Agenda 10/25/2011 Item #16A15r
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10252011 Item 15A15.
to approee, and suWOriae me Cbairmaa to ap, a Memonadom a
UndoloNl4iag 1mPlaaadag the direcioo a 0e Bard Of County Cammlydoaen an provide
fuaaug b don Berg Leerang CaBda at $oad aet Morale, la., m the amen[ a $50p00 Y
MaedYar 2012
OMCT$YE: '1161 the Bard Of County Commiaioners (Board) approves and amhmizea the
Cha¢aati to sip, a Memorandum of Understendlag (MOU) impl ®sting We direction of the
Board of County Commissioners to provide fending to dM Ealy Laming Coalition a.
Sank 6t Flmide, Inc. (COaiida)in die amowt of $50,W0 in Final Year 2012.
CONSD]ERATFONS• On September 8, 2011, the Board directed the Casty Manger to
estabiisb a $50,000 appropdrtion within the FY 2012 budget to provide fending to tla Early
Leaning Coalition of Sadhwest Florida, Inc. The toms covering this fimdivg coaatimmt,
ivolddhg requvaaenm for both the County ad Calitioa, arc aaeiu n within the afechM
WSCAL DVACM1 A $50,000 appropriation hoe hero esmblished widda the budget of Fad
007 (Economic Development) a duecsd by Me Bond.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT B A T: There is a gt w mmiagmern unpoo, �etan m
tlaa regaa
LXGAL CONBmMAnONS: This item ha been reviewed and approved by the County
Attomeys Office, is legally sufficient for Bard action and ordy requires a majority vote for
apex v RT.
RECOMMENDATION- Tha the Board of County Commis ionws approve, ad aadmrizes
the Chahma m ago, a Mdnoraodum oflhderaanding implementing flue d twdon of the Bond
of County Conunissionan m provide finding m'the Early Laming Coalition of Somhwest
n(aide, Inc. a the am0untof$50,000 m Fiona Yew 2012.
Preps lby: Amy Pederson, Impact Fa and Economic Development Manager
CAM ll Maagemat Division — Pluming and Regulation
I) Proposed Mepuaad 8,2011 amore
2) Mivufea— September 8, 2011
Packet Pap .135&
10/25/2011 Item 16.A.15.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.A.15.
hem Summary: Recommendation to approve, and authorize the Chairman to sign,
Memorandum of understanding implementing the direction of the Board of County
Commissioners to provide funding to the Early Learning Coalition of Southwest Florida, Inc., in
the amount of 550,000 in Fiscal year 2012.
Mal Date: 10/25/2011
Prepared By
Name: PanersoMmy
TidceManager - ImpeaFees@ EDC,Business Mane ent&
10/11!2011 932:47AM
Approved By
Name: Pullutly
Title_ Operations Analyst, CDES
Date: 10/17120 11 9'43:18 AM
Name: Marcellaleamie
Title: Executive Seeretary,Tmnspormoun Planning
Dam: 10/112011 9:50:27 AM
Name: TeachScon
Tide: Deputy County Atenney (County Attorney
Dato. 10 /192011 10:4716 AM
Name Fe lerNOrman
Title. Administrator - Grow h Management Div,Transizonat
Date. 10/1]/2011 1 1540 PM
Name: UhttrSusm
Title. Managemen Budget Analyst,Senio,OWIceOf Manage
Date: IOil 10011 2:10 61 PM
Name: Klatzkowleff
Title: County Attorney,
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Date :10/17/2011 3:43:49 PM
Name: OchaLeo
Title: Coamty Mamagev
Date: 10/1 ]20114:29:19 PM
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10/2512011 Item 16.A.15.
10/2512011 Item 16.A.15.
