BCC Minutes 03/17/1981 W .:~ .~. ;-: ~...;¡ ¡¡'.It' --,-,._----,~-, ,.,...,-.... RIll r;¡¡¡;:J .. . )I!,~.J'~ . .. .. . j; . ,.. ." 'ç' ,0 .,:;~ '.)! -- --_.: . . " " ','.. . ", ...,.~..., ..' ·w' ~ If.'.. "'. .... .. ". ' ,. ....... , . N~pleR, Flori~~, ~~rch 17, l~~l LET IT BE nEMEMßERED, thðt~th~ 8o~rd of County COMMisslonera In . and for the County of Colli~r met on thii ð^te at ~s30 r.M. in Conference Session in Auilàing "F" of the.Courthouso Conplex with th. following memb~r3 presents ',It: " C"Arn~^N1 John A. Pistor Clifford Wenzel Mary-Fr~nc~s Kruse Oo!lvic1 C. flro\,tn '~ j~ 1~ " .£ ^~~ENT: t. n. "Russ" Wim~r .... ALSO PRESENT: C. William ~ormðn, County ~ðn~ger; Gr~ce Sp~ulðing, Ac1ministr!'ltive ".icJ~ to the r,01lrð; !)eputy Chicf ~ðy:nonñ r~rn~tt, -"~ Sheriff's DflpDrtnent¡ an(l·, .EGn.... Brcnnom!ln, D~puty Cll3rk. AG Ellf)]\, . 1. Report 00 fin~ings ~nd first drnft outline by Poli~zi/ncery re Governn~nt r.xp~nsion rrogr~n. RF.PO!1T OF rI~~I:-rC!ì J\"1t' FTnST C~"FT OUTL'tl~r t'y "0L17.::t/llr;ro:r:y m: GOvJ:;r"·'~1!'::·lT EXr,r,,~'C;!C~! ?R0cn,r,,~1 - l O 1'(':7:1:(')!·' nr.QIIT.RF:[,)¡ ",f:\!·HTIO~.I!',L T:'I;,- CtJ5'HOIJ ':'0 I?r. !~ELI1 F0l[.(')\·;D'('; R1;t;:r.tl"'1" ')r:' 'i1J13~:::ntlr:':-"'1" fH~f'(H1"(' County ~An~gcr C. WilJi~m Vor~~n pref~eEd the pr~5~nt~tion of th9 neport of Findings by intr01uclng the verlou5 m~nb~rs of th~ Polizzi/ "eery t~éI~ ,,'ho hëlvc bc!?n ...:orkin<J on the r.ollf('!r çovt:!rnmcnt Cl'!ntar Exp~n£ion ProjAct; nAm~ly, Bill ~cNÐal ~nd ~"ryl P~il~3, who h~yc hn~n producing ngst of the m8tcrial found in the noport; nn~, th~ir supnriors, Nick Polizzi nnð Vie CohQn, the princip~lR oversQcing the project. " . "1/"',/ 1 BOOK œo fAGE2,U' PlI9 Po 1 , ~\ .. '.- 'I:~ . '" (Ø) PACE 245 '";,rch 1"1, ],:,r.l ~1'''';f,\~. <' 't ". " ¡ 'I' ",' .... ·o,¡r \'\.. .' r1r. ~·c!·'("r.l rrovfl'1C'C' thr f'ol'lr'l' ",lth " r:hrono] O<J {t'!1", Oil':' {n~ Or. thn st~ps \-Ihfell hr,v., h"t:'n tt' .:~n to ~nt:c on tho rrojl'ct bC'gfnnlng w1t.h ~"nunry ~~I 10~1 whir:h W~R th~ projcct-l~unchin~ d~tc. He 0"16 ~t thnt .tin'~, .. mnt'Jtinlj \·,.,S h~lr' with Ml'ny of tht: st',ff. :1~nh~rß "nð qut'lst'.ion- ~"_-'-."--.......'''''',",- ...--=::.. ... -...- ,"~.. ... .'. . ..... . nLlir~s dlRt:r1hÍJtc~ r-:"qu~ntinCJ' vlldous fnfofM1'tion with r<Hprd to !'!tr.ffing or~r..tion¡¡, Hork-fJo\:, pêlp.1r-floIT, intp.r-rdttionGhip3 \-lith oth~r c'ap'\rt/l1C'ntn, ûn~ thl'! '-11:,-,. '·'hr.n I:ho qtl(>ationno!lir!!~ Wp.rA rOMpletê~ ~nd cJnrffic~, 3p~C~ projections wera gdnorfltod hêlsp.d upon st"ln:1<'\rd sp"(,:'~s "'ihich SN'n0å to he feir1y Co:nnnn throuryhollt th1! COllnty, naicl ~~r. '·c?