BCC Minutes 05/14/1981 S Naples, FlorirJi'I, MilY 1.1,19(\1 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, th~t the BOi'lrd of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and olso i'lcting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts ~s hnve been crcated according to 1ûw and hilving conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 P.M. in Conference Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members prcsent: Cll^IRM^N: John ^. pistor Mary-Frilnces Kruse Di'lvid C. Brown ^BSF.NT: c. n. "nuss" Wimer Clifford Henzel ^LSO PRF:SENT: Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer ¡ C. William Norman, County Mannger¡ Neil Dorrill, ^dministrative ^ssistant¡ Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk} and, various County Department ^dministrators and Directors. ^GEND^ 1. Workshop Discussions with Soard of County Commissioners re Government Center Space ^llocations, as follows: 1::1 0 P.M. ?:30 P.M. 3:()O P.M. 3:15 P.M. 3: JO P.M. 3: 115 P.M. ^ñministrative Services Division and De Pi) r tmen ts Health Department ^g r i c u 1 t u r c Public Defender Museum Cafeteria paC] 0 1 BOOK OBi PACE 57S " __"~·.",.'o"",,,<>".,.,~~.<- ,.., BOO~ 061 rAGE 574 ,.1 a y 1 t1, 1981 SPACE NEEDS ALLOCATIONS AND/OR PROJECTIONS - ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Assistant County Manager Edward Smith explained that the Administrative Services Division includes Building ~aintenance, Personnel, purch.-lsing, ~'orc1-processinC) and Motor Pool Departments together with the Risk Mnnagement and nudgetinC) Offices, addrcssing the projectcd needs for each dcpartmcnt separately, by means of a chart for clarity, as follows: BuildinC) Maintcnance Mr. Smith said that therc ~re only minor chan~cs betwccn the recommendations of Polizzi/lleery and thc st¡¡ff, one of which is an addition~l Inn square feet to provide for securc storage space for fire extinC]uishers ~nd rclated chemicals, incrcasing the rccommcn(1erl 7.,nOO fcet to 7.,l()n f('ct. nc pointed out that the maintenance shop is located in space which was not originally desiC)ncd for the purpose and is congested and crowdcd, leaving virtually no suitable space for storage of tools, and the like. The idea of relocating the maintcnancc shop to a remote part of the County Complex In a pre-engineered steel building wùs sug- gested by Mr. Smith as onc possible solution, adding that such building could be constructed at minimal cost and meet the needs admirably. County Man~C)cr Norman added the further idea of a possible combination of facilitics with the Purchasing Department, both of which "')ulrl lend thcmselve to a ccntr,,1 kind of facility becausc of the need for warehousing space, inventory control, and the like. A further differcnce noted betwecn the consult~nts' recommenda- tions and that of the staff is for an additional 5()() square feet for storage - 100 squé1re feet for each of the separate trac1es. Mr. Smith said that this would he minimum but adequate if a ccntral storage is uscd to stockpile materials acquired for future usc and not currently ncedcd, observing that thc recommendation is for the five-ycar planning pcriod and is carricd over to the tcn-ycar planning. Mr. Smith also commcntcd on the additional problem of the small area for the two-person administrative staff presently working in a la' x 10' space which also includes filcs, desks, and thc like, sugr¡esting thé\t this hampers (!fficicncy. 'rhc dcpartment work-orders have increased by approximately ()7% ovcr the past pag e ? p"-"-~ , I . .