BCC Minutes 03/10/1981 W
Nnp\on, rloridD, ~nrch In, l~Ol
LET IT DE nF.~E~nEnrm, th<lt the Ro"rc'! of County r.oml'liss!onor:3 In
and for the County of Collier, met on this (~n t./'! nt ?:55 f'.~. in
Conf.erence 5e5510n in 13u 11 (1 i ng " F'" of the Courthou~c Complo:< with th~
fo\lowin~ memhers present:
CIII\!RMI\N: .John TI.. pistor
C. n. "R\I:15" ',rimer
M~ry-rr"ncc5 Kruse
11nvirl C. nro...m
~qSr.NT: CliEfor~ Wenzel
Tl.LSD rnESF.~T: C. ~illiAM Normnn, County Mnn~qer¡ Terry virt~,
Community nevclopmcnt ~~min!~tr~tor¡ nonnld T\. pickworth, County
~ttorncy¡ Grnce Spnul~!n1, ^~mini9trÐtive ~i~e to t.h~ nonr~¡ Tho~ns
IIn(n~r, puhlic Siìfcty .\dministr;,tor¡ H"ynn Sc¡,m~horn, nuiliJing
Director¡ David n~venport, nuildin1 DcpnrtMcnt; nn~, ~~nA Rrennp~nn,
Deruty Clerk.
'1.' County Role in Enf:orccmp.nt of County rire Code
DISClJSSIO:-': ')¡.' CDUNTY nOLr. T'1 ENFr):ìCE~·'r.NT or COUNTY ptnE r.nDr. OfU1PI-
Tl.NCr.S¡ co',~nTTF.r. .~pf>aI'~TF.n TO r.r;Tl\BTJ!<'ll pn~Cf~r)lln~ loJ'If:rn:¡.w ncc ','ILL
T\:'!>1J'''F: Tl.r-m pr.llFon~I D'J'I'Y 'ra rnnVT11r. frnr. cnnr. J\ND r.),Foncr.~F:""r IN
COIJ--:T'l;1H:POn1' T:) p,~ pn~~~S'~7F:11 "I~I1r.H 1', lc)P.\
Community Dcvclop~~nt J\~ministrntor Terry virtn explained thnt the
'''orkr:!)op Se5~l.on I",'r. schc(lu]~d "s;m outgro·.lth of tho lcgislntivl)
hnnrin~ hold ðpproxi~ntely on~ month previously nn~ thnt tho subject
I"I\CjQ 1
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"oo~ OS 0 PACE 1Z.2
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which genernted th~ nced for tho mecting w~s ~ picco of logislntlon
I-,hich the F:¡Hlt Nnploo ri re control Oistdct WOG hopint) to Introc1IJcci
which woulr1 grl'lnt them In'lcHtiontll aut.hority in torms of tho tlbl1ity to
l1~opt fees for pInn review Qnd in~pectionG. ~ubRoqu~nt to thnt
In~etinq, snid Mr. virtn, n memo Wð~ pr~pnrcrl for distrihution to tho
Roðrrl Hhich he terml1n a bnc1<']round pDper on the topic linn cont.nins nn
overview of what. the County hng in termÐ of the existing framework for
fire p\nn r~view.
o. '.'
Mr. Virtn continue~ by Htating thAt there I1prenr~d to he two
. ,,' ~.
option5 coming ou~, oC the le'1islt1tive het1ring¡ 1) ""hcther or not tñe'
existing forn~t for plnn rcview nho\llrl be continueo¡ or, ') wh~ther the
ccntrùlizlItion of the pliln rr?v1cw (unction into the I)er"rtment of
r.uil<1ing Inspection .r-;hC)u1d he consicTIHcn
ntll1 in the zpirit of
cooperation with the 5everAl independent fire ~iDtrictR. Also incIuc'!od
in the report, sf1id ~'r. lJirtn, is the forml'lt th"t Lee County utilizec'!
in its centr"l iZf1tion of the function, t'S well ð~ the inter-1océ11
i1'1 reer.1r.nt5 they h¡'vO entered into 1-1 i th !';cver.,l of the i nr10pendent
rlistricts. lie ¡HI i d thé1t. there Here no spec i., 1 orrlin",nce5 éldopted to
crCf1tc the frf1nework Hith r05pect to the inter-lncnl ngre~mênt.s -
M.,inly n rp.ltnnce on the county'!'; RlIilr1inq Code whi~h wl'l~ ",~loptp.r'I hy
In rcsronse to Commiasioner WimRr, ~r. Virtn snid ~ll of
the Fire Chicf3 worc informoc'! t.hnt t.hr! pertin()nt inf.onn,'t.ion w()~
~vnilnhle nn~ thAt it. wn9 puhlicizc~ In the no~in, ~rlr'lin~ thnt the
Contrnctor's T\zsoclntion Hnd nIno been so ndvlRed.
~1s. .10"n IInmilton, roprcsentinC) the F..,st Nl'lplcs Civic l\ssocllltion,
rend from her letter to the Ronrd dnte~ March 9, l~"l which touched on
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March 10, 1901
various conc~rn$ of the hSRocintion, ðmon~ them tho f~ct that if tho
County ~ßsumes plan reviow ðn~ leaves on-Ri~ht inspection to the fire
ðcpartm~nts, there will be no savings to the taxpayors1 thc bolIdE thnt
the Bllilding Depnrtment c~nnot absorb the ~ð~itional workload without
increasin~ the Gt~ff, or increl1sing tho cost to the tnxpnyarR1 sinc~
rcspon5ihility would remain \-lith t.he fire r1cpnrtments, it w01]1(1 he
neceszlIry f.or the County to post 11 bone1 \-1ith (HH:h f.ire (lepnrtment. to
protect t."I:< Ellnr1::; from the rlrllin of judqments hrou'lht ahout ~s ~ rp.sult
of 10s5 of liEe or property clue to vio]ntions the County hag unðcrt~ken
to enforce.
