Agenda 05/10/2011 Item #10C
5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Recommendation to consider the request by the Economic Dcvelopment Council of Collier County
to provide a Job Creation and Fast Track incentive package (creation of 15 full-time jobs at 131 %
of the current Collier County private-sector average wage) to Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc.
and approve the incentives in accordance with Florida Statute Section 125.045 for the proposed
project to be located at 2011 Seward Avenue (Fiscal Impact: $30,000)
OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approves a Job Creation and Fast
Track incentive package for Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. in accordance with Florida Statute
Section 125.045 for the proposed project to be located at 201 I Seward Avenue.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Economic Incentive Programs, established by Collier County, are intended
(1) Provide performance-based programs offering financial relief for eligible targeted
industry development or expansion projects in Collier County to mitigate the effects of
rising development costs;
(2) Provide for the economic well being of Collier County residents by providing high-
wage employment opportunities in Collier County;
(3) Lessen the seasonal cycle of Collier County's economy; and
(4) Encourage investment opportunities for new or existing companies thus increasing
and diversifying the county's tax base.
Collier County, in cooperation with the EDC, currently offers six local incentive programs. These
programs are Fee Payment Assistance, Property Tax Stimulus, .lob Creation Investment, Advanced
Broadband Infrastructure Investment, Job Retention Investment and the Fast Track Regulatory Process
Program. In order to qualify to participate in the programs a new or expanding business must meet
specified criteria related to the type of industry proposed, number of jobs created and the average wage
of the new jobs.
Each of the individual programs have been adopted by the Board and are codified in Chapter 49 of the
Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances. The current Fast Track Regulatory Process Program was
adopted by the Board on January 24, 2006, via Resolution No. 2006- 12.
On April 12,201 I, the Economic Development Council submitted a request, along with the completed
Incentive Program Application, for Collier Scrap Metal Recycling. Inc. to pal1icipate in Job Creation
and Fast Track. As described in the information submitted by the EDC, Collier Scrap Metal Recycling,
1nc., is a new recycling business that will take in various types of scrap metal and pay customers a per
pound amount for the materials. Mr. Rafael Barrios Moreno, President of Collier Scrap Metal
Recycling, Inc., obtained his Electrical Journeyman Certification from Lorenzo Walker Institute of
Technology, in Collier County. He then acccptcd a job at Edison Community College where he also
attended classes and was mentored by Dr. Kirk Otto, current President of the Environmental Study Club.
Mr. Moreno is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council, The Association of Facilities and
Engineering and obtained the Environmental Protection Agency Universal Certification. Mr. Moreno's
father, Rafael Barrios, Sr.. owns and operates USA Scrap metal Co. in Miami and is the primary investor
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and business partner in Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. By way of this application, the company
proposes to create 15 jobs in Collier County over a three-year period at an average wage of$50.833.
The company will be leasing an existing building to accommodate this new business. The proposed
location is 201 I Seward A venue, between Houchin Street and Yahl Street. The property is currently
zoned Industrial and will require a Conditional Use Peonit to allow scrap recycling at the site. The
proposed capital investment related to this project is $250,000 over a three-year period, related to the
purchase of equipment. The applicant has requested to participate in the Fast Track Program which will
allow the required process to be expedited.
Based on the business locating in western Collier County, the following are the criteria to participate in
Job Creation and Fast Track:
. Create new or expanded businesses that are "Targeted Industries"
. Create a minimum of20 new full-time jobs
. The newly created jobs must pay an average wage of at least 150% of the current
private sector average wage ($58.079)
Considered part of the "CleanTech" cluster, Collier Scrap Mctal Recycling, Inc. meets the targeted
industry requirement for the Job Creation and Fast Track. Howcver, the company does not meet the
minimum threshold for the creation of 20 new full-time jobs at 150% of the current Collier County
private-sector average wage ($58,079), as they are proposing to create 15 jobs at 131 % of the Collier
County private-sector average wage ($50.833).
Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 125.045 (County economic dcvelopment powers). the Board of
County Commissioners is expressly authorized to make "grants to private enterprises for the expansion
of businesses existing in the community or the attraction of new businesses in the community."
Therefore, Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. would qualify for an economic incentive package under
FS 125.045 and the Board may approve a package equal to Collier County's Economic Incentive
Programs for Job Creation and Fast Track.
County staff. the County Attorney. the EDC, and company representatives have developed the following
additional criteria to be included in the incentive package to provide assurances that the assistance
provided to the company will provide direct benefits to Collier County.
. The company proposes to crcate 15 ncw jobs. Job creation funds in the amount of$2.000
will be provided for each new job created and tilled by a Collier County resident or an
employee relocating to Collier County. The incentive will be paid over three years and
the residency will be veri tied each year.
The local Economic Incentive Programs arc pcrfornlance based. The participating companies must meet
specific requirements including jobs created, wage criteria. etc.. in order to maintain eligibility to receive
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
FISCAL IMPACT: Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. is seeking financial incentives in the total
amount of $30,000. The following is a breakdovm of the amount per program and the estimated timing
that incentive payments may occur.
Fast Track: Fast Track provides expedited review processes for qualifying developments, but does not
involve the award of incentive funds or any other County funding.
Job Creation: The company is proposing to create 15 new jobs. ]n the event that the company is
approved, the jobs will be created in three phases with a total of 15 jobs in place by September 30, 2013.
Typically, once the minimum threshold for the numbcr of jobs to be created is met (15), job creation
payments in the amount of $2,000 per job will be paid over three years, beginning in the fiscal year
following the date the newly created jobs are verified to be in place. This approach has been used to
help ensure that companies meet at least the minimum threshold of job creation required to participate in
the program. As part of this request package, the schedule of proposed payments corresponds directly
to the job creation as it occurs in phases. The following is a schedule, by fiscal year, displaying when
the Job Creation payments would occur (assuming that all jobs are created and validated) in accordance
with this request:
Fiscal Year Potential Amount of Job Basis of Payment
Creation Payment
FY 2012 $3,333 First Payment Phase] - 5 jobs
FY 2013 $6,666 Second Payment Phase] - 5 jobs
First Payment Phase II - 5 jobs
FY 2014 $10,000 . Third Payment Phase I - 5 jobs
I Second Payment Phase II - 5 jobs
~First Payment Phase 111 - 5 jobs
FY 2015 $6,667 ' Third Payment Phase II - 5 jobs
I Second Payment Phase III - 5 jobs
I FY 2016 =L__ $3.334 Third Payment Phase 111 - 5 jobs
$30.000 15 jobs
- -------
The following chart provides the Board approved funding requests (maximum) for the local Economic
Incentive Programs and the application from Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc., per fiscal year:
Fiscal Year 1--2011
Approved Funding i $192,250
Requests i
L.~~- -----~
2012__ _~__20!}
$208.343 $215.013
Collier Scrap Metal
Recycling, Inc.
$20,00 I
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
The amounts above are subject to change, based on any new applicants that are accepted into or those
that withdraw from the programs.
