Agenda 04/26/2011 Item # 5A 4/26/20111tem5.A. ("\ EXECUTIVE s~:V RecoDlDlenilaUon .<.9 .~n~ Jean Jourdan, ProJeciMan..-,Bayshore. GatewaY"'''""e Commullity Rec:levelopIP.entAgency,.~ t"e~mployeeoHbe M()pQl forMarcb 2011. r'\ OBJECTIVE: To recog~jzeJeat'\Jourdan, Project Mar".r,as the EmplQy.eeof the Month for March 2011. .' CONS$ERATlQNS:Jean Jourdan, Project Manager, has~nI'lOOlin.tE!d asfhe"Employee of the Month" for March 2011. .Jeanstarted with the Collier Coynty PropeartyAppraiser's Office in 1985.. to 1997 $hetrsn~ferrec:l to County Manager's Agency and~s.~with.thea.yshore Gateway Triangle. CRA~rlce 2006. . As a..' project. .ManagE!i", Jean's. resporlsibilities ...JnctYde.. acquiring.. . blighted ..i)rQpet1if!sfor redevelopment andcraftif\g grsl'\t . programs . that help to improve. properties InthE!'. ~ boundaries. Th1sP8st J~uary.she had three majorproj~su~s$fUUy cometoal:C?ncl~sion. Jean worked tiretesslytt) completely revise the CRA'stwo Land .D$ve1opmemCode. Overlays. She worked With staff and gather'edl)lJbli~inputtoensure the codewasr.ritten in a 'Way that' ena~ growth that the community supports.iShe was also in chargeof~rdin!'fl9tbe BaYshore Festival of the Arts $\(ent.lnconjunetion.with the Bayshore CUltl.lr~landP~~ Arts Center, she handled every aspect of the event,.irlcIUQing the dt,tlies>ofQver1 00 volunteers. The f~ival waS a great success that helped the a,.. cekit>rate its cultural diver~ty;Finally, she .Was . responsible for .the' devetopment..of. plaO$ .toimprovearoadtl'latlackedsi_W~~J peq.estripn fighting. bicycle paths and laooscaping.Theseplanswere ~ittedand\NiUre~YIt in a roadJhat is~eand pleasurabieforthe community. She co.~aU three of these projects on timeanc:tuncier budget.' Jean goes above an~.' bey.ond.toservenerlocal.comm4nity. by helping them imprC)veand~y' theirneighbomoods. Sbf!istruly deserving of this award. FISC~ IMPACT:. The selected "Emplqyee of the Month" receives. a$t50.00cash . awal'd. Funttsare available in the employe,e's ..8udget (;ost Center. ,~ GROW'I'JI ~A~~NT IMPACT: There is no growthman~ement impact as~~*dwith this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDATION: That the faoardof(;ounty (;omrnissioners.~C)yes the recognition of Jt:!an Jourdan as ~mployee oUheMonth" for Marcf12011. Prepared By:. Brittney Mahon, Humanaesources.An~lyst,Depautment of HYllliln Resoyn:;es f'.., Packet Page -23- 4/2612011' ttem 5A. f". eOLLIERCO'ONTY Boardof~u.nty (:ommi~~ers Item Number: 5.A. Item Summary: Recoml1lendatiollto recognizeJean Jqurdall,ProjeetManilger,8ayshore Gateway TriangteCom~ttnity Redeveloprnen~ Agency, as. ttleiErnploye~of the Monthfor March 2011. Meeting Date: 4/26/2011 Prepared By Name: MahonBrittney Title: Human Resources Analyst, Human Resources . 417/2011 9:04:03 AM Submitted by f'.., . Title: lluman Resources AnEi,lyst, Human Resources Natne: MahOnl\rittney 417/20l19:04:04 AM . \ Approved By Natne: SmitbKristen. . Title: Administrative Secretary ,Risk Management Date: 417/2011 10:24:00AM Natne: LybergAmy Title: Director.. HUlll8P Resources,Hulllan}tesources Date: 4/812011 3:25:17 PM Name: PriceLen Title: A4ministrator- Adtl1~strativeSentices. Date: 4/12/2011 8:21:58 PM r'\ Name: I<latzkowJeff Title: County A1i<)rney, Date: 4/15/2011 1l:13:02AM Packet Page -24., ~, 4/26/2011Jtem 5:A. r-'\ Name: StanleyTherese Title: ManagementI.Budget Analyst, Senior, Office of Management & Budget Date: 4/15/20111:23:llPM f"., f'.., Name: SheffieldMichael Title: Manager-Business Operations, CMO Date: 4/15/2011 3:42:25 PM Packet Page -25-