BCC Minutes 03/31/1981 R
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Naples, rlorida, March 31, 1901
LET IT BE REMr.~AP.RED, thnt the ßOðr~ of County Commissioners In
and for the County of Collier, and also actin~ as the governing
board(s)oE such special districts as have been created according to
law and havin~ conducted husiness herein, Met on this dllte at 9:00 1\.M.
in Regular Session in nuilding "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: .John 1\. Pistor
VICE CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel
C.R. "Russ" Wimer
Mary-Franccs Kruse
David C. nrown
J\LSO PRESE~TI \...ll1'iam J. Reagan, Clerk; 11lIrold L. Hall', Chief
Coputy Clðrk/~lecnl Ott1ccrl nnrlono Cavldeon ðnd !llnor nklnner (11~~
:.- P.M~·t; Deputy.Clerks; C. William Norman, County Manageq Neil Dorril1,
. -I
Administrative Assistônt to the County Man~ger; Donald Pickworth,
County Attorney; Anthony pires, ~ssistant County Attorney; Terry "irta,
Community Development Administrator; ~ee Layne and Richard Hender1ong,
Planners; Irving ßerzon, Utilities Manager; Clifford Rarksdale, Public
WorkR J\dminlstr.,tor/County Enç¡lnoor; Thomas Hafnor, Puhlic ~lIfoty
J\dmlnistrator; Douglas Greenfield, EMS Director; Wayne ;,camehorn,
Building Director; David Davenport, Building Inspection Department, and
Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department.
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"lArch 31, 19n1
J\GF:NT')A - 'lI'I'nnVP,D ~11TTI ^T')IHTO"l~
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'Commissioner WenzQl moved, socon~ed by Commissioner Kruse ðnd
carried 5/0, that the Agenda be approved with the following additions:
1. Considerntion of ndditionsl expenditures re the StAte
Attorney's Office - added to Old Business.
2. Considcrntion of increased ratas f.or lnbor relntions attorney
- addeò to County Attorney's Report.
3. Consiðer~tionof authorization for Chairman's execution of
deed rc rark Shore property for security - added to County
J\ttorney's Report
~. Rccommendation re insurance coverage for ambulances for the
intcrim pcriod of April 1 throu~h 5, 19ß1 - added to Clerk's
Report (Other>.
MINUTES OF MI\f1CII 3~"'f) 10, 19n1 - M'I'nOVF.f) ^!=> PRESF;NTF:f)
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Commissioner to/enzcl moveò, scconòeò by Commissioner Rrown and
carried unanimously, that the minutes of March 3 and lO, 1981 be
approved as presented.
WEEK" - "f)OPTf,O
r R'~.
Upon Chairman ristor's rcading the contents of ð proclamation
proclaiming the week of April 5-11, 19R1 as "Child Care Week", Commis-
sioner Wenzel movcd, seconded by Commissioncr Wlmer and carried unani-
mously, that the proclamation be adopted.
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March 31, 1901
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Legal notice h~ving been published in the Naples Daily News on
February ~, 19n1 as evidenced hy 1\ffidavit of £'uhlicntion previously
filed with the Clerk, puhlic he~ring was continued from 3/10/nl, to
consider petition C.P-AO-??C filed by J~ckson Boughner representin~
Michael Miceli and Barry Neavling. The subject petition is a request
for a Comprehensive Plan land use element amen~ment from residential
mcdium density (0 - G.22 units per gross acre) to residential medium to
high density (~.22 - 30 units per gross acre) on Lots I through ~~
Block "G", Unit 2, Connor's Vanderbilt Reach Estates.
Planner Richard H~nderlong located the subject property on an
overhead map and expounded on the v~rious land uses for the surrounding
properties. Referring to the information within the F:x€cutive ~ummary,
dated 3/l0/81, inclusive of the material in the agenda packet regarding
the subject petition, he reported that the CCP^ unanimously recom~ended
denial of the suhject petition based on the information within the
~taff report dated l/?,h/Ol. He said that the staff reco~mended de~ial
based on the fact that the .property's present land use serves to
provide a buf.fer and transition between the existing single-family
homes to the north and eâst and the commercial lands uses to the south;
the present land use designation reflects the existin~ condition of a
mixture of and single and multi-family residential units on the subject
property; the proposed land use would result in additional traffic
which would have a deleterious impact on the existing single-family
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character of the nei0hborhood; and, hoc<1uSC tho stðff fools that thero
arc slIffici0.nt r,esidcntiôl m~òium to hi0h density l~nd U5es that ~rn
ccntrally locntc~ along Vnnderbilt Rench Rand which Drc more compati~le
and Gnti~fy tho nccris of thc puhlic.
Mr. Jnckson L. Boughner, reprcsenting the pctitioners, referrG~ to
n letter dated 1/~3/ql, from himself to the County Attorney, trnnsmit-
tin~ vnriaus sworn affidavits, memorandums, and correspondcnce regard-
ing the !1l1hject p0.tition, ( copy of which W.)!J (,ccepted by the Deputy
Clerk and marknd as Rxhihit "A". Mr. Aou1hner said that the subject
petition is for nix lots, of which the southcrn most two have nothing
on them; the two northern lots contnn the Tipton Apartments, which
connist of: ten units; ñnñ, there is a ñu~lcx on onc of the interior
lots. He said that prior to 1973 this propcrty was zoned so that
Ðpartments of: the nl7.e prop05cd could be placed on them; this WlIS tho
time thôt the Tipton Apartments were constructed; this is also the time
thi'1t Mr. ",Hcel i purc!1-H';c(1 his two lots. fie ;:¡dc1f)rl that \·/hcn there WñS a
Comprehennive Plan chnn]c, these six lots werc put hack into the R~-lJ\
rieni~nation, thus, the Tipton Apartments bcc~mc n non-conforming use
Ðnd thi~ land usn chnn0c prcvente~ ~r. ~icell froM constructing the
same type of operation on the two lots that he hnd purchased. Mr.
nou0hner rï.' Ie! th¿¡t those t\..o lots "but a commerci(ll are¿¡ /)nn, except
(or one rlllplùx, i\re vncùnt.
Mr. ßou1hncr 9nle! that Dr. Nono Spi\~ni\ w~s the Community
Development ^dministrator in 1977 when the BCC nenled n similnr
petition for the subject property ¿¡nn th~t scvernl thin0s hðVO chnnged
since Mr. Spi\~na rùcommonåeå ~enial on that petition. Mr. Bouqhner
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Mðrch 31, 1901
said that although much of the area to the south and west of the
subjoct l~nd is zoned commercinl, hecnuse of the ~pprovßl of variances
grante~ by the ßCC, those lan~s are being developed into apartments.
Mr. Boughner said thRt the petitioners are not intercsted in either a
motel or a rental operation. They propose to construct lO units for
sale as single-family resiñencp. conñominiums on the vacant lots.
Mr. Bou~hner said that because he considers this kind of public
hearin~ as a "semi-judicial" process with the Bee acting in judgement
of approval or denial of ~crtain petitions and, because he believes
that the Board should consider only the facts before them and not base
their decisions on the volume of support or objection from the audience
and, because the petitioner's prior petition was denied with no
specific obj~ctions having hecn raised prior to the time of the puhlic
hearing and with no evi~ence having been produced during that public
hearing, he is submitting to the Board the aforemcntioned Exhibit "~"
as proper evidcnce.
Mr. Boughner outlined the contents of Exhibit "~", including the
names of the various affiants; the contents of the respective
affidavits; and, he offered to put Dr. Spagna, one of the affiants or
either of the petitioners under oath to testify if the Board wished.
lie concluded his presentation by saying th.1t it is his impres3ion that
if the Board does not approve this petition and the pøtitioners are
faced with not being able to use their land, this process may boarder
on the "takin~" of the subject land without due process.
In answer to Chairman ristor, County Attorney denied that such is
the case and slIid that he SlIW no need to discuss this further. lie
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(JlI~lJeste<l that the rlanninlJ ~t;:¡ff he allowed to nc1droGs the mattor.
Rich;:¡rcl I1cn(lcrlonlJ stnterl th<lt the rcc:ord should reflect that the
Plnnning Department h,:¡u ncver heen furnished with a copy of the subject
"cvidence" (r:xhibit "~") by the petitioners Dnc! that lt wn!1 only
throu~h tho courtesy of the County Attorney that his dep,:¡rtmont has
become ncC']u.:1inted \vith tho ml'lterlal therein; further, the evidl)nce
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(Exhibit UA") contrndicts tho cti'lff report L: mllny ùreas th"t tire to be
considered by the nonrd regnrding the slJbjùct petition.
Mr. Ilenderlong s"id thi'lt E:<hihit "^U incluc1es a statement thë\t
there lire lIpi'lrtmcnts to the south and to the west; the property to the
south of. the subject property, nccordin~ to their dië\ryram, is
completely vacant nnd is separate~ by tI ~n ft. wide wi'lterwny in one
area and n 101") [to h'atcrw"y in nnothcr. He said th~t thc "evidence"
fails to rccol)nize th~sc watcrwnys ns nl'lturôl harriers lind, thus,
rei'lsons for cstnhlishin~ houndÐry lines betwecn zoning an~ land use.
fie said thnt the ðffiònvit sworn to by Mr. f>pngnù sté\tes thClt there are
over :;0 lI¡>nrtments to the south ûnd west, when, nctuùlly, thoro Are
only 1n units (~ulf Winds) existinq lInd l5 adc1ition<ll units presently
undcr cònstruction. (Ie said thi'lt units thùt arc referred to as
~partmcnts are, in fact, units constructed liS provisioné\l uses in
conjunction with various busincsses; thnt the properties directly to
the west ¡HC conrletc1y un<lcrwi'ltcr (Vômlcrhilt r.,1qoon). The proporty
to the Célzt, g¿dc1 ~'r. !1cnderlonr¡, is continuin~ to develop into
slnglc-f~mily us~s.
,~'r. rtnn<lcrlon') si'lid th,1t the "evidence" fðils to rccorynizc the IISO
of ùll six lots or the direct reli'ltionship of what the proposed land
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March H, 19n1
use change would do in terms of impact if one considerß the six lots In
total. lie slIid that it is conceivable that with only one vacant lot
the developer could, by tearin~ clown tho existing dup1cx on tho other
lot and then ðevelopin0 the combined Rix lots to their highest allowe~
density if the proposeñ land use anò zoning chan~e is approved,
construct as many as ?O to ?~ ß~ùitionðl units on those nix lots. Mr. <
lIenerlong said that the Plé1nnin~ Department c.1nnot rccommend "contract
zoning" and this too hð5 not been recognized in the "evidence"
submitted hy the ~etitioner.
There was a brief. discussion regardin~ the existing 10 unit
non-conforming use; the difference between permitted numbers of units
with é1nn without kitchens; the fact that if the proposed rezone was
approved the existing duplex woulcl also become a non-conforming use as
well as the fact that lot 4 would not meet the minimum size require-
ments for RT zoning use of ?n,noo sq. ft.
Mr. Henderlong stated that the record should reflect that the
dtaff obj~cts to contents of the "evidence" submitte0; to the mAnner in
which it was suhmitted; and that thoy believe that it contains no new
nor any additional information that sheds any significant imp~ct on the
presented staff report.
County Attorney Pickworth asked ~'r. lIenderlonl) if. he feels that
the existing designation in the Comprehensive Plan is propcr for this
par~icular parcel and if, in his opinion, the requcsted land use
Amondment would be inconsistent with good lancl use planning practice?
Mr. lIenderlong replied affirmatively.
Commissioner \.,rimer as~:ed Mr. lIen(lcrlong to clarify his answer to
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Mr. Pick\.lOrth's f.irst question ;,nd explëdn whether or not the existing
zonln') reflects whl'lt is now on the lots, inclurJinq the npl'lrtmcnts Ðnd
the duplex. Mr. lIenr1tHlong replied ðf.flrml'lUvely; howevor, ho lidded
thnt the intQn~ity of the apnrtmcnt huilr1in~ is inconsistent with the
pre5ent L<1nd Une rliJn: this is 1I prohlcm ciHried ovcr f.rom the time
when tl,e ~oninq wan ch~n~ed. Hc clnriEied that the non-conformonce of
the npartment huilding was not resultant of the ar1option of the Lðnd
Use Plnn; it Wl'IS rcsultnnt of the prior ra~onin1 to RM-l In lQ73.
rl~nner Lee Layne nd~er1 thÐt in 197J the County reduced ~ensitles. 5he
sðicJ thnt at th.,t tirn/') the zoning rlistricts \-HHe r-1Fl, MF? anr'l MF3 and,
the ~cnslty of MFl Inn~s were rc~uced from 13 to 10 units pcr acre;
thnt is when the c:dstinq ë1[)lHtnants hecé1ma non-conforminq. She added
tlH1t \-,hen the County cerlucerl (lt~nsity further ¿¡nr1 the ~1f'l r11strict was
aivan the n - G.?? units [)er acre c1esiqnation, then, the a~artments
hecame even more non-conforminq. She stated that the non-conformity
existed prior to both the ac1ontion of the 197~ ~oning Orr'linance and the
adoption of thc lC)70 Conpr~hcnsive Land Use pl.:1n.
~r~ noughnor nsked that the recor~ reflect thnt when he
transMitted t!1c cori~r1 of the "evidence" (r.xhihit "1\") to the County
~ttornay, he assumed thë1t they would he trnnRnitte~ to ~ll of the right
pInceR. 4e requestor! thnt Dr. Spn')na be nllowed to answer the
technical questions brouryht Eorth during the heDrinq ~nd called upon
him to do 50.
Dr. Sp~')na stated that he woul~ like to úxplôin why he feels that
there is justification for chanqin0 the Comprehensive Plan now,
\-,hcre¡¡s, he ml.:1Y not have felt thôt \oUlY four y(.!(\rs éI'JO. lie (\ò~resRed
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the qucstion of traffic congostion Ðnd said that this concern w~s valid
four ycars ago and it is not at this time. He state~ that Vanderbilt
Drive has been completely rcsurfaceð since that time Ðnd the
anticipated traffic that will be gencr~teð with th~ proposed
development of lO units would be 55 additional vehiclcs per day and he
docs not consider this to hc a si!)nificnnt imp<lct. lie further stated
that he disagrees with the prcmise that the petitioner's property will
serve as a buffer betwecn residential property anñ commercial property;
there is one residence to the north that has existed since the GRC
property was estahlished for this area and Dr. Spagna said that to say
that the property to the west is underwater and environ~entally
sensitive is misleañing; although it is all underwater it is under
privatc ownership and could conceivably be develope~ if. the permits
werc acquired. He said th~t perhaps a marina or a restuarðnt could be
constructed there. Dr. spagna said that there are approximately fiO
reside:1tié1l units in this area even if they are not located immediately
adjacent or ahuttin~ the subject property; that the general trend has
not been, nor does he foresee it beconing, sllch that there is a need
for all of the GRC property to continue to bc used as such in this
general area. lie said that a permit hé1S been drawn for 15 units in the
Vanderbilt Hideaway, and that south of the eastcrly waterway thcre lire
l2 uni ts proposed. "'hen asked ny Commissioner pi stor why he is
discussing GRc zoning Dr. Spagna said that he forsees the trend towards
development of GRC lands into residential uses and, if this is true,
those surrounding lIses will be compatible with the requested land use
amendment. Dr. Spagna said that anothcr considcration is that the
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ßOilrd has npproved ~ provinional US0S in tho qeneral nrcn; throo of
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thom since the petitioner's fir!!t rcquest W;'IS dcnie<'l in 197". lie sl'Iic1
" i~
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that the rcs idontinl uses fit into the trend very ,,,ell, and he
concluded thllt the lIMenñment to tho COMprehensive ['Inn to permit the
multiple resiñentilll uses on the property on the west siñe of
Vanderbilt Drive will not affect the Comprehcnsive Plbn ndversly; it
will, in his opinion, inhanc!:! it. III'! offered liS proof. of this
assumption, thnt there hllve be on three now homos ñeveloped within the
l~st /.-) yeùrs imme~intely ~cross the street fr.om the Tipton
~prllrtment5. ~r. ~paqna, nnked the ROllrd to he rAsonnhle in their
consideration of the probnhility of tenrin~ down the Tipton Apùrtments;
Mr. Miceli owns lots 1 throuqh ~ nnd hc (~r. Spn~nn) is not aware of
ùny pl~ns to tenr down the duplex or of devAloping the vacnnt lot to
the north of his. Mr. Sp~qna sai~ thùt he foels thnt therc is
justification for chnnging his recommendation of 1977 (n~ ho urged the
Board to consiòcr the ch"nqcri that he helG descrihed, and to consiòcr a
fiworahlc Clction on the suhject petition.