Funding for the local economic incentive programs is provided by the General Fund (00]). The current
FY 201 I budget only provides funding for those applicants with executed agreements or agreements
pending approval. All of the financial information related to the local incentive programs is reviewed
annually as part of the budget preparation in order to accurately provide a recommended funding level
for the programs.
The Impact Fee Administration Section of the Management Division, in coordination with the
staff from the EDC, is responsible for job verification as well as monitoring program compliance.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This request is consistent with Objective 3 of the Economic
Element of the Collier County Grov.1:h Management Plan which states: "Collier County will support
programs which are designed to promote and encourage the recruitment of new industry as well as the
expansion and retention of existing industries in order to diversify the County's economic base."
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The applicant does not meet the Ordinance's minimum threshold for
the creation of 20 new full-time jobs at ] 50% of the current Collier County private-sector average wage
($58,079), as they are proposing to create 15 jobs at 13 I % of the Collier County private-sector average
wage ($50,833). That said, by Ordinance No. 2009-22 the Board of County Commissioners declared
that a State of Local Economic Emergency exists within Collier County, finding. among other things, a
significant loss of jobs within the County. Additionally, pursuant to Florida Statute Section 125.045
(County economic development powers), the Board of County Commissioners is cxpressly authorized to
make "grants to private enterprises for the expansion of businesses existing in the community or the
attraction of new businesses in the community." Accordingly, it is the opinion of the County Attorney
that this item is legally sufficient for Board action. -JAK
RECOMMENDA nON: That the Board of County Commissioners approves a Job Creation and Fast
Track incentive package for Collier Scrap Metal Recycling. Inc. in accordance with Florida Statute
Section 125.045 to create ] 5 new jobs at 131 % of the Collier County private-sector average wage
($50.833). and to be accepted into the Fast Track Regulatory Process Program for the proposed project
to be located at 2011 Seward Avenue.
Prepared by: Amy Patterson, Impact Fee and Economic Development Manager
Growth Management Division - Planning and Regulation
David Jackson, Executive Director Business and Economic Developmcnt
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 10.C.
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the request by the Economic Development
Council of Collier County to provide a waiver of the minimum job creation and wage
requirement for a business locating in western Collier County (creation of 20 full-time jobs at
150% of the Collier County private-sector average wage) in order to allow Collier Scrap Metal
Recycling, Inc. to be accepted into the Job Creation Investment Program and the Fast Track
Regulatory Process Program for the proposed project to be located at 2011 Seward Avenue
(Fiscal Impact: $30,000)
Meeting Date: 5/10/2011
Prepared By
Name: PattersonAmy
Title: Manager - Impact Fees & EDC,Business Management &
4/14/20] 1 11:29:47 AM
Approved By
Name: PuigJudy
Title: Operations Analyst, CDES
Date: 4/21/20113:04:44 PM
Name: MarcellaJeanne
Title: Executive Secretary, Transportation Planning
Date: 4/22/20] I 10:24:07 AM
Name: FederNorman
Title: Administrator - Growth Management Div,Transpoliali
Date: 4/22/20] 1 I :46:23 PM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney.
Date: 4/28/2011 11 :52:02 AM
Name: .lacksonDavid
Tille: Executive Director. CRA,
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Date: 4/28/2011 1 :58:50 PM
Name: UsherSusan
Title: Management/Budget Analyst, Senior,Office of Manage
Date: 5/2/2011 3:05:03 PM
Name: SheffieldMichael
Title: Manager-Business Operations, CMO
Date: 5/2/2011 3:25:57 PM
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
,.1 (,,/lin ('Jtml} FiorI'!.!
Growing Great kiea!
Economic Stimulus Program Recommendation Form
Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, inc.
Name of Business
1. Economic Stimulus Programs:
D Broadband Infrastructure Investment
2S Fast Track Permitting
D Fee Payment Assistance
2S Job Creation
LJ Property Tax Stimulus
[] Local Match for aTI
2. Collier County location:
25 Western Collier County- west of 951
l.J Eastern Collier County east of 951
Immokalee Enterprise Community! Enterprise Zone ['1 Everglade8 C,fv Fnterpns(' Zonf
3. Project qualifications:
Number of current Collier Coul1ty employees () Avg. Wage: $ 0
Number of new Jobs resulting from project' 15 Avg. Wage $50.833.00
Total retained and new jobs. 15 Avg. Wage. S 50.833.00
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
2..Qg W1 ~ ~ ~
5. Job Creation 3333 337] 73]'1
Phase I $10.000 7733 '3333 333'-{ $10,000
Phase II $10,000 $10.000
Phase III $+B,OOg 3333 :?33'-{ $10,000
$10,000 $10,000
Economic Impact Multipliers:
NAICS Code: 562920
SIC Code: 5093
Earnings Multiplier: 1.6397
Employment Multiplier: 1.9012
Economic Development Council of Collier County Recommendation
Prepared by: Beth Sterchi
(":>riot Name)
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TammitlNeme . i
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Effeclive 03/08
P<:>n", C;.....; r~
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3050 Horseshoe Drive North. Suite 120 . Naples. FL 34104
Phone (239) 263-8989 . Fax (239) 263-6021
www...NaplesFlorlda com
5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
rlC(J(/icr (r)Uti!)'. [inrU,t
Growing Great Idea,!
Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, NEW BUSINESS RELOCATION
Executive Summary for Economic Stimulus Program Application
April 12, 2011
On April 12, 2011, the Economic Development Council submitted a request to allow Collier
Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. to participate in the Fast Track Program and the Job Creation
Investment Program. Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. is a scrap metal recycling center that
will take in metal scrap and pay per pound to the customers who bring it the variety of metals.
The recycling center will assist in saving landfills from becoming full of reusable or recycling
resources as well generate jobs at an above average wage. The proposed site is currently zoned
industrial and is located in the middle of an industrial area and will not need any tenant
improvements at this time.
The proposed location is located at 2011 Seward Avenue. Naples, FL. The propeny is cun'ently
zoned industrial and will require a conditional use permit to allow scrap & waste material
recycling at the location. There are other recycling services companies currently located in the
industrial park the company wants to be located.
Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. also represents the true american dream, Presidel11 Rafael
Barrios Moreno, moved to the United States from Cuba in 2(Xl5, he enrolled in an electrical
apprenticeship program al Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology. where he obtained his
Electrical Journeyman Certification Motivated and willing 10 advance his career. he accepled a
job at Edison Stale College where he was ahle 10 a!lend classes in the evenings. Throughout his
employment al Edison Stale College he met Dr. Kirh Ollll. currenl Presiden1 of Ihe
Environmental SlUdy Cluh Dr. Kir~ and his commitment Ill" hcallhy environment. menlorcd
several sludents mcllldmg Rafael whtch propelled his creatJ\'lIv. Rafael hecame a memher of Ihe
( .S Green Building ('ounClI. The Association oj Facihlte~. and HngineerlTlg. ,md ohtained lbe
r;nvlronnwntal PrnltTtipn A.~'('n('y 'Ini\.er..:al C'f'llifi~'Jti(lri F,-ilac1 j,. ("lllTCn!l) V\prhing al Flc,rid,-;
Gulf C()a~l lIniversIl)i. as a ~ood corporate cilizf'n he 1'- cummitted tn maintajn a high standard of
husiness and mdllslry '>thles ami engagemenl oflall Irade business practices to enjoy ~ healthy
husines,s environmenl Rafa,,]"s f"ther. Rafe~l Barrios Sr.. currentl)' own,s ~nd operates USA
Scrap Metal Co. in Miami and is the priman imeSlll] and busines, partne] in CllHie] Scrap
Melal Recycling, Ine
The requirements tn panic-ipale in the Collier Counly Economic Stimulus Program for projecls in
WeSlern Collier Counly. are as fo11o",'s:
. Create new or expanded businesses that are "Targeted Industries"
. Provide lS09f or more of the cunent private sector average 'Arage
. Create a minimum of 20 new full time jobs
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
(/"~'(tlii,:r i:fllWh', rlm"ldd
Growing Great Idea!
Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. proposes to create a minimum of fifteen (] 5) new jobs in
Collier County over a three year period, the first five (5) being created in 201 I. The average
wage of these positions is 550.833.00 which is 131 % of the 20] I Collier County average wage
of$38,719. ]n addition 10 the wage information above. the company will also provide benefits to
employees consisting of health insurance, vacation and sick leave. The annualized average value
of the benefits for each new job is approximately $2,500. The total capital investment will be
$250,000 in the next three years.
3050 Horseshoe Drive North. Suite 120 . Naples. Fl 3~ 1 04
Phone (239) 263-8989 . Fox (239) 263-6021
www.I'NoplesFlorido com
Based on the information above, the EDC requests that Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. be
allowed to participate in the Fast Track Program and the Job Creation ]nvestment Program based
on the overall benefits and merit of the project. Most notably as follows:
. Creation of ] 5 new jobs within 3 years
. A verage wage is 131 % higher then the current Collier County average wage of 538,719
. The company is considered a targeted industry in the CleanTech cluster
. Will provide 1lnal1cial henc1lts (0 residents and customers by recycling their scrap metal
. The location is currently zoned and located in an industrial area
· The company will be exporting a portion of their final recycled product hringing new
money/wealth into the area
. Will help keep rcu.sah1c materials 0111 of our landfill
. The company reprcsems the "Amen can Dream"
('ollier Scrap Metal Recycling. Inc. would like 10 stal'l thc new husiness un,t in Naplcs. hUI [heir
decisiun is continf!enl nn lhl' fol Jc\\\,'i nf!:
. Ahility ,,, qUickly penllil. j(1/ CondJl!onal I ise and" lacilily:
. hllanCli-d JrH'CIllI\'f'"S In dc1ray 111c t'llsl 01 hinn~ quali1y and skillc'd ~t<lf1
A<.;SUIllIll.!2 thar Cllll1CI ~cr<.Jp !\1C'lal Rt'\..'~'dlfl~. I Ill' I" granted fH1niL!palJOJI IIlIO lilt FSP frollllhe
B('e', \vll1 pnnidf' (lppm111111licl..: tu p~H1i('ipalf' ill Ihl' ildlnVl'ln,!' rr(\~r,lTl1.<" ",ph ('/,(':lllpr
Inveslmenl Prof!I"Llll1: Fasl Track Reg-ulalury Penlliltillg.
.~ Desc:ri,eti9n
In Western Collier, wlthoul I I
i OT!, a cash Incentive of
I :~~~~~er job create~_WIII b~~_L_ _____~___~
Provides a periorrnance based
program to mitigate the effects
of flsing fees associated with
the costs of relocation and job
.Job Creaw:m lnvestmem
Packet Page -447-
3050 Horseshoe Drive North, Suite 120. Napies. FL 34104
Phone (239) 263-8989 . Fax (239) 263-6021
5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
~~( (~'(jlli(',. (;OfWf.1', Flori'!',
Growing Great Idea!
Fast Track Regulatory Provides expedited review
Process through permitting process.
(May include EPA, SFWMD,
site development, and building
Total: $30,000
The EDC, therefore, recommends that the BCC grant Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc. to
participate in the ESP program and approve the use of fmanciaJ incentives, as outlined ahove, to
induce and off set costs Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, lnc will have to incur to locate and
create 15 new high wage, targeted industry jobs in Collier County.
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc.
Name of Business
CSM Recycling
Project Title or Code Name (1-5 word description)
Date Received
Date Revised
Date Completed
EDC Project Number
Contact the Economic Development Council of Collier County 10 discuss your project
and application before submitting a formal proposal The completed and signed
application must be filed with:
G,.owing Great Idea~
3050 North Horseshoe Drive, Suite 120
Naples, FL 34104
Phone: 239-263-8989
Fax: 239-263-6021
Effective 10107
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Client Approved b~
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
A. Name of Business Unit: Collier Scrap Metal Recycling, Inc.
B. Mailing Address: 3917 Mindi Avenue
Street Address
Zip Coda
C. Name of Parent Company: N/A
D. Primary Business Unit Contact:
Mailing Address:
Rafael Barrios Moreno
3917 Mindi Avenue
Street Address
Zip Code
E. Business Unit's Federal Employer Identification Number: TBD
F. Business Unit's Unemployment Compensation Number: TBD
G. Business Unit's Florida Sales Tax Registration Number: TBD
H. Collier County Business Tax Receipt Number: TBD
I. Is the business unit minority owned?
Yes X No 0 If yes, explain: Cuban Heritage
J. What is the business unit's tax year (ex Jan 1 to Dee 31): Jan 1 - December 31
A. Which of the following best describes this business unit:
o New business unit to Florida
X New business unit to Collier County
o Existing Collier County business creating and / or retaining jobs
If an expansion, how many jobs are currently in the expanding business unit?
B. How many individuals are employed at all Florida Locations? 17
C. How many individuals are employed at all Collier County
D. Are any jobs being transferred from other Florida locations?
Yes 0 No X If yes, how many Jobs and from where?
Effective 10/07
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Client Approved fi.,pN\ (initials)
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
E. Give a full description of this project, including the primary business activities
I functions:
Metal Recycling, buying and selling of recyclable metals.
Mana ement and Su
H. What is the project's proposed location address:
2011 Seward Avenue
Street Address
Naples FL 34109
City State Zip Code
What is the project's current location address (if different): Another location
located at the below address. company name is USA Scrap Metal Co.
2957 N.W 24'" Street
Business Unit Activities
Code/SIC Code
Wage ($)
Stmet Address
Miami FI 33142
City State Zip Code
I. Is the project location within a current or proposed Brownfield site / area?
Yes 0 No X If yes I attach a copy of the official document designating the Brownfield area_
Is the project location in an Enterprise Zone?
