Agenda 04/12/2011 Item # 9F
4/12/2011 Item 9.F.
Recommendation to discuss possible amendments to Ordinance No. 75-16, as amended,
relating to the meetings of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners that will
introduce rules of decorum and civility.
OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (Board) considers revisions to its current
procedures ordinance, Ordinance No. 75-16, as amended, that will establish rules of decorum and
civility during Board meetings.
CONSIDERATIONS: The purpose of this discussion is to begin the process of initiating certain
rules of protocol and propriety during Board meetings. The Board's duty is to conduct the people's
business in County Government. Recently, citizens have commented on the need to restore civility
. during Board meetings, even to the point of noting that their "child's classroom has a better
As a Board we must recognize the voters elected the person sitting next to you, that we have no
choice but to accept that elected official as a voice of the people, and that we can respect differing
opinions and different styles of that representation of the people.
Hopefully, the proposed rules will provide the !,'1Iidance needed to work together, respect our fellow
commissioners' opinions, and the manner in which they represent their constituents.
For discussion purposes, listed below are examples of "decorum and civility" provisions from other
Florida counties.
Collier County ordinance 75-16 as amended
2-36 General Provisions
(d) Presiding officer, election, duties. The presiding Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected
by a majority of the members of the Board of County Commissioners and said election shall occur
at the first regularly scheduled Board meeting in January of each year. In the event that the
Chairman and/or the Vice-Chairman are not reelected as Commissioners in any given year, unless
a Special Meeting is called, the Board of County Commissioners shall elect a Chairman and/or
Vice-Chairman, as applicable, at the first regularly scheduled Board meeting on or after the second
Tuesday after the election to temporarily serve until the first regularly scheduled Board meeting in
January at which time the scheduled election shall take place. However, the Chairman and the
Vice-Chairman shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Vice-Chairman shall preside in the
absence of the Chairman. With respect to all matters outside of meetings (see subsection (e)
below), in the absence of both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, the immediate past Chairman
shall act as temporary Chairman, and if there is no immediate past Chairman, then the longest
tenured Commissioner shall so act. The Chairman shall become the presiding officer immediately
after his or her election. The Chairman shall preserve order and decorum at all meetinQs. He
shall state every question and announce the decision of the commission on each item of business.
The majority vote of the members present shall determine all questions of order not otherwise
covered. The Chairman may vote on any question, his or her name being called last. The Chairman
shall sign all ordinances, resolutions and legally binding documents adopted by the Commission
during his or her presence. In his or her absence, such ordinances, resolutions and legally binding
documents shall be signed by the presiding officer
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2-36 Rules of debate.
H 3. Form of address. Each member shall address only the presidinq officer for recoclOition.
shall confine himself to the Question under debate. and shall avoid personalities and
Gadsden County
Sec. 2-44. Presiding officer.
(a) Chairman. The presiding officer is the chairman of the Gadsden County Board of County
Commissioners. The chairman presides at all meetings of the board. The chairman's responsibilities
shall include, but not be solely limited to:
(1) Open the meeting at the appointed time and call the meeting to order, having ascertained that
a quorum is present.
(2) Announce the business to come before the board, in accordance with the prescribed order of
(3) Recognize all commissioners, the county manager, and the county attorney, who seek the floor
under correct procedure. All questions and comments are to be directed tl1rough the chairman and
restated by him or her, and he or she declares all votes. The chairman shall repeat every motion
and state every question coming before the commission, and announce the decision of the
commission on all matters coming before it.
(4) Preserve decorum and order. and in case of disturbance or disorderly conduct in the
commission chambers. may cause the same to be cleared or cause any disruptive individual
to be removed.
(5) Call to order any member of the board who violates any of these procedures and, when
presiding, decide questions of order, subject to a majority vote on a motion to appeal.
(6) Expedite business in every way compatible with the rights of the members.
(7) Remain objective. For the chairman to make a motion, the gavel need not be relinquished. The
"Rule Against Chair's Participation in Debate" is abolished.
(8) Declare the meeting adjourned when the board so votes, or at any time in the event of an
emergency affecting the safety of those present
Rule 7.01 Rules of debate.
(a) Questions under consideration. When a motion is presented and seconded, it is under
consideration and no other motion shall be received thereafter, except to adjourn, to lay on the
table, to postpone, or to amend until the question is decided. These motions shall have preference
in the order in which they are mentioned and the first two (2) shall be decided without debate. Final
action upon a pending motion may be deferred until a date certain by a majority of the members
(b) As to the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer, upon relinquishing the chair. may move,
second debate and vote, subject only to such limitations as are by these rules imposed upon all
(c) Getting the floor, improper references to be avoided. Every member desiring to speak for any
purpose shall address the Presiding Officer, and upon recognition, shall be confined to the question
under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language.
