Agenda 10/25/2011 Item #16D 1l� 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. RYMfeI'1'IVR p11MMaRV Recommendation m approve the eobmilml a the Ftimal Ymr 2011 Cmtiaaum m Case (COC) Greet apptientiu m the U.S. Deper ss em m Fleoeft and Ilrbu th ol"mem (9110) her C P ms RssWd g and bene6tinti the Wmekv PoPnlatioa in Coiner Coanly. Thin Brent apP1101tiw w one client u W valwem or general food dollars. OILIRCTNR: To rer appm Rom 0e Baam of County Cmmiwi fro t submitim aM 2011 Cmdnuum Of Care (C ) Omni WhCol m W the U.S. Depetbcent of Hmcing and Urban Oe 10131ent (X110) fm (a leopms insisting aM benefiting the broadens populefim m Cofila County. CON!WPKU ONS: Oa May22,2 3,tin Slamff Oumy Co im (BCC)pwappravdfir th Comty m henna Ne ]null w Coun fm s cimfinuum of Cam Fm & ®n In Collier Canty k.pgy, ( ) hoe of tie Cmmry and the Cmmty'e Ballot ravice ehmcia, fen the enrmW Cmtinmm m Care (CaC) homden assistance ®lap fima HUD. Included N this comwsli W ®lap apoicaams ere roquests for her renewal pmlects. Conner County 6 the applicant fm these wojects. Rmh pmjat hen a Vonore, and if awarded, will ressiw finding Ram = through the Collin Cauvry Flouring, Hmran and Veteen Services DepMmrst(HBVS). The following is a summary ofthe projects; pmpmed by each rymuw: Soonest PrqjmTYiw IXSCSi Pdm Reguess Colter Ramwd Merious and operate the Homeless Management 109,645 Cowry HHVS Wmnmim Sy (FIMIS) Shelter for Abural 113,000 Wamm & Renewd Sipporterdopemk adomadc violence almlkr E:mhhwa, fi¢ 113,116 Sa McWiew's Rertewd SWPW not operate a panmient housing facility-Wolf Ho e A Rmewd I'rovidm pemmu who would otherwise be hov Jem 62,660 Collier USeroerwgementasrypcvt courtly OCC11 mxcevrt Sin fuj •omsne received SiC Ruda fm the fart time ho 2011, Housing howerer it is consilemed a renewal hi the CoC Authority applicalonsMsrsission =CK RNPAC '. The total (W )prop request is S 393,941 which will ell be won for renewal Projects. p misehag nonprofits will canbibute $66,460 m mnkh fends. fauna Campy M S will Provide $24,916 in nukhing Rends fen the H S MW. Match fonds will he ,ovoM by Smre of HmidaC Wklls Gr®t, which 1RiV8 will be awmdW in the .(lnaLV- Nov ®her nine Remo. The Cos HMIS FRA if awardd will not begin mnl 05 -01 -2012. The CoC gmm appliwnm ben m affat on ad raloremwgnwel fiud aouma. Packet Page -Wb ar. 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. This project is consistent with the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Board will have the approbate to accept or reject the funds if the pant is approved_ Accordingly, this once has no issue with respect to the legal sufficiency of this request, which devices a majority vote and is appropriate for Board action. — IB W RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the submittal of the Fiscal Year 2011 Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant application to Ne US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for CoC programs assiAng and benefiting the bomdcas populafion in Collier County. PREPAREDBY: Margo Castorena, Grant Operations Manager Housing, Human and Vcieran Services Department Packet Page -157]- 10125/2011 Item 15.D.1. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16D.1. Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the submittal of the Fiscal year 2011 Continuum of Care (Cori Grant application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Col programs assisting and benefiting the homeless population in Collier County. This grant application has no effect on ad valorem or general fund dollars. Meeting Date: 10/25/2011 Prepared By Fame Klopf W endy Title Operations CoordinatogHousing, Human & Veteran Se 927/2011 HJOPOAM Submitted by Tide VALUE MISSMG Name'. Casommahl 9127r011 I I:IQ01 AM Approved Be Name' GranIXimreley Title: Interim Director, HHVS Date: 10/12/20115 0426 PM Name: Anders nMada Date 10/13/2011 1:5232PM Name: NelsonTOna Title: Administrative Assistant, SonlooParks & Rcorcamon Date: 10114/2011 84033 AM Name: RamseyMarla Title Administrator, Public Services Date 10114/2011 8:5300 AM Packet Page -1578- Name FoomMedene Title: Grant Development& Mgmt Coordinator, Gran¢ Dam: 10114/20112:33:23 PM Name: Whilelennifer Title: Assistant County Anomey,County Attorney Date'. 10/14 /20113:09.12 PM Name: Klatakowleff Title: County Anomey, Date 10/14/2011 3:33:09 PM Name: StanleyTherese Title: ManagemmUlyr eet Analys4 Senior,Ofnoe of Management & Budget Date: 1014201 t 4:5929 PM Name: PDorCheni Title: Management) Budget Analys4 Seniogt)Rce of Management & Budget Date 10/17/2011 1:21.59PM Name: KlatelmwlefP Title: County Anomey, Date 10, 17201 3'.31:53 PM Name: QhaLeo Title County Manger Date 1014:05:13 PM Packet Page 1579 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. APPIICantlReciplent U. S. Y .Deran�t m a NOang oNe nawavaI ma. 251111WO 1031 All) Disclosure/Update Report " B1ppma0l ��ll Inebuatbna. {See Public Reporting odalnam and Prlvery M Statement and emailea IrnWNOne on page 2.1 Collor County ecord of County Commissonels 3301 TmIaml Tail East Naples, FL 34112 PhoW 239252 -23)8 59680 -0558 Cont,nuwm of Care wa c xearrarM rn s exnaW aeyv �r+lxumema Noe,allerrovesol w A A Nb•ie Wwl",weMy M"niloWay 3Gmm.pnnu. VnNmmr nbm�en"xu 34wCFP "m "u'x®wrmum. CRAO40 da, 3A, m o2e ❑ No ❑y" Z A. wmeWaw mwwd In ma uunm lm ueaawarr, pwrn eew nr wana4mmnnn da, 1 pgWWar r pownWh ii Manor m the wWCw Mo1aM uue auiwmwixx m qal anode SA.ow u to rtom W lire WW epnane twee, ueauwm vw.a ,.m,w.l Cer46ca[lon� a, npyme wgealoovlummmaicemrwa woxsamm lml Drina laplge wyiyoa neiyrm am uaaew,ex nndmawn. mtluesq�mewemi mmr IaGO �me wodpmmo'nwimngxnenynw a"slo,wabrmmhamm. umrymn Fred! W. Cqb, COalmlan Apppyedutar Corm 81e0el Sldficlancy ATTE6T. I DWIDHTE. BROCIC Clerk Aeels,£nNNx ce nt5.J aTT —By. "' — 'Packet nrtiapepm in Noe,allerrovesol w A A twee, ueauwm vw.a ,.m,w.l Cer46ca[lon� a, npyme wgealoovlummmaicemrwa woxsamm lml Drina laplge wyiyoa neiyrm am uaaew,ex nndmawn. mtluesq�mewemi mmr IaGO �me wodpmmo'nwimngxnenynw a"slo,wabrmmhamm. umrymn Fred! W. Cqb, COalmlan Apppyedutar Corm 81e0el Sldficlancy ATTE6T. I DWIDHTE. BROCIC Clerk Aeels,£nNNx ce nt5.J aTT —By. "' — 'Packet 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. 00 Npwtl NO2 112 (EM 7cJM 1 Certification of Consistency U.a.DMa"emWNomma With the Consolidated Plan ona cation owmmatnom mm, .on ln, ju'ic l,nn r oo,..t M,'wd con .n.mmm Plnn. crya nlcr[mlY minuhc 11111118 l Ifn,matlnml AVnhamt Name Colry CwraY Boma It CCmm{ss,,M Pmktt Nome CMICUUm of CU LUMIUn orthe Baal. Collin(iI my Flonda NMI If 11k, Ndml TP,unl PPi.,ne. Com,nu=of Cart Cemryme IDnNninnr Collin COU.I limm Of C=...... If JU V11UNFUnnl prtO R'. COYIe TUI. CbeLman Approved as to form & legal Sudisinay ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK aing l� 1 .X By, Asslst It Couni ry Atlorna�y T£NJ tFi2 9.1 CTi Packet Page 1583 10/25/2011 Item 16.13.1. CoMer County Public Services Division Housing, Human 8 Veteran Services Applicant Name: Collier County Bwrtl of County Commissioners Pro)eet Xam¢ Shelter transitional Housing Renewal Homeless Management Information System (HM15) Renewal Walk Apartments SuOiartrce Housing Renewal Shelter Plus Care Permanent Housing Bonus Project Shelter +Care Grant Collier County Housing Authority Homang, Human ands Vetei an,Serc ices nor use Ti mama ioX. mi Blame - xadf rt as! -2 . oto q's Wmewr%I,,. Ora wnr._r rra,. ooao<o.a.w,r,.,'.'Isiu<m angel ...n aamwxwni.manssur . c Packet Page - 1582--- -.._ -- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: hi plas/C011ier County Doi Fli Project: FL-606 Coo Registration 2011 CDC _REG_2011_037245 1A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Identification Instructions: The fields on this screen are read only and reference the information entered during the CoC Registration process Updates cannot be made at this time If the information on this screen Is not coned, percent the HUD Virtual Help Desk at wvrva. hudma.ii CoC Name and Number (From CoC FL -606- Naples /Collier County CoC Registration(: CoC Lead Agency Name: Collier County Housing, Human and Veteran Services 1�. I., ^ ,F n Exhibi112o11 Page 1 W/3o2011 Packet Page 1583- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Naplearcouier County CoC FL-606 Project: FL 606 COD Registration 2011 CDC _REG_2011 037205 1B. Continuum of Care (CoC) Primary Decision - Making Group Instructions: o the CoC partly Eecisi0nmaking group. The comely ige the overall planning effort for the entire CoC, including, of Care meetings Intl icate the frequency of group n If less than Iii-monthly, plea. Indicate the legal status of th Specify "other" legal status: Indicate the percentage of group members that represent the private sector: (e.g., non - profit providers, homeless or formerly homeless persons, advocates and consumer interests) CoC Executive Committee and Committee Chairs Monthly or more (limit 500 characters): Not a legally recognized organization ti- ir• 83% Indicate the selection process of group members: (select all that apply) Elected: Assigned: Volunteer: X Appointed: X Other: Exhibit 2011 Page 2 09/302011 Packet Page -1581 10/25/2011 Item 1G.D.1. Applicant Naples/Colliar County Coo FL-606 Project: FL 606 CoC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 03]265 ^ Specify "other" processies): Briefly describe the selection process of group members. Description should include why this process was established and how it works (limit 750 characters): The primary decision making group was selected with support of the Lead Agency and by consensus of CoC members to Include the execmve committee and committee chairs of the CoC. This group is comprised of a diverse number of service providers and stakeholders who have the knowledge base and committment to ensure local prion0es are the focus of CoO projects. Indicate the selection process of group leaders; (select all that apply): Elected n Specify "other" processions): N n H administrative funds were made available to the CoC, will the primary- decision making body, or its dilisilIrmulci hive the capacity to be responsible for activities such as applying for HUD funding and serving as a grantee, providing project oversight, anil`monlloring? Explain (limit to 750 characters): <,y;#'Nj, ExM1iM1i11201t Page3 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1585 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Colldm County CoC 1606 Project: FLb06 Coo Registration 2011 DEC REG_2011 037245 1C. Continuum of Care (CoC) Committees, Subcommittees and Work Groups Instructions Provide Information on up to(rve of the CoCs most prove CoC -wipe planning consultant. sduboommitl involved n d we w8deup Cs should only sui include information on those groups that are plancyn planning ar project review and selection, discharge ning, disaster planning, completion of the Exhibit 1 application, sentencing the pointm time count and 1D -year plan coordination. For each group, briefly describe the mle and how frequently To True meets. If one of more of the groups meet less than quarterly, please explain For additional instructions, refer to the "Exhibit 1 Detailed Instructions" which can be accessed on the left- hand menu bar i =Committees and Frequency If any group meets less than quarterly, please explain (Iimit.750 characters(: /- -"'e?o !` fr Exhibit 12011 1 . at co.e m one e..g...o Packet Page re mre roc station do cemmmee mars. en9m my or mom red workmall Mweri .ca.omamem par mraamlmm ey or mono admitted win daway or indrool went the hont or those at not of hkinflassuall Year lanto em rvo.aoaa„o.a sai goo °r Monthly more and end r.ry cmmersio-v swm., career" so-;s eosMesee sent o.m gwnor) xll an i govamann velles, and Far orgive fix real ami of on, Cost ennawnlJea COmmlrma Nly=rmcre ndisouay® If any group meets less than quarterly, please explain (Iimit.750 characters(: /- -"'e?o !` fr Exhibit 12011 1 Page 4 0913=011 Packet Page 1586 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleNCnlller Cnunry CoC FLdWS Project: FL -606 CoC prostrated 2011 CDC _REG_2011_037245 r", 1 D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Identify all CoC member organizations or individuals directly involved in the CoC planning process. To add an organization or individual, click on the icon. Organization Name Membership Type One Orgentumor Role Sub op Packet Page 1587 all atnb type Collier County Housing. Human Public Sector Lo w Primary Decision Making Group, Attend Veteran and Veteran 5pro 10 1S_ Consolidated Plan p._ SSu_. Collier County Housing Authority Poll iSedor Publl Primary Decision Making Group, Attend Serious) ki i- Ille c... 10- yaarplanning me... Yme... David luesperse Cmmunry Pivate Sector N Primary Position Making Group, Attend Sehousl Mental Health Center y plot Consolidated Plan p.. yMe_. o w Shelter or Abused Women and Pnvate,SZecor "Non- Primary Decision Making Group, Youth Children V!i sn pro Committe subaommiftona O... Dames.. Youth Haven Private 5ectgp' No "Committeentuh- committeei Group Youth A� $'•,a i; Saint MaMews House Pnvate Sector Nod` C 'idaelSub- committeeocod Group Veteran pro; # 'ki. s, Su.. l.. National Alliance on Menial Illness Private Sector NoV- Comm1ak'Submmmlttee/Work Group, Youth of Collier... pro. Attend 10 year plaunt Serio_. :o Collier County Hunger and Private Sector Non- Primary Oe bil ing Group, Lead Youth. Homeless Coalition pro. 0a aeency rppin -year N_ cr What_. Michele Ooose Individual For CommitteSubcommWeelWork Group NONE merl Coalition of Forks Farrevververs Private Sector Nom CommittalSta <mmitleeNJork Group NONE Pro - Housing Development Corporation Private Sector Non- Attend Consolidated Plan planning Veteran pro .. meetings during past 12... Grace Place Private Sector Faith None Substan b... us Abuse Catholic Charities Private Savior Faith Attend Consolidated Plan planning Youth, .b_ meetings during past 12_. Domes.. Exhlbltt 2011 Pages 09/302011 Packet Page 1587 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapieYColrer County CnC FL 606 Project: FL -606 COO Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037205 Cancer Alliance of Naples Private Sector Non- None NONE Packet Page pro.. mokalee Non Pont Housing Private Sector Nan- Attend Consolidated Plan planning youth pro. meetings during past 12... Legal Aid Service of Collier Private Sector Non- Attend l0- year planning message during Veteran County pro.. past 12 months s. 0o.. Career and Seance Center Private Sector Non- Attend Consolidated Plan planning Veeran pro.. meetings Curing past l2... Salvason Army Private Sector Non- Attend Consolidated Plan focus Youth, pm_ gmups/puble forums tlurin_. Subsl... Providence House Private Sector FaLLM1 None Youth r C„ b_. Immokalae MUlticulWral -Private Sector Non- Attend Consolidated Plan planning Substan Multipurpose Community Er Py pro- empstluring past 12... Abuse Big Cypress Housing Carp. PrQue Sector p Busi Allen 10 -year planning meetings during NONE ('I' r Pat 12 months -, ScM1OOI Board of Collier County - Pbl Sector; Attend 10 year planri rig meetings tluring Youth col goISS 12 months .past Florida Gulf Coast University Public Sector ?'t Goal Commifiral commmeefflork Group, Youth Iv Attend 10 year Firm. s s Exhibit 12011 1 Page 6 0913012011 Packet Page 1588- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: him es/C011ier County Cod FL -606 ProlecC FL-306 Coo Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 1 D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions Foods information about each COC member organization, including Individuals that are pan of me Doi planning process. For each member Uncom bon, provide information on the following: -Orga zationn - Enter the name of me organization or individual if me Individual is victim or domestic violence, do not enter their actual name. -Type of membership- Public, private. or Individual -Type of organization Organized ion role m the (oC planning process - suEppubs ons represented - No more than 2 may be selected - savings provided, if applicable Collier County Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Type'ofMembership:. Public Sector (public, private, of individual) Type of Organization Local government agencies ^ (Content depends on "Type of Membership".. ;f r Role(sl of the organization: (select all that apply) months, Committee /Sub- committee/Vyork Group, Attend Consolidated Plan focus groups /public forams during past 12 months, Authoring agency Subpopulation(s) represented by the Veterans, Substance Abuse organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Exhibit 12011 1 Pagel 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1589- 10/252011 Item 16.D.1. AppliwnC NapleslColller County COC FLL06 Project FL -606 CoC Registration 2011 COO REG 2011 03]245 services provided to homeless persons and Counseling /Advocacy, Education, Street ^ families: Outreach, Case Management, Utilities (select all that apply) Assistance, Law Enforcement, Prescription Assistance, Healthcare, Mental health, Transportation, Rental Assistance 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions: be selected Name of organization or individual:, Collier County Housing Authority Type of Membership: Public Sector (public, private or individual) e Type of Organization: Public housing agencies (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Role(s) of the organization: Primary Decision Making Group, Attend 10 -year (select all that apply) planning meetings during past 12 months, CommitteelSub- committeelWork Group, Attend Consolidated Plan focus groups/public forums during past 12 months subpopulationls) represented by the Seriously Mentally III, Contest Violence organization: (No more than two subpopulalions) Exhibit 12011 Page 09/30/2811 Packet Page 1590. 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: deples/COIIier County CoC FL 606 Project: FL-509 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Counseling /Advocacy, Education, Case families: Management, Utilities Assistance, Legal (select all that apply) Assistance, Rental Assistance, Employment 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions; �^1 Provide Information afle each CoC member organisation, including individuals that are part of the CoC planning process. For each member organization, provide promotion on the following: - Organization name -Enter the over of the organization or individual If the individual Is a vltim of domestic violence, dgg t eitheir actual name. -Type of memlopla `-P`blik, Gtnva3 all-divomal gton ' Type rancai role in Cparmin phrases - Subpopulations represented'e No more rylep.2 may be somealed servces provided ,f ppI tel , Name of organization or individual David Lawrence Community Mental Health C6nor, 40 Type of Membership Pfl ate Sector (public, private, or individual) Y`511- Type ofOrganization: Non -profit organizations" (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Roles) of the organization: Primary Decision Making Group, Attend (select all that apply) Consolidated Plan planning meetings during past 12 months, Lead agency for 10 -year plan, Attend 10 -year planning meetings during past 12 months, Committee /Sub- committeeNJOrk Group, Attend Consolidated Plan focus groups/public forums during past 12 months, Authoring agency for Consolidated Plan Exhibit 12011 1 Page 0913011 Packet Page .1591. 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/cmlior County CoC FL 606 ProfeIX: 11.61 CoC pregistrffion 2011 COC REG 2011 03]205 Subpopulationts) represented by the Seriously Mentally III, Substance Abuse organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Counseling /Advocacy, Case Management, families: Utilities Assistance, Transportation, Alcohol /Dmg (select all that apply) Abuse, Rental Assistance, Street Outreach, Child Care, Life Skills, Healthcare, Prescription Assistance, Mental health, Mobile Clinic, Employment 7D. Continuum - of Care (CoC) Member Oraanizetions Detail Instructions: reek of membership Public private oft i type of organization Dfigancaflon nee in the CoC planning process N p P ti represented No more than 2 may be selected p remove provided, if applicable Name of organization or individual: Shelter for Abused Women and Children Type of Membership: Private Sector (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Non -profit organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Roles) of the organization: Primary Decision Making Group, Comm lttae /Sub- (select all that apply) committee/WOrk Group, Attend 10 -year planning meetings during past 12 months Exhibit 12011 Page 10 0911 Packet Palle 1592- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NaplevGoller County CoC Page tt FL -666 Project: FLE06 Coe Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037265 Subpopulationts) represented by the Youth, Domestic Violence organization: (NO more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Counseling /Advocacy, Case Management, Life families: Skills, Child Care, Legal Assistance, (select all that apply) Transportation Care (CoC) Member :ions Detail Instructions: Or5iimiatlon role in the CoC planning pmcees Sulpopulalions representetl - No more Nan 2 maybe selected Services provided, it cautioned l.. Name of organization or individual; Youth Havei Type of Membership: Private Sector (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Non -profit organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Roles) of the organization: Committee /Sub- committeeMork Group (select all that apply) EHM1ipi1120t1 Page tt 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1593- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleslOollier County Coe Posted: FL-605 Coo Registration 2011 COO REG 2011 FL -606 03]245 Packet Page 1594 Subpopulationts) represented by the Youth organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Counseling /Advocacy, Street Outreach, Case families: Management, Child Care, Life Skills, Mortgage (select all that apply) Assistance, Mental health, Rental Assistance 1D. Cchntiniium of Care (CoC) Member Q` Organizations Detail 2a °ti Instructions: Provide Information about each CoC member enhan tint, including iindividuals Mat are part of the CoC planning pmce, s For each member organization, provide nomination on the following. - Organization name Enter the coal theargelization or intlivitlual. It the individual is a victim of domestic violence, do not enies moor actual name. - Type of membership Public, private orind a Ir -Org tg It' in the CoC planting percent; f v -S by p ti p sentetl No more then 2 may b elecletl -s rvces provtlea, if applicable ,. 'r ,. �H�n Name of organization or individual: Saint Matthews House ' (fix Type of Membership: Private Sector (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Non -profit organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Roles) of the organization: Committee /SuacommitleelWork Group (select all that apply) ExnidR120t1 Page 12 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1594 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NaplecColller County CoC FL 606 Project: FLLO6 CoC Registration 2011 CCC REG 2011 037245 Subpopulation(s) represented by the Veterans, Substance Abuse organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Counseling /Advocacy, Street Outreach, Case families: Management, Child Care, Mental health, (select all that apply) Transportation, Alcohol /Drug Abuse, Soup Kitchen /Food Pantry 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions: Provide iinformation about sac 1, COC main forgavidation, main including Ind'vliduls that are pan of the CoC planning pmaess . For each member Orgarm tlon, provide information on the following: -orgy Ilonname EnrermenameNmeorg "anon or lndlmdual. a me individual is victim ur domestic vinlenw, do not enter meiractual name. - Type of membership Public, private, 6sindr'qual[a Orp� of f Id' Me COL planning proceed �w Y So bpopulations presanletl No more than 2 ayb selected Services provided, if applicable es Q a. Name of organization or individual National Alliance on Mental Illness of Collier County Type of Membership: Private Sector (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Non -profit organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Role(s) of the organization: Committee /Sub- committeelWOrk Group, Attend (select all that apply) 10 -year planning meetings during past 12 months Exhibit 2011 1 Page 13 gi I Packet Page 1595 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleslColller County COC Project: FL -606 CoC Registration 2011 OOC_REG 2011 FL,606 337245 Packet Page 1596 Subpopulation(s) represented by the Youth, Seriously Mentally III organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and CounselinglAdvocacy, Utilities Assistance, families: Prescription Assistance, Mental health, (select all that apply) Transportation, Rental Assistance 1D. Conti uum of Care (Col Member 41` Or anizations Detail Instructions: Provide information about each cnc membar organ z firm including'nainaoals that are part of mConcel planning Rome -E�i For rare of the organ non oprovide a�al Iff the irdioauafollowing. Name of organization or individual Type of Membership: (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Collier County Ruppert and Homeless Coalition Private Sector Non -profit organizations Roles) of the organization: Primary Decision Making Group, Lead agency for (select all that apply) 10 -year plan, Attend 10-yyear planning meetings during past 12 months, CommideelSub- commiIran rk Group Exhibit t 2011 Pagef4 09130/2011 Packet Page 1596 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: prideNC011ier county CoC FL -600 Project: FL-606 Coo Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 Subpopulation(s) represented by the Youth, Substance Abuse organization: (NO more than two subpopulatlons) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Street Outreach, Education, Mortgage families: Assistance, Mobile Clinic, Rental Assistance (select all that apply) Care (CoC) Member :ions Detail Instructions: Dr 9 , ,y.. an populations reprseted -No more 2 may Le selected 71a ee cxs provided, If applicable r„#+fA' <e, Name of organization or individual: Michele Boas Type of Membership: Individual (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Formerly Homeless (Content depends on "Type of Membership' selection) Roles) of the organization: Committee /Sutr-commitleelWOrk Group (select all that apply) Exnibn12011 Page 15 09/3o201t Packet Page -159Y 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples /Collier County CoC FL 606 Project: FL -506 CoC Regional 2011 COC REG 2011_03]205 Subpopulation(s) represented by the NONE organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services No to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Not Applicable families: (select all that apply) 1 D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member s'' Organizations Detail Instructions: role 9 Oclxs p Lad if ai y, Name of organization or individual: Coalition of Flonda Farmworkers Type of Membership: Private Sector (public, private, or intlivitlual) Type of Organization: Non -profit organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership' selection) Roles) of the organization: Committee /Sub- committeelWOrk Group (select all that apply) Exhibit 2011 Page 16 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1598- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Appllum: Napls cloolller County CoC FIL 606 Project: FL-306 CoC Regirtmen 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 Subpopulationls) represented by the NONE organization: (No more than two subpopulatlons) Does the organization provide direct services No to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Rental Assistance families: (select all that apply) 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member DFganizations Detail Instructions: vs" sp "`. Provide information about each coc mambo rganeai including individuals met are pad of the CoC planning process. Foieacb member urganivlion, provide intonation on the following. Organization name Enter the namseff the organization or individual If me individual is victim of domestic violence do not enter their assurance. - Type of membership- Public, pdvam,or individual C.