Agenda 09/27/2011 Item #10F 9/2712011 Item 10.F. ~ EXEC~S~Y :aeco...eadatioa to approve the Category "A" Toanst Development Fund 183 Grant Applieado. for Beadt Park Facilities for FY 2011/12 in the amoant of $1,825,000, make a finding that theqpen4iture wiD promote tourism, and authorize the . Chairman to sign necessary ........ foUowiag County Attorney approvaL OBJECTIVE: To approve the TDC Category "A" Grant Applications from Fund 183 Beach Park Facilities in the am.ount of $1,025,000. CONSIQERA nONS: The BCC at the 9/1312011 meeting, directed staff to bring this item. back . for funding re-consideration. The following is a list of grant applications intended for Fiscal Year 2011/12 Funding in Beach Park Facilities Fund 183. ,,-..... Lot Rework -80187 $ 20,000 $ 150,000 $ 40,000 $ 25 000 $ 20,.000 $ 20,000 $ 150,000 $ 50,000 $ 500 000 $ 50,0()0 TOTAL 51,025,000 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MCOMME~ATIONS: At the April 20, 2011, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board (P ARAB) meeting, these grants applications were recommended for approval (approved 6 to 0). At the June 27, 2011, Tourist Development Council meeting these grant applications were recommended for approval (approved 5 to 2). Recommendation for approval of the Gulfsbore Property Acquisition in the amount $950,000 was not recommended for approval and is not listed in this Executive Summary. The BCC approved this item on 7/26/2011, item 1604. FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 20 11/12 propo~ Beach Park Facilities Fund 183 budget appropriates funding for these grant applications. The source of funds is Category "A" Tourist Development Tax dollars. GROWTll ~J\G~l\tENT~ ACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan ./"""""\ related to' this action. Packet Page -664- ..-. ~. --. 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve Category "A" Tourist Development (Fund 183 Beach Park Facilities) Grant Applications for FY 2011/12 in the amount of $1,025,000.00, make a finding that the expenditure will promote tourism, and approve all necessary grant agreements following County Attorney approval. Packet Page -665- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. ..-. Evaluation/Approval Guidelines for TDC Category A Yearly Grant Requests by the Coastal Advisory Committee Yearly grant requests to the Coastal Advisory Committee will be evaluated, prioritized and funded based on the following criteria. 1. Grants associated with the completion of a previously approved project that are required to complete that project. 2. Grants required to meet Permit Regulatory Compliance. Examples of these grants would be Physical and Biological monitoring, turtle monitoring, shorebird monitoring and tilling. 3. Safety related activities and projects, which are the responsibility of the CAC. 4. Commitments covered by inter-local agreement and lor projects previously approved/identified in the 10 year plan. Examples would be the dredging of Clam, Wiggins, Doctors, Caxambas and Capri Passes and the 10-year cycle of beach re- nourishment. ..-... 5. Projects or studies that improve or have a high probability of improving our beach efficiency, the preservation ofCAC capital or save us money. These projects would have to have a undisputed payout. Items that would fall into this category would be engineering or studies that could lengthen times between dredge events or re- nourishments. 6. Grants associated with the maintenance and upkeep of our beaches. Examples of these activities that preserve the quality of the beach experience are beach cleaning, raking and grading. 7. Projects that outside funding or third party funding can be obtained on that offset the capital cost. Examples would be FDEP funding, FEMA funding or third party grants. 8. Necessary or required projects would be next. Examples of this type of projects would be Doctors Pass Rip-Rap replacement. 9. New projects not required by law or consent decree would follow. ..-. Packet Page -666- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. ..-.. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 10.F. Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the Category "A" Tourist Development Fund 183 Grant Applications for Beach Park Facilities for FY 2011/12 in the amount of $1,025,000, make a finding that the expenditure will promote tourism, and authorize the Chairman to sign necessary agreements following County Attorney approval. Meeting Date: 9/27/2011 Prepared By Name: HambrightGail Title: Accountant,Coastal Zone Management 9/19/20112:56:04 PM Submitted by -- Title: Accountant,Coastal Zone Management Name: HambrightGail 9/19/2011 2:56:05 PM Approved By Name: AlonsoHailey Title: Administrative Assistant,Domestic Animal Services Date: 9/20/2011 11:41:10 AM Name: HambrightGail Title: Accountant,Coastal Zone Management Date: 9/20/2011 1:00:11 PM Name: McAlpinGary Title: Director - Coastal Management Programs,Coastal Zon Date: 9/20/2011 1 :42:51 PM ..-.. Name: RamseyMarla Title: Administrator, Public Services Date: 9/20/2011 1:55:12 PM Packet Page -667- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. ~ Name: GreeneColleen Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney Date: 9/2012011 2:26:20 PM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 9/20/2011 3:03:19 PM Name: FinnEd Date: 9/20/2011 3:07:32 PM Name: IsacksonMark Title: Director-Corp Financial and Mgmt Svs,CMO Date: 9/20/2011 3:28:14 PM .---, ---. Packet Page -668- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. --- Fund 183 Beach Park Facility FY 12 Scope/Cost Review TDC Approved Amended Item Cost Comments Costs --- 1. Barefoot Beach Capital Expenditures - Worked with the Friends of Barefoot Beach closely over the past 2.5 years to identify projects; PARAB approved grant recommendations on April 20,2011. TDC approved grant recommendations on June 27, 2011; BCC approved grant recommendations (1604) on July 26, 2011. Evaluate, modify to comply with ADA requirements. Current scope has $20,000 been developed and ready to bid. Engineers estimate (Coastal $20,000 ADA Ramp Rework for bathroom/concession Engineering) is approximately $16,000. This lot routinely floods throughout the year. Investigate lot drainage Parking Improvements and Drainage-Barefoot Beach and side swale drainage. Permit with SFWMD and SOP amendment is Access $150,000 required. Asphalt work along with sealing, stripping, drainage swale $150,000 revision and pipe work anticipated. Scope development and site surveys are pending item approval. The installation of a new Park entrance sign should cost approximately Barefoot Preserve Entrance Sign $20,000 $6,000. Landscaping improvements including irrigation is estimated at $20,000 approximately $10,000 - 14,000.00 for a grand total budget projection of $20,000. In 2002, the Tigertail toll booth cost $120,000. In 2007, the Vanderbilt Garage booth cost $150,000. Since this is in a VE Zone and a very small Toll Booth Replacement $150,000 structure (less that 50 SF), a variance or elevated structure is $150,000 anticipated. If a variance is granted, it is anticipated that flood proofing will be required. Additional engineering an permitting is anticipated. A non traditional toilet facility is anticipated to be incorporated into Composting or chemical toilet at toll booth $40,000 the toll booth facility. Composting toilets routinely cost $15,000 but $40,000 will need to be incorporated into this facility at an additional cost. The scope of this work has not yet been deveioped. This is the learning center for the friends of Barefoot Beach. The existing thatched roof needs replacement, the projected cost includes Replace the Tiki Hut Roof and flooring $20,000 the replacement of the thatch roofing and the installation of a new $20,000 paver flooring system where the sub base has deteriorated. Roof that replacement is expected to be $11,000 and the fioor work approximately $9,000. All the Barefoot items will require permits. We anticipate approximately $10,000 in permitting fees. Additional engineering will Engineering and Permitting $25,000 be required to address FEMA related issues and a variance process $25,000 associated with the proposed installation of the toll booth and toilet located in the flood zone. 2. Bathroom Studies - PARAB approved grant recommendations on April 20,2011. TDC approved grant recommendations on June 27, 2011; BCC approved grant recommendations (1604) on July 26, 2011. Bathroom studies in the past have routinely cost approximately $50,000 for studies, engineering and permitting. This work will Conner park Bathroom Study $50,000 investigate the viability of a bathroom facility at Conner Park to include $50,000 water and sewer availability, Flood Zoning, location, zoning, layout and costs. Bathroom studies in the past have routinely cost approximately $50,000 for studies, engineering and permitting. This work will Seagate Access Bathroom Study $50,000 investigate the viability of a bathroom facility at Conner Park to include $50,000 water and sewer availability, Flood Zoning, location, zoning, layout and costs. --- Packet Page -669- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. 3. Clam Pass parking area improvements - PARAB approved grant recommendations on April 20,2011. TOC approved grant recommendations on June 27, 2011; BCC aeeroved I!rant recommendations (16041 on July 26, 2011. --- Clam Pass Park $500,000 Replace the existing pickup/drop-off turnaround pavilion as per new design layout; remove the existing pavilion; increase the existing parking lot capacity with new design layout complete with new car stops, parking striping and new signage throughout, provide required drainage improvements; install Kayak launch improvements and storage unit devices, and install complete landscape improvements throughout. The engineers Estimate for this work (Q. Grady Minor) is approximately $466,000. $500,000 Total $1,025,000 $1,025,000 Notes: 1. Park's spends $46,789 in direct labor and benefits for the toll booth attendants at Barefoot. The booth is staffed with part time and Job bank personnel from 7:30AM to 5:30PM, (7) days a week. 2. $353,824 in beach parking revenues were received from this location from October 1, 2010 to the present. Additionally, for the complete 12 months from 10/1/2009 to 9/30/2010, $274,073 was received in parkin~ revenues. --- ~. Packet Page -670- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. PROJECT NAME: BAREFOOT BEACH ACCESS PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS -- CEC PROJECT NO: 11.052 DATE OF ISSUANCE: June 1. 2011 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 1.2011 CLIENT: Collier County PROJECT MANAGER: Kris Thoemke Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. (CEC) is hereby directed to provide the following services in connection with the design and regulatory permitting issues related to the Barefoot Beach Access parking lot. This work assignment shall be conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of our Continuing Contract for Professional Engineering Services for Coastal Zone Management Projects (CONTRACT) No. 09-5262 dated March 9, 2010. SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services presented herein are designed to assist Collier County's Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Department in designing and obtaining permits to alleviate the standing water issues in the Barefoot Beach Access parking lot. CEC shall subcontract the engineering design to Q. Grady Minor as it relates to the work described below. Item I Field Work SURVEY: Conduct cross sections at suitable intervals across the project area to document the current elevations within the parking. Establish two benchmarks and as built visible existing stormwater structures. Process data and create current existing conditions drawing signed/sealed by a Florida Professional Surveyor. ENGINEERING: Review Villas at Barefoot Beach (SDP-88-36) to see how the plans accommodated conveyance of the offsite stormwater flow from the county parking lot through that project. Conduct site visit to determine existing parking lot and retention area conditions. Examine stormwater conveyance system leading from Villas at Barefoot Beach to parking lot. ,-.., Item II Proiect Desi2n Based on results of engineering review above, prepare design recommendations and prepare improvement plans. (Based on preliminary cursory review, it appears that a shallow swale and a small detention area will need to be graded from the turnaround area along most of the south side of the parking area to an existing drainage connection to the Villas. This will provide both storage and conveyance. Storage is needed as the drainage connection appears inadequately large enough for the drainage area and the other connections through the perimeter wall are too high to allow effective drainage.) The plans may include either open swale or exfiltration trench based on the results of the topographic . survey and/or the county's preferences. Have one meeting with CZM staff to review project design. Make one set of revisions. ..