Thcre WlIS n discussion regaròing the lIllowed uses of GRC lanò nnd,
in nnswór to Commiosioncr ~imcr, Dr. Spagnn said that nnc land can be
developed as a rcsiñentiDI use without DCC lIpprovnl. Planner Lee Layne
disll0reed and slIid that the only residential usc allowed on GRC land is
in conjunction with a business, and then, only with ~cc arprovlll.
The following people spoke in opposition to tho slIhjcct petition:
1. Gcor'Jp. I:eller, Collior County Civic A¡:;::;oc. FcrJeration,
2. Glcn 'rucker, VlIndC!rbilt !Joc,ch Property Owner!! Association
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Mòrch 31, 1':)(\1
Mr. Boughner transmitted an advertizcment from the Naples Daily
News dated March l~, l~Ol aß ndditionnl evidence, same boing accopted
by the Doputy Clerk and markcd as ~xhihit "A". He clllimod that this
advcrtisement establishes the f.act thnt thc proposed use of the
surrounding Gnc lands are for residential purposes. He ~eRd the
contents thercof and noted the words "ll~ intrDvôl ownership condo
apts." as proof of intendcd use. lie further snid that the property
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advertised is owned by "Ir. Tucker's brother and is located just west of
the subject property. Mr. BOl1<Jhner objecter'! to Mr. Tucker clÐiming,
that if Mr. Micell i builds lO units on his property the value of the
surroundin<J land will drop. Mr. Boughner said that if ~r. Tucker's
brother develops ll~ units, he (Mr. Tucker) would probRbly claim that
the property value would not drop~ He claimed that this is not fair
a~d if tho one owner could develop so many units, then, the petiioner
should bo allowed to develop ten.
commissioner \~enzel moved and Commissioner ~ruso seconded a motion
to close the public hearing.
Referring to the advertisement (Rxhibit "B"), Commissioner Wimer
said that he understands that it is truc that intraval ownership
condominiums constructcd on that advertised property as well as boat
docks built out into tho bay. lie said that ho believes that if. tho
subject petition is denied the noard should go hack and take anothcr
look at what it approvcd for the property referred to in tho
advertisemcnt which is located just north of the subject property.
Commissioner ~istor said that he has already asked the staff. to
considcr makIng intraval ownerships and motels provisional uses so that
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County will hðvo morc control over them.
no said thnt ho helieves tho
staff is lookin0 into this nod will be hrin1ing it before the Board in
ð short time for their consideration.
Upon call for the question the motion to close tho public hearing
carried un~nimously.
CommisGioner Wenzel move~, scconrlerl by CommisGioner Kruse and
carried 3/2, with CommissionerR ßrown ~nñ wimcr oPPo:Jod, to accept the
staff recommend~tion and ñcny petition r.p-no-??c.
RF.SOLIJTIO'·' r¡1-~4 VAC1\TINr. DI11\IN1\Gr:; fiND UTILITY ElI,;,F:~lI~N'rS RET'..mF.N LOT!; 2
r., 1, LOTS ) " II, MIl") LOTe; II r, 5, RLnC'< rn, r,OLOí-:N r,1I,1'F. UNIT 1 - 1\f)OPTF.D
.. _ f'
Legal notice having heen publinhed in the N~ples D~ily News on
~ðrch 15 and ??, 1981 as cvldcnce~ by 1\ffid~vit of Public~tion filed
with the Clerk, puhlic hearing was opened to consider a petition filed
by ~r. lIenry ,1. ;,ulliv~n for the ~oprovlll of. the vl1cation of the
drainage nnd utility enscments hetween tots ? ~nrl 3; hetween Lots 3 and
"; ðnd hetwe011 Lots I ,1nc! 5, ßlock rl1, Golde," r.<1te !Jnit 3, <1S recorded
in Plat ,Rook 5, page lOll of the Puhlic nccords of Collier County.
Public "Iarkn 1\,1mini!Jtr,')tor r.lifForr] nnrknòI11c sai,1 that the
Letters of No Objection havf.! been nuhr'1itte,1 hy the utility compnnies;
that the r.ngineering Depnrtment has reviewed tho petition and has
determined that the vacntion will have no adverse affect on the area;
and, that the W~1\ß has rcvlewed an~ ~prrovnd this vacation petition
COMmissioner 1'11mer mover!, neconr1e,l by Comnlsslonnr Krusc nnd
pa<Je l2
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March :11, 191\1
carried unanimously, that the puhlic hearing he closed.
Commissioner Wimcr moved, seconded by Commissiioner Kruse ^nd
cðrried un~nimously, that Resolution Al-04 vacating the ^forementloned
casements be ßdoptcd.
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March 31, 1901
"1\", tJNIT 1, VANor.n.n'tL'I' nr.I\CII F:5TI\Tr.f> - 7\,f)OPTP.O
Legal notico having heen published in the Nðples D~ily News on
Mðrch 15, 1981 as evidenced by AffidÐvit of publication filed with the
Clerk, public hcaring was opcncd to consider petition CCCL-Ol-lC, filed
by 110le, Motes êlnd 1\ssoc. reprcsenting Robert Yaeger, request in') a
Coastal Construction Control Linc variance f.or Lot ~1, Alock "A", Unit
I, Vanderbilt Beach Estates for the purpo~e of constructing a
condominium and swimming pool.
Environmentul Consultant Jay Harmic descrihed the location of the
subject property, and it's proposed situation between an existing'
building nnd the ßarcelonð Condominium prosently unnor construction.
lIe reforred to ~ drawing and outlined the establised construction line
based on n straight line from corner to corner of cach of the two
permittcd buildin1s adjacent to the subject site, and said that the
v'ariance to the northern end is é1pproximately 70 feet from the
establised cCCL and approximé1tely 90 feet seDwßrd ~t the southern end
which will include the swirnminC) pool. 1Ie lIlso indicDted the meAn high
water line and the vegetation line in relation to the proposed
construction on the drðwing. Dr. l1arlTlic stated that because the
requsted variance does comply with the criteria of the CCCL Ordinance
the staff rccommends approval with the stipulations outlined in the
resolution that has been prepared.
There was a lcngthy discussion period regarding the proposed
construction; the relationship of the proposed project to the CCCL; the
method of determining the established construction line; the fact that
Pðg e 14
MOK 060 PACE 42S
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ßOO~ 080 rACE 42,6
"'nrch 31, 19!\1
tho petitioner in not propo~inry to construct ð Dc~wnll; nn~ the
prohlems associAted with construction in close proximity to the ~ulf in
the event of ^ sevcre storm. 1\lso rllscus3ed wan whethcr or not the
Board should continue to ûllow construction closc to the wnter's cdg~,
hccnuso others h~vc beon nllowcñ to do so in the past, during which Dr.
Itûrmic sûid that the relcvl'mt Ordinance jU3tif.icJls the Roûrd grllntinl)
the v{r!ance based on the fact thôt the petitioncr Is rcquesting a
vûriûnce out to a pQint ûlrcady established by previously IJr{nted
vnriancC5 and/or construction prior to the û~ontion of the CCCL
Orlñnf.1ncc. lie i.1drlerl that the criteri,1 Idthin the County orõinance is
t:,c only method by I-Ihich hc is sUnp05c(1 to mnke his detcrmination.
"'r. r.corr¡e ':eller, rf'!prc!'!f!ntinr¡ the Collier County Civic ^ssoc.
Fedorûtion, sroke in orponition to the RuhjACt petition, claiming thðt
he opposed qrantinr¡ { v{rtùnce f.or the financiñl benefit of f.1 rleveloper
who knolvin')ly [Jurc:h,1ses property t:'ùt it not suitrlhlc for cert.nin
development ùnri thcn purslles the ûvcnllCS of'varil1ncc!'! in order to make
ð profit from thilt invQ!'!tment. !"Jr. fJi:Hrnic 5ti'ltnd that the ~tlltc CCCL
')OC5 throu1h the mid-point of the subject property. Com~issioncr
Pistor explained thût the Ordinûnce Dllowo (or construction beyond the
C:CL, if certain criteriû is mot, upon the diocretion of the ACC; it
docs not prohIbit it.
/>ir.. Cé1rl Gil7.o·,~, rerreßenting thr"! V.1ndcrbilt nel1ch Property
Ownnr's Accoc., aroke in oproßition to the subjnct petition, Ðnd to
ußin0 the point conßtruction of tho Vûn~erbilt ße~ch Cluh as ^ bnsis
for detcrmining the estl1blißhc~ construction line in violðtion to the
cccr. bCC,1l1SC th,1t bllilc1inq Wi15 constructe(l h~Core th~ tho Stnto
I'lIge 1 ~
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MlIrch 31, 19t11
established tho CCCL. Upon henrin~ objectiono from Mr. Cilzow
regarding the relev~nt ordinancc Commißsioner Wimor stðtod thnt ho
considers this is a good law; it reco~nizes platted properties ßnd it
recognizes prcviously constructcd structures. Dr. Harmic addcd that
both tho County ðnd the State CCCL l~ws provido ð method of. setting
standards for de~elopmcnt; they do not prohihit development.
Mrs. Chßrlotte Westmnn, representing the LCll~ue of Womcn Voters,
spoke in opposition to the subject petition, stating that her
objections address the environmental aspccts of the project and that
she sees no nced to approvc such an extcnsive variance.
Recalling Mr. Keller's stntement Commissioner Wimer stated that
someone profiting or not prof.iting from an investment is not the
concern of the Board; what is their conccrn is that this particular
proposed proje~t relative to the subject ordinance ~nd the various
setback rcqui rcments of: the County. lIc added that lnnd use plllnning
has no recognition of ownership. He snid that he is concerned that
this particular piece of property may be deemed "unbuildable" by virtue
of a combination of County and State enforced setback lines.
Dr. I-lalter Wild requested to spea.; in order to point out a
gcometric error in the staff's determination of where the established
line of construction lics. l1e said that the line shoulrJ be rlrnwn from
mid-point to mid-point of each of the two adjoining buildings that
encroach on the cCCL and not be drawn from the closest point to the
furthercst point liS in the case of the drawing before thc Board for
consideration. lie s,dd thðt if his recommendation wcrc incorpor"ted in
tho drawing of tho line the onvironment would bo given more room.
Page 1"
BOOK 060 rACE 4Z7
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BOOX 06 0 rACE ·428
"'1i'1rch 31, 19!1l
Mr. !'>tðrilny 110le, of l1ole, Montes anrl I\!'H.locil\t<!(J, IIcI(1reos<!cI the
mannor in which the p.stûhli~heò line of construction Is ~rðwn i'lnd naid
that same line is drðwn from the nenrest point of any structuro that
encroachcs the CCr.L to the nCi'lrest such point of the other structure;
the Stðte requircs that thase points in~rlnge on the CCCL. He further
~dòressed the CCcL and 5ai~ that, ns the nøme implic~, this is ð
control line; it is not ñ setback line. lie also sðld that the State
an~ the County rcco1nizn that construction may take plðce heyond the
CCCL, however, you may not ~o so without the proper permits which
include ~prroval hy the R~C, and Ð State permit as well; the State will
not process a permit aprlicntion without the local love] being decided
first; therefore, the petitioner is requesting to Roðrcl to consider
this matter ðt this timc. !1e sniò thtlt evcn with the ßcC's approval,
if the Stntc permit is not fort~comin0, there will be no constructio.
fie said that he consièers this petition to htlvc met the criteria of the
pertinent nr~¡nnnce and, th~rorore, re~uests the nonr~ approYi'll.
Con~issioncr Wenzel moved, sccon~ed by Commissioner Wimer and
cûrrinrl un,1nlmol113ly, thnt the public he"ring he closed.
Cdmmissioncr wimcr movc~, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and
cnrrie(! 3/7., with I':ommissioners Pi~tor ann 1,'cnzcl opposed, that the
staff rccommendAtion he followed ñnd thnt Resolution "1-95 granting the
requcßtcd vAri~nc0 rc Petition CCCL-nl-lC he adortcd.
Pc"HJC 17
"'W '
Max 060 PACE 432
Mélrch ll, lC)!'Jl
punr.IC IIEARtNG CLO!:iP,D rm CONStnr-;RATtON OP Tllr, FHJrr.T)I~G cOOP. ORf)IN"NCr.
AOO[,TP~G Tllf. 197') !iTJ\~DMm I1UILDfNr, crmr. \'1'fTI1 HRO RP'I/I!HON~ MJrJ
l'I)OPTt()~' Of' onntN¡\"'Cr. Cf"I"I'1't'J!r.rJ 't'f) "1?1('~ 1
Legnl notice hnvln~ been puhllshed In the Naples Daily News on
February ?-7, ann Mnrch ~, 13, nnñ ?-O, 19A1 .'IS evIòenced by ^ffidavit of
Publication filed with the Clerk, puhlic hearing was opened to consider
the aùoption of an orc1inélnce anoptinq the lq79 Standard nuilñinq Code
with 19Bn revi~;ions (1n(] the Builc]in'] Inspor:tion Dnpùrtmont lImcndmenta.
Community Development ^~miniAtrntor Terry Virtél snid thnt after
review of the proposed nrdinnnce ndoptin1 the Building Code, there was
an errata sheet prepnrod ~nd transmltten to the the members of the
ßoùrc1. Jlc s¡:dd th,1t S¡¡l1e sheet cont,1ins vi'lrious arf!i)S of refinement
(In(l 5u,]0e3ted ch.1ncjc;, to the suhject ordlnnnce. lie ,1skp.(1 that these
amennments he considered today as part of tho recommended action hy the
Bonrd. lie also sn(l t'lat, i.1drlitionally, within the title, there is an
Indicl1tion that the suhject proposed orrJinnnce \.¡i 1 1 repeal Ordinance
70-15. lIe said that this is to he del e t e (1, ('~ thflt is the County's
"tie-down" o r(] i ni) nce nnd is not in ne(!d of repol'll. lie silid thL'lt he
would a¡so like to h~vo Ordinance 75-2R An'] Oròinñnce 7n-7?- addod to
the list of ordinances to he rcpeal~d by th~ subject proposed ordinance
upon its adoption; onc reEcr3 to perm~ncnt co's, whicl! is addressed in
the StanñL'lrd Codc; the other is the or~inance ilñopting the 1977 and
1978 amendments to the lq7~ Coñc which will he renundl'lnt if the
proposcd ordinnncc is adopted.
The effort of the m~ny individuals responsible for the development
of the recommended code was noted by Mr. Virta who concluded thAt he
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March 3l, 19rn
believes that the subject coðe will bring Collier County "on llno with
what is tho stnte of tho Drt", from D Gtðn~Drd codo porRpectlve.
The following porson3 spoke in fnvor of tho ndoption of tho
subject ordlnnnce:
a. Bill Jones, rcpresenting the Contractors' Assn. of Collier
b. John ~cschl, representing the FivQ County ßuildin~ Trados
Counci l.
, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and
~ carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed.
I Commissioner Wimer moved to accept the staff recommend~tion and
~, .
adopt the Ordinancc that adopts the 1979 Standarõ Building Code with
19ßD revisions and the Building Inspection Department amendments,
subject to the changes outlined in the aforementioned errata sheet and
the three ~dditional changes outline~ by Mr. Virta.
County Attorney Pickworch stated that it has ju~t been brought to
his attention that there is a need to continue this mattcr for an
additional three weeks because there is an old Special Act still on the
books which outlines additional time rcquirements that must be met
regardin~ the publication of the adoption of such· an ordinnncc.
After a brief discussion, Chairman Pistor noted that the motion on
the floor for adoption died for lack of a second, and Commissioner
Wimer move~ to continue the action on this matter to ^pril 7.1, 19n1.
Commissioner Wenzel seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
****·*************R~C~SR 10:30 A.M. to 10:35 A.M..*******.*.**......
pnq e 19
~CDX 060 rA~ 433
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COOlt 060 PACE 434
M.1rch 11, lC)nl
m:vtr.w SECTIO'J; s'rl\F'F' ntnf:CTr.n 1'0 I~~~I¡:;T)tl\"'¡:;L'l P.F.C':IN NI~(jOTII\TIO"'S (HTH
Ftnr. ntSTRt~TS nr. nnl\F'TtN~ T!IF: Nr.~r.ss~nY INT¡:;I1LOr~L ~~n~r.M¡:;NT~ nr. ~^~¡:;
. ~
Comr:1Unity Devolop;ncnt Ac!minl!1trlltor Terry Virtël referrcd to tho
memori1ndum, d.,teò 3/31/111, from himfielf to the ncc rCC)Drdin<:] ð Plro
PIDns Reviewer in Collier rounty. Upon rending the cont~nts thereof,
he stëlt~ò thnt the Committee'n rocommendntio:" in that the "oard direct
the nuil~in~ In"pection Deri1rtment to dovelop ô Fire Pli1ns Review
Section and further direct nt.,ff to immediately hegin ne10tiations with
the fitnff of the fire districts to òr~ft the necessary Intnrlocal
l\greements. lie concluded his prcsenti1tlon by "Dying thilt nlthouc:¡h it
Wi1S throtHJh the efforts of r.1Dny inrlivlrlùls, <lcpùrtments, i'lgencles etc.
thnt theG8 finDl conslusions were arriveò upon, the efforts of ~r. Don
RDrhcr deserves spccial recognition for the lCùdcrshlr he "howed as
Chairmnn of the Pire rl¿¡nfi nevi'!\" Function Ar1 Ttoc Committp.o.
Mr. Don ßnrher npoke in favor of the recommendeò flction, i'lòding
thùt the meetings were successEul; that the imput fron the contractors,
the nt.:lff., c1n'Ì ',1riolls (ire persor,ncl ...,i1S all considered c1nr1 wC!Ï<Jhec1
cðref.ully: i1nd th~t, ultimñtely, evoryone rCðchcd ~qrcement on those
con~lu!Jions indicated \,'¡thin ~lr. Virtc'\'s memorùnrlum. lie r,aid thélt the
co:n;nitte~ I:lemhers i:\lso raised the follovlin:; points o'Jnd it \UIS fclt thnt
they nhould he brou1ht to the ßoards ñttention for conr,idcration ~s
(0110\"5 :
,1. l\uthority: It w"s reporter] hy the COllnty lIttorney sevp.ri\l
wecks c1QO that the ultimate responsihility to fice thélt new
conBtru~tion meets the fire corle ;In~l thnt the County nlso hrts
the ùuthority to see that these huildinqs arc infipectod. The
fire rlennrtmcnts nre rcquestinq the authority to cnforce the
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March :!l, 1901
County's ßuildinq Co~e, spccific~lly, the Fire Prevention
CO~Q, os "enforcomcnt officcrs". Thin issue will he coming
before the noar~ along with the f.inality of ^ fire code. It
in nn issue thnt the Committee hns no pnrticulnr recoMmondn-
tion on; however, it is the conn ens us of. tho Committoe thnt
tho nonr~ give this thorou1h nnd continuo~ conBi~orntion.
Inspections: Currently, the Auilding Inspection Dcpðrtncnt
is well un~or5taffed in terM9 of. inspections for FIre Codes.
The nuil~lnq Dep~rtment proh~hly docs not h~ve the expertise
at this time to mako In~pcction5 for the fire code; the fire
departments nre offering their services for inspections. Mr.
n~rber said that he assumes that tho deci~ion regarding which
inspections shall be carried out and to what degroe those
inspections will be clonc as \"ell as the charges for the fire
code inspections 15 goln~ to be a nuildin~ Dep~rtnent policy
~nd, perhaps, therein lies the entire decision reqarding the
amount of involvement the fire departments will have in this
function. This point Is recognized as an "unclear factor":
the fire rJepnrtments want to cé1rry out the inspections;. they
have to carry out a certain amount of inspections on ~~hAlf
of the Firo Marshal nnywaYi they could serve a dual purpose
and be helpful, especii1l1y in aspects rC<Jardin'J the final
ins~ection. The é1rea huilders and contractors have <Jone on
record many times th~t they feel that because the firemen ~rc
the ones involved in the huildings in the event of a fire,
they need to be fðmilar with the loc~tion of fire
prevention/fi<Jhting facilities; how these system operate: and
be sure that they ,He propcrly desiryned and are in working
c. Cost: The builrlers i'lnrJ contractors pay a permit fee: durin~
the inspection process they should be able to expcct that the
fee p~iñ to the Building Dcpartment should covcr é111 the
inspections necessnry for that building. ~n issue is
currently developing rcgar~ing the North Né1ples Fire
Dcpartment related to the fee that they Are chargin~ for fIre
insrections: if they a:ú char1inry for inspcctions th~t arc
carried out for services as requested by Collier ~ounty as n
matter of exercise of Authority [or carryin<J out the huilding
codes, then, perhaps, the County should be reimbursin~ the
Fire Departnents for those inspection~. If this is not to be
the case, then, perh.,ps, the County wOlJlò sUCJCJcst that their
own inspectors mak·) those inspections. This issuc is not
"creepinq" into Eùst NAples Fire Department; they hAve
submitted a bill for consideration by the State Le<JlslaL~rp.
which may have beon modified upon the Le~islature turninq the
ori<Jinal rcquest down ð few weeks ago; this request was for
State authorization to charge for inspections.
paq e :n
MOK 060 PACE 435
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&OOX 080 PACE 4æ
M(HCh :n, l"!\ 1
Mr. ~ðrbor Raid that aside fI~~ ~he thr~e isauú9 outlincd abovo,
the COr.1mittce W.15 In Dccorò ...lith the recommrm<'l.,tlon for é'I County fllnns
Review Officer nnò thllt he f.eel5 thnt the Couunty ia on the ric¡ht rODd
tow,)(cls 11 unified intcrprctôtion of the T'uildir.') Co(!e. tIe saiò ::hnt he
WDulò likc to applaud tho ßoarò for their interest in Fire Coclcs Ilnd in
the specdinC) IIp of the infipcction nnd hullr1ing permit process.
Mr. ~ario LaMendola, ~ reqistcrccl architect in Collinr County
concurr(')(l \.,oith th<'! rcm.1rk!l or ~'r. I\l\rhCH .111'1 ~.,ir1 thl'\t he! hclievon thnt
one M~n actinC) DB a Plan nevicw Officcr in Collier ~ounty will lead to
plan uniEormity, e~pecially in re9l\r~s to his 1in~ of work.
Î.orr."issioncr "'iner th<1nke:l ~'r. I1nrber Eor his contribution as
Ch~irml\n of the nEorcnentioneò connittec, as well as those ne~bers of
County strlf.f, the construction trl1C1cs 1.l1rl the ,'rea Pi re Department
personnel involvcrl in the dcvclol')ment of the sub;oct. propos",l, Mlninq
thi1t this hl1rmoniouD reli1tionr;hip hcnef.its the entire Count.y. lie
concllldcd that it i5 hifi hope t!1ë1t thifi relationship contir.ur-s.
Î.Or.H:1!sf;!onor I"'imer mover!, fj(!conrìc~l hy (;onmissioner ~'ren7.el <1nd
c"rried Imanimotlnly, U1"t the recor:1monrll1tions ollt1.!ner hy ""r. Virt,1 be
Ilcccrte~ Ilnd thëlt the ßuilclinC) Inspection Oor~rtment commence the
~evnlopment of n rire Plans Rcvi(!w Section nnd iM~ncli~tely heryin
nC00tiationo with the Rtnff of the fire clistrict5 to drn(t the neces-
5òry rnterlocnl A1ren~~nt~.
pngc n
, .
'' t.
MlIrch :n, 1901
- ,..PPMVEI).
..--'" .
County Mon~ger Normnn oxplained that certain items such os car-
peting, etc., wero inndvertently excluded from tho request for the
eXPQn~lture of $3,900 approved hy tho Board during last weoks meetln9
for the renovntion of the ~tnte ^ttorney's Office. He asked the Board
for approval of an additional $?,900 for this purposo.
Commissioner WImer ~oved seconded by CommIs5ioner Plstor and
-carried 4/l, with Commissionor ~anzel opposed, thnt the additional
expenditure of $2,900 be approved for renovatIons of the State
^ttorncy's Office and that the Fiscal Officer be nuthorizcð to pr~pare
the appropriate budget amendment.
G"^DP. 19
I -. .--- "V"\t
^dministrðtive Assistant Neil Dórrill st~ted that considcration of
~djustments to the position Classification and Pay plan regarding
Dopendent Fire District personnel hns been continued f.rom the MlIrch 1n,
19ß1.^gendð due to certain discrapnncios founö in the salary survey
information which is a criteria for classificatiön. Ite reforred to the
information within the agenda packet and Executive Sum~ary dated
3/27/Bl and upon reading tho contents thereof rcported that the staff
recommendation is ns follows:
n. Tho positIon of Chief ho increaseö one (1) grade to pay grade
19, salary range $lO,O?7 mini~um to $2~,OS9 mßximum to
coincIdo wth s¡,lary Rurvoy informtttion ~nd F.~.5. point
inter-relationships. This action will re~ult in a 5\
incrense in gross p~y for both incumbcntr..
P'HJO 23
~OOK' 060 rACE431
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b. Th.-"t the positions of Capt"in, Lieutonant IIn<1 FirefiC'hter,
when viewed in context with a total position classification
and PIlY plnn, inclu<1inq all <1ntermIninq criteria, in<1icate
that these positions are properly classifed at thin time and,
require no adjustment.
Commiasionor Himer movod, secondec'l ,hy Commissioner I<ruse, that the
staff recommendation outlined above be adopted.
Mr. simon Chapple, resident of Golden Gate, spoke in opposition to
the exclusion of a pay increase for the personnel in Golden Gate Fite
Control Distict, undcr tho level of Chief. He expounded on the quality
If...). '!l1..'./".
, ,
of men involved, the problems associated with losin~ trained men to
other òepartments that PRY better; and the fact that those men require
an incentive for continuinq their training and becoming even more
proficient in their respective field, spccific~lly a monetary
incentive. He concludeò his remarks by stating that in order to insure
the rccruitment of the best personnel in the future he believos that
the pay scale must be raised for those professional firefighters.
Upon call for the question, the motion to accept the staff recom-
mendation carried unanimously.
Community Development ^~ministrator Terry Virta reported that
subsequent to the transfer of the administration of the Building
Inspection Department in October of this year, ~~ has undertaken a
thorough study of thðt department, its functions, and has compiled
certain data which Is incorporated in the Executive Summary dated
3/23/8l. He outlIned the various data; referred to the various charts
and briefed the Board completely on the volume of activity,~ in the
Pðl:Je ?-4
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Mðrch 31, 1901
., .'t~
subjcct dopartmcnt at thc present time as comparcd cach ye~r from 1975
throur¡h anI! inclusive of projccted lIctivity for the current, fir-cal
Mr. Virtn explained the nec~ for expanding the numbers of
cmployccs in the Dep~rtment basel! on the abovc- mcntioned dat~, the
comparison charts and the proj~ctions for the rcst of this fiscal year
of the work1oa~ in that dcpßrtment. He exp1aineò that thc revenues of
this departmont hav~ consistantly outpaced buñ~ete( expenses since
1976; that in 197~-79 revcnucs generAted dropped to less than twice the
expenditures; anc1, that it appears that fiscal yenr llJflO-IJl will show n
marked incrcase in reven~~ generllte~ by building permits as f~es
collected in the first five months of this year have more than covered
the budgeted expenses of the department for the entIre year.
Mr. Virta outlined his rccommondations to the Board inclusive of
the approval for n total cxpenditure of $'-8~,5n9.3'- which would cover
the follo~linlJ:
r.leven permanent inspectors
Threc temporary inspectors
Three Clerical
contr~ctors Llcensinq Supcrvisor
$ll ,()2D. 11"
$ (\,179.5'1
, .
Outside Services
C£lpitðl OutlRy
$2R9, 501>. 3/.
Mr. Virta also explained the nccd for cst~hlißhinlJ a data proces-
sing system within the suhjcct departmcnt and referred to a BtU(y
completed hy Dr. Thomas anc1 ð suhsequent report by her included in the
F.xecutive Summary. flc snid that the cost for initiating such a systom 'j'::
~OOK 960 rACE439
Pal)O 25 '."
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~oox 06 0 rACE 440
~'n r c h 3 1, 19" 1
on n le~se hDais is included in tho nhovc-rofcrencod hud~et requost
GU~~Dry figures and that tho County cnn enhnnce tho efficiency of the
oporntiono if tho ßubjcct dcpDrtmcnt with such n proqrðm or nutomðtiion
while keeping the 5tnff to n minimum.
Mr. Virt~ also said thnt onc of thc clcrical positions heing
roqucs tcd hll s heon i n"rlver tent 1 y hudCJ c tc<'1 with i n the ¡.:1 cc t1 on Supe rv i-
sor's budqet. This person works in Immokalee nnd performs Auilding
!napection (uncl:ion5. cOlnmisninnor J'lintor ßilid thnt hI) would like to
see this position trnnnforrcrl into the nuildin0 Inspection Dcpnrtment
hu(l'J€it retrol1ctive to 0ctoher l, 19fJO ,1n(l Commisnioner ·..Jenzel concur-
Commissioner ~imnr rcquested tho projected revenue figures for the
suhject (lepëtrtment ûnd r~r. Virt" reported that the originlll projection
wùs $01?,()()O, however, this hrlo been upclëtterl ,1nrl iR now ùnticipDted
thëtt the revcnue will exceed ~I,1nO,()nO.
In ans\~er to Commissioner !"cnzel, Fiscðl ()fficer Hé\rold I!élll said
that therc are sufficient (unrls to cover the regucster1 expcnditures.
The ¿¡if;cussion continucr] find covered thc prescmt numher of pcrsonnel in
the hlliidin~ dep~rtment; the é\nticipntAd nunhers rcquircd to
efficiently run the ~epnrtment; the qunliCicntions necessary for those
people who will fill tbc vacancies for inspectors; the fact that some
of the l1forementioned expenses will he onc time only expenses, and the
'Jencr~l noed for immcdiate action in orñer to carryon the function of
the depl1rtmnnt ~s uxplnine~ by ~r. Virta.
Dr. L. nuth Tho~ð5 outlincò the results of her stuòy of the
department reqnròing the potentinl for Automatin'J the ~ctivitios
thereof ùnò referred to hor rcport dnted March 2~, 1901 which is
inclu~cò in the ~xccutivc Summary. Aha explained the inefficiency of
PlI<JO ?r;
, J,
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f .
Mnrch 31, l!'lRl
the paperflow within thDt department; the potentinl of a data proces-
sing system to negate those inefficiencies; the C0Sts of purchone
versus those of leasin~ thc ncerled equipment; and hcr recommondation to
install at the earliest possiblc note the follo\Ving sh~red logic
equipment and that new operating procedures as outlincd within her
report be implemented concurrcntly:
1 processor
5 screens and keyboards
1 imp1'ct printer
Dr. Thomas concluded her presentation by stntin~ that if the Boðrd
accepts her recommendations, all but six Eorr':1s will be eliminateò' for
the entire department; all reports will be generated automati~ðlly; ðll
users of building permits and contractor liccnse reports will receive
up-to-date information not previously accessable; ~nd, the tax rolls
wIll be enhanced since the county will have a means of tracing
outstanòing permits and overdue contractor liccnse renewals.
