Agenda 10/25/2011 Item #16A 5EXECUTIVE SUAMARY 10252011 Item 16.A.5. Remmmatladon o Approve an extension to &a Period of perfor®rum from Aagaa 13, 2011 to February 9, 2012 for We Fadandiy Funded Sub-Conn[ Agreemat HMGP 178r n 027- Ravit6 die Florida Division MRUergary IILnAgement re maples, tie grant scope of work for the Leiy Ara Smrmwatm Fmpmvemmt Project (LAMD Haldeman Creek Sbermwatm Fnarovemmr and L Lad Web Reconstruction prajot OH!PC-I'fsm• To approve a period a performance evasion, floor Au February 9,2012, do Florida Division of Bast 13, 2011 m R Emergency Manegem� egreaent HMGP 1765A2]- CONSlDMAnONS: On December 14, 2010 the Brad of County Cammissionaa (Road) approved Counsel No. IIHM- 3E-09-21 -01-004 for Ageerval IAfGP 1]85-02] -R with the Florida Division ofEmagmcy Maoagemmt(FDBO in the snow of $49,200. Did expimtim dete ofthn contract are August 13, All 1. Upstream of the wen nectnslnnnim project, arc f SD' Davis Boulevard project discharges doxvstream in the Lock I.oulse Weu. Tice LABS Davis Boulevard project overlaps with Ore Florida Deparmrmt of Trenslissn lm (FD" Davis Boulevard Micas near of Sala Barbara Boulevard to want of Radio Road Additional rasoff does both of de Davis Boulevard projects affects the Lock Laisa wsb desiea Coordltrvm between Collia County and MOT Davis Boulevard Prairies resulted in design charges to the Lock Louise Weir delaying the design and pem0ting schedule. A request m extend Ore end data of the grant agrmment was mbmitted to MEM an Jose 27, 2011 so 0e scope of work could be fully Director K M. o performance ceperiod vane e an sum grantM on July hlg 19, tell, by Director Roov of FDEM. Recently, B received ap an �adunmt verifying the time extension W Febmary 9, 2012, from FDEM fm BoeM approval and audmrimvm. FISCAL D HALT: There is an additional fiscal impart The btel gran award is $49,200. At the time of award acceptance, budget amendments music epprovai in the amount of $49,200 for Ford 711 Tra spodation Goods and $16,400 for Fund 712 TmwporteGOn March in project 51101. LEGAL COMERERATIONS: %a noun hen been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's OtSCe, is legally sufficient for Board action and only requires a majority vote for approval —SRT. GROWTH MNA9LWM BRACT: The LASIP design of tbe Haldeman Crttk Sormwam Improvement and Lack Louise Web Reconstruction project are in accoNmce with the goals and objxlives ofthe Drainage Subelnamt of the Growth Managemerrt Plan. RECOr'•9MENBAMN: To approve the a0eched Sole of Florida Division of Emergemry Management Funding Agreement No. HMGP 1785 427-R fm a time a tendad and auNOriue the BOW Cinnamon to aremta the agreement. Prepared By: Margaret A. Bishop, P.E., Sr. Project Manager, Growth Maregemmt Division, Transporova Fnghweriog DaPaormt Annclunalls: (1) Agremcent KHtvlGP 1765 427-R (2) PMOrawrce of Period Edmaia Remwar (3) Performance ofPm packet Page- 1230.m1 1025/2011 Item 16.A.5. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 18.A.5, Item Summary: Recommendation for the Board of County Commissioners to approve an expansion to the period of performance from August 13, 2011 to February 9, 2012 for the Federally Funded Sub-0 rant Agreement Al 1785 -027 -R with the Florida Division of Emergency Management to complete the grant scope of work for the Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Project (W IP) Haldeman Creek Stormwater Improvement and Lock Louise Weir Reconstruction project. Meeting Date: 10/25/2011 Prepared By Name 9lshopMargarec Title: Project Manager, Senlog4ansponatlon Engineering & Connmodon Mareagemem l0 11 10:50:41 AM Submitted by Title: Project Manager. Semer,11}anspotnallon Engineering & Construction Management Name: BlshopMargano 101 10:50:42AM Approved By Fame: Puraansmi Title, Project Manager, Principal,Tranapoimtion Engineer Date 10000111:5432 PM Name: ObematKKaren Date: 10/72011 3:18:17 PM Name: PelancurNatall Tide: Extensive Secrenary,Transponacer Engineering& C Date: 10/102011 9:0324 AM