Agenda 03/09/2010 Item # 4E Agenda Item No. 4E March 9. 2010 Page 1 of 2 PROCLAMA TION WHEREAS, wildfires can Ct1U$t1 major environmental. social ond ecDfKJlnfc damages. The loss of timber, wild/if/! habitat, homu and even lives may result from a devastating wildfire. The wI1dfire that does net start ;s the one that dot!$ ntJt have to be fDUght: and. WHEREAS, of the three sides of the fire behavior triangle (fuels, weather and topography), wecther is the most variable and least predictable. Changes in weather con lead to unexpected fire behaviDf' and result in danger to life and property, whether the fire is the result (Jf 0 carefully planned prescribt!d fi~ Dr a wildfire. Knowledge of current and fDreCQsf weather is critical for all fire manogers and firefighters: and. WHEREAS, prevention is the key in helping to reduct! the number of human caused fires- one of the most impDrlrJnf goals for the Division of Forestry. Even though Florida is the lightning capftDI (Jf the world. arsem and escaped debris burning are still the two main causes of wildfires in Florida; and, WHEREAS, public sofety a~ncies, the Division of Forestry, and members of the community want to enSUfY! that residents and visitors take responsibility to minimize the outbreak and spread of wildfire; and, . WHEREAS, The re~nt Wildfire Workshop was a success due to the contributions of the Division of Forestry, Golden Gate Fire District, with s~ck:rl thanks to Jenelle Shriner, Kyle Jordan, and Renee Stoll from WINK news; ond, WH€REAS, the public is requested to assist emergency responder.s by working to ensure a defensible zone of 30' around their primary reSidence is clear of brush and_ debris so as to minimize the spread of fire to hMles and businuses; and. WH€REAS, the public should help emergency vehicles proceed safely to the scene by yielding for their safe passage: and, WHEREAS, residents sluwld ensure that their house numbers are clearly visible and accus can be made by emergency equipment to help protect their homes: and, WHEREAS, residents should be prepared for emergency situations including evacuations, if conditions become severe; tN1d, WHEREAS, residents should monitor local television, radio, and their NOAA Wl!t!ther Alert radio for emergency information during times of active wildfire t!Vf!nts. NOW THEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the /JDard of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that March 10, 2010, be designtlted as A Day of Heightened Awareness of Wildfire Danger in Collier County DONE AND ORDERED THIS Sf" Day .f March. /1010, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUIER COUNTY, FLORIDA FRED COYlE. CHAIRMAN A 77CST' DWIGHT E, BROCK. Cl.ERK .1 ""0.......1 V.1.l Agenda Item No. 4E March 9, 2010 Page 2 of 2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 4E Proclamation designating March 10, 2010 as A Day of Heightened Awareness of Wildfire Danger in Collier County. To be accepted by Peter Gaddy. Mike Ramsay, Tim Nance, and Jim Flanagan. Sponsored by Commissioner Coletta. 3/9/20109:00:00 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Paula Springs Executive Aide to the BCe Date Bee Bee 3111201012:27:58 PM Approved By Ian Mitchell Supervisor - BeC Office Operations Date Bee Bee 311120102:11 PM Approved By Michael Sheffield Assistant to the County Manager Date County Managers Office 3/1120102:49 PM .1':1 _ _ /lr'o.1 A _ ___ ...J_'T'_ _L\ T'____ _ _-,-11 Cf"I ... K __._1_ f"I ""'If"ll A\ ^ II nT'll ....,"'IT A'" It A 'T'T"""ll. TC"I 1lT'1 1lT: T:1 _ _"'-.._ __: _ A --,/"I.....n'^