CCPC Minutes 06/07/2018June 7, 2018
Naples, Florida, June T, 20 \E
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, drat the Collier Courty Planning Commission, in and for the County of
Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date ar 9:00 a-m., in REGULAR SESSION in Building
"F" of 0re Government Complex, East Naples, Florida with the following members pres€nt:
CHAIRMAN: Mark Strain
Stan Chrzanowski
Patrick Dearbom
Diane Ebert
Edwin Fryer
Karen Homiak
Joe Schmitt
Raymond V. Bellows, Zoning Manager
Jeffiey Kl&,kow, County Attorney
Heidi Ashton{icko, Managing Assistant Comty Attomey
Tom Eastnaru School District Representative
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Note: This item has been continued from the March 1, 2018, CCPC meeting and the
April 5,2018 CCPC meeting and the May 17,2018 CCPC meeting:
A. PL20170002684: Resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida,
granting a parking exemption, to allow off-site parking on a contiguous lot zoned
Residential Single Family (RSF-4) and providing for repeal of Resolution No. 09-152,
relating to a prior parking exemption. The subject property is located between Rosemary
Lane and Ridge Street, in Section 22, Township 49 South, Range 25 East in Collier
County,Florida. [Coordinator:James Sabo,AICP,Principal Planner]
Note: This item has been continued from the May 3,2018 CCPC meeting and the May
17,2018 CCPC meeting and further continued indefinitely:
B. PL20160002584/CPSS-2017-1: An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of
Collier County, Florida amending Ordinance No. 89-05, as amended, the Collier County
Growth Management Plan for the unincorporated area of Collier County, Florida,
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specifically amending the Golden Gate Area Master Plan and Golden Gate Area Future
Land Use Map by revising the conditional uses subdistrict to allow for the construction of
a church or place of worship. The subject property is located at the southeast corner of
Golden Gate Boulevard and Collier Boulevard in Section 11, Township 49 South,
Range 26 East,consisting of 6.25 acres;and furthermore,recommending transmittal of the
adopted amendment to the Florida Department Of Economic Opportunity; providing for
severability and providing for an effective date. (Companion to PL20160002577)
[Coordinator: Sue Faulkner,Principal Planner]
Note: This item has been continued from the May 3, 2018 CCPC meeting and the May
17,2018 CCPC meeting and further continued indefinitely:
C. PL20160002577: A Resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County,Florida,
providing for the establishment of a conditional use to allow a church within an Estates
Zoning District pursuant to Section 2.03.01.B.1.c.1 of the Collier County Land
Development Code for property located on the southeast corner of Golden Gate
Boulevard and Collier Boulevard in Section 11, Township 49 South, Range 26 East,
Collier County,Florida. (Companion to PL20160002584)[Coordinator:James Sabo,AICP,
Principal Planner]
D. PL20170003535: An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier
County, Florida, amending Ordinance Number 2004-41, as amended, the Collier County
Land Development Code which includes the comprehensive zoning regulations for the
unincorporated area of Collier County, Florida, by amending the appropriate zoning atlas
map or maps by changing the zoning classification of the herein described real property
from a Rural Agricultural(A) zoning district within the ST/W-4 Overlay to a Residential
Planned Unit Development (RPUD) zoning district within the ST/W-4 Overlay, to allow
for development of up to 148 single family,two family and/or multi-family dwelling units
for a project to be known as 951 Villas RPUD; and providing an effective date. The
subject property consisting of 37.5 acres is located on the east side of Collier Boulevard
approximately%2 mile north of the intersection of Vanderbilt Beach Road and Collier
Boulevard, in Section 35, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida.
[Coordinator:Timothy Finn,AICP,Principal Planner]
E. PL20180001205/CPSP-2018-4: A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners
proposing amendments to the Collier County Growth Management Plan,Ordinance 89-05,
as amended, relating to Affordable Housing specifically amending the Density Rating
System in the Future Land Use Element; The Golden Gate Area Master Plan Element;the
Immokalee Area Master Plan Element; and the Housing Element; and furthermore
recommending Transmittal of the Amendments to the Florida Department of Economic
Opportunity. [Coordinator:Corby Schmidt,AICP,Principal Planner]
A. Discussion on Accela-Electronic packets"Go Live"for the June 21St CCPC meeting
CCPC Agenda/Ray Bellows/jmp
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June 7. 201E
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Good moming everyone. Welcome to the Thursday, June 7th meeting of
the Collier County Planning Commission.
If everybody will please rise for Pledge of Allegiance.
(The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.)
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Okay. Roll call by the secretary, please.
Mr. Eastsnan?
COMMISSIONER EBERT: Mrs. Ebert's here.
Mr. Stain?
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, we'll see if we can change that before the day's over.
Addenda to the agenda. As you may have noticed Commissionerg on your advertised public
hearings, 98 and 9C have been continued indefrnitely. For your information, that's that Grace Church. It had
come back one or two times, and they have gone back ou! I believe, and are redoing their neighborhood
information meeting. And after that is completed, they'll probably reschedule.
And with that we'll move into Planning Commission absences. First of all, on the 2 1 st of
June - and, F.ay, I believe this is correct -- we've got Room 609/610 at 2800 Horseshoe Drive as the room
reserved for us that day.
MR. BELLOWS: That is correct.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. And our meeting will start as usual at 9 o'clock in the moming on
June 21st but it will be over on Horseshoe Drive. So does anybody know ifthey're not going to make it to
that meeting?
COMMISSIONER DEARBORN: Mr. Chairman, I'll be on family vacation.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, then you won't be happy not to be there.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: I will not be there as well. Ill be overseas.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. That leaves us with a quorum. Everybody else will surely be there?
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: You're lucky. You're lucky my wife was in the hospital two
weeks ago, because I canceled my trip to lreland.
Ctl{IRMr{N STRAIN: O}r, I'm sorry to hear that.
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: I will be there; otherwise, the four of you would have had to
be there.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, I'm sorry your wife was in the hospital -COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: That's okay.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: - and you had to cancel your trip. I know you were looking forward to
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: A brmch of her doctors recommended she went on medical
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marijuana, but I got to travel up to Lee County to ger it. But the good part is I can do my shopping while I'm
up there instcad ofdown here.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Mr. Chainnaru I move that thar be stricken from the record.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, we still have a quorum on June 2lst in spite of everyhing we heard,
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Well, at least in body.
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: With mirmred sunglasses on.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Patriclq now I can see why you're happy to be here'
In our packages that were distributed to us electronically, we received the May 3rd minutes. Does
anyMy have any changes? And if there aren't any, is there a motion to approve?
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Motion made by Patriclq seconded by Ned.
(No response.)
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: All in favor, signiff by saying aye.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Anybody opposed?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Motion carries 7-0.
That takes us to BCC report and recaps, Ray.
MR. BELLOWS: Yes. On May 22nd the Board of County Commissioners heard the PUD
amendment and development order arnendment for the Marco Shores/Fiddlet's Creek, and that was approved
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, thank you. Chairman's report: I've got nothing new to r€port
And we'll move right into - we have no consent agurd4 so we'll move right into our advertised
public hearings.
* * *The first item is 9A. lfs been continued fiom dre March I st and April 5th and May I 7th
meetings. Ifs for the parking exemption request located between Rosemary Lane and Ridge Street along
All those wishing to testifi on behalf of this item, please rise to be swom in by the court r€port€r. If
you're going to speak on this mafier, please rise.
(The speakers were duly swom and indicated in the affirmative.)
CII{IRIVI{N STXJAIN: Ma'am, it looked like she - are you going to be speaking?
MS. GILL: I won't.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, we can always swear you in if you decide to, okay?
MS. GILL: Thank you.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Disclosures: We'll start with Tom.
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: Just the usual correspondencc through staff.
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COMMISSIONER EBERT: I spoke with Fred, and I have emails.
CHAIRJ\,IAN STRAIN: I, too, received some emails over a course of time. I cant remember if
they're since the last meeting or no! but I also spoke with Fred on the phone about some cleanup on the
language we recently received.
Diane? I mean Karen, I'm sorry.
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: Just some emails.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Same. I just rec€ived some emails urd correspondence from staff.
COMMISSIONER DEARBORN: Correspondence with staffand some emails.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Mr. Chairman, I have to amend my answer. The same, emails and
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: And when I say "correspondence," I said "tlrough staff'
because it was emails from other people.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I understand.
Okay. Fred. it's all yours.
MR HOOD: Thank you. Good moming Mr. Chairman, Commissioners.
Just quickly I have an updated PowerPoint presentation that will just go over the changes that we've
made and some items that were requested at our last hearing. So I'lljust go through that now.
In fiont of you is the master plan with the two access points identified in the orange. We have since
moved the loading area at the request ofour client. It was a better fit for them. They needed to be able to put
trucks next to the restaurant, so we put that loading area on the north side ofthe restaurant. And,
consequently, had to move tle dumpster pad location, which is there in green for you in the southwest comer
ofthe property.
Additionally, on this master plan fiom the previous master plan you-all saw, we had an emergency
access going out onto Rosemary Lane at the rear ofthe project that would have been straddling the RSF4 and
C4 property. That access has been rernoved. We have coordinated witr the fire district, and they have
allowed us to provide that back parking area without a tumamund back there, so that's another change that
has been made.
We can go through the udated conditions of approval. Basically what happend we sent the
proposed conditions ofapproval to the County Attomey and to the planner at the county, and thene were some
wording changes that were asked ofus. Wele gone through all ofthose and made those wording changes.
And I'll just go through them really quickly.
This one stayed the same. Ifs just with regard to where the parking exemption area is located. The
second one, limited to parking lot feaores and for the shopping center and restaurant only. The language was
changed slightly here, but the intent was the same.
The same with No. 3, parking area will be paved. There was some - I think there was a t1,po there
and a removal ofa word.
Number 4, we kept the restricted hours the same, changed the language to remove "Sand Banks
redevelopment, concephral site plan prepared by Davidson Engineering." Struck the words "additional" and
Number 5, shuck fte word "parking."
Number 6, struck "within Sand Banks development and/or" and added the word "or."
Number 7, we've had some conversation about this with the Chairman and with James Sabo earlier
today about changing the wall requirement to rcmove the composite language, so we will be agreeing to that
a little bit later on when we get the staffreport.
And No. 8, this one will remain the same, just no direct access from the parking exemption area to
the streets.
This is the new - this was one ofthe things that was rcquested ofus at the last hearing for us to be
able to show what the landscaping was going to look like on all of the elevations. So the top one you will see
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June 7, 201E
is the westem elevation, and the bottom one is the southern elevation.
These are both Type D buffers with nees, a 3G.foot on center plantcd at 10-foot in height with a solid
hedge at 24 inches in height. Same thing for the south elevation.
Going on !o the east and to the north elevations, they are Type B buffers, tees planted at 25-foot on
center with a solid hedge at 60 inches in height fionting an t-foot wall, which we also agreed to.
Same thing for the Type D buffer on the north elevation; 30 feet on center for the tsees, 10-foot in
height with a solid hedge at 24 inches. I also have a copy of that to hand to the court rcporter.
Thur we'll just get into the t'affic and analysis, because this was the second big thing that was asked
ofus at the last hearing tojust take a look at the difference between what was already proposed and what we
were proposing here. There was a difference of two trips. We are doing two less trips than the previously
approved plan.
The rcquired parking, we also did a parking analysis, and that was done by, also, Trebilcock
Consulting. Norm is on vacation this weeh but I also have Andrew Wrath with my office who's a PE who
can speak to these a little bit ifyou have any more questions about tris.
The required parking when we did the palking anabsis, was 103 spaces. We are providing I 00
spaces on our site, so we will still need that adminisFative parking reduction for those three additional
parking spaces.
