Agenda 04/12/2011 Item #16D6
4/12/2011 Item 16.0.6.
Recommendation to approve the electronic submittal of attached Senior Corps Retired and
Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) application for grant renewal to the Corporation for
National and Community Service, for the continuation of the Collier County sponsored
RSVP program, and if awarded, will provide grant funds in the amount of $68,152.
OBJECTIVE: To continue the Collier County-sponsored (Executive Sponsor, Housing,
Human and Veteran Services Department) RSVP program, and if awarded, will provide grant
funds in the amount of$68,152.
CONSIDERATIONS: Sponsored since 1990 by Collier County, RSVP places seniors in almost
70 non-profit organizations and County Agencies for community service. In 1010, almost 600
RSVP volunteers contributed more than 70,000 hours of service to County residents, a computed
savings to the County at large in excess of $1 ,300,000. Approval of the grant funding will allow
this award-winning program (RSVP has been awarded the J.e. Penny Golden Rule Award,
Partners in Education Award, Collier County Education Foundation Award) to continue its
service to Collier residents, many of whom are the most vulnerable members of our community.
If approved, grant funds would be available for drawdown beginning September 30, 1011
through September 29, 1012 which is the third year of our three year grant period. Acceptance
of awarded grant funds will be brought before the Board of County Commissioners for approval.
FISCAL IMPACT: The maximum grant request permitted is $68.152. The total project cost is
expected to be $97,360. The Housing and Human Services Department will be requesting
$68,152 in grant funds and $19.108 is required from General fund as the loealmatch. The loca]
mateh will be requested during the FY 10] 1 budget process. If awarded, a budget amendment
will be processed at the time the Board of County Commissioners eonsidcrs acceptance of the
grant award.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated
with this Executive Summary.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This itcm has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office
and is legally sufficient for Board action. This itcm requires a majority vote. - mw
RECOMMENDA nON: Rccommendation to approve and authorization to the Housing,
Human and Veteran Services Director to electronically submit the attached Senior Corps Retired
and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) application for renewal, to the Corporation for National
and Community Service, for the continuation of the Collier County sponsored RSVP program,
that, if awarded, will p]'()vide grant flmds in the amount of $68,152.
PREPARED BY: Stevc Smith, Project Director, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
(RSVP), Housing and Human Services Departmcnt
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4/12/2011 Item 16.0.6.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number:
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the electronic submittal of attached Senior
Corps Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) application for grant renewal to the
Corporation for National and Community Service, for the continuation of the Collier County
sponsored RSVP program, and if awarded, will provide grant funds in the amount of $68,152.
Meeting Date: 4/12/2011
Prepared By
Name: KrumbineMarcy
Title: Director - Housing & Human Services, Housing, Human & Veteran Services
3/23/2011 10:51 :34 AM
Submitted by
Title: Director - Housing & Human Scrvices,Housing, Human & Veteran Services
Name: KrumbineMarcy
3/23/2011 10:51:35 AM
Approved By
Name: AckermanMaria
Date: 3/23/201] 11 :26: 12 AM
Name: AlonsoHailey
Title: Administrative AssistantDomestic Animal Serviccs
Date: 3/25/2011 1 :57:05 PM
Name: AlonsoHailey
Title: Administrative Assistant,Domestic Animal Serviccs
Dale: 3/29/20 II 9:42:34 AM
Name: Joshua Thomas
Title: Grants Support Spceialist,
Date: 3/29/2011 9:48:42 AM
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Name: RamseyMarla
Title: Administrator, Public Services
Date: 3/31/2011 1:51:51 PM
Name: WhiteJennifer
Title: Assistant County Attorney,County Attorney
Date: 3/31/20115:13:05 PM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney,
Date: 4/1/20115:39:51 PM
Name: PryorCheryl
Title: Management! Budget Analyst, Senior,Oflice of Management & Budget
Date: 4/4/20 II 1:53 :56 PM
Name: OchsLeo
Title: County Manager
Date: 4/4/20112:56:10 PM
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4/12/2011 Item 16.0.6.
4/12/2011 Item 16.0.6.
Housing, Human & Veteran Services Department
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Application for Renewal
Grant renewal (year 3 of 3) application to the C0I1JOration for National and
Community Servicefor the continuation of the Collier County-sponsored
(Executive Sponsor, Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department) Retired
and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), that, if awarded, will provide grantfunds
in the amount 0($68, 152.
