North Collier Regional Park
Naples, Florida
June 20, 2018
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory
Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on
this date at 2:00 P.M. at North Collier Regional Park, Naples, FL, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Mr. Edward "Ski" Olesky
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mr. Phil Brougham
Mr. David Saletko, Advisory Board Member
Ms. Murdo Smith, Advisory Board Member
Mr. Barry Williams, Division Director, Parks and Recreation
Ms. Jeanine McPherson, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Mr. David Berra, Facilities Management
Ms. Olema Edwards, Regional Manager, Parks and Recreation
Mr. Rick Garby, Parks Superintendant
Ms. Amy Patterson, Director, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program
Mr. Miguel Rojas, Jr., Administrative Assistant, Parks and Recreation
Mr. Pat Utter, VP of Commercial Real Estate, Collier Enterprises
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Packet Pg. 667 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2018 (Unsigned) (6124 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting - June 20, 2018)
I. Call to Order
Mr. Olesky called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence observed.
III. Approval of the Agenda
Mr. Brougham entered a motion to approve the June 20, 2018 meeting agenda as
presented. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. All members were in favor. The motion was
IV. Approval of May 9, 2018 Minutes
+Correction of spelling of Max “Hasse,” Jr. Community Park.
Mr. Brougham entered a motion to approve the May 9, 2018 meeting minutes with the
noted correction. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith. All members were in favor.
The motion was carried.
V. Capital Projects Update – Mr. Berra
+Mr. Berra stated that effective June 1, 2018, Ellis Construction had notice to proceed
with work on artifical turf conversion on four fields at North Collier Regional Park, with
completion of the project targeted for Labor Day.
Question (Mr. Smith): What fill material is being used?
Answer: AstroTurf 3D3 was initially planned to be installed over Nike Grind, a material
made of recycled sports shoes; however, due to an additional fee related to Nike licensing
of the product, a request has been entered to change the fill to a similar SBR rubber
product. Mr. Smith reiterated previously stated concerns for potential safety issues
related to the use of rubber fill. Mr. Williams stated that the newer products are
technologically improved over the older cryogenic rubber products and suggested that a
sample of the SBR encapsulated rubber fill product be brought to a subsequent PARAB
meeting for review. Mr. Berra stated that extensive research into available products, as
well as consultation with the School Board for input has been done. Mr. Williams
expressed a desire to choose the fill product carefully, as several future turf conversion
projects are planned at other County Parks as well. Ms. McPherson stated that in regard
to concerns for concussion, the new fields will have pads installed underneath the turf
and two of the fields are being constructed to meet FIFA standards. Mr. Bill McBride,
civil engineer, and internationally recognized designer in the sports engineering field is
consulting on the project.
+Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park – 60% design is awaiting Admin approval. Mr.
Brougham requested input into the design of the community center in order to maximize
the space. Mr. Williams stated the design has been completed and will share a copy of
the design with PARAB for their review.
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Packet Pg. 668 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2018 (Unsigned) (6124 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting - June 20, 2018)
Question (Mr. Smith): What is the status of the Goodland boat ramp which had been
damaged by Hurricane Irma?
Answer: The ramp has been reinstalled and the dock is open.
Question (Mr. Smith): What is the Caxambas Community Center?
Answer: It is the Coast Guard building, which is in design to be utilized as a multiuse
facility for community groups, Parks and Recreation, and the Coast Guard, with input
from the Coast Guard Auxiliary, as well as Parks Staff. The space is anticipated to be
2000 square feet, to include a large conference room, public restrooms, etc. 30% design
of the project is anticipated for Fall 2018.
Question (Mr. Smith): What does the Tigertail entrance improvements project involve;
is this just signage?
Answer: The project does involve some signage, however also includes beach
improvements; concession stand repair, restroom renovation, replacement of the
playground, and ramp repairs. Mr. Smith recommended the playground replacement be
done after season ends, if the condition of the playground is acceptable to be used safely
until that time, for the benefit of the community, as well as the concessionaire. Mr.
Williams stated this project is included in the budget being presented to the BOCC at
their June 21, 2018 meeting and does not anticipate a problem with this.
VI. New Business
a. Fee Policy – Ms. McPherson
Ms. McPherson presented four proposed changes within the fee policy as follows:
1. A change in the amount of money necessary to be paid for mitigation for compliance
with Conservation Collier following the Land Development Code.
2. A change in the beach parking fee to $16 for commercial entities. A yearly parking
permit may also be purchased for $1500.
3. A change to the North Collier Regional Park adult softball league fall and spring
session fee of $730/team, and $450/team for the summer session, which includes certified
umpires per session. The registration fee per participant per league play remains the
same at $30.00 for adults and $1.00 for youths.
4. Eagle Lakes Pool fees were set and determined following a review of the census tract
of the poverty rate in various locations throughout the county, including Immokalee,
Golden Gate, and East Naples, specifically Eagle Lakes, with the Naples Manor
comparison tract ultimately chosen as a guideline for the fee structure. The
demographics of the utilization of reduced lunches by school children and total revenue
received from residents aged 3 to 17 were reviewed as well. Initial public feedback with
regard to the entrance fee to the Eagle Lakes Pool has been favorable. Additional ideas
being considered include free entrance on one designated Saturday each month, as well as
Saturday promotional programs.