Parking demands and - again, Andrew and I can get into this a little bit when you have more
questions. Wejust highlight€d where the parking demands were going to be at the peak hours. During the
weel on Friday, 7 p.m., it was 94 parking spaces that were required per the ITE manual. On Saturday at I
believe it was I p.m. it was 84 parking spaces that were rcquired. We have, again, 100 on site.
And lll open it up to any questions.
CI{AIRMAN STRAN: Okay. Questions from the Planning Commission? Anybody? Ned?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: trt's see. First of all, t ot 18.
MR. HOOD: Yes, sir.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Excuse me, t,ot 16. What is the sructure that appears fiom the aerial
photo? What is that? Is that a structwe of some kind that's on [,ot I E - I 6, I'm sorry.
MR. HOOD: That's okay. On Lot 16, itisahome.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. And what's going to happen to thafl
MR. HOOD: It is remaining. It is also owned by the applicant They have no intent of tearing it
down at this point or using it for the parking exemption.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: All right. So no part of l,ot 16 is going to be owned by your client?
MR. HOOD: Iot 16 is owned by our client. Theyre jtlst not removing that house that they own on
that property.
MR. HOOD: Just to clarifo, they own - it's 16 and tlre westem 25 feet of I 8 in the Rosernary Height
The 8-foot wall that we've alked about -
MR. HOOD: Yes, sir.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: - does that go all around all four or all three sides?
MR. HOOD: It goes around the property boundary for that entire eastem property boundary. So
when it zigzags, the wall will follow thil nEug.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: But not - it won't go along Rosemary or Ridge?
MR. HOOD: That's conect.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. So my question is, what is to keep motorists who lvant to
patronize your clienfs establishments from parking on Ridge or Rosemary and walking over?
MR. HOOD: Nothing ar this point. Parking on Rosemary or Ridge in the public right-of-way?
There,s nothing that is stopping them from doing that other thur police telling them that they cannot.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Well, but could the police tell them they cannofl
MR. HOOD: Thafs a question I cant answer for you.
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COMMISSIONER FRYER: It seerns to me that we ought to know tha! shouldnt we?
MR. HOOD: For parking in the right-of-way?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Well, I think that it's - we can hear from the public, but it seems to me
if I lived on Ridge or Rosemary, you would have he$d from me by now on that one.
MR. HOOD: I understand your question. I just - I dont understand -- I dont know how I can - as
the representative for the applicant, can contol who parks or doesnt park in the right-of-way outside ofthat
coming from the Sheriffs Office or someone at the county.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: You don't know what the -- what the law is with respect to parking on
those streets?
MR. HOOD: I don't recall if there's any signs in the right-of-ways that says that there's no parking
permitted h the right-of-way. Thafs as far as I can tell you.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. In the - lefs see - I guess a previous hearing you made the
comment that the City ofNaples will have the opportunity to review and weigh in on the application.
MR. HOOD: Yes, sir.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Has that happened?
MR. HOOD: Yes, sfu. We actually emailed therq followed up. They were actually sent a copy of
this before we did come to the last hearing. I misspoke on that one. My apologies for that. But we followed
up with them again. We did not receive any response from the city on this application.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. And was your query to the city or your statement to the city,
was it such that ifthey didnt have any problerns with it that you would assume from their failure to respond
that they didn't have any problems?
MR. HOOD: Not for failure to respond if they didnt have any problems, but we requested them to
review it and to contact us ifthey had any issues.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay, okay. Let's see. The lots on the north half, starting witr - t'm
sorry. My eyes with - sArting with Lot 41, which is against U.S. 4l -
MR. HOOD: Okay.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: - and moving across to the high 50s lots, I guess that's 59, is it correct
that the petitioner has out'ight ownership as opposed to contract purchaser rights for those?
MR. HOOD: They do have outright ownership. They've owned it for seveml years.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. All right. My next question has to do with the traffrc analysis
and it's -
MR. HOOD: Sure.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: - my understanding that that was performed on the assumption that the
property would be excltsively shopping center.
MR. HOOD: Yes, sir.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Would you explain dre differences in expected traffic flow for
shopping center versus other C4 commercial uses.
MR. HOOD: I think I'll have Andrew speak to tha! if you wouldn't mind.
MR. WRATH: For the record, Andrew Wrath with Davidson Engineering.
Speaking on behalf of Norm Trebilcock who can't be with us today; he's on vacation. I can dig into
this a litfle bit here with the trip gureration.
I think you were asking what the difference is between what would be a shopping center hip
generation versus --
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Well, let me ry to say it even more pointedly. Is it a fair assumption
that a 100 percent shopping center use would be more intensive and involve move automobile
parking -- excuse me - traffic than a mixed-use of commercial and shopping center?
MR. WRATH: It depends on the type of commercial. The ITE s going to break it down more
specifically, the land use code, 0ran just general commercial. It will break it do\an by restaurant or if you had
general office space or specialty retail center. So there's - it gets more specific than just general commercial,
if you will.
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: You know, Ned, maybe to help with the angle you're - I don,t know for
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sure what your angle is on this, but there are 143 different uses under C4, and under each ofthose uses therc's
a range within the SIC codes that even add morc to that There are certainly more uses tlere that rcquire
more parking than what you curently have with the shopping center, as you've defined it. But you will
be - if this is approve{ it will be maximized and pegged at the number that youle produced here.
So you really can't change the businesses ifyou need more parking because you dont have any morc
parking than what would be, theoretically, approved today. So you couldnt change uses that created more of
a parking need than -
MR. WRATH: Correct.
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: - the parking that's there today. You wouldnt be allowed. When they
came in for business licenses, they wouldn't be issued. So ifthat helps.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. That does help, yeah. Thank you.
My next question: Norm's study indicared that the presence ofthis as a completed project would
result in about I l9 p.m. peak-hour two-way tripo additionally in comparison to pr€sent traffic on the t'ail
north, correct?
MR. WRATH: Yes. Ifs total net extemal twc'way traffic. Then that would be firther broken down,
roughly speaking, 50 percent entering, 50 percent exiting, and then disributed b€tween the two driveways as
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. But the I 19 number rclates to curent traffic conditions. I
understand your point that ifthis property were developed in accordance \rith current zoning you would have
more permitted trips so you're reducing your tips in relation to what had been previously permitted, but
it's - it will, of course, result in a net increase in trafEc, which brings me to my question.
Sorry, go ahead.
MR. WRATH: Just to rehash that a little bit the I 19 was the - is the proposed redevelopment
versus the l2l is what was approved allowed developmorL
COMMISSIONER FRYER: That's what I was trying -
MR. WRATH: Correct. Those trips in present day may not exist, but dre development was
approved to allow for that.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. I realize that the city/county boundaries are not easily
identifie4 at least for a la),person like me, in that area, but is 4l north, the North Trail in the 3ffi0 bloclq let's
say, is that City ofNaples or County of Collier?
MR. WRATH: The boundary of the city and the clunty there kind of zigzag back and forfi a little
bit. It's kind of hard to define, you know, a distinct boundary there. But I think Fred may have -
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Well, the statement was made that there is adequate capacity on U.S.
41 to accommodate the proposed developmenq and ordinarily when we'rt dealing with unincorporated
county, my first rcference is to fre AUIR to veri& drat. And I don't believe that in the case of the City of
Naples that they have tlre same recordkeeping. Maybe they do.
So my question, or one of my questions is, is what evidence supporB that statement about adequate
MR. WRATH: This will - when this comes time to SDP, this will be evaluated under a
transportation impact statement, and at that point we'll look at the current capacity ofthe roadways on the
AUIR. And I believe the segment of 4l is still on the -- in the AUIR" that ifs a reported segnent in the
comty AUIR as well.
MR. WRATH: I think so. I don't have the data in front of me right now.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Ray, is somebody from the county able to answer that?
MR. BELLOWS: We have Mike Sawyer who can speak to that.
CoMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. What I'm getting to if it's part of the AUIR - I didn't look at it
this time because I didn't think it was going to be. But if the AUIR indicales capacity, I'm okay with thag but
if it's part ofthe city, then thafs anodrer situation.
MR. SAWYER: For the record, Mike Sawyo, Transportation Planning.
Sorry. I'm just looking this up right now.
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CTIAIRMAN STRAIN: Mike, hasn't your departrnent reviewed this?
MR. SAWYER: Yes, we have.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Did you find any problems in your review?
MR. SAWYER: I did not. Actually, that particular segnent ofNorth Trail actually has a current
peak capaciry of 3,100. The remaining capacity is actually 1,198.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: That's fine. That's all I need to hear.
MR. SAWYER: And we do keep track of that. It actually is a state road.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. Thank you very much.
Let's see here. Oh, I know. The wall and the light poles.
MR. HOOD: Yes, sir.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: If I understand conectly now, we'r€ going to have an 8-foot-tall wall
ard potentially l0-foot-tall light poles.
MR. HOOD: Yes, sir.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Is there any chance that you could have rcduced those so that - now, I
realize, you know, about the Dark Skies and the technolory that can be used to control where that light goes.
Butjus! again, as a layperson it seems to me thar ifthe lights peaked ar a point that was beneath the top of
that wall, the greater likelihood that the light would not escape.
MR HOOD: So what we did was, when we were coordinating with Norm on this after the last
hearing to discuss what we were going to do for lighting at the back of the property, we came down to l0
feet. What is in the code, we are pretty much allowed to go all the way up to 25 feet.
So we came down to 10, and when we came down to 10, we said we were going to do full cutoff
shields on those fixtures so that there will not be any light spillage going out or being directed at any ofthose
residential properties. So whether they'rc at I 0 feet or whether they're at 25 feet or I 5 fee! there will be no
light ftat is spilling out onto those neighboring properties.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: So it's a barrier of some kind, a physical banier on the bulb?
MR. HOOD: There's a physical shield on the fixture.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: I see. Is that 180 degrees fiom -
MR. HOOD: They can be modified to be I E0 degree - they can go to whatever
degrees - whatever - [ shouldn't say "whatever degreeage," but they can be modified for specific angles to
permit light to be shown on a specific area.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. So if this were appmved and -
MR. HOOD: Yes, sir.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: - you go forward and neighbors begin complaining would you be
willing to adjust the degree to better protect the adjacent neighborhoods fiom stray light
MR. HOOD: I think that's reasonable. I think that if, you know - I don't know what mechanism that
would come tlrough to us after a zoning approval, whether it would be Code Enforcement or someonejust
making a phone call. If it was Code Enforcemenl, obviously, we could take a look at that, but wi$ what
we're providing in this documenq I believe ifs .2 foot candles at the property line, and we're doing full cutoff
So the question is - I really cant answer you to a specificity about if someone calls in and has a
complaint about how they think this light is shining on their house. We're looking at full cutoffshields, so
there should not be any ofthat happening or spilling into anybody else's property.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. [,et's see. In theMIVI, I guess it was, the tape recording it was
mentioned that there's 65 feet of buffer between the parked cars and the house on Lot 59.
MR HOOD: Distance, yes. The buffer itself is I 5 feet.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Distance, okay. Distance that does not include porked cars.
MR. HOOD: Thafs corr€ct. There's - that back area that - within that 65 fee! we'le anticipating
using that for water management.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. What about - is thar also the case for the buffer west of l,ot 20?
Is there 65 feet there?
MR. HOOD: Let me just get to that really quickly. Sorry. Jus bear with me. Okay. I,ot 20. To this
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side here, conect?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Yealt, approximately.
MR. HOOD: There's 15 feet between the back of the parking and that property line thafs adjacent to
that home. So there's -- we're not anticipating water management in that area That's just a I 5-foot-wide
Type B buffer with a wall.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: There would be only I 5 feet separating a parked car from that exterior
wall of that.
MR. HOOD: Yes, sir. About 15, and whatever the curb width is.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. And my last question has to do witlr to the extent that you can
enlighten us, you're here for parfting exemptions.