(d) Interruption; call to order; appeal a ruling of the chair. A member once recognized, shall not be
interrupted when speaking unless it be a call to order or as herein otherwise provided. If a member
be called to order, the member shall cease speaking until the question of order be determined by
the Presiding Officer, and if in order the member shall be permitted to proceed. Any member may
appeal to the Commission from the decision of the Presiding Officer upon a question of order,
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when, without debate, the Presiding Officer shall submit to the Commission the question, "Shall the
decision of the Chair be sustained?" and the Commission shall decide by a majority vote.
* * * * *
Rules of debate.
(a) Decorum
(l) Every commissioner desiring to speak should address the chainnan, and upon said recognition by
the chairman, should confine discussion to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and
indecorous language.
(2) Commissioners shall refrain from: attacking a member's motives; speaking adversely on a prior
motion not pending; speaking while the chairman or other board members are speaking; speaking
against their own motions; and disturbing the board.
(3) A member once recognized should not be interrupted when speaking unless said member is being
called to order. The member should then cease speaking until the question of order is determined,
without debate, by the chainnan. If in order, said member shall be at liberty to proceed.
(4) A member shall be deemed to have yielded the floor when he or she has finished speaking. A
member may claim the floor only when recognized by the chairman.
Resolution No. 2011-53
E. Rules of Decorum and Civility. Each Board/Committee and members thereof shall
reasonably comply with Part 4 Rule of Decorum and Civility. Board/Committee members
are encourage to make constructive commcnts and policy recommendations to the Board of
County commissioner but shall avoid disrcspcctful commentary.
* * * * *
The Board expressly recognizes that promoting and preserving decorum and civility best enables the
Board to fairly and expeditiously conduct the business of the County.
While the Board is in session, the Chair shall preserve order and decorum. A Commissioner shall
neither by conversation nor otherwise delay or inten-upt thc proceeding or the peace of the Board,
nor disturb any commissioner while speaking or refuse to obcy thc ordcrs of the Board or its Chair.
No Commissioner shall speak on any question or discuss any matter, nor interrupt another, nor make
a motion without first being recot,'I1ized by the Chair. When two or more Commissioners seek
recognition by the Chair, the Chair shall name the Commissioner who is to speak first. No
Commissioner shall be interrupted by another without the consent of the Commissioner who has the
floor, except by rising to a question of order. A Commissioner, in spcaking on any matter, shall
confinc him!herselfto thc qucstion, or mattcr beforc the Board, shall not use unbecoming abusive or
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unparliamentary language and shall avoid commenting on personalities or character of other Board
members, former Board members, other officials, staff, or the public.
A. May call a Commissioner to order if the Commissioner's remarks are not relevant to the
subject under discussion, or for lack of decorum.
Rule].] 4 - Rules of Debate
Every Commissioner desiring to speak for any purpose shall address the Chair, upon recognition,
shall confine the discussion to the question under debate avoiding personal comments towards other
Commissioners, staff or members of the public, any indecorous language.
Order will be preserved. No person shall, by speech or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings
or the peace and decorum of the Commission, or disturb any person having the floor. No person
shall refuse to obey the lawful orders of the Chair of the Commission. Any person making
itTelevant, impeltinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes hoisterous while addressing the
Commission shall not be considercd orderly or decorous. Any person who hecomes disorderly or
who fails to confine remarks to the identified subjects or business at hand shall be cautioned by the
Chair and given the opportunity to conclude remarks on the subject in a decorous manner and within
the designated time limit. Any person failing to comply as cautioned shall not be aUowed to
continue speaking unless pennission to continue or again address the Commission is ~,'ranted by the
majority cote of the Commissioners present.
Sec. 2-18 Meeting Decorum
b. ... Members of the goveming hody. staff members, and eitizens are required to use civil and
appropliate lan~,'uage when addressing the goveming body or the audience and must refrain fi'om
using profanity, cursing, or exhibiting aggressive or tlu'eatening behavior when addressing the
governing hody or other participants. All comments must be directed to the presiding officcr and not
to individual members of the goveming body or the audience. No personal verhal attacks toward
any individual by the governing body, staff: or citizens shall be allowed during a meeting of the
governing body.
* * * * *
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4/12/2011 Item 9.F.
RECOMMENDA nON: That the Board of County Commissioners reviews the rules for decorum
and civility enacted by other Florida counties, considers revisions to its current procedures
ordinance, Ordinance No. 75-16, as amended, and directs the County Attorney to draft an amending
ordinance for future consideration.
PREPARED BY: Tom Henning, COImnissioncr, District 3
AGENDA DATE: April 12, 2011
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Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 9.F.
Item Summary: Recommendation to discuss possible amendments to Ordinance No. 7S-
16, as amended, relating to the meetings of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners
that will introduce rules of decorum and civility. (Commissioner Henning)
Meeting Date: 4/12/2011
Prepared By
Name: Evelyn Prieto
Title: Executive Aide to the BCC,
4/1!2011 3:30:37 PM
Approved By
Name: Ian Mitchell
Title: Executive Manager, BCC
Date: 4/4/201] 8:15:05 AM
Name: BrockMaryJo
Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager, CMO
Date: 4/4/2011 10:44:09 AM
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