... -,,... ,. ,-, ".""""'. ;'.'" ......, '.,.. _ .,' ,_.. .~_.., "'''. " '" :!-:D~ ::r:;:::~',~:?i,;:i):ti~(;'Pi::'::I:;;i~: ;~.~;i;'t'i;H\0~'~1'\~~';>Intih;k~.2J~';'~::,~;'~,::'~'<!~~ir~;~:I:B\,;",~,_:':J"'.",{(;t~'J:\Q, ""~g:-'~J,~lI,tlQ',,, ,,~i{~~~~~~',;H!::j)1~,L:!i~;:,\,\N!;,:I~WJ~f!,~'.ifi~~j-:i.1:i~;+i1~}1~~i'!j::Fj!;(t,;f~';'}~i\ft*%i::j;(h'i~;!~:u'I,! Legal Description of Subject Property: (If space Is Inadequate, attach on separate page.) If request involves change to more than one zoning district, Include separate legal description for property Involved in each district. Applicant shall submit four (4) copies of a recent survey (completed within the last six months, maximum I" to 400' scale) if required to do so at the pre-application meeting. NOTE: The applicant Is responsible for supplying the correct legal description. If questions arise concerning the legal description, an engineer's certification or sealed survey may be required. SectionfTownship/Range 20/51 S / 27 E Lot: Block: Subdivision: Plat Book 4346 Page #: 968 Properly 1.0. #: 00766280009; 00766320008; 00770080208; 00764000003 Metes & Bounds Description: Size of..p.1l!perl~ 400 +/- ft. X 400 +/- ft. = Total Sq. Fl. 160,000 Acres 3.68 +/- Addren/9l!Dl!rgllJ!s.gtion of subject ~erl~ E. Tamimi Trail & Lake Park Blvd. ADJACENT ZONiNG:AND LAND USE " ,,'" ",. ',.,,", -, ,,', ....,""'--" Zoning Land Use N A VACANT S MH VACANT/MOBILE HOMES E C-3 CONVENIENCE STORE/R.OW. w A VACANT Does the owner of the subject properly own properly contiguous to the subject properly? If so, give complete legal description of entire contiguous properly. (If space is Inadequate, allach on separate page). Section/Town ship/Range Subdivision: Lot: / / Plat Book: Page # Block: Properly 1.0.#: Metes & Bounds Description: ",',C ,", i"/A~\:;' "", Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 "R'E' 'Z"O"NE' 'R'e"Q''''UE'S'T''''"" '., 'C., ,','..,..;...... " '.' ". ','., ..c....,;'....., "':,' .... ,~,_,',. ..... >., . ,,-- '. ",,:.,t'~-::- '. : ";~\ },~\';:!~!t:~:'>:;::/?',j: i~:'::::1 :i"';,"'-, >':"';;:::'-'::;:)::::";:':};':'::""', ,--, This application is requesting a rezone from the A & C-3 zoning district(s) to the P zoning district(s). Present Use of the Property: Vacant Proposed Use (or range of uses) of the property: Fire Station ;:(}~'!>;:~i1\;~i;~:f~:~~~~~';~1f~~~'1;bJ!~~'j;'f:'~::::~f:r;\\\:'~;i>..!\~H:;:;1~;~)5~':$i~':::~:J:i~~:'~\R~~~~:\E(.'.liL'ij~!f\t'6iV~,m)E;R')"NX;;'i'}i~:W,:::::~:;'j'::!'1:,;~~i\.:~~{j~~Y~l%~1;;::~;!.!;,"~~'\li'H!':+')~f:6~~i~{-#h~~~~:;~fWjr:;u!';;J~!~~';':\;i,1tj "':':";~';:I',;:,',f,~:'_;;:~~:,~,'!'r,;:i,~,'!;',li:,';:"1"",,,,''',0;:1;' ..:;:,'<'?:'\,:","::I,":'''~i:. ":'_,:__~:t',J':,,,:J';,;',H;~,; ,'. ,,"'!;. ,._, . ': _,..'1_~':~"" I...._~:~_c' 'n' /,.<, ',.,'. ,''''_ ,'~"~~ ,:;-,::":"~,,::~,,,,,,':':".l'.'.'~:,,-'..T!i!!)'J,,:;',:,,';"':1' 'i"i',! '~'::':',',';~'1:i~."':"",""<""::";';::,rti;'~,::,,!,:!,"i" '''';~'i Pursuant to Section 1 O.03.05.H. of the Collier County land Development Code, staff's analysis and recommendation to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission's recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners shall be based upon consideration of the applicable criteria noted below. Provide a narrative statement describing the rezone request with specific reference to the criteria noted below. Include any backup materials and documentation In support of the request. StsmQgrd Rezone Considerafions (WC S~,ti,m 10.03.0S.H.) 1. Whether the proposed change will be consisfent with the goals, ob;ectives, and policies and future land use map and fhe elements of the growth management plan. 2, The existing land use pattern. 3. The possible creotion of an isolated district unrelated to ad;acent and nearby districts. ,'~ 4, Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property for the proposed change. 5. Whether changed or changing conditions make fhe passage of the proposed amendment (rezone> necessary. 6. Whether fhe proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood. 7. Whether the proposed change will creote or excessively increase traffic congestion or creote types of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak volumes or pro;ected types of vehicular fraffic, including activity during construction phases of the development, or otherwise affect public safety. 8. Whether the proposed change will create a drainage problem. 9. Whether the proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to ad;acent oreas. 10. Whether fhe proposed change will seriously affect property values in the adjacent area. 11. Whether the proposed change will be a deferrent to the improvement or development of ad;acent property in accordance with existing regulations. 12. Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner os contrasted with the public welfare, ~.."- 13. Whether there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing , zonmg. ._.....~-- ----,,-'-' "" ..-.-..- .-'-,,,-. .. --....-...." _,w..",..'.., Agenda Item No. 17A 14. Whether the change suggested is out of scole with the needs of the neighborhood or the fIoolwldy.9, 2010 Page 29 of 78 15. Whefher it is impossible to find other adequate sites in the county for the proposed use in districfs already permitting such use. 16. The physical characteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration which would be required to make the property usoble for any of the range of potenfial uses under the proposed zoning classification. 77. The impact of development on the availability of adequate public faci/ifies and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County growth management plan and as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance [Code ch. 106, art. tI], as amended. 18. Such other facfors, standards, or criferia that the board of county commissioners shall deem important in the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Deed Restrictions: The County is legally preclvded from enforcing deed restrictions, however, many communities have adopted such restrictions. You may wish to contact the civic or property owners association in the area for which this use Is being requested in order to ascertain whether or not the request is affected by existing deed restrictions. Previous land us_eJ>etitions on the subject !ill!Rerty: To your knowledge, has a public hearing been held on this propertl Vr'lthin the las.t year? If so, 'Nhat was the nature of that Hearing? Officiallnterl'retations or Zoning Verifications: To your knowledge, has there been on official interpretation or zoning verification rendered on this property within the last year? 0 Yes [8J No If so, please provide copies. Additional Submittal requirements: in addition to this completed application, the following shall be submitted in order for your application to be deemed sufficient, unless otherwise waived during the pre-application mn""'~ng I~.~ j, . Q. A copy of the pre-application meeting notesi b. If this rezone is being requested for 0 specific use, provide fifteen (15) copies of a 24" x 36" conceptual site plan i 16 copies if for affordable housing) [and one reduced 8'/," x 11" copy of site plan], drawn to a maximum scale of 1 inch equals 400 feet, depicting the following [Arlclitional copies of th,=, plcm may be requested upon completion of stoff evoluatlon for distribution to the Board and various advisory boards such as the Environmental Advisory Board (EM), or CCPC]; . 011 existing ond proposed structures and the dimensions thereof, · provisions for existing and/or proposed ingress and egress (including pedestrian ingress and egress to the site and the structure!s) on site), . all existing and/or proposed parking and loading areas [include matrix indicating required and provided parking and loading, including required parking for the disabled], . required yards, open space and preserve areas; · proposed locations for utilities (as well as location of existing utility services to the site), · proposed and/or existing landscaping and buffering os moy be required by the County, d. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as required by Section Development Code (lDC) , or a request for waiver If appropriate. Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9. 2010 Page 30 of 78 10.02.02. of the land c. An architectural rendering of any proposed structures. e. Whether or not an EIS Is required, two capies of a recent aerial photograph, (taken within the previous twelve months), minimum scale of one Inch equols 400 feet, shall be submitted. Said aerial shall identify plant and/or wildlife habitats and their boundaries. Such identification shall be consistent with Florida Department of Transportation land Use Cover and Forms Classification System. Additionally, a calculation of the acreage (or square feet) of native vegetation on site, by area, and a calculation and location(s) of the required portion of nalive vegetation to be preserved (per lDC Section f. Statement of utility provisions (with all required attachments and sketches); g. A Traffic Impact Statement (TIS), unless waived at the pre-application meeting; h. A historical and archeological surveyor waiver application if property is located within an area of historical or archaeological probability (as Identified at pre-application meeting); i. Any additional requirements as may be applicable to specific conditional uses and identified during the pre-application meeting, Including but not limited to any required state or federal permits. Section 10.03.05.B.3. of the land Development Code requires an applicant to remove their public hearing advertising sign (s) after final action is taken by the Board of County Commissioners. Based on the Board's final action on this item, please remove oil public hearing advertising sign (s) Immediately ,'^, ,~, ---,- - ,,,- -.......- -....._,-, - . ------,,--- -..-,..-- Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 ST A TEMI;!-rT OF U!!.!.ITY PROVISIONS FOR STANDARD REZONE REQUEST Page 31 of 78 1. NAME OF APPLICANT: EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT #26 2. MAILING ADDRESS: 4798 DAVIS BOULEVARD CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34104 3. ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (IF AVAILABLE): 12901 Lake Park Blvd. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section: 20 Township: 51 S Range: 27 E Lot: Block: Subdivision: Plat Book 4346 Page #: 968 Property I.D.#: 00766280009; 00766320008; 00770080208; 00764000003 Metes & Bounds Description: 5. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE PROVIDED (Check applicable system): a. COUNTY UTILITY SYSTEM r8J b. CITY UTILITY SYSTEM D c. FRANCHISED UTILITY SYSTEM D PROVIDE NAME d. PACKAGE TREATMENT PLANT D (GPD capacity) e. SEPTIC SYSTEM D 6. TYPE OF WATER SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED: a. COUNTY UTILITY SYSTEM r8J b. CITY UTILITY SYSTEM D c. FRANCHISED UTILITY SYSTEM D PROVIDE NAME d. PRIVATE SYSTEM (WELL) D 7. TOTAL POPULATION TO BE SERVED: 5 - 8. PEAK AND AVERAGE DAILY DEMANDS: A. WATER-PEAK 1240 GPD AVERAGE DAILY 825 GPD B. SEWER-PEAK 425 GPD AVERAGE DAILY 325 GPD 9. IF PROPOSING TO BE CONNECTED TO COLLIER COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM, PLEASE PROVIDE THE DATE SERVICE IS EXPECTED TO BE REQUIRED: 2014. 10. NARRATIVE STATEMENT: Provide a brief ond concise narrative statement and schematic drawing of sewage treatment process to be used as well as a specific statement regarding the Agenda Item No. 17 A method of effluent and sludge disposal. If percolation ponds are to be used, thel<l1;p-el'cilJalMa data and soli Involved shall be provided from tests prepared and certified by aP~.;I~~'fJi . engineer. 11. COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY DEDICATION STATEMENT, If the project Is located within the services boundaries of Collier County's utility service system, written notarized statement shall be provided agreeing to dedicate to Coll1er County Utilities the water distribution and sewage collection facilities within the project area upon completion of the construction of these facilities in accordance with all applicable County ordinances in effect at the at time. This statement shall also include an agreement that the applicable system development charges and connection fees will be paid to the County Utilities Division prior to the issuance of building permits by the County. If applicable, the statement shall contain shall contain an agreement to dedicate the appropriate utility easements for serving the water and sewer systems. 12. STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY CAPACITY FROM OTHER PROVIDERS: Unless waived or otherwise provided for at the pre-application meeting, if the project is to receive sewer or potable water services from any provider other than the County, a statement from that provider indicating that there is adequate capacity to serve the project shall be provided. Utility Provision Statement RJM 10/17/97 "-. ._--~--- - - .__ n.. '''_.____. _.. .__ __.'''''_~_...___ .. -...' REZONE - STANDARD (RZ) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Agenda Item No. 17 A Page 33 of 78 THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W/COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. REQUIREMENTS #OF COPIES REQUIRED . NOT REQUIRED Additional set if located in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelo ment Area Com leled A licatlon (download from website for current form) Pre-A licotion meetin notes Deeds la aJ's list identlf in Owner & all arties of cor oration Owner A ent Affidavit 51 ned & notarized Com leted Address;n Checklist Envlronmentollmpoct Stotement (EIS) and digijol/electronic copy of EIS or exem tion 'ustiflcation Historical Surve or waiver re uest Utilit Provisions Statement w sketches Surve , si oed & sealed Traffic 1m oct Statement TIS or waiver with a licable fees Recent Aerial Photograph (with habitat areas defined) min scaled 1 "=400' 1 20 20 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 7 o Electronic co of oil documents and Pro ect Narrative Site Plans 5 I 20 20 o o If located in RFMU (Rural Fringe Mixed Use) Receiving Land Areas Applicant must contact Mr. Gerry J. Lacavera, State of Florida Division of Forestry @ 239-690-3500 for infonnation regarding "Wildfire Mitigation & Prevention Plan", LDC Section 2.03.08.A.2.a.(b)i.c. Fees: r8J r8J r8J o o o r8J r8J Applicotion Fee, $6,000 + $25 per ocre $100.00 Fire Code Review $750.00 Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review $500.00 Pre-opplicotion fee (Applications subml"ed 9 months or more after the date of the las' pre- application meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required). $ 2500,00 Environmental Impact Statement review fee $1000.00 listed/Protected Species Survey (If EIS not required) $925.00 Legal Advertising costs for cepe meeting (to be reconciled upon receipt of invoice from Naples Daily News). $500.00 Legal Advertising costs for Bee meeting Separate Check for Transportation Fees (Refer to Exhibit A): o $500.00 Methodology Review Fee "'Additional Fees to be determined at Methodology Meeting Fee Total $ 8,375.00 Note: . ional fee for the 5th and subsequent re-submittal will be accessed at 20% of the original fee. PO') Mot!. /2/2... (/Jeer Applicont/ Agent Signoture Oat. ...--....:"',,,,:., '. .., ...,.. "'". ,......,.,. '.' .'::::'..;"-,, .......... "'" . ....."0.'.. '. ....~... 'AFFiDAVI'f . "', ..".,.'.:, . ,""..... ","""," ...-- .--..,...... Agenda Item No. 17A March 9', 20 1 0 . i .., .. .........rag~ic;f01Itll I I...... .. - Well, ROB POTTEIGER beingfirst duly sworn, depose and say that well am/are the ownbrs of , the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of interest information, all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief Well understand that the information requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall not be altered, Public hearings will riot be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and all required information has' been submitted. . As property owner Wellfurther authorize ROBERT L. DUANE, AICP & JERRY C. NEAL, P.E: to act as ourlmy representative in any matters regarding this Petition. /!f~ __J_ Signature of Property Owner Signature of Property Owner !?o5 (i-rt5!(.c<. t:MTI-4fJJJl5/:ifle Typed or Printed Name of Owner Typed or Printed Name of Owner ...._" Theforegoing 1trument was ack!'IOwledged before me this z.. ~ ('o'Idayof Oajl/(Jat.:?c,' 200 9 ,by oWrO-Hel'OVl who is personally known to me or has prod ced as identification. ' ~~ ~J. (Signat re of Notary Public - State of Florida) State of Florida County of Collier ~ vannl ," .......... STEPHANIE NV\VIoo ll~~> '''$';;. MYCOMMISSIONIDD1558\6 ;!k\ : ~ EXPIRES: March 9, 2012 1\~'<< n'f:.fI! BondeclThtUNo\aryl'ubkUndlrwrillf$ . ..J:f.... " ---_.~- ~..:;:;ao;':'.'1 ~- 'Sk~f KCI Va \ (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) _.-. RZ_PL2009-469 REV: 1 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE STATION #26 DATE: 6/23/09 DUE: 7/22/09 \ -''''-~-'~ ------. .....0 _..~.,..... ....-..-.--. . - -~.._~..,,- -_._.~.-_._.. Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 35 of 78 AFFIDA VIT Well, TOM CANNON, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARO OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS ANO AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE DISTRICT being first duly sworn, depose and say that well amlare the owners of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of interest infonnation, all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. Well understand that the infonnation requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall not be altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and all required information has been submitted. As property owner Well further authorize ROBERT L. DUANE, AICP . to aet as ourlmy representative in any matters regarding this Petition. --- - ~ ~ Signnture ofIJroper(v Si,gnature of Property Owner TOM CANNON, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS AND - AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE EAST .--- NAPLES FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE DISTRICT -~._----- Typed or Prilltcd Name of OWller 7)'Ped or Prillted Name o/Owner The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this t{ i-J:J day qf pe.n/11 bt..r- , 20 t'l... by _'ff1omt1~G-, Can no/~_..__\;o/,C i. ersonally 101O>1'n to me r has produced - as idcntijicatioll.---'"'' . State of Florida County of Collier '--tYk'Uuf., 'R ~ Y\ Pcuhu-e,A ---- (Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida) Notary Stamp ..."""~..... Notary Public 5'.'" of Florida " ..... "'1dIe1. Lyn PacIcald ;" c ,; My Commission 00755422 "J)Off't.# Expires 0210512012 C:\Documems and Settings\auser\Local Settings\Tcmporary Internet Files\Content.lE5\\VTR4S7YR\Affidavit{ J].doc I I III II I I III II jl 'I III III mil ,I 'I I i,ld 'III I ' I I! I I IIIlj I'.. " Ii.l I I I II I' II ! 11I1 !I , III!! 'I lilll III i'ii'! III 1111( II IIII! e 1;; " ; 111111 II ; IIIII! > Illim a: ;J 11'I"l '1111I1 III ! "I! I!III Iii I'I! III 11111111 >- I U!ljilllil . 11111. . II I I 'll I ' a: .., 111,11 'I i '" 1 ,1;11111 ,I i il!1J1Ii I 111111111 1111111I111,1111 iLl, ! II III IIi , z ;J '" '" - Iii ~id! ,S fT~ ji~lil til,! ! '" ~ , ! , I I ~ II , "- r.~11 , (Y l . . ...eg. l - . ! ~! ! w l , , ;J .. <..) .>' , III ! w , 'f,. '" , <10' . ! "- 'd. (Y w ! '" i:: I III , w ! ..J c- .; .., , z . t.f 0 >- , ~ , " l . . /;" ~~$ . / <-.f I ~ I I - , I. . ! ! I ,i I I I . ~ I,ll, !illl!.!I"ll ~ ,IIIIIIII,lInl.lll ~!2~..ti,.I!lfi,~" ~ I , -~- ! z__ - - -" .. --~ ,..-.----.---.-.-.--...-. .-.--.--.-------..-.-, . .... ~ .-.-..-..-. '-.,----- ,.. ,. ____..._ _._.u._, _ u..,,_.._.. ". - -,~...,"--, - ,,-_ '" , '''~'U , .._......_..__ -.' " -,-_..... ___T_._........._ .<'" Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9. 2010 tu OR: 4346 PG: 0969'Wt37 of 78 East Naples Fire Control and Rescue Station #26 ......-, -, EXHIBIT "Au Parcel I: Beginning al the 1/4 comer Section 17 and 20, South 0'01'20" Wesl61 5.43 feel to a concrete marker on the South Right-of.Way line of U.S. Highway 41; thence North 53'40'50" Wesl 851.32 reel to an iron pin being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Soulh 36'1 9'1 O"West 400.0 feel to an iron pin: thence North 53'40'50" West 100.0 feet to an iron pin; Ihence North 36'19'10" Easl 400.0 feet to an iron pin; Ihencc South 53'40'50" East tOO.O reet 10 an iron pin. being the POINT OF BEGINNING, all in Seclion 20. Township 51 South, Range : 27 Easl. Collier County, Florida. / Parcel 2: Parcel 3: Parcel 4: I ParcelnD: 00770080208 o ~n, ~, ownship 51 South. Range ..:J 00 "- 'P .". .<i' I HE cn~(;..- Begin at the North 1/4 comer 0 ecbon 20, Township 51 South, Range 27 East. and run South ()<' 01' 20" West 615.43 feet to a concrete monument on the Southwestern boundary of the Tamiami Trail; thence North 53' 40' 50" West 551.32 feet 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue North 53' 40' 50" Wesl200 feet to a point;.Thence South 36' 19' 10" West 200 feet to a point; thence South 53' 40' 50" East 200 reet to a point; Ihence North 36' 10' 10" East 200 reetlo the point of beginning. ParcelnD: 00766280009 Begin althe North 1/4 comer ofSeolion 20. Township 51 South, Range 27 East. and run South 00 all 20" West 615.43 feet to a concrete monument on the South Western boundary of the Tamiami Trail; thence North 53' 40' 50" West 751.32 feet to a point; thence South 36' 19' 10" West 200 reet to a POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue South 36' 19' 10" West 200 feet 10 a point; thence South 53' 40' 50" East 200 feet to a point; thence North 36' 19' 10" East 200 feel to a point; thence North 53' 40' 50" West 200 reet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel ID: 00766320008 RZ-PL2009-469 REV: 1 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE STATION #26 DATE: 6/23/09 DUE: 7/22/09 I . _. -...--.-- .... 4148419 OR: 4346 Hr~~~h ~~2b~~ ucmlD Iu OIllCIA!. UCOlDl ,I tWIll CGmJlcll!le 38 of 78 01/01/2001 at 01:21PI DIIG1f I. BIOCl. CLII1 COIl llloo0.11 ocm 11.50 OOC-,10 IllS.00 T."Droca.""'_~"IIr""A04-.T.. Without: .........hwt.1on or Op.:i.ni.on of 'l'itJ.. J- . A. Pilon, Esq. J.... A. Pi.lon, P.A. 1000 ~ami Trail Horth. Suit. 201 N-r>1.., Il'L 34102 PwWI.W......-: 0.-11 TIN: o-nTIH: RetD: BOm 8 cmmr ZIl5 TlIIIJII mill" BAPLII II lllOl lIS! Warranty Deed TbillDdltll.tuRt MIdc this E..t Tll:ul Properti... dayor Inc.. a ,2008 AD.. FlQrida corporation .....". of'lhcC~ot I S_flI Florida Ea.t Napl_ Fire Ccmtrol and Rescue Diatrict .cralltor, ....s ""'- ~ io, 4798 Davia B1vd... Hapl.., n. 3410. fit.. c-r. Collier . s- fit Florida ,........ WJral n& NlheOkANTOR,__lll 'd . .,..._.... -----------------------~ DOTT~ 1$10)----------------------- ~~ -.:I odw aoool """...... 'I 'II 10 OAAtn'Ol ill '-Ill pold II)' GMHTE!, lhe I-fII ~ II botobjt '.owlodpd.. Mo pWed. l..""': j Iftd &old II> 11I& soiol OAAN'TElll'\d OIUoWT!!E"S Min.' .~.~ ftI .-.isN m-.... f.ll.wi~ daerit.od IoN!. ..,..... lyia&ond......inlhoC...."'1..... Co11ier SIIIIc of Florida "'","" S_ Attached Exhibit itA- Subject to ell8e::manta, restrictions, re.ervations o~ record C"""""""" to the wbdivisioo and ".""8 for the current year and sub8equent Yllars. ulclli#ruofllpa'lOftl--.4 "_. I:nc.( _ '''"') , p~..ident ">>6(1 M_..1'a Drio.. ....Spri.p. n.. 34134 / Printed Witness STATE OF Florida . COUNTY OFl...... ~ If. 1 ) .....'".-.........l\s.OnIrbIJ~.:- ~ "'"'0...... l!I;l. _ of ~ ~ I. j FRE~WElt...l,", ~.dent of E..at Tra.i.l. Properties, 2)(:., '. ~J::!ahalf o~ the corporation ! Mi.=~lOme......~lIi1 1'\1\~lJ"" L\~ vV I . 1I14J2012 . '1-' . . . : ~~ = . . .........-,....,~Inc: .............