The Intter pl1rt of 1~!1. IInmilton's stDtcmnnt. \~ns ,1iscus!iod \o1ith
County ~ttorney rick\o1orth cxpll1ining thAt the County is nuth~rizcr1 hy
Stntute to l1(lopt hui lrlinr¡ ;10,1 relater'! Cv(1(>5 includin!) tho') fire corle
and, if the County un(lcrti'k~;, to nr10pt thor.1, it hns i'!n ohliCJlItion to
mi'!ke n rCl150nllhle ef.fort, in a le1n1 sonse, to enforce su~h co~ns. 110
said thnt his coun::;nl to the County is that it not hn neglir¡cnt in its
rcvim1 ~lhich he S<'1!r! is not the SDme (15 o;nying th"t it hA!> to r¡unr.:1nt.ce
that i.t is r1<Jht. lie \oIcnt on to s,'y thAt if a C]unlificn porson iß
hirc~, ~ho ~oes n rcnsannhle joh in rcvicwinq plnns th~t pass his
npprovnl, the County i!1 protected from linhi lity, iI~r1ing thflt he wWl
not i'lf1viDe the County to spen~ hun<1rer1s of. thou5t1nr1!; of r!ollllrr; for.
insurnnce, nnd the? likn, on thl'! pre(lic,1t.e thrtt ßomeone mi'Jht sue the
County DO:ne! (li'1Y beci'l\lse, in hiD opinion, they \10IJ](1 not ho1VC 11
meritorious Cc1use of nction.
Attorney rick\~orth continlle<i with his COITIITIC'nt5 hy st.,ting th.,t the!
mnttcr must be looked upon from the st"~dpoint of scp.1rlltin'J the (lutics
rll(JO 3
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r·. l-
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BOOK œo rAcf124:
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}Mnrch;'lO, 19"1
060 rAcE12S
of the County from those of tho flro de~ÐrtmcntG .who nre Inrtepcndcnt
governmcntlll unlta. From t.ho County'a r1'tlln(lpolnt, the 7\ttornoy said,
the County hns the duty ðnd rCRponslbillty to enforce the cO~Ð~ it
mnkeR. However, continun~ 7\ttornny pickworth, if tho fire c'!opnrtmentB
lire golnfJ to be lIt.ili7.ce! as the! County's nCJentn for the purpoJ~ undor
~i9cu35ion, then the County hns to nssume linbillty for their fnllure
to do it propnrly ber."lIse they nra ci1rryln~ out the County's rcsponsl-
bility. Tho County Ir. not r.'Ii'\nc1;\ted by 1m., to ndopt the vnrious co.de~~.
becauso, to same extent, it is ~iscrctionnry on its part to choos~,tho
. ,,' ~
co(les nnr1 rc(ulLltions it wishes to iH~opt; ho\.¡cvcr, if. thoy I1re n"oT>tccl,
Tl.ttorney rickl-lOrth Silirl th,1t the County h<1!> the rc~ponsibility not 'to
be nCr:JllrJùnt in it!; nnrr;rC(~Mcnt c1uties.
Co:n:nlssioner loJi;r1l~r n:t.>rcs::;.~rl the opinion th,'t, on the !:;urfAco, the
nppronch thnt Lee County hns tAkan to 50lvB its prohler.'ls woule! he n
log1cnl wny to Dolve Collier County'n, referrin~ to the inter-loclIl
"'1rp.r>m('nts \dth fire (~np;')rt:T1entr; prnviollsly mcntionnr1.
~r. Don Rarber, pnst rr~si~ent of t~ù Contractor's ~s:;ocilltlon of
CoIl ier County, notp.d tho1t he wns in é'ltt'mclance to provi(lc rcspon5cs to
the IHOr]rilm hnin<J 5u~JCJe5tcrl, cO;1wwnt.in:] brieCly on the coorerl1tion
bet.Heen the fire ðP.p'Ht~\()nt5, the County'::; nuil'Jlnr¡ r)npélrtl'lent "nrJ his
^S!JOCi.ltion in ironln'] out (li(flcuJ.tic:; in ord0r to present ,1n
or~innnce to the nonrð which Hill aðopt the 197q r.dition of the
... "
St"n,larù Bui'!din() Cod(! find the 1!)~n .~mennments. lie 5ðir1 that the
contri'\ctorfi ~re di5turben that the mattcr wn5 published in the
nCWDpé'lpCr é'lS a "fl~ht for authority". The propo5ed ordinnnce to be
presented on March 31, 19R1, sLlid Mr. Barber, together with ð fire-
Pago -1
March 10, 19ß1
prevention coc'!e hnin~ ~rnfto~, will constituto n co~plote code.
Mr. Barber 5u<]<]estc(1 thi'lt ,...hi\t is hedn!) c'!cvclop~~l is /'In nuthority
for two functions - plan rcview and inspection. With re~ar~ t.o the
former, Mr. Ri\rher cOMmented on the procedures in the pn~t which hnvc
re~ulted in de]i'lYs in ohtDin1n~ huilding permltG which h~n becn cn\15e~,
in pTlrt, by the VflriO\l5 interrrctntions of th,.c fire code. TIc snid thélt
once n uniform co~e is ~~opte~, the proccss will hecone procedur(l],
o h s e r v i n'J t h n t a sin (J 1 p. P 1., n g r c v i 0 w 0 f fie i f\ 1 co \11 (1 t· h n n c'! 1 () :: h e job".