MR. HOOD: Yes, sir.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Then a project is going to go forward. It will or will not conform to
cunent zoning. You will be needing to come back for deviations and variances in connection with the
MR. HOOD: No, sir. What we're doing is we're waiting for this parking exemption to be completed.
The AP& I believe, is waiting on this also to be mmpleted. That would be your only other deviation fiom
the parking standard for those additional three parking spaces. Once those two are completed, we would be
moving forward with our Site Development Plan application.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. Thank yoq Mr. Hood.
MR. HOOD: Sure.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: That's all I have, Mr. Chairman.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Anybody else? Joe?
COMMISSIONER SCHMIfi: One question. The existing sructures, they're going to be razed in
new consfiuction then, the rcstaurant and tre exising -
MR. HOOD: Mr. Tequila remains. The existing shopping center that is there will be razed in a
phased construction.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Anybody else? Diane?
MR. HOOD: Yes, ma'am.
COMMISSIONER EBERT: Yes. So you really only need an exemption for tlree pa*ing spots; is
that correct? It rcquires 103, and you are providing 100?
MR. HOOD: Thafs conect.
COMMISSIONER EBERT: Okay. In here, maybe it's under recommendations, is limited to 25'
MR. HOOD: In the rear in the parking exemption are4 that's only in the RSF4 zone district. The
entire development will provide 100, but in that back half where that dark dashed line is, we're asking for 25
parking spac€s in that areq which is what we're asking for with this parking exemption'
COMMISSIONER EBERT: So you're going to use the other lot at some point for parking?
MR. HOOD: Which other lot? Im sorry.
COMMISSIONER EBERT: Well, I -- if you're - if all you require is 103 urd you are providing
100, that's three. Where does the 25 come in?
MR. HOOD: Okay. So the parking exemption application that we're in for before you right now is
to allow us to park for the commercial development in the residential area. So we're specifuing that in those
zoned properties we're asking for 25 spaces in that zoned area.
So everything that is to the east ofthat line, which is right here, anything thar is east of this line dght
here requires the parking exemption. So thafs why we're asking for the 25 in this area. The additional three
that you're speaking of, lhat comes in with that APR that is being reviewed by staffright now.
COMMISSIONER EBERT: Okay. So the 25 you plan on putting there, to me, if it - I noticed on
my other paper that last time you wer€ in people were parking at Thalheimefs, which I didn't understand
because that's across the street.
If anything else, you might have to restrict Mr. Tequila with some of their ouside because they're
over the 20 percent. I'll just wait to hear the rest ofthis. Thank you.
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MR. HOOD: Okay. No problem.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Anybody else? Stan?
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: Im just curious, how well lit is Route 4l along there?
MR. HOOD: From what I recall, it's pretty well lit.
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: Like, 25-foot poles, 30-foot poles?
MR. HOOD: I cant give it to you offthe top of my head.
MR. HOOD: But -- I'm not sure.
MR. HOOD: Sure.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Anybody else?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Fred, lefs walk through some things that we - I think we talked about
yesterday and, if we didn! we'll pick up on them today.
MR. HOOD: Okay.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: It seems that in the staffs recommendations they had crossed out the use of
poles in the parking exemption area, and since the parking exemption area previously appmved didn't allow
poles and had bollard, Im not sure - I dont see why you need the poles at this point. So wouldn't - I'm in
line with the staffs recommendation to strike that section. So there would be no poles in the parking
exemption area.
MR. HOOD: Yeah. Per our discussion yesterday, we're okay with that. What we were attempting
to do therc was proyide the flexibility ifthere was additional lighting that was going to be needd but I think
that we'll be able to do it from the C4 side to light that aisle and the parking area
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. And pafi of the issues that I saw between the latest revised
provisions and what you're actually going to do, your APR is going to be for 100 place - thrce less, not five
MR. HOOD: Correct.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Because you previously had one in for five less. That's being modified to
three less.
MR HOOD: That's correct.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN : On No. 2 of - l'm going to work off of staffs recommendations, because at
this point as far as I'm concemed, with some tweaking ofthat language, those are the - lefs see. There's 12
of them. Those are the I 2 items that ought to be incorporated into any final recommendation today.
So let's go back to No. 2 under the staffs recommendation. The parking exemption area is limited to
Lots 14, 53, and 55 ofthe Rosemary Heights addition - subdivision as shown on the Sand Banks
redevelopment concephnl site plan prepared by Davidson Engineering. The plan is concepual only and
utilizes - and is ntilized for parking exemption approval only.
I had asked sAffto not use the word "conceptual only." tately there's been some flexible attempts to
change to say "conceptual" can mean completely revamping ofthe project site, urd thafs not what the intent
So, James, I think you guys were going to take a look at some new language. Did you have that
language handy you could read into dre record?
MR. SABO: Yeah. Just striking "conceptual only" is a way to take care of that. The plan is only
for - only utilized for parking exemption approval.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, no. I just want to make surc that the plar dut is approved by staff
when it goes t}rough the process is consistent with the plan that we have today. I think you were going to use
the word "consistent" in there instead of "conceptual," something ofthat nature. Is that -
MR. SABO: Yeah, we can use "consistent."
CII{IRI\,IAN STRAN: Okay. I dont want them to - anybody to think that this plan is just for
today's showing then, pooi it go€s away. No. This is the plan you're going to build mostly to. Ifs got to be
consistent with this plan and basically the premises under which this plan's been reviewed, so...
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Are you on dre same page now, James?
MR. SABO: Yes. Thank you.
CTIAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Under No. 9, at the end of No. 9 there was some language involving
the fi"xtures that can go on the C4. The last line says "These shielded fixtures shall be placed no higher than
I 0 feet measured from finished flmr of the building or sructure." That I don't believe is the right reference.
It should be "finished floor ofthe closest drive aisle pavernent."
And the rcason for that is, your buildingis going to be set to FEMA standards, which are going to be
higher than the parking lots and pa.vement. As a result, you're going to end up rcally having a 12- or I 5-foot
pole, not l0-. And because ifs on the C4 side of the property - I understand your right to have the poles
there, and they are farther away and the/re going to be firlly shieldd and I thought you said they'rc going to
be Dark Skies as well.
MR HOOD: Dark Skies compliant is what we are -
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Now, that isn't in No.9. IfsNo.8. Soif it had been - now, your.2
foot candle powers is also in No. E. So we need to rewrite that language to make sur€ that No. 9 includes the
.2 foot candle powers that you prcviously t€stified to and the Dark Skies.
MR. HOOD: Thafs fine. Yeah, ifs-the language is inNo. 10, so we'lljust take that language and
put it into No. 9.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. As long as we have it somewhere where it's all covaing those poles,
that that's what lm conc.erned about.
MR.HOOD: Okay.
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: And then No. 11, you've agreed o shike the words "composite fencing
materials," right?
MR HOOD: That's conect.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. I'm working down my list I think thafs dre only issues left to
discuss. That's all I had left.
MR. HOOD: Just really quickly. For No. 9, No. 9 was discussing the wall pack, so on the back of
the buildings. Number 10 was dre one that was supposed to be for the pole lighting so that's -
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Both of those need to be - including wall packs, both of those need to be
measured fiom the asphalt height, not the buildin$s frnished floor height.
MR- HOOD: That's fine.
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Okay. James, are you clear enough on the direction to write this? Okay.
MR. SABO: Yes. Yes, I arn. Sorry about the head nod.
CI{AIRJVIAN STRAIN: Thafs okay. We heard it.
Okay. With drat, is there anybody else that has any comments?
(No response.)
C[I{IRI\4AN STRAIN: If none, we'll tum to stafffor a staffreport.
MR. SABO: For the reconC, James Sabo. Mr. Chairman, Commissionos, this is a recommendation
to the CCPC to forward the petition for Sand Banks parking 26M to the Board ofZoning Appeals with a
recommendation ofappmval subject to the strikethmugh urd underline as discussed here today, and that's it.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. So your recommendation still stands, even with the changes wele
discussed today?
MR. SABO: Correct
MR. BELLOWS: Correct.
CIIAIRIv{AN STPIr{IN: Any questions of stafl
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Do we have any registered public speakers?
MR. SABO: Yes, we do; Martha Gill.
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Ms. Gill, you'll need to come to the microphone, and we'll have to swear
you in.
(The speaker was duly swom and indicated in lhe affrrnative.)
MS. GILL: Ma(ha Gill, 1006 Ridge Street I own the pieces - the t ots 57 and 59 immediately
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adjacent to the area.
My question - I have a couple clarifications. The house that is on l,ot lE is presently rented, but they
have a for-sale sign on the exterior - on the edge ofthe property saying that property is for sale.
Also, when Mr. Tequila has large evens, that lot was used for overflow parking and people parked
every which way on that lot. And they are still doing tha! and they are also parking at Thalheime/s.
My question is, with the upcoming construction of sewers on Ridge Sheet and traffic
improvements - maybe Mr. Sawyer could address it - but are they going to be putting in curbs when they
redo Ridge Street? Because if they do, then all these people are going to - thdre still going to be trying to
park along Ridge and on that grass area and taking up spaces that don't exist.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, we can find out. After you finish, we'll ask Mr. Sawyer to come up to
address that issue. But a couple ofthings: Ifyou see parking on those lots south ofyou that you just said
there was parking for Mr. Tequila's there, you need to call Code Enforcement. They will deal with it. Ifs not
a parking lot. It's not t,o be used for a parking lot. So they, technically, can't be doing what you've just said
they were doing.
As far as Thalheime/s and that building there, unless they're posted "no public parking" or they want
to enforce t}e privacy oftheir parking lot, I'm not sure what anybody can do about that. And I have gone into
that building myselfl not to Thalheimer's, but offrces up above, and have walked over for lunch at Mr.
Tequila's. So, I mean, maybe that's all that's happening is something like that.
MS. GILL: Of course, right now the Thalheimer's building is for sale, too, so there might be some
changes there if it changes hands.
No, I was jus concemed with, you know the trafrc, because we get enough traffic on Ridge as it is
and, you know, we're not happy about the fact that he wants to put in a new shopping center and the taffrc
that was formerly coming in and out of 4 I and Rosemary will now be diverted - more traffic will be diverted
onto Ridge, increasing the taffic, you know, in front of my home.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. We'll ask Mike Sawyer to come up and address the other issue, and
we tlank you.
MS. GILL: Thank you.
MR. SAWYER: Again, for the record, Mike Sawyer, Transportation Planning.
My understanding ofthe Ridge Street project is that it is going to be reconstructed. It will still have
the swales on either side which means that therc isn't going to be curbing on that particular road section.
There is going to be a reconstuction of the sidewalk on one side of Ridge. That's about all that I know about
the project. I can give you some ideas on the timing ofit ifnecessary.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, I think if you can communicate with the lady thal spoke and maybe
get her - some way to communicate with her by email after the meeting or something, that would be useful.
As far as the idea of using swales, now thafs a rural cross-section design.
CTIAIRMAN STRAIN: Why are we doing rural cross-sections urban area?
MR SAWYER: Principally, that project is to address some of the drainage issues that they've got,
and by using swales, we actually engourage more ofthe water to actually get down into the ground instead of
just relying on piping.
There is an amount of piping I believe, that is going to be use4 so it's basically a combination. But
by using the swales still in that are4 it still allows some percolation ofthat water down into dre groundwater
CI{.AIRIVIAN STRAIN: Well - but if you use catch basins and valley gutters, you'd still have plenty
of area left over, and that would help channel the water better than them having deep swales on both sides of
the road, especially in an urban area. I'm a little surprised we're doing a rural design in an urtan arca. We
don't - itjust seems interesting that we're still sticking with that.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Yeah. I know it has nothing to do with the zonin& but I find it quite
interesting that when the cormty does consruction, they don't conform with the rcquiremenB that they level
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on all the other developers in regards to building to urban standards.
