Agenda 05/10/2011 Item # 5A
5/10/2011 Item 5A
Recommendation to recognize Jay Kim, Database Administrator, Information Technology
Department, as the Employee of the Month for April 2011.
OBJECTIVE: To recognize Jay Kim, Database Administrator, as the Employee of the Month for
April 2011.
CONSIDERATIONS: Jay Kim, Database Administrator, has been nominated as the "Employee
of the Month" for April 2011. Jay, an employee of the County for almost eight years, works in
the Information Technology Department.
As the sole Database Administrator for the agency, Jay is responsible for supporting over 200
databases. He responds quickly to unplanned work needs, and since taking the position in 2006
there have been no major disruptions for users. He often stays into the night to help with
projects like the new agenda system, the permitting system for the Growth Management
Division and to meet the requirements of the maintenance contract for the utility billing system.
During this past year, Jay was responsible for developing an automated email program for long
distance telephone billing This program is used to separate and email each department's long
distance telephone reports automatically each month. It has resulted in improved customer
service, timelier reporting and a significant reduction in the amount of staff time used to
distribute these reports. Jay's efforts have helped make it possible for the Information
Technology Department to reduce staffing while increasing database services.
Jay is a positive and helpful employee who is truly an asset to his department and the County.
His dedication and effort make him truly deserving of this award.
FISCAL IMPACT: The selected "Employee of the Month" receives a $150.00 cash award.
Funds are available in the employee's Budget Cost Center.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with
this Executive Summary.
RECOMMENDATION: hat the Board of County Commissioners approves the recognition of
Jay Kim as "Employee of the Month" for April 2011.
Prepared By: Brittney Mahon, Human Resources Analyst, Department of Human Resources
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5/10/2011 Item 5.A.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 5A
Item Summary: Recommendation to recognize Jay Kim, Database Administrator,
Information Technology Department, as the Employee of the Month for April 2011.
Meeting Date: 5/10/2011
Prepared By
Name: MahonBrittney
Title: Human Resources Analyst, Human Resources
4/26/201] I: 16:30 PM
Submitted by
Title: Human Resources Analyst, Human Resources
Name: MahonBrittney
4/26/201 11:16:31 PM
Approved By
Name: SmithKristen
Title: Administrative Secretary.Risk Management
Date: 4/26/201] I :28:43 PM
Name: LybergAmy
Title: Director - Human Resources,Human Resources
Date: 4/27/2011 3:04:48 PM
Name: PriccLen
Title: Administrator - Administrative Services,
Date: 4/28/2011 1 :29:33 PM
Name: Kiatzkow.1eff
Titie: County Attorney,
Date: 4/29/2011 9:39:56 AM
Name: StanleyTherese
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5/10/2011 Item SA
Title: ManagementfBudget Analyst, Senior.Office of Management & Budget
Date: 4/30/2011 11: 17:40 AM
Name: OchsLeo
Title: County Manager
Date:5/11201111:19:31 AM
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