Yes 0 No X If yes, which zone? _.
J. Which of the following describes the applicant's operations (select all that apply):
o Multi-state business enterprise
o Multinational business enterprise
X Florida business enterprise
K. Which of the following describes this business unit (select all that apply):
X Regional headquarters office
o National headquarters office
o International headquarters office
o This is not a dedicated headquarters office
L. What is the estimated percentage of gross receipts or final sales resulting from
this project that will be made outside of Florida (if sales is not a reasonable
measure, use another basis for measure and provide explanation below):
% Explain, if necessary' To be determined, we will be exporting our
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Client Approved r OM
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
A. How many jobs are expected to be created as part of this project? 15
B. If an existing business unit, how many jobs are expected to be
retained as part of this project? Uobs in jeopardy of leaving Collier
County should only be included here; these jobs are not eligible for OTI) 0
C. What is the annualized average wage for existina Collier County
employees indicated in 3b? 0
D. What is the anticipated annualized average wage (excluding
benefits) of the ~ to Collier County jobs created as part of this
project? (Cash payments to the employees such as performance bonuses
and overtime should be included.) $50,833
E. What is the annualized average value of benefits associated with
each new job created as part of this project? TBD
F. What benefits are included in this value? (health insurance. 401(k) contributions.
vacation and sick leave, etc.) Health Insurance, Vacation and sick leave.
A. Describe the capital investment in real and personal property (Examples
construction of new facility; remodeling of facility; upgrading, replacing, or buying new
equipment. Do not include the value of land purchased for construction of a new building):
B. Will this facility be:
X Leased space with renovations or build out
o Land purchase and construction of a new building
o Purchase of existing building(s) with renovations
o Addition to existing building(s) (already owned)
o Other (piease describe in 4A above)
C. List the anticipated amount and type of major capital investment to be made by
the applicant in connection with this project: (attach separate schedule if investment
will be made over more than three ears
i Land ..,.. T-.J'~1- ~$-
Construction / Renovations c $ I $
Manufacturing Equipment I $1J>Q,QOO_____,_ : $7
. R&D Equipment __..lL____ UL
Other Equipment (computer 1 ~
e UI men!, offieefurnRur.. etG.t $12,000 $1
: Total Capital Investment $162,000 __ $8
D. What is the estimated square footage of the new or
expanded facility? 4,490
Year 2 Year 3
$ ,--
-- ~----
O,OOQ____ $ .-
,-- -~ I
0,000 $8,000 1
0,000 $8,000 I
Effective 10107
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Client Approved ~f2,tI\ (initials)
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
E. When is the final location decision anticipated (date)?
F. What is the anticipated date construction will begin?
G. What is the anticipated date operations will commence?
May 1, 2011
May 1, 2011
A. What role will the incentive(s) play m the bus mess umt's decIsion to locate,
expand, or remain in Collier County?
Fast Track permitting will be essential to us locating here in Naples, we would like
to lease the space at 2011 Seward Avenue, Naples, FI it is currently zoned
industrial; however the zoning department stated that a recycling center would
require a conditional use application and permit. Fast Tracking through this process
would assist us in becoming operational and hiring 15 employees quicker than
going through this process on our own.
S. What other cities, states, or countries are being considered for this project?
None at this time.
C. What advantages or incentives offered by these locations do you consider
important in your decision?
D. Indicate any additional internal or external competitive issues impacting this
project's location decision?
Obtaining approval for a conditional use permit.
A. Provide a brief synopsis of the special impacts the project is expected to
stimulate in the community, the state, and the regional economy. Include the
impact on indicators such as unemployment rate. poverty rate, and per capita income. (1000
words or more)"add sheets if necessary
it has been our goal for years to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly
recycling center, a recycling business oriented to educate, integrate, and motivate
every resident of this prosperous community. Our recycling center will help save
landfills from becoming full of reusable or recyclable resources as well generate
high income jobs which as a result will help reduce the unemployment and poverty
rate. and add a higher per capita income to Collier County residents.
Our project means new jobs and better handling of the resources compared to
incineration or filling up our landfill. In a 2000. a Florida Recycling Economic Study
revealed that the state. as a direct effect of the industry netted sixty two million
Effective 10107
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Client Approved 23//\ (initials)
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
dollars in State tax revenues. Our aim is to set our company as an example and a
business model to all those who want to enjoy the great advantages that a recycling
business offers to a community, benefits such as cleaner air, energy savings,
avoidance of contamination and decreasing the emission of green house gasses.
Our company is highly committed to providing excellent services to the residents of
Collier County which will bring a new wave of interested organizations with a
common goal of reaching out and offering the community the opportunity to
participate in this project. It is our corporate responsibility to focus on the
implementation of sustainable strategies, therefore, fostering a sustainable growing
B. Provide a summary of past activities in Florida and in other states particularly
as they relate to environmental or growth management impacts. For example,
what kind of corporate citizen has the applicant been? Also list awards or commendations.
I moved to the United States in 2005 and enrolled in an electrical apprenticeship
program at Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology here in Naples, where I
obtained my Electrical Journeyman Certification. Motivated and willing to advance
in my career I accepted a job at Edison State College where I was able to go to
classes at night. Throughout my employment at Edison State College I met Dr.
Kirk Otto, current president of the environmental study club, his commitment to
enjoy a healthy environment and a variety of environmental friendly initiatives fired
up my curiosity in this field. Propelled by the club's initiatives and creativity I
decided to become a member of the U.S. Green Building Council, The Association
of Facilities Engineering and obtained the Environmental Protection Agency
Universal Certification. As a good corporate citizen I am committed to maintain a
high standard of business ethics, work with the community and engage in fair trade
and business practices to enjQy~ healthy business environment.
C. List and explain any criminal or civil fines or penalties or ongoing
investigations that have been imposed upon the company, its executives, or
its affiliates and any recent bankruptcy proceedings of the applicant or its
parent company.
D. Provide any additional infonnation you wish to be considered as part of this
incentive application or items that may provide supplementary background
infonnation on your project or company.
N/A .
Effective 10/07
n,..., I '1\
Client Approved t..\;i'll (initials)
Packet Page -454-
5/10/2011 Item 1 D.C.
A. You may request that your project information (including information
contained In this application) be confidential per F.S. 288.075, Confidentiality
of Records for a 12 month period, with an additional 12 month extension
available upon request for projects still under consideration.
Please indicate your confidentiality preference:
X Yes
o No
***Be sure to attach the proper incentive attachment sheet.(s)***
Effective 10/07
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Client Appro....ed
Packet Page -455-
5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Application Completed By:
To the best of my knowledge, the
infonnation included in this
application is accurate.
~ ~n"'D~ Mot;Ntfl
'fbJ. J ri'l1.W 1&;/ '-/Jlcll ii./J'
SiglJllture (Authorized Company Officer)
r~{{1iI SUAfJ t-Aer,fJ fJcvdl1J ,Tt'lC. .