Here you're doing rcad construction, and you're not ever complying with your own rules that you
impose on everyone else. I know - and that's up to the -
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I think that was a statement morc than a question, Mike
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: It's a statement. You don't have to answer it.
MR. SAWYER: And I apologize. You have actually caught me off guard. Honestly, right now this
project actually is a stormwater project. It's not a road project. The reason that we'rc rcconstructing the roads
is because of stormwater changes that are being needed. We have done what we could as far as getting
sidewalk areas --
(Multiple speakers speaking.)
MR. SAWYER: - and that sort of thing.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: - whether it's a spy or an informant. I got it.
MR. SAWYER: l'm simply tryiflg to apologize that I am not as familiar with this project as I would
certainly like to be, so I will get back to you.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: You know, what's intercsting drouglL Mike, is you guys are going
to - stormwatels going to out there and tear the place up to do these swales and everything else.
MR. SAWYER: Right.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: And, obviously, the road is going to have to have some kind of
improvemen8 eventually because it's a rural cross-section in an urbon area, and we probably should do that.
So they'll get done tearing it all up, putting it back together. Then you guys say, you know, it's a good
time - we should fix this road and make it urban cross-section. You'll tear it all up again, and we spend
double the taxpayers' money.
If somehow the Transportation Department could work with maybe the Drainage Department and do
everything together, it would probably save us all a lot of money and effort and time.
MR. SAWYER: I can tell you that we have tried to coordinate as much as we possibly could on this.
It's also a combined project with the city. So there is a lot of cmrdination that is going on. And I honestly
may be totally misstating a lot of things with my cunent knowledge, which is quite inadequate. So I
apologize for that once again.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: It's just ftIsfating, Mike.
MR. SAWYER: Im not the guy to really be able to address this, because I didn't think that we
would be getting into a cross-section for the particular road. I thought possibly we might be gefiing into a
question as far as timing.
Quite honestly, I have not tooked at the cross-section of this adequalely to know exactly what that
cross-section actually is.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mike, this has been - this is the fourth meeting on ftis project
MR. SAWYER: I understand that.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Every single time the folks have come here concemed about that
road system. It would have been just probably a good idea to know what that's - whafs going to happen on
that road by the mere fact weve got another meeting on it today and we could have given them better
information. So maybe if you could just gather that information and provide the best you can to the lady that
spoke, that wouldjust be helpful for that neighborhood o know what's going on, and we'd appreciate that.
MR. SAWYER: I defrnitely will, and I apologize.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Oh, no. Just need to somehow get the coordination better and the word out
so that would be helpful. But thank you.
Anybody else?
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: I don't need knowledge, jus an opinion. Should there be
sidewalk on both sides ofthat road?
MR. SAWYER: There certainly should be.
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MR. SAWYER: If there was adequate right-of-way, we defnitely would be doing that.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: How much right-of-way is there?
MR. SAWYER: Again, I apologize. I don't have that in front of me.
COMMISSIONER EBERT: So we just put down "county not following rules"?
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: Im just - we just -- Mike doesnt know the right-of-way. We'll just have to
go with it. It's not necessarily part ofthis application. It has come up in tying to at least answer the residents'
concems to the best we could, and hopefully you'll followup with that. So thank you.
MR. SAWYER: We'll definitely make sure the residents understand.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Is there anybody else here who has not spoken on this matter that
would like to speak?
(No rcsponse.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. With tha! anyMy else have any other questions? If no! we'll close
the public hearing and - for discussion first. I have made some notes based on the discussions. We did make
some requested clarifications to the staffrecommendations. James has acknowledged he understands those
and can make them.
MR. SABO: (Nods head.)
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: And they include fre Dark Skies, C4, the height measuremen! the
wall - composiG wall language and things like thaf.
I dont have any other notes. Everything else has been addressed at the previous meetings and in our
final revision. Accepting that, is there a motion from anybody on this panel?
Go ahea4 Joe.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: I make a motion that we approve based on the stipulations as
written and then further amended by Commissioner Strain, then I recommend - make a motion of approval.
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: Motion made by Joe, seconded by Patick. Discussion?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: All in favor, signi! by saying aye.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Anybody opposed?
(No response.)
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: Motion carries 7-0.
Thank yora Fred.
MR. HOOD: Thank you.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Please get the draft to staff, and we'll make sure everlthing is right.
MR. HOOD: Absolutely.
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN' +++Okay. And that takes us to our - No. 98 and 9C have been continued
indefinitely. That's PL20160002584/CPSS-2017-1 and PL20160002577. Those are both for the Grace
Romanian Church on Golden Gate Boulevard and Collier Boulevard. So ifanybody's here for those today,
those have been continued indefinitely. A new date will be established once they finish going that far in the
r+rThe next item up is Item 9D. It's PL2017E0003535 known as the 951 Villas RPUD. It's onthe
east side of Collier Boulevard approximately one-half mile north of the intersection of Vanderbilt Beach
Road and Collier Boulevard.
All those wishing to testifi on this itern, please rise to be sworn in by the court reporter.
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(The speakers were duly swom and indicated in the affirmative.)
CTIAIRMAN STRAIN: Disclosures? And we'll sart back with yorl Tom.
MR EASTMAN : None other than those that are part of the public rccord.
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: None other than those that are part of the public record.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I guess I'll have to rip up the whole process here.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I have met and spoke with Alexis on the issues. I've talked to people at the
Vanderbilt Country Club at trro different occasions, and I've received a series of ernails, different emails. I
think one came in this moming. I didnt get time to read it. It was lengthy. But I know, Tim, you sent
something out today.
MR. FINN: Yes.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: And I had talked to staffyesterday.
Okay. Karen?
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Received emailq again, I think it was yest€rday aftemoor\ quite
lengthy. Unfortunately, I just tried to acc€ss my email, but I couldnt. So hopefully we discuss those issues
today. I believe they werE raised by fte neighboring properties.
CI{AIRMAN STRAN: Okay. With that, Alexis, it's all yours.
MS. CRESPO: Good moming. Alexis Crespo with Waldrop Engineering representing the applicant.
Joining me here today is Kevin Brown, who's the senior vice president ofToll Bro6ers who's under contact
to purchase the pmperty from the JCC or Jewish Community Foundation.
Also Kami Corbett with Foley & tardner is legal counsel. Dane Underhill with DexBender prepared
the environmental report for the property; and Jeremy Amold is a professional engineer with Waldrop
Engineering. He's here to answer engineering related questions, and he is also filling in for Norm Trebilcock
who is, we understand, on vacation today.
We just have a brief presentation to walk you through the proposed request, which is to rezone a
37-and-a-half-acre property cur€ntly zoned rural agriculture to a residential planned rmit developmenq and
this would allow for a maximum of 148 dwelling units and accessory uses resulting in four units per acre.
The subject property is shown in yellow on the area location map. It's approximately a half-mile
north of Vandertilt Beach Road on the east side of Collier Boulevard. lt's in a very welldeveloped arca in
the urban ponion ofthe county, as you can see fiom drat surrounding development pattem, and the site is
partially vegetated and has a few rernaining structues on sit€. I'11 also note it's in the urban residential future
land use category.
When we get in a little bit ofa closer look at the property, you can see those areas of that existing
yegetation. You can also note that therc's two existing bridges pmviding access to the pmper! fiom Collier
Boulevard. It is diffrcult to see, but the - there is an existing pathway on the property side of the canal that
nrns north/soudr connecting into the county's path\vay system. So an important item of infiasructure to note.
ln terms of our surrounding land use panerq to the north you can see developed residential buildings
within the Bristol Pines residential planned mit developed. Those are approved at seven units per acre,
substantially built out in a townhome dwelling type.
As you move to tlrc east there is the Neal Communities residential project known as Canopy. That is
also substantially built out with single-family detached dwelling types.
Our neighbor to the south as well as the eas is Vanderbilt Country Club. We have been in close
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communications with them throughout the process, and they are an older planned unit development allowed
for a full range of dwelling types, including muhifamily, single-family. You can see from the aerial that the
units closest to the subject property along that shared - their westem boundary, our eastem boundary, are a
multifamily coach home style of dwelling and then along the sout[ we're adjacent to their preserve area and
a golf course hole.
And that communitys built out at about two-and-a-halfuniB per acre due to the golfcourse acreage;
brings that down quite a bit.
Further south of drat we've got some remaining agricultural lands utilized as a landscape nursery. As
we move to the west of the roadway, we've got some rcmaining mned property for mixed use as the Sonoma
Oaks mixed-use planned development. WeVe got tre Golden Gate fire station facility, really nice new
county facility, just north of Wolfe Road there Raffia Preserve, a community built ou( single-family
dwellings by WCI; and then as we move to the north immediately to the west of the subject property is a
multifamily community known as Summit Place, and those are multifamily buildings ranging between four
and six units per building.
And theq lastly, we have Golden Gate commercial landscape nunery to the north. So just to give
you an idea of the infill nature ofthe project in that this area really has a mix of dwelling types fiom your
single-family communities all the way to more dense townhome and multifamily projecs.
Our r€quest is to rezone from agriculture to l4E dwelling units four units per acre. This is entirely
consistent with your underlying suburban or urban mixed-use residential subdistrict.
We are requesting the full range of dwelling types. The market is subject to fluctuations, and based
upon those surrounding projects, ifs clear this area's appropriate for any range of single-family attached or
multifamily products.
We are proposing a recreational amenity site. We're in agreement with staffthat 7.3 acres are
required for preserve under the county rcquirements, and we've strategically located tlrat to be contiguous to
off-site preserve areas, which I'll show you, and we are proposing perimeter buffers in accordance with the
Land Development Code.
This next slide is your PUD master plan that's in your packet. We like to overlay that on an aerial,
especially when we'rc talking about ofsirc prcserve connections and things like that.
Sojust to zoom in and kind of walk you through the development program, we are proposing a sole
vehicular ingress from the existing southem bridge. The intenq through a deviation and as shown on the
development conc€pt plan is, to preserve the nordrem bridge for a pedestian-only connection point from that
existing sidewalk system along the canal.
So we would like to have that sole point of ingresVegress. We are proposing to have it gated. We'd
meet all stacking rcquirements. We are proposing sidewalks on both sides of the 50-foot right-of-way except
in locations where we have the stuEouts and there's not going to be a house fionting and accessing the road
in this location.
So we would be requesting to eliminate the sidewalk here and then on this other stub-out or dead-end
portion ofthe project. But all other intemal roadways will have sidewalks on both sides.
WeVe labeled residential tracts throughout the project. They're clustered around the large centralized
lake area which will serve as an amenity for the property. We've also located their proposed recreational site
intemal to the project so it's not on the perimeter and creating any potential compatibility issues with our
In terms of the preserve, I want to kind of zoom in on these areas. Hopefully you can see them on
your screens there. These are closesq again, to Vanderbilt Country Club. And it was noted at the
neighborhood information meeting the neighbors were curious how deep are these preserve areas and how
much width is going to be provided to buffer us fiom your residential tract.
So as we move along the southern portion of the property, we have about 120 feet ofseparation.
Then in this wider area along the eastem boundary where we are really closest to - if I can get my cuNor
there - closest to the - wele got 250 feeg ifyou can see where I'm pointing to that existing multifamily
building. And then as you go north, it gets a little reduced in width where we've got 122 feeq and then, lastly,
90 feet at our closest point. But in this location, we are very well separated fiom those existing multifamily
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buildings in Vanderbilr
And then I just wanted to focus on thar pedestrian connectivity being proposed and walk you through
how a reidenfs going to get from the intemal sidewalk system and then jump on that existing multi-use
pathway along the roadway and then be able to connect should they desire to connect to Collier Boulevard by
pedestrian promenade or northemmost bridge.
We would use that for constructiononly access during the development ofthe property. But as we
close out the constuction portion, it would be then converted fully to the pedesrrian-only bridge with
appropriate signage.
