BCC Minutes 03/17/1981 R
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Nðpleß, F'orl~~, M~rch 17, 1ge1
L!T IT !~ n'-M'M~r.ftP.Þ, that the Boarð el e.unty e'M~II.J.n'rl in
and for the County of Collier, 8nd also acting ~s the Governing
~o~r~(s) of suçh speciDl districts ðS he.v~ boen create~ ~ccorðin? t.o
l~w and hevin~ conducted business h~r~in, m~t on this ~~tQ ~t ~rno ~.M.
in Rp.gulllr Session In Bull~ing !IF" of thE! Courthouso Complex \lith the
following McmberR presont:
CH~IR~~N: John~. rlstor
C.R. "Russ" Wlm~r
~~ry-Fr~nceR Kruse
DlIvid C. Bro,,'"
Cli fforð \"onznl
"Lr.O rnr.qr.NTs,'·fJ1Jhm ,1. ""nil""' r,l"rk, f'~rol'" L. ""11, Chh"
neputy Clerk/Fisc~l 0fficcr1 n~rlp"e "~vidson ~nð ~dn~ ~r~nneman (2:]~
P.~.), Deputy Clerks; C. ~illiðn ~or~~n, County ~~nÐgp.rl Neil Dorri!),
""ninistrntive ~ssJstrnt to the County M~n1'190r 1 T)on.1l1" T"lckworth,
County ,.ttorney 1 Terry vi rt<t, Comfl'luni toy Devp.lopm':!nt I\ðmi ni strl1tor 1
Jeffory Pcrry, Zoning Director; Lp.~ L~ync, Pl~nnerl Irving npr~on,
Utilities ~~nagÐr; GrDca Spaul~Ing, n1rninistr~tlvc ^i~Q to the no~r~;
~nð, ~~puty Chief R~ynonñ PArn~tt, Sheriff's ~Ðp~rtrn~nt.
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Mnrch 17, 19(11
^G~~n^ - ~PP~nv~n WITH ~nnITIONA ~Mn r~L~TIDN~
CornmiAsioncr ~"enzo1 m~vo", seconrJec1 by Commissioner Kruse line!
carried unanimously, that the ^genda be Dppro~ed with the following
additons ~nð. ðp.letlonsr
I. Cons{~cration re Resolution re9~rðlng fðrmworkers
2. RecOMmenò~tion re hiring new ^sRist~nt County
Manager - added.
3. Report re 70ning DIr~ctor findings regarding ð
trailer on Roscmðry Lnne - ~å~ed
4. Consideration of approval of ~~rCDm~nt between
Kings Lak~ Ltd. and U.~. ~ome Corp. - lIdðed.
5. Report from ~ocinl Rcrvices Director - ~ðded. '
6. Public petitlo~ from Gene Pittenger ra side yðrd
setbðck - ðelctcd at p~titionp.r's request.
7. Authorization for the Chalrr.1an to execute FmH1\
documents re ~oodland ~3ter District - lId~cd.
8. Appointfl'lcnt to the Health Fðcilities Authority _
9. Request from the Utiliti~s ~Dnll0er to authorize p
change of the public h~aring date to April 7, 1~r.l
regarding considcrp.tion of the SY5t~~ development
charg~5 and ~uthorization for ~dvertlsing ce same _
add cd.
10. Chang~ the ~nte of minut~s for oonRideratlon of,
approval to Fcbruûry lOth anñ ?ðth, I~RI and dleto
the detn Fchrunry 17, l~Dl.
~'INUT.r.!=; OF' FEemlMW In, ,.~'!) ?II, IOn! - 1>PPTHWI=:D .to!=; prH~~p.N'i'ED
COr.'lmissioner h'enzE'l moved, seconded by COMMissioner Wimer and
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carried unnnimou~ly, th~t th~ minut~s of FehruDry 10 and" ~~, 19n1 ~e
approved ~s pr~sQntad.
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RF.f.OL"1''!:0N ,. J -71. n~ pp.'I't'l'rOllf 1'D-M-' ~C, (nr.VI~f.D), rn HTLLS1'RC"td FC"fl 'rUE'
VILL^~ (,,)F V/lJ.'DF.m"'r.''' P'P'II,('JI nF:Ç\I11=:~1'r'm 1\ RnM' '''1CTf f.X'l'P.N~TO'" 71'1' LC'TS '1
^t"!" "', r.LOr.[~ ^ /lNf' r,cw ~n, ~t.r')C~ P, V1\~JOr::11IHr..1' Cf.:,IICH F:~'I''''TP,'~ 0'"
V^N"p.n~TL'I' L/lG~C4 - /lnOP'I'p.n
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Lo']"'l notlc:c h/'lving bp.('n publishAI' in thA Nl'Iples rlllly ""O"'f'I on
Fehru~ry ], lq~J ~~ ~vldcnccð by ~f.fldavit o~ rub]icl'Ition prcvfously
fil~~ with the Clerk, puhllc hearing wns continued from l/27/ql ~nd
2/'~/~1, to tonsi~Dr petition RO-rO-lSC, filed hy F.~ niJIstron repre-
sentlng The VIl1i'\s of Vanèerbllt ßanch, r'",c:!uesting l'I boat dock
extension I!t Lots ::!l l'nd ?", Block A ðnrl Lot 20, "lock R, V<'Inderbllt
Beach r.states loc~tod on V~nderbilt Lñgoon.
PI~nnP.r L~c L~ynp. located thp. 5ite of the propose~ boat çD~k on an
overhp.l'Id mllp and outlined the gener~l Dreð, inclusive of. zoning,
permitteå uses ~nð fp.nslty. She referred to the Excc~tive ~uMm~ry
dated 3/5/Rl Dnrl rccDpped th~ contonts therpof including th9 fact that,
pursu~nt to the P.o~rd·s direction of ?/,A/P-I, this petition was sent
b~ck to the r.~Pc for cl~rlflc~tion of thei~ re~son for recommenðlng
denial ðt their f.irst heõring bÐsed on the criterin outllnp.d in P~ra-
gri!ph 30, Section r. of the Zoning OrrHnance. ~'s. Layne sl)id· that on
YÐrch 5, 19r~ thp. r.~PC clùrified their reasons for ~eniðl b~sod on four
of the five criteria outlined in sni1 raragrõph ~nð that the following
ro~~ons wcrp. of.f~red:
l^. The ~o~ks run the wirlth oF. the prop~rty with eight bOðts
being pl~ced froM Jot line to lot line which ðrc too
many ho~ts 'for this lot.
2~. Thp. wðter depth is sufficiont to permit boats to dock ^t
the 20 fPoet ~llowed length.
3~. Thero is no extreme w~t~r current ~t the 20 ft. l~ngth
which would hin~er mooring of bo~ts.
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Mnrch 1"', l~nl
4A. The l~nd contour of the floor of tho L~goon is st~hle so
there ie no re~son for incre8s~d ~ock iength.
SA. The effect of thp. s~f~ty of users of tho navigahle
channel ~as not a conRidp.rt~ion of ~eni~l hcc~usc the
channel is loc~ted ov~r Ion fp.p.t from the ~ock.
Ms. Layne s~I~ th~t the CAPC reAffirmed their reco~mrn~~tion of ðeniel
7/0, and RtDtcd, that a T-shnpad dock at the ~o ft. length should he
edeql(\ te.
Co~missioner ~irncr asked if County ~ttorney pickworth ntten~ed thA
CAPC hearing, ånd ~r. picKworth replied ne~~tively, stating that it w~s
^ssist~nt County ~ttorn~y ~c0uinn who ~ttcn~ed that he~ring. tn answer
to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. pickworth st~ted th~t he is satisfied that
the CAPe hns considered the subjp.ct petition b~scd on the criteria
'outlined in the Or0inqnce as Indic~ted in tho the st~ff report. He
. s~id the ?hsence of this on the staff report during the 1ast public
hearing w~s his pri~ñry concern.
Mr. Ed pi11stroM, representing The vanderbilt Company, the
ðcvelopnr of tho subject boat docking facilitiy, snið that the
developer Is willing to wlth~r(',\' t.he "T" portion of the nubject dock hy
approximately 12 ft., as Indlc~teð on the overhe~d m~ps ~n~ drawings on
which he pointed out the r~vls~d rl~ns. He askp.d the ~oard to consi~er'
the revitH'!ð plan which will still /1110w the "'I''' portion of the èock to
rest in approximê!tcly ? ft. of ,,]<,ter. He'said thl',t h" feelf\ that the:!
~!11 ~l'~n~t~ ~~ny of the concern~ that h~vc boon
expresscö In thl"! pélS't, sp~dfic/'llJy, th~ or1c¡in<lBy propo!;;cd ~ocking
fðcilities mi~ht hove crcðted /'I n~vlg~t!onAl haz~rrl out into V~ndcrbilt
~r. Hi113trom s1\id th;:¡t the width of the" c:hllnn,,) l\t ttin
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~"rch 17,11)"1
propose~ site h~s h~pn un~cr consl~p.r~tlon, ~n~ he r~portcd th~t th~r~
l~ ~prroxim~t~ly ~50 ft. ~rom the ~OCkIR projp.ction to the A~~wðlts on
tha oproslt~ sl~o of the 1~900n.
If", 811iñ thp tho l.'\t"st proposl'Il
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projp~tR about ~n-t/' Ft. froM ~n ~~j~cent se~w~l' ~n~ prohnhly '_A
~oro F.r.Qt to thA ~ver~ge Ghor~line, which Is ~l~ost Rtrnight ~own to
. th'" cnr! of thp. l.-goon.
~r. Hillstrom .,J50 refcrred to 1'1 s~rips oF. photogr~phs taken of
v~nñerhilt L~goon in order to ~ocu~cnt tho numbers of ~ocking fncili-
tlp.s on sði~ hody of w~ter. H~ R~ið that, bl'lsP~ on the number of docks
shown in thn photographs, he does not consider th~t thore is 8 prolif-
er.-~ion of such f.-cilities in the V~n~erbilt L.~oon. He saið that,
b~Ged'on these f.,cts ~nñ, becl'luse tho ~eveloper has rp.ceived DNR, DER,
an~ Collier County St~fE's approval in terns of envir~nment, he soes no
b~sis for denial of this petition unless it is the bl'lsis of tho number
of docks per wi~th of the property. "e s~id that there arc no gui~e-
lines for th~ design of. docks, in regl'lrd to that ~nd if the Board foels
thet there are too many, the petitioner will agree to reduce them to
whòtevor figure the Cornmission~rs feols is I'Ipproprlate.
Co~mls51oner Wenzel <tsked Mr. rillstrom if there hl'ls heen ~ny
opposition from the public since he presented the revised proposal an~
Mr. HilJstrom sl'Iiñ that there hl'ls not. He said that there was ~ C^P~
meeting I'It which he was not present 1 he was not invited to attend that
meeting. He said that he h~d suggestp.d moving the docking f^cilities
in 12 f~et at the last Bce meeting, ðn~ th8t today is the first time
that he hA~ been given the opportunity to ~i~play the revlEe~ proposal
and relevant dr~wings.
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r-1arch 17, l~OI'
There Wi'S a discu!'!sion centere~ arounð 101r. Hillstrom's stl'ltement
thðt he w~s not notified of the li'st c^r~ ~~ctin9 during which hi.
petition was discussÐd. COMMissioner Þistor aske~ Kr. Virt~ why ~r.
Hlrlstrom Wl'S not notified to ðttend, anð rr. Virta ~xplðine~ that the
ag~nda w~s sent to him; howev~r, the C~PC did not reopen thp.ir public
hearing regarding the subject petition, they merely discusced the
reasons for its original recommend~tion for denial. ~r. Virto sl'lid
that the discussion wes not a public hc~rfnry. ~~en Ðsked if the C~PC
had the opportunity to consider the revised plans for the docking
facilities, Mr. Virt~ ~nswereè negatively. Com~issloner pistor said
that he sees a problem with the rcvised proposal be~~usc if the
'petitioner puts ho~ts on eðch end of the ~ock, tho!'!c two hoats will
violate the setback·rp.quirem~nts. ~r. Virta said th~t it is his
un~erstanding that if the C^PC il'! to consider the revised proposal, it
would require a new public hearing, ~s the original public hearing has
been closed. Mr. Nor~·n said that he has noted In the report from the
CAPC th~t the length of. the dock was not an issue upon which they
recommended deniD!" .o!n~, therefore, the ntn, proposlIl would not hl'vO h..,ð
any bearing on their recommenð~tionl it WDS the width of th~ dock that
they were concerned with.
Commissioner Wlm~r støtûd that the subject petition høsbeen
confusing, ~nd he ~pologizcd to the petitioner for the objections th~t
.,.... -have ·hecn r/l ised Dt this hearing. /:Ie 'Sf' iei' that whcn- thC-:-1'1.nnct'H,TrJt
this petition h~ck to the CAPC, he' h~s no concept thðt they would
mere]y reconRlñor their rp~Rons for tho rp.~omm~nñ~tion for ~enl~l. He
b .
askcà tho starf for clarifc~tion ns to whethor or no~ thore in a l~w
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MOX 060 PAcc148
"'I\rch 1'7,.1931
r~leVl\nt to the width of ~. <'lock, or, lIrt! there tiny ~ui"l!tlfn!'!s? Ito
~skQ~ if. thpre w~ro ra~sons helng "~re~fI'It up" in or~~r t.o ~cny tho
suhjoct honr ~n~k? ~o~Mf~~'on~r Þ'stor ~~fA th~t th~r~ i~ ~ ~~~h~~~
r~nufr~M~nt, ~n" ~onfl'lisgion~r w'mpr ~~i~ th~t he w~nta to know ~xl\ctly
I/:H',t the l<'1~1 Gtipul.'Ites.
~r. "irt;) s"J~ that the Cfo,pr. ravic'.¡eð the proposl'\l in light of, thp.
criterl? thñt is cont?lne~ in thp. Orñin~nce; he re~~ the crlteri~ p~int
by point; the C^PC revJew~d a~ch point ~10n9 with hiMself ~n~ a reprc-
s~nt?tive of the County ^ttornay's officp.. He said the C~P.r.IS report
is base~ on their interpretation of how the criteria epplied to this
p~rticular project. Commissioner ~jMer said that ~r. V1rta's statem!'!nt
is not specific enough and he ask!'!d the Ch~jrman to request ð more
specific answer. Chairman pistor s~id that Commissioner ~imQr's
question is, "if there arc no boats kept on the outside end of. that
"E", would the 9u1daline requirèmer.ts be met?" Commiss!oner Wimer
addeð th~t he sp~clfic~lly wishes to know what the size requirements
Dre for the boats that ðre to be docked. He s.1Iid that he does not mean
to b~ argumentativp.; he SiMply w~nta ~n answ~r. "'r. Virta said th~t
there are none. r.ommissioner Vifl'ler said that is wh~t he thou9ht1 the
s~tbÐck requirements are applied to boat ~ocks, not to hoats. He said
that the same applies to ~ person's property line relative to parkin9
their autoMobil~; n person can p~rk his autOMohile on his property
11n91 a person m<ty also park ~ boat on his property line. Aft said thnt
he is making the accusation that Rwhoftver" is ~renmln9 up reasons for
ohjections so thnt the sUbje6t bo~t ~ock will he denied. ne s~ld that
he wou1d say no More on the subject and he ~Po10g1ze~ to the petItioner
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Mnrch 17, l!:1J:!l
once, agll~!, lidding thtlt he ðoes not believe in this type of go',ernmont.
****·****Comnission~r Wim~r left the meoting - Timer 9rJP ^.~.******.*
~r. Grorgc Keller, Chairm~n of the ~oning comfl'littee of the Colli~r
County Civic, ^ssoci~tion Ferl~r~tion, spok~ in to opposition to tho
subject petition. He s~ið thDt the C~PC W~G emphatic in their
'recommendation for ãenial; that even though th~ revised propos~l is 17-
ft. shorter; the proposed boat dock is still wall over the allowable 2"
ft.; lInd th~t he Attendp.d the lllst cr.,PC meting, eluring Hhich there W8f1t
no "h~rñship" proven in order to show /) re~son for requiring an
p.xtension of nore thl'ln ~o F.t. He sAið thl'lt p.Dch point in the Ordinance
w~s cI8ri~ied, ðnd the C^PC w~s instructe~ point by point, by ~s.
McOuinn, th~ "ssistant County Attornp.y.
***********Conmissioner Wimer returnnd to the neeting, ncconpanied by
County ^ttorney Pickworth - Time: 9:/.0 ".M.**********************...
Mr. Keller said that there is no reason why the petitionp.r cannot
const~uct é\ ho~t dock An~ still reMain within the allowé\ble"'O ft.
extension proviso of the Orñln~nce. ~e nlso concurred with Mr.
Hillstrom·sst~tp.mp.nt lhr.lt thp.rp. ,He not 11 lot of bOllt docks in the
,---.--~r~.'J.~,!..::h~: ::uhjcct .!:itc¡ "no::hcr rc:::::or. to turn this one c!o\-:n....i~
becl'luse thnre ðrc é\ lot-of p~ople wis11ing to have bOAt docks that lIr~
waiting for ,the Poard to npprove this p~rticulll~ onel this will set the
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precedent they, wi]] fn11 hAck on when rn~king their r~quest. "~"aid
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,.'nrch 17, 19~1
th~t the purposo of tho rel~v~nt Or~inðnco is to prov~nt p~opl0 froM
using public w~t"rw~ys to mnkA mon~y hy cxtÐn~lng boct ~ocks out into
......~.....,...,.~-r." ~,ltJo..tt--!' ,,. ~Vl?" 0''''' 1":1(',"'1' !I'" 1/ r.o r.c!or'll n 111m~, ('t~. '.:l·th -th~ ......u. _...
un~crst~nðin~ thnt thp.y will hnve bo~t ðock fðci'lti~s ~v~ilabl0 to
t.hcfl'l. He s~ið thl't the subject OrcHrrancp. is ~ "rr.strictivp. orc1inanco",
not n "p~rmissive orðin~nce".
~Ir. Cr1rl C.ilzo, r~"resentinCJ VAndcrbiJt ~e..,ch property Owner's
"ssoc., spok',: in opposition the proposer.' bOl'lt e'!ock. He insisted that
.th~rp. arc too m~ny "ocks alre~ðy~ ~nd rp.g~rdless of. whl1t the petitioner
claims, he knows thAt on the same side of the lagoon as the subject
site there Are nlre~~y flv~ "extrD long" docks; there ~re 70S privPte
ðocksl and, just to the south,of the proposed dock, thoro are AO
mooring places with catwðlks in betHcen. He saie'! that every property
owner on the lagoon is entitled to l'I dock, how~ver, It should fðll into.
t~e ?O ft. ~l]owe~ In the Zoning Ordinance. He clalmfld that the
approval of the subjr.ct dock will set a precedent, and th~t the reason
for the subject rnqup.st Is to ml'lke money ~nð this Is not ~ ~ood enough
Mr. HI)lstroM revl~wpd the ð1nensionR, Incluc'!Ing the fl'lct that the
proposed dock will be /.5 ft. long from the end back to the end of the
cross dock. ~e s~Id that t~p.re is 25 ft. there, then, there is a 5 ft.
p:tê'ltform plus "nothcr l/? ft. totllllng 3l-t//. feet on thl\t side. "*,.
said that the shorallne moves b~c~ lit the southern end, thus, it would
ho I\pproxlm"-'tfllly sn feet to the property on thðt side. "e slIid that
thesr. ðimensions wprr. ðrrivc~ at hy sounðin~s that the petitioner mðde
personally, resulting in 1\ wDter ~cpth of ~ ft.: if it is found th~t
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~'l\rch 17, 19n1
they c~n ~e moveð h~ck furth~r an~ result 1n that depth of wat~r then
the p~titionpr will mov~ thnm bnck f~rth~r.