Question (Mr. Brougham): Why are Collier County Public Schools fee exempt?
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Packet Pg. 669 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2018 (Unsigned) (6124 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting - June 20, 2018)
Answer: The BOCC has longstanding agreements with the school district for shared
facilities and as such, a significant number of facilities are provided by the school district
for use by the Parks Department for recreational activities, with maintenance of fields
provided in return. Likewise, the interlocal agreement allows for the use of school
facilities at no charge, with both parties in consideration of there being no conflict with
prior engagements. The agreement does allow for a yearly review in the event of a
suspected inequity. Mr. Williams further stated that either party may be compensated by
the other if a significant cost of use disparity is identified. Mr. Brougham stated the
interlocal agreement should be reviewed, despite the laborious process involved to do so.
With regard to aquatic center entrance fees, Mr. Brougham expressed a desire for free
entrance for children ages 12 and under at all county facilities, with a uniform fee
schedule at all locations for children ages 13 and older. Mr. Brougham stated the budget
is presently being reviewed and the BOCC should consider the benefits of allowing all
small children free access to learn to swim as a public health and safety issue. Mr.
Williams expressed concern for appropriate cost recovery during an economic downturn,
as the Parks Division is considered a non-essential government service and a strong cost
recovery is essential to survive a potential economic downturn. Mr. Williams further
stated the Parks Division works with a variety of programs in the county which are
available for the economically disadvantaged to participate in swim lessons. Free
entrance to the Eagle Lakes Aquatic Center will be offered through July. Mr. Smith also
expressed a desire to see uniform entrance fees at all aquatic facilities throughout the
county. Mr. Smith inquired as to whether free entry could also be granted throughout the
month of July at Golden Gate Community Park and Immokalee in honor of Parks and
Recreation month. Ms. McPherson stated that again, cost recovery remains a concern.
Mr. Williams stated the proposed fee policy changes would be presented to the BOCC for
their review at the July 10, 2018 meeting and requested a vote from PARAB regarding
these proposed changes. Mr. Brougham stated he would be in attendance at the BOCC
Budget Workshop on June 21, 2018 and would share his personal concerns with regard to
the aquatic center entrance fees.
Mr. Brougham entered a motion to approve the fee policy as drafted, with the proviso
that the aquatic center entrance fees be studied further, with potential revision at the
September 2018 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting. Mr. Smith seconded
the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.
b. PARAB Survey – Mr. Rojas, Jr.
Mr. Rojas reviewed the results of a survey recently distributed to PARAB members
pertaining to the meeting day and time of future PARAB meetings. The results yielded a
majority interest in maintaining the existing meeting date and time of the third
Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Williams stated a more streamlined agenda
will be attempted for each meeting.
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Packet Pg. 670 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2018 (Unsigned) (6124 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting - June 20, 2018)
c. North Naples Real Estate – Mr. Williams
Mr. Williams stated that a tract of land previously identified by a private citizen and
presented to PARAB as a potential location for a new community park is currently under
contract and unavailable for consideration of purchase at the present time. This
information has been shared with the citizen as well.
VII. Old Business
a. Rural Lands West
Mr. Pat Utter, Vice President with Collier Enterprises gave a presentation on plans for a
new community in eastern Collier County known as Rural Lands West, with plans to
work closely with the Parks Division to construct a 46 acre community park in the future.
The property is located approximately 5 miles east of Ave Maria, with entitlement
requests of 10,000 residential units and roughly 2 million square feet of commercial/civic
useage encompassing 4,000 acres. This parcel is located within a Rural Lands
Stewardship area, which encompasses a 200,000 acre zoning district. This is also a
transfer of development rights area, with 3 acres set aside for preservation per 1 acre of
developed land; in this case, approximately 12,500 acres, with $26M budgeted for exotic
removal. It is anticipated that the entire project will span 20 to 30 years until completion.
The goal for the project is to create a self sustaining town, with all essential services and
uses, with long-term goals to include a hospital, government buildings, retail, and a
movie theatre. Recreational uses include golf and an extensive trail system, with
connectivity from all areas of the project to the town center. Water access has been
identified as a desireable amenity, with a lake planned with a two mile walk-around, and
which will be permitted to allow the use of non-motorized watercraft such as canoes and
kayaks, and also include a pier. As market studies have reflected that 75% of the
community will consist of residents aged 55+, the inclusion of pickleball courts is also
Question (Mr. Brougham): Will there be a community center?
Answer: While there is room for a community center, the program elements will be tied
to the budget.
As part of Rural Lands Stewardship, there is a partnership with several environmental
groups, including Defenders of Wildlife, Audubon of Florida and Audubon of the
Western Everglades, and the Nancy Peyton Preserve. These groups have formed the
Panther Protection Team and the Rural Lands West project will fund the Team up to
$3M. An environmental resource center is planned on one acre, for youth and local
resident education with regard to the environment and cohabitation with local wildlife.
