CAC Minutes 10/14/2004 R October 14, 2004 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, October 14, 2004 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1 :30 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Ron Pennington Tony Pires Graham Ginsberg John Sorey III Murray Hendel James Snediker John Arceri (Excused) Paul Sullivan Heidi Kulpa ALSO PRESENT: Maria Bernal, Tourism Ron Hovell, Utility Engineering Dept. Heidi Ashton, Assistant County Attorney 1 .-..- 10-14-04 Agenda Page 1 of 1 MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2004 -1:30 p.m. W. Harmon Turner Building (Administration Building F), Collier County Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. CHANGES AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS V. APPROVAL OF CAC MINUTES 1. Approval of September 8, 2004 Minutes VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. TDC Category "A" End of Fiscal Year 2004 Project Updates 2. TDC Category "A" 10-Year Funding Projections Updates 3. Special Taxing District 4. FDEP Beach Erosion Control Program Updated Submission for both the County/City of Naples Beach Re-nourishment and South Marco Beach Re-nourishment 5. City of Marco Island Tourist Development Category "A" Grant Application for Laser Grading 6. Procedures for Coastal Advisory Committee 7. Advisory Committee Outstanding Member Service and Achievement Awards Program VII. OLD BUSINESS 1 . Post Hurricanes Beach Agenda Item Memo a. Post Hurricanes Beach Report 2. County/City of Naples Beach Re-nourishment Update 3. South Marco Beach Re-nourishmentlCaxambas Pass Dredging Update 4. Hideaway Beach Re-nourishment Update 5. Clam Pass Monitoring Report 6. Wiggins Pass Dredging Update 7. Doctors Pass Dredging Update 8. County Coastal Systems Management Recommendation VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS X. COMMITTEE MEMBER DISCUSSION XI. NEXT MEETING DATE/LOCATION 1. November 10, 2004 - BCC Board Room XII. ADJOURNMENT All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Maria Bernal at (239) 213-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 774-8380. Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. http://www.colliergov.net/tdc/cac/10-14-04Agenda.htm 101712004 ...._- ~.".,."_,_~n__..__·_·_··_~>'_'·__" ""."'~"-'~ ".,..,. - October 14, 2004 I. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :30 PM. II. Roll Call: Roll call was taken with Mr. Arceri being excused. A quorum was established. III. Changes and Approval of Agenda Under Old Business - move Item 6 - Wiggins Pass to Item 2. Move Item 3 - South Marco Beach Re-nourishment. Mr. Sorey moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 8-0. IV. Public Comments: - None V. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. Approval of September 8, 2004 minutes: Page 3 - 5th Par. 3rd bullet -last sentence - should be - Markers were "carried away." Next Par. - Should be -"initiating" action. Last Par. - 5th line - PBS should be - "Division" also - Pelican Bay and "Property Owners" paid the funds for pennit. Page 4 - 3rd Par. From bottom - Mr. Pires stated "he didn't disagree." · 2nd Par. - Detrimental rather than detenninal. 2nd Par. From bottom - Mr. Steve Keehn - not King - to be corrected throughout the minutes. Page 5 - 2nd Par. - correct spelling of Caxambas Last Par. - 2nd line - should be - "apply" for new pennit. Page 6 - 2nd Par. From top - add - that it was consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Page 8 - first Par. Should be "with." Page 9 - 5th Par. - Should be - renourish "to" Gordon's Pass. Page 1 - Transcript stated "Special Session" - should state it was their regular meeting. Mr. Hendel moved to approve the Minutes of September 8th as amended. Seconded by Mr. Pires. Carried unanimously 8-0. VI. New Business: 1. TDC Category "A" End of Fiscal Year 2004 Project Updates - Ron Hovell- Spreadsheet (Attached) - he covered various line items - Total Fiscal Year Budget and Actual Expended. Explained the Budget Process and fiscal year figures. Total Fiscal Year Budget - $12.3M, Actual Expended for the Year - $2,994,000. Difference between numbers will roll into the current year Budget. Committed Funds are $7.7M. 2. TDC Category "A" to-year Funding Projections Updates - Ron Hovell- Update: ($750,000) Grant Application for dredging Wiggins Pass, ($598,000) 2 October 14, 2004 City of Naples for dredging Doctors Pass, ($92,000) for Hideaway Beach Project, Budget Amendment, (Approx. $2M) Beach Renourishment Project, Tourist Tax Revenues and Beach Park Facilities. Again Mr. Hovell covered the Expenses, General Reserves and Project Expenses. Mr. Hendel suggested an Executive Session meeting to go over numbers and try to understand it. His concern was balancing for the long range plan. Mr. Hovell explained it doesn't balance as it is offby $1.5M. Can't have a negative reserve - something does need to change to fix it. After much discussion and suggestions it was decided to meet at 12:30 PM at next months meeting for a Workshop and allow an hour for the Budget and 10- Year Plan discussion. Mark Isackson- Office of Management and Budget - stated he would be happy to sit down with the Committee and explain the process of multi-year planning. Mr. Hovell mentioned he inherited this type of Budget and has discussed what Tourist Taxes should and shouldn't fund. Mr. Pires addressed the interest issue. The Board has the ability to allocate the interest from the Tourist Development funds. He assumed the interest that was generated last fiscal year went back into the General Fund. They may want to research the number generated from the interest and recommend to the Board to use in TDC related projects. He represents the Clerk of Courts as outside Council and the issue has come up in the past. His opinion was the interest income from the TDC Tax is pooled together with other sources. The Board can make a decision for it to still travel with the TDC Tax and allocate back to TDC projects or decide to go in the General Fund. Mr. Pennington stated many do feel the interest should go back to the source. The Committee would like to know that number and discuss it at the Workshop. 3. Special Taxing District - Mark Isackson asked Heidi Ashton to answer any questions. Mr. Pennington mentioned there had been a discussion at TDC asking for infonnation on the Special Taxing District. Were there circumstances to have a Special Taxing District rather than TDC source funds. A copy of the Ordinance is enclosed. Heidi's comments are as follows: . Public Petition Policy - group of citizens interested in creating Municipal Service Taxing District (MSTD) in a particular area getting 50%+ 1 of the members in that District. Need to show the BCC there is interest to proceed further. 3 October 14, 2004 . Board can create a District themselves - but would rather have the citizens do it, knowing it is something they want to do. Mr. Ginsberg felt this discussion is from the Wiggins Pass project. He agrees the dredging of Wiggins Pass for emergency purposes is with Tourist Taxes, but beyond a certain depth it goes into a questionable area. Mr. Pennington responded the inlets in general were approved by the voters in 1992. The voters will get their inlets paid by Tourist Tax. Pass inlet maintenance is authorized for Category "A" Tourist Tax but the Tourist Tax Ordinance doesn't address where the sand goes. Mr. Ginsberg said they need to establish what funds are to be used for particular projects. He discussed using sand on an eligible beach with beach quality sand. He said in this case it isn't going to be on the beach - it will be placed off the beach. He will vote against any TDC funds being used inappropriately. Emergency dredging is acceptable on Wiggins Pass because it affects Tourism. Mr. Snediker mentioned they created a Special Taxing District on Marco Island and it is a rather simple process. 6. Procedures for Coastal Advisory Committee - Heidi Ashton At the request of the Committee she prepared a 4 page draft for procedures in conducting their meetings. Several different proposals were discussed by the members: · Summer Monthly Meetings - will change omitting one month. · Reconsideration of Items - the BCC has their own process and can re-hear items - Advisory Committees do not have that opportunity - when they vote on a matter, they can't reconsider or put it back on the next month's agenda. Mr. Pennington agreed with Ms. Ashton on making a recommendation "yea" or "nay" and then it goes forward. · The function of the Committee is to review Category "A" Expenditures and give the BCC advice on those expenditures. Reconsideration is not going to allow for efficient County business because the Board will have already taken their vote. If unhappy with the results, and there is a change of fact not aware of, can make a recommendation by letter to the BCC indicating on hearing the subject again. · Mr. Pires suggested limiting it to reconsideration of matters with recommendations of expenditures of Tourist Development Tax funds in Category "A", but would not preclude other reconsiderations consistent with Roberts Rules. · What a Committee member can discuss was asked - Heidi responded the Chainnan has the ability to identify matters that aren't related to the functions of the Committee and ask.. that topic not be discussed. If the member doesn't agree, he can ask for a vote of the Committee whether it should be heard or not. (Addressed under "Items of Debate") 4 October 14,2004 · A request should be submitted to the Chainnan if an item is to be put on the agenda. The Chainnan will make the detennination whether it is relevant to the purposes of the Committee. · Mr. Pennington asked for a change under the Order of Business. Public Comments are added at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting. Ms. Ashton will add "d" and put "first public comment" and then "second public comment." · After "Committee Discussion" Mr. Pennington would like to add: Date, Time and Location. · Under Item "C-2" - presentation by staff, need to include for presentations by a petitioner or a proposal representative. Mr. Ginsberg moved to approve and adopt the Rules as Amended. Second by Mr. Sorey. Carried unanimously 8-0. Ms. Ashton will bring the changes back to the Committee at next month's meeting. 4. FDEP Beach Erosion Control Program Updated Submission for both the County/City of Naples Beach Re-nourishment and South Marco Beach Re-nourishment - Ron Hovell Infonnation was scored and ranked in the States program and anticipates receiving funds. An annual update will be needed on any cost estimates or details that may have changed. In their packet they have the updated infonnation which was unchanged. On costs they are looking at a total of $1.6M of design and pennitting. $16M is for actual construction to include construction monitoring and environmental monitoring during construction. A $19M grant application has been submitted to the State. Mr. Pires moved to approve the Resolution. Second by Mr. Sorey. Carried unanimously 8-0. Next is the South Marco project in which the draft has been submitted for a Resolution to the City staff for City Council's support. Project cost estimates are a total of $300,000 for the design and pennitting phase and $1.2M for construction phase and 3 years of beach monitoring $150,000. Mr. Sullivan moved to approve the above project. Second by Mr. Pires. Carried unanimously 8-0. Mr. Hendel asked what would happen to the $19M that is to be used for beach renourishment ifthere are more hurricanes again next year. Mr. Hovell mentioned the project was delayed to pennitting questions and is their hope to obtain a pennit in the next 3-4 months. If unable to do the project, the monies would go back in the Reserves and the State money would go to some other 5 October 14, 2004 County or City. Renourishment will need to be done regardless of any changes to the beach. 5. City of Marco Island Tourist Development Category" A" Grant Application for Laser Grading - Ron Hovell There is a letter from the City requesting laser grading on Marco Island beaches in their packets. Al Madsen and Mr. Hovell have coordinated with the City and looked at the area to be graded. Goal is to get finished before Christmas but not optimistic looking at the time the request came in. The grant application is before the Committee because it is not in the 2005 budget and a Budget Amendment will have to be done and come out of Reserves Mr. Sorey asked why he should vote for this. Mr. Ginsberg wished to see a photograph of the area concerning access. Ms. Kulpa asked what laser grading is and its purpose. Mr. Hovell responded to the above: . Marco Island doesn't have a beach erosion problem but a beach accretion problem. Sand piling up on front edge of beach - water gets trapped and fonns legumes and becomes flat with natural vegetation growing on it and a less attractive place. . Need a laser rig on the beach that sends a signal to the equipment for adjusting the blade to provide minor slope. Mr. Ginsberg questioned the half mile rule as far as access. Discussion followed in regards to fitting within the Policy. Mr. Hovell showed the area on the visualizer. Mr. Snediker moved to approve the Grant. Ms. Kulpa asked why no one appeared to explain what the money is used for and it's purpose with effects on other areas. Mr. Hovell mentioned the three representatives from Marco Island are representing the Grant. She asked what effect the grading will have on the wildlife on shore and the birds. The response was "no effect." Mr. Sullivan mentioned Nancy Ritchie; Environmental Specialist on staff is the one proposing and endorsing it. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Mr. Pires was concerned why this grant didn't come before the Committee previously under the nonnal process. Doesn't seem to be an emergency item. He felt taking things out of Reserves were more for unanticipated expenses and programs and this didn't come in a timely fashion. Motion lost - 4 yes - 4 no - those voting "no" were Mr. Pires, Mr. Ginsberg, Mr. Hendel and Ms. Kulpa. 6 October 14,2004 Mr. Sorey moved to approve the grant with the exclusion of the portion of the beach that is going to be renourished. Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried 6-2. Mr. Pires and Mr. Ginsberg voting "no." 6. Advisory Committee Outstanding Member Service and Achievement Awards Program - Maria Bernal- the BCC is asking the various Committees to select an outstanding member if they so choose. The fonn is to be filled out and Maria will send it onto the County Managers office. This can be done on a monthly or quarterly basis and is optional. The BCC will also have Service Awards and Pins awarded for volunteer time. BREAK - 3:09 PM RECONVENED - 3:17 PM VII. Old Business: 1. Post Hurricanes Beach Agenda Item Memo - Ron Hovell a. Post Hurricanes Beach Report Have an open pennit with the State that allows placing trucked-in sand on the beach and Contracts are in place. Each Hurricane had its own characteristic - whether the sand went up or down or sideways on the beach. Ivan pushed some up and Jeanne pulled some of it down. Mr. Pennington stated Charley flattened the city beaches/Naples area; Frances gave the beaches erosion and Ivan had a lot of surf that brought sand up to the seawalls. 6. Wiggins Pass Dredging Update Doctors Pass Dredging Update - Ron Hovell- $750,000 Grant Application to dredge Wiggins Pass is enclosed in their packet. Parks and Rec Department recommended less deep dredging - first 100 feet be extended out to the first 200 feet and reducing 2,500 cubic yards. Areas to be dredged were shown on the visualizer. He reviewed the schedule in the Summary. The Humiston & Moore engineering proposal for $15,000 is attached. Mr. Hovell read an email from Ken Humiston concerning the sand, maintenance and shelling material. The Grant application stated they do not need to do a maintenance dredging without sampling the material. Had experiences elsewhere in which they have observed less than 100% beach compatible material. Wouldn't get that when doing inlet maintenance dredging. Mr. Ginsberg didn't understand testing the material because it won't be placed on a beach, so doesn't quality for TDC Funds. It does qualify as emergency dredging because of a safety issue restricting tourism. His question was why test the material. Mr. Hovell responded Parks & Rec has requested to do sand sampling. The consultant provided a cost proposal for the sampling - but basically advised that it is a waste of money. Mr. Hovell talked about the sand situation and 7 October 14, 2004 how it will migrate to the beach east of the near shore disposal area and up and down the beach and along the southern points where there is a lot of erOSiOn. They have the State pennits. Park Ranger (Robert Staiger) has been kept infonned and apprised of the progress of the project. Most of the concern of the State would be expanding the pennit. Told them doing only maintenance dredging within the limits of the current pennit. Need recommendation today for budgeting $750,000 for construction and engineering services and post construction monitoring. Secondly, to make a recommendation on awarding - either $15,000 or $30,000 of the $750,000. Mr. Sorey asked Mr. Hovell to explain the 8.5 feet out and if there's any problem with the pennit to do a different dredging from the past. Mr. Hovell answered "no". They are in the bounds of the pennit and will establish the maximum depths they can dredge and are proposing to do less than that. The pennit allows dredging to deeper depths. Proposing less deep or shallow dredging which hopefully wouldn't have any impact on the adjacent beaches. He showed the modified dredging depth. Mr. Ginsberg would like to see the distance of 8 or 8 Yz feet. Would reduce the cost of the dredge and fit within the States requirements ofTDC Funds. Mr. Pennington mentioned they wanted to get an opinion and evaluation from Humiston & Moore. Mr. Moore mentioned to proceed and not get hung up on minor details. Mr. Ginsberg felt the pass has eroded away, needs to be remedied and suggests having it at 8 foot instead of a nominal 200 foot. He didn't feel it should be an issue to dredge to 13 feet. Mr. Pire's recollected the problem was going to the 13 foot depth in the channel. If 8 foot depth is appropriate, why go beyond that. He would support the 9 or 8 Y:z feet - not the 13 feet. Mr. Sorey reminded the Committee that it is an emergency because it didn't have a sponsor nor get in the schedule and was supposed to have been dredged at this time. He didn't think there was anything in the presentation that indicated more than the 200 foot was recommended. Mr. Hovell reviewed the expenses as being $100,000 for engineering services out of the $750,000. Out of the $650,000 - $200/250,000 is for the service call of just having the equipment there. From efficiency and cost, if they are going to do it, do the full blown maintenance dredging. Mr. Hendel needed to leave the meeting and wanted the Committee to know he favors the proposal and doing it immediately. (Mr. Hendel left at 3:45 PM.) Ms. Kulpa asked if they are dredging the right area since the path has changed. She also asked if someone has looked at the area to be dredged. She agreed with Mr. Ginsberg on the 8 feet of dredging. 