Commission~r "'enznl sa id th,l1t he bel i eves that if the dock ~'ero
constructed without the "T" then there would not hf.! any objr.ct1ons, r.nð
Mr. Hillstrom concurred, adding that Jl the eo~rd feels th~t th~t is
rcally noc~ssr.ry, thp. p~titioner would s~ttle for thet. ITe slIie' th"t
this would eliminate the conveniencE! of accesS pl~tforms.
Co~misBloner ~IMcr asked if the boats th~n5Qlvcs woulð not be ~s
long or longer than the catwalks, ~n~ Mr. Hillstrom sal~ th~t the boets
would still constitute ~n'ohstructlon. He s~id that ~e ~oe& not
consider that the hoats should be consiðerAd ~s an obstruction becftuse
the chRnn~l Is ~50 ft. across. ~omMissioner winer concurr(!~, ~n~ said
that he sees no differ~nce in the ~mount of. ~roj~ctlon, between the
dock with and the ~ock without the "T".
Mr. Keller said that the confusion li9s in the f.Dct th~t the
petitioner was originAlly planning D ~~ ft. ~ock, nnd now plans to
construct a shorter one. He 8150 said that if the petitioner h"ð
plnced the òock in A ñifferent mllnner rcl~tlve to the shorp., tho C~PC
probRbly would not have objected 115 they ~id. "~s~id that pl~c~nent
pl\ral1el to the shoreline wouJñ l\llow the restriction of. th~ ~ock to ~o
or 2' ft. 1~ said that If this ~lcre the c~se, hp. ñoe3 not heliE'''~ thilt
nn·yonc: ",oulrl hë've obj ectc:d. ~Tf'! SU9<JC'5tCrl that the p€'ti tioncr novo one
of the c~tw~lks b~ck to the shorn]ino In his rcvfsnrt proposnl.
Commjssloncr pistor sðlð th~t this would not work hrcause of the
existing riprnp ë'nd, ~lso, if tHe dock wore turricd ðround, the on~ en~
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of the c~t~alk would vfol~tc tho CCCL s~tbnck line.
/-1r. '~cller l1rgcñ
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'~: ~
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" ".,
060 PACE 152
t-1~rch 17, 19(\1
the ~onrd to ~cny tho suhject petition bnse~ on the propos81 to r.xtend
th~ rlock out heyon~ thn ," ft. ~llow~~ In the Or~lnðnc~. He in8ist~d
"....".~~".~~..."..i~',..·r..r:~rlcth·~on(", :-n~ th,~t t""s ,~
t"'" r~"'801'"
th~t it W~ß ~~optQ~ ~n1 hA sni~ thl1t he s~es no re^son to ~~opt ~ l~w
nnd then make ~ pra~tico of Mßking Ax~eptions to th~t l^w. Commis-
sioner ~'.'incr sld~ that the ?o.!:rr] is not consid~r1ng r.\ðldng an excepti'on
to a law; the Zoning Ordinnnce stat~s a certßin ~enqth that is allowed
with no ~ctlon froM the BCr. require~1 it further statßs that If one
~/ishes to huild a dock over th^t,length, then the request Must go
through a cert~in process1 there is nothing that says a porson cannot
builò ð dock out Into the water farther th~n 20 ft. He said that'it
5~~cifically allows f.or construction over 20 ft. at the discretion of.
the BCC, to protect the gonp.ral wp.lfare and S~fAty of the public. He
Rai~ that there is ~ limit as to how far a dock f!'IðY be built, élnd he
b~lleves that It is 100 ft. Mr. Keller argueò that thp. law does
restrict the huilding of a boat dock to ," ft., unless one of the
spp.~lfic reasons are encountered and proved to be ~ reason to builð out
any f~rth~r. Commissioner pistor said that he helievos thr law is
written in such ð way as to give ð person the rlqht to build a ðock
p.xt~nded lon~er than ?O ft., by approval of this Ponrò.
Mr. Keller said that he hopes that the Aoard unòerstanðs th~t the
C~PC emphAtically turnod ~own this petition, ancl, that they (C~PC)
nev~r reviewed the revised proposal. Ha objectp.d to ~110wing the
petitioner to present ð revised proposal after the C~PC reviewed and
recommended denial of the original proposal. He said that the r~vise~
proposal should hDve to go through the entire process before ft Is
\,ago' 1)
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I !
, ,,~
't; ~...
,t· ,
I ~i'
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MlIrch 1'7, 1901'
either passed or rejectp.ð.
Commissioner pistor nsked ~r. pickworth ~o clarify the following
statement within the C~PC's rc~sons for rpcommending ~onial as follows I
l~. The docks run the wl~th of the property with ei~ht
boats heing plAced froM lot line to lot line which
are too m~ny for this lot.
Commissioner pistor asked ~r. pickworth if th~ Zoning Or~lnDnce
estAblishes how nðny boats nay hp. p~rke~ ~t the end of a dock. He
further asked if the ordinfincÐ rel~tes to bo^ts ~t nIl?
Attorney pickworth sni~ that he ~ocs not believe the ordinnnce
addresses the numhers of boats relative to lot lines and he suggeste~
that Plann~r Leo Lðyn~ re~~ th~ first criterion into the record.
'Plann~r Layne read the following:
1. "Th~ r:1U!"Iber of hoathouses or docks to he
loc~te~ an the subject property in r~lðtion to
the lcn9th of wAterfront prbpcrty rv~ilAble
for the loc~tion of th~ bOAthouses or docks."
Ms. L^yne s3ið th~t thù Aforementioned remarks w~re bÐse~ on the
above-referenced criterion; the C~PC th~u9ht that q boats from lot 1ine
to lot line would rC'Ru] I; In too high c'J density of bOClt5 within that
available waterfront property. Mr. pickworth s~id that he hAS no
problem with the C~PC considering the numher of hoats, however, h~ i~
not sure, and thore is nothing in the rp.~~rks that shows, how the C~Pr.
came .to the conclusion thélt P. bOðtS ¿:Ir£> too Mlmy. ne Gaid tht'lt h~
consldors this to be ð "vðluc ju~gment" and ndd~d that he ~oes not know
. 0" ..-. ,..
_.... ....-..-...-.....--..--
.. _~..._..'_....... ._..__ ..... A
ho'r' mðny bots are too mnny lie ticked ho\., milny lire n~E:"er1 hy the
petitioner ððding thélt hp. has se~n nothing tht'lt Indicntcs this.
~fter /I brief r1i!>cu!;sion, r,1r. l'ickNorth,!;/lid .thot the ro.'rc1 should
.i '\"
'&OÓ'K 060 PACE153
P~90 12'(~
y~ l' .t.:
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:.o~1t 060 PAce15A
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tl... rch l'?, '19tH
consi~er how mL'lny boat spaces lire needed, an¿' fo'!r. nU13trorn 81\1c1 tht
the rroposcd bo,.t "ock will serv~ ~(; unit,s. HE: lIch1a~ th:\t. thfl propoßQ~
., .. thp.-ÿ ., ... .."
ðocl~s h/)ve "lrel1~Y been requested by pres".!nt ten~ntßJ nre not
.. ~ ...~
. - ...---
being propose0 for future tenants In or~er to enhcnce the anlc of these
unitß. ~r. pickworth said that he wants It made clear that II person
~/ho buys ~ con~omlnium hë\s no more or no less rtgt>t to hðve a hOl'lt ~ock
th~n ~ocs ð person who purchases ð waterfront lot. Fe said that th~
premise th~t ~ulti-f~Mily lots are not supposeð to hull~ ~ocks and
single-f~mily waterfront lots are is wrong; this premise Is
in~guitahlc. Commissioner Wimer egreed, and said that he thinks that
some of the objections ðre simply bë\seð on opposition of someone rnaklng -.
~ ~rofit on their Inuestfl'lent.
Commissioner Krllse asked if the" fingers" on the proposed dock
were remove~, and the ~ock fell completely within the requlrp.r.\ents of
the ordinance, could the p~titloner not pArk more then ~ boats on that
dock by mooring thp.n, th~n without the fingers.? ~r. pickworth sai~
tt>~t hp hellp.vp.s tt>at to be true, and he assump.s that those are the
kinds of conslderðtlons that th~ CAPC looked Ðt. Commissioner wimer
concurreð with Commlssj~ner Kruse, and added that he Is tired of seeing
pptltloncrs receiving less than f~lr treatment when they have mp.t all
thp. requlrem~nts of the law 1 have followed all the right proce~uresl
ðnd who wish to build hoat ðocks~ He sAid th~t he does not feel it
unreasonable for ~ person to w~nt a boat ðock where you llveJ he
considers hoats ~nd water to go together In the s.1lme mAnner as
nutofl'lohiles go with' adequnt~ ro~ds. The suhject boat dock Is not ~
h~zard in the w~tarway, sðl~ Comrnlssioner Wimp.r, ~dðing th~t tho boat
Pt'ge D
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" .
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March 17, 1981
ðock ðid receive the approval of tho staff. He saið that he believes
that the problcMs revolve around the fact 'that some people' JUßt do not
want to see ony boat docks in this p~rticul~r lðgoon ",nð ho said that
he \oloulè1 w<1CJp.r thol!lt those peoplr. who ohject the lou{lest Ûre~dy have
their hoats, <lr.ð they t1on't \lðnt to see ðn~' more in the l~CJoon. !-Ie
furth<1r st.l\t~d t,h~t he> cont;iðers t,hir. to bl! 1\ po 11 tic", 1 issue.
Chllrlottc ":cstméln, representing thp. League of \·:omen Votp.rs of
Col)ler County, spoke In opposition to tho subject petition, I\nð stAte~
that the reports f.rom the CAPC observ~r representing sélId orgélnization,
has echoed "'r. Keller's report of ,,,hat transpired at the CAPC meet.ing.
She said that it is clear th~t the CAPC was emphatic ~nd unanimous in
their cl~rific<1tion of the recoMmenñ~tion for (1onl01. She saicl that
she detects a greÐt.ocnsc of inðeclsion ~f!'Iong the Ð~nrd And she soid
that the latest reviscò propos~l should not take precedence over the
orlgln~l proposal; she said that she knows th~t there can be problcms
involved in a prolifer~tlon of ðoc~s, bODts, etc. in .1Iny body of w~ter
but this is not wh<lt is at issue toñ<1Y.
Commissioner Wimer assured ~rs. ~estMDn thAt the CArc ~ction Is
not what is at issue; ho believes that they ðld (lct JUGt as staff has
reporteñ toñay. lie séllð thl'lt hI:! hnlicl1es th<lt the c^rc hl'ls're.ceivC"!cl
some wron~ ndvlce nnd guidnnca. He s~id thl'lt he beliüves that i~ onr,.
receives b~d ~~vicc, thC"!n, one mnkcs hnd decisions; If one r~~civeR
,,~_.uQe,=,~ .~1vi,=~, ,en'" i'.'1"p.!" 'JoC'~ f",cI.s{onc;. p- !":t"t",-, t~·H: {t is hi~
opinion that the CAPC hns been ~cttin1 h3cl ð~vicc.
Conmissionrr Y.rU5C snid thðt hoth Mr. ~ellcr ðnd Mrs Nestmnn ßC"!p.m
to hllvc in(l1cllt~r1 thllt th'o r.CC is " "ruhherst,1mp" for the lIclvi~ory
.' aOOK {)GO PACE155
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Pl\gc 1.1
, ,J~
I. !
000 fAcE156
;. ~ . '.
" ',\.
p.4l1rch 17, lC\l"t1.
ho~r~s.whlch nhp. sai~ is not true. She s~i~ thðt th~ finnl daciølon
rests with ~ho ~c~'h~C~UAe it is tho rcc's fin~l responsIbility. Fhc
M I !1.~~['J",....t~<¡ Mr11!, ~_~._2..f... ~~ð. t _, <'In !-,~¥.i ~o ry ~o<t rd. does ,0 r: <10p..~ ,not. ~,oJ._.i n. .....__ _:.-
'rcl~tion to ~ny petition, th~t petition still rcquires Ao~rd ~ppro~~l.
~r. Louis CBpek, repf~sentin9 tho c~Pc, rn~<1e thp following
5t~temcnts for the recor~r
I. This vp.fslon (revised proposal) w~s not
prcsenteð to the CAPC.
?. ~h~ cAPC h~s to r.onfina itself to the proposal
previously prcsented to that body.
3. The r..APC ~oes the rcse~rch and leg work for
the ~CC.
~. "e òoes not h~lieve that the C^Pc has heen
given had ~dvice.
s. Tho C~PC is no~ politic~lly Motlv8ted, ,~he
members ôro rctlng strIctly ðS technic\ans
anð, nccorðlngly, m~ke their ñ~clslons.
"~r. r.c'!pek salc1 thi'lt one of the Impedlmcnts to enthusi1\sm hy the CApC
\-!è'S thc'!t \-lhcn they I~Id 'out the ðimensions of the so-called ðock, there
woulð be some encro~chfl'lent on the Adjoining neighbors, specially when
the honts woul~ he ~ocke~ there. ne saiñ the c^PC felt that this hed
to be looke~ at as though the neighbors woulð also wAnt an equal
consiclprat'on type of c!oclt. He s8id thl't nt the mE'eting ",h'=!n 811 of
this w~s ~i5cussed, the C~PC felt that, hased on the dimensions that
were presentccl at th~t time, ~nò only on those di~p.nsions, it w~s too
much to ask to have ~pproval of tha Board.
Commissioner Nifl'ler ~sked ~r. vIrtÐ if he has the copy of the
report of the C^PC that was presented to the ß~C whp.n this particular
petiton w~s pr~viously heard? fie askod what th~ C~PC's recommendation
. Pl!.ge 1 ~
" .
is pr~sent1y drAfted W,1S not being folloh'C'(}. He s"i~ thëlt evic"cntly
_____-~hose thln~s did not h^ppon, ~n~ Mr. CApek concurr~ñ, st~ting that they
<lid not. Commi!3sIoncr 1"Imer s..irl thl1t he! findf; no féwlt with the c~rc,
" .
. .
.' ,
MMCh 17, 1981
at that timo and what was the Chrc's ronson for that recom~ondðtlon at
that tiMe? ~r. virta s<lld th~t the report indicntcs that the C^PC
based their rocommen~ðtion for denial on th~ lack of noed for nn
. ¡"w
extension Into the wDterw~y, ~nd on the proliferfttion of. boat ~ockn in
the lagoon. When asked if thcre were nore, by Comfl'llssioner Wimer, ~·r.
vlrta continue~ thot a mefl'lber of the Vanðerhilt ~eÐch Fropp.rty ~ssøc.
spoke in opposition to the petition. Commissioner \"iMer sidd that
thore was ~nothcr p<lrt, and that he ði~ not have it in front of him.
However, he'sc:lid that the essence of it was that the CJ\PC turned this
petition down becøusp. they felt that the BCC Koulð. He said that, at
least, that WflS the implicëltion.
Commissioner rlstor nai~ that he stands corrected, and that this
was in the minutes of the ~eetln9, and not In the CAPe report or the
Agcnda packet of that m~etin~. Mr. Capek Raid that he wouJ~ like to
know who s~id that this WðS the case, ann he 8~sureñ Comfl'llssioner Viner
..\ . ,
&OOK" œo fAcf.157·
thftt this was never said at .11 CAPC meeting. Comnls~Ioner wln~r said
thAt this is the implication within the fI'Iinutes thftt wer~ tr~nsnitted
to the Donrð, Ann he said that ðurin~ the l~st puhllc he~ring hefore
the BCC, the Boarå asked that this petition be sent b~ck to the C~PC
for conRIderntion flS quickly ~s possible, nnd thðt the Attorney he
prcsent bec~use the ~ttorncy hl1s concp.rns that th~ np.w or~Inancp. as it
and he'unñerRtands th~t they hasp.d their decisions .on what they had
before them. Mr. Capek ðgreed, ~dding thnt thiR iR tho w~y th~y have
to òo it.
.... ...-.. '';
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. " ~
060 PAcEl58
" ,'.,
"'/'Irch 1'7, ]~~\
'Co~MisBloner Wcnze] rncommen~ed th~t the pctltlonar st~rly put thn
. '
"T" docÞ in ~n~ keep the e{9ht honts thQr~ ~n~ then it wo~ld not h~vo
to com~ h~fore the Bee at all.
Co~mis~Ioner"~~nzp.l movad, saconded by Com~issioner rrußc thnt the
puhlic henring be closp.~.
~r. Hil13trom reAd the following portion of the ordinance into the
"~dditlonðl length, h~yond s~id '0 ft. ~~y h~
requcsteñ ~n~ shall require public h~aring by the
Pc s~ið that, obviously, any l~w has to be flexible enough for it to be
enforcaahle, if he Her~ proposing docks th1\t ..,ould become a hazard, it
shouJd not hðVP. been proposed and the DCC should not approve it. He
said that he cannot see th~t ~n ft. beyon~ the existing seaw~ll, which
is not beyond any other dock on the west side of the lagoon,
constitutes any h~zarñ whatsoever. Tha only reJson that they are out
~s fpr ns they are is to ~llow sufficient w~ter to ~110w"the bo~t to
'Jet to shore.
Upon c<tll for th~ question, the ~otion to close the public hearing
carried unanimously.
COM~lssioner Wenzel said that he would ,move to follow the st~ff
recommen~ation for denial of the petition an~ Commissioner Wimer said
that the staff reconmendeñ ~pproval. There was a brief discussion
regarding stðff's recommendation, during whIch Mr. VIrt~ snid that the
st^ff's recomMendation, upon review by the ~nvironmental Consult~nt, is
that of ~pprovðl. COMmissioners Wimer and Kruse st~ted th~t It is the
c^rC that recomm~ndp.d de~ial, nn~ not the stnff. Commissioner Wenze1'
., ,
, . ,
. ..:.0.
~'ðrch 17, l!)lH
then ðmende~ his motion that the C~PC recommendation be followo~ and
the p£tltion be ~enie~.
Chairman pistor seconðed the motion, in order to qet tho mðtter on
the f.100r. Upon call for the question, the motion f~iled 2/3, with
Commissioners J(ruse, "'imer I'In1 Prown voting in opposItIon.
