Agenda 09/27/2011 Item #16E1 r'\ 9/27/2011Iten't.t6.e.1. EX.ECUTIVE Sl:IMMARY Recommendation to waivefQm\al c;ompetition .andapprove and authorize the Chairman to execute the renewal of a Lease Agreement for the County's Confined Space Gas Monitor System with Industrial Scientific, Inc. in the amount of $27,044.64 per year. OBJECTIVE:. To protect employees from injury or death while working in confined spaces through an extension of the existing Confined Space Gas Monitor System lease. CONSIDERATIONS: The purpose of the Confined Space Gas Monitoring Syst$l11 is to provide employees with the equipment necessary to monitor and detect hazardous atmospheres such as low oxygen levels, flammable gases, and/or combustible gases while working in tanks, lift stations, storm sewers and other confined spaces. The monitoring units are connected to . a monitoring system that calibrates) and measures the health of the units. The system alerts staff when monitoring units need maintenance and insures the integrity of the units. These gas monitoring units have proven to be an invaluable life safety tool for the departments that utilize them. . In 2007, the County entered into a sole source lease agreement with Industrial Scientific, Inc. The lease is set to expire on December 31, 2011. Staff performed an analysis of the cost of leasing versus the cost of ownership and is. recommending that the Bo.ard renew the lease agreement for another four year term based upon the following reasons. 1) r"\ . 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) The cost of ownership averages $44,245.24 per year including repair, maintenance, equipment, supplies, upgrades and replacement costs. The cost of leasing is $27,044.64 per year. The estimated savings is $17,200.60 per year. The proposed lease includes the upgrade of existing outdated monitoring units and any upgrades that may become available during the term of the lease. The proposed lease includes the cost of maintenance on the units including recalibration gasses that support the system. The proposed lease includes moving the software that supports the system from the current in-house server to a more reliable web based platform hosted by the vendor. The proposed lease includes all software upgrades. If a unit fails, the system alerts appropriate staff. This creates a redundant safety monitoring system of each unit's functionality, adding an additional layer of support and employee safety. . The monitoring service allows new units to automatically be shipped within 24-48 hours of a detected defect. The monitoring service will detect defects instantly compared to reliance upon each facility's program manager who may only be checking the system 1- 2 times per day. 8) The cost of the current lease is $31,998.48 per year. The cost of the proposed lease is $27,044.64 per year. The proposed lease reduces this cost by $4,953.94 per year or 16%. The commencement date of the new lease is January 1, 2012. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of the lease is $27,044.64 per year or $108,178.56 over the 4 year lease period. This results in savings of $17,200.60 per year when compared to ownerShip and a savings of $68,602.40 over the term of the four year lease. Funds are spec;ifically r"\ Packet Page -1875- 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. budgeted within the operating budgets of each affected department for this purchase and are --\ paid in monthly installments. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners waives formal competition, approves the renewal of a lease agreement with Industrial Scientific, Inc. for the Confined Space Gas Monitor System, and authorizes the Chairman to execute the Lease Agreement. PREPARED BY: Greg Barlow, Manager, Environmental, Health & Safety, Department of Risk Management ~ ~ Packet Page -1876- 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. COLLIER COUNTY -- Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.E.1. Item Summary: Recommendation to waive formal competition and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the renewal of a Lease Agreement for the County's Confined Space Gas Monitor System with Industrial Scientific, Inc. in the amount of $27,044.64 per year. Meeting Date: 9/27/2011 Prepared By Name: WalkerJeff Title: Director - Risk Management,Risk Management 8/16/2011 2:05:00 PM Submitted by Title: Director - Risk Management,Risk Management Name: WalkerJeff 8/16/2011 2:05:01 PM ..-.... .~.pproY'ed By "(~lnlC-: SllliLhi~n l'..'li Ti Llc: /-\dnl i n istraLivc ~~ccrctar:\ ~ R i s;.\ Date: 8/16/20113:14:59 PM Name: Curranlohn Title: Purchasing Agent,Purchasing & General Services Date: 8/18/2011 1:47:18 PM Name: Carnell Steve Title: Director - Purchasing/General Services,Purchasing Date: 8/22/2011 7:43:54 AM Name: GreeneColleen Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney Date: 8/30/2011 4:40:16 PM .-- Packetpage-1877- 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. Name: PriceLen ,.-.. Title: Administrator - Administrative Services, Date: 9/15/2011 3:58:41 PM Name: GreeneColleen Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney Date: 9/15/2011 4:34:58 PM Name: FinnEd Date: 9/16/2011 4: 19:34 PM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 9/19/2011 3:47:48 PM Name: OchsLeo Title: County Manager Date: 9/19/20119:19:42 PM ~ ---., Packet Page -1878- 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. Industrial Scientific Corporation iNet -- Infrastructure Overview and Disaster Recovery Plan ----.. .-. Page 1 of 8 Packet Page -1879- ~ ~ ~ 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. Table of Contents 1.0 Pu rpose ............................................................................................................................................. ...... 3 2.0 i Net.......................................................................................................................................... ................ 3 3.0 Secu rity ............................................................................................................................................ .......4 4.0 iNet Backend Infrastructure Design Goal................................................................................................ 5 _ 4.1 iNet Server Infrastructu re .................... .......... ........................ .................................. ...................... ...... 5 Data base................................................................................................................. ................................5 _Application-Tier............................................................................................................................. ......... 5 _Vi rtua Iization .......................................................................................................................................... 6 _ Ca pacity / Mon itori ng .............................................. .............................................................................. 6 _H osting...... ............................................................................................................................................ . 6 _Ava ila bil ity .............................................................................................................................................. 6 5.0 Data Storage and Retention Policy ......................................................................................................... 