In answer to Commissioner wimer, Dr. Thomas said that she would
consider workin~ with the County in the interim pcriod of establishing
such a projects inforMation processing ccnter in the department, anõ
Mr. virta stated that his request included f.unòs for such a purpose.
Commissioner wimer thanked the staff for the work involved towaròs the
solvin~ of the problems of the building department and the information
presented to the Roard.
Commissioncr Wimcr moved, seconded by c.ommissioner Brown that the
staff recommendations outlined within the Exccutivc Summary and
c~plaIned by Mr. virta ann Dr. Thomas be adopted: that the Fiscal
Officer be directed to prcpnrc the appropriate Budgct Amcndment
reflcctint) the Ciguren ~tlthin the buòt)et requcst summary with the
. t".
BOOK 060 fACE4Af
paCJe 27
.. " 1
&001 060 rAtE 442
~arch :n, 19n1
additlonnl trnnsfer of the Cloricnl position in tmnokalee from tho
su~nrvisor of Election's hu~~et to the huilrlin~ ~Qpnrtmcnt hurl00t
retroactive to October 1, 19~O.
~r. Don nùr~er spoke in favor of the Motion Dn~ added that he
still feels that the p~y scale for thA inspectors is not hi0h enough to
facilitate the filling of. the v~cûncies that this Dction will create.
Mr. vorlyn Fischer, represonting the r.ollicr County Contractor's
'~50C., spoke in favor of the proposen ðction, and stated that his
organization tot~lly backs Mr. virta's position on the matter.
~"r. I)ðvirl Sneeri, rè{nesentin'J the ~'.:Irco T.sland lIome Builders
~soc. spoke in favor of the proposal on the floor.
~'r. 110hcrt titter, represcnting Collier County Electric Co., spoke
in support of the proposal on the floor.
Mr. Tom Shields, represcnting thc Collicr County Contractor's
~ssoc., spoke in favor of thc propos~l and noted that the contractors
of this County have bcen contrihuting to the general fund through the
revcnue they have generatc(l via permit ilpplication charges. Ite claimed
that there ðre stil certðin inequities regarding the halance of fees
collected anrl the é\mount of. revenue requircd to opcrate the department
and asked that the new pcrmit f.ees be reconsidered. County Manager
Norman explained that these fees were estahlished at a time when
various organizations, such as the banking industry, werc anticipating
a recession and a drastic drop in building permits.
Mr. Iterb ~avagc, reprcsenting the S.W. Chaptcr of ^merican
Institute of ^rchitects, spoke in favor of the proposal being
con5idered by the Boarò.
Mr. Mario LeMendol~ noted that he favored the suhject proposal.
Upon call for the question the motion carried unanimously.
1'/'1';1 e ?R _
p-. ..-------,---......."" ...
, .~j\
.. ". -' .
, .
M.uch 11, 19ß1
5Tl\FF l\U,T110nrÙ:q rO:,I'ROCF:I::O"WITlI ,T!I¡:: .()lJT,oi~I\~1q'{ tIt:'; ß4,II;DU),G, .;WSrÚ:TÌON
DE pl\nTM ¡:;NT l\NO CONTnACTU}\L S F:nVI è t.S \.¡¡1n Dn.. L. nll'rll TlIO"'l\S m: G,""'U:
TR^N5ITtOW APÞnOVF:D ,Qt4. AN ,nnllnr.~ ,I1ATF., £\A<11S.
. .' . , I"" ."
~: ',', .Commissioner \oHmer moved, seconòed hy Cómmissioner f\rown and ~
cðrrled unanimously, that the stnff be authorized to p¿ocoed ~ith the
"" . ¡ . . .
nutomntion of the Building Inspection Department as soon as possible;
And th'a·t cont.'r'actual' services with Dr. L. nl\th Thor.H1S regarding this
tr,ansÙion h'e approved on <In hour)y rate bn!iis.
. r,: Co'unty MlInagcr Norr.1an CXP~l1 iner1 ~hat, D_. Thoméls i~ ,cur.ron,~,\J
c~nducting a word processing study and will'w6rk with the ~~bje~t
d~~ðrtment concurrently.
. f
I)E!)OLIITION No.rH-ß() RE AUTHOnI7..'\TION TO ACCF,P1' THE ',"¡^Rr.~NTY 'öÜb FRO.'"
Dr::L'rO!,/l\ CORPURl\TlON IN EXC~I¡\NGF. FOn. 50 TDI1'~' Fon L,1I,~rJ LOCl\TF.O IN
~ECTIO~~'S 10 &_)), T52S, R?!)F:,- A~~~~cF.PTrm ,FOn:, RF:c~RT)7\TI.~N
,.PIFlnner Lee Layne read the information..,.¡i,thin th,e ¡:;x.ecu~iv\e. .....,..::
summary. da~.\?ò 3/16(81, inc1ud,in~ the fact t~at Deltona corpoa~.~}:9.n, has
received.SOTDR's in~~chanqe for the dedication of 101.2 ~cr~~ of land
locate~ northcast of the ~arco River in Sections lQ and ll, T525, R2fiE~
. ..,
..~" Thcre was a hrief discussion regarding..the 'filct that the suhject
land is not developable as pointed out by CQmmissioner Wen~el and
cö~curred to by' ~s. Layne, during which she, explained tha~, a~cordlnCJ
to S~ction 9.9 of the_~o~inCJ Or~inAnce, Deltona is not required to
dedicate (~evelopahle lands; further, she inòicatedthat Deltonél ,is
, "
allowcd the Ton's iegardless of w~ether or· n~t the Board choo~es to
accept the deed for re~ordation. ,
. .'
Comrniksioner ßrown ~oved, seçonded.by ~ommissioner p~stor and.
carriéèl-1/l,"\.¡itQ.'Comm,issioner ,\.¡cnzel opposed, that Resolution No.
Bl~n~ ~u~hbr~zlnCJ .the ßOÐrd to acccpt,tha subject Warranty De~d be
. ',. I .' I l .' I
adopt,e~1, 1;11;)(\. ,t,ha~. t.he ,!?,ub;j¡e,ct. ~çle~ .9r accepte,d ~9r.- ,ec,o.r~Dt i.?n.. ; :'"
~OOK 060 PACE 443
rð CJ 0 29
~ . .
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.' ,
I¡.~ .'
March :31, 1/)31
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GOT.DEN m,Tr. F'ITU: DI;,TT1YCT - API'T10Vrm f'On ¡::XF.CI!TtO~ T\V TTlE CTlAtnt-4M~
- -
· Public 5afcty ^dministrðtor Thom~~ Itnfner rcfcrrecl to tho ~xccu-
tlve 5um~nry dAted '/3l/~1 nn~ exrlninc~ thðt he is reco~mp.nding thnt
the current lease agrccment with Golden Gate Fire ~ssociation be
cllncclled Ðn~ that an ongoing contract for monthly rental at $100.00
per month for use of th~ h~ilding by the Golden Gate Fire Department
effective Octoher 1, 1900 he approved for the Chairman's execution.
Commissioncr Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and
carried unanimou~ly, that the aforementioneà lease agreement he can-
celled and that the new proposed monthly lease agreement with Golden
Gate Fire Assoc. he a~proveò for exe~ution by the ChairMan.
There was a brief discussion regardin~ the possibility of acquir-
ing the subject building hy the County and County Manager Norman saId
that the present revenue for the Golden Gate Fire Control !)istrict is
not sufficient to purchase the building at this ti~e. Also òiscussed
was the possibility that pcrhars the Golden Gate Fire Assoc. could be
approÐched regarding the huilding. ~'r. Hafner said that he \.¡ould look
into the matter.
P~'Je 30
, <
~ ..
"'J";', .'" '. ~..,. .t'''',-).~''. .~..~; y;
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",. ft·'
~JOK œ 0 rACE 4152
r~l'\rch 31, 19n1
LP."~~ FOR p.xt5Tn(j AI.\p.!1Ir;"N ""I01lLANCr., P-1r:. Itr.Ar'JI)UARTF.TH; 0'" O"VI5
00tH.f.Vf\nD APPTHWF:D FOn r:Xr:CIJTtO'" IW 1'Hr. cn" tn~''''''
f -
County Manager Normôn saicl thnt he prcpi1red the f.xccutivo Summnry
re'JrcHng the lc,'15c on tho Amorican "mhu1I1ncp. heM1C]unrterg in tho
nhsonc'! of Mr. 11,')[ner who just roturnod from hin vl'lc,:oltion. 110 sl3irl
that durinq the cour~e of tho negotiations that hnvp. hoon trl)n~piring
between representatives of "merciôn Ambulance, the poszihili1ty of tho
Cnunty leasing their present headC]unrters on navis Boulevard was
hrou~ht up. lie si1id that nt that timn he asked for A cost propo~al
from American "mbu1nncc which was not rcceiv~d until lnst Friday.
Mr.Normnn said th"t ho deforred proceeding with the improvements to the
facility on "irport Road which has boen previously authorized for lease
by the ßoétrd as êln ë\mbu]ancE1 headC]lIûrters.
~r. Norman said that the report th~t he has provided within the
F.xecutive Summary (laterl 3/31/111 include" û cOlT1plHison of the nnnual
costs of the two facilitios an~ û riqure of two months rent for the
nforementioned existing lease for the "irport noa~ property. He said
that this tHO month:; is an estimate ûnd mðy be considerecl an optimistic
time li~it for "'Jotting out from under" the "irport noad property
1easo. Mr. Norman addod that during the first full year of oporntion
the County would save S~,lOO hy using the nÐvis Aoulûvard property;
ovor 1'\ three year rerlo~ it will cost the County G~,~OO more to use
thi'1t 5f11H! property. l1e ::;¡dr1 that in consi(lering thi::; matter Dnd,
hecûu::;e thero is fI substDntii'11 nmount oE air conditioned ofEice and
stori'1CJc r;pl1ce at the fJavi8 [\oulev<'lrd location ,1nd, in rccognition of
the spflce shortë\ryc thl1t the County 1~ confronted with, he helieves thDt
for purpoAes othcr thétn jUGt th~ amhulnncÐ service, that it iG worth
giving ::;erious consñcration to lAaning the existing ñmhull1ncQ
l'ñgo J1
. \.~I.
- .iJ!
,":1¡ ~~
, ~
March 31, l!!Ol
. .,
headquarters on Dovis Boulevard.
Normon said thnt the moin
" ).: :..~
odvantage to the r.~5, by doing so, iß that the phones lire in place; the
. 16
rðdio equipment is in place; and at the point of transition at mlðnl~ht .;~
on April S, 1981, the County coul~ taKe over without lIny potential for
loss of services. He said that even if the County had startcd to
improve the Airport Road property two weeks a~o there would have been ð
number of problcms involved in that transition situation. He said that
ðnothcr advantaqe to the navis ßlvd. property is that there will be
indoor storage for equipment that is not prcsent at the other fðcility.
In answcr to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Norm~n said that this is the
larger of the two facilities¡ the air-conditioned space is
approximatp.ly the same¡ the space not air-conditioned is over twice
that of the 1\irport Road facility.
Commissioner Wimer asked Mr. Norman if he has any problem, from a
political point of view, with renting the subject building from Kathy
Maguirc, and he asked if this was part of the condideration? ~i.
Norman replied that he believes the Board knows h~m well enough to know
that he tries not to let politics enter into this situation; it is
being looked at strictly as a business transactiço; the rental rates
have been examined; Mrs. Maguire's appraisal of the property was
examined and this rcntal rate is based on an ll' annual return on that
appraiscd value of the subject property, and he saId that he believes
thZlt this figure is "in the ballpark" for this type of operation. lie
said that if the Board agrees with his recommendation this will be
strictly an "arms length" transaction betwecn the County and a property
owner. Commissioner Wimer said that from the reports that Mr. ~ormnn
has mado to the Commissioners and the correspondence that he has seen,
it appears that Mrs. Maguire has been most cooperative and helpful
. / .1
&OOK 060 PACE45g
, ./'t..~
. "'. "'.'j;¡,., ,
, ·;'~~;H~
pa<Je 32
, If",
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MO:( 060 r^cE454
M<trch :11, 191Jl
durin0 this entiro tr<1nr.ition perioò. ~r. ~ormòn rcplic~ thòt ho
fècls, to tho be!\t of her nbility, she hM'I. Ite Raid thllt ~rß.
Mò~uIro'8 nttornoy hnß nlßo hoen ronaonnhlo to work with.
In nnswer to r.omminnioner pistor, Mr. NormDn rcportecl thnt the
County Attorney has pnrticipnten in practicnlly every meetin~ that has
t~ken plDcc with ~nericnn ^mbulnncC! reprencntntives. in nnswer to
CommiA5ioncr Wimer, ~r. Norman replied affirmntively thnt this is n
lo~ical thin~ for the County to no.
Mr. Mike Zewalk, resident of North ~npleg, nsken the noard if the
County is evcr goin1 to Bevcr relations with AMcrican Ambulance com-
plctly? 110 said thùt he helievcs thDt there is a rcsentment on the
part of taxpnycrn to continuin'1 nny such relations \dth th1.2t firM l1nd
thðt be nlso believes thnt thorn nrc nltnrnntive huildinqs thnt could
he huilt, rented or le.1serl in tho nlðce of a hui1rlinq ownccl hy Mrs.
r~ògui re.
Therc wòs a hrief discu~sion re1Drrlin~ the hest and least expen-
si'/C 'day to operate the ð';1hulnnce service, :-luring \;hich COlT'lmi!1sionor
pi~tor stated thnt the nODrd is leaving open the posnibility of futuro
moc1ificàtions Dfter the County nctually finds out whDt it really costs
to run this scrvice; this measure is not neccs!1arily permanent. He
said that whnt the County is trying to do is opcrate a system that is
as 100d or hetter than the r.ounty has hnd in tho past. County Managcr
Normnn stnted thAt he woulrl lik~ to make it cle~r thnt therc is no
legal relationship hetween the party with whom tho County would be
le~5inCJ this huilding i1nc1 Americ¡:¡n Ambulancc, ,1:=; of April Ii, 19R1. Ho
said th~t the [3o¿¡rd \;oulrl hI') c1cêl1in0 with ~~r5. !<athy McGuire, iI prop-
erty investor; Mr. McGuire would not hc involved.
Commissioner ristor asked Mr. pickworth if is evorything regarrlinq
Pl1'JQ 33
j, i
.,. I)ofi''''.
,., .
. .'
¡ t,
i!.ø '
If 11
,",-"~> .
March 3l, 1901
the negotiations with ~rs. Maguire for the subject lease is "clear
cut"and if he felt thnt enterin~ into this lease is what is bost for
the County? Mr. pickworth replied affirmntively, ndding th~t he hopes
thnt tho other building on Airport Ro~ð is lensed hy the owner, Mr.
Cervelli, soon in or~er that the County will not be responsibilc for
töo much rent. In answ~r to Commissioner pistor, Mr. pickworth said
that the County could advertise the Airport Road property for
sub-leasing althou~h he sees no advantage to thnt as ~r. Cervelli is
presently trying to lease that space. Mr. pickworth said that Mr.
Cervelli is willing to work with the County, and Mr. Norman remin~ed
the ßoard that Mr. Cervelli does have a contract with the County.
Commissioner wimer moved that the staff recommendation be accepted
and thnt the lease agreem~nt for the existing ambulance head~uarters on
Davis Boulevard be approveò for the Chairman's execution.
Commissioner Wenzel asked if the motion should not include a
clause that this leAse be entered into only upon the successful term-
ination of the other lease for the building on Airport Road? County
Manager Normnn said that he has to have the authority to enter into the
lease immediately in order to move into the huilding within a week's
time. When asked by Commissioner Wenzel whether the County will then
have to continue to pay rent on two buildings, Mr. pickworth said that
whn:: will happen is that for however long it takes for Mr. Cervelli to
re-rent the buildin~ that the County has already leased, the County is
going to have to bear th~t cost; Mr. Norman has already figured on two
months rent in his recommendation; and, if it goes beyond this time
frame than th~ additional gS50 p~r month will have to bp. paid by the
County. Commissioner Wenzel asked why this was not considered prior to
signing the 1\irport Road lease and Mr. Norman said that, at that time,
nOOK 060 PACE455
PllCJC 3"
~-,_.. ~-'~- , . ,--, '''1
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. I '
~ ~.~ .