Ch~irmnn ristor stated that the petition is then grllntcd by virtue
of the motion for ~anial failing, ~n~ COf!'lmission~r wi~cr Ðr~ueð thDt
this is not the case. P.e said that D petition is not gr~nted by virtue
of th~ f.~ilure to deny it and he motioned thnt the revised bo~t ðoc~
application (the one noved in closer) be granted, and'that nesolution
81-7l rc petition BO-ßn-15C be adopted. Commissioner ~ruse seconde~
the motion which carried 3/2, with Commissioners plstor an~ Wenz~l
voting in opposition.
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aOOK 060 rAcE159
rDt)C 10
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" ...
,I... f'
060 fAcE162
." ~
~,'rch 1,7, lC\q\
_ 01"J)nl",~!CF. "n. 1'1-1 c; ~F. F'ETTTTn'" R_flC'-1?C, J\CC nr.C'r'F.~TPTr, nF.7.m"T"Tr. Fnnroc
"rc~,'-:'." Tn "n~'-u~" F'O~ rROF'F.R~'{ LCV~I\TF:r, I\f.ONC1 Gnrp,,' :\t.Vf', r.OLT'F."! r,~.'Tp.
CT'J'v _ (pl',nr.r.r, ~~) JI~n')Tr.f'
L~~~1 notien h~ving bacn publinhað In tho N~ploG ~~ily News on
.'...nllc":1ry ~, 1":"1, {\CI (!"t~enc(Ú' by 1\ff.1~~vit of P\.lh1ic~tion pr'('J~I~\.islY'
fP.~r1 Idth CierI:, puhlic h€é1r1ng 'cont.in\.lc<1 from ?/l'l/rl W(1S opent'ð to
conCliðor Petition r-~0-~?C, f.i~n~ hy tho FCC r~questln0 a rC7.oning from
. ';!»
~..' ,:, ;ct·
. ... .......:J~
, .~
"11"-2" to "p~'_1.f\" for proF~rty rp.forrec1 t.o liS p/.lccAl "~", locatpc' lIlon<J
Îccen P.lv~., In Gol~en Gate City.
pIAnnnr Lee L~yne R~i" t.nðt the subject petit.lon originðlly
contaln~d numerous parcels of property, é1n~ that the subject public
hc~ring ð~~ls with th~ following c1cscrihed property referred to as
l??Ircel ",..":
P.LOCI~S 135 Tµ'PO\Jr.:¡ 17., "103;) p.r}JCJ< 1"", U"'I"'?, r.OL,?EN (;l\TF.
CITY: I'ILOCII'S liJ7, 1'13, l50,TnROUGI1 15?, 15!? Þ,\lf:'\'159,
UNIT ii, CaT.nr.N r..I\TE C:r't''l
MS. L~yne s~id th~t on '/10/81, thc owner of ~ portion of the ~bovc-
r~scrihp.ð property, Avatar properties, requesteð that the rezoning oF.
p~rcel "~" be continued for ~~ ~~ys as they were working on a deve1-
opnent pl~n for the the following ~ortion of parcel ,,~":
~11 RI. ]/7, ~ll Pl. l~R, all Pl. 150, all pl. 151, nIl
B1. I!'/. anc" tots 11 throutJh ]r., el. lS~, Unit 4, Part 1,
Gol~en ~ðte Subdivision, ~nñ, ~ll pl. ~o, ~11 Bl. ~9,
all 81. ')~, anð Lots ~ through lß, B1. Ç,7, Unit 2, P~rt
1, rol~en r.at~ Suhdivision.
~s. Layne said that ~vatar agreed th~t If the ~foreMentioned develop-
ment plan Wé.'IS not submitted \-lithin the ,0 ñðYß, which W2'S by r'~8rch 12,
]9nl, the F.oard would take action to rezone parcp.l "~" in its p.ntirety.
She saið that the plan has,not been suhmltteñ, however, thay ðid meet
with the rommunity Dp.velopment ~ivision on ~arch I?, 1~P.l. ~hQ said
.Pð9~ 19
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March 17, 19£\1
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th~t tho staff's rccommendation is to rezone tho entire Parcel WMW to
WRIII-lß" .
In response to Commissioner \<Tenzf'!l, Ms. Lðync said that the
existing zoning density ranges froM ~ - 30 units per ~crCI the propose~
zoning allows 12 units per acr~. ComMissioner ~enzel requost~d th~t
the recor~ rp.flp.ct that he believes thßt oven thIs ~ensity is too high.
Connunity ~evplopmF.nt ~ðminlstr~tor ~erry virta said that he has
met with represcnt~tiv~s frcim ^vatar and that the meoting was
pro~uctlv~; the subject firm does seem to be moving in a forward
direction fron the standpoint of 'watl'lr as well liS froln tho standpoint:
of th~ community in the Colden Gate area.
Dr. Ncno Spëtgn<'l, representing lw~tar lIoldlngs, Inc., introduced,
Mr. George "r. Hektnr.-r, Senior vice presic1ent 01: /'watar HoldinC]s, Inc.,
Ms. Joanne Rivkin,~or Design Development Resources who is working on
the long range development pl~nning of ßv~tar Holdings, Inc., Ðn~
Walter Keller who is doing the ~rchitectural work [or the project. Ae
said that it is true that Avatar has met with Mr. virta, DS well as
\lith the Engineering Depë:rtmcnt, regiHc!Ing variolls IO'spects of the
subject properties and that, even though progrp.ss h~s been M~òe, ^vat~r
is not in the position of complp.tlng all of the ~etnils of their
plëtnning. YP. s~Id that AVRtar nppreciat~d the contlnuëtnce grante~ to
them regarding their holðin~s in parcel "M" And at this point in tim~
~vðtëtr docs not [p.e] it fair to continue thiG rezoning Any Jonger. Pn
søid thnt Avat~r is working cJoscJy with the County nt~ff ~n~ will he
b~ck when the fln~l dc~ign pl~ns ~rc completerl, possihly as ët PU~.
County Attorney Pickworth askeð the plAnning 3tëtff what re~son
this p~rcAl Is helng considrr~~ for multi-f~Mily use rëtther thnn sin~le
, "
&O~ 060 fACEi8S
rntJc '0
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!ll~ i
¡'IÎl ,!
060 rAGE164
"". .
: 'r,': ()
.. t.\..
, f/.<"Irch 17, '1!,,(11
fð~ily URe which woulð he mora in conformity with th~ surroundin~ aru^?
~r. Virt~ R~l~ th~t th~ g~n~rn] ~rnß Is nlrc~~y ~ fI'I{xtur~ of ßev~rð1
typec of zonin~ cH!"'tric~£; r."uttl-.c;m!1y bc~n:3 to prr..,.!I'!.1 :. I1n~!; "m·-tr"
Zoning wou]ð h~ttrr control the ~cns{ty of the I1rel1. In nnsw~r to
COMmissioner I"f:nzel, ~'r. Vlrtl1 s..,irl that r1UJti-f...mlly WM~ chosen over
r~sirl~nti~l slngla-f~Mily or "F-" estðt~s hecnuse the lots in quuatlon
are too sfl'l~ll to lend thcfI'Iselves to "E" p.states zoning. ße said that
~vat~r is talking ~hout ~cvelopMp.nt on lots that ~rp. consolidated
because of this. Jle said thAt "~M-I" Houl~ have required vari<"nces for
uses becAuse of the way the IDnd is cut up. ~~ sði~ that this lan~ is
platted, Dnd is own~d hy many people, not just Avatar. Comfl'lissioner
~imer sai~ tha~ he ngr~es with single-family use, however, "R~-lB" is
better th~n the existing zoning; 17. units per acre is' better than 30.
Commissioner Pro~m moved, seconðcd hy Comnissioner Vimer and
cArried unanimously, that the puhlic hearing he c]osed.
Commissioner Id~pr moved, secon~ed by ~omnissloner Kruse and
carrie~ uné!nlmollsly, that the Orðiné\nce as nUMher~c1 I'In~ entitled below
be <tdopte~ and entereò into Ordlnancp. Pook ~o. l?.
OIV)¡N~NCP. Pl-15
A~ nRDIN^~C~ ^M~~DTNn nnDtN^~Cr 7~-~O, T~E COMP~~~
JlF:NSTVr; 7.0\!IW~ nF.(,IJLATION~ rC'm TftE IJ'HNr.onpPORATF:n
1\rF:JI OF 'J'IIB r.O,ll'3TI\L TInE", PL~TJ1\In'\, DI~TnICT OF
,lI'J'L^~ M~~ QU~ßER ~9-2~-~ RY n~Z"NING Tnr:: FOLL~rI~G
DP.SCP.TAED pnoprnTY FnOM R~-~ TO ~~-]F.: RLOC~S
r,S-7? ^"'I". RLnCr 1~¡;, t1NIT ?, r:OI,DEt.' r:~TE r.TTY,
8LOCK5 1~7, lðP., 150-l5?, l5n, ~n~ ]sn, UNIT ~,
\.OLDr.~ C.~TF. CrTY: "~D BY pnOvInt~r: ,,~ EFFECTIVE
DA T P. .
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March 17, l~"n
···*RECE~S - TI~Er 10:05 A.M. · RECONVE~ED - TIME: 10sl? ^.M.....
fJMDOtIrl SfJIHHVISIOJl/ .l\ND ~\'ERT OF f;'J!'!"lY Tn7\IL RP.ICìUTS - r,P1\"'TED SUB.iECT
. ,J
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Legal notice hðving been published in the ~aples ~øl1y ~ew. on
~~rch 1, 1981 ~s evidenced by Affi~~vit of Public~tion f.lled wIth t~e
Clerk, puhllc heðrln~ was opencrl to consid~r retitition AMP-"I-lC,
filpd by Timothy "~in8, Trustee, requesting ~ Puh~ivision ~~st~t Pl~n
approval for pror~rty located south of Wiggfns PðSS Ro~d, north of Gulf
H~rbor Subdtvision ~nd west of ~unny Trðil Heights.
Planner tee Lllyne outl1nec'! the generlll loc1!tion of the 3ubject
property þn ~n ovcrhead rnDp ~nd said that the Subðivision Feview
Cornmitte~ reviewed this petition on Fehruary ~, 19r1 aMd recoMmended
approval subjo~t to the following:
l. SidowDlk~ be inst~lle~ on the west sið~ of Gr~nd
C~nl'll }\venuc bet"'E:en Pé1n 1\rn t'rive and h'!<:Tgins PðSS
ROél~ .
2. Detl'lllp.~ water M~nagement pJèns to be revie~ed by
3. Turnin~ lðn"S on VIggins p~ss Po~ð to he r~so)veð
with the Public ~orks ncpartMcnt.
~. Stuh streets to h~ pûveñ.
5. Ll1ngué!1J1'! \llth reCi'\r~ to height Jimit".!t!ons,
construction ~~tes nn0 l~nd cl~~ring to b~
indic~ted on final plat 8S we!l liS on ~eÐ~
~, ~tÐff to check with County nttorney 1'15 to whnt the
intent of thn POßrd stipulation was with rcryl'lr~ to
tho ~~ql~'~ ncst.
l~s. Laynp continued th(lt th£' C^PC h('!l~ th~ir pul:'>Jic heo'Jrln(' on "'<'Jrc~ ~,
1901, c1urlng which thp.re WùS discllsslon concarninç¡ the conRtru.ction bl1n
from 0ctohcr to ~ay. The ^ssstant County ^ttorn~y inðicntcd thðt, ÐS
..r ,'"
. ao~ 060 rACE 165
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&OQK 060 FACE 166 '
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"long øn the petitioner M~~ts tho critori~ of the ~uh~ivißlon
Of'']lIlilt,lonf!, I:h~r~ is no r~r.son for cll'nil'll; how('vor, he Must st:i1.1
~omply with "ny oth~r County, ~t~te or FA~~ral requlr~ment. ~s. LAynG
!3('1ifl th"t. in rf'l"tion t.O the flttlff chec~inCJ with thc .county \tto.:.n~y,
,'5 in,~Ic.'t~ð In !;tipuJ.(\tiori No. Ii, th~rl'l Wé'!S a PCC' stiru1..,tlon .:'Ittr.chor1
to t.he é'lI."prov..'!. of tilt:> ßuhjcct p~tf tion thÐt: t11(' ~~vdop~r provi~'! \:"0
~Ivision of G~me ~nd Fr~sh ~~~~r Fish C'omniRsion with thoir
=on~tructlon pli1ns. She s~id t11Dt this WI'IS done.> ~nd thp. stDff ~n~
r.ounty fttorn~y concur th~t t~e dovp.loper h~s, therefore, met that FCC
sti !"lIl.,tion. ~·s. Lðyne reportcri thl'lt tho Cfo,pr. fon"'Drde~ a
recomn~ncll'ltlon for ~rprovDl of Petition S~p-el-lC, subject to items I
througr. t of tho nbovQ-referencl'lð stipulations.
r.nglneer n.oh ~mlth, rp.pres~nl:ing the potitloner, stated that the
nortr.ern portion of the suhject property Inclu~es ~ ~cres zon~d "r.nr.",
the southern ~, ncres Is zone~ R~-l which is in compli~nce with the
~ompr~hensivo P\~n for a propose~ density of ~.2 units per acre. He
r.~id thAt it is proposed to develop the "c.~C" l~nd conmercially; 3~
r.inglo-famlly lots on th~ southeastern portion of the property at ~.5
IInits pp.r <'tcre; élnfl, the re",~ining 13 acres developeci ~s mlllti-fa",Uy
~t ~.~~ units p~r ~cr~. ~lso incluðed will be ð wetlands slou~h Ðrea
through th~ property and, together with some upl~n~ are~, will comprise
.'I pt1tk ¿'Inr! open spÐce. lTe sai1 th/'lt the tot,,1 potential dWf!lling units
for tho property is l~~ accor~inCJ to the present zoning, however, it is
proposed to construct onJ.y )~O ~welling units on this property. ~r.
SMith s~id that the rationale behind the single-félmily units is to
huffer t.he mllÜi-f"",lly ðevelopment from thp. existing single-family
units south of the'suhjoct proporty in Gulf "~rbour Subdivision. He
said th~t the developer h~R ð)80 includcci 8ingl~-f~",Jly unitB alon9 tho
raqf' '"
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~lIrch 17, 1991
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eastern edgo of the suhject propðrty ~p.cnuse of the ~18cussion with the
County anð the ~tate in re£crer~~ to tho oy.isting a~l~ ~ngle'ft ncst,
thus, the density has heen re~u~eð in that ^rea.
~r. Smith talked about the position of the eagle's nest, slime
being sone 550 feet southeast of the subject prop~rty, ~ircctly bp.hin~
the exi~ting Gulf H~rbour Subdivision, and approximatoly ~50 ft. from
one,o£ the houses in that Suhrlivision. He said th~t in thp. ~pproval of
the rozoning was the stipulation to submit the plans to the Fresh ~~ter
Fish and .G~me Commission an~, upon doin9 so, they h~ve mnðo four
rccomMend~tions as follows:
I. No ~cveloprncnt sh~ll occur within 500 ft. of the
Bald F~gle's np.st;
2. Clenring shall h~ k~pt to n ninimum.
3. ~Il dwelling units within leOn ft. of th~ nest must
bp. llmltpd to I-story ~wellings.
4. ~o constnuction of eny housing sh~ll t~ke pJacp.
from octoher 1st through ~pri1 3~th.
¥Or. Smith said that the òeveloper has ~~reeò and/or ~et nIl of th~
above stipulations, with the exception of ~o. ~, which the developer is
having prohlcms with, since this is such a long period to halt
construction each year. ~r. Smith added that the dêv~loFor is
presently in negotl~tions with'the GDme Commission ~nð is tryin9 to
work out ~n amiable solution to this one Rtipulation. "~said that
this pnrloò is the "ðry season" anò it would bo Ð h~r~ship not to ho
I1bIa to "fork through all of those months.
~ft~r ~ ðiscu5RiDn inclu~in~ tho f~ct th~t the State h~R not
. irnposc~ ~ny simil~r stipulntions to the ðcvclop~rs of ~ulf ~arhour
5ub~visloh; the prohlcm5 associateð with con5truction nCl1r ~n englo's
nèstl the concern thl1t the P.o~rd as w~ll as the ðevrlorer hos r~9nr~ing
'ri "
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1"1'190 ~4
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!OOK 060 rACE 167
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~oo~ 060 fACE 168
"'~rch 17, 19(1l
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the proservation or thr. rnl~ F.n~l~1 vnrious (~cta rp.)~v~nt to tho Pðld'
~~,ln'~ n~sting ~n~ nntin~ practlceAI nnd, tho fDct th~t th~ ~evclopnr
'4 .1nton~s to coop~r~~~ with thn ~tnte in cv~ry w~y th~t he c~n tow~r~A
, , ,').
the presArv~tion of the P~Jd r~~le, ~s cxpl~ined by ~r. CMith. ~lso
discusso~ hri~rly w~s the sfze of ]ots pl~nn~d for the slngla-fðmily'
units, during ~/hlt::h COn'rT11s~ioner ~··p.n?e) sté'ltf'd that he helicves t.hem to
he too sn~ll ~"~ Ask~~ ~r. Gmi~h to give this sOf!'le consi~ftré'ltion.
H(H'\ring th",t there wC!rp. no registerer! Speé\kfHS, COI''1'tissioner I(ruse
r:loved, seconde~ hy Commissioner 1,'enzel J:lnd cDrriec'! uné'lnimously, thl!t
the puhlic heé'lrlng he closed.
Conni~sioner Rrown r:lovec'!, 5econde~ by Commissioner ~imer and
carried 4/l, with C0rT1nis510ner ~enzel voting in opposition, that
subdivision ~nster plan approval he granted re Fetltion S~P-PI-IC, with
the consl~er2tions set forth ðuring this he~ring adhcr.~ to by the
developer é'ln~ that the Issue with regl1rd to the R~lrl EAgle he settled
between the dcvelo!,cr and the Fresh I,Tater Fish anð C;i'lr:le Commission.
F1E5Cr.UT:J:ON PI-7?, V1\I'7.J\TI~~::; tJ,),ILI'T"{ PASE~'r.NT!; pF.T\"rF:'" LOTS ~ So 10, 10 ¡;
11, ~n~ II & l2, cn~nNU~ CRF~~, UNIT TWO - ~nO~TBn
Legal notice h~ving bp.pn puhlished in the N~plcs D~ily ~ews on
~?rch 1, nnd 9, 19Q], DS evid~ncerl by Affidavit of Puhlication filed
I/Ith th~ Clerk, public hc~rlng w~s opened to consirlcr ð petition filed
by ~onDl~ Pc]l~my, repreGentin~ P.uckcye Est~tes, requesting the V~CA-
tion of 2.5 ft. utility eAsements betwcen Lots ~ ~ 10, 10 & 1l, and 11
& l?, r.oconut Creek, Unit Two.
Public I<'orks lIrlMinistrl'ltor Clifford Bé'lrksðëlle s1'lid tlH\t the
"LAtters of NoOhjection" have been obt~ined from all utility
companies, 1'Ind that"their only stipulation Wé'l8 that the ~.5 ft.
p.l'Isemcnt of the eaRt hound~ry of Lot I? remain. The W~ter Mé'lnagemont
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Mnrch 17, ) 9tn
^dvlsory Poðrd reviewed th~ petition nnd ~pprovedit ð~ministratlvaly,
said ~r.Barksdðl~, who adðed that the F.n9inep.rin9 ~rnrtmant hns a1so
review€d the petition ancl has determined that there will be no Qff~ct
in th~ ~rea if the easomcnts ara vac~ted.