TMs NemOrelkum of Understanding (also referred fo n the - Agreementn b entered
Into balage ny n the Collier Ccu BOa d M COUMy COMMIS eners. national created fo as
'COUNTY° and the early Leamhg COalkim of SOUrtmant Rorke a Nernamal Corporation
mgictered under the Wws of Florida Chapter 617, operating under the laws of the State of
Fbtda ark, hereinafter referred to as the °COALITION:'
TMs Agreement Shelf begtn OHober 2h, 2011 and end September 30, 2012, unless
Mrminafed by either party as provided for herein
I. The remou Iblll as "Warned to 211t 1;f0untl Mader M1eA t Wages:
e. TO make prymeMe fo tie COALITION on a re"vnbumemeH b ®is for amnk mmplaNd
anNor ser Aces dekrerea for a fool amount not to exceed 550000.00 through
September W. 2012, Nat tell cover Me mean far the cost d care for eflable Collier
famines in the School Readiness program;
b. TO reimburse the Coalition upon receipt of a mcn0yy in ma from the Coalition in e
^ long acaplable to the County evidencing Me proper expandtures a Me Made
provided. upon recent of Me CmIMIOn's acceptable monthiy invoices, Me County will
renew, process and remit prompt payment mhn NLty (30) days.
c TOmOpaMO1 Na COalbonaneededtOkMllthetarna Mthis Agreement
a. To impkmeM progrems to serve reaideM M C ier Cmny n aaadanm wit Fbdda
Som requlrenrente for Me SUMMA Readlrac program and Coalition pohnes and
b, To provlda. P201her wth a "Mee contract alh Community COVrtlineteb Care for
Children PIC). Me Tolluwing aerebee to chikren and families re ardrg in Collier County:
Resouroe 6 Reims; El)giedddy act EnroNneM, ReimbursemaM to Child Care
ArpvldGm Chadmn'a oevabpmenlal Screenings, ProvMer MaMtodnB. Inamon, Infant
B TaddRr act Tminhg.
G . To Plcceas NO Slate legal match requirement for School Readiness.
d. To invoice the COUNTY for monthly expaMilures incumd beginning in November
2011 Nmpgh September 30, 2012, for Me procedilg month's expenditures In a loan
acceptable to me County;
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10/25/2011 Item 18.A.15.
songiTlOU ANp
e. To provide the appmprlate supporting bacc-up Oacumantatlon for cl'rads waled,
including a quarterly report Mowing the diem demographics with Me number N Gorier
County madame Impacted by Me program; flat o / employers of clients moshi g son of
madness services; and oMer appropriate arldance of eland movamaM toward
emromac sett suR 'ercy. The Coalition "I marvan all other records required by the
Cnuny In connection with Me School ReWMsse program ant haws IMm Available for
the Courtys nPrew add audit upm request.
f. Too pent WthtMCOUNTYasraededtafuRtWWMsd Mlsagreanerdt
III. TM Nutuel Duties ndiM PMiae
a. Thw Agreement aal Matemw and provisions haeMehall lnureto Ma benefddandM
binding upon has Parties Mrsto and their respedhre Mire, B1BCI110re, personal
repressrBAivac, successors, auoxsssn huelees, anxgor aeegneea, whenever the
corral so requires. The Agreement atoll only be amended TOM the minuet written
courant of Me Parties MraW or by their suconnors in Mature.
b. Should arty pat dMis Agreement M found! to M invalid, Man such invalid part shall be ^
severed Man Me Agmmmnd, and Me remaining pro 4sions of Ma Agreement shall
remain In fWlface and effect and not be Affected by such invalidity.
c. This Agreement is governed! ant wm in aavvMmim with the Mass of tin Slate d
Florda ant shat be erdorcaabb in the court of Colter County, Murder.
The n absci contact parsonnal under this epreemeM are
The Co County BoldaCaunly Cammisserefa
Leo E. Odds, Jr., County Manager, 239-26241363, MoOChe®mlliergw.had
The EadFLamNnH Goa noySOUMwW FhwW Me.
Peter Exsyg, 2N- 210.6863, oMa.eamva®ekofewg av
Parket Page 1362-
10/25/2011 Item 16.A.15.
The "Mas are in musel agreenard with the terms a Chia Vmmeht as evidenced by
their balmy sgnakaas.
Deputy Clerk Fred W. Coyle, Chairmen
Dated: october25,mll
Approved as b form and
legal suffcienq
Sw R.R. Tea
^ Deputy County Attorney
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10/2512011 Item 16.A.15.
ary wlg CaaAEan o Sore FlorAa m
KR Da/a 1
CMaI EXBCUtlga Off -.
Fitat V✓Mw / �' $ Dale: �� � �/
� Sigwlu
sw()rx1 reae.. d Date:
�/ jts+6aawre
Part Name: _ U re
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1025/2011 Item 16.A.15.