-,--) [ ':,., --'-¡ Mil Y l.." 1981 thrce yenrs, he continucd, since l' addition~l buildings have been added for maintcnancc during that period. Pcrsonncl OCpilrtMcnt Mr. Smith rcviewed briefly thc ndditionill workJond of this depilrtmcnt due to thc npproximate )7% incrensc in thc County work forces ovcr the past scvcrill years, and the ~o~ incrc~se in insurancc-related activities. l1e said that therc is no change from thc consultants' recommcndation in thc fivc-ycar plAn but an additional l?O Rquare fcct is recommcnded for thc ten-year period duc to the projccted nced for anothcr cmployee serving as a Personncl SpeciÐlist. ChÐirman Pistor commentcd that, unfortun- ately, such projection is reasonable. During the discun~lon pertaining to trninin9 nnò employee-testing activities, with rersonnel Director ^nnc 110r<J rrovidin<J input, t.he .matter of conference rOOMS, a subject which has surfaced through- out the discussions on spncc nceds, was again deliberated upon. ~'r. SMith said thilt special attcntion should bp. qiven to these areAS and that, wherevcr possible, shnring such spAce with other departments should be encouraqed. PurchAsing Depnrtment There hAs becn a larC)e growth in the numbcr of purchÐse ordcrs, the increase <JmountinC) to nlmost 1"0');, s,dd Mr. Smith, and it is anticipated thÐt the dep<Jrtment will be nssuming even more ccn- tralized buying functions in thc future. He pointed out the dif- ferences between the Cons111ti'Jnts' i1nticipated space needs ùnd that of the stnff - +PO squùre feet for an <Jdditional buyer; +~? squarc fcct in the secretarial/clcrical arca; +50 squarc feet [or a con- fcrcnce room to be used for bid-openings, pre-hid confcrenccs, etc. Chairman Pistor pointed out that even thouC)h the additional projcc~cd rcqlJirements are modest they must bc "chopped down" whercv~r possible. Mr. Norm<Jn voiced support for the Chairman's comments but explained thi'lt eùch department, sepë1ratcly from the other dcpartments, wanted the need for conference room spacc, and thc likc, recoC)nized; however, in the finill pliln, adjustmcnts can be made. Chairmiln Pistor mAde the obscrvntion that the Com- mission wlll be subject to criticism, pcrhaps from the lid Hoc Committec \v'hich is bC::/1<J estahlished, if cach departmcnt's spnce needs inclu(1e a conference room. l1e expressed Ð preference for showing just one such area. The matter of the largc projected incrca5c in the Central Stores operation was brought up for discussion with Mr. Smith explaining what is beinC) plnr.nf'd for the future for this operation such as qUi'lntity purchasing Ðnd storing of tircs, as onc eXi'lmple, better control ovcr inventory, nnd other nctivities. Commissioner Kruse, refcrring to the ~,'on s~uare fcet of addition<11 space being Page 3 BOOI: 061 rACE 575 ~ _&_..--"--.",,, ",~<-"._~......-._...,-,. '.",,, BCOK 061 rA~E 576 Mi1Y 1", 19A1 recommended, questioned whether or not, when considerin~ the cost of providing the spi1ce, if "we nrc headed in the wron~ direction" in savin~ pcnnies hut spcnùin~ a fortune for a stori1C)o nrea. loJorc1 procQssin51 Mr. Smith cxplained that there is one chan~e betwecn the Polizzi/ Hcery recommendation nnd that or thC' dep,'rtmcnt hCi1d - th~t bcing the desirahility of addin~ an additionnl typist in the next ten yei1rs which will require an additionDl Ilt1 square feet. Mr. Norman reported briefly on the rccent study made hy Dr. Thomas, Word processinC) Consultant, which, in part, recommends the con- tinuance of the small Word rrocessin~ Centcr to take care of all departments which will not henefit from c1e-centrnlized operation5 - those dcpartmC'nts, or combinntions of departments, using word processing equipment in their immediate areas - which will reduce the need for mnjor expnnsion of the Word Processing Center. Chairman pistor questioned whethcr such equipment might require more spacc \-/ith riscDl Officer Harold lIall pointing out that, in one of his dcpDrtments, thc Dcquisition of such equipment has reduced the rcquircd space by 30 squarc feet õnd Dlso eliminated û position and n person. Motor Pool Mr. Smith si1id that the Motor Pool is administcred by the Pur- chi1sing Oirector and is currently mõintaininC) i1bout ?.1n pieces of equipmcnt in i1 spDce th"t consists of four service bñys. l1e ey.- plaincd thi1t thcre ñrc differences in thc numhcrs for thc vehicle service aren hcc~use, nt the time thc Consulnnts made their study or the operation, the County wùs not in the F.mergency Medical Services business. This hi1s placed a renl s0rvice need on the Motor Pool Depnrtment which must now maintnin ten ambulances. It. is being recommended hy the Supcrintendent nnd the purchñsing Director thnt, within five years, there should he plans for i1nOLher two hnys, an additionnl hay in ten yei1rs, for a total of seven, which is thrcc more thi1n there are now. A furthcr recommend,1tion, said Mr. SmiL.1, is for nn incrcasc in thc size of those arei1S from ~on squarc feet to r,nn sqUi1re feet. Chi1irman pistor recnlled thi1t there hns becn some thou~ht to hi1ving the servicing of vehicles done on the promises hy a commercial vcndor. Mr. Norman si1id thnt his staff is in thc final stnges of prepi1ring i1 rcport and recommendi1tion to the ßoard reli1tive to ti1kinC) bids for the' m8inten~ncc of the County's vohicle5. Risk Manë1gcment It Wi1S notcd by Mr. Smith thAt this depi1rtmcnt is under the Clerk of Courts' space allocation budget hut WAS included in the Admin- istrntivc Services for pre5entation. lIe silirJ thAt the sp<'1çe nl- location ia i1S rccommended hy the Conau1tant without change. Pi1g C ., ., ..-.--... , c=J ~ - May ll!, ]1)P.l Mr. Hilll explained that a recommendation will be forthcoming in thc future that Risk Mana~crnent bccome a part of thc Administra- tive Services opcration. In furthcrance of Mr. Smith's commcnt that an additional employee is anticipatcd to be neede~ in the next five years, Mr. Hall pointed out that as thc volumc of claims increancs the work becomes more voluminous and also men- tioned thc greater-than-anticipate" saving;, which have bccn affccte~ since the establi~hment of self-insurance in the area of v.'orkmans Compenséltion, and thc likc. 1Ic also said that, in the not too distant future, a proposal for requesting bids on sclf- insurancc for automohiles will be made for Board approval. Rut, continued "'r. lIall, therc is no need to provi(Je for ûc1ditionéll space unless it can be detcrmined that it will pay for itself. Management and Budget Mr. Norman said that for the timc being thc Management Analyst position is shown in the Manager's office and the Budget position in the Clerk's office; however, within the next five years, it is believed that the two functions shoulò be combined re<)ardless of \"hich office is design,1t.ec1. ~'r. 1Iall prNlictNl that \·lÍthin the next scven or cight years thc space needs being shown w\ll bc in- sufficient, regardless of which office i" involved, hecause, in his opinion, the Commissioners will he wanting an operation re- quiring more spacc. Addressin<) the Chairman's commcnt that, if thcre is a Management Analyst, a Budget Officer, and a Budget Analyst, more than one sccretary will be necc1öd, Mr. Norman sai~ that was is hcing recommcnded i~ what is felt to be a "bare bones, lowest reasonable levcl of activity. Mr. Norman said that all the proposal adds is a Budget Officer since there is currently a Budget Analyst and thc Management Analyst position, hopcfully, will be filled soon, pointing out that Mr. Hall is currcntly wearin~ the "Budget Officer's hat". Mr. Norman explained further that thcre will he additional secrctarial hack-up help available in eithcr of the two offices men t i 0 rl e d . AcJmini~trative Services - ^~ministration CommentinC) on the modest increase in space need projections over that of polizzi/llcery, ~1r. Smith explained that the addition is to provide a small work spac0 for the possiblc futurc cngaC)cmcnt of an Administrative Intern 'rom one of the universities' graduate programs, who usually work for a small stipend. Chairman pi~tor, noticing the projection in ten years of an additional switchboard operator, inquircd if therc are ð great number of calls coming into the Complex through that source. Mr. Norman said that what' he has in mind is to consolirlate a central reception location with the switchhoarrl which would, of neccssity, rcquire two persons in order to kecp thc arca manned at all timcs. rag c 5 BOOK 061 rAGE 577 \ ~CG(' 061 H\~E 578 MDY 1<1, 19AI ***** HECESS: 2:55 P.M. until 3:0~ P.M.