7 _5.1 Data Backups...................................................................................................................................... .. 7 6.0 Disaste r Recovery Pia n............................................................................................................................ 8 7.0 Cond usio n .................................................................................................................................. ............. 8 Page 2 of 8 Packet Page -1880- 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide prospective and current iNet customers an overview of the iNet application architecture and infrastructure. In addition, it will address issues pertaining to availability, security, data retention policies, and disaster recovery plans. The target audience for this document is typically personnel within the corporate IT function at the customer organization. ~ 2.0 iNet iNet utilizes the Internet in conjunctions with the iNet DS (docking station) to continually evaluate the condition of the customer gas monitor fleet. Gas monitors are periodically docked on the iNet DS. The iNet DS downloads data log and performs automatic calibration, bump testing, recharging, and diagnostics on the docked gas monitor. Data gathered from the previous step is transmitted via the internet to the iNet servers (iNet backend) hosted at Industrial scientific corporation. This data is processed by the iNet application, and stored in the iNet database for record keeping. Analysis is performed on the data and alerts and periodic reports are emailed to the customer regarding the status of the equipment fleet. In addition, iNet control, a web based application, is available to the customers to administer and monitor the performance of their equipment fleet through a web browser. . \.. ,..j-\O;":""1'r'" ," ~'~J ~:-"'..................'H~ '",'" 'l";:L~H^ ,y,,\. G.'" - '/./hen iNet detects a pr-obLsrn, Industria! Scientific rus!lesa replacement gas detector to you. 'I Op€rators dock gas ; . detecto;s ov,med bv jndus:r[a! Sf:ipntific ~ ~) Docking Statler's perform "-. bump tests. cairbrallc(1$ an:l reccrd.kee;JTC 3 iNet Control . provides VIsibility into your Qas detection program via the Web. .-... Page 3 of 8 Packet Page -1881- 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. ".-..... iNet.DS Infrastructure iNet.DS - Docks handheld instruments - Installed in multiple locations - 10/100 Mbps - DHCP enabled I~ - Data transferred directly to iNet - Encrypted traffic via SSL - Managed via iNet Control .. .. JBtt. 16\ ..~~ iNet Control https:/Iinet.indsci.com - Manage gas detection fleet - HTTPS management client - Supports multiple users and permission levels - Access from any computer iNet.DS Uploads SSL Encrypted Traffic - Low bandwidth requirements - Supports proxy servers - No inbound connections required. ~ Corporate Firewall Industrial Scientific Corporation iNet Server '~:::':~:;O~'~~~~~~~~~;;'S!.J~~':::f~l\~~' Figure 1 iNet Overview 3.0 Security Security is a key consideration in the design of all aspects of iNet. iNet DS ---. 1. iNet DS uses SSL encrypted sessions for all network communications. 2. All communication is initiated by the iNet DS and is only to the iNet servers at industrial scientific corporation. Page 4 of 8 Packet Page -1882- 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. 3. iNet DS is based on a non X86 platform making it immune to PC vulnerabilities. 4. INet DS has all inbound ports blocked including telnet and ftp. --. iNet Control 1. Requires username and password to log in. 2. Supports multiple levels of user permissions. 3. Vulnerabilities have been successfully tested by a third party against Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) top ten vulnerabilities. Issues pertaining to the security of the iNet backend infrastructure are covered in the next section. 4.0 iNet Backend Infrastructure Design Goal The overall objective is to provide a backend infrastructure for iNet that is both highly scalable and redundant. This will enable sustained growth and meet our reliability goals. 4.1 iNet Server Infrastructure ~ The iNet server environment consists of a multitude of technologies and servers. The database is Oracle Enterprise Edition running on a Dell server that is utilizing Linux as the operating system. This server is connected to an EMC Storage Area Networ"k (SAN) that stores the data, transaction logs, and the temp storage on separa.te fde systems. Each of th'2se file 5vsterns ar~::: n:~dunda:lt and can sustain nlultip!e disk ~c~iiur~es \MithDut suffering the ioss (~f ::at2. The part of the application that receives the uploads from customers uses IBM WebSphere Application Server to receive that information through a web service on an SSL connection. It also uses Linux as its operating system and sits in our DMZ isolating and securing all traffic through the application. The web services to the application are secured so only authenticated customers can upload data to our application. INet Control is the part of iNet that the customer utilizes to review their data and make safety decisions. This application runs on Windows .NET technology and accesses the Oracle database directly. INet also uses some batch services that run to generate safety scores as well the reports that get sent out to customers on a regular basis. --. PageSof8 Packet Page -1883- 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. ~ VirtuaHzation The application architecture benefits from virtualization technology throughout its setup. Everything but the database server is supported by a VMWare- VSphere cluster of servers. This provides hardware redundancy and scalability within the application. The servers are balanced across multiple physical servers and if one physical server fails, these virtual servers will automatically fail over to an available server. VMWare also provides the capability to add resources to servers if a performance bottleneck occurs. Processors, memory, and hard drive space can quickly be added to a server if the application begins to slow down. The database server is supported by a cold failover server in the event of a failure. Capacity / Monitoring Overall the infrastructure supporting the iNet application has plenty of capacity based on today's load and expected load within the life ofthe current servers. As servers are refreshed and data growth and is analyzed, additional capacity is added to the application to ensure peak performance of the iNet. INet is also constantly monitored using performance monitoring software which provides real time alerts to proactively notify the support team of problems as well as trending for capacity planning as the use of iNet continues to grow. ~ Hosting All servers are currently hosted in our onsite data center that is behind a locked door that is only available to our IT team. The room is supported by dual air conditioners and the environment is constantly monitored for temperature variations and air flow. The room is also supported by a UPS system that has the capacity to run the entire infrastructure in the event of a power failure until the backup generator takes over. The generator starts up when the power outage is detected and achieves full capacity within 30 seconds and relieves the UPS. Alerts are sent to the entire support team in the event of an air conditioner problem or a power outage. The generator is diesel