In comMcntin') on the inspection ph(lse, Mr. Ri'lrhor saiñ that tho
Stnn~nr~ ßui1~ln1 Co~a, to he ndopteñ, clenrly ~tntc~ th~t thoRn iS5UOS
relatin') to firc enforce~~nt an~ interprctntlon of the code can be
dûslgnntcd to ~n ngent rcprcsentin1 the County - pp.rhnps thp. loc~l Firc
~'nrsh11. Hc 5é!ic: th;,t the mTlttcr ')f inspections Mc1Y he' the rCi\l Jssue.
For in5t~nce, nre the fire ~ernrtment5 to m~ke thc insrnctions, nr"will
they he clcsi(JnTltc(l to the f)ui 1rlln1 DepnrtlT1cnt? lie 5",i'1 th,'t it is tho
ponition of. thc contrt'r.t.ors thnt in!;pections "ra re('1IIirl"!~ by both
entities - the (irc ~cp;,rtmcnt hn~ 000cl renson to he on joh sites of
nel'¡ huiJ.(lin<J$ undr>r construr.tion to inspect for fire h"z;rr~s, outlinin1
the inporti1nr.e of the mnny aspcct.s of such inspection:,. lie also
emphasizecl the nne~ for the technicnl insðnction~ such ~s r~umhin~,
c 1 e c t ri c., 1, ,1 n cì the 11 k c, w hie h he !:õ n H 8 h 0 ul d h n t. her C 5 p" n 5 t hi] I t. Y () f
the l'1uthority who liB!> the co(le to enforce. 1'h()sc nrc the technical
nnpccts thëlt the pertinent co~e A~drc5nes nnd, in his opinion, nrc the
rC5ponnibi1ity of. the BllilòinC) Dep,1rtnent.
"nother f']lIention, S,lir] ~'r. ntlrhcr, concp.rnn (ecR bein.r¡ chélrr¡C'd hy
the firc clnpnrtMcnt~, ;I~~ln<J thnt it is the contrëlctorn' po nit ion thnt,
p...~n 5
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MOK 080 PACE 126
000 PACE 1Z1
,~.(~ "1nrch/ln, 11)01
since SOMC Inspections nre rnqutrc~ on the joh nite And, if not within
their ra~rectivn hu~~nt~, n foe mny be requirec'!. In which cAGO, hn
continun~, fne:; ~ho\lld be collected by nod ~i~hurgnrl hy the County.
nespondin~ to ~r. Rnrbnr's comMent thðt the monins collected by tho
nuildln~ nn~nrtment In the wny of permit foes ðro mora thnn tho
ex~cn~ltures of the Dcpnrtncnt, Ch~irmnn pistor nxplnlned that ~uch
(ees are sproad OIJt over tho vnriou3 depnrtment9 Involvc~, such ns the
En<JinnfHinq, lIel11th, 7.onln'1 ~Cpélrtmcnt.s, .,nr1 the like.
~hcn n3kerl hy COMmi3~ionnr WImor if there wern nny problems with
" ., ..
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~r. Dnrbcr'3 ctntAM~nts, ^ttorney pickworth rC5pon~c~ In t.he nc~nt~~c.
Chinf J~Mns nillmnn, r.~st Nnples Fire nnpnrtment., ~Xrrn55ed
<'1 r r r n c 1 ñ ti 0 n t 0 ~, r. "" r b e r for his !t f) n e!i t 1'1 r p r i1 i :J;) 1 0 f the ß i t u 1'1 t i ;, n .
tIc !'Hlirl th?1t he (~on;. not believe thnt thorn élrc nny ñi((erences 1'10
<)reé't thnt they r.nnnot he hricliJßrl. \:hief Billnfln SUiJrJ~stnr! thAt the
County's proro~nl for nSHumin'1 rCRponsihillty Cor rlnn review with the
flrn dn[!flrtrnr¡nts nerrorminc¡ the In:;pcctions to Geo if there is corn-
plii1ncc is r¡ivtn'1 the::1 responsibility ,,·Jithout nuthority. ITo !'}"H thélt
he ~ons not view the issue un~nr dl~cuRsion ~s ð "fight for Authorlt.y",
with the ~ornMcnt thnt everyone nfCe~t.e~ hðS workc~ on the prohlem for n
y~..'r or t'_IO nnd th,lt lie \/oul(l not li1<o to G~e their efforts "go c'!own
the (Julin" bccnllsf) oE !?notionß.
^'ldrcs:::inq t'1C ~pccl(ics hrou:Jht out in "'Ir. Rl1rber'3 stlltcments,
Cllic[ nillrnnn snl~ thnt inconsistencies in interpretations of the co~e
do h,1rpon, é11thou'1h hn, pcrsonfll1y, h,'5 not experienced it. lTe slIl.d
thnt the problem ~olll(l be ,"~ilpcd out" if. !-.he pf!rtlnent pArt1r.s received
notlficntion that there is ¡¡ c'!iffercn~c. Chief nillman exprcsse~ his
Page r,
Ml1rr:h 10, l!>nl
underGtnnding of tho soriousnoßß of holding up Ccrtifi~nt~s of
Occup~ncy An~ ß~id th~t he would like to seo the most spoody roviow nnd
inspection p03sihle. He said th~t if the County would ~ot hehind, tho
present f>ystcm it woulc'! ~ccor.lpli~h the snmc t.hing¡ however, he s1lit!
that the huil~0r w~nts ~ speedy rp.view nnò tho f.ire depnrtr.lcnts wnnt
ac'!equnte review. IntQrir.l inspn~t.ions, t.o his knowle~~e, nre heing mn~D
in his rtistrict, continued Chief ßillmnn, Rnd n~reeð thnt., for thn
mechnnicnl n!;pnctfi such ,'5 plllmhing nnd electricl\l Mntters, thero arc
people with hatter expertise who 9houl~ he r.lnkin0 these in5p~ctions.
fees, continuc,l t.he Chief, "re not their mélin focu5 - thei.r purpose
hcin~ to see that I) Ore-51)[0 huildin'J is huilt and th,'t their conCf'rn
i s not \'1 it h l! i1 b 11 i t Y hut:, r i1 the r, wit h 11 v e:; ñ n,l pro p crt y .