***** SPl\CF: NEEDS l\LLOC!\TTOW, AND/OR PHO,1P.CTTOI--'S - IIP.l\LTH Dp.Pl\nTMp.N'I' Dr. William Cox, IIcalth Director, prefacerJ his comments on space neecls by emphasizing the importilnce of the st>rviccs providcd by the Health Department in terms of rcprescntinC) the County ûnd the Commis- sioners. Hc said that arJequate space is one of the essential items in allowing the Department to provine thc public with goon, rapid service. Dr. Cox pointed out that the fi0ure of s,lnn square feet shown as being the existing space no...' bcing used by the Dep.'lrtmcnt is not correct. lie said that thDt figure represents only the building being used at the prcsent which represents only about two-thirds of their operation - the total operation occupying R,5sn squilre feet which should be the logical figure from which to base what will be ncenerl in five years. Space Consultant william McNeel explained that the reason for showing the existing net square footage is for comparison to show thc magnitude of actual neecJ for permanent housin0. Thcrc W¡¡S a brief discussion rela- tive to the trailer space being used, ilnrJ the like, with Mr. Norman stating that coe next rcport will incorporilte the trililer space bcing used. Or. Cox's nced for an auditorium which could be sub-divided into smnller rooms for the purpose of holrling vùrious educational classes, and the like, was discussed with Dr. Cox expressing the opinion that the plan developed by the Consultants is entirely inadequate for his purposes. Ilowever, after i't was pointed out th;,t there fire ðllowðnccs PùCJ e (; , /1 Mé1Y 1-1, 1911] for confercnce rooms in cach of four cé1tegories totaling 1,050 squé1rc fcet, Or. Cox withdrew his objections with thc commcnt thé1t thc spðcés would be adequùte. Dr. Cox sai~ that therc ore other items which, although minor in nature, if altered, would make the plan even more satisfactory to him, among them the need for é1 specific é1rea for the ph,'rm"cist, é1n Ml(lcd 50 square feet of area for a darkroom for the devclopment of X-rays, an EKG room hetween examining rooms, rest rooms for staff an~ patients, and a shower room for the nurses. SPACE NEEDS PROJECTIONS A~n/OR ALLOCATIONS - AGRICULTURE DEPARTMF:NT Acting County Ì',griculture Cxlcr.:::ion !>,gent Paul !l<1mm reported thé1t, after reviewing the Consultants' spé1ce projections for his Department, hc does no t having ònything to add; however, he asked fo r a clòrifi- cation with regòrd to rcstroom fòcilities since there werc none shown on the plé1n. Mr. McNeel s¡d d that these arc provided ilccording to "head count~ with Mr. Norman pointing out that the term "net square footage" does not includc corridors, rcstrooms, and thc like. In respons~ to Commissioner Kruse's question regarding the sharing of a conference room wi th other c1epnrtments, Mr. I!,'mm expressed the opinion th~t thiJ would be no problem but stated that thcre is i'I nced for a large room at certain timcs. The suggcstion was made that, perhaps, public school cl"ssrooms could be used, evcn though therc ~/ould he a rental fcc, with Mr. Norman obscrving that thc Golden Gatc Community Center is anothcr possibility for space in which to conduct thc popular Agriculture cour3es given by the Department. Chairman Pistor said th~t BOOK 061 PACE579 PM) e 7 , """"'....,----"-- B08~ 061 fACE 580 Ma y 1t1, 1981 the sugC)estion was worth pursuing; however, he said that there is a largc rcntal fen for the school auditoriums. SP^CF. N¡:;EDS ALLOCl\TIONS ^ND/On PRO.H:CTIONS - PUBLIC Dp.Fp.ND8n Mr. Robert lIines, representing the Public Defcncler's office, said that the projected sp~ce