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Strengthening Communities
Collier County is located on the southern gulf coast of the Florida peninsula, due west of
Miami-Ft. Lauderdale. Collier County contains approximately 2,025.45 square miles ofland
Collier County's 315.839 people are 67% Caucasian. 16% Hispanic or Latino of any race, 6%
Black and 1 % other. Twenty fi\'e percent are 65 or older compared to 17% statewide. While the
County is relatively affluent, a vulnerable segment of the community exists close to the poverty
Local input into program design and evaluation is achieved by maintaining close
communication with stations and community groups, as well as working with our Advisory
Group of representative members of our community. The Advisory Group has been holding
quarterly meetings since August, 1009.
RSVP partners with almost se\'enty non-profits and County agencIes. Partnerships
includc literacy work in schools, assisting hospital patients, shelters and soup kitchens. Other
pm1ners are selected by inter\'iew and determination that their purpose and function arc an
appropriate lit for RSVP volunteer imohement. Included in this category are Project Help and
Collicr County Association for the Blind who assists members with service referrals and
To build RSVP public awareness. the projcct director has made TV appearances
describing the program and encouraging voluntecrs. has spoken at community ser\'ice
organizations and has participated in many senior expos and similar \'enues, discussing the
RSVP program and benefits of volunteering with dozcns and dozens of seniors. RSVP is listed
as both a rcsource and a senior activity in an extensi\'e County-wide tree senior resources guide.
People of di\'crse backgrounds are brought together by reaching out and involving
representati\'c groups and indi\'iduals in meaningful community service programs that cross
cultural and cthnic lines. Wc draw our voluntecrs ti'om the entire community, placing them
according to intcrests and skills. not cultural and ethnic background. so that the common
denominator of our \'oiunteer teams is simply a desire to help others in spccitic areas of ser\'ice.
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Community resources are mobilized by leveraging existing relationships with our many
community partners into reciprocal action. For eXanlple, a food collection organization heavily
staffed by RSVP volunteers was mobilized to provide additional food to support a newly-
established soup kitchen. RSVP is also able to mobilize quickly through our extensive
networking with local organizations such as the Naples Interagency Council, the Collier County
Council on Aging and Volunteer Collier.
RSVP volunteers participate in community activities both by regular assignment and
mobilization for one-time activities. For instance, we have assembled a group of volunteers who
regularly assist organizations with bulk mailings for community benefit. For one-time activities,
RSVP has a "hit list" of volunteers who have agreed to be contacted when there is a specific
special event or County/community need.
We enhance the capacity of organizations and institutions by integrating semor
volunteers with organizational, leadership and office experience into existing and new partners,
enhancing the ability of community service organizations to maximize their volunteer resources.
RSVP is available to assist with volunteer management and planning issues.
RSVP integrates senior service into the activities of other service programs by seeking a
good fit between community need, the processes and culture of the program attempting to meet
the need and the skills, experience and interests of senior volunteers. As an example, County
congregate meal sites provide hot, nutritious meals for low income seniors at four sites. Senior
caregivers and relatives of the clients were recruited and volunteer serving meals, even assisting
with socialization activities.
Recruitment and Development
A great strength of RSVP is in our sense of community, as well as in the community in
which we live and serve. We are an organized network built on relationships between members,
and between members and the community. Often a personal invitation is the impetus for new
members to be recruited into the program, especially if reinforced by respected community
leaders. Through our relationships with community members, we draw individuals into active
RSVP issues, and we in tum are drawn to issues within the community that could benefit from
RSVP involvement. With this in mind, the Project Director integrates recruitment into a daily
way of life. In t past year, he has: done a TV interview and brief special describing Collier
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County RSVP program and calling for volunteers; addressed the Board of County
Commissioners on TV, reviewing the successes of County volunteer programs; made six public
speaking engagements before community organizations describing the benefits of volunteers and
volunteering; and conducted twelve public education programs at senior fairs. and farmers'
markets in a "senior-rich" neighborhood, discussing the RSVP program and the benefits of
volunteering with dozcns and dozcns of intcrestcd scniors. We leverage to
broaden our recruiting reach and attract additional Baby Boomers and seasonal residents.
