Agenda 06/28/2011 Item #16A10
6/28/2011 Item 16.A.10.
Recommendation to approve and ratify staff's extension of Contract No. 09-5229 "Consultant
Services for Collier County Signal Retiming Project" and a time extension Change Order to Work
Order No. 4500113122 in order to process the Consultant's invoices for work completed.
OBJECTIVE: For the Board to approve and ratifY staffs autborization of a time extension to Contract
No. 09-5229 and a time extension Change Order to WOl'k Order No. 45001 13] 22 issued thereunder.
CONSIDERATIONS: This project involves the retiming of various signalized intersections on State
roads U.S. 41 and S.R. 95] within Collier County and the City of Naples. The FDOT clearance interval
standards (yellow and all red) were changed late following the commencement of this project. FOOT's
change to the clearance interval standards requires the COUl1ty's Consultant to revisit each intersection
and take additional geometric measurements of the intersection, recalculate clearance intervals, and
perform the Timing Analysis again. Without an extension to the Contract and related Work Order, Collier
County and the City of Naples would be accepting signalizatiol1 timings on State roadways with clearance
intervals developed according to out of date standards.
This request to ratifY staffs extension of the Contract, which expired on August 25, 2010, and a Change
Order extending the Work Order issued under the Contract is necessary so that the consultant can be paid
for the work completed to accommodate FOOT current clearance interval standards. The Consultant has
already successfully completed this project under the Contract with the County. Staffrecommel1ds that
the Board approve and ratifY the extension oftbe Contract and Change Order to enable Finance to process
any remaining final invoices.
FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact is estimated at $27,822.57. This amount is included in the current
Work Order.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with tbis
Executive Summary.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The County Attorney's Office is providing an "after the fact" review of
staffs prior extension of the referenced contract and associated Work Order. The Board is authorized to
determine the validity of equitable claims such as quanrum meruit and determine that the relief sought
equitably reflects the fair value of the work performed and furnisbed to the County, for wbich the County
has benefited, al1d approve and ratify the extension ofthe contract. associated changes to the Work Orders
(by this Change Order) and authorize any remaining payment owed to the vendor.-SRT
RECOMMENDATION: For the Board to approve and ratify staft's authorization of a time extel1sion to
Contract No. 09-5229 and a time extension Cbange Order to Work Order No. 45001] 3 I 22 issued
thereunder and authorize the Chairmal1 to execute the rclated documents.
Prepared by: Randy Ensell, Project Manager, Transportation Engineering. DepartmentGrowth
Management Division
Attachments: Change Order to Contract, Modiiication Form
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6/28/2011 Item 16.A.1 O.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.A.I0.
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve and ratify staff's extension of Contract No.
09-5229 "Consultant Services for Collier County Signal Retiming Project" and a time extension
Change Order to Work Order No. 4500113122 in order to process the Consultant's invoices for
work completed.
Meeting Date: 6/28/2011
Prepared By
Name: ConverySheila
Title: Signal Systems Network Specialist,Transportation E
6/15/2011 10:58:20 AM
Approved By
Name: BetancurNatali
Title: Executive Secretary,Transportation Engineering & Construction Management
Oate: 6/16/2011 8:55:24 AM
Name: KbawajaAnthony
Title: Engineer - Traffic Operations,TranspOltation Engineering & Construction Management
Oate: 6/16/2011 9:52:2 I AM
Name: LynchDiane
Title: Administrative Assistant
Date: 6/16/2011 10:29:55 AM
Name: OberrathKaren
Date: 6/16/20] 1 10:44:37 AM
Name: AhmadJay
Title: Director - Transportation Engineering,Transp0l1mion Engineering & Construction Management
Date: 6/16/2011 I :09:38 PM
Name: Tara Castillo
Title: Fiscal Technician,Transportation Engineering & Con
Date: 6/16/20 I I 4:41 :57 PM
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6/28/2011 Item 16.A.10.
Name: Carnell Steve
Title: Director - Purchasing/General Services,Purchasing
Date: 6/17/2011 11 :59:33 AM
Name: WardKelsey
Title: Manager - Contracts Administration,Purchasing & Ge
Oate: 6/20/20] I 8:36:53 AM
Name: BetancurNatali
Title: Executive Secretary, Transportation Engineering & Construction Management
Oate: 6/20/20118:59:10 AM
Name: MarcellaJeanne
Title: Executive Secretary,Transportation Planning
Date: 6/20/2011 10:00:26 AM
Name: FoordMarlene
Title: Grant Development & Mgmt Coordil1ator. Grants
Date: 6/20/20]] 2:38:4] PM
Name: TeachScott
Title: Deputy County Attomey,County Attomey
Date: 6/20/2011 3:06:04 PM
Name: StanleyTherese
Title: ManagemenVBudget Analyst. Senior,Oftice of Management & Budget
Oate: 6/20/2011 3:28:35 PM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attomey,
Date: 6/20/201] 3:31:17 PM
Name: OchsLeo
Title: County Manager
Date: 6/20/201 I 9:32:2 I PM
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6/28/2011 Item 16.A.1 O.
M ,.,w,....18 SeIYIcII D'oiIicn
o Contract Change Request
Contnct t:()I;.5229 _:
II: Pro .ct MIlna .r: RJE
Pun:h8l11ng Department
Change MocIltIc:alIon Form
t8I Work Order Modification
POIWoI1l 0"'....'4500 113122 Pro act Name: CC Reum Proiect
0. nt: Tl'8fllc 0 . Contractor/Flrm Nam.: "anus Ine.