-...............................: p bad Na2MI: Notaz:y Public MyC;-il.liGnEcpu.: (Corpo~te Seal) .2009 bJ a Florida _;~coo .. 358M3.. ~_.,.e~~...."" lWill....ml'....n......' -- ---,,_.- .'"..-....-....-.... --,..-..." --".~ ,,-..-........--. . . Parcel I: Parcel 2: Parcel 3: Parcel 4: Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 *** OR: 4346 PG: 096f<W'39 of 78 EX}f[8!T "AU Beginning at the 1/4 comer Section 17 and 20, South 0001 '20" West 615.43 feel to a concrete marker on the South Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway 41 : thence North 53'40'50. West 851.32 feet to an iron pin being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 36'19'10"West 400.0 feet to an iron pin; thence North 53'40'50" West 100.0 feet to an iron pin; thence North 36019'10" East 400.0 feet to an iron pin; thence South 53040'50" East 100.0 feet to an iron pin, being the POINT OF BEGINNING, all in Section 20. Township 51 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida. Parcel ll): 00770080208 d 20, South 0.01 '20" West 615.43 foet to eing the POINT OF ownship 51 South, Range ... ........ ,..-,..-~ -~~_._~~ rarCClliJ: UV/~o~bVUUY Begin at the North 1/4 corner of Section 20, Township 51 South, Range 27 East, and run South 00 01' 20" Wr?st G15.43 feet to a concrete monument on the South Western boundary of the Tamiami Trail; thence North 53' 40' 50" West 751.32 feet to a point; thence Soulh 36' 19' 10" West 200 feet to a POINT OF BEGINNThrG; thence continue South 36<:> 19' 10" West 200 feet to a point; thence South 530 40' 50" East 200 feet to a point; thence North 36' 19' 10" East 200 feet to a point; thenee North 530 40' 50" West 200 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ParcellD: 00766320008 '01/19/2009 12:07 TEL 92542099 H M LAND DEVELOPMENT Agenda 11ll1jjl()i':!i1'o~jA March 9, 2010 Page 40 of 78 2800 NORTH HORSEsHOe DRIVE NAPLES. FLORIDA 34104 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMeNT ADDRESSING OEPARTMENT .<- -..... ~' ~ntra"'l. '.~.. .. . . . ..... .... . . ~""". .., -. . ., . '. ,.,' " ".. -. " ", . II ~~t'~~:~;~"~:,;:~;,((:;~;';~~.:~l~~~~.:l~\~~1t~!;,~~~~ \:- - ~';"~~ 1) RS's' ~C'R1!tk~"iSt:~i;i'~.,~:-.~'<.~'..'lt:.": :!"~l;~.. :.':. ":.;.;;;.:,.::.::j::...:*;;.~:.:.:'.:~~/~~~,Il.~"~:', ;~~ :,'?'~i~.~.' r~..~~,~;:.,.t.~f<.&:!;"'I:,.l;t.;;:.~':/~::.~.:,,;:~;:.~I{I~1~~ ";"~:"h' ".Io:o.-~'" ~1"\'~''''''::~'\:~!~'''''I.l.,. /..~....'l;"-~..:~,....,...,, ':"'::'"::<:;" ;', ".H;~I.:'.;. '.,-:,',' <\'1: .;."; t:,~:~:~ ~~.~,..~'..~. .... ,,"h. . . 'W". ,'..",..~.._.. I'\,.J~,..... .. "'lease complete the following and f..x 10 Ih", Addressing Department at 239-252-5724 or submit in person 10 the Adclressill9 Department at the above a':ldress. F9rrn _~y~t 001 liIg!!..~sLl1Y..8.~re"sin~rs..01.lD~)rjQr to ,!1L~~tion ~'lIU..!l.!Io.w 3 days for pro\:e!!,sio.9. . Not all items will apply to every project Items in bold type are required. Forms older than 8 months win require eddltional roview ane! approve! by the Addressing Department. ""'~"""'" . ..I!"'~'H.'H_ __ _ ... ~, ~A_l:L~_H'___H ~. .."".'. _.J . '-_H_.........'~.. ,".,_ : . .~.,~ "_.,v peTITION TYPE (eheok petition type /)eiow, completo a separ"I/I ArJrire.sslng Chockllst for eaoh Pelilioll Type) o BL (Blllsfing Permit) o BD (Boat Dock Extension) o CarnivaVCircus Permit o CU (Concii(ionaJ Use) o EX? (Excavation Permit) o FP (Finol Pial B I..I..A (Lot line Adjustment) PNC (Project Name Change) o PPI.. (Plans & Plat Review) -. 0 PSI" (Preliminary Subdivision Pial) o pun Rezone [8] RZ (Standard ReZone) o SOP (Site Development Plan) o SDPA (SOP Amendrm'll'll) o SDPI (InsubstMtil;l1 Change to SDP) o SIP (Site Improvemenl Plan) o SIPI (Insubstantial Ch:an911> 10 SIP) o SNR (Street Name Cll:l11ge) B SNC (Street Name Change - Unplatted) TDR (Transfer of Develop/TltOnt Rights) o VA (Varianoe) o VRP (Vegetation Removal Permit) o VRSFP (V~etatlon Removal & Site Fill Permit) o OTHER - ,_....~~.-.....'. ._.._..~,__.'--._ _.._~" ,~C" .......:.. ,__......,.....J~_.." __.__._.-.... n.e.:' -........--..- ~..~-_.._._- LEGAL DESCRIPTION of subject property or properties (copy o(fonglhy description may be attacherJ) SEE ATTACHED DEEDS ... 'VQ.(( It- \ s '2.. r S 3>, 5.4- ~ 1!:.2. '7 -z..c, - $1 -"Z. 7 FOLIO (Property 10) NUM8ER{s) of above (;lIIIJC:/I/O, or &Ssoclate with, IQga/ (J(lscliptlon if mol1'l fiJi'll) one) 00766280009,00766320008.00770080208.00764000003 STREET ADDRESS or ADDRESSES (as i1ppllcable, if alr/JllCty assigned) NO SITE ADDRESS . lOCATION MAP must b<> altached si",ow;ng exact location of pmjecllsite In relation to Mares! publiC road rlgnt-of.way . SURVEY (copy. needed only for unplatted properties) PROPOSED PROJECT NAME (if Ilpplical>lo) N/A PROPOSED STREET NAMES (if applical>le) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NUMBeR (ror existing proieets/siles only) SDP . or AR # ~- RZ.PL2009-469 REV: 1 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE STATION #26 DATE: 6/23/09 DUE: 7/22109 ._~_.... ._~._"' .."'-'~_..- ~.<~-- "-,,- " ""'.-._~" _._._~.- .-"",- 01/19/2000 12:07 TEL 32542088 H M LAND DEVELoPNENT Agenda It~bllY01l7lA March 9, 2010 Page 41 of 78 Page 1 0'2 ADDRESSING CHECKLIST - PAGE lWO , . ,~...-. -"'~''''.'''''' .,._.~.. '''_-,,~,"..........,,'' .... ...-.--....,-... _.. 0._-.--". ..., -..-., .._-- Project or development namas proposed for, or alre<ldy <lppearlng in, condominium documents (II application; indicate whetner proposed or existing) .".J..or __"'''l''' ,~ ,;. . . --...., .-. --,~,,-- -,................ .__..b....~_ ,~"'.. .o.......~.................. _. _..,.." Please Check One: [1SJ Checklist is to be Faxed back o ?&rsonally Picked up APPLICANT NAME: ROBERT L. DUANE. AlCP - HOLE MONTES, lNG, PHONE 254-2000 FAX 254-2099 Signature on Addressing Checklist does not constitute Project andlor Street Name approval and is SUbject to further review by the Addressing Depanment. FOR STAFF USE ONLY ". Primary Numbor I ~., 93 Address Numb"r _ I ~ , :1!:t AddrQss Number J "3'b DtJ Address Number \ (j11.~'l -..... h.._____. ..... ""_ . ~..'_._--_....,..,-.'" ~_...~ ... -.- -- . . ApproVllally: ,JJ._I<\.~ Updated by:__ ~Qrv'"\ ............ -~...._- Date: b 1-7..<::>-09 . - . ~ -.... -.. Date: -. - .. !F OLDER THAN 6 MONTHS, FORM MUST BE UPDATED OR NEW FORM SUBMITTED PSge 2 of 2 , "... . ,':'<:'::'.\..:f.:,:..~;:;.tC:.:'_ ,:.1':".:' >. ::.:::' ; :~~i: :', :, :;." ::- ~::..~::.':~' ::,<i.;;;j~: .:~:;;;.:::;: :t:;';:,:,:;"" ::;: -,;,,,_,;._,_:\::.,_' -c- _'c.:, ::,:., ,: " RZ-PL2009-469 REV: 1 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE STATION #26 DATE: 6/23/09 ,,' . .' ., ,. ..'., ,......... .,. , ", ,. . DUE' 7/22/09 . . ., 'I' .1:!7""Ai.E'...".....1A';..ig'\.."R. 'ft' ,.c.' . ,:; :f:~,:: ::~~U:.~: ;~::;"':I:~'" .. ~ :iU:: ,>t , '" "':", . ':','-':'---""",-'----'-"'","','0',,-'__: .,>.""..,'.;""A:___".:C,,:.-,,""'_.""-' ','.''',"__'W' ",.,c:'''':'~':'''''''''':'','''''I'''''-'''''-''-''",-_....-.,-..,..,,,........-_,'-_.....__.._,,, , ,. ,,'..m__,.,___.,_..,..,.__, ',_,_,__'" " ,", . ...' .,.....,.,...."....",..-.,..,-'_...,,,..',,,,,,,__,.-,,,,,,,.',,,,,,,,,,,,,,"....__....,.._."...._......___..... 2800 NORTH HORSE~f~lh ~~2b~ ~ NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 Page 42 of 78 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 , COLtlER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET .-"- PRE-APPLICATION MEETING NOTES Date: f).j/j 0'1 Time: Firm: Project Name: IZS ,E Applicant Name: 6 Db Lh~ -Q Phone: ().'7 L/ - !;..0Z>t:) Owner Name: ;;: Pr51 A ')t'>,~ Ie...s IF / R r::; .Q:s-r Owner Address: Phone: Assigned Planner: .iYI..oJ-!;<=;A /e>......'@ Meeting Attendees: (attach Sign In Sheet) M~ing Notes ''r'YUNu'.c f+L.L('f) FDlH)A/t.Am.BER""-- \ 1rtl15. $14~LVI/I<"" fL. L, -G r fl.t-..../I( 0'1 '-oK.<- portO/VI ( cI,.{ '11 ;:;..sf-@ 5f) f \=\t\~~t:=''A-;=::'t'\~C!.. ~ ~FFI:--, A ,,\\)~~ ('")~ '\ \:\E \.\f\~'Wl:::'-:-~O~ 'f/\..AIJ1o\I1'-l5 - fAc\ U, . ',II k~e:M r ~~.3> /3-vef>.:> IV ~- A~ TIOtJ crlffl~ O'F ~l-ScJJNG-t...- \ VIE:.WA So 010,4-rv Jl-CUlS':> -77V4tJ~T",,-rI00 ()(ULeS~ " efj:.r.lf;JJc . N "!>4~ <'N ~I ~e: CH 1e!F':> (C.f;,,:>S f'\.WA~7 , ~/1t't4T... 15 !Jo, J ~ UN!>. Sk~ MY,AH+G,e.M6Vi 1'&4- (LI. Q.j ~ -/' ,t1) PLANNER MARK IF NEEDED TO BE ROUTED TO REVIEWERS BELOW: C thldbf ddtthPI 'tthddt .'-- ommen S S ou e orwar e 0 e anner nor 0 e ue a e SCHOOL DISTRICT PARKS & REC - Sid Kittila SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS IMMOKALEE WATER/SEWER DISTRICT DR/EM1 - EMER. MGMT - Jim X. UTILITIES ENGINEERING - Zamira Deltoro Von Rintein CITY OF NAPLES, Robin Singer, CDES Coordinator -Route Sheet only >< Plannin Director BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT Executive Director .-' . - ,,,-- - ----. ,,,,'.., - - '",'" , - ---- - "-,'-- ",'--' '. . . . ,',,'--- -~,---, ~ '-_"~__ ,'..._' _0'-,'--' ,_ , Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 43 of 78 NOTES: ~ 7P /F;'. - E/S o/- j(lffrffC/-f#v/!/ ):p;t. /7Y/;/f!/fr01/. - ,JP p~~~~~~~ - tlJ-J-f'(} .'\f!/i-c./L2f Jf4U:-r,. (z lAY?) -.".",- - ~.. -'~"- Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 44 of 78 COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION PLANNING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 3301 East Tamlami Trail. Naples, Florida 34112. (239) 252-5335 FAX: (239) 252-5378 Naples, February 11, 2009. Mr. Duane, This is to inform you that I will not be able to attend the pre- application meeting. However, following are the information I would recommend for the Rezone application for folio number 00766280009. Per the 2008 Water and Wastewater Master Plan Updates, this project is located within Collier County Water-Sewer District Service Area. Please provide with your application the Statement of Utility Provisions. The current ordinances and stipulations for the utilities are set forth in 2004-31, and are available in our web site www.collierqov.net Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you, ~ MM<> Project Manager CollierCounl~ Public UUbHe. Planning and Project Manasement Deparlment 3301 E. Tamiaml Trail Bldg. Ii 3rd Floor Naple., PL 341 12 Phone nnmher (239) 262-6279 Cell number (239)877-8338 Fax Dumher (239) 830-6466 Pre-app letter for Rezone 2-11-09 115-215.doc - ,.,-.._--------- ~_._.........__~___'w.._, .. .._~~-_.... '" . _.",'-" -- ~______m --, ~~-,- REIQNE.- STAIII.DAl!.D' . . . '(R~j(PPtlCA1i'iGN '..... sU~MI1'tAI. CHECKLIST M~r";;;;'9"" '2'O~'" .!; '.' .-"'It .;~~~f:l;.>,." _ .:"_.:t';V"'i': .... .P"g.e......s."'.r". ..' '___._n' . ;'-.,~' ::~"..,;".n;"'" :.:., '.; ',' .....""..:.,,-:,-,:-,-..,.,-,...,,-,-..,. "':"',:. ".:' .e-_-:,"'-:'''::''::'':'':'::'''; , .., ,- ;;"';-',}:/";:<:<;~;,:; THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W/COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Additional set if located in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area or within Y2 of City of Naples 1 Com leted Application (download from website for current form) 20 Pre-A plication meeting notes 20 Project Narrative 20 Deeds legal's 2 list identif ing Owner & 011 arties of cor oration 2 Owner Agent Affidavit signed & notarized 2 Completed Addressing Checklist 2 Environme Statement (EIS) · or exemption justification 2 Digital J'lectronic cop of EIS = [IS' IS ,I;' I/j'l::/.:? . 1 Historical Surveyor waiver request (\jrv..lU'/'" 4 -'~--~ ~.~~._.__. Utility Provisions Statement w ! sketches~__ .---7t-.. __4 Survey, signed & sealed ___.__~___ _"_,__.___~.,_____'~lL_._,___ 4 Traffic Impo_ct Statement (TIS) or waiver (with al?pJicable fees) .__../[____7 C,py of T ratfic l:npoct Statement (TIS) on CDROM..,L ! 3 Aerial photographs (token within the previous 12 months min. scaled '-} 1 "=200'), showing FlUCCS Codes, legend, and project boundary '4 5 LEl..ect'onic copy -~, ;';i1~~-c~ments al1d plans (c:~Rom orDi,~_,,!le)~-~v..t'~:~1...~__ iSlte Flans .j 70 -~-~- -_._.._------~-~--_.__.._------"- ------ - ------- .--- ------- - .