September 8, 2011
It's the next item on your agenda, Mr. Chairman.
CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Ian, can you call the first public
Item #lC 1%
MR. MITCHELL: Yeah, the first speaker will be.ehteen
• MS. REYNOLDS: Good evening. Maybe bit lighter
note, I hope. S
CHAIRMAN COYLE: If it's going to n'ey, ifs not lighter.
MS. REYNOLDS: Because we're�n'g about Collier County
babies, the most important citizens and ost vulnerable citizens.
I think you guys know me. d'v em#Cere before; I've met with
^ each of you. I am here to ask "include in your FY12 budget
the Collier County match for s ized child care for the working
poor. `��
This is a catego7ch I have to collect that six percent
match. For every we get, we get $17 in return. The match
designated by the state - oorr Collier County FOR this year is $146,000.
In return, the county will get $2.5 million to fund child care for the
working po'� "'a ople like school bus drivers and supermarket clerks.
People wbPly do not make enough money to pay for child care at
currenfj but who are vital to the well -being and life of this
T;,. king that the county fund only $50,000 out of the required
=4 because we have an agreement with NCEF, the Naples
Children and Education Foundation, that they will also fund $50,000,
and the remainder will come from other sources, some of it also from
the wine festival and some from the Collier County School Board in
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September 8, 2011
in -kind donations.
I have a handout that I've passed out. I don't know if they have it
MR. OOHS: Yes, ma'am. p�,
Ms. REYNOLDS: so what I've done is I've given you the °""k,
from last year which I had previously gone over with you from t1ii,,-
FY10 year, and this is the FY12. In FYI2, the early -- FY11a,vfrdP
sony -- Early Learning Coalition put into Collier County .
million. That's our total program, including subsidized care,
parent fees and the money that we invest in VP& w ' s the
voter - approved mandated program for four - year- g'tp,this state.
You will see that during last yew there ere ver 1,000 people
directly employed in early learning that were. e , their businesses
funded by the Early Learning Coalition four of those directors
of those early learning centers sitting ri re. Because we talk a lot
about funding small businesses. <W is and lots of small
businesses in place to the tune ing over $960,000 a month in
this county in those small b i s through the Subsidized Child
Care program and the VPK°°R�{ M.
Additionally, ov IM people were able to go to work because
the Early Learning roan paid for their child care.
I think the data sp for itself And last year when I met with
you guys, two of y6u said to me, this is a no- brainer. And I agree, this
is a no-brai
You bra r may not know that the data that supports the
connecEpu`q�'between high quality early learning and a communities
ecciffiSpIt development at this juncture is irrefutable. People can say
d4irenot connected, but they are.
`des, sir?
CHAIRMAN COYLE: Her red light is on.
MS. REYNOLDS: Oh, sorry.
CHAIRMAN COYLE: Has she spoken three minutes already?
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MS. REYNOLDS: it says I have 36 seconds.
CHAIRMAN COYLE: You do? Okay, go ahead and take 36
MS. REYNOLDS: That's okay.
I will answer any questions you have. But I just assure you, "6ge
the Governor has now changed his mind about applying for the 416
the top for early learning.
Florida's entitled to $100 million. Initially we said no:IlBut the
powers that be, the Florida chamber, the leading busin sihan in this
state have said there is such a connection between thic
development and quality early learning, it is incotible.
I ask for your support. And I also ask allow me [o work
with the County Manager in the forme so can be part of the
regular budget that's presented to you. p %'
CHAIRMAN COYLE: Who wasffi�:. Commissioner Colette or
Commissioner Henning? N
^ COMMISSIONER COL y • Tru not too sure.
COMMISSIONER HE It doesn't matter.
COMMISSIONER C :Okay. Igo from right to left.
Commissioner C/R ee��it�v,
COMMISSIOi" LETTA: You've been coming before us
for a number of years.
MS. REYNOLDS: This is year three.
CO V ONER COLETTA: Right, it is. And PII tell you
what, eve you come forward I tell you I like what you're doing,
but we er been able to quite find that money.
°t 4il so you're looking for $50,000 this year to be able to produce
thbgesults of -- what's it one more time? How much is this going to --
"MS. REYNOLDS: 2.5 million.
COMMISSIONER COLETTA: And it's going to employ how
many people?
