Agenda 03/09/2010 Item # 9A Agenda Item No. 9A March 9, 2010 Page 1 of 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Appointment of member(s) to the Environmental Advisory Council OBJECTIVE: To appoint I alternate member to fulfill the remainder of a vacant term, expiring on July 28, 2011 to the Environmental Advisory CounciL CONSIDERATIONS: The Environmental Advisory Council has 1 vacancy. This 5 member (plus 1 alternate member) council was created by Ordinance 91-102, repealed by Ordinance 2004-41, as amended to act in an advisory capacity to the Board in matters dealing with the regulation, control, management, use or exploitation of any or all natural resources within the County, and the review of all land development petitions which require an environmental impact statement (EIS) per section 10.02.02 A of the Code, all developments of regional impact (DRI), lands with special treatment (ST) or Area of Critical State Concern! Special Treatment zoning overlays, areas of the county covered by interlocal agreements, any petitions which cannot be resolved between the applicant and staff. The membership will include technical and non- technical members. Technical members shall demonstrate evidence of expertise in one or more of the following areas related to environmental protection and natural resources management: Air Quality, Biology (including any of the sub-disciplines such as botany, ecology, zoology, etc.), Coastal Processes, and Estuarine Processes, Hazardous Waste, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Land Use Law, Land Use Planning, Pollution Control, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Water Resources, Wildlife Management, or other representative areas deemed appropriate by the Board such as, but not limited to, a representative of the development community. Alternate EAC members will be requested to attend meetings when regular EAC members have notified staff that they will be absent. Alternate members will participate in discussions and vote when replacing a regular member. Alternate members must be technical members that can demonstrate expertise in environmental protection and natural resource management. Terms are 4 years. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. Christopher W. Stephens resigned his position on August 27, 2009. A press release was issued and 1 resume was received from the following interested citizen: APPLICANT CATEGORY DIST ELECTOR ADV. COMM. I David Bishof I Alternate - Biology/Marine Science ~ Lake Trafford Adv. Comm, ATTENDANCE: He served on the EAC from June 2007 to 2009 and had 1 excused absence. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Quasi-Judicial- no recommendation FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE Agenda Item No. 9A March 9. 2010 Page 2 of 11 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment, appoint I member, and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointment. PREPARED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners AGENDA DATE: March 9, 2010 .1 at;\,.-.l V.l.l Agenda Item No. 9A March g, 2010 Page 3 of 11 _. COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: 9A Appointment of member to the Environmental Advisory Council. 3/9/20109:00:00 AM Prepared By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget Approved By Michael Sheffield Assistant to the County Manager Date County Managers Office 2118/201011:21 AM - .~-- ~""-<-~_.,,.,- Agenda Item No. 9A March g, 2010 Page 4 of 11 Memorandum To: Sue Filson, Executive Manager, BCC From: Summer Araque, Senior Environmental Specialist Cc: Susan Mason, Bill Lorenz Date: February 11, 2010 Subject: Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) applications Environmental staff has reviewed the one application for the one alternate position open for the Environmental Advisory Council. Please note that all applicant(s) indicated they are registered to vote in Collier County. Please call Summer Araque, EAC liaison, at 252-6290 with any questions. David Bishof - Technical Ap,plicant Education: Bachelor of Science in Biology from Florida State University; Master of Science in Marine Science from the University of South Florida Current work place: Environmental Consultant for Consul-Tech Enterprises, Inc. .!2glerience: 30 years experience as an environmental biologist performing habitat assessments, habitat restoration, impact assessment, wildlife surveys, water quality studies, environmental rule development, and environmental monitoring, Community Activities: Lake Trafford Restoration Task Force EAC Attendance: Member June 2007 - 2009, one excused regular meeting absence. Mr. Bishof has not had to recuse himself. Mr. Bishof will have to excuse himself from participating in any manner on projects submitted by Consul-Tech. ...~_.._.~,...-...".._..",-"~ ..." Agenda Item No. 9A March g, 2010 Page 5 of 11 .- Environmental Advisory Council Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term Mr, Andrew Dickman 434-0840 07/28/09 07/28/13 4 Years 373 Trade Winds Avenue 597-2602 Naples, FL 34108 E-Mail: andrewdickman@comcast.net District: 2 Category: Technical Ms. Judith M. Hushon 784-3436 07/28/09 07/28/12 3 Years 1659 Chinaberry Court 643-6222 Naples, FL 34105 E-Mail: judyhushon@aol.com District: 4 Category: Technical - Biology Mr. Christopher W. StepheRS it 872-3729 07/28/09 07/28/11 2 Years 391 12th Street, S.E. (.e9f:f'. oq 348-7320 ,,- Naples, FL 34117 ~ /~ 1 E-Mail: cws@johnsoneng.com District: 5 Category: TECHNICAL - AL TERNA TE Mr. Patrick Peck 410-2482 07/28/09 07/28/10 1 Year 1244 Friendship Way 839-3643 Naples, FL 34142 E-Mail: y3pk@yahoo.com District: 5 Category: Technical-Environmental Management Ntt. Nfichael V. Sorrell 571-7781 07/28/09 07/28/11 2 Years 13016thAvenue,N.W. 353-5932 Naples, FL 34120 E-Mail: mcalec@collier.k12.fl.us District: 5 Category: Non-Technical - Owner Lawn Service - Tuesday, February 16, 20/0 Page Iaf3 Agenda Item No. 9A March g, 2010 Page 6 of 11 Environmental Advisory Council Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd DateRe-appt Exp. Date 2ndExpDate Term 2nd Term Mr. Noah Standridge 07/28/09 1670 Oakes Boulevard 777-7145 Naples, FL 34119 E-Mail: noah@centrusplanning.com District: 3 Category: REGULAR - Technical 07/28/13 4 Years Tuesday. February 16, 2010 Page 2 of3 - - --...