In conclusion, Chief nillr.lnn ~~iternte~ that, if the County would
support thc prescnt 9ystC~ "nd I(~]p I-Iork out é!ny prohlams t"'t exi~t
rather thé!n to chnn~c it drnsticnlly, the deDire~ result9 could he
/.'Ich i evc(l.
Comr.\issioner 1"imrJr notcd his éHJrcûment ...lith 50~e of Chief
ßillmnn'5 comments - ftmonry them the f~ct thé!t the ~prnrent controversy
wns,n~~ stArt0~ recently wit.h the request for éI (en structuro but,
rnther, hn5 heen on~oin1 since l~7~ nnd perhé!ps hefore. Onn rp3snn it
i5 still unrnsolvec1, s¿)i~l the Commissioner, in dlle to th0. fi'lct thnt t'lo
prescnt system hns not w0rked "all thnt wall" ~n~ thore is " nced to
fin~ n better élpproi'lch.
ChAirman riGtor cOr.1r.1cnted thi'\t it i~ his unr1crstñn<1ing thnt the
rights of eni'lctin~ lé!w5 ~re vested in thc County Commission and
inquir0.d if the different independcnt fire (li~trict3 coulñ stnrt
PlIga 7
BOOK 060 PACE 121
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060 rAc£12.9
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Mnrdh,"'¡O, PHil
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enðct1n<J fir a co~cß on their own which tire not:. In conformity with tho
ones thnt the ~ounty hna ~nncted. AttornQY f'ickwort.h rcp1ied thnt hQ
(locn not know whathcr thC?y CDn or not hoci'lu!lc tho InnlJlI"<Jc in thoir
5pnclnl'~ct in suhject to interpret, con. Purthcr~orc, nnid T\ttornoy
pickworth, thero nrc T\ttorney Gonerals' opinions ~vðil^hlo on tho
5uhjeet And, if th~ nttorn~y for the pertinent ~lsLrict stnlen thnt
thcy enn, h~ will not t;'lkp i::;slIe with them. Chief' nil1~nn observcr1
thnt he rloe!'} not wi~h to commit hin current: l'ttorney For th~ c'!lstrict
to 5uch a position since he 11M3 not received hln opinion on thn su,':>jr.ct
. .'
,'~ yet. ;;
~'r. '::i111i1m '."i11ter!ò, ~!i1rco II::lnnr1 Flrp. Commissioner, reê\(~ " 1ctter
~ate~ March q, l~~l froM the Mnrco Inlnnr1 rire Control District ROArc'!
of ComMißsioners wherein It is stnted, in pnrt, tl1nt the present
systeM, wherein the Marco Ioland Department perEorMs the rovlew
function, is workinC] cxtrcf1ely ',/~ll nn(1 they I/oulcl be reluctônt to see
nny chõn~e m¿J(le in the rroc(~(l\lre.
1'0 mention " reI'/ tl10llejhts of his own, '4r. ~JI1J.tcr!j selid thnt the'
mnttcr of fec~ hAR never h~en discussed hy tho ~nrco Island Ronr~ of
Flro ~onr:1i:;;.ione:rs, oh:.;~rvln'1 th"t the mntt.cr of' mont)y is no problem
(or t.ho rH!1trict. "1r. "r"lt~rr; s;drl t.hi1t. the./)ist.rlct hns no qllnrrel ..,
Hit:h the \.ol.lnty hc:in'J t!H~ enforcc~cnt i](nncy hIlt 5i1id it is believed
thnt the nistrlct coul~ handle it; howuvnr, he Anid thnt hefore it is
tnl:en on he l'/oulr1 wnnt to r0vlcw it closely. "'r. "1altnrs 0150 snid
that hc does not un~erGtand the slowness of the County in revl~inq the
buildin') corle nnrl acloptinq the most up-to-cli'\t.P. NFI'A Code. l1e polntcd
Ollt thilt his oistrict wng Dh1e to <1Clopt the 11)70 5tllnÒ<lr"S an~ havo
I'ago A
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Mnrch 10, 1981
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ordered the 1901 atondllrds. !II) IIlso ßU'JCJcsto(1 thl'lt tho inter-locnl,
I'IlJrecmontfJ which "ro beinCJ consic1orcc1 IjtveR the f.~n1 c1odsion to tho
County Ilnd puts tho rire district. in the position of trying to chnn~o
the mind of nn in~iviñuDl who hn~ nlrcDc'!y ronc'!~re~ n decision I'Ind
issuoò n huildinr:¡ permit. which ho sld!1 plnco~ thc (listrict in n
situntion of h~rr:JAininr:¡ froM ~ po~tion of wcnkncss.
,~ r. ¡..' <1 1 t c r s tOil C h c 11 h r I ~ (l yon 0 t h (J r ,1 Ð P (J c t S 0 f t h (J S \1 h j c c t n c h
(15 the dup1icntlon of effort which would he gencr~to~, nn~ his halief
th<1t it wns tho intent of the l011s]otion to grnnt such powers as
lIc'!optln'J coùer. nn~l ohtninin'J cnf:orccment lIuthority. lie sti'ltoc1 thllt., in
hi!'! opinIon, th~ r:>xistin(J op~r!'ltion ~houl~ contin\lC> "M. is", 10,1vin'J
the inc1cpp.n11cnt {listrict" (15 they Dro. T1~ stAten further thnt t,hr.
inc'!ependcnt districts could ~ttcmpt to ~et the "loose" Innr:¡u310 c1Qnrc~
up so thl1t thorc ¡¡ro no qUC'J5tio!13 DhQul: whl'lt po\-'Crs t.hey hnvc.
