BCC Minutes 06/26/1981 S .. ....... ....',.:.. '.ti<t~~~. ~ ,~~'..,-. '," ~;. ,f :·.(.\~~t~J~tt· \ .. ~.' <\:.'. " .'t. Naples, Florida, June 26, 1981 . . LET IT BE REME~BERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and aJ~~ ~~ting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 3:01 P.M. In Special Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHJl.IR,.,,1\N: John 1\. pistor r. Mary Frances Kruse David C. Brown C.R. "Russ" Wimer (absent) Clifford Wenzel (absent) . ~ ". t r ALSO PRESENT: Donald 1\. Pickworth, County 1\ttorney; Irving Berzon, Utilities Manager; Harold L. Hall, Fiscal Officer; and Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk. There being no objection it was indicated for the record that the members of the Board had waived written notice and accepted verbal notice of the Special meetinj called for the purpose of approving legal documents far the FmH1\ loan closing pertaining to Marco Sewer Phase I. S P E C I 1\ L M E E TIN G B01\RD OF COUNTY COM~ISSIONERS 1\GF;ND.a. June 26, 1981 3 : 00 PM 1. MARCO W1\TER AND SEWER DISTRICT l t -- A. Approval of legal documents for FMIIÞ. Loan closing, Marco Sewer Phase I BOOK 061 PACE 81.4 pag e 1 .... '.'. . .-. _. - . ,-... ....- ---....~-- ....- - ......-..---... -....... ..,..,.- . .':. ':"}".''':;;;;' .... " .. . ....-. ,,'~f' . .:,i " .:. -.......-.......-........... aOOK 061 PACE 815 , June 26, 1981 , , RESOLUTION MWS 81-1 RE LEG1\L DOCUMENTS COMPLETING TilE FMHA LOAN CLOSING ON THE MARCO ISL1\ND SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM PHASE I IMPROVE~ENTS - ADOPTED. .... County Attorney pickworth noted that there was currently scheduled a special Commission mpp.ting for June 30, 1981 at 9:00 A.M. for the purpose of doing the things which will be done at today's meeting and to adopt a resolution setting the rates for the users of the sewer system. He said that the law requires that the resolution be adver- tised for ten days prior to its adoption and therefore that resolution cannot be adopted earlier than June 30, 1981. He explAined that since there was some doubt that three commissioners would be in the Naples area on June 30, 1981 and that therc would not be a quorum, he had obtained assent from the Farmers Home Administration attorneys to the effect that it is not necessary to the closing that the rate rcsolution be adopted at the time of the closin~. He said the closin~ would be directly after the June 30 meetin1. He said a resolution known as thp Aw~rd Resolution has to be adopted and he said he had given each Commissioner a copy of the draft of thc Award Resolution. Mr. pickworth said that a motion to adopt the Award Resolution would be sufficient for all purposcs in that the resolution author~~eS the Chairman and Clerk to execute any and all documents necessary to effectUóte the closin~, which includes all the things covered by the Farmers Home Administration letter of instructions, plus a number of other documents which will have to be ~~~cuted. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded b~ CommlssioneL ~~use and carried unanimously, with Commissioners Wimel and Wenzel absent, tha~ Resolution ~~S 81-1 re legal docu~ent~ ~on;~leting the FmHA loan closing patJe 2 1~ I~ , - '-::-1 ~" '.. I. "1:,'~: ~~.. ~ ......,. ...._._.~ --~..--- ~ June 26, 1981 .'......' '~ ~.. , ~~ ' t'..· .~ !f'fl .'-'.'~ '~ 0 on the Marco Island sewer collection system Phase I improvements be adopted. Mr. pickworth said that tho closln~ will be hold June 30, 1981 directly after the Board meeting if it is possible to hold such a meeting. In response to a qucstion by Mr. pickworth, Chairman Pistor said he would be present Tuesday. Mr. pickworth referred to Section 13, C of the resolution which referrcd to the authorization of the ". Chairman And Clerk to execute all instruments, documents, and contracts on behalf of the issue and said that no further motion was necessary. Utilities Manager Irving Berzon said that this transaction deals only with the Farmers Home portion of the funding for the entire ?roject. He said that there would be supplemental bonds which would be taken up at a later date and he wanted to indicate for the record that this resolution does not close out the total financing of the project. . ". , '~'" . I ~ t~ , ;\.:...: . ,- r BOOK 061 PACE816 Page 3 .. - -- - ~ _. . ..... -, .. -. ..-.--"- .--.!""""-. ....--. . ';,...~~. '~" :!::,<,!.;;~ ,~,,~ '~:\~..~ .' . '·";·~..i'~. : .l:·..·... ',.,..." ...:....,..'=-:~'., . ... ~,~~..i.:. ~. .' .,/~ J ~ ' . .~"t"" " ~ ~... ,sc. P,!~;,·_, ' .......~. .. ." 'i"'~" c. ..-.-.-- - _.- &cox 061 PAcE831 ö ~ . - .. . . .. June 2/), 1981 A short discussion followed regarding forming an Advisory Board regarding the Marco Island Beautification project. Thcre being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 3:12 P.M. .... ~TTEST: WIL ".\) ~. " ' .', .,- '::~;: :" .... A ' . ' ~ " ~,. I . , .~ '. I .. " " - ' "I ,.. u"'" ~\ ì"" ,\ . . \ .~""~:'" . ~ ...~.~jJ '~\,-.'"",' I ....~ I ~,.,~ .~ I'. . , '·'~'"'"A""","_,."..,,__~__··e'_~__''' ..... BOÞ.RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVenNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDF.n ITS CONTnOL ~~ . '1'-, -"~It;: