BCC Minutes 07/14/1981 R ---------------------.----------- Naples, Florida, July 14, 1ge1 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the ~oard of County Comalssloners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the governln9 board(s) of auch .peclal dl.trlcts ae have been created according tù lav and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9.00 A.M. In Re9ular Session In 3ulldlng .,- of the Courthouse Complex with the Col10wln9 ~e~~er. pre.ent. VICE CHAIR"'ANI Cll !ford Wenzel C.R. ·Russ· Wimer Mary-France. Kruse David C. Brown ABSENT. John A. Plator 1150 PRESENT. Harold L. hall, r.hi~f Deputy Clerk/Fiaeal Officer, Darlene Davidson and Elinor H. Skinner (11130 A.M.), Deputy Clerks, D~nald Pickworth, County Attorney, Irving Berzon, Utilities Manager, C. William Nor~an, County Managerl Edward Smith, A..i.tant County Hanager, . Nell Dortlll, Ad~lnl.tratlv. "sslatant, Torry Vlrta, Community Develop- ..nt Admlnl.trator, Lee Layne and Tom McDaniel, Planner., Jeffery Perry, Zonln~ tlreetor, Clifford Barksdale, Public Work. ~mlnl.trator, ThODa. Rafner, Public Set.ty Director, Dougla. Cre.nfleld, E.H.S. Director, Grac. Spaulding, Admlni.tratlve Ald. to the Board, and, Wll:la. McNulty, Sh~llrf·. Department. aoOK Ost PACE 01 'a98 1 --------------------------------......--- -. . . . (', ---"------------------------------ July 14, 1981 ITALtCtZtD AGENDA - APpnovtD WITH ~r.L~TIONS ~ND ADDITtONR Co..l..1oner ~ru.e ~ov~ð, .econdeð by Com~I..loner Brovn and carried C/O, with Comml..Ioner PI.tor absent, that the italicized .,enda be apptoved with the following .ðditlona and deletions I 1. Con.lderation of Installation of ceiling fan. for Dulldln9 ·C· ., added (81"-2) 2. ~,~. 9C-2 re tale of .urplu. property (Jeep) to ~~~~ th Nap}"'~ r~ ro Department - continued- to July 21, 1981 ·(.ctl~~ wa. taken l.ter thl. ....Ion) 3. Conslderatlon/dlscus.lon re PU extension for ~r. Stoneburner - added (14-1.> c. 8udqat "'endment re Judqe Carlton - deleted 5. Clerk's Report to include It.. 3 - (Budqet Review Schedule) MINUTES or HAY 19, 2~ , SPECIAL ME!TINC~ 01" JUNE 26 , 30, 1981 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Comml.sioner Brown moved, soconded by Commissioner wi~er and carried 4/0, with Comml..loner PI.tor ab.ent, that the Minute. of ~ay It, 26, and Special Heeti~1. of June 2~ , 30, 1981 be approved a. pre.ented. E~PLOY!E SERVrC! ^W^RD9 PRF.SENTED The following per.on. were pre.ented Ðnployee.' Service Award. by Vice-Chairman Wenzel who conqratulated them on their year. of ..ployment with the CountYI Clyde Donald.on* !Ugene Staudenmeler. NUlla. Rim", £Vella Martinez. Jo.e Ra~1rez Stephen rredle~ . Road , Dr Idg. Anilul Control Roftd , Dr Idge Road' 8r1dq8 Road , lJt1dge Maintenance S year. S years 10 yun 5 yeer. S year. S yeer. · Donate. tho.. recipient. pre.ent to accept award. '.,e 2 ao~ 062 PACE 07 --.....------------------------,--..---- . · L_______________________~____~~_~~ ~ 062 PACE 08 July 14, 1981 SOCIAL SERVICE CASE 'W-3105 - APPROVED eo.ai..loner Wi.er .oved, seconded by eo.mls.loner Kru.. and carrl.d 4/0, with Co.mls.loner 'Istor ab.ent, tbat Sooial .ervlc. ea.. fW-3105 be approved. SOCIAL SERVICE CAS! ,W-7737 - APPROVED C~I.sloner WI~.r moved, .econded by co..lssloner Brown and carried 4/0, vlth Co~lssloner PI.tor ab.ent, that Social Servlc. ea.. fW-7737 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. Rl-153 R~ PETITtON BD-Al-7-C, ~OL!, "ONTES AND ASSOC. (THE ANCHORACE or NAPLES) REOUESTING EXTENSION 0' BOAT DOCK TO 28' - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published In the Naple. Dally Neva on June 28, 1981, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the C1erk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition BD-8l-7-C, filed by Hol., Montes and As.ociates, requesting an eKtenslon of a boat dock to 28' at The Anchorage of Naple. located on Vanderbilt ~rlve. ,lanner Lee Layne referred to the Executive Su~mary dated 6/1/81 and stated that the CAPC held their public hearing regarding the subject petition on June 4, 1981 and, ba.ed on the criteria of the boat dock ordinance, ha. forwarded a recom.endatlon for approval. Mr. Stanley Hole wa. present for the purpo.e of answering any questions and, upon h.arlng that there vere no regSstered speakers who wi.hed to addre.. the .ubject petition nor any comftent. forthcoMin9 fro. the Board, Co~.I..ioner Brown .oveð, a.conded by Co..I..loner WI.er and carried 4/0, with Com~l.aloner pi.tor absent, that the public hearing be clo.ed. h9. 3 ----------------------------------- .. ~...... I ........_.._~_.. ,.~ ~ ~~ . . . . ------------------------------------ --7---~----------~-~------------' July 14, 19'11 Co..I..lon.r Brown .OY~, .econded by COmMls.loner Kru.. and carrl.d 4/0, that Resolution NO. 8l-l53 re Petition BD-81-7-C, fll.d by 101., ~ntes and A.soclates, requesting a boat dock extenalon of 2S' In . .~ (r.sldentlal tourlat) zone tor The Anchorage of Naples be adopted. '8ge . rø 062 PACE 09 . 1 .' . l----------------------~----'------: : July 14, 1981 RESOLUTION NO. 8l-l54 "PPROVrNC TßE 'INAL ASSESSHtNT ROLL FOR COTT~CE CROVE AVENut "NO OUTLUIING TnE PAY B^CK PROVrSION!4 TREREOF - ADOPTED Leg.l notice having been published In the Naple. Dally New. on June 28, anð July 5, 1981 a. evldenc.d by Affidavit of Publication filed vlth the Clerk, public hearing was openeð to consider the adoption of ð Resolution approving the final ......m.nt roll tor Cott.ge Grov. Avenu.. Ref.rrlng to the Executive Summary dated 5/ll/8l, Public Work. Ad.lnl.trator Clifford Bark.dal. briefly outlined the history of ~he creation of the Cottag. Crave Avenue Paving Improvement District .nd .tated that .ll of the .ubjeet improvements hay. be.n complet.d. Mr. lark.dal. reported that the final a....sm.nt coat tor approximately 2,517 linear feet I. 543,621.99 or Sl7.331 per tront foot, adding that thl. co.t r.present. final construction co.t. plus ~, administrative t... and 7' englne.rlng cost. Mr. Arno Doerk, a re.ldent of Cottage Ctove Avenu., Inquired as to the rea.on that the County ha. In.talled drive. end culverts for ~any of the re.ldents on the subject road? He .aid that, wh.n he built hi. driveway, he had to bear the co.t of Installation, adding that all of the property owner. were .......d at the same front foot co.t. Mr. Barkd.ale explained that the County only replaced driveway. that exl.ted .t the tl~e the improvements were ~.de to the .ubject ro.d and th.t, b.cau.. Mr. Doerk con.tructed hi. driveway after the I~prov.aent. were co.plete, h. will hay. to bear the co.t of hi. inltl.l con.truc- tlon ju.t a. the other property owner. did before the 1.prove.ents were ..de. Page 5 ~ 062 PACl 17 --------------------_-..----_......._~-.__. . . . . . ¡ . -------------------------------------- ~062-18 July 14, 1911 Upon h..rln9 Mr. Oo.rk .tat. th.t he w.. .att.fled, eo.at..toner Irown eoved, ..conded by Co..I..ton.r ~ru.e and carrt.d 4/0, with Co..i..toner ,1.tor ab..nt, that the publtc h..rinc¡ be clo.ed. Co.øl..toner Irown .oved, .econded by eom.I..toner ~ru.~, th.t . Re.olutton Ho. 8l-l54, approvlnc¡ the final ........nt roll for the .".. . Cott.g. Crov. Av.nu. 'avln9 I.prove~.nt DI.trlct, be .dopted. .Iecal Officer Harold Hall r.co..ended that the .ub'.ct Re.olutlon contain a provl.lon whtch allowa tho.. Inter..t.d the option to pay the ........nt. ov.r a period of up to two year. at 12' Intere.t per annua. Co.-I..loner. Brown and Kru.e 8greed to amend the motion and .econd, re.pectiv.ly, to Incorporate Mr. Hall's reco.aended provt.lon for pay back of e.....m.nt., and the motion carrleð 4/0, with Coaal..loner pl.tor ab..nt. .a,. . . ---------------------.....-------------- t . . ~.~ . r:::1 !.......;;.:.;;.J - . ~~-------------------------------------- ø 062 rACE 2.0 July 14, 1911 "~OLUTIOM Wo. 81-l55 1.PPROVlNO VACATIOW or 30' EABEJIIIE1n', TRACT 21, .UNIT 33, GOLDEN GATE ESTATF.B - (BILLY' VIRGINIA rINCH) - ACOPTED Leg.l notic. having been publi.hed In t~. Naple. Deily Nevs on ~un. 21, and July 5, 1911, public h.arin9 va. opened to con.lder a r.quest froa Billy. Virginia 'Inch for approval of the vacation of · 30' ....~ent, loc.ted on the Ea.t 30 feet of the ~.t 105 f.et of Tract 21, unit 33. Golden Cate Eat.te.. R.farring to the Executiv. Su...ry dat.d 6/12/81, Public worka Aðainistrator Clifford Barkadale .tat..d that letter. of -No Obj.ctlon- have been r.celved fro. the Utility Co~panie.. Alao, pur.uant to .n in.p.ction of the aubject parcel by the Engineering Depar~ent. it h.s b.en d.t.r~lned that the .ubject ea....nt la not r4qulr.d for draina9· purpoaea and the W~AB has r.view.d and ad~inlatrattvely approved the .ubject vacation. R.aring that th.r. were no regi.t.red apeaker., Com~llsloner Kru,. aoved, s.cond.d by Co~I..ion.r Brown and carrl.d 4/0, with ea.-issloner Pl.tor ab.ent, that the public h.arlng b. closed. Co~ls.loner ~rule ~ov.d, leconded by Commls.loner Brown and carrl.d 4/0, with ea..i..loner ,iltor ab..nt, that Reaolutlon ~. 81-l55, Ipptoving the vacation of the 30' .a....nt on the east 3D' of ~r.ct 21, Unit 33, Colden Cat. Eat.tes, b. adopted. Pitt. 7 ..---------------------....------------ . . c::J ~ L-....::J ----------.------------------------- aoOK 062 PACE 22 July 14, 1911 ORn~NANCE 81-30 CREATING VICTORIA PARK TWO-ADDITION STREET LICRTINC MSTD - ADOPTEn Legal notice having been publiahed in the Naple. Daily Neva on June 24, 1981 aa evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing waa opened to cond.lder the adoption of an ordinance creating the Victoria Park Two Additlon.Street Li9htin9 ~unicipal Service Taxin9 District. Referring to the Excutive Summary, dated 5/12/81, Public Work. A~.ini.trator Clifford Barksdale atated that purauant to the current Collier County Subdivision Regulation., street lighta are required to be installed In all new subdlvislona. He aald that the regulations provide an option lor the developer to Inatall the atreet lights or to requeat that the County create a street lighti"9 district for the purpose ol installation of the llghta and the devleloper of Victoria Park Two ~dltion chose the latter. upon hearing that there were no regiatered apeakera, Co~.issloner Kru.e moved, a~conded by Co~l.sloner Brown and carried 4/0, wtih Comels.loner pI.tor absent, that the public hearing be closed. Comnl.sioner Kru.e moved, .econded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Commia.ioner pistor absent, that the Ordinance a. numbered .nd entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance loot No. 12. ORDINANCE NO. ~l-30 AN ORDINANCE CREATINC TilE VICTORIA PARIt TWO ADDITION STREET LtCHTING MUNICIPAL Sr.RVICE T"XING DISTRICT, PROVIDINC TAE BOUNDARIES OF TilE DISTRICT, DESICN"TJNG TAE COVlRHING BODY or TnE DISTRICT, AUTHORIZING A TAX LEVY AS PROVIDED BY LAW, PROVIDJNC rOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE ··CJe . ---------------------~--------- ~~ c.:::J ...~ ... ~ ------~---------------------------- July U, 1981 ORDINANCE 81-3l CREATING TIMßERC~r.EK, PRASE 1 STREET LIGHTING MSTD - ADOPTED Legal notice having been publiaheð in the Naple. Dally Nev. on June 24, 1981, .s ~vidonced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the adoption of an ordinance creating the Timbercreek Phase 1 Street Lighting Municipal Service Taxing District. Public Works Að~inl.tr.tor Cllfforð Barkodale stated that the developer of Tlmbercreek, Phase 1 has chosen the option of the County creating a MSTD for the purpose of the Inatallatlon of street lights In order to ~eet the requirements of the Collier County Subdivision Regulations. Co~l.sloner Brown ~oved, seconded by Com~i.sloner ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner pistor absent, that the public hearing be cloaed. Co~ml.sioner Brown covcd, seconded by Commis.ioner ~rus. and carried 4/0, with Commissioner pI8tor absent, thAt the Ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book WOe 12. ORDINANCE NO. 8l-3l AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE TIMBERCREE~, PHASE 1 STREET LICRTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE T"XING DISTRICT, PROVIDING THE BOUNr>A~I£S or THE DISTRICT, DESIGtI \TING THE GOVERNING BODY or THE DISTRICT, AUTHOnIZING A TAX LEVY AS PROVIDED BY LAWI PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO. RI-32 CREATING IMPERIAL COLF ESTATES, PRASE III STREET LIGHTING MSTD - ADOPTED Legal notlce'having been publiahed In the Naples Daily News on June 2., 1981, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the ..g. , 800K 062 rACE 23 ----------------------------------- . I , I · : ~-------------------------------~ toOl 062 PACE 24 July 14, 1981 ctert, public he.rin; wa. opened to consider. the aðoptloh of an ordinance creating the I_perSat Colf Eatates Ph...· III Str.et tS9ht1nt "unl~lp.l Service Taxing Dl.trlct. Public WOrk. Að~lnl.trator Clifford B.rksd.le·st.ted that the developer of Impe~l.l Colt Est.te., Ph... III ha. chosen the option of the County creating I MSTD for the purpo.e of the In.tallation of street light. In order to me.t'the requlreeents of the Collier County Subdlvl.lon Re9ulatlon.. Co~I..loner Brown ~ov.d, ..conded by CoftMi..ion.r ~ru.e and carried ~/O, with co~I..loner pI.tor absent, th.t the public h.arlftt be clo.ed. Co~~I..lon.r Brown moved, .eeonded by Co~ml..loner Kru" and carried 4/0, with Co~I..loner pl.tor .b.ent, that the Ordinance a. nu.bered and entitl.d below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance loot Mo. 12. ORDINANCE NO. 8l-J2 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE I~P£RrAL GOLF EST^TES, PHASE III STREET LIcnTING HUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXINC DISTRICT, PROVIDINO THE BOUND"RIES or THE DISTRICT, DESIGNATING THE COVERNING BODY OF THE DISTRICT, AUTHORIZING A TAX LEVY AS PROVIDED BY LAW, PROVIDING POR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO. 8l-JJ CR!ATINC ~INGS LA~E UNIT 3 STREET LICftTINO MSTD - ADOPTED Legal notice hav1nc¡ been publ1.hed in the Naple. Dally News on June 2., 1981, .. evidenced by Affidavit of Publlc.tion filed with the Clerk, public h.arinc¡ wa. opened to con.lder the adoption of .n . ordinance cre.tine¡ the ~ing. lAke unit J Str..t Lighting Hunlclpal Service Taxing District. ,.ge 10 -------------------------------------- '::J::J ~ :...._,.~ ----------------------- ----------- Jul~ 14, 1981 Public Work. Administrator Clifford Barkadale stated that the developer of ~in9s Lake Unit J has choaen the option of the County creating a MSTD for tho purpose of the installation of atreet lights in order to ~eet the require~ent. of the Collier County Subdivision Jt89ulatlona. CO~Dlssioner Brown moved, seconded by Co~~lssloner ~rua. and carried 4/0, with Commla.loner plstor absent, that the public hearing be closed. Co~~i.~lon.r Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner plator absent, that the Ordinance a. n~bered and entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. l2. ," ORDINANCE NO. 8l-JJ AN ORDINANCE CREATINe THE ~YNeS LA~t UNIT 3 STREET LICRTINC MUNICIP^L SERVICr. TAXING DI~TRICT, PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES or THE DISTRICT, DESIGNATINC THE C.OVERNINC BODY OF THE DISTRICT, AUTHORIZING A TAX LEVY AS PROVIDF.D BY LAW, PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE OAT! RESOLUTION 8l-156 Rt PETITION rDPO-ftl-V-6, ELMER J. ELLIS, REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE HINIMUH BA5r FLOOD ELEVATION RF.OUInED BY TAE FOPO ON LOT 9, 8LOC~ 7fi, UNIT 1, ~~RCO BrACH - ADOPTr.D Le9al notice having been published in the Napl.. Caily Newa on June 28, and the Marco Ieland Eaqle on July 2, 19~1 as evidenced by Affidavits of publication filed with the Clerk, public h..ring was opened to consider petition rDPO-8l-V-~, filed by tl~er J. Ellia, requesting a variance froe the mlnl~um ba.e flood elevation required by tbe Flood ne.aqe prevention Ordinance on Lot 9, !lock 76, unit J, Marco "ach. "'ge 11 &001 062 PACE 2.5 --------------------------------- . - ......-.-.----------------------------------- . , _ 062 rACE 26 July U, 1911 Referrin9 to the Executive SUMmary dated 4/27/81, ,llnner Toa MCDlnlel Iteted that Mr. Ellis II requelting Ippròval to conltruct I 81ngl. fa.lly hoe. at an elevation of 8.5 f.et NCVD instead of the roPO requlr.d 12 Ce.t NCVD, at 1750 Hu.