BCC Minutes 05/08/1981 W - i ~.'''h''''' r,.-.,.,,¡ ',' Naples, Floridn, May 8, 1981 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and' hnving conducted business herein, met on this date at 11:20 'A.M. in Workshop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CH~IRM~N: John pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer (11:25 ~.M.) Mary-Frances Kruse Dav id C. Brown ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: Darlene pavidson and Edna Brenneman (4:00 P.M.), Deputy Clerks; C. william Norman, County Manager; Edward Smith, Assistant County Manager; Neil Dorrill, Administrative Assistant; Messrs. William McNeel and Darrell Bailes, of polizzi/Heery; and various members of staff. ~GENDA 1. Discussion regarding the following Departments/Divi- sions' space needs: a. Social Services/Homemakers b. Public Safety/EMS Operations/Civil Defense/Animal Control c. Medical Examiner d. Public works/Transportation/Engineering/Solid Waste e. Court Reper ter f. Parks & Recrcation/~dministrntion 9' Veterans Services 2. Remarks from James Finn, Moorings Property OWners' Association. Page 1 M:JK 061 PACE '4.65 ~ I , -.......----'"<--,. , ~ aoox 061 PACE466 May 8, 1981 OPENING COMHENTS After County Manager Norman outlin~d the proposed schedule for today's workshop session, Commisssioner pistor, thanked the interested citizens in the audience for attending and invited then, to comment on the proceedings as the meeting progressed. . . . Commissioner wimer joined the meeting in progress at this time: ll:25 A.M. . . . SOCIAL SERVICES Social Services Director Martha Skinncr stated that she antic i- pates the administrative portion of the Social Services Department to grow slowly, however, the Homemakers division will be growing contin- ually. She said that the staff for Homemakers will be doubled on October 1, 1981 and that she will need to increase her space needs by that date in order to accommodate the additional personnel connected with the Eldcrly Care Programs in that department. Mrs. Skinner summed up her space needs as immediate rather than projected over the next 5, 10, or 15 years, and stated that she sees no large \ncrease in staff or working areas for administration purposes after October 1, 1981. She stated that the one area that requires attention is a conference room and she outlined the various operations in her Department that lend themselves to that need. She said that she will also need three additional desks, one for an additional bookkeeper and two for nurse case managers by October 1, 1981. Mrs. Skinner told Commissioner Kruse that, although the care for the elderly program is a "year-to-year" program, Collie~ County has been funded for 6-1/2 years and that the trend for the future is towards care for th~ elderly in Page 2 " r .' .Hh'~~ ~ May 8, 1981 the home rather than in institutions and that this will necessitate local government assuming more responsibility in delivering services and providing funding for the care of the elderly. She said that many of these programs are State and Federally mandated and that ~he County will not have the choice of whether or not they wish to fund them. When asked by Chairman pistor what plans the County Manager is working on to accommodate these immediate needs in the Social Service Depart- mont, Mr. Norman stated that the problem had not been brought to his attention but that he would begin working on a solution. Mrs. Skinner referred to page six in today's agenda package and said that she is in agreement with the recommendations of the consul- tants in all areas except the size of the conference room, and that she believes that 600 sq. feet will be sufficient rather than the 850 sq. ft. recommended by Polizzi/Heery. Mrs. Skinncr said that she is willing to share the conference room with other departments and Mr. McNeel acknowledged that he understands that the Social Servicep area will be sufficiently served if the conference room is planned for 600 sq. ft. . . . Commissioner Wimer left the room at this time: 11:35 ~.M. . . . Commissioner pistor stated that he believes that this Department is of growing importance to the community and that it requires provi- sions to accommodate the future needs. He said that there is a great concern by most of the staff throughout the complex that there is a lack of sufficient space for conferences and that he believes that future conference rooms will need to be shared. , PAge 3 ~OOK 061 PACE 467 , &OOX 061 PACE 4.68 May 8, 1981 Also discussed was the fact that the Social Services cannot, according to grant regulations, charge fees for their services; the methods of screening applicants for services of this depart.ment; and, the broad spectrum of services