- -~'--'- .,~. -->."."- ,_ __ _""~_..._~~~~_n.,._.'___ Agenda Item No. 9A March g, 2010 Page 7 of 11 - Environmental Advisory Council Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd DateRe-appt Exp. Date 2ndExpDate Term 2nd Term This 5 member council acts in an advisory capacity to the Board in maltens dealing with the regulation, control, management, use or exploitation of any or all natural resources within the County, and the review of all land development petitions which require an environmental impact statement (EIS) per section 10.02.02 A of the Code, all developments of regional impact (DRI), lands with special treatment (ST) or Area of Critical State Conceml Special Treatment zoning overlays, areas of the county covered by interlocal agreements, any petitions which cannot be resolved between the applicant and staff. The Board should consider a membenship guideline of six (6) technical and three (3) non-technical membens. Technical membens shall demonstrate evidence of expertise in one or more of the following areas related to environmental protection and natural resources management: Air Quality, Biology (including any of the sub disciplines such as botany, ecology, zoology, etc.), Coastal Processes, Estuarine Processes. Hazardous Waste, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Hydraulics, land Use law, Land Use Planning, Pollution Control, Solid Waste, Stonnwater Managemen~ Water Resources, Wildlife Management, or other representative areas deemed appropriate by the Board such as, but not limited to, a representative of the development community. This is a Quasi-Judicial Committee. After initial appointments, terms are 4 yeans. On December 14, 2006, the BCC approved Ord. No. 2006-e3 adding 2 Altemate positions to the EAC. Alternate membens will participate in discussions and vote when replacing a regular member. A1temate membens must be technical membens that can demonstrate expertise in environmental protection and natural resource management. Terms are 4 yeans. '.-" On June 9, 2009, the BCC adopted Ord. No. 2009-36 reducing the membenship to 5 membens and 1 A1temate. FLSTAT: Staff: Summer Brown Araque, Senior Environmental Specialist: 252-e290 -- Tuesday, February /6, 20/0 Page 3 of3 Agenda Item No. 9A March g, 2010 Page 8 of 11 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 4, 2010 TO: Elections Office ShavontaeHall@colliergov.net FROM: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider ilie following individuals for appointment to one ofilie county's advisory committees. Please let me know ifiliose listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL COMMISSION DISTRICT David Bishof 9672 Litchfield Lane Naples, FL 34109 2 Thank you for your help. _.._~. ~..--~-"<>."~~'"._'~",,~,"-,.~..' ..- Agenda Item No. 9A March g, 2010 Page g of 11 MEMORANDUM - DATE: January 4, 2010 TO: Summer Brown-Araque, Senior . FROM: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissione RE: Environmental Advisory Council As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit an application for consideration. 1 have attached the applications received for your review as follows: David Bishof 9672 Litchfield Lane Naples, FL 34109 - Please let me know, in writing within the 41 day time-frame, if the applicants are qualified to serve as members on the board, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please include in your return memo the attendance records, for the last 2 years, of the applicants recommended for reappointment. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 252-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments .- . ~-'.---- filson s - Agenda Item No. 9A March g, 2010 Page 10 of 11 .om: nt: To: Subject: DEBishof@comcast.net Monday, December 28, 2009 6:43 PM filson_s New On-line Advisory Board Application Submitted Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252-8606 Application was received on: 12/28/2009 6:42:43 PM. N'ame: !David Bisho~ Rome fhon,,: ~39-566-12511 HonieAddtess: 19672 Litchfield Lan~ City: ~ple~ Zip Code: /341O~ Phone Numbers Fax: Business: ~39-340-05931 . ... ' e-Mail Addr~s:IDEBishofialcomcast.ne~ Board / Committee Applied for: !Environmental Advisory Counci~ dtegory: ~echnicall Work Place: !consul-Tech Enterprises, Inc.1 lIow long Ilave you lived ill Collier County: [Ig Rave y~n ever been convicted of any offense against the law? ~ /Not Indicated! Do YOn Qr your emplQyer dQ business with the County? ~ The construction mana ement section and surve section of Consul-Tech have reviousl done work fo oIlier Count . To m know led e Consul-Tech is not current! doin an business with Collier Count . NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County, 1 ...~~."~...'-_....'..~...........----.....,,. Agenda Item No. 9A March g, 2010 Page 11 of 11 Would you and/or any organizations with whom ~u are affiliated benefrt from decisions or recommendations made by this advisory board? ~ ~ " -lot Indicated! Are you a registered voter in Collier County? ~ Do you currently hold public office? ~ Do you currently or ever served on a Collier County Board or Committee? ~ ake Trafford restoration task force, current member, Environmental Adviso Council ast member Please list your community activities: ~ee above! Education: iBs - Biology MS - Marine Sci.ence! Ex erience: have worked in the field of environmental as ects of land develo ment in South Florida for over 30 ears. M x erience has been both in the rivate and ublic sector. . . 2 .~~, -.,.-.....'..........'- - .......-.-.-----