° - Type of organization '`v. %t W O t le m the CoC panning pmc 'rte^@ Ao,, s� ° °IVb'aeq ireenied- No more tha 2 may be leo(e'e, < Name of organization or individual: Housing Development Corporation k:.r It Type of Membership: Private Social (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Non -profit organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Radials) of the organization: Attend Consolidated Plan planning meetings (select all that apply) dunng past 12 months, Committeer5ub- committeerVyelk Group, Attend Consolidated Plan focus groupslpublic forums during past 12 months Exhibit 12011 1 Pagers G9r30/2on Packet Page -1599- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleslC011ier County Coo ` - `i}, f', Page to FL -606 Project FL -606 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 -Iiirl Name of organization or individual; Grace Place 47 ` Subpopulatlon(s) represented by the Veterans organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Education, Life Skills families: (select all that apply) 7D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member €.. Organizations Detail Instructions: - 6eNoes prowled i(appllrabla ` - `i}, f', Page to 09/30/2011 Packet Page -Iiirl Name of organization or individual; Grace Place 47 ` Type of Membership: Private Sector (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Faith -based organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Role(s) of the organization: None (select all that apply) Exhibit 2011 1 Page to 09/30/2011 Packet Page -Iiirl 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: prelas/Colher County CoC FL 606 Project: FL -606 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 Subpopulation(s) represented by the Substance Abuse organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Counseling /Advocacy, Education, Life Skills, families: Soup Kitchen /Food Pantry (select all that apply) 1 D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member .0 Organizations Detail Instructionsa Provide Information about each CoC member organzation, including individual$ that are pan of the CoC planning process hot each memtieF organization, pmvitle information on the following: - Organization name Enter the name: of the organization or Individual. If the individual is �\ victim of domestic violence do not enter Nalr actual name. - Type of membership - Public, private' br individual 7f, Type of organization fi O9 4 role In the Coo planning pfoc - 5 by p I ( represented No more Na 2 e, be started, . - Services provided, if applicable A4 v` Nr,.by 4 Name of organization or individual Catholic Charities, „ A_ Type of Membership: Private Seem (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Faith -based organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Roles) of the organization: Attend Consolidated Plan planning meetings )select all that apply) during past 12 months, Attend f 0 -year planning meetings during past 12 months, Attend Consolidated Plan focus groups/public forums during past 12 months ExM1ibitl 2011 Page 19 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1601 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/C011ler County CoC FLd06 Project: FL -606 CON Registration 2011 COC REG_2011 037205 Subpopulatlon(s) represented by the Youth, Domestic Violence organization: (NO more than two subpopulalions) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Counseling /Advocacy, Street Outreach, Case families: Management, Utilities Assistance, Life Skills, (select all that apply) Prescription Assistance, Rental Assistance, Employment, Soup Kitcher-Tcod Pantry of Care (CoC) Member zations Detail Instructions: of roe or memnersnp rune pnvare n rypeofogan=Bran t. gamz (n role In the CoC planning process < iuNpopulalions represented - NO more than 2 may be selected .. c provided, I epplleable i \'I; Name of organization or individual: Cancer Alliance of Naples Type of Membership: Private Sector (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Non -profit organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Radials) of the organization: None (select all that apply) Exhibit 12011 Page 20 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1602- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Colller County CoC FL -606 project. FL -506 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011 _037205 Subpopulation(s) represented by the NONE organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Case Management, Utilities Assistance, families: Mortgage Assistance Assistance, (select all that apply) Rental Assistance, Employment 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member er Organizations Detail Instructions: 'K Provide Information about each CoC member or the CoC Manning process. For each member or organization name- Enter the readapt the victim ofidomestic violence do not ent'errhighly up -Type of membership - Public, treats, or mtlrvif -Type of otganizafmn - Organization role In the CoC planning process - sobpopulalions represented - No more ma - Services provided. If applicable Name of organization or individual: Type of Membership: (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: (Content depends on "Type of Membership' selection) Immokalee Non 'Prof'itsusing vIAX c Private Sector Non -profit organizations Role(s) of the organization: Attend Consolidated Plan planning meetings (select all that apply) during past 12 months ExM1ibitl 2011 Page 21 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1603 1025/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NaplereColller County COO FLb06 Project: FL -906 CoC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 43]245 Subpopulation(s) represented by the Youth ^ organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services No to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Child Care, Life Skills, Soup Kitchen /Food Pantry families: (select all that apply) 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member f"a" Organizations Detail Instructions so the CO 'plan pro Ober mushroom merry Izacon, including vc - individuals that efollo part g of the COO planning me n r theaceihr0am con, pmamemmrmanonon 1dualispwing'. Organization uonname-Ec@rm not ant on ea raffia ameor lnaroiauel. lane individual lsa victim ofa ember hip Public,, do not ant Inert iduafname. - Type of membership - PUmlc. pnvatdfor Intlmtlual 5 ^ - Organization oro!9nraaeon process ,M Og l role lne the COO plannngpm �M� 5bye 1 sd, if ponletl No more N 2 may the el \' 5 provided, aaPPrcaele of I I� ? p Name of organization or individual: Legal Aid Service of Collier County Type of Membership: Private Sector (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Non -profit organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Roles) of the organization: Attend 10 -year planning meetings during past 12 (select all that apply) months Subpopulalion(s) represented by the Veterans, Domestic Violence organization: ^ (No more than two subpopulations) ExMOAl2ot1 Pepe 22 09/30/2011 Packet Page -160t- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Collier County Cort FL-606 Project: FL.606 CoC Regratraban 2011 COC_REG_2011 03]245 Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and CounselinglAdvooaoy, Legal Assistance families: (select all that apply) 1 D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions: Name of organization or intlivitlual: Caree and Srice Center F,;- Type of Membership: r,nvator (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: Non -profit organi zations (Content depends on "Type of Membership- (! *' selection) Rolets) of the organization: Attend Consolidated Plan planning meetings (select all that apply) during past 12 months, Attend 10 -year planning meetings during past 12 months Subpopulationts) represented by the Veterans organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Exhibit 12011 Page 13 aN30YlaH Packet Page 105 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleslC011iel County CDC Page 24 FLE06 Project: FL 606 CDC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 ^ Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Education, Case Management, Lhe Skills, families: Employment (select all that apply) 7D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions: Name of organization or Individual: Type of Membership: (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) ` Private Sector Non -pro&t organ ,i" Roles) of the organization: Attend Consolidated Plan focus groups /public (select all that apply) forums during past 12 months Subpopulation(s) represented by the Youth, Substance Abuse organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Exhibit 2011 Page 24 09/30/2011 Packet Page -16o6- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Naples/Collier County CoC FLT06 Project: FLEW CoC Regional 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Utilities Assistance, Child Care, Rental families: Assistance, Soup Kitchen /Food Pantry (select all that apply) 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions: ['�r,�.a Provide internal abb CoC member organization, including individuals that are part of the Coo planning process. For each member organization, provide information on the following: Organization name - Enter Maparn of the organization or individual. If informal is victim or eomestic v olume, do Pat sell their actual name. - Type of mambermhip`- Pubucprivm or lndimdual Type of organization A44, 1k - Organization in n the CoC p tanning process SUbpopulations represented ^-No more short may be selected - Services provided if applicable Lyy eAr Name of organization or indivrduaf. Providence House Type of Membership: `lanv`ate Sector" (public, private, or individual) V 'E Type of Organization: Faith -based organizations (Content depends on "Type of Membership" 'V"4 selection) Roll of the organization: None (select all that apply) Subleopulation(sj represented by the Youth organization: (No more than two subpopulatlons) Does the organization provide direct services Yes ^ to homeless people? Exhibit 12011 1 Page 25 09/30/2011 Packet Page ull 1025/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Nases/Collor County CoC FL -606 Project FL 606 Coe Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037265 Services provided to homeless persons and Counseling /Advocacy. Case Management, Life families: Skills (select all that apply) 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions: be selected Name of organization or intlivitlual: Immokalee Multicultural Multipurpose Community J. Type of Membership: (public, private, or individual) Type of Organization: (Content depends on "Type of Membership" selection) Role(s) of the organization: Attend Consolidated Plan planning meetings (select all that apply) during past 12 months Subpopulation(s) represented by the Substance Abuse organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services Yes to homeless people? Exhint 12011 Page 26 09/3012011 Packed Page-160S- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naplesaar tier County Coc FL -606 Project FL -606 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 Services provided to homeless persons and Street Outreach, Case Management, Life Skills, families: Utilities Assistance, Mortgage Assistance, (select all that apply) Alcohol /Drug Abuse, Rental Assistance 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions: onton or scooted ^ Name of organization or individual Big Cypress Housing Corp. Type of Membership: "Private Sector (public, private, or individual) a4` Type of Organization "Type 41uslnesom ` (Content depends on of Membership"s 109 selection) `f N. oy) Rols(s) of the organization: Attend 10 -year planning meetings during past 12 (select all that apply) months Subpopulation(s) represented by the NONE organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services No to homeless people? ExFibit12011 Pa0e 2] 09/30/2011 Packet Page 109 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naple eCollier County CoC FLE06 Project: FL 606 CoC Registrffian 2011 COC REG 2011 03]205 Services provided to homeless persons and Not Applicable ^ families: (select all that apply) 10. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions: may be selected Name of organization or individual: School Board of Collier County Type of Memtiership°Public Sector (public, private, or individual) a 1. 1'...:. Type of Organization Schoolsystems /Universities (Content depends on "Type of Membership (; fir' selection),_ - A er Roles) of the organization: Attend 10 -year planning meetings during past 12 (select all that apply) months Subpopulation(s) represented by the youth organization: (No more than two subpopulations) Does the organization provide direct services No to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Education families: ^ (select all that apply) Exhibit 12011 Page 28 09/302011 Packet Page -1630 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NanleslCollor County Coo FL 606 Project: FLE06 CoC Recension 2011 COL_REG_2011 _037245 i1 1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Organizations Detail Instructions: Of role In the be selectee Name of organizaation3gindividdual: Florida Gulf Coast University Type of�embershij p' Public Sector (public, private, or indirAd- al) ^ Type of Organaationiscnool systems /Universi ties (Content depends on "Type of MembershipG, .4 , selectiony 4� Role(s) of the organization: Committee/Sub mnitleelWork Group, Attend (select all that apply) 10-yeariplanning e "stings during past 12 months Subpopulation(s) represented by the Youth organization: (No more than two subj opulations) Does the organization provide direct services No to homeless people? Services provided to homeless persons and Not Applicable families: (select all that apply) Exhibit 12011 Page 29 09/302011 Packet Page 1611 10/25/2011 Item 16.0.1. Applicant: NapleslCollier County COG FLE06 Protect FLoRG CoC Registration 2011 COE REG 2011 037245 1 E. Continuum of Care (CoC) Project Review and ^ Selection Process Instructions The CoC sphatmion of projects and the project selection process should be conducted in a fair toec CCuseld in manner past year tof sse Stine performance, effeeeveness mare quarry flprocesses requested few and renewal paem(sl. an In addition Indicate H any written complaints have been received by the CoC regarding any CoC matter In the last 12 months, and how those matters were addressed andror resolved. Open Solicitation Methods: f. Announcements at Other Meetings, a. (select all that apply) Newspapers, e. Announcements at CoC ne Meetings, c. Responsive to Public Inquiries, b. �Rt Letters/Emails to CoC Membership, d. Outreach s [: to Faith -Based Groups n. Rating and Performance Assessment g: Site Visitls), b. Review CoC Monitoring (select VolingiDecision- Making Me[hotl(s): e. Consensus .(general agreement) (select all that apply) Were there any written complaints received No by the CoC regarding any matter in the last 12 months? If yes, briefly describe complaint(s), how it was resolved, and the dates) resolved (limit 1000 characters): Exhibit 12611 Page 30 09130/2011 Packet Page -1612 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Cole/ County CoC FLb06 Project: FL 606 CoC Regmtenton 2011 COC REG 2011 007265 1F. Continuum of Care (CoC) Housing Inventory Count -- Change in Beds Available For each housing type, indicate If there was a change (increase or reduction) in the total number of beds counted in the FY2011 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) as compared to the FY2010 HIC. If there was a change, please describe the reasons in the space provided for each housing type. If the housing type does not exist in your CoC, please select Not Applicable" and indicate that in the text box for that housing type. No change in Emergency Shelter beds, No change in HPRP beds or units, if Briefly describe the consents) fo`r ilaWchange in Safe Haven beds, if applicable (limit 750 characters): 1 <.. Transitional Housing: No Briefly describe the reasons) for the change in Transiti6 aI Housing beds, if applicable (limit 750 characters): Permanent Housing: Yes Briefly describe the reasonls) for the change in Permanent Housing beds, if applicable (limit 750 characters): Added 25 PANE Rental Assistance to Non- Eldery Disabled Permanent Supportive Housing Vouchers Added 50 HOME TBRA Tenant Based Rental Assistance Added 2 S +C Vouchers Shelter Plus Care -for adults with serious mental illness. Exhlbi112011 Pege 3t 09/3012011 Packet Page -1613- 10/252011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleYColller County Coe FL 606 Project: FL 606 Coe Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037205 COC certifies that all beds for homeless Yes ^ persons were included in the Housing Inventory Count (HIC) as reported on the Homelessness Data Exchange (HOX), regardless of HMIS participation and HUD funding: rt Pti rY' <-11< `F d �.2 Exhibit 12011 Page 32 0913012011 Packet Page 1614, 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Nades/O011ier County CoC FL-606 Project: FL 606 CoC Registration 2011 CDC _REG_2011 _037245 1G. Continuum of Care (CoC) Housing Inventory Count - Data Sources and Methods Instructions for the Complete based on need determination The mbrmationgshoulE be Eased on survey con ludled In a including 4 -hour period Outing the last ten days of January 2011 upon were expected to report HIC data on the Homelessness Data Exchanges (HDX). Did the CoC submit the HIC data in Hill b Yes 4Maayy 31, 2011. If no, briefly explain why the HIC data was not Submitted by May 31, 2011 Qlmit 750 charac(ers). Indicate the type of data sourc us of m °ethods- HMIS plus housing inventory survey t"` x -I sed to complete the housing inventory count: may, (select all that apply)e,gjjjpx�,_ Indicate the steps taken to ensure the FSIlowyuVlhsg'uctjons, Updated prior housing accuracy of the data collected and included in Ov� ry information, HMIS the housing inventory count- 2F '». (select all that apply) Must specify other: - s Indicate the type of data or melhdi used to Unsheltered count, HUD unmet need Pont determine unmet need: HMIS data, Local studies or non -HMIS data (select all that apply): sources, Housing inventory, Stakeholder discussion, Provider opinion through discussion or survey farms Specify neither" data types: If more than one method was selected, describe how these methods were used together (limit 750 characters): Exnlda 12011 Gage 33 08/30/2811 Packet Page 1615- 10/2512011 Item 16.0.1. Applicant NapieslCalller County coo H. 606 Project: FL-606 Coe Registration 2011 COC REG 2011_03]245 CoC members have researched the Ten Essentials for Ending Homelessness and created a report that determine! gaps in services. CoC members have been conducting focus groups with service providers and the clients they serve. The Hunger & Homeless Coalition annually conducts a gap analysis with member agencies to rank greatest need and record gaps in services. The Coalition organizes an unsheltered count of homeless during the PiT homeless count each year Surveys are conducted at locations where people experiencing homelessness are identified and information about unmet need is captured. The Collier County Housing Authority collects data from clients that are currently placed on their waiting list. A second year HPRP assessment was done. r� M Q 2 Af. End `ti�, Exhibit 12011 Gege 34 OB/3N2011 Packet Page -1616 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NapleslOm er County Coo FL 606 Project FL-606 CoC preparation 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 ^ 2A. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Implementation Infractions: All CoCS are expected to have a functioning Homeless Management Information System 'HMIS). An HMIS is computerized data collection application that pointer to mllection of information on homeles') individuals and families using residential or other homeless serves as and stores that ata in an electronic formal cots should complete this sec9on in conjunction with the lead agency responsible for the HMIs. All intermatioo should oast the status of HMIS implementation as of the data of application submission. For additional instructions, refer to the "Exhibit 1 Detailed Instructions which can be acceaaea on We left -band menu bar. Select the HMIS implementation coverage Single CoC area Select the CoL(s) covered byrthe HMIS: FL -606 - Naples /Collier County CoC Is the HMIS Lead AgeridytUe sarAp -asthe Yes I LeaprAgunncy?•. Does the Cl Lead Agency have a wrltt n Not Applicable agreement with the HMIS Lead Agandi ^ Has the Cal selected an HMIS softwn i pro act. If 'N o selectreason so r -C If "Yes" list the name of the product: 1Client crack f What is the name of the HMIS software Data Systems International company? Does the CoC plan to change HMIS sofdeare No within the next 18 months ? Indicate the date on which HMIS data entry 05/01/2004 started (or will star) (format mmltlElyyyy) Indicate the challenges and barriers Poor data quality, Inability to integrate data from impacting the HMIS implementation: providers with legacy data systems, No or low (select all the apply): participation by non -HUD funded providers, Inadequate resources H I indicated that there are no challenges or barriers impacting HMIS implementation, briefly describe either why i has no challenges or how all barriers have been overcome (limit 1000 characters(. If CoC identified one or more challenges or barriers impacting HMIS implementation, briefly describe how the Col plans to overcome them (limit 1000 characters). Exhibit 22011 Page35 09am2D11 Packet Page -1617- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naplesl0ollier County CoC FL-606 Project FL -606 COG Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 03]245 Data Integration will continue to improve since ClientTrack 2010 upgrade ^ New signed Data Quality Standards Agreement between all of the HM IS agencies. Data Quality assurance checks wil I occur more frequently and more training will be held monthly. Improved hardware and equipment. Investigate new avenues for expanding funding sources. 4ff3 n.,.v... f't a sr Exhibit 12011 Page 36 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1618- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Collier County Coo FL -606 Project: FIT 606 CoC Re0aliation 2011 COG _REG_2011_D3r245 2B. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Lead Agency Enter the name and contact Information for the HMIS Lead Agencyy. This is the organization responsible for implementing the HMIS within a CoC. There may only be one HMIS Lead Agency per CoC. Organization Name Collier County Housing,Human and Veteran Services Street Address 1 3339 Tamiami Trail East Street Address Suite 211 i� City Naples State Florida �` Zip Code 34112 -5361 Format spot or xzkzx -xzxx Or9amullor'a4,Typ' State or Local Government If "Other' please specify 4 Is this organization the HMIS Lead Agency in%W more than one CoCN— W ExM1i0i1120t1 Page 37 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1619 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1 Applicant: ru ples/Colher County CoC FL 606 Project: FL-06 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG 2011_03]265 2C. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Bed Coverage Instructions HMIS betl coverage measures time level of provider participation In a CoC 's HMI$. Participation in HMIS is defined as the collection and reporting of client level data either through direct data entry Into the HMIS of Into an enaly0eal database that includes HMI$ data on an at least annual basis. HMIS bed coverage is calculated by dividing the total number of year -mund beds located in HMI$ - participating pro once, by the total number of year ound beds In the Continuum of Care (CoCt after excluding ads in tlomesed violence iOV) programs. HMIS bed coverage rates must be calculated separately for criergenry shelters, transferal housing, and permanent supportive housing. For additional lnstmcGons, NEW to Me 'Exhibit l 0evilal harassers' which can be accessed on the left- hand menu bar. Cryv �j, }Sf Indicate the HMIS bed coverage Fatep%l,for each housing type within the C ri H a particular housing type doe not exist-anywhere within the COG, select "Housing type does not exist th Coi from the drop -down menu. ne a.e eeu1 Page 38 to a lee 'Pa -_ orating l>m Sel, Is$%, How often does the CoC review or assess At least Annually its HMIS bed coverage? H bed coverage is 0 -64%, describe the CoUs plan to increase this percentage during the next 12 months: Exhibill 2011 Page 38 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1620- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Napiea/Coiiier county Chi FLLOfi Project FL806 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 2D. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data Quality Instructions: For addillion linsluuecei frefeito he Exhibit behind lnanuclions, which can be saturated on the left k4x �sx": Indicate the percentage qdu ring the last ton d ys of with null 011. missing values on a tlay during the last ten days of January 2011. How frequently does the i review At least Quarterly the quality of program level data? Describe the process, extent of assistance, and tools used to improve data quality for agencies participating in the HMIS (limit 750 characters): Semi annual data Input quality reports provided to the Continuum by the HMIS Administrator which helps the agencies confirm and correct their data quality. On -site training at each organization to identify and correct data envy emors. The CoC has a new Data Quality Standards agreement to ensure the uniform quality and requirements of the CoC agencies. HMIS Bed Utilization tool from the HMIS.info site ExM1lbiti 2011 sarolsoultil 9% 20% Car, a earth 1621- 3% Marketing Condition )% Raddi '111R, thwart. Entry 2% 0% How frequently does the i review At least Quarterly the quality of program level data? Describe the process, extent of assistance, and tools used to improve data quality for agencies participating in the HMIS (limit 750 characters): Semi annual data Input quality reports provided to the Continuum by the HMIS Administrator which helps the agencies confirm and correct their data quality. On -site training at each organization to identify and correct data envy emors. The CoC has a new Data Quality Standards agreement to ensure the uniform quality and requirements of the CoC agencies. HMIS Bed Utilization tool from the HMIS.info site ExM1lbiti 2011 Page 39 09/30Y1011 Packet Page 1621- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Naples/C011ler County Coe FL -600 Project FL-606 CoC Registra0on 2011 COC REG 2011 03]245 Describe the existing policies and procedures used to ensure that valid ^ program entry and exit dates are recorded in the HMIS (limit 750 characters): A standard HMIS workflow provided by our vendor is used by all agencies, requiring the forced entry of all Universal Data Elements and those program Specific Data Elements. Updated March 2010 HMIS Universal Data Elements have been implemented into the ClientTrack database and are now being used. Indicate which reports the CoC or subset of the Cot submitted usable data: (Select all that apply) Indicate which reports t he .CoC.or subset of the CoC plans to submit usable data: ,(Select all that apply) f' FOkn mss' F { ^A a Exhibit 12011 Pega 40 08/30/2011 Packet Page 1622- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NaplearCollior County CoC FL -606 Project FL 606 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011 _03)265 /s, 2E. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data Usage Instructions today can use HMIS data for a vaneN or applications. These Include, but are not limited to sing HMIS data to understand To charactenstra, and serves needs of homeless people, to analyze haw homeless people use services, and to evaluate program effectiveness and outcomes. In this section, OoCS will indicate Na frequency to which It engages In the following Ing housing and service providers mainstream resources t Detailed Instml which can be accessed Indicate the frequency in whichthe Cc uses HMIS tlata for each of the following: 2}r Integrating or warehousing data to generate it leash Semiannually untluplicated counts: f Point-in-time count of sheltered persons: A ^t 4ually Point -in -time count of unsheltered persons: At least Annually Measuring the performance of participating At least Montgl housing and service providers: G' Using data for program management: At least Semi- annually Integration of HMIS data with data from Never mainstream resources: EsM1ibiI12011 Page 61 09/30@011 Packet Page -3623- 10/25/2011 Item 16.x.1. Applicant: NaplesrC011isr County COG FL -606 Project: FLE06 Coo Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 2F. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data and Technical Standards Instructions: In m to sable communities across the country to Collett homeless services data Consistent with a Standards The standards ensure that event HUD has pul MIS Captures Pe information necessary to fulfill HUD reposing requirements while protecting the privacy and Informational security of all homeless individuals. Each Coo is responsible for ensuring compliance with the HMIS Data and Technical Standards. COCA may do this by completing compliance assessments on a regular basis and through the development of an HMIS Policy and Procedures manual. In the questions below, CoCs are asked to indicate the frequency in whom they complete compliance assessment. F tltll trod fer, to 'Exhibit l Detailed instructions which can be acooned on m Iftn dmenob ". qtr. For each of the following HMIS privacy and security standards, indicate the frequency in wM1ich the, DOC and /or HMIS Lead Agency complete a /cbmpllaDe9 assessment: Chile, usi an, and rivaccam At least 01i Visa vvemels, .1i as, men, At less carry Restricton, on access to Affin via public assess At Fee Monthly cisnahe" each rely phase am Practices, Imull At cat onaliscally How often does the CoC Lead Agency assess At least hi- mopatfily v compliance with the HMIS Data and Technical p.. Standards? " How often does the CoC Lead Agency At least Monthly aggregate data to a central location (HMIS database or analytical database)? Does the CoC have an HMIS Policy and Yes Procedures manual? If'Yes' indicate date of last review 10/18/2010 or update by Coi If'No' indicate when development of manual will be completed (mmldd/yyyy): Exhibit 2011 Page 42 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1624- 10/25/2011 Item 16,D.1. APPIkanL NapleslC011ier County CoC FL-606 Project: FL -606 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 2G. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Training Instructions Providing regular training opportunities for homeless assistance providers that are p NcipeGng local in a HMIS is a way that CoCs can ensure compliance with the HMIS Data and Technical Standards. In the section below, CoCs will Indicate how frequently they provide certain types of hating to HMIS participating providers. For additional Instructions, refer to the 'Exhibit 1 Detailed Instructions" which can be accessed on the left hand menu bar. Indicate the frequency in which the CoC or HMIS Lead Agency offers each otthe following training activities: n � C" Exbibi112011 Al vic Annually At 1V ril I- pit, Qi toia,iiin Ac set Qi Eye new Loyally -1625- ITtl �:u con n � C" Exbibi112011 Page 43 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1625- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/C011ler County Coo FL -606 Project: FL -606 CoC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 2H. Continuum of Care (CoC) Sheltered Homeless Population & Subpopulation: Point -In -Time (PIT) Count Instructions: The purpose of the point -mume count is to fuller understand the number and cbarresun tics of people sleeping on the streets, including places not meant for human assembler, emergency nelters, and transit reduce. Although CoCs are only required to contract a point -m -0me count every two year, HUD strongly encourages CoCs to conduct a polnLin -time count annually. CoCS are to intllwla how frequently they will mnducl a polnLin -0me count and what percentage of their n homeless second crescent; raNciplad. Coos will also deceits if was an seAdecr seeo� them between Me most recent point in count and the one prior. increase are to indicate in me neadve which years are being compared. How frequently doei Oic conduct annually (every year) a -point- in-tiine count? E *Indicate the date of the most recent dlyyym= 01127I2011 time count (mmltl�lyyyy): If the CoC conducted 10 the point-in-time count ENO t waiver the last 10 days in January, was a , waiverfrom HUD obtained prior to January - -T 19,2011? fj'tki In A(: v. Did the COG submit the point -in -time count Yes dam in HD% by May 31, 2011? If no, briefly explain why the point -in -time data was not submitted by May 31, 2011 (limit 750 characters). Enter the date in which the COC plans 01/26/2012 to conduct its next point -in -time count: (mmlddlyyyy) Exhibit 12011 Page 44 W /30/2011 Packet Page -1626- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Naples /Copier County CoC Page 45 FL906 Project: FL -606 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 -1627- Indicate the percentage of homeless service providers supplying population and subpopulation data for the point -in -time count that was collected via survey, interview, and /or HMIS. Emergency Shelter: 100 Transitional Housing: 100% Comparing the most recent point -in -time count to the previous point -in- time count, describe any factors that may have resulted in an increase, decrease, or no change in both the sheltered and unsheltered population counts (limit 1500 characters). 4 Ny. \ f y i c�! Exhibi112011 Page 45 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1627- 10125/2011 Item 16.x.1. Applicant NaamJColliar County CDC FLF06 Project: FL-606 CDC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 03]245 21. Continuum of Care (CoC) Sheltered Homeless Population & Subpopulations: Methods Instructions Accu2cy of the data reported in point -n -lime counts is vital. Data produced from these counts must be based on reliable methods and not on 'guesstimates.- CDC$ may use one or more methotl(s) to count sheltered homeless persons. This form asks DoCs to merely and describe which method(s) we used to conduct the point in -time counts. The description should demonstrate bow theememod(s) was used to produce an accurate mum. For addnionalinstructions, Peter to the -Exhibit t Detailed Instructions which can be accessed on the left bard menu bar. ,, Indicate the method(s) used to count sheltered homeless persons during If Other, specify: I ._ u Describe the methods used by the Co as indicateQpy the above selected method(s), to collect data on the sheNered homeless population during the most recent point -in -time count Response shoultl indicate how the melhi selected above were used in order top7oduce accurate delta (limit 1500 charactersh / Training was conducted for all volunteer and agency survey participants. Surveys were filled out at known locations and returned to a central location. Data input was performed via a web based form by trained volunteers. Aggregate data was providetl to the HMIS Lead Agency in the form of an Excel Spreadsheet. De- duplication was performed by the HMIS Administrator and reports generated. Exhibit 12011 1 Paga 46 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1628 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: kiples/C011ler County CoC FL-606 Project: FL-606 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037205 2J. Continuum of Care (CoC) Sheltered Homeless Population and Subpopulation: Data Collection Instructions on Cars cally homreless severelytlmeentallyilll,echroonic substance abuse, veteranslapa sons with HIV / AIDS, victims of domestic violence, and unaccompanied youth (under 18). SubpopulaUOn data is required for sbeuerea homeless persons and with the exception of chronically homeless and veterans, optional for unsheltered persons. sheltered chronically homeless persons are those living In emergency shelters only. For additional Instruc0onlyieter to me Exhibiit,1 Detailed Instmctlons wfilch can he accessed on the left -hand menu bar. ^ �f Indicate the method(s) used ti�gatlidr and calculate subpopulation data on sheltered homeless persons (select all that apply): X01 ,'' HMIS plus extrapolation gE° Sample of PIT interviews plus extrapolation Sample strategy va Provider expertise: X , Interviews: e Non -HMIS client level information: X None: Other: If Other, specify: Describe the methods used by the CoC, based on the selections above, to collect data on the sheltered homeless subpopulations during the most recent point -in -lima count. Response should indicate how the meta ls) selected above were used in order to produce accurate data on all of the sheltered subpopulalions (limit 1500 characters): v Exhibit 12011 Page 67 0 913 0 2 011 Packet Page 1629 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NaPleslC011ler County COG FL -606 Project: FL 606 COG Reps12tion 2011 COC REG 2011 03]265 Surveys were filled out at various locations and returned to a central location. Data input was performed via a web based form by trained volunteers. Aggregate data was provided to me HM IS Lead Agency in the form of an Excel Spreadsheet. De- duplication was performed by the HMIS Administrator and reports generated. A ° r;<- lo r Exhibit 12011 1 Page ae 09IM1201I Packet Page -1630- n 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naplal llier County CoC FLE06 Project: FLU306 CoC Registrefion 2011 CDC REG 2011 037245 2K. Continuum of Care (CoC) Sheltered Homeless Population and Subpopulation: Data Quality Instructions The data extracted during point in time counts is Neal for COOS and HUD. Communities need accurate data to determine He size and scope of homelessness at the local level to plan services and programs chat will appropriately address local needs and measure progress In addressing homelessness. HUD needs accurate data to understand the extent and nature of homelessness throughout the country and to provide Congress and OMB with Information He orders Of dafdsrer ort tldawa0 ale and MeltipM1 poultry an. CoCS funding decision. It is vital that actions to Improve Ne quality Naha shelteretlg la ndata. may undertake once or more popu For adtlitional instructions refer to the Exhibit Detailed Instructions which can be amassed on the left -hand menu bar. Indicate the methods) used to verify the data quality of sheltered (select all tha['apply; Nun -HMIs de- duplication techniques %3 None Other If Other, specify: ` If selected, describe the non -HMIS de- duplication techniquea'used by the CoC to ensure the data quality of the sheltered persurl count (limit 1000 characters). Ifs' Raw survey forms were input via a web based survey tool specifically designed to collect me PIT questions. After all data entry was complete, the HMIS Administrator performed de�duplication in ClientTrack using Name and DOB fields to flush dups from this data set. Records that could not be flushed on this first pass were compared by singular record search against HMIS Name and DOB fields using augmented address Information. Describe the methods used by the CoC, based on the selections above, to collect data on the sheltered homeless subpopulations during the most recent point -in -time count. Response is to indicate how the methods) selected above were used in order to produce accurate data on all of the sheltered subpopulations (limit 1500 characters): Exhidd 12011 Page 49 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1631- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NadsoColller County Doc F1.E06 Project: PL 606 Dec Registration 2011 CDC _REG_2011 031245 2L. Continuum of Care (CoC) Unsheltered Homeless Population and Subpopulation: Methods Instructions: Accuracy of the data reported In point in -time counts Is Ntal. Data Produced from these counts must ce based on reliable methods and not on'essumates' Cocs may use methods m count completed homeless persons his form asks COOS to ldentily which re methods) they use m conduct their PoinHn -time counts. For additional Instructions refer to the 'Exhibit t Detailed InsM1UCti0ns winch can be accessed on the left-hand menu bar. Indicate the mall point-in-time cot Public p If Other, Describe to count In-time to above AT Exhibit 12D11 Page ED 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1632 n 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Collier County CoC FL-506 Project: FL 06 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 2M. Continuum of Care (CoC) Unsheltered Homeless Population and Subpopulation: Level of Coverage Instructions CoCS may utilize several methods when counting unsideltered homeless persons. Coi need to defending what aea(s) they will 90 to In order to count this population. For example, CoCS may canvas an entire area or only Mesa locations where homeless persons are known to sleep. OoCSaeto Indicate the level of coverage incorporated when conducting the mannered count. For additional instructions, refer to the "Exhibit 1 ground Instructions' which ran be accessed on the IeflJixmd menu bar. Indicate where the C6C located the A Combination of Locations homeless Persons ties counted in the last If Other, specify: KK �" Exhibit 12011 1 Page 51 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1633- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1 Applicant: Faros s/Collier County Coe FL -606 Project: FL- 606 COC Reg charter 2011 COD REG 2011 037245 2N. Continuum of Care (CoC) Unsheltered Homeless Population and Subpopulation: Data Quality Instructions: ,pities need to plan n t nature of �reon a It Is vital that one or more should For additional Inswcrons, rera -to me �ExVM1lb ti Detailed mstruormna6 which can he attRSSOd on are left mono bar. .. Indicate the steps taken by the CoC to, ensure t quality of the data collected for the unsheltered population count:,=;:.. (select all that apply) -^- s. Training X HMIs: X Oe- duplication techniques: X "Bill Count: r . Unique Identifier: X Survey Question: X Enumerator Observation: Other: If Other, specify: Describe the techniques, as selected above, used by the CoC to reduce the occurrence of counting unsheltered homeless persons more than once during the most recent point -in -time count (limit 1500 characters): Point in Time surveys conducted at camps and other known locations for Unsheltered were de -duped in ClientTrack and COUNTS performed on the results. Volunteers conducting PIT Surveys were required to ask if the person interviewed was interviewed for the same survey before. Reports taken from HMIS are use to confirm deduplication of counts. EcM1TI[12011 Pe0e 52 09/30/2011 Packet rate 1634 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NaplevCollier County CoC FLE06 Project: FL 606 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG 2011 037245 Describe the CoCs efforts to reduce the number of unsheltered homeless households with dependent children. Discussion should include the CoCs outreach plan (limit 1500 characters): The need for additional beds for this population was identified and plans are underway for increasing those family units. Increasing county-wide primary preven0on efforts. Describe the CoCs efforts to identify and engage persons that routinely sleep on the streets or other places not meant for human habitation (limit 1500 characters): Previously, the Continuum conducted two outreach activities each year for persons on the street where essentials such as meals, hygiene items, mosquito repellent, and similar items are given out This past year three such outreach activities occured and other outreach activities are to be considered. Resources are available and people are directed to services. The CoC supports a well staffed 211 call' canter which hopes to begin in Collier County in 2011. 1 Exhibi112011 Page 53 08/30/2011 Packet Pag<-1635- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Ndbles/Oollier County non FL 606 Picked: FL505 CoC Registration 2011 CDC_REG 2011_037245 3A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Strategic Planning Objectives Objective 1: Create new permanent housing beds for chronically homeless persons. Instructions: Ending chronic homelessness continues to be a H00 priority. Co05 can do this byr ling new ..e..., e.a n...,.,,.,. K.A. that o.o ter. -hi, 1, ee,nnct n im lMc nnoulaLOn. In the iii For additional InsW d ons, refer to the' shbit 1 Detailed Inspycbons which can be accessed on the left hand menu bar. bg How many permanent housing betls W10 82 F ^ currently in place for chrdniislly homeless persons ?"ar,, , In 12 months, how many permanent housing 62 beds designated for chronically homeless " 'V', persons are planned and will be available for occupancy? In 5 years, how many permanent housing 75 r ' beds f" designated for chronically homeless persons are planned and will be available for occupancy? In 10 years, how many permanent housing 100 beds designated for chronically homeless persons are planned and will be available for occupancy? Describe the C di short -term If month) plan to create new permanent housing beds for persons who meet Hu D's definition of chronically homeless (limit 1000 characters): Collier County Housing Authority has recently received 2 -S + C,25 -RANE and 50 -TBRA tenant based rental assistance vouchers for the population. Exhibit 12011 Page 54 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1636- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleyColller County Coe FL-606 Project: FL-606 Coe Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 Describe the COC's long -term (10 year) plan to create new permanent housing beds for persons who meet HUD's definition of chronically homeless (limit 1000 characters): The plan prioritizes permanent supportive housing to include wrap around services using tenant based rental assistance vouchers. The CoC will aggressively pursue additional state, federal and local funding to support this priority. The first of four goals included in Collier County's Community Ten Year Plan to prevent and end homelessness is to increase the inventory of permanent supportive housing and affordable housing. This goal proposes to Increase the number of Housing Choice Vouchers w/ support services and continue the successful Rapid Re- housing program. A strategic action plan will be implemented with steps to be implemented within one year, five years and ten years. Meetings will be convened yearly to evaluate the progress of the Ten Year Plan action steps. r ExM1lbit12011 Page 55 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1637- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NaplaYC011ier County COC FL 606 Project: FLt 6 COC Registration 2011 COG REG 2011 03]245 3A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Strategic Planning Objectives Objective 2: Increase the percentage of participants remaining in CoC funded permanent housing projects for at least six months to ?7 percent or more. Instructions: In this Detailed Instmctions^ vrnch can be accessed What is the current percentage 01'96 /8 participants remaining in CoG-fu ae permanent housing projects for at least six s� months? In 12 months, what percentage of 964"' x `<1 participants will have remained in CoC. funded permanent housing projects for at '_ce least six months ?` In 5 years, what percentage of participants 97 will have remained in CoC-funded permanent housing projects for at least six months? In 10 years, what percentage of 97 participants will have remained in CoC - funded permanent housing projects for at least six months? Describe the Co CS short -term (12 month) plan to increase the percentage of participants remaining in CoC-funded permanent housing projects for at least six months to ]7 percent or higher (limit 1000 characters): Exhibit 12011 Page 56 W13M011 Packet Page 1638- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Oollier County CoC FL.606 Project: FL- 606 CoC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011_037245 The CoC has exceeded ]] percent Participants in permanent housing will continue to receive assistance with transportation and receive case management services to help them become self sufficient and we* toward their life goals. To increase self- suRciency and housing stability, two CoC agencies have partnered to combine housing vouchers with support services. The Housing Authority's TBRA vouchers will include supportive services such as case management and mental health counseling from DLC. Describe the CoCs longterm (10 year) plan to Increase the percentage of participants remaining in CoC- funded permanent housing projects for at least six months to l] percent or higher (limit 1000 characters): The second of four goals included in Collier County's Community Ten Year Plan to prevent and end homelessness is to provide support services for housing stabilization and self-sufficiency. This goal includes an iporease in choice rental vouchers with support services; Case Management��ntln Treatment teams for housing stability with individual assessments andd:radma Informed care: Incentives for landlords to hi 11 di I Fail mountain racy; tmipsoyment resources, expand on i@'an ms rimayf6khomeless shelters and landlords on mental ab (Empethy tridurri plan wit steps be implementetl within one year, five years be comoleted!an`til on Meelinns will he annvened ExM12A 12D1r Pages] 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1639- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant fJapleslCollier County CoC FLE06 Project: FL806 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG 2011 037245 3A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Strategic Planning Objectives Objective 3: Increase the percentage of participants in GoGfunded transitional housing that move into permanent housing to 65 percent or more. Instructions: For etltlNonal Instructions, rereFf% twiTExM1LICi Oetalled Instnucllons' which can ce access id on the left- hand menu bar r�AA rRit What is the current perceriiage of,a82';'±' housing projects will have moved toll a, sing ? -?�.. permanent houoff ,,( In 12 months, what percentage of 82 ; ;*j_ yE'w Participants In CoC-funded transitional ` - t' " <t �` Kr housing projects will have moved to k permanent housing? V' In 5 year, what percentage of Participants 85C'k in CoCfunded transitional housing projects 4t, will have moved to permanent housing? In 10 years, what percentage of 86 participants in CoC - funded transitional housing projects will have moved to permanent housing? Describe the CoCs short-term (12 month) plan to increase the percentage of participants in CoC - funded transitional housing projects that move to permanent housing to 65 percent or more (limit 1000 characters). Exhibit 12011 Page 56 09/3[12011 Packet Page -1640- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NapleslColller County Coo Fl Protect FLFO6 CoC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 939245 The Shelter for Abused Women and Children and St. Matfhew's House Wolfe Apartments will provide and allocate interim financial assistance through Fresh Start, HPRP, and other resources. Various agencies will continue case management services and development of prevention education, child care, legal services, and economic empowerment services to ensure effective linkage and coordination with the ultimate goal of securing permanent housing. Explore funding sources of permanent housing and supportive services through CoC SHP, Homeless Housing Assistance, ESG, Challenge, CDBG, and other opportunities. Describe the CoCS long -term (10 year) plan to increase the percentage of participants in CoC- funded transitional housing projects that move to permanent housing to 65 percent or more (limit 1000 characters): Provide case management services and other empowerment services for housing stability and ongoing success. Increase the housing search and placement services through development of MOUS with apartment management. Con0 a toxplore existing funding and Identify new funding sources to sustain' ermane thousing. r' ak i. Y¢ c ExM1ibitl 2911 Pege 59 99/302011 Packet Page -1601- 10/25/2011 Item 16. D.1. Applicant: NapleslC011ier County COC FL -606 Project: FL -606 COG Registration 2011 COG REG 2011 037245 ^ 3A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Strategic Planning Objectives Objective 4: Increase percentage of participants in all COC-funded projects that are employed at program exit to 20 percent or more. Instructions Employment is a critical step for homeless flpe to ofteve greater self- suffromty. which outcome tat is re represents an EacthCL{untle0 protect (excluding RMIS dedicated only projects) is expected to community the percentage of participants employed at exit on its Annual Performance Report (APR) C Cs then use this data from all of is non HMIS Projects to capon on the overall COC perforrimmAs on form 4D. Continuum of Care(ooC) Enrollment In Mainstream Programs and Employment Information. try For additionalinstructions , over to the -EtiTlbit1 on fire left -hand menu bar. so What is the current percentage of participants in all CoC- funded pot 6ZCfs. that are employed at program exit In 12 months, what percentage of participants in all CoC- funded projects will be employed at program exit? In 5 years, what percentage of participants in all CoC- funded projects will be employed at program exit? In 10 years, what percentage of participants in all CoC- funded projects will be employed at program exit? counted Instructions' which can be accessed 30 r 40 f <, A 50 Describe the CoCs short-term (12 month) plan to increase the percentage of participants in all CoC - funded projects that are employed at program exit to 20 percent or more (limit 1000 characters). ExMbrt120H Pege 60 OB /3D20t1 Packet Page -1642- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NapieslColller County CoC FL -606 Project FL406 CoC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 We did not exceed the 20% mark for employment at exit because Collier County experienced unemployment rates above the national average. Also, The Shelters transitional housing program is a two -year program and there were no participants exiting this year. Next year, we anticipate current residents at exit will attain 100% employment, thus allowing us once again to surpass the 20% goal St. MattheWS House will continue to work with Career Development, Southwest Florida Workforce Development Board and Express Employment in an effort to assist homeless individuals with employment and tuition assistance. 01 adn,enn eei.,.ce dim ueeeluMnem el Precaution eoucanon, onto care, legal services, and economic empowerment services to ensure effective linkage and coordination with the ultimata goal of securing permanent housing. Describe the COCS long -term (10 year) plan to increase the percentage of participants in all CoC4unded projects who are employed at program exit to 20 percent or mo�w(f(`�t, to 1000 characters) : The CoC will assist homeS 1 individuals with employment and Cullen assistance wi4 °se management The Shelter for Abused dme!y.and Children and various agencies will continue case managemenP'se i aan�tl c a opment of prevention education, child care, legal services, antl eco"Somic empowerment services to ensure effective linkage and coordination w` h Bie,Lyl0 -ate goal of securing permanent housing. L Exbib1112011 Page 61 09/302011 Packet Page -1613- 10/2512011 Item 16.0.1. Applicant NapleacColller County CoC FLE 6 Project: FL606 CoC Registration 2011 COO REG 2011_D37245 ^ 3A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Strategic Planning Objectives Objective 5: Decrease the number of homeless households with children Instructions: Ending scs u ltr�n a n households living on tstreets or Drug plae not eanfohumahabition is a important HUD priority CoC; can accomplish this goal by creating new beds and/or providing additional suppotlive services for this population. next on 1 calalled Instructions" which can be accessed 43 In 12 months, what will be the total qumbera 309 of homeless households with children'. In 5 years, what will be the total number 21 _Cf f of homeless households with children? q Lf_,.