provided by the social Servi~~s Depart- ment. Commissioner Brown concurred that this Department will become one of growing importance in Collier County in the future and that the immediate needs of the Social Service/Homemakers area need to be addressed. . . . Commissioner Wimer returned to the meeting and Commissioner Brown left the room at this time: 11:47 A.M. . . . There was a general discussion regarding the projections of the number Qf positions in the Homemakers division; the fact that these numbers will have to be based on the number of projects undertaken in the future; the difficulty in projecting the amounts of space required to allow for smooth operating procedures in the Homemakers area; the kinds of training and weekly conferences required for caseworkers and nurses in this area; and the general daily, weekly, and monthly sched- ules required for the various programs that are mandated by law in this department which will require additional space. It was the general consensus that the Board was in agreement with the projected space needs for the Social Services Department, including those projected for the Homemakers area. . . * Chairman pistor recessed the meeting at 11:48 A.M. The meeting reconvened at 2:00 P.M. with Commissioners wimer and Wenzel absent. . . . Page 4 ", - r,,,,,,,,·¡ .,,;...~ Ma y 8, 1 9 B 1 PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION - ADMINISTRATION Public Safety Diroctor Thomas Hafner referred to page 18 in today's agenda package and stated that he is in agrccment with the consultants' projections regarding space for the administrative serv- ices of the Public Safety Division, with thc exception of the space allotted for an administrative aide. He explained that this position was incorrectly figured by the consultant at a "space type 6"; he has raised the amount of space for this anticipated position to a "space type 5" which requires 80 sq. ft. of space; this position is antici- pated for five years from now. Chairman pistor asked if this position was planned based on the anticipation of further duties and adminis- trative responsibilities and Mr. Hafner said "Yes". Hearing no objections, Commissioncr pistor stated that the Board was in agreeement with the space needs recommended for the administra- tive portion of the Public Safety ·Division with the exception of that related to the proposed position of Administrative Aide. CIVIL DEFENSE Mr. Hafner referred to page 19 of the agenda package and stated that he forsees that he will be coming to the Board for authorization for combining the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the Emergcncy Medical Services (EMS) functions. He said that he envisions the EOC will serve as a training room for the EMS technicians, for thc twice- monthly in-service training sessions, and other training by the EMS Director and the Medical Dircctor. ~oox 061 PACE '(69 Page 5 ~ eoo~ 061 PAGE 4.70 May 8, 1981 He said that the proposed conference room would also serve dual purposes as it will serve the executive groupS in time of an emergency and also may be used for all BCC functions such as small meetings, etc. Mr. Norman said that the description of the operations r~om include the indicated use by the EMS dispatch center communications room for non-emergency calls. Mr. Hafner indicated that that is correct. He said that he is looking towards that combined use in the future. Mr. N~rman stated that he is puzzled as to how it can function as an ongoing dispatch center and also as a training room. He said that he can visualize the use of this operations room as a training center but cannot see how one can co~~uct continual dispatching while training is being undertaken simultaneously. Mr. Hafner said that this could be looked into further. Mr. Norman said that he believes that the communications room should be designe! in such a manner as to be able to serve as a dispatch room, and then, in the case of a disaster situation, it could also be used for an EOC. Mr. Hafner agreed. Chairman pistor referred to page 20, Emergency Operations Center/EMS Operations, and said that he is reading mattcrs that have not been discussed by the Board, i.e. "the office area will be the permanent location of the EMS Director. There will be two dormitory areas." He said that he does not understand this. Mr. Norman directed his attention to page 2l, and Commissioner pi5tor asked if the 240 sq. ft. dormitory will be in the complex? Followinq a discussion regarding ambulance operations Mr. Norman clairified the fact that there are no plans for operating the County's ambulances out of this complex. He explained that the supervisor, of the EMS is a 24 hr. position which requires sleeping facilities and that there would be a need for Pag e 6 _.