I've kind oftouched on surrounding densities. Ifs certainty importaff when we're looking at an infill
project to ernphasize the surrounding development pattern. Across the steet we've gol agairq a
condominium type uni! attached housing built out at four units per acre. And Vanderbilt Counfy Club, you
can see the image there of their coach home product that's along Danbury Boulevard look also, again,
multifamily in nature.
And then to our north we have the Bristol Pines attached townhome prcduct type. So fairly dense
surrormding residential uses.
Our four units per acre is consistent with what's in the surmunding area. We've sensitively located
those preserve areas to provide not only contiguous habitat but also visual screening.
And we do have an existing wall along our northem property line. This was constructed by the
Bristol Pines community as part of ttrcir required buffering. And thafs a view from inside our property
looking nort} to Bristol Pines, and you can see images ofthat Gfoot wall that's on a berm that's
approximately three feet in height. It does vary, but ifs providing some good visual screening between the
properties today.
And then when we look at it from Vanderbilt Country CluUs perspective, this is - standing along
Danbury Boulevard you can see they have a very nice established hedge row on a berm providing screening
intemal to their property.
Along this shared property line, because we have preserve, we're jus proposing to maintain that
preserve arca to serve as the code rcquired buffer, which staff is in agreement with.
Your sta.ffreport outlines the public infi-astucture and services available in the area We haYe water
and secgre by Collier County Utilities. WeVe done the traffic study for the 148 dwelling units based upon
the p.m. peak hour tripq and there's adequare capacities on all roadways impacted by the projecl and this
area's just very well served in terms of ttre sheriff, EMS, schools. It's a great area of the county to introduce a
new residential community.
We're in frrlt agreernent with staff in terms of staffreport. They have recommended partial approval
oftwo deviations related to signage, and we are in agreement with what theyVe prePared in that staffrcport.
So we can agee with that partial approval that rclates to a time limitation on temporary signs. They looked al
other recent approvals. We feet that was appropriate, and then also in terms of the boundary marker signs, we
can live with the 1 0 feet and still achieve Toll's aesthetic look that they're looking to bui ld along the Collier
Boulevard frontage.
We do submit this is entirely compatible with the sunounding land-use pateq the surrounding
densities. This type ofdevelopment's encouraged by your Growth Management Plan, and we would
respectfully request your recommendation of approval today.
So we're happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Questions from the Planning Commission?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Irt's see. The northem entrylYay, which you propose to make into a
pedestrian walkway, from the pictures that I see right now, it was set up - they were both set up for
;utomobile or motor vehicle ingress and egress urd, therefore, they eEend all the way to Collier Boulevard.
But the northern one wouldnt need to go all the way to Collier, would it? In fac! it seems to me that
would be rather dangerous. It just needs to go to the walkway on the other side of dre canal, right?
MS. CRESPO: The walkway's actually on our side ofthe canal, meaning the east side of fte canal.
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MS. CRESPO: So staffdid want pedestrians to be able to get out to the actual roadway should tlrey
need a mid-block crossing. Certainly we agree there might be some - and oh, for Collier Arca Transit if
they would ever like to have a stop there that could accommodate.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: It seems potentially dangerous to me, but just an observation.
All right. lrfs see. Moving on. The agreement that you've reached with rEspect to Deviation 4 on
signage, did you agree to in season only and three years?
MS. CRESPO: Yes. We certainln if ifs the pleasure of the Planning Commission, would like the
four years, but we're willing to agree with staffon their recommendation. But we did request fow and can
compromise with three.
And let's see. In the neighborhoods that are near by, are there any three-story dwelling units that you
know of?
MS. CRESPO: Certainly Bristol Pines is two stories. I believe Vanderbik Country Club is also two
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. Comment No. l0 in the NIM said, "What is the highest the
homes will be?" And the res;nnse was '35 feet." Is that in the paperwork thafs going before $e Comty
MS. CRESPO: Yes, sir. That is in Exhibit B, our development regulations.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: All right. Then Comment I I says, "How many siories is that?" And
the response was, "That could be a maximum of three stories or more likely two." Are you wanting to keep
your options open to put a three-story shucture there?
MS. CRESPO: That is not the intent of the applicant. Simply - it was simply to state that within a
35-foot maximum building heighq you could accommodate a thr€e-story building. I don't believe Toll has
any Florida products that would be three stories.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. Then I understand why you have to take lots of tees out, and
there'll be replanting ofthe appropria& species. Are there any rules that you'll be following with r€sp€ct to
density and canopies versus palms, how closely together the non-canopy tees would be planted ifthey were
aftempting to achieve canopy effecP Are there any rules or standards goveming any of that?
MS. CRESPO: Yes. Chapter 3 relates to any rcstoration requircd in the pneserve areas, and then for
general trees throughout the development, we'll comply with Chapter 4 of the LDC that specifies size, rype of
general tees required within the project.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. Then with regard to the time of day during which consfuction
can take place, that was Question 64, and there appearcd to be a disagreement between you, your client, on
the one hand, and the neighbors on the other who wanted a later starting time. Have you thought firrther
about that?
MS. CRESPO: We know tJre county ordinance allows it to stad as early as 6:30. We can maybe
speak offJine momenarily and see.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Yeah. Would yoq please?
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Not right now. We'll ry to take a brealq and you can do that if you need to.
We've got projects going on all over the county, and our standards have always been the standards.
I'm not sure how we would even monitor and single out a project if we want to tell them to change the
construction times, but it's certainly something - you know, ifNed wants an answer to it, we can do that
when we have a break.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: The only reason I mention it, and not necessarily that Im insisting
upon i! but it was mentioned by the neighbon at the NIM. And you were, I won't say, equivocal about it, but
it seemed like you might be open to consider it, so I'm raising it for that pupose.
And that is all I have, Mr. Chairman.
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MR. KLATZKOW: And this may not be a problem with this particular development, but we've
been experiencing some questions as to the bridges thar go over these canals throughout Collier County as to
who owns them and who maintains them. Many of the b,ridges we have are older and in need of repairs, and
we've been scratching our heads as to whose rcsponsibility is that.
My question here is that the two bridges here, are they going to be brought to county standards?
MR. ARNOLD: Good moming. Jeremy Amold for the record with Waldrop Engineering.
The answer is yes. You know, we're going to be required to permit through South Florida Water
Management Distric! Big Clpress Basin, the Right-of-Way Departnent. They're one of the permitting
authorities for the canal and then also through our right-of-way permit $rough the PPL process as well. So,
yes, both bridges will be reviewed and inspected and brought up to standards.
MR. KLATZKOW: And whose responsibility is it going to be to maintain fie bridges after that?
Because the develope/s going to be long gone when this issue becomes prevalent. And my experience is
asking a homeowners' association to spend God knows how much money to fx a bridge is not going to go
over very well. So my question is, who's intended to maintain these bridges?
MS. ARNOLD: lrt's - can we discrss that at fte breab and then I'll -
MR. KLATZKOW: You know, that's fair.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN : Okay. Anybody else have ury questions of the applicant at this time?
(No response.)
CIIAIRMAN STRAN: Alexis, I have a few.
First of all, the - I think when I met with yor4 you have agreed to abide by the staffs
recommendations and the changes they made to the deviations; is that conect?
MS. CRESPO: Conect.
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Okay. I'm checking to see. I think you may have covered - o[ the - just a
small note. On Page 20 of the staff report tmder the neighborhood information meeting - and I'm not sure if
this was by you or by staff. The last line of the second paragraph says, 'No commitnents were made. A
copy of the sign-in sheet, handouts, and n-anscrip are included in Attachment C." I didnt frnd a transcript.
All I found was your notes. Did you do a transcripfl
COMMISSIONER FRYER: There was a tape.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: That isn't a trmscript, though.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: No. I know there was a tape, but I like what - one of the firms, they
always do a transcript. It makes it rcal easy to review. This one said a transcrip! but alls I found was your
summary and the NIM recording which is fine. But I just fiought since you said it, if there is one, I would
have liked to have seen it. There isnt one.
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: Somefting other than the questions and answers?
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Yeah. That's not a transcript. That's a person's - basically a summary,
MS. CRESPO: I believe staffcharacterized it as a transcdpt in our memo.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. So you - there was no real tanscript?
MS. CRESPO: We did not provide a tra$cripL
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: That's just a clarification I need. Ifs no complaint. I just wanted to make
sure I understand there wasnt one.
When we talked, Footnote No. 3 references a setback of 10 feet to the edge of pavement or curb on
your comer lo6, and I brought up the point to you that basically oncc you - your right-of-way is where your
PUEs or UEs start. They're 1 0 fee! and then youVe got to tre the length of your overhang back from that I 0
foot. So how did you see Foomote 3 fming into those comer lots that particular - one of them where you've
got the sidewalks taken out. So you'd be measuring from the back ofpavement. You wouldn't even be
gefting to the rightof-way probably before you hit the l0 feet Then how is your UEs and PUEs going to frt
in? So I just want to make sure 3 doesnt trip us up with anything ofthat nature.
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MS. CRESPO: Yes. We would modi! Foomote 3 so that the lO-foot setback would be insured
instead ofto tlle edge ofpavement or back ofcurb but to the right-of-way.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. So it would be from the right-of-way, and it would be held back
from - the overhang would also not be into the UE if it's there? Okay.
Thafs just a clarification thal we need to get some kind of- made to that footrot€ when you get
a - okay.
And Alexis, that's all IVe got. YouVe - everything else you've take care of, so thank you.
And I guess that goes to staff r€port. And Tim, I want to tell you it was very, very helpful to have
the table and chart on the surrounding properties that you took the time to do on Page t ofyour staffreport.
That really provided a lot of insight as to how this fits in with the neighborhood. So thank you for doing that.
MR. FINN: Thank you.
CTIAIRMAN STRAIN: Now your staff repor! please.
MR. FINN: For the record, I am Tim Finn, principal planner.
The project is compliant with the GMP and the rezoning criteria within the LDC; therefore, staff
recommends approval.
I would like to note that at I o clock this moming I received an email with an oppositional letter from
repr€sentatives ofthe Bristol Pines community, and I forwarded that email on to all ofyou as well as the
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: So you worked all night on this, righfl
MR. FINN: No, I got it at E o'clock this moming. So I had to scramble and make copies for
everyone ifthey wished to have one.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: No, I appreciate i! Tim. I saw it this moming. Thank you. Anybody have
any questions ofstafl
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: I didn't disclose that. It's probably sifting on my home
computer now.
CHAtrUvT.AN STRAIN: Then you don't need o disclose it if you havent seen it.
Okay. Anybody else?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Anythhg from stafl
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Thank you, Tim.
And we'll go to public speakers. We are going to - Alexis, before we vote on this, after public
speakers, we'll take a break so you can answer the couple ofquestions that came up.
With tha! Ray, are there any registered public speakers?
MR. BELLOWS: I don't think we got a registercd speaker, but I think there are some people here
with a petition.
CI{AIRivI{N STRAN: Okay. Well, tm going to get to that next. But first I asb there's no
registercd speaker?
MR. BELLOWS: That's correct.
CII{IR}v{,{N STR.I{IN: Anybody here who wishes o speak on this item that is not registered? Sir,
if you want to come up, identifr younelf for the record. You have five minutes. And I'll be glad to hear what
you've got to say. And if you were producing anything that you're going to show on the overhead -
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: - you'll need to have copies for the court reporter, if you have, or leave a
copy for the court rcporter.
Yeah, did you rise - I think he did get swom in. Yes. Sir, were you swom in?
MR. GOREDO: Yes, I was.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. You need to start out with your name, please.
MR. GOREDO: Yes. Hello. My name is Michael Goredo (phonetic). I am the board secretary for
the Bristol Pines community. I want to thank you for hearing me today, and I apologize for the late night
email. It has been a long week.