-in9blrd Court, Marco Illand. He said that this will result In a variance of 3.5 feet. Mr. ~Danlel , said that there are conti9uous alngle fa.lly ho.e. on both IIde. of the lubject lot which are con.tructed at approxl.ately the reque.ted elevation. He added that the lubject lot Is le.s than 1/2 Icre and e.plained that this reque.t cantor.. to the variance provision (7)(.) In the PDPO which atates that the Board ~ay grant luch a variance providing certain criteria II .et. Mr. ~Daniel stated that the Itaff il rec~..ndlng approval of the requeated variance. CODDIssloner Btown ~ov.d, aeconded by Com_l..ioner ~ruse and c.rrled 4/0, with CoNaI..loner plator aþ.ent, that the public hearing be cloled. co.-Ia.loner Brown ~oved, .econded by Co.~la.ioner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, with co~I..lon.r pl.tor ab.ent, that Re.olutlon 81-158, approving the variance requested In Petition FDPO-81-V-& filed by !l.er J. Ellll, be adopted. .ave 12 .- ---- -....------- ------ -- --------------- . t' --II! ~ ~ ---------------------------------- July 14, 1981 R!SOLUTI~ 81-157 Rt PETITION 'DPO-8l-V-7, HOWARD ROS!, REoUp.nTINr. A'PROVAL OF A VARI~NCE rROH TAt MINIMUM BACE FLOOD ELEV~TION REOUIRED BY THE rDPO O~ LOT l~, BLOCK 5, OLD "~RCO VTLLAG~ - AOOPTED Legal notice having been published In the Naples neSly News on ~un. 28, and the Marco I.land Eaqle on July 2, 1ge1 .. evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing v.. opened to consSder petition FDPO-Al-V-7, fSled by Howard Ro.e, reque.tlnq approval of a variance froe the ~Inimum base flood elevation required by the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance on Lot l4, Block 5, Old Marco Village. Referring to the Executive Su~mðry dated 4/27/8l, planner Tom ~Danlel stated that Hr. Rose i. requesting approval to construct a 81ngh b.-Uy home at an .levation of 10." teet NGVD Instead of the rDPO required elevation of 12 feet NGVO at 1078 Ruppert Road, which will result in a variance of 1.9 feet. Mr. MCDaniel stated that the .ubject lot I. 1..s than 1/2 acre and has contiguous .Ingle family ho.e. on both side. which are built at approxiMately the requosted elevation, therefore, the subject request me~ts the provision (7) (m) In the 'DPO that states that the Acord .ay 9rftnt such variances ~rovlded that certain criteria is met. He said that the .taft recommendation I. for approval of Petition rDPO-Al-V-7. Upon hearing that there were no reqiatered apeakers, Comels.loner Brown .eved, seconded by Co.mls.Soner Kru.e and carried 4/0, with C~I.aloner 'istor ab..nt, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Co.alssioner Brown moved, .econded by Co~mlssloner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, with Co~eSssloner Plstor ab.ent, that Re.olutlon 81-l57, approving a variance to the rDPO a. requeoted In Petition rDPO-II-V-7 filed by "award Ro.e, be adopted. ",e 13 &001 062 PACE 29 .---~------------------------------ _........-._~~,. ~~~.;.~'''";~'fM'':~... - '. --..---.----...- .._~. I 1___-------------------------------- - ø 062 PAt( ~. July 14, 1911 RESOLUTION 81-158 APPROVING Tn! 'INAL A9S!SS"ENT ROLL FOR PAR~ERS RAMMOC~ ROAD AND PROVIDING PAY ~ACK PROVIsrON9 THr.Rr.nF - ADOPTED Legal notice havln9 b..n publl.h.d In the Napl.' Daily N.w. on 3une 28, and July 5, 1981 a. evtd.nced by ~rfldavit of Publlc.tlon filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to con.tder the conflr..tlon of the fin.l ......~.nt roll for '.rker. Ba..ock Road , .a.lng x.prov.ment DI.trlct Public Work. Ad~lni.tr.tor Clifford Bark.d.le referred to the Executiv. Su.mary d.ted S/ll/81 .nd briefly outlined the hl.tory of the cce.tion of the Parker. I~~mock Road Improv.ment District and .t.t.d ·that .11 of the work ha. been coapleted. He .ald that the final .....~ent cost for approximately 5,25l lineal f.et I. $99,853 or '19.0l8 per front foot, which include. fin.l construction co.t plus " aðatni.tr.tlv. fee .nd 7' enqine.rlnq coat. riac.l Officer Harold Hall recoøaendeð that the propo.eð·' re.olution contain a pay back provl.lon which offer. the option of pay.ent of the ........nt. ov.r a period of up to ..v.n y..r. .t 12' Intere.t per annu.. Hearln, that there were no regi.tered .peaker., Co.-i..loner Brown ~ved, .econded by Co.-l..toner ~ru.e and carrl.d 4/0, that the public h.arlnq be clo.ed. eo.~I..loner !rown ~oved' .econded by Co~I..loner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, that R~solutlon 81-158, conflrml"9 the fln.l ........nt roll for p.rk.r. R...ock no.d paving r.prov...nt Dlltrlct and provldint a pay back provi.lon a. r.co.mend~ by the rlacal Officer, be adopted. ,.,e 14 . --------..-.------------------------- . . =:J .~ - . _ .. ......::J , . . . ----------------------------------------- July 14, 1981 . _ 062 ntE s.i ~£SOLUTIOM ~l-159 R! PETITtON 8D-11-6-C, COLLIER MARIN! FOR HIM KEtTI ~lt8tMC, RtOUESTING AM EXTENSION OF A BOAT DOCK TO 32' ON ~AHITI S'l'RE£'1', ISLES or CAPRI - ADOPTED Level notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 21, 1911 .. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, p~bllc h.arlng wa. opened to consider Petition 8D-8l-6C, filed by Mr. and Mr.. ~eith Rel.lng, reqUe.tlng an exte~.lon of a boat dock to 32 feet on Lot 274, Island 2, (Tahiti Street), I.le. of capri. ,lanner Lee Layne referred to the Executive Sunmary dated 6/1/11 and euamarlzed the Infor.ation therein. She atateð that the CAPC held a public hearing on June 4, 1911 and, ba.ed on the criteria of the boat dock ordinance, has torvarded a recommendation for approval. In answer to co..i..loner Wenzel, M.. Layne said that the proposed dock will not po.e a hazard to navigation becau.e the channel is over 100 teet wide. nearing that there were no reqiatered .peaker., C~ls.loner Brown .oved, .econded by Com.l.sloner ~ru.e 8nd carried 4/0, vith Co..l.- .Ioner PI.tor absent, that the public he.rlng be closed. Co.-S..loner 8rovn .oved, .econded by Co~~I..loner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, with comøl..loner pI.tor absent, that Re.olutlon 81-15' r. Petition BD-8l-~C, requ..ting an extenalon of a boat dock to 32' on Tahiti Street, Isle. of Capri, be adopted. 'a,e 15 --------------------------------- . . t=.. 1 } c=J ,~ .A-' ___"1< .... .. .'n ~.._-~.",.""- --------------------------------- July l", 1981 SUBDIVISION M^STER PLAN Rt PETITION S~P-8l-4C, COASTAL EUGINEERINO, INC., FOR NATION^L TRUST CO. Rt R~tLHF.~D INDUSTRIAL PAnK, SECTION lO, T48S, R25E, - r.n^NTED WITH F.XF.~PTION~ Le98l notice having been published in the Naple. Daily News on June 28, 1981 a. evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing waa opened to consider Petition SHP-8l-4C, filed by Coastal Engineering Inc., for National Trust Co., reque.tlng Subdlvi.ion Master plan Approval for Railhead Industrial Park, section 10, TUS, R25E. ,lanner Le. Layne referred to the intorQation within the Executive Gu.mary dated 7/2/01 and reported that the petitioner i. reque.ting subdivision ~aBter plan approval tor 14 Industrial lots. She said that the Subdivision Review Committee considered the aubject petition on June 3, 1981 and has rocommended approval, .ubjeet to the following exeaptlons t 1. sixty (60) foot right-of-way width Instead of aeventy-tour (74). 2. Reduction of the pave~ent width to 20' Instead of 24' on the minor local street. Ms. Layne reported that the petitioner will be providing deceleration and turn lanes on Old U.S. 41, aldewalk., and acce.. through the petitioners' subdivision to the new terminal In the ar.a. She .ald that the CAPC 1. reeo~~enðinq approval of the aubject petition with the two aforementioned ex.~ptlons, adding that thla ta 81so the .taff's recoamendatlon. COBØiasioner wimer objected to the .econd .xe~ptlon, atating that he believea that 20 foot roada will not withstand the heavy truck traffic that they wilt be aubjected to in an Inðustrlal area. Re .aid that co..erclal vehicles are vide and that a 20 ft. wide roed will not 'OOK 062 PACE 39 Pe,. 11 .......--:----------- --- --- --- ------------ . . .-------------- -------------------- ~ ·082 ~~ 40 July 14, 1911 allow for pa.slng unle.s one vehicle pulls off the side of the rOld. Be ..Id that, when thl. happen., the sid.. of the·rolds will br.ak avay, especially aft.r long periods of such h..vy use if th.y do not ha.e a curb and gutter or .wale to hold the .Id.. in place.. fte a.ked for verification a. to the a.phalt on the.e road. ~oving In a lateral direction wh.n .ubjected to heavy vehicular traffrc. county Engine.r Clifford Barksdale concurred on the direction of movem.nt of the asphalt. Rowev.r, h. added, the commercial road .tandard. require that the road. ba con.tructed with an Incr....d bas. of limerock to 8- and this limerock ba.e also run. 12- beyond the edge of the road at the .... depth. He .aid that If a whe.l doe. drop off the edge, the ll.erock ba.e exten.ion should stabilize the roadway. H. al.o .tated that the east/ve.t roadway will b. 24' wid., only the d..d.nd stre.t will be reduced to 20'. John Madajewskl, of Coaatal Engineering, Inc., at.ted that the en91neera reviewed the need for wider .treet. and, ba.ed on the as Ie of the project, the nu.ber of lot., and the type of ret.ntl~n .y.t.. that will be con.tructed, It wa. felt that the wld.r .treet wu. not warrant.d. He said that a wld.r street would provide for a larger area of .alnt.nanc. for the County a. well a. larger area. of .alnt.nance of the retention and draln.ge .rea. tor the owners. ~¡.o, the swal. .y.t~ for retention i. very .hallow and do.. not warrant expanding the roadway. Mr. ~aðaj.waki .ald that the roadway will b. built to the Indu.trlal .peelflcatlon. and the turning radlu. will b. large enough to eltainate the nued for the vehicle. to have to drive over the edge. of the p.~e.ent. Re added that .ach property will have Its own drivevay. .... 11 ----------------------------------- . -=.:J .-' "._....,....~ ~., ~..."..A..._"..,~_·..,.._~. ---------------------------..--------.- ---------------------------------- July lA, 1981 Vice Chalrm~n Wenzel requested that the ~lnut.a reflect that Co..laaSoner Wimer has aaSd that he atlll dSsagrees with the pro~a.l of 20' vide streets In InduatrSal areaa and that h~ probably vl1l not vote Sn favor of approval of such projects In the futur.. Co~mlsaioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Co~mle.ioner plstor abaent, that the public hearing be cloaed. CommlssSoner Brown ~oved, seconded by Commies loner Wenzel and carriet 4/0, with Commlsslonel plstor absent, that the eoard grant ~ubdSvlsion Maater plan approval wSth the two previously mentioned ex..ptlons for Railhead Industrial Park as requested in Petition SMP-8l-'C, aa filed by Coastal Englno~ring, Inc., representing National Trust Co. Co~mlssioner Wimer requested that the record reflect that he voted in favor of thSs petStion, however, he would like staff to look cloaely at any future raduetions in the width of street.. PtTITtml V-ßl-ll-C, 1st C~PIT"L INCOME PROPERTIES, LTD., REoutSTt~G ~ VARIANCE FROM THE HWIMUM ÐIP'lENSIONS Of' ~ P~RJ(ING SP~CE ~NÐ TO PERMJ-r P~RKING IN TilE FRONT SETS.a.C1< OF TfU: I~~NÐ PL~Z~ SHOPPING CENTER ^LONG BALD EAGLE DRIVE, "'''RCO IF:L^ND - CONTINUED L.;al notice having boen published In the Naple. Da!ly News on June 28, 1981 and in the ~arco Ialand Eagle on July 2, 1981 as evl- ðenced by ~ffldavlt. of publication filed with the Clerk, public he.rlng w~. opened to conaider Petition V-8l-11-C filed by lat Capital Inco.e 'toperti.a, Ltd., requeatlng a variance from the MlnSmum dl.en- slons of a p.rking apace and to per.it parking in the front aetback ot the I.land Plaza Shopp1ft9 Center along Bald Eagle Drive, Marco raland. Page 11 &O~K 082 PACE 4f . ~'-/II'.---' ...,.. - _........~~.. ~ . #,.. v<-'-~ - · .-------.-------------------- ------- ---------------------------------- ø 002 PACE 42 July 14, 1911 Zoning Director Jeffory 'erry refer~ed to the txecutiv. Su..ary dated 5/14/11 and outlined the conunU thereof. i,:\cludlng the fact that the petitioner .. .peclf1caUy reque.tln<¡, to re.trlpe " vide .pac.. and to locate .pacea In the front lS' ..tback along eald 1891. DrS.. Sn an atte~pt to provide an additional 25 parking .pac.. for tha I.land Phu ShopplnC) Center on pineo I.land. øe'lAld that .men the parking .pace. at the .ubject ahopplnC) center were originally con- atructed and .triped they .et the requirement. of the orðlnanc. In effect at that time, however, alnce that tl~e, it ha. been d.teralned that 207 apacea are In~dequate. Mr. Perry .tated that the Community Development DJvl.l~n ta conalderlng the Incorporation of the 9' vide .paee for parking In the propoaeð Zoning Ordinance which I. being currently atudlod by the CCPA. He al80 .ald that the staff feel. that no ob.tructlon of vl.lon will re.ult If the proposed alte plan I. approved. Coeml.aloner ~ru.e Inquired aa to the number of other place. on Marco Ialand to which thla kind of a variance could apply? She a.ked If the Board would be .ettinCJ a precedent by C)rantlng thl. particular petition and therefor. be ·openlng the door· for .1.llar requ..ta fro. other bu.!n..... on Marco I.land. Mr. Perry repll.d that he did not knov hov ~any other bu.in..... would h. affected, however, he did not know of any that need additional parkinC) a. badly a. doe. the subject .hopplng center. In anwa.r to Comml..loner Ni..r, County Attorney Pickworth .tated that, ba.ed on the overall situation, a. Indicated within the ataff report, he believe. that the provision. for granting a variance ar. applicable in thi. Inatanoe becau.e the petltlon.r did ..et the Pate 19 ......1 ....., _...__...i =:::J =-~ ------------------------------...- -. July 14, 1981 requlr..ents In the Ordinance when the parking va. provldo~ and nov find. them to be Inadøquate. ße said that tha relative Ordinance'. p.rklnq .pace requirements were obviously not strict enouqh. Commissioner Wi~er asked ~r. Vlrta If the subject petition Ss beift9 con.ldered In anticipation of the propo.ed new ordinance which vlll allow 9' parking spae.' and When It could be expected to be pre.enteð to the Board tor tholr consideration. community Development ~.lnlstrator Terry vlrta replied that it should be ready for pre.entatlon to the BOÐrd in October of this year. County Manager Norman stated that .taff 18 proparing to ~ake a recoamendatlon to the Board that the Government Complex parking area. be reatrlped to 9' parking spaces In order to provide additional ap41ces. Øelen Ken, representing flandlcapped in Action of Collier county, spoke in opposition to the subject potltlon, requestlnq that special attention be given to providing at least three 12' wide parking spaces for the handicapped at a location next to the ramp by the Wlnn Dixie store in the Plaza. She read Section 31~.195S of the Florida Statutes into the record and noted that the.e regulations became effective July 1, 1976. She stated that In ordor to ~eet these State requirements the Ihopplng centor ~u.t provide 3 apaces for the handicapped and that they aust be l2' wido. Hr. Perry stated that the petitioner. do have to .eet all State requirements. MI. Kell .tated that even if they retain 12' wide apace., the existing handicapped parking i. located on an Incline and Is not condu.ive to the per.on who ~ust get In and out of · van In a wheelchair. - 'age 20 ao~ 062 PAC( 43 -----r------------------------------ . . ---------------~----------------~ acœ 062 fACE 44 July 14, 1981 ~. "B. Sandy Arøell0, representing the petitioner, atated that the petitioner did not build the ahoppln9 center and ~he assured the eoard that the the plans Includ. thr.e 12' w~de handicapped parkin9 space.. She added that the two .pace. to which ~.. ~eil object., which are located alone¡ 8ald Eagle Drive, will be removed and that they will be .ore appropriately situated. She said that the petitioner fully intend. to acco~odate the needs of the phyalcal1y handicapped. ~r. Mike Zewalk spoke In opposition to the subject petition and urged the 80ard not to approve any reductions In the r.qulr~enta for 10' wlðe parking spmc... R. .t.ted that 9' wid. spaces do not afford adequate space for the openin9 of door. on vehicle. without hitting the vehlcl. parked In the adjacent .pace. . Commi..ioner Brown moved, .econded by Co=-ls.loner Krus. and carried 4/0, with Commissioner PIstor ab.ent, that the public he.rin9 be clos.d. Co~ml..loner Brown ~oved, ..conded by Co~lsslon.r wl~.r that Petition V-8l-l1C, filed by lat Capital Inc~e propertle., Ltd., requesting a variance fro~ the mlnl.