Building an effective and satisfied corps of volunteers begins before they set foot on the
job, before training, before orientation. It begins with initial discussions with a potential
volunteer, and hopefully, before that, personal interaction of the individual with an acquaintance
who is a happy, fulfilled volunteer and who recommends RSVP to the candidate. When
discussing the RSVP program with potential volunteers or new partners, we help them to clearly
see how their participation fills a unique and meaningful role in the community, as well as the
RSVP program. RSVP's attraction (satisfaction, new skills, networking opportunities, a chance
to make a difference, etc,) becomes obvious during discussion of the program. Whenever
possible, we connect prospective volunteers with seasoned volunteers.
Appreciating and validating the unique contribution of each RSVP member encourages
them to get and stay involved. V oluntecr currency is appreciation, recognition, validation,
affirmation, which we includc in every small daily interaction, as well as in the usual recognition
events, an annual appreciation luncheon and awards. We build it into interview. orientation,
training, and information communiques. Every encounter ends with "Thanks for everything you
do". "Thanks for making a difference". or the like.
RSVP volunteers receive speci1ic training at volunteer stations needed to carry out their
tasks, according to written commitment by thc stations. The project director is available to assist
station personnel with technical assistance regarding repoI1s, surveys, reporting of volunteer
hours and RSVP processes. For those stations with e-mail capability. he has made e-mail time
sheets available so they can gain the etTiciency of repol1ing volunteer hours on line. ''\11
interesting fact is that strong cmpirical evidence indicates that our volunteers already possess the
knowledge and skills for them to perform their volunteer job assignments and are a good match
for thc organization. Our recent station assessment survey of volunteer impact overwhelmingly
confirms this. This, we believe. is a validation of our careful matching of volunteer intercsts,
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skills and abilities with the jobs, focus and culture of the volunteer station. Anecdotal evidence
from our station partners indicates that it is also a happy corollary that many of our volunteers,
especially those with a strong background in science, public safety and customer service, have
much to teach station persoll11el. It is this symbiotic relationship between many stations and
volunteers that brings to mind the RSVP adage that our volunteers provide "the experience of
your lifetime".
Program Management
The project director, with assistance from his Advisory Council, will work with
community organizations and existing stations to identify unmet needs in the community as well
as service organizations that might help to meet those needs as potential volunteer stations.
Working within policies and guidelines approved by the Board of Collier County Commissioners
and the Housing, Human & Veteran Services Department, the project director will plan,
organize, monitor and coordinate, with station staff, the programs and activities related to RSVP
volunteers. Every effort will be made to match the volunteers' skills and experience with the
specific mission requirements of the stations that target specific community needs.
As part of the project assessment process, as well as the process of managing infonnation and
data to improve impacts, station accomplishments through its volunteers will be reviewed
annually against plall11ed activity goals and objectives. Also, an annual assessment of
project/station accomplishments and impact on the community will be conducted involving all
stations. The all11ual assessment will be a survey form, mailed or e-mailed to administrative
persoll11el of all stations, once a year in the spring. The results will be tabulated and included in
the next scheduled Program Performance RepOlt. The survey is designed to inform us if the
RSVP volunteers we provided to the stations had the knowlcdge, skills and work/life experience
needed to perfonn their volunteer service (or learned quickly), and if they were a good match for
the organization. The survey responses will also infonn us il~ in the past 11 months, the station:
a. increased the number of persons served; b. increased the amount (frequency or types) of
services; and c. sustained essential services in the face of decreasing resources. If so (in each
case), we will learn if RSVP volunteers helped: a. none; b. some; or e. a lot. Volunteer activity
and project performance data are monitored and recorded throughout the year in ordcr to (along
with the annual assessment of project station accomplishments) demonstrate the concrete
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impacts of the project and its volunteers. The program's volunteer management software
aggregates and reports both yolunteer and station impact within type of station and service
category. The project director works very closely with the Housing, Human & Veteran Services
(HHVS) Department's accounting technician to develop and continuously monitor an annual
financial budget to ensure accountability and efficient and effective use of available resources.
Physical resources are managed according to a County inventory system and are reconciled
annually to inventory. Using the rcsources of the County Grants' Office. the project director will
explore additional resources to sustain and expand the project.
Organizational Capacity
The Collier County Department of Housing, Human & Veteran Services has a
demonstrated record of managerial and technical expericnce and will provide organizational
resourccs to compliment the RSVP program. Housing, Human & Veteran Services (HHVS)
successfully administers a number of federal and state grants including: Community
Development Block Grant. HOME, Depm1ment of Elderly Affairs, Safe Havcns Visitation
Program, State Housing Initiatiye Partnership and Disaster Recovery Initiative. Under the
direction of Marcy Krumbine, MPA and Accounting Technician, Nancy Mesa. the department
holds over 30 years in grants administration. Housing, Human & Veteran Services (HHVS)
serves Collier County's very low, low and moderate income residents, including the senior
population by providing access to health care, developing volunteer services with retirees,
assisting with affordable homc owncrship and other housing opportunities, maintaining safe and
dccent housing and independent living for seniors. utilizing fcderal and state grants to build safe,
I ivable and healthy communi tics and to mect the local govemment mandates of human services
in Collier County.
The Housing. Human & Veteran Services (HHVS) Accounting Technician performs all
general accounting and fiscal scrvices for the dcpartment and RSVP. The RSVP project director
has 10 years of experience as a business owner in graphic dcsign as well as being a Real Estate
Investor. The RSVP project director has yolunteered throughout his life in the medical arena as a
volunteer ambulance attendant and also is a Ccrtified Nursing Assistant in the State of Florida.
The members of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) are strong proponents of grassroots
community voluntecrism and believe in our mission of making a diiTerence in the lives of our
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County's needy residents. The BCC provides strong administrative, financial and organizational
support for Collier County RSVP, which has a 10-year successful track record for managing
volunteers, engaging seniors and impacting community issues. Collier County Government has
established effective personnel policies and procedures that are incorporated into the operations
and progran1ming of the Housing, Human & Veteran Services (HHVS) and RSVP. Job
descriptions, personnel and budget policies, and procedures are updated regularly through
accepted continuous improvement and risk management business processes. The County
Attorney's Office assists with approval of contractual documents and policies. The Purchasing
Department acts as agent for cost savings in acquiring vendor services and products. The Human
Resources Department ensures our ability to meet high personnel standards which help translate
to premium consumer care. The availability of these resources assures the grantor of consistent
quality and accountability of performance.
Our impact assessment survey conducted with stations had a 20% response rate. 100%
indicated that our volunteers served the public directly; 64% also used them in a support role.
100% responded that volunteers had the knowledge, skills and work/life experience necessary to
perfonn their service, or learned quickly. All agreed that the volunteers were a good match for
their organization. 93% of those who increased number of persons served in the past 12 months
reported that our volunteers helped some or a lot. 64% reported that our volunteers had helped
them increase the frequency or types of services. 100% of stations that werc able to sustain
essential services in the face of decreasing resources reported that our volunteers helped some or
a lot to achieve this. Comments include: "Without them, my organization would not be able to
provide services." "Weare so glad to have the support... we hope to continue for the coming
years." .....always go above and beyond the call of duty..." "...provide valuable services..."
..... volunteers bring all their training and life-lcssons to our students"
Strategic Initiatives
Baby Boomers: These seniors (for RSVP purposes this year, born roughly between 1945 and
1954) are beginning to appear in the eligible volunteer mix. Due to their varied experience and
interests, we are inserting them like leaven into a broad range of volunteer assignments where we
find they are energetic, can-do, make-it-happen volunteers regardless of the venue. In temlS of
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supporting older adults who require assistance to live independently, they have been helpful with
assignments to Collier Harvest, Fire Department's Services for seniors and Meals on Wheels, all
operations that procure unsold but nourishing food from supermarkets and deliver it in the form
of either ready to eat meals or bags of grocery food. One Boomer volunteer, who is a winter
seasonal resident, is using his handyman skills to assist elderly residents with repairs and an
occasional access ramp to facilitate their ability to rcmain in their homes.
Insuring a brighter future for all of America's youth: Children and youth with literacy needs are
an issue for Collier County, considering the large number of Hispanic families for whom English
is a second language, and the number of schoolchildren who do not hear English spoken at home.
RSVP has literacy volunteers in seven elementary schools working year-round with children to
help improve their English to the point that they can be successful in school and hopefully break
the famiiy cycle of school drop-outs which they have inherited.
Disaster relief, recovery and preparedness: RSVP has a volunteer position on the Collier County
Citizens' Corps, an advisory council to the County's Department of Emergency Preparedness.