Company Company
'2,q I 7 !/l {/1(/1 !l0~!! {/i.!t leii'll} ~"-IIL}
- f /"'
Address. if different than mailing address Address. if different than mailing address
(23'1) - hr,i 5'>1"1/
Phone Number
Phone Number
Fax Number
Fax Number
C9/ii?1'..J!.ydir'lfJ ([0 wc.h,o . ClJI'i'
Email Address V
Email Address
3f Z.~/II
Da e
//,-/.. ') .I'" {'
Name of contact person, if different than above
Phone Number
Email Address
Effective 10107
Page 8 ofB
Client Approved
Packet Page -456-
5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Economic Stirl ulus Program
Attachment to the Gell eral Project Overview
Collier Scrap M'i al RecvclinCl. Inc.
Name 01 3usiness
Must be a separate business emit or reporting unit of;l bmlnCllj unit that Is or wlll be reg/sterAd with th~ State of Florida fof
unempJoymont compensation purpo~,
IMPORTANT NOTE: This application must be fil! j and the incentive approved prior to making the
decision to expand an existing Collier County bu! 1ess unit or to locate a new business unit in
Collier County.
. -. ,. il
Number of net new full-time I,
Coun 'obs created in thE'
luivalent Collier Date by which Jobs will
lusiness unit be created .
A. For the purposes of certification, agreerc !nt, and claim review, indicate the average
wage and corresponding threshold (per,: ,ntage) to which you commit for all new
jobs created:
$50.833.00. which is at ieast'31% of the : lerage wage in Collier County.
B. Collier County Business Tax Receipt NUrTI 9r. TBD
C. How many jobs are currently employed at II Collier County locations? Q
What is the annual!zed average wage (ex: Jding benefits) of the employees indicated in
D. 1c.? $N/A
A. Identify the local government(s) anticip" ~d to provide local financial support:
Financial Support reouested to help off set ees for the CUP. and Fast Track Permittinq
from Collier Countv. u ... ___
S. Indicate the date(s} the approval is / arfl mticipated to be passed by the local
government: As soon as possible
C. Has the applicant ever participated in an :DC-assisted ProRram? D Yes X No
If Yns, how many new and retained job: were included in that project? _
A. Type of Projnct (check all that apply): [: Rezone DPlat DSDP
Permit DTenant Improvement X Other I onditional Use Permit
Revise(! 03f08
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Client Approved ~(lnltl.l$)
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
B. Site Folio Number: 1519 oaoe #1308
C. Project Street Address& Suite Number: 2011 Seward Avenue. Naples, FI 34109
D. Legal description: _
E. Owner/Developer Name: Richard A. Dolan
Phone: 239.514.7810
F. Architectural Firm: _
G. Engineering Firm: _
H. Contractor:
I. Other: (i.e. Attorney, Land Planner) _
I agree to allow the Economic Development Council of Collier County perform a
Company and/or Personal Background Check. X Yes 0 No
Revi$ed 03/08
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
lf~jcj/3an76J1J;4!1. r;1()
Signature of Individual Completing this
31;;LS / 1/
,9. Yl - {~() / - c; 7 i /
Phone Number
P.:~ G14nt"f; jWf.Mt/:Ll?(:'
Sig ature (Authorized Company Officer)
r). ~
? /.). 6 III
Name and Title of Authorized Officer
Revised 03/08
.Z&fI\. .....
Packet Page -459-
5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Attachment A: Roles & Responsibilities
. ..
Owner/Developer Applicant
'b' .
--Meet all requirements of Fast Track
Regulatory Process Program
--Site selection
--Hire contractors, consultants, engineers,
--Submit Development Order application
within 60 business days of acceptance as a
Fast Track project
-Attend pre-application meeting, if possible
-Attend scheduled meeting to discuss
outstandin issues as needed.
--Attract and qualify businesses under the
Fast Track program
I --Contact the Special Projects Manager as
soon as a company is qualified.
--Attend the pre-application meeting.
--Maintain consistent contact with Special
Projects Manager to ensure timeframes are
being met.
--Monthly review status of projects,
particularly those with issues or potential
--Attend scheduled meeting to discuss
outstanding issues as needed.
--Copy all vested parties with
Revised 03/08
. ct t
--Attend pre-apphcatlon meeting With
sufficient plans for quality review
--Submit complete application that meets
current LOC and other code requirements
--Submit updates after receiving rejection
comments, within 20 business days
-- Attend scheduled meeting to discuss
outstanding issues as needed.
--Assign Special Projects Manager
o Provide guidance on permitted use
of site.
o Organize pre-app meeting
o Lead project Team
o Handle dispute resolution by
involving appropriate decision
o Shepard projects through the
process from start to finish/manage
project plan
o Main point of contact for EDC,
applicant and owner
o Prepare monthly status
reports/emphasis on exception or
"red flag" items
. Schedule hearings and external
meetings, as required
. Provide value-added services such
as occasional site visits when under
--Develop project team
o Attend pre-application meeting
o Review submissions within stated
number of business days
. A<<eo' ",h""'.' m_"og 10 """~ !
outstanding issues as needed.
. Copy all vested parties with
-.-. - -
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Attachment B: Potential Obstacles
There are certain known issues that can lead to a less than smooth approval process, as
listed below. At the pre-application meeting (or before then if applicable) the Special
Projects Manager will complete this section relative to the facts as presented at that time.
Items that may cause a delay
Anticipated Delay and related information
Requires re-zoning:
Site in existing PUD:
Site contains wetlands:
Site requires an Environmental
Impact Statement:
LOC amendment required
Permits from outside agency:
Utilities issues:
Note' this list is not intended to be exhaustive of all items that may cause conflicts or
delays in the approval process, but is to identify those most common and those most likely
to significantly hold up the swift approval of the project.
Proiect Notes (Special Proiects ManaQer)
Items the Developer or Applicant wishes to disclose concerninQ unusual
Revised 03/08
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<\'. .'
kofJ \..
Packet Page -461-
5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Attachment C: Proposed Timeline
(to be completed at pre-application meeting)
Task Responsible Target date
Pre-application meeting
Special Projects
Mana er
Day 1
Day 30
Project team
Day 45
Day 65
25 business da s
We. the undersigned. fully accept our roles and responsibilities in this project and have
offered all information in good faith and in an attempt to be thorough. We recognize that
new information may be presented as the project moves through the review phases. We
also recognize that until the review process begins it is not reasonable to identify every
possible issue with a project As any new material information is identified that may cause
a change to this plan in any way, the Special Projects Manager is to be contacted to
coordinate as needed.
Date ,.,1.26 /; /
. I !
/- / .'
I:)! . /1
Owner/Developer Name:
Applicant Name ~ajtUl jj?Jlit1$ .N7~teND
,I ,,"'j I ',' /
EDC Representative:/')';; f "j#( --Date
Collier County Special Projects
Manager Name:
Revised 03108
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.K-f)N\ ..