-'ep.l, c?J.ling ¡,ttcntion to thl'lt portion of t.hl] ~ocumpnt intitled prclininsry rln~ings - ~pl'lce Pe~~s ~nLl1Y5is, sub-titled ~pnc~ ~ fJt<>nðélrd5 ~Ui~l'd in~s. Ho sðicl thê't th~ fI,nlllysis is not inclusive of ~l1 of the spl'lce ty~ea which wi]l u\tim~taly h~ dispJlIyed ~s stðndnrds, ~~ðing th~t copies of the ~nÐly~is h~V9 been ~istribut,d to st~ff mcnhùrs for th~ir r~vieH ~nð intêrprotation of whether the consu]~~ntsl intarpretati0n of. thc informðtion provided in tho questionnair~s WðS correct. Mr. r~c~ee1 continuc(J hy Ðt~ting thc!lt the teélm is ~t 0'1 point now whgre sp~ce ne~ås for those Dre~s not covp.rp.~ pi~ heing f.or~u1~t~ð, sur:h liS Court neporter, ~uhlic "·or:<s J;ivision, t'uhlic S!!,fety, MUSAUr:1, IItilitics, I:'~t<'l Processing, i'nd BCC offices. "(pin, rt:'fcrring to the suhject do,:uMr:>nt, ~~r. '~c"Jcl"l R"ir1 thnt t"p.re is êI section on tIlE: t-I'!l'dc progr~r:1 for th~ jë:11 \lhich is the most deti'ile~ of. ;.J1 of the informël- tion ~t hrn~ ðn~ is feprescntativ~ of ,~~t is hopa~ wi]1 b~ ~~hiAvad for th~ rQmêlin~er of tho Program schodule~ to be conplet~d Dnò suh- mitted hy the ~pril ~~te r.stDblish~ð for the pres~nt~tion of thA finðl P"'9P. '- . , , . '. :e- I. '.,'. ., '·_'R'~~_""_";""""'''''''''''''"''''_'_'_____ --.........-.""..""---. ...._----_.,~.,,-.,.~-"'"'--""',.,...,~_....,^,._< , f)~~~,..:1 , ", . , , :¡'; :' , .:~.. >,;:.~ ....._.~'~_.,~ __ ...,~_.--.. _r.:,:!~ '." .....,-;;'.. , '!:\J ":.;,~ . .~~; ~ ~ ,., . "~\I>d . - , .. . . I. 'f·. . " '.' '. , , . ~',"rch 1':', )~:.'1] rePort. l1e slIid that t;þa inf.ormation on j.!'\i1s 18 v~ry ~p.scdptlve of the operQtions, th~ intant, ~nd the organ!~ation that should be achieved in a program for the jnl1 f~cillty. Adðr~ssing the j~il facility portion of. ~hp. report, Chairman pistor inquired i£ nil of .the various ~re~G, such ~s space for the · to-·l·· J~'..'..".' ..". ,~,. . ~:. ".' '.,' t1 I.. ....:.,,, -I. IÕI~'I'" t.', .. " '~ Itl1 dir~ctor of education, lihr~ry, clas~roo~s~ recreation y~rð, anð tho like, é're requirenents. ~~r. Mc:Neel replie.ð that FederAl ~t!'lnðl'rds werp. used such as thos~ us~ð in court cas~s to d~termine the adequÐcy of j~ils. He said thðt they hðve been enhAncød to a cert~ln ~ogre~ b~CÐuse, In projccting for the future, th~rG will h~ ch~ngos in tho criminal justlc~ syst~n. He pointen out th~t none of the projections ðre b~ing "ðict~tcd" to the Boar~ but being provid~d as a reFort of the findings and determinðtion of nccn r~lating to those types of guide- 'lines, particularly the jail, and st~ndpr~s, as wo]l ~s requirements that "re nationall¥·pcceptnd. comr.dssionnr "~('nz~l s'1id thot he could sce some of the it~ms boln') incorporateå when Feð~ral funds are being uscå, but qu~stioned if there is é] legðl WAY "to èo things on our 0\>'0" using "our o~.'n flln(1s" c!