~ dl~en.lon. of a ~rkln9 space and to permit patklnq In the front .etback of the Island PlaIA Shopplne¡ Center along Balð ta9le Drive, ~arco I.land, be approved. The .otlon falleð on a vote of 2/2, with Co~ls.lo"er Pi.tor absent and Coaml..ioners Kru.e and Wenz.l oppo.ed. After a brief discussion, Co~l.slonor Brown aoved, seconded by Co~.t.stoner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Co~l.sloner PI.tor ab.ent, that the public he.rlng reqardlnt Petition V-8l-11C be re-opened and continued until a full Board I. pre..nt. Pa,e 21 --------------------------------- , . :-_:J :::::1 :.....~ -r- "...... .......,. ------------------------------.--- July 14, 19ftl RESOLUTtON Bl-l~O Rt PETITION V-8l-12-C, C. £. LONCYELIEn!, REOUESTING A VARI~NCr. FROM THE ~INIHUM 5 ^CRE Rr.QUIRr.~ENT TO CONSTRUCT A REr.YDENCE ON 3.5 ACRE NON-cnNFOR~INn LOT, ~r.CTtON ~, T49~, R?'roT., - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published In the Naple. DailY News on June 28, 1ge1 .s evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was oponed to consider Petition V-8l-l2-C' filed by C.E. Longieliere, requesting a variance from the minimum 5 acro require=ent to construct a residence on a 3.5 acre non-conforming lot which is zoned -A· Agricultural and located In Section 6, T49S, R26£ Zoning Director Jeffory Perry referred to the Executive Summary and outlined the contents thereof, including the fact that the petitioner i. requostinq the subject variance In order to build a re.ldence on property that was ~aðe non-conforming by the purchas. of 1.5 acre. by the ~tate for 1-75 r1ght-ot-way. He explained that the .ubject lot 18 presently zoned -A- Aqricultural, and that the Zoning Ordinance requires a ~ini~um of 5 acr.s for construction of a r.sldence. He stated that the staff I. recommending approval of the variance. After a brief discussion, during which Mr. Longiellere explained the position of his property In relationship to the ra~p fat 1-75, Co..is.loner ~rown moved, .econd.ð by Co~mi.sioner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, with Co~i..ion.r pi.tor ab.ent, that the public hearing be closed. Co~ls.loner Brown ~oved, seconded by Commi..lonr ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Comml..ioner pi.tor ab.ent, that Resolution BI-l~O, granting a variance fro. the .Inl.~ 5 acre requlre.ent for construction of a r..idence on a 3.5 acre lot zoned ·A- In Section " T4'., R26E, a. reque.ted in Petition V-81-12-C filed by Mr. C. I. Loft9lelier., be adopted. aooa 062 PACE 45 ",e 22 ---..,...--------------------------..----- . f ~, --------..--- . '""-,....w-~ . . '______ _ __ _. __..:..- ..-J'__-*-'_ ------------ ----- - - -------- &GOt 062 r~ 48 July lot, 1911 RESOLUTION 81-181 RE PETITION V-8l-13-C, ROBE~T KELLY, REOUESTlNO A ~RIANCE FROM TAE MINIMUM LOT AREA RECUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A RESIDENCE AND A CUEST ROUSE FOR PROPERTY IN TR~CT '15, UNIT 30, GOLDE. GATE ESTATES - A~OPTED Legal notice havl"9 been publl.hed In the Naple. Daily Neva Oft June 28, 1981 a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to con.lder Petition V-8l-13-C, filed by Robert Kelly, r.queatlng a variance fro~ the .inle~ lot area required for con.tructlon of a re.ldence and 9ue.t hou.. on the W 7S' of the E 150' of Tract 15, Unit 30, Colden Gate Eatates, le.s that portion taken for right-of-way. Zoning Director Jeffory Perry outlined the Information within the Ex.cutive Sum~ary ðated 6/8/8l, Including a brief hl.tory of the aubject property. Re .aid that the aubject parcel, lIIe..uring 7!' X 680' wa. zoneð ~ultl-f..lly in 1968 when the petitioner purcha.ed It and In 1974 the County rezoned the lend to eE- £State., which .ade the parcel a legal non-confor.lng lot, however, It was still eligible for a bulldinq per.lt for a re.ldence anð a gue.t hou.e. ~r. Perry ..ld that the State D.O.T. ha. purcha.ed land along the front of the parcel lor right-of-way for 1-75 and this ha. reduced the lot area fro. 1.l7 acr.. to .97 acre.. Mr. Perry e~plalned that the petitioner require. a variance to con.truct a re.idence and a gue.t hou.e becau.. the .Ini.ua lot area for the -E- district 1. one acre. Mr. Perry .tated that the staff ha. reviewed the .ubject petition and roco~.end. that the verlance be granted. In an.ver to Co..i..loner Wi.er, Hr. Perry ..ld that the current .Inl.u. lot requlre~ent for a residence and guest hou.e In the -I- dl.trlot I. 2.25 acres, however, thl. particular parcel was -grandfathered- in a. a legal non-confor.lnq lot before the purcha.e by the State. Co..I..loner WI.er .ald that he ha. no probl.. with the .age n ---~------------------------------- , . ...-..--.., ,. :::J ............. -- ........ .~..... .~ "",.. .. '--~!!"",--.__'_'.4k..;ro.o,._.._..,..."..~__.... , -..-...~.J:';-...._ \M" , 4I..L~ -'--'''-'~-"~''- --------------------------------- July 14, 19R1 .pprov.l of a rasldenca .lone, however, he Is concerned with the propo..l to construct a r..idence and a gue.t hou.e on such . .~.ll lot, especially since It 1. only 75' wide. Re asked Mr. Perry what portion of the IUb'ect parcel i8 Involved In the acquisition by the State and Mr. Perry replleð that the State II acq~lrlng a .trip of property along the front Which meaaure. approximately 75' X 125'. In an.ver to Conml.sioner Kruse, Hr. Perry .ald that tho State I. negotiating for the payment of only that portion of lend that Is involved In the afore~entioned acquisition, however, If the petitioner doe. not receive a variance to construct the residence and gue.t house, he will have to go back to the State and .eek further .ettlement, clal.lng a ·total take-, based on the fact that he can no longer use hi. property. In anewer to Commie.loner Kruse, Mr. Perry said that the County will be reviewing a lot of petition. .Imiler to this one because of State -taklng.- for 1-75 right-of-way. However, he added, each must be handled on an individual basia beeau.e the staff would not recom~end a variance on all of them. The diseus.lon continued regarding the fact that, although the .ubjeet lot 10 only 75' wide, It doe. meet the .etback requirement. for con.truction and will aftord the petitioner a '0' vl~e building .rea, as explained by ~r. Perry. Mr. ~elly stated th.t when he boU9ht the .ubject parcel it wa. aoned for ~ulti-family u.e and When the County rezoned it he could .till build. house and guest house. He added that now that the St.te h.. purchased part of ~he l.nd for right-of-way, he can no longer build the re.idence and guest hou... He .aid that he did not know that the lot would beco.e ·unbuild.ble· when he aold the property to the St.t. and now he wishe. to ~el1 the property. He .ald that the .ale I. .ub'ect to the granting of the aUb'ect v.riance In order to Insure the new ownet. full u.e of the land. ~r. Kelly aald that the State I. ~ 062 PACE 4ÆJ "cae 2. ------------------------------"'---- .. -..... ~__~~~u,.. ....--... '"t ""'....... ~·~M,... . ~-------------------------------~--- aø 062, ~ 50 July 14, 1981 901"9 to con.truct an ace... road to the back of the .ubj.ct property becau.. acc... through the front portion will be block.d by a 9uardraSl that the Stat. I. going to con.truct. Th. dlacu..lon continued, durlnq which Comml..10n.r wl..r .xpr....d hi. di.pl.a.ur. Sn any con.truction of 9ue.t hou... on 75' lot.. He .aid that, Sn .Olt in.tance., the gu..t houI.. would have to be .Ituated on the front of the property In order to have acce.. to the.. He a.ked that the mlnut.a refl.ct that h. I. reque.ting ataff to inv..tigate the f..libllity of building gU.lt hou.e. on '5' lot. in the future and report back to the Board regarding what the .lnl~u. frontage r.qulr..ent Ihould be for their conatruetion in the future. .Com~I..ioner Brown moved, .econded by Co~I..loner ~ruae and carried 4/0, with C~I..10ner Pl.t.or abient, that the public hearln9 be clo.ed. Co~I..10n.r Brown .oved, .econded by Comaia.loner Kru.. and carrl.d 4/0,. with co~I..ioner pl.tor ab.ent, that ~e.olutlon 81-161 r. Petition V-81-13-C, filed by Pob.rt K.lly, r.que.tlng a vlrSance fro. th~ .lnl.ua lot ar.a required for conatructlon of a re.ld.nc. and a 9u.at hou.. for property In Tract 15, Unit 30, Golden c.t. E8tate., be adopted. Pet- IS , ---.---------------------------------- . . L:.:i :::::::3 ~. .-I.::J ," ,...:::~~¡..L..,7'::.·_~ .. ,..-, "" -------------------------------- -- July 14, 1901 RESOLUTION NO. 8l-l~2 RE PETITION V-~1-l4C, L. E. ZAIsr.n, REOUESTING ~ 20' VARIANCE FROM THE REOUIRED FRONT SETBAC'S IN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (LOTS l~, ll, , 12, UNIT l, NAPLF.S INDUSTRI^L PARK) - ADOPTED Legal notice having bcen publl8hed In the Naple8 Dally Neve on June 28, 1981 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with t~e Clerk, public hearing vas opened to consider Petition V-Ol-l4C, L. E. Zaiser, requesting a 20' variance from the required front .etback at 50 f.et on lots 10, 11, , l2, unit l, Naples Industrial Park. Referring to the Executive Su~mary dated 6/9/ftl, zoning Director Jeffory Perry outlined the history of the subject parcel and explained that tho petitioner wi she. to construct an adðltlon to his business and would like to begin construction along the present bul1dln9 line. Ae said that the petitioner built the existing building in 1978 and that it w.s constructed according to tho Zoning requirements for setbacks at that tlJlle. However, in 1900 the Ord inance was amended, resulting in the .ubject building line being 20 ft. too closo to the center at MerchantUe Ave. He stated that .ta ff ha. reviewed the subject petition end recommends that the variance be granted. In anawer to Commis.ioner Wonzel, Hr. Perry .tated that the requested variance will not affect the petitioner'. ability to meet parking requirement.. Upon hearln~ that there were no reqlstered apeaker., Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Comml.aionet Kru.e and carried 4/0, with COmmissioner Plstor absent, that the public hearing be closed. Coaml..ioner Brown moved, .econded by Commiasioner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Commissioner rl.tor abient, that Resolution ßl-l~2, re Petition V-8l-14-C, filed by L. E. Zaiser, requesting a 20' variance fro. the required front .etback. In the Industrial Di.trlct, be adopted. &CO ( 082 PACE 59 ra9" 2« -~-------_-...._-------------------- . . . ----------------------------------: ~CJt 062. rJJ;E 56 -----_--..-----------------~---------------- July 14, 1911 ~ESOLUTION 81-1S3 RI ,ETITION V-81-1S-C, RICHARD L. DICKESON, POR JOHAM 'KRIER, REOUESTINO S£TßACK VARIANCES 0' 15' SID! YARD 1.8' PROM HOUSE FOR TENNIS COURT OM LOT 15, BLOCK L, PINr. RIceE EXENSION - ADOPTED WITI STIPULATION Le9al notice havln9 been publ1.hed In the Naples Dally ..va on June 28, 1901 a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publ1~atlon filed with the Clerk, public heari"9 we. opened to con.ider Petition V-81-15-C, filed by Richard L. Dlck...on for Johan Kriek, reque.tlng setback variance. of 1S' side yard and 8' froa house for the con.tructlon of a tennis court on Lot 15, Block L, Pine Ridge Exten.lon. Zoning Director Jeffory Perry stated that the petitioner vl.he. to construct a tennl. court at l3~ Cajeput Drive and, In an effort to minimize da~aqe to an existln9 .tand of mature .la.h pine trees, he h.. proposed to locate the tennl. court in .uch a way as to require a variance of 15' fro. the required 30' side yard setback .nð a 7' variance fro~ the required 15' .etback fro~ the house. He .ald that the .ubject lot 1. epproximately 1.45 acre. In are. and that the rear yard .etback can be met with the tennia court situated In the propo.ed plan.. Mr. Perry .tated that the staff ha. reviewed the .ubject petition and reco~~enda th~t the reque.ted variance. be qranted, adding that staff considers the tenni. court to be an important tool in Mr. Krlek'. work becau.. he i. a tennl. profe..lonal, currently ranked III In the vorld. Mr. Perry atated that he haa received a telephone call fro. Dr. Lee R. Li9ht, owner at the adjacent property, pre.ently re.ldi"9 at S06 Pine Cove Lane In Naple., regardlnq the propo.ed tannls courta. Mr. 'arry said that Dr. Light has said that he ha. no objection. to the proposed location of the tennl. court, provided that there will be no lights. Mr. Perry atated that If the petltlonar ia 9ranted the .ubject varSance., the only requlre~ent. that he will have to ..et in order to '8ge 21 . . cJ J c= L ,_tc-A --"'-'" , ,. .. ~_. .....,.....- '..-- ------- --------------------------- July 14, 1981 Install ll9hts Is to apply for a buildln~ permit. ~r. Perry suggesteð that the Board could grant the variance subject to the stipulation that no li9ht. be Installed. Commissioner Brown stated that he vas opposed to prohibiting a man from having light. on his tennis courts and .u9gested Inetead that the Board put a time li~it a. to how late In the evening lights could be u..d. ~e dl.cu.sion continued reqardin9 the u.e of light. in this kind of a situation, during which Mr. Perry concurred with Commisslon.r ~ru.e that if the petitioner were to po.ition the tennis court. In another part of the 8ubj.et property whlr:ï) would not requl re a var lance, he could put up a. ~any llCJht. as he wl.hed and would not be re.trlcted ae to how long they butn, with the exception of the Civil Law requirements related to a nuisance. "r. Richard Dickeson, the contractor for the propos.d t.nnls courts, .poke In defen.. of lights around a tennis court, .tating that the full candle power of the light. would be concentrated onto the court, adding that lighting beyond the court i. ~Ini~al. He said that this kind of lighting would not be objectional to a neighbor and he reminded the Board that there i. a .t.and of pine tre.. between the petitlon.r's property and that which belong. to Dt. Light. ~e dlacus.ion continued, durln~ which the petitioner vaa .sked If he intended to in.tall light. around the tennl. court.. Mr ~riek stated that h. do.. intend to Install lights at a later date, adding thlt, if the Board want. to put a restriction on the variance approval a. to what time they must be turned oft, he i. agreeable. In an.wer to Coe.l..loner Brown, Mr. ~rlek .aid that while IOIOO P.M. v.. agre.able, 11.00 ..". would be .ore d..lrable. County Attorney Pickworth .ald th.t the Board could ~evy a reasonable re.trlctlon on the tl.. of night tbat 119ht. may be u.ed on the tennl. court., a. long a. they are &oOIC 062 PACE 57 Paqe 21 --------------------------------- .- , - .._----------------------------~--~ d œz PAC( 58 July 14, 1911 ,ranting the petitioner a variance to construct the tennis court. cl0.er to his neighbor'. property. County Manlger Nor.ln .U9gested thlt the eo.rd 9rant the varllnce with a .tipulation prohibiting light. around the court. He .aid that If the petitioner wl.hes to have li9hts In.tllled, he will have to co.. , back to the Board with another application Ind specific plln. and inforaatlon regarding the propo.ed li9ht.. Co~lssloner Brown .oved, .econded by C~I..loner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, with Comml.sioner pi.tor ab.ent, that the public he.tln9 be closed. Commi..ioner Brown moved, .econded by Co~ml..ioner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, with Commissioner pistor absent, that Resolution 8l~1'3, r. Petition V-81-l5-C, fileð by Richard L. Dlcke.on for Johan ~ri.k, reque.tlne¡ ..tback variances to construct' tennis court on Lot 15, Block L, pine Ridge Exten.ion, b. adopted, subject to the .tipulatlon that no light. be permitted, a. outlined by the County ~an·ger. h,e 2' ---------------------------------- . . . C::.::J ~ ~J,I ~~ .. .