^~..~..,~~,."'~,,~.- ~ r·,,", ~ . ., ~ -, May 8, 1981 additionnl dormitory facilities in the case of a disaster when the EOC 1s manned, therefore, the dormitories are being proposed for consideration. He said that if the County waG to apply for Civil Defense mntching funds, the dormitories would probably be required. Commissioner pistor said that he is hoping that the Regional Planning Council considers Mr. Hafner's recommendations regarding regional medical service and that Collier County will meet the eligi- bility requirements for funding from this source. It was the consensus of those Commissioners present that they wcre in agreement with the recommendations regarding space needs for the Civil Defense/EMS portion of the public Safety Division. ~NIML CONTROL Mr. Hafner stated that a total facility is being proposed, in- cluding provisions for an administrative office, secretary/reception facilities, a waiting area, unloa~ing area, isolation area with outside runs, an examination room, euthanasia room, kitten and puppy pens, a kennel with 16 pens and a food preparation and storage area. He said that there will be 2,384 sq. ft. of space needed. Mr. Norman sUited that he believes it is impe r at ive that the Board make a policy decision regard ing the kinds of facilities that they plan to undertake regarding this function. He said that a decision needs to be made regarding whether the County intends to continue their con- tractual agreemcnt with the Humane Society or to initiate a complete function on its own, such as the one described by Mr. Hafner. Also, the location of the shelte., if thp County is to have their own, needs to be decided, and whether the administrative offices should be located Page 7 &OOK 061 PACE 4:71 , e.OQ~ 061 PACE 4'12 Ma y 8, 1 9 01 adjacent to the shelter or separately. He suggested that the adminis- trntive office be located in the complex and the shelter and other facilities be located off-site. Commissioner pistor suggested that any decisions be deferred regarding required space for the ~nimal Control Department until a workshop can be scheduled for the consideration of all the members of the Board as to what kind of operation the County will undertake. He said that perhaps this should be scheduled as an agenda item at a regular meeting. ne said that he can see the arguments on both sides. Mr. Norman suggested that this be a matter for consideration of the Space Study ~d Hoc Committee. Commissioner pistor said that he belives that this would be considered as a policy decision and that the Board must consider it before any consideration be given to space require- ments. After a brief discussion regarding centralized public services, preferred methods of case control, methodologies of licensing, possible combinations with other licensing practices in the County complex and at other locations, and the possibility of veterinarians issuing licenses, it was the consensus of those members present that all consideration of space requirements be deferred until the BCC has considered a policy decision regarding the kind of services that the County will provide. ^ brief discussion took place regarding the Humane Society, its functions, the contractual arrangements and payment for services that th~ County now has with them, during which Mr. Egon Hill stated that, for the most part, it is generally more economical for services to be rendered through contractual arrangement than it is for a governmental Page 8 r~...;t t-......... May 8, 1981 body to operate those same services. Also discussed briefly was the possible loss of benefactors through private donations and/or estates if the County were to take over the operation rather than th~ Humane society. After the discussion Chairman pistor stated that only the first three items in the space projections, itemized on page 25 re Animal Control, werE agreed upon at this time, including the Director's Office and the secretary and reception areas. MEDICAL EXAMINER Mr. Hafner stated that Dr. Sch~id, the Medical Examiner has discussed the proposal along with himself and representatives from the firm of Polizzi/Heery and tbat they are all in agreement that the Medical Examiner's operations are actually a function of the Criminal Justice System. He said that he believes that the Medical Examiner's offices should be closely proximated to the Sheriff's Department if possible. Dr. Schmid stated that he would be agreeable to the pro- posals of Polizzi/Heery and that he does not agree with Dr. Cox that the facilities should be shared with the Health Departmellt; the two functions. are not compatible and the labaratory needs are different. He said that there