powered and can run for an estimated 150 hours with current load and a full tank of fuel. OUI' longest outage in the past 5 veal's has been 2~-ound 8 hours. The goal is Tor if\let is to be available at the 99.9% level. Over the past two years the il\let application has been available above the 99,9% threshold on a 24 X 7 basis, ~. Page 6 of 8 Packet Page -1884- ~/L {ILUll Item lo.c.:1. ,,----------~ Internet ----- inetupload.indsci.com ~ ineUndscLcom - ~ S PRD Admin Console VM Wiri2003-32bit 1GB RAM. 2vCPU /iN NETPRD2 /. Customer UI VM / Win2003 (J 3GB RAM, 2vCPU " l Ii .; I 1 / SVRINETPRD3 Data & Reports Services Dell 1950 Win2003 SP2 4Gb RAM. 4 CPU inelupload.indsci.com inetindsci.com ~~X . Fiber . C"n~ ~i' - INETORAPRDOl INETPRD Dell PowerEdge ROOD 32 GB RAM OEl4.O-u7 Oracle 109 SAN SOL1 MSSOl Server VM Win2003 SP1 4Gb RAM iNet Technical Architecture ----- Figure 2 iNet Backend infrastructure Diagram (hosted at Industrial Scientific Corporation) lI\!et continues to grow I'apid!y in the marketplace as more and more customers see the benefit of if\let and the value that it provides. Consequently our data storage requirements have grown as well with time. The amount of data in iNet is currently at 500 GB and it is expected to be 600 G8 by the end of the year. As the data within iNet may be required many years later by customers, our policy as it stands today is to maintain all iNet data indefinitely. Oracle technology will be used to partition the database accordingly to keep application performance at an optimum level while still having the historical data available. 5.1 Data Backups Industrial Scientific has implemented a robust backup strategy to support the iNet infrastructure. The iNet database is fully backed up on a daily basis. Oracle RMAN is used as the tool to manage the schedule for these backups. The initial backup is done to local disk on the server and then Backup Exec is then used to take these backups to another disk. That copy is then duplicated to tape as well as -.. Page 7 of 8 Packet Page -1885- 81lfllUll Item la.c.l. backed up to an offsite disk location (EMC Data Domain) that is located at our 3rd office building in the ~ Pittsburgh area. The tapes are currently rotated using Iron Mountain with a four week rotation of tapes at any given time. 6.0 Disaster Recovery Plan A disaster is defined as an incident which results in the loss of computer processing at the primary site to the extent that relocation to a Standby Facility must be enabled. This Disaster Recovery Plan will set the basis to ensure the continued operation of the iNet application in the event of a disaster. In the event of a disaster that could occur to our main data center, the target is to have iNet up and running within a 48 hour timeframe. Our 3rd facility in the Pittsburgh area has the capacity to host the iNet application with cold spare servers that we currently have onsite, since it is just an extension of our primary network. Backups are already copied to this location on a daily basis. Transaction logs for the database are also written to multiple locations which eliminates exposure to data loss for the application. The virtual server technology with VMWare also provides that ability to take snapshots of whole server configurations and be able to recover very quickly in the event of a disaster. These snapshots are also copied to our offsite location with servers available to host our most critical applications if needed. ~ The offsite location has its own dedicated internet connection which would host iNet. The URL's for iNet would be redirected to these IP addresses if needed. If a disaster were to occur, the first hours would be spent assessing the damage to detel"mine the p"t en,t f!.t 1[-'" ""'nl'" tl'n",p a nCi"tl'on of jl',e 'L~p':)rl VJou',d b'" lor,t"'o' a'. d,p ~rd r,aC;I'h! of 1"1.'"0;~P .~'I""Dl-C ........'\ ....r~~I.'-_,a 1.........1_, ,I ,_1_0,1 I...... .....0........ lL.I...........J ~l~y Ilb111::;,:),-"V,-L_' (1nlir:e. Th~ database \ivould be t~estol.ed to the pt-eViDUs ful; bai:k up V\.Iit~l the avail;;b!'2 lrans2cticH'j logs b~:ling 2 iea to bring it up to date. Since t~le set~vr::rs h2nciling the and ii'~et Control are virtual, they will be restored from their backups onto VMware VSphere S21"V21-, The configurations of these servers rarely change which make it easier to recover from these situations. The URL's would then be changed to the new IP addresses of this location and then be propagated through the internet over the next 48 hours. 7.0 Conclusion This document has provided a summary of the current iNet infrastructure and disaster recovery plans. Industrial Scientific evaluates these practices frequently with a view to continuously improve and provide a solution in line with industry best practice. ~ Page 8 of 8 Packet Page -1886- 9/27/2011 Item 16.1::..1. INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION 1001 Oakdale Road Oakdale, P A 15071-1500 USA Phone: (412) 788-4353 1-800-DETECTS (338-3287) Fax: (412) 788-8353 www.indsci.com ---- April 26, 2011 Greg Barlow Safety Engineer Collier County Government Risk Management Department 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Building D Naples, FL 34112 Dear Mr. Barlow: RE: iNet Instrument Network™ This letter serves to confirm that Industrial Scientific Corporation is the sole source provider of the patented iNet Instrument Network™ (US Patent 6,442,639). Industrial Scientific remotely monitors the condition of your Industrial Scientific instrument fleet and automatically handles any necessary service requirements based on the Exchange Plan that you have selected. In addition, the program also includes iNet™ Control which provides visibility into ____ your gas detection program via the Web. By logging onto a secure website you can review equipment usage, maintenance and alarm events. iNeFM Control tells you when your gas detectors were last calibrated, whether a sensor is about to fail, and which gas detectors went into alarm that day. You can use detailed views to identify the source of potential problems, take action, 3nd S3ve iives. iheT8 t2, 1~IO c)the;- ,::on.lpa;~3ble 3;!-tn::lus!\'e ;22 detecticn pi-,.:;;:8arn [H~~; H\!~tlrl'i i:~l S)~~st'2nC2 Please contact us if we can be of furiher assistance. Sincerely yours, qwJ:+ fd Garth F. Miller Vice President, Customer Operations ~ OUR MISSION Design. Manufacture. Sell: Highest quality products for the preservation of life and property Provide: Best customer service available Packet Page -1887- iNet Usage Agrmt wi iNet DS (Rev 28 June 2011) 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. ~~USAGEAGREEMENT Exchaage Program Witb INet DS ,,-..., This iNet Usage Agreement (the "AgreemeDt~) is made on July 12, 2011, bctwecn INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION, a Pennsylvania cOIporation ("Company"), and COLLIER COUN1Y. a Florida County Government ("Customer" and, along with Company, the "Parties," provided the Parties may be individually referred to as a "Party"). PREAMBLE Company manumctures, distributes, provides and services gas detection equipment used in a v-driety of applications. Company has developed iNel, a program through which Company (a) helps its customer select gas deteCtion equipment appropriate for the custOmer's needs; (b) provides, calibl1ltes and services the detection equipment selected by a customer; and (c) enables the customer to transmit detection readings to Company over the Internet and, thereby, frees that cu.