Original ConInlctlWork Order Amcu~t
CUmlnl sec ApplCVed Amounl
Currenl ConlraclJY'1lorit Older Amount
Dollar Amount of Ihil Change
Revised New CcntractlWcrk Order Total
Cumulative Cha es
5 .SO 71.'. ~DOB.
. O. . ,',' 8/2llO1l
Original see Approval Dale; Agenda Item,.
Last BCC ApplOV8l Date; Agenda Item ,
Resolution 2008-312
Total Change from Original Amount
Chlnge Ii'om CUmlnt BCC ApplCVed Amount
Chi Irom Current Amount
Completion Da18, DeecrlptlOll of the TaaIl(e' Change, and Rallonele for tile CM.
Original notice to proceed Lastllpproved completion date: I Revised ccmplelicn date (Includes this
campl.lion dale: 0812512010 0812512010 change): 0313112011
Number of davs added (If Explain why additicnel days are needed (delaHedlspecific):
extension, must 8Ilech current Revise the "Timing Aualysill" (Task 5) to thecurrentF.D.O.T. Yellow and Red
insurance certlflcate(s) from SAP clearance interval staDdards.
or oblain Ii'om vendor): 21 e
~ Add n_task(s) I 0 Change task(s) I 0 Delete task(s) I 0 Other (specify):
1. Pl'CVlde a detailed and specific explanation of the .........d change(s' to tile tnk(e):
Request 218 day contract extension of "JPA 423654 Signal Rctiming Project" to change the end of the contract
from August 25, 2010 to March 31, 2011 in order to revise the "Timing Aualysis" (TaskS) to the current F.D.O.T.
clearance interval standards.
2. Pl'CVld. datIIlled ratIonlda for the requ_d chengll:
Request extension to provide Gannett, Fleming (consultant) with adequate time to revise the Timing Aualysis
(TaskS) and produce a product that meets the current F.D.O.T. YeUow and Red clearaoce standards.
3. ProVlcM .xpllnatlon why chang. wee not anticipated In original .cope of work:
This project involves the retiming of signalized inter.!ections on stale roadways within Collier County and the City
of Naples. The FOOT clearance interval standards (yellow and all red) were changed late during this project. The
revision requires the consultant to revisit each intersection and take additional geometric measurements of the
inleniection, recalculate clearance intervals, and perform the Timing Analysis (Task S) again.
4. Deecrtba the Impact If tlllI changa Ie not proc....d:
Without the extension, Collier County and the City of Naples will be forced to lUlCept signalization timings on
state roadways with clearance intervals that were developed according to out of date standards. Since Collier
County has already implemented the current clearance interval standards at our signalized intersections, we would
either have to redo the Timing Aualysis (Task 5) in-house or install the new timings with out of date clearance
1. Planned' Elective
4. Correction of errc 5
Typa of' ModlftcatIon
2. Unforeseen ccndiliona/clrcumstance
5. V8Iue added
3. Quanti or rIc. eel ustment
6, Schedule ad'ustmenl
Challlla Raqu_tad By
CcntractorlConsultant OWner
n Professional R ulalD e I :
Purchasi Prof8l81cna/ Pertici aled in N otialicn of Chan e' ModificatJon: De rtmenl
Other s
Yes No
RlMoed: _11
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Approved by:
Name and Tolle:
Review8c1 by:
Purchasing Pr
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6/28/2011 Item 16.A.1 O.
6/28/2011 Item 16.A.10.
CONTRACT NO, 09-5229
BeC Date: 9/29109
Agondil Item: 16B4
TO: Vicki L. CoRtm
Gannett. FleminD' 1nc
43SO Welt ~ Street. Suite 340
Tsmtm FlDrida 33607
DATE: Mav9. 201 I
PROJECT NAME: Colli.... Countv RelJmlna ProIBCI
PROJECT NO.: 09-5229
Under our AGREEMENT dated: October 7
You hereby are aU1borized and directed 10 make 1bc follOwing change(s) in accordance wilb lerms and
conditions of the Agrccmcnt:
FOR nn: Sum of: Zero dollllIS aod no cents (SO,oo).
Origillal Agrecmcot AmOlllll S269.536.30
Sum ofPreviolll Changel SO 00
This Change Order add or deduct SO.OO
Present Agreement Amount S269.536.OO
The time for completion shaD be increased by 218 calendar days due to this Change 0rcIer. ~y.1bc
CollU'act Time i. now five hundred lwenly five (525) calendar day.. The substUltial complctioo. date is March
31, 2011 and Ibe final completion date il March 31, 2011. Your acceptance of this CIlIInp Order shall
c:anstilUle a modification to Dill' Agrc:emcm aod will be performed subject to all the same tCl'llll and conditiClll as
con18incd in OlD' Agreement indicated above, IS fully .. if the same were repeated in this lCCeptllIlCe. lbe
adjustment, if any. to the Agreement shall constitute a full aod rmal settlement of any and all claims of the
Contrllctor arising out of or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs.
Gannett Fleming, IDe.
By; tI^J..u.(I.JJ.....,~
By; {1,. .J. ~~
Randy Ensel . ~ect Mallllgcr
B)' fk;;- ~
ed/E. Direct t.1.
Transportation Services / '3/ 11
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6/28/2011 Item 16.A.1 o.
B~ A ~/ ~
Gro=>e=ent ~dministnl~
~l. jll
co CTS
Dwishl E. Brock, Cleric
Fred W. Coyle. Chaimwl
Approved AJ To Fenn
and Legal Sufficiency:
Print Name;
A..istont County Attorney
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