T FW"!'IIf-."",,_~
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MOX 060 PAcE4&>
"Inrch :n, 19fn
tho County coul~ not evcn ~s much ao talk to tho people at ~moricðn
^mbulftncc. Mr. pickworth Rnid thnt, nuhscqucnt to thnt timo¡ tho
County hl\s hoen dealin~ with Mrs. "ID0uire Dnrl her attorney; they soem
to hnvc 1\ certain I\mount of control ovcr this situntion nnd, therefore,
the County wns nblo to conclude an ncccptðhlo a~reemont with thom.
Commissioner ~i~tor 5ccon~cò Commissioner Wimer's Motion which
cl\rried ~/l, with Commisøionor wenzel opposed.
.j \
Pl\CJe 35
. ,
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March 31, l')nl
fiTAT!J!', m:ronT 111': COUNTY l\Mn1Ll\~r.r. sr.nV!CF: - ACC;r.r>TF:T1
Public !'iaícty l\drninlstr.l1tor Thoman lIë!fncr roported that everything
is running on schedule re~arding the tranaition of the ambulance
service all thp. liccnsin1 proccsscs lIrc unòerway; nnd that he sees no
prohlema associated with the C;ounty takcovcr at l?:Ol A.M. Sunday
night, nor ~ny rcðson why therc would be D ll1pse of service becl1use of
the transition.
There was a brief discussion rcgarding the use of. a county vehicle
by the E~S Director Douglas Greenficld, during which Mr. Hafncr ex-
plained to Corn~issioncr Brown, that the vehicle Mr. Greenfield is
driving is not a new car; it is one from the motor pool. Also
discussed hriefly was Commissioncr Brown's qucstlonin~ the use of the
motor pool vehicle when bc undstands there will he éI numher of these
motor pool vehi cl es required for use by the newly IIpprovcc:1 building
inspector pos it ions. County "IanaCjer Norman s a i (1 thl\t the vehicle that
Mr. Greenfield is using is heing chòrgeñ to the E"IS budget and has he en
approved as part of the E~S budget for the remainer of the current
fiscal year. Mr. Hafner concurred and said that the F:~S bud~et is
being chargcd ?'7¢ per mile for the use of that v~~icle.
l\ND TOnRF.:Y P!N¡::S; SI\~1E r.r.TTF:nS or CT'\lmIT T1F:LF:l\SF.D ßV 'I'll¡=; COU"lTY
Public Works l\dministrator clifford Barksdale cxplained that the
County is prescntly retaining Irrevocable Letters of Credit as security
in the indicatcd amounts for each of the following suhdivisions:
BOOK 060 rACE 457
" ; 1'1
.. '-.k;.^
.' ,_.~. .-. ---......---. '~-...:
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. I ".:I~~';fo...
. .
P"<JO 3G
;',. .
.. ..'
"'I <
PiOO:< oGO rAcE458
March 11, lC)nl
1. Lely narefoot ßel1ch
?. Torroy Pines
3. Pillmetto Dunea
$ 73,000.00
l1e went on to 5i1Y that Lely F::>tûtes, Inc., is requesting the release of
the three Irrevocùhle Letters of r.reòit ùn~ the suhstitution of a Trußt
Doed for Lely !1ihi::cus Golf Course <IS the <JuùrantoC! security. Mr.
ßarksd~le said th~t iho stðff ùnrl the County ^ttornoy hðve reviewed the
Trust Deed, th~ Title Opinion, and the CÐrtifie~ Apprais~l and it is
their recommendation thðt the noard approve the substitution ðnd
approve the rcleùse of the three Irrevocùhle Lettcrs of Credit.
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconde~ hy r.ommissioner ßrown ðnd
carricrl ~/l, with Com~iG5ioner ~cnzel oppooeó, to nccept ðhove-refer-
enccd sti)ff rl~cor:1mcl1cJé1tion
rðlJO 37
., ,t.
MO~ 080 rACE 400
~nrc:h :n, It)rn
OlD ~~77 rnR P1\VUNr. 1\NO ORAINAGP. IMP~OVf.\\F.NT;' OF ßf.~50N f,T1l.EET 1\WARDF.D
TO rmtf>SO!\l P'~'¡TF.n.prHSf.!), tNC., IN THF. AW'J!J"J'I' OF' to??, 3~1. nn
. to.
Le0ð1 notice hðvingbcen puhlished in the Naples Dally News on
Fehruary 17 nn~ 19, l~Rl, an evidcnced hy ~ffidðvit of Puhlication
filed with' tho Clerk, hids wcre received [or nid ~"77, for paving and
rtrolnnqo i~rrovements of Benson Street, up to Mùrch lR, 19n1.
COMmissioner WDnz~1 ~ovcd, seconrte~ by ~ommissioncr ~ruse and
c~rric~ unanimously, that Bid 11177 for pnvin~ And drainnge imrrovements
of Dennon ~treet be nwnrded to Brisson r.nterprises, Inc., in the amount
of ~~7,39~.nn ns contained in the reco~mendntion within the Executive
SIJr.1rnary ~1<'1te(1 l/lr'l/f1l "nd th.,t the Chairmùn be ñuthorlzod to sign ðnr'l
the r.lerk to (')tte3t the rc;,ultinr¡ ;)C)reencnt.
RtO '17~ pon r~VI~G ~~o nn^IN~~~ r~rnOV~~E~TS OF R~Y STn.E~T ~NO FP.1l.N
STnr.r.T ~"~,\~f)r.') 1'() ~·.1\r.A:;r"i'\L1', INC. 1"1 T~IF: i'\'I()IJ'I1' 0F <;ll,IAt).On
LegAl notice høvinC) be~n rublishe~ in the Naples Dnily Mews on
Fehruùry l7 and 19, 10Rl, ~s eviden~ed ~y i'\ffidnvit of publication
(ile(l with the r.lerk, hi<13 were received for r.ir'l '''7R, for paving and
drninn~e improvemcntn of BDY ~treat and Fern Street, up to March l~,
COf"missioner '·.~enzcl moved, ~;econñú(l by Commi:;sioner ¡(ruse and
clIrried unnninou5ly, thnt nid a<17R for p¡wing ¡!Or1 drainage improvements
of ßny StrCGt ancl rl1rn Strl1ct b~ nwnrdec1 to ~1i1c";,phi11t, Inc., in tho
nmount of $"l,,,,,~.nn ns containccJ in the recommcnc1ntion within the
Executive Summùry dntecl 1/l9/Rl nn~ thnt thn Chnirmnn be nuthori~cc1 to
sign LInd the Clcrk to attc~;t the resllltin~ CI']recMcnt.
*******r.ommisnioncr Krusc left the room ~t this tine - 12:00 Noon *****
paga 38
.. ~Q¡
, :
',' ,
MArch :'1, 191)l
TITLr. '[t-D " TITLE VI ({'SF.) fUN!)!>
· .. -- ~. - . "
Actin~ CETA Dircctor John Walker roferrod to tho informntion
within the Executive Summary dated 3/~0/!1l lIn(l ey.f)laincd thðt certain
public section employment positions within the CETA program will be
phllsed out rJuc to thc rrcsiricnt's bunget revisions. lie said thllt all
program~ funded undcr TitlQ~ II-D and VI will bc phnsed out by Reptern-
ber 30, 19RI; thût this hud~et revision includes deferral of Title II-D
funds ann rescission of Title VI funds and thðt these two actions are
to be implcmented immedintely by the Department of tabor which is the
funding source of CET^. IIc outl incd the dates on which each of the
thrce affected areas will cease participation and noted that this \~ill
mean layoffs of approximately II? CETA particif)ants cmploy~d in various
positions in Collier County. Mr. \-Talker referred to the propose!'1 plans
for seeking other areas for gûinful employment for these people and
added that he is requestin1 thnt the Ronrd authorize the initiation of
the balance of state contracts reflecting the aforementioned conttdct
modifications, noting that the new cETA Director, Mr. Don Norton, who
will assume his position April ~, 1901, will brin~ them back to the
Board for approval upon completion. Also, he wil~ report on the status
of the Psr. phase-out at that timc.
Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioncr Wimer and
carried ~/O, with Commissioner Kruse out of the room lit the time of thc
vote, that the staff recommendûtion be accepted.
It was also the conscnsus of the Board that they should be
furnished with a list of cach person affected by the phase-out and
thcir rcspective prcscnt positions.
MDX 060 rACE 481'
Page 39
. .
.' ~-;..... .
. .
.' '
::, .
ã~~ .
~oo~ 060 f^CE 482
~,1rr.h :n, l0nl
*****Commissionor nro'~n left tho room ~t thI5 tIme - 1?:05 P.M.*****
MR. WILLIAM M. D~NTY ^rpnINT~D ~~ nln~CTon or "AT' pnoc~~st~~ nIvt~IO~ ·
I - - -
Commis~ioner Wcnzel movari, sccon~c~ hy Commissioncr Wimor ~nd
carricr) 1/0, wIth r.omr:'lißsionerr.; '<ru::;o lInd nrown out of the room tit the
timc of the vote, th~t Mr. williðm M. Denty be appointed as Director of
Dntn ProceHsin1 Oivi·Jion, an rer.oMmon~ed hy the Dntn Procesnlnq
********REcE8S - TI~~: 1~:n7 ~.M. to 1:~5 r.~. lit ~1ich********
time Dcputy Cl~rk Darlene Dnvi~50n was replaced hy Deputy
Clerk Slinor ;'kinncr.
~1.~nr.o s~:\"'f.n P!l^f,f. I r'\Pr¡()Iff.~r::N'¡'S I¡TILt'''l f.Mìr·:·~f.:'!T, :)f.LT0NA - M:r.f.I'TF.:D
FOR rH:Cnrm~Tto!-/
".. .,..h.. -' " ~
Conmissioner '\~(!nz~l moved, secon(ier hy COMmissioner ':,'imcr Ctnd
carried unanimously, th~t the Donrd of r.ounty Commissioners, Ex-Officio
Governing noar~ of the Marco Watcr Ðnd ;,ewcr District, ncccpt thc
Utility EaseMent and ~ssignmcnt and authorize the Clerk to have this
Document record~d in the Officinl necords of Collier County, in order
to permit the construction of t"IO (?) lift stations, i'.IS [.:!commendeeJ by
the Utilitioc Mannger.
PlIgc: -10
. 'w~
. .
.. ;¡-··~í
I !~':
~ '., 1 t
bQO~ 060 rACE ø
Hnrch 31, 11)01
ru:r.OLU'I'!ON m'l-!H-l m: ACCr.I"TINC'i TII!'!EF.: (3) £.0\'" CON~'I'!'!!Jr.'I'ION ßII)~; ST1\nT
FtIì~^T!O\ PlJor.!C IIE:AIìII-,J(1 TO OF. ItF.LD ON APRIL ?O, 10n1 - I\DOP'I'P.rJ
County Attorney pickworth cxplðincd tho procn~urc wherohy tho
Goodlan~ W~ter nictrict con5Lruction hids nocessitate n roconfirmfttlon
puhlic hot\r1nl), to (,llow tho start of. construction hy ëlcc~ptinCJ throo
low hids, and he rccom~endc~ sftid hearinl) h~ held on ^prll ?P, 19~1.
lie noted th"t the to¡)ic was discussed nnrt anproved hy tho ßOl:lrd on
"1arch ?'11, 19131.
Commiscloner Wcn~el movcrl, oncondcd by Commissioner Krusn nnd
c1\rried un~nimou!;ly, thnt lìQsollltion (;!'I-nl-1, to ncccpt three (3) low
conctruction hlds, start construction of the (;oodlnn(l \'¡ater District
system upon npprov1\1 of the project by FmH^ and to set the reconfirmð-
tion puhllc hearin"J for ^pril ?O, 1981, he ftdopted.
Pl\go -1l
, 1
, .
~oo~ 060 rACE 472
,~.Hch 31, lI)Ol
INCRr.A!';lm FF:I'~~ FOR t.r..110R CONSlIt.T1\NT .Jr.."1F.!\ "1. nr.tIF:, M, nr::Q1Jr.r.TF:D ny
C()\)N't"l ATT()n~1I::Y - r..tJ'l'~lorH 7. For')
.._ _..., r.'.....
County Attorney Donnld A. pickworth explaine~ that the firm of tho
'County lõbor consultrlnt, Mr. .1c1mc5 M. Glue, has recently raised its
fee~, effective February l, 1931, to $n~.on Ðn hour for partners and
$75.00 nn hour f.or ðssociates. lie saiò he felt the f.ees wero f;lir ...nd
that the results achiev0d by the County, through ~r. nlue's ðdvice in
the P,1st, \~arr.:lnts continuerl use of the f.irm, .:In(} he requested RO<1f(l
authorization to continue the services of. Mr. Blue at the raiscd rates.
Commissioner Brown moved, Aecon~ed by Mr. Wimer and carried
unanimously that the Roõrd ôuthorize continucò lIse of the firm of l~bor
consultant, Mr. JA~CS M. Blue, At the raised rates of ses.nn per hour
for partners ùnd S75.00 õn hour for ôssocic1tcs.
CIIl\rR~~l\~ A\IT!lO'l!7.F:D ï'f) EXê.CtJTF: ^ TRIJST DF:F:f1 FOR pqOPF:RTY PI PARf< SIIO!1F:
. _____ft. ._. _. _
County Attorney Donalñ ^. pickworth requested that the Board
authorize the chnirMan to sign c1 trust deeò for property the County had
taken f.qr ~uh~ivision improvement in Park Shore, since the improvements
have heen co~pleteð.
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried
~/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed, thôt the Chairman be 1Iuthorized
to execute a trust òeed for the Scottsdale Company for propcrty in Park
Note: Certificate of Deposit not received in Clerk's office .as of
ra'Jc -12
. ,
MlIrch :n, ll')ßl
ROUTINe ßILL~ - ^ppnOV~D Fon P^YME~T
Commis~ioncr Wcnzel moved, socon~od by CommissIoner Kruse and
carriod, that the bills, havin~ he en processcd followin~ estnblishe~
proccdurc with funds av~ilablc, be approved for payment as witnessed by
tþe following checks Issued from March 25, 1901 through March 3l, 19~J:
County Chet::i<s
1;1)03 - ¡;9nl
ace PlIyroll
211';32 - 22l0l
BUDGET l\M~\D~r.NT RI-57 m: TRl\NSrF:n OF FIJNf)!> TO F:NTTmpnI5E FUNf) Fon
Commissioncr Wimcr moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse an~
cllrried unaniMously, that Budget l\mcnònent ßl-57 re transfer of funds
from Ambulance ServIce to Enterprise Fund to properly reflect the
transactions involving the new Collier County Emergency MedIcal ~ervice
Funò be adopted in the ñmount of $319,On9.
( ,
MQK 000 ~.\c¡475
rag e "3
"1nrch 31, 1901
1\MOU~T OF' $~?,555
-- '.. - . .. . -.- -. ~ . :-: ..
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Com~ls5ioner Kruse and
carried unanimously, that Au~get I\mendmcnt Rl-50 transferring fun~s to
tho Entcrprise Fund liS pllrt of the estélblishment of the Collier County
Emergency Medical Serviçe Fund be a~optcd in the amount of $~2,555.
~DK 060 f'ÀCf.477
Pð<J e .,.,
~ ~~f
'~-- '.
')' .
Morch 31, 19f11
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconrled hy
- - . . --..
Commissioner Kruse and
carried unnnimously, that Dudget Amendment 01-59 transferring fun~s for
cost of Associated Utility Services, Inc. for rate consultation
regðrding Waste MÐn~gemcnt, Inc. he adopted in tho amount of $5,110.