~omer from burdensome recordlceeping. Customer wishes to subscribe fur the iNet services and to use the gas deteCtion and related cquipmmt dcscn'bcd on Schedule B to this Agreement (the "Equipment"), all on the tCl1Dll and conditions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and with the intent to be legally bound, the Patties hereto agree as fullows: AGREEMENT ~ 1. Subscription. Customer hereby subscnbes fur the iNet service (the "Subscription") for a period of 48 months. The Subscription shall begin (111 January I, 2012 and terminate on December 31, 2015 (such period is hereinafter referred to as the "Initial Term"). Tnereafter. this Agreement shall automatically renew on a month-to- month basis fora period not to exceed twelve (12) months (the "Renewal Term'") unless sixty (60) days prior to expiration ofthc Initial TCITIl, one of the Parties provides the other Party ,,-ith written notice that it does not mtend to renew the Agreement. If the Agreement renews, during the RL"tIev,ial T errn either l'arty may tcmunatc this Agreement hy thirty (30) clays' prior written notice to the otI:lt-'T o;~ Abr..:~mC;.:lL Th~~ T:::n1 ;;n2r~:~s; (b) :ExnensC:E, CUbtomer shaH reimburse Cmnpany for any tmvel expense., incurred by Company in the coun;e of performing its duties hereunder; such expenses could include. hut are not limited to, expenses for food. lodging, rental car, mileage and airfare. AU tmvel expenses shall be invoiced in accordance with Florida Statutes, Section 112.061. Initial installation exp~'Tl.~es are included in the Subscription Fee, ~ (c) Payment TanIS. Customer will pay to Company the Subscription Fee, reimbursable expenses and any other fees and charges hereunder ("'Fees"). Subscription Fees reflected above do not include taxes that may apply. Customer is a political subdivision of the State of Florida and is exempt from the payment of sales tax under Chapter 212, Florida Statutes (See Certificate of Exemption #21-07- 018998-53C attached as Exhibit i). Pun;uant to Section 218.73(2)(d) of the Florida Prompt Payment Act, payment of the Fees will become due within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice from Company. All invoices will be delivered by one of the following methods as s.elected by Customer: US mail. electronic data interchange (EDI) or email. If Page I of5 Customer provides any otber special invoicing requirements. Company shall charge increased Fees to aceommodate Customer's special invoicing requirements. Company will notify Customer of the amount of increased Fees that will be charged to aceommodate special invoicing requirements. (d) Purchase Orden;. In the event of a conflict between terms and conditions of a Purehase Order issued hereunder and this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall eollirol. No legal tenDS and conditions on a Purchase Order will be binding upon Company without Company's written agreement. 3.~, (a) ~ The Equipment will be installed only at the location(s) specified in S_"b~ and shall not be tnll1sfem:d or removed fmm sucb location(s) without Company's prior written permission. Company reservcs the right to schedule the in.'ltallation at a mutually agreed upon time and date, (b) Protection From Directllndirect Affected Network ComDOn~.. Company is not responsible for network systems affected diR:Ctly or indirectly by installation oriNet eomponents. (e) Security Chani,lcs. Customer is responsible for cbarq!:es made in network and system security, tmining new network users and any other netWOrk related administration duties relating to this installation. Company is. not responsible for the security of the networked computing system that has bec:lJ connected to the Internet. (d) Customer Network E,~. Customer will provide cabling and/or wireles.~ networking components and cabling installation labor for all necessary network connections. 4. !;;Jl$tomer's Rff!POnsibiliti~. In addition to its other obligations set forth herein, Customer shall: (a) use the. Equipment only in accordance with the dncuznentatinn ~nd other inRtfuctions provided by CornpaI1Y. 0hE}!:t~cd Compzny in prepaid shipping packages provided by Company packed In a commercially reasonable manner pursuant to Company im;tructions. in addition, if Customer does not rt..-tum such replaced faikd Equipment to Company within fourteen (i4) days after receIpt of the replacement Equipment and prepaid shipping materials, Customer shall purchasc such Equipment from Company for an amount equal to the curren! retai! price charged by Company for the Equipment. (d) provide Company with ready access to :my Equipment or other materials delivered h=nder for Company to fulfill its obligations hereunder. (e) only permit its employees, and no other parties, to use the Equipment. (f) Return, at Customer's expense, any Equipment delivered hereunder to Company at the end of the Term in lire same condition in which it was received, nonnal wear and tear excepted. Packet Page -1888- . (g). replace any lost, stolen or otherwise missing Eqwpment (mcludmg EqUIpment lost due to fire, theft, vandalism and the like). and replace any Equipmem that is destroyed or damaged beyond repaIr at an agreed upon pricing sehedule at time of replacement. (h) refrain from doing thc following: (i) copying or duplicating, or pennitting anyone else to copy or duplicate, any Eqwpment or documentation or other infonnation furnished by Company or (ii) creating or attempting to create, or permitting othen; to create or attempt to create. by reverse engineering or otherwise any EqUipment, documentation or other infonnation made available under this Agrocmcnl or otherwise (whether oral, written, tangible or intangible). 5. ~.&:s~ibilities. In addition to its other obligations set torth herein, Company shall: (a) Deliver to Cusromer for the Term the Equipment identified on Sl;,h!;!;l.ule-D.. (b) Promptly repair or replace, as described on Schedule C any delivered Equipment that malfunctions or otherwise fails to; any reason other than mi~11SC (or negligent use) by Customer. (c) Provide the type and level of service descn"bed on Schedule C. (d) Provide field service technicians to perform initial in.<;tallation services having tbe credentials, training and screening stated on Schedulc D and if Customer will require that Company's technicians have additional credentials, training and/or screening beyond that identified on lM1\'6II!l.lLQ. Customer agrees to pay all associated costs and Cltpenses incurred by Company related to obtaining the additional credentials, training and/or screening required by Customer. 6. Termination. (a) Termination bv Comoany. Company may terminate this Agreement prior to its expimtion upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Customer upon the occurrence of any of the lullowing evenl~: ti\ Customer be~om~~ ,insolvent: or ~nstjtu.t~ (Of there i~ instituted against Hi bdnK.I1.1ptCV. rnF(ifv~ncy, re-;Jf'";:!.IITI:E.ArW,;r (Jf dissolutlTl. P~gh~ ofE~r.