-. REQUIREMENTS #OF COPIES REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED >< X --)(.- )( _:_-=~-~7.'=- _ . H__'._. if located in RFMU (Rural FrjnQe Mixed Use) Receivlflg Land Areas Applicant must contact Mr. Gerry J. Lacavera, State of Florida lJiv;sion of i-orestry @ 239-690-3500 for information regarding 'Wildfire Mitigation & Prevention Plan", LDC Section 2.03.08J\.2.a.(Liic. Fees: !ZI ISl 181 ISl o -0 ISl !ZI Application Fee: $6,000 + $25 per acre (or fraction thereof) $100.00 Fire Code Review $750.00 Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review $500.00 Pre-application fee (Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre- . applicotion meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required). $2500.00 Environmental Impact Statement review fee $1000.00 Listed or Protecled Species survey review fee (when on EIS is not required) $925.00 legal Advertising costs for CCPC meeting $500.00 legal Advertising costs for BeC meeting (To be reconciled upon receipt of invoice from Naples Doily News) Pleose attach Se arote Check for Transportation Fees, (Refer to Exhibit A): ~ s.r6i> $500.00 Methodology Review Fee, if required A Wl'<l \1& C.'liU ';Be: ~ 1-1~1 *Additionol Fees to be determined at Methodology Meeting .~:r~ W - "'6. '2tf:- ",crrt.--./ ' Fee Total $ Applicant/Agent Signature Dote PUBLIC PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS LDC 10.03.05 F.1. Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 46 of 78 -".., ~~-_.~~_. -----~~~._-~----~-~ Applicant must conduct at least one Neighborhood Informational Meeting (NIM) after initial staff review and comment on the application and before the Public Hearing Is scheduled with the Planning Commission. Written notice of the meeting sholl be sent to all property owners who are required to receive legal notification from the County pursuant to Section 10.03.05.B.8. Notification shall also be sent to property owners, condominium and civic associations whose members are impacted by the proposed land use change and who have formally requested the County to be notified. A copy of the list of 011 parties noticed, and the date, time, and location of the meeting, must be furnished to the Zoning Deportment and the Office of the Board of County Commissioners no less than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled date of the NIM. The applicant must make arrangements for the location of the meeting. The location must be reasonably convenient to those property owners who are required to receive notice and the facilities must be of sufficient size to accommodate expected attendance. "'--- The applicant must place an advertisement of the meeting in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear stating the purpose, location, time of the meeting and legible site location map of the property for which the zoning change Is being requested. The display advertisement must be one-fourth page, in type no smaller than 12 point and must be placed within a newspaper of general circulation in the County at least seven (7) days prior to, but no sooner than five (5) days before, the NIM. The Collier County staff planner assigned to the project must attend the NIM and sholl serve as the facilitator of the meeting; however, the applicant Is expected to make a presentation of how it Intends to develop the subject property. The applicant is required to audio or video tape the proceedings of the meeting and provide a copy to the Zoning Deportment. As a result of mandated meetings with the public, any cammitments mode by the applicant shall be reduced to writing and made a part of the record of the proceedings provided to the Zoning Deportment. These written commitments will be made a port of the staff report of the County's review and approval bodies and made a part of the consideration for inclusion in the conditions of approval. .- ,__.. , .., """""&""~'_ _.~~,.,_.. " . ..._.C'H_' _ ",._-,.- ----""'-,..,-- t~ . li c . > o Dl .. Ql .- - - o @) Ql C o N C III III .- - Ql E ~ .- > Gl 0::: - c ~ Gl E z a. - .... 0 ... - ... Gl :IE > ... Ql 0 Q ~ -g C D Q .... all Dl C .- C 0 N - 0 - C Gl E '!: D a. Gl Q 1 \V t ~ '" ~ ~ =" = = M '" ~ ~ )'::)'.t;::,-,:'j} fli~ij:;!~::':']! !CIQ' sjil:i:.:fjm: '3::;i:'::!~:::;:i ':';':5:;:::::;::rn: .;w:i:.":;::;',j z. . I:; . Q ~ = l-. ,.Q QJ ~ \j~"'-l):~ r:- ~~ a ~ ~ ~ '.9 M ~ ('J I" N .... '!i ~U"S I I) I '\ ro N ~ l {""', , (\\ ~l lI\ l\j ~ W\ ~~~~rJ?\ ~ I l\J C, l\l , o ~ 2>~l '~.'.'. .......... ~ c ' !....~.. ~ .... '0. ~.~ ~.~ . "~: -,'I!~!!..t,;::_-- :,,::,;:::::. " ~ .. \- .. ::':.:i:!:::i:.:::' ---.:....:...., jIIIIl , 'I.J'~ .,"', ".<-:,'; c'.:-; ~._ %5 l.(~ :--\.... \~ 5 .~~ :-c~ ~@ \-... V\~ ~"'- ... ...... ~ ...... "-l Cl;l l-. '-= -'--"';',". III III Ql .. -g -g <( ;:.:,',:-:':: "'-,'::,: ',.'. , ~, ~ ~ .;I>. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <:l ... ~ ~ aJ ~ . ~ > ~ 4,. N ~ Q !!2 ~ co .. u \.) Q) "' .:; . ~ '\J " J 0 u I- UJ UJ :I: (j) Z Z C) - ~ Q) <:: ~ '" <:: ~ ~ " 9 C) ,1\ \' ~ ~ ,~ ~ -","", -'.,',' :,.,:,:.'.'.,,: ,','.',,' :0' - .- D =t: w I ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ", . ~ ''0 ~ ~ ~ " ~ Q) c 0 co N II) CI 0- en C"4 en I .- C"4 - Q) II) :E C"4 I 0- 0::: ("') w C"4 Z Z <( .. ... Ql .... :IE a.. .a E <C Q z ::) w Z .... Z u C> Ql ... C ... - 0 '" 0 ~ '" .c tL <( a.. Cli o~ ~ (3 ,.- - .~ '1 '-- _ A-'- ,,',-, .. \J"" ___ _"'0'-":':-,' -::,;,',',- , -.", "',',-,", :,,::,.::-,/:,:: .. < .. ::t > r[~ ,',,', 01/18/2009 12:07 TEL 82542099 H M LAND DEVELOPMENT Agenda IfJ,lWN'c9.017A March 9, 2010 Page 48 of 78 2BOC NORTH HORSESHOE DRiVe NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT ADDRESSING OEPARTMENT ,. . . ~"!"_,,,,'::.,~,,,"..''lr i' ~'W ~.... .....". . . ii-~;..""" ., .-... ~ ~~ '..' . ,~ ,.",. " ..... ., " . . .'.~.',", ....." ....' ~~ ~.'.!J.~_~:t::.t;:~,~i:;3~~~;"1;I~.:~~'~~:~~; l:;::?~::i.;!'FJi~:%i'~~~i~~ ~~ ~~ .'t) ~'~S$INU':..tHlt:KIJist:+(;i::-'~<'\"'k:',:' :.i":.J.:!.: ;::. ':,"~~;'::.:::"::J:,,..:~~.::.:. :'~\>,':';;~~~~ ..:....).l~.: "(~'H:1:r'7;..:::::-.':-~;te...!!t~~-:-'l..1,''7"i~'', :~'I:::~~.::/~;,':,:~:!:~~ ~'t~~L~""'" :.:~.,,,,VSC,,,..,l~~'::':'\:_.~I.I.. ,;.I....'.i.~~...........~.,....:.:2:...:.:: '... '.-'.::..~... '.;(.... ~,~ ....: J1:':'f~~"!.;\.,~~.' ~Iease complete the following aM fa~ 10 the Addre$Slng Departmont at 239-252"5724 or submit in person 10 the Addressing Department at the above a'~dreM. [oJ.!!l,[IU.<.!..lxl q[g!J.~SU1Y-69Qre~sin!U1er.so.!JlliIlJIri(lr to pre"a.p..mI!1!1tion meetln9....l!.l'!U!..l'lIow 3 days fot pnx:e5!j;iog. , Not all items will apply to every project Items in bold type are required. !'orms older than e months will require Ildditional review and approval by the Addressing Department ._ 111' ..,~..~,,~.... . ..._....'......-.._-~ 'lr, ,,"""''''''_.'''''!...~~.-.----. ".....'. _.J . . -~...........," ,~ ".. . --....,.--- .. .......--- PETITION TYPE (ehQCR petition Iype l)eiOW, complete a sepm81ft Artdressing Checklist for each PeN/ion Type) o BL (Blasflng Permit) o BD (Boat Dock Extension) o CarniwlilClrClls Permit o CU (Co/ldilionaJ Use) o EXP (Excavation Permit) o FP (Finol Plat 8 tLA (tot Line Adjustment) PNC (P":>jeet Name Change) o PPL (Plans to Plat Review) - 0 PSI' (Preliminary Subdivision Plat) o PUD Rezone [8J RZ (Standard Rezone) o SOP (Site Development Plan) o SDPA (SOP AmendmQnl) o SDPl (Insubstantiai Change to SDP) o SIP (Site Improvemenl Plan) o SIl'l (Insubstantial Chango 10 Sl~) o SNR (S1reet Name CMnge) 8 SNC (Street NAme Change - Unptatted) TOR (Transfer of Development Rights) o VA (Variance) o VRP (Vegetation Removal Permit) o VRSFP (Vegetation Ramov.1 a. SUe Fill Permit) o OTHER ,... --- ""'_-~''!'"-'''''-''' ,",.. '-"-.-'-'-'-'-.'-." .,.../:".,~;"::.'-.~---' .:I' ..e --...........,... ..-.... ---,...- -.'- -... --.-.,."" ,~---~_.--- LEGAL DESCRIPTION of sLlbject property Of properties (copy of long/hy description mily be attmchecfJ SEEATTACHEDDEEOS .. '90-((1/.-\<;. 2,.. $3, 5.-4- ~'I5.z.. ~ 7.o-S1-27 FOLIO (Property 10) NUMBER(s) of above (;;,ltaC/l 10, or eSliociafe with, IGl!1Il( (Josctipllon if mol'$ IIl311 one) 00766280009,00766320008,00770080208,00764000003 STREET ADDRESS or ADDRESSES (as appllcablG, if alr6\(lcty assigned) NO SITE ADDRESS . LOCATION MAP must be ~ttached showing exact location of project/site in relation 10 nG:3resl publiC road rI9~t-of.way . SURVEY (copy "needed only for unplatted properties) PROPOSED PROJECT NAME (if opplic,ol>le) N/A PROPOSED STREET NAMES (If opplicfll>le) StTE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NUMBER (for existing proi<Jcls/'~il". Dilly) SOP . or AR # ,._,'H_ ___.0..'...... . "",._-----",,...... "-.,,.-.- ---- ~..~. ~111e1200S 12:07 TEL 32542083 H M LAND DEVELOPMENT Agenda 1~~6oqrA March 9, 2010 Page 49 of 78 Page 1 of2 ADDRESSING CHECKLIST - PAGE TWO , . .~ -....-.----"...."'"~.~'. __._.....,. .u_.___....,.........c,. .,..- '."...---..-., "."'.- ..-.---.-........ ","'- --.. ..-- Project or d"lVeloprnent nam". proposed for, or already appearing tn, condominium documents (it application: indicate whether proposed or eXisting) ....,..'- . ___L...",^ ._._.'~....,u..,. ,...__ ---~-'.,""","" . ---,._._ ."..........__..__---""_''''l.l!:.._.____,........ .a_""'..."...."'~...,.c.:..____.........,.~ . Please Check On~: [8] Checklj~( 's to ~e F "XCd bl'ck o P~rsan",lIy Picked up APPI.ICANT NAME ROBERT L. DUANE, AICP - HOLE MONTES, INC, PHONE 254-2000 fAX 254-2099 Signature on Addressing Checklist does not constilute Project andtor Street Name approval and is subject to further review by the Addressing Department ,.,.,.,,"..~.,--...~-........,"...-.:.._, ----- __,'."'.'..M.~..'....._. FOR STAFF USE ONLY Prill' art Numbor .J "3 ., 9.3 . ...._ Address Number.. I ~ ., _:L~ Addta~s Number J "6"b OU Addross Number \ <51 ::', ---..",.-.- -~.._. -.-.-- .-... "_.~- :. '-'-''-"-'' . ~......-.....---.--"-.,._-_._,,:_.._-,.....,,\....... ,....J.._._.__....",;,__ ..~,.,., . .. Approved DY:_f"'J:lI'\.~.8.__ Updated by:,_.__ rY\...6jo(Q "'""' --.",._- "--""'......~._----~-- Dale: b I -7..,D-09 . ..,,' ~-"-~ -,...-- --- .~..... Date: ---------. ..---.---- ~ _... ~'.~ IF OLDER THAN 6 MONTHS, FORM MUST BE UPDATED OR NEW FORM SUBMITTED Page 2 012 Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 50 of 78 ZoneMelissa ,. . -.Subject: ocation: Pre-app Request RZ; Bob Duane, applicant; Melissa Zone, planner Conference Room C Start: End: Wed 2/11/20091:15 PM Wed 2/1112009 2: 15 PM Recurrence: (none) Accepted ZoneMelissa; lenberger_s; Bob Duane; abbott_a; AuclairClaudine; beard_I; BuchheilDavid; CallisCraig; CasalanguidaNick; chrzanowskLs; DeltoroZamira; GustTatiana; jarrelLp; McNallBruce; muller_r; PodczerwinskyJohn; riley_m; weeks_d; wileLr AblerKenneth Meeting Status: Required Attendees: Optional Attendees: Meeting Request Number: 5413 Meeting Type: preapplication Requested By: Robert Duane on 23-Jan-09 Phone: 254-2000 E-Mail: bobduane@hmeng.c011l Representing: Hole Montes Folio: 00766280009 Zoning: Agricultural (A) & C-3 Subject Type: Rezone Location: Tamiami Tr E & Lake Park Blvd. Naples Description: A rezone from A and C-3 to the P District for a new fire station wi communication tower. Property consists of approx. 