Comrd,ssioner Wenzel f!'Ioverl, seconc1ed by COl'lmssioner \'7imer l'nd
carried unanimously, thnt the public he~ring be C)OÐCÒ.
CommissionAr Wenzel move~, seconded by CommissionAr ~ruse ~nd
carried unan'lmously, that R~solution rl1-7'-, vac/'ltin~ the /!Ibove-
referenco~ utility e~sements he ~dopted.
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PlIgo 26
BOOK 000 rA~E 189
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"'arch 17, lqnl
CO·NSIOF.:n1\TIOH OF "nOPTIO'" Or:' Onnn'M·Tr.~ 1\Mf:NOIt-.lG COT.LIr.n COUNTY ~lIrPLp.-
~EMT TO T"E ~LECTRlr.~L COD~ IN npnI~^~C~ 77-~~ - COMTTN'T~n Tn ~/'4/~l
Legal notice havi~g bacn puhlishe~ in tho N~pleß'D~ily ~ews nn
Febru~ry ]7 an~ ?A, IQCI and on ~arch 3 and 10, 19~1, as eviðencod hy
Affi~avit of publication filed with the C~erk, puhlic hearing W~ß
opened to consirler the aàoption of ~n or~inAnce ~rnen~ing the Col1ier
County Supplement to the Electrical Codp. in Ordinance 77-~~.
County ~ttor~ÐY Plc~worth rcported th~t hnR been recently informccl
that there is an error in tho ðrafteð ordinance nnd he recommen~e~ th~t
the puhlic hearin~ he continued to ~/24/Pl. Commissioner Wenzel nov~~,
seconded by ,Commissioner ~ruse and c~rried unanimously, th~t the matter
be continu~d ~nd be a~~ed to tho 1/'~/~1 ~genða.
PETITION PU-~l-'C, "IlIPLES p17.-¡r.n f,(lT/~['InON, np./"IT'J::¡'TI~G PII f~) OF' THE
f~T^TCS nI5TRI~T r"p AM 1\Ð~r~IG~n^TIVE CFFICr 0~ ~E CO~WRP OF ~4th.
STREET, R..~. ~~r ~nL~EM G~Tr D1\R~~1\V - nENJ~O
Planner Lee Layne expl~ined that the ~aples Pow~r ;,qua~ron has
requestpd 8pprov~1 of ~ Provisional Use (3) of the r.~tðtes ~lstrlct for
the purpose of constructing an ~ðminlztratlv~ office and clnssrooms for
members for non-profit public orlcnte~ usp.. ~hc outlinp.~ the qener~l
-location of the subject site on ~n overhead MðP, ðnd rnfp.rroð to the
~xecutivQ ~umMary ~ðted 3/5/Al ~nd roa~ the contents thereof, Inclu~inq
the C^PC's recon~cn~~tion for ~pproval of. th~ petition with c~rtnin
s t I 1"u 1 <I t Ion s .
~s. L~yne r~porte~ that ~r. nohnrt ~oylp Jr. who lives thr~e
streets to the west of the subject site has sent D 1attp.r of opposition
'-----""hich··~he re"ð int.o· the recorc1 In its C'ntirety. In nns,.,cr to
Commlssonp.r Wenzcl, ~s. Layne ßaid thnt tho hri~g~ clu~, which r~cently
rer.'édver1 IIrrrov/'l] ror II Ptl in the, vicinity or the subject site, is not
offic~al1y open ~D yot nn~, therofore, sh~ coul~ not RAY if thAr~ w~s ~
.\ '
~OOK 060 fAC£ 171
rllg ro "
&OOX 060 IAtEi72
.,' t
,".f.'l1 rch 17, l~r.l
tr~ff1c rclntccl problcm connoctr.~ with its operation. She did say' that
it is her understanding that the cl.'\sse3 pl.!lnnn~ for the Pot-/er Cql'lll1ron
.would be for rnornhors only and offored during ~on-pank tr~ffic hourß.
County M:torn~y Pickworth Ðsked tho. Pllmninq flt:A,f'f' ""hI'," th~..r:',a.D("!'!' ____:
findings wero relDting to the number of PUiS nlrn~dy locate~ along the
PArkw~y? lIe further ~ske~ if they recommended approval in spite of the
numbers of existing PU's in the area? ~r. Virts, the Com~unity
D~velop~ent Administrl1tor, s~id the criteria that the CAPC used in
consideration of the subj~ct petition is that contained within the
Ordinance, incluðln~ existing land use; surrounding land use; the
impact on Golden Gate Parkway; the changes in gra~e, etc. He said th~t
the staff r~port W~5 also considered. ~r. Virta said that all of this
information is included in the C^PC Finding of Fact included in the
Executive Sunm~ry package.
He said that other exist~ng PU's were
included in the CAPC's considerations, ~s they would be <t part of the
surrounding lðnd uses. ~~en asked if he is saying that the addition of
another PU in the general area where there are already many PU's (along
Golden Gate Parkway) will not have an adverse irnp~ct on the area, Mr.
Vlrta replied affirmatively. ~r. Virta also referred to overhead maps
~n~ outlined the problems e.ssociated with the subject site in relation
to the proposed ramps for I-75. In answer to Commissioner Kruse, Mr.
VIrta said that the subject site would not be suitable for "CI' uses
hecaus~ it is presently zoned "E" Estates, and that district only
allows two uses: permitted usesl and, provisional uses. fie said that
the latter use is nllowed only if cert~in criteria Is met and proceedod
to outline the v~rlous .criteria within tho Ordinance relevant to
provisional uses in the "E" District. Mr. Virta further explained that
the subject l~nd is a part of the l~nd that W.1lS originally ?oned
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"'a rch 17, 19 f) I
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Commarcial and that, in the mid-ßixties, thA County urqraded the 7.oning
to "E" Estates. He sai~ that at the time of this zoning it was felt
appropriate by the County to ~llow for certain us os in a single family
residential neighborhood, thus, the lists of permitted and provision~l
us~s were formed.
Mr. Harry Allen, Chairman of the Committee to acquire property for
the Naples Power Squaåron's Office, spoke in favor of the subject
petition. He gave ð brief history of the subj~ct org~nizðtion;
explained the proposed use of the buildingl outlined the pl~ns ro samel
and stated that he believes that the subject lcnd will not he suitahle
for a residence once t-7S is constructed. He assured the Eo~rd that
the Power Squ~dron will not use roldcn Gate Parkw~y for ingress or
,egress and that because of the plans to place the building back 130'
ft. fro~ the Parkwðy, it will not be noticahJe any ~ore than a
residence would be: Mr. Allen r~forred to. overhead m~ps ßn~ explained
the various elevRtions of the property; the pl~nneð right-of-way for
the overpass, hri~go, And canal, ~nd adderl th~t based on the fact that
the Parkway will be 4-1aner., he could ~ee no traffic iMpact at all.
Mr. Allen asked the ~upporters in the audience to rise ~nrt
ðpproximately ~5 persons stoo~ in support of the suhjo~t potition.
Mn. Dorothy Johnson, rcpresentlng a group of residents of Units '9
and 30 Gpoke in opposition to the petition. ~he aRked Co~missionp.r
~ime~ to step down from consl~nrðtion of the subject petition, giving
sp.vert'll rIH\SOn5, "!"long thorn the f£lct th.,t he 11M! recp.ntl y filed n
-.......-.......-..-... . . -. - . "-..... .-. -.- ......._........---..-....~~ :
conflict of intercst with rc~~rrts to ~nothnr PU 10Cßtp.~ in the vicinity
of the subject site.
Commissioner \"lmer rcfused, stroting thDt 110 Is not no \-1 nor hClG ho
, . evcr ~nde nppl1c~tion ns a meMhnr of the Powor Aqu.1ldron. Thero wns ð
,I: '
M()( '000 ar.E173
l"ng c '9
&ODK œo rAtE174
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'j'rlð rch 17, 1!'lP. 1
brief rtlr.cussion reg~ròing the possibility of a Commission~r ðbstðinin~
from a vote, anrl County ~ttorncy Pickworth said that the St~tutas
prescribe thllt a vote r.lust be mt:lc1e .:Ind recorðcd for overy Commissioner
rogl\rrHn"J ~VE'ry item vot~d on ðuring a r.~I<C: L i nCJ ; ë:. Con'missioner 'fs','-
therefore, reguir/"!d to vote on ...11 mðtters if he- is present when thn
vo~n tnk~s pl~c~. He ðdrled th~t the only time ð Comnissioner m~y not
vote Is ",hen he disquë1l1fies fdnself beclIusa of ð conflict of interest.
~s. Johnson said th~t she would then, respectfully, request that the
rcc reconsider the matter of tho approval of the ~yndemera PU, since
Commissioner Wimer has filed ð conflict with respect to that issue.
~s. Johnson then transmitted a number of letters of objection to
the subject PU to COMMissioner Kruse and requested that they he read in
their entirety Into the record. Prior to COMmissioner Kruse reading
same, ther~ was a discussion regarding the need to åd so, during which
Attorney Pickworth explðincd that the Ooard is not hound to read the
entire letter into the record, it is entirely within their purview to
simply acknowledge receipt of them, or, the Poard m..,y choose to list
the names and addresses of the a~thors. COMf!'Iissloner Kruse çhose to
road th~ letters of objection in their entirety, from the following
p~rsons, same hðvlng been accepted by the Deputy Clerk for filing:
ð. ~r. & Prs. Rohcrt W. Ryder, 3CSO ~~th Street, S.W.
b. Charles n. Chetwynd, ~750 ~~th ~trep.t
c. Mrs. Dc'wid C. Hiner, 3/.~O ~~th. Street, R.W.
d. William N. and n~il H. Kr~us~, 2P~5 6~th Street. S.W.
e. James R. Furniss, 2eS5 ~~th. Street, ~.Þ~
f. Carolyn ^rnold, ~~A7 r-~th. ~treet S.W.
g. alen Þrnold, 2a~7 r,r-th. Street. S.W.
h. T. Al1en Laughton, 'ß90 ~~th Street, S.W.
i. richard E And r.1ancy R. 'iothers
j. Chris James ßuesser, 5001 2ßth ~venue, S.W.
k. Conni~ J. and ~illiam R. n~rris, 27~5 ~r,th Street. S.W.
,I. ~r. & ~rs~ Zonnie F. ^nderson, Jr. 2700 r-r,th. Street, S.w.
Ms. Johnson said thðt nevaral representatives from the Power
PlIge 30
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March 17, l!)Rl
Squ~dron camo to hnr home ~nd Dftar she cxpresged her reasons for
opposing the suhject PU, they asked her to exprnss the~ to thè p.o~rd
to~ay. ~he sal~ that in contradiction to an oarlier state~ont by tho
staff, the P.ridge Club is open ~nrl holrling g.1lmes 7 rlays a waek. She
suhmitted ~ cópy of a Naples Daily News article, c'lated 4/5/Pl, which
listed the schedule for ganes all week long, samp. accepted by the
Deputy Clerk anrl marked as Exhibit ~l.
Ms. Johnson claime~ various innquitles within the functions of the
County staff as contributory to the Board having made decisions in the
past relative to approval of PU'S that were not tha best êccisions as
far liS she ~/as concerned. She referred to a copy of II memorandum,
ðatcd 7/31/79, fron Planner Lee Layne to "'r. \"illiam vines regl'rðing
past rezone and provisional use petitions re1l1tive to \<!ync'lemere, "..hich
was accepted by the r.eputy Clerk and markeò as F.xhibit '2. She saið
that this memoranðom proved thDt there ßre c~rtllin things that the
staff is or is not doing that leads to tho Doard not being fully aw~re
of all the facts. ~s. Johnson said that, in order to prove the
inequitip.s are valid, she approached all of the various departMcnts
necessary in obtnining a provisional use petition, clalminry to want one
constructed on her property. She covered the steps she took; the
departments she visited; the answors she claimed to have recelved, an~
observ~tions that she m~de re~arðing clIch department, including
planning, Zoning, "ealth, Fire nepartments, Transport~tion, etc. ~s.
Johnson snid that she has discovered that none of the approved PU1n in
Golden r,~te pay any County taxes and, thus, the residents in Go1~en
~ðto must p"y for all of the services for these various org~inization~.
Furthermoro, Ms. ~ohnson claimed that no less thlln fivQ of the
st~tcmonts m~ñp. this norning by v~rious staff rn~~h~rs re1~tlv~ to the
.1, '
~&OK 000 rM.E175
1'1'9" :'1
&OOK 060 rAtE176
': :t)t
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·'.¡\.'~:Hch ]7, l~f!l
~uhjr.ct PU h~vo boen false nnd s~id thnt tho no^r~ is conRiðerln?
basln~ their decision onrec~mmcndations and statencnts that ~rQ not
true. She outline~ her employment history, including the fact thot
has worked on the r.c~monic Council's r,recnhelt proj~ct, and,offorod
assist~nce in any wny to aid the Power 5qu~droni or any othp.r
org~niz~tion, find adequ~te sites for their v~rious f~ciliti~sl
however, nhe cIa imed Golden GlIte P,'1rkwny has enough PU' a en" this Is
not the place for th~5e or~~ni7.atlons t~ house their buildings. ~he
insisted that the Board considor the fe~lings of the resi~ents of the
~rc~ ~nd list~n to their pleas for deni~l of this and any other PU in
Golden Gate, especi~lly along Goldp.n G~te p~rkway.
Mr. Henry Maxant, Resident of pine Pidge, spoke in f~vor of tho
Power Squadron's request for a PU on Golden Gate Parkway. "e gave a
brlof hackground of the group; its many contributionß1to the
co~nunities of Collier County; and, in conclusion, said that he favors
this type of use in a resiñential area as it will benefit all tho
residents of the County.
~s. Jo~nn Lail, resident of Golden Gate, read her letter of
,opposition in its entirety, samo accepted for the record by tho Deputy
Clerk. She ?lso claif!'led that the County nee"s to make hetter
arrangements for notification of a pending PU petition hesides the
small signs that are presently posted whIch ~isappear for one r~ðson or
another and, therefore, the residents of the co~munity do not have the
opportunity to know ð PU is being,consiðered.
Mr. George Keller, representing the Collier County Civic Assoc.
Federation, spoke in opposition to the subject petition. He quoted
portions of the rel0vDnt ordinance, specifically that which deals with
provisionnl uses in the Eß~ðtos ristrict~ and cl~lmcd that PU's ðre not
PlIg) 3'-
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Ma rch 17, 1981
ßuppo3eð to be for orgnnizations that bonefit tho safety an~ welfar~ of
the genernl publicI rather, they are supposed to servo the neeðs of the
community in which they lie. ne said that this is not the caBO in the
subject petitions becnuse they do not serve the people of Golden ente.
He ,claimed th.1lt the subject petition does not meet other requircnents
because, if there is to be 90 ft. remove~ from tho property by thA
£ State, it will not be the minimum siz~ for an "~" district lot -.nd,
therefore, cannot hnvc a buil~ing constructeð un~er th~ provisions of
that District's zoning regulðtions, same requiring '--1/4 acres for one
unit. Furthermore, ~r. Uellcr claimed that the l~w provides th~t the
o\omer must apply for a PU and the PO\lor Squl\dron does' not own the
subject land.
Ms. Betty J.~!. Cottongin spoke in opposition to the suhject
petition stating th~t, as a professional architnct ~n~ planner, she
would also offer her services to the petitioner to fin~ a suItable
site. She claiMed that it is not true th~t the property would b~ unfit
for a residence ~nd th~t it could be designed ns on aesthctically
pleasing situation for a home. She took exception to several clldrns by.
th~ petitioner's ~epresp.nt?tive, including the fact that thp. proposed
building will not he situated on the lot ~s he h~s claimed; th~t the
traffic on to 7~th. ~treet will bB a reðl h~zélr~; and that, If the
Power Aqundron werc to use thc easement for a right-of-way, RS they
hftve'suggested, the ~cce~s to adjoining propertieR would he made mor~
.. _.....r3.1fqc:.ùg.
.....·.CoMmi~ßioner Wimor left the roof!'l ot this time - 11 :~5 A.~.······
Mr. ~:.:'Iyne ~...:itzer, re~ic'!ont of 70th. Street, 8.1'7., npoke In
.1, ,<
MOK 060 rACE 177
P:lc;'!C ~:t
. :
hoax 000 PACE 178 .
. ~ ~
..11;.rch 17, l!Hll
oPpoRition to th~ SUbjAct potition nnd ^lso Ð~dresse~ the þroblom' .
rel~tod to the sign postIng pr~ctice re PU petitions and public
he<trin9s. Ho rcferrod to his letter of objection accepted for the
recorc~ by the Deputy Clork, rei'lding it in. its entirety.'. incluñinCJ._tt}.e
, .
proposal that, if the Board cannot see fit to deny this petition based
on ~he informðtion heard toðay and the people's cry f.or denial, then he
woul~ like to submit to Ju~ge Trettis or Brousseau, memoranda at law
nlon0 with the st~tcmcnts of each of tha rORpective positIons and ask
for ð voluntary Court opinion on thA matter of provisional uses. He
then [,roduced cc·.'cri:!l l!:!ttefl~ of ohjection to the subject petition and
asked Commissioner Kruse to read them into the record in their
Co~misslon~r Yruse read letters of ohjections from the following
p~rsons, same hnving been accepted for the rPocord by ~ße Deputy Clerk:
l!. '~ank Krchllng
b. nobert E. ~oyle, Jr., 3201 70th. Street, S.W.
*******^t this time, there Has a brief discussion regarding **********
the possibility of r~cessing the meeting for lunch,
aftqr which the meetln1 continued and Commissioner
Brown left the meeting. - Time: 12:05 P.M.
*******CoMrnissioner Brown re-entered the meeting at 12:11. P.~.·*****
as Commissioner Kruse continued to read th~ lettGrs
c. Fred ^. Locke
d. Hobert I". ~~attson
e. John & Jackie Stanley, 25~5 70th. Street s.w.
f. Fred C. 5 Virglni~ P. Best, 2775 ~~th. Street, ~.W.
g. Robert~. Deeks, 27~5 r.4th. ^venue, S.W.
h. Mr. & Mrs. J. A. G~rlðnd, 2G30 70th. Street, S.W.
i. ~ike Uhlich, 2925 70th. Street, S.w.
j. Gary 1"'. Hoffb,)uer, C.P.A.
k. Willi~m L. Garnett, 2745 R4th. St. S.W.
l. Kermit Eunn, 3795 70th. ~treet, S.w.
m. Fran S\/ltzer*
n. Peter J. Wðrthl111g, 2901 70th. Street, S.w.
· Commissioner Kruse did not read this letter, clðimin~ that It is a
Pël9 e 34
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M1Irc:h 17, 19'Jl
duplicato, having nlrendy boen ~tferre~ to th!s sassIon.