MS. REYNOLDS: Last year we employed -- and I'd be happy to
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September 8, 2011
share the date with you -- 1,024 people directly employed in child care
in the county, in Collier County. 1,760 people were able to go to
And because they're able to go to work, they don't go on
unemployment, they don't get food stamps, don't get housing Vie,
assistance. The state has ascertained, they say $13,000 per farm 6,
We use a conservative number, $10,000. About 11 million bp'
we're saving in subsidies for poor families.
COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Okay. But you' I ing for
50,000 to make this happen.
MS. REYNOLDS: I'm looking for 50,000, ink this is the
best deal you're going to get all night. g
COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Well, ylou what, you
convinced me. I'm totally on board with ha ou're talking about. I
don't like people coming at the 11th ho rue you did this year. I
would appreciate, you know, seem o ething a little bit sooner. But
once again too, this is in the 'gory as our public
transportation system. It's nothing that's going to make us
money that's going to pay f t it's actually for, but the payback is
tremendous in the facpth$C keep people employed, we get them to
the job site m where%gy need to be. But we need to have the jobs
there. And the end results of the jobs is that our children get ajump
start on their education.
I can't' of a better cause for us to reach out. So I would
propose do this under economic development. And part of
that $3 that I worked so dam hard to get, I wouldn't mind
seelPi0 000 of that dedicated to this cause.
MMISSIONER FIALA: Second the motion.
°CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay. Commissioner Henning?
COMMISSIONER HENNING: Yeah, I probably will support
the motion.
We're doing VPK, the county is, in our Parks and Rec. Is there
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^ September 8, 2011
any way to count that as a credit?
MS. REYNOLDS: We pay you for the VPK that the county
MS. REYNOLDS: We pay you, yeah.
The state legislature sets the per people expenditure for Vg *,"
We pay you.
COMMISSIONER HENNING: Now you have pen ptagtn'your
waiting list. t TQ "
MS. REYNOLDS: I do, Unfortunately in Co1Rlzi bbunty, about
1,800 kids.
MS. REYNOLDS: Right.,''
COMMISSIONER HENNING: A44 their parents work. So
where do those kids go now? e.,; /;
MS. REYNOLDS: I sharedwNoh(missioner Coyle today,
^ and I will share with each of y `tie I visit with you, we have taken
care of last year about 4,100 Collier County. I do not believe
that in my lifetime we will a ve enough funding to take care of
all the kids who need u�t.
And please undazd, those kids on the wait list have already
been financially cleared... Their families are eligible. They're either
working or in schmil, mom and dad.
What lien do, what I can promise you and what I'd like to
come bac talk about in the future is the really greatjob that we
take cae£ 4,100 kids that we are able to financially take care of
4, COMMISSIONER HENNING: Yeah, my question is just on
those` 1,800 children on the waiting list. Who is taking care of those
children while their parents are working? Any idea?
MS. REYNOLDS: I mean, I have learned late in life, no child
care, no work. Parents cannot go to work.
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COMMISSIONER HENNING: They're not being taken care of
in the private sector, are they?
MS. REYNOLDS: Well, a lot of these, for example, we have
Franny Kam here from Fun Time, a lot of our child cue facilities do
fundraising on their own and they offer scholarships. But in termsNf
the state and federal dollars that come to us, we're maxed out integns
of the numbers of children we can take care of.
I mean, h udlfallyg if you guys want to put some more -"p the
table, we'll take care of them. I want to be clear about SHA
CHAIRMAN COYLE: I think perhaps an that gem ose
to Commissioner Henning's question is that s fly+ p ts c on the
waiting list, many of them are probably not r n because [hey
have to care for their children, and at least on member of the family
is probably at home. r� 1��.�� �D
COMMISSIONER HENNNIN( �FelI clue your concern on my
question. I just don't want to w5y from the private sector
offering either pre -K or some child cue, that's all.
MS. REYNOLDS: Nch, to be clear, the funding -- we're a
pass - through agency.,,Vee a lot of kids in -- public schools run
VPK and school readiness programs, but this goes to the private
providers. We pay theN to take -- are funding in Collier County 154
private providers, small businesses. We fund small businesses with
this money,,,
CO SIONER HENNING: Okay, sounds great.