Name; TaylorLisa Packet Page -1231- 10/25/2011 Item 16.A.5. Title: Management/Budget Analys4Trensporadion Adminis r Date: 10 /11/2011 8:31 38 AM Name: Ahmadlay, Title: Director - Trawpottim Engineerin &TmnsNmtion Engineering &Coma ction Management Date 10/11/2011 11,2938 AM Name FooNMarlene Title: Grant Development& Mgmt Coordinator, Grants Data 10 /118011 3:05:02 PM Name: Marcellalearme Title Executive Secretary,Ttansportutlon Planning Date_ 10/12/2011 2 45 44 PM Name: PederNotman Title: Administrator- Groath Management Div,Tmnsponati Date l0/13 20 1 1]:04'.32 AM Name: TeachScon Title: Deputy County Atlomey,County Attorney Date: 10/1420112'.22:45 PM Name Klatzkowleff Title: County Atlamry, Date: 10/148011 2:4930PM Name Stenleynerese Title: ManagemenVBudget Analyst, Semor,Ofice of Management & Budget Date: 10/1420113:40'.44 PM Name: OclaLeo Title: County Manager Date : 10/16/2011 4 41 08 PM Packet Page -1232- 10/25/2011 Item 16.A.5. Collier County Growth Management Division June 27 , 2011 Holly Swift Mitigation Bureau Rome Division of Endmilency Management 2702 Director x Show Orlando, FL 328W Dear Ms. Swift Subject HGMP1785- 02Zp(State Project Number I785-28) Contract Number IIHM- 3EA42101004 Haldeman Creek Slotmwater Imptovmtent and Lock Louise Weir Reconstruction Period of Performance Eviction 0egnest The current Period of Performance forthis project ends an August 13, 2011. A time extension of 6 months is being requested which will extend the data to labmery 9, 2012. The following Is an update ofmilenones reached and the anticipated dates for dolinemblesa • A lever regmrtim additional information from the South Florida WaterManaaement Distric t(SFWMD). agency review lima, notification and permit ismanee took longer than anticipated. The squealed Information will be submitted in Amust 2011 in the SFWMD After permit greater the bid documents will be finalized. • Final Signed to Sealed Engineering Living, Analysis, Survey is approormamy 90% complex • Hydraulic as Hydrological preparation of construction plans and bid documents are approximately 90 °r6 Complete No change in reimbursement or scope ofwork is requested Ifyon have any questions, phasic attract me at (239) 252 -5851. SinceNy, Margaret A_ Rithim, P.E Same, 'P jttt Manager Cc'. Marlene fwrd, Circuit Develapmer & Management Corcoran, Karen 0lrenatH Senior Accountant Cary Parsee", P.E. Pimeipal Reject Manager nmtP.>x,mt e,- - +T Packet Page 1233 -orP 39,252 aa.= txM. -_e..n W. Bryan W. Koon, Director Florida Division ofEmergrncy Management 2555 Shumard Oak Boudevard Tallahassee, Florida 32)99 -2100 Attention: Miles Anderson AeF Hamrd Mitigation Grant Program (MAGP) Project g 1]85 -2] -1; Collier County, hlaldeman Crak Summoner Improvement and Lock Louise Weir Reconstructioq Phase I - Period ofPertormauce (POP) Extension Jusqueux ial- �'15IikR•'di This is in resp mac w your July 5, 2011, request for approval of the extension of the POP for the above referenced project The justification suismitled wiW thus request has been r, reviewed and deemed ressomble. The POP far the above referencd project is attended fa six months from August 13, 2011, w February 9, 2012. Ifyou have any questions, please eanwm Gabriew Vigo of my swffat (229)2254546. Sincerely, Clayton E. Saucier, Clidef Bemrd Mitigation Assistance Branch Mitigation Division Packet Page -1234 - 10/25/2011 Item 16.A.5. Semi/ n.SARw wMXomYUtl 1£NAPe® 3f03CIwmb4e Trkv AaN .WVq CM] % <I FEMA July 19, 2011 W. Bryan W. Koon, Director Florida Division ofEmergrncy Management 2555 Shumard Oak Boudevard Tallahassee, Florida 32)99 -2100 Attention: Miles Anderson AeF Hamrd Mitigation Grant Program (MAGP) Project g 1]85 -2] -1; Collier County, hlaldeman Crak Summoner Improvement and Lock Louise Weir Reconstructioq Phase I - Period ofPertormauce (POP) Extension Jusqueux ial- �'15IikR•'di This is in resp mac w your July 5, 2011, request for approval of the extension of the POP for the above referenced project The justification suismitled wiW thus