Council members are kept current on threat issues, report to their organizations and assist in
leveraging their constituencies for rclicf and recovcry clTorts. RSVP has eight volunteers who
are trained C.E.R.T. (Community Emergency Response Team) instructors. They teach classes of
neighborhood volunteers the hasics of Emergency/Disaster response. These neighborhood
volunteers then become the core response teams for their individual communities. The C.E.R.T.
instructors are a\'ailable for follow-up and rc1resher classcs.
Twenty-one trained C.E.R.T. \'olunteers man the RSVP Services for SCl1lor teams. Their
volunteer station is the North Naples Fire District. Thc team has a dual function. They \'isit
seniors in their homes, educate them and help them prepare for potential emergencies and
disasters. They help them form telephone trees for emergency communication and inspect their
homes for potential safety and t1rc hazards. Thc team also identities seniors who are unable to
shop for their own groceries. Tcam members. who have establishcd a rclationship with an area
grocery chain. take a weekly grocery ordcr tj'Oll1 each of their scniors. call it into the grocery
chain. and pick up and deliver the week's supply ofgroce,'ies to each senior every week.
Engaging Senior Corps volunteers with Veterans. Nineteen RSVP volunteer drivers, most of
whom are veterans themselves. statT our Veterans Transportation Program. The drivers transpOlt
veterans to South Florida VA facilities in Bay Pines, FI. Myers, Tampa and Miami. The drivers
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often form personal relationships with their fellow veteran passengers, staying in touch and
providing moral support. The Collier County Veterans Services Department serves as our
volunteer station for the program and provides the three fleet vehicles used to transport the
PNS Amendment (if applicable)
Not Applicable
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Work Plans
Work Plan I. Human Needs: Health, Nutrition
Planned # Stations: 11
Planned # Volunteers 56
Planned # People Served 465
Community Nced:
Collier County. Florida, has a large population of seniors over 65 (25%), many living on a fixed
income. many li\'ing alone. Social service outreach has shown that as seniors become isolated
from human contact there is a tendency to become depressed and sutTer from inadequate
nutrition. Need exists for locations where seniors can find companionship, socialization with
peers, and, in today's economic conditions, a reasonably priced or tree hot meal. Twenty eight
million Americans sutTer from osteoporosis, a crippling, bone-weakening disease that most often
strikes seniors, especially women, who represent 80% of osteoporosis patients. The National
Osteoporosis Foundation rep0l1s that 90% of debilitating hip fractures in seniors are attributable
to osteoporosis, Medical e\'idence rep0l1ed in the Journal of the American Medical Society
shows that strcngth training and balance cxercises can dccrcase the incidence and severity of
Action Plan:
Ser\'ice Acti\'ities:
RSVP voluntecrs will assist Collicr County's Housing and Human Ser\'iccs Nutrition Program
by helping to prepare and serve nutritious. hot meals to needy seniors daiiy. The \'olunteers will
prepare the dining area. greet the people. will assist with preparation. ser\'ing and clean-up.
They will also encourage and assist the seniors to take pan in the social acti\'ities at the
congregate meal center. RSVP \'oluntccrs who arc ccrtilled as trainers for the Osteoporosis
Bone Builders exercise program will provide frce Bone Builder exercise classes to osteoporosis
patients and those who are at risk. Each class will include a full workout with lower and upper
body strength training as well as balance and agility exercises.
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Anticipated Input:
Five volunteers will contribute 212 hours per quarter providing hot, nutritious meals and
socialization assistance for needy seniors at two and possibly three Collier County Housing and
Human Services Department Nutritional Service Program congregate meal sites. The County
Nutritional Program will provide the site, kitchen facilities, food and food safety training for the
Fifty-one Bone Builder volunteers will contribute 470 hours per month at eight locations, while
in full session (most classes are normally suspended for all or part of the summer months),
conducting Bone Builders therapeutic exercise classes for osteoporosis sufferers and at risk
seniors. Collier County Parks and Recreational Department will provide exercise rooms at five
park sites. Three residential communities will provide exercise rooms at their community
Anticipated Accomplishments/Outputs:
Planned Period of Accomplishment: 09/30/09-09/29/12
Five volunteers will contribute 212 hours per quarter providing hot, nutritious meals and
socialization assistance for 90 needy seniors. Measurement tools will be County Nutritional
Program reports and volunteer logs.
Fifty-one Bone Builder volunteers will contribute 470 hours per month (while in full session)
conducting Bone Builders therapeutic exercises for 300 osteoporosis sufferers and at risk seniors.
Measurement tool will be participant sign-in sheets and volunteer logs.
