DASAB Agenda 07/17/2018Collier County Board of County Commissioners Domestic Animal Services Advisory Committee July 17 ,2018 6:00 pm NoTICE: ALL PERSoNS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ]TEM MUST REGISTER PRIoR TO spEAKtNG. ALL REGTSTERD PUBLTC SPEAKERS W|LL RECETVE UP TO THREE (3) TyilNUTES UNLESS THE TII'E IS ADJUSTED BY THE CHAIRPERSON. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A OISABILITY WHO NEEDS ANY ACCOMi,IOOATION IN OROER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEOING, YOU ARE ENTITLEO, AT NO COST TO YOU, TO THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE COLLIER COUNTY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 3335 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA, 341 12, (239) 252-8380 l. Call to Order ll. Attendance - Establish a Quorum lll. Approval of Agenda lV. Approval of tinutes - May 22,2O18 V. Director's Report Vl. New Business A. Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney B. DASAB Workshop, Marjorie Bloom C. Elect Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary Vll. Old Business A. Collier County Animal Control Ordinance Vlll. Public Comment !X. Advisory Board iiember Comments X. Adjourn May 22,201t MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COLLIER COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida May 22,2018 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Domestic Animal Services Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at Domestic Animal Services Training Room, Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: James Spartz VICE CHAIRMAN: Marjorie Bloom SECRETARY: Vacant James Rich Mary Baker (Excused) Dr. Michael Gordon Daniel Rheaume Sarah Baeckler Davis ALSO PRESENT: Darcy Andrade, Director, DAS Kyra Lynch, Shelter Operations Manager, DAS Dan Grossi, Field Operations Manager, DAS Kellie Carroll, Administrative Assistant, DAS Emily Pepin, Assistant County Attomey I. Cell to Order Chrirmrn Jemes Spertz called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. II. Attendrnce A quorum was establi shed. Kellie Cerroll presided over the projector displaying the Agenda packet. III. Appnoval of Agenda May 2?,2OlA lim Rich made o motion to opprove the agenda, there was a second and the motion passed 6-0. IV. Approvel of Minutes of the Jrnuery 16, 20lE Meeting Dn Michael Go on made a motion lo approve the minutes of the March 20,2018 meeting there uns a second and the motion Wssed 6-0. V, Director's Report Dercy Andrade advised the Board that ternporary air conditioning began in three (3) buildings on this date. Ms. Andrrde also advised that DAS has had a recent meeting with FEMA and is waiting for approvals to have the marquee sign replaced. DAS has received one ( I ) quote of nearly $3 ,000 for a banner to cover the sign, but stated that the firnds are needed for other things and DAS will not be purchasing a banner. Darcy notified the Board that the Foster Program is changing and that Fosters will no longer be required to go through the rcgular volunteer training program, since Fosters do not come to the shelter to volunteer. She also advised that a new Foster page has been set up on the DAS website. The June adoption promotion will be Certified Pre-Owned Cats and that cat adoptions will be $10.00. She mentioned that this promotion ran several years ago and was very successful. There will be a second Cat Yoga event on May 3l st. There is no cost to attend the event, but participants mus pre-register. Ms. Andrrde informed the Board that there have been changes to the Pet Friendly Shelter process. Pre-Registration is no longer required. Current Collier County License and vaccinations will be considered sufficient as registration. As in the past, entrance to the Pet Friendly Shelter will be on a fist come, Iirst served basis. The topic of the June Town Hall Meeting will be emergency preparation for pets and the Pet Friendly Shelter requirements. Dr. Gordon inquired about costs associaied for caring for foster pets aad was advised by Ms. Andrede explained that there is no cost to the Fosters; DAS provides all food, supplies and veterinary care. A new volunteer orientation will be held on May 23, 20t 8. Kyre Lynch advised the Board that she is continuing to work on the removal of breed names from Kennel Cards. She is waiting for information from Pet Harbor to be sure that the change won't affect the descriptioos of animals that are posted on that site and hopes to have that change made next week. She also told that Board that that there are currently five (5) openings on the Operations team. A. May 2?,2Ol8 Jim Rich asked about the type of training that will be given to new Fosters. Ms. Lynch said that the training will depend on experience. Dercy Andrade stated that Phyllis Estes from VSA has already taught a couple of Bottle Baby classes at DAS. New Business New Advisory Boerd Members Jim Spertz welcomed two new mem&rs to the Animal Services Advisory Board. Animal Control Ordinance Revision Drrcy Andrede presented a slide show on proposd changes to the Animal Control fuinance and advised that the recommendations came from three groups: The Animal Services Advisory Board, the University of Florida during the Shelter Assessment and staff recommendations. Ms. Andrade stated that the Advisory Board voted on their recommendations at t}re Novem&r 21 ,2017 meeting. She also stated that the University of Florida recommendations are in keeping with the Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters, produced by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians. Jim Rich asked if the Memorandum of Undersanding for the Trap, Neuter and Retum Program will no longer be required, if it will still be necessary to register cats and was advised by Ms. Andrade that it will no longer be necessary. Merjorie Bloom inquired if traps are marked to indicate that they belong to Domestic Animal