Mr. John Passidom~, repr~sentfng the pow~r Squadron profension~lly
as an attorney and as a m~Mber of the or9aniz~tion, apok~ in favor of,
the slIbj ect peti t ion. He sldd tht.\t the stn ff and thp. C1\PC hllve
recoDf!'Icnded ~pþroval .1Ind that the question of PUIS helonging, or not
belonging, in n residential neighborhood at this point is besiðe the
point; the issue is th~t that petitioner has m~t the requircMents of
the law and the other is a philosophic~l question. He urged the Eoar~
.¡ ,
to vote favorably b~señ on the nerit3 of th~ p~tltfon. ~e added thnt ~
substantlðl ~Mount of money h~s been invested by the petitioner an~
that any furthe~ delay would he expensive for them.
~r. p~ssidom~ r~qucstc0 thût all of the Con~issioners be present
for the vote on this ml:tter Dnd rp.f.crrerJ to Co:nmll'>sloner !frimer's
~h~ence from the r~orn. He suggested that thn Foard rccess for lunch
and continue th~ consideration with ð filII Aoûrd. Pe concluded his
remarks by spying thnt Mr. ~wltzer's chnllcn~e is inappropriAte, with
~r. Switzer continuing to cl~im that it is appropriate ~n~ should b~
consiàere~ by the Poard.
~sRi5t?nt County fo,ttorn~y ~nthony Plr~s ~tÐte~ that the Court8 ~o
not ren~er aðvisory opinions. ~r. Switzûr r~~~ th~ challenge within
his l~ttpr re~~ earlier this session, ~n~ ~rlR~~nt]y s~ated th~t thn
8uhjcct l1ppl ic~tlon for ,:I PtI is for one th:\t \<.'i 11 not h:wt;' é'. ~ i rert
rclntiDnnhip with the Colðûn GatA cOMMunity 8n~ that In the ch~ll~n0n
for which he Is scû~in1 pn opinion.
,., longt.hy c1iscu5!'1ion fol1o\~cC'l (111ring \<.'hich ~'r. Vf:'ll~r rNJucstcc1 ~
leCJ~l opinion fro~ ^ttorncy riro3 reCJ8r~inCJ th~ size of tho propert.y
heinCJ lass th~n rcquirnC'l if the n" feot w~rQ t~kcn hy the ntnta. ~r.
, ~'
Moil.. 060 rACE 179
r~~(\ "!r-
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"'.~.,,~"' ",-,,,;~,,~ . - ~
060 I'lltE 180
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,.,"'~rch 17, 11)1"1
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Virt~ said th~t even without the no Ct. tha lot woul~ be in excoss of
?.25 ft. IInr1 thus, is " conform!n? lot. ^lso cHscIIssed woro tht' namos
of the owners, agents, ~nd org~nizðtion involved; the fact that the
petitioner requests a full board for a vote 1 and the fact th~t
, ,
'.. ..._.1,.'
Commissioner Wimer WðS not located and, thus, could not be asked to
join the me~ting an~ whethcr or not he would be joining the moeting in
the' ",fternoon session.
Com~issioner Kruse suggested th~t, while the meeting is recessed,
tho stnff contact the Health Department and find out how many people
~~y be served by one septic tank in Collier County. In trying to
determine the wishes of the majority of tho interestp.d persons,
Conf!'lissioner pistor polled the opponents and the proponents, as well as
ec:ch Commissioner Dnd the Petitioner's represontative anc1, IIpon doing
so, declared the meeting in recess until 2:15 P.M.
******nECESS - TIME: 12:27 P.M. to 2:15 P.~. ^t which time ********
~eputy Clerk Davidson was replaced by r.eputy Clerk Brenneman
County Attorney Pickworth apologized for not being present during
the entire discussion relating to the subject petition for a
provisional User however, he said that there is no need for the Soðrd
to have a "bðtt~ry" of léH/yers to advise the Co~missioners in these
types of cases. He pointed out that the pertinent or~inance sets forth
the criteria an~ standards upon which a determin~tion is based - some
of which are specific and some more general and diRcretlon~ry. In the
case of Provisional Uses, he said there are standards concerning
whether or not the use would be adverse to the public interest, to thn
chsracterof the neighborhood, "'n~ the like, and, in bosing
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March 17, 19(11
conclu~ions, consideration mus~ be givon to what is kno~m, I.e. the
Commissioners c!'lnnot insulate themselves from wh/lt they know, as
Commissioners or nemhers of the community, nnd wh~t they hear durln~ Ð
~ebate such as the one hearð earlier in th9 ~~y. ~ttorney PIckworth
naid that it is neithe~ the duty nor the proper procù~ur~ for the POo!lrd
to hold a mini-plp.biscitp. ~nd base ð decision on which sirlc has the
most people in ðttcnrlnnce, or such, hecausp., ho sai~, that is not the
way governmental decision~ Brc su,posp.d to he made. The petitionp.r, he
continued, has the right to have his petition consiñerp.~ on the b~sis
or the f~ct~ th~t have b~~n presented but ~oes not h~ve the right to
any particular decision. If a petitioner gets a he~ring and a decision
bas~d on such approach, he receives exactly what the la~ accords hin,
Attorney Pickworth sal~, an~. if he does not like the ñecision, he h~s
the right to ~o to court. ~owever, he continued, if the he~rin9 Wo!IR
helð on the fDcts ~nd the decision is made on th~t basis, "I will win
tha t !rl\'/su it" .
~ttorney Pickworth responded in the afflrnntive to Commissioner
Wenzel's observation that it Is the ~oard's position to look after the
health, welfare ~nd safety of the citizens when n~king Ð decision.
Commissioner Kruse asked if the "E" Zoning District is the only
zonin9 clesslflcation the County han that perMits the particular
provlsion.:'!l Use. t'r. Virtil sl'lid that the "E" District (locs ¿,llow more
éIn~ ~L1rier1 type of PlJ'r; thëon the othE'r zoning districts \·..ithin the
ordinance and that the ordinanc~ hðs, over the yenrs, bean expl'ln~cd in
,. ·..'·'-th(s-·r-ecj6r~, the mo!:t· reccnt ðd~1i:lön "1161n·g 'tó· permTt···iÌèfrñTñl:sT?lïE1vl~
offices, which is whnt i5 heing considered this rlðtO. To respo~d to
the que,"tion which \·~s rl'liscd carlier reli'ltivc to the suitl'lbility of
the nito for nn on-site septic system, Mr. Vlrtn sðld that Dr. fo,~nm~,
, ..
!O~;, 060 FACE 181
rMJC! ~7
, "&Ð~ 000 1'A~1BZ
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M;\:~~h 17, lqql
of th'! rrr.alth Or.pArtr.'lCnt, has informec1 him that he (Dr. "dl\mR) c10cS not
"feel thero will be a problem.
~1ero WlIS ~ hrief discussion concerning the f~ct thl1t proparty
"lon!) tha r"rkw¡,y Booms to be! morc in Uno \dth what .thA .p~oplt! ..~.r.~.. ._ou___.._
________....._ - .__ '. "1'- ~... _..... .. .. _ .
nb1~ to ~pcnd for proparty t~lIn In sone of the "~~-l, 2, J, ~nci ~"
~Istrlct~, ~nd ftlso with r~0ard to the reasons certain prevIsional'Uses
ar~ nllowe~ in resl~cntial zoning districts.
~r. Keller co~mented that, as he interprets the lßw 1J0verning Pro-
vislonûl Uses, tho use must be comp<!tible with the prC?perty surroundIng
it ~nd for the benafit of th~ p~~pln in tho community r~thor thðn the
County at l~rgc ðnd restricted DS such. ~ttorncy Pickworth advised
th,1t the Boarc1 cnn utilize thLlt kind of stanciard In considering t,he
grantln~ of Provisional VSßS but It must b~ applied "all the way across
the boarc1". lJe sAid thl.'t r.I review of the zoning boo.kb was made some-
time R~O and no legal b3~i5 for such philosophy was found, pointing
out, as an example, the construction of a hospital, or A church in an
ar~.' not strictly suppórtecl by just cOf!'lMunlty residents. lie further
poInted out that the fact that certain property is "cheaper" wIll not
support the granting of a Provisional Use.
There w~s a brief discussion with regard to the ßigner of the
n~pllcAtion - the pp.titioner, or the property owner - with Chairf!'lan
PIstor adviÐing that it was signed by the owner.
To respond to the accusations ðS to why Co~mlssioner Wimer
Qbsente~ himself from a portion of the morning session, Chairman Plstor
expl~lncd th~t the Commissioner was in physical pain and unable to sit
comfortably for long periods of time and th3t it should be understood
thQt his leaving when ho c1iñ was not ~ mðtter of choice. Commissioner
\'!Imcr ar1ðed hiS apologies to the BO<lrd ...nr1 to thc··publ1c i ( he had
Pc!lge 18
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Ml\rch 17, 191\1
offendeð ~nyone by leaving tho mooting.
Co~mlssioner Krusp. obcerved thðt she h^s no feÐlln~ nqninst the
Power Squ~dron but that l\t some point a stand must be tnken n~ainst the
continual granting of Provisional Usos within tho s~rne neiqhhorhood,
and moved that potition PU-RI-2C be denio~. Chairf!'lsn piRtor seconded
the motion for discussion purposes. Thgre w"s no response to the
Chairman's invitation to continue with the ðlscušsion ðn~, following ~
" ,
roll call vote, the ~otion cerrie~ 3/2 with Co~mlsRloners Viner ~n~
Brown voting in opposition.
ComMissiongr Krus~ suggestcð that the staf.f he in~tru~tcd to work
with petitioners for provisional Use to assist thcm in fin~ing suitabJe
locations for their projects in order to ~void plpcing Ðll of thc~ in
the same neighhorhood.
Mention was Made by Commissioner Brown of the previous si~ilnr
petitions which ~ete approved by the P.oarð, excluding Commission~r
~ruse, nnd questione~ what was behind "flopping here anò thero, beck
and forth". Chairman pistor offered the suggestion that a better
approach f!'Iight b~ to try to rezone the ~ntirc suhject ðron or to stop
granting provisional Uses. Commissioner Vruse note~ thnt she has voted
for such petitions in th~ past~ f.or exanple, ~ church In the rst~tes
District but explDined that it was spread out in the community ~n~ not
located in the same plnce.
To preserve their right to ~ppe^l, ~ttor~ey ras~iñono n,ucstionc?
Ch~irf!'lan ristor's st~tp.ment that thoro is no provisionðl Us~
classification for aðministrativc offices for non-Frofit,
puhlic-oriented u~es. Chairman rlstor renrond~d hy stnting th~ hQ di~
not mDke such ð stl1t~nent hut r~th~r polntod out thnt ther~ ftrc a ~rc~t
f!'Inny rrovislonal Uces 1n the ~raD nnd continuin~ to gr3nt thcm there
:-;f~f t
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~~n ~ 1~ 17, 19 fll
will result in provisionnl USO 3trip zoning. no said that whon
consideration is 9iven to thefcclin9s of the peoplo who live in the
Ðren ~nd own property thero, it muat coma to a stop. no said thnt it
is not commercial property - it is still resiðcntiðl.
. ~;.":
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1\CTr(1~' Tl\!Œ'" 1 ~I\TTF.R TO ßE BnOO~IT T'.F.¡:,(')ru:; S',rFnnc :\/lI~/fn
Civil Ccfcnse'rirector Waiker cxplðined that the Department of
Community Affairs has dIrected that a Nuclear Civil Protection Plan f9f
CollIer County be prepared by September 1, 1981. He sai~ that he has
rp.ad the guidelines and feels that an unreasonable de~3nd has been
plðccd upon him as Civil Def.ense Director, pointing out that ~he
deadline is at the height of the hurricane season and Crom now until
the end of Novef!'lber h~ will be deeply involved In preparations for this
activity. Mr. Walker said that he has asked a represèntatlve from the
pertinent Gtate Depart~ent to explain some of the elements of the plan
and its impact on the County and If, af.ter his presentation, the Board
agrees that the State office should furnish personnel or 'financial
assistance for the project, it is his request that the Ch;lirman Hrite a
letter to this effect.
Mr. John EuchDn~n, routh Florida ~reÐ Coordinator, Division of
Dis~stBr Preparedness, informed the Board that the low rcqulres the
counties to develop a broad Emergency Man?gement Plan consisting of
three elements - Nuclear Civil Protection Plan, Natural Disaster Plan,
and Emergency Management Resources ,plan.· The deadline for completion
of the rather extensive document relating to the Nuclear Civil
Protection plan is Septcmber 1" 1981, continued Mr. Buchanan, following
which he outlined the various details concp.rning the Plan's purpose.
. p,,·ge "0
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"'arch 17, 19f11
He pointed out that, in the event of ^ nuclear att.1lck, there woul~ b~
very little notice provided and that it might be necessary to evacuate
pl~ces which are likely to be struck by nuclenr wcnpons. Ho ø~i~ th~t
the pl~ns call for Collier County to b~ a rost ~rea for evacuees from
Monroe and r-ade' Counties, providing an estimAte of the nunber of poople
and autonobiles which could be anticipat~~. ^mong othcr ~spects of the
.t plan, as prcpared by the Cotmty, ~'r. 8uchanan said there should be a
~ listing of shelters, the capacity for each on~, ~ðSS feeding
capacities, and other cssenti~l services which will be requiro~.
"'r. Buchané'n said that Much work will be required of ,..r. 'flalker
and that he was present to ask the Board to help hi~, observing that
planners will probDhly have to he hired, or contracted for with tha
Rcgional PI~nnlng Council to provide SOf!'le of the work.
Concerning who Mill b~ responsible for paying, the costs for the
.shelters, and the like, Mr. ~uchanan said that It is his feeling that
if people arc moved to Collier County from rade County, pcrhaps that
County should sharc the costs; however, he s<tid that tha way it is
designed, it ~ppear5 thùt Collier County will be paying the bill, ~t
least for the planning p.ffort.
The subject wòs cliSCUS5Cd briefly \.¡ith the COMmissioners
expressing conc~rn over the limited routes for trnvel bp.tween the
counties, the ability of the County to host thc estimated ?OO,OOO
persons involved, plus the G5,onn vehicles, ahd othp.r pertinent ~spccts
of the plc1l1.,
It was suggested by COMmissioner Wcnzp.I, ~n~ concurred with by
Cornf!'lissioncr Wl~er, that tho propcr State Sp.nators, n~presp.ntatives,
"nd \lnitcc'! f>té1tes CongrcsamE'n be contl'lctec1 to tho C!ffcct thl\t the' rul~
govcrning thc pllln should be ~holished.
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"'.H.1~ 17, 1901
Tho prosontation was concludc~ by Chnlrf!'lDn pistor stntin~ th3t ho
was npprcci~tive of ~r. Buchannn's efforts in brin~in9 tho matter to
tho Boarð's attention and addcð that the proposition would bo brought
hofore the Reglon~l Pl~nning Council during its mcetlng of March In,
1911 1 .
~'f,I'~ f,!JRSTflTION ('\~I ,'I\nco :ff:r.l\N(') ,.~~n p. wonT}! !,1P.PT.F:c; - I\prRO\lF:D
Deputy Chief. Raymond r-~rnett of the Sheriff's ~epartment referred
to the St~tus ~aport d~ted ~nrch ~, 1981, ås prepared by Sheriff l\ubrey
Rogers, with regard to the Substation Office Spaces for ~Ðrco Island
and North Naples which, h~ said, is self-explanatory. He said that the
County M~nagers ~tðff went over the R~port ~nñ changed aome of t.he
cost factors and that the County ~ttorncy's office has reviewed hoth of
the pertinent leane5. He said that the establishf!'lcnt of the
substations is a t~ctical change in the operat.ion of the Sheriff's
Department and, by doing It mid-year, it will cost more; however, it is
felt that thp ch~nge in policing will be worthwhile.
The costs involved were discussed, as contained in the Summary of
Cost projections ðDted March 9, I~Al, as conpiled by the County
Mðnager. ncputy Barnett explained that establishing the North Naples
Substation will be a ch~nge to neighborhood policing with an offic~r in
the st~tion in charge of the North Naples area who can contact civic
'associations to determine wherc to allocate the manpower in that area,
anc'l the like. However, sl'lid Deputy P,arnett, the officer 'tlill not stay
inside all of the time and, therefore, a secretary will be required to
set up appointments, type reports, etc. In the future It Is expocted
that there will be neiqhborhood policing throughout the County, he
concl uded.
?l'IlJc e1~
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~"'rch 17, 19131
Commissioner WImor moved for ðpprov31 of. the additions to tho
Ma(co Islanð Substation and lho establiRhment of the ~orth Naplos
Subßtation pursuant to the oper3tion~1 reports on tho subjoct. The
motion was seconded by commissioner Wenzel.
Clerk William Reagan cOf!'l~ented that appropriate Audgct Amendments
have been prep~red and will he included in the Clerk's Report. ne also
noted that funds to operate the stations will be ~erivcd from the
unincorporntcd aroas nnd not from the incorporated arcas.
Upon call for the question, the motion c~rried ~/O with
ComMissioner Brown not present at the time of the vote.
Soci8l Services Clrector M~rtha Skinner explained thnt she was
roquested by the County ~ðna~er's O~fice to reseðrch the problem5 the
ml~r~nt workers in Immok~lee seemed to be having an~ report back to the
Board. She reviewed briefly her report dated ~arch 15, 19R1, noting
that there ~rc migrants in Imnokalep. In trouble \/ith no funds to f~ll
back on until th~ next crop is ready ~bout April 1st. She s~id that
there is f.I definite lðcl, of employnent no,", with only spotty or l1nitc(1
emploYf!'lent Available.
Ms. Skinner said that help would be nppreciated ~nd ~ðdcð thct n
decision I~ being iHNdtl:d on thl! reClucst for StéJte fund~. 5ho s2'lið
thòt her only sug0c~tion~ <tr~ for the Poerd to n~ke th~ ~on~tion ~n~/or
~pp~tIl to the Governor's stë:\f.f to expe<Htn f-t1'lte funñ~, or " publ ie
ðppeal ctln he m1'l~c to the citizens of the County to ~onate further to
the c~usc. Co~~is~ionor Arown exprosscð his support to thn latter
suggestion and moved thnt nn ~ppcal be mndc to thnpublic for SlO,n~o
.~. Max 060 PACE1B7
r:'lg 0 ~)
~ ~;
, 'l¡
·'"f' ,'J.:rtt, I.',,"
- ~.~
. j.;~:;
i) I'~,.:t
5i I..':'
~ '., 1 t
... .
. ,,'".:
M~ 060 rAt( 188
: '. \), '. ~1':'.~1~1,: ~?, 19n ~
in ðonations to the Immok~le~ Neighhorhood' ßervices Group for diotribu-
'. ,~ion to places that arc in the most dire need. Commissioner ~imer
seconded tha f!'Iotion which c~rried by un~nimous vote.