should not be any correlation between his operation and that of a medicöl facility. Dr. Schmid stated that he concurs that his operation closely parallels that of the Sheriff's Department and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett agreed. Deputy Barnett stated that many of his men have to be present during autopsies and that the gathering and preservation of certain kinds of trace evidence has been hampered in the past because of the distance between the two operations and that Page 9 BOOK 051 PACE 4'13 '_~"~'M'_ ._,,______ , BOOX 061 PACE 47" May 8, 1901 he thinks that criminal justice will be best served if the two opera- tions are closely proximðted. After n brief discussion Commissioncr plstor stated that the consensus of those present is that the Medical Examiner's lroposed space needs should be located in close proximation to the criminal justice opcrations. Dr. Schmid requested that the blueprints that he has previously submitted to the BCC for the Medical Examiner's opera- tions be adhered to in relation to design. Commissioner Kruse noted that she did not sec any reference in the agenda material regarding a bathroom/shower facility for the Medical Examiner. Dr. Schmid said that such a facility is included in his drawings and Mr. McNeel stated that a small s~ower/locker room would be added to their recommendations and he agreed to refer to Dr. Schmid's blueprints. The consensus of those present was that of agreement with the recommendations of Polizzi/Heery regarding space needs for the Medical Examiner with the addition of the shower/lockcr room space. PUBLIC WORKS/~DMINISTRATION Public Works Administrator Clifford Barksdale stated that he has no disagreement with the Polizzi/Heery recommendations on the summary sheet (page 33) regarding the administration of the public Works Division except that the 5 year projection reflects present space needs and not future needs. He said that he believes everyone is aware of the cramped quartcrs in which his division operates and that the 1061 sq. ft. projected up through 1984 is needed immediately. The present conference room was discussed, during which Mr. Barksdale said that three department heads hold their meetings there as Page It) ", f 'rl\;;::¡ ~·I':JUI-~".- ~ Mà Y 8, 1981 well as the fact that it serves as the technical library for the entire engineering staff. He said that this room is totally committed by the Engineering staff and could not be shared with other departments. Mr. Barksdale went over each item on the summary sheet bT,j con- curred with Polizzi/Heery's figures. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Barksdale stated that the Engincering Department is presently operating in an area that is approximately 90~ smaller than that which is recommended by Polizzi/Heery for the 17 employees concerned. He reminded the Board that there will be an additional 5 employees in just 5 years and that this space need requires immediate attention. Commissioner pistor stated that the consensuS of the Board is in agreement with the immediate needs of this department. TRANSPORTATION Mr. Barksdale stated that he agreed with Polizzi/Heery's figures for space needed by this department and added that, at the present time, only 961 sq. ft. are devoted to this department and that the recommendation for the present 12 employees is l644 sq. ft. He said that the needs are immediate in this department also. Commissioner pistor stated that the consensus of the Board is in agreement with the consultants' figures for this department. SOLID WASTE Mr. Barksdale stated that this department is also operating out of an area far too small and that with only one more employee proposed for pag c 11 BOOX 061 PACE 475 ~ ßOOK 061 PAGE476 May 8, 19B1 year 19B2 there is a need for l82 sq. ft., presently there is only 68 sq. ft. devoted to operation of this department. Commissioner pistor stated that he did not believe anyone could argue with the proposed figures, and that he considers this entire division in need of immediate space relief. * . * Commissioner Kruse left the room at this time - 2:55 P.M. . . . Following a brief discussion regarding the diffcrence between acoustical bRffle partitions and solid wood partitions in rooms as explained by a member of the audience Commissioner pistor suggested that all the new buildings use the former in order to afford privacy and flexibility. Mr. Norman agreed as did Mr. McNeel. Another thing that was discusscd briefly was the request by Mr. Barksdale that the Public Works Division be located in a place that offered easy access by the public as well as offering freedom of movement for the employees that travel to and from the complex on regular intrevals. When asked by Commissioncr pistor why there was no space study report on the Road and Bridge Department, Mr. Barksdale said that he understood that only offices that were located in thc complex were under consideration and that he believes that the functions of this department are best served when the supervisor is located at the County Barn. . . . Commissioner Kruse entered the meeting at this time: 3:01 P.M. . . . COURT REPORTER Mr. Norman referred to the recom~endation sheet numbered Rl, of the packet of information entitled Report of Findings, dated May 5, 1981, which was previously submitted to the members of the Board. Page 12 ", '" ..'" ," ~ ¡.... . ,,, ...." . ~ ',A _ .. ..,_...