request has been r, reviewed and deemed ressomble. The POP far the above referencd project is attended fa six months from August 13, 2011, w February 9, 2012. Ifyou have any questions, please eanwm Gabriew Vigo of my swffat (229)2254546. Sincerely, Clayton E. Saucier, Clidef Bemrd Mitigation Assistance Branch Mitigation Division Packet Page -1234 - 10/25/2011 Item 16.A.5. s r.1e or bronm< DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT BRYANAP Wide September 30, 2011 orc.n Ms. Margaret Bishop. P E. Senior Project Manager Colter County Capital Construction and Maintenance Growth Management Division 2885 South Horseshoe Drive Naples, Floods 34104 Re: NMGP DR- 1785 -21 -R (State Project Number 1185-028), Collier COul Haldeman Creek, Stonnwater Improvement and Lock Louise Weir Reconstruction, Phase I, Period of Performance Extension — Contract Modification Number One Dear Ms. Bishop; Please print four copies of the attached Proposed modification agreement ^ between Collier County and the Division of Emergency Management (DEM). The obicBl representative, as listed below will need to sign the signature page of each modification. All four (4) copies of the modification should then be sent to the Tallahassee address listed below for full execution no later than forty -five (45) days after receipt of this letter but no later than Monday November 15 Will One fully executed modification will be returned to the County for its files. Additional assistance Is available regarding your Proled on the Flonda Division of Emergency Management Wadi fill /e'v/w fcniradirasenr ag /Mltqabon,Ljr Nlintlgx_un, Please reference the heading; 'Grant Management Tools Listed Below', which Contains sample documents that will provide guidance for completing requests for reimborsemenL reporting requirements and supporting documents containing important points, and subgrantee dose out Chackliste. OK bal Representatives: County Chairman of the Board of Commissioners City Mayor I radian Tribe: Chief or President Water Management District Chairman Non -ProhC Chairman of the Board Packet Page 1235- 10125/2011 Item 16.A.5. Ms. Margaret 8istate P.E. September 30,2011 Page Two If there is an official that is not listed above who Is authorized to sign the motlificalicn for your organization, please provide a copy of the organization's resolution or trader that specifically identifies the Person or position that Is authorized to sign. If you have questions regarding this contract or who Is authorized to sign II, please call Holly Swift at 40] -888 -3]81. Respectfully. Miles E. Aerson Bureau Chief, Mitigation Stale Hazard Mitigation Officer MEARom Enclosure(s) Contract Modification Number One cc. Jason McCnght Planning Manager Packet Page 1236 10/25/2011 Item 16.A.5. Contract Number: 11 HM- 3E -0 &21 -01-006 Project Number: 1765 -27 -R MODIFICATION TO SUBGRANT AGREEMENT BEMWEEN THE DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND COLLIER COUNTY This Modification Number One is made and entered into by and behveen the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management p'me Division'), and Geller County (the Recipients In moody DEM Cordmct Number: 11HM- 3E4)g- 21- 01-004, dated January 12, 2011 ("the Agreement"). WHEREAS, the Division and the Recipient have encored into the Agreement, pursuant to which Me Division has provide i a wbgmnt to the Recipient under the Haaard MRigaUpl Grants Program of $69,200.00; and WHEREAS, the Agreement spinal on August 13,2011: and WHEREAS, the Division and the Radiant desire to reinstate the Agreement and extend the Rome of the Agreement. ^ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties contained herein, the parties agree as follows'. 1. The Agreement is hereby remstamd as though 4 had never expired. 2. Pamgmph 3 of the Agreement is hereby amended b mad as follows: This Agreement shall begin August 13, 2010, and shall antl Febmary 9, 2012, unless terminated sister in accordance will the provisions of pamgmph (12) of the agreement. 