Mr. Utter stated that a neighborhood informational meeting had been held two weeks
prior in Golden Gate Estates, with 75 residents in attendance. The primary concern
expressed was transportation/traffic issues. Meetings have also been had with members
of the Ave Maria community, Golden Gate Civic Association, County staff, Conservancy
staff, and Pelican Bay residents.
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Packet Pg. 671 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2018 (Unsigned) (6124 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting - June 20, 2018)
Mr. Utter was on hand to primarily discuss the Developer agreement between the County
and Rural Lands West, relative to a community park. The fifth submittal to the county
was recently done, with only minor updates anticipated. A Staff report will be written
over the next 60 to 90 days, with a meeting anticipated with the Planning Commission in
September, at which time the Developer agreement may be reviewed. Mr. Utter
reiterated that the property lies within the Rural Lands Stewardship area, with an
associated obligation to test all county services to ensure there is not a burden to the
county level of service, including parks, transportation, schools, fire, EMS, Sheriff,
water, sewer. A requirement of the project is to include a 46 acre community park. The
standard level of service in Collier County would only dictate a 26 acre park for this
project; however, more stringent requirements are necessary due to the property location
within Rural Lands.
The community park is planned to be built in two phases, with each phase roughly
budgeted at $7.5M each, dependant upon included components. The first phase would be
built by the end of 7 years, with a request for reimbursement from impact fees, not to
exceed the total projected Community Park Impact Fees for the project. The generation
of $21M in local Regional Park impact fees, as well as $7.5M in Community Park fees is
projected, drawing $3.75M upon completion of phase I. At completion, the Parks
Division would maintain the park, possibly offset by revenues generated through the
current fee policy, as well as a portion of Ad Valorem funds diverted to the Parks
Mr. Williams clarified that impact fees generated by the community would be applied to
the Rural Lands West project, ahead of two projects approved within the Parks Master
Plan; Manatee Park and Vanderbilt Beach Extension Park. Future plans for Manatee
Park remain unknown at this time, with discussions underway for possible development
to include affordable housing. However, conceptual drawings have recently been created
for Vanderbilt Beach Extension Park, which includes accommodations for Little League
tournament play. Mr. Utter stated that without a Developer Agreement, the Rural Lands
West park project would still move forward, however the park would remain private and
not public as presently planned.
Mr. Brougham pointed out that the Parks Division is presently in compliance with AUIR
requirements of recreational acreage per population, which Mr. Williams confirmed is
projected to remain in compliance for the next 10 years. Further, Mr. Brougham stated
that impact fees were presently inadequate to fund existing planned projects.
Mr. Smith inquired as to where school sites were anticipated to be located and whether
they could be located in such a way as to easily utilize the park site. Mr. Utter replied
that that the school district selects their own school sites. The primary site chosen by the
school district for a middle/high school combination in that area is approximately 3 miles
north of the planned community, with a nearby smaller elementary school site.
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Packet Pg. 672 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2018 (Unsigned) (6124 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting - June 20, 2018)
Mr. Smith suggested that if the project is advanced, that the planned recreational fields be
expanded to include additional ball fields and/or multipurpose fields in order to meet
community needs. Mr. Smith also recommended that the road design be reconfigured so
that the main road does not travel through the center of the park due to safety concerns.
Mr. Saletko stated that PARAB and the Parks Division should have significant input into
the design of the park, given the responsibility of maintenance of the park upon
In summary, the Developer would construct the park, after which reimbursement of
impact fees would be requested from the County. To accomplish this, the land and the
facility must be turned over to the County. If the County elects to not proceed in this
manner, the Developer must build the park, which will be operated and maintained as a
private park; however, will be required to pay the County Regional Impact fees. Impact
fee credits may not be granted by the County for more than the cost of the land and the
facility, and the credits granted by the County are tied specifically to what the Developer
is giving in Community Park fees; no more and no less than the value.
Mr. Brougham entered a motion to deny endorsement of the Rural Lands West Project
as presented due to the diversion of impact fees away from existing projects identified
in the Parks Division Master Plan, as well as the Parks Division AUIR requirements
currently being met and projected to remain in compliance for the next 10 years. Mr.
Olesky seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried unanimously.
VII. Adopt A Park
Adopt a Park site visit results and recommendations were asked to be forwarded to Mr.
VIII. Directors Highlights
The Eagle Lakes Aquatic Center is scheduled to open Friday, June 29, 2018 at 10 a.m.
IX. Public/Board Comments
Mr. Brougham inquired as to the status of the list of funding options in support of Master
Plan priority projects, which had been a stipulation of the motion to approve the Master
Plan draft by the Advisory Board at the May 9, 2018 meeting. Mr. Williams stated this
information will be provided, with present focus on the FY19 budget. The Board of
County Commissioners adopted the Master Plan at the May 22, 2018 meeting.
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X. Adjournment
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned
by order of the Chair at 3:45 p.m.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Edward “Ski” Olesky, Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on __________ as presented, or as
amended __________.
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Packet Pg. 674 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2018 (Unsigned) (6124 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting - June 20, 2018)