Anticipated Intermediate Impact/Outcome:
Planned Period o/Accomplishment: 09/30/09-09/29/12
RSVP volunteers will serve an average of 1000 meals per month to needy semors at Collier
County congregate meal sites. Measurement tools will be volunteer logs and County Nutrition
Program repOlts.
RSVP Bone Builder Trainers will conduct an average of 80 classes per month while In full
session. Measurement tool will be volunteer logs.
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Anticipated End Impact/Outcome:
Planned Period of Accomplishment: 09/30/09-09/29/12
85% of surveyed congregate meal recipients will report satisfaction with the hot meal program
with respect to quality, service, value and socialization benefits.
75% of surveyed congregate meal recipients who have been In the program for at least six
months will report that the nutrition program has helped them to maintain or improve a healthy
lifestyle. Measurement tool will be a self-evaluation survey.
80% of surveyed Bone Builder participants will report increases in their strength, tlexibility,
balance and energy level. Measurement tool will be a self-evaluation survey.
Work Plan II: Veterans Transportation Service - Engaging Senior Corps Volunteers with
Planned Stations:
Planned # of Volunteers:
Planned # People Served:
635 (some duplication from multiple visits)
Community Need:
Engaging Senior Corps Volunteers with Veterans: Veterans Transportation Service
The number of vetcrans in Southwest Florida requiring medical visits to V.A. medical facilities
increases each year as these wounded and injured heroes return from combat in the Middle East.
Fragmentation/shrapnel trauma reprcsents a higher percentage of wounds than in prior contlicts,
increasing the need for prosthetics. extended rehabiiitationtime and increased number of medical
visits for many patients. Many vetcrans recntering civilian society in this distressed economic
climate are jobless for an extended period of time. Many cannot afford to maintain a personal
vehicle. For those who can, gasoline. whilc lluctuating in price. is still expensive and the cost of
multiple long round trips to V.A. medical 1acilities can bccome prohibitive. Many of our
returning wounded veterans havc suflered emotional as well as physical trauma. and find it
difficult to relate, on a day to day basis, with members of the society that they are reentering.
Action Plan:
Service /\ctivities:
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RSVP volunteers, most of them veterans themselves, will drive veterans to and from medical
appointments in V.A. medical facilities in South Florida, primarily Bay Pines, Fort Myers,
Miami and Tampa. Veterans will access the service by calling the Collier County Veterans
Services Office for a transportation appointment. The veteran will meet the vehicle and driver at
the Veterans Service office at the appointed time and will be transported to and from the medical
facility, returning to the pick-up point. If the veteran is totally vision impaired, he/she will be
picked up at and returned to their home. Whenever possible, multiple passengers will be
scheduled for the same trip. The drivers, mostly veterans, will provide a welcoming,
appreciative, affinning atmosphere during the trip and seek to make this aspect of the veteran's
reintegration into civil society a positive one.
Anticipated Input:
Nineteen RSVP volunteers will contribute 2000 annualized hours driving veterans to and from
medical appointments at V.A. medical facilities in South Florida. Primary resources available to
provide the services are two vans and an extended passenger wagon provided, maintained and
fueled by a grassroots cooperative effort betwecn the Board of Collier County Conunissioners,
Collier County Veterans Council, Disabled American Vetcrans, U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs and the Collier County Veterans' Services Office.
Anticipated Accomplishments/Outputs:
Planned period of Accomplishment: 9/30/09-09/29/12
Nineteen RSVP volunteers will complete 635 veteran trips to medical facilities (a veteran
transported to and from medical facilities is one veteran trip)
Target: 635 annualized veteran trips.
Data/Instrument Used to Measure Progress: RSVP volunteer driver's trip log
Anticipated Intermediate Impact/Outcome:
Planned Period of Accomplishment: 09/30/09-09/29/12
Indicator # 1: 75% of veteran clients surveyed would have been unable to attend one, some or
all medical appointments without Veterans Transportation Service.
Target: 75%
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Data/Instrument Used to Measure Progress: Survey self-assessment (would have missed one,
some, many, or all appointments)
Indicator # 2: Percentage of veterans satisfied with the Veterans Transportation Service.
Target: 95%
Data/Instrument Used to Measure Progress: Satisfaction Survey (Satisfied with scheduling,
driver, over all service)
Anticipated End Impact/Outcome:
Planned Period o{Accomplishmenl: 09/30/09-09/29/]2
Indicator: Percentage of veteran clients able to maintain or improve their health as a result of
Veterans Transportation Ser\'ices
Target: 80%
Data/Instrument Used to Measure Progress: Survey self-assessment (physical health, emotional
health: no, somewhat, very much)
Work Plan III: Education
Planned Stations:
Planned # of Volunteers:
Planned # People Serv'ed:
Community Need:
Many Collier County Public School children speak English as a second language. and some do
not hcar English spoken at home. This creatcs a need for literacy training in English reading
comprehension. vocabulary and pronunciation as well as tutoring in regular classes. Teachers
are unablc to de\'ote suftlcient individual time to students in need. Many County residents
li\'ing in close proximity 10 the natural wonders of the Gulf of Mexico. the E\'crglades, bays,
waterways and wetlands do not understand the delicate ecological balance that exists and the
lasting en\'ironmental damage that can result from a failure to exercise care in our daily living to
conserve our natural resources.
Action Plan
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Service Activities:
RSVP volunteers will tutor school children in English reading comprehension, vocabulary and
pronunciation as well as in regular classes. They will also tutor adults in an evening program in
an effort to help break the cycle of passing illiteracy from generation to generation. Volunteers
will assist residents to appreciate the natural wonders in our community and educate them in the
need and means to conserve our delicate ecological resources.
Anticipated Input:
Thirteen volunteers will contribute 1,000 annualized hours tutoring students in English and
regular classes. 66 volunteers will contribute 6,000 annualized hours educating residents in
appreciating and conserving our natural resources at the Conservancy for Southwest Florida,
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Naples Botanical Garden, Rookery Bay National Estuarine
Reserve and Naples Historical Society.
Anticipated Accomplishments/Outputs:
Planned Period of Accomplishment: 09/30/09-09/28/12
Five volunteers will contribute 1,000 annualized hours tutoring 25 students, 66 volunteers will
help educate 775 residents in the need to conserve their environment's natural resources.
Anticipated Intermediate Impact/Outcome:
Planned Period of Accomplishment: 09/30/09-09129/12
Based on tcachers' reports, 75% of students being tutored by RSVP volunteers will have made
acceptable progress.
80% of surveyed persons attending Collier County's natural resource programs will report that
they have a better understanding of the delicatc ccological balance of the Southwest Florida
region in which they live and visit.
Anticipated End Impact/Outcome:
Planned period of Accomplishment: 09/30/09-09/28/12
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Based on teachers' reports, 75% of students being tutored by RSVP volunteers will have made
acceptable progress. 50 % of students being tutored will have made significant progress.
70% of surveyed persons attending Collier County's natural resource programs will report that
they have an increased understanding of how they can make a difference in conserving the
natural resources of the Southwest Florida region in which they live and visit.
Work Plan IV: Disaster Preparedness
Planned # Stations: 1
Planned # Volunteers: 13
Planned # of People Served: 110
Community Need:
Since September 11, 100 L there has been an acknowlcdged need to increase the ability of
communities to respond to emergencies, whether natural or man-made. Also, Collier County's
large senior population (15% over 65) includes many seniors living alone, relatively homebound
due to age and infirmity. Thesc scniors are generally not familiar with disaster preparedness
issues and procedures and could be in jeopardy in the event of a disaster. Many also are unable
to adcquately maintain their homes and small repair jobs left untended become safety hazards.
Some are unable to shop for food and do not have people in their lives to perform that service for
Action Plan:
Service activities:
RSVP volunteers. trained and experienced Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.)
instructors, will teach classes of ncighborhood volunteers the basics of emergency/disaster
response. Thcsc neighborhood \oluntccrs becomc the core response teams for their individual
communities. C.E.R.T. volunteers will also visit seniors in their homes. educate them and help
thcm prepare for potential emergencies and disasters. The volunteers also inspect the homes for
safety and fire hazards. The team idcntities seniors who are unable to shop tor their own
groceries. Working with a cooperativc area grocery chain. the volunteers takc a weekly grocery
order from each of the seniors, call it in to the groccry chain and pick up and deliver the week's
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supply of groceries to each semor every week. RSVP volunteer efforts not only enhance
community disaster preparedness, but also help vulnerable seniors to remain safe and in their
own homes.