allocation basically rcflects the needs of the 'Public Dcfender. Chðirman Pistor inquircd if there will be a neeò for l~ attorneys estimated in the 15-yeðr plòn, noting that there has just been a vote not to let thc people in jòil sue the counties. Mr. Hir,:,s said that, at prescnt, they are not representing anyone in civil litiC)ation involving the jail, sugC)csting that, in his opinion, thc guidelines [or persons qualifying for the Public Dcfcndcr's scrviccs are too broad. The C¡lIil1ifications werc hricfly discusscd during which it was pointed out by r~r. lIines that they are b.Jscd on incomc along with many other factors. The matter of a County hðving to comply with State Statutes [or provision of space in the cvent there is more than one office involved was questioned with ~r. McNeel responding that, wherever facilities are provided, they must follow the State rec¡uiremcnts; however, he said that both thc Public Defender and the State ^ttorney are able to livc \~ith less than what they could demand undcr the St,1tlltes which is consirlernhly more thðn \~hat is projcctcd in thc plðn. Other aspects of the plan were mentioncd, such as the sec~etarial need, confcrence rooms, and :ibrary facilities, with Mr. !lincs expressing his satisfaction with the space plan. Mr. Norman said that he is unaware of whe~her thc statutory mandatc pcrtaining to large offices hils becn tested or not. He said rag e A \ ---' ~ c:J "'~;.~"""".,.> ...,,-"',.""",_....'.__... May 1", 19A1 that it might be something the County Attorney could be rcquestcd to address. SPACE NF:EDS ALLOCATIONS AND/OR PROJECTIONS - MUSF:IJM Museum Director Mary Manion said that the Consultants have used the same lllyout ,1S she and, therefore, she is in c'greement with the projection. She cmphasized the nced for additional room and thc possibility of enlarging thc existing building was discussed during which ChAirman ristor voiced the Commissioners' concerns at the time the establishment of the Museum was dcliberated upon which dealt with such aspects as the future maintenance costs, and the like, following its construction. Mr. Norman said that the Board's policy relating to the future of thc Museum is something that will need to be addressed and dealt with as part of thc Master Plan. He mentioned thnt perhaps it could be made a part of the proposcd Cultural Center in the Lely area. When asked if the HistoricAl Society has been approachcc1 for additional funding for expansion and storaC)c facilities, Ms. Manion explained that their focus is now 0n other projects. The discussion was concluded with Chairman Pistor stating that the matter will have to be addressed during the budget hcarings at which time h~ expressed thc desire to have a representative from thc Society present for thc discussions and with Ms. Manion commenting that she ....ould like to work with the ISI reprcscntative in order to pursue the availahility of funds for the Museum. BOO~ 061 PAGE 581' Page C) t ~GO~ o 61 ~AGE 58Z M" Y 11\, 1 90 1 SPACE NP.EDS ALLOC~TIONS AND/OR PROJECTIONS - C~Pr.Tf.RI~ Commissioncr Krusc point cd out thôt at the time she suggcsted thc possibility of a cafetcriô it was hcr intent that perhaps, if the currcnt jail facilities wnr~ abDndoned, the spnce could be useñ for Ð cafeteria. The cnsuinC) discussion covered such matters as whether or not the spacc would he adequatc, whether or not such purpose would be the optimum use for such prime SpDCC, the possibility of comhining a cafetcria usagc with thc needed auditorium spacc would he feasihle, the operation of the cafeteria, whcthcr or not it would he used in sufficicnt numbers to justify its estôblishment, and other fôctors. The discussion was concludeñ with Mr. ~cNeel's suggestion that the matter be one of the itcms to be taken up by the Citizcns' Ad lIoc Committce being estDblished. 1< 1< 1< 1< The meeting was ôdjourned at t1:?5 P.M. by oròer of thc Chair. Pilgc 10 --1 l.--] '-~ .