~, ,... ~ r·,·····1 May 8, 1931 Mr. Robert Harrington, Official Court Reporter, stated that he is 1n agreement with the figures on this pagc, same having been calculated by Polizzi/Heery. He said that it 1s difficult to explain the need for the County to provide space for his operation when, in fact, it is run as a private enterprise, however, only ~ portion of this operation is run in this manner. Mr. Harrington went on to explain that as Official Court Reporter he is paid $5,400 for his duties that are totally responsible to the criminal/felony division of the Courts system. He said that it is with this money and the $10.00 per hour that is paid for court time, that he pays his employees. He said that there must be a court reporter available for any and all felony/criminal court action that takes place, and that this necessitates freelancing additional recording work in order to make enough money to keep help and make a profit. He said that there is not always enough court appointed work to keep all the recorders busy, however, there are times that all of them need to be available and, in the interim, they must do something to make money. He said that presently there is one Offi~ial Court Reporter and nine deputy-reporters to serve the four present Judges. Besides court reporting during trials, depositions must be taken by a court reporter relative to all felony/criminal cases and there must be adequate deposition rooms available, said Mr. Harrington, noting that at prcsent there is only one in the co~p1ex. . . . Commissioner Brown left the room at this time: 3:07 P.M. . . . The law provides that court reporters must be available when needed and it also provides that felony/criminal depositions be taken at the complex, explained Mr. Harrington. He added that all civil pago 13 BOOK 061 PACE477 , aoox 061 PACE 478 May 8, 1981 matters arc covered on an enterprise basis and that the related depos- itions may be taken anywhere. In answer to Commissioner pistor, Mr. Harrington stated that civil matters are paid for by the parties involved, i.e. defendants, lawyers, etc. He said that another t~\ng that must be kept in mind is that when a visiting judge comes to Collier to hold a trial a court reporter mt:st be made available and he also outlined the many instances where schedules are shifted around to where it would b~ impossible to keep enough court reporters available and still make money. lie said that he is considering renting a building outside of the complex, however, when a judge calls a trial, a reporter must be available right away and the time delay in travel could present a problem. He said that the present space allotted to the Court Reporters is small and cramped and that if the courts keep increasing the numbers of cases heard there will be a need for 21 reporters in fifteen years. Mr. Harrington explained that the system in Florida is different than in many states where every judge is assigned their own reporter. He said that a fif~h judge will soon be herc and that this p~esents a need to hire additional reporters. Mr. Harrington explained the method of court reporting and said that each reporter hires their own typist for most of their tran- scripts. He said that no typists for this purpose are projected for the future. He also outlined the problems associated with a trial that is considored "sensational" and various persons are ordering immediato transcripts. He said that trials such as these require two or more rcporters working in shifts, sometimes for periods of as short as 20 minutes, so that transcripts can be prcpared as soon as possible. Pag e 14 h-.