�.., In 10 years, what will be the total number 5ap of homeless households with children? Describe the CoCs short -term (12 month) plan to decrease the number of homeless households with children (limit 1000 characters): Preventing and ending homelessness among households with children is an important priority in our Community and the CoC works collaboratively with the Public Schools and the Liaison for Homeless Education to provide housing and services for this population. In the short term, the Liaison for Homeless Education will continue to identity children, youth and families experiencing homelessness and refer those families to available programs that match the specific needs of the families. Motel vouchers will be available through the Hunger 8 Homeless Coalition of Collier County along with financial assistance for homeless prevention. The Housing Authority4s Rapid Re- housing program will continue after HPRP funding ends and will help families quickly move out of homelessness and into permanent housing. The Shelter for Abused Women and Children will continue to play a key role in providing a safe place for victims and help families achieve housing stability. Exhibit 2011 Page 62 09/3o120i1 PacketPaae-1544- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naplea/Oolfel County CoC FL606 Project: FL 606 CoC Re9rstration 2011 COC REG 2011 037265 Describe the CoCs long -term (10 year) plan to decrease the number of homeless households with children (limit 1000 characters): The CoC has aligned me Community Ten Year Plan to end homelessness goals with the goals outlined in the Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness. Goa13 of the Federal Plan is to end homelessness for famili youth, and children in 10 years. Collier County COC will continue to work do with the Liaison for Homeless Education and the Public Schools to identify children, youth and families. These families will be given priority for gnancia assistance for homeless prevention and rapid re- housing serviceii Community Ten Year Plan outlines strategies to help Youth experiencing homeless get what they need. The COC will continue to Rxnlnre shelter be cotnpleted and acted on. r 4+ l AV or. Exbibi112D11 Page 63 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1615- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Na myColller County CDC FL -606 Project: FL 606 CDC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 ^ 3B. Continuum of Care (CoC) Discharge Planning Instructions: The McKinney -Vento Act requires that State and local governments have policies and protocols In place to ensure that persons being discharged mom publicly - funded institutions or systems Of Commnot discharged immediately Into homelessness. To the maximum extent practicable, are of Care should demonstrate how Nay are coordinating with anchor assisting in State Or cal discharge lanning effects to ensure that discharged Persons are of released directly to the streets, emergency h s somitersor tther prionnes-Venb homeless assistance programs (SHP, S,C, SRO). For each system of care, CoC are to address the following'. What Describe the efforts that the CoC has taken W ensure Nat persons are not routinely 1.. me...e,.f nmc. c.n f-vir, 1,1111d scontrols address the programs . e for ensuring that is homelessness. For additional Instructions, regito the'ExM:iil t Decried Instructions" which can be accessed on the left- hand menu bar. For each system of care identified below describe the CoC's efforts in coordinating with andlor assisting in the development of local discharge planning policies that ensure personcere no( routinely discharged into homelessness, including the streets, emedgency homeless shelters, or other McKinney-Vento homeless assistance housing programs. Review ALL instructions to ensure that each narrative is fully responsive (limit 1500 characters). j: � �i- Foster Care (Youth Aging Out): The CoC will be in close contact with the Independent Living Court System, Children's Network of Southwest Florida, as well as Children's Home Society an effort to tack those children in the Foster Care System who are close to aging out and to plan for unmet housing needs. Independent Living resources will be utilized first and encouraged for all applicable children. If Independent Living Is not an option existing transitional housing will be looked Into for these children. Health Care: Agencies: Neighborhood Health Clinic, Naples Community Hospital, Collier Health Services and PLAN Estimated Timeline: 24 months The CoC is working on the development of a protocol with the Health Care system. The CoC is also collaborating with Florida Gulf Coast University and Naples Community Hospital staff. Health care discharges routinely go to St. Matlhew's House or the Shelter for Abused Women and Children. Exhibit 2011 Page 64 OB /30/2011 Packet Page -1646- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant :Naples /Collier County CoC FL-606 Project: FLF06 COG Registration 2011 COG REG_2011_037245 /\ Mental Health: The Florida Department of Children a Families oversees the process of discharge planning for adults with mental illnesses who have been remanded to state institutional custody. Each individual transferred to a state mental hospital is assigned a community case manager. The case manager works on discharge planning with the hospital treatment team throughout fine person's hospital stay. These discharge plans must be approved by the State and may not include discharges to shelters or the streets. The State often provides contingency funding for housing and other supports if the person needs assistance funding the agreed upon discharge plan. Corrections: supports, includ preparation and Collier Criminal Justice, Mental The Council has created a the needs of individuals return E R.1 or Exhibit 12011 1 Page 65 09/302011 Packer Page -V547- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Collier County CoC FL -606 project: FLd06 CoC Registration 2011 COG REG 2011 037205 ^ 3C. Continuum of Care (CoC) Coordination Instructions: A CoC should regularly assess its local homeless assistance system and identity gaps and met needs. CoCS improve their communities through long -term strategic planning. Cods are un encouraged b counter pacific goals and implement grant term action step Because of the complexity of existing homeless systems and me need to coordinate multiple funding somires and p al there are often ultiple long- ten, strategic planning groups. It is imperative for Code to coordinate. as approace s with each of these existing strategic planning groups to meet Ideal needs. For additional instructions, refer to the 6Exhibit 1 Detailed Imoductionst, which can be accessed on the IeflJmnd menu bar. Yes add 50 bedw the local initiative, as nan 2008 The CoC is participaing in the HPRP initiative with 7member agencies providing direct assistance to eligible clients for homeless prigention, housing stabilization, Rapid Rehousing and data collection and ublizatft Coordination efforts include monthly agenda item topics discussed at COC meetings and ongoing marketing and referrals of the program involArg the entire Continuum of Care. Describe how the CoC is participating in or coordinating with any of the following: Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) initiative, HUD VASH, or other HUD managed American Reinvestment and Recovery Act programs (2500 character limit)? The local Workforce Development Career and Service Center presents at Continuum meetings on the status of ARRA jobs programs. The Lead Agency updates the Continuum on NSP progress and opportunities for potential eligible buyers. The Shelter for Abused Women and Children is continuing two ARRA funded programs including closely working wit DCF and the State Attorney's Office. ExM1IL1112011 Page 66 OB /302ott Packet Page -16cs- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Naples/Collier County OoC FL 606 Project: FLd06 COG Registration 2011 COG REG 2011 037205 Packet Page 1649- Indhste 0the COC has established policies Yes that require homeless assistance providers to ensure all children are enrolled in school and connected to appropriate services within the community? If yes, please describe the established policies that are In currently in place. Describe the COC's efforts to collaborate with local education agencies to assist in the identification of homeless families and inform them of their eligibility for McKinney -Vento education services. (limit 1500 characters) Describe how the COC has, and will continue, to consider the educational needs of children when families are placed in emergency or transitional shelter. (limit 1500 characters) Describe the CoC's cdfrent efforts to combat homelessness among veterans. NarrativeihouldIt ifv nrnaniratlnnt that nre .,,rre„u„ {J' homeless in the ExM1i61112011 P0806] 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1649- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NapieLCOUIer County COC FL 6o6 Project: FL-606 COC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011_037245 31). Hold Harmless Need (HHN) Reallocation Instructions: Continuum of Care (CoC) Hold Hamdess Need (HHN) Reallocation Is a process whereby an eligible CoC may reallocate funds in whale or In pan from SHP renewal projects to create one or ig ew permanent housing projects and /or a new dedicated HMIS project. A CoC �s eligible to use HHN Reallocation It its Final Pro Rate Need (FPRN) Is based on Its HHN amount or it is recall approved merged CoC that used the Hold Harmless Merger process during the FV2011 COC Registration process. Pro Rata Need (PPRN) is not eligible t0 and should therefore always select 'No' b the For additional methods sdrefetptfie "Exhlbl l Detailed lnstmcfons' which can be accessed On the left hard menu bar al /qp Does the CoC want to ra II c e tundsform No one or more expiring SHP grants) into ,one or - more new permanent housing or detlicate `2j^ ^ Is the CoCs Final Pro Rata Need (FPRN) hir 2 based on either its Hold R. Harmless Need(HH N) amount or the Hold °�4Cia Harmless Merger process? } -"�s;i CoCs who are In PPRN status are not eligible to reallocate protects through the HHN reallocation process. Exhlba12c11 Page 6B oB/30I201t Packet Page -1651} 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleslCollier County CoC FLE06 Project: FL606 CoC Registration 2011 CDC REG 2011 037245 i1 4A. Continuum of Care (CoC) 2010 Achievements Instructions In Me FY2010 CoC applicatim, DOES were asked to propose achieve men is for each of HUD's fie national pallidness related to end ng chock homelessness and moving individuals and families to permanent housing donedruH¢ieny through employment Coi will report on their actual accomplishments since FY2010 versus the proposed accomplishments. In the column labeled FY2010 Proposed Numeric Achievement enter the number of beds, percentage, or number of households that were entered in to Frio application for the applicable objective. In the column labeled Actual Numeric Achievement enter the actual number of beds, democratic, or number of households Nat the CoC reached to date for each objective. CoCs will also indicate If they submitted an Exhibit r In FY2010. If a CoC did not submit an Exhibit 1 in FY2010, enter] NQ tO the question. Copy that did not fully meet the proposed numeric achievement f ''any of Ngobjectives should indicate Me mason in He narrative section Ar' O Fore additional amts Instructions, refer fix 6. M1'ibit 1 Detailed Instructions which can be accessed Fore left -M1a let hand bac 'Syvrf objective FY2010 Proceed Norman east furnace Alhisewerwe O9I30/2011 Packet Page -1551- rm....r I'm thee. 62 B com for the enmmc.ry nem.ae.. he he ... Maee of re of wirwin, inuessit 5, percent housing mnN M na ed brrer�n neM Fpm ni ybtl�laaYl across the d,W a hi zbecrlbtlleaar am0loyetl 2en 0 % Di the turnover of Inkenn as 30 Hole"Imed, 29 H it Exhibit 1201t 1 Page 69 O9I30/2011 Packet Page -1551- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Naple culler County CoC FL -606 Project: FL 606 CoC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011_037205 ^ Did the CoC submit an Exhibit 1 application in Yes FY2010? If the CoC was unable to reach its FY2010 proposed numeric achievement for any of the national objectives, provide a detailed explanation (limit 1500 characters) Collier County is experiencing unemployment rates above the national average, creating barriers to achieving the goal of increasing persons employed at exit. The Shelter's transitional housing program Is a two -year program and no participants exited this year. V, r y y e:. I Exhibit 12011 Pege ]0 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1652 r^ 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/COIIIer County COG FL -606 Project: FL -606 C0C Registration 2011 CDC REG 2011 037245 4B. Continuum of Care (CoC) Chronic Homeless Progress Instructions HUD tracks each COOS progress toward ending chronic homelessness. In the FY2011 CDC NOFA, chronically homeless is defined as an unaccompanied homeless individual verb a disabling rondition, or a family with at least one adult member who has a disabling condition, who has either been continuously homeless for at least a year OR has had at least four episodes of homelessness In the last those(3)years . COOS are b track changes from one year to the next In the number of chronically homeless persons as well as the number of beds available for Nis population. COOS will complete this section using data reported for the FY2009. FY2010. and FY2011 if applicable) point in time ants as well as the data collected and reported on the Housing Inventory Counts for those same years. For eaol(ylrar indicate the local unduplicated point n -Y e count of chronically homeless agFenorleQ,m that year. For FY2009 and FY2010, this number should match the number Indicated on toxin 2J of me respective years Exhibit 1. For FY2011, this number should m ndithe numbereMared on the Homeless Data Exchange(HDX). Indicate the [otaaof on cHronically homeless persons and total number of permanenE Fousing beds designated for the chronically homeless pprsons in theilCi for FY2009, FY2010. and FY2011. Y... HUD M on x�i:7on suu Lmel Fnreu 17 -1653- 19 5� xf 52 Iso Indicate the number of new permanent 2 housing beds in place and made available for occupancy f-e for the chronically homeless between February 1, 2010 and January 31, 2011. Identify the amount of funds from each funding source for the development and operations costs of the new permanent housing beds designated for the chronically homeless, that were created between February 1, 2010 and January 31, 2011. c..l typ HUD M on ban Fall suu Lmel Fnreu Packet Page -1653- L l Iso [so E$c Aso s, Exhibdl zo++ Pagers g9r3przgn Packet Page -1653- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NapleyC011ier County CoC FLb06 Project: FL 606 CoC Registration 2011 COC_REG_2011 037245 H the number of chronically homeless persons increased or ff the number of permanent beds designated for the chronically homeless decreased, please explain (limit 750 characters): The PIT count had more volunteers that were able to cover more areas and the homeless service providers did their best to relay the message to the homeless population that the PIT serves to help the community and the homeless should be encouraged to participate. Economy controlled to suffer yet another year adding to the numbers. The weather was very accomodating for survey taking which may mean it was easier to access people to count. n` a7 E3. Exhibit 1 2011 Page 92 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1654- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleLC011ler County CoC FL-506 Project: FLE06 CoC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 r\ 4C. Continuum of Care (CoC) Housing Performance Instructions All CoC funded non Hi projects are required to submit an Annual Performance Report (APR), or Transition APR (TAPR) within 90 days of a given operating year To resonance performance on parrapants remaining in permanent housing for more than six months, Corte for the most recent operating eyear Pro lecprojects K that did not submit an oreTARR, on time most also be included in this calculation. as was Detailed Instructions' which can be accesed Does the CoC have any permanent housings'F projects (SHP -PH or S +C) for which au APR i was required to be submiHed? +,1.Z "a vi Houses (PH l severe of "It'd Turn .... t housing preKNh Page 93 in N11h, It pshempasts who ea act Is.. in. prgwge) Is Wine 1655- vlae amenmewmns. .tuber of carillpems who ale son not Ind neni mr less thin TOTAL H nth Instructions; Exhibit12011 Page 93 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1655- 10/2512011 Item 16.x.1. Applicant: Naples/Coll'rer County COC FL 606 Project FLL06 COD Registration 2011 COC REG_2011_037245 ^ HUD will also assess COC performance in moving participants In SHP transitional housing programs Into permanent housing. To demonstrate performance. COCs must use data on all transitional housing projects that should have submitted an APR, or TAPR, for be most recant operating year Proleds that did not submit an APR, or TAPR, on time mush also be included in this calculation. Complete the bible below using cumulative data entered for Question 14 on the most recent Submitted APR. C29 on the TAPR, for all transitional housing projects (SHP -TH) within the Chi that should have submitted one Once amounts have been entered into a. and is selection ipld bto coclht do noth Sper c`required by a multiplied y o sia HP -TH roojets ownhan APRw ' should we vied No to the question below This only applies to Co05lhat do not have any Coo funded transitional housing protects currently operating within her CoC that should have submitted an APR. Does Col have any transitional housing Yes projects (SHP -TH) for which an APR was requuzd to be submitted? Exhibit 12011 Page ]4 09/3o/20fl Packet Page 1656- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Napleadoff er County CDC FL 606 Project: FL-606 CDC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037205 41). Continuum of Care (CoC) Enrollment in Mainstream Programs and Employment Information Instructions HUD assess performance financing do gs a e e em as tton se income nd impm eassuch ahelth educatinsy and /or economic tomes of homeless persons. To demonstrate performance, Corte muss use data n all non-HMIS projects (SHP-PH, SHP -SH, SHP SSO, S +C TRA)SIRM PRA/SRO) that should have submitted an APR (error the HUD40118 or the HUD APR in e-Anaps) for the most recent oalcating year Projects that did not submit an APR on time must also be included in this funded non HMlS projects burning o erati 2j. lh' tort CPS that shoo ltl have committed an APR. For additional instructions, f[IM1 L AM1Eli Detailed lnslml which Can be accessatl on the left-hand menu bar. As Ideal Total Number of Exiting Adults :h k`Iy . uamat.am sa.m am aia expansions, w•Io-carculaiam Page 75 si 10 % s. so<p�ai war 0 0 % m 0anafit, 1 14 % larrial Ini 1 to it over morm, ah.r(Phan Arabia all x W, ni Renames 10 LO I it Exhi61112011 Page 75 09/302011 Packet Page 1657. 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleNColaer Pounry COO FL -606 Project FL- 606 COC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037205 ^ The percentage values will be calculated by the system when you click the asave" button. Does the CoC have any non -HM15 projects for Yes which an APR was required to be submitted? mob:; Y` Exhibit 12011 Page 76 00/30/2011 Packet Page -165& n 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/C011ler Counry CoC FL 606 Project: FL 606 COG Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 4E. Continuum of Care (CoC) Participation in Energy Star and Section 3 Employment Policy Instructions: HUD promotes energy -among housing. All McKinnsay-Vento funded pm acts are encouraged to purchase and use erEysaygSttar labeled produce. For information on Me �rergy Star initiative go to A "Search 3 business mncem' Is one in winch'. 51% or more of the owners are Section 3 residents of the area Of services; or at least 30% of its permanent full-time employees are ami or within residents of years l with the busing s concemwerre Series 3resitl nts, or ev dence of commitment to subcontract greater than 25 % of the dollar award of all subcontracts to businesses that meat Me qualifications In the above categones is provided The Section 3 clause can be round at 24 CFR Pal 135. Has the CoC nc ed its members of Yes Are any projects withil CoCryequecting No funds for houskrIIorehabititation or ExM1Ibi112011 Page]] 09/30/2011 Packet Page-1659- 10/252011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NacfeslCorier County CoC FL -606 project FL 606 CoC Fogishabon 2011 COC REG 2011 037245 ^ 4F. Continuum of Care (CoC) Enrollment and Participation in Mainstream Programs It is fundamental that each CoC systematically help homeless persons to identify, apply for, and follow -up to receive benefits under SSI, SSDI, TANF, Medicaid, Food Stamps, SCHIP, WIA, and Veterans Health Care as well as any other Stale or Local program that may be applicable, as the CoC systematically analyze its Yes eta APRs in order to improve access to mainstream programs? If'Yes% describe the process and the frequency that it occurs. The APR is reviewed ann)ally before submission to HUD. roes the CoC ha�an active plaPning Yes per year to improve coo -wme ps�hc panon in mainstream programs? If "Yes ", indicate all ma Sing deals in the past 12 months. October 12,2010 '` -� November 9.2010 k� (" december 14 2010 .uj january 11.2011 �,v,_ .� febuary 8.2011 ±. mir april 12.2011 E may 17.2011 webcasl F ry+ june 14.2011 <L1 "' July 12.2011 /1,.aY�3Y seplember 13.2011 Does the CoC coordinate with the State Yes Interagency Council on Homelessness to reduce or remove barriers to accessing mainstream services? Does the CoC anchor its providers have Yes specialized staff whose primary responsibility is to Identify, enroll, and follow -up with homeless persons on participation in mainstream programs? If yes, identify these staff members Both Does the CoC systematically provide Yes training on how to identify eligibility and program changes for mainstream programs to provider staff. Exhibit 1 2011 Page 78 1 W /3012011 Packet Page 1660. 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Naoles/colrer County CoC FL-606 Project FL-606 CoC Re9lslrztlon 2011 COC REG 2011 03]245 /\ If" Yes ",specify the frequency of the training. Bi- monthly Does the CoC use HMIS as a way to screen No for mainstream benefit eligibility? If "Yes", Indicate for which mainstream programs HMIS completes screening. Has the CoC participated in SOAR training? Yes If "Yes ", indicate training date(s). In October 29 2010 the CoC hosted a SOAR training in Collier County. Attendees completed the training, including case managers working with chronically homeless individuals. t Z, YfY Ali <A r.- EzM1iM11112011 Page ]9 09/3012011 Packet Page -1661- 1025/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NaplerdColller County CoC FLE06 Project: FL606 CoC RegisVaGon 2011 COC REG_2011 037245 4G: Homeless Assistance Providers Enrollment and Participation in Mainstream Programs Indicate the percentage of homeless assistance providers that are implementing the following activities: hpaa ary ienr Percentage _..w.m pound acqus.wns , o r mamm,am naxme. Winq M1eeDmpiebn Cenbr LMifieOlPgaazRCnu ezbnamavaeElabeizin m °ag10lou.onz applyYa aulm m a nua to, me, to a no nona✓x 3. Hountmes% nlnq,aaae tla par which maindrolon acceptance previders, use a san the bimnPoll9mt M four or man mmmnmam IlP..apwtn, fro] rye 9lazzez.aM ensure mainstream momma, me raVelaed ueuMeCCE55FLORIeP mmaputx wrlsta 1, Al, pze managementb w m, Ceze"map"' blbwap wlm an sonaappnreibns Cr cxmun names per I. ExM1iGit120t1 Page 80 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1662- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NaplealC011ier County CoC FL -606 Project: FL£O6 Chic Registration 2011 COG REG 2011_03]245 Continuum of Care (CoC) Project Listing Instructions IMPORTANT'. Prior to sorting the CoC Project Listing. CoCs should recently review the "CoC Protect Listing reactions' and the "CoC Project Lisrmg9raining module, both of which are ava iame at www.M1ndhremfomn naps. To upload all Exhibit 2 applications that have been submitted to this CoC, cock on to Lac button. This process will take longer based upon the number of projects that need to be located. The CoC can either work on other parts of Exhibit 1 or it can log out ate -amps and me back later to view the updated list To review a project click on the next to each project to view project details. Pro ject Name O ete Submitted Grant I Term applicant Name Bud9at Amount Proj Type Pro9Type I Comp Type Rank A ""V&, This list contains no items 4x, Ft�pp: � ojr' fi'Y.. E ExM1ib11120t1 Page 81 09/30/2011 Packet Page -1663- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NapleoColller County CoC Fl- 606 Project: FL606 CoO Registration 2011 COC REG 2011_03]265 ^ Budget Summary FPRN $0 Permanent Housing Bonus $0 SPC Renewal $0 Rejected $0 IM lP r� 1,! Exhibit 1 2011 Page 02 08/30f1011 Packet Page -1664- 10/25/2011 Item 16.13.1. Applicant: NapleslCollier County CoC FLE06 Project FL 606 CoC RegisVeGon 2011 COC_REG_2011_037245 Attachments Document Type RequlretlT Document 0esctlptlon Date Abachetl Cenifcation of naslency with the Consolitlatetl Plan Yes Packet Page 1665- f `tom ` Y ' Pja A�c ` ExM1i61112011 Page 83 09/30/2011 Packet Page 1665- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NagleslCollier County CoC Ft. 606 Project: FL-606 CoC Registration 2011 COC REG 2011 03]245 Attachment Details Document Description: yF }� Exhibit 12011 Page ea 0913012011 Packet Pate 1665- 10/25/2011 Item 16.41. Applicant: NapleYC011ier County CoC FL -606 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 030860 Before Starting the Project Application HUD strongly encourages ALL project applicants to review the following information BEFORE beginning the application . detaied instructions within We document on the left menu of this also available online at www.huahreinfoosnaps, to help successfully a- naps the must be consistent e.hmnz Pagel _ _ ogrzgrz6n Packet Page 1667 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Colller County CDC Fin 606 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 044860 1A. Application Type Instructions: 1. Type of Submission -This field is populated the Application option, and cannot be changed 2. Type of Application (required) Select New Project or' Renewal Fuel to indicate whether the project Is eligible for new or renewal funds tluhng the current competition . Renewal protect applications are defined as those HUD McKinney -Vento grants that have received funding in a previous competition and are eligible to renew during life current compeGLOn. All other applications are defined as new proleds. 3. Date Received - No action needed This fold Is automatically populated with the date on which the application is submitted The date populated cannot be edited 4. Applicant Identifier - Leave Nis field blank. 5a. Fetleral Entity Identlfle eaave this field blank 5b Federal 2010 project is rted!Th Cold willrbe blank for any first time renewal applicafi for The m Date Received by State -Leave this fieltl blank. 1. State Application Identifier Leave iM1I6 field blank�. Additional R sources Z{? F, A� rc� Application Damned Instructions (on left re nu ntlp Perhaps dudhminfo F�y, 1. Type of Submission !Y lb 2. x 2. Type of Application: Renewal Project W ff Revision, select appropriate latteris): If "Other ", specify: 4. 3. Date Received: 09/29/2011 4. Applicant Identifier: 5a. Federal Entity Identifier: 5b. Federal Award Identifier FL0294B4DO61003 (e _g expiring grant number) 6. Date Received by Stale: T. State Application Identifier; Exhibit Paget og/2B/2011 Packet Page -1668- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Naplesl0ollier County CDC FL -606 Project HMIS Renewal MP 2011 006860 1 B. Legal Applicant Instructions: B. Applicant Information- The applicant information populated on The forth comes from the AppliantRafJe, and must reflect the information for the applicant organization that can legal request homeless assistance funding fmm HUD a. Legal Name The legal name of the applicant polarization is populated on this form from the Applicant Profile. It is important Mat the organization has registered with the Central Contractor Registry . Information on registering with CCR may be obtained online at HUD Reshape hudme. info. In EmploysTaxpayer Number tElNI -The EINITIN for the applicant organization is online at - is populated on this form from and division of Me applicant crapshooter is Aelbanlers point or pon®mor me oppose flux notion n Populated on the form from the De p may planar (tierC �mh ed representative. Additional R sources Appicaman Detailed In t ut (on left me ) 't f''Cc has Insurers more mm 8. Applicant ,a, kw. a. Legal Name: Collier County Bibil County Commissioners In Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number 59- 6000558 p (EINITINI: W,N: cl. Address Street 1: 3339 Tan iami Trail East Street 2: Suite 211 City: Naples County: Collier State: Florida ExM1ib112 Page 3 09129/2011 Packet Page -1669- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples/Coll er County CoC FL -606 Project: HM IS Renewal ME 2011 044060 Country: United States ^ Zip I Postal Code: 34112 -5361 e. Organizational Unit (optional) Department Name: Housing,Human Veteran Services Division Name: Public Services f. Name and contact information of parson to be contacted on matters involving this application Prefix: Ms. Rv4' First Name: Margo Castorena Title: Grants Manager Organizational Affiilation: Co ier County Board of County Commissioners ^ A Telephone Number x,(239) 252 -2912 Extension Fax Number: (239) 252- 263A`- o, Email: m goca orena @Colliergov net Exhibit 1 Page4 99/29/2011 Packet Page -1670 Applicant: Napkinv lller County CoC Project: HMIs Renewal MP 2011 1C. Application Details Instructions 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. FL-609 0448W 9_ Type of Applicant'. (required) This led is populated horn the a -snaps Applicant Profile Applicants cannot modify the populated data on this form. However. applicants may modify the Applicant Profile to correct any enors i lasined. 10. Name Of Federal Agency Cold populated with the Department of Housing and urban Development The field cannot be edited. 11 Cal Of Federal Domestic Assistance Numberrtitle :(required) - select the applicable program type - SHP, S +C, or SRO. The selection will automatically populate the CFDA number field on this form, and will drive the list of components available on form 3A. Project Detail of this application. 13. Competition lde'nCfication Atldiponal Resources Application Detailed Instrucbo her flesnaps hudNe info 9. Type � If "Other "pl automatically populate with the funding which assistance Is requested, as found in - Leave this field blank. 10. Name of Federal Agency: 11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: CFDA Number: 12. Funding Opportunity Number: Title: 13. Competition Identification Number: Title: Government Department oicHousing and Urban Development SCR 6t 14.235 YY cirl l FR- 5500 -N -34 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Competition ExM1ibit2 Pages 0 9 /2 912 011 Packet Page -16)1- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naplesl0olllm County COE FL -606 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 044860 1D. Congressional District(s) Instructions: 14. Areas Arcedea By Project(reguired) select the arme d) in which the proposed Protect will operate and sense homeless areas and congressional distmes displayed elsewhere inithis application the flat of geographic 15. Detested Title of Applicants Protect field Populates rho 2011 project mine from me Project form. Return to the Project form, to make changes to the name. "in me e- snaps Applicant Profile. Applicant cannot n. However, applicants may motli(y M8 Applicant Profile to sessional oldn 51 In which the protect operates. For new (required) - holders the pressing start and end date indicate the estimated operating said and end date of 18 . Estimated 14. Areal affected by the project (stale(sFFhada '- only) (for multiple selections hold CTRL +Key) ` "kin. 15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project HMIS ReneMp- 201.1 16. Congressional District(s): y a. Applicant: FL -014, FL -025 b. Project: FL -014 (for multiple selections hold CTRL +Key) 17. Proposed Project a. Start Date: 0510112011 b. End Date: 0413012012 18. Estimated Funding ($) Exhibit 1 Page 09l?9/2011 Packet Page -16T2- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NaploslColller County CoC `LL 6 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 094660 a. Federal: It. Applicant: c. State: E. Local: e. Other: f. Program Income: g. TOTAL: X7�K' �t Ercblblt2 Page 09I29M11 Packet Page 1673- Applicant NapleseCollier County COC Protect HMIB Renewal MP 2011 1E. Compliance Instructions 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. FL606 060660 19. 