However, conclude~l "'r. ~"A1ter!l, the b'?tter /'Ippro<:lch to télKe \"oul,l he to
continue un~er the cxlRtin~ procc1urc nnd to M/'Ik~ every IIttnmpt to got
éI ~00(1, uni form Lco(le ôdopterl.
There wnø A hrief discunslon n~ t.o thn re/'lson~ why thc Fir~
~nrsh~}'s T\s50ciAtion WAS forme~ with "'r. ~nltnr5 conmcntin1 thnt A
rca1, eCfort is now hcin~ m~~n in solvin1 the co~c proh1aM. Att.orney
pickworth qU5tione~ whnther or not there would he A nne~ for thc fire
departnents to hn In the plnn review procnD5 nt I'll] if the County
ndopted n uniCorm fire codn, hirin~ the ri1ht pcr~on5 for the review
function. Chnirmnn rir.tor o"3crv~d thnt thcrn mny he flomo prohlems
involved even so bccnu5e, by the firnmen hAving tho opportunity to
review plnns heforc.., builr1in~ ryoes \lp nnd to continuo to in5pcct tho
P"'CJO !)
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BOOK 060 rAcEl30
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&OOX Of) 0 n~ 131
f>!<1rch 10, 191'11
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construction, nome of the! difF.icultieß experienced dllrlnC) tho provio~9
yenra could be prevonted. Tl.ttornoy pickworth saId thnt ~t Roma givdn
poir¡t in time there mu~t he confi~ence plðce~ in one person whoso
opinion cnn be nccepted.
M5. Chnrlotte Wc~tmnn, ~nrco Inlnnd rCGi~cnt, inquired if thore Is '
a strilil)ht (orwi'lrc1 stntement from the insudnl) compilnios liS to what
they reCJl1ire rc].1t.iv~ to inspections. ~Ir. Virtn e:<nl.,inec1 tlHlt if <'I
buildin~ Is bllilt to nntlonnlly-ncccpto~ standnrd codes, whether it be
~FP^ or tho Ruilc1in0 Code, he could see no renson why it could't ~e~
in!HJrcr1. ~'r. Virta ;"Jr('~(l with County H.1nl1CJer Norr.111n·s obserV(1tib..n",
. '
thnt the Nation,11 rire rrott"!ction 1\ssocintion i5 an l1s50ci(1tion he~vi1y
involved \,dth the in5ur.:Jnce inc!u5tdes .:Jne'! nre prime movers in tl1e
ñcvelQpm,cnt of tho fire cor]e \Jldch I1<'1S hoen rnentione:-1. ~Ir. ntlrber said
thi1t in this C-:>\lnt:y ilnythinr¡ th;¡t hi built. is insuri1hle, t\lthouqh he
sni~ thi'lt the rn~es wi]l v;¡ry ~npenðinr¡ upon such items tiS sprinkler
system instnllntion, the typo of roof, nnd the like.
/,1r. 3nrber conl',inllNl by é1<l(]rcssin~ the concern thl1t pcrhnps tho
[ire depnrtmentn feel they nrc boinr¡ r¡iven the nuthority to Inspect
I1nc1/or pl,'n r0\1le..., hut hnvc no rf'!sponsihi1 ity to sep. thnt the plAn is. '0
cnrric~ out:. One WnY to solve t~is, he snid, woul~ be for the ~ounty
t.o "r]ort corl~s \Jht...:h f1r() 5trict~r thlm Hhat the fire (epnrtments are
requirer] to cnf:orcc. !Ie "lso cmphasizecl thëlt there 5hou1c1 not be
higher stan~nrdß of fire safety than wh~t is in the co~e and t.hat there
!lhould he n !1in<]le uniform codo th<lt everyone l"(Jrccs upon. TIc lI<]roce'!
thAt the fire depl1rtMcnts should hnve the Allthority to hold up 11
Ccrti(ic~te of OccupDncy if necessary¡ however, he sëlid thnt any dla-
PlH.10 lO
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Mnrch 10, 11)'11
crepnncies should he cau~ht nt the time of review ßnd not ðt thn point'
whero the huilòin~ is randy to he nccupiQ~.
~t this point, Commisßioncr wimer com~enteò thnt the AOðr~ Is
responsible for the entire County nnd th~t it is time thnt thero W~B
ROMeonc in the County's ßuildinq Dopnrtnant who is knowled~cnhl~ ßn~
who will ncrve MI/I COllnty-"'/ide Fire r~t1rf'lh¡'1, or wh,'t.ever title if}
deer1e,1 nppropri1'ltc, nn,l stntcd that he iR r'lesirouf'l of. h,1vin~ tho County
assum~ its r~Rponsibilily, to move forwnr~, nn~ inprova.