~"~ r· j May 8, 1981 There was some discussion as to whether or not the court reporters h~d to be housed in the complex and the predicted need for 21 reporters in comparison to the predicted number of judges. Mr. Harrington concluded that he would need the proposed amount of spaceJ that there would probably be a need for 21 reporters in 15 years; and that the reporters needed to be housed in the complex. He said that he understands the dilemma the BCC has in considering which portion of this operation is mandated, but suggested that both sides of the coin must be considered. He said that if he sets up a private office then he would have to charge the County for all the time associated with mandated criminal justice work which is the financial responsibility of the County. However, he said that if the County were to set up his entire office they could charge for services not specifically used for these criminal justice activities and he conclu'ed that, either way, both parties would be right where they are today. Commissioner pistor stated that this area requires more study and that all aspects of the County responsibilities will need to be con- sidered. . . . RECESS - TIME: 3:30 P.M. to 3:40 P.M. . . . PARKS AND nECREATION County Manager Norman referred the Board to page 2 of today's agenda package. Parks and Recreation Director Rollie nice stated that there was a mistake in the report and that th~ positions for the administrative functions need to be reduced by one. He said that he is in agreement with the rest of the report and that his department will need 940 sq. aOOK 051 PACE 479 Page 15 ~ ðOO~ 061 PACE 480 May 0, 1981 ft. at the end of five yearß with the nddition of one person :,ther than the 74l sq. ft. presently available.. He said that he considers the administrativc functions to be stable over, the ncxt five, ten, and fifteen years, with the exception of the one additional pet',~n and noted that any other personnel will probably be housed at proposed community parks and be dircctly related to those pðrks. There was a brief discussion regarding the work of the Parks and Recreation ~d IIoc Committee and Mr. Rice pointed out that the committee will be making a presentation to the BCC regarding additional parks in Collier County and methods for funding them. He also reported that surveys regarding proposed parks have been sent out to the populous of Collier County and that they have been filled out and sent back for tabulation. He said that the results, thus far, indicate that the people of Collier recognize the need for additional parks and are willjng to pay for them. Commissioner Brown stated that he recognizes the need for additional parks and that his concern lies in how to pay for them. After a general discussion regarding parks in Collier County, Mr. McNeel asked for cJarification on the report re administration space needs for Parks and Recreation and Mr. Rice said that the park super- intendent/secretary and the cl~rk/typist position should be dropped. There was ù discussion of a four day work week and the subsequent fuel savings as is being tried out in Lee County, and upon conclusion of this dis~ussion Commissioner pistor noted that he could see nowhere to make any cuts in the projected space needs for this department, and that it was the consensus of the Board that they are minimal. Page 16 ", . , ~ í 1 May B, 1901 VETERANS SERVICES County Manager Norman referred the mcmbers of the Board to page 3 of today's agenda package and called upon Mr. Tom Kehoe, Veterans' Services Officer, to discuss the space needs of the Vet~,ans' Services Office at the complex. Mr. Kehoe stated that his main concern is a private interview room. He explained that his clients require services that are of a private nature and that they are interviewed regarding highly confi- dential matters by himself or his secretary before being processed. At the present time, said Mr. Kehoe, therc is no room that offers enough privacy and he is recommending that this be considered. He said that at times when the office is crowded, and there are people waiting to be interviewed, these discussions must be conducted in the presence of others. Mr. Kehoe said that he presently has 280 sq. ft. allotted for use by his office and that he projects that in 5 years he will need 440 sq. ft. After a brief discussion Mr. McNeel suggested that perhaps the problems of privacy could be solved by treating the reception arca in a manner similar to that of a doctor'~ ~~fice. He suggested partitioning off a portion of the reception area, which is the worKing area for the secretary, and have a sliding glass partition which can be closed for privacy and still allow the secretary to be aware of what is going on in the front part of the room. ~lether this idea would worK and how it would affect the size of the working area for the secretary was dis- cussed briefly. Page 17 ~OOK 061 PACE 481 , 061 r~t48~ ~QQ~ May 8, 1981 . . . Commissioner Brown replaced by Deputy * left the room ~nd Deputy Clerk Davidson was Clerk Brenneman at this time 4:00 P.M. . . Mr. Kehoe commented on the proposed budget cuts at the