--.-........-..-.~---..-."T d . _. ,~_. .___ h~ -_ .... ....-.-.... . --------------------------------- July 14, 1981 . . . Rr.CESS - TIME. 10.10 A.M. - 10.15 A.M. . . . EMPLOYMENT CONTnACT Rt PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF SF.LWYN J. BEIN AS COUNTY E~VIRONMENT~L CONSULT~NT - ~ppnOVED FOR EXECUTION County Manager Norman atftteð that Mr. Selwyn J. 8.ln Is prepared to accept the position of Environmental Con.ultant with the County according to the term. of the contract outlined within the Executive Su..ary dated 7/3/8l. Ref.rrlng to the contract with the previous Environmental Con.ultant, Mr. Norman .tated that the proposed contract with Mr. 8.1n will contain a revls.d Section 15 that will read DS follows, .Conaultant shall .erv~ as an Independent contractor and Ghall not be considered an employee of Collier County. During the course of thl. contract the conaultant shall provl~e service. on the basis of a ~O hr. work week, Monday through friday, 8.00 A.M. to 5100 p.~., and auch additional time aa may be required in fulfilling the obligation ~s specified herein. Benefits typically awarded to County .~ployees shall not be awarded except a. follows. a) Office space, office aupplles and travel, b) Hwalth insurance as provided above, c) 15 day. annual leave, and, d) Official ·County· holidays · "r. Mor~an introduced Mr. Beln who stated that h. i. pl.a..d to acc.pt the position of Environmental Con.ultant, adding that h. will b. aval1abl. to begin on the first worklnq day in August of thl. y.ar. After a brl.f discussion, Co.-issloner Kru.. moved, .econded by Co..ls.loner Brown and carried J/l, with Co.elssloner Plstor absent and Co.-Ia.ioner Wenzel opposed, that the emplo~ent contract for the profe..lonal service. of Selwyn 3. aeln for the County po.ltlon of InYiron.ental Con.ultant be approved for execution aa pre.ented by the County "'.nac¡.r. aoOK 062 PACE 61 .a9. 3ft --------------------------------~ . , :.._--------------------------------~ -----------------------.-----~---- . &OiJ 062 rAtE 82 July 14, 1981 rlN~L 'LAT APPROVAL RE PETITION 'P-8l-l0C, NORTHLAND DEVELOPMENT, WF.STVfEW PLA%A SUBDIVISION, SECTION 1, TSOS, R25E - GRANTED 'lanner ~e Layne .tated that Petition '~-81-10C, filed by Worthland Development, 1. requestinv final plat approval of the We.tview ,laza Subdivl.ion, which lie. between Radio Road and eatl 8lvd. In Section 1, T50S, R25E. She .ald that th. £nqlneerin9 Departøent has reviewed the construction drawings, apecificatlons, and final plat for the project and that all documents are In contor.anee with the County Subdivision Regulation. and all appropriate fee. have been paid. ~s. Layne said that It I. staff's reco~~endatlon that the requested final plat approval be granted. M.. Layne alao pointed out that the subject subdivision Is part of the wpCw (profe.slonal co.- .erclal) rezoning alon9 Gall Boulevard and th~t the petitioner has 8greed to provide aidewalks a. stipulated by the County When the rezoning wa. granted. She atated that the sidewalks are ahown on the final plat. Co~ml..loner Brown .oved, seconded by Comaissloner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, with CON8lssloner PI.tor ab.ent, that final plat approval reque.ted In petition 'P-81-l0C, filed by Northland Dev.lope.ent for Nestviev ,laza .ubdivlslon be granted. RESOLUTION 8l-164 RE PETITION PU-~1-5-C, NATIONAL TRUST CO, REOUESTIMG PROVISIONAL USE (2) OF THE wAw DISTRICT FOR E"RTR MININC AND EXCAVATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF OR~NGE ALOSSOM DRIVE, SECTION l, TC98, R25£ - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIonS, PF.TITIONER'S AGREtME1fT TO STIPULATION" AND ~APC FINDING or '''CT ACCEPTED rOR THt RF.CORD Planner Lee Layne reterred to the Executive Sum~ary dated S/l9/ll, and read the contents thereot regarding petition PU-8l-S-C, filed by Rational Trust Co., reque.tinq provisional use (2) of the -A- district for earth .Inlnq and excavation for property located north of oranqe Ilo..oa Drive, acro.. fr~ Rlqhway 'aver. on Airport Road. She ..i4 'age n . . =-".:::J -- ...J ~ ___------------------------------... I July 14, 19"1 that this i. . companion petition to Excavation Permit 159.121 and that the petitioner I. proposing to develop a 95 acre excavation oporation for future re.identlal development at tho aite. Ma. Layno read the CAPC stipulations, -A- through -H-, which h~ve boen appendod to the CAPC's recommendation for approval of the subject petition and noted that the petitioner haa agreed to same. She atated that it Is staff's recom~end.tlon that the provisional use bo granted, subject to tho CAPC stipulations, that the Petitioner'. a9re.lllent 'to stipulations -A- through wH- be accepted, and, that the CAPC'. Findin9 of Fact be accepted a. part of tho record. Co~I..lon.r ßrown moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Kruse and carried 3/l, with Commlssion~r Pi.tor absent and Commissioner Wenzel oppo.ed, that Re.olutlon Rl-164 re Petition PU-8l-5-C be adopteð, subj.ct to the .tlpulatlons outlined In the Executive Sum~4ry and that the Petitioner's ~reement to stipulations and the CAPC·. Finding of ract be accepted for the record. aoOK 082 rACE 63 .ac¡ e 32 -------------.-.------------------.. . ---------------------------------- ____________________________~L~__ _ 062 rACE 70 July 14, 1981 EXCAVATION Pr.RMIT '59.121, N~TIONAL TRUST COMPANY (TRUSTS .5113 I '5l~7), SICTtON 1, T4~S, ~251, (COMP~NtON PETITION TO pU-8l-5-C) - APPROVr.n FOP ISGU"NCr., ßUBJECT TO STIPULATIOMB . Public work. Adalnistrator Clifford Bark.dal. ref.rr.d to the lnfor.ation outlin.d within the Executiv. Su...ry .ubeltted a. part ·of this dat.'. ~onda pack.t and, he reco~mended approval of the i.suanc. of .xcavatlon per.lt '59.121, .ubject to stipulations, adding that thia reque.t i. the companion It.~ to Petition PU-8l-S-C for the provisional u.. re Petition PU-Rl-5-C, which wa. granted by the Board .arller thla ....ion. Co..i..ioner Brown ~oved, ..conded by Commls.loner ~ru.. and carried 3/1, with co~ission.r pi.tot ab.ent and Commi..ioner Wensel oppo.eð, that txcavation Permit '59.121 be approved for is.uance, .ubject to the following .tipulation., a. recommended by staff, 1. Lak. ~onitoring sy.teM for wat.r quality shall b. initiated and ~alntained by applicant 8t no expense to Collier County with results reported to County Engineer. 2. No cru.hlng process shall be permitted. 3. TUrn lan.a ahall be constructed along C.R. 31 ~t the entrance. 4. Paved acce.. shall be conatructed to the ea.tern canal right-of-way line. 5. Owner .hall enaure that no .urface water from outside the land. will enter excavated ar.a. 6. No off-aite diacharge unle.. permitted by Srw~D. RESOLUTION RI-l65 RE PETITION PU-8l-~-C, J"MES VENSEL, REPRESINTIMQ SEAVIEW CONSTRUCTION CO. INC., REOtJE~TING PROVISIONAL USE (5) or TftE aRTw Dt&TRICT FOR SALr.S OFFICE R£ TIME SH^R£ r^CILITY LOCATED ON WEST SIDE OF COLLIER BLVD. - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS, PETITIONr.R'. AGRE~ENT TO STIPULATIONS ANC C^PC 'INDING or rACT ACCEPTED FOR THI RECORD. Planner Lee Layne atat.d that ,.tition PU-Bl-~-C, fil.d by J.... Vena.l tor 6eavlew Conatruction, i. reque.tlng a provisional us. (5) of the WAT- District for a sale. office for a ti.. ahare facility on =::J r ..3 '-~ .1............ ....-._-_._..~ , .--......---.... \' -------------------------------- -.-. July 14, 1981 property located Oft the weat aide of Collier Boulevard, ftcro.. fro. Spruc. Avenu.. She said that the CAPC held their public hearing on June 4, 1981 and, based on the criteria or the provisional use section of the Zonln9 Ordinance and ~he finding. of fact, .re recommendln9 ap~rov.l of the subject petition with stipulations wA- through w,_, .. outlined within the Exeeutivo Summery dated 6/8/81. Upon he.rlng Mr. Vensel btlefly outline various aspects of the propo.ed project, Including that It will probðbly be the lowest density project on Marco I.land with l2.5 unlta per ðcre, Commissioner Brown .oved to adopt Resolution 8l-165, re Petition PU-Pl-6-C, filed by 3am.. V.n..l for S..vlew Construction Co. Inc., requesting a provisional use (5) of the -RTw DI.trlct for a sale. office for a time share facility for the property previously described by planner Layne. Co~is.ioner Krus. seconded the ~otion which carrted ~/O, with Commie.loner pI.tor .bs.nt. aoœ 062 PACE 71 'e,. 34 ------:------ ---- ----- ----- -- --- -------.-.. . "M"",~,,".<.'m'~'~.' -",_".,.__ --------------------------------- July 14, 1991 PETITION HO. PU-81-7-C, HANCRF.STER r~VESTMENTS, REOUESTINC A PRO- VISIONAL USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION ~.10 FOR ~ATER ~ND SFWF.R TREATMENT F~CILITIES FOR OU~ TL CREEK SUBDVISrOH LOCATED l/2 MILE F.AST or 1-75, I ~ILr. NORTH OF IM~O~~LEE RO~D - CONTINUF.O Planner Lee Layne stated thAt Petition PU-Bl-7-C, filed by Manch.ster rnvestment., 1. reque.ting a provisional use in accordance with Section B.lO for water and sewer treatment tacilltlo. and she located the subject property on an overhead map. Ms. Layne referred to the Executive Summary dated 6/19/8l and rec.pped the contonts thereof, including that the CAPC hðs recom~.nd.d that the subject petition be approved, .ubject to the following stipulations. A. ~ccesÐ and development of both .Ites shall be constructed In accordance with the ~uail Creek Haster Development Plan. B. Six (6·) inch rvc water line shown on ~heet 3 be ter~lnated at the rear lot lines of Lot. 27 and 28 as noteð on Sheet 8. c. Air relief valve as shown on the ew water line on ~heet 4 at Station 102 + 92± be movod to Station 102 + ~O± D. Note should be ad~n~ on She~t 12 .tattno that there shall be a joint In tho first 12 inches outsldo the manhole wall. Fo. When propared, the construction plans for the sewage force ~ain between Phase I and the sewage treatment plant be submitted to the Utility Division for ~pprova1. r. ~cknowledgement by the developer that data .upportlnq w3ter and sewer user charge. will be sub~ltted for approval to the County. G. All signs must be approved by the %onlnq Olrector. R. The sites should be acreened In accordAnce with Section 8.20 of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Wlllla~ Vine., repre.enting the petitioner, was pre.ent. for the purpo.e of answerln9 any que.tions. Co.-I..loner Wenzel asked Utilities Manager Berlon af he a. f..illar with the subject project and the proposed water and .ewer tr~ata.nt facllltle. and If he approves of It? Mr. eeraon replied that he has approved the application. PlAnner Lee Layne .tated that ~ 062 tAct 79 _.___--- _______------- ____ ___'..!!I!....3.!.._. . , . --------------~-----~---j --------- -I·. . &QO~ 062 rACE 80 July 14, 1981 I I I Stipulation. -8- through .,. wer. attached by "r. 8erzon. Co..illlon.r Wi..r stated that h. i. particularly concerned re9ardln9 the provl.lons for ho~kift9 into the County Re9ional Water Byste. and the North Napl.. Wat.r sy.te~ and questioned exactly what provl~lon' have been .ad., adding that he ..~8 no such provl8ion. within the .ubject petition. Mr. Øerzon .tateð that there ara no such provision., at thl. tl.., becaus. the subject project Is too far east from the area. to b. serviced by those .ystems about which Co~mis.lon.r WI..r Is concerned. Mr. B.rzon said that he 1. r.asonably certain that the project vlll b. within the service areft. for the two system. at .o~. time In the future, hovever, he cannot be certain aa to when that will occur. ø. .ald that h. had a discussion regarding all of this 80me month. ago, durln9 vhlch he understood that the developer ha. agre.d upon certain conditions relatin9 to the par-ent of appropriate charge. and a review o! rate. prior to the b~lnnln9 a! any vater and sewer operations. He .aid that if hi. under.tandln9 I. not correct, thl. I. the tl~e for the developer to .peak up. Comml..loner Wenzel ..Id that stipulation .r require. the developer to submit data 8upportln9 vater and sewer uaer charge. to the County tor approval, however, he would like to know vhat happen. In the ftvent that the Utility Division doe. not approve of the charge.? fte asked If there would b. .~e kind of arbitration, or what kind of provision. have been .et up to settl. tho.e .atter. Co~I..lon.r Wi.er a.ked that the public hearlnq be contlnu.d until such time a. h. h.. had the opportunity to en98ge In so.. dlscu..lon re9arding all of these question.. ~r. Perzon requested that h. be allowed to .ake the followlnq state.ent before the Board decide. to contInue the public hearing. .~. far a. user fees and .yste.. develo~ent charge. and the like ar. concerned, they won't know and we certainly won't be In a po.itlon to co~.nt on It, until they hay. .... " ---------------------------------- :::::::1 :~::J ..~ ., ------------------- ...-.......------------ . -----------------...----------------. July 14, 1981 actually put the thing together a. a plan and come up with .oma co.ts.- Mf. Berzon added that this Is something that he and the petitioner did dhcu" and thh Is al.o the reason that the peti t10ner ha. agued that, when they pu~ their fee. together, they will submit them to the County tor review. Mr. Berzon stated that beyond that agreement, he doea not know what else can be added at this time. Commissioner Wenzel asked Hr. Beraon if he 1. recom~ending the method of deteralnlng the fees and Mr. B~rzon replied affirmatively, adding that he Is doing so because if the tee. turn out to be exorbitantly high, the Board will then have the prerogative of determining thom.to be too high ~nð denyln1 them. He said that he doe. not have that preroqfttlve, although he would be bringing ft recommendation to the Boatd tor their consideration. There wes a brief discussion regarding the continuance of the public hearing, during which Commissioner Wimer atated that he would like the opportunity to attend a discussion with the Utilities Manaqer and the developer an~ ownefS of the subject project. Mr. Øerzon 8greed to this meeting which shall take place before the aubjectpetition will be .cheduled on the BCC agenda. Mr. Tom Peek of ~ilson, ~Illor, Barton, SOlI and Peek, consulting engineer for the aubjet project, .tated that he has been involved In thl. particular project and In the application for the provisional u.e tor a number of months. Re .ald that the PU~ document for the project , has been approved by the Board and stipulate. within it that there sball b. water and .ewa~e treatment facllltle. within the project. Re .ald that at the ti.. the PUD wa. applied for, and sub.equently 9ranted, it was not known exactly where the facilitle. would b. .Ituated. He added that the de.ign ha. been finalized at thl. point In aoOK 062 PACE 81 'a9· " . ~'~., '.r'~'" --,_ ",. '. ,. . '~.._--'''-_...'-_...~... . '. .,.. .n - -----------------------------~--~~ . ! I , aGOt 082 PACE 82 July 14, 1981 ti.e and the devoloper i. seeking the provi.ional u.e to be9in con.truction. Re said that he has discus.ed the propo.ed facilities In detail vlth "r. Berzon, including the plan. for develo~ent of sevl9· rat... He .ald that "r. Berzon haa revleveð the plan. and ha. Incorporated his ~omments In the stipulations a. outlined in the staff report and to which the developer ha. agreed. ße .aid that the proposal to tie into the Regional Sewage and Water Syste.s wa. di.cu..ed, and hft concurred with ~r. 8erzon that the projection. as to the availability of the.e .yste~. to Quail Creek ia not Identifiable at this time, however, the propo.ed facilitle. tor the .ubject ptoject are .0 designed that they could be readily incorporated Into the County'. syste. It the Boatd would .0 ða.ire at 80me tl~e in the tuture. He concluded by stating that the .ubject project Is deeply involved In developeent, the ~atter at obtaining the subject provisional u.e i. required in order to obtain the bulldi"9 per~lt to begin construction of the water/.ewer tacillties, and, the developer need. very Much to .ave ahead with thl. a.pect of the project. ße reque.teð that the public hearing not be continued In order to hold diseu.sions that have already been held, and asked the Board to act favorably upon the subject petition. COM~lssloner Wenzel asked ~r. Peek If this development is a full section in area and Mr. Peek replied afflr~atlv.ly, adding that the dev.loper al.o own. that portion of Section 20, to the .outh, which will be the .ite of the .ewage treat~ent plant. Com_issloner Wi~er .aid that, while he under.tend. everything that Mr. Peek has said, he .tlll I. requ..tlng that the Board continue thl. public hearing and 9ive hi. the opportunity to take part In the dlacu..ion. with the developer and ~r. Berzon. He said that he vanta '19' JI .