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
RESOLUTION 2006-...J..2.
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State of Florida and Collier County to encourage rhe
growth of high valuc-3.dded employment and the economic base by providing assistance to
qualified targeted industries that create high-wage job opportunities; and
WHEREAS, the County worki~ with the Economic Development Council of Collier
Count)' will promOle a "fasl track" permitting review and approval program to expedite J:.llld use
and permiuing tlpplicalions for targeted industries in Collier County; and
WHEREAS, on November 29, 2005, through adoption of Resolution 05A09, the Bo,ml
of County Commissioners established the procedures and the regulatory process program for
expediting the development review process for qualified economic development council "fast
track" projC(";b; alld
WHEREAS, following adoption of Resolution 05-409, staff determined thut tllt;'
Resolution contained two, unintended minor errors, and the Board of County Commissioners
desir~s to rescind ResolulIoll 05*409 and have this new Resolution lake its place in order to
correCllhe errors; and
'WHEREAS, these procedures are appropriate for inclusion in the Collier County
Administrative Code.
NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of
Collier County. Florida, that
]. This Resolution shall supersede and replace Resolution 05-409.
2. The foregoing Recitals are adopted as true and incorporated as part of this
3. The intent of the Board of County Commissioners is to apply these procedures to
development orders or pennit applications cenified by the Economic Development
Council (EDe) of Collier County as qualified for an expedited review and in doing
so identify such projects as EDC "Fast Track" projects.
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
4. The Board of County Commissioners' economic development expedited review
policy as set forth below is to be included where appropriate in the Collier County
Administrative Code and is adopted for immediate use, as follows:
A. Purpose/Scope: Establish procedures for expedited reviews of all development orders
and permits qualifying as an EDC "Fast Track" approved application. The EDe "Fast Track"
expedited preview process for qualified development orders and permits is not intended to
otherwise modify or alter existing procedural standards for reviewing development orders and
permit applications, including those that do not qualify for EDe "Fast Track" expedited review
B. Applicability: These procedures apply La the review of all qualified development orders
and permits for new and expanding development in Collier County approved under the EDC
targeted industry expedited review program. In order to qualify for "Fast Track" expedited
review the applicant for a proposed development order or permit must:
I. Include an application approved by the Economic Development Council of
Collier County and verified by the Director of Zoning and Land Development Revicy.,
slating that the project has qualified for EDC "Fasl Track" expedited review status; and
2. Specifically request EDC "Fast Track" expedited review project status as pan of
an application for a county development order or permit, as defined in the Collier COllllly
Land Development Code (LDC) Section 1.08.02, including but not limited 10: rezone
petitions, including those for PUD district; Site Development Plans; and Building
Pennits. including their corresponding zoning, engineering. environmental,
lransportation, and fire code reviews.
3. Qualifying EDC "Fasl Track" projects are pr~iects or developments that:
a. Create new or expanded businesses that are "Targeted lndustries" which
are defined as businesses that are aggressively pursued for relocation to. or
ex.pansion within. the local jurisdiction by the Economic Development
County of Collier County. They may include. but are not limited to the
following industries: aviation. information technology, biomedical,
manufacturing. corporate headquarters, research and development,
wholesale trade and distribution. and companies locating or expanding
within the Immokalee Rural Federal Enterprise Community.
D......... ') nt';
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
b. Provide 150% or more of the current private sector average wage for
projects in High Impact Areas, which is a designation given to qualifying
economic development projects located outside of Ea"tern Collier County
and the Immokalce RUT;}! Federal Enterprise Community; or I J 5% of the
current private sector average wage for projects in Eastern Collier County
which is defined as that area of unincorporated Collier County that
includes those parcels of land immediately adjacent to, and east of. Collier
Boulevard, except for those parcels designated as part of the Immokalee
Rural Federal Enterprise Community; or 50% of the current private sector
average wage for projects in the Immokalee Rural Federal Enterprise
Community which is that jurisdiction so designated hy the U.S.
Department of Agriculture as a multi-jurisdictional entity including
Immokulee (census tracts] 12.04, 1 !2.05, 113, ] 14), parts of Hendry
County and the Seminole Indian Reservation; the Enterprise C::omrmmily
boundaries in Collier County follow the Immokalee Enterprise Zone
boundaries, a designation by the State of Florida, pursuant 10 F.S. ~ ~
290.001 -. 290.016
c. Creation of full time jobs at the following levels: a minimum of 20 new
full lime jobs in the High Impact Areas; or a minimum of 10 new rulltime
johs in Eastern Collier County; or a minimum of 5 new jobs within the
Immokaice Enterprise community.
C. EDe Fast Track Expedited Review Procedures.
I. EDe "FaST Track" expediTed review qualification meeting
Prior to an application for a development order or permit being submitted to Collier
County for an EDC "Fast Track" expedited review, the applicants or agents must attend a
qualification meeting with the Economic Development County of Collier County. Those
that demonstrate compliance as defined in B.3. above, will be issued an EDC "Fast
Track" certificate of expedited review by the Economic Development County of Collier
2. Submittal of EDC "Fast Track" expedited review Application and Cerrificate.
Once qualified, a complete development order or development permit application,
including the EDC "Fast Track" certificate of expedited review must be submitted to the
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
County for expedited review within six (6) months from date of issuance of the
certificate. If a complete development order or permit application is not submitted within
six (6) months from the date of issuance of the certificate, the applicant must apply to be
re-qualified under L, ab0ve.
3. EDe "Fast Track" expedited review time line for application sufficiency.
Complete development order or development permit application submittal packages, once
time-stamped by the Department of Zoning and Land Development Review, or the
Building Review and Permitting Department, will receive an expedited sufficiency
review within two (2) business days as set forth below.
a. To be considered "complete" an application submittal package must
include all items indicated in the pre-application meeting notes, EDC
Certificate, and any and all required documentation as noted on the
application checklist.
b. The Department of Zoning and Land Development Review, or the
Building Review and Permitting Department, will review the submittal
package and determine it to be "complete" or "incomplete" at the time the
application is submitted.
c. An application package deemed "incomplete" will not he accepted and
will be returned to the applicant and the applicant will be advised of the
deficiencies and will be directed to reapply. With each subsequent
completeness submittal, the Department of Zoning and Land Development
Review or the Building Review and Permitting Department will determine
an application package to he "complete" or "incomplete" at the time of
d. Once an application package is deemed "complete" it will have all
necessary data entered into the computer-tracking program noting the
EDC "Fast Track" expedited review period: 120 business days for
Rezoning Petitions, 60 business days for Plat or Site Development Plans,
or 75 business days for commercial Building Permits. If an
Environmental Impact Statement is required with the application, an
additional 30-45 business day of review time may be required to
adequately coordinate letters of technical assistance for appropriate state'
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
and federal review agencies. These review periods will include all the
necessary public hearings; however, they are predicated on the required
quorum before the Environmental Advisory Counsel (EAC) and the
Collier County Planning Commission (Cepe) and scheduled meeting
dales of the Board of County Commissioners (BCe).
c. In addition, an EDC "Fast Track" expedited review routing sheet will be
completed, attached, and the application package will be distributed for
staff review within two (2) business days from sufficiency detennination.