Cnptnin nohert pistor, Marco Is1~nd Fir~ Control 11i~trict, st~ted
thi'lt IC is in totûl n')rct!r:lCnt th"t th(H~ shoul(1 be imrrovel'1ents in the
cl)~e nnd in the intcrpret;¡tion, IHhl1n') thl'It tIle COllnty hAS h~cn nskce'!
to ,10 this with the COr.1~~cnt thc1t they c1r0 still "C'Joing hy the ),1)71
Code". C~rt~in pistor òc~cribaò in ~ctûil the plan review proco~s
...¡hich is un,1crtnken in hi" (lepi'lrt.t~cnt, in~pection::; nn~c (lurin~
con:;truction, nnd the te5ts '....hich are mi1dc prior to certifying a
buil(1ing f.or occupancy. l1e saie! th.:1t the eOGe i5 being intcrprcteò in
the sômc milnncr, ô]thowJh it Mny not hnvc hacn in the pnst. tt W<'lS
pointed out by CûptAin pi"tnr thnt. the Fire ',\r1r5h;~] 'r; Associntion iß
reviewl'n~ the corle chnpter by chnpter .1nd if. therc ~ro i'ny !Juef'lt~ons
they, arc hninq intcrprcte~ in thc SAme wny. If thero hnvn h~en
~iffcrp.nccs, s~iò Captain ristor, the mûttcr i~ tnken to the ~01'lre'! of
T\clju!3tment nnd ^ppc.11s for r('solut.ion of the rliffcrcnces. lie s~ir1 thnt u
the cxistinrJ sY!1tnm is i'I 100d systcm and th,1t it is workln'}. flut,
concluded r.,1pt.1in pIstor, there r1\15t he iMprovement ;,nd thnt the r.ounty
munt ndopt the mont up-tn-dnte code possih]c.
ChinE John JnckDon of the Mnrco Firc nepnrtl'1cnt voiced 11in con-
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I'a~n 11
aoCK 060 rACE œ
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M.H~h 10, lC)nl
currence with the previous npcnkar and n1no with Commigsioncr Wimaitø
ßtntcmcnts thnt tho othr.r rlistrictG, such rlb tmmoknlco, ðlso nood tire
inspection. 110 nuqC)ontcd thl'lt n chock!! nn~ hnlÐnco nyntcm miqht bo a
nolutlon Hith the (ire e'!opnrtmQnt:.£I gti1l rovicwinC) plnns evan though
the County hns n plnn!! rcvio\-' officio]. Ruch Rystom, continue(1 r.hiof
Jnckson, woul~ cntc11 itc~s which othcrwi5c mny ~o unclotcctc~. nnd ho
s"ic1 thllt he woul(l be Hi] Unr¡ to work \,l1th the County to devolop II plnn
for nn nntire ~ounty pr00rnm.
Mr, Frnnk f>p.ttenr¡ill, ~orth Nl\plc~ Fire ~ißtrict Commissioner,
" ,
ntntcrl thnt therc [5 concern nmonC) the profcsnionn15 thnt if ther~:l~ &
plnn review employee hircrl !1Y tho County the lq7J corle would he used
which is out~nterl. Therefore, he continued, tho priority nt thIs tlmo
Is (or the A~nptlnn of the 107" code nnrl Dni~ thnt thin shoulrl be ~one
hefore considcrin~ who will pnforce the co~e. qe 5~irl thot th~ro is n
vnst rlifferÐncc I)ntweon the 1073 nnd tho 1~7n coden Hhich in t.he rennon
t!wrp. ho'lve bOlm [Hohlcms ~dth interpreti1tionn. lie salr1 thi'lt the codo,
needs to hG ur'li'1ted to at le.,zt lC'17'1 ;:nrl then there wIll he no prohlom,
:wcn If thorc 1:\ " rcvic\Jcr for the County, ns long ,1S the Di!'\t.rict cnn
'.Ir. Virt.l\ f>x!,L,ine(l th"t th/1 1')'70 Cod£! "ra "In the hou::;c" - hut.
<1,I,led th':1t holdin] b"ck on the ll)'n Coda h"s haen nt tht1 DUc)'1p.st1on of.
t'll~ firc chiuf.s \·/110 howl? ,1nKC!(1 th"t, ·,...hen tin orc1innncp. iß brollr¡ht
fnrw~r~, it shoul~ he to ~dort the l0nl Co~c. Ch~lrn~n pistor 9t1id
t!",t till) or(linnnce ::;chenlllc(1 for ;.\n['ch ~l, lCJf!l IIi 11 not. h-'\ve !'!uch co(lo
in it with Mr. vlrttl t1xrlninin~ thnt that ordlnDnce wIll he to Ddopt
~outhern St~nnarn nuil~lnq Code l\nñ, i1ß fioon i1!'\ th~ l~ volume NFr~ in
Pðt]e 12
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MIHCh 10, l!)l1l
received, thero will be an ordinanca ar1optin'] thnt. There w¿ts ^ briof
discUG~ion with reg~rd to which of tho various fir~ chiefs were a110ged
to have requefitee'! the ~forcmentioned dr.lay with no reßponsc forthcom-
ConmiAsioner wimer movo~ thnt thA nonr~ nppoint ~ committe~
consistin~ of ~r. Rnrhcr, n ropre5entntive froM the 10gal ßtaff nnd the
Bui1(lin') Oop"rtnont, I1nr1 ., representl1tive fron the! rire Chiof's
^ssoci"tion or thc Fire ~c1rshc11's l\s!Joci<1tion for thf'! purpose of eomin~
bnck with n pn:;itive rccomMcnrlntion on the nnny sories of prohlems
which Here (liSCllG5cñ - firc co(1'? cn[orce:,(>nt, inspection of plans, I'Inð
tho like - ...,hich \-Ii]] he uniform for ;)11 of t.he Count.y. The notion Wc1S
seconded hy ConmiG~ioncr qrown.