8 October 14, 2004 Mr. Pennington assured her they have looked at this in the past. Mr. Hovell stated they need to do it within the bounds of the pennit and the depth limit. If they want anything different, they are not going to get it done this winter. Mr. Ginsberg discussed the time frame between dredges. He felt digging a deeper trench is going to extend the timeframe between dredges and said it was entirely true and has not yet had it proven. He continued in discussing the sand pulling down and filling in going down deeper and deeper. He felt the 8 Y2 is more than adequate. Mr. Pires and Ms. Kulpa agreed. Mr. Hovell brought up the schedule again. May have to declare an emergency and waive some of the Florida Purchasing Requirements in advertising major projects. Awarding the Contract may be January 11 tho Mr. Sorey wants to do what they can to get it to the BCC for their December meeting. SPEAKERS John Findley - Certified Marina Manager - Chairman of Milestone Committee _ advisory group that monitors for the County the Pass and makes recommendations to the County in regards to the Pass. They paid for the survey after Hurricane Charley. He gave figures of the amounts of sand placed in the disposal area in the past years. This is an emergency and a critical and life threatening situation. Gave statistics of boats running aground and deaths in Florida. The Office of Boating and Waterways is the State enforcement office responsible for all State waters and the safety of them. He urged the office be contacted and involved if they have not been. Need to get this project done for the safety of the citizens that live in the area. Randy Ward - Marine Industries & Certified Marina Manager - he had a conversation with the Sheriffs Dept. and the North Naples Fire District. They had a concern on the availability of Wiggins Pass for them to respond. The Fire Dept. uses it approx. 70 times a year and the Sheriffs Dept. uses it everyday. From a safety standpoint he emphasized how important it is for the pass to be dredged and kept open. Joe Moreland - Chairman Board of Directors of Estuary Conservation Inc. Organization is involved in helping with research and public education. They are very concerned with long tenn. Dealing with crisis made by nature. All committed to the environment as well as recreation and balancing them. His personal opinion was the property owners in that area would be ecstatic to be assured of having a taxing district so there would be a continual revenue stream to support the maintenance of the pass. No one is insisting the tourist dollars be used. He felt they can use tourist tax dollars for the emergency dredge. He is proposing: dredging every two years with a maintenance dredge in-between if needed. They do it this year because it is an emergency and use tourist dollars to do it. During the two year period, before reoccurring cost for routine dredge, they would 9 October 14, 2004 direct to review sources of continual revenue and a main source being a Special Taxing District. The Estuary Conservation would help assist in studying these sources and hope his Board would back him. During two years they need a solid hydrological study of Wiggins Pass to answer questions. He asked it be funded by the County or possibly volunteer donations. Then they know what they are doing. Doug Fee - President of North Bay Civic Assn. - Wiggins Pass is very important to the tourist, environment and the people that live along the water. He supported Mr. Moreland's comments of having a study done. He read a Resolution of December 16, 2003 supporting a study. They have expressed their opinion on the depth issue - the 8 12 feet - and understand the engineering finn is saying go out 200 feet. Until they know what they are doing is working, they may be asked later to spend an additional $750,000. John Findley stated in the Wiggins Pass Management Plan they did evaluate and look at going 8 feet further out. County Staff said they came up with a plan - to take it to 8 feet but would have to widen to 490 feet to make it acceptable so it wouldn't fill in for a 6-12 month period and make it last for 2 years. It was not feasibly possible to go 490 feet out causing more beach erosion. The engineer said there is evidence that increased dredging depth caused at least "some" of the problems in the erosion of Barefoot Beach. Mr. Pires moved to recommend authorizing an engineering services work order proposal as outlined in the October 13th, 2004 Humiston & Moore proposal, with modification engineering work be associated with a dredging depth of no greater, not to exceed negative 8.5 feet depth the full extent of the previously permitted dredged area and to process same as expeditiously as possible and have the staff with the County Manager and the County Attorneys office expeditious providing of bids, invitations to bids and possibly action by the County Manager whenever the Board is on an extended recess. Second by Mr. Ginsberg. Mr. Sorey is opposing the motion as he feels they do not have the engineering to justify it but supports moving forward. Roll Call vote: Mr. Pires-yes, Mr. Sorey-no, Mr. Ginsberg-yes, Mr. Sullivan-no, Mr. Snicker-no, Mrs. Kulpa-yes, Mr. Pennington-no. Motion fails 3-4. Mr. Sorey moved to approve the $750,000 grant and the dredging be 8.5 feet to 2+00 and 13.5 feet for the remainder and request County staff to expedite it to get on the County Commission Agenda for their December meeting. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Roll Call vote: Mrs. Kulpa-yes, Mr. Snediker-yes, Mr. Sullivan-yes, Mr. Ginsberg-yes, Mr. Sorey-yes, Mr. Pires-no, Mr. Pennington-yes. Mrs. Kulpa changed her vote to "no." Motion carried 5-2. (Mr. Ginsberg left at 4:24 PM) 10 October 14,2004 Mr. Sorey moved the approval of engineering fees for $13,500, not including the $15,000 for the core samples. Second by Mr. Snediker. Carried unanimously 6-0. 3. South Marco Beach Re-nourishment/Caxambas Pass Dredging Update - Ron Hovell- met at a conference in late September and took the opportunity to give the people from Tallahassee a boat tour of the areas. It was advertised as a public meeting with a goal of discussing RAI and pennitting. Saw the shorebird resting and feeding areas and if sea grasses were in the area etc. Mike Trednack - Taylor Engineering - showed contours and borrow area on visualizer. He talked about extending the borrow area seaward to deepen the navigational channel. They looked into it and are in communication with the City of Marco Island. Can't put sand on the beach because not beach compatible. 2 reasons: 1) they have already filled up the beach template to the 1991 design limits. 2) Sand further seaward is fine sand, finer than what is on the beach now and in the other part ofthe borrow area. If substituting - it would impact the project. Would have to be a separate project and are talking to City of Marco Island concerning this issue. 4. Hideaway Beach Re-nourishment Update - Ron Hovell Have accepted pennit application as complete and have 90 days from August 25th to issue a Notice of Intent, issue a Pennit or deny it. He is working with them to get that before the 90 days if possible. They are opening bids today on the portion of placing the sand. Budget estimate is under $2M. The construction portion's last estimate is $1,836,500. Two bidders are: Lake Michigan Contractors -$2.8, and Weeks Marine - $2,482,775. 35% over what was set aside in the Budget. The Special Taxing District meets next week with that being a topic of discussion. The City should be the first one to propose whether they will agree to the price and submit the grant application or not - but there is no time. Mr. Hovel said they need a recommendation for award and supplemental Budget Amendment to cover expenses and revenues with a zero impact. Mr. Snediker moved to award Weeks Contract contingent upon the determination of the finances by Marco Island. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 6-0. 2. County/City of Naples Beach Re-nourishment Update - Mr. Hovell The 30 days for the RAI will be next week and will then find out if they get another RAI or not. Cost proposals from the engineer will come in November. Mr. Pennington stated they detennined with DEP - they are going to remove the spoils area further south which will narrow the northern one. They will 11 October 14, 2004 avoid hard bottom encroachment and not need any mitigation from Doctors Pass. This will need to be discussed further. 5. Clam Pass Monitoring Report - Mr. Hovell Included the monitoring report in the infonnation the committee received. Pelican Bay Services Division hired a consultant that is providing the infonnation. 7. Doctors Pass Dredging Update - Mr. Pennington Three divers from DEP looked at the Hardbottom area south of Doctors Pass in 12 feet of water. They were 500 to 1,000 feet off shore and made two dives at separate sites. They found it was environmentally active. He talked about the Interlocal Agreement made in 1995 which points out the area of the Moorings Bay System - which is the responsibility of the Special Taxing District. This was prior to being a Tourist Tax and mainly for dredging Doctors Pass and the maintenance of the Moorings Bay System. The cost will remain to be paid by the Moorings Bay Taxing District. The cost of maintenance of Doctors Pass will be paid by the Category "A" Fund from the Collier County Tourist Development Tax. There is a relationship between the Special Municipal Taxing area and the Tourist Tax, which is well defined. 