\nc.1 no!, accepting aid or gr~nts. Deputy Chief. ~arnett cy.plaincõ thDt no remo~'eling or cons·trllction of jnils can be none cxc~pt lJmler "their" stnndards. To responc'l to the qllp.stion, ','r. ß.dles infor1~cè the P.oarrl th2\t éI brand ne\'/' j;d 1 Cé1n bo bull t to the County' s o~:n r;p('ci flct'tionß, getting a Fcderal suit élnd éI nnndnte the nay it is opened, resultln~ in 'having to cOMply in the event the suit is lo~t in rr.~erÐI r.ourt. . - The [e· fa r e, sa iå r;r. r:.('I ¡ ll!b, it i S ih"~V 1 C~~ b 1..:: . to tc:.~:~..!'~~' :?_ ,.. ....~..~.L::;..:.::.! l_':=._·, whnt would happen in providing (or n ne,,' j;til f.acility if linder' Federðl man"'"tc. . ," .. ~.. I.'. I,: ¡ ., " " , ßbOK 000 PACE 24ß "...:..... . ....' . ..,'., "1; I_ .~ .. or' ~.....- .-. ....- .,..,.-=o,.___...._".".,"~...,__._"" J,"'-IiUI_"""",__,_~"."""",,,,,,,,,,,,·_;_<-....,....,...... .' -, OBO PACE 24z 7 M,. r~h '1.", ,,,..., \, '..""'; ¡ : .~~ ., ~ ~ ';.' ~·r. ~,'or''I,''n ·S\1IJ<J0St'.wl th<1t, pf'\·t'I1,'r~, tho propo~~ð l1~n;H~lu", \'10U'(~ ~.~,?t I"" ~s 'much "\. r0q\J1r"MC'nt if', AwitrlhlF out.floor rf1<"r""tion.,l t'lr",,!] ,'Ire provi(1ud. Deputy r..unp.tt. I';xpl~Jne~ thl'\t /'!n (!:<~rc1ßc p.\rN' '~I"'lIt h~ provic1crl ~nd \Jsinl) .'In inn}{1c.' lJynnaoiu", innt"'c,1 or ..'n outr;i,1c CI'C'1l1ty .......::c\;;~- ñ·¿;~""[¡;,;;'m:':':'¡·r;"f.üc·jl··~ll ¡ (~Uric'~ 'i n' co~t"':' u·~ 'to tll..· cÚ:ud t-ý "Ün.fë1-;· ~ust he rrovJ~a~ ou~si~e. COMMission~r 1(rllSI" inquirer! if. "'nyon" hAS C:!l.'ll'\'!ngp.c! the Fe~pr",j GovernMont on tho 10111,,10 concopt. of thp. I"lT'ount of rC'JII'Pltiona boin/) <:ppJ iN~ to loc~' tJ0·'C'rnr.t~nt.s \-/:dch thoy (loc:",'. govcrnr.tcnts) h~"(> to funð. Mr. Nor~~n rcsFon~eð by stÐtinlJ th~t it is not the Fed~rðj r.rur~l·u,=rAcy hut, ré'th('r, t.he courts, \.¡ith ~~ruty F.'.:>rnett ",~ding th~t jnils ar~ being closed ev~ry d~y un~er court M"'nð~ta. ~r. ~c~enl snid th~t thero is nothin~ heing Impos~~ I"t tl1is point hut, to huild .,:nything less th-'tn Feder;¡J. st.:'1n<1ñri!, \-IOUle' he ëI ð('ficit to th2 r.ounty. . t'iscu!õ~don continl1~( \oIith r-'r. r:c~!e.;;ol furth0r ."'