.-) ,
~. ~'Ií:
'I ¡
tOOK 060 rACE 479
pngo -15
'~"'_""'*'_'"_"""'_'___''''''''''''___I#_o..<;,,,___I''' ~I""'I_" ,.,I-",__,.'¥"t
..... .~ ..---,~-~--"""--"."..,,,-,,--.--~~.=~,..".,.
., ,
Mðrch 31, 19/'11
. . - - . .
. . -..-----
Conmissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissionor Kruse ~nd
carried unanimously, that nud~et Amendment Rl-r,O transferring funds
from tho M~rco Island ~ibrAry to Collier North, for part-time page
position be adopted in the amount of. $3,77l.
060 rACE481
P"ge II)
. '
. .~.
" #-
, :'~~~
. ;.~
. '¡'
'. . ."~~ .
. .... .....
March :n, 19!'1l
pnor,nl\M F'an ptmCIIMF. OF MaRtLF. o¡:,¡;,tCP. - ADOPTlm IN THP. ~~()!JNT OF $R, ?57
Commissioner Wimer move~, seconded by Commiss10n~r Kruse and
carried unélnimously, that nud<Jet J\mcndment Bl-íi} transferrin') funds to
the Witness ^s51stance program for the purchase of ð mobile office be
aðopteå in the amount of $0,257.
MOK 060 PACE 4B3
p/)I'JQ 117
I ~
, ¡
I r,.'
~ ;.!~'
, '~"'C
.-...J .
MlHCh :11, 1901
r..~OUNT or $19,?ln
, ---- -,,-
CommiGsioncr Wimer moved, secon~cd by Commissioner KruSQ ðnd
carried unnnimously, that ßuð~et Amondment Ol-fi2 trðnsfcrrin~ funds to
cover the COfits for a new position of Assistant County Manager/Admini-
~: strative ;,erviccs I\dministrator be adopted in the amount of ~19,?la.
~OOK 060 PACE 485
pagn 1\11
.....-... ..
, ~i
Mnrch 31, 1!131
IN TIlE ^~OIJ'IT OF' $Slli ,C)I)t\
'" ~
FisCAl Officcr }I,Ho1d L. !tall cxplllined th..tt lit the Ace moeting of
March 2~, 1981, the subject of proviñing êI buñ~et to operate the
Collier County F.mer~cncy Meñicnl Services was approved, anò he WêlS to
bring hack the ðppropriDte Budget ^men~ment transferring $5l~.99~ in
ðccordnncc with ßOl1rd instruction.
Commissioner Kruse ~oved, seconded hy CommtsAioner Wimer IInd
carried unanimously, thnt Bunget Amennment 81-~3 transferring funds to
provide a hudget for the balance of FY 80-81 to operate Collier County
EMS be adopted in the amount of $5l6,99~.
~OOK 060 PACE 481
PlH]e ~9
. ';~~.
" ..,~
BCO~ 060 rAcE400
MrHCh 31, l!)nl
- "" .
Nr::¡::ORD FOR PUnCIIA:'R OF nrr.\.¡nI'l'¡m prm
^f)OPTP."> TN T!lF: "MOUNT íJP ~l(n
.. .~- .. ,
FIJ!\ID::ì TO rnOVITìp. M)[,)ITIO~7\L ~ONEY
1\(;:1 Ir.lIL'I'URr.-!!O"l¡;: Er.ONO·.uCf. -
r.ommissioncr ~iMer movc~, seconded hy Co~missloner Arown and
carried ~/l, with Commissioner Kruso opposed, thnt nud~ct Amendmcnt
Ol-r,~ transF.erring fun~s to provide additional funds to the 7\gricul-
ture-Home Economics Dcpnrtmcnt for the purchase of a typewritcr he
~dortcd in the amount of: ~l~l.
. ~~~~
PlIge 50
' ..~11...
.j; ,
;. -~ '
, "
~",--~,~",".,,-_..__..... ,
¡J tll'"
~ ! ~,~~;;
UU ;
MOK œo PACE 4Q2,
. Mflrch 31, 1'Jnl
OUQ~ET ^MRND~ENT nl-~5 n~ Tn^N~F~R OF PU~Dn n~ ~NG!NEEnI~~ ^DMtN. Fon
INcnr.M;¡m PRINTING canTS OF' r~n"'IT nF.prHN'I'f) - ADOPTr.D IN 'I'1If. ^"10UNT OF
Commiaßionor Wimcr movnd, accon~od hy Commissioner Arown nn~
cnrried ~/l, with Comminsioner Kru~e oppose~, th~t nu~get Amendment
nl-~5 transfnrrin~ fundo to cover the C05t of incrense~ printlnq costs
of permit reprints be ndoptnd in the amount of $1,735.
Pëllle 5l
. .
, ....'..
~oox 060 rACE 494
Mnrch 31, 19tJl
pr.n;'ONNF:r~ - M)OPTF.11 IN TJlF. A~OtJ'~T OF $? ,100
. "'-' . ... ...,.... .------........,
Commissioner Wimer movcd, seconded by Comminnioncr Drown nnd
carried ~!l, with Commisaioncr Kruso opposed, thnt Rudqct Amendment'
Ol-~~ trDnzforrin~ fun~D to mor~ Dccurately roflect expenditures in tho
Porsonnol Depnrtmcnt be ndoptad in the ðmount of $?,lOO.
. .
~'~ .
',0" .
P.1tJO 52
. .:.
...,,'..,...,,"....,.,.¡...~'''''_.,,''-',.......~~....,...,~"_.__._.....~,._'" T
. --""""......,..-..,~,.._--"-;""'._"'-.;'.,',,,..;._....""..,-,-=......,-,~,,...,,,.....,."~"""-,_..,...~,..,."'.,,';;.'."-"'......,,..-
MO~ 060 rAGE400
Mt\rcn 31, l!'Hll
nUDGET ^'4p.NnMJ::NT f\1-r;7 RE MOTO~ 'IF.:!lICLE INsrr.CTH)N OVF.I1TI"'E "NO IN-
I!OtJ~r. F;0.lIl N1r.N'r !)lmVICINr. ¡:;XPENOITUI1f,5 - AD~PT¡:;f') ¡t-.! Tilt:: A"101NT OF'
$ 1 ,'-' 0 ()
>..__.q~---_..'-'" '. .-.
r '"
Comrninsioner Wimer moved, ßDcondod hy ComrnisBioncr "rown ðnd
carried ~/1, with Commis~ionnr KruGo oppOGcd, thAt AU~1et Amendment
£\1-li7 tr/)n~(l')rrin'J (\Inns (or cost of ~10tor Vehicle Inspection ovortimc
Ðnd in-hou~D equipmcnt 5crvicing expenditurcs be adopted in the amount
of ~l,I)()O.
1"'<1(]0 '13
" .1.
lì~'~ ~
;.:f·~·f" i í
~ 1;1
i:.. ' ~ f
, .
MOX 060 rACE 4Ð8
Ml'Irch :11, 191'11
ßtmGt::T 1\"lr.ND'1F:NT 0 l-'in m: 1\CctlR^Tr~ nr::Fr.ECTION OF r.XPF."IDITIJI1r.!3 IN COUNT\'
¡'11\NM';F:I1-^OMIN. - ^DOPTP,O IN TIH: ^"IOIJNT ()::' !; t ,1nr,
r .-.-
Commissioner Wimcr movc~, seconded by CommisDioner Brown ðnd
C1Hricd "/1, with Commis!1ioncr f{rl1lHJ OPPO!1or.1, t.hat: nudget ^,nonc1ment
Sl-~O trnnsferrin0 fun~5 to ~ccuratcly reElect oxpenditurcs in County
~^n~gcr-^~min. fun~ be l'I~optcd in the nmount of Sl,ln~.
P"'Jc 54
. .
BOOK 06 ø PACE 500
/o1<1rch 31, 19f1t
ßUDGET AM~~nMENT nl-~9 nE TRAN~Fr.n OF FU~D~ ~on ~nLtn W^RTE ~Xr~Nf>~~ ~T
N^PL~~ TnA~nF~n ~ITr., L~A~~~ N8GOTIATEn, ~0!JrPM~NT nn~^~oow~, ^NO
J\CCiJr1^TP. nF.f'r.r::~TTn~ Of' ~Xf"P.NOtTII1U~~ - ADf)T'Tr.n TN T'IP. "~n1JNT or $~t), 7'37
Î .. 'lrn'"
Comminnioncr Wimer movn~, ~~con~cd by Commissioncr Rrown ðnd
c~rriarl ~/l, with Commissioner Krusc oprosc~, that nudgct ^mendmcnt
~l-~0 trnnsferrin0 run~s for Solid Waste expnnses At Nnples Trðnsfcr
Site, lensos nogotiaterl, equipment hrcðk~own, And ~ccurntQ rcflection
or oxpp.nr1itlJrer; he lIdopted in the 11:"10unt of ~,'i<),737.
1""'90 55
, ,~
" ~t
: '
M{lrch 31, 1901
MUf,P.UM - ADOPTr.ry IN ^MOU~T OF S350
... . - - . - .---,.-
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and
carried ~/1, with Commissioner Kruse opposed, that Bud~ct Amendment
8l-70 trnnsferring funds to more accurato1y reflect expendituros for
the Museu~ be adopted in the amount of $350.
BOOK 000 rACE 503
PlHJO 51)
, ,'-;1
J '\
f, ì
: "'t¡:
"'~ '
, .
'J' 'I
March 3l, 19n1
nUDGr::T AMF:'~D~mNT '11-71 RP. TnAN!jF'Ert OF FU~-mr; Fon PlInCIIMF. OF SF.LF-pno-
.l\MOUNT OX $5.,,000 _____...____. . . ... . . , . , . . ... .
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and
carried unanimously, thfit Budget Amendment 01-71 trllnsF.erring f.unds to
provide for purch~se of n self-propolled curb p^ver for use in
construction of roadway Improvements be adopted in the amount of
BOOK 060 PACE 505
PI190 57
" "." .
< .. ~""~.<.<. - .'1'''''-'''''" "".<.. ··e,,,,,, ·0....;·"....·,'..;, """^"",,.. __··,,"'·...,...~,,~_u...,...,"-'.. .;¡¡,_""~-"'.;;"""'..-..~...",..."~..""...""''';_''".....,..;~.....'''..,,...''''..._."'"~"." '"''_''".n''';''' >, "',.. _'. _',' .. ."_",_.,...,"",,. ""'" ..P."".,,"',, ',.".
j ,
.... .
. ···t¡;
'cO J
Mnrch 31, 1931
BUDGET J\ME~DMENT Rl-7? rtr. TrtI\NRFr.n or r\l~I)R FOR CONTTt"C':T EXP~~NDITunr.R
$l,035 --
1 .. ----....-.---. -.-~-
Commissioner Wimer moved, secon~cd by Commissioncr Wenzcl Ðnd
carrieã unanimously, that nudgct Amcnd~ent 8l-7? tr~nsferring funrls to
provide for contract expcn~itures for repair of rndio ~quipment in the
. ~~
Transportation Department he adopted in the ðmount of Sl,03~.
. .
~: ;
Page SR
March 31, 19111
TUnr.~ - ADOPTr.D IN TII~ AÞ.\OIlNT or. 1':I;,0?5
."- . ~ . , -- -....
Comminsioncr Wimcr moved, seconded by Commissioner ristor ~nd
carried unnnirnously, that Budget Admenòment Al-73 transferring funds to
~ccuratcly reflect exponditures in the Planning Depnrtment be adopte~
in the Ðmount of $~,O?5.
(\1 'I"
(.._t,· .
ßOOK 060 PAGE 509
l'ngo 59
~r _
. '.
.....¡. .
: :~~:"
k. ;~~..
. ~Jt;,
. ~
'þ :{~
. ~"~ì'
I .'J.,,",4.~
Mi\rch 11, ltJnl
RlJDr.ET ^MF.~D~P.NT ßl-74 np. TnI\Nf>Fr.n OF FU~D~ Tn I\PPRnrRtI\Tp. ADDITIONAL
rl::!'JER1\L I\Nn ST1\TP. CRMIT Ft~·ms ^"D ..,onl:: ACCUnI\TF:L\' nr::FLF.CT EXPF.NDITUfU:S
Fon ~"ITNF:SS M'''I<;T1\''C:F. P!10~n1\'" -~D")r>Tr::1) IN T!!F: AW)1JNT OF $1,A(')n
Commissioncr Wimer moved, second cd by Commissioner Wenzel and
carried unanimously, that ßudqet Amenñment nl-7~ tri\nsferring funds to
appropriate additional Federal nnd State Grant funds, to allow local
match, and to more accurately reflect cxpenditures for the Witness
Assistance r>roqrñm he ndopted in the amount of $3,~OO.
BOOK 060 rACE 511
PDq e Ii n
I i
...~ ',,",. '''''"'-"''"''-''''-;~'''~'' ~'~~
, )<'-""-$I""
F_. "'.... '"~' .
"'l'Irch 31, 19n1
. :~¡
ßtJDGF.:T ",.,r,NDMF:NT A1-75 RE TMNSF'F:R Of' ¡;'UN!')!ì TO "PPMPI1IJ\TE ON~ I1J\LF Tnl::
J\DOPTF:I) IN TIIF: M"()ur~T or $12,-1"!'
Commissionor ~imer movod, soconðc~ by Comminsioner Wcnzel and
carried unanimously, that Rudgct "mendment 01-75 transferring funds to
appropriate onÐ half of the confiscated property ~s specified hy Court
Order in CDse No. RI-0173-CA-OIO-CR, be adopted in the amount of
'BOOK œo rACE 51.3
rag" 'il
NlIrch 3l, llJnl
M"IOIJNT OF $1, snn
· -- ---...-- -.. - - t'
Commissioner \1imer moved, secon~ed hy Commissioner Wenzel Ðnd
carried ,unllnimously, that Auclget 1\mendment Bl-71'i, tr£msferring funds
from Contin~encics to provide for increl\se~ cost of collect calls from
the Stocknåc to the Public Defenåer's Office he adopted in the amount
of Sl,SOO.
BOOK 060 rACE 515
Page "2
'I ....... II
.. .. ..."',--"".,-""'..''''.._---,~_....~~.
, ~
. }',.<..:
. ,
../ ':
...: \
M/'Irch 3l, 19"1
nuo~r.T ~MENDMr.NT 01-77 RP. Tn~N~Fr.n OF fIJND~ Fon COST OF rnIV~TE TF.LE-
Commissioner Wimcr moved, scconded by CommiGsion~r Wenz6l and
carried unanimously, that Budget Amenòment Al-77 trélnsf.orring funds to
provide for the cost of a privntc telephone line, not included in
original hudget for Circuit Court Judge Carlton, be éldoptod in the
lImount of $300.
'~OOK 060 PACE517
rllqc f;3
March Jl, l!)fll
YEHICLE IN5pr.ctpn TN IMMOI<AT.EE - J\DOPTED IN TilE ^"IO'Jwr OF' $1,500
Commissioner Wimcr movo~, socon~cd hy Commissioner Wenzel ðn~
carried unanimously, that nud~et Amendment Ol-78 transferrin~ f.unds to
provide for services of ð Motor Vehicle Inspector in Immokalee used on
an emergency hasis, since the loss of one supervisor ðnd illn~ss of
replacoment supp.rvisor ñepleted funds normally sufficicnt for cntire
fiscal year, he ðdopted in the amount of $1,500.
BOOK 060 PACE 519
Page (}01
__,.__,__."'_'___ w
, ..I
" I
March 3l, 19"1
, :-/;;
, ~.
nUDr.F:T AMr.NDMr.NT R l-79 m:: TMNfiFF.11 OF FIJt,/05 rm fiUPEI1VISOI1 OF r.LECTIONfi'
OFFICE CHANe: Ef., EQU I PM r."IT fl}m 1\D!H T'I ONAL ~"L",RY - J\DOPTr.D IN TH E: A"10UNT
OF $2?',01)')
Comnissioner Wimer moved, seconded hy Commissioner Wenzel and
carried unðnimous1y, thðt Budget Amendment 8l-71) trnnsferring funds to
cover fiupervisor of Elections' office ch~n~es, equipment ðnd additional
salary he adopted in the ðmount of. $22,09(¡.