Prye 2O of 34
June 7, 201E
So I wanted to touch on a couple ofkey notes, one of which is that we are opposed to this proposed
plan and our reasoning is fie density; not necessarily the immediate density ofthe immediate adjacent
neighborhoods but ofthe county as a whole.
Behind me, or on the display, is the area known as - referred to technically as North Naples, and you
can see it is completely filled with PUDS.
Moving right along to the next atea, here we have - forgive me. My apologies. The orientation is
difficult to read. Here we have the urban estates. The uban estates technically ends along Collier Boulevard.
And lve highlighted with the red squre the area in question where the planned development is. Again,
completely filled with PUDs.
Many ofthe green patches shown here are eidter under development and/or planned for
development, and they only show here as green because this is an older document. This is a 2014 document
produced by Collier County. And here we have what's referred to as the rural estates. Agaiq the dividing line
between urban estates and rural estates being Collier County where this project is planned to take plac.e.
As you can see, PUDs throughout. Moving right along. And let me se€ if I can zmm this in.
This document is the density - the existing and projected density ofthe various defined aress within
Collier County. I've highlighted in red the three that I showed previously: North Naples, the urban estates,
and the rural estates. All three ofthese areas have populations at or above the entire City ofNaples.
The projection from Collier County is that within the next decade they will fully have doubled the
projected population ofNaples - of dre City ofNaples.
So what l'm gstting at here is that the overall density, particularly in north and Nor0reasem Collier
County, is - it's exploded. The population hasjust exploded with developments left and right, many ofwhich
are still actively underway.
So it is our beliefthat another planned unit development is not what our area needs. At the end ofthe
day, wejust-we have so many. It's not what we need. What we need is more community facilities, and
services particularly widr parks and recreation.
Here we have written signatures. There arc I00 - we collected 16E Mitten signatur€s. And I'm not
going to dwell on these. You all have a copy of thes€. We also collect€d another 165 online signatures fiom
the neighboring communities. All these signatures are from the Bristol Pines community, which is directly
adjacent to the site. Here we have the signatures submitted online tkough the platform.
Furthermore, we have rccently spoke with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, who also
reports to the Collier County Commissioners, and discrssed with thern the need for recreational facilities,
pafticularly a park. I've attached all the documents we submitted to them, including - this is their park map.
This is a sample of thar park map. The site in question is approximately here. Notice that it's -- there are no
parks anyrvhere nearby.
Here, again, we have the site. And what's particularly imporant to note about this site, which was
also shown in the previous presentation, is the density. Wlen we look at the satellite view of not just the
immediate are4 we zoom bach there's all these developments. And ftis down here is residential
non-planned unit developments that pr€date the explosive gowth in North Naples.
But widr all this buildup, with all this density, there's just not enough room left for additional frrture
public facilities. And that's really the problem that - thal is our reason for opposing this. Not because we're
opposed to development. I actually have a background in architecture, and I'm very much pro development.
It's just weVe hit a point where we're - where if we continue to allow PUDs on every single lot we're going
to hit a point where there won't be an opportunity to fill back in public services like parks or a police station
or a new elementary school or any0ring for that matter. So we're hitting that point, and that's why we're
And is there any other - any questions that I might answer while I still have a few moments?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Mr. Marino (sic), the cur€nt area in question is, of course, mned A,
agricultural, but it's been designated in the Growth Management Plan as urban mixed-use district urban
residential subdistrict. So isn't really what you're asking for a change to the Growth Management Plan for
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this area?
MR. GOREDO: Actually, I suppose that would be accurate, that we want the Growdr Management
Plan to include additional public services within tris area that's the border of urban estates and rural estates,
because the mral estates are very rapidly no longer being - arent going to be rural much longer at the rat€
we're going.
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Okay. Anybody else?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you, sir.
CHAIRMAN STRAN: You'll have to leave a copy of that with the staff, if you don't mind.
MR GOREDO: Yes. There is a copy on this comput€r and, of course, you-all have a copy.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Yes. All the residents of Bristol Pines who signed the petition, have
they considered purchasing the pmperty for themselves to develop into a rccreational facility or park for the
Bristol Pines community?
MR- GOREDO: That is something that we have discussed; however, given the situation
with - between the curent owner and the other panies prcsent, thds not something we could really move
forward with at this tirne.
MR. GOREDO: One other thing I did want to note, fiat this land is adjac.en! the existing - there are
nature - adjacent nature preserves, as was pointed out previously, and I did want to also note that some ofthe
wildlife on the land cunently includes, you know, bald eagles. In this case, this is their - this land is the
feeding ground for these eagles as well as families of other wildlife, including deer. We've rccently seen
bears and many smaller spocies as well.
So I just want to emphasize that the land - ifs not just a vacant lo! you know, filled with tash. It is
quite literally a working ecosystem. so preserving it - preserving some portion ofthat is - would be valuable
within our area.
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: I'm just impressed that after the start of that, that you made it
through that presentation without once using the worrd "moratorium."
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Anybody else?
(No response.)
CIiAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you, sir. Appreciate it.
Are thoe any members ofthe public here that would like to speak on this item who have not already
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Okay. Alexis, are you - there you are. Do you need us to hke a break so
you can consult with your cliens?
MS. CRESPO: Yes, please.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Well, why don't we take a break for - let s just do l0 minutes, till
10:30, and then we'll resume at l0:30.
(A briefrecess was had.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, everybody. Welcome back from the break. We'll resume the
We had finished testimony and staff and applicant presentarions, and dre applicant was going to,
during brea.lq come back with a couple answers.
Go ahea4 Alexis.
MS. CRESPO: Thank you. Alexis Crespo with Waldrop.
Itern 1, the bridge, Mr. KlaEkow brought up some goods discussion on long-term maintenance, and
so he suggested that we get widr staffas we go through $e PPUSDP process to figure out who's the best
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maintenance entity lonS term, so we will c€rtainty do that, Jeremy and his team, as they move thmugh the
construction plan permitting process.
In Grms of hours of operation, we do note thal the community mentioned this at the NIM. Mr. Strain
also appropriately noted that everywhere else in the cormty construction start time is 6:30 a.m. And so to
create a new rule for this development that's located on an arterial rcadway isnt necessarily something we are
looking to do through any type of commitment.
I would note that at the 6:30 hour - I know this fiom - our office is near a lot ofnew development.
At 6:30 people are getting dropped otr They're kind of having tlreir breakfas! gesing geared up for the day.
It's no! you know, intensive work that's typically being done at that hour, and we would just respectfully
request to be teated as all other developments in terms of or:r hours of constuction .
I'm going to touch on the density. We certainly appreciare the neighbors' concems in wanting to
make sure the community's done right and have appropriate park space in the area There is a public park
along the Collier Boulevard corridor and in the area to service the projects in the area. And this is, again, in
the urban residential subdiskict. It's allowed at - four units per acre is the standard base density. That is
what we arc seeking.
We are at a lower density than the Bristol Pines community. And there's a reason, when you look at
the aerial, why this area is developed; because your Future Iand Use Map guides new groxth to occur in this
arca in order to preserve your morc environmentally sensitive lands out east and along the coastline in other
sensitive places.
So this is where the Growdr Management Plan wanb density to occur. There's the facilities, the
infi-astructure, the public inveshnent to support growth in this location. Obviously, folks in the arca think it's
a great place to live, as they've chosen the Collier Boulevard conidor for their home.
So we wouldjust respectfully request a PUD be recommended for approval that is consistent with
tle county's LDC and Comp PIan.
And with that, I think the last item, we would like to just address the wildlife in the area. Those were
good points made. And we've certainly done our due diligence in doing protected species studies of the site,
MR. UNDERHILL: Good moming. For the record, my name is Dan Underhill. lm the ecologist
with DexBender.
We conducted a listed species survey on the subject parcel in December of20l7 and identified no
listed species. We did a followup in March based on the concerm ofthe surrounding neighbors and the
potential prcsenc€ of a bald eagle on the sirc. And so we did a thorough survey of the site looking for any
potential nests and did not identi! any.
There is a known bald eagle nest about 4,000 feet to the east ofthe subject parcel. I thinkit'sCH031.
And so occssionally I would not be surprised if you do see a bald eagle on the site.
They are going to enhance the preserved areas in the southem portion offte site, which I agee is the
right place to put those contiguous widr the off-site preserves. That enhancement will improve the rernaining
habitat on the site, and you're installing a stormwater management lake which eagles do like to use. So I just
wanted to point that out real quick. Ifyou guys have any questions...
(No response.)
CI{AIRMAN STRAN: Okay. Thank you, sir.
MR. UNDERHILL: Thank you.
CIIAIRMAN STRAN: Alexis, did you want anytring - any other time for rebuffal or any other
MS. CRESPO: No, t}ank you.
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Hearing no other questions and testimony, we'll close the public
hearing. For dre benefit ofdre panel, for discussion, I would suggest if there's a motion made - a positive
recommendation that it include be subject to staff recommendations; that Foofro@ 3 would be measured from
the right-of-way, and it will have no overhang into the UE if there's any buildings adjacent to that side
setback or that setbac( and that the bnidges will be brought up to Collier County standards, and $e applicant
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will address the future ownership and maintenance of those bridges by the time of the BCC meeting.
And with tha! is there any other discussion you-all want to have?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Hearing none, is there a mofion?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: I'll move approval subject to the stipulations that the Chairman
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Is there a second?
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Motion made by Ned. Seconded by Karen. Any further discussion?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: All those - signifo by saying aye.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Anybody opposed?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Motion carries 7-0.
Thank you-all for your time and attendance today.
*t+And that takes tx thmugh our regular hearings, and we're into a final item, which is a Growth
Management Plan amendment. Ill read itoff. It's PL - ifs 9E, PL201E0001205/CPSP2018-4. Ifs for an
affordable housing cleanup ofthe Growth Managernent Plan sections.
And all those - it's not a legislative mafter, so we will jrst have staffreport and whoevels here to
present that. Dont you-all rush up here at one time, now. I think it was - okay, who should go up?
Hi, Corby.
MR. SCHMIDT: Hello. Good moming.
MR. SCHMIDT: Good moming Commissioners.
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: Good moming.
MR. SCHMIDT: The package put together for you includes a number of small individual changes to
four different elements of the Growth Management Plan, and those changes come from a work group
assigned to work with fie density rating systerL and thos€ changes, as a group or as a clust€r, compose the
overall change of direction tha will become LDC amendments and the fuhue direction for the county for
their approach for their handling ofthe localiznd density rating system and overall approach to affordable
Ald as you can see, ifs a number of things like changes in terminolory. You may not see it in your
packets, but by some ofthe changes in terminolory it includes a bracket change, so some of the percentage
brackets and an overall or a larger matrix found in the LDC changes, and small iterns like that. But, overall, it
affects four different elements ofthe Comp Plan.
Unless therc are questions, it's fairly straightforward.
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: And, just for clarification, it basically ales the darsity bonuses going from
eightto 12. Wherever it was eighg it's now 12. It doesn't create any new density bonus locations. Itjust
increases the existing density bonus locations.
MR. SCHMIDT: That s right. For additional incentives, that is one of the items that they offer.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN : And you took the perc.€ntage that was allowable to be considered
affordable, dropped it from 150-to 140-. So that means the ceiling of an saleable priced unit will be a little
bit lower.
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June 7, 201 8
MR SCHMIDT: Thafs correct. And it falls into alignment with whar the state has as their brackea.
CTIAIRMAN STRAIN: And ironically, our numbers have gotten pretty high. I think it was up to
the - at one point I have a document thal said - during one period oftime the 150- equated to about
$370,000, which never seeme.d affordable to me, so - that was a steep number.
MR. SCHMIDT: Notjust you.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Yeah, notjust me.
Other than that, anybody have any questions on this GMP cleanup?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: I have some questions.
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: Diane, and then Ned.
COMMISSIONER EBERT: Was it the BCC that changed this fiom eight to 12?