Anticipated Input:
Thirteen RSVP C.E.R.T. instructors will contribute 450 hours instructing community residents
and homebound seniors in Community Emergency Response Team procedures, inspecting
seniors' homes for safety hazards and providing grocery assistance to homebound seniors
without a support network. Safety inspection equipment, additional technical expertise and other
resources will be supplied by the North Naples Fire & Rescue Department, the station sponsor
for our C.E.R.T. volunteers.
Anticipated Accomplishments/Outputs:
Planned Period of Accomplishment: 09:30/09-09/29/12
C.E.R.T. volunteers will teach 10 ammalized Community Emergency Response Teanl classes to
50 local community volunteers and homebound seniors. RSVP volunteers will also conduct 45
safety inspections for homebound seniors. Measurement tools will be volunteer logs and class
sign-up sheets.
Anticipated Intermediate Impact/Outcome:
90% of C.E.R.T. class graduates surveyed will respond that, with minimal reinforcement, they
are confident of their ability to adequately function as a member of a Community Emergency
Response Team. Measurement tool will be a self-assessment survey. RSVP volunteer C.E.R.T.
team members will provide 350 annualized weeks of grocenes to homebound seniors.
Measurement tool will be volunteer logs.
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Anticipated End Impact/Outcome:
90% of homebound seniors who have received disaster preparedness information and have had a
home safety inspection by RSVP C.E.R.T. volunteers will agrce or very much agree on a survey
that the services have allowed them to feel safc and secure in their homes.
95% of homebound seniors who have received disaster preparedness information, have had a
home safety inspection by RSVP C.E.RT volunteers and have participated in the grocery
assistance program will agree or very much agree on a survey that the services have contributed
significantly to their being able to remain in their own homes rather than relocate to where they
will have assistance. Measurement tools will be self-assessment surveys.
Work Plan V: Human Needs - - Community Based Volunteer Programs
Planned # of Stations: ~4
Planned # of Volunteers: 336
Planncd # of Persons Served: 1.600
Community Need:
As the recession deepens. donations to non-profIt scn'icc organizations shrink and raising money
for wOlthy causcs bccomes more critical. as wcll as more diftlcull. AfTordable housing for
deserving low income familics becomes less a1Tordable as family income is impacted.
Neighborhood clinics, rcspite care centers. shelters. soup kitchens and even hospitals are
becoming overburdened by the increasing community nceds caused by newly-impoverished
families who have nowhcre else to turn.
Action Plan:
Service /I.ctivitics:
RSVP volunteers will augmcnt stan' in thrift shops. hclping to raise money for worthy causes.
Volunteers will work with Habitat for Humanity. building and rchabilitating houses to make
them affordable to deserving low-income familics who are willing to pitch in and invest "sweat
equity" in the construction process. V oluntccrs will perform direct client assistance and support
tasks to help community clinics. respite centers. shelters. soup kitchens and hospitals meet the
increasing needs of c0I111TIunitJ, mClllbers in crisis.
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Anticipated Input:
336 RSVP volunteers will contribute thousands of hours providing the following servIces:
assisting customers and transporting and stocking inventory for at least 8 thrift stores to meet
demand and raise badly-needed funds for worthy causes and service organizations; building new
and rehabilitating old homes at a minimum of3 sites in support of Habitat for Humanity's efforts
to provide affordable housing to deserving low-income families; and performing direct client
assistance and support tasks to help community clinics, respite centers, shelters, soup kitchens
and hospitals meet the increasing demand of community members with dwindling resources.
Habitat for Humanity will provide overall supervision, construction materials, power tools and
hand tools as necessary for its construction sites.
Anticipated Accomplishments/Outputs:
Planned Period of Accomplishment: 09/30/09-09/29/12
336 RSVP volunteers will represent a 5% increase in the surveyed organizations' volunteer base
with which they perform the tasks necessary to serve their clients. Measurement tool will be a
survey of affected organizations.
Anticipated Intermediate Impact/Outcome:
Planned period of Accomplishment: 09/30/09-09/29/12
90% of surveyed organizations will report that RSVP volunteers wcre of much or very much
assistance in the organizations' ability to provide needed services to members of the community
needing help. Measurement tool will be a survcy of affected organizations.
Anticipated End Impact/Outcome:
Planned Period o[Accomplishmel1f: 09i30/09-09/29/12
85% of surveyed organizations will report that RSVP volunteers enabled them to increase the
number of needy members of the community served. Measurement tool will be a survey of
affected organizations.
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