BCC Minutes 04/21/1981 W
Naples, F10rida, April 21, 1901
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the. Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, met on this date at 10:58 A.M. in
Workshop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Compl~x with the
following members present:
.John A. pistor
clifforel Wenzcl
C.R. "Russ" wimer
Mary-Frances Kruse
David C. Brown
ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief
Deuty Clerk/Fiscal Officer; f.linor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; Sheriff
Aubrey Rogers; Donald A. pickworth, County Attorney; C. William Norman,
County Manarycr; Clifford ßarkDrlale, Public Works Administrator/County
Engineer; William r~cNeel, I'olizzi/lleery; and Deputy Chief Raymond
Barnett, Sheriff's Department.
Oiscussion Re Space Needs Analysis - Report of
Findings; polizzi/lleery
Chairman pistor called the Workshop Session to order and asked Mr.
Bill McNeel for the prcsentation on thc current thinkinry on the addi-
tions to the County Government Complex.
Mr. Bill McNeel, represcnting polizzi/Heery, the consultants on
the space programming, Stage 1 of the cxpansion plan for Collier County
Government Center, explained that he had distributed his firm's
findings of the space needs analysis to the Commissioners which was
basically the completion of Step 1 of a two-step process in defining
the programatic and pre-design aspects of the project. He said that
the company has completed in a final draft form the space needs
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identification and the analysis of the apace needs through a series of
questionnaires, meetings with staff, reviews, establishing space
standards, analyzing the results of the questionnaires and follow-up
investigations with the major department heads of the government. He
said that the consultants were present to seek the direction to proceed
with Step 2 of the pre-design effort to develop an architectural
program to define the space, quality levels, and affinity relationships
for the expansion program. 11e explained thi1t firm budgets would be
developed from said program and thi1t a construction management plan and
schedule for the construction, renovation and occupancy of the program
would be developed in the initial effort with the outlook being master
planned for a total 15 year expansion of the Government Center.
Mr. McNeel said that the first efforts of the architect will be to
determine the plan to achieve the needs on a 5, 10 and 15 year incre-
ment and he said that apparently there had been some confusion in the
press between his firm's efforts and the efforts of an earlier consul-
tant since his firm has not at anytime proposed any given solution, and
that the 5 story tower was the result of the earlier report and not
from his firm. lIe said that the preli!llinary figures published reCJard-
ing the jail have been adjusted after some follow-uP meetings with the
Sheriff and upon additional updated information on prisoner counts and
occupancy in the jail to 59,(;00 net squ¡)('e feet. lie said that using an
efficiency factor this would interpret to a gros~ of approximately
85,1(,0 square feet and that on today's dollars, on a square foot basis,
the cost would be approximately 9 and 1/2 million dollars as opposed to
8 million which was previously published.
Mr. McNeel said that the report that his firm is considering ð
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final draft is subject to the Commissioners' rcview, approval, input
and direction as their client and the decision making body for the
He said that polizzi/11eery would not procecd without tho
Board's direction in this ðrea and he said the program represents, in
terms of the squarc footages which the Commissioners have seen, the net
occupied areas for pr00ramatic type space, based on the projections of
the staff, the functions and required ancillary spaces that were
identified as part of the program within a givcn department. All of
the County operations at the current site are included, he said, and
thc areas such as stairwells, corridors, elevators, mechanical and
electrical spaces would be part of a grossing fùctor which his firm
would apply to determine the actual gross area of the new construction
or the nddition and hc explained that these factors, dcpending upon the
type of space and facility, would range from 70t to RO~ to convert the
net areas to a groSS builrJing are,'!.' lie saUl that, usinq those
efficiency factors, the space needD, a" outlinen in the report which
preliminary figures indicate at the initial 5 year expansion of
approximately Jlr"OOO squarc feet, woulrJ then interpret to new
construction and additions which his firm would probùbly engage in to
accomplish the entirc spÐce neeò of a 5 year program to 135,000 groSS
square footage of new construction anò additions to existing fncilties
and renovation of prp.sent builnings of approximately 7fi,OOO square feet
to accommoòate those spaces which would expand within the existing
buildings. Mr. McNeel said that the total anticipated construction
cost, bascd upon only the progrhmatic areas, would be approximately 20
million dollars of what polizzt/lIeery calls thc construction contracts
award price.
