Agenda 11/08/2011 Item # 4ECOLLIER COUNTY
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 4.E.
11 /8/2011 Item 4. E.
Item Summary: Proclamation recognizing November 11, 2011 as a day of remembrance
for Veteran "s Day and showing appreciation to Dale Mullin for his continued community
support. To be accepted by Dale Mullin. Sponsored by Commissioner Coletta.
Meeting Date: 11/8/2011
Prepared By
Approved By
Name: Mitchelllan
Title: Executive Manager, BCC
Date: 11 /2/201 1 9:28:10 AM
Name: IsacksonMark
Title: Director -Corp Financial and Mgmt Svs,CMO
Date: 11/2/20119:39:46 AM
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11/8/2011 Item 4.E.
1EREAS, each yea* since 1926, the Urdted States of Americo has sat aside o nations/ day of coawuwvrotron
tv honor the men and women who have served in oar Natran'r Armed Farces and to a press our
apprrciat m for their service a► times of peace and war, ad,
WHEREAS, once celebrated as Arrrnkhee Day to recWdie the end of World War I in 1919, Abvsmber it'*
mx*s this officio/ obsww ace - new known as Vetemn's Day - which respectfully pays trg wte to all
of arr soldiers, sai/ora, armen, Marines -and Coast 6war as, who throup lout the history of arr grsot
Motion, have held o vita/ role in defending Amwwa and pwrservbg freedom and peace a ow d the
world; ad,
WHEREAS, more than 48 wAian men and m mwh have sww+d m Draw Armed Farces, from the fow deg days of
oar /1 MN throujh the curent wars in Iraq and Afg6an/stm and the broader global war on
toy wgsm, and mealy half of them av I alim today, ine /ud* o /r�qw mwx6w in Collier Comrty: and,
WHEREAS, on Vetw wa r Day, we ackw vledgs w/th grateful appreciation what ow rmtwmw have donee - and
tadbyir men and women in ,uniform are eont/nw/rg to do - to make Amw*a and the world a better,
safer and Mane peaceful place in Mich to /fM and seise. arr families; <and,
WHEREAS, we owns an bomeasuroNe debt of graftak to these spacta/ cit/swht, a+rr veterans, who, t ra*
great pwwma/ seenfkae, how defeated brtita/ foes, Abenoted gAaV&Md ps*k ad d*f&7ded airy
&-mocrot/c /deals, and today we join Nether as one County, State ad Manion to /meat the le
of selftss eanWbwtaw made by cotaf/ess military veterans; and,
^/EREAS, we would like to pay *wad thanks to Dale Adlin, a retied vetemn, for his ca Wetted effaNts with
the Warded Warr/ar Avject helpag so/disrs recover when they came back from so- ng omwwas
wyth severs fii jhrles.
MOW THER&FORE, he it pradskod by the Board of County CarhnnusiW wv of Collapr Canty, AW**, that
Mvvembwr 11, 2011, be a slay of rsnhsarb rawcs for VEr RAMS DAY aod,show a+r aAwwietAm to
DALE MUM for his eahtinued eammm-ty Apport
DOY1itE AND. ORDERED THIS 0" day of Abwmber, 2011.
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