1s Application Subject to Review By Sate Executive Order 12372 Process? (required)- Select the appropriate box that applies to the Applicant applying for homeless assistance funding - Applicants should contact the Shale Single Point of Correct Eli for Federal Executive Order 12372 to determine whether are application' is subject to the State Intergovernmental review process. If'YES' is selected enter the date this application was made available to me State for review. 20. Is the Applicant Caliquent on any Fedowl Di(required) - Select we appropriate box that applies to the Applicant applying for homeless assistance funding. TM1ls question applies to the applicant l oorganization inq t of the disallowances person w1wo 6i?myas the tl autthorized representative . Canovanas of It "YES'ia selected lndud �a" plarrown In the space provided on this screen. Additional R e pry+ Application ' Debate me Im 1 ( nlothonu) hnp:ee p nudm6 fj� ,M' I 19. Is the Application Sable State Executive Order If "YES ", enter the date this made available to the 20. Is the Applicant delinquent on any Federal debt? If "YES;' provide an explanation: c Program is not covered by E.O. 12372. `<y Exhibit2 Page 8 091292011 Packet Page 1674- 10/25/2011 Applicant: Naples /Collier County CoC Project: HMIS Renewal be 2011 Item 16.D.1. FLL08 Where n P 1F. Declaration Instructions: Mr. ` I Agree: (reeuland)- Sell Ma check next to 'I Agree to (1) ceNty to the statements dentamed Fred In the list of c mfeatiens", (2) clent that the statements herein are true, complete, and W accurate b the best of my mandrel (3)[edify Nat Me required assurances" am provided, Coyle it I and fraudulent statements of claims msnmresulting b ct theaauthorl ed representative antl Meaeppl caotr BCC Chair organization to criminal, civil or administrative penalties Au. S. Code, Title 218, Seuilon 1001) Number: "The list of compensate and assurances are contained In the CoC NOFA and In the a snaps (Format: Applicant Peale. By signing and submitting this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifi cation `gs"�' and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete, anQaicur`ate to.tha best of my knowledge. l also provide the require tl assurances' and agree to comply with any resultin terms if I accept an award. I aaware tiittaany false, fictitious, or /-� fraudulent statements or claims may,, o set me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. [ U.S: Coye \Tit] , 18, Bection 1001) I AGREE: t" P 21. Authorized Representative Prefix: Mr. ` First Name: Fred Middle Name: W Last Name: Coyle Suffix: Title: BCC Chair Telephone Number: (239) 252 -8097 (Format: 123358 -7890) Fax Number: (239) 252 -6668 (Format: 123356 -7890) ExMbit 2 Page 9 09129/2011 Packet Page -1675- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleNCollar County CoC FL W6 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 O"tro Email: Fre Coyle @aolliergov.net ^ Signature of Authorized Representative: Considered signed upon submission in e- snaps. Dale Signed: 09/2912011 a`s � et Ernieil2 I Page 10 09/29/2011 Packet Page -1676- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant kim eslC011ler County CoC FL 606 Project HMIS Renewal MP 2011 0"860 2A. Project Sponsor(s) This form lists the sponsor organization(s) for the project. To add a sponsor, select the icon. To view or update sponsor information already listed, select the view option. Organization Type This list contains no items g- is b �\ EXhjbu2 Pagers 00129/2011 Packet Page -16]]- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleyCollier County COG FLE06 Project: HERS Renewal MP 2011 040860 3A. Project Detail Instructions Complete an rieids on this form as appropriate. Remse any information populated from Me FY2e10 appecation. to enure acw racy and ompieteness Of the mmrmatiOn Submitted in this yeas application. The selections made on this form so fo will determine the remaining forms that must be completed wit this application. 1. Federal Explore and Strain on form (A Appl'¢ffion Type ofgthis application entered as the g. Project Name: (mld'populami Me 2011 project name from Me Project forth. Return to the Project forth, to maku� eeh snges to the name. 4- Protect Tooe usual the orocar Noe (new or renewed as selected on form 1A. ]. Energy star fammog select Yes or No to Indicate wastes or net enemy star is being for wall be) used at one or more of the propertair tht II receive say ltr using the quested funtla. e „�. w S \. cTitlev:( required)- salad Yes or No toindicate wheth 'm oneoimore of the project properties has been conveyed under Tore v. 9.5 cs connection with another TH or PH project select Yea Nob late whetheror not the project Is previding (or will prodded aupp nave services to,o Participants m another permanent housing or transitional housing project. .Y 10. moval SHP: (required) - select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the propwed project Is to be considered under the Innovative Supportive Housing component If yes Indicate in me project description (en farm 28 of this application) how the project represents a car oefively different approach when viewed within its geographic area, is a sensble model for others, and can be replicated elsewhere. An applicant should net pmpOse a project under this component unless a mmpelling case is made that these m aril can be met. Additional resources: Application Decried Instructions (en left menu) hltpl/esnal hudm mf0 HIM flitsew.hudhre efficaex. Cmldo= viewHomelessAndHousingProgram Info 1. Expiring Grant Number FL029464DO61003 op the "Fee l Award Itl arms"intliwted on form IA. Application Type) Exhibit 1 Page 12 0911 Packet Page -16]8- i1 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant Naples; Cotner County CoC FL -008 Protect HMIS Renewal MP 2011 0448M 2. CoC Number and Name FL- 606 - Naples/Colller County CoC 3. Project Name HMIS Renewal MP 2011 4. Project Type Renewal Project S. Program Type SHP Content depends on "CFDA Number" selection 6. Component Type HMIS Content depends on "Program Type' selection ]. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the No properties within this project? 8. Does this project include one r more Title No �° V properties? 9. Is the projeciprovidinitservices to No participants in anolbei PH o Hp roject? 10. IS the Proposed protect submitted for, No aS•'� Exhibit Page t3 09/29/2011 Packet Page -16>9- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant; Naplea/O011ler County CoC Fl-605 Proli HMIS Renewal MP 2011 046060 Instructions: 3B. Project Description A Ir f K H . °S Exhibit Page 14 0929/2011 Packet Page -1680 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NapleNC011ler County CoC FL-606 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 064860 Complete all roams , to this tore, as racy and co pleenens mrne information populated sub itte me years a application, to ensure eaanreay era completeness or me'mrorma6on aubmlttea In this years application, sensors 2. HMIS Need: (required) - Describe how needs assessment, resource allocation and sen'i0e coordination will be Improved through the new or `paned! HMJS`pmjed. 3. StatelFetleral Funding Overlap (required) em onstracts that HUD funs for Its project will not replace state or local government funds 4V NEW SHP -TH PROJECTS ONLY 3. Maximum length of stay:(requiret Indicate the maximum allowab ongtli of occupant' for persons participatng in the project a"c NEW SHP -PH ONLY <.. 3 More than 16 persons Ming In one structure '. hismied select Yes or No to indicate if more than 16 persons reside (or will reside) In any one of the structures assisted with SHP funds requested through this appllcaricn. If there are more than 16 people, then an explanation Is required as to how local market congress necessitate this size, and how neighborhood integration can be achieved for the residents. For more information on the 16-person limit see Section 426(c) of the McKinney -Vento Act. NEW S +C -TRA ONLY 3. Housing selectimc (required) - select Yes or No to indicate whether or not participants are required to live In particular structures or units during the fast year and In a particular area within the locality in subsequent yeare, or to live In a particular area for the entire period of Participator. Additional resources: hUt llemapa.huame.info hphwew.hudhreal index . cM?ao= viewHomeless naHoosingProgrammfo Exhan tt2 Page 15 09OScso11 Packet Page 1681- 10/25/2011 Item MAJ. Applicant: NaplealColller County CoC FL 606 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 064660 1. Provide a description of the project that addresses its entire scope, including the needs of the communitid arg rt population. Renewing the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), a computerized system that allows agencies to track service usage over time on a client -level basis. The HMIS provides shared data between participating agencies, ensuring a more comprehensive delivery of services as well as providing aggregate data to support HUD homeless initiatives such as AHAR, HPRP, and Point -in -Time counts. The HMIS data collected is used to identify needs of the County and CoC to further focus funds to the appropriate services and projects. } w e Ate Exhibit Page 16 0929/2011 Packet Page 1682 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applique: NaplereCollier County CoC FLE06 Project HMIB Renewal MP 2011 060860 Funding Request Instructions: The fields Nat must be completed on this torn will vary based on me project type, program type. and component type. 1a. Operating by September 30.2013? (required)- select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the grant agreement will be execute and the project will begin operating by September 30, 2013. Unmitigated brims will not be available after September 30, 2013, NEW PROJECTS ONLY 1 b. Are special housing funds being requested for this pmjacl? (required) - select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the project is requesting funds under the Permanent Housing Bonus permanent category If yeojeck��egqreyaa, Impact fwii Pb Bonus erred to funds as a new P Bonus project Only 2 Is this projectusing itHi realkisited mnast( required ) - select Yes or No to indicate whether Bonus. ar red) - select Yes or No to indicate or more grants, as appmvea through whole) under a sap housing previously recd a funds under one of nic Homeless, Permanent Housing he meant must continue to meet the seat to continue to receive renewal 2 Has this project been reduced through the HH leallgcefion process ?(required) -aspect Yes or No to indicate wheher IM1e renewal project Is n, uchid thi ugh Ne H N reallocation process. NEW AND RENEWAL PROJECTS: 3. Grant term(rquired) - Indicate the number of years for which new or newal funding is being request The number of years Nat can be selected will vary de iingop the project type and program type. IF SHP accepts only) -all projects may indicate only those activities listed on the 2011 SHP GIW. Additional resources: hdp//esnarmia re.info M1flp: /AVww. mithimmb/ndex cfm?do= viewHomeless ndHousingPrograminfo 1a. is it feasible for the project to begin Yes op aratinglunder grant agreement by September 30, 2013? Exhibit 1 Paget] 09/29/2011 Packet Page -1683- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: NaplaSlC011ier County Coe FLE06 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 040860 1b. Is this project a HUD approved Yes consolidation? 2. Has th is project been reduced through the No HHN reallocation process? 3. Grant Term: 1 Year 4. Select the activities for which funding is being requested: HMIS OX a -n Exhibit 1 Page 18 0912912011 Packet Page 1684- r� 10/252011 Item 16.1D.1. Applicant: NapleWC011ler County Coe FL -696 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 �..e�. HMIS - Equipment Budget Instructions: HIM IS costs'. (populated) - the system populates a at of eligible ac atlas Associated with the category to specify any additional, eligiible SHP et act vlllea which are not listed. se use the Other acM1 SHP wseactivity (required) th is DIECTLY related to implementing the HMIS, and eligible (s) requested for SHP tootling. Total: (calculated) -the total SHP funding (5) requested for each cost activity will automatically calculate in tho Total ocular Additional resources: ,a!;. heP//esnaps hudhre infonrsinin9 hftnHwww_hutlnre lnfo/Irii GfinPdowiewShpDeskguideD For each year ofthe grant t rmillenter the total dollar amount of SHP funds requested for as ITS tfvlty.`Revise any information populated from the F(2010 application, t ensure accuracy and completeness of the information submitted militia � ear' .application. al p. The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "Save' button. Exhihit2 wi smigailift 1 09129/2011 cimmisur,,p) So SO 12. Panama mornmanorcald Pmi they) $3,000 mitual Equipment Hall :400 FAM p. The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "Save' button. Exhihit2 Paga 19 1 09129/2011 Packet Page -1685- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: bapleslC011ier County Coo FL-606 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 044860 HMIS - Software Budget Instructions: y HMIBCosta Darmstadt f anHl6 and far which SHIP funds can Lhe requested stud Please used thet)'Offer the ategory nto specify any additional , eligible cast activities, which are not listed. SHP Request (required) - for each grant year, enter or update the amount (S) requested far each cost opacity that is DIRECTLY related to implementing the HMIS, and eligible for SHP funding. Total: (calculated) - the total SHP funding ($) requested for each cast adlvlty VIII automatically calculate In the Trial calumn. Additional resources hap 0 p h ahre foMa 999999 hVp IN.uw.h mature f I a frr - viewSmEeskiii For each year Ithe granAtrrr0entar the total dollar amount of SHP funds requested for eadhHifil activity: Devise any information populated from the FY2010 application, tde'nsure accuracy and completeness of the information submitted mthis yeagi,application. The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "Save" button. Ezhihit2 SHP Fireman Page 20 09I29201t Packet Page 1686 re, sbaffins, maintain so in 7 supreart and "resonance $7,545 S7.543 The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "Save" button. Ezhihit2 Page 20 09I29201t Packet Page 1686 10/25/2011 Item 16.l Applicant: Naples /Collier County CoC FL-605 Project: HM15 Renewal MP 2011 040860 HMIS - Services Budget Instructions: HMIS costs '.(populated) - the system populates a list of eligible activities associatetl with the category to specify any additional,reiigipla cos activities, which are not uu 1M1e'OtM1af ach asteectiviHhhat isOR CTLY r1eatee to tmplemeentlnO tM1e update the ano'etllOi�IHior SHPfor tootling. Total :(calculated)'the mile l SHP Ni requested for each post activity will automatically calculate In the Total column. Additional resnumes: q,� trip Pr$maps.hutlhre.infoRreinin had Haww.huehra m He c 9eo= vlewenpoeakpulaao For each year ofthe gra tiagr; enter the total dollar amount of SHP funds requested for eacsilif t tivity. Revise any information populated from the Fri0 application, bo ensure accuracy and completeness of the information submitted irtihis`yaaps-application. SHP mi rain amiss, Page 2t alas by Teeaeamea sa $0 1687- 0 $0 mmgl PwOn in CwHomtrtllon E1,OW $1,000. 12. sharpeners: Si mi $0 Pme.ammire paucni $2,500 $e50 cwM assessment and Setup $0 5o re ConnersvTy llnbmtl AOnsst 80 $0 6. s0 Dew ens Reaarary $O 50 cap, same pi-) w $ $35W $3,500 The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "Save" button. EsM1lblt2 Page 2t 09/20/2011 Packet Page 1687- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant NapleaCollier County CoC FL-606 Protect HMIS Renewal MP 2011 041680 HMIS - Personnel Budget Instructions: HMIS costs: (populated) - the system populates a list of eligible Service associated with me atgry�y for Which e4 requested Please uu the Other category to specify anaditina eligible cos ctmwhica not ladled Request achPcost a d vlty that is DIRECTLY related to Implementing the HMIS, and ellig01e for SHP funding. For renewal projects. the SHP Request should mall budget amounts identified on me Grant Inventory Workmen. Total. occu med) -t to total SHP funding ($) requested for each Cost acilvity WIII automatically calculate In the Total column. For each year of the crit tens, enter the total dollar amount of SHP funds requested for each HMIS activity. wise any information populated from the FY2010 application "to ens accuracy curacy and completeness of the The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "Save" button. Exhibit2 SHP Page 22 0929/2011 Packet Page -1688- M$4,017U9 21 Teri Paul aral mines R 0 Subse'd Inizon"I Piqued 017 The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "Save" button. Exhibit2 Page 22 0929/2011 Packet Page -1688- i1 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. 11: Naplesecollier County Coc FL-606 HMIs Renewal MP 2011 0468 HMIS - Space & Operations Budget Instructions HMIs costs: (populated) the system populates a list of eligible Sel'Mlies associated with the category lc s of an HMIs and for which SHP funds can be requested. Please use the Other ca pei ty any addifirse, eligible Past activities, which are not listed. SHP Request. (required) for each grant year enter or update the amount (l( requested for each cost activity that is DIRECTLY related to implementing the HMIS, and eligible for SHP leading. For renewal projects, the SHP Request should match budget amounts Identified on the ve Grant Inntory Worksheet . h cost adlvily will automatically the cash amount (l) available to must make cash payment for at ran rhea! SRS above the silents per grant year at amount of SHP funds nation populated from repleteness of the eke, The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "Save' button. Exhl bit 2 SHP Page 23 og /292011 Packet Page -1689- its ISO The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "Save' button. Exhl bit 2 Page 23 og /292011 Packet Page -1689- 1012512011 Item 16.D.1. NapleslCollier County CoC FL -606 MIS Renewal MP 2011 044860 HMIS Summary Budget The following information summarizes the total HIM IS funding request for each year of the grant term. f w, < 4 ExM6i12 Page 24 26 Tonl Cash Match IS24917 Packet Page -1690- f w, < 4 ExM6i12 Page 24 09I29I2011 Packet Page -1690- r\ 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant; Naplar/C011ler Coal CoC FL 606 Project: HMIS Renewal Me 2011 nneaen Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Summary Budget The following Information summarizes the SHP funding request and the available cash match for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of administrative costs must be entered in the field below. Please make sure that the budget amounts requested for all renewal projects correspond to the budget amounts on Grant Inventory Worksheet. Selected Grant Term 1 Year SHP Alk.r5,0 S 11 A,qw,lm, 09/29/2011 EO !so 2. ll,�HlKafill Se $ O EO O to Se 1LNB6 tlm. EO EO to melaea�in9 au0aM C� $O SUPP,ft $0 t0 SO MaOnq Su at Coen 0 $O XMINNIS SUtl9el Caen Frm 693563 $20.917 3124.55 Oldal ISU lime4tl 90362 (Up le el %milrc 9l I?1al SHP e..e 0 TaMl each Mme perToaklo ew.n. am Mmp $104 See $2a917 Srz9sezM ExM1lbil2 Page 25 09/29/2011 Packet Page -1591- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples /Collier County CoC FL806 Project: HANS Fenewal MP 2011 004860 8A. Attachment(s) Instructions 1. Sponsor r a l Doeumentaten -Documentation of the sponsors nonprofit status must be uploaded if the applicant and project sponsor are different entitles, and the sponsor is a nonprofit organ Lion. 2. PHA Cetlif¢ation -Non -PHA Applicants for SaC SRO and Section "S Fee projects must Of the submit a the Applicant is ufferl elf farm an behalf of the PHA•Applicant t is authorsedlo act on Eehalt of the PHA. 3. (eNer Atlachmut(s)- Attach any additional information supporting the project funding request. Use a zip file to attach multiple documents. Document Type Required) Document Description Data Attached ❑ ap Sponsor ,NO' t Packet Page 1692- 1 2PHA Oertlfioallon Letter Qi }NO L3- Other Attachment I NorWi ' zip - ^d /1-711 qtr. t Th ern, a ExM1lbil2 Page 26 09/2912011 Packet Page 1692- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Naples /Collier County CoC FLS06 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 044660 ^ Attachment Details Document Description: Attachment Details Document Description: etails Exnloltz PaOe z] 0s2s2011 Packet Page -1693- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1, Applicant: Naples /Collier Counts Doi FL 606 Project: HMIS Renewal MP 2011 049880 .-. 8B. Certification A. For the Supportive Housing (SHP), Shelter Plus Care (S +C), and Single Room Occupancy (SRO) programs: Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity It will comply with Section 3 of the Housing and UNan Development Act of 1968, as amended (12 U. &0. 1701(u)), and regulations pursuant thereto (24 CFR Part 135), which require that to the greatest extent feasible opponuni res for training and employment be given to IowerAncome residents of proadt and wmracts for work In comestron with the project be awarded in substantial pan to persons residing In the area of the project. It will comply with Section 504 of me Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U S C, ]94), as amended and such Implementing regulations at 24 CFR Pan 8, which prohibit discoloration based on d'rsabillty in pol lly- assisted and conducted programs and adivilies. It will comply with Me Age Clscaminatlon Act of 1975 (42 U.S G. 6101 -07f as amended, and No r islt discrimination because of age In p jems and activities Federal financial assistance It will comply with Executive Orders 11625 12432 and 12138, which stale that program panmip Is shalt take agnname action to conducted panicipallon by businesses owned and operated by members of minority groups and women. EzM1ibit2 Page 28 09/29/2011 Packet Page 1694 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: repleslCollie r County CoC FL-606 Project HUD Renewal MP 2011 066860 ^ If persons of any Particular race, color, religion. sex age, national origin, familial status, or consu wbo may quality for assistance are unlikely to be reached, It will establish additional procedures to ensure that interested persons can 06 to Information concerning the assistance. It will comply wit the reasonable resignation and acc0mmoaation requirements and as Rehabilitation n are Ad of1s9 ]Iesrequire ant$ of fire Fair Housing Act and sympon 506 of the Additional for SRC: If applicant has established a preference for targeted populations of disabled persons pursuant to 26 CFR 582 33o(a), It will comply with this section's nondiscrimination requirements within the designated population. S. For SHP Only. 20 -Year Operation 1 -Year not C. For S +C Only. Supportive Servicess ^ It will make available Supportive services appropriate.�to the needs of the population served and onimlm vaew to the ammi amount of renwrasslstance funded by HUD for the full term of D. Explanation. (= In- Me Where the applicant is unable to carry to any of threol tam In this verafication. such applicant shall attach an explanation behind this page. ((-'p. `Ah Name of Authorized Certifying Official Fred Coyle F' Date: 0912912011 E =i" Title: BCC Chair Applicant Organization: Collier County Board of County Commissioners PHA Number (For PHA Applicants Only): I certify that I have been duly authorized by X the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. I I aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). Exhiblt2 Pege 29 0929/2011 Packet Page 1695- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Sl Inc. 83668W89 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 Before Starting the Project Application HUD strongly encourages ALL Protect applicants to review the following Information BEFORE beginning the application. detailed Instructions within the document on me left menu of this also returns online at wwwnu0miumm esnaps, to help successfully t includes data horn the or added, and the Imported requested for each unit size on the coca Fv201 1 S «c adhere to Exhlltz Paget o9/23t2ott Packet Page -1696- Applicant SAWGC Inc. Proiect Sheller Transitional 1A. Application Type 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1, 836680]69 039828 Instructions: 1. Type of Submission- This field is populated the Application option, and cannot be changed. 2 Type of Applicatlon.(regulried Select New Project or Renewal Prou to Indicate whether the project is eligible for new or renewal funds during the current competition. Renewal project applications are defined as those HUD McKinney -V n to granLS that have received funding in a prev competti n and are eligible to renew during Me current competition. All other applications are tlefinetl as new projects. 3. Date Received No action needed. This field is automatically populated with me date on which the application is submitted The data populated cannot be edited. 4. Applicant Sergi - Leave his field blank. 5a. Federal Entry lmantifiei -L SV_e this field blank . field may populate with the grant number for Me blank for any first time renewal application. Lou 1 Leave Me field blank for all new funding 6. Date Received by State - LE 7 State AppruationIdentifier - 1. Type of Submission. 2. Type of Application: If Revision, select appropriate afterts): If "Other ", specify: 3. Date Received: 4. Applicant Identifier: 5a. Federal Entity Identifier: 5b. Federal Award Identifier (e g.r expiring grant number) 6. Date Received by Stale: ). State Application Identifier! Ri Renewal Project 09/2312011 ExhTlt2 Page 2 09/23/3011 Packet Page -169)- Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. Project Shelter Transitional 16. Legal Applicant Instructions 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. 836686]69 639828 8. Applicant Information- Tie applicant Information populated on this form comes from the Applicant Profile, and must reflect the infarmabon for the applicant organization that can legal request homeless assistance funding from HUD. a. Legal Name The legal name of the applicant organization is populated on this form from the Applicant Profile. It is Important that the organization has registered with the Central Contrector Reegi% wraps rmaM1reinnoregistering wit CCR may be obtained online at a. Organizational Unit populated on this form Additional Resources 11 Application Detailed Instructors (on left menu) thsto flesmi M1 dhre:nfo 8. Applicant a. Legal Name: b. EmployerlTaxpayer Identification Number (EINITIN): EINITIN for the applicant organization is iS populated on this form from division of applicant orgirromon is kr r� SAWCC, Inc. vw 59- 2752895 f �. it. Address Street 1: P.O. Box 10102 Street 2: City: Naples County: Collier State: Florida ErM1ibil2 I DUNS ori PL 09/23/2011 Packet Page -1698 us it. Address Street 1: P.O. Box 10102 Street 2: City: Naples County: Collier State: Florida ErM1ibil2 Page 3 09/23/2011 Packet Page -1698 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant SAWCC. Inc. 836680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 ^ Country: United States Zip I Postal Code: 34101 a. Organizational Unit (optional) Department Name: Division Name: I. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application ... Prefix: Ms. Name: Nicole Name: Sylvester Marne: Muley Organizational ANIIIatlonu;SAWCC, Inc. Telephone Number ,49j ]]53882 Extension: 202 Fax Number: (239)1]5 - 3061'x, Email: Exblbil2 Pa9e4 0923/2011 Packet Page -1699- r\ 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Sari Inc. 836660769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 1C. Application Details Instructions g. Type of Applicant : frepulretl) -This field Is populated horn the enum ps Applicant Profile APPIGW% cannot mortify the Populated data on this loam. However, applicants may mortify Me Applicant Profile to correct any errors Identified. 10. Name Of Federal Agency told Populated with the Department of Housing and Urban Development The laid cannot be edited 11. Canada Of Federal Domestic Assistance Number?itle:(requhatl) select are applicable field on this form, ndSwill dove the list of tempos is awmab a oin ran 3Aeprotect Detail of this application. q�. 12. Funding Opponunity NuAlifiRtIe -This field will automatically populate with the ending opportunity number and his M1M1e opponunity under which compounds is requested, as found In 13. Compeetion Idenfromon Numbermitle - Leave this field blank. 9. Type of Applicant: M. Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other 1p an pho ation of Higher Education) If "Other" please peer 10. Name of Federal Agency: fiDe�paeadr(irian[ of Housing and Urban Development 11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance SHP `l "!1. Title: CFDANumber: 14235 12. Funding Opportunity Number: FR- 5500 -fil Title: Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Competition 13. Competition Identification Number: Title: ExM1ibll2 Pages 0 9/2 3 2 011 Packet Page -1700- 10/2512011 Item 16.D. 1. Applicant: SAWCO, Inc. 836680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 038823 ^ 1 D. Congressional District(s) Instructions: 14. Areas Affrateilly Prcjeot (required)- select fee state(s)In which the proposed contact will operate and serve hameless persons The stale(si selected will determine the list orgeographo areas and congressional contacts displayed elsewhere in tots application. 15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project '. field populates the 2011 project name from the Project form. Realm to the Protect form, to make changes to the name. fire a-sneps Applicant Profile Appllrantscannot fallow applicants may modify the Applicant Phone to anal pencils) in which the protect operands. For new clout is expected to operate. ��a ate fire indicate ed op aura plan area a date of 14. Acadia) affected by the project(statl Florida only) (for multiple selections hold CTRL +Key) 9 - ' e,. 40 4`F, 15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal {�P 16. Congressional District(s): a. Applicant: FL -014 b. Project FL -014 (for multiple selections hold CTRL +Key) 17. Proposed Project a. Start Date: 07/2412012 b. End Date: 07/2312013 18. Estimated Funding ($) Exhibil2 Page 6 09/23/2011 Packet Page 1701- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC, Inc 836680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 a. Federal: b. Applicant: C. State: d. Local- e. Other: f. Program Income: g. TOTAL: !r � f F ExM1lbl2 Pege ] 09/23/2011 Packet Page 1702 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. 836680789 Project: Shelter Transfixed Housing Renewal 039020 ^ 1E. Compliance Instructions: 19, Is Select the appropriate box drat Review totthte Applicainl applying for homeless assistance) funding. Applicants should contact the State Single Point Of Contact (SPDC) for Federal Executive Order 12372 to determine whether the application is subject to the State intergovernmental review process. If' YES '015 selected enter the date this application was made available to the State for review. 20. Is the Applicant Deli9uent on any Federal Debt? (request) - Select the appmpfiate box that applies to the Applicant applying for homeless assistance funding This question aPplles to the i ant omari z GOn. not the person who signs as " authorized representative s of debt include delinquent aunt disallowances. loans, and taxes. If YES' is selected include an explanation in the space provided On this screen Additional Resourcali i Application Detailed Instructions (on left menu) 19. Is the Application Subject to Review By b. Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not State Executive 0 a 12372 Process? been selected by the State for review. If "YES ", enter the date is application was`v made available to [he State for review:is.: 20. Is the Applicant delinquent on any Federal , No debt? If "YE$" provide an explanation Exhibit Page 0923/2011 Packet Page 1703- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC. Inc. 63663 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039328 9828 /'' 1F. Declaration Instructions I Agree '. r quned)- Select fire cheoll next to 'I Agree to (1) cenlly to the statements contained In the list of cedl6wtlons--,(20 partly that the statements herein are true, complete, and r ac is to the best of my knowledge (3) certify that the required assurances am provitled, and (4) agree 10 comply wflh any resulting terms if l accept an award. Any false. fictitious, or fraudulent statements or drams may subject the authorized representative and me applicant organization to criminal, own, or administrative penalties (U.9 -Code, Ttle 218, Section 1001) "The list of cediflcatlons and assurances are contained in the CoC NOFA and In the a -snaps Applicant Prof le, left menu) By signing and submitting thig application, I certify if) to the statements contained in the list of certification's and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete, andvacourate to,t:be best of my knowledge. I also provide the required aseuranceis and agree to comply with any resultin terms if I accept an award. I am aware therapy false, fictitious, or ^ fraudulent statements or claims magi ubieit me to criminal. civil. or I AGREE: "',_.` 21. Authorized Representative f�E Prefix: Ms. First Name: Linda Middle Name: Last Name: Oberhaus Suffix: Title: Executive Director Telephone Number: (239) 775 -3862 (Formal: 123456.7890) Fax Number: (239) 775 -3061 (Format: 123- 456 -7890) Exhidit2 Page 9 09/23/2c11 Packet Page -1704- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant SAWCO, Inc. 836680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 ^ Email: loberhaus @naplessheltenorg Signature of Authorized Representative: Considered signed upon submission in e- snaps. Date Signed: 09123/2011 A. liar o r` Exhibit2 Page 10 09/23/2011 Packet Page -1)05- 10/25/2011 Item ISLA. Applicant: 6AWCC, Inc. 836680769 Project Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 2A. Project Sponsors) This form lists the sponsor organization(s) for the project. To add a sponsor, select the icon. To view or update sponsor information already listed, select the view option. Organization IType This list contains no Items w ExM1lbil2 Pagett 0923/2011 It- packet Page -1706- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. 836680769 Projet: Applicant: SAW00, Inc. 039828 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal ^ 3A. Project Detail Instructions: Complete all fields on this form, as appropriate. ReNSe any information populated from the FY2010 application W ensure accuracy and completeness of Na information submitted In this yeearsbaa ceppllmplen. The ele application on Nis forth will determine the remaining forms that federal Award Itlanllfef on form 1A Ashburton eType ofgday application entered as the is from the Protect form. Ratum to the 4 France Typ rsidpop wrth ojeotmtyp ( renewal, as selected on form IA. and Applications TYP c(N pDll h S. Progra Typealeld0 D I, to N 000ul }yp Supportive Housing Program(SHP), Sharer Plus Care S+C or Section 8 Modm to Rehabilitation for Single Room Occupancy (SRO), as selected on form 15. Arousal Details of has application. 8. Title V (required) select Yes properties has been conveyed on itllrate whemer or in another i0to be considered antler the Innovative So r tllve indicate component If the indicate project is plc comher or Yes, proposed project Me project terrapins (on form 2R of this application) how the project represents a tlianualvely different approach when viewed within Its geographic area, Is a sensible model for others, and can be repainted elsewhere . An applicant should not propose a project under this component unless a compelling case Is made that these enters can be met. AdbWonal resources: Application Detailed Instructions (0n left menu) into Perhaps .hudhre info ntlp//wuw.hudhm. info /mtlexcfm ?do= viewHomele5s ndHousingProgreminfo 1. Expiring Grant Number (e g., the "Federal Award laudation indicated on form 1A. Application Type) Exhibit Page 12 09/232011 Packet Page -1707- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Si Inc. 836683769 Propi Shelter Trannonal Housing Renewal 038818 2. COC Number and Name FL-606- NapleeCollier County CoC 3. Project Name Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 4. Project Type Renewal Project 5. Program Type SHP Content depends on "CFDA Number" selection 6. Component Type TH Content depends on "Program Type" selection 7. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the Yes properties within this project? 8. Does this project include pneor more Title No V properties? ,Fp, 9. IS the projec[provltling serviceato No participants in anothe P T H 7ecto 10. Is the proposed project submlttetl for No consitlered n It art he innovative Supportive Housing °component? (F gib G>' Ex�lbp 2 Page 13 09/23/2011 Packet Page -1708- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. 036680769 Project Shelter Tansitonal Housing Renewal 039028 Instructions: 3B. Project Description Zr \, f _ r r E. Fv_ s ExM1lbil2 Page 16 09/23/2011 Packet Page -1J09- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. 836680769 Project: Shelter Transferal Housing Renewal 039828 Complete all fields on this form, as appropriate Revise any Information populated from the FY201 D application, to ensure acmrary and completeness of the information submitted In this years anginal . for acquisition new nstruction rehabilitation? Cher or not the project previously received SHP too, new construction, or rehabilitation. end new construction adivitinz imma em- a .... h and service NEW SHP'TH PROJECTS ONLY 3. Maximum length of stay :(required( - indicate the maximum persons paNcipating in the project. NEW SHP PH ONLY 3 More tan 16 persons lNrtrg in one structure(requlred) select Yes or No to Indicate 11 more than 16 pennons reside (or will reside) in any one of the structures assisted with SHP funds requested through this application. If users are more Nan 16 people, then an explanation Is respond as to how local marked conditions necessitate this size and how neighborhood Integration can be achieved for the residents. For more information on the 16 person limit see Section 62A (o) of the Mc onney -Vents Act. NEW SeC -TRA ONLY 3_ Housing selection (required - select Yes or No to indicate whether or not participants are required to live in particular structures or units during the grsd year and In a parki area within the locality in subsequent years, or to live in a particular area for the entire period of participation. Additional resources hits llesnaps future info run :/Mwwbudhm.infofirsex cfm? do= viewHomelessAndHousingPregreminfo EsM116112 Pe9et5 09/2312011 Packet Page -1]10- 1012512011 Item 16.x.1. Applicant SAWCC, Inc. 836600769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039020 ^ 1. Provide a description of the project that addresses its entire scope, including the needs of the communityMarget population. The Shelter for Abused Women & Children is requesting a one year SHP renewal for its Transitional Housing program. The grant funding will support portion of the operations and supportive services of four single - family transitional housing units for homeless adult and child victims of domestic violence. The homeless adults and children living in the units come from our emergency shelter population. They are working full or part -time or attending school to pursue new skills. Because participants have limited incomes, the rent charged is 1l3 of their gross income. Participants sign a one year lease agreement and are within walking distance to public transportation and continue parfcipating in the same programs and services as they did while residing in Shelter. During their stay, parfiayants are assisted by their case manager who guides them throunh an ern"oowednent based education program where their M,I The Transitional Housing program is resigned specifcally to empower homeless victims of domestic violence. It helps Art identify their strengths, build hope for the future and allows them to regain their Independence. The value of this program should not be underestimated, as trap"sftlof�at housing is critical for our Shelter participants who cannot yet affor��.�W� liven their own at will prevent the worst case scenario; victims retuminyfHeir abusers due to the lack of choices. Participants are also assisted in obtaining secure, safe means of permanent housing upon leaving transitional housing into self - sufficiency. 2. Was the original project awarded funding No for acquisition, new construction, or rehabilitation? n Exhlblt2 Page t6 0923/2011 Packet Page 1711 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant SAWCC, Inc. 8366al Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 639828 4A. Supportive Services for Participants Instructions The information entered Into the form fields below should record the capacity of the protect to provide supportive services or access to services that participants require. 1. Prjed policies and practices are consistent war the educational laws :(required)- sonect Yes or No to indicate whether or not the Protect Policies provide for educational antl related services to Individuals and ramPies lic(Ps6h8ving homelessness, and if the politics are consistent with educational laws,'redutlmg the McKinney -Vento Act . live action to offers 1 or P. repair that i9 access the lent and Specify Olher(sp (optional) enter up to 3 additional supponlve services applicable to the proposed project. and enter the frequency of hose additional services. L Accessibility of community amenities (required( - select the level of accessibility of basic community amenities for project Participants. Badly community amenities should be accessible to participants via working, public transportation, driving, or transportation provided by the project Additional resources: Application Detailed Instructions (on left menu( htlp'. / /esnaps module Info tur //www.hrdhre. info/ Intlex. cfm? do- viewHomelessAndHousingProgramrnfo 1. Are the proposed project policies and Yes practices consistent with the laws related to ^ providing education services to individuals and famines exhmaz Posen osrz3rzgu Packet Page -1712- 10/252011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant SAWCQ Inc. 096688169 Project Shelter Tansia l Housing Renewal 899828 ^ 2. Does the proposed project have a Ves designated staff person to ensure that the children are enrolled in school and receive educational services, as appropriate? 3. Describe the reasoe(s) for non - compliance with educational laws, and the corrective action to be taken prior to grant agreement execution. F ' } b Per 22.. y� r� Exhibit Paga to 89rzarzoll Packet Page 1713- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant SAWCC, Inc. 836680769 Project: Sheller T-ansilional Housing Renewal 039828 r\ 4B. Housing Type and Scale This list summarizes each housing site in the project. To add a housing site to the list, click the add icon. To view or update a housing site already listed, Select the appropriate view Icon. Housing Type UnRS BeEroome Be its Smote family M1omesPatinhou_. p I12 �— F ra r, ExM1ibil2 Page 19 09/23/2011 Packet Page 1714- 10/2612011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: 5AW0C Inc. 536660769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039626 4B. Housing Type and Scale Detail Instructions: p i Housings pipe (required) l- seleclt or ydaps housing ropose0 housing lope. Refer to the detailed 26Indicate the maximum number of units bedrooms, and beds available for project participants at the selected housing site. a. Total units (required) - enter or update the maximum number of units available for housing project participants at the selected housing type. b. Total bedrooms :(required)- enter or update the maximum number of bedrooms available for housing project forecasts at the elected famous type. c Total beds (required) enter or update the maximum number of bedrooms available for geographic locations) of the selected housing 1. Housing Type: �SiP9'le family homeuownhouses /duplexes 2. Indicate the maximum nurmber durrits, bedrooms, and beds available for project participants at the Selected housing site. a. Units: 4_ b. Bedrooms: 12 c. Beds: 24 <s 3. Select the geographic create) associated 129021 COLLIER COUNTY with the selected housing type. For new projects, select the areats) expected to be served. (for multiple selections hold CTRL+Key) Exhibit2 Page 20 09/23/2ott Packet Page 1715- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. 836680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 II Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Participation Instructions: All projects must indicate affair level of Pard ipatlon In the COOS HMIS. 1. condition in the COD 'a HMIS: requipach -select Yes or No to indicate whether or not annual data recording prefect participants are reported In the COD HMIS, IF PROJECT PARTICIPANT DATA IS REPORTED IN THE HMIS to Indicate total number of clients served- (required) - enter the total number of panicipams served by the project in calendar year 2010 (11112910 - 12131/2010). THE HMIS or more of the four (4) nearacrad Additional resources: " el Application resources (nn left menu) mdd Ul inapslmbbre. info , 1. Does this project provide client level No wJ data to HMIS at least annually? Click on the "Save' button below to enter additional information. 2a. Indicate the reason for nomparticipation State law prohibits, Federal law prohibits in the HMIS 2b. For Federal /State prohibition, cite applicable law. For "Other ", provide explanation. The Shelter for Abused Women & Children is a codified domestic violence center abiding by the law requirements of the Violence Against Women and Dep lrtrnent of Justice Reauthorization Act M 2005. Victim service providers are Instructed not to enter personally identifying information about clients into an HMIS, but are directed to store that data in a comparable database. The Shelter tracks and inputs personal identifying data in its own Alice Software which is required of and designed for deputed domestic violence centers nationwide. Exnlbl2 Page 21 99/23/2911 Packet Page -1716- Applicant: 5AW00, Inc. Protect Shelter Transitional 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. 836680769 039828 5A. Project Participants - Households with Dependent Children Instructions: Identify the demographics of each household with children served (or proposed to be served), at a particular point in time (when the project is at full capaat)7. The numbers entered here must reflect only those households and persons served using the funds requested in his appical 1.Total number of households: ( required) - enter the total number of households served(or proposed to be served). by Tenter the un- duplicated total number of adult persons with a hen, indicate how many fall Into each subpop lation(chronically 1,411. chro e mcsubstance abuse. veterans, persons ih HIV/AIDS, and enter the unduplicated total number of adult pores is. Then, indicate how many tali into as& subp puiat'ien illy iii, coupon substance abuse, veterans. persons with a. Disabled children . (in tFis mwy-..enmr N'aCn- aupucatea total number of object with a disabillry, under T tal Persons iM1en`implcate how many fall Into each subpop lation( hrenically homeless, severely mental tirchronid6+substance abuse, veterans. persona with HIwNDS, and Dv r ). 5 Non-disabled hlle (in this ) - entail uprooted total number of children without 6 on o sabl'ty under Total Pe Th -infi t n 'any tall into each suhpopulaton [chron Ily homeless rely mentally n1., encamp substance abuse veterans , persons with HMAIDS and Eq/ ct )e ���rrr 6.T talc calculdrad row) insinuation 6 i �VIr Irs wl o manipulated is r t Ilr nlcu�ated 7. Total number or adults (calculated mw)- the total nomber of aaulrs it (or proposed to be served) is automatically calculated 6. Total number of childi(caiculated row) the total number a dhlmren served (or proposed to be served) is amornot ally calculated. F" Additional Nesoumes Point in time PIT(defnition) -a s nap shot of the number of homeless persons Nat can be served, any given night ortl S a y when the project is at full capacity. For a new puled this count is based on the applicant' best guess at the time of application. For a renewal current, the PIT is based on the applicants assessment of the number of participants residing In a modify or served by the program on a particular night or day when the project is at full capacity. Application Devoted Instructions (on left menu) mp//earomp.tudoes info hflp: //esnums hopes Intestinal EaT lb ➢2 Page 22 09/23/2011 Packet Page -1717- 14 all Children D EaT lb ➢2 Page 22 09/23/2011 Packet Page -1717- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC Inc. 636680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 038628 Wl Number MAtlulra 5 (elld on "Sew reauru N) B.i MCnIICnn B telic na u' { 1 f or U ?� ExM1ibil2 Page 23 09232011 Packet Page 1718, coli Wl Number MAtlulra 5 (elld on "Sew reauru N) B.i MCnIICnn B telic na u' { 1 f or U ?� ExM1ibil2 Page 23 09232011 Packet Page 1718, 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant; Si , Inc. 636680769 Project Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 ^ 513. Project Participants - Households without Dependent Children Instructions: at a Identify rliular point in time (when the project is at lull calpacry) eThe numbersoen entered here must reflect only those households and persons sarvetl using the bins requested in ma application. 1. Total number of households (required) enter the total number of households without children served (or proposed to be served). 2. Disabled adults.. (In this row) -enter the unduphcat" total number of adult persons with a dictionary, under Total Persons Then, indicate how many fall Into each subpop lation(chronically homeless, severely mentallyi chronic substance abuse, veterans, persons wit HIV /AIDS, and a. Disabled chance ay tri1 int M1 a r he un duplicated total number of unaccompanied youth ih a bh To TfaIP TFn indicate how many fall Into subsopulation ( nim aily ha cis evereiy mentally if chronic substance abuse, veterans, persons car HIVIAID6, an OV Vic a), 5. Nommumea undo D onto ay so, h'(Ii )' �"6fter me uncluttered total number of nwo paned youth wthputao sablty- Under. Total Persons Then, indicate how many fall each mospopulafon (cnmrically he days m ly nteitlyn h - substance abuse, veterans persona wth HrvlAIDS, and DV V M1 a 6. Traerprs 'u(calculatetl row) -the total num ars wltlin each aubpopularon is automatically Gale idea. 4'v sus ]. Total number of adults: ( calculated row) - the total number of adulistowea(or proposed to be aarvaa) Is automatically calculated. 8. Total number of unaccompanied youth (calculated mw) me WfaI number of Additional Resources: Point in time - PIT eaegnitiom -a snapshot of the number of nameless persons that can be c rved, on any green night o day, when the project is atfull capacity. For a new project, this count Is based on the applicant's best guess at the time of application. For a renewal project the PIT Is based on the applicant's assessment of the number of complaints residing In a mcphty or sewed byte p 9 on a particular night or day when the project is at full capacity. Application cetalletl Instructions (On left menu) htte Mora rue hreInfo has Nvaevv incMamfo /index cfm4 do= viewHomelessAndHousingPrograminfo N b FxM1ibil2 Page 26 y farm.., -1719- m.a (untluPl�erch) ma. ralF/III entrance MXIVIAIO as Vlal n u Persian Adi 10 In FxM1ibil2 Page 26 69/236011 Packet Page -1719- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. 83668W 69 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 1. j�« o 411 ExMbit Y Page 25 09/2312011 Packet Page -1720- a.a l : °waaw. ° iveu rw ° -wane 8. TIMI er n r.. 1. j�« o 411 ExMbit Y Page 25 09/2312011 Packet Page -1720- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. 636600969 Project: Shelter Transeptal Housing Renewal 039020 ^ 5C. Outreach for Participants Instructions: Complete all fields on this fort, as appropriate. Revise any information populated from the FY2010 application, to ensure accuracy and completeness of the Information submitted In this years application. 1 Where homeless participants are coming from (required) � enter the percentage( %)related to shmul the safe havens, or todecrial ho using who came thectgly including. "intthe streets, emergency shelters or sate haven. Total of above percentages. ( calc ulated) -the percentages entered will sum in the Total of above percentages field. 2. If total is less than 100 %(optional) real the other places from which homeless persons enter the project, In thetaN box Provided. 1. Enter the percentage of homeless perso l stiowill be served by the proposed project for each of the follonsingiodatiorl Note: this Includes persons who c listed below but are spending a sh a Jail, hospital, or other institution. 2. R the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(sl, and how the persons will meet the HUD homeless definition. Exhibit me now me, memor nr comer ee.ae. �^m m en ial 09/23/2011 who me, alm Sep means Packet Page I, TH who came simply r min she met, increase sots or rode He one 100% Towl eveare, cermareal 2. R the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(sl, and how the persons will meet the HUD homeless definition. Exhibit Page 26 09/23/2011 Packet Page -1)21- 10/25/2011 Item 1B.D.1. Applicant: 6AWCC, Inc. 836680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039626 6A. Standard Performance Measures Instructions: program for the housing measure. target percent t %t. and to Un�wna tMl ]ayn Nl .r lx) .o q a. a:e er on am . a mao parer ww � 2. Choose one income - related performance measure from below, and specify the universe and tal aeriumbers furthe goal. Click 'Save' to calculate die targe'percel- no). hour rve lal re•rlxl ynlxl a aqe to enY CiOnwM malnulnatlecincnaaaYlM1 •h LmM1mm eurcaal ac W rN Ird W m• apnalnq Kecor mq T exilf OR D. Persons a • to Nwugh 01 xno mamramaCm Noraosadal r p!{ III erynbng per or pwpram nit ExM1lbit3 Page P] 09 /23rzpit Packet Page -1S22- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. 836600769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 ^ 6B. Additional Performance Measures Specify up to three additional measures on which the Project will report performance in the Annual Performance Report (APR(. t F �4, f'y�fre f �s tj} Exhlbil2 Page 28 09123/2011 Packet Page -1723- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC Inc. 836MG769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 038828 6B. Additional Performance Measures Detail Instructions Specify the universe that each measure applies to and the number (p) or applicable clients who a expected to achieve each measure wohnn the operating year the source where data will be Intake eworrker at entry reached erase method of data collection exit) proposed to measure results, Species spe iesdata elements and formula proposed for calculating results, d rationale for why the proposed measure is an appreciate indicator or performance mrfinis project. 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure. rcomee m..vur. e.um ». »Iq re.gq mal red Page 29 09/23/2011 bamlmap zn Ewmmi Eraw e 4 too°5 shipper, 11 amentml same 2. Data Source (e.g., data ripe "ertledln HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by tFe inCakerworlier at entry and case manager at Data will be reporded daily in our Alice Siiii i software used by all domestic violence centers. Data well be col�ecfed and entered by case manager at entry, during and at program exit �„_° Ak. 3. Specific data elements and form Wei pro postrill calculating results Each Transitional Housing (adult) program participant is requ�QI end to participate in our Economic Empowerment program. Participants imadiateat the 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program The program curriculum features budgeting, finance, banking, IDi job readiness, and prepares all participants for self- sufficiency and permanent housing. ExM1ibit2 Page 29 09/23/2011 Packet Page 1724 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant SAWCO, Inc. 8361 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 939828 ^ Funding Request Instructions: The fields that must be completed on this form will vary based on are project type, program One and component type. la. 9Operatiinng by September 30, 2813P(required)- select Yes operating r to mtlicate whether or not the 1lnddllgeted funs will not be Warren after project eptember 30. 2013 by September 30, 2013 NEW PROJECTS ONLY 1b. Are special housing funds being requested for this smooth finguired)- select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the project is requesting funds under the Permanent Housing Bonus funding category if yes . then the project will be referred to as a new PH Bonus Project Only permanent housing projects are eligible for PH Bonus funds. 2. Is this project using HLIN reallocated NnsP (required) - select Yes or No to indicate whether red) select Yes or No to indicate or more grants, as approved through select Yes process. NEW AND RENEWAL PROJECTS'. being requrmt (required) i number ofye years tact ban be selected ted wll bar reques o years and program type. AdrGttunal resources: ads Issnaps. hurtful Mtplieww.hudMelnfolmtlex c fm?do= viewHomelessAndHousingPrp raminfo 1 a. is it feasible for the project to begin Yes operatinglunder grant agreement by September 30, 2013? Exhlbll2 Pege 3o o912d2011 Packet Page -1725- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant SAWCQ Inc. 836680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 ib. Is this project a HUD approved No consolidation? to. Was the original project awarded funding No or whole) antler a special housing Ind t (in part iative? 2. Has this project been reduced through the No HHN reallocation process? 