M�4OLDS: You Iaow, truthfully, I would be more than
It work and think about what can we do for those kids who are
orY�wait Its
CHAIRMAN COYLE: You haven't addressed the advantage of
the leaming which occurs in this setting for these young children. And
that is the big payoff, as you have stated many times in the past.
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September 8, 2011
CHAIRMAN COYLE: But we won't go into all that.
But we have a motion on the table by Commissioner Colette,
seconded by Commissioner Fiala.
CHAIRMAN COYLE: Yeah. But let me restate the motiodkq
that we -- unless you want to modify the motion.
CHAIRMAN COYLE: Let me restate the motion so^it!� clear
what we're voting on. Nor The motion will approve $50,000, and it will c Rut of the
$300,000 that we expect to get from the gaming' s in Collier
And Commissioner -- there is a k iscuss h ommissioner
Colette, go ahead.
COMMISSIONER COLETTA: What we dealt with this
yew -- I mean, we haven't taken fhee++���,o gC`t but I think its going to
come out favorably. So the que$ticlt,13`what are we going to do next
year? And before you speak - y����,
CHAIRMAN COYLEksat was the second point that she
raised, that she would,e part of the budgeting process for a
longer term. .
COMMISSIONE COLETTA: Well, I would like to be able to
work with you and, our organization to see if we can find another
partner, an<*�Ig the School Board. To see if we can bring them in,
share the t Affi so that we can try to meet this need across a larger
Spec trypt t we're doing right now.
0 o if you would, please, and if this Board doesn't object to it
I'ifkd to on my own be able to work with this group to see what we
can do to bring in a -- to grow it a little bit more.
MS. REYNOLDS: We'd be happy to do that.
CHAIRMAN COYLE: Commissioner Fiala?
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Could I make a suggestion? While
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you're working with the group, you might also work with the County
Manager to see if one doesn't work if the other one will. She had
suggested just to be a part of the regular budget process and work with
the County Manager. So if the School Board doesn't work with you,
this -- we can't let this go. I mean
COMMISSIONER COLETTA: I don't have arty intenfiorktb�,'
But I do want to see if I can bring -- the more people into th eamore
government agencies that get involved, the better off we aRTe.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Sure. If they're goin0aslare in the
wealth. A{ `.
CHAIRMAN COYLE: Right now we're ote on the
CHAIRMAN COYLE: All in favokpleise signify by saying
CHAIRMAN Any opposed, by like sign.
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN'COYLE: Okay, now, could I just get a sense of
the commies about the issue that has been raised about
participarkI ,the budgeting process for a longer term commitment
-'T" nothing wrong with you working with the County Manager
pe�I,B staff during the budget preparation process and so that we can
dfapa put together a longer range program.
COMMISSIONER HENNIhIG: I think we have through the
CDBG monies.
MS. REYNOLDS: Unfortunately we were not funded through
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CDBG this year.
MS. REYNOLDS: But we will apply again.
COMMISSIONER HENNING: Future years -- oh, yeah, that's
right, that has to go through a process.
MS. REYNOLDS: I simply ask for your blessing in texmszdX, -'
working with your County Commissioner so that we can
CHAIRMAN COYLE: County Manager.
MS. REYNOLDS: County Manager.
-- hold on to this opportunity for Collier's chil bm the
IR --
CHAMAN COYLE: And he is the guy igr��� 'e.
COMMISSIONER HENNING: Yeah, �vor of that.
CHAIRMAN COYLE: Okay, we have rinds at least?
CHAIRMAN COYLE: All.ri n we did it.
MS. REYNOLDS: We died on behalf of Collier's
children, particularly those c it in need, I thank you sincerely.
Thank you so much.
CHAIRMAN CQY E3 ank this guy, it came out of his
MS. REYNOLD . Thank you. I'll be in touch.
- MR. OCHS ,Ares I'm sure you will.. Thank you, Kathleen. __.. _ I
MR. *(WLL. Sir, your next speaker is Kathy Parker. And
this is the �stered speaker.
M a R: Good evening, everybody. I thank you for
It me tonight.
e My main concern is the Radio Road beautification. I think it's an
over abundance of plant growth, trees, shrubs, everything. I do not
know why we need all -- to spend all this money. Taxpayers are on
some people are on a fixed income. I know I am. I just cannot see
wastefully spending all of our money for plants that are planted two,
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