~sê:ribing th~ hl.'lsic npproDch b~ing t~ken with r~~~rd to SP~CQ requirements h~sc1 on Gp~CC criteria \!hich h;:¡s been est<-bJ.i!';htJC' \·;ithout i'ny r(>(:ognition as to wh~ther or no the spøce exists which he 5aid will proyl~e a "norM" to comp~re cxil'ltin<] sp;.c~ "'(]C'\Ì"\s';, incll1~ing \olhé\t sP""cc CDn be renovl'Ited, wh~~ spÐce c:ðn be left ,'IS is, ~nd the like. ~'r. !o'or;"!,'n ob$erven th?t r:he finfin<J~ ~r(' prer:icllteñ on \-:hê'\t is fait will be neeðe~ ~t th~ pn~ of fiv~ y~prs, Cn~ thin9 th~t is nissin(] from tho tahles, s",i~ Mr. vorn;.n, i~ thp c:urrent ßtatus InFormntion which hB sé\id must be "plu~~e~ in" In or~~r to ñi<'jcst th~ r0port for cOMrarison purposes. ~r. ~c~cc1 s~ld that 1'1 rerort l'In~ ",n"lysis of the current sr,.,CfO being occupieð \/111 h., provir1I)~. lYe s()id th~t sovern1 c:ritic:~l ()rp~s fot cpDce ne~fs hAve heen i~cnti£ie~, as 1'~9 fI ~ . , , " , '.,1. " '__-';'_''''~__''''''''_'' "t" ...,." ~ " 10.;" f1 .:¡ ,~ ;l ;} ~ {. "~~·'~·_~'·_"""""·.~__",__~"~_e'_· _....M_'..........·, , .. - . . .. ,~ .. . . , . ','" ", ,0 .'. ., " . . .. .'."... , , !"arch ]7, 19~1 . well ðS ~ntlcipatp.~ sp~ce n~cðs·within th~ projected five-yeor pr09rð~. He ~ddad th~t c~o five-ye~r pro9r~M i9 being use~ ðS ð basis fQr I1rchItecturl'll t~"tli9n for the first con!1truction effort, Ob3p.rvin<J that the ~rchitect will he roquired to ·m~ster plan" baseð on threo phases - the five, ten and fifteen-yenr progrnm ~h~rn~n r!stor Gug0~5ted th~t, whil~ the five-yc~r pr09ra~ is \; bftin9 considere~, SOMe thou~ht shou1d be givcn to th~ ncp.~s in fifteen ye~rs ~nd, pp.rh~pA, iMplementing it nIl at on~ time. In conclusion, Mr. ~lct-Jeel saiò that his prescnt.ntion this df.ltp. ,",tiS in the' form of an 'interil7l report to let the ROi'lrd I<no\ol "\o/h'~re ".~ stanc'! and "~ere we are goin~ frQm horn" and to provi~e the ro~rcl with the opportunity to deternine "if we ùrc on the rilJht track". /-1p. s<.'Iid thë\t the ulti~ate result will be a report to the Eoar~ which, upon acccpt~nce hy th~ Po~rd, will becoM~ (II progr~m under which tho architect will be Gëquired to design the Fxp~nsion projp.ct. Fo 11 o\1i nC] en éI i rln.? n Pi s to r 's sucJg es t ion th<'\ t nn Ð(~d i t ion" 1 ":od:$hop Session be held f.or EO.:1rd input, "'r. Normé'n s"ið tho'lt hp. would like to see the report in a nore r~fineð form before the Conmissioners ~~ke their cornnents. nc said that, basically, the tep~ is on schedule as hr DS he can judge, coml':'lent.ing thê'lt they ar~ very conscientious ahout the schedule, which he, personally, øppreciøtes, it it ;10 * ;10 it ;10 , ~-~ There beinC] no further busin~s5 for the goon of th~ County, the :"'..' mecting w~s ~~journed hy order of the Ch~ir Timr:! ~:!\S P.M. .7" oil -J'... , .~-~~, ..:,,~ ';¿j Ptlg~ 5 ..' '~I' . , "':"1: .,- .. ..-..., "--I'''~''" " " , . , '{¡ '.> '. toõ\'" 000 PACE248 ,. ' ~/. ",.,,--,""""'''''''"''-'''''''''-'''''''. ...______~__......._.........''''____.............,,''''_...__'''',._......._;>.<...,""*"_"-.M"'...."'",...,·,.,,,.