Services and was advised by Ms. Andrede that cunently they ar€ not, but if the Ordinance is changed, they will have to be marked. Srrah Baeckler-Davis asked if seasonal residents who reside in Collier County for more than thirty (30) days will be required to obtain a Collier County License for their pet(s) and was advised by Dercy Andrade that they will be required to do so. Jim Rich asked ifpeople will be required to report found animals, stating that in th" p*t, his rescue group have not provided reports and photographs, but they will be able to do so going forward. Sarah Baeckler-Davis asked iftlere is currently a mechanism in place for found animals to become the legal property ofthe finder and was advised by Ms. Andrade that there is not. Den Rheaume stated that the law considers property to be a chattel and a formd chattel becomes the property of the finder after thirty (30) days. Merjorie Bloom stated that it can be difficult to determine if cats in colonies have been sterilized and Dercy Andrade informed her that sterilized colony cats should be ear{ipped. Ms. Bloom asked about people who allow their cats to roam. Ms. Andrade advised her that cats are not allowed to run at-large and that cats should be micro-chipped. May 22,20la Dan Rheaume asked what happens if levied fines are not paid and was advised that they are sent to Collections. Jim Rich reported that his organization took in a cat as a safe-keeping approximately three (3) months ago and asked at what point can a new home be found for the animal. Dercy Andrade stated that if the animal was at DAS, the hold time would be 240 hours. Kyn Lynch recommended that Mr. Rich consult an attomey as Rescue Groups are a bit ofa gray area. Dr. Gordon asked how often the issue of DAS being unable to micro-chip due to the lack of an on-site Veterinarian occurs. Ms. Lynch mentioned that it has occurred daily for the last four (4) months and is always an issue on Saturdays. Darcy advised that she is on the Florida Animal Control Association Board and they are working to change the language in the State Statute. Ms. Bloom asked if there are many instances of a pmblem during the micro- chipping process and was advised that there are not. Dr. Gordon said that it was a shame that the language reads the way it does because he could teach anyone to implant a micro-chip in an hour. Darcy Andrade discussed the Licensing section ofthe Ordinance, which not listed on the slides. She advised the Board that one of the proposed changes was to change the name from Collier County License to Collier County License and Rabies Tag. She also stated that Veterinarians and Licensing Agents can sell tags. Ms. Andrrde stated that DAS will be able to issue a three (3) year tag to go with a three (3) year rabies vaccine. Den Rheaume asked why the proposed changes weren't done a long time ago. Serah Baeckler-Davis asked when the marked-up copy will be available and stated tlnt she isn't comfortable voting on whether to recommend the proposed changes without seeing the marked-up copy. Tom Kepp asked about what recourse is available ifpeople don't want to surrender puppies; can he call for an Animal Control Ofticer to deliver a breeder packet and he was advised that he could. Mr. Kepp also discussed fines and stated that it isn't DAS' fault, but there is no way to collect fines. He stated that he had tried in the past to get DAS teamed up with Code Enforcement. Mr. Kepp also mentioned that there are no low-cost spay/neuter services available in Collier County on Saturdays. Michelle Antonia stated that Animal Compassion Project would like to continue being a resource for cats and asked how to a community cat from an owned cat. Darcy Andrade stated that if a cat is free-roaming, it is a community cat. Ms. Antonia reported that she witnessed Collier County Sheriffs Deputy pick up a kitten that had been hit by a car and place it on the side ofthe road without providing additional assistance and advised that it should be addressed. Darcy Andnde stated that there had been a similar issue several years ago with animals left in cars and she met with the Sheriffs Office to provide education. Ms. May 22,2018 Antonia asked for clarification on the propos€d Ordinance changes as they r€late to poison. Ms. Andradc read both the current and proposed language. Michelle Antonie asked how she can work around the tnrst issue in Immokalee if she calls DAS to make a report Darcy Andnde referred her to the board of County Commissioners policy on anonymous complaints. Jim Rich stated that ifthe proposed Ordinance changes wer€ not voted on during this meeting, the changes would be postponed by several months and that he was ready to vote. Dr. Gordon stated that he understood that a previous Board had alrcady reviewed this in November and he was ready to go forward. Jim SprrE stated that the revisions have already been reviewed by the County Attomey's Office. .lim Rich made a motion to recommend the proposed changes to the Board of County Commissioners, there was a second and the motion passed 5-1. Sarah Baeckler-Devis srated that the proposed changes soundd good to her, but she was not comfortable voting as she has not seen the marked-up copy of the Ordinance. VII. Public Comment There were no additional public comments. VIII. Advisory Boerd Member Comments There were no additional comments by the Advisory Board members. Dn Gordon made a motion to adjourn, there was a second and the motion possed 6-0. The next negulerly scheduled Advisory Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, July l7th, at 6:fi) in the Ilomestic Animd Treining Room, Devis BIvd., Naples, Floride- There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was concluded et 7:35 p.m. COLLIER COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL SERVICES Chairman James Spartz These minutes approved by Board/Committee on amended May 22.201E as presented or as