MR. SCHMIDT: Perhaps.
CH.AIRMAN STRAIN: Well, didnt $ey direct staffto write it up this way?
MR. SCHMIDT: Yes. It was a general direction from the board.
MR. SCHMIDT: But yes.
COMMISSIONER EBERT: Okay. That's what I was questioning. Thank you.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: lm fine with fie increase in density, and I'm fine widr the redefinition
of "afforrdability," although Im not fine with the removal of the word "workforce." Ald I went back and
looked at the BCC meeting to find out if that was an important consideration on their par! and I did not find
that to be the case. In fa6 I don't believe it was even mentioned.
Now, I understand that the concept goes beyond active currently employed workforc€. I get that. But
it seems to me that ifyou include retired workforce or disabled from the workforce, you have the whole
And when I look at examples that are used and when I looked at the PowerPoint that was put in fiont
of the BCC, I noticed that all examples ofthe gpes ofpeople we re looking to attract ar€ workforce people.
And so it seems to me that - I don't see a good reason to approve that wod and I see some signaling
reasons or symbolic reasons that I would want to keep it. Thafs my first question.
MR. SCHMIDT: All right. And lll la Cormac Giblin address drat. He was working closer with
that itern.
MR. CIBLIN: Thank yoq Commissioners. My name's Cormac Giblin. I'm the Housing and Crrant
Development manager for Collier County.
The redefrnition of "affordable housing" was one ofthe first items that was tackled by the housing
stakeholder group that worked on these recommendations that followed a study done by the Urban l:rd
Institute in - last year, so it was tlre results ofabout a two-year proj€ct to produce the Collier County
Community Housing PIan.
As I sai4 one of their fint things was to decide, what are we talking about? How do we define
affordable housing so that we are clear in our messaging?
The county's existing definition is affordable, dash workforce house, and then also within our
existing definition, there are refercnces to things called essential personal housing GAP --
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Gap housing we used at one time.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Yeah. There's a variety of thern.
MR. GIBLIN : There's a variety of words that are used to all essentially convey the same idea, the
same concept. And it was the feeling of the work group that we should pare that down to one simple term,
"affordable housing" that is defrned in state satute and federal guidelines that - rather than try to massage
around the edges and make something sound different than what - or sound better than whar you might be
thinking when someone says the word "affordable housing." In the end it all boils down to the -
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Excuse me, Cormac. When you say "it's defined in the statute," you
mean it's defined in terms ofpercentage in relation to certain average salaries, right?
MR. GIBLIN: Conect. No, but the words "affordable housing" are defined in state statute.
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COMMISSIONER FRYER: Yeah, but they're defined by means of percentages and financial terms
rather than who the people are that you're trying to attract.
MR. KLATZKOW: Yeah, but we've never -- I know we call tlrese things workforce housing and I
know we've called these things essential services and ever)4hing else, but weVe given bonus densities before.
And, Cormac, do we go through every person who's bought one oftlese properties to see whether they were
a firemen or a nurse or --
MR. GIBLIN: We do not. There was disagreement amongst the work group that was represented by
a broad spectrum of community representative that -
MR. KLATZKOW: But what I'm getting al is that we've been calling something something drat is
not really what we're doing anyway.
MR. GIBLN: There was a strong contingency of folks who were interested in, for example, senior
housing and so they thought that the word "workforce" would exclude the concepts of senior housing. So,
again, the word - it was decided to go forward with just a generic term "affordable" and then rely on the
income percentages to validate it.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: But remember, we're dealing with the GMP here. The GMP is the global
hierarch - the highest document in the county. It's not supposed to include all the implementation that breaks
things down.
At some point in the future I would assume that you're going to be coming in with a new breakdown
of percentages and how it applies to the various levels of affordable housing.
MR. GIBLIN: Correct.
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: And if we were ever to want to start calling them out to give them some
warm and fuzzy names so they dont sound what they really are, that would be the document to do it in if it
was even needed. And this documeng leaving it globallyjust "affordable housing" it covers everything
regardless of what we want to call it in the firture. And that's what this document's supposed to do in Collier
So I would much prefer we leave this plain and simple and use the other - the LDC as the
implementation document in which ifs further defined if it's decided at that time it needs to be further
So does that give you a good feeling?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Yeah. I don't feel rcal strongly about i! but I just - I saw a disconnect
between the examples which are used and changing the name by eliminating workforce, because 100 percent
ofthe examples are workforce people. Itjust -
MR. GIBLN: The examples in where; in the housing plan or -
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Yeah. ln one of the slides that you used to the BCC, you had
categories. You had healthcar€, nurses, EMTs, paramedics. You know, it was all people who are in the
MR. CIBLN: Correct. And that was one of the things that the - those are examples, of course. Bu!
again, one ofthe global recommendations of the Housing Plan Study Group was that - to be all inclusive,
including seniors, people who work, people who are retired, working families, young families, old families.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. My nex question has to do with drafumanship. And, once
again, it's not one I'm going to fall on my sworrd over. But my preference and the way I was taught is that for
numbers between zero and nine, you spell them out, and l0 and above you write - you use the Arabic
numeral. And you've changed some of these to include both expressions of the number, the word plus the
Arabic numerals, but in others you haven't. And it seems to me that it would be nice to do one or the other.
My preferences would be to follow that drafting nrle that I was taught many yeam ago.
Butjust, for instance, on Page 37, the Henderson Creek mixed-use subdistric! you use the No. 81,
the Arabic No. t l, but you dont write it out and yet you take great pains elsewhere to have it expressed one
way in parentieses and another way outside parentheses. And if there were - if tlere were some rule that
you were following, that would be fine, but it doesn't seem like there's any undedying premise that would
give forth a rule that would be being applied here. Is tlere?
MR. SCHMIDT: There is, Commissioner.
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COMMISSIONER FRYER: Oh, I'd like to hear it.
MR. SCHMIDT: Can you give me a page, somerhing on l5 so I can follow along.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Well, I'm looking - ifs hard for me to -
CFIAIRMAN STRAIN: I can tell yoq if you want to turn to Page I l. If you go to the top of the
page, you'll see under A, density rating system where it says in the third line at the end, extent of
the residential density cep offour dwelling units per acre, and itjust - you're using the number 4. The nght below that, about the fourth line up fiom the bottom of Paragraph I .D, it says density of forn,
then parenthetical - that's the word "four," lhen parenthetical numeral 4, and then dwelling units, and I think
thafs -
COMMSSIONER FRYER: Thafs the kind of thing.
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: Yeab that's what I thought you were getting to.
MR. SCHMIDT: In this case we made the changes only in places where we were making or
assigned to make other changes. For instance, in thx paragmph with density rating system, if we werent
addressing the density cap of four, there was no other change being made ther€, we simply wer€n't working
there. Ifyou'd like us to go drer€, we can.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: It seems to me that one of your goals here was general cleanup; at least
that's what is stated in the staff memorandum. An4 agairU Im not going to fall on my sword over it or vote
against it on account of this, but itjust slrikes me that if you're going to do general cleanup, there's a perfect
opportunity to clean something up one way or the otrer, it would s€em to me.
MR. SCHMIDT: I don't disagree.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. Irt me see if I have others here. Bear with me.
Okay. You removed the statutory definition of "affordable," which was in 420'9071, Florida
Statutes, but ther€ is no new definition included here that would have general application. In some places
there's a reference to 80 perc€nt, 140 percent, median income, and other places it'sjust 140 percent. Agin,
this is drafomanship, and I wouldn't fall on my sword here either, but shouldnt we have a fiee-standing new
definition that - since we're removing the statuiory standand, why wouldnt we put in an ordinance standard?
Express it one way and then refer to it.
MS. ASIITON-CICKO: There is a new definition that will be going in the LDC that's in the works,
and that will be coming forward shortly.
MS. ASHTON-CICKO: There are a number of starutes that do have the definitions. I think that
might be p6rt ofthe rcason they were removing the one reference, and the/ll addr€ss it in the LDC.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Okay. So that will be fxed?
MR. SCHMIDT: Yeah. It's a mention here and a specific there.
And that look - that's all I have.
CHAIRMAN STRATN: Okay. Anybody else? Stan?
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: I'm just arnazed that the metal detector let him through with
a sword, but I went -
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Could have been because it was embedded; l'd fallen on it.
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: I went into Google and I ty@ in State of Florida definition
ofaffordable housing and it sent me to a website that gives me the definition ofsupportive housing of which
affordable housing is one ofthe things under supportive horsing. Just a little comment. I dont really care one
way or another what you call it.
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Okay. Anybody else have somefiing ftat they want to just talk abouP
(No response.)
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you, Stan.
Okay. Corby, I don't think there's anything else.
MR. SCHMIDT: All right. Thank you, Commissionen.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Anybody here in the public wish to speak on this item?
(No response.)
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CTIAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. We've had staff report. Any further comments from the Planning
Commission? If not -
COMMSSIONER HOMIAK: There's a lady there. I think she -
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: Oh. Well, ma'am, come up, and you'll have to be swom -
COMMISSIONER FRYER: No, she wouldnt.
CITAIRMAN STRAIN: Yeah, this isnt - this is legislative, so you dont need to be swom in. But
you'll have to identif yourself. Use one of the mikes. Either one. Doesn't matter- Come up to one of them.
MS. ALLIO: My name is Gail Allio (phonetic). Ifs the first time here.
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Well, welcome.
MS. ALLIO: I haven't lived here long but I'm finding out changes are coming really fast. It's very
Id like to know what fie definition of "worldorce housing" is as opposed to "affordable housing."
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, that's not necessarily something we've got in this document in front of
us today, but I would suggest - see that gentleman with the short beard next to you?
CHAIRMAN STRAN: If you - after - we're going to adjoum the meeting soon, but you might
want to get with him and ask for mntact information because he's the guy, basically, that does a lot of
that - has that information with the Housing Departrnent. So he could probably better answer that than we
could today.
MS. ALLIO: Okay. My last question: Where does tlabitat housing fit into workforce housing or
affordable housing?
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, you know what, the same fellow with the short beard used to work
for tlabita! so he's probably got those answers at the very tip ofhis tongue. So he'll be able to answer those
for you at the same time.
MS. ALLIO: That will be great.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Thank you, miss.
Anybody else have aryfting?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Then is there a motion to recommend approval of these GMP amendments
to go to the Board of County Commissioners?
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Seconded - made by Patrick, seconded by Stan. Discussion?
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: All in favor, signif by sayng aye.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Anybody opposed?
(No response.)
CILAIRMAN STRAIN: Motion canies 7-0.
+++That takes us to our last few items. There is no new business, but we do have old brsiness. And
l'm not sure who wants to discuss this. Mike does. The discussion of Accela electronic packets go live for
the June 2l st CCPC meeting. Thafs 1 1A. So, Mike, it's all yours.
MR BOSI: Mike Bosi, Planning and Zoning director.
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I'm here to provide an update to the effort to not only make available online the material packet for
the Planning Commission's agendas on a regular basis, but also the staffs working through our intemal issues
in terms ofhow we're going to b€ able to review and approve individual items that come before the Planning
Commission. That's a little sidenote.
The intent was to try to have this up and available by the 2 1 st of June. That maybe was a tad bit
ambitious. I don't think we're going to be able to get the system up and running to make those - make the
firll agenda packet available online by the 21st. WeVe moved the goalpost back a little bit. We're hoping by
the first meeting in August that we most certainly will. We may have some t€st nrns in the July meetings to
see if it's working adequately.
One of the things that I need to find out from each of the Planning Commission members as we
move forward is how you would like to receive your individual petition types. If we're going o stick with the
status quo, we understand, and we have no issue with it, but we just want to make sw€ that we let our
applicants know, who provide us the hard copies that eventually will be distributed to the Planning
Commission mernbers as part ofthe distribution, the number ofhard copies that we're going to have to be
provided for for an individual meeting.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: We can answer that right now, if that's what you're looking for.