Federal level, estimated to be ovcr $8,000,000 and the reduction in Veteran's Affairs offices from the present 50 to 3 throughout the united States, and observed that it is unknown upon whom the additional responsibility will fall. He responded affirmatively to Chairman pistor's query that the operation is expected to require four employees over the next fifteen years to take care of the increased demand on the service. Mr. McNeel suggested that the suggestion made by Polizzi/Heery - i.e. to maintain one interview room with four clerical personnel would be the best approach to follow. PRESENTATION OF "A PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER FACILITIES EXPANSION PROGRAM" BY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE MOORINGS PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION AD HOC COMMITTEE pursuant to Chairman pistor's suggestion at the meeting of May 5, 1981 pertaining to the submittal in writing of comments that concern the County Govcrnment Center Facilities Expansion Program, Mr. James F. Finn, Ad-hoc Representative of the Moorings Property Owners ~ssociation was invited to present a written statement in this regard dated May 7, 1981. The statement, as read, in part, by Hr. Finn, covered such aspects as the State mandatory requirements and/or guidelinas relative to space, proposals for r~placing Space Type 1 Assignments with Space Type 2 Assignments, allocations and ~ize of conference rooms, and the like. The Commissioners were commended in the subject statement for their acceptance of smaller office areas, more commensurate with their Page 18 r-1 ~ -- May 8, 1981 present space allocation, than the standards set by the State for elected officials. Mr. Finn's presentation also offered suggestions for better utilization of Courtroom facilities, expanding night and daytime court dockets in order to reduce the number of prisoners detained in the holding facility, along with the establishment of an ad-hoc committee of key attorneys to find appropriate methods to reduce the large number of cases that are constantly delaycd by numerous legal devices and which results in log-jamming the court scheduling. The presentation by Mr. Finn was concluded with the hope that there be many positive steps taken to develop a catalyst of cooperation between, for example, the Collier County Schools and the County in the use of maintenance facilities, and the like, and exprcssing the opinion that his committee can best serve in helping, when possible, to change mandatory State laws and providing, when appropriate, an endorsement of the County planning and building program. GENERAL DISCUSSION Mr. Norman provided the Board with an update on the negotiations with the nrchitect, observing that there are two firms working to- gether, one of which has expertise in criminal justice facilities and will be able to better define what is needed in the way of planning for the number and type of jail cells. He said that he is planning to propose a letter of intent, a kind of mini-contract, to cover the firm's involvement in the jail cell plarning effort, pointing out that there would be no increase in the co~t for the architect's services but that it would come prior to the negotiation for the full contract. &OOX 061 PACE '483 pag e 19 , BOOK 061 PACE 464 MilY' 0, 1981 Chilirman pistor reported that the Sheriff, hopefully, will be. able to come back to the Board with some modifications for the jail facility which will be helpful. In commenting on the mattcr of a cooperative relationship between the County's operations and that of the School Board, the Ch~irmðn said that it has, in the past, been difficult to acco~plish since, in the State of Florida, the School Board is a separate entity, reporting to Tallahassee. He expressed the opinion that, perhaps, the ad hoc committee, represented by Mr. Finn, could attempt to convince the appropriate persons of the desirability for cooperation in such areas as a common maintenance department for equipment, and the like. There was a brief discussion concerning the possible expansion of the existing buildings, with Mr. Norman stating that all alternatives will be examined carefully as part of the effort and that, as soon as the architect is "on board", that will be one of his activities. ADJOURNMENT In response tq Mr. Norman's statement that another half-day would be necessary to complete the initial round o€ discussions, in addition to the session scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, May 12th, it was the consensuS of the Board that a Workshop Session be scheduled for Friday morning, May 15th, following which the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 4:25 P.M. pag e 20 . '. ", .'