~~9n Te:nninatton. (a) Obli!!atlOll$ After Termination. In the c\'ent that this Agreement is terminated or expires on its own (enos, Company shall have no further respor$ibilities to ClL,tomer. (b) Rety.l!LQLbtl@ria~. Within thirtY (30) da\'S after ellpiration (J!' tennination of this Agreement for any' reason, Customer shall deliver to Company, at Cu.,tomer's expense, all Equipment, documentation and any other material supplied to Customer by Company, (c) Survival. Notwith~tanding anything to the contrary sct forth herein, no termination of this Agreement shall relieve any Party from any obligations pUl'S\lllnt to Section:; 4(h), 7(b), 8,9, 10, 11, or 13, or allY other obligations hereunder o/hich are outstanding on, or relate to matten; or claims occurring or arising prior 10. the date of such termination or which survive such termination by their own terms. Page 2 of5 9/27/2011 Item 16.E.1. I 8. Limited Wl!lm!t)I. The Equipment delivered hereunder is warranted for the shorter of (a) the Term of the Agreement, or (b) until Company replaces the Equipmem. The Equipment is warranted to conform to Company's standanl specifications as set forth in documentation provided to Customer prior 10 the date of this Agreement. Company does not warrant that the Equipment will meet Cusromer's requirements, or that the Equipment will be enor free. Company's sole obligation under the wananry sball be limited to com:ction of Equipment defects. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMlTIED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 8 AND THE OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES HEREUNDER ARE IN LIEU OF, AND CUSTOMER HEREBY WAIVES, ALL IMPLIED GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANIT OF mLE, NON. INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND IT IS IN LIEU OF ANY UABILITY OF COMPANY UNDER ANY PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND ANY PROVISIONS OF ANY APPLICABLE LAW. 9. Protection of Interest. Customer acknowledges and agrees that title to any Equipment or other material delivered hereunder remains vested in Company at all times. Customer hereby authorizes Company at any time, and ftom time to time, to execute and/or file, in accordance with tbe laws of any jurisdiction, with or without the signature of Customer, all Unif'onn Commercial Code financing or continuation statements or other documents which Company may deem necessary or desirable to protect its ownership interest in any Equipment or other material delivered hereunder. Cu.<;tOmer lIuthorizes Company to execute any such documentation on behalf of Customer as Cu.,tomer's attorney-in-filet. Customer acknowledges that the Equipment is provided as II true lease. 1 o. Indelll!1ification. Limitation of Liability and Remedy, (a) !n4mmifu;;lliQn. Each of Company and Customer (individually an "Indemnifying Party") shall indemnify, hold hannles.~ and defend the other IInd the other's respective officers, directors, agents, representatives, employees. and affiliates (the "Indemnified Partie.~"). at the Itldemnjf)~ng Party's expense, from and against any and all claims, dermmds. acticl!1s" costs, cxpens~. iiabilitil."'S; judgtnents, cmts("s (Ltm3~er ~ Statul cs (b) LimItation of Liability. Company shall nul be liable to Customer, or to any customer, employ\.'e, representative, officer. director, agent or affiliate of Customer, for any SPECIAL, INDIREcr, CONTINGENT, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, OR FOR LOSSES OR DAMAGES CAUSED D1REcrLY OR INDlRECfLY BY THE EQUIPMENT AND/OR SERVICES DELIVERED HEREUNDER OR THE FAILURE TO DELIVER PRODUCTS OR SERVICES HEREUNDER. (c) Limitation of Remedy. If Company should be held liable for damages to Customer for any cause arising out of or related to this Agreement. or its breach, such damages, in the aggregate. shall nol exceed the lesser of (i) the Subscription Fee actually paid hereunder, or (ii) actual damages incurred. Customer expressly waives its right to co lIcet any greater amount. ----.. Packet Page -1889- ..-... (d) Use of Eauipment.. COMPANY AND ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, EMPLOYEES AND AFFIUATES SHALL NOT BE UABLE FOR DAMAGES OR INJURIES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE INCURRED OR SUFFERED BY CUSTOMER OR ANY OF ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, EMPLOYEES AND/OR AFFiliATES ("CU~TOMER PARTIES~) TIlAT RELATE IN ANY WAY TO OR ARISE FROM COMPANY'S PROVlSION OF WRlITEN REPORTS. OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUCH REPORTS, OR DELAY IN PROVIDING SUCH REPORTS TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OF TIlE CUSTOMER PARTIES, CONCERNING ANY DATA OR ANY ANALYSIS BASED ON ANY DATA COLLECTED BY THE EQUIPMENT PROVIDED HEREUNDER. (el Qther Indemnification. In addition to the indemnification provided for in Section 10(a) and without in any way limiting the provisions of Sections 100b) and (c), Customer shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend Company and its officers, directo11I, agents, representatives, employees and affiliates, at Customer's expense, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, costs, expenses, liabilities, judgments, causes of action, proceedings, suits, losses and damages of any nature which are threatened or brought against, or are suffered or incurred by Company, its officers, directors, agents, represenllltives, employees andior affiliates that relate in any way to or arise from Company's provision of written reports, or failure to provide such reports, or delay in providing such reports to Customer or any Customer Patties, concerning any data or any analysis based on any data collected by the Equipment provided hereunder. The foregoing indemnification clause shall not constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity beyond the limits set folth in Section 768 .28 of the Florida Statutes. II. ~re and C'.onfidentiality. ~ (a) ~ Info1!llati()ll. Customer agrees that any technical information that is disclosed to Customer in connection with the performance of services under this Agreement ("Company Confidential Information") either orally or ill writing, is to be treated as confidential and proprietary. Customer agrees that Company Confidential Information will be maintained in strict confidence and not w;od for any purpose unrelated to thi, Agreement nor disclosed to any third parties TIH~ rt.~uirement to maintaIn Information in $trict con.f1den~x:. h()weVl"l:", COE!p(lDV C:::nfideml:l1 iuJnnnation that CU.stomer agrees to limit a;:;c(~s Con1pany ConHdcnt:ai Information to its employees, agents, and rep=etl!ativ~'S who l',::asonabiy require such access for purposes of this Agreement Customer agrees to use its best effolts in requiring that it'i employees, agents, and representatives maintain Company Confidenti.al Information in strict confidence. Cu.<;tOmer must not make. nor permit the making of, any copies, abstrazts, derivatives, or summaries of any Company Confidential Information without Company's prior written consent. Upon termination of this Agreement and the completion of all work ,hereunder, or at Company'. request, Customer must return all Company Confidential Infonnation, including, but not limited to, all copies, abstr.tcts, derivatives, and summaries. --- (b) C!h.o;tmner Information Company agrees not to share or disclose any information collected from Customer to any outside third party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Company may collect, use and/or disclose information collected from Customer to any outside third party for iNet related research and development purposes provided that such infonnation is de-identified by collection on an anonymous basis Page 3 of 5 9/27/2011 Item 16.1::.1. aggregated with similar infonnation collected from other customers of Company for research and development purposes, Furthermore. Company may disclose Customer infonnation if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process served on Company; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Company, iNet, or iNet participating sites; or (c) act Wlder exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the iNet service, or the public. 