MR. BOSI: Yes.
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. So the choict is hard copieq electronic copy by flash drive, or the
Accela system once it's up and running?
MR. BOSI: Yes.
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Okay. And we ll start - let s do something really different. We'll -
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: So it will be - just access -you can ac.ess it without getting a
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, yeah, but you're going to probably want !o download it, annotate it,
and bring it in on your computer tlat you don't have because the comty's not giving you one.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: So for those of you who think that's a solution, it probably is not. And I
don't know what value Accela is to anyMy. It sure is none to me. But, go ahea4 we'll slart with Patrick.
How do you want your packes for the Planning Commission to be received?
COMMISSIONER DEARBORN: I continue to want hard copies.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: I prefer to have it on the flash drive. If I - Accela would only give
me the ability to access it when I'm not in town to pick up my hard &ive, which I find very useful. I think we
should still pursue that for the public's ability to acc€ss an entire package, but I prefer to have mine on the
flash drive.
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: I know. Well, it is because - it is, actually. I guess a hard copy
because I -
CFTAIRMAN STRAIN: Unless youle got a comput€r that you want to load it into with a flash drive
or download it and spend the time doing that and then print it out yourself - which tre cormty's not provided
you any ofthose -
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: I might have to print it ouq but I can -
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: -- hardware.
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: I feel - I mean, I could read all drc backup that way, and - but ften I
would want to have staff report and - but I guess I could print that ouL
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: It's up to you. Theyrve got to know today. So I mean, werc trying to tally
this up so we can figure out how to distribute in the firture.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: We'll make a decision for her. She wants fie hard copy.
CI{AIRJVIAN STPdIN: I think so, too, but she's not saying that.
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: I feel bad. You make me feel bad.
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CHAIRMAN STRAIN: And, Mike, nothing's changing for me.
(Multiple speakers speaking.)
COMMISSIONER EBERT: Mine's easy, hard copy.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: I'm going to be at a distinct disadvantage if we dont have a way of
getting material to us - getting electsonic material to us over the ail.
I have planned out my summer such that I will be here every single Planning Commission meeting,
including probably some ofthe ones that are canceled evenhnlly, excqrt for one, and - but I'm going to be
out of town a lot of the rest of the time. And so if I can't get the material until a day or two before the
meeting, I'm not going to be as well planned as I want to be - prepared, rather, as I want to be.
And so I was looking forward to this Accela as a way, obviously, of satisfring the public's need for
our information but also my way of gefting it as well. So I'm going to be at a real disadvantage.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ned, it's going to go on. Just which way do you want your packet to come
to you? Lefs just get down to the bottom line. Do you want a hard copy, a flash drive, orjust Accela?
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: It doesnt matter. Well, okay.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Am I not making myself clear here?
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: No. All drey want to know is, how do you want your packet delivered to
COMMISSIONER FRYER: When Accela is up, I want it on Accel4 assuming that everything will
be there, including the NIM.
MR. BOSI: Yes.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. So how - so that means wherever you are you're going to be able to
download it, then. You're satisfied with that?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: I am in Augus! but what about Jrme and July?
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, June and July we'll have to continue getting Ned the way he's getting
it now. Then when Accela is live and active, he's satisfied using Accela. And I've had the opportunity to use
that system, and it's horrible, so I would never do that. But good luck to you.
COMMISSIONER CHRZANOWSKI: Cuneiform clay tablets, please.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I think Stan needs a flash drive, is what he's saying.
MR. EASTMAN: Hard copy, please.
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Karen and Nd you guys need to get together and talk about this
sometime. Go ahea4 Joe.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: No, I have another question on another issue after we're done with
CIIAIRMAN STRAN: Go ahead, Mike.
MR BOSI: Oh, I was jus going to say, as we continue to refine and develop the system, one of the
things that I can talk with Jamie French and Mr. Cohen, the administations of GMD, would be making
laptops available for Planning Commission members who would want to go to the - more an electronic
content, but we wouldnt necessarily want you or ask you to utilize your own personal computer, to make
those available to see ifthat would be enticing enough to convert fiom the paper copy to an electronic copy,
but that will be a side conversalion that I will have with the administration of GMD as we start to further
develop the refinement ofthe Acrela copabilities.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mike, what's the difierence, if any, between Minute Track and Accela?
MR. BOSI: Well, Minute Track is the - it's the system that gets you to the -- or access to the Accela
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Okay. That's kind of what I thought. So when I click on my icon from
Minute Track, ifs really an extension that -
MR. BOSI: Yes.
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CI{AIIUVLA}I STRAIN: - diverts or link you right to the Acc€la syst€m?
MR. BOSI: Corect.
CIIAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. So if Ned were to get tle acEess to Acc,ela, would he click on it
tkough a Minute Track icon or an Accela icon; do you know?
MR. BOSI: I believe it would be a Minute Track icon.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Right. Yeatr, dtat's dte one Ile been having trouble with, so I gave up
trying to use it.
MR. BOSI: What we - weVe been working with Michael Cox, the technical expert for the county
related to Minute Track and Accela. Evenhrally what we would be providing you would just be an email
with a linh and that link would go to a web page that would be - ifyou've ever experienced the Board of
County Commissioners' printed - or not printed agend4 but approved agenda after it lock down on the
Wednesday before the Tuesday meeting you'll have a listing of all items, individual items, then there's
hperlinks associated with those individual items to go to the different components of whether it be staff
report backup material.
So it's a liftle bit more sophisticated than your experience with Minute Traclq what you - what we're
eventually developing and what the Planning Commission members will be able to access and what the
public is going to be able to access.
Very similar to what you would - if you would go to the Board of County Commissioners' agenda
currently today on the web page and would pull up next Tuesda/s agend4 you would see how you would be
experiencing - interact with a future Planning Commission's agenda- And ifs prety detailed in t€rms of
where it lists individual items per sectioq and then it has hyperlinks to each one ofthe backup or support
materials for those items.
So I think it will be a litle bit more user friendly and I think a little less than your experience with the
Minute Track today.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Oh, when Mike Cox - and he knows his job really well. And when he
came out and he showed us how to do i! thd was great. But if he wasn't standing by my office door to tell
me how to link back up every time I needed to - it's just something that wasnt intuitive, and that caused me a
problem. So Id just as smn - and since I have intemal acc€ss, it works easier for me to get it electronically,
so --
MR BOSI: And we'll most certainly keep with the "1" drive access that we provide to you, Mark.
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: What does the Collier MPO use?
CHAIRMAN STRAN: They use Minute Traclq I believe.
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: Oh, becawe I get that on my tablet.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mightthat be -
COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: The one before that was 297 pages, and it loads up rcal quick.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Well, tlEt might be the one dlar - you might still be able to do dre same
thing, then, to get this one. But try it out when it goes online. You could always switch back to electronic if
you decide you want it in lieu ofpaper. But right now, for the next couple months, you're still going to keep
paper any ay.
MR. BOSI: Next couple months we're going to be keeping with paper. And then as we get it up and
running when it - when it becomes available and up and running, maybe we - I will coordinaie with the
Chairto be able to provide a demonstation of how the public willbe able to amess - or an individual
Planning Commissioner would be able to access if you chose to utilize the Accela as an example, and I think
that probably would provide a good illustrative description ofhow, you know, you could interac! and it could
maybe inform your decision in the future as to what you wanted to do.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Mike, do you or anybody in your group have experience using FTP,
file transfer protocol?
MR. BOSI: Sure. I mean, I think the most common one is Dropbo:<, but there's a number of
different opportrmities.
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Yeah. I mean, they're very inexpensive, very easy to use, and the goal
is to get large files over the air in the hands of a remote person. And it doesn't have to be as fancy as Accela
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or any of these other things. Would there be a way that you could use FTP to get materials to me this
MR. BOSI: That would be a question I would have to work with IT, but I'm sure we can work
something out, and all it would be doing was basically taking the link that we have that we throw - not linh
but the information we pw to the "I" &ive that Mark accesses intemally to our system, being able to provide
that to an extemal website that you could access. I'm sure we can -- I'm sue I can coordinate with lT in terms
of that.
When is the first - I mean, when's - is it dle 2lst?
COMMISSIONER FRYER: Twenty-first of June.
MR. BOSI: Okay. That's -
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Anybody else?
(No rcsponse.)
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mike, are you finished?
MR. BOSI: I believe, yes.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Thar takes us to public comment, and there is nobody here.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Mark, I have one question.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: [ast meeting we entertained a LDC amendment that regarded
generatom for priyate clubhouses. My question had to do with I know there was a canvassing -- based on our
direction, there was a rEquest to canvass various general managers out there who run clubs for their input.
MR. BOSI: Yes.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Will that be coming back to us for review agairl or is it going
directly to the Board?
MR. BOSI: Well, there was a rccommendation from the Planning Commission that the Board delay
adoption of the clubhouse amendment and fu(her vet it with the community. That's - that recommendation
is still standing.
MR. BOSI: The Board of County Commissioners will make that decision. If the Board does make
that decision, we will be back before the Planning Commission with the results. WeVe gotten probably six to
seven responses baclq and they are as expected in terms ofcost and -
MR. BOSI: - concems and questions that only illusftres, I thinlq fte wisdom dtat the Planning
Commission said that this was premature. We need to vet it a litle bit more before we caa --
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: So the answer is it is going to fte board on Tuesday as part of the -
MR. BOSI: The 26th, I believe.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Twenty-sixth, okay, as part of the amendment package?
MR. BOSI: Yes. With the -
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Carrying our recommendation.
MR. BOSI: Recommendation is from the Planning Commission --
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: But we recommended - we recommended denial, and we asked for
additional information and input from the community in regads to the impact of tha! as I recall.
MR. BOSI: I dont know if it was denial. I thought it was a r€commendation to continue it and
firther vet it with the community.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Okay. We recommended to continue ig okay.
MR. BOSI: Yeah, not to adopt. Not to adopt.
MR. BOSI: And I think that's where you're saying "denial" -
MR. BOSI: - not to adopt and delay it and filrther vet it with the community and bring it back after
that outreach has been -
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COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: Okay. So it's - it is going to the Board with that recommendation?
MR. BOSI: That's the recommendation.
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: But is it going to the Board with a staffrecommendation of
appmval irrespective ofour position, or is it -
MR. BOSI: It's recommended - the staffs recommendation is that - the Planning Commission's
recommendation is the primary recommendation.
MR. BOSI: And we'd seek - whatever the decision from the Board of County Commissioners, we
follow that dircction.
MS. ASffiON-CICKO: I just wanted to give a followup to Mr. Schmitt's inquiry regarding the
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. And Mr. Schmitfs term will expire on October I st, and sometime
in August the availability ofthe seat that's assigned to the Planning Commission will be advertised and
probably will be another item on one ofyour Planning Commission agendas to see ifthere's any interest in
the committe€. I think it does meet once a month. And if - ifs a stattrtory committee, but if no one steps
forward - steps up and wants to be on the committee, that seat will remain vacant, and the committee car still
function. It doesn't impact the -
COMMISSIONER SCHMITT: But thar is a position designaed for a Planning Commissioner, is it
MS. ASIIION-CICKO: That's correct.
MS. ASHION-CICKO: The mmposition is - I believe it's eight to l0 members approximately, but
if the position is not fille4 the committee can still function. It will just be a vacfit seat.
C[I{IRI4r{N STRjAIN: Okay.
CHAIRMAN STRAN: Thank yoq Heidi.
Anybody else have anyfting they want to add?
(No response.)
CI{AIRMAN STRAIN: If not is there a motion to adjoum?
CHAIRMAN STRAN: All in favor, signifo by saying aye.
CHAIRMAN STRAIN: We're out of here. Thank you.
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Therc being no fiuther business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjormed by order of
the Chair at I l:10 a.m.
These minutes approved by the Board on as presented
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