3.68 acres. Thank you. Janice 254-2049 . c.e::>a..da-L (~ I/- U-A zA(ib /ll-I~ . L - /:::;-1 S u0~ ~'- ~ [) 0 - 0.5 )()- 0:2. .0:2., "8, - ~Vv1 "-~, 1 REZONING CRITERIA COMPLIANT WITH LDC SECTION 10.03.05 I. Agenda Item No. 17 A . RZ-PL2009-4*rch 9,~ 1 EAST NAPLE~~E1C6mROL & RESCUE STATION #26 DATE: 6/23/09 DUE: 7/22/09 EAST NAPLES CONTROL ANO RESCUE ST AnON #26 HM File No. 2008.008 ] 0.03.05 1. Nature of requirements of planning commission report. When pertaining to the rezoning of land, the report and recommendations of the planning cornmission to the board of county commissioners required in 10.02.12 D. shall show that the planning commission has studied and considered the proposed change in relation to the following, when applicable: 1. Whether the proposed change will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies and future land use map and the elements ofthe growth management plan. The subject property is located in the Rural Fringe Mixed Use Oistrict on the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) map. This Oistrict provides a transition between the Urban & Estates designated lands and the Urban & Agriculture/Rural & Conservation designated lands located further to the east. The subject property is further designated as Neutral lands that have been identified for limited semi-rural residential development. The FLUE notes that these lands are appropriate for limited development, if such development is directed away from existing native vegetation and habitat. Under the allowable uses for neutral lands in the FLUE, essential service is an allowable use. Therefore. the proposed use of the subject property as a fire station is consistent with the FLUE. Furthermore, at the time of SOP approval, a minimum of 60% of the native preserve but not to exceed 45% of the total site area will be preserved to satisfY the native vegetation preservation requirements (as required by the conservation and coastal zone management element and to further facilitate the orderly development of neutral lands). The proposed development ofa fire station adjoining US41, an arterial roadway, with access from Lake Park Blvd. and adjacent to commercial zoning (separated by Lake Park Blvd. to the east) is an appropriate location for a fire station. Therefore, the proposed rezoning request to the "P" Oistrict may be found consistent with Policy 5.4 ofthe FLUE that requires new developments is compatible with and complementary to, the surrounding land uses at the proposed location. It should be noted that the US4] frontage on the subject property is zoned "C-3" Commercial and a portion of the property located in the southeastern area is zoned "A" Agriculture. With regard to the C-3 portion of the property, FLUE Policy 5.1 recognizes that some zoning districts have been found consistent with the FLUE through the Zoning Re-Evaluation Program which is the case with the subject property C-3 zoning (also see FLUE Map] I). FLUE Policy 5.1 notes that "For such commercially zoned properties, zoning changes will be allowed provided the new zoning district is the same or a lower intensity commercial zoning district as the existing zoning district and provided the overall intensity of commercial land use allowed by the existing zoning district." The proposed rezoning request to the request to the "P" district to allow future use of a fire station, will be of a lesser intensity than the 2 +/- acres of H:\2008\2008008\WP\Rezone\Subminal\REZONING CRITERJA_ENFD.doc Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 52 of 78 commercial zoning on the subject property and will be of a lesser intensity of use, therefore, the proposed rezoning request can also be found consistent with Policy 5.1 of the FLUE. 2. The existing land use pattern. The subject property is generally surrounded by vacant lands. However, an existing convenience store zoned C-3 is located on the east side of Lake Park Blvd. as can be seen from the enclosed aerial photo. Some existing mobile homes are located approximately 600 feet south of the subject property on lands zoned for mobile home use. Further to the east of the subject property is the Boyne South RPUDfRoyal Palm Golf Estates with frontage on US4l that also includes a golf course. The pattern of development that is emerging in the general area is residential development with some commercial use. An essential service for a fire station at the proposed location will support the emerging land use pattern, 3. The possible creation of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. The proposed rezoning will not create an isolated district. Fire stations are a permitted use in both the "C-3" and the "A" Oistrict. 4. Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change. -,.-., The proposed district boundaries are logically drawn. Essential services are permitted in both the A and C-3 Oistricts to provide essential services as a convenience to community residents. Therefore, the proposed rezoning to the "P" Oistrict which also allows Essential Services is an appropriate use for the proposed location, 5. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed amendment necessary. The changed condition is the need for a fire station in the vicinity of the subject property to meet the needs of existing and future development in the general area. 6. Whether the proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood. The proposed rezoning will not adversely affect living conditions in the general area as most lands surrounding the subject property are vacant with the exception of the convenience store located on the east side of Lake Park Blvd. The presence of a fire station would improve the life, health and safety of the neighborhood. Furthermore, a preserve area comprising 2.0 +/- acres will minimize impacts along the western edge of the property on vacant agricultural zoned lands. (See enclosed aerial photo). ,_., 7. Whether the proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create types of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak H:\2008\2008008\ WP\Rezonc\Subminal\REZONlNG CRITERIA _ENFD.doc ...-,-.-- _.,--~.._-- --..'^- -. ..'-'- ---.--. - .-..-'--' Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 53 of 78 volumes or projected types of vehicular traffic, including activity during construction phases ofthe development, or otherwise affect public safety. Based on the enclosed trip generation report, the proposed rezoning will not excessively increase traffic congestion for the proposed use of a fire station, 8. Whether the proposed change will create a drainage problem. Based on the issuance of an ERP permit from the South Florida Water Management Oistrict (now in process) the proposed development will not create a drainage problem. 9. Whether the proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas. The proposed rezoning will be limited to a height of 30 feet for the zoned height and 37 feet for the actual height, based on its proximity to the MH zoning district located to the south. P District limits the height to the most restrictive zoning district within 100 feet of the subject property and this height will not significantly reduce light and air to adjacent properties. 10. Whether the proposed change will adversely affect property values in the adjacent area. The proposed changes should not reduce property values in the adjacent area and should lower property insurance costs. As noted, lands generally surrounding the subject property are vacant with the exception of the convenience store located to the east of the subject property. 11. Whether thc proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations. The proposed request will not be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations. 12. Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasted with the public welfare. The proposed change will not result in a grant of special privilege to allow an essential service that is already permitted by right in the current "C-3" and "A" zoning district. 13. Whether there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing zoning. The subject property could develop with commercial use on the C-3 zoned portion of the site. However, as noted essential services are also a permitted use in the "C-3" and "A" zoning districts the same as permitted by the "P" Oistrict, therefore, this criteria may not be applicable. 14. Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the county. H:\2008\2008008\ WP\Rezone\SubminaI\REZONINO CRITERIA_ENFD.doc Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 54 of 78 - The proposed use is not out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood. The area will need essential services to meet the needs of future residents in the surrounding areas. 15. Whether it is impossible to find other adequate sites in the county for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use. While it is not impossible to find other adequate sites for the proposed use that as noted are permitted by the existing zoning districts, fire stations must service a 5 mile radius and this location is needed to meet this requirement. Access to US41 also makes this site optimum for quick emergency response. 16. The physical characteristics ofthe property and the degree ofsite alteration which would be required to make the property usable for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification. The building site will be located on the disturbed eastern portion of the site, and the undisturbed western half of the property will be placed in a preserve. The physical characteristics of the proposed site will accommodate a fire station while meeting all other applicable requirements of the LOC as can be seen from the conceptual site plan contained in this application. ,..-, 17. The impact of development on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County growth management plan and as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance [Code ch. 106, art. II), as amended. The impact of development of a fire station will have minimal impact on public facilities such as transportation and utilities services as set forth in the TIS and will provide an essential service to support the needs of existing and future residents of the area. 18. Such other factors, standards, or criteria that the board of county commissioners shall deem important in the protection ofthe public health, safety, and welfare. Such other factors, standards or criteria that the BCC shall deem important in the protection of the public health, safety and welfare will be considered as the need may arise. .-.-.. H:\2008\200BOOB\ WPlRezonelSubmiltal\REZONING CRITERIA _ ENFD.doc _...~- 'ON! 'S1J31IHJ~V 'S3l VIJOSSV :Ii' HJSll ,l,8 S~N1MVCla _r.<l I . , .. . '(:)1 V i'1"EI 61 , o ,:" Xlr!. 1 , l"-" fI( p::.1 : :e " > ~ """1"'" R 'i/I~~l-J '-1 :3 '[E' 5 &L~ ~ ;-'~". ,L__~_.. _. -- gjl " ",~-,~,~ ~.~ -~ t;.'::~:~,,, ,___ " \1 = ~ l~~-' :;;;.J -----_.._.~- ~-.-. -- - .- -- . ~ - - -" . -." -- ~. - '" ~. -, I i I '''' ~ j;:O:- _ ___ ___,,....,.....~M_..__._~__.~..,il .jj l:.o';,) _._..'__ ..C:!.,__~"".. -- ., . l " ~J~~ ~ --~'---~'--a.. '\ 2 I ~---' , , , , , , , () , , " , .. .. , P"~J rcr_j -.., _........"f . II d II. 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I I , ' , " I '.. ., ...~..~ , " . . w15" ~3:z (/j~9 is>-;;: ~t~ alll/z 2l:1OCi: 0," " Ooz ~~CE ",>.il z~", ~ziS -i= . ~15a<1l ogo::~el Zl,...D..>C .J o ~f- oQ ol=re ~!12"" lLCZ IIlwS ~iL( ~~tii Z f-Ill ~ &~ <11:0_ 'C:- -r- ::E<l[ :.:I>' Ci~' l:\..1Ll. . . . ~ OJ 0 0 '" - w z ::> ., .. ,"." ,.. w t- <( 0 .. !3~~ . " ,. I' , ' .' . , 1 , . I , . > . , .. , -'1 g '.' ~ .,. . ~ I , ... ~ iJ ::II ;;:I, ." 5; ~. , _. S;l Q' d -,--...-,-" ,- .-,-.-.-,.....- , <~'.~_n~ , E ,,,... __.""-'- -'--" '"....'.._.-,- -..--..-.....