12, Use of Customer's Name and Testimonials. Customer agrees to allow Company to: (a) publish Customer's name on lists identifying customers of Company's iNet gas detection services without any additional approval from Customer; (b) publish information regarding Customer's usage of Company's products and iNet services and benefits realized by Customer for marketing purposes with Customer's prior written approval of the content of such marketing material pertaining to Customer. 13. General Provisions. (a) t.lm;p~~. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed by each of the Parties, and any such amendment shall be effective only to the extent specifically set forth in such writing, (b) Goveminl! Law. TIlis Agreement shall be a contraet under the Jaws of the State of Florida and fur all purposes shall be governed by and constll1ed and enforced in accordance with the substantive laws of said State without regard to its principles of conflicts of laws and the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. (c) Mediation. The Parties agree that they shall submit any dispute related to or arising out of this Agreement to non-binding mediation in Collier County, Florida. Each Party shall bear ill; own cost~ incum:d in cmmection with the mediation; the mediator's costs and fees shall be borne equally by the Parties. (d) Cpn~enl to Jurigll.;aion and Servicl" ofJ'rQ;;gJ!. E.a;:;,h~rtinre:: hc!'c!"r~" ltny' nr claim that O} is not pt:~;onany subject to the juris.:k:tion of such courts; Cl'J the action or proceeding is brought in an inconveruent fomm: or (llI) the venue of the action or proceeding is irnprop~r: and (D) al,'Tee5 that, notwithstanding any right or privilege it may posses~ at any time, such Party and its property are and shall be generally subject to suit on ae,count of the obligations assumed by it hereunder. (Ii) Each Party hereby acknowledges that this is a commercial transaction, that the foregoing provisions fur consent to jurisdiction and service of process have been read, understood and voluntarily agreed to by each Pal1y and that by agreeing to such provisions each Party is waiving important legal rights. (e) Assignment.. Customer shall not assign, pledge, sublet or otherwise transfer any of its rights, interest or obligations hereunder, whether by operation of law or othetWise, without the prior written consent of Company which consent may be granted or withheld in Company's sole and absolute discretion. For purposes of this Packet Page -1890- Agreement, an assignment shall include a sale of subslantiolly all of Customer' sasselJi or a llleI'ier or consolidation of Customer with one or more other entities in which Customer is not the surviving entity or the shareholders of Customer own less than a majority of the voting securities of the entity that survives the merger or conJiOlidation. (0 Forc~~aieure. (i) No Party is liable for an)' milure to perform its obligatiollS under l:his Agreement (other than accrued obligations to makepaymenlS of money) if such performance has been delayed, interfered with or prevented by an event of Force Majeure. (ii) As used in this Section, "Foree Majeure" means any circumstances whatsoever which are not within the reasollllhle control of the Pany affected thereby, including without limitation an act of God, war, insurrection, riot, strike or labor dispute, shortagc of materials. fire, explosion, flood, government requisition or allocation, breakdown of or damage to plant. equipment or facilities, interruption or delay in transportation, fuel supplies or electrical power, Internet connection, server or related equipment failure, embargo, boycott, order or act of civil or military authority. legislation, regulation or administrative roles (including without limitation any Executive Order issued by tbe President of the United States), or any inability to obtain or maintain any governmental permit or approval. The Party who declares Force Majeure will give prompt notice to the other Party of such declaration. (iii) If the performance of any obligation has been delayed, interfered with or prevented by an event of Force Majeure, then the Party affected by such event will take such actions as are reasonably available to remove the event of Force Majeure or to mitigate the effect of such occurrence. (iv) If an event of Force Majeure occurs, the obligations of the Panies under this Agreement (other than accrued obligations to make payments of money) will be suspended during, but not longer than, the continuance of the event of Force Majeure. If such even! falone or extetidt~d by another event of ror~;e Ivhdeut'";:) CXCCU1;';U /\ r.::ru.:nl (,:T~~ 'in;'< number of and bv each of tne Parti~ on sqmratt" cmintL1-parts, which, when so executed. shall be deeme<l an onginai, but ail of which shali constitute but one and the same instrument. Counterparts of this Agreement (or applicable signature pages hereof) that are manually signed and delivered by facsimile trallSmission or PDF files shall be deemed to constitute signed original counterparts hereof and shall bind the Parties signing and delivering in such manner. Page 4 of5 8/2112U11 Item 10.1:::.1. (h) Cumulative Remedies. The rights and remedies of the Parties hereunder are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies which the Parties would otherwise have. No single or partial exercise of any such right or remedy by a Party, and no discontinuance of steps to enforce any such right or remedy, shall preclude any further exercise thereof or of any other right or remedy of such Party. ...-... (i) Entire A~ent. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the transactiollS contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior written and oral agreements, and all conlemporaneous oral agreements, relating to such t:ransactions. (j) Severability. Any provision of this Agreement which is prohibited or unenfureeable in any jurisdiction shan. as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforeeability without invalidating the remaining portions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction. (k) Successors and Assil!l1s. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of each of the Panies and their respective successors and permitted 8.'i8igns, (I) Notices. All notices that may be giVCIl under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by (i) band; (ii) registered or certified mail; or (iii) mcsimile (provided there is confirmation of receipt of complete transmission), to the following addresses and to the attention of the representative listed below or at such other addresses as may be later provided in accon:lance with this Section 13(1): If 10 Company: Industrial Scientific COlpOllltion 1001 Oakdale Road Oakdale,PA 15017 A TIN: Contract Administrator Phone: 1-800-338-3287 Fax: 412-809-1813 ,,-....., 1:to Custome:-: CoUier County 330) :::;3,(~: 111T11Iil:'TU ...-... Packet Page -1891- 8/~ II~Ull Item 1 b.I::.1. ~. Attest: DWIGHT E. BROC~ Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: FRED W. COYLE, Chairman , Deputy Clerk Approved as to form egal sufficiency: AS TO INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORP.: J,,-... Signed. sealed and in the /7nce of:. ...........;.