Fces, contingencies, equipmcnt costs, and other necessary
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expcnses associated with construction would be added to bring the cost
of the total project to approximately 24 million. lie said that tho
final budget would be established upon completion of the schematic
design and the master planning by the architects and pf~or to
proceeding into what has been defined as Stage 2, which would then be
the full pursuit of the design for the construction and renovation to
accomplish the needs.
Rcfcrring to the summary of projections, Mr.
McNeel said thñt at the prcsent time the County has approximately an
cxistin~ net ñrea of 92,000 square fect and that the projected 5 ycar
need would be a little more thñn 21&;,000 square feet. lie said that
indicatcs to polizzijlleery an cxtrcme necd in terms of projected growth
in 5 years and also indicates a currcnt deficiency in many areas.
Mr. McNeel said that ~n annual inflation rate of approximately
12\, based upon initial construction of mid-1982, has becn uscd by
polizzi/lIcery and that the escalaticl1 ~igures would vary between 20\
and 25% for the rcnovated spaces by the time the County t~kes occup~ncy
of the new constr~ction and renovation of new spaces has begun
approximately 1 and 1/2 years from now, and he stated that construction
at the present timp. would result in the least expensive cost.
Commissioner wimer said that he would like to see some type of
projection for each department and each Constitutional Officer and Mr.
Norman soid that he has rcviewed all of the departments under his
jurisdiction. Chairmðn pistor said he ñgreed with Commissioner Wimer
but he said he felt if the Commissioners could qet an overview of the
thinking of each depñrtment, which brought ðbout the figures in the
report, then the Commissioners could decide if the Board could agree
with the departments enlarging and, in somc cases, being reduced In
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size. Mr. Norman sU1~ested that workshops be set up and that, since
the CdminÐl Justice is tho largest portion, this depnrtment be the
first workshop on l\reil 28, 19R1.
Deputy Sheriff l3arnett aSKed for sped fic 9 u i "e 1 i n ,<; as to what
the Commissioners woulc1 like regardin1 groHth as well as equipment
needed. Commissioner Wimer said he would like to see the departments
give a yearly breakdown of additional personnel and reasons for such
personnel and equipment, as well as a budget, anò Commissioner Wenzel
said he would liKe to see the per capita cost for 1960, 1970 and 1980
and also requested that the portion of the specifications be included
which are State and Federally required which mùkes the costs so high,
since he felt it is important th~t the public realizes that many
requirem:::nts lire irnposec1 upon the CommiGsionrs. Coml!1iGsioner \.¡imer
said he would like to have t/,r. Hall work wit.h Pol1zzi/lleery in reqarc1
to the aforementioned information.
Chairmi1n pistor said thilt Sheriff. ROlers ;.u'1'Jcsteñ thi1t if the
Commission was in agreement. thðt a resolution be drafteò to be scnt to
the Sti1te Le1islaturc with respect to (1Jndinry anò opc(i,tion of the
County jail and to aSK that the State give firm consideration to
funding the building and operation of a jail and that the money which
Collier County collects be used for law enforcement. Commissioner
wimer moved that such a resolution be drafteò, adopteò and sent to the
Legislature anò the Governor, and that funds be requested to provide
for the care and maintenance of local prisoners. Commissioner Wenzel
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
County Attorney picKworth asked, with regard to the workshops, if
there would be II Gchedulc of tho workshops and Chairman pistor said he
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and Mr. Norman would draw up such a Dchedule. Mr. McNeel sõid his
firm's resources would be ûvail~ble to the Commissioners and staff to
help move forward with the workshop discussions.
Commissioner Drown said he felt that Polizzi/lleery had n1reõdy met
with the County Mana~er and department heads and received the informa-
tion and Mr. McNcel said that his firm has rcceived ~uidûnce from the
County Mûnûger. CommisDioncr ßrown ùsked about the purchase of pro-
perty from the Coast Line nailroad in the North end of Collier County
and Mr. Norman said that he expects to have a report within the next
few weeks reqar~in1 acquisition of the property. He stated that the
Coast Line nail road harl agreed thi\t the property would not be taken off
the marKet before the Count.y developerl the financinr¡ plùn needed. lie
said that most of t.he Spi1CC projections have been predicated only on
the sp.lce needs at the County Complex. tic said that the work which
polizzi/lteery has done has not included any attempts to determine
future space reqllirements at the ImmoKùlee Courthouse substation. He
said that, as far as the jail and court needs are concerned, those have
been considered in toti11.