It \~,'!j pl')intec1 Ollt hy ",r. '''.:Ilterg thl'lt thl"'! ßlI'J'Je!':te'1 committee \011'15
weighted with County rppr~~entntivns, I'In~ he requeste~ that a rcpru-
sentntivo fro~ enen in~epcndont ~istrlct he includo~. Co~nissionor
''.'imer c:<presseè the vio\'lpoint thnt the conMittp.~ h() ~<1m('r1 Is n fl\ir
represent.ation of tho~;c rcople \o,ho will \~ork pOßiUvcly [or ,,11 of
Collier County ;1n<1 \oIil1 not be looldn'] for i1ny ~pccL"l intC'restfi. In
answe'r 'to Com~is!donr>r l:rllse, Conmis"i:)ner "finer s¡'Ii(1 thnt he \":'G not
5ugC)csting thnt the :nectin') he closc,1 shou1c1 i\nyone WiAh t.o sit in I'In,J
listen. C<lptiJln Plator 0(fer(?,1 the f;lJ<JIJer:tion that <I repr(?!'!cnt<ltlvp.
fron thc Fire Chief's ¡\g~.:>cié1t.ion shOlllr! he incll1dcr1 \oIith r.omni!'!5ionC'r
wimer chnn~ing his notion to nté1tc n roprcscnt.ntiv~ froM thp. Fire
Chief's AssociAtion Instun~ of from the Firo M~r~hé11's T\snociAtion hp.
incllJ'1cr1 il1 the m~m\)crghip. Commi!1sioner ristor Sl1ir1 th(t, in hin
viewpoint, both orgi1nizé1tionn nhouh1 be r(!prc::;ente<1.
t'8'JO 13
&OOK 060 °r^cE13~
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&QO~ C 6 0 fhCE 135
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T\ttorney pic~(worth stnted th:'lt hln conr:ern, from ".he Lcgnl
Depðrtmont ntnndpoint, nn~ ~Iich ho nni~ hc hope~ is the Ronrd'n
conccrn ~lso, is thnt the r.ounty now hn~ n~opted ~ fire provention
coda, "'/hoth"dr or not it is up to "nto. lTe IHIlc1 thnt \..hp.n tho firo
dnpnrtnents are doing pllln review which is pursunnt to the process of
the iSãll;1nC"'.} of. n f'lIllninrJ p~rmit, they lire'!, in effer:t, workinlJ for thp.
Count.y. lie finir1 th,'t tile problem which m1l3t he 1H1drer.~c,l is "wh~t'8
the ~ounty's reapnnsihility going to he nnd how iR thnt responsibil~ty
10in') to bo rlifich,1rc¡orl?" lie r.aid that the r.ounty hê1G no control ~v,~r
\"h<lt t!1e intlnpf!ndl)nt fir/" r1istric,ts choose to r10. !Te 5i'1i'" ð ncciolon
\'/(\5 l'iHle 10n'1 "'10 to hrin<) the fire rlc!,,1rtm~nts into the County's
rCCJl11 " tnry proc('!>:; - the Count:Y'!1 í'11 i 1,1 i n1 Pern 1 t i "SII in') pror:e!"s. ny
doin'1 <:0, he cont.lnlJnr., thf~Y hi'lvo !l(!en I~nrle ð p.'lrt of the r;chene Dnn,
he c " u" e 0 f t 11 " t, h " v ~ t ,11; r! n t!w r p s p 0 n g i b i 1 i t Y for the i r '" c t Ion s . '~'h n t
1A ncn~c~, :;(1i~ ^ttorney Pickworth, (ro~ the County';, ntnn~coint, is to
cithnr cone un I/il:1I .'I I-Iorki"'hle Mf!tho,l of' C'nforr:in" the County''> fin,
prevention co~cs or "~et out: of the firo prevent.ion co~c hU3in~5s", nnd
let tIle fi rn 'lc;->.1rtncntr. t,1%C cnr~ of thcM. He fi"i(1 th"t 15 ...,hilt wi 11
h.,ve to be ,lone (,t gOMC point in the í'rOCQ!;f; because!, if not, the
Î.oun::y \.Jill be t.ì!-:il1'J th~ 1i.1bility, not th\~ [lr'~ ,lr)p,lrtr.wnts.
r. h " i r 11;'1 n P i 5 tor i n qui r 0.11 0 f the ,~ t tor n f! y i f. /.! r. V I r t ð ' !;
recoMêICIH111tion f.or the il(loption of ;n intnr-loc.,l l1'Jr~ement, such ns
the onc in Ll1c Count.y, "/ould be the ,1nG',¡er to wh,'t the County is trying
to ~n with re~nrd t.o rcspons1hility. ^ttorncy pickworth sni~ th<lt thnt
r., 15 wh"t Lce County W;1S obviounly tryin') to r10 to insuro thDt the County
is ci\rryin1 out it!; rnsponslhittties. 1Ie 3..i(1 thilt it is n mcthoñ, al-
pnqo 14 .
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Mnrch 10, 1901
thou~h it mny not be thc only method, nn~ whntcycr tho County choosos
to ðo to ulti~ntely ~rrivc nt ~uch point i~ n matter of. Ooðrd
dincretion nnd the 110nrd could not t'o fnultec'l for exorcising It stront')
dIscretion In the mntter unr1C'r discussion.