------------------,..,-------------- ...--, -........... :=..=J ==::1 , . . --------------------------------. July 14, 1981 to clarify some things In his own .lnd before he I. asked to vote on the subject provisional use. Co~~ls.1onor Wimer ~oveð, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, vlth Commissioner Pistor absent, that the public hearing re Petition PU-8l-7-C, filed by Manchester Invetments, requesting a provl.lon.l us. for water and sever facilitle. for Ouail Creek Subdivision be continued to an uncertain date. RESOLUTION Rl-l~~ RE PETITION SNR-81-~C, CONFIRMI~a TRE STREET N~£·Or W!DGEFIEL~ DRIVE, IN I~PERI~L GOLF E5T~TE~ - ~DOPTED Planner tee Layne stated that Petition SNR-8l-6C, tiled by Marco of N.pl.., Inc., Is requesting that the entrance drive to their Wedgefleld and Imperial project in Imp.tial Calf Estate. b. named Wedqefield Drive. She said that th~r. is no street with this na.. or a .1.ilar sounding name and that staff recommends approval. Commissioner Brown ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried C/O, with Com~issloner pi.tor absent, that Resolution Bl-l~6 confirming the str.et name of Wedgefleld Drive, be adopted. . &OOK 062 rACE 8S 'ago 39 ________________......__r-------------- . .~ . t-'-__---~--...,.-...:--o.--~----~--~~-~--~ ,aoOK 062 PAC£ 86 July 14, 1981 RESOLUTION 81-1r.7 RI PETITION SNR-81-7C, FRED ALLEN, Tn! MOORINC', INC., RIOUESTING TAl STREET NAM! 0' MOORINCß PARK ~Rlvr. IN MOORING' 'ARK - AOOPTr:D. ,lanner Lee Layne .tated that Petition SNR-81-7C, filed by Fred Allen, for the Mooring., Inc., Is reque.ting that the street n..e of Moorin9s 'erk Drive be approved for the principal ,.tre.t 1~ Moorln9· .ark, a development located hat of Cood1ette Road, North of Solano Road, and South of Burning Tree Crive. She .ald that there are no street. with this name or a slailar .oundin9 na.. and that .taft reco~.nda approval. Comais.loner Brown moved, .econded by Co~ml"loner Kru.. and carried 4/0, with Commi..loner Plator absent, that Resolution 81-167 re Petition SNR-8l-7C, .nd confitming the street name of "'oaring. Park Drive, be adopted. 'age '0 ..---~------------------------------ . . . . . r,-~ ~ r ~ *-.. ~ I ,..."'-"..... .,~..,"~.~~,,---,,- , i ---------------------------------' ~ . July U. 1981 1 ~EMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT RE PETITION TR-81-0C, LEr. MEIMER, FOR USE OF I A MOIILI HOME ON PROPERTY 1M TRACT 15, UNIT 8, COLDEN GATE ESTATES - I GRANTED FOR SIX MDNTnS, AS Rr.COMHENDED BY ZONING DIRECTOn : Zoning Director Jeffory Ferry stated that Petition TR-81-8C, filed by Lee Meiner, I. for a te.porary re.ldenco permit for the uso of a aoblle hone as a temporary re.idenee while constructing a permanent relldence on property in Tract 15, Unit 8, Colden Gate Estates. Ae referred to the infor~ation within the Executive Su~mary dated 6/9/ßl and ~utlined the background of the .ubject petition and the provision. of the Zarling Orð Inance related to th18 request. pitr. Perry stated that the petitioner has calculated that It will take approximately 12 months to complete construction and that he i. recommending that a temporary resSdence permit be is.ued for the period of .Ix months, with a provl.ion for the applicant to reapply for an extension at the end of that tl.., .ubject to the petitioner receiving a building permit for the principle re.idence. Oo~.is.loner ~rown ~ov.d to accept Mr. Perry'. recommendation. C~is.ioner ~rU8e seconded the motion which carried 4/0, with CODai..ioner ~1.tor absent. Co.ml.sloner Wimer asked if these permits are being followed up by the Zoning Department and Mr. ,erry a.sured hl~ that they were on a .onthly bash. ~£MPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT RE PETITION ~-AI-9C, CAROL GRAAAM, FOR USE or TWO TRAVEL TR^ILERS ON PROPERTY IN TRACT 15, UNIT A, COLDr.N CATE ESTATES - CiRANTED FOR -SIX "'ONTftS AS RECO....r.Nt'En flV ZONING DIRECTOR Zoning Director Jeffory Ferry stated that Petition TR-8l-9C, filed by C.rol arah.~, I. requesting a t..porary re.idence permit to u.e two travel trailer. a. temporary re.idence. while constructlnq a per.anent residence on property located In Tract 15, unit 8, colden ~.te Estate.. Ie referred to the Executlye Sum.ary dated 8/9/81 and outlined the ~OK 062 PACE 89 ____------------------------~L~-- . . . --------------------------------- '1Nf. U62,ACt 90 July 14, 1981 r.a~n. for the r.qu..t and the r.latlv. provl.lon. of the Zonln9 Ordlnanc. appllcabl. to the .ubj.ct petition. R.'reco~.nded approv.l of the laauance of the reque.ted pe,.lt, for the period of .Ix ~ontha. with a provi.lon for the applicant to reque.t an .xten.lon f~r an additional three .onth. If ne.ded. In an.wer to Co~I..lon.r Wl~er, he .ald that ataff ha. no probl.m with the petitlon.r'. reque.t to allow the te.porary u.e of two travel trall.rs, addlnq that one will b. r..ov.d In four ~onth.. Coeml.aloner Rrovn eoved to accept Hr. Perry'. reco~~endatlon. Co.-I..loner Krus. .econded the motion which carried 4/0, with Co..I..ioner pistor ab.ent. WORKSHOP SESSION SCHEDULED FOR 3ULY 20. 19~1 RE IMP~CT FEES Coaaunlty Develope.ent Adelnlatrator Terry Virta .tated that the .tatt ha. prepared a report on the aubject of Impact fee. and that h. consider. thla report to cover only the -tip of the lceber9w In t.,.s of 1.~ct f.... He .aid that the report doe. spell out ~oae of the .rea. wher. the County .ust .xerclse discretion as well a. concern and al~ contain. a recommendation, baaed upon dl.cuaslon. with the County Manaqer, the County Attorney, and the Chal,.an of the Board, that a work.hop be .ch.duled for ~nðay, July 20, 1981 at 9tOO A.M. Mr. Virta .ald that Mr. Fred Bos.el.an, of Chlca90, Ill., who I. on. of the Country'. leading attornay. re9ardinq wland u.ew and wl.pact f.e.., ha. offered to attend thl. work.hop. Re .ald that Mr. Bo..el.an ia, In hi. opinion, a r.source worth tappinq, and he requested that the work.hop be .cheduled by the Board. Co.-I..loner ~1..r ~ved, .econded by Co.el.s1on.r Kru.. and carrl.d .4/0, with Coeal..loner plstor ab.ent, that the work.hop ....Ion be sch.dul.d a. reeo..end.d by Mr. Vlrta. '89. 42 . ------------~------------------------ . . :::::1 c:r:::J [..:..:.::J _,"...~'"'''......._.'_,m>' .,. ". ,_,.. "",~. -~------------------------------- July 14, 19A1 County Manager Norman .uggested thet Invitations be i.sued to the ...bars of the School ~oard, the City Council, and the officials of Everglades City to attend the workshop. It was the consensus of the Board that these entities be invited to attend, however, because of the complexity of the subject and the time elemont Involved, it was to be understood that they would not take part in the discussions. EXCAV~TION PERMIT '59.l23. WES KING, AGr.NT/DOYLE ROP~INS, SECTION 14, T50S, R25E (WEST SlOP. OF ~ELLY ROAD, SOUTH or U.s. ~l) - APPROVED ·FOR ISSU~NC£ WITH STIPULATIONS Public Work. Administrator Clifford Barksdal. reported that the petitioner, We. ~Ing, 1. requosting an excavation permit for the construction of a 72' X 700' lake to a depth of approximately 15' on property located on the west .Ide of KeÂly Ro~ð, south of u.S. 41, In section 14, TsnS, R2SE. A. said that all of the excavated material will be retained on site for us. as fill material for future development and that the purpose of the lake will be for drainage retention for a proposed develo~.nt to Include eight (8) building. with 52 units. fIe .aid that the Information In the Executive Sum",ary regarding a future .obilo home park i. erroneous, and should be str icÞNn. Mr. Barksdale stated that there was one written objection to the proposed excavation, however, staff ha. answered that objection ~nd e.sured the lady who filed the objection that the property to the north tft¡.uld not be affeetetl., R- said that the proposed excavation will be approximately 85 to 90 feet away from the property about which she was concerned. Mr. Bark.dale referred to the Executive Su..ary dated ~/I~/8l and stated that the WMAB ha. reco~.nded approval of the excavation per.lt, subject to the following stipulationsI I ! &oOK œ2 PAC( 91 --------------------~-------~~~-- ...........",.... ... ,.."... ~. , - ---------------------------------- ..------------------..------------------ July U, 1981 ~GQf. ~2 mE 92- 1. Th. p.titloner .hall .u~it a detailed draina9. plan and computation. to the County engineer 'or review and approval prior to usin9 the lake as . dralna9. r.ten- tlon ar.. for the future d.v.lo~.nt. 2. Th. depth of the excavation 1. limited to -lO.O· .sl. 3. No pu~ping 1. approved a. part of this permit. 4. If the future dev.lo~.nt do.. not take place, the late .hall be b.r~ed. 5. Excavated material shall b. .pread on the .it. and not .toekplled for future u.e. ~. All applicable provi.lon. of Ordinance No. 80-26 shall be adh.red to. Mr. Ray T. Mantz, representing Catherine Blair., who I. the owner of the property located at 2710 Linda Lane, apoke In oppo.ltlon to the propo.ed .xcavation. He aaid that two telegram. of opposition were ..nt to the Commissioners and he asked If they were considered by the Board. Ad~inistratlv. Aide Crace Spaulding acknowledged the rec.lpt of the t.legrams and .tated that they were routed to .ach of the Co.-lsslon.rs. Mr. ~antz said that Ms. Blair.'s property Is directly north of the proposed excavation, and that It is, In her opinion, too low to be compatlbl. to the propoaed excavation and resulting land .l.vationa on the .ubject property, without being advers.ly affect.d. He .aid that Ma. Blalre was not notified of the public he.rlng. regarding the .ubj.ct .xcavatlons In ti.e for the proper pr.paratlon of eloveation .ap. fro. which to point out potential flooding probl..., howev.r, h. would llk. this consider.d. Mr. Barksdal. addressed the problems ~entlon.d by Mr. Mantz, and h. .tated that the concern center. around the ral.lng of elevation. to ...t the flood plain elovatlon require~ents. Ae ..Id that any .uch ....ur. will hav. to be .cco.panied by a certification by a regl.tered en9In..t that draina9. frolll the building .1 u. will not caua. any 111 ..q. U . =:J . ~... . . -..., ---..J ::---=:J ......._._..~ --~..... , t,· ,.~... ......~,~~'--. -----;....----------------~-----_.- - July 14, 1981 .ffects to the adjøcent propertie.. He aalð that this is generally done by the use of an intercepting swale or gutters that will Intercept part of the vate~s to be rout~d back to the lake that will be located in the middle of the property. He .ald that thh will be pIIrt of the de.lgn plan. Comml..loner Brown moved, .econded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 3/l, with Co~mi8sioner PI.tor absent and Commissioner Wenzel opposed, that Excavation Permit '59.123 be approved for Issuance, subject to the stipulations outlined by ~r. Barksdale. . . . Deputy Clerk Davidson wa~ replaced by Deputy Clerk Skinner at this tl~e' 11130 A.H. . . . ISSUANCE OF EXC~V~TION rER~IT NO. 59.)2~-WILLI~~ B. STONE, PRE~ID£NT/- OUAILS ROO~T, INC.--Sr.CTION 11, T5lS, R2f!:E- CONTINUED UNTIL FULL BO.a.RD IS PRESENT Public Works Administrator Barksdale explained the location of a proposed excavation e. approximately 1/2 IIIll~ .outh of ~anatee Road and that said application had met all the WMAB requirements and was recomoended for approval with stipulations. ne said the depth wuld be li_ited to -9.0 IIIs1. Zoning Director Jeff Perry stated the petitioner vas applying for Croup Rousing classification. Co~I..loner Brown moved, .eeonded by Commls.ioner Kruse that Excavation Pormit No. 59.124 be approved. On call for the question, the vote wa. 2/2, Com.ia.loners Wenzel and Wllller oppo.ing. The reque.t was ordered co^tlnued until a full Board i. pre.ent. eoOI 002 PACE 93 ..,e 45 --------------------------------- .-. - , -------------------------------- ø 062 rACE 94 .1uly 14, 1911 RESOLUTION 81-168 ESTABLISRIMO A 20 MPR SPEED ZONE 011 LA~!WOOD IOULEVA,RD BETWEtN REYNOLDS COURT AND SRORT COURT IN THE LAItEWOOD SUBDIVISION - APPROVr.D . Mr.larksdde explained that. tuftlc .urvey ha. been .ade of the area on Lakevood Boulevard between Reynold. Court and Short Court In the Lakevood Suhdlvlalon and becau.e of numeroua ~rlveways and the fact that pedestrian. end cycl1.ts .hare the .a~e road, the reco=-endatlon wa. ..de that a 20 ~ph speed Kane be eatablished in that .rea. Co.-Iasioner Brown caved, .econded by comml..loner ~ruse and carried 4/0, Com~ls.loner PIstor absent, that Resolution 8l-l68 e.tab- llahlng a 20 .ph speed zone on Lakewood Boulevard between Reynolds Court and Short Court In the Lakevood Subdlvlalon be adopted. Pate ... ----------------------------------.-. . . ~~P~,J ~ ~~ C:'.":3 ~,......."ø.,..,m,- .' . _.-...,.... ~. ..... ----.......,.,... ------~------------------------- July l4, 1981 PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE 0' ~HE C~CES UNITS 1 ~ND 2 AND A CERTIFICAT! 0' DEPOSIT FOR SlR,On~ - ~prROV!D "r. Blrk.dale explained that The Board app~oved a reduced ..curlty In the a~ount of 'J~,OOO on January 19, 197D to a.aure completion of Clade. Boulevard and Palm Drive roadwaya to the County's .atlstactlon. Since that tl~e, he said, the Glades has made the requested changea within the right-of-way and has maintained the streot syatem and the developer ha. po.ted an $l!,OnO certificate of deposit to cover the ataff'. requested one-year maintenance security. Co~mls.loner Brown moved, ..conded by Commlsaloner ~ruse and carried 3/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed and Comml.sloner pIstor absent, that preliÞlnary acceptance of tho Clade. Unit. 1 and 2 be accepted and Certificate of Deposit No. ~1820-l for $18,000 be accepted and the existing security (C. D. 1556672) be rela..ed. aoOl 062 PACE 97 'a,e 41 ----------------------------------- -.. . . .·,ú¡{.........' __ .......-.,. .......--.. .-.., ....-,.. ." ."'__"~..'N__=""..,..,~,,~~" --------------------------------- July 14, 1981 PRELIMINARY ACCF.PTANCE or BOCA CIEGA VILLACE SUBDIVISION AND MAINTENANCE RONn - APPROVEÐ Mr. Barksdale .tated that the developer of Boca Cteqa VIllaqe Subðlvi810n ha. completed the con.truction Improvement. and has posteð the required 10' maintenance security bond In the amount of $ll,1.90 to cover the one-year maintenance period. He said the County Public Work. Department has In.pected the required i~provement8 within Boca Cieqa Village and recommend. pte11minary acceptance, ftcceptance of the 10' .alntenance .ecurlty and releas. of tho ll0' construction .ecurlty. Commlsaloner 8røwn moved, .econd~d by Commi.sioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Commiesioner pIstor absent, that pr.llmlnary acceptance of ~ca Ciega Vi1lftge Subdivi810n and maintonance bond be approved and the construction security released. .. ~ 062. PACE Ð9 .a9· ... -----:-------------------------------_.. . ............_~-_........__. ..------------------------...:------ ---~ ,tCJl œ2 PACE100 July 14, 1981 'RELIMINARY ~CC!PT~NCE or LAKEWOOD UNIT , SUBDIVISION AND SIDr.NALK OßLta~TION - APPROVED Mr. Barksðal. salð the developer of Lakevooð Unit S Subðlvl.on ha. coapleted the construction i~prove~ent. and ha. po_ted a 10\ one-year ..intenance security in the a~ount of $5,890 and that the County .taft h.s inspected the'tequlred improve.onts within Lakevood Unit' and i. r.co..endlng prell.inary acceptance. Co~mis.loner Brown aoved, .econded by Co~mls.ioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commis.loner pistor ab.ent, that the Board grant preli.lnary acceptanco of Lakewood unit 6 8ubdivl.on, accept the 10' ..inten.nc. bond and the sid_walk obl19atlon bond and relense the 110' construction security. 