3. Grant Term: 1 Year 4. Select the activities for which funding is tieingvrreequested. ! leasing Supportive So ices X OAApFFstating X HMW ExM1'rbit2 Page 31 p9/23/2pH Packet Page -1726- 101252011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant; SAWCC. Inc. 836680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 ^ Operating Budget Instructions: For each year of the grant term. enter the quantity and total budget request for each operating activity of tl%nto matron populated from the FY2010 plcation, to ensure accuracy and completeness years application Eligible concerns. (populated) -the system populates a list of eligible operating activities for which eligible activities which are notslistedPlRefer to the Other Guitle fortl tells on elig badditional, Operations activities . tepees. mtionthl allwancenfarrfood and update lies) for each openinre and ly benefits for sfm SHP uufity funding is being requested e. supplies) 9 activity for which SHP SHP Request (reqifor each grant year enter or update the amount (5) requested for each artery tat is DIRECTLY related to operating the housing or supportive acquires facility. The SHP Request si,uld match Wooer amounts identified on the Grant inventory Worksheet. Total Peculatetliv the lose SHPJHopp..fing ($) requested for each activity will ancestor calculate In the Total COl0talrnV' ?f.+ .. TotaISHP dollars requestetl( at fir ed) )-to total SHP funding ($) requested for each grant year will automatically calculate In to ToIaL HP dollars requested row. Total SHP Operations Budget (calculated) t /Total Opsgrallol u offer will auloma0cally calculate fi ol �C regr Reeasnah re%etreee ej llanreg of eabm the d h mtc requirement, nthtta ameR availabep y nlpml, cd.w limu.00=nrnMrs) v;' rw,l Exhibit suap", $+Saoo 515400 Packet Page 1727 - 1$4,700 $4.700 by "Posin 0 $0 0 so 0 $0 0 8 Passports 0 serve ("not .nfyI 1$0 so n Exhibit Page 32 09/23/2011 Packet Page 1727 - n Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. 836680769 639828 Pege 33 pB129/2p11 Packet Page 1728- Trend BNP R aq,,a BS01 W 8]n1 W 11 Cash all 58NV 88]Po 88.]88 OpretlnO BUgar S¢8.888 SZ8,088 iou"Raawe .. tvz W If not specified, the costs will be removed from the budget. The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "save" buHon. Eta. '49' ExM1iM1112 Pege 33 pB129/2p11 Packet Page 1728- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. AppllcenL SAWCO, Inc. 836680769 Protect Shelter Promotional Housing Renewal 039828 ^ Supportive Services Budget Instructions: For each year of the grant krm, enter fire quan6ly and total budget request for each supportive cost, evise any information populated from the FY2010 ppIratied. to ensure accuracy and complekmess of se information submitted in this years application. list of Eligible rwhich SHP funds can beerequested Please uusettheaOunce category to specify any additional, eligible actil which are not listed Refer to the SHP Desk Guide for details on eligible supportive services activilies. r CCMIL care for 115 Children) for each Supportive l service acdvty for which SHP fund ng is being requested. << SHP Request (( IreE)fof each grant year, enter or update the amount G) requested for each activity that is DIR�LTLY rate or to pmvitling supportive serves to homeless participants. The SHP Request sS6 uld me 1,{66 got amounts identi on the Grant Inventory Worksheet. o Total PalculatakiiIi total SHP . ding ltl requested for each activity will automaticaey Cash Match (required) Ib) €achgrant year. enter or update the Cash amount ry)availablek topped the SHP request. By law, the giami or project sponsor must make cash payment for at east 20% of the project's total SupponWe Sa yce annual budget. s Total SHP 6opPOdY S sBUtl(abswl leltl)dlM1e Total Supportive 5ery ces Budget will � automatically calculal Other Res rce (no input required) if there a% n -hinda atlUnocal cider resources above the requested casn make requirement, enter or uedaletfie mctl amount IS) available per grant year F Additional resoures Application Deklled Instructions fan left menu) may hadYesnapsnudhre info ft'° tic M1flg hkaww hudhminfolindim o fim? do= viewnomelessAndHPUSngalogramin fo PMm a.rvu.. cM.r' plmlr muorerwrersl SHP I R Year I T.m 09/2320(1 Packet Page Eo 2, idea Rllle $39,3Po sas"m 3L Ine Mood, m Move m.o.9.m.Mg w 4. Editorial ,I due Abow Smur"I 5 All 0 a. ps s.�.macM sp 7, Frank folli add HIM, nn Six"..' I s0 0 s0 10, Card Cars III FTE Suri e46 s00 So zoo a OIL.rlrr"I'd l Exhibit Page 34 09/2320(1 Packet Page 1729- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant 3AWCC. Inc. 836680769 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 S n T i rte(: F7 �e ExM1iM1I[2 Page 95 09I23Y1011 Packet Page -1>3o- REM W S n T i rte(: F7 �e ExM1iM1I[2 Page 95 09I23Y1011 Packet Page -1>3o- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAW CC, Inc. 836680769 Project. Shelter Transitional Hausing Renewal 039828 ^ Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Summary Budget The following information summarizes the SHP funding request and the available cash match for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of administrative costs must be entered in the field below. Please make sure that the budget amounts requested for all renewal projects correspond to the budget amounts on Grant Inventory Worksheet. Selected Grant Term 1 Year ExM1ib112 SHP plan eewan C11h sell, Than, 09/23I201t o Packet Page 0 1 E0 e.CO .teuen 50 EO £o jU::p�ilw SO $0 b 5 HIM lMMeealnpa dgeCth SO Ea Fro, rphiphHWSarvinv Sloan ChM 5 900 $23 225 EnBrzS 7. onnn Operating Rhein Chan 82010 070 826,600 6. Has Frm HMIs BW90 Chan o so E0 9. SHP . eni ow; ltadl l m 113,000 as 1lup toe %w nne 9) to Iraueu,neaaeinaxial Twl Ca%!aex IrotTisxan VIII s11aW0 S2B925 8142926 ExM1ib112 Page 36 09/23I201t Packet Page -1731- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. 836680709 Project: Shelter Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 8A. Attachment(s) Instructions Sponsor Nonprofit Documentation - Doc Documentation of the sponsors nonprofit status must be uploaded aded it the applicant and project sponsor are different entities, and the sponsor is a nonprofit organization, 2. PHA Certification - Non PHA Applicants for S+C SRO and Section 8 SRO projects must submit signed and dated letter from an ashamed representative of the local PHA certify [hat the Applicant Is municipal to act on behalf of the PHA. Applicant Is authorized to act on behalf of the PHA. 3. Other Altachment(s( - Atlach any additional information supporting the project funding request use zip tlletoaAachmunioledocumems. Document Type Required? Document Description Dab Attached i Sponsor Nonprofit Documentation ISI` �^ x Packet Page 1732- 2. PHA Certifcation Letter i*. No 3. DIher AlbcM1men[ No '.L. ,rrhis— to -a., `FV A'.t°33'rv. Al Exhibit2 Page 3T 09/23/2011 Packet Page 1732- Applicant: SAWCC, Inc. 1025/2011 Item 16.D.1. 036680]69 Renewal 039626 Attachment Details Document Description: Attachment Details Document Description: etails Exhibil2 Page 38 09/23YS011 Pa<kea Page -1733- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Nppllcal SAWCC, Inc. 836NO769 Project: Sheller Transitional Housing Renewal 839826 8B. Certification A. For the Supportive Housing (SHP), Shelter Plus Care (SiG), and Single Room Occupancy (SRO) programs: Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity It will comply with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended (12USC 1701(u)F and regulations pursuant thvelo(24 CFR Part 135), which require that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be given to owet-income residents of the project and contracts for work In connection with the prolect be awarded in substantial pan to persons residing In the area of the prolecl. It will comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. ]94), as amended, and with Implementing regulations at 24 CID Pan 8, which small unica miratlon based on disability in Federally - assisted and conducted programs and reforms It will comply with be Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U S C, 6101 -0]), as amended, and regulml at 24 CPR Raft prohibit discrimination because of age in projects activities receiving Federal financial assistance It will comply with Executive Orden 11625 12432, and 12138, which state that program participants shall fake affirmative ac0on to encourage participation by businesses owned and operated by members of minority groups and women. ExhI0A2 Page 99 99/23/2011 Packet Page -1>34- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant SAWOQ Inc. 836600769 Project: Sheller Transitional Housing Renewal 039828 ^ If persons of any particular race, color, religion sex, ago, national oni familial status, of will procedures ensure thatentrisee assistance are can obtain information tconcem'ngc me assistance. prose s ,n eras persons can It will comply with Na reasonable mor aiw0on and accommodation requirements and, as Rehabiriateot Act of ssibilasrequireme bl of the Fair Housing Act and section 504 of the Additional for S +C: If applicant has established a preference for targeted populations of disabled pars rte pursuant to 24 CFR 582 330(x), It will comply with this section nondiscrimination aggressions within the designated population. B. For SHP Only 1 -Year C. For S +C Only. Supportive Service It will make available suppi oxygen al equal value tot to aggregate amount of rental the rental assistance. D. Explanation. Where the applicant Is unable to certify to any o captured shall atlacb an explanation behind Nis Name of Authorized Certifying Official Date: Title: rriser ton The ura ny or the data of ie ghee i In thla c'eribcation. such age. Linda Oberhaus lY ` 09/2312011 Executive Director Applicant Organization: SAWCC,Inc. PHA Number (For PHA Applicants Only): I certify that I have been duly authorizetl by X the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. 1 am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties . (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001). ofd EzM1ibit2 Page 40 09/23/2011 Packet Page -1H5- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. App Ilcant: 5t MaVM1ews House, Inc. 831093653 Project: W0lfe Apartments 093073 Before Starting the Project Application HUD strongly encourages ALL project applicants to review the following information BEFORE beginning the application. ErcM1ibil2 Page 1 09/9p011 Packet Page -1)36 SL Matthew's House, Ino. 1A. Application Type 10125/2011 Item il 831093953 0430]3 Instructions: 1. Type of Submission -TM1is field Is populated the Application option, and cannot be changed 2 Type of Application. (required) - Select New Project or Renewal Faced to indicate whether the project Is eligible for new or renewal funds during the current competition. Renewal project applications am definetl as those HUD MCNinn y -Vento grants that have received funding in pre competition and are eligible to renew dunng the current competition. All other applications are der wal as new projects. 3. Date Received -No action nestled This field Is automatically populated with me date on which the application Is submitted. The date populated cannot be edged 4. Applicant Identifier - Leave this field blank. f,1 4', mI Federal Embry Identifier Leave this fold blank. 5b. Federal Award Id4in er'. (rei -TM1is field may populate with the grant number for the 201D project that iA imported This field will be blank for any That time renewal application. The covet exoinno door number must reentered Leave the field blank for all new funding 6. Date Received by State - Leave this field blank. ]. State Appllca0on Identifier - Leave IM1IS OaId�Dlank.�.: Advl Resources .' Application Deordled In t t (On left firden )E Rm Immaratchudihmind 1. Type of Submission V r `.. 2. Type of Application: Renewal Project ?„ H Revision, select appropriate letterls): If "Other", specify: 3. Date Received; 0912712011 4. Applicant Identifier: Sa. Federal Entity Identifier: 5b. Federal Award Identifier (e g., expiring grant number) 6. Date Received by State: 7. State Application Identifier: Exhibit Pa9e2 092712011 Packet Page -173]- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: 51. MetlM1eWs House, Inc. B31og3853 Project: Wolfe Apartments W3073 1 B. Legal Applicant Instructions: 8. Applicant Information - try applicant information populated on this form comes from the equesl ham Profie. and must refleat the slew a sistance funding farm HUDn for the applicant organizaYOn that can legal a. Legal Name The legal name of the applicant organization is populated on this form More the Applicant Profile. It is important that the org zation has registered wit Pe Central Contractor Ref i amens oration on registering with CCR may be obtained online at b. Employer?axpayer Number (EI WpN) -The Elli for the applicant mganiza4pn Is populated on this form tram Pe Applicant Profile. E. Address - The 'phyDeal address of Me applicant organization is populated on this form farm the Applicant Profile` ap in Organizatlo`al Unn - lisp pllcatileaNa apartment and division of the applicant oryenizatlon Is and contact Additornal Resources elvc 4, Application o felled Instructions (on left e I ti trip lPossess .hudhrenfo en 8. Applicant ' 5 ^fx -w a. Legal Name: St. Matthew's Hou eal Y Xo b. Employer /Taxpayer Identification Number 65- 1110501 ^, (EINITIN): d. Address Street 1: 2001 Airport Rd. South Street 2: City: Naples County: Collier State: Florida Exhiblt2 cre'rand'"i DUNS Spotters I'LL 09/YT/Y011 Packet Page -1]38- d. Address Street 1: 2001 Airport Rd. South Street 2: City: Naples County: Collier State: Florida Exhiblt2 Psge3 09/YT/Y011 Packet Page -1]38- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: St Matthew's Houck, Inc. 831093653 _. _._ 043073 Country: United Stales ZiplPostal Code: 34112 e. Organizational Unit (optional) Department Name: Finance Department Division Name: f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application Prefix: Mr. ,"P`a First Name: Lou Hoegsted Telephone Number. Extension: Fax Number: Email: II Officer House, Inc. ^ Exhibit Page 4 09/27/1011 Packet Page -1739- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant St partners House, Inc, 831093653 1C. Application Details Instructions 9. Type of Applicant :(required)- This field is populated from the a -snaps Applicant Profle Applicants cannot motldy the Populated data on this form. However, applicants may shorify, the Applicant Prof Is to correct any errors diameter. 10 Name Oh Federal Agency -field populated with Me Department of Housing and Urban Development. The field cannot be edited 11. Catalog Of Fetleral Domestic Assistance Numbedfllle: (required)- select He applicable field on thiispform and wlC,on"the list of components nts available on 3ABProl cl Detail of this application. 12. Funding Opportunity Ntimfi r?iue -This field will automaircally populate wit the funding pponunlsty number afAe of he opportunity under which assistance is rebounded, as found In this year Federal Reg CO, annoUrcement. 13. CompetlYlon Ii/reficatlon Numbe�r$m�tle -Leave Mrs fieltl blank. Additional Resources p. wdF `Her Application Detailed Instructions (on led pmenu) hap//ednaps hourly info � "it 9 Type of Ad liicanl M Nonprofit with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other .tharf Institution of Higher Education) If Other" please epeclfy v` 10. Name of Federal Agency <Oepart mant of Housing and Urban Development 11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance S�-IP Title: CFDA Number: 14.235 .F 12. Funding Opportunity Number: FR- 5500 -N -34 Title: Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Competition 13. Competition Identification Number: Title: ExbibiY2 Page 5 09/29/2011 Packed Page -1740. 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: Bt. Matthew's House, Inc. 831093653 Project: Wolfe Airstreams 043073 ^ 10. Congressional District(s) Instructions: 14. Areas Affected By Project (request) select the slala(s)In which me Proposed poject will operate and serve homeless persons. The stall selected will c atent the list of geographic areas and congressional districts ' displayed elsewhere In this application. 15. Descriptive Title of Applicants Protect field populates the 2011 protect name from the Project form. Realm W the Project form, to make changes to the name. Profile Applicants cannot i modify the Applicant Profle to I the project operates. For new - indicate the operating start and and data e estimated operating start and end date of 14. Areas) affected by the project (slate(II Florida only) (for multiple selections hold CTRL+Key) r �.n W 15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: Wolfe Apadmentai �'�-y; __ y, 16. Congressional District(s): a. Applicant: FL -025 b. Project: FL -025 (for multiple selections hold CTRL +Key) 17. Proposed Project a.$tart Date: 10101/2011 b. End Date: 09/30/2012 18. Estimated Funding ($) Exhibit 2 Page 6 00/27/2011 Packet Page -1741- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant St Matthews House, Inc. 831093653 Project: Wolfe Apartments 003073 a. Federal: b. Applicant: c. State- d. Local: e. Other: C Program Income: g. TOTAL: "ffia. h 4# `fa, e.nmaz vage� oelz�izoil Packet Page -1742- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: St Matthew's House. Im, 031093653 Project: Wolfe Arguments 043073 1E. Compliance Instructions 19, Is Application Subject to Review By Stale Executive Omer 12372 Process? himuiretl)- Select the appropriate box that applies to the Applicant applying for homeless assistance funding. Applicants should contact the State Single Point of Contact(SPOC) for Federal Executive Omer 12372 to determine whether the application is subject to the Stale intergovernmental review process. IPYES'is selected enter the data this application was made available to the State for review. 20. Is the Applicant Coherent on any Federal Debts(required) - Select Me appmpnate box that applies to the Applicant applying for homeless assistance funding. ruts qu stmn applies to the applicant organization, not the person who signs as the authorized microcircuits categon s of IP' YES' is selected models a explanation in the space provided on this screen. 19. Is the Application Subject to Revieva ey c. Program is not covered by E.O. 12372. State Executive Order 12372 Prcaperi If "YES", a avail a le to this application iiii `p made available to the state for renew "3:. 20. Is the Applicant delinquent on any Federal Nob6 debt? 6YV ``Kw \ ^,. IT "YES," provide an explanation y r. 14% Exhibit 2 Page S 09127/2011 Packet Page-1743- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: sc Matthews House, Inc. 831093653 Project: Wolfe Apartments 043073 1F. Declaration Instructions: I Agree: (required) - Select the crack next to 'I Agree 10 (1) certify to the statements contained in me acurarte to the best of my knowledge, (3) only that the required strudecesPl are provided, and (4) agree to comply with any resulting farms if I accept an award Any false, fid tlous, or audulent statements or claims may accept the authorized representative and the appl¢ant orgamzaeon to criminal, civil, or aamlmslawe penalties (O. S. Code, Tine 218, Secure 1001) "The list of oundwtions and assurances are contained In Ne CoC fill and In the esnaps Applicant Prof Is 21, Authorized Representative: The information for the authorized representative is populated from the Applicant Profile loopy of fire governing body's audiometer for this person to sign By sinning and submitting this application, I codify (1) to the statements contained in the list of cerfificatlonsQ and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete, and accurate t¢,the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances °antl agree to comply with any resulting terms If I accept an awartl. Is aware thafany false, fclitlous, or fraudulent statements or claims may, subject main criminal, civil, or I AGREE: Ca 21. Authorized Representative Prefix: Mr. f'.a First Name: Thomas Middle Name: Last Name: Van Tassel Suffix: Title: Property Manager Telephone Number: (239) 774 -0500 (Format: 133456.7890) Fax Number: (239) 774 -7146 (Format: 123456 -7890) Exhibit 1 Page9 09/27/2011 Packet Page -17" Applicant: St Matthew's House, Inc. 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. 831083853 0430]3 Email: thomas @stmatthewshouse.org ^ Signature of Authorized Representative: Considered signed upon submission in e- snaps. Date Signed: 09/27/2011 � FM t'. 4 (YlR_ e1hy w Exhibit Page 10 09/2L2011 Packet Palle 1745 10/25/2011 Item i6,D.1, Applicant: 5t Mathews House, In c. 831093653 Project Wolfe AOaNnents U3073 2A. Project Sponsor(s) This form lists the sponsor organirationts) for the project. To add a sponsor, select the icon. To view or update sponsor information already listed, select the view option. IOrganiration I Type This list contains no hems l! Aw f 7 n Exhaft2 1 Page 11 0927/2011 Packet Page -1746- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: St. Matthews House, Inc. 831093653 Project: Wefts Apartments 043073 3A. Project Detail ^ Instructions: Complete all relay on this form, as appropriate. Revise any Information populated from the F10 application, to ensure accuracy and completeness of the Information submitted in this year's appllratiion. The selections made on this form will determine the remaining forms that most be completed with this application. 1. Expiring Grant Number: field populates with the expiring grant number entered as the "Federal Award Irani on form t A, Application Type of this application. 2. CoC Number and Name :(requiretl)- select the appropriate Continuum of Care (CoC) umber antl name. The selected CoC will receive the application and determine whether or nc to include 11 with the CoC aapllwllon submission to HCC. 3. Project Name: fief / j populates the 2011 project name from me Project form. Return to to Project form, to makQcM1angestin Ilia name. I on 4- Project Type:Oeld papule (esthe to j9tlt pecoworremovei as selected on form 1A. Appucatlon Type of this apPYoawn CR (SRC). 6. Component Type (required) - select the one component that appropriately identifies the project The list of avaaable cemponenlpw"ll depend on the program type sal udfjd. L Energy tar:(required) -s Iecl as or No to tl�R whet or not energy star is being (or will be) used at one or more of the properties thatwif receive assistance using the requested 1 ds, B. Tito V:(required) select Yes or No to indicate th or one ongrove of the project properties has been conveyed under Title V, 9. Services In connection with another TH or PH project'. select Yes 6T No to indicate whether or not the project is providing (or will provide) compares services to participants in another permanent housing or transitional housing project 10. Innovative SHP(required) - select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the proposed project Is to be considered under the Innovative Supportive Housing component if yes, indicate in the project description (on form 28 of this application) here the pmiem represents a distinctively different approach when viewed within its geographic area, is a sensible model for others , and unless a colmpetlng elsewhere case erre An applicant these odors cpropose be e[ project under this component Additional resources: Application Calailetl Instructions (on left menu) the fleareps hudhrelnfc htlpa/ww.hupre infivandex clmido= viewHomelessAndHousingPmgmminfo 1. Expiring Grant Number (a ic. the 'Federal Award Irenlil indicated on form l A. Application Type) Exi ibh2 1 Page 12 09/2]2011 Packet Page -1747- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant St. Matthews House, Inc. 831893653 Project: Wolfe Apartments 043073 2. CoC Number and Name FL- 606 - Naples /Collier County CoC 3. Project Name Wolfe Apartments 4. Project Type Renewal Projsot 5. Program Type SHP Content depends on 'CFDA Number" 1748- selection 6. Component Type PH Content depends on "Program Type' selection T. Is Energy Star used at one or more of the No Properties with!rQthis project? 8. Does this project include, pn oLmore Title No 9. Is the projecE.providing, services to No participants in anotheq PH oYTH projecct,? 10. Is me proposed project amok.irrnttte l for No consideration under ttie innovative Supportive Housing component? .; k5.. VV 1�n �y /F ExblbilP Pege 13 9912]/PO11 Packet Page 1748- Applicant; St, MaWiew'a House, Inc. Project Wain ApaNnents Instructions- 10125/2011 Item 16. D.1. 831093853 063073 3B. Project Description Exact 2 Page to a92712011 Packet Page 1749- Complete all fields on this form, as approprode. Revise any information populated from the FY2010 application, to ensure accuracy and completeness of the Information submitted in this year's application. 3 -More than 16 persons living In one structure (required) select Yes or No to Indicate If more than 16 persons reside (or will make) In any one of the structures assisted with SHP funds required as to how local application arket condition necessitate this 16 people. how neighborhood s Integration can be achieved for the resitlents. For more Information on the 16 Person limit, see Section 424(c) of the McKinney -Vento Act. NEW S,C'TRA ONLY 3. Housing selection (required) - select Yes or No to Indicate whether or not pedlcipants are required to live in particular structures or units during the first year and in a particular area within the pretty in subsequent years, or to live In a particular area for the entire period of instigation. Additional resources: run fle orps.hudhor into blip: forms hudidw luckiness . Om? tlo= viewHomeless ndHousingProgmminfc Exhibil2 1 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. St Matthew's House, Inc. 1750- 831093653 mfe Apartments 043073 Complete all fields on this form, as approprode. Revise any information populated from the FY2010 application, to ensure accuracy and completeness of the Information submitted in this year's application. 3 -More than 16 persons living In one structure (required) select Yes or No to Indicate If more than 16 persons reside (or will make) In any one of the structures assisted with SHP funds required as to how local application arket condition necessitate this 16 people. how neighborhood s Integration can be achieved for the resitlents. For more Information on the 16 Person limit, see Section 424(c) of the McKinney -Vento Act. NEW S,C'TRA ONLY 3. Housing selection (required) - select Yes or No to Indicate whether or not pedlcipants are required to live in particular structures or units during the first year and in a particular area within the pretty in subsequent years, or to live In a particular area for the entire period of instigation. Additional resources: run fle orps.hudhor into blip: forms hudidw luckiness . Om? tlo= viewHomeless ndHousingProgmminfc Exhibil2 1 Page 15 09/2L20i1 Packet Page 1750- Applicant: at Matthews House, Inc. 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1, 031093653 0430]3 1. Provide a description of the project that addresses its entire scope, including the needs of the community/target population. The Wolfe Apartments Supportve Housing Program provides permanent rental housing to individuals who are homeless and disabled. A comprehensive range of supportive services are available to assist in achieving stability and maximize housing. Necessal mainstream health anc Permanent housing re'. in accordance with the to or less man Fair Me the homeless and source of income Area credit counseling agencies relish positive credit which will increas to obtain and maintain permanent ] to allow each resident access to if their monthly adjusted gross income ts. We must receive an amount equal W sustain the project. Tenants apply is from the local Housing Authonty or apecmc commands measures nave Dean nave with Wolfe Apartments Supportive Housing Prog to relate to the outcome, have a measurablg.tim achievement, and have a percentage of complia one. Applicant: St. Matthew's House, Inc. 831093653 Project: Wolfe Apartments EX2_021510 Exhibit 2. Was the original project awarded funding yes for acquisition, new construction, or rehabilitation? to each ExnI0Ir2 Page 16 09/2],2011 Packet Page 1751- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: 5t Matthews House, Inc. 831083853 Project: Wolfe Apartments 043073 4A. Supportive Services for Participants Instructions The information entered into the form fields below should record the battery of the project to provide supportive wooden or access to services that leadership require. 1. Project policies and practices are consistent with the educational laws: (required) - select Yes or No to indicate viamer or not the project polices provide ror educational and related services to individuals and families expenenciang homelessness, and if the policies are consistent worn educational laws, Including the McKinney -Vento Act. 3. Describe the be taken prior to describe the employment and resources speclB otbeirs) (ptional) - a ter up toe additional supportjervi proposed project, antl enter the frequency or those additional services. 