-w [ .:r.f"'IO()~~ ~ U E:J'\11 p.,c.,. . C<:Jtep~rsn ,a fp Corporation Caunty of On this, th.c 21" dzy of Jilly 2011, before me a not::..,! public. t.he undersigned officer, personally appeat",A Garth F, Mill:rr koo'wn to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be tie person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained, NOTARIAL. SEAL KELLEY A CRISMlI NotIry Public NORTH FAYnTE TWP.. ALLeGtlMCHTY My ColMlllJioll Elqllm .29.2013 In witness hereof. I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ~~. Not&ry Publi PacketPage-1892- 'd1"L fI"LUll Item 1 b.t=.l. COMPANY cUl.'TOMER I ^ ~~~;[~III Name; Garlh F. Miller COLLIER COUNTY By: Name; Title: Vice-President, Customer Operations Title: ~ .-...., Page 5 of5 Packet Page -1893- ... ~/L flLUll Item 1 b.c.l. SCHEDULE A INSTALLATION SITE ~, Location 1: Wastewater Collections Customer Name: Collier County Address: 6027 Shirley Street City: Naples State/Prov.: FL ZiplPostal 34109 Code: Country: USA Contact Name: Ray See Title: Sr Crew Leader Phone Number: (239) 591-0186 Email Address:ravsee@colliemov.net Fax Number: Location 2: Risk Management Customer Name: Collier County Address: 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Bldg D ---. City: Naples State/Prov.: FL Country: USA Contact Name: Greg Barlow Title: ZiplPostal 34112 Code: C d 34117 o e: State/Prov.: FL Country: USA Contact Name: Robert Kaine Title: Plant Mechanic Phone Number: (239) 252-6114 Email Address:robertkaine(wcolliergov.net Fax Number: ---- Schedule A PacketPage-1894- 8/L {fLUll Item 1 b.t::1. Location 4: North Water Customer Name: Collier County Address: 8001 Vanderbilt Road ~ City: Naples State/Prov.: FL Zip/Postal 34102 Code: Country: Contact Name: Title: Phone Number: Email Address: Fax Number: USA Robert Wheeler Sr Operator (239) 352-7014 robertwheeler(iticoUierswv.net Location 5: Water Distribution Customer Name: Collier County Address: 4370 Mercantile Road City: Naples State/Prov.: FL ZiplPostal 34104 Code; Country: Contact Name: Title: USA Connie Demes ,-.. Phone Number: 1, ~. 1 I'iap,es State/Prov.: FL Zip/Postal Code: 34104 Country: USA Contact Name: Michael Gates Title: Phone Number: Email Address:michaelgates(Q1colliergov.net Fax. Number: ~ Packet Page -1895--- ~ Location 7: South Wastewater Customer Name: Collier County Address: 5600 Warren Street City: Naples State/Prov.: FL ZipfPostal 34113 Code: Country: USA Contact Name: Dale WaIler Title: Plant Manager Phone Number: (239) 774-6886 Email Address:~5<~l!Ug.@&Qlliergov.net Fax Number: Customer Name: Address: Location 8: North Wastewater Collier County 10500 Goodlette Road ~ City: Naples StateIProv.: FL Country: USA Contact Name: Mark Gedvillas Title: Plant Operator, Safety Phone Number: (239) 597.,5355 ZipfPostal 34113 Code: :~nlB,iI A..ddre,s.s: ~-:';: Country: USA Billing Contact Name: Greg Barlow Phone Number: (239) 252-8360 Email Address:gregbarlow(lXcolliemov.net Fax Number: Purchase order number: .-... Packet Page -1896- ~/L {fLU'1 'I neml O.t:..1. .tJIL (fL.UII Item I O.t:..I. PART 2: IT INFORMATION -- IT Contact Name: Rick Fariz Title: IT Phone Number: (239) 403-2377 Email Address:rickfarizlWcotliergov.net Fax Number: iNet Control Contact Name: Title: Phone Number: Email Address: Fax Number: PART 3: iNet CONTROL INFORMATION Greg Barlow Safety Engineer (239) 252-8360 l!1'el!barloW@colIiemov.net COMPLETE SHADED AREAS -- ---- Packet Page -1897- ~/LflLU-I-1 Item -1\::).c.-1. ~ SCHEDULE B EOUTPMENTSCHEDULE Total Equipment []ii]1 Part Number 1l0escriotion I [:]1 VTS-K1232111111 Ilientis MX4 Multi-Gas Monitor, LEL (Pentane). CO, H2S. 02, Lithium-ion Extended Range Battery, Desktop Charger, Pump, High-Visibility Orange, UUCSA, Soft Case, English CDI 18100060-6 IlGasBadge Pro - Ammonia (NH3) I CDI 18100060-7 IIGasBadge Pro - Chlorine (CI2) I CEJI 18108918 lliNet DS Docking Station for Ventis MX4 I CIJI 18108915 -,liNet DS Docking Station for GasBadge Pro I UJI 18105841 IliGas Regulator w/Pressure Switch for 58/1 03L Cylinders I CIJI 18105858 IliGas Regulator w/Pressure Switch for 650L Cylinders I [][]I 18102187 II Calibration Gas -100 ppm CO, 25 ppm H2S, 19% 02, 25% LEL Pentane (58 Liter Cylinder) I CTII 18103366 IICalibration Gas -100 ppm CO, 25 ppm H2S, 19% 02, 25% LEL Pentane (650 Uter Cylinder) I CDI 18102151 IIcalibration Gas - 25 ppm Ammonia (58 Uter Cylinder) I [3]1 18101758 IICalibration Gas -10 ppm Chlorine (58 Liter Cylinder) I CDI 17124348 IIWall Mounted Gas Cylinder Holder I [IJI 18105924 liS-Port Gas Regulator Manifold I [EJI 18101386 IIStainless Steel Probe (6 ft Extendable) I DIJI 18108043 116 Ft Extendible Probe Tubing Kit for the MX6 &-Ventis MX4 - Initial Supply Only I [][]j 171523??. ~IWa!er Banier for V~ntis with Pump -Initial Supply Only I ~, ~ Packet Page -1898- .JJe-'Je-VI I IL'-'III IV.I-.I. SCHEDULE B EOUIPMENT SCHEDULE --- Breakdown by Location oealon - astew er 0 e Ions - mo IY1ee ~]Part Number IIDescription I ~IVTS-K1232111111 II~entis MX4 Multi-Gas Monitor, LEL (Pentane), CO, H2S, 02, Lithium-ion Extended Range Battery, Desktop CharQer, Pump, High-Visibility Orange, UUCSA, Soft Case, English ITJI181 08918 IliNet OS Docking Station for Venlis MX4 I [IJ11S105858 IliGas Regulator wfPressure Switch for 650L Cylinders I [IJ118103366 IICalibration Gas - 100 ppm CO, 25 ppm H2S, 19% 02, 25% LEL Pentane (650 Liter Cylinder) I [IJ118105924 !Is-Port Gas Regulator Manifold I ITJI18101386 IIStainless Steel Probe (6 ft Extendable) I [IJ1181 08043 116 Ft Extendible Probe Tubing Kit for the MX6 & Ventis MX4 -Initial Supply Only I [J[J[m52395 IlWater Barrier for Ventis with Pump -Initial Supply Only. I L f #1 W atClIer nthl f $579 52 ocation - s anagement - mon ee ~IPart Number IIDescription I UIVTS-K1232111111 II~entis MX4 Multi-Gas Monitor, LEL (Pentane), CO, H2S, 02, Lithium-ion Extended Range Battery. Desktop Charger, Pump, High-Visibility Orange, UUCSA, Soft Case. English [IJ118100060-6 IIGasBadge Pro - Ammonia (NH3) I [IJ118108918 IliNet DS Docking Station for Ventis MX4 I CIJ~108915 lIiNet OS Docking Station for GasBadge Pro I I 2 1118105841 . ..j!iGa~ Regul.i3.torwfPress.ure Swi!ch .foL 58f103L Cylinde~ . J ,.-- , A ~- - '" L . #2 Ri kM tl!!Y f $449 68 ~ !~!~~~O~~~ !ICallbratlon Gas - 1 DO ppm CO, 25 ppm H2S~ 19% 02,~::;% L:::L P.entane (58 Llt~r \..-'{lineer) I h__'_:~~~_' .J!~~i92 : ::,;2______ =:';:~:;--:-=-=___~:~~_===! ~~~~~~~p '~~~~.~_~_~_!~~~~~_~~~~.~!'let C;X~;?~;:1---_~:__-.-:::~~==:::~_:::=:==::_::=:=~:~:;~~=:::~:::::~~____.__. -'ji " :V',-2:: ~}=_S C,\.',;~';:l~): Location #3 - South Water - montnly fee S;1~4.118 IfQiY "'jfFia!t N'umber _JIDescription .. 1Tl,!VTS-K1232111 1 11.~IVentis MX4 Multi-Gas MO. nitor, LEL (Pentane), CO, H2S, 02, Lithium-ion Extended Range Battery, L.Ji IDesktop Charger, Pump, High-Visibility Orange, UUCSA, Soft Case, English [IJ118108918 --- IliNet OS Docking Station for VenUs MX4 CIJI181 05841 l!iGas Regulator wfPressure Switch for 58/103L Cylinders 0=I!18102187 IICalibration Gas -100 ppm CO, 25 ppm H2S, 19% 02, 25% LEL Pentane (58 Liter Cylinder} [IJ117124348 IIWall Mounted Gas Cylinder Holder [IJ118101386 IIStainless Steel Probe (6 ft Extendable) [TI1181 08043 116 Ft Extendible Probe Tubing Kit for the MX6 & Ventis MX4 -Initial Supply Only CTII17152395 --'-lfWater Barrier for Ventis with Pump -Initial Supply Only ----------;1 II --- Packet Page -1899- .;.JIL.IIL.V I I IL'-"III IV.L-. I. r". Location - North Water - monthlv ee ~]Part Number IIOescription I LJIVTS.K1232111111 llientis MX4 Multi-Gas Monitor, LEL (Pentane), CO, H2S, 02, Lithium-ion Extended Range Battery, Desktop Charger, Pump, High-Visibility Orange, UUCSA, Soft Case, English [IJ!181 00060-7 ..