. ".DDrTrC~!=: ~tm r.F.VISlm:~ TC P05ITICN CLMSIFTC"TIC1'! f\Nr. PJ\Y PLA'~
NO. ~ - DF.FF.nnRD TO ~/2~/Bl
AdMinistrative ~ssistant Neil norrill referrcd to the Executive
Sum~Dry dated r~rch lO, 19"1, together with his Memorandum to the
County M~nager of the same dDtc, to brief the Board on the proposed
~ðdItions and revisions to the position Classification and Pay Plan.
He recalled that on June l7, 1980 the Board approved a Pay Schedule,
part of the new position Classification and Pay Plan as directed under
consultive services provided by the Federal Office of Personnel Man-
agement, commenting that part of the development of the Plan was the
training of in-house personnel to maintain the Plan without further
consultive aGsistance.
The recommenåations containp.d in the Summary, continued ~r.
Dorril1, have been revised, as follows: I) Overtime classification for
P~rameèic positions change~ from "C" to "^"; and, 2) positions within
the Dependent Fire Districts to remain in their respective pay grades
is being recof!'lMended for contlnu~nce until ~arch 24, 1ge1 pending the
receipt of additional salary survey information.
County Manager Norman, referring to the recommendation pertaining
to the positIon of Paramedic, explained that there is a shortage of
trained Paramedics in this part of·the State and It Is necessary to
recruit at a maximum of 10\ higher than entry level to attract and hire
these employees. Furthermore, said Mr. Norman, to be fair to the
present people, it will be necess~ry to pay them 5\ more than the new
'Pdg8 44
¥ -.........
" '
, ,'.
. ,
[,I, .J~~.,"
+jI . vi ;.~';'.
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I'~' t'
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I r.
March 17, 191'11
people will be paid.
County Attorney pickworth com~ented that the proposed reclassi-
ficatIon of the Logol ~p.cretary position from Pay Groðe 10 to Pay Grnðe
11 is satisfactory to him since it will amount to a 5~ salary increase
for hIs Secretary, with further considoration to be given with regard
to a Merit incre~se which is to be forthco~ing.
Commissioner Kruse rcquestecl that Item ~ on the list of recom-
~enðations be reconsidered at a later date pending clarification of the
four items \~ithin it. Chairman pistor voiced his concern over further
delaying the matte~.
Commisl':ionf!r \"enzel pointed out that each phase of. the reco~-
mendation3 can be acted upon s~parðtcly, following which Commissioner
Wimer moved, seconded by Ccmf!'lissioner Kenzel and unanluously carried,
that Recommendation n, establishing the position of EmerC]ency 1~edlcal
Technician (Pay r,r~ñc 10, Overtime Catp.gory "A") be approved.
Commissioner Kim~r moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and
unanimously carried, that Recommendation ~? be approved, establishing
the position of Paramedic (Pay Grade lð, overtime c~t~gory ~^").
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and
carried ~/l with Commissioner ~enzcl opposed, that ~ecommendðtion ~3 be
approved reclassifying the cxistinC] position of Legal rccretary froM
Pay Crade 10 to ray Grade 11.
Commissioner Wlncr ~ovcd, sccon~ed hy Comnlssioner Prown anð
carried ~/l with Commissioncr ~ruse votin~ In opposition, that necom-
menõation ~~ be ~pprovcð, increasing the p~y scale of cxistinC]
positions of Dui1cJing Inspector, upon co:'\pletlon of 1'\ !3uccessful
proh~tion period, in three steps (7.5~) within the currcnt p~y ~r~de.
Commissionnr \\if!'lor movoe1, seconded by Conf!'linsion"r F'.rown I1ncl
. , ~.
'~60OK 060 PACE1B9
rrtJ 0 t'! r;
. "
!'" '<
OBO rA~190
r'. ' "'...reh .17, 19n1
\.! I',: J ','0, '.
c~rried un~nimously, that nccoM~~nð~tion ~S c~t~hlishin9 the position
of C~ief proh~tion Offic~r (P~y Crnde l~, Overti~e Category "0") be
COr.lM'issionar KrU3p. i'loved, seconded by Comr1insioner ""onzel, that
nccommen~ðtion ~G, portDining to pay gra~cs for positions within the
Ccr~ndent Fire pistriets, be continued until ~nrch 2~, l~"l. Follow-
ing hri~f discussion regarding dclayin9 action, the Motion carried 3/1-
~ith commissioners Wimor and pistor voting in opposition.
The following correspondence in support of pecommendation #~
~n~/or the hiring of additional personnel in the Building Cepartment
were filed for the record:
1. ~ðrk P. Strain, General Contractor (3/('/8l)
2. Fredric C. Hill, President, Gulf Coast Poofing Co., Inc.
( 3/4/81 )
3. ronald F. Garrett, Vice-President, venetian Bay Con-
structors, Inc. (3/1t;/B1)
^/r::. FIRMS FOR EXPMrSION OF C()II"Ir¡"{ GI)"F.nN~·P,NT Crt-'Tr.R PI10,JF.CT
County ~anager NorMan provided the Board with a status report on
the selection process to date reg~rding the devclopment of a "short-
list" of A/r. firms with regßrd to tho r.xpansion of the County Covern-
r.lent Center project, as cont~lned in the Memorandum dated March 9, 19~1
from ~illiam 11. McNeel, Polizzi/Peery. Mr. Norman said that the
Selection Committee met on March 16, 19n1 and agreed on a recommenda-
tion to the Board with ð ranking hased on the point values developed as
part of the process, alerting the ~oðrd to the fact that the matter is
being scheduled on the agenda of ~arch 24, 1901.
Mr. Norman said that, ~hile the Committeo recommended ð II firm,
P!ge <if\
, .
, '
, .'
f i
. ~
M.Jrch 17, 19::11
t~Q Board is, of cour~~, not bounð by tho selection, nnd ~hðt full
details will be included in the ogenda p~ckðge for the pr~viously
.' ,~1
montioned meeting.
Commissioner ".tlmer moveð, secondeð by Comr.l1!::sioner ¡'ienzc1, thðt
the Board confirm the approval of tho appointment of Edw~rd C. S~ith as
1\eslstDnt County ~~n~gcr, in 8ccordancc with the revls~d job
description and pay plan revision as approved by the Board of County
Connissioners on ~~rch 3, 1981, as recommp.n~p.d in the Ey.ecutive ~un~~ry
dated Pðrch 13, 19~1. The motion carried 3/1 with Commissioner Brown
voting in opposition and Commissioner Krus~ temporarily absent at the
tiMe of the vote.
Zoning Director Perry rr.callcd that he was requested to provide a
status'report on the house/trðve1-trailcr combination located on Ridge
Street In Por th Nðp1es. IIp. Sér Id tha t some of the proh1 ems hc::ve been
resolved, commenting that a survey has been completed which shows th~t
the building in qúestion sete on two different pieces of property and
owned by different Individuals. It will be necess~ry to notify the
other Indlvidu~l slncp. there is a need to trespass, the original o\roer
hc'lvln!) already been notified. l1e said that existing asseSSMents of the
prop~rty have been ohtained And the Bui1din9 Depdrtmcnt Is currently
_. -- -·"obt·31h-fng est Imates for cièmori ßhing -the prop'"r'ty; - 'o"r- bonrtTll'j" "1~a:n1---
removing the debris. ~r. Perry conclu~c~ by ßt~ting that it is hoped
thnt the matter will be r~solved within 30 d~yg, or shortly theroAfter.
Commissioner Wimer ~xrrcsscrl ðpprcciAtion to ~r. rorry for his
:, I
'I'·; S'
Mot· 000 rACE 191
T'Ago ~7
~OQX œo rACE 192
:/". ,
\ '..J
"'"rc:h 17, ll)~l
~ . ,..... ..' ':,.
roport ~nc1 roquo II t.o~1 M1ù i .. ¡onCll ropor\:ß boo mM1a on 0 periodic b1'lols.
lie I\lso é!prr 1 SQ(1 "r. Parry thl't he hlln rf!cnivect I'1nny comncnts on t'.ho
professional way his office is being ôan~lp.d, from persons hllvint)
occi'lsion to confnr with t.he Zoning I'<'pl1rtment, l't1ding thClt he should be
conplim~nted for this;
~T^TI1~ nr.ronT O~ PL.II}!f. f'0R COUNTY ".f>·r.UI.l\~'Cr. sr.rwrcp - Dr.F'r.p~rOI
pno!'o~F." ",F,t" POf>I1'IC'NS l\NO r;l\r.1\RTP~ Fon cnLLIlm r.OIl"'T\' PotlC; - I\ppnOlflm
County "'ani'g~r ~orm~n said thi'lt a rc"is~d budget [o·r the l-rnbulance
Service has been drafted but that ho has not had ~ chance to review it
i'lnñ, therefore, Is not prepnred to give a definitive report this date.
However, said ~r. Norman, there is need for the ~oard to take
action on approving the number of positions which need to be filled so
that the actual selection can begin. He referred the Poard to the
19nn-~1 Budget ~~rksheet, Schedule 2 Salaries-proposed ~ew Fosltions,
3S prepared by Public Safety Administrator Hafner, for details, copies
h~vlng been furnished to the Commissioners.
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commlsaioner Wenzel and
unanimoualy carried, that the aforementioned Scbedule ? be approved.
~r. ~avld Graham, Chairman of the EMSAC, was present to address
the ßOClrd ane'! respond to questionR, if Clny, rogarding how the Council
feels about taking over the ambulance s~rvice and the recommendations
the Council has made so far. He said thDt, basically, the Council has,
tried to remain in an advisory role, pointing out that when the Counc 11
,",as formed it was not kno...:n that the County would be going into the
business at that time so, therefore, they i\re "playing it by ear". ne
sale'! that the biggest topic that has come up Is how the Counc 11 feels
^bout where to house the ambulanc~s ~nd tho Parðmedics. He said that
the Council has come up wit~ a proposal that they work In conjunction
Pðgo "A
. .
. ,
Mðrch 17, 1!)1:!1
w~th the Firo Districts, ns much 8S possihle,'for tho present. Tho
rellson for this, !:aid ~!r. Grnhom, is that the ~mbul~nces ðn~ the firo
trucks run approximately the . in tho
seem to Slime nunber of runs, same
lJreas, ðnd the Ii ke . Mr. Grl'lham added thll t the recof!'lf!'len~l'Itlon is not
to "narry ourselves to any special position .1It this timo" until therA
are nore stotlstlcs av~ilable on which lIrp.I'lS lire taking the most runs,
lInd so forth, which lire not /,\vlli1ðblo at this time.
Commissioner ~':enzel inquirer;) if there hlls heen <'Iny thought of
consolidating the Sheriff and the 8f!'1bulonce together, with Pro ~rahem
responding In thp. ncg~tlve with the comf!'lcnt thðt they hAve heen working
on gettln~ the service ready by April (" 1991.
Chairnan pistor expressed the ßOé'rd's ëlppreci~tion for the Hark
the Council Is doing and said that the staff will be lookin~ to the
Council for assistance.
nISTIUCT - ST"F'F' l\UTHORn:rm TO PREP,\P.8 !'RF.:LYMT"'l\!W COc;T FIGtmr:;,c:;
Commissioner t,rimer noted the receipt of ~ letter rlllteå "arch 1:1,
1981 from Chief James L. Jones, ~orth Naples Fire D~partment, with
rcgard to the est~blishment of water service ~n~ fire hydr~nt5 in the
Pine Ridge Industrial Areo. He said that there hðs been 1'1 probl~m in
obtaining signatures for a petition pursunnt to g~ncr~l polley.
However, said the Commissioner, it is not nCCgSGðry to hðV~ .11 petition!
the Ao.,rc1 clIn implement it on its own initi¡::Itive.
---- -,.
COMl111£sloner ¡"'enz(!l Dsked if the i:'\provcmcnts can b/3 m~ñe by thO)
^isess~ent ~etho~ with Utilities ~~nftgcr Irving Perzon expl~lnin~ thnl,
although he hDS had no connection with such proj~ct!\ for over tHO
yel'lrs, the funds could probably bD borrowed on a short-term not~ Hith n
, ,
MOlt· œo rACE 198 '
I'lH'Jn o'\~
i;' ...
~.".~""..,..,,,·.....·*w.--...._,_____.,.. ,
M~ . (0) rACE 19t!
.... ·1'1'
~~n~qh l7, l"f11
. '
7-10 ynnr pnyhðck pario~.
Public I'.'orks Jldministrator/F:nginFler Bélrksctala £ald thDt the slime
project Cðr.10 lip ahout on9 year l'Igo at \lhich time a preliminary cost
..l1st il1''''It(.>,. ""ûR. prcpl'lre(1, ho,...evcr, at thllt, t.ime. since, th.~re.. was. n9 _......
petition, the project ~icd. Mr. PDrksdnle furthar stnt~ð th,t, if his
MEm?ry Is correct, the Bo~rd héls In the pl'lst crc~tcð fire hydrant
~istricts without tha requirad nurnb~r of sign(\tures, noting that the
pArtinant ordinÐnce pnrmits this.
~oM~issioner ~enzel moved, 8econde~ by COMmissioner Wimer and
I1n(lnil~ously c"rricd, that the staff. be ëluthorl zed to prep2lre
v'?llmlnélry fi~urcs prior to advertising a puhlic hearing on the
propos0d project.
During the discussion, Co~mlssioner Vimer conmented that the North
N~plas Fire Cepðrtment staff has he~n working hard in.lhe area but have
not ~~an successf.ul In ohtalning signatures on a petition which Is the
~pproach the FOl'lrd likes to take.
!\'ot~: At this time .' 3: 40 P.M. - Commissioner ",timer left the meeting.
Public "'orks ,a,dr.linistrtltor/Engineer F.arksdllle revieHed brief.1y the
F.xccutive Summary pertaining to activities relating to Royal Palm Golf
F~tates. lie said that Unit 1 of the Subdivision l1as approved by the
r.o3rå on ~ugust 2ð, 1976 ~t which time Deed and Agreement were provided
as security for its completion with the provision that the property
contained in the ^greement and Deed would revert to the County if the
~cveloper ðef~ults. Mr. Barksdale said that on July 29, 1900 the ~ard
~pproved an Irrevocable Letter of Crodit in the ðmount of $77,000 and
, ~,
,- "..,."',._"',...."."_",_<,0.,."..._._...,,-'"="...____..."'_ .4. U ..
Ma rch 17, 19R]
. fI',:'
executed a 0uit Claim Cee~ to r^lQ~s9 Blocks ß, C, D, E nn~ Lots 1
, ,
through I'D of Block ^. The developers nO\-1 ~csiro the relel\so of
ðdðitiontll lots lInd are subMitting the new IrrevoclIblo Letter of. Crot1it
.!IS s~cur!ty to gUDrantco the remaining conl3truction of; £',locks ß, C, C,
r., F lInd Lots I through IO~ in Clock ^, he continuocl, anð nro
requesting the release of the previously Dcccpted Irrevocahlo Letter ~f
Credit from th~ Citizens National Bank in th~ ~mount of $77,000. The
Quit Claim rele~se of tho romalning lots will en~ble tho sðlo cn~
transfer of the lots, concluè'ed :·~r. Barksdale.
Commissioner Wenzel f!'Iovec'l, s£'conde~ by Cor:II'1issioner l:rllse, th¿ot
the Board accept th~ Irreyocable Letter of Credit for ~?9~,COO
(Jefferson Trust t S~vings Bank, Peoria, Illinois, ~o. 3r4), ~n~ t~nt
the Chairman be authorized to sign the !lppropriñte Quit ClétlA Dee'"
relative to Royal PðlM Golf F5t~tes.
Utilities Manp~er Berzon stated for the recoid that the subject
transaction Is In no way acceptance of the work thct has ðlrczc'ly heen
completed. lie said that there arc some objections which have been
raised Dvcr the months. ~r. Barksdftlo obnnrvpð th~t the action Is
meroly a partiðl release of surety.
Upon c~ll for the qucstior, the motion carri~d ~/O with
Commissioner Winer not present.
MOK œo rAtE195
P,"1IJC" ~)
',. ,
~arch 17, 1901
FH'1\L 1\CCr.I"'Tl,NCe: OF cr.nTl\tN S't't1F.F.Tfi IN M"RCO SF.f\CII sunDIVISION -
Public \':orks ~ðr.dnistr.1ltor/EnCJlnecr ß.uksda1e reporteñ that: on
Octob~r 30, 1979 the P.oard granted pre1i~inary Ðcceptðnce to certain
str~ots ~n stated Units of ~~rco Beach Subdivision and that since that
ti~e Tho Deltona Corroration has m~int~ined them. Tho strcets hDve
be~n reinspected, s~id rr. BarksdAle, found to be in 8cceptab1e
condition and Ðre being reconmended for Fin~l Acc~pt~ncp..
Co~nissioner Kruse moved, secondeð by Conmission2r Wenzel nnd
c~rried 'In with Co~~issio~~r ~l~er not present, that the following
streets In Units of Marco Beach Subdivision be granted Final
Unit 11
Cresc~nt f:trcet
501~nð Court
Thrush Court
Cameo Court
"'iHJtilus Court
Plantation Court
GIralr1a Court
Emhð5sy Court
nernando trive (between Tlgertail &
Hyacinth Court (~orth of Cir~ld~)
Elkcam Circle (between ~irnld~ anð
. f.lkhorn)
Tigertail Court (cuI. to rnrnalðo
Dr ive Sout.h)
Unit. ?3
Kenrlall rrive
Trent Court
Diplonat Court
Somerset Court
S\1 is s Co 11 r t
Price Court
err.cl forè. Cour t
~~an'Jrove Court
Un it ~
Coppcrfi~lñ Court
.T\~,'vcr Court
Post Court
'.100n Court
Olive r.ourt
r.nowberry Court
nuby Court
Ivory and f,hip Courts
. . -_.- -. .
I.', .. ...
Unit 1?
5plnMker Drive (South
of lIern<'ln"o)
Hunk i n Cour t
f,nel1 Court
Kond^ll Drive (South of ~crnrn~o)
Ti'ylor Court
Lo\lls Co ur t
.~. &OOK œo PACE197
P1HJC ~,
MOX 060 p^cr 198
~'''rch 17, 1 Çr.l
., ',\.
, .
Comroh::;ioncr t-lenzel ankcd thnt the f!'Ilnutc3 reflect th\lt. theo
~bovo-noned strcetu wore constructed unðør the old &pocific~tlonB ~nd,
therefore, ~re not tiS good ~s t.hey should be.
PF?f.T.UIIN/\R'i "CCf:PTl\NCF. OF' LM'BF.n.T rRIvr:: M"D M),11\CEtJT ALLEYS IN ~~r.RCO
f\~"r:I'[ StJßDlvr.r;I0N, lI"'IT ¡:; m:PLl\T -. 1\PPR(')VED
Following bric~ ~xplnn~tion by Puhlic ~orks Administrator/Engineer
B~rksdale that Lembert Drive nnd the adj~cent ^lleys, ~tlrco ae~ch Sub-
division, Unit 6 nepl~t were built under the County's new specificð-
tions l'Ind recommended for prel iminnry ".ccþ.ptûnce, Commissi'=lí1'Or ¡'~enzøl
f!'Ioveð, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried ~/O with Commissioner
~imer not present, that the subject Drive and alleys be gr~nted Pre-
liminary ^cceptance.