Commisaioncr Wimer voiced hin ~0recmcnt with ^ttorncy pickworth
nnd clnrificd hin motion to stnte thnt the intent of hin motion wns For
the County to pcrfor~ ~/h('t, in his opinion, is its le'!'1nl rcsponrlihl1ity
to a(1opt nnf1 enforce fi rc corles throll1hout <'I) 1 of Coll or County. T1c
said thnt h~ woulfl <1!;SUf'1(,! there \~ollld be nomeonc in the ßlIilc1inq
DcrDrt~ent ...,1)0 \oIo\Jlr1 be the in,liviflur¡l rcnponnihle r.olJnty-wic1e. The
ncxt st~p, hc continllcrl, \o/,:,ulr'J he to cnt.i'1bli!õh ',~orkin:J relntionnhIps
1~lth thane fir~ f1i5trir.t~ th"t \,1I5h to pnrtidpnt,(! in the proco5s. Tho
intent D( the motion for the estahlinhMent of the co~nittcc is .1150 to
cstnb1ish thùt the County perform the'! rluty of: the firp. ins!'p.ction coe'!c
on[orcoment, nn'l ;,\lch cOf:1!nittec could :nl1kc th"t h"í'pcn in the host WilY
CO~~iS510ncr ~ruse st~tcd thnt her impres5ion, when r.ommisnioner
wimer first proponed the committee, wù5 thnt it soun~e~ like a ~onr1
ideR,b'i~,cn\Jse n COMf'1ittcc ',~n5 hein') put together \~ith <lHferent
vicI.points, incllldinr¡ 1er¡.11¡ hO'i-'cver, 5nid CommissIoner Krll3c, it now
.1ppc"r~ thAt. the intent of the ~otion is for the County to (!stAhli:;h
the County-\~i(le fire co(le, hire I)n in~ivir]lI"l (\1'; 1] County-wine
off.ici"l, nnd the co~mittec \/111 meet nnf1 try to do the bcnt they
cDn to live with th"t. ChëdrmDn pistor sniò th"t, purl';lIant: to T\ttorney
pickworth's Ddvicc with r~~nrd to thn ~01lntY'3 respnnnihillties, he
(cels thflt thc comMitt('!(" cnn work together to e!ltnhlinh 1'\ net of rules,
P-"<JC 15
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BOO1< 060 FACE 136
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060 PAc£137
, .'. Mnrch..10, 1901
" , ~. .'
Ii ,~
or on outline, with the ~egirod rOBultn nccoMplishcd ð~cordln~ to tho
1ui~clineg mcntione~ ~5 hcin~ tho County~s r~sponnihilit.icg.
Commir.sloner wimer movcd that n committeo he estßhli"hed componod
of n rcpr"~cnt~tivc from th~ Fire Chief's T\5~ocintion, the Fire
MnrHhnl'~ ^550clntion, the contrnctorR' Tl.nno~intion, nu~gcntln1 Mr.
H:Hher hn t.l1nt ^Zr;cr:i.1tion'5 rcprf!sf\ntl1tivc, n rcpror.p.ntl\tive f:rom the
LcrJl'" !';tnrr, "nll one from the AlIi1(Jint) Dop;'lrt:nont - tho committor.'s
int.ent ,In<1 purpose hein'J to :.ot forth rt procc(lure ,.,hcrchy the flonr<1 of
CnlJnty Co~ni~~ionerA of Collier County will nszune ~n~ p~rforM it~ duty
to rrov! r1l; (I rc cor1(~ :mc! (I rr. en forccl:1nnt t.hrol!(Tl1ol1t. Co 11 i er r.ollnt.y'"
th(J!3r. fire depé1rlr,wntn or (1intricts wi:>hin!) to p.1rt1c1pf1tc MI1Y (10 no in
~ coopcrntive "nnn0r; nnd, thnt a rcport from the cOMmittee be brou1ht
b.:1ck to t!¡e ßOélr~ on "'ii'lrch 11, 19~1. COMrnlnzionor Arol'/n :;oconñcc1 the
110t ion.
"'r. ~"(11tcr 1nql1lr0,1 If it is tho intent of th~ r:1otion thnt tho
County t:11~<C ovcr pl¡HI rr.'d0',/ \oIi th T\ttorney t'ick'.1orth rC'~pon(~in<1 "not
nr:-::c:.snrily". l.or.\Í,,:;ioncr 1'~imcr ~¡d(l thnt, fin I) Comrlis:.ioner, he is
:~p.sir:'ll1s of excrcislnq ','/h,1t he feel!'! is his morl'll ~llt'/, I1nn possihly
I¡I!; 1e'léll (luty, (InrI hove uniform cnCorceMent codl:'! throlJ'hout t.he
County. !to (urt!)(!r ~tat(!(l thi'!t thcrf! ¡He ~n"u1h ,1ble-honiod ncn nn'!
',/ol,(:n in t:h~ ncC'!til1'J room \/ho Cf1n ,.ork It out, ~om:10nt,in'J t1lnt, in hlß
opinion, thcr~ is ù nep.ð f.or "so:"\l)onc" in the nuilr1in'1 !")op¡¡rtfl\cnt1 hOI-/-
r;vC'!r, if. it 1~{ (ottnel th"t this i!'> unncccs!;[\ry, he woul~ like "0 be so
informed. 110 conc1ucled hy 5i\yin') th[\t thcre <Ire é1rCðS df thl'! County
bein/) nC~Jlcr:teò nt this t~onwnt. ",hieh should he nC'llcr.tce'!, no 10n/)er.
^ttorney pickworth n~kcd thnt it he un~orstood tl¡nt it is not a
P'(JO l/5
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March 10, l~nl
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matter of "somoone" taking over plnn roviow bcc^uSQ tho County is
rcspon~ib1e for this [unction. lie 5l\id thl1t th" rC5ponsibUlty m^Y bo
~ischl1rqÐd hy having various fire depnrtmnntR perfor~ tho pl~n roview
hut "v/a lire rC5pon5il>10" t1nr1 if !;uch entities \lnllcrtl1l~c th., plt'ln rovtnw
they arc doin0 it ns the County'~ nqents. Tho öutics mny he dclogl1t00,
he contintlo~l, bllt. not thC' r~spon~ihi1ity, .1n11 if thi!;; problcm Is not
dCA1t with, "you will he hnck wh~re you stnrtcd (rom".
Up 0 n c 11 11 for the q" r. 5 t ion, t h 11 Mot ion \m:; c ,H ri e e'! ~ 10 ...11 t. h
Commi5sioncr ";cnzel not pr()scnt.
There heint') no furt.h()r ')1I5in05fi for the goo(l of: t.hC' County, the
mactin!) \IM~ i1Cljollrnr~'l hy orrlcr of thp. r:hAir - Time: ":1.0 P.~.
&OOK 060 rACE 138