MOK 060 rACE 521
Page C;S
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Mnrch 31, IlJnl
POs-tTTO~ TO Pr.'\NNT~r, Dr-PT. - ~DOPTF:f) 1"1 TI1F: AMOUNT OF $7,9fi"
Commissioner Wenzel moverl, seconðeð by Commissioner Kruso ðnd
.. '~~
cnrrierl un~nimously thnt ßurtgct Amendment ßI-RO transferring funds to
Departmcnt he adopted in the ~mount of $7,9?R.
provide for tr~nsfcr of 7.oning Tcch/Dr~ftsmnn position to Plðnnin~
~OOj( 060 rACE 528
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Mnrch 31, 19R1
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TRANSrF:n OF rtl'm!; TO rnOVIDF: PII'lStC~r. DflMAr:F: A'Jf) LIA'HLIT'l INr;URJ\NCE
l\pprHWMJ - l\IIT'!OTU7.F:D; M~E'HCflN ~MRIJL.~Nr;F: TO I1EI"1RtJnfiP' C()tJ'ITY ~"nn
... Î
Commissioncr Wenzel moved, seconded hy Commissioner Wimcr end
carried "/1, with Commissioner Rro\~n opposed, thnt the Bo~rd authorize
the transfer of funds necessary to provide physical dnmngc and
liability insurnnce, plus Workmnns Compensation cover~ge, (or emhulnnce
employees for 5 days until the County assumes Emergency Medical Service
responsibility, subject to the County Attorney's approval, and that
J\merican flmbulance reimhurse the County for $"00.
Following discussion during which the point was made that no
person from District '3 suhmitted a resume, Commissioner Kruse moved,
seconded by Commissioner ~imer and carried unl1nimously, thl1t Mr. ~~ry
L. Tice be appointed as a regular member of the Library Advisory R08rd
for an indefinite period of time.
Chairmnn Pistor explainerl the letter that he received from
Governor Bob Grélham regnrding the third nnnunl Nntionn1 Hurricane
Conference to be held April 22-2", 1981, a, St. petersburg, Floridn, in
which the Governor suggnsts that Collier County have representative
BOOK 060 rACE 525
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BO~K 060 PACE526
Morch 3l, 19tH
attp.ndance. County Mnn~~or Normon responded to Ch~irmðn pistor by
snyin~ thnt he was aware of the Conf.erence ond had staff in mind who
, ,
· miCJht he élhle to élttend.
Commissioner wimer move~, seconded by Commissioner Brown and
carricd unnnimously, that stüff l1nd any Commissioners who wish to
attcnd the April 7.2-2-1,1981 !\urricane 11é1zard Conference to be held at
St. Petersburg, Floriòa be ùuthorized.
NIJCLr::,/\n ,/\TT,/\CV,
Chairman pistor explained that he has received copies of letters
from other COLlnty ürlministrõtions to the Rurcélu of. Disùster Prepared-
ness, re9õrdin~ the recent presentation before the Board hy Mr.
Buchanan fro~ said Rurenu, which outlined County põrticipütion in the
cvent of a nuclear attaCK. After discussion Co~missioner Wcnzel moved,
seconded by Comnissioner Wimer ü~d célrricd unünimously, that the
Chairmnn be authorized to draft a letter to the 8ureau of Disaster
Preparedncss cxprcssing the ßoard's concern at the ßurenu's intention
of Collier County housing so müny people ûnd inquiring about what funds
would covcr the cost of such an operûtion. Chairman pistor noted that
a rcply r~port hnd heon requestcd by SeptcMber 1, lryOl.
Pc'lCJe I}A
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Mnrch 31, 1!'1t'll
AtlTQOR 17. r::n
Chairm~n pistor rend from a roccnt1y rcceive~ brochure describing
the '-2nd Annual Plannin~ ôn~ 7.oning Confcrcncc to he held at Florida
Internation~l University, TaMpa, Florida, ~AY ~ throu~h A, 19n1. After
a short discussion, CommiRsioner Wimer movc~, secon~ed hy Commissioner
Bro~m anò cùrried unônimously, that the lìoarcJ Duthorize the ôttendônce
at this conference and others to be held throuqhout the year, at the
Commissioners' di3cretion.
. "7
Chairman Pistor road Mrs. Elinor Wenzel's letter of resi~natian
from the Pelican Bay Board of Supervisors effective "1arch 25, 19~1, due
to the fact that she feels there are sufficient persons livin~ in
Pelican Ray who would be Able to servo in this côpacity.
Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded hy Commissioner Wimer and
carried unanimously, to accept Mrs. Wenzel's resignation from the
Pelican Bùy Bo~rd of ~upervisors, with thanks an~.appreciation.
!'1ISCF:LLl\NF:OtJS conR¡:;SPO"l!')SNC¡:; - FILP.D I\No/nn np.FF:rmp'f).
There being no objection, the Chair directed thõt the following
correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as
Page 69
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BOOK 060 fACE 528
Mnrch 31, 19n1
1. Letter d~ted 3/10/'11 from Thorn!! Hollister ðnr'! Darrell
nùnie1s opposinlJ FOPO 01-V-2 (Public lIearing <1/7/f1l). xc
Plannin~ and Zoninl) Depts.
2. L~tter ~Llte( 3/l6/fll from Dept. of Community Affairs ndvlsing
thùt tho Dept. has postponcr'! further processlnl) of applica-
tions ro !lun 701 Progrc"lm. xc Planning ùnd County Mnnager.
3. Letter received <1/1/01 from Walter M. and Louise H. Timmerman
supportinlJ "Marco Clean-Up" progrùm. xc County Manager LInd
County r.nlJineer.
<1. Copy of lettcr dnted 3/7.3/81 from ~ast Naples Civic ^ssoci-
ation, Inc. requestin~ that tax ñollars he sp~nt to oppose
thc proposed Charter.
~. Lottcr r'!atcd 1/7.~/n1 from ~s. Kay Steigerwald, Collier County
Mcnti1l IIea1th Clinic, Inc. urging the Roarc'l to support
Community CAre for the ~lderly. xc. Martha Skinner.
~. Letter dated 3/7.5/81 from Director Paul F. White, Meals on
Wheels, Gt. Vincent OePaul Society, urging the nOc"lrd to
support the Community Care for the Elñerly Program. xc.
Mõrtha Skinner.
7. Copy of letter r'!ated l/7.~/Rl from Director Richarc'l F. Joder,
Lihrary, to 1-1rs. ¡¡elen Green, reg,'H(1ing termination of mobile
library service.
R. Letter c'lated 3/l~/Rl f.rom Sec. neatrice R. ßa1len, Collicr
County Council on Aging, Inc. opposing termination of mobile
lihrary service. xc County Manager and Mr. Joder.
9. Letter ñõted 3/19/01 fro~ Otus K. ^lbright with several
rccommenñations re building plans õn~ suggesting that the
County staff LInd fire departments jointly make fire code
building inspections. xc Mr. Virta and Mr. Scamehorn.
10. Lettcr dated 3/19/81 from w. C. Schroeder, General Contrac-
tor, regðrding length of time for inspectio~s and permits.
xc Mr. Normand and Mr. :'cùmehorn.
11. Letter ñater'! 3//.~/nl from ~r. C. Evòns, Qeltona Corporation,
regarding need for additional staff and increased pay for
buildinlJ inspectors. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Scamehorn.
I?. Letter dated 3/7.5/81 [rom Bob. L. Lundstrom, rres., Sunbrella
Homes, Inc. re insufficient number of inspectors and low pay
scale Ðnd delays in obtùinin0 permits. xc Mr. Norman and Mr.
P,1<JO 70
7i i
I ;
.1 J
. .....-.*. ..
March 31, 1981
. ,
····nECr.ss: 2:15 P.M.
, I
nECONVENED: 2:25 P.M.....
II..J. nOSf,/Tl1E r.IIREN1mI\NT7. r.nOIJP f,F.LEC1'P.D AS NO. 1 CI101:Cr.
Mr. I"i 11 iD1'1 R. ~cNel'!l, project MAnager, Polizzi/lleary, Qxpl1)ine~
to the COlnmissioners that the followin<) four Architect ci1ndicJates from
the selection proc0"" were present to provide intervIews with regard to
the Collier County Courthouse expansion prograM.
11. .J. ROSS!TI1P. F:!lnp.t.,Jt<nr..NT7. r,1l0\JP
, .
Mr. Arnold Gitten, Director of Development for H. J. Ross I\ssoci-
ates, introduced Mr. James O. Denhi1m, president, of the firM who ·
expressed appreciation that the company was asked to return to give the
firm's gualific~tions for consideration with regard to the County
Courthouse expAnsion progrùm. lie made the followinC] points:
l. H. J. noss I\ssociates has been in business in South Plorida
for over 30 years.
2. Mr. Denham, AS princip~l-ln-èhargp. of his firm, would he
responsible to see that the resources are assi~ned to the
joint venture.
3. The r.hrenkrùntz Grou~, Architects and Criminal ~ustice
Planners, would be the second part of the team, an eminently
gualific;l firm to execute the project. _.
4. f,asi1k! I\ssocii1tes, Inc., who have an excellent reputation in
the field of urhan planning and landscape architecture, will
Dssist the firm.
Mr. Denham introduced the followin<) persons who would ~ork
directly on the expansion project:
1. Kl'!nneth nicc!, 1\11\, Vice-president, The r.hrenkrantz Group,
Principal-In-Charge; 12 years experience in municipal and
judicial projects.
2. Mr. nobert Zimmcrmðn, I\sGociAta lInd Senior Corrections
Designer; to he Ptoject Mani1ger, exporienced in both st~te
i1nd county complexes including municipal and judicial pro-
6QOK 060 rACE 529
PlIgo 71
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~OOK 080 PACE 530
MHCh :\1, 1901
. .
3. Mr. lIenry M. 7.ihmnn, ^ssintnnt project Mnnnr¡er, whose
rcnponsihility would be enqineering coordination for the
project; recently performcd those services for ð Broward
County library, ~n approximately ?S million dollar project.
4. Mr. George ßotner, from ~nsaki Assoc., Inc., whose most
recent· experience was project director for urbnn planning and
lan~scðpe architect for the Dnde County downtown Miami
government center.
5. Mr. ~amuel W. Reynolda, Chief Civil En~ineer, fl. J., Ross,
whose responsibilities would be all civIl engineering func-
tions on the project; has had CollIer County experience as
Supervising ~nginecr for two'bridges to Marco Islnnd, which
II. .J. Ross designed for the Dep¡utment of Transportation.
Mr. Denham described a recent project in which II. J. Ross Associ-
ates and r~r. Reynolds were involved, which is the Federal Correction
facility in Dade County, comprisin~ approximately a (,~ acre site, and
he explained the firm's history of "tenmwork" in accompllshin~ pro-
jects. He introduced Mr. Ricci, who explained the following points:
1. The combl~cd philocophy of H. J'ROSS Associates/The
Ehrenkrantz Group, as the project Is approRched.
2. The manner In which the project would be accomplished, with
regard to the people who actually work on snid project.
3. The process whereby the project would be constructed.
Mr. Ricci s~!d thnt county governent has been the fastest growing
sector \n either the private or puhlic ar~as in the last l~ years, and
he noted the complex needs for the various agencies which comprise all
the county structures, as well as the spccinlized needs necessary to
respond to the Issue:; in criminal justice. He pointed out th~t coun-
tics run jails, not prisons, with jails heing processing centers; noted
that courts and litigation present special needs, with an increase at
the local level in those cases; and he explained how these problems
would be addressed if 11. J. Ross/The Ehrenkrûntz Group were selected.
He explained what he felt W_JS ûn additionûl dimension of unique service
offered by his firm, that of relating the planning and nrchitectural
P1IiJe 72
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March 31, lCJlJl
issues to policy and decision making, and that a vinhlc description of
the concepts involved in the form of modp.1s, physicnl drawings, and
pamphlets would he hrought to the electorate. Mr. Ricci gave a copy of
the firms' proposal for the Governm~nt Center Complex to each
Commissioner, cxpl~ined the or1Dnizational chart, and introduce~ Mr.
Robert Zimmerman.
Mr. Zimmerman exp1aineñ what his responsihilities would he as
project Manager; and that he woulii have (1,1 office in close proximity to
the project, in order to develop ùnd maintain communications from the
eArly stages of the progrnm; that a mAster plan would develop precon-
ceptual alternatives to he analyzed with the construction mùna~ers and
the Commissioners; and that efforts would he Made to minimize the
disruptions of the various County operations Rnò needs during the con-
struction period. lIe mentioned the importnnce of energy considerations
with regarò to thc cost factor: that the firm's energy componcnt in his
office would be tapped for the expertise of passive solar energy; that
forecasting of inflation factors would be part of the on10in9 pro~ram;
and thnt flexibility of the program would be incorporated throughout
the project's progress, to he shown in the diilgrams in the early stages
of the progrôm. He conclulÌcd hy stating that project cost analysis
would he uplÌateå at every stù0e; development assistnnce in the refer-
endum òocuments would be offered; that part of the po~t-rcferenòum work
would be the development of detililed construction documents and speci-
fications. He explained that his firM had worked with construction
manAgers previously, and he looked forward to workin1 on the County's
, Government Center Complex, if chosen.
In responsp. to Commissioner Kruse's question regnrðing what
construction the firm had òone in Collier County, Mr. Denham said that
BOOK 060 PAGE 53{
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M<1rch 31, 19A1
his firm rccently completod three highrise buildings on M~rco Island
for tho Power Corporation, hOßi~es the proviously mcntioned hridges to
Marco Island.
Mr. Denham explained that II. .1. Ross r\!'sociates' main
office is loc~ted in Miami, Florida; thnt The Ehrcnkrantz Group's
office is in New York; and that the Sasaki Associate~' office is in
Miami. In the short discussion which followed, the locations of
several projects recently completed by II. ~. Ross Associates wero
explained, i.e. the Dade County Women's Detention Center, and n county
jail facility currently under construction in rinellas County.
Commissioner wimer pointeò out the need for n bond issue, which
would be supported by the public, to cover the cost of the proposed
construction program, and he asked how the firms would take ðn active
part in the leadership, selling role. The point was made that the
firms' participation would be in terms of projecting physical solutions
to the needs, but ~r. Ricci said the decision would hnve to he made by
the construction mana~er ~nd County Commissioners as to what part the
firms would pcrform with regard to the electorate. He said the firms'
role has nlwnys been of a technical nature, i.e. looking at alterna-
tives, "costing them out", doing the physical solutions, providing
backup data, etc. Commissioner Wenzel asked if the firms would make up
the renderings, and Mr. Ricci answered in the affirmative. He also
said that the firms would identify the availahility of federal funds,
and noted firms' success in obtaining money which has been Qchieved for
such projects in the p~st.
Commission~r Kruse asked what the expp.cteå dollar cost per square
faot might he, i.e. project price rnnge. Mr. Ricci explained the
possibiity of utilizing the current jail facilities in the dcsign of
the new project, thereby cutting the capital cost, Qnd he said his firm
paqc 7-1
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MlIrch 3l, 19ß1
always looks to build "on the low end" of the scale. The point was
made that with team effort, a budget would he entahlished early to
cover Collier County's needs and the firms' design to accomplish those
needs. Mr. Gitten concluded tho precentation by stating that the
people who would he proposed for the project would be workin~ full
Mr. ~c~eel introduced Mr. John ßreight from ~at50n and Company,
who thanked the ConMissioncrs f.or the opportunity to MAke the
presentAtion, and he introduced the following persons from the Company
who were present at the ~eetin~:
1. Mr. Dan arnly, Principal in the firm.
2. Mr. Chuck Schmidt, principal in the firm and ManAger of the
Fort Myers office.
3. Mr. Jim Carter, Principal in the firm and Manager of the
En~ineerinq Division.