'a90 4' ---------------------------~------ , . ~1'" r::::J C. ....::1 .... -. -_.,-~--- -..~.._- . :;-:~<-,:-~,:..:.::-.",.::._::.... -..-~.-..~.......,,"-~ . I .""'.,.~ _.".......'^..._,""~.~"._".'...'~- --------------~-------------------... July U, 1981 PINAL ACCEPTANCE or COMPLETED SECTION 0' PF.LYCAN BAY UNIT ONE - APROVED Mr. Barksdale referred to the Executive Sum~ary and said that the Board granted preliminary acceptaneo to Pelican Bay unit one with tho exception of Crayton Poad and Waat Boulevard on June 17, 1980. Re explained that the developers have maintained the project and the County staff has reinspected the project and recommends acceptance. Commlsaloner Brown moved, ..conded by Comml.sionftr Kruse and carried 4/0, with Co~~I.sloner pi.tor absent, that final acceptance of the completed .ection of Pelican Bay Unit One be approved and the lOt .alntenance bond b. telea.ed. ., OßS . ....... ,Iw acOA OSZ fAc[ 101 . '8ge ~o ----..------------------------------ . rf".. ... "~,,:a. J I "M 1"".,....,......... ~ ^ , YO;'"'''''''' ·,..,,,...,,,,.,¥".P,_,·,,.~~w'.._~.m.~_ . ~----------------------~---------- ----------------------------..------- &COK 082 PACE lot, t'S Jul~...¡.., 1981 ACCIPTAWCE or CONSTRUCTION SECURITY AND SICKING rlNAL 'LAT or ~I.C. LA~E UNIT THRE! AUTHORIZED' ACCfPTANCE or IRREVOCABLE LETTER or CREDIY A'PROVED . Mr. Dark.dale referred to the Executive Summary and .tated the Board approved the construction drawing. and final' plat for King. Lake unit Three with the stipulation that the plat be withheld for recording , until adequate construction security vas provided to the County. Øe .aid the developer ha. aubmltted an Irrevocable Letter of Credit In the amount equal to l10' of the cost of construction which I. In co.plianee vlth the Subdlvl.ion Regulation.. Co~ls.loner Brown moved, seconded by Commls.loner Kruse and carried 3/l, with Comml..ioner Wenzel oppo.ed and Commissioner PIstor .b..nt, that signing of Unal plat of r:lngs Lake Unit Three be authorized and that Irrevocable Letter of Credit be accepted. 'ete 51 . . l1.':;a ...;..: , c::~ ~, '~1 .... .....,.....- ')'..-~ "''''-'-'''..-'' ¡. . , .. . ---------------------_-.:_------- . ~.., ..." 0> .,... UtI .U '"'II .... ... .,C ." §Aj .8 .... .., U ,,:I :'8 Go... Go ." ...... s:. .,B ~ 8~ o 110... CU ... .... .,B ~... ...0 Go'"' aOOK 082. PACE 106 July U, 1911 , o' ..' REOUEST fOR PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE or TftE RETRr.AT;.UNIT ONE - CONTI"UEO UNTIL FULL BOARD IS PRESENT Mr. aark.dale st.ted that the Board approved the construction plan., final plat and construction .ecurity for The Retreat, Unit on. on March 25, 1980'and that the construction Impro~ement. hlv. be.n COlllpleteð. Co..i.sloner Brown ~oved, seconded by Co~mis.loner ~ruse, that preliminary acceptance of The Retreat, Unit one be approved. Upon call for the que.tlon, the vote was 2/2, with Com~i..ioner. wi~er and Wenzel oppo.ed and Commi..loner Pletor absent. The Item was continued until a full Board I. pre.ent. APPROVAL or PUBLIC SAFETY OIRECTOR'S REPORT Rt ~ERG!NCY PURCHASE or EOUIPMEtlT FOR A~~UU.NCE ANC ^PP~OV"L OF ,fiCTION T^J(tN - APPROVED Public Safety Clrector To~ H~fner explained the request for Board approval of purcha.ed items for the ambulance service that were nece.aary to aðequately provide a county-wiðe .ervlce. Following I. the breakdown of eqUI~entl · · · . . · . . . · . · '8ge 52 r-~-~--~-----~~-~--~~----~---- . . . . . . ....·~·I .... _.._...J . ---..J' ,';- I ~'11 - '- r ~ ,.-~ .... - .--.-'.--..' J ur ..1. . .....,_..---....,..._...- ......,_.. .....1 . -------------------------------- July U, 1981 EOUIP~tNT STILL IN THE H~NDS or "~ERIC~N ~'"'DUL~NCE. 9U~NTtTY. QUANTITY ITEMs COfiT TO REPL~CEI WE PURCH,.,SF.DI TOTAL - 3 Light ears' siren $1090.44/" 2 $21M.8a . portable Wal k Ie Talkies $ 903.00/ee ') $2709.00 2 Mobile Radlo/Seaners S13fi2.25/u 2 $272'-.50 ') Laerdal ~dult pag Resus. S 103.27/u :1 $ 309.81 2 Robt. Shaw Port. Resus. $ 32f1.00/ea 2 $ fi56.00 2 Adult H.~.S.T. Suits S 25f>.00/ea 2 S 512.00 TOTAL $9072.19 EOUIPHENT NEEDED IN EXCEGS OF THE ~BOV! ITF.~S TO PROPE~LV SUPPLY THE F.Xr~TINC VEHJCLES AND TnE Tt!O NF.W PROJECTED VF.CHICL'~ PUANTITV. 1fi 3 3 3 4 2 2 1 2 2 ITEHI - D-Cylinder tor Oxygen Telc~etry Modulators Mobile Rad loa Laerdal Child R.sue. Bag. Wall Mount De"and Vølves for 02 Robt. Shaw Port. Resuscitator. Laerdal Portable Suction Pediatric ~.~.S.T. Suit Adult Traction Splints Scoop Stretchers TOTAL TOTAL COSTE $ 806.00 $1050.00 UOP'I;.75 S 342.00 S 502.00 S fi51:.00 $ 6';7.ßO $ 2,(7.00 $ '318.00 S 34'.00 $9027.55 Co.~ls.ioner ~rown .oved, .econded by Co~ml..ion.r ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Co..lssloner Pl.tor ab.ent, that the Public Safety Director'. report be re¿eived and approved. ~~ , ----:---------------------------------- . ''','' '" .b."""",-, ..),'~ &C:)( 062 rACE 107 '1Ige S:1 , 'n....'~.,¡(.. . ..~. July 14, 1981 ~~. 06% PAC£ 108 .- .)(. ..... \J" 4\;,' SURPLUS PROPERTY .JEEp· RECOMHENDED TO 8E PROCESSED THROUCH NORMAL 'ROCEDURES or OBTAININr. Bros - APPRnV!D After a ahort discus.lon, Co~mls.lon.r Wløer ~oveð, seconded by Co.-i.sioner Brown .nd carried 4/0, with Comølssloner PI.tor ab.ent, that , ~he .urplu. property ·Jeep· be di.pos.S of by proc...tnq throuqh nor.al procedure. of obtaininq bids. REQUEST THAT pURCH~S! or PROPERTY BE M~Dr. TO ~CCOM"OD~TE Tn! ANr~AL CONTROL DEPARTMENT - CONTINUED ~PPROXIM~T£LY ONP. WEE~ Mr. Hafner explained that the Humane Society has notified Co..I..loner PI.tor that effective September 30, 1981, they would cancel tbeir aqree~ent with the County and that the Society would like th. County out aooner than Septe~ber 30, 1981. He explained the prospect of purch..inq property conalstlnq at a l800 aquare foot buildlnq and .n .re. behind the building for kennel con.truction and a large fenced yard which could be used by the Sheriff'. Departaent to park t~pounded vehicles. After discussion, Com.ls.loner Brown ~oved, .econded by Co~.i.- sSoner ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Com.l..ioner pistor ab.ent, that the ite. be continued approxlaately one week. ,age 54 -.....~_...---~---------,.-.--------------- - . , . f . ~,~;..,., .¡¥r~"''''] ,\}', I "" .- --..--::¡... ,., '.' '. I '"¡;' ~". ~ ~ ~ ~:j ,; .t~;~~~."~l ~~;';:":... ~i~ -..--.......-...- l ~ . -.-.,- "..;,----.,.,.."¡,,. ...... --.,. .....,',.._",p...,,_."'....,-,-"-.......~- - ----------------------------------- July 14, 1981 ItD '487 RE FULL ELEVATOR M^INTENANCr. StRVrCE AWARDED TO MOWREY ELEVATOR COfllPANY - APPROVr:D IN TAr. A"OIJN'1' OF S) li:n.5n/"ONTH Le9al notlco having been publi8hed in the Naple. Daily Nows on June 5 and 8, 1981, as evldonced by the Affidavit of Publication tUed with the Clerk, bids were received until June ll, 1981 for Bid No. 487, full elevator maintenance service. Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox expl.ln~d the bids that vere received for Bid No. 4ß7 and said the Selection Committee reeommen~eð that Howrey Elovator Company be awarded said bid for service for the two elevators In Building A and two elevators In Building F. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruae and carried 4/0, that Bid '487 be awarded to Mowrey Elevator Company for full elev.tor ~alntenanc. service for the two elevators in ~ul1dln9 A and two elevators in Bu11din9 F in the amount of S360.50/month and that the Chalr~ðn be authorized to 81gn and tho Clerk to attost the resultln9 ~ree.ent. , ALL !IDS FOR BID .489 Rt HODULAR AMBULANCE C^NCr.LLr.D ^N~ PROJECT TO BE Rt-BID - ^PPROVED Legal notico having beon published in the Naples Dally News on June 17 and 19, 1981, .a evldenc&d by Affidavit of Publication filed vlth the Clerk, bid. wetO received until July 1, 1981 for two ~ðular Type III, Cla.s I ambulance. for Bid 1489. "r. Wilcox explained the bids which were received for two ~odular a.bulances. Re .aid he ,reco~~ended rejecting the lov bidder for the following reason.. 1. No certified te.ting docu~entatlon w~. providod with subøls.lon of the bid as required. One week later this certification was eventually received fro. the vendor. Inability It the ti.e of evaluation to deterMine what ~.nufacturer and br.nd vehicle v.s being bid. Thl. WI. received one week later by telephone contact. 2. 'Y' ~-.) , ¡ L &00. 062. PACE 109 'age 55 --------------------------------. , ..'" ...._.....····........t --'" . - ~- ~.. _ -Â.. ......,...,.... .... .. " ~ -........------ --~---..-,------ r--..-.-----------------...------------- . . (:0 /-, '.J ·.1u1:y 14, 11 11 WOK 062 PAtë110 3. Exception. to our very apeclflc requlr..ent. on .Ir CG~dl- tlonlnq, vontllatlon, ..at., body, both exterior .nd interior conøtruction and vlth no Information .. to what was b.lnq provided In lieu of wh.t vas .pecified, except to .tats it sh.ll be equal or bett.r.· 4. Delivery of at lea.t 90 days (the last v.hlcle. delivered by this v.ndor arrived late and Inco.plet.) ver.us 30 days by reco.~end.d awardee. Th. crlterSa of ð~llv.ry date. for .valuatlon of blda was ~Iscu...d .t the pre-bid conference. After. lengthy dl.cus.Son, Commissioner Hlm.r ~ov.d, seconded by Co.-ls.Soner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, with Co~lssloner pI.tor absent, that all bid. for the two ~odular a~bul.nc.s be canc.lled and the project be re-blð. PUBLIC PETITION, SUNNIE JONES RE ORDJ~~NCB 8l-J, B!ACn ACCESS - NO ACTION T"Kt'~, rETITIONER NOT PRESENT Due to the fact that the petitioner was not pre.ent, no action vas taken on 5unnl. Jon..' public petition ~o .peak regarding Ordln.nce 81-3, &each Ace.... APPEAL FOR REVIEW or ISSUANCE or BUILDING PERMIT FOR WILLIAMS CAPRI MARINE, INC. - BOARD DETERMINED TRERE IS NO APPEAL Br.rORE TRE BOARD UNDER TRI CIRCU~5T^NCr.S OUT!tN!D Mt. Richard D. Spark~an, r.pr..entln~ I.le of Capri Civic Association, .ddr....d the 80atd .nd atated the 1.1. of Capri Civic Association object. to the ..rlna and cont.nds th.t the per.lt wa. I..ued in error. He .tated that Section l12.1 of the southern Stand.rd Bulldng Code Make. no provi.ion for .n aggrl.ved third party which he cont.nds the 1.10 of Capri Civic As.oclatlon I.. County Attorney pickworth pointed out th.t If the Iale of C.prl Civic Asaocl.tlon b.lS.ves that the Bulldln9 Depart..nt haa ..de an error in Issuing the building pet.lt, their recourse I. In the Court.. Mr. Nor~an atated that the staff h.s ..de . careful effort to ensure the County's ordinance h.. be.n followed and he .ald he had 90n. '.ge 51 . . r-":J .. ...,".;.~" .fI."., ~ - " " ". ,-. ..,........ . ".,.~ or"'·.·· .... . ,~ _._......,..I...J. . ., -..,-..:-- ~ ~. 1~ I . .....,.,..,._~..-- . ,~ . .--------------------------------- July 1", 1981 over every Issue which had been brought to his attention and that he Is satisfied that the stftff had actod properly in Issuing the permit. Attorney Ceorg- Varnadae, representing Williams Marine, Inc., said he felt there were two Issuesl 1. Whethar the Board will hear the appeal. :. tf the ßoord says It will not rftnder the appeal, the rast of the argumant I. unnecessary and moot. ße said that the Standard Building Codo 18 vpry clear that an appeal I. only possible by an owner or his agent who ts denied a permit and that appeal Is to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. He stated that the ordinance clearly states the Board of ^djustment and Appeals' decision I. final but that an appeal is to be m~d. in Circuit Court. He said that ~r. Sparkman is, In effect, asking the Board to change the Buildin9 Code Ordinance. After a short discus.lon, Commissioner Wimer ~oved, seconded by Commis.loner Brown and carried 3/1, with Commis.loner Wenzel opposed and Commia.loner PI.tor absent, that the ~oard co~ply with the law and that no appeal could be .ado before the Board re the williams Capri Marine, Inc. under the clrc~.tance. presented. rORM~L 8I~S WAIVED FOR EMERCENCY R!PAtRS TO SR 951 COAST CUARD AUXILIAny STATION. r.XPE~~ITURE or ~3,~~2.'5 yon FArD REPAIRS - CONTINUEO UNTIL NEXT WEr.~ Administrative A.si.tant to the County Manager Dorril1 explained the request to waive fornal bids for e~erqency repair. to the Coast Cuard Auxiliary Station on SR 951 which were necessary due to an automobile accident occurrin9 earlier In the year. He said the repair. have been ~ade and the insurance company has is.ued a check for the aaount les. the County's deductible and that the Risk Manag..ent Depar~ent ha. filed. counter clal_ against the driver's Insurance co_pany ~OC>~ho t:l,OOO doductible. V~) eCJA D6Z ~ACE 111 , ., ____________ ____ _______ ____._P.!9LU--- .........~~lI·v Jl -~"-->._. - ·r--·-H ..,~,"'"...·...."~ß."_.,,,..·,..,_..··_·~· I · . . t_____......----------·------------- eoœ 082 PACEm '..l.. 'C July 1~, 1911 ~. ~ .t t . ~~-~~-~--~------------~---~~----~ . co..lssloner Irown aoved, .econðed by Coaet.sion.r Wenz.l and carri.d 3íl, with Co~I.ston.r ~rus. oppo.ed and ço~i..ioner plstor ab..nt, that the bid proce.a be walv.d for emergency r.p.lr. to eoast Guard Auxiliary Station on SR 951. Comals.ion.r Brown .oved, ..cond.ð by Com.l.slon.r W.nzel to pay 13,652.25 for th.'.bov. repair.. Upon c.ll for the que.tlon, the vote w.s 2/2, with Commls.1on.r. Wimer and ~ruse opposed and Commls.Ioner plstor ab.ent, and the Item was continued until n.xt we.k. . EXPENDITURE TO INSTALL CEILING '''NS 'OR TAX COLLECTOR - APPROVED After a short discussion, Commissioner wl~er moved, seconded by Co~is.loner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Comml.sloner ristor .b.ent, that ceiling tan. be Installed for the Tax Collector.· SUBSTITUTION OF UTILITY EASEHENT, WIGGINS PASS YACHT CLUB - APPROVED UtU It I.. JIIIanagar eerzon .xpl.ined the utU Ity .......ntwhlch i. being given to the County by Wiggin. Pas. Yacht Club In exchange for an ......nt given the County earlier which proved to be insufficient In .lze in ord.r to Install a larger litt atation to take car. at the n.ed. at the project. Co~I.slon.r Brown moved, ..conded by Commls.lon.r ~rus. .nd c.rri.d 4/0, with Commie.loner Plator abient, that the .ub.tltution of . utility e.s.ment ba made lor W1991ns Pa.. Yacht Club. P~. s. 't" .-" ì . -:::::J ... I;:'" '. ',. - . ¡ ~;.'t:.' . ." 1'-- ~. _...........-... 11'. ,,~ "'_1..- ~. -:; ~ p .-. . . "._~..." ...c._.. .....,........ .................,..."'" ~ - . .................... ._...~,.,._'.·_...,,,_«rt~,"~'.·'c,_.. . l ...' t · I - . I ~'. · . --------~~~-~~---------~--~--- aoOK oez. rACE 1i8 July 14, 1911 ACt'lPT~MCE or A 12- W~TER LINE 8ENEEN V~NDER8ILT' DRIVE AND CUr.rSRORI DRIVE LOCATF.D OM BLUEBILL AVENUE - APPROVED Mr. Berzon explained that as part of the developoant of Vanderbilt Surf Colony Condominl~ project. it wa. agreeð that the developer would con.truct a 12- vater ~.ln along Bluebill Avenue which would tie Into . the exlstin9 ,- water ~ain along Vanderbilt Drive and the exl.tlng e- water ..In along Culfahore Drive. fte said that the pipe had been constructed and the developer I. now offering thl. water main for acceptance by the County for ownership and maintenance. Co~mi.sloner Brown moved, seconded by Commi..loner Kru.e and carried 4/0, with Coømi.sioner pi.tor absent, that the County accept a 12- vater line between Vanderbilt Drive and Cult.hore Drive located on Bl ueb n 1 Avenue. h,. 5' -~~----------------_--.--------------- . . . I , , I ",;'."", ',. L ::J ", 'c::::J "... ~ 'N. ' . .. ~ 1 ....,'. --------------------------------- July 14, 1981 ACCEPTANCE rOR RECORDATION or UTILITY EASEMENT DOCUMENT FOR VANDERBILT lEACH CLUB pnnJECT - APPROVED "r. Berzon explaineð the need for acceptance of a utility ease~ent for Vandørbl1t Beach Club project to perMit the Installation of a v~t.r m.~er to s.rve Baid project. Co~~ls.loner Brown moved, seconded by CommiB.loner Kru.e and carried 4/0, with Commls810ner pi.tor absent, that the Board accept for recordation the Utility Easement Document for Vanderbilt ~each Club project to permit the In8tallation of a water meter to .erve .ald project. ,,~ 082 PAÇ[ 12í '19. ~o ~-.....-----...-.---""" -------------------. . . ~ ~ rr...· ..~., ,....---.... - . ...........-... , 5-'..· ..¡' . ~ ----~~--~---------~------~------- ------------------_....:.