PURr.I~l\<;E OF USf,D 1971)~·01)P.L Cl\TF.:RPILL1\R 1)'-" CO/vlPl\CTOR..!. }\lIT"ORI~ED
Lcgal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
December 11 and l5, 1930 ûs evidenced by ^ffidavit of publication filed
with the Clerk, bids with regar" to Bid e4~p for t.he purd1ðse and de-
livery of a Landfill Comp~ctor were received until January 7, 19n1.
publ ic \\orks ".dmin istre. tor/Eng Ineer Bé! rksdale explð ined tha t
$174,000 was budgeted in the Capltðl Improvenents for the purchase of a
new Compûctor; however, in reviewing th~ bid list of what is consiðered
to be an acceptable machine, it was ðetermined that the bids were above
the budgeted amount. As an ðlternative, Mr. Barksdale sai~ that used
~achlnes were investigat~~ and one ,was found which, when analyzc1 by
Kelly Tra~tor, would cost $l~,~OO to put it in first-class condition.
It is being recommended, ~ald Mr. Barksdale, th~t the bids for tho new
mûchine be rejected ~nd tho purch~se of the used machine be authorized
. P:tCjQ 53
..-... - .-'- ."' .
.. -......
, ,
. ,
J .
'h '...... '. ,. . ,I..
~ :r
.....; I
/'1" I
. t:'t~
., ;if.
"'arch 17, 19R1
togothe~ with sufficient fundo to recondition-it.
Commissioner Wenzel moved, soconded by Commissioner Rrusa ~nð
carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not prosent, thðt the staff
. recoMmendation be approved ~g follows: ~ll bids with regarð to ~id
1469 be rejected; that the purchase of ð used Cat 6~~ offered by Gulf
Coast Lðndfill for $~B,OOO be approved, that an cxpcnditur~ of. up to
$1?,OOO for reconditioning be authorlzed, and thnt the Chairman and th~
Clerk be authoriznd to sign and ~ttCRt the resulting ~gr~ernQnts.
'. ~
As contained in the Executive SummRry dated ~arch 3, 19~1, Public
Works ~åmlnistrñtor/Engineer Barksdale explained that approval is b~ln9
requested for making additional perrnit application to the Oepartment of
N.1Itural nesourccs for "No W~ke" si~os, and çr~nt funèing applic~tion to
'the Florida Bonting and ImproveMent Program for the following ~reRS:
1\. Goodlðnd
B. Smokehouse B~y
C. Isles of Capri
D. J-Iarco River
P.. nock Creek
F. Vanderbilt W¡)tenvay
G. lIenderson Creek (t.!c\-' request)
H. ßimlnl (Previously T>.pproved)
Deputy Chief f!aymond Barnett pointed out th?t, Instf'i\Cl of "Po
Wake" Signs, they should be entitled "Iåle Sree~ 0nly" Signs, th~
latter signs being the only ones which c~n bc·succe~~rully Qnrorco~.
.Mr. Park5~~]e pgree~ th~t the gi~ns will r~~~ "T~t~ ~p~p~ nn1y" ,hut
th~t the pertinent ordinance st~tcs "No Wake".
Commi~sioner Wenzel moved, second crt by Commissioner ~rusc ~n~
carried ~/O with Commissioner Wimer absent, that the Pngincerln~ Cc-
.~'. MOK 060 PACE 199
1"'·'cJ~ !;"
',I '",I
.. - . ".--. ..... ,.~
r~ .
S~ ~
060 PACE 200
~l1rch 17, 1('\~1
, ,\"
p~rtmcnt he ~uthoriz~d to mnkA l1ðòition~1 per~lt nn~ qrnnt nppllc~tions
in thn t.Ibove-ciclJiiJn,)ted i1rOI1S (~-II) tlnci to proc('od with the Dcivertise-
ment for bido and construction.
~~·'''t!F:;'~· ror: ~Isc(:"'"'nJ'J!'!.'r.!:' nF' ~''1P:rLr:' t T";71\r~· "r.~\'!C" _' .r;.,· ·'~ïf~
lis r~C¡lIestee'! in the Executive Sumr.l;,ry r1ðted 1'12'1rch 2, 19R1,
pr£>1'J"red hy Librllry CIrector Richard F. .'Yoder, Commissioner ~jenzel
moved, seconded by Comnissioner ¡:ruse and carrip.d ð/O with Commissioner
~In~r rbsent, thAt the recomnendatlon for the discontinuance of the
mO'lile library operl1tlons, effective ^pril 30, 1981, be approveci.
1',(:n~r.~":~"'T P.r::T\'!FF:N KH'r.S U'.!(r:: LTD. ^~'D U.S. F~0MES COnpOR"''t'ICN nE C1..r~IER-
F;:'1~ Cf!I\IRr,'!·""!) f,Iç~!1\TUnF:
Utilities ~anager Irving Oerzon revi~wed briefly the Executive
Sunmary dated March 12, 19~1 wherein it is requestec'l tbat the Board
consent to tho lIgreement between Kings Lake Ltd. and U.S. Homes
Corporation regarding the ownership and operation of t~e Kings Lake
S~wage Treatment facilities. ~e said that the Agreef!'lent, in part,
sti1tes that lI.S. Homes, purchaser of r.ings Lake f>!orth, will continue to
provide sewage treatnent services to the Kings Lake South ar~~ through
th~ Kings Lake North scw~ge treÐtmcnt plant until a centr~l sewage
collcction ~nè trans~isslon systen is provided to the area by the
Ccunty, at which tl~H! connection will be mùde <tt no cost to the County
Water-Sewer District. It w~s pointed out that the County ^ttorney
concurs in the terms of the ÄiJrecment.
Commissioner Wenzel movee'!, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and,
c~rrie~ ~/O wiih Commissioner wtf!'ler not present, that the Ch~irman he
authorized to sign ~he Agreement between Kin~s Lake Ltd., and U.S.
Homes Corpor~tion, ~~ ~etailed above.
PDgc 55
ß··,t¡ .
j4 ~ =1-,' ,:
a:, \ ..·.:,{1
Ii ~
--'"" ,~, ,~,..' '""""-"""'-'"
'," ,
, (
060 PACE 200
, ,
M,'r-r,h 17, 1~F!1
. .'.,
,CII^IrtMMf J\lITI'ORI7.ED TO fJXC':N nrr.I1T-or;'-\"'J\Y CP.R.TXFIC~TP. (F~I!^) RE r.OODLJ\NI>
-.'^'I'f.p, !H!ì'l'Ilrc'"
Conmlssioncr Prown Moved, seconded hy Commignioner Wenzel nnd
c~rrind ~/O with Conrissioner Wimnr not present, thÐt the rhnlrnDn he
. .
, ..
authorizc<'! to si'Jn th~ PMf1!", nlght-of-"'.'"y C~rt1ficê'lte with re'J3f~ to the
~oo'nc'\nc! 1':1Jtcr t'istrict, lIs·rp.coro1l'lÐnc1ec! by th':l CountyJlttorney.
'Påge 56
, ,
, .
BOOX 0 Ö 0 rACE 208
M"'.It'~h 17, ] CI~l
. ¡
TH:.'\DVr::RTIf.INC TO CIIM(:P. I'UrH.TC IIr::ARn'G "'''Tr. TO 1I/7/F11 nr. nr::vmI('N~ TO
~'l;'Tr.:~':, DrVF.r..ON1ENT mmn'M'CF: - ÞUTI'ORI7.P.D
DUQ to ~n insufficient lcn9th of time bp.t~cen the ~ðvcrtlsing nn~
th.e pt.lhlic hf!,"IrinC) r1ßt~ ~1lth rc~tlrd to the proposed P.eviaions to the
ßystøns ncvelormcnt Or~inancc, CO~Mlssioncr Wenzel movcð, s~conde~ by
Con~issioncr Yrusc nn~ carried ~/n with COMnissioncr Vlmer not rr~s~nt,
th.1t rCDc'!vnrt!sing b~ i':uthori=cd for the t'ublic hel:lring to be held on
~pril 7, 19n1 nsten~ of ~arch 3l, 1981, as origln~IIy proposed.
."TM1F:~ ','ORr:lIr{ S'·HTII M)P0INTr::n TO JlF,^LTI! FM~ILITrr.sr.(fT¡'¡('InITY
County Þttorn~y Pickworth rp.c~llcð that s~verel weeks ago he
reported to th~ BOc'1rd I via f!'IemOrnnc1uM, thélt a vac!Jncy htls occurred on
the !!~alth Facilities Jluthority and, therefore, it ,·:ould he necessary
to appoint so~eone to fill the vac~ncy.
He atlid th~t throe nélmes were
suppl ied linn that a letter \'I.:oS sent to each of the ind ivi~ullls. T\-;o of
them responded thet they ~ould he interested in serving on the
Authority, said Attorney Pickworth, the third pGrson stating that he
wouln rather not serve due to the length of the,appointMent, ~nd taking
his ß0P. Into considerAtion.
COMI"Issloner \·'~nz~l moverl, seconc1en by Cornmis5inner Erown ðnd
carried ~/O with Comnissioner Wimer not present, that James ~organ
~mith be appolnte~ to the re~lth Facilities Authority to fill the
existing vacc'1ncy.
Commissioner I'lenzùl moved, sccon~ed by Commissioner Kruso anti
carried A/O with Commissioner Wimer not present, thDt the bills, having
hecn processed following established procedure with funds aVélilable, be
pag. 57
"'Drch 17, 19"1
approvod for pay~ent ðS w~tncssod by tho following chnckA issued from
March 11, 1981 through March 17, 1981:
County Checks
6003 - ¡;JIO
[lCC Pð yro 11
21lGn - 21631
AMOU~T OF ~545.~4
Fol1owlng hrief cxplÐnðtion hy Fisci'll Offic~r I!l1rolð L. Hl'Il1,
Conmlssloner to'enzel Movec1, I5cconcJcr] by COf:1mlssioner Kruse and cé'rriad
4/0 with Corn~Issioner Wimer not pre~cnt, that the bill fron pctrolane'
Gas Service, Inc., for chergcs Incurred prior to the trÐnsf~r of the
fiscal responsibility for the Stock~dc to the Sheriff; be approvec1 for
payment in the aMount of $S~5.~~, as recommended.
OPF:nJlTH!G) - I\DnPTf,D p.' THr. .,\r,'nJ]"T 0¡:' ~3, 5N)
Comr.dssioncr II'f:nzel Moveò, seconèc(1 hy ComMissioner Irruse Dnl'!
c<trried ~/O with Commissioner ~Iner not present, th~t Budget ~mcn~~cnt
01-39, transferring fun~s to provide for prior year liability for the
C.R.3l Water Control Structure (~atcr Mi'lnagemcnt-OparDting), be ndopt~d
in the ~mount of $3,sno.
...~..._._"'......... . 0.__.- .. .....
.... .. ...._. ._..... r.._.., .._.._. _.._.._ ____..___
MOK 060 rACE 31J
PtlCJe sa
. '. '\....
. . .... ., ~:';' :
~ ."'.;
~, . . .
'~~ :1
, '\.\~
. .,.{
.. -
March 17, 1901
Co~mlssioner ~enzel moved, seconderl by Conmissioncr Kruse ~nd
carried 4/0 with ComMissioner Wimer no~ present, that Budget fo,mp.n~ment
ßI-10, transfc~ring funds for the ~drlition of ~ p!echanic II and rel~ted
expenses for service and maintenance of ~~s Vehiclen (~otor Pool), ha
arlopted in the nnount of $14,069.
'\. SOOK
060 fACE 211'
'. "-.---.. ·---...'.;I:~
." ."'"
Pl1gf: Ii!)
..... 4_·
~ .~ _.
!:,'.' .
"-"-'~'~'~'-""-"~'''''''''''''''."'''''"''''''''''"'''''''''''''_''_''''-__.....__ "'<II>'
. , .::1
" '~k1
. . 'if'
'. . f{
, " ~¡
.. t,
.~ . ~' f~:
, . 'f'''i
~. .~
, .
Mðrch 17, 1901
ADOPTf.D H! TilE M~()lI~IT Of" ~lIl,~I)<1
'I'" ",' ~ ':I'f,.',:,'·,"
Comminsioner Wenzel moved, s~conde~ by COMnissloncr ~ruse ~n~
carried 4/0 with Co~missioner Wimer not present, th~t Bu~get ~mendMent
al-~l, tr~nsferring funds to cover the cost of the operntion of the
be adopteñ in the nmount of. t41,r,54.
North Naples ~nd the Mðrco Island Suhstations (Sheriff's Department),
BOOK oeo rACE 219
P:l1J 0 Ci 0
~ .0
It .'"
J. :
'. '
'·'ðrch 17, 1"1)1
nUDr.ET ^",r.N!)r~F.NT I3l-012 TO ".PPROPIUr.TJI: UNr."ITICIP1\TZD HICOME RE ^LCn!~Or.
JNFOn,.."TT0M CI.1...!;RE!': - }\"Of>n~n IN THP. }\,~10tlNT or ~',,,nn
CommiRsioncr Wenzel mov~d, seconded hy CommiRslonAr Kruso nnd
carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wim~r not present, thDt r.udgct ^,"cndmcnt
01~o1/., to appropriate upantlclpated income for newly-created progr~~
("~cohol Inforr.1Dtlon Classes), be <.'Ic'loptec' in tht'! I'\mount of ~2,"/)(I.
. _. . - . - .
_ .._.._.~........._.... 4" ......_ .._...'~..
... .-
~ ..., - -.... -- -. .-...-~.,...._.. --..-.,"-..-...-----."
8~ÓK·· Cf30 PACE215
f· ': "~_J\
- ._..,;"'_.........~.-_----""..-
_"....."...._,.__,__...¡o;. .
.'..... p. .-.
rëHJe (,1
, .
'/'. .
"'arch 17, 19r.l
BUIÙ)INGnl~pr.CTION 5E~'IN}\n - J\nO?'1'r.T> HI TilE "Y,OtJ"',. OF -:;='~5
Commissioner Wenzel Moved, seconded by Commission~r Kruse and
carried 4/0 with CommissionAr ~imer not present, that Bu~get ~mon~f!'Icnt
01-43, tran3f~rrin~ funds to provi~e for'Ðttcn~nnco at th~ Puil~fn9
Inspection Scmln~r (Eull~lng Tnspection), he ~dopte~ in the ~~ount of
. ...............,
BOOK',· 000 PACE'2i 7 '
fllIgC' ';2
. ,.,
:" ."
,............,;"'_'.,,_"'.,,~__,,_,._....__"'-__..,_,"".... 'Ii' . . 11
; '1'__""_'_"'''~·'''~i.'W_'''.~__''''''''''''"___________'''''''''_''·_'·_'''''·"''''o_~..·."
i I
! I
. ~'. .I~
- I~.
.'..,~ .
- ~~'-
. .
\ ,
. ,.,
I', !"J Ji:,'.. ,,',..
. ~,,;
í'l:,t" ~:~,",
f.. .2
M.1Irch 17, 191'!1
nUC~ET ^~~NCM~NT ~l-~~ TR~NRP~RRING Fu~ns Fon rURC"^R~ OF r~nTITIONn
(7.0NJNC )f::PMtT~'F.N'T') - "r.OPTE:1 H' TH:' ~foIOH"IT OF $r;5~
COr:1missioner '!enzcl r.1oved, seconded by Conmiasiot\p.r Kruse nnd
carried <1/0 with COr:1r.1issioner ":1mcr not Pr-csént, that Buðg~t r.rncnrlment
81-<1~, transferring funds to cover the cost for purchase o~ p~rtitions
(7.onlng Department), be é1dopted in the lII\\ount of $(,51).
__...__a .. .............,
"'ðÒOK œo rAc£219
PðgC t)~
- '.. ,_..... ... .- . ,. .-.- .~-.
'" t 'I··..· ..... ":. ~ '. ... .' '" .. .
:~. .
-~ ................---;-..- -----.... "1
! ~~,
~ .' '1
·1> ".~~;_.:
. ,
MMCh 17, lNn
...' .... ...-" - ......-.. ~'.......
(OCI!OPF.r. FIRF. cnNTTH'H.) - ,!\,nOI'TF:J'\ H' THE "~'OUNT Of' $l,!'\OO
Commissioner ~!enzp.l moved, seconded by Co~misQioner Kruse and
carried ~/O with COf!'lmisslonor Wimer not present, th~t Pudget ^menðmnnt
el-ðS, transfcrring funds to cover the' cost of purchl1sing ð fire punp
(Ochopce Fire Control, b~ Ðdopte~ in the ~mount of tl,n00.
. ---- - -
'SOOK OBa rACE 221:
Pact" r,,,
" ........... -, . ...... -\ ..'
.. . ",'
.. ....,
"1'·'1" ~;..,"',:':"
" ,.t '"
, .
-', ..
. . .. ~ -.. .-
March l7, 19t1l
BUDCoET MlrMDfo<ENT P.l-t1t' '1'nI\N;,FEnñI'1G FUNDr. F(m' ~DDITIOT>f) '1'0 ~~'1'F.LL nr.
BUILnWC: ron "IO'1'on rOOL (OTITI::n Gr.NF:R~L ~!)MIN.) - ^DOr'1'F:D It: TIIF: Þ,r.IOUNT
OF ~",oon
Commissioner Wen~el moved, Rocondcd by Commissioner ~rUSQ and
cZ)rrieù 4/0 with ComMissioner 'oHmer not present, that BudlJet Mcndment
el-~~, trðnsfcrring fundc for ðð~itlons to the SDtcll1te Building for
use by the '.Iotor Pool (Other Genf)r<tl ',dmin.), be ac'lopteð in the .!Imount
of $6,OnO.
. - .. - -- - . ..
:'~OOK 000 fACE 223
I"0CJe (,5
~ '.-' '-: -
-.,. -
......---..-. '-~""'--"'''''':J
. f
.. :
~'t.I rch 17, 190 I
pursur.nt to brief explDnatlon by Fisc~l officer JllIrold, L. 1'1111,
Commissioner Wenzcl movcò, scconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried
4/0 with Commisaioner Wimer not prês~nt, that the necessRry Curl0ct
Mcnðment, relative to Court Order covering the forfeiture and ðistri-
but Ion of property in Case No. al-0173-C~-O~-CR, be preprreà by the
Clerk's office and brought back to the BOÐrd for approval.