-..... r.... ,_ ---'.. . TRANSPORTATION (ONSULTANTS,INC. RZ-PL2009-469 REV: 1 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE STATION #26 DATE: 6123/09 DUE: 7122/09 Agenda Item No. 17A 13881 PlANlM~R<!I\IJ2~IU: 11 FORT piI'iliIiM'v ~'11"339 Mrc~ z3[z18:M90 FAA 239.278.1906 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SIGNAL SYSTEMS/DESIGN TO: Mr. George Hermanson Hole Montes, Inc. FROM: Ted B. Treesh President Oavid 1. Wheeler Project Consultant DATE: June 11, 2009 RE: East Naples Fire Station Re-Zoning TR Transportation Consultants, Inc. has completed a trip generation analysis for the East Naples Fire Station proposed at the southwest corner of the intersection of U.S. 41 and Lake Park Boulevard in Collier County, Florida. Access to the site is proposed via a full access driveway to Lake Park Boulevard. Lake Park Boulevard provides full access to U.S.4L The information contained within the Institute of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) report, titled Trip Generation, 8th Edition was reviewed in order to determine the trip generation of the proposed East Naples Fire Station. However, there is no Land Use information for a development such as the proposed East Naples Fire Station. Therefore, trip generation calculations were determined based on information obtained from the Fire Chief. A site plan attached to the end of this document outlines the hours of operation and number of employees on the subject site. Based on the description of the proposed operations that will exist as a part of this development, a trip generation estimate has been created. The assumptions utilized for peak hour trip generation purposes are indicated below: . 7 AM-9AM: Shift Change for 5 emergency/fire employees (5 enter/5 exit) . 2 emergency/fire vehicles on site could enter/exit at any time ,m" .-'. TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS, INC. Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Mr. George HellllaR800 58 of 78 East Naples Fire Station Re-Zoning June 11,2009 Page 2 Since shifts are 24 hours, shift change will take place once a day assumed in the morning between the hours of 7 AM and 9 AM. It was assumed that both emergency/fire vehicles would enter the site during the same hour as the arriving personnel in an effort to create a "worst case" scenario. Table 1 indicates the resultant peak hour trip generation of the proposed East Naples Fire Station. Table 1 Trip Generation East Na les Fire Station Emergency/Fire Personnel Shift Change 5 5 10 0 0 0 Maximum S em 10 Emergency/Fire Trucks 2 0 2 0 2 2 (Maximum 2 vehicles) Maximum Possible Tri s 7 5 12 0 2 2 The emergency/fire truck traffic was shown during the peak hours in an effort to indicate the highest possible trip generation on the site. The emergency/fire vehicles operate on an "as-needed" basis whenever calls come in, so there is a chance the emergency/fire vehicles will not even leave the site during the peak hour of the adjacent street. Thus, as previously stated, the trip generation indicated within Table 1 indicates the assumed maximum possible trip generation generated as a result of the proposed East Naples Fire Station. Fire stations are exempt from adhering to Concurrency analyses. Thus, due to the nature of the facility on the subject site, no concurrency analysis is necessary. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me, - , . .~---_.... -'-"- ---"_. ...., .-.-- II l I II I 1 : : I 'l:I31VM ~" I "~~ I I ~I. I I' I ~I ': . LLI I I ~I , , I It I : t[l I I III~ I"w r.L----,il I I ' t oO' ...! ... 'i-----~T ~/ ,~./... " ... 'oO -= oO' i..--..... __ .f- ....l:I31\fM ~g 'lSIX3..:::-- "CIA"1B >iivda>lv"1- - --- i I NI\fVl ~ ~ , I I 3""0.:1 '"""""'"""""""" ~ it; vCl ""'''''''''-'~:'';z"""-""""",..",, ~...., I . I ! '..'<g.'()(i!'ipi! Vl "'-:-L&li'r'::-' -,,, I ~ I l'illl'iC". I . ,1";;~O.ili1;.. 1-1 <0 ,I tl ~ z%i;'a;)iii:; ..,... BI \~ I ~ ~ : \';2!~!l?i ' . I I I l () c:: c:: ;, [511 I ~l}je .1 !<I' I 5~~ fqj ~II , ()::1r: :::>>t '(..;" I' !!2 I ~II, i':l I (I I I II ! 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Agend~ lJ'0fW A March 9, 2010 Page 60 of 78 Cc: lorenz_w (WilliamLorenz@colliergov.net] Monday, February 23, 2009 9:58 AM Bob Duane RPOTTEIGER@ENFD.org;Jerry Neal; marcoe@prodigy.net; lenberger_s; ZoneMelissa; mason_s RE: East Naples Fire Station From: Sent: ,'~'-,- To: Subject: Bob, I have reviewed your request and I find that an EIS is not needed for this Rezone as long as your Access Plan is not considered by the principal planner a conceptual site plan that is typically associated with a PUO, or the Access Plan takes away any preserve location options that would be identified in an EIS. (Note that an EIS will be required at the time of the next development order assuming the present LOC provisions still exist at that time.) .-~-- I base my conclusion on the following: · The 3.86 acre site is located in the High Hazard Area and except for fill next to the roadway where the site access is comprised solely of wetlands with the exception of fill which has been placed along the roadway. . Section 10.02.02 A.7.h of the LOC provides for an exemption of an EIS for a conventional rezone: A conventional rezone with no site plan or proposed development plan. This exemption does not apply to lands that include any of the following zoning, overlays or critical habitats: Conservation (CON), Special Treatment (S7), Area of Critical State Concern (ACSC), Natural Resource Protection Areas (NRPA's), Rural Fringe Mixed Use (RFMU) Sending Lands, Xeric Scrub, Dune and Strand, Hardwood Hammocks, or any land occupied by listed species or defined by an appropriate State or Federal agency to be critical foraging habitat for listed species. · The subject rezone petition is not within an area stated in lO.02.02.A.7.h and thus this area provision would allow for an exemption. · The petitioner indicates that an Access plan will be presented. A conventional rezone is exempt from an EIS if it is not accompanied by a "site plan or proposed development plan". An Access Plan is not a site plan or a conceptual site plan typically associated with a PUD rezoning and therefore the Access Plan will not be considered a site plan or proposed site development plan that would disqualifY the exemption. Furthermore, the Access Plan should not constrain the location of the required preserve area. If it did, tl1en staff would require the E1S at the Rezone stage to identifY the appropriate preserve location in context with the Access locations. . Other than the fill, there is only one habitat type and it does not appear that the location of the access locations would constrain the selection of the preserve location. Note that an EIS will be required at the time of the next development order assuming the present LOC provisions still exist at that time. ffiJf~ William D. Lorenz Jr., P.E. Director ..-,,- Collier County Engineering and Environmental Services 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Fforida 34104 E:mail: W;lIIamLorenz@ColJierQov.net RZ-PL2009-469 REV: 1 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE STATION #26 DATE: 6/23t09 DUE: 7/22/09 fiJe://H:\2008\2008008\ WP\Rezone\090223 WL email RE EIS not needed for East Naples... 4/J 7/2009 ___M'_ -'-'~">--' - ~'~--"._-'-_.''''''~''~~ "-~------"~.-' -'.'''-~..._-.......-- _~._n'''__'_ AgendaRaga ~<Ulf'Ct A March 9, 2010 Page 61 of 78 Te/e: 239~252-2951; Fax: 239-252-2960 From: Janice Concannon [mailto:JaniceConcannon@hmeng.com] On Behalf Of Bob Duane Sent: Friday. February 13,20099:35 AM To: lorenz_w Cc: RPOTTEIGER@ENFD.org; Jerry Neal; Marco Espinar (marcoe@prodigy.net); lenberger_s; Zone Melissa Subject: East Naples Fire Station Good Morning Bill, As a follow-up to my voice mail message I left you, I attended a pre-application meeting on Wednesday regarding the Eas1 Naples Fire Station to be located on US 41, just west of Boyne South and adjacent to Lake Park Blvd. The site is 3.86 acres and is located in the Coastal High Hazard Area. The requested rezoning is from "A" and C-3 to the "p" Public Use District. Steve Lenberger is the project reviewer. By copy of this correspondence, I am reques1ing a waiver to the requirement to prepare an EIS pursuant to Section 10.02,02 A.2. The basis for the EIS waiver is that this is a conventional rezoning application. According to Section 10.02.02 7.h, (exemptions) a conventional rezoning application with no proposed site pian or proposed development plan is eligible for a waiver. While we will provide Staff with a bubble plan depicting proposed access, we are not proposing to depict a building footprint plan along with our rezoning application since we are not requesting a PUD or Conditional Use, for which specific plans are required, Since we are just beginning the ERP permitting process which will not be completed until after the rezoning application is approved, we are not prepared to propose a detailed plan at the present time. In further support of the waiver request, Steve advised me at the pre-application meeting that the GMP was changed last year to no longer require an EIS for sites 2.5 in size in the Coastal High Hazard Area. However, the LDC has not been amended to refiect thi, 'VcW GlvlP plOvisic,n. Since the 8CC has in effect changed the policy notwithstanding pending amendments to the WC, this further supports the requested waiver request. In closing, thank you for your consideration in this matter and I look forward to your response so that I can minimize the cost of time and expense to the fire district. u Robert L. Duane, A.I.e.P. Hole Montes, Inc. Phone: 239 254-2000 Ext. 2026 Fax: 239254-2099 file:/IH:\2008\2008008\ WP\Rezone\090223 WL email RE EIS not needed for East Naples ". 4/17/2009 Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 62 of 78 HOLE MONTES ENGINEERS ' PlANNERS . SURVEYORS LAHDSCAPEARCHlTECTS 950 Enoore WaY' Naples, Florida 34110' Phone: 239.254.2000' Fex: 239.254.2099 Oecember II, 2009 VIA COURIER Melissa Zone, Principal Planner Collier County Government 2800 North Horseshoe Orive Naples, FL 34104 Re: East Naples Fire Control & Rescue Station #26 RZ-PL-2009-469 HM File No.: 2008.008 , Oear Ms, Zone: Pursuant to your request, this correspondences includes a brief project narrative. This project involves rezoning from the "A" and "C-3" Oistricts to the P Oistrict for a fire station on 3.68:l:: acres. The rezoning is necessary because the proposed location of the fire station cannot meet the existing setback requirements for the "A" and "C-3" zoning districts. - The fire station has been has been under review by the South Florida Water Management District throughout most of the year and, as we discussed, the pennit was recently issued and a copy provided to you. This is why the plan is generic in nature, depicting the proposed access, landscape buffers, preserve area and proximate location of the building footprint until such a time as the project is further along in the permitting process. An architectural rendering was included in the zoning application. Oetailed plans will be provided at the time of SDP approval. Very truly yours, HOLE MONTES, INC. Robert L. Ouane, AICP Planning Oirectorl Associate RLO/sek H"~ H:\2Q08\2008008\WP\Rezone\CCPC\MZ 091211 Itr re project namuive.docx. --.. ~._, -.. -.-."-"'-- ~.,~_..........- ----, ....", Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 63 of 78 ",' NAPLES DAILY NEWS Published Daily Naples. FL 34102 "',<, ,'" , .,-.,.'- .' , PUBLIC NOTICE .,- .' 'N;T;s':,' ',,";,,~,' .,.,', -',1.,.,', , in the matter of PUBLIC NOTICE 'i -',.' ,. -.., , ., "'- . was published in said newspaper on Ocrober 1. 2009 .."",.'" :'( :~'>>::", ': ,- , " -',:,,, .'.^.. .. -'n'.. .,:' , , , . " ".' .:,' Affiant futther say::; that the said Naples D '..,..,::'.,=;; -;,:i',)'{"::--"';'", ..:i;':' ,,';' d, ~ " -, ,'~! ,':,'" ~~f::':,;',\,;,:,;; ..,' _, ;,','. pub,',',h" ., "aples. in ,.,'d Col,','er Counhr. .'.;,\':~_;',.:.; _~;~~:.~;,::i:;:.::::,\'H:,;'::",~.:,~.,;;,_,,:,:.': ,', . :'(" <.;'i:..::';':?i,:",' <;.::; ; :', : ,-,' :._~..,....~,,,,, ';:':'''':':,'''. i>., ", :-,,' ':c' '.' <;;V 1'1 OJ --. _,.' '" '_'..'" "", . _, c. 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'. , . ., ....;.:~,-;.,,' ;;'>::~: ':i'-<,': ~ -, " ',,'"',: ,- ~-':,t:: ":", :.::;~;~(i\t:,~,:\/{;::~:.f':';< '::::,'.'~::';:"::"-,:':, :" ::::,':-~ .::, ' .: ''--'':'~.\ ' : ")VEVALl!EYOURfNPUT I" , .',' ' ,--:.:, >:--':'_ c'.,', --:', OJ'''_',' .',:'::S:':;:::::, ,,/,,~':.", ':, :" '-_.' -" ,', '-',', ,,'. ' '~'.Bq~i~.ess and '.p.iop~tty::'oWn~~.i:',~~iq~nts.alid, visit;ors arlj', welcome to -'att~nd the' pie$en-' , :.tal~?;a~d disqusi;'l~. p,(o)9c! ":,,i!!l'the. oWn'er1developer ancjQqlli.r Co~nty ~ff; .If you ,'.are.:i.JnabJe'tb';'atten~,:t"ls-meetiOOI-:b,uth<lY$,questiOI)S or comm~Ats, they,can b,e qirected. . 