8. County Coastal Systems Management Recommendation -Mr. Pennington He mentioned there were many areas within the County that had no staff to manage the Counties Coastal Systems of which some are Wiggins Pass and Clam Pass. He met with the County Manager and he requested the CAC go to the BCC with a recommendation. He appointed a sub-committee of Mr. Pires, Mr. Sorey and himself to meet and draft a letter for the BCe. Mr. Pires moved to approve the Sub-Committee minutes of September 22nd with the correction of one word. Second by Mr. Pennington. Carried. Mr. Pennington referred to the letter and read the finished product. (Attached) Mr. Snediker moved to sign and approve the letter to be sent to the Board of County Commissioners Chairman Donna Fiala. Second by Ms. Kulpa. Carried unanimously 6-0. The staff was complimented on their infonnation for a better understanding of the situation. VIII. Public Comments - None IX. Announcements - None X. Committee Member Discussion 12 October 14,2004 Mr. Pires complimented the County staff and Maria for the website and hyper- linking for the Agenda and back-up material. Mr. Sullivan thanked Al Madsen for the wonderful tour ofthe beaches he took. Mr. Snediker thanked Mr. Hovell for all the services he has done for CAC and has been a pleasure working with him. (Mr. Hovell has accepted a new position) Mr. Pennington also thanked Mr. Hovell and Maria. Mr. Hovell thanked Maria for all her work as a staff Liaison and the excellent work she does. XI. Next Meeting Date/Location 1. November 10,2004 - BCC Board Room There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting adjourned by order of the Chair at 5:07 PM. COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ron Pennington, Chairman 13 ) Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee 3050 Horseshoe Drive, Suite 218, Naples, FL (239)213-2966 October 14, 2004 Donna Fiala, Chairman Board of County Commissioners Collier County Government Complex 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 Dear Chairman Fiala, The Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) recently came to the realization there is no entity within the County government with assigned responsibility for its coastal systems. ) County staff (Utilities Engineering) manages coastal projects on an assigned project basis, such as specific beach renourishment or inlet dredging projects. Community Development and Environmental Services is responsible for certain coastal systems related programs, i.e., artificial reefs, maintenance of navigation aids, manatee protection, derelict vessels, waterways obstructions and boater education. However, a void exists for comprehensive management and planning of our beaches and inlets. For example, the committee feels the following are not adequately being addressed: · There is no overall Comprehensive Strategic Coastal Plan for our beaches, passes and waterways and that most work is done based on specific projects. · No detailed overall comprehensive data driven, monitoring, assessment or surveillance of our coastal areas except as it may pertain to a specific project. · There is no detailed Comprehensive Coastal Zone Management Plan (shorebirds, sea grass, turtles) and again, work in these areas is only associated with approved projects. · There is a need for stronger advocacy for Coastal funding for both TDC and other County funds for critical Coastal needs. The county had a strong natural resources environmental organization in the mid 1980's, with three contract Marine Biologist PHD's ,under a state program, providing coastal ----,"-.. ) zone management. With changing priorities, the funding and the organization ultimately disappeared. The CAC recently encountered circumstances with Wiggins Pass, Clam. Pass and beach areas where there is no responsible staff entity. These matters have been discussed with the County Manager. Mr. Mudd requested the CAC provide a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. It is the CAC's recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the resources for establishment of a coastal systems management element within the county staff organization. This element will be responsible for management of the county coastal areas, less those of the City ofNaþles which has this responsibility within its natural resourèes management. Coastal systems management should include: development of policy, maintenance planning and budgeting, condition evaluation and general oversight of the county's beaches, inlets and impacting elements such as shoaling, hard bottom, sea grasses, algae intrusion and other factors affecting the health and well being of the county's coastal natural resources. It is further recommended that the staffmg include at least one professional such as a PHD level marine biologist to provide the scientific understanding of the natural processes of our coastal assets. ) Respectfully submitted Ron Pennington, Chairman Cc: Commissioner Coletta Commissioner Coyle Commissioner Halas Commissioner Henning County Manager Mudd