4. Mr. John Silvcr, Associate and Senior Architect.
Mr. Breight explalncd that Watson and Company is a Florida firm
with extensive design expcricnce in jail, criminnl justice and govern-
ment complex facilities. He said thc firm is pr~ud of their record of
finishing the projects within the timeframe required nnd under budget.
Referring to the ten qualification considerations listed on a ho~rd
before the Commissioners, whjch were inclu~ed in the Board's March 24,
1981 a0enda to which the firm responded, Mr. Br~i~ht explaincd that
with regard to the eighth point, Watson and Company was the one firm
who made presentations lnst weeK that ha~ not joint ventured with
anyone. lie said this point \"oulc1 he addressee'! as a sin~lc source
responsibility. lie introduced Mr. f)éJn Harnly, President of Watson and
BOOK 060 PACE 533
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phased construction, j .e. Lcly IJIgh School, é\nd t.he )r. st.ory, FIrst
Financiëll Tower, in Tëlmpa. IIc Qxpl,dned his pcrsonal credcntial!; with
rcgard to construction cxperience. lie introduceñ Mr. Jim Carter.
Mr. Jim Carter, r.n~ineerin~ Division M~nager, explaincd that his
firm is ð full service architecture/engineering firm which me~ns that
all the cxpertise of the major disciplines, which are required to "put
together" a project of the mÐ~nitude of the County Govcrnment Center
Complex, such as mechanical, electrical, civil, ùnd structural are
in-house at Watson and Compëlny. He described the company's experience
with environmental considerations, which have hecomp. more important in
recent yeôrs in the planning and site development for such a project.
~'r. Schmiclt explained why his firm thinks that hùvin<:1 all services
in-hous0 offers a single source to "go hack to", and he said that was
the prim~ry reason that Watson Dnd Company decided not to form any kind
of untried, joint venture, because the firm feels it can adequately and
morc effcctively servc Collier County with such a single point of
responsibility. Distributing a RUnGET VS. BIDS list, Mr. Schmidt
cxplained the Compëlny feels strongly ôbout staying within agreed
budgets, and he briefly described the Company's post-construction
followup procedures.
Mr. D"n lIarnly concluclcd the presentDtion by stating that his
Company applauds the County's foresight in bringing II qualified,
competent construction mëlnager "on hoard" early in the project, and he
said the Compëlny believes it can commit to the County certain savings
BOOK 060 PACE 535
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BO:¡~ 060 PACESæ
Mi1rch 31, 19~1
in the fec ne~otii1tions whcn thero is ~n opportunity to discuss In
dottlil with the Commissioners the con¡;trllction mc1nLtger's role and his
firms, so thl1t dupl1cnto efforts would not occur. 110 thlmked tho nOllrd
1 for the opportunity to make the foregoinCJ presentation.
Commis~ioner Wimcr explained that Collier County dOfls not have the
funds for construction of thc facility at the present time, and he
asked what role WatÐon and Company would take to help solidify a bond
issue, \~hich would need to be presenterl to the puhlic. Mr. lIarnly si'lid
that his Company has become involved in fundinCJ in the past, clarified
the fact that the Company works closely with f.iscal agents and that his
firm understands referendum anrl revcnuo issues; and, he snid the firm's
role would be primarily to give ~eneral i1dvice and assistðnce in this
regard i1nd to work with the [iocI'I1 i10cnts chosen.
When Chairman Pistor questioned what Watson and Company's actual
experience Wi1S with reCJi1rd to the firm not doing the construction
rnantlCJement itself, Mr. Harnly descrihed the training camp which his
firm did f.or the ~amr(1 Bay ßuccaneers, at St. PetersburCJ and which had
a construction rnani1ger.
Mr. Jim Carter described the construction which has just begun at
Tampa National ^Irport, approximðtely l5 million dollars project,
another construction management project in which Watson and Company arc
Ch~irman ristor said he hðd looked into SOMe of the Fort Myers
construction and questioned why there were problems with construction
heginning for the court and jail facilities there. Mr. lI~rnly briefly
described thc various factors which have resulted in deli1Ys, one of
which Is the process of. the formation of a non-profit corporation to
own the huilding flnd to build it with industrial rcvenue honds and
f'c'lge 7n
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MlIrch 1l, 1901
long-term lcasc it h~ck to tho county, which, he Qxpl~ine~, is Ð vcry
complico'ltcd process to initiate. Mr. lIarnly stAted that 99\ of the
construction his firm hð5 done haG been in Floridn. Messrs. IInrnly nnr1
Breight thankcò the Commissionnr5 for tho opportunity to give their
company presentl\tion and said they looke~ forward to working with tho
Mr. McNeel introduceò Mr. ï,eorge ßail, President of I~. R. Frizzell
Architects, who explained his firm's bôckground, and he said the
company is by far the largest architectural organizAtion to have its
hea~quðrters and principal office in the immediate area.
lie explained
thc composition of the tenm and stated that his responsibility, as
principnl of this project, would be to m~~e sure thðt the pcople are
availl\ble, who nrc needed to meet the County's scheòules and pcrform
thc quality work cxpected. lie said that proposed project Manager Tom
pinkerton has had several years experience in that capacity with a
leading criminal justice firm in the country, handling both jails and
prisons. He explðined that the firm's consultant, pred Powers, pre-
pared the guidelines for the master plðnning of criminal justice
fncilities for the Dcpartment of Justice nnd that he served years as
head of ð Criminal Justice Divinion of a leading firm. Two additional
consulting firms would be workin~ with his company, Mr. Bail explained,
i.e. Post, ßuckley, Schuh, and Jernigan, Civil Engineering, and a cost
consulting firm from Atlanta, to assist in cost control, and that all
the other engineering needs would be performed "in-~ouse".
Mr. Bail explðinnd the slides which were shown that demonstratod"
some of the firm's projects that were currently under construction or
hnve been completed, i.e. the support services building, under con-
'BOOK 060 rACE 537
raqe 79
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Mnrch :n, l«JOl
struction, lit Lee Count Memorii1l ttospital, includin(j Administrative lInd
doctors' of~iccs; Desoti1 County Jail, in ~rcll~i~ lInd the Lee County
minimum security facility. He introduced Mr. Fred Powers.
Mr. powers, Criminal Justice J\ssociate, continued to explain tho
slides which covered projects that dcmonstrated the firm's experIence
in constructing criMinal justice facilities and explaine~ those sites
on \~hich he was responsible for the master pllln or was project manager,
when he worked for the previously mentioned firm, i.e. a 7.39 bed,
county detention and lllw enforcement center, I\.nn Arbor, ~1ichiCJan,
similar to Collier County's needs. ~r. Powers introduced Mr. Tom
pinkerton who would he the Project ~anager.
Mr. Pinkerton explained his role with rcgard to being rcsponsibile
for the day to déJY activltes of. t:1e job, and he descrihed the overall
project appronch. He said thp. beginning master plan and schematic
phases of the project development are crucinl and that the team is not
just the construction mana~er and ~rchitect, but that the entire County
staff and persons who will be using the facilites are included. For
that reñson, he said his firm would propose to brinCJ II trailer on-site
for th03e stages lInd nfter that phase, reacly access to the technical
people would be iMportnnt. Mr. pinkcrton said his firm would then work
from its office in the County, while continuing to mp.ct weekly with
polizzi-Heery and bi-weekly with the County. Mr. Pinkerton explained
his firm's policy re~nrdinCJ budqet control, and he said that I!anson
^ssoci~tcs would provide his firm with a line item estimllte at the end
of each phase to match a<)ainGt Polizzi-lIeery's estimñtes. lie explained
his firm's policy for follow throu9h upon completion of the project.
lie introduced Mr. l1alph Allen.
Mr. Allen explnined his position as Construction Supervisor with
Pl1ge 1)0
, ""'.<JIioo'k.
. . ~. .
March 31, 19!J1
W. R. Frizzell ^~sociates, which would ent~il daily site visits, anrl he
said as a resident of Collier County he would be readily availnhle at
all times. lIe explõinec1 thDt the compè\ny prid(!s itself on "turn
aroun~" time on shop drawings, that becomes very important to the
contractor in meetin~ his schedule.
Mr. Bail concluded the firm's presentation by stating that W. R.
Frizzell was vcry interested in doln~ the project for the ~ounty.
Since the firm would continue to "live with it" permDnently after the
completion of the project, he assured the Commissioners every effort
would be made by the company to "see that it w~s right". Copies of the
firm's qualificDtions werc distributed to the Commissioners. Respond-
inCJ to Chairman Pistor's qucstion, Mr. I"3Dil said that his firm had not
worked with construction manD:]ers in the p~st, but that he saw no
problcm in doinCJ so, ann he s ,11 r1 he felt from his observation that his
company would hDve a very compatible arran~ement working with
"'''''''''''''Commissioner Brown .lef.t room: 3:35 P.M. Returned: 3:1\5 P."!."'''''''''''''
In response to Commissioner wimer's qup.stiory.wlth regard to the
firm's role in the procedure of funding the project, Mr. Bail said thDt
the subject had not been discussed previously, but that if the County
should decide to go for û bond issue, he felt thDt his firm could be
Ðctively involved in presentations, as it had becn in a ~anatee County
project whero a bond issue was successfully passed. lIe snid his firm
could help compile the type of information which would be needed if the
County pursucd obtaininCJ the funds from the Government.
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M~rch 31, 19R1
PR!NDL~, P^TRtCR ~ A~snct^T8S, tNC.
Mr. Tcd Prindle, Pre~i~ont of prindle, Patrick & ^ssociatcs, Inc.
thanked the Aoard for invitin1 the ·firm to return anrt he introduced the
f.ollowin~ mcmbers of the firm's team:
1. Mr. .John 110hl'Ht,who would he 1\ssocillto I\rchitect and project
Mana~er for the project.
~. Mr. ~ohn M~~uinnes, who hlls ~pent 30 years in the ßurenu of
prisons and 15 yenrs with Jail Inspections, Bnd the firm's
consultant for the past 12 years.
3. Mr. Stan Holley, Architect with the firm for l~ years, and a
mcmher of the criminal denign team.
Mr. Prindle explained the Company's experience in approximately
Ion projects in the field of criminal justice desiqn in the united
States and ^frica. He said his firm is nationally recognized as one of
the top five leading firms in the country that designs criminal justice
f ù c 11 i tic san (1 the 0 n 1 yon e t h i1 t h ù S per m ù n en t 0 f f ice sin F 1 0 ri d a . He
describeò the company's experience of designing eiqht county projects
throughout Florida as well as one criminal justice complex, which gives
the firm a working relationship of l?~ of the counties in Florida. He
listed the various projects which were done in conjunction with con-
struction management firms, i.e. a criminal justice facility in
Cleveland, ohio. 'Ie introducerl Mr. Mc(juinnes.
Mr. McGuinnes described the slides which were shown of various
projects for which the company had designed, planned, and supervised
construction ûlon~ with ß construction mûnaqer, i.e. Dade County Jail,
Pùnama City, and the Sarasota County ~ail, situated ajacent to an
existinC) Courthouse. lie stilted he joined prindle, patrick £. Associ-
ates, Inc. upon retiremcnt F.rom the Federal ßureRU of Prisons becauso
75~ of the firm's work is in criminal justice fûcilities, and thnt he
is involved strictly in the jail portion of the projects. After
PnCo n~
. ,
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. ,-' :\:
~\é'lrch 31,19111
listing the various agencics that may ~ivc instruction with rcgarò to
thc operation ðn~ ~esi0n of jails, Mr. Mc~uinn~s st~te~ that he fclt
that those persons who "buy" these facilities should hnve more input.
He explaincd the important factors which are involvcd with re~ðrrl to
the design of jails, i.e. location é'lnò functionnl rolationships of
various portions of. the jail; sizes of the housing units, which are
controllcd in Florida by state law; typcs of locks used; and how many
persons IoJould he necde(l to stnff the huilcHng. lie intro(luced Mr. John
Mr. Hob¿Ht cxplaineò thùt he IoJould be project Man<lger and \.¡ould
work out of his Naples' office. ChnirmÐn pistor asked if the fr~ had
experience working with construction management and ~r. Hobart nnswered
in the affirmative.
Commissioner Wimer ~sked what role the firm envisions to assist
the County in the fundin~ of the project, and the point was made that
the firm could discuss the dif.ferent parameters involve~ in funding
because of the company's experience of working with various counties in
that regard. Mr. McGuinness noted with rcgard to "sellin~" these
projects, that the ùssistance of locnl organizations, especially the
League of Women Voters, has been extremely helpful, ônd he suggested
that it would be heneficial, in his estimation, to have such organiza-
tions see the County's facilities and becomc aware of any existin~
problems. Copies of the firm's proposal were distributed to the
Mr. McNeel said that the prcceeding four companies were eminently
qualified firms and upon checking rcferences, he found that the major- I
it.y of the f.irms \.¡ere cñpable and th<lt there were no si~nific.'nt
problems nssociated with their eff.orts. County Mana~er Normðn distri-
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&00;( 060 rACE 542
M"rch 31, 191\1
buted hallots ðnd commissioner Wincr explaincd the votin1 policy. Tho
followin9 worc ;hc results of the hallots:
· .
· 2 for, t"" tson Ðnn Comp<1ny
7. votes (or 11. J. Ross/The Ehrenkrantz Group
1 vote for \i. n. prizzell I\rchitects
3 votcs for H. J. J1oss/The Ehrcnkrðntz Group
2 votes for W<1tson nnn Comp/'lny
Commissioner wenzel movc~, seconded by ComMissioner Krus~ ~nd
unanimously cnrricd, that fl. J. Ross/The F.hronkrantz Group be selected
as the No. 1 choice.
vnTF: FOR Nn. 7. CHOICE:
3 v 0 t e s for \,1. R' P r i z z e II Arc hit e c t s
2 votes for Watson /'Inn Company
commissioner ',renzel nover:1, seconded by Commissioncr Kruse and
unanimously carried, that ~·1. R. Frizzell ^rchitects be selectt!d as the
No. /. cho i c ß .
VOT8 Fon N0. 3 C40ICf.:
3 votes for Watson and Company
2 votes for prindlc, Patrick ~ J\ssocintes, Inc.
Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconden by Commissionor Kruse and
carrion unanimously, thnt Watson ônd Compnny be selected as the No.3
N¡::'~rSPl\PF.J1S; CO!JN'rY l\TTnJ1NF.Y PI\fF.STI~7\TPlr. SITIJ7\TI()N
~ -
County Attornoý pickworth explained a situation regardin~ the
publicntion of the delinquent tax list in the locnl papers, ann he said
Pn/"e 1\4
"\nrch :\1, l~lIl
thnt Gince 1975, the ßonr~ hnn hnnicnlly [ollowc~ ^ rot~t1n~ pattern
with thc J\dmlnl~trntive ~i~c to tho "oArd qivin9 tho "oord 0 rcminder
in FebruAry Dnd the BODr~ lIon sclocted n newspapor to puhll~h snid
list. This year, since there WDI> a new ~:lMinl!>trntive 1\lr1 to the noorel
ðnd n now Tax Collector who WDB not Bwaro of tho preccodin~ policy, no
selection wns made hy the noard. Followinq the rule that if tho nonrd
docs not mDke n selection, the ToY. Collector is allowed to select, Mr.
Carlton selected the NDples Daily News, which publiAhc~ the list last
year. Mr. pickworth said that he wonted the Commissioners to be awaro
of the situation ðnd that he \oIould invcsti~ñte the matter.
commissioncr wimer briefly explained the previous State LegPsln-
ture ruling that the weekly publications could not publish the delin-
quent tax rollG; it hncl to be clone hy a r1¡:lily ncwnpëJper. lie noted that
after lobbying by the I-Ieekly publicaton5, the Stðte Legislélture this
past ycar changcd the law so that the \~ee!<.l y publicðtions coulð publish
5£11<'1 lists.
There beinry no further husiness [or the good of the County, tho
meeting WDS acljourned by orcler of the Chnir ðt ~:?O r.~.
, Q~ Xu
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ßOOK 060 PACE54.3 '