-------------------- . >tog ..." '"'o~ o+'~ u" >teu +,,",,, ~.... .-4~ ~+'c ..ø." ~..c :§:II .-4.s ".,~ ~:II~ ,,=' .. :'8 iø.~ "." :II:~'" .c . +' S - .-4 ...c~ ~0'õ .= ~... .-4cu '"'~~ o~ s "'c u~... ~...o :II: ø. '"' &OOK 082 fACE 124 July 14, 1981 .. AUTHORIZATION 'OR MESSRS. "ARRY ADLEY ~ND RICHARD HENDtRLONG AS CONSULTANTS Rt COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM-WATER TREATMENT PLAØT COMD!~~TtON SUIT - APROVED Mr. Berzon explained the need for consultant. In connection with the conde~nation auit for the water trea~ent plant site for the County Regional Water Syste~. He recommended ~es.r.. Harry Adley and Richard HendorlonCJ . Co.ml..loner Brown moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Kru.e and carried 4/0, with Com.i..loner Pi.tor ab.ent, that Me..rs. Harry Adley and Richard Henderlong be retained .. con.ultants in connection with the condemnation .uit for the County wator treatment plant site and that the payment of the fees be authorized up to '25,000. RESOLUTIONS CWS-Al-3 and CWS-8l-4 Rt ^WARD RESOLUTIONS FOR WILLOUGHBY ACRF.S WATF.R AND SEWER SYfiTEMZ AND ACJUS~£NT OF FIDELITY BONDS or THI HINIHUM R£OUIRF.HF.NT BY FM»^ - APPROVED County Attorney pickworth explained the re.olutlon. are .imilar to the re.olutlon. adopted prior to the Harco cl0.inq known a. award resolutions in which the County deter.ine. to sell the bond. to ~HA with the interest rate .et at 5' end the maturltie. are fixed. Re .ald the pro~eeta have been done for le.. ~on.y than the or191nal bonda Indicated and, therefore, a s~aller amount of bond. will be l.sued. Com~issloner Brown moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Krus. and carri~d 4/0, with Co~ml..loner piator absent, that ~..olutlon. CWS-ll-3 and CWS-I'1-4 re award r.aol utlon. for Wlllc'J9hby Acre. water and .ewer syst.~a and ad~u.t~ent of fidelity bond. of the mlnlmu. requlr..ent by ~HA be adopted. .a9. 51 . . r -- """':1 ....- ~. ,............., .- . \....-....I t:::::J .." -.;¡ --------------------------------- ~--------------~---_..-.------------ July 14, 1981 RoUTINE BILL& - APp~OVEn FOR P~YMENT Pursuant to ~..olutlon 8l-150 adopted by the Board of County Co~l.sloners on May ~6, 1981, the following checks were 1..uod thr~uqh rrlðay, July lO, 19811 ACCOUNT CHECK NO. A"'OUNT SlO,51l,87S.11 71S,651.71 55,303./1)4 . 1,331.03 28,859.94 20,000.00 Vendor Pllymenta BCC payro 11 Ce'rA payroll General Fund Payroll Fund IlUIIokalee, HVI 8716-10354 24145-25735 7026-748) 7-9 l-2 2 BUDGET AMENDMENT 81-l17 ~E T~NSFER OF FUNDS TO PROVIDE rOR TRANSFER 0' ENERGY S~ECIALIST TO BCC PAYROLL - AOOPTEO IN THE ^MOUNT OF S6,1~O ComMissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commls.ioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner pistor absent, that Budget Amendment 81-ll7 ro transfer of funds to provide tor transfer of Energy Specialist to BCC payroll be adopted in the amont of $6,190. aoo. OOZ M1œ ,~. «2 . ...r.·-- __~____-..-.._ --------------------------------. July 14, 1981 BUDGET AMENDMENT 81-llft RE GROUNDS HAI~ENANC!, EMEROENCY REPAIRS TO 'ARKS - ~DOPTF.D IN Tnt: ~MOUNT or $R,118 Co..i..loner Brown .oved, ..condeð by Commissioner Kruse and carrleð 4/0, with CO~~I.sioner Plator ab.ent, that Rudget Amend~.nt '1~118 re grounds maintenance, e.ergency repairs to parks be adopted In the .~ou~t of S8,ll0. bG~ 062 r~ 151 ",e n ---------------------------------- . . . -------------------------------- July 14, 1981 ,IUDCE'I' "MENDHENT n-l19 RE TR"NSFJm 0' 'UNDS TO PROVIDE 'OR UTILITY DIVISION BILLINCS FOR REVIEW SERVICES - ADOPTED IN ~E "MOUNT or S3,noo Co..ls.loner Brown ~oved, .econded by Com"iaaloner Krus. and carried 4/0, with Coftmissloner pistor ab..nt, that Budget Amend..nt 10-119 r. Utility Division Billings for review service. be adopted In the ..ount of $3,000. aoo« œz. PACE 153 Plge U ....._-.....----~------------------------ . 'age S! -------------------------------- July 14, 1981 eUDCtT ,,"EN~ENT 81-120 RE TRANS'ER or FUNDS TO PROVIDE ron TR~NSFER OF ADKINSTRATIVI ASSISTANT POSITION FROM PLANNINO - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT or $5,000 Coami..loner Brown ~oved, .econded by Com~ls.loner ~ru.e and carried ./0, with Co~I..loner plator absent, that Budget Amendment ~1~~20, re transfer of funds to provido for transter of .d~lnlstratlve . ..sSatant position from Planning be adopted In the amount of $5,000. aoox 062 PAr.£ 155 -----:----..------------------------------. . ,..w·....·····,-_..·,·-::.....~" ---...~-,.... ..'..~..._..-.. ~ . --------------------------------~ July 14, 1981 8UDCET AMENDMENT 81-12l RE PARKS AND RECREATION TAANsrr.R or ,unDS TO 'ROVIDE FOR OVERTIME ~^LARtE~ - ^DDPTF.D IN TAr. ^~OUNT OF $r,no Co.-I..toner Brown ~ov.d, .econdeð by Com~ission.r ~rus. and carrlod 4/0, with commi..loner plator absent, that Budget Am.nd~.nt 8l-121 re Parka and Recreation transfer or !unds to provide for Oy..:!~: :.alarie. be ðdopteð In the a~ount of $600. &OOK 062 PAtE 157 '8Q. ,~ ------------------------------ . .'...._: _ -..-..........._.........._ u"'.IIII"'r·..............-.~- ..."......."--............. . .. - .~ ....- ....... . . -,_...._."~"._,·.O"~~~·~ I; _--------------------....:....----~---c--- _I July 14, 1981 auDCE't M!NÐMENT R1-122 RE 80~RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO MORI ACCURATtLY RE'LECT EXPr.UDI'MmER - ADOPTF.D IN Tit" ~HOUN'1' OF t:500 CODal..loner Brown .oved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and ~arrted 4/0, with Comml..ioner pl.tor absent, that Buðget Amendment . 11-122 re Board of County COØ\lllhaloners to "ore accurately reflect .x~~~!:~~e. be adopted In the .~ount of $500. ø 062. PAtE 159 ,~. n r------------------,--------------. . . . ---------------------------------- July 14, 1981 8UDOET AMENDMENT 81-123 RI COUNTY ATTORNEY TO PURCHASE r%LINC CABINET - ADOPTm IN THE AMOUNT OF S20n C~lsslon.r Brown moved, ..conded by Comml..loner ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Com~lss10ner pl.tor absent, that Budgot ~.ndm.nt 11-123 re County Attorney to purchase a fil1n9 cabinet be adopted in the a~ount of $200. , , aoo« Oß2 PAtE i6! Pa9· ,. ~----------------------------------_. . ,."-~ .,"-~"- ''''".,.......~..,',."'--,-,_..-.- ------------------------------- July 14, 1981 IUDen ~MENDMENT 11-124 RE HELICOPTER O'ERATIOXS - ADOPT!D n. T"E ~"OUMT or S2,000 C~I..ion.r Brown Moved, .econded by Commls.loner ~ruse and carried 4/0, wl~h Comml..loner 'istor ab.ent, that Budget ~enð.ent 11-124 re he1.lcopur operation. be adopted in the amount of $2,00D. a~ 062 PACE 163 .aq e " --~---------------~~~--------~-- . o· . ..---...-.., " . .- J, """'.. , ..^,.'"¡,-.,.....,--~".,,_._~..,--_....._. ~'~..¡.'~...;................ -~-,..-., ,~_.,.,""..,..,. "~ __-------------------------------1 July 14, 1981 8UDC~ AMENDMENT 81-125 R! ~R~NSFER or rUMor. rOR ORG"NIZATtONAL CLARITY, TR~NGPORT^TION - ~DOPTED IN TAP. ~"'OUNT or $7'5,ono Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Commlsslonftf ~rua. and cerrled C/O, with Co~ml..loner pl.tor absent, that Budget Amendment 11-125 re transfer of funds for organizational clarity, Transportation, be adopted In the amount of $745·,000. ~;)( 06Z l.\CE 165 ..ge '70 ------------------------------------ . , ".~, _~·._"··".',m~,"" ,~_ --------------------------------- July 14, 1981 BUDGET ,,"ENDMENT Al-12~ RE TRANSFER 0' 'UNDS ~O PROVIDt UNANTICIPATED eLERICAL COSTS, JUDGE T~ETTtS - "OOPTED IN TRF. AMOUNT OF 91,475 Co.-I.sloner Brown øoved, seconded by Commissioner Kru.. anð c.rrleð 4/0, with Commis.toner pIstor absent, that 8udget Amendment 11-125 r. transfer of funds to provld. unantlclpateð clerical costs for Judge Trettis be adopted in the a~ount of $1,475. ~ 062 PAct 167 '119. '71 --~-------------~----~----------- .. .. ." 1 . . ..------,.--.. - .. -,..~."-,._,._,.<>~.,,..' H ,__,,~.'_~_.~..- · . ------------------------:------------- July 14, 1981 bUDGET AMF.NN4ENT 81-l?7 RE Tn^NSrER or FUNDS 'OR PURCRASE or o,rrCE I{'UIPMf.NT, JUOOr. "AYES - "DOPTF.D IN TnE ""·OUNT OF $2,nOO Commlesloner Brown ~oved, seconded by Commis.toner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commisstoner pistor absent, that Budget Amenð~.nt 11-127 r. transfer of funds for purchase of office equipment for Judge RAye. be adopted In the amount or $2,000. &CQ ( 062 PACE 119 '8;. '72 --~-------------~-~---~------- ..,......,¡,;.,~ 1n _~IIiT~ _..__.-.,-,~... ...... .,.......~.....,.. ,.............-__.~ ' _,,,,_,_,.. ._........~". ,.~c.._·~..-,,·..," ----------------------------------- July 14, 1981 IUDGIT AMENDMr.NT 81-128 RE 'fRANSFn or FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR COST OF RIPAIRS ò, DICTAPHONE EOUI~ENT, JUDGE BROUSSEAU - ADOPTED IN TnE AJIIOUNT or $ 50. . Commissioner Brown ~oved, ..conded by Commls.ioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Co~mlssloner pi.tor absent, that Budget Amendment 11-l28 re tranøfer of funda to provide for cost of repaira of dlcta- phon. .qul~ent for Judge Brousseau be adopted in the amount for $50. w. 062 fAÇ£ru ..ge 73 -------------------------- ------------------. . .........~.·v""·~ ,. ·,'t"-·'-" ...............'......--- -------------------------------- -. July 14, 1981 IUDaET ~r.NDMENT 9l-l29 R! COMMUNITY DEvr.LOPM!NT, UNANTICIPATED WORn 'ROCESSINC CHARCEß - A~OPTED IN Tn! A~OUNT OF S4,2no C~I.sloner Brown moved, .econded by Comml..loner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, with Commls.ioner pI.tor absont, that Budget AmendMent 81-129 re Community Development, unanticipated word processing charge., b.· adopted In the amount of $4,200. &COIt 062. PACE113 ,ag. 'U --~--------------------_._------------ . . , , . -.-.......,.--.-- . --¡_----------------------------- 'I July 14, 191'1 8UDC~ NlENDMEN'I' "1-130 R! MnTOR POOL, 'I'RMrSFF.n or rmms '1'0 PROVIDE 'OR EXPENSES M"OE IN FY 1979-PO BUT NOT 81LLEO UNTIL CURRFNT FISCAL YE~R - ADOPTED 1M 'I'AE "~OUNT OF S1R,750 . Co~mtlsloner Brown moved, .econded by Commis.loner ~ruae Inð ; carried 4/0, with Com~S.sioner plator abient, that ßudget "mendment 11-130 re Motor Pool, tranafer of funds to provide for expenses made in ry 1979-80 but not billed until current fiscal year be .~opted In the ..ount of $38,750. acOK 062 fACE115 "9. 7S __-r------------------------------...w. . ....oM"'..-,... .,....."":....,..,...~.. -.... .-.---....- ....... '''''''.'''--...,.---..''''----- -------------------------------- July l4, 1981 htGOLUTION 81-l~9 PROVIDING FOR BOARD POLICY ON A~ßU~NCF. SERVICE DILLING AND COLLECTION PROCFOUnF.S WITnnEVISIOH TH1\T TnE fULLING BF. FOR 100\ _ 1\ppnOVr.D, BILLYNC LETTr.R TO COME 8ACK TO nOAne FOR APPROV~L 'lscel officer Hall explained the need for a resolution to provide for Board policy re ambulance service billing and collection proce- dure.. He slid a collection latter at th. ond of 60 days would be sont out over the Chairman of the Board's signaturo and If no payment was forthcoming, there would be a notification of legal action which would be sent at the end of 90 days ov~r the County Attorney's slgnaturo. There was 80me discussion regarding the letter with some objection of having the letter sent fro~ the Board. It was suggested that tho Public Safety Director should send out the letter. After some discussion regarding the difference of a bill from Medicaid payment being abøorbeð by the County, Commissioner Wimer .oved, seconded by Commiasloner Brown and carried 4/0, with Commis- 8ioner pI.tor absent, that the billing be for IOO\. Co~lssloner Brown moved, .econded by Commla.ioner Wenzel and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Plator absent, that Resolution 91-1~9 providing for Board polley on ambul.nce .ervlco billing and collection procedures, with revision that the billing be for 100\, be adopted and that the final billing letter be returned to Doard for approval. Commissioner ~ruse asked that the record reflect that she voted for tho resolution contingent upon the assurance that tho charges have been atraightened out. Note: Resolution not prepared as of 8/3/81 &COK 06Z PACE117 'a9. 7' -----------------------.....---------- -.. ",____,_",,_W"_" ~------------~-~--~---------- ~cOt 062 PACE 118 July 1-', 1981 COHMtSSIONER ~RUS! ~PPOINTr.D TO ~UDITrNG Sr.LECTION CO~MITTt! Mr. nan reported that eight proposal. for th. audit had been rec.lved. Commllaioner Wl~er moved, secondeð by Commi.sioner Brown and . carried 4/0, with Commissioner PIstor absent, that Commissioner Kru.. be appointed to .,rve on the Auditing Selection Committee. I ST~FF AUTHORIZED TO SCHEDULE BUDOET REVIEWS ~S R^PIDLY ~S POSSIBLE Discussion was held regarding review of the budget. Mr. No~an s.ld he had picked out the ~ajor cost Items and requested that the Board plan on rovlewing those Initially. Mr. Hall stated that under tho TRIM Bill the earliest date a public hearing on the budget could be held I. August 29, 1981. Commissioner Wimer move~, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Commisaloner pistor ab.ent, that the staff schedule the budget rovlow as rapidly.. posllble. RESOLUTION 81-171 Rt PU-78-'OC, JAMES CALDERWOOD, ~ NURSING HOME ON RATTLESNAKE HAMMOC~ RO^D - ADOPTED Planner Lee LAyne explained the request for a PU extension tor a nursing ho~e on Rattloønake I~m~ock Road in Sec. 22, T50S, R2~E and said the petitioner is requesting an extension of 6 months. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commls8ioner r.ru.e and carried 4/0, with Commissioner pi.tor absent, that Re.o1utlon 81-171 r. PU 7~-20C, Jame. Calderwood tor a PU extension be adopted. A short discussion followed regarding the current .ize of the property In que.tion and the de.ire of the petitioner to convert It fro. an L-shaped piece at proparty to a regulat .Izo. Comøi.810ner Brown moved, .econd~d by Commissioner Wimer and c8rrleð ./0, with Co..i..loner Pi.tor ab.ent, that the Planning Oep.rt~ent be authorized to correct the legal description. Pig e '7'7 ------------------------------..-.-- . . ~" ..., r::=t --- _........J ..._~". _.._.._-~.._,.,~,.,,"~',.'".""."-_._...- , ----------------------------------- .- ---~------------------------------ ~K 06Z PAct 100 July l~, 19B1 RESOLUTION 81-170 ßUPPORTINO CO~ERCI~L rIßRERMEN·AND TREtR US! or TH! TEN TnOUS"ND IRLAND ARCA - ADOPTED Aft.r a ahort discussion, Commlaaloner Brown ~oved, a.cond.d by Com.i.sloner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Commlasloner plstor absent, that resolution 81-170 oupport1n9 commercial flsh.rmen and th.ir use of , the Ten Thousand Ialand area be adopted. . >-'C ..." \.40> 0~.-4 u" >-eu ~\.4" ....... ....... ...~c .0." ......c: :§JI .....6 lie'" t;JI~ II=' .. :'8 i Ao~ "." :1:.-4'" ..c: !I~~ ...C.-4 !O~ ... !!P:; \.4~.-4 o~ . t.s ... !'1",0 ::I: ø. \.4 'oge '78 . . :- Gm ~....~ ....J;/ . :- :.-......... ~~~~r~r_!ft,Z,,'..- ..i~.j¡·__.._'¡j ¡________-----.L---------------------~ toO( 002. rACE 182 July 14, 1981 CßAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTt'ICATES or CORRtCTIOM TO THE TAX ROt.t. - APPROVtO Comai.sloner Wi~er moveð, aeconðed by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Co~.18s10ner pistor absent, that. the Chairman be agthorlaeð to sign the following Certificate. of correction to the Tax RoU. PER50N7\t. PROPERTY NUHBER ~ 1980-135 - 137 ~/2íVel 528 5/F,/Al 531, (,50 5/1 3/Sl 532 5/14/81 533, 534, 650 fi/17/~l 535 f;/24/Al 53fi, fiOl, ~5l 6/29/81 TANGTBLE PROPERTY NUHf'ER ~ 1980-127, 128 G/3/8l 1980-129--132 G/9/~1 19"0-133 6/1S/8l 1980-l34 fi/16/8l 1980-138 - 148 6/24-29/81 AUTHORIZATIONS FOR ADHIS~IONS TO STATE HOSPITAL - CONTINUED UNTIL FURTHCR INFORMATION REC£IvrD After a discussion regarding requests for admission to tho State Hospital, the item was continued until further information was received. ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION OF MR. MIKE T"YLOR FROM rAC, LP.TTER OF APPReCI^TION AUTnoRI2ED Co~mlasioner Brown moy~d, seconded by Co~~lsstonef ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner pistor absent, that Mr. Mike Taylor'. resignation from EAC be accepteð and a letter of ~pprecifttlon be aent to hi.. 'age '7' --...-.------------------------------ . . . f'i'\'?"'8 . . =~ r;;;;.: I , '. ,...