-. Item Ilia Permit Submittals - Maintenance Event The project will be permitted as if it were a maintenance event and assumes no County permitting is required. After CZM approval of the proposed drainage solution plan, Packet Page -671- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. Barefoot Beach Access Parking Lot Improvements CEC No. 11.052 June 1,2011 Page 2 00 ...-.. prepare plan set and submit permit application package to CZM for review and approval. Make one set of revisions and submit to the following agencies for review and approval: 1. FDEP - CCCL Field Permit 2. SFWMD - Letter Modification to existing permit. . Item IIIbPermit Submittals - SDPI Option Should the County decide that the proposed work does not qualify as a maintenance event, and after CZM approval of the proposed drainage solution plan, prepare plan set and submit permit application package to CZM for review and approval. Make one set of revisions and submit to the following agencies for review and approval: 1. PDEP - CCCL Field Permit 2. SFWMD - Letter Modification to existing permit. 3. Collier County - Coordinate with Collier County Growth Management Dept. on permitting. Notify County that the work will be done as maintenance to SDP 92-43. NOTE: Based on our preliminary discussions with Collier County and FDEP Beaches and Coastal Systems staffs, only one of the two options described above will be required. Item IV Client Coordination. Meetin2s and Contract Administration Through phone calls and emaiI, keep CZM informed on the progress of the work and communicate with CZM on issues related to preparation and submittal of the required permit applications. Participate in up to two meetings in addition to those described above at scheduled milestones. ...-.. Item V Contin2encies Provide budget for contingencies to account for additional meetings, permit requirements, stakeholder coordination, field work and design services. Item VI Reimbursable Expenses Provide budget for reimbursables. ~. Packet Page -672- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. Barefoot Beach Access Parking Lot Improvements CEC No. 11.052 June 1, 2011 Page 3 on ...-. BUDGET SUMMARY Item Description Fee Basis I Field Work $2,660 T&M II Project Design $5,440 T&M IlIa Permit Submittals - Maintenance Event $1,815 T&M IIIb Permit Submittals - SDPI Option $2805 T&M IV Client Coordination . $855 T&M V Contingencies $2000 T&M VI Reimbursables $150 T&M Total $15,725 ASSUMPTIONS ..-. The scope of services and budget are based on the following assumptions: 1. All existing permits are in good standing with the permit-issuing agencies. 2 . No boundary survey will be required. 3. No geotechnical sampling testing will be required. 4. In order to provide cost effective services, we will provide a separate scope of work to address the permit agency requests for additional information. S. Once the outstanding permit issues have been resolved, we will provide a separate scope of work to complete the final design, bidding and construction services. 6. This work order does not include application or permit related fees to issuing agencies. Those fees would be paid directly to the agency by the County. 7. All survey work for this project will be done in conjunction with Task Orders _ (Barefoot Beach Access Parking Lot) and _ (Barefoot Beach Park Restroom/Snack Bar Improvements). RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: By: By: Client (Authorized Signature) Date: Date: ..