'f -:,,:ti~':ftltill~:'Ptl~ne',"f_~":c?~':~'~Trii!ift():_~: ~,',,:/- .":':: :":',,"~.-'..'''''' ::'-"",,:'<,:.':."':-".-__>'" """,:,.',~.- -:, '- " - :' :'.:-r.':'_/"", ,,<,'-,:,::-:, , <,- ",~--:' "_::':::',~''',':' :"'~.:,;.";",':_'. ' ,';,,", ,,::' """"';' _ '_,' _ ',,' .' ,"", "'., ::-:M~Il~~.~~Zqn:6n:"rjn~!p'~I.,PJaQher ,_:: ; ',NapJe'~';.:FI9rjda_34~94.'.' .... Commun'ityQe\lekdiient'&~"; ... 'Phone:(2$9)252.2956 '. " Environm'ental seJceii'" Fax: (239) 252,2916 . . -',':,',' '" ',--, 2BOO"N; H-orSesho~D'riv'e': : MeUS:~orie@Co!lierg~v~n~t ':'~,b' ,~' _._ , ,",' "', " . I , '", ..' ":;,.". -f"'.' .. , Sworn to and subscribed before me This 6th day of October, 2009 (Signature of notary public) ,,,111,,,,, lil ,~~ (.<.>;. ~..-. ....<'~ ::. . ~ :" '" 0:: . . ." . ~v), ~.< ~~"" .... ~~~~ CN fl: ", ""11111" KARO Notary Publl My Comm. Ex Commlsslo ,"-- ,'-. ''''. .. , I ! , , l'Io,23U~O - . .Oombed. 2009 1, Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 64 of 78 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby certify that pursuant to Ordinance 2004-41, as amended, of the Collier County Land Development Code, I did give notice by mail to the following property owners and or condominium and civic associations whose members may be impacted by the proposed land use changes of an application request for a rezoning, PUO amendment, or conditional use, at least 10 days prior to the scheduled Neighborhood Information Meeting. For the purposes of this requirement, the names and addresses of property owners shall be deemed those appearing on the latest tax rolls of Collier County and any other persons or entities who have made a formal request of the county to be notified The said notice contained the laymen's description of the site property of proposed change and the date, time, and place of a Neighborhood Information Meeting. Per attached letters and or property owner's list, which are hereby made a part of this Affidavit of Compliance RJ~- (Signature of Applicant) State ofFlorida County of Collier .(M The foregoing Affidavit of compliance was acknowledged before me this 2. 8 day of September 2009 by Robert 1. Duane, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. vt ~~ KrMv-l (Signa ure of Notary Public) 'S\r~V\lAV\\<!- Y\U,IfD\ Printe Name of Notary (Notary Seal) -- . '~"M::... STEPHANIE KAROl t1ii)'" MY CoMMlSS1ON i DO 755816 !'i . EXPIRES: Marcl19, 2012 ~~.. BondtdThnlNowVPuIl6cUndelWllletJ SI;, H:\2008\20080081WP\RezoneINIMIAffidavit of Compliance NIM_09(I l.doc -,--- -'_....-~. ,>.~~--".,.. .... ,_.--- .~.._._.. ^ Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 65 of 78 HOLE MONTES ENGINEERS. PlANNERS. SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 950 Encore Way. Naples, Florida 34110. Phone: 239.254.2000' Fax: 239.254.2099 September 25, 2009 Re: East Naples Fire Control & Rescue Station No. 26 RZ-PL-2009-469 (HM File No.: 2008.008) Oear Property Owner: Please be advised that the East Naples Fire Control and Rescue Oistrict has made a formal application to Collier County to rezone 3.68:1: acres on the south side of U.S. 41 East and on the west side of Lake Park Blvd. from the "A" (Agricultural) and "C-3" (Commercial) zoning districts to the "P" Public Zoning Oistrict in order to allow development of a new Fire Station No. 26 (see attached location map). The subject propeny is located in the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District as designatcd on tl,c Collier County Future Land Use Map in the Collier County Growth Management Plan. In compliance with the Land Development Code requirements, a Neiehborhood Information Meeting will be held to provide you an opportunity to become fully aware of our development intentions and to give you an oppol1umty to influence the form of development. The Neillhhorhood Information Meeting will he held on Wedncsdav, October 7, 2009 at 5:30p.m. at the Eaglc Lakes Golf Club/Roval Palm Golf Estatcs Clubhouse locatcd at 18100 Roval Trce Parkwav. Naples. Florida 34114. At this 111ccti<1g the i,ctitioner '<.nll makc cvcry dfort to illustrate how the property will be developed and to answer any que::tJ()1cs. Shoulci you hi;VrO questions prior te the meeting, please contact me. V cry tml y yours, HOLE MONTES, INC. REPRESENTING EAST NAPU:S FIRE CONTROL & RESCUE DISTRICT .fl-.. Robert L. Ouane, AICP Planning Oirector , Enclosure: Location Map H:\2008\2008008\WP\Re7..0nc\NIM\N1M Prop~rty Owner Letler.docx Naples' Fort Myers. Venice .--' "'"", -. iii ...: %. 19 ~ I~ ffi~ ~li) o I OV~ SOOl~ .,d AJ.INIlI1 _..~ _____ _- -,I' -....,......." ,~.... ,.- ... '-',0", ~ ~ .. 80' ~ci. ~o 'i III ~~ ~lL ffi~ ~li) o CD N . o Z Z o a.- <(~ ~I- Cf) >-W 1-0:: - zu.. ()Cf) >~ 0... <( Z I- Cf) LiS >.00"- ~..-OO~ :>'-011)"," e;i\'1'1;'" 8li~~,g c c W .- g ",0> . o~'" ",-N"~ (J) li,:,:,:g 'S zQ).Q-s 6 LL " '" <C lL , ~-~~> '" .0 ~ o B: & .. - I g o N ri o ~ o 9 .0 ,!! '" . ~ 5 z o Ii! ~ ~ .. 8 ,. '" ;!; i'j ~ ~ , ~ ~ ; .. ; .. I . -~- Cd~Y rt!e...... Lau~l::. Use Avery<!l> Template 5160<1> . AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEG CO PROPERTY TAX UNIT PO BOx 7207 BEDMINSTER,NJ 07921--7207 AYALA, ESTEBAN VARGAS ESPERANZA RAMIREZ REYES 17037 BLUE HERON DR NA?LES,FL 34114-..8921 BLAIR. JO ANN PO BOX 533 LABElLE,FL 33975--0533 CISNEROS, HUMBERTO C1RIA A CISNEROS LONG, GEORGE E=& MARTHA 17015 MORGAN OR NAPLES,FL 34114---8925 COLLIER ORNAMENTAL PALMS LLC 606 BALD EAGLE DR STE 200 MARCO ISLAND,FL 34145....2731 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT 4798 DAVIS BLVD NAPLES,FL 34104-+5020 FLAMINGO BEND NURSERY INC A TTN MARK 11825 RIGGS RD NAPLES,FL 34114-.8522 FLORES, JUAN=& ARMANDINA PO BOX 2727 lABElLE,Fl 33975....2727 HARBEC. FREDERICK F TANIA ITURRALOE 6216 HANSEN RD NAPlES,FL 34112-.2960 JURADO, CANTAUCIO=& MARIA 17002 BLUE HERON OR NAPLES,FL 34114u-8920 Etiquettes tacHes a peler Utilisez Ie 9abarit AVERylll> 51601ll> I , 1 I I I I 1 .. Feed Paper Bend along line to expose Pop-Up Edge ™ ANDRADE, MARTIN AMALIA ANDRADE 17024 BLUE HERON DR NAPLES,FL 34114...8920 AYALA. JUAN C ERICKA PEREA 17021 BLUE HERON DR NAPLES,FL 34 114....8921 CISNEROS. CIRIA 17015 MORGAN DR NAPLES,FL 34114...8925 CISNEROS, NORBERTO 17040 BLUE HERON DR NAPLES,Fl 34114-8920 OY LAND ASSOCIATES l TO 8156 FIDDLERS CREEK PKWY N.DPLES,FL 34114...g430 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT 4 798 DAVIS Bl VQ NAPLES,FL 34104...5020 FLAMINGO BEND NURSERY INC AnN MARK 11825 RIGGS RD NAPlES,FL 34114...8522 FLOYD. JACK C=& MURIEL 11731 RIGGS RD NAPLES,FL 34114---8522 HERNDON, JOHN R:::& AliCE L 470 AUTO RANCH RD NAPlES.FL 34114--8905 MANZANARES, J JESUS ALMA R ANDRADE ENEOINA SOSA 17028 BLUE HERON OR NAPlES,FL 34114.-.8920 A Sens de chargement I Repliez a la hachure afin de I reveler Ie rebord POp_UpTM J I , 1 lij~\dw,~m~~M60<l> : March 9, 2010 A Page 67 of 78 ARREGUIN. ENRIQUE 17036 BLUE HERON OR NAPLES.FL 34114--.8920 AYALA, JUAN CARLOS ERICKA PEREA 4078 FUlL MOON CT NAPLES,FL 34'12..-6204 CISNEROS. HUMBERTO CIRIA A CISNEROS LONG. GEORGE E=& MARTHA 17015 MORGAN DR NAPLES.FL 34114-8925 CLARK, GILBERT L DERll STANFORD 15081 OAK TREE DR NAPLES.Fl 34114-8904 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT 4798 DAVIS BLVD NAPlES.Fl 34104--5020 EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT 4798 DAVIS BLVD NAPlES,Fl 34104-5020 FLAMINGO BEND NURSERY INC 11825 RIGGS RO NAPLES.FL 34114-..8522 HARSEC, FREDERICK F TANIA I TURRAlDE 6216 HANSEN RD NAPLES.FL 34112....2980 JACK E GALAROILLC '730 NORTHEAST EXPY NE STE 200 ATLANTA.GA 30329...2069 MJW PROPERTY HOLDINGS llLLC ZAGOREN, GEORGE V=& FRANCES PO BOX 6036 MADEIRA BEACH.FL 33736...8036 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY I , , , L tasy ~eel'O' LabelS Use Avery@Template 5160@ MJW PROPERTY HOLDINGS IIlLC ZAGOREN, GEORGE v=& FRANCES PO BOX 8036 MAOEIRA BEACH,FL 33738--8036 MJW PROPERTY HOLDINGS II LLC ZAGOREN, GEORGE v=& FRANCES PO BOX 8036 MADEIRA BEACH,FL 33738--8036 NAPLES GOlF DEVELOPMENT 22 SUNNINGOALE DR GROSSE POINTE,Ml 48236..-1662 NINO. KARINA J 451 AUTO RANCH RD NAPLES.FL 34114..-8905 REFERENCE ONL Y ,--" , ENTERPRISES #1 12693 TORBAY DR BOCA RA TON,FL 33428-.-4838 . TQPPE, NEOMA 13600 LAKE PAHK BLVD NAPLES.FL 34114--8930 VELAZQUEZ, EMILIO TORRES. CRISPIN SOSA JR, ESMUNDO 17018 BLUE HERON DR NAPlES.FL 34114---8920 ZAMARRIPA. CORINA C 17032 MORGAN DR NAPLES,Fl 34114..-8924 ,-"- Etique1tes faclles a pe'er Utilisez Ie 9abarit AVERY@ 5160<!l ,,-,~,,--_,_--'~'.,_.- I I A .I. Feed Paper . Bend along line to I I expose Pop-Up EdgerM J MJW PROPERTY HOlDINGS II LLC ZAGOREN. GEORGE V=& FRANCeS PO BOX 8036 MADEIRA BEACH.FL 33738---8036 MJW PROPERTY HOlDINGS II LLC ZAGOREN. GEORGE v.& FRANCES PO BOX 8Q36 MADEIRA BEACH.Fl 33738---8036 NAPLES GOLF DEVELOPMENT 22 SUNNINGOAlE DR GROSSE POINTE,MI 48236-..1662 QUESNEll. QUENTtN=& JEAN 12 BUTTERNUT LN NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060.-4502 SALDANA. ZENAIDA 17028 BLUE HERON DR NAPLES,Fl 34114..-8920 SCHERER. WILLIAM C HUBERT SCHERER 19218 EASTWOOD OR HARPER WOOOS,MI 48225---2043 VELAZAQUEZ, EMILIO MARIA DE JESUS VELAZOUEZ 17005 BLUE HERON DR NAPLES,Fl 34114--8921 WALKER TR. MARL YS R MARL Y$ R WALKER TRUST UTD 10.15.90 1675 GORDON DR NAPLES,FL 34102--.7417 1 I I I J ..I. Sens de chargement I Repliez it 1.1 hachure afin de : reveler Ie rebord POp-UpT~ 1 " >....-.-..,-.....----.-....,........". A~!Wr'm(y.~60@l i March 9, 2010 . MJW PROPERTY HOLDIIi'6!i1\"LP~ of 78 DAVIS TR. ALAN e PO BOX 8036 MADEIRA BEACH.FL 33738.--8036 MONTALVO. RAFAEl=& MARIBEL GEORGE E & MARTHA LONG 17033 MORGAN DR NAPLES.FL 34114-6925 NAPLES GOLF DEVELOPMENT 22 SUNNINGOALE OR GROSSE POINTE.MI 48236--1662 RAMOS. ELVlA BENIGNO SAUCEDA 256 PORTER 5T NAPLES.FL 34113-8542 SAM ENTERPRISES #1 12693 TQRBA Y DR BOCA RATON,FL 33428---4838 SORIA. VERONICA 17029 MORGAN DR NAPLES,FL 34114...8925 VELAZQUEZ, EMILIO PABLO VELAZQUEZ 17018 BLUE HERON DR NAPLE5.Fl 34114--8920 WOOD. JOHN 9014 TAHOE LN BOULDER,CO 80301...5147 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY I I I I ! -" ,_,""-'~''>''''- Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 69 of 78 SIGN POSTING INSTRUCTIONS (Section 10.03.00, COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (LDC) A ZO:llng sib'1l(s) must be posted by the petitioner or the petitioner's agent on the parcel for a minimum of fifteen (15) calendar days in advance of the first public hearing and said sign(s) must be maintained by the petitioner or the petitioner's agent through the Board of County Commissioners Hearing. Below are genera] guide]mes for signs, however these guidelines should not be cO!lstrued to supercede any requirement of the LDC. For specific sign requirements) please refer to Section 10.03.00 of the LDC. I. The sign(s) must be erected in full view of the public, not more than five (5) feet from the nearest street right-of-way or easement. 2. The sign(s) must be securely affixed by nails, staples, or other means to a wood frame or to a wood panel and then fastened securely to a post, or other structure. The sign may not be affixed to a tree or other foliage. 3. The petitiDner or the petitioner's agent must maintain the sign(s) in place, and readable condition until the requested action has been heard and a final decision rendered. If the slgn(s) is destroyed, lost, or rendered unreadable, the petitioner or the petitior:er's agent must replace the sign(s NOTE: AFTER THE SIGN HAS BEEN POSTED, THIS AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE SHOULD BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN TEN (10) WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST HEARING DATE TO THE ASSIGNED PLANNER. - ~~~~~ - . - - - -- - - ""FFlDA VIT OEPOSTING NOTICE STA TE OF FLURIDA COuNTY OF COLLIER BEFORE THE UNDERStGNED AUTHORITY, PERSONALLY APPEARED RO~L. lllIAI!lE, AlCP WHO ON OATH SAYS TIi".T HE/SHE HAS POSTED PROPER NOTICE AS REQUIRED BY SECTION ]0.03.00 OF THE CcJLUER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ON THE PARCEL COVERED IN PETlTlON NUMBER .g:1;.