~ -----------------------------~--- - ' July 14, 1981 ACCEPTANCE or BIOLOOICAL COMMENTS RE FtLr. 'll-41972-5E, JULIUS rISK", SEAWALL - APPROVEO ~ft.r Administrative Ald. to the Board arace Spaul~lng read Into the record Biological Com~ent- for file 'll-41972-5E, for Julius Fiske for a ..awAll. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carrieð A/O, with Comml.sloner pi_tor absent that the Board accept . the Biological Comments for file .ll-41972-5E. ~ OOZ fAtE 183 '8ge 80 ------------------------------------ ........ .·0· ...,.---_.. ." ~~.~~, "qr.:--, .I ¡.:.~J,~.. '-Af"_"~ ~ . , . , , ,. ~ :____________________-------------1 ---..------------------------------- July 14, 1981 ACCEPTANCE or ßIOLOCICAL COH",!NTS RE PILE 11l-~"514-5E, COON KEY ~ARINA, LTD., RIP-R~P REVr.T~ENT - APpnOVED After Administrative Aide to the Board Crace Spau1dinq read Into the record Blol09icnl Comments for flle Ill-425l4-5E, for Coon ~ey Marina, Ltd. for a Rip-Rap revetment, Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Commlsaloner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Commissionor ,I.tor absent, that the Bloloqleal Comment. for file 111-4251.-5£ be accepted by the Aoard. &C~ 062 PACE 1m '89- 11 . "............'_....,',.._,,-:r;,.~,._;.:;:'".t~.:_.',. " .'- .....>,-----_.~. -~...." . . -----_-...:._----------------~--------_. July 14, 1981 ACCEPTANCE OF BIOLOCICAL COMMENTS RE PIL! '1l-425l3-5E, JAMES Cn^PT, RIP-RAP Rr.VF.TMr.NT - APPROVF.D After Administrative ^Ide to tho BOBrd Crftce Spaulding read Into the record Biological Comments for file 'll-~2513-5E, for Ja~e. Craft for I Rip-Rap revetment, Commi.sloner Brovn moved, seconded by Co~.i..loner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Commissioner plstor absent, that the Board accopt the Biological Comments for file tll-42Sl3-SE. ß..K o6cl f..... I 81 Page 82 --------------------------------.- . --------------------------.----. July 14, 1981 ^~'ORIZATION ron TAX COLLECTOR TO ISSUE DUPLICATE TAX SALE CERTIFICATE - ~rPROVF.D COØDlsø10ner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and clrrled ./0, with Co~lesloner pistor absent, that tho Tax Collector be authorized to iasuo a duplicate tax eal_ certificate '6336. &COP. 062 PACE 189 Pave .] . ----------------------------------- -. ··--'··-··-T- ,-..-- . . --------------------------------- July l4, 1981 ACCE".ANCE or DAAINACE EASEMENT QUIT CLAIM DE!CS Rt: BAILEY LAN! - ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Co.-Iaaloner ~ru.e .oveð, .econdad by Commi..loner Brown and carried 4/0, with Co~.i.sioner pløtor absen~, that Quit Claim deeð. fOf Bailey Lane which were authorized for acquisition on 10/14/80 be accepted for recordation. &lìOl' 06Z rACE 192: '.ge U ------------------ -------_.....-..-.-~---- " . ..........._.,,-_.c.... _,p,_.o"._" ~_.' .... .--------------------------------- . t'~ \.40~ c~.... VII ~.V +J\.411 ........ ........ ....,c ,a. II ......c ~§~ .....5 II..... ~~~ 11::1 .. :'8 c ø.... s ø. 11.11 x....... ..c .., s . .... ...c.... !C~ ... :f ~ \.4........ 0., s ~.s ... .......0 :II: ø.~ &COIt 062 PACE 208 July 14, 19A1 !XTR^ r.~IN TI~F. FOR YN~AT~ ,^-1~'~~ - r.RANTF.D Commissioner erown ~oved, second..ð by Commls.loner ~ruse and carried 4/0, with Commlsøloner PI.tor absent, that extra gain time for Inmate '^-3423~ be granted as requested by SherifL Rogers. !XTR" GAIN TIME FOR rN~ATr. '317~5 - CRANTED Comml..ioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ru.o and carried 4/n, with Commissioner pistor ab.ent, that extra gain time for Inmðte t3l765 be granted ø. r~que8ted by ~herlf( Rogers. BOND FOR COMMYSSTON OF WILLIAM GERALD C~^WFORO AS A MEHBER or I~~OXALEF. WATER AND SFWr.R DI5TRrCT - APPROVE" CommiS8ioner Brown ~ove~, s~conded by Co~mlssloner Kruso and carried 4/0, with Com~lssioner plator ~b.ent, that bond Cor commission of William Cerald Crawford as a member of Immok~lee wðter and .ewer district be approved. Pag8 115 -------------------------------- . ---, . ....."':'1 ..- -.. ~;...:...J :-'--:) -¥'~~:~:.... .:"_.~,,..:;.Mri.¡"~';"~---""~ ~~:.AtìÞ~..j¡. " _'w"_ _. __ ".. , ,.,..... ......... · . --------~------------------ ------~ July 14, 19ß1 DISCUSSION Rr. Tt~r. nHARING COWOO~INTU~S A discussion ~a. hold regarding the tlmo .harlng condominium. on Vanderbilt Beach. Community Devolo~ent Director vlrto said th8t In January 19BO an amendment waS adopted on time shore but ho said there ia Qrowinq concern in the Planning Department regarding theso time ahar. facllltlos and tho Planning Com~18slon has asked staff to propare an a~endment which would further regulate these and he said he antici- pate. having that to the Planning Commission in August. Mr. pickworth noted the Courts have not been sympathetic to local 90vernments regarding regulation of time sharo facilities. Hr. Norman said ho would look Into the ordinance amendment contemplated by t.he Planning Department and report next week. LAKE TRAFFORD ~EMOnIAL GARDENS CE~ET£RY DEED NOS. 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, '7", ~ND '77 Pursuant to action of the Board January 10, 1978 wheroln the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Traffor~ ~emorial Gardeno cemetery lots as the need arises, the following Deeds were recorded and filed for the recorda No.. 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, and 277. ~K 062 rw:21I pag. IS ---~-------------~--~------~----- ~._....~... .......- t -..... ,._...._......~JII -t·,...·.. ~ .. . "--......- .,~- ......'--"'7 . þ,,"O ..." \.40> 0~.-4 U" þ".,u ~\.4" ..t..... .....-4 ..t~c ..0.,&1 ..tlll.c :§:. .... c ..0 ".,.-4 .c:.~ E-4 u ,,=' .. :'8 o 0.... 8 0. "III" ::£.-4'" .c III~ 8 . .... ...C.-4 IIO~ .= bO... .-4Cu \.4.-4.-4 O~ & ~~ ... .-4...0 ::£ 0. \.4 -------------......------------------- &OOK 062 fACE 22û July 14, 1901 PRECINCT 117 DESIGNATED AS VOTING PRr.CTNCT rOR DEPUTY ANDRE~S MODUCNO In accordance with Florida Statute 30.09 voting precinct Il7 va. designated a. voting precinct for Doputy Andreas Modugno as reported by Sheriff Rogen. ~UTHORIZATION OP PLAOUES OP APPRECI~TION FOR THE CHAnTER COMMISSION ~EMAERS - APPROVED After a short ðlscuosion regarding tho Charter Commission member., Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried ./0, with Commissioner Pistor absent, that plaques of appreciation ba authorized for Charter CommlsBion members. MISCELL"NEQUS CCRnE~PONDr,NCE - FrL£P AND/On ~£FF.nRED There being no objection, the Vice Chairman directed that the following correspondene~ be fll~d and/or directed to tho various departments as indicated below! l. ~emo dated ~/17/81 from Grace Spaulding to the ecc to consider if Seago Croup PUD for Cypress Head Is to be heard again before time limit expires. Oeferred to ð later date. FUed. 2. Copy of memo dated ~/la/nl from Pol lie Pice, P~rks and Recre~tion Director to Commissioner PIstor re Beach "cee.s.s. FUed. 3. Four page petition re neerl for bicycle paths. xc Mr. Barksdale. Filed. 4. Two page petition re opposition to allowing l~th ~venue North West being opened on its East end. xc Mr. Barksdale. riled. 5. Copy of letter received (,/11/81 froM Mr. FVorett H. Rothschllrl, flUD, re Co,"munlty Development 810ck Grant Program. Original to S. Yates. Filed. G. Letter dated 6/l6/~l from Van~erbllt eeach Property OWners ~a&n. re Control of Time Shnrlng Condominiums. xc Commis.ioner Wimet. Piled. 7. lO letter. and/or rhon. calls received In opposition to closln9 ~otor Vohiclo Inftpectlon ~tation. 11 letter. and/or phone calls rnc~iYed requesting that tho s.rvico be abolished. Filed PlIltJ. 117 . --------------------------------- . ~ -.i , c::J ~-- ~ ._~..-_,..~~_.-... ~~,..l. L"~;.~.~:~:.._ ~.~.. =~~-:::.~:~~ - ~- . .". ... -.< , ...._~ "'e.;r- --------------------------------. 10. >toe .." '"'0> o~.-I CJ" >tIllCJ ~'"''' .-1111.. ..-4.-1 .-I~I: .£)111" .-I1II..c :,§:. ..-4 I: .0 "111.-1 t::.~ II=' .. :''8 0"'.. II '" "III" :1:.-1... ..c ID ~ II - ..-4 ..1:.-1 10~ ..-4 to ¡.., .-II:CJ ,",.-1.-1 O~ II "I: CJ .-I ¡.., .-1..0 :II: '" '"' 11. 12. 13. 14. l5. July 14, 1981 8. Copi.. of ~inut.. of Naples City Council for me_tings hold May 19, 20, Juno J, and 17, 1981. Filed 9. Lettor dated ~/12/81 from Hr. Rarry H. Nolt, Palmer Cablevislon te request for vacation of ~as~mrnt betwncn Lots 6 , 7, Block wB-, Lakewood Unit ~, from Mr. John G. Caulfield. xc ~r. Aarksdale. Filed. Letter dated 5/'-1/81 from Leo County Electric cooperntiv~, Inc. re str~et lights added or removed from ~nrco Lighting District for May, 1981. xc Mr. Bark~rlal0. Filed. Letter dated 6/15/81 from Lee County F.lectrlc Cooperntive, Inc. ro streeta lights added or removed from Marco Ltqhtlng Di.trict for the month of June, 19P1. xc ~r. Ððrksdale. FUed. Letter dated 5/21/81 from Lee County r.lectrle cooper~tivc, Inc. re street lights ~dded or removed from rmmoknle~ Lighting District for the month of ~ay, 19P1. xC ~r. Barksdale. Filed. Letter dated ~/l5/A1 from Lee County Electric Cooperative, Inc. ro street lights added or removed from Immokðle~ Lighting District for the month of June, 19B1. xc ~r. Barkadale. Filed. Copy of letter dated ~/ll/~l from Lee Layne to ~r. Ed ~nnt, Collier Development Corporation, ro Resolution n-Bl-l~R acceptlnq deed for ~T land In return for two TDR's. Filed. Letter dated ~/13/Rl transmitting six page petition re propose~ h~ndl1ng of trnfflc on West Poulevard hptween Seagate Drive and Noapol1tðn Way. Filftd. 16. Letter dated ~/15/ßl from Robert Wnlte, President, Park West Condomlni~ Assn., Inc. re proposed handling of trnffic on West noulev~rd between 5eaqate Drive and Neapolitan ~ðY. xc Hr. Barksdale, Mr. Vlrta, Mr. Norman. Filed. l7. Letter ð~ted ~/lO/~1 from Donðld L. Llntzenlch opposing opening of CrAyton Poad to Pelican Bay. xc Mr. BarkGdele, ~r. Vlrta, Mr. Norman. Filed. 18. Letter and petition dat~d 6/15/81 trom Jeffrey C. Quinn re notice of appeal by Isle of Capri Civic Asøn. objor.tlng to the hsuance of II BuUd1nI'J Per~1t to Wl1lhma Capri :4arine, Inc. xc ~r. Pickworth. Filed. 19. Copy of Columbia County Doard at County Commie8ioner. Reao1utlon No. 8lRIO r. -Bur.au of Welght.-. Filed. 20. Letter dateð 5/22/~1 fro~ Jame. M. roohey, H~rco I.land Area Board of Realtors, Inc. re change of hi. mailing addro.. to P.O. Box 5.7, Marco Ialond, Florida '~937. Fllod. '0:' 062 ~22I rac;Ct 8" --------------------------------- ""<1,. _ "¥- ...,,-"'","'-~,.....-,~ "."'<"'-,~"""',-..._-.... .,".-, ~.. . .... .. ..-..-, ". ·.........IIt'T . >-'0 ...... ""0> O+'~ U'" >-IIIU +'''''... ~.... ....~ ~+'I: .alii'" ~Ð.c: :§3J .... I: III 0 ... III~ .c:a+' E-4 U ...::1 .. :'8 i"'~ ....... :a:~... .c: III +' S . .... "'I:~ 10~ .... bO ~ ~I:u ""~~ o +' S "'1: U~ ~ ~"'o Z '" '"' - ..------ - ------------------- - - -'--- ð~ 06.2 ,,\ct22Z July 14, 19a1 21. Letter dated 6/3/el from Dept. of Revonue Budget Supervi.or Frank Smith re r~celpt of County Property ~pprai.er'. budget raque8t for FY 19a1-Ol. Filed. 22. Notice from South Contral Florida He~lth systoms Council, Inc. Indicating review schedule. FLIed.' 23. ~~port of Zoning Dep~rtment investigations for March and April 19~1. Filed. Copy of Library Peport for ~prll and ~ay 1981. Filed. Copy of lotter dated ~/9/81 from Chris Anderson, County Fnrostcr, to Terry Vlrta re Summer Fnvironmental Camp. Fil od. 24. 25. 26. Copy of Helicoptor Operation. Report for June 1981. Filed. ~opy of minutes of Golden Cate Community Center ~dvl8ory Committee for ~ðY and ~arch plu8 June schedule of events. Filod. 27. 28. ürtter dated ~/2/Pl from Jacqueline Hargrove to Tom Hafner r. R,~ular ~ay meeting of Advisory Co~mlttQe, Ochopoo Fire Control Dietrict. Filed. 29. Lotter dated ~/2/8l from Jacqueline Hargrove to Tom H~fner re Reqular June meeting Advisory Committee, Ochopee Fire Control District. Filed. 30. Lett~r dated 7/3/81 from Jacqueline Hargrove to Tom Rafner re Regular July meeting, AdviRory Committee, Ochopee Fir. Control District. Filed. 31. Copy of Dept. of Corrections Inspection report for Immokale Sub-station for 4/2?/nl. Filed. 32. Copy of Dept. of Corrections Inspection report for Collier County jail for 4/23/81. Ftlftd. 33. Copy of memo dðted 6/29/~1 from C.R. Barksdale to C.W. Horman rft employo~ work hours for County road section. riled. 34. Copy of letter dated ~/22/81 from George F. Keller trans- mltti~1 two paqe pptltJon re petition PU-81-Q-C registering Oppo31tion. Filed. 35. Letter datod fi/29/Pl from L.A. UOfOUen opposing Interval Ownership condominium.. Filed. )(,. Lott~r dated "/'~/Pl (rom Norman L. ~notta re certltlcatrs of componteney. xc W. Scamohorn, c. Carlton, ~r.Norman. Filed. Page 89 '... -------------------------------- .'.~ ,......, ~;~ . >toe ..." '-<0> O~... U" >t.u ~'-<" 011"4.... ...... "'~C .c." .....c :§:. ....iš ".... t;:.t ,,::s .. ::''8 iQ,~ "." X...... s:: .~s - ~ "'C'" 10~ ~ bO... OII"4Cu '-<011"4011"4 O~ S ~5 ... 011"4...0 :I: Q,.... . . -------------------------------- -- July 14, 19A1 37. Letter d~ted 6/2~/8l from Cecyl L. rickIe, "ttorney, re Estate o( Margot R. pickle an~ claim against County. xc County ~ttorney. Filed. 38. Let'~er dated "/?fi/81 from I\ruce H. Pickle, M:torney, r. Estate of Cortrude P. Reinburg and claim ag81nst County. xc Còunty Attorney. Filed. 39. Copy ~f bulletin ~ated 7/1/~1 re notice of funda avail Db 1ft to loc3' governm~ntB throu9h the Florida Financial Assistance for Community ServiccB ^ct of 1974. xc Community Develop- !I',H,\:, R.H. RaIl. Filed. 40. Letter dated ~/30/AI from Larry K. O'Dell, DOT, re procodure to follow to receive bond funds from DOT and transmitting saClple voucher form. xc Mr. Norman, Mr. Barksdale, Mr. Hall and Mr. pickworth. Filed. u. Four lotters regÐr~lnq p~vlng Karen Drive. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Barksdale. Filed. 42. Letter dated 6/10/81 from William M. Walters, Treasurer, Marco Island Fire Control District, re Six month report ot te,:oipts and eoxpendltures for District. xc H. Hall. Filed. Hemo dated 6/25/81 transmitting copy of memo (rom Don~ld W. Norton, CETA Director, dated 6/24/81 re CETA Title VIr proposal. Filed. .. 3. 44. Letter dated ~/l/AI from B.D. "~y, DOT, re annual Ðch~dule of additions and deletions to State Highway Systom. xc Mr. Barksdale. Filed. Copy of letter dated r,/~/nl from Steve Tribble, rubllc Service Commlsøfon, re Pocket No. 810095-TP petition of General Telephone Company for rðte increase. Filed. 46. Copy of letter date~ ~/3/nl lron Stove Tribble re Docket No. Bl0002-EU petition of Florida Power end Llqht Compðny for rate increaso. FlIed. 45. 4'. Florida Public Sarvice Co~mlBalon Docket No. 800417-CU, Or~er No. 100I2-A, isaued ~/l/Al r. Hiller G~. Co. lor an Inerea.e In rates and charges. Filed. "lB. Florida PubHc !;ervice C01\'lm1aslon Docket No. R00510-W~ (CR), Order No. 1004R, issued ~/S/Ol re public he~rlng on a petition of Florida Power Corporation. Filed. WOK Dti2 'AtE 223 Page 90 ~-----------------------------_. ~-------------------------~---~~~. . ~'O ...11 \.to> O~"" UII ~.U ~""" ........ ~.... ""~C ,g.1I ""1II.c :§~ ~ C .0 11111.... ~~~ 11::1 .. :'8 o 0.... B Q, 1111111 X....... .c III~ B . r-4 ...C.... 110,,", . 0 ~ tIØ... ""CU \.t........ O~ & "'C U....... .......0 X 0.,... July 14, 1991 &OùK 062 PACE 224 49. Florida· Public Service Commission Docket No. 800395-WS (CR), Order No. 10049, Issued ~/9/8l, re application of Utllltle. Inc. of Florida for an increa.e In water and .ewer rate. In Seminole and Orange Countios, Florida. Filed. 50. Notice of Hoarin9 re Florida Public SerÝlce Commls.ion Docket Ho. eOOl19-r.U petition of Florida Power Corporation for increase in rate.. Filed. 51. Florida Public Service Commission Docket ~o. e00621-WS, DCA" Cas. No. Al-1499, Issued ~/9/Rl re public hearing on petition of CIJlCstreom UtUlty Co. for IIn increase in rata.. Filed. 52. Four lettera supporting Provisional Use request of Vanderbilt United Presbyterian Church. xc Community Dev~lopment. Filed. 53. Copy of letter dated ~/22/01 from Dr. Heinrich O.E. Schmid, Medical Examiner, re County Contract. xc Staff. Filed. There being no Curther business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time 2.38 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~E~~A. ~ " ,*. ,/¡ Pftqe 91 ..-------------------------------- . ----, ,.-... -1