4. Expedited review times/or staff EDC Fast Track expedited review projects.
a. Review of any development order or permit with EDe "Fast Track"
expedited review status will he completed and the appropriate ~taff reports
and approvals completed within 120 business days for rezoning requests,
60 business days for platting or Site Development Plan requests, or 75
business days for residential Building Permit requests from date of
distribution for staff review.
b. As may he appropriate, subsequent public hearings before the EAC,
cepc, and the Bee will then be scheduled consistent with paragr.lph 5
below. To insure that expedited review applications move through the
review process In a timely manner, all re-submiUals should be provided to
the County within 20 business days from posting of final staff review
comments on the computer tracking system. As such, the County's
601120175-husiness day review timcframes will not include any time when
the application has been returned to the applicant for corrections based on
staffs sufficiency review comments.
c. In order to meet the expedited review period, staff reviewers must
complete their initial review of EDC "Fast Track" expedited review
applications within fifteen (15) business days from receipt for rezone
petitions, seven (7) business days from receipt for platting and Site
Development Plans. or 25 business days from receipt for commercial
Building Permits. If an Environmental Impact Statement is required with
the application, a 30-45 additional business day review time will be
required. Review comments will be forwarded via fax or email to thd
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
applicant and the owner within one (I) working day of when they are
posted to the computer tracking system.
d. Within two (2) business days from receipt by CDES. any additional
information, including any corrected plans submitted in response to the
reviewer's comments, will be distributed to the appropriate reviewers.
e. Resubmitted information andlor corrected plans will be reviewed under
the same procedures until all of the assigned reviewers have approved the
development order or permit and final approval is granted by the County
Manager or his designee.
f. Once an application for a development order or permit has been rejected
three (3) times by county staff. the applicants or agents along with the
owner or developer and a representative of the EDC must attend a
mandatory project review meeting to be held with all county reviewers yet
to approve the application.
5. Public Meeting and Hearings. Qualified EDe "Fast Track" expedited review
projects will be given first priority for scheduling of all neighborhood informational
(NIM) meetings, development review/pre-application meetings, and public hearings.
D. Applicant Requirements.
I. Application Agreement. Prior to the submittal of a development permit or order
application, the applicant shall sign and enter into an "Application Agreement"
with Collier County and the Economic Development Council in order to
participate in the Fast Track expedited review program and agree to the terms and
requirements of the program, including, but not limited to, the timely submission
of all information relevant to the petition and subsequent submittals of
information in response to staff reviews.
2. Cert~ficatjon of Compliance. A notarized affidavit from an officer of the
qualifying corporation or business shall be provided to the Economic
Development Council and the Operation Support and Housing Director of Collier
County certifying that rhe new jobs created, that qualified the new or expanding
business for the Fast Track Program, have been created and meet the wage
requirements as identified within this Resolution. Such certification must be
"___ ,c ~r...
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
received within twelve (12) months of the issuance of the first Certificate of
Occupancy for the specified project. ./-~
This Resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote this A day of
ArrEST;, ',. ".'
.. '~; ': ') ".
. '.-'
::;:. :~',- :~'i
1'IA.t_ only.
By: -r---"...........
J cffr A. Jatzkow
Assis nt unty Altorney
Packet Page -469-
5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
Sec. 49-30. Applicability.
This article applies to the unincorporated area of Collier County, Florida, and to all
incorporated areas of Collier County to the greatest extent authorized by Article VIII, Section 1 (f)
of the Florida Constitution as may be implemented by an intergovernmental or interlocal
Sec. 49.31. Purpose.
The purposes of this article are to: (1) provide a performance-based program offering
financial relief for eligible targeted industry development or expansion projects in Collier County
to mitigate the effects of rising fees, along with escalating relocation and expansion costs,
associated with these projects; (2) provide for the economic well being of Collier County
residents by providing high-wage employment opportunities in Collier County; (3) lessen the
seasonal cycle of Collier County's economy; and (4) encourage investment opportunities for
new or existing businesses thus increasing and diversifying the county's tax base.
Sec. 49-32. Specific definitions.
When used in this article, the following terms have the meaning stated. unless the
context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) ''Average wage" is the annual rate paid to private-sector employees within Collier County,
from highest pay rate to lowest pay rate divided by number of persons employed full-time, as
reported by private-sector employers in the State of Florida who are covered by federal and
state unemployment compensation laws (UC), and reported annually based on figures released
by the Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation.
(2) "Eastern Collier County" is that area of unincorporated Collier County that includes those
parcels of land immediately adjacent to. and east of, Collier Boulevard, except for those parcels
designated as part of the Immokalee Rural Federal Enterprise Community.
(3) "High impact" is that designation given to qualifying economic development projects
located outside of Eastern Collier County and the I mmokalee Rural Federal Enterprise
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5/10/2011 Item 1 D.C.
(3.1) "Jobs "are limited to individual permanent legal residents of the United States who are
employed in each new created position of employment at a primary location in Collier County,
and as applicable maintained, as a result of the program.
(4) "Rural Federal Enterprise Community" is that jurisdiction so designated by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture as a multi-jurisdictional entity including Immokalee (census tracts
112.04, 112.05, 113, 114), parts of Hendry County and the Seminole Indian Reservation; the
Enterprise Community boundaries in Collier County follow the Immokalee Enterprise Zone
boundaries, a designation by the State of Florida, pursuant to F.S. SS 290.001--290.016,
pursuant to F.S. SS 290.001--290.016.
(5) "Targeted industry" is one that is aggressively pursued for relocation to, or expansion
within, the local jurisdiction by the Economic Development Council of Collier County. It may
include, but is not limited to the following industries: Aviation, information technology,
biomedical, manufacturing, corporate headquarters, research and development, wholesale
trade and distribution, and businesses locating or expanding within the Rural Federal Enterprise
Sec. 49-33. Job creation investment program.
(a) General requirements. Pursuant to the provisions set forth in this section, the county
establishes a job creation investment program for the payment of costs associated with the
relocation andlor expansion of targeted projects, including but not limited to relocation costs,
company sponsored day care facilities, land improvement costs, andlor existing facility
improvements. These projects may include commercial, industrial, and technology park land
(b) Application process. Any person seeking eligibility and payment through the job creation
investment program will file with the county manager an application for payment prior to making
the decision to locate or expand within Collier County. The application must contain the
(1) The name and address of the business owner; and
(2) A current and complete legal description of the site upon which the project is proposed to
be located; and
(3) The type of business proposed, using Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) or North
American Industrial Classification System (NAICS); and
(4) The number of full-time jobs to be created and, if appiicable, retained as a result of the
project; and
(5) The average wage of those jobs created and retained; and
(6) The total capital investment of the expansion or relocation project, including land, building,
and equipment costs; and
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
(7) The date (month and year) when the new jobs will be in place.
