Agenda 06/14/2011 Item #16D8
6/14/2011 Item 16.D.8.
Recommendation to approve a budget amendment in the amount of $11,625.13 to recognize
revenue and its appropriate expenditures from the collection of co-payments and
contributions from the Housing, Human and Veteran Services, Services for Seniors
program. Total fiscal impact $11,625.13.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval to recognize co-payment and donation revenue received
from the Services for Seniors program and its appropriate expenditures.
CONSIDERATIONS: Housing, Human and Veteran Services, Services for Seniors program
provides in-home support services and adult day care to Collier County's frail elderly. These
services are supported by grants received from the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the
Area Agency on Aging of Southwest Florida. The Department of Elder Affairs requires that any
consumer receiving services from the Community Care for the Elderly and/or Alzheimer's
Disease Initiative programs be assessed a monthly co-payment for services. The amount of the
consumer's co-payment is determined by household income and based on a sliding fee schedule
provided by the Department of Elder Affairs. The Housing, Human and Veteran Services
Department has been operating the Senior Nutrition Program since 2008. Clients receiving
services may choose to make donations to the program. Clients receiving home delivered meals
typically mail monthly contributions to the Department, those who receive Congregate meals
place donations into a contribution box located at each of the meal sites.
These programs have collected $11,625.13 in co-payments and contributions for FY 11. The
funds will be used to pay for additional services and case management which in turn will allow
more ofColIier County's elderly residents to remain independent.
FISCAL IMPACT: FYl1 budget will increase by $11,625.13 in Fund 123 Services for
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: No legal issues are raised by this item which is ready for
Board action. This is a regular matter requiring a majority vote. - JBW
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact from this
RECOMMENDATION: To approve a budget amendment in the amount of $11,625.13 to
recognize revenues that have been received and its appropriate expenditures.
Prepared By: Ashlee Franco, Accounting Supervisor, Housing, Human and Veteran Services
. .~1
6/14/2011 Item 16.0.8.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.0.8.
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a budget amendment in the amount of
$11,625.13 to recognize revenue and its appropriate expenditures from the collection of co-
payments and contributions from the Housing, Human and Veteran Services, Services for
Seniors program. Total fiscal impact $11,625.13.
Meeting Date: 6/14/2011
Prepared By
Name: FrancoAshlee
5/23/201l 2:48:19 PM
Submitted by
Name: FrancoAshlee
5/23/2011 2:48:20 PM
Approved By
Name: AlonsoHailey
Title: Administrative Assistant,Domestic Animal Services
Date: 5/23/2011 3:2l:56 PM
Name: AckermanMaria
Date: 5/24/20ll 9:38:52 AM
Name: KrumbineMarcy
Title: Director - Housing & Human Services,Housing, Human & Veteran Services
Date: 5/31/20l1 10:39:07 AM
Name: FoordMarlene
Title: Grant Development & Mgmt Coordinator, Grants
Date: 5/31/20111:57:l8 PM
Packet Page -1668-
Name: WhiteJ ennifer
Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney
Date: 5/31/2011 2:49:44 PM
Name: RamseyMarla
Title: Administrator, Public Services
Date: 6/2/2011 3:52:01 PM
Name: WhiteJennifer
Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney
Date: 6/3/2011 1 0:l5:54 AM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney,
Date: 6/3/2011 3:47:11 PM
Name: PryorCheryl
Title: Management! Budget Analyst, Senior,Office of Management & Budget
Date: 6/6/2011 12:26:26 PM
Name: OchsLeo
Title: County Manager
Date: 6/6/2011 1 :36:36 PM
6/14/2011 Item 16.0.8.