7 Accessibility of commul amenities. (required) - select the level of accessibility of basic community sciences far project participants Basic community amenities should be accessible to padiciple is via walking, public transportation, riming, or transportation provided by the ported. Additional resources'. Application Detailed Instructions (en left menu) bttp rtes bi solve info hVflosa ry hudbre. mmnndex. clm? do= vlewHomele$$AndHousingPmgraminto 1. Are the proposer) project policies and Yes practices consistent with the laws related to ^ providing education services to individuals and families? Exhibir2 Gaga t] 09/2]I20H packet Page -1752 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: St. Matthews House, Inc. 831W3853 2. Does the proposed project have a Yes designated staff person to ensure that the children are enrolled in school and receive educational services, as appropriates 3. Describe the reasons) for noncompliance with educational laws, and the corrective action to be taken prior to grant agreement execution. �1 r � Exhibit Pape 18 08/2]/2011 Packet Page -1753 - 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: 5t Matthew's House. Inc. 831883653 Project Wolfe Apanlnents 043073 46. Housing Type and Scale This list summarizes each housing site in the project. To add a housing site to the list, click the atltl icon. To view or update a housing site already listed, select the appropriate view icon. Housing Type use BeErooms BeEe Clustered apanments 14 16 16 F �f e.nlenz Page is 6slznzan Packet Page 1754- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: St Ma11M1ew's House, Inc. 831093653 Project Wolfe Apartments 043073 48. Housing Type and Scale Detail Instructions I Housing loss '.(required)- select or update the proposed housing type. Refer b the detailed Instructions document fora der nition of each housing here. 2. indicate the maximum number of union , bedrooms, and beds available for project participants at the selected housing site. a. Total units (required) enter or update the maximum number of units available for housing Project participants at to eelectatl housing type. b. Total bedrooms: (required) - enter or arms Me maximum number of it drooms available for housing project participants at the selected morning type. c. Total sold :prepared) = deeper or update Oe maximum number of bedrooms available for housing protect persons Is at the selected housing type . 3. Geographic rea4s`�.(Iequlretl) ' Odcete the geographic loWtlon(s)of the selected housing fs A apartments I 2. Indicate the maximum number of units, bedrooms, and beds available for project participendi at the selected housing site. a. units: 14, Id. Bedrooms: 16 c. Beds: 16 <r- 3. Select the geographic steals) associated 122064 NAPLES, 129021 COLLIER COUNTY with the selected housing type. For new projects, select the areas) expected to be sewed. (for multiple selections hold CTRL +Key) Exhibit Page 20 09/2]/2011 Packet Page -3)55- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant St Matthews House, Inc. 031093653 4C. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Participation Instructions: All projects must indicate their level of participation in the CoC'a HMIS. 1. Participation in the Cry HMIS'. (required)- select Yes or No to indicate whether or not annual data regarding project participants are reported in the OoC'a HMIS. IF PROJECT PARTICIPANT DATA Is REPORTED IN THE HMIS 2a. Indicate beef number of clients served_ reyulred) -enter the total number of participants served by the project in wiendar year 2010 111/2010 - 12/3112010). 2b. Indicate the total number of participants reported in HMIS: (required)- enter Me total ivder of project participants reported in Me Coca HMIS for calendar year 2oto (11112010 - 3v2010). f8 `�(,.i 3. Indicate the seem rte of HMIS chant records with 'n ull or mrcnnn oaluec nr unknown Know of any field ) IN THE HMIS one or more of the four (4) re sons) 4b For other or fordens/State prohibitions. cite impticable tw - p 'tl pl nation of the other reasons nonpaH ip t and cite the pin pa 1 tl ardmil Mat prohibit precipitation `:ern Additional mssurws: Application Detailed numerous Ion left menu) 09/2]/2011 btlp://emaps bone info Packet Page 1. Does this project provide client level Yes data to HMIS at least annually? Click on the "Save' button below to enter additional information. 2a. Indicate the number of clients served 20 from 11112010. 1213112010 2b. Of the clients served from 11112010- 20 1213112010, indicate the number reported in the HMIS 3. Indicate in the grid below the percentage of HMIS client records with 'null or missing values' or 'unknown values.' Exfibd2 Page21 09/2]/2011 Packet Page 1756- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. App IicanC St Matthew's House, lnc. 831093553 Project: Wolfe Apartments 003073 Dom Quit mail or at .... a wilum not Dwrtlawww captured not Page 22 08/2]/2011 Ski Si Number 0% Oman of Birth 0% Grommor C% Won't Sam, Cpa� annual Condition L's Normal Poll to Pri Emery 0% Zip Cono, V Lout prominent Armorwou e% LL 4 \Y. r Exhibit Page 22 08/2]/2011 Packet Page -1]5)- /\ 10/25/2011 Item 16.1 Applicant : St. Matthews House, Inc. 031093653 Project: Wolfe Apartments 043073 5A. Project Participants - Households with Dependent Children Instructions Identify the demographics ofeect household with children sanretl(or proposed to be ended) at a particular point in tomes (Whom the project is at full capacity) The numbers unsound here must reflect only those households and Persons III using the funds requested in this application. I Total number of households :( required) - enter the total number of households server (or proposed to be servant 2. Disabled adults (in this row) - enter the un-duplicated total number of adult persons with a loading, tvlo n s y homeless severely mentay dt chronic substance abuse veterans, persons who AMA DS aptl number H( nrobeffilyhomeless, memory mentally ill, chronksubstance`ebus , veterans, persons with and nd Dv victims): u �;,¢`: "r;\, fy s. total persona (calculated row) - Ne total nur�iber pipe %ons within each subpopulauon is automatically calculated. bier \a ro.. 4+\ olal . ]. Total number of adults :(calculated row) - the l number adults !read (or proposed to be served) is automatically calculated 1r uC 8 Total number of children : (calculated row) - the total number of coidwn served (or prepared to be served) is automatically calculated. _ Additional Resources: Point in time - PIT(delmition) -a s nap shot of the number of homeless persons that can be served on any given night or day when the project is at full Al For a new project, this court is based on the applicant's best guess at the time of application. For a renewal project, lose PIT is based on the applicants assessment of the number of participants residing in ataoitty or rved by Its program on a particular night or day when the project is at full capacity. Application Detailed Instructions (on left menu) crop :current; judge info htlRllesnaps.hudbm.info /tsining ExM1l bit Y Page 23 ��.aup mdal nnry • reiyln Packet Page nrn 2 got Adults is p i5 Is 11 1 ExM1l bit Y Page 23 0912]/2011 Packet Page 1758 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1 Applicant: 5t Matthew's House, Inc. 831093653 Project: Wolfe ApaNnents 043093 s Cnuano `dl kicnb'Si m'1 e al 1 Exhibit Page 24 0811 Packet Page -1)59- l C� Ar Y" l Exhibit Page 24 0811 Packet Page -1)59- 10/25/2011 Item 15.D.1. Applicant St Matthew's House, Inc. 83101 Project: Wolfe Apartments 043073 r� 5B. Project Participants - Households without Dependent Children r-� Instructions: Identify the demographics of each household without children served (or proposed to be sewed), at a particular point in time (when the project Is at full capaelNl- me numbers entered here must reflect only Mesa households and persons served using the I ds requested In this application. 1 Total number of households. (reguired) enter me total number of households without children served (or proposed to be served). a Total persons: (calculated row)- the total number or persons within each subpopuiation Is automatically calculated. `� r W 1. Total number of adults )calculated row) -the total member of adults good (or proposed to be served) Is automatically sell 4 F1, 9. total number or unaccompanied ynmm (aalcuiatea mw) me, har umber of unacerrom lea youth served (or proposed to be sewed) is automatically calculated Additional Resources: Point in time PIT (aennlaon) -a snap shot of the number of homeless persons that can be corved. on any given night or day, when the project is at lull capacity . For a new project, this count is based on the applicants best guess at me time of application. For a renewal project, the PIT Is based on the applicant's assessment of the number of pa loosens residing in a facility or sewed by the program on a particular night or day when to project is at full capacity. Application petalled Instructions (on left menu) M1tlp: / /esnaes himmeinfo hadflAwmbuchauimmnaex cf do= viewHomelegs ndHousingProg2minfo ea w urFO ld, 092T/2o11 Packet Page uet un.amo yaurnne tonaugie male nuiyill oh HVIAm3 np ExM1ibilP Page 25 092T/2o11 Packet Page 1760 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant S1. Matthews House. Inc. BS1093653 Project. Wolfe Apansnanls 063073 a. DII Page 26 0912]/2011 Packet Page 1761 Yguth L:,CoMP., :'.ia ramp # 'sa1o'1e A 11111kM amn 1 "I'dam) ma.ar 13 je cx u 'sava te auu ml 8, Tcal WIrRel If o lcl,,panieadi alum 1 W._ a C V 4`' 4 "0` Exbibil2 Page 26 0912]/2011 Packet Page 1761 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SI. Matthews House, Inc. 631093653 Pro)eut Wolfe Apanments 043073 r� 5C. Outreach for Participants Instructions: Complete all fields on this form, as appropriate. Revise any Information populated from the FY2010 application, on ensure accuracy and completeness of the information submitted in this years application. 1. Where homeless participants are coming from'. (regquired) - enter the percentage (%) related to the safe havens, o transitional hou sing who came di ¢i her the s street, emergency tudent , emergency shelters or safe haven. ToWI of above percentages: (calculated) - the percentages entered will sum In the Total of above percentages field. 2. If total is less than 100 c Conceded) - indicate the other places from which homeless persons enter the project, in the teN box prodded 3.Outreach plan:Iredsuired for here moiemsl creature how the aooli cenOSOOnsor plans to plan. t. Enter the percentage of homeless persons) -who will be served by the proposed protect for each of the follonifing locationsri "e, Note: this includes persons who ordinarily sic pin on ofthe places listed below but are spending a short time (90 consecutive days or less) a jail, hospital, or other institution. i,Fr 26% m for m ran. honest na 42% views sam am, form anomalous 0912]pOt1 om :...I,. 32% rem", " To who wine in arms from the strand Emergency She Item, or Safe Havens. 100% Tom a lbove .v. 2. If the total is less than 100 percent, identify the other location(s), and how the persons will meet the HUD homeless definition. ExM1ibit2 Page9 0912]pOt1 Packet Page -1)62- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: 3t Matthew's House, Inc. 831093553 Project: Wolfe Aparmants 043093 6A. Standard Performance Measures Instructions: and to permanent rowel program 80 %" is and target for the housing measure. calculate the target percent API I Tweet trl 1 Target lx1 lopuson, real 11 onn,111t calling 11 en, old If the l(v% year or extra 1, porl housing (subsidized or Packet Page -1763- ..:rrong 2. Choose one income - related pertorman came asure from below, and specify the universe and target numbers for the goal. Click'Save'to calculate the target percent lie ). Income d,,11r, n lrl Twoll to wgxl nzape fe ana aanr.ne malmaleea er tmreanmx lei 1s 1oor. mlee m your er . ead at me royal year or OR 'Iya 1e Nmueh el ene cree lme w honeyed t 3 3 ra0% lun,orwo, of the end of eye opoll Exhibit Page 28 09/92011 Packet Page -1763- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: SI. MatlM1ew's House, Inc. 831093653 Project: Wolfe Apatlmenls 043073 6B. Additional Performance Measures Specify up to three additional measures on which the project will report performance in the Annual Performance Report (APR). Fop Exhibit 1 Pape zs 09127/2011 Packet Page 1764 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1, Applicant: St Matthew's House, Inc. Protect: Wolfe Aoanments 6B. Additional Performance Measures Detail Instructions Spedy the universe that each measure applies to and the number pi) of applicable clients who am expected to achieve each measure valtthe operating year, the source where data will be compoed(e MIS), g.. data ordered In H method of pate rgllegion(a g., data selected by the intake worker at entry and case managers at exit) proposed to measure results. specific dam elements and formula purposed for calculating results, and rationale for why the proposed measure is an contacted indicator of performance for this project. 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure. 831093653 0430]3 Ponxioad a .... ,. c nor"", m el 9) .r (w) 'h'i'm@ I id 12 leh �mr"sn rhe.un9 Peiesstyii monlh.aln �� 2. Data Source (e.g. -, data recorded In HMIS) and method of data collection e9. proposed collected bythe Intakew6rker at entry and case manager at z fx u.. Data recorded in HMIS and through exitllog.�'= 1. 3. Specific data elements and formula'pioposed for calculating results Entry and exit log i� 4. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program `S ,ki It is an appropriate goal for persons staying in permanent housing that they stay through a minimum of t year lease 6B. Additional Performance Measures Detail Instructions Specify the universe that each measure applies to, and the number ob of applicable creme who expected to achieve each measure within the operating year, the son" where data will be are ompiled (ey_ data reported in HMIS), method of data wllaUlon (a g -, data collected by the Intake worker at entry and case managers at exit) proposed to measure results, specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results, and rationale for why the proposed measurers an appropriate indicator of performance for this project. Exhibit 1 Page 30 09/2]/2011 Packet Pao 4]65- 10125/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant; St Mattbaw's House. Inc. 831093653 P,,.,ert wrote 4n,ame,ne 043073 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure. epe.ee Me.:on coverer na c •rnr Ml jcnlal.i: alt Packet Page -176G (per, ml.miiei'.n aims 1 n loox 'ee\ 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the Intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results Weekly case management files, medical records, and exit log "v 3. Specific data elements: and formula proposed for calculating results Individual access lan. Case management documentation, medical records at 4. Rationale fo whythe prop measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program To maintain and/or improve painul all[6 health /d Gab l29 613. Additional Perforrriainca Measures Detail Instructions v;* Specify the adverse that each measure applies to, and the number ( #J,o epGlicable clients who are expected to achieve each measure within the a spend g year Ia source where data will be compiled (e.9" data reported In HMIS), method of tlato collection (e.9., data selected by the slake worker at entry and case managers at exit) proposed to measure results, specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results, and rationale for why the proposetl measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this protect. 1. Specify the universe and target goal numbers for the proposed measure. ic ree... it M ... we e. uaied elal Trips Nl d. a':relalt Packet Page -176G (per, 80% of 111eene Moth aureassomien ®»,n 1 1 100% 2. Data Source (e.g., data recorded in HMIS) and method of data collection (e.g., data collected by the intake worker at entry and case manager at exit) proposed to measure results Exhibit Page 31 09/27Ml1 Packet Page -176G 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant. Sl. Matthews House, Inc. 631093653 Protect: Wolfe Apartments 003073 Case management, individual service plan, activity sign in 3. Specific data elements and formula proposed for calculating results Individual service plans, required activity log 0. Rationale for why the proposed measure is an appropriate indicator of performance for this program To decrease the potential for reoccurance of domestic violence I f %" I Exhibit 1 Pe9e 32 00/2712011 Packet Page -1767- 10/25/2011 Item 16.0.1. Applicant SL MaW ew's House, Inc. 831093653 o....... w,am nn.dmom. 043073 v v Funding Request Instructions The fields that must be completed on this form will vary based on the protect type. program type, and component type. 1 a. Operating by September 30 .2013? (required) - select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the grant agreement will be execute and the protect will begin operating by September 30, 2011 Unobligated funds will not be available after September 30, 2013. for this armed? (required) select Yes or No to funds under he Permanent Housing Bonus referred to as a new PH Bonus project Only goods luntls. (required) - select Yes or No to indicate whether a? (required) select Yes or No to indicate ted two or more grants, as approved through In pan or whole) under a special housing nap I tpre previously received funds under one of srvf,, bri m is Hom ly less, Permanent Housing Rh then the protect must continue to meet the pectin order to continue to receive renewal r IN reallocidon or Nki imposed) select Yes NEW AND RENEWAL PROJECTS: 3. Grant to". (required) - indicate the number of years for which being request The number of years Mat can be selected will var and program type. Additional resources: htlpa/esnaps hudhre info Mtp //mvwdudhor Mid ode fm ?do= vlewHomeless ndHousingPrograminfo 1 a. is it feasible for the project to begin Yes operating /under grant agreement by September 30, 2013? Exhlbit2 Page 33 09/2]/20f1 Packet Page -1J68- 10/2512011 Item 16.D.1. Applicano 5t Muni House, I= 831093653 Project: WOae Apartments 063073 ib. Is this project a HUD approved Yes consolidation? In. Was the original project awarded funding No (in part or whole) under a special housing initiative? 2. Has this project been reduced through the No HHN reallocation process? a. Select the 3. Grant Term: 1 Year Exhibit Page 34 01 Packer Page -1]69- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: St. Matthew's House, Inc. 831093653 Project: Wolfe Apartments 043073 r\ Operating Budget Instructions: For each year of the grant term. enter the quantity and total budget request for each operating activity v any information populated from the FY2010 application, to ensure accuracy and completeness of the Information submitted in this years application. Eligible operating. (populated) the system populates a list of eligible operating activities for which SHP funds can be requested Please use the other category to specify any additional, eligible activities, which are not listed. Refer to Me SHP Desk Guide for details on eligible operations activities. Casualty (required) enter or update the quantlty(eg FTE hours and dements for staff, utility types, monthly allowance for food and supplies) for each operating activity for wMCM1 SHP funding is being requested SHP Request (requiiretl')�- Elipr�ech grant yast enter or update Me amount (By requested for each activity that le BIRECTLY relRod W operating the housing or supportive services facility. The SHP Request should match budget amounts identified on Me Grant Inventory Worksheet. Total )celculated Me totelrb'MP ni (5) requested for each activity will automatically bell in the Total mluipt '�� Tota Pdollaally cslcula(a n Me Tool dollars requested Nndtngo($)requested for each gaol year will au liar, ^ Dash Match-( required) for es& gent year. solar or update the cash amount (S) available to s pport the SHP request By law, Me Banco orpmject sponsor must make cash payment for at least 25% of the project's total Operations budget to each grant year Town SHP Operations Budget (ollic ed)- the_TotalO eravg�'s Budget will automatically calculate. `P y{ = Other Resources (no input required) - if thereaejin nd`or additional cash resources above Me requested cash match requirement enter the total amount D$) available per grant year Additional resources: Application Detailed Instruments (on left menu) Exhibit 1 Page 35 09/2]/2011 Parker Page -177M ifirs 440 IhIreplese Request 1 hearnevereGains", Any and all maintenance Wuxi) So7rom anderno.... aside or the 2bmff FIT Has, led terse, for $6,000 $6.000 S Will" mr, rest af the, nw, idi $25,300 x,cani wear Pursue Aluslimand as $a larval far use wer weni te remove Hussy Exhibit 1 Page 35 09/2]/2011 Parker Page -177M 10/25/2011 Item 16,D.1. Applicant: 5t Matthews House, Inc. 831893653 Project: Wolfe Apartments 843073 H not specified, the cests will be removed from the budget. The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "save" 6uttonI L:' 'q, y ExM1lbit2 aPd learn Page 36 T.FurnishinO, ISO $0 $0 ISO SO ISO 11 Path M111h :Z7 I:T 92 12 real SHP Siemens Suseen ISSI $w 475 H not specified, the cests will be removed from the budget. The Total values are automatically calculated by the system when you click the "save" 6uttonI L:' 'q, y ExM1lbit2 Page 36 09/2i/2011 Packet Page -1])1- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant St Matthew a House. Inc. 831083653 Praised: Wolfe Apartments 003073 Supportive Services Budget Instructions For each year of the grant term, enter the quantity and total budget request for each supportive services cost. Revirs any information populated from the FY2010 application, to ensure accuracy and completeness of the infamatled submitted in this years acriteriion. Eligible supportve services (populated) the system populates a list of eligible supporllve es forwhlch SHP funds can be requested Please use the'ONef category to specify any additions( eligible activities, which are not listed. Refer to the SHP Desk Gmtle for details on eligible supportive surfaces activities. Guantity :(required) - enter or update the i ping .t FTE Case Manager Salary t rumors, or child care for 15 entered) for each supportive service activity for which SHP funding is being requested Fjq The SHP requested for each activity will automatically Total Supportive Services Budget will Other Resources. (no input required) If there are in kind or atltltllonal Cash re the requested cash match requirement, enteror update due total amount t$) afar year kd06 < Additional resources 0credirWtons (on left menu) bri Hansinapi :nfo ,�^ �4^ butip escrow Twelve.'mfonnder clm4do= mewrvomelessAnaHousmgP3mgraminm pn,u.. s.rvm.a ea.x nand 4W n amr) gen,.a n 1 clear Packet Page o av Mene earned FTE cast e eXe 9e 1 n 183on 834230 Life $1MB(eumN M cane management) E0 * Ali and Di Abuse servaws E0 c spouse seNmeet) $0 J7 Helena assumed Ind Home Health seri Is In an ienapMaOOn _.. e0 Exhibit2 Page 3] 09/3]/3011 Packet Page 1772 Applicant: SL Matthew's House. Inc. 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. 831093653 0030]3 nn("Sttotals) page 3a ostznzsn Packet Page -1]]3- ZCTIOZZII reoueuee $34,230 $24,230 is 5551 p em Sarvina eWp ft el ... .oa I 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. 831093653 0030]3 C 'jk4 �A ^ exnimtz page 3a ostznzsn Packet Page -1]]3- $34,230 $24,230 is 5551 T $so- so C 'jk4 �A ^ exnimtz page 3a ostznzsn Packet Page -1]]3- Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Summary Budget The following information summarizes the SHP funding request and the available cash match for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of administrative costs must be entered in the field below. Please make sure that the budget amounts requested for all renewal projects correspond to the budget amounts on Grant Inventory Worksheet. Selected Grant Term 1 Year SHP A,0kftP5 s cold" Seemed 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant St. Matthew's House, Ire. Pu 831093653 Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Summary Budget The following information summarizes the SHP funding request and the available cash match for the total term of the project. However, the appropriate amount of administrative costs must be entered in the field below. Please make sure that the budget amounts requested for all renewal projects correspond to the budget amounts on Grant Inventory Worksheet. Selected Grant Term 1 Year SHP A,0kftP5 s cold" Seemed ca.hapoh Those 0927/2011 0 Pu E0 2 Rehabilitates 0 $0 EO 0 $0 <. SUbbM1l6W tun al 50 80 60 E0 _ Paul Preade, Lanxlry 50 61 Spie"fiMe sarvc es Flat snownlra Shi Budget Chan 434190 Meet $42390 mm 02 nB audpn then 5]3 500 Me 935 Ws 475 Held m HIS S. XP Request (sWbNl Mee Put 4107330 1 FiIna (u oaz 9tam e5 (rw.lslneze naaiol 3mal ceanmmn n3ta lvrz anal 511],116 V4,595 419),651 Exhilut 2 Page 39 0927/2011 Packet Page 1774 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant St Matthews House, Inc. 831093653 Project Wolfe Apartments 043073 8A. Attachment(s) ^ Instructions 1. Sponsor Nonprofit Documentation - Documentation of the sponsors summit status must be uonpaed ifthel appicant and project sponsor are different entries, andthe sponsoris a z. PHA Contra n- Non PHA Applicants for S,C SRO and Section 3 SRO projects must submit signed and dated later from an authorized representative of the local PHA carry that the Applicant is authorized to act on behalf of the PHA. Applicant is authorized to act on behalf of the PHA. 3, Other Attachmentaj - Attach any additional information supporting the project funding request use a zip file to attach multiple documents. Document Type Requiredi Document Dina iption Date Attached 1 Sponsor Nonprofit Documentation W No' i Packet Page 1775 2. PHA Cemnnaton Lauer 3. Other Attachment f e.hmuz Paga ao o9mrz6n Packet Page 1775 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. Applicant: St. MaMeWs House, Inc. 831093653 P. lwn wmre AnatlmeMS 043073 Attachment Details Document Description: Attachment Details Document Description: stalls n Exhibit Page 41 0927/2011 Packet Page 1776- 10/25/2011 Item 16. D. 1. Applicant: St. Ma Mew's House, Ina 831093653 Project: Scope Apartments 043073 8B. Certification ^ A. For the Supportive Housing (SHP), Shelter Plus Care (S +C), and Single Room Occupancy (SRO) programs: Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity It will comply wit Season 3 of the Housing and UNan Development Act of 1968, as amended (12 U.5 C 1I01(u)), and regulations pursuant thereto (24 CFR Pan 135), which require that to the Ispee l extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be given to lower dents of me dialect and contracts for work m connection with the project be awarded in read arms pan to persons residing In me area of the project. It will comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U 5 0.]94), as amended. and with implementing regulations at 24 CFR Pan 8, which prohibit discrimination based on disability In Federally assisted and conducted programs and activities. It wo comply with the Age Discrimination Ad of 1975 (42 U. S. C. 6101 -0]), as amended, and Implementing regulations at 24 CFR Pad 146, which prohibit discnmim ion because of age In projects and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. It will comply with Executive Orders 11625, 12432, and 12138, which state Tat program opeicipa s shall bee of comedy groups aid encourage pectoral by businesses owned and ExM1ibn2 Page 42 09/2]2011 Packet Page -1]]7- 10/25/2011 Item 16.D.1. upp9canL $L Matthew's House, Inc 031093653 Protect: Write Apartments 043073 It persons of any particularrace, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status, or tllsauddy she may qualify for assistance are unlikely to be reached. it will establish additional procetlures to ensure that intakencitl persons can chain occurrence concerning be assistance It will comply with the reasonable modification and accommodation requirements and, as appropriate fine accessibility requirements of the Fair Housing Act and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as amended op 0PIP. Ifi. IIe It applicant has established a preference for targeted populations of disabled persons pursuant to 24 CFR 582 330(a), it will comply with this section's nondiscrimination requirements within the designated population. B. For SHP Only. 20 -Year Operation Rule. For applicants s l9 al pce for acquisition, refashioned or new construction'. The protect wil e ope2ieq,kr no lesgylan 20 years from the date of initial occupancy or the date of 1 -Year C. For SiC Only. Supportive Servic s. (; It will make available supportive services ap`eropPate]b the needs of the population serve equal in value to the aggregate amount of rental 'asalistance funded by HUD rorthefull Is the rental commerce- 1'W D Explanation, Where the applicant a unable to seeks to any or thud t temanf' in tb BNr ation. apab applicant shall attach an explanation behind this page } Name of Authorized Certifying Official Thomas Van Tassel r; Date: 0912712011 Title: Property Manager Applicant Organization: St. Matthew's House, Inc. PHA Number (For PHA Applicants Only: I certify that I have been duly authorized by % the applicant to submit this Applicant Certification and to ensure compliance. 1 am aware that any false, ficticlous, or frautlulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 216, Section 1001). not Exhibit Page 43 09/2]12011 Packet Page 1778