CII!\IR~'''N r-,UTHORT7.r.O TO ~IC:I'-' Cr.RTIFICl\Tf. FOR CORRECT1:0¡'" '1"0 T"X TH~Lr,
Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by ComMissioner Kruse lInd
carrle~ 4/0 with Commissioner WiMer not present, th~t th~ Chairm~n be
lIuthorlzcd to sign the follo~;ing CcrtifiCÐte for Corr~ction to the Tax
1900 T~ngiblc Person~l
BO~.rm ~1Er.TI"'GS FI)11 MO~TH OF ~'t!\'E C~MCr.Lt~D
Discussion was continuc~ from the meeting of ~arch 10, l~rl with
rcgûrd to Comnissioncr 1¡!enzel's memorilnnuM clé1ted FcbrlJiJry '1, 19r:l
wherein it was sUg'jC5tcò that, ;¡s in the previous year, the, Po~rrl
cancel their meetings for the month o~ June In oròcr to permit th~
st~ff sufficient time to prepftre the budqot figurcR for ~uly ~n~
.-----~uguS.~..h County ~\,,"ðqer t'-'ormi.1n commcntecl that. It Is un~1cr5tood th:1t if
ð n I m po r t ð n t m (1 t t c r \0111 I c h m u s t be Ò C l\ I t wit h II r1 s cst h e Ch l\ I r ml\n c ~ n
cDlI ð speciill mcetlng. lie added his conccrn reCJilrcHng p~titioners
being "held up" for a long pcrio~ of time, suggcsting that, rerh~pg, a
meetln<) could be Gche~\llccl for tha micMlu of Junp.. I~nowing .Hhan to
MO( 000 PACE225
pog 0 (,6
ïT -.þ'"-q>.þ- ...._'""'_
. . ..... .
I !
, i
060 PACE226
~1,'rC':h l7, '"'11
" .,.
_____...:~.~~issl.o~":~.n_:e.~ ..~o~v:.c1 ,t.~I<:~. :hcrc \'/iD be'! no r.le~tinC)_s. ~~:,~._c:~,. ...._.___.._
the five Tuesc1nys in ,1une, exco<)ptln'J in thn (¡vent of. "'In nnp.rC)oncy.' Thn
Ðdvcrtiso public h~~ringa WðR mcntioned by ~r. NorMDn with Commissioncr
\'Ienzcl commcntinl) th¡¡t tho puhliC': coule' hI' r.'l'.(~C "'^'<1rc thl1t thc First
public hcnrlng nft~r thn rccoss would bo hAld Ju\y l~th or July '1st.
motion WRS sccon~e~ hy Comm15510n(~r rruso ~n(~ cnrricd ~/~ with rommih-
sloner Wimer not prezent.
EXTRA GAIN TrM8 r~ r~~'^TR ~n. ^-'"~71 - ~rr"0VRn
Commissioner "'~nzel movp.c1, seconðnd by Cörnmisslone-r f<'ruse I1nc1
cc'r:.-led 4/0 with Comnissloner "'im~r not. pr~sent, th¡ot 2" ~¡¡ys Extra
Cain Time he approve:'! for Collier County Jrdl Tnmi'Jte 1-'0. A-?q~7l,
establishing thn d~tc of rel~ase for ~pril 5, l~rl, pursuant to reêom-
mcnda tion.
nESIG~^TI(ìN OF IOLLIl'Y 1"f.r.TF.!lR ['PC'" CJ\PC - M:C~~P'J'rJ:'l; CI'JlIrHoIl\N
AUTHOnIZEO TO ST~P ~prn~pnrAT~ L~TT~~ 0F ~prrFCT~~Tn~
Commissioner ~\·~nzcJ. 1'10vC'ñ, ::;ccon~cf. hy C:oM"ìifOslonF.r J'rusp. and
cArried 4/0 with COMnission~r Nlmer not present, th~t th~ r~slgnation
of Williaf!'l ~a!ters from the Constnl ^re~ Plrnnlng C:omcission he
acc<:!pted, as contalnec1 in ~1r. ~.ritlters' Ip.tter to the Poarc'l ñ.'lted "1arch
12, 19C1, and th~t thA Chdlrcan hE ~uthoriz~d to sign ~n ~pproprinte
l~tter of appreciation.
Ch~irman pistor noted th~t the ~ltp.rn~te ~emher of thp. C~PC has
been notifieð of his ~ppoint~ent ~s 1 na~ul~r ~p.mbar.
^dministrðtive ^idc to the roûrc'l informp.d the POûrò that there are
four terms up for appointmp.nt and/or reappointment on the C~PC and that
a press release to thIs effect is hein9 distrihute~. She seið th~t tho
mattar will be scha~ulp.d ón the a9~nda the First Mcp.tlng in ^pril.
'Ptrge (,,7
~ ,
, .
March 17, 19n1
Vl\Cl\NCY CTtr::l\Tr.D rw m:Srç"ll\TION OF ~r-.r.PT Ci\TtTF.Tt '
Pursuant to the memorandum dated rarch 1~, 1901 from Chairman
ristor, with att^ched letter of reslgn~tlon from the Inòustrinl
Dev~lopment Authority of Collier County, Flori~ð, d^tcd rnrr.h 11, 1901,
from Ttalph Fo. Carter, Com~is~ioncr ~rown ~ovp.ð, seconded by Commis-
sioner Wenzel ðnd cArried 4/0 with cO~f!'Iissioner Wimer not present, that
Claude Haynes be Appointed to serve on the J\uthority to fill thE:'
vðcancy created by the aforementioned resign~tion.
BOhTtn l\1JTI10RIZf.S C("l:-~~'UN,[TY [)r.V8LCP"'f.:-!T ',[,~H'IS'"nl\~Or. TO PTt£P",nr.
prH)p()~r.D f1EDISTrUCTP'r, PLJ>.:-' FOR pnr.~F'!J'J''''T'IO'-! TO P.0,I\f?D 'rN ':;'[X,\"..' r")\Y~
Chairman pister reviewed hriefly his meMornn~un ñateð ~arch l~,.
1981 with regard to th~ matter of redistricting including his
suggestion that the COÐrd direct the Community Development
~èministrator to prepare a proposed rediztricting pl~n enð present it
to the Foard within 60 days. It was pointed out by the Chairm?n thet
the Supervisor of Elections is not involved in the redistricting;
however, the re~istrlctlng should be completed before Ms. ~orgnn
develops the precincting. lIe further stated that the Planninry st.aff
has the l~test figures on the decennial census ~nd can prer~r~ the
redistricting so that each district has nppre~:iMntely th~ same number
of people.
Co~mi~f;iener Krllse Inquircd if clr.rificéltion h(1s hcC'n recn.ivcd on
the lIttorncy Generé11's approvf\l ,"1th re<prcl to thp. 5~ or norc minority
. ------popur¿; t ron . Coun ty· "t to rney pi cl:...,or th ex pI a I nccl thël t Colli ~r COlin ty is
one of five counties in tho Stl\te subject to tho Voting niCJhtt'; l\ct of
19õ5. One mctho~ of obt~ininCJ ~pprovëll of Dny ~ctions ~fr:ectlng votin~
is prc-clcëlrünce from the lIttorney Generûl of the Unitod f-t~tes. He
.... ..
MOiC 000' rAc£22.7 r"ge r,p.
:~, .
060 PACE228
Ml1 r l\!\ 17, I!''' 1
$.,1(! th.,t the f\oIHc1 f!'IURt officinlly 11('!ort '" ncc1istric'tlnC) Pllln firRt
hcror~ it c~n be ruled upon. ^ttorncy rickworth nc1c1cc1 th~t, ~t this
rolnt, it is unknown whether or not the County will still COMð un~cr
~',;", ',ct hl'~·. until it. I::: known for sure, one WilY or the,othf'.!r, ,tho"'H"
Frovi~~ons of th~ l'ct must h\~ complied \olith.
'T",.~r() \'¡!'IS i\ bri0f '1!:::r.ucslon pertëdnlng to the natt~r, fol1o\,¡ing
,\,:I~ich C"onrdssion'1r f"enzcl movNl, seconder'! hy Commissioner !<ruso IInr1
c',rricr:1 11/0 \lith Comr-lssionC!r ¡"Imer not present, thût the C'or.f!'Iunlty
C~vP]orrnent I'dministrÐtor be "'irectcd to prepare a proposed
~~Ai~tricting Pl~n for presentetion to tho Eoftr~ within ~0 ðaYR.
Dr;. ,J^ Y J1",r.~qC, ,. fSSnS. MOCR r., [1OíV\N I\!rn C EC I L, M!!) MS. JOMI IIM1 I LTON
,. ?f'n!:·'':r.r1 T8 CI'1'I7r.~'~ M*OfU ('0UNï.T[. P0n f;h!FflrC
¡'IS. Gn~ce S[-LllIlcllng, "dni(\Istratlv~ Assistant to the POé\rð,
w<T:'1.,dl":·~ th"t it is nece5sc1ry, at this time, to milke .Jprointnents to
th~ Citizens l'c1visory Council for tho Southwest Florlc1~ Region~l
r'1,;>nnin::r Council, noting thé\t. several n~r.1es have baen submitted for
,':o;¡:ointmont under v(Jrious cat~CJories, ftS set forth in her m~morl)n-:lIn to
t.~o ~ot1rd date~ ~Ðrch l~, 19~1. One of the nomlna~ions, sai", ~s.
Sr~ul~inCJ, has indicated he will not be able to serve ~nd, thercfore,
t'\f! n;ln~ of ¡,.'illiñm Shp.iHston shoulð be deleted from thp. su'Jjcct list.
~150, continu~d ~s. :'paulding, th~ nð~e of William T~. cp-cil shoul~ he
~~~~~ undcr the r.ñucðtion ~nð Sciencp. category.
Comnissioner \·'p.nzel moved, seconàed by Commisslonsr Brown l'Ind
c~rrie~ ~/O with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Dr. ~ay Harf!'lic be
~~Fointed to the council to repre~ent the Fnvironf!'lcntal Groups.
Ch~irm~n Plstor ~ovcd, ~cconded by commissioner Brown an1 ccrried
~/C with Co~missionor wiMer not present, that Wl11l~m cecil bß
ilrrointed to the Council to represent F:ducz;tlon line'! ~c1ence.
rage ~~
,;, ,
" ~:_f
.'.<1*-, ì.
, ,
. .
, -
March 17, 1931
Commlgsion~r Kruso moved, secon~ed by Commissioner Drown and
carried "/0 with Conmissloncr \-iif!'ler not present, thllt, ~s. ,'Olin ""Milton
be appointed to th~ Council to represent Minorities.
Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Cornmiosioncr Brown lInd
carried .4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Mike Boran be
ðppointed to the Council to rcpr~sent Gencrðl Eusine5s ~nd Tndustry.
'( Coml:llssloner h~cnzel r.1oved, seconded by Chð i rmr.m pistor ~nd cllrrie~
~, 4/0 with Commissioner Winer not present, that ~ike ~oore be ~ppointeð
~ to the Council to reprCRent Tourism.
LlII<E TrAFFORD r~r~tOIUl,L GJ\RDF.:US CF.!>~f,Tr::I1Y r.F.:EDS NOS. 2r;o J\f'.ID 21;} -
Pursuant to action of the Poarð JanuAry 10, 197~ wherein the
Ch~irman WAS authorized to sign various deeds to Lnke Trafford Mcmoriøl
Gardens Cemctery lots as the need arises, the following Ceeds numbcred
260 and 2Gl were recorded and filed for the record.
---_.. . ............. ,.
... -. - - ..... - .... -.
. --.... . - ~ -
'-~'OK œo rAC£~
Pl\go 70
. '_',"" "'.....~ ç. _' Þ'_._ ,"",,,,,.,,,,,,,,-,,,.,,,-..,,_,".-,-..,,~..,,"___
! 'I
~\n~x 060 rACE 232
"IL'1r~,h ]." "~r1
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Clil\rr1~'P,1'! ^!JTrtOI1I7.F.f"> Tn r.X!~r.UTF. nF-F.D Fon rnOf>I::RTY l1E ~!l)l1TI! "'1\rLF.G
LTn~^ny F~CIL[TV
Pursu~nt to rc~0""I.,en~1.'tion by County "ttornay rickworth,
. .
tOMrnlo31oncr Prown rnov€d, s~con~cd by Cornnis~1oner ~anzol ~n~ c~rried
-- -:---=
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1/n with ~of!'lf!'lIßslon"r ~ruse t~npor~rily nh~~nt ~n~ ~omMIsslon~r ~lm~r
not pr":;p.nt, that the r.:hi11rr;ltn he ,1uthorlzcv' to CXPCl1t,·~ tho! l'1!'!r.ð f.or
ccrt~in property In the Morth NnpJQ~ area to b~ u~ed for construction
of th" ~orth Naples LIhri1ry f~cllity.
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~'l}rch 17, 191"'1
DI'SCtlr,srON M' T1r:0Ur.ST Fnn Mn rem H^T'I'tl\~T F'M'tLy - NO I\C'T':rON '!'~KF.N
Commissioncr Pro~m brou0ht to the ~o~rcl's nttcnt~on ð lctt~r he
received from n 10clIl Sponlah minister requesting aid fcom, the Do~rrt to
bring his fnMlly of six to this country froM Haiti which he askod tho
Bo~rd to consider. There was a short discussion of the request ðncl the
letter referred to the County ManÐgcr for further disposition.
There beln0 no ohjcction, the Chair dirùcte~ th~t the following
correspondence be filed Dnd/or rcforred to the vùrlous dcp~rtncnts ~s
1. Letter clAtc~ ~~rch 9, 19~1 fron John ~. C~ldwell exrressin9
opposition to plnns to dredge ~iggins Pess - xc County
Manager, Public ~~rks ~ðmlnistrator; Filed.
2. Lee County EI~ctric Cooperative Inc. r~port for Parch, 19P1
re IM~ok~lce Lighting nistrlct - Filed.
.3. Lee County\ 'F:lectric Cooperative Inc. report for "'arch, 1(}E1l
re Marco Lighting ristrict - Filud.
4. Letter dated ~arch ~, 19S1 froM Jðcquelinc Hargrov~, ChAirm~n,
Advisory Comnittee, Cchopee Fire Control District, to Public
Safety ~dMinistrñtor re R~9ul~r ~onthly Meetin1 of COf!'lMittee
held ~~rch 4, 1ge1 - Piled.
5. Project Status R~port for period en~ing ~arc~ (" l0S1 rc
Collier County Government Ccntrr E>:pDnsion (I'olizzi/liecry) _
Fil eel .
G. Copy of l~tter dnted ~ñrch 5, 1""1 [ron Collier County
Forester to COMMunity Dcvclopngnt ^dminlstr~tor, and
FebruDry 10, 19r1, trñn~mlttlng February Ðnd J~nuary, 1981
ReportR, respectively - Filed.
7. Letter ~~ted ~£rch 5, 19P1 from Hero~rt Aav~ge, rr~51~ent,
"arco rslûnrl Ché\r.'Ibcr of Cor-mercc, exprp.ssin') opposition of
tho Po,'rr1 of t'ircctor5 to ~o\1nty Prl1,,,;..,.t!\·c "'rZ"r,::::=ofl"."tion
l')evelopr.'lent' rr09rñm - xc' Pub 1 Ic I'!orks ^~r:dnl5tré1tor, County
"'Dnëlger 1 Filed.
r. Copy of l)ttp.r èl1ted ~i'lrch 3, 19~) from Heinrich n. E.
Schmid, M.D., Ðistrlct Medical EXðMiner to rrvln~ Goodof,
M.n. appolntinCJ nr. Cooc1of to the position of. l\ssocillte
iOOK 000 rACE 241
Pngo 72
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. '
MlIrè;b 17, 19111
~OOK 060 rACE 242
Mc~icðl ~x~minor for nistrict Twenty - Filed.
,9. Circ:ulé1r r.ctter P]-?3 dlltf!d r"~rch (I, l!'rl frof!'l p.vorctt 11.
Rothschild, HUD, rc nisconttnu~tion of Funding Actions for
the ~ection ?l? n"I!.,hillt.,tion Lonn rrcgri1m - xc COr1munity
Devolopment ^~minlatrntor, Pi~c~l Officer; Filed.
Circ111t'r l.~ttcr !!l-?/I c1i"t~~1 ~..,rch~, 19?1 f.ro!11 F.vp.rctt H.
noth5child, nun, ro nRflnDncin~ Existinq rn~nhtodncss Un~er
the r.ehi~hi1it.:1tion'l'rovi~!ons of ?II erR 570.?0'(c)(2)(U) -
xc Com~unlty Devaloprnnnt ^dmlni~tr..,tor, FiscI11 Officer I Filed.
-... --.
11. Circular Letter rr-/.~ 1atp.r1 rt,"1rch <'I, ll1rl fror.1 r.vcrett H.
noth:::chllc1, HUn, ro f,tanà(H~hi for R.:!I1i'1bi1itr!tion to be
Counta~ ..,~ M~etln~ Eousln9 l5slntance rl~n Conls - xc
Com~unity D~velop~ent ^dr.1ini5trator, FIscDl Of.flcer; Filed.
12. Copy of N'R PcrMit Nurnbor 7r-p-l"2 transmitted to I!omcsteðd
Cevelornent Co~r..,ny, Inc. - Filed.
lJ. Letter c1~tnd ~é1rch 9, 19R1 from FdwIn J. Conklin, D~R, rc
ConservatIon and Recreation Lnnds rrogré1~ ðn~ Trust Fund,
Invitin'J the Connty to p,:1rt!cipate by subnittin') proposal -
xc Environno.ntal Consult~nt, Community Dp.valopment ~dmin
istr~tor, Public I"orks J',c1r.1inistrator; Filed.
l~. Letter ð..,ted N~rch 12, 19B1 from RDchcl TnmplAton, property
owner, requesting thnt Colden Cate Est~tes not be rezoned
\.'ithout consent of. th~ lDn~10wners - xc Conmunity 1:evelopment
^ðrninistrator; Filed.
Letter c.1.1ted ¡-',Hch 1~, 19J.'1 f.ro::1 r,aylon T. Ford reC!uesting
that petition for increaRin~ density on ccrtninpropcrty In
Conner's Vanð~rbllt EstÐtes (to he henrd 3/~1/nl) be denied -
xc CO::1nunity nevelopnent Adninistrator, County ~anaryer; Filed.
1 ~ .
PSC Order ^~orting Rule re Cockct No. r0073C-~R adopting Pule
2S-l0.l~~, 8stablishnent ~f Price Index, et ðl - Filed.
rsc Orc1er l'r'loptlnCJ J1ule Zlncl }I.m~ndr."lO:nts to Rules re rocket ~'o.
R007~J-~S Ð~opting nulc 25-lC.0]5, Notice of Intention, and
anendments to Rule ~5-ln.07 - Filed.
IR. PSC 0rc1er Ador.>ting Rule Arnenònents rc Docket ~o. 800767-h'S
Amendment of Rule 2~-lO.l7q - Filed.
19. Letter dated March ll, 19~1 from R. L. SchMec~peper, Pres.,
R. L. Schmackpeper, Inc. rc difficulty in obtaining timely
insp~ctions by Building r-epartment, ðnd ~ffering suggestions
F 11 ed .
20. Copy of letter dated ~ðrch 9, 19P1 from Lyle S. Richardson,
President, Naples Civic ^ssociation to Hon. Mary 81lon
Hawkins requAsting support for retention of vehicle Inspection
stations in the Stãte - xc County Managcrl Filed.
PlIge 73
, .
, .
MlIrch 17, 19<11
Thcre being no further business for tha good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned hy order of the Chair - Time: Æ:20 P.M. - to
~ i.if-,'· ,¡
reconvene at 4:30 P.M. In Conference session.
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