-. I: \DATA 1201 III I052\Contracts and Work Orders II I052_Parking_Lot_Work_Order _06-01-201 I.doc Packet Page -673- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. ~ CLAM PASS PARKING AND TRAM DROP OFF RENOVATION PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST SCHEDULE "A" EARTHWORK & SITE PREP Clearing, grubbing and preparation of roadway rights-of-way, and easements areas as designated by the Engineer in the field including chipping and grinding of all materials on the Owner's property and then disposal of all residue off the Owner's property, all as specified, per acre complete. All work in right-of-way is subject to inspection by the owner, County DOT and FDOT contingent on final acceptance of improvements as shown and specified on the contract documents. UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY PRICE TOTAL PRICE A-I Clearing and Demolition AC 1.2 $6,000.00 $7,200.00 A-2 Off-site Fill (Truck Measure)* CY 200 $15.00 $3,000.00 A-3 Initial and Final Site Grading AC 1.2 $5,500.00 $6,600.00 A-4 Lake Bank Re-Grading LF 260 $25.00 $6,500.00 A-5 Erosion Control-Silt Fence LF 1500 $2.00 $3,000.00 A-6 FDOT Retaining Wall LF 360 $150.00 $54,000.00 A-6 FDOT Hand Rail LF 260 $45.00 $11,700.00 TOTAL $92,000.00 * Assumed to gmde already except for new parking areas ..-. .~ G:\PROJ-ENG\C\CECPP\prelim\opn cost.xls . Packet Page -674- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. ..-. CLAM PASS PARKING AND TRAM DROP OFF RENOVATION PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST SCHEDULE "B" PAVING Roadway construction complete per the plans and County specifications including stabilized subgrade, stabilized shoulder, limerock base, tack coat, asphaltic concrete, required testing by an independent laboratory, roadside fill and grading for full width of right-of-way and easements, finish grading, seeding and mulch. --, UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY PRICE TOTAL PRlCE ROAD B-1 Type "F" Curb LF 30 $15.00 $450.00 B-2 Type "D" Curb LF 1,300 $12.00 $15,600.00 B-3 1.5" Aphaltic Concrete (S- JIl)(2 lifts) Sy 3,000 $12.00 $36,000.00 B-3A 0.75" Aphaltic Concrete (S-JIl)(overaly) SY 1,200 $6.00 $7,200.00 8-4 6" Limerock Base (compacted and primed) SY 1,500 $10.00 $15,000.00 8-5 12" Stabilized Subgrade SY 1,700 $5.00 $8,500.00 B-G Pavers SY 300 $36.00 $10,800.00 B-7 Signing & Pavement Markings LS 1 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 B-8 Miscellaneous Specialty Paving (poss permit 1'1 SY 200 $50.00 $10,000.00 8-9 Coquina Pathway Sy 100 $12.00 $1,200.00 TOTAL $105,950.00 NOTE: BRIDGES, SLOGS AND PIERS NOT PART OF ESTIMATE -., Packet Page -675- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. CLAM PASS PARKING AND TRAM DROP OFF RENOVATION PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST ..-. SCHEDULE "C" WASTEWATER COLLECTION Includes fU1'l1ishing and handling of all required materials, joint restraint, thrust blocks, connections to pipelines, all excavation (including rock and over-excavation if necessary), dewatering, bedding matel' necessary), pipeline installation, back filling (imp0l1ed fill if necessary), compaction, compaction testi: roadway areas, pressure testing, flushing, clean-up including resodding areas previously sodded, seedi1 all areas disturbed by construction, providing complete as-built drawings and other items necessalY to complete the system and provide the Owner, DEP and County with a complete working wastewater collection system as shown all the drawings and specified in these contract documents. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY UNIT PRICE TOT AI NO ITEMS TOTAL ...-.... ..-. Packet Page -676- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. --. CLAM PASS PARKING AND TRAM DROP OFF RENOVATION PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST SCHEDULE liD" POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION Includes fumishing and handling of all required matel'ials, joint restraint, thl'Ust blocks, COlUlections to other pipelines, all excavation (including rock and over-excavation if necessary), dewatering, bedding material (if necessalY), pipeline installation, back filling (imported fill if necessary), compaction, compaction testing in roadway areas, pressure testing, disinfecting pipelines, flushing, clean-up including resodding areas Pl.eviously sodded, seeding all areas disturbed by construction, providing complete as-built drawings and other items necessary to complete the system and provide the Ownel', DEP and City with a complete working water distribution system as shown on the drawings and specified in these contract documents. .