Commissioner Kruse said that she would like to know the hasis that
the projections are based upon and Mr. Polizzi said that was the key
and that Pol izzi/lIeery hùs the projections vlhich the department heads
have used but not the rationale.
CommisDioner wimer said that he felt there would need to he
someone to work on the financial aDpect and he moved that the Commis-
sion appoint a Screening Committe~ for a financial consultant consist-
ing of Messrs. Harold Hall, Donald pickworth, William Norman and
himself. Commissioner ~rown seconded tho motion which carried
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....Commissioner Wenzel left the room nt ll:30 ".M.····
Commissioner Wimer moved that an "ñ Hoc Committee be formed from
various Civic and propcrty Owners "ssociations, as well ~s professional
orgèlnizations, to work with pol!zzi/l1cery and the County during the
formal considerations of the type of buildin0 nceded èlnd Mr. Norman
said he would formulatc a charge for this Committce following the
guidelines in thc memo. Motion seconded by Commissioncr Krunc and
carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent.
Mr. Polizzi rcquentcd further direction if polizzi/Heery is to
proceed or to wait for the results of the 5creeninrys and the Ad Hoc
lie stdrJ thélt bi:!sically the firm is working on a calendar
and that the morc tim0 that the company takcD at 1\ a month the less
those dollars will buy, so he saiel he thou')ht there Is a middle ground
whereby the firm coulrl proceed <'Inri get some IT'el1nin1ful work clone while
the other process Is conlinuin1 and he requested some direction. Mr.
Norman said he rJId not anticipnte that the nforcmcntioned committee
would play an active role in reviewinq the worK which has bcen done,
but that h~ woulñ view the effort of the committee over the next few
months to be one of leðrning, unc'cr::;t"nrlin'1 line! inquirinr¡ r"ther thnn
trying to superimpose their own decision makin1 powers for the BonreL
Chairman Pistor said that If the committee has sU~CJestions that thor,e
would be sent to thc Board. Mr. Normlln said that much of the final
refinemcnt of space allocntlon will occur in the architectural schema-
tic stagc.
Mr. Polizzi said that the firm is tryin~ to reflect tho need for
spèlce and he said that the opportunity for change continues up throU1h
schemèltic drawin15 GO that the mnater plannin1, ðS he envisions it,
would start laying out vèlrying ðlternatives of two or throc scenarios
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on how the space requiremcnt could be accomplishcd. lie said th~t what
he is asking is whether the firm is to procced with the master planning
effort while the refinemcnt is continuin~ or if the Bo~rd wants
pollzzi/lIecry to "hold off on it". commissioner wimer said he would
say for the firm to procecd slowly until thc noard takes action on each
department and givcs ~pecific direction.
Mr. Polizzi said that the judicial and the correction~l depart-
ments have the greatest portion of the expansion program and he said he
felt that the master rlðnnin~ could start identifying two or three
areas of i'ltt,1ck.
Chairman ri~n.or si1id th,1t ther~ arc i1pproxim~tely 7.~J people in
the jail at thi:> time awl th.:!t yc~;tcrr\ðY the Sheriff informcd him that
7.3 men wcrc sl~epirq on th~ floor whie\) eouln be the hcC]innin1 of a
m,1jor problem, "nn he :>aid that this situation hl\S to be aùdrcsscd as
soon 35 rO~5ihlc.
COr:1mi~>sioncr Wimer ;;ðid th"t the, Arl lIoc committee nhould in no wt'''Y
interfere with rolizzi/lI{)cry's plannin') but th/lt he recommenr1~ that the
firm look very closcly at what is h~ppcninl with the r~arn's direction
to each department.
Chnirman pistor told Sheriff Roqcrfi that the Bonrd would hold a
workshop Gosdon on I\pt i 1 7.R, 1901 to hC<Jin discunslon rcqarninq the
correction,11 department expan::;lon nccnn.
There beln<J no further bunincsn to come hefore the ßoard, the
meeting was anjourned by direction of the Chair at 11:40 A.M.
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