~P..I",,200!J-469 ----------- a~7J~' 3'CNAT:JRE 'iF APPLICANT OR AGENT 950 ENCORE WAY. NAPLES. STREET OR P.O. BOX F,L 3m 0 CITY, STATE ZIP STA TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER Tbe Loret''-,Iing instrument was s"\'om to ~lJlJ subscribed before me this ___Z:1.."10(_ tD 12::!i.t.L___J2vu t:""e__. personally known to me or who produced ___..___ and who did/did not take an oath, day , of J~~~~_,200~,by as identification ........... ~DUA..llE KAROl. ~!ll.~fiiit.~ ,",1~J'lI"\n I,:' .'f,\ MY COMMISSION I DO 755816 .' .. "". , EXPIRES: Man:l1 9, 2012 ...~", ~TlmI-Publc~ "1 '......., 1M Kcv..~ Signat re of Notary Public ~liitA<ll/e. t-&VO I ______ Printed Name of Notary PublJc My Commission Expires: (Stamp with serial number) F:\Website\AFFiDAVlT AND SIGN POSTING INSTRUCTIONS 5-2-05_doc --, - "'." ,,,,,~,..v -'-,~~".'."',,- ~._,...----- -"-,~ ';'-- " '. , y;:.'- . , :c-,;. '" . .-.---- n. "-.\.. -", , ,'" ':",:': "", . ,,".\P '-' . --' , ---, . "~'I,. '. " ,,:.,' " , .."" ,"''\'' '", '. ~- ,- --",'-' , ".--- , '", . ':., - ., " \'" " , .'.. 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"',, i:'" \" J , Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 73 of 78 ORDINANCE NO, 10- AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA, AMENOING ORDINANCE NUMBER 2004-41, AS AMENOEO, THE COLLIER COUNTY LANO OEVELOPMENT COOE, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATEO AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA, BY AMENOING THE APPROPRIATE ZONING ATLAS MAP OR MAPS BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN OESCRIBEO REAL PROPERTY FROM RURAL AGRICULTURE (A) ANO COMMERCIAL INTERMEDIATE (C-3) ZONING DISTRICTS TO A PUBLIC USE (P) ZONING DISTRICT FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL ANO RESCUE DISTRICT No. 26, LOCATEO AT THE INTERSECTION OF US 41 ANO LAKE PARK BOULEV ARD, IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA, CONSISTING OF 3.68+/- ACRES; ANO BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE OA TE. WHEREAS, Robert L. Duane, AICP, of Hole Montes, Inc., representing East Naples Fire Control and Rescue Oistrict No. 26, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIN EO BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA, that: SECTION ONE: The zoning classification of the real property more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, located in Section 20, Township 51 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from Rural Agriculture (A) and Commercial Intermediate (C-3) Zoning Oistricts to a Public Use (P) Zoning Oistrict for a 3.68+/- acre project known as East Naples Fire Control and Rescue Oistrict No. 26, subject to the Conditions of Approval, attached hereto as Exhibit "8" and incorporated herein and in accordance with the Map of Future Oevelopment Area attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein. The appropriate zoning atlas map or maps, as described in Ordinance Number 2004-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Oevelopment Code, is/are hereby amended accordingly. East Naples Fire District - RZ-PL2009-469 REV. 01/29/10 lof2 Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9, 2010 Page 74 of 78 " SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Oepartment of State. PASSEO AND OULY AOOPTED by super-majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners ofCollicr County, Florida, this day of ,2010. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: FREO W. COYLE, Chairman , Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Steven T. Williams <.,> Assistant County Attorney ~~.,.Ib Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Legal Oescription Exhibit "B" - Conditions of Approval Exhibit "c" - Map of Oevelopment Area 09-CPS-00972\ 19 ,,"- East Naptes Fire District - RZ-PL2009-469 REV. 01129110 2of2 "._',--_._" .~~~ ._,--- , ... -~...,-_. ,-- . -"-.. .~. ,-,~-_.._..__._--- . . . Parcell: Parcel 2: Pilled 3: Parcel 4: 1 , March 9, 2010 Page 75 of 78 ttt OR: 4346 PG: 0969 ttr EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at !he 1/4 comer Soction 17 and 20, South 0'01'20. West 615.43 feel 10 a concrete marker on the South RighHlf-Way line of U.S. Hig.'1way 41; thence Nonh 53'40'50" West 851.32 feet to an iron pin being !he POINT OF BEGlNNING; !hence South 36'19'10"West 400.0 feet to an iron pin; thence Nonh 53'40'50" West 100.0 feel to an iron pin; thence North 36019'10" East 400.0 feet to an iron pin~ thence South 530)40'50" .Ea!:t 100.0 feet to IlTl iron pin, being lhe POINT OF BEGINNING, all in Section 20, Township 51 Sooth, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida. Parcel ill: 00770080208 Beginning at the !/4 comer_SNtiOft_~ct 20, South 0001'20" West 615.43 feet to a concrete marker on ~~(.:o(~line of U.S. Highway 41; thence :'oiorth 53'40'50" W ^ ' .nfeet to aii""""h,( . ';Sing lhe POINT OF BEGL'lNl.NG; (\.) '\ !hence South 3 19' e,fllOO.O r_q an Ir p q; thence North 60 1 1~ t r in; t~ence North 3' '0" e t 90 r;o'l~n being the PO in.9 l~ry)(),~ownship 51 South, Range 27 Easl, C(lilip~ nt)', florida, '!.>a..1 /,..'5) '.p~ "'1't.J /,0; lJQ,.,.....' TT). f'1I)76}r....L' /~ L-:/ ............. ........V\.-. 4~ /'\/ , J,,', ,/ " " r. . .--.__' ~\)/" '. JU ", CI '~L./ Begin at the Nor1h li4 comel'o(Sec!V;i] J,O, Townstllp j 1 South, Range 27 East, and run South 00 011 ](J" West 615.43 fecI I" !t ;:oncrete monumc.nt on the South.....cstern bound81yofthc Tamiami Trail; thence North 530 40' SO" West 551.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue North 530 40' SO" West 200 feet to a point; Thence South 36019' 10" West 200 feet to a point; thence South 530 40' 50" East 200 feet 10 8 point; thence North 360 10' 10" East 200 feet to the point ofbeginning. P:>.rce! In: 00766280009 Begin at the North 1/4 comer of Section 20, TO\)ffiship 51 South, Range 27 East, and nm South 00 0]' 20" West 615.43 feet tD a concrete monument on the South Western boundary of the Tamiarni Trailj thence North 530 40' 50" West 751.32 feet to 8 point; thence South 36" 19' 10" West 200 feet 10 a POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue South 36(> 19' 1 a" West 200 feet to a point; thence Soulh 53' 40' 50" ERSt 200 reet to . point; thence t\'orth 36' 19' 10" East 200 feet to a pointi thence North 530 40' 50" WC3t 200 feet to the POINT OF BEGlNNING. PorcellO: 00766320008 Exhibit "B" Agenda Item No. 17A March 9, 2010 Page 76 of 78 Condition of Approval for RZ-PL2009-469 East Naples Fire Control and Rescue Station No. 26 At the time of Site Development Plan approval, applicable "best practices" listed in Objective 12.2 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element shall be incorporated, as deemed necessary by the Collier County Emergency Management Department. -'-"', Revised 1/29/10 per CCPC recommendation - - - -----------,~'"- " ..' ^~,._ ____'h._'.._ ".".,----.--. --"..- -- Agenda Item No. 17 A Page ---.--.". ~n PIN Ii. 8 : ~ I ~ :1, 1'1 III .. " ;: ~ ~ " ~ ~! ! , . . . , . . ", , I ~ ~ S ! ! I" ..". , P I I.,' ., , .i!~B 1'1 'I ~ [I " 1" I> ~ii i II q~ Ii 1:11' ~ II I 1,; !Il ihl i " e e , .11 Ir d !I'~ liii li,1 1:;1 '1'1 'I' , I , , ~ , , ~/:~ I < w 0: " < Z 1-0:_ zOZ WILO :Ii",N .."'w owO: "'''1- ~~!.! w 0: 0",1- u.....~ 0:& .. < :Ii "' - "" ". ~ ~ ~ ':' II:~' 2 ~ '" ' '1; ... 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I, !~ I,r, " ,! ~ i , ,I , " " 'I " I, " " , " " " " " " " " " " , , , . . < " " ! , , I , I , , , , , , , I , , , Exhibit C .."'-_. -...........-.,.. "-~, --"- , ____r _. NOTICE ".,,-., NOTICE c NonCE ~F INTENTTO CONSIDE~ O~OINANtE . . c", ": -,- -. ,,-, , - " . ,.' ), " ,;' , " ',:' -. ", - ~ "',, --,,' ,":,;' , NotJce Is hereby lJiven that on- -:rUesdayi March 9,2010, in the ':Boardroom, 3rd., , Floor. Administration Building., Collier County Government Center, 3301 East Ta-' miami Trail, Naples. Florida, the 80ard of' County Commtssloners will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance. The meeting will 'commence at 9:00 A.M. The tl. , tie of the proposed Ordinance Is as 'follows: . ",:' ' AN, ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COlliER COUN- TY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 2004-41, AS AMENDED. THE COL. LIER COUNTY, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE .COMPREHEN- SM ZONING REGULA nONS FOR .THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COWER .cOUN- TY. FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE APPROPRIATE ZONING ATLAS MAP OR MAPS' BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPER- TY FROM RURAL AGRICULTURE WAND COMMERCIAL INTERMEDIATE (C-3)ZON- ING DIST1lICTS TO A PUBLIC USE(P) ZONING DISTRICf, FOR THE PROJECf. ~NOWN AS EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTllOL AND RESCUE DISTRICf NO. 26, LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF US 41 AND LA~E PAR~ BOULEVARD, IN SECTION 20. TOWNSHIP' SI SOUTH,' RANGE 27 EAST, COlliER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTlNG OF3.68+J- ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. '", -' - - 'Petjtlon:RZ-PL2009~69. ,'East Naples Fire Control' and Rescue District No. 26, repre- ' sented by Robert L Duane, AlcP 'of Hole Montes In<:., is 'requesting to rezone from Rural Agriculture (a) and Commercial Intermediate ,(C-3) zonmg distrkts to ,the_ Pub. lie Use (P) zoning district for a Fire Station and accessory uses, The subject property is 3.68+I-aaes and is located in Section 20, TownshIp' S1 South. Range 27 East,. Cof- ner Cou~.. ~orida . , Co~ies ~f-the prop?sed Ordinari'ce areo!, file :~ith the Clerk-to the Board and fre available for Inspection. AU interestecipartles 'are Inylted to attend and be heard.,^;~: ...'. ," ,::\ ",~, 'j;!,:,}, -:,"c ,..', ./-': <_:- " ".""_/' "c ,NOT~: All ~rsons wis~lng ,to spea~ on :enr' ,lgenda""ltem must_ register. 'with, th~ ' County admlOlstrator pnorto presentation 0 the agenda item ,to be addressed, In. dividual speakers will be limit"'_ to 5 minutes on any item. The selection of an indi- " vidual to speak on I:)ehalf of an organization or group is encouraged. If recognized by the Chairman, a spokesperson for a' group or organization may be allotted 10 minutes to speak on an Item. _ - , _ _ , Persons wishing to have written or graphic materials included in the - Board agenda packets must submit said material a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the respective public hearing. In any case, wrlnen, materials intended ..to be considered by- the" Board,shall ,be, submitted to the appropriate Countystaff,~, minimum ,of seven da~ prior to thE;, public hearing, All material used in presentations before the Board ........11' become a permanent part of the record;; , " .,,-, " , . ,'~, '-,"': ~,:'- , '::""" '::'" " , '- " ' , " " ' , Any person -who decides to ap'pe.ai'j 'a :deCision of the.'eoard"will need a reCord of the J proceedings pertaining thereto and therefore, may need to ensure that a verbatim - record p'f the proceeaings is, made, -which record includes the testimony and evi. '. dence upon which the appeal is basta. ' - _" , , - '. , ,- , , If y'ou are a persOn with a disabilit)i':...mo needs any accommodation in order"to par- 'tldpate in the proceeding; you are entitled, at no cost to you. to the provision of _ ce'rtaln assistance; Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Depart-_ - ment, located at 3301:Tamiami Trail East Building W, Naples. Florida 34112,(239)', 252~8380, Assisted listening devices for the hearing impaired are available in the County Commissioners' Office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY; FLORIDA .. . FRED COYLE, CHAIRMAN . DWIGHTE,BROC~, CLERK By: Martha Vergara, Deputy Clerk (SEAl.) . . ..,&bruarv ''L.2.O.lD . . ~. . Agenda Item No. 17 A March 9. 2010 Page 78 of 78