If the proposed project meets the requirements for payment under the job creation investment
program as set forth in this article, the county manager is authorized to enter into an agreement
with the business owner. After the specified new jobs are in place within the predetermined time
frame, the company will complete and submit to the county manager a request for funds, along
with documentation that the stated jobs are in place. At the beginning of each county fiscal year,
following the date the newly created jobs are in place and verified by the county manager,
general revenue funds will be set aside under the job creation investment program.
Sec. 49-34. Implementation.
(a) Under this job creation investment program, the eligible company located within Eastern
Collier County may be awarded $2,000.00 per new full-time job created, with a minimum of ten
new full-time jobs to be created; or the eligible company may be awarded $3,000.00 per full-
time job created if the project is located within the enterprise community, with a minimum of five
new jobs created; or, as approved by the sole discretion of the board, a company may be
awarded $2,000.00 per job created within a high impact area, with a minimum of 20 new jobs
created. Any award under this program is subject to funding availability. If a company also
participates in the State of Florida Qualified Targeted Industry (QTI) tax incentive program, and
is approved to participate in this job creation investment program, the company will be eligible
for only $1,000.00 per new job created regardless of its location within Collier County. The funds
will be paid, based on the number of new full-time jobs created, in equal amounts over a three-
year time period.
(b) The eligible business under the job creation investment program will enter into a job
creation investment program agreement (the agreement) with the county, and the agreement
must provide for, as a minimum, the following and will include any provisions deemed necessary
by the board to effectuate the provisions of this article:
(1) The legal description of the development.
(2) Neither the payment of funds, nor the agreement providing for the payment of funds, may
be transferred, assigned, credited or otherwise conveyed from the property without prior written
approval from the county.
(3) In the event the non-county party is in default under the Agreement, and the default is not
cured within 30 days after written notice is provided to the owner, the board may bring a civil
action to enforce the agreement or declare that the grant funds are thence immediately due and
payable. The board is entitled to recover all fees and costs, including attorney's fees and costs,
incurred by the county in enforcing the agreement, plus interest at the then maximum statutory
rate for final judgments, calculated on a calendar day basis until paid.
(4) The agreement must be recorded in the official records of Collier County at no cost to the
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5/10/2011 Item 1 D.C.
(d) Termination. The provisions of this article will expire and be void on October 1, 2013,
unless continued by a resolution of the board of county commission prior to this date.
Sec. 49-35. Program eligibility criteria.
To be considered eligible for approval under this program, a business or project must
meet the criteria of one of the following categories:
(1) Be located within Eastern Collier County and meet the following criteria:
a. Type of business conducted is within the targeted industry list of the Economic Development
Council of Collier County; and
b. Creates a minimum of ten new full-time jobs; and
c. The newly created jobs pay an average wage of at least 115 percent of the county's current
private-sector average wage.
(2) Be located within the boundary of the Immokalee Rural Federal Enterprise Community and
meet the following criteria:
a. Creates a minimum of five new full-time jobs; and
b. The newly created jobs pay an average wage equal to or greater than 50 percent of the
county's current private-sector average wage.
(3) Be a high impact project and be located outside the enterprise community and Eastern
Collier County and meet the following criteria:
a. Type of business conducted is within the targeted industry list of the Economic Development
Council of Collier County; and
b. Creates a minimum of 20 new full-time jobs; and
c. The newly created jobs pay an average wage equal to or greater than 150 percent of the
county's current private-sector average wage.
d. Each application for program participation must have approval by the board of county
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5/10/2011 Item 1 D.C.
.l,~ ,. ORDINANCE NO.2"".-=-,-
WHEREAS, the United States of America, the State of Florida and Collier County are
presently experiencing an economic downturn not experienced in the last 30-40 years; and
WHEREAS, individual citizens and families living in the United States, Florida and
Collier County are experiencing negative effects from this economic downturn; and
WHEREAS, because of significant revenue decreases at the State and local levels, jobs
are being lost, homes are being foreclosed, and services are being cut; and
WHEREAS, Collier County is currently experiencing a dramatic and devastating decline
in the residential and commercial development markets that adversely impact the entire local
economy; and
WHEREAS, Section I 0.02.13.D of the Collier County Land Development Code provides
for Planned Unit Development time limit and time limit extension requirements. The local
economic emergency has created a situation that is making it impractical, if not impossible, for
developers of Planned Unit Developments to complete their projects within the time limits
established prior to this period of local emergency. Collier County currently has a very large
number of homes that have been approved for development but have not been built and are not
anticipated to be built during the period of the local economic emergency; and
WHEREAS, tolling of the Planned Unit Development time limit and time limit ext~sion.~~
is necessary to relieve conditions resulting from the local economic emergency; and -
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
WHEREAS, because of this emergency, the Board wishes to toll the Planned Unit
Development time limit and time limit extension provisions without going through the process of
amending the Land Development Code as set forth in Sections 1O.02.08.C and 10.02.09 of the
Land Development Code.
Sbort Title and Recitals.
This Ordinance shall be known as the Collier County Local Economic Emergency
Ordinance, and the above findings and recitals are hereby adopted by reference into this
Declaration of Local Economic Emergency.
The Collier County Board of County Commissioners, convened III regular session,
hereby declares and ordains that a local economic emergency exists within Collier County,
Florida, requiring immediate measures to address the emergency before irreversible harm is done
to the economic well being of the citizens of the County. This Ordinance is adopted after public
hearing pursuant to, and in accordance with, Section 125.66(2), Florida Statutes.
Tolling of Land Development Code Section 10.02.13.D.
Section 1O.02.13.D of the Collier County Land Development Code provides for Planned
Unit Development time limit and time limit extension requirements. These time limit and time
limit extension requirements are hereby tolled to May 12,2011 for Planned Unit Developments
which have not sunselted prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. Prior to May 12, 20 II, the
Board of County Commissioners will determine if the declaration of Local Economic Emergency
should be ended.
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5/10/2011 Item 1 D.C.
SECTION FOUR: Connict and Severability.
In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County or other
applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held
invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a
separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portion.
Inclusion in the Code of Laws and Ordinances.
The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws
and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or
relettered to accomplish such. and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article",
or any other appropriate word.
Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State.
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier
County, Florida, this I J.4i\ day of May
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5/10/2011 Item 10.C.
I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the
Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do
hereby certify that the foregolng is a true and correct
copy of:
Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners
on the 12th day of May, 2009, during Regular Session.
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of
County Co~missioners of Collier County, Florida, this 13th
day of May, 2009.
Clerk of Coun:s and 'Cle.;:;-k
Ex~o:ficio to Board of ..
County Commissioners
Teresa :?o::'asKi',
Deputy Clerk
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