Agenda 04/26/2011 Item # 4A 4/26J2011iiltem 4.A. PRO CL A M A i'ION o WHEREAS,Par/dnstJfJ's/:)ise4Sil;S tl. progressive.MlltYJltJgi&t1I~ent di~i".the centrtJlnerYQIJS .system, which htls tl~~.(J/l etlchptJtiMt:(J~ \ WHEREAS, symptlft, includeskJwness, trtJmor,diffiaJ/ty, . with baltlllCe .~.SfJt*h, rigidity, cognitive)tl1Id memory problems, tIS _"tl.s.ntIlI-mfJtDr sytIJp~. and, WHEREAS, occDf'ding tfJt/fePrii/lsQn's ActionNtl1'WJ/rk, Nt1.titJIIIIl Ptlrkill$Pl1's~otion, Por!dfl$tJlJ'sDiseo_FtJU1tdotioll, the ~(J/)~'st>i_oSCA$~otion, .tlnd the. NtltiD/.ltll . Institutes .ofl*tllth, . there tlIW'llJ1II1!f>>dm~tely ...1. 5. . million pepP/!l in the .l.Inited. $t.otes that. ore d~-'wJ"'f'or/f!n$(N'J's,.aIX/,i WHEREAS, incretl.scd $/lICtltitJII.. and./WscQrCh .0Ptl. ",d.ttJ ilNllp fiMllllOlVlefflldive treatments with less side effects < .oM u/#tn.qtely a .cure for. ~.'s t>iseo",:ond, . WHEREAS, 0 mtJJtidaaplinary oPfJl"<<lchtD. ParkinstJII's. /Ji$tItl$ePt1.1'ilnt co/WinclJJdes IDeal Wellne$$,'Support and Care..PartIIer ~,. ..tII'Itt f'.., WHEREAS, ~~y is no ~re..f()f' Park;II$IJII'sI>i~__,. tlI'Id, WHEREAS, Apt'il has been proekIimedWtrldwit:/e>/tIrklltSP/l's .l>i#4se AwtII'WIII#:4ft1ntb fDr all 'I'D recogni_ the ~d ftJri..'treseorch. 41Jd ibtllp de4ling with the deWlstoti1l.9' effects of ParkillSDll's.di~. NOW TH8REFORE,beitprocltliJnedbytheBoardof~ CiJlnmiss_rsof iCdlitlr CtJUnfy"F/ot!kItl,. that April, 20J J ~.igRtlMd tlS WORL/)WI!>E PARUN$ON'S t>IsEASE AWARENEss MONTH J l>ONE ANt>ORl>ERE/) T1/I$16fh .l>t1y. ofApri1,20JJ. 8OARt> 0{; COlINTYCOMMISSIlINERS COLLIER COlIN'rY,/fLORrDA i FREt> COYLE,CHAZ~ f'.., A TTESr: DWPJH'T'~ BROCK,.~LERK . Packet p~ge ~9.. f". f'.., f'.., 4/26/201 tltem4.A. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commi$SiOflers Item Number: 4.A. Item Summary: Proclamation designating April asparkinson"s Disease Awareness NlJ:>nth in Collier County. To be accepted by Michael and Gretchen Church. Spon~ored by Commissioner .Fiala. Meeting Date: 4/26/2011 Prepared By Approved By Name: SheffieldMichael Title: Manager-ausiness Operations, CMO Date: 4/19/201110:15:49 AM Packet Page -10-