-.. UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY PRICE PRICE D-l 8" PVC Water Main LF 600 $35.00 $21,000.00 D-2 8" Gate Valve \V/Box EA 1 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 0-3 Fire Hydrant (Complete Assembly) EA 1 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 0-4 Hot Tap and Valve EA 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 0-5 Drinking Fountain and Service EA 2 $1,250.00 $2,500.00 TOTAL $34,200.00 -- Packet Page -677- CLAM PASS PARKING AND TRAM DROP OFF RENOVJ ~/~!/~011 Item 10.F. PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST SCHEDULE liE" ~ STORM DRAINAGE hlcludes furnishing and handling of all required materials, dewatering, bedding material (if necessary), rock removal and disposal off-site (if necessary), installation, backfilling, compaction, compaction testing in road- way areas, final grading, coordinating with other contractors and utility companies, flushing, clean-up, seeding, sodding of all areas disturbed by construction, repair of any damage caused by const1'llction and other items necessary to complete the system and provide the owner, County DOT and FDOT with a complete working drainage system as shown on the drawings and specified on these contract documents. Pipe measurement is to the outside of the st1'l1ctUl'es. ITEM nl""~l .....'...llUN UNn V'1Y UNU IJI.' If 'I- lUT.A ,.PKlCh E-1 15" RCP LF 160 $40.00 $6,400.00 E-2 18" RCP LF 80 $55.00 $4,400.00 E-3 18" Head Wall EA 1 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 E-4 Type C Inlet EA 2 $3,500.00 $7,000.00 E-5 Slotted Drains EA 2 $1,200.00 $2,400.00 E-6 8" HOPE LF 100 $25.00 $2,500.00 TOTAL $23,900.00 ,,-...... ..-. Packet Page -678- CLAM PASS PARKING AND TRAM DROP OFF RENOV, 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST SCHEDULE "P" ..-.. LANDSCAPING Provide landscaping and irrigation. G-l Royal Palms EA 10 $1,200.00 $12,000.00 G-2 Oak Trees EA 25 $350.00 $8,750.00 G-3 Ground Covers and Shrubs SY 300 $25.00 $7,500.00 G-4 Sod SY 100 $9.00 $900.00 G-S Irrigation LS 1 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 TOTAL $35,150.00 ..-. ~ Packet Page -679- CLAM PASS PARKING AND TRAM DROP OFF RENOV 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST SCHEDULE "0" ~ MISCELLANEOUS Tram Drop Off Area, Kyak storage and launch improvements iTeM I u"'-':( '.... VIIUN UNIT l..lTY UNiT PI{ll:... TUTAL l'KlCb G-l Tram Seating Structure SF 300 $100.00 $30,000.00 G-2 Miscellaneous Bollards EA 10 $100.00 $1,000.00 G-3 Benches EA 9 $500.00 $4,500.00 G-4 Kayak Racks EA 4 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 G-S Kayak Launch Improvements SY 70 $25.00 $1,750.00 TOTAL $41,250.00 ~ ~, Packet Page -680- ..-.. CLAM PASS PARKING AND TRAM DROP OFF RENOV 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST SCHEDULE uRu PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Professional services. B-1 Architect LS 1 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 B-2 Engineer LS 1 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 B-3 Survey LS 1 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 B-4 Landscape Architect LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL $72,800.00 ..-.. ~ Packet Page -681- SCRE .. ~....--. '~'''-'-'~-'''' . . .. .. ... .... _, ..H.....HH .....H.._...u.____._._._.. 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. ..-. CLAM PASS PARKING AND TRAM DROP OFF RENOVATION PRELIMINARY OPINION OF COST SCHEDULE SUMMARY DULE DESCRIPTION TOTAL PRICE A Earthwork $92,000.00 B Paving $105,950.00 C Wastewater Collection $0.00 D Potable Water Distribution $34,200.00 E Stol1n Drainage $23,900.00 F Landscaping $35,150.00 G Misc. $41,250.00 H Prof Services $72,800.00 TOTAL $405,250.00 Contingency (15%) $60,787.50 --., GRAND TOTAL $466.037.50 I --, -ENG\C\CECPP\prelim\opn cost.xls Packet Page -682- G:\PROJ o;ll...u . r_~~I"'___~,_".k~...__1i!T 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. ..-. f-; i i I-I r! I III i 1...1..11 ., II ; [11 i !, III ! .'1' J;, 'If II iii -- ." '" " " o 8 ~ .. '" z <> " ): z .-.. Packet Page -683- n~ ;r~ S= ..,s . .... :: = t-il>> ... tIC .~ Sn mO ....= . n a.CD 0'" ::s.... ~ eft :. ~ 'l CD .... n l:J"I l': i ;;.. ~ ;. =- Ill" o ~ L: . .~ f~ .. .. Packet Page -684- 9/27/2011 Item 10.F. ...-. rot . a. . !. .. ..-. n o ::s 1"1 ID "l:I ,. = I>> - -- tIJ - ID = ,. ... = 1:1 CI.l r .. 1"1 l:I" z :.. !-