3. The budget and Scope of Work, Attachment A to the Agreement, are hereby modfdred as set fond in the Revised Attachment A to this modification, a copy of which a attached hereto and incarporaled hemin by reference. 4. All provisions of the Agreement being modified and any attachments in conflict with this Modi ication shall be and are hereby changed M conform w6h this Modlgcation, effective on the data of execution of the Modification by both parties. 5. All provisions not in conflict with the modification remain in full foes and effect, antl are W be Pedonned W the mad specified in %e Agreement. 6. Quarterly reports are due to the Domino no later than 14 days attar the and of each quarter M the program year and shall to sent each quarter unit Packet Page 1237 - 10/2512011 Item 16.A.5. submission of the aCminishadare closeout report. The endin dome for each Quarter of the program year are March 31, June 30, September W, and December 31. IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have emcclecl Mrs Modlfiratian as of he tlaas set out below. RECIPIENT: COLLIERCOUNTY By: Name and Title Date: ATTEST DWIGHT E. BROCK CLERK AASaaaabaaglew aAlN 5� DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EsFely County Atterq n By NameaMTMe: Bryan W. town DTecror Data Packet Page '12a8- 1025/2011 Item 16.A.5. Atl hMMA(FM'U Bu09M and $cope M Work As a fitgZaM Mtlipfion Grant Prism Plsdi and Recipiend. Collins Caunly, Mo has improve Me dninaje to Me LMiI Louise Wed and Habeman Crexk SbnrwwWr Nap" Fbrba Pbaw I pary will be m uc b determine modifications needed In improve and upgrade Me existing insured sent TM cwnPMMa deformation Paled will minim¢e revmng holding and reduce renetiAVe fl¢tl new he bin a d ". The oxnp poled will Preside Notation against a felines dam cent Phase 1 will pmN1e funding for wmgeticn of dmpn, pmmiWnp and pmfecnni ®I surveying pmcese forma proMUl. Tha Ptuee I delireables Mould: • Have an erglneefs plan Met cleats shwa Me engineers eatine @of Me pre and post- mll'galbn elkcUMMe pvpned project and the randminenip d the damaaes W be threaten (mmmmuulMe wIM Me Wal OF binding mividua ). Then includes, lad la not nmibd to, Me eases and proposed madalryy, and hydraulics for Me Mvel M went citing mkpate]. • oambardws mMgaMneflecMeneaa, in part by Mwhlg thelMysuaal Mwrees) and Newcomb) W me mM1mlrvcWra'aVUClurea that is bdrq damaged and Me Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEW) Special Flood H ®W Anew on Me Name plan. • blear all wall environmental Was and frandes. All envuanmeMel pamiis and approvalMmncmmnces must ce obblMd. A Public n eca must ha published to notify iMeent Pelee M Me propel activity. Notiosa must bl pubbhed in amsnrer Met anyone Mat may to afleekd in interested in the pager( has ass es an the adin9. The wmment pedal eyrvM and as commands suspended inner ro IrctlaMp any amamrclbn aeshigue • Refine Me cont aYirruk. A new Ilenefh Cots Manyas will Ice deemed uaing the revsand Information. • Provide a all M Community Pppaved, slMe ravnwetl conMmclnn plans(aeeled) loo renew and mameat including maeMones and tyawas for compbllon W the anal phase oI the Project and aowmenmawem. planes 10 this projw is deprorad sigh the Oland on MM Me eve gat of Onionskins wil Mar submitted f Mvlwandepmwelby Me eandFE"belpePhiliamn had NoantlrvNonwpkmey begin until PMw II is algmwed. This is FEIM Protect 17111 funded under 1786-DR-FL. The Perml M PoRemmena for re, pmgxt endsm Fiser, 9, 2012. R= 11 Engineering: 6 MnnMe Debate'. 6 Months Permcbmi. 6 Mon is Total Perbd INperfermaaa: 15 Molar Packet Page -1239- 10/25/2011 Item 16.A.5. Project Cost Fadawal Shans Local Laaal •MyAire Ram annunfm this aW mardamc/sexEwaxne ¢ eO 10%wbm xfiM1CUf an amwM.menf to Ma, AaramnmR bevq mynact ua k as 0mw Wanont 01" NMa obAgale0 umYr Mat AOreemenf u mf bf neam0. Fundina Summary Fetlaml SNre: $48,300.00(75 %) ALocW as 116 400 00 43 5% Tool PMscd Cast:- 5551000.00(100 %) —me Pmlen Paw S:wu&re daaninkSa he mm. Packet Page 1240