--.-lIGasBadge Pro - Chlorine (Cl2) I [IJ118108918 IliNet DS Docking Station for Ventis MX4 I [IJ118108915 IliNet DS Docking Station for Gas Badge Pro \ [TI1181 05841 IliGas RegulatorwlPressure Switch for 58/103L Cylinders I [IJi18102187 l~ibr~tionGas .100 ppm CO, 25 ppm H2S, 19% 02, 25% LEL Pentane (58 Liter Cylinder) I [IJ118101758 lICalibration Gas. 10 ppm Chlorine (58 Liter Cylinder) I [TI117124348 IIWall Mounted Gas Cylinder Holder J [IJ118101386 IIStainless Steel Probe (6 fl Extendable) I [IJ118108043 116 Ft Extendible Probe Tubing Kit for the MX6 & Ventis MX4 - Initial Supply Only I [IJ117152395 IIWater Barrier for Ventis with Pump -Initial Supply Only I #4 f $304 80 ---... 1~.._Jlpart Number LJIVTS.K1232111111 L_~_..Jl!~ 108918 [IJ118105841 [IJ08102187 1[IJ11712434S....-. IIL.j18101386 j,..-....-.,...- . ........... . II - I: 'I 1\'1 OP.Oll? : ~~--~~~::=_~ ;:-=-~~--~~~ - i 7'1523:;:~ Location #5 -Water Distribution - month Iv fee $144.88 II Description . II\ventis MX4 Multi-Gas Monitor, LEL (Pentane), CO, H2S, 02, Lithium-ion Extended Range Battery, IIDesktop Charger, Pump, High-Visibility Orange, UUCSA, Soft Case, English I~t DS Docking Station for Ventis MX4 I IliGas Regulator w/Pressure Switch for 58/103L Cylinders I ._IICalibr~tion Ga~-100ppm CO, 2~ppm H2S, 19% 02, 25% LEL Pentane (58 Liter Cylinder) I ...--iiWall Mounted Gas Cylinder Holder II . ..~ Stainless Steel Probe (6 ft Extendable) ... ,I !!6 Ft Extendib1e Probe Tubinq r<it for the Iv1X6 & VenUs MX6 - ifnitief SUDVfV On/v , - - _.:'.::-:-::'--:~=----:::==: ;::_._-~,_._------,- '"', - ~-------======~:~~~_-::=.-::::::=:::::.:-=::-_~:...::::::..~.-=:~;, l:t\:=;,t~,:" :1s'"~'i~?' ~i';~:F:,:r,'r. ;'i,.! \ ,..._.-_.~-,"-~~--'"-~-"-- - --,- ,..,m,.'w~_.~..__~~_'~." __~___.__'_.___'_'_'___"_'N_._'_.'_~_"'_'_"______"'",.,,--~., ,.,.,.,..............._.W'_.._.M"" ._ _'_"_,_...,_..__.,.,u.",__ ;i\"~+2~.f<123=' ' :)\fsntis l{}<A. IV!UW~,G2~~ 1\/iJnjtof ;...:-:1 \.-:2~'< \jD~st\top Charger, P~~~E.: ~\8.~'i.\/tS!bmty Oran?s: UL/::3L" iliNet OS Docking Station for Ventis MX4 ::)~'(0:nCif;G '---~!'-...-._~...~-~._""-"..,"..".._._"~-.._-~-- 11.1-1118 i 06918--...-.~ 1~ CGise~~.ng!r~~!______ ii ... ------~_7--.]1 Ir--1--1118105.841 IliGas Reaulator w/Pressure Switch for 58/103L CVlinders -I r-'-]f1-81 02187 IICalibration Gas -100 ppm CO, 25 ppm H2S, 19% 02, 25% LEL Pentane (58 Liter Cylinder) I II 1 1117124348 ]lWall Mounted Gas Cylinder Holder - ] [IJ118101386 I!Stainless Steel Probe (6 ft Extendable) I ITJI181 08043 li6 Ft Extendible Probe Tubing Kit for the MX6 & Ventis MX4 -Initial Supply Only I [IJ11715239S IIWater Barrier for Ventis with Pump - Initial Supply Only I ~ Packet Page -1900- "-','-, '~\J . . .""'111 I '-I....... I. Location #7 - South Wastewater - monthly fee $289.76 1~IPart Number IlDescription I DIVTS-K1232111111 IlrenDS MX4 Mum-Gas Monitor, LEL (Pentane), CO, H2S, 02, Lithium-ion Extended Range Battery, Desktop Charger, Pump, High-Visibility Orange, UUCSA, Soft Case, Enolish ITJ118108918 lIiNet DS Docking Station for Ventis MX4 I [IJ1181 05841 IliGas Regulator wlPressure Switch !or 58/103L Cylinders I C~=J118102'87 llcalibration Gas. 100 ppm CO, 25 ppm H2S, 19% 02, 25% LEL Pentane (58 Liter Cylinder) I r'-lI17124348 IIWall Mounted Gas Cylinder Holder I [IJ118105924 liS-Port Gas Regulator Manifold I [I]118101386 IIStainless Steel Probe (6 ft Extendable) I [I]118108043 116 Ft Extendible Probe Tubing Kit for the MX6 & Ventis MX4 -Initial Supply Only I [JIJ117152395 IIWater Barrier for Ventis with Pump -Initial Supply Only I .-... oc Ion - 0 astewater - mo Ilv.ee ~iPart Number ,IDescription I DIVTS-K1232111111 I~entis MX4 Multi-Gas Monitor, LEL (Pentane), CO, H2S, 02, Lithium-ion Extended Range Battery, Desktop Charger, Pump, High-Visibility Orange, UUCSA, Soft Case, English [IJ118108918 lIiNet OS Docking Station for Ventis MX4 I [IJI 181 05841 I~s Regulator w/Pressure Switch for 581103L Cylinders I [IJj18102187 IICalibration Gas -100 ppm CO, 25 ppm H2S, 19% 02, 25% LEL Pentane (58 Liter Cylinder) I [I][17124348 IIWall Mounted Gas Cylinder Holder I L 1 ]118105924 !IS-Port Gas Regulator Ma-nifold I, !--9 --- -.-...-....".- '! '" ~.., .... i t ^ ..,. " L at' #8 NrthW nthl f $289 76 ..-.. I~!~~_______ ilStalOless S,eel Probe (0 ft ,-;:te~a?b!~L ._ Ii !j_o.====Jll81 08_~~~==.=,=-.=,,=,~~J~!~~~~~~~~~~~9:}5it!~~~!~Xf. 8~:::~t~S!~~~~=lnitl~i SutJP!!~l~fr.======--=.===-_ !\\iet'2:" E:;=:7i~r ft' . '___.___.' ._____.d..__._'.___....M.'. __._ __".<~,"_"h_~__.....".."......,....,_.... _._..__'m."__"M.~_._ ~_. ",'u'__,"__'_' .._,_ '._.__.___ _..._. ...._._..._.._._w ..._...."...m.._. ~_._.'" ,--,..._,_..-_.._-~_...._..,._"'^,",~,...~--_.._-".. ,,_+. ,_,,'m~' _,.,_m..w'"w_'~ _.w_. ....n .._^..^_.,,__..,'_',,~ --- Packet Page -1901- I I I i i I I~ ~ ~ '-"~' ,....w. I .~,",I.. .....,....... I. SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Company will perform the services relating to and consisting of the following: Provide and install hardware and software as detailed in Schedule B, which shall calibrate and service the detection Equipment selected by Customer, and enable Customer to transmit detection readings to Company over the Internet. Company will provide on-site installation, commissioning and training, Monitor the condition of the instruments from information transmitted to Company via the Internet. Provide replacement instrument(s) when an instrument problem is detected. Provide rental equipment as needed. (Fees for rental equipment are not included in the monthly Subscription Fee and shall be determined at time of rentaL) Packet Page -1902- SCHEDULE D SCHEDULE OF SCREENING. BACKGROUND CHECKS AND TRAINING -... Field Service Technicians have the following: I) Drug and alcohol screening through DISA Contractors Consortium-Drug screening is done through urinalysis, hair follicle and breathalyzer tests. Screening is done pre-employment and on a random basis in which fifty percent (50%) of the technicians are tested every six (6) months. Comnanv's DISA Number is: 7528. 2) Background checks through Ju.~facts Credential Verification. Inc. on a pre-employment basis. 3) Transportation Workers Identification Card ("TWIC'')--issued through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and includes a comprehensive background check. If Customer will require drug and alcohol screening or background checks in addition to those listed above, Customer agrees to pay all costs associated with such additional drug and alcohol screening or background checks. Additionally, Customcr may request that Field Scrvicc Technicians undergo any of the following safety-related training, provided a single training activity or any combination of training activities shaJl not exceed three (3) hours: I) Watch a safety video less than one (1) hour in length; 2) Complete computer based training (CBT) less than one (1) hour in length located at the site the technician will be perfornUngsennces;or 3) Receive oral safety training or briefmg less than one (1) hour in length. If Customer will require safety training in addition to that listed above or training longer than the time frame identified above (3 hours maximum), Customer agrees to pay all costs associated with such additional safety training and, in addition, to pay the current per dB)' labor rate for a technician. ~ -... Packet Page -1903-