Fire Service Steering Committee Minutes 09/19/1989 MINUTES
SEPTEMBER 19 , 1989
7 : 30 p.m.
ATTENDEES : Walt Kissel , Comm. NNFD
Jack Thompson, Asst. Chief NNFD
Greg Speers , Comm. ENFD
Wayne Martin, Chief ENFD
Dan Daniels, Comm. ENFD
Tom Cannon, Comm. ENFD
Bob Siebold, Chief BCIFR
Nancy Hughes, Comm. BCIFR
Donald Hughes BCIFD
Marvin Steffen, Comm. GGFCRD
Norman Hatcher, Chief GGFD
Will Griffith, Comm. GGFD
Jay A. Craven, Adv. Com. OFD
Vince Doerr, Chief OFD
Jay Reardon, C.C. Admin.
Charles McDonald, Chief MIFD
Wm. McGrath, Asst. Chief MIFD
J.C. Nutley, Chief IFD
John Hill , Member CCFCSG
Frank Maggio, Comm. LHBSFD
Chuck Mohlke, Member CCFCSG
Jim Jones, Chief NNFD
Chairman Tom Cannon called the meeting to order at 7 : 40 p.m.
He asked if everyone had a copy of the minutes of the last
Chief McDonald from Marco Island gave a slide presentation on
"Dallas Fire Department Staffing Study" 1983-1984 , which was a
study taken on the manning of apparatus . The study showed the
less people you have the longer it takes to accomplish the task.
Chief McDonald said in summation, as you increase the size of the
Fire Department the better chance you have of putting out a fire.
Chief Martin of East Naples Fire Department gave a presentation
on NFPA 1500 , Standard on "Fire Department Occupational Safety
and Health Program" . Chief Martin emphasized that it is a good
set of standards to follow. It is a tool that ought to be
adopted to bring safety together. He said we ' re meeting most
of the requirements now, but maybe we can meet them better.
Some of the points he touched on were standardization at the
Administration level , in fire department organization, training
and education, vehicles and equipment, protective clothing and
equipment, emergency operations, facility safety, medical
requirements and the importance of a member assistance program.
Chief Martin said by ignoring these safety standards, it could
get you in trouble and open for law suits .
Chief Jones reviewed House Bill 599 which is an act relating to
Special Districts. Some of the items he read out of the act
pertained to Special District mergers, dissolutions, collection
of non-ad valorem assessments, and redefining the term "Special
District" with respect to Florida Retirement System. Chief
Jones said the purpose is to get Special Districts, whether it
be dependent or independent, to be on the same wave length.
Chief Jones said that House Bill 599 requires that dependent
and independent districts participate with local Government in
comprehensive planning.
Chuck Mohlke gave a few comments on county-wide impact fees .
He said we have to keep going forward, try to save money, without
having to have a referendum.
John Hill , reviewed the findings of a "Recommended Course of
Action For Citizens Study Group" and in summation said it is
hard to favor consolidation in general . He said that one person
basically set up and prepared the document, and that individual
is now writing the whole report, and he feels that there should
be more group participation. He feels that it is a little pre-
mature for the vote to take place in two days, and that the
county needs and wants facts to support if it is feasible to
consolidate, that perhaps we are rushing this vote. He
questioned the objectivity of the data and voting to accept
preliminary draft material as final . He hopes the study group
on consolidation would consider voting against five items and
make it less a function of the county staff. He felt we needed
a complete review of the record to see what could and should be
eliminated. We should extend the time and go over it before the
Chuck Mohlke gave a few comments of the Study Commission on
Consolidation and its feasibility. He said fire professionals '
comments are very welcome. He said general purpose Government
and harmony is the issue.
Tom Cannon next asked for discussion on areas of cooperative
endeavors :
A. Develop a standardized set of specialized major fire
apparatus performance specifications which can provide a
competitive and cost savings advantage:
Chief Nutley: It is being done now with tankers
Chief McDonald: We could piggy back with other bids . They
would be basically the same but with a few changes . This
is being done State-wide now. It would be lower prices
on bids for us . Maybe we could coordinate buying power
down the road.
Chief Jones : It would save time and expense of going
through the bid process as well as money.
B. Develop and implement an in-house centralized fire apparatus
preventative maintenance and repair consultation program.
Chief McDonald: We have a need for a central located
facility based on needs and services used. We should have
specialized mechanics for the repair of these apparatus
Chief Siebold: We don't need the specialized mechanic - we
use more brush trucks. One mechanic is enough for us .
Chief Martin: How about a centralized mechanic with a
mobile mechanic.
Chief Nutley: I agree with Chief Siebold. We share the
same mechanic with Immokalee. We do not need a
specialized mechanic.
Chief Jones : We 've tried different mechanics, but we have
to get in line like everybody else. Too much down time
for a truck.
Chief Martin: We have two Firefighters who do it on their
off days . Let an off-duty Firefighter be the mechanic.
Comm. Cannon: We send our mechanics to school and train
Chief Doerr: We have to be careful of steering and brakes ,
but I would be willing to go along with a centralized
Chief Martin: Insurance would be needed, and all would have
to share it.
Chief Siebold: We do need a mechanic locally to work on
fire pumps .
Chief Doerr: Even if we consolidate we still need a mechanic.
C. Entertain a joint sharing responsibility of reserve fire
Chief Hatcher: It has worked for us .
Chief Nutley: It has worked for us also.
Chief Jones : Each Fire Department has an updated list of
equipment and apparatus.
D. Pursue an integrative system of emergency repair and towing
service of major fire apparatus .
Chief Doerr: We use the same service for repairs as
Immokalee and Big Corkscrew
Chief Nutley: We use one service, and last two times there
was no fee. (Jay Reardon said the county paid those
Comm. Cannon: We need one that is close to each district.
E. Develop a cooperative and cost effective vehicle fueling
capability which is 24 hour capable.
Chief Siebold: We contract with a gas company and let them
be responsible.
Chief Doerr: We use Combs Oil only. It is not worth
changing for a penny or two less, to get someone to
deliver to Ochopee.
Chief Jones : We need to look at the cost of in-ground
tanks, the monitoring costs . We may do away with our
tanks. Above ground may be the way to go or mobile
F. Develop a major fire apparatus standard inventory and on-
board location program.
Chief McDonald: It would be o.k. if placed on a standardized
place on the apparatus.
Chief Siebold: It would not work as well for us, because we
carry different equipment, like 10 or 12 shovels where
Marco may not.
Chief McDonald: I think we should standardize as much as
possible. We should use it as a guideline to follow as
close as possible.
Chief Doerr: Maybe we could mark all of the doors.
G. Pursue the purchase of a specialized 250 feet capable high
rise rescue apparatus for county-wide use.
Chief McDonald: The technology is not there - I think it
should be left off.
H. Develop a cost effecient self-contained breathing apparatus
maintenance and repair capability which will assure quality
and reduce liability.
Chief Jones : It is not done enough. It should be done
internally. A truck could be designed for just that
Chief Nutley: One person handles it for my department.
Chief Jones : We could train one person to do it all for all
of the departments .
Comm. Cannon: Each department could specialize on one phase
Chief Hatcher: We need standardization of breathing apparatus
Comm. Cannon: Could the Chiefs all agree on one type of
breathing apparatus? The Chiefs should investigate this .
Chief Nutley: Preference is involved here.
The next meeting will be held at the Shores Club in Little
Hickory on October 17, 1989 at 7 : 30 p.m.
Attached is a copy of a handout by Chief Siebold that will be
discussed at the October meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10 : 15 p.m.