Fire Service Steering Committee Minutes 10/17/1989 CHIEFS/COMMISSIONERS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 1989 1. Meeting called to order at 7: 30 P.M. , Chairman Tom Cannon presiding. 2. Minutes of prior meeting and agenda of this meeting accepted by concensus. 3. Tom Cannon opened meeting with discussion of the collection of impact fees county-wide by the County. Chief Martin reported on his discussions with County Commissioners, citing the following points: * A change in the law will be necessary for the County to collect impact fees. * As an alternative, independant districts may collect fees where allowed by law. * The issue of allowing exemptions for low-cost housing (particularly in Immokalee) was discussed. * The example of Lee County collecting impact fees county-wide by ordinance was cited. * Tom Cannon stated that the County Commissioners are aware that public opinion is "growth should pay for growth" . * The mechanics of approval for district collection of impact fees - special election or mail-in ballots - was discussed. * Specific impact fee charges at the present time were noted. * Requiring sprinklers for low-cost housing exemption was discussed. * It was noted that Golden Gate presently has no exemption for low-cost housing. 3. Chief Martin distributed a Revised Concept Paper for discussion. * #5 "County-wide impact fee ordinance" added. * Acceptance of previously discussed issues. * Discussion followed on the independant fire districts hiring an FPE to coordinate code interpretation. Chief Nutley has volunteered to establish a committe including representatives of the County Fire Chiefs Association, The Fire Marshalls Association, The Builders & Contractors Association, County Developemant Services, and a Commissioner from the Steering Committee. Tom Cannon Volunteered to serve as representative of the Steering Committee if no one else is available. 4. Jack Thompson distributed inspection fee information compiled by Chief Jones. This included the amount of fees collected from the County, total man-hours dedicated to inspection, and the average per-hour rate received. 5. The following issues on the Concept Paper were discussed: * Mobile Training Facilities - costs, descriptions, and benefits; Discussion of joint purchase with City. * Growth Management - Fire Chiefs recommendations; Necessity of realistic time-frame for implementation; Necessity of impact fees for capitalization and related budget problems in staffing and planning. * Standardized sub-station design. * Consulting service for computer modeling of future planning requirements. * Establishment of county-wide volunteer fire umbrella organization for centralized input - Definition; Comments by Chief Hatcher on his experiences in Virginia with a County-wide volunteer organization; Potential for cross- training, uniform standards, input from volunteers to professional staff, political training, access to cross-training; Benefit of shifts for volunteers to prevent burn-out; impact of "1500" requirements on volunteers; Motivation and retention; Benefits; It was agreed to contact the presidents of the volunteer organizations and invite them to a future meeting. * Standardized county-wide rank structure and uniform identification - standard helmet colors; fireground situations; public identification. * Standardized entrance-level firefighter selection process - county-wide testing; state mandated physical agility test; problems with different payscales and requirements of urban and rural districts. * Personnel certification requirements - NFPA standards; State standards. * Standardized benefit package for personnel and sole source representative to administer program - different packages by district and differing ability to pay; refusal of insurers to carry policy for combined disricts; self-insurance. * Remaining Concept Paper issues referred to committee. 8. Next meeting at Marco Island, November 21 , 1989 . Time and location to be announced. 9. Meeting adjourned at 10: 00 P.M. ATTENDANCE ROSTER CHIEFS/COMMISSIONERS STEERING COMMITTEE OCTOBER 17, 1989 Jay Reardon CCESD Norman Hatcher GGFD Vince Doerr OFCD Don Peterson GGFD Wayne Martin ENFD Walt Kissel NNFC Jack Thompson NNFCD Charles W. McDonald MIFD Wm. M. McGrath MIFD Will Griffith GGFC Bob Siebold Corkscrew Chuck Mohlke Study Committee Frank Maggio LH/BSFD Dan C. Daniels ENFD Tom Cannon ENFD Marvin Steffen GGFD John Hill CCFCSG