BCC Minutes 07/20/1981 B
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Naples, Florida, July 20, 1981
LET IT 8E REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and far the County af Collier, ~nd also acting as the governing
board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to
law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1150 P.M.
in Budget Review Workshop In Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex
with the following members present:
Chairman: John A. pistor
Vice Chairman: Clifford Wenzel
C. R. "Russ· Wimer (2:04 P.M.)
Mary-Frances Rruse
Dav id C. Brown
ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Off icer;
Virginia Magri, Deputy Clerk; Sheriff Aubrey Rogers; Don Hunter,
Sheriff's Department Planner; Bill McNulty, Sheriff's
Department/Comunications; and Irving Berzon, Utilities Mðnager.
Utilities Division
Clerk of Courts/Clerk to Board
Debt Service
Fiscal Officer Hall stated that this is the first of the 8chedul~
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July 20, 1981
workshops on the tentative budget for 1981-82. He said that the reason
for hearing the Sheriff's budget first is because, by Statute, the
Board is to address ,and tnke action on the Sheriff's budget by August
1st. Also, the Board must do whatever reviews arc needed relative to
the Property Appraiser's budget and by August 15th advise the Depart-
ment of Revenue of any comments or suggestions that they may have,
th~n, the Department of Revenue will go ahead with their finalization
of the Property Appraiser's budget~ He said that there are no other
requirements such as this for the other Condtitutional Officers.
Mr. Hall said that the Tax Collector, this year, for the first
time, is to submit a copy of his budget for public review; however, the
Board of County Commissioners takes no action on the Tax Collector's
budget. Mr. Hall said that the Clerk submits for the records the
budget; however, practically all of the Clerk's budget is in Board
format and is funded by the Board.
Another comment made by Mr. Hall, regarding budget preparation,
was the tact that this year, for the first time, they added a sub-total
and it is called operating sub-total, which brings the Board to a
sub-total before capital equipment and before fund transfers. He said
that this is the closest he can get to giving the Board a real
.eaningful figure on percent increase.
Chairman Pistor expressed the desire to have more citizens attend
the budget workshops, noting thðt this is the time th~t the items ar~
discussed in detail and it would save time when the budget goes to a
public heedng.
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July 20, 19R1
Sheriff Rogers re~d from a prepared report, outlining increased
growth in Collier County, the demand for services, the rise in serious
major crimes, vandalism, etc. He said that while trying to keep up
with State and Federal mandates and inflation, they have fallen way
behind with the number of law enforcement officers that they need on
the street. He emphasized that the increase in his proposed budget is
needed for the safety of the citizens of Collier County.
Sheriff Rogers referred to two maps displayed to show how the
deputies are assigned and how they propose to use the requested
increase. One map of the current zones indicated that the coastal area
is divided into five zones; six including Marco; seven, Everglades area
and eight, the Immokalee area. He said that basically the personnel in
this area is one man in any giv~n zone at one time. The Gheriff
detailed the areas included in the coastal zone.
Continuing, Sheriff Rogers said that they are trying to find a way
to supervise the personnel that they now have and also to have the
flexibility to handle the problems that they have in different areas,
and that this is in line with what the Ðoard directed them to do when
they set up the sub-station in North Naples. Also, there is a proposal
to add one to Golden Gate, and the East District would work out of the
courthouse. He said that they will have a commander in each distïict
to meet with the citizens and that will give them three people in each
one of the areas and that they will be the same people all of the time.
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July 20, 1981
~ccording to the Sheriff, they are operating so thin now that they
cannot handle the complaints and the beach. Also, he pointed out that
the County has an unusual situation in having a lot of farm and labor
camps. He said that they are attempting to put enough men on the
street to react and have ~ de~ent response time and have the
supervision and the flexibility. Also, he noted that when the deputies
co~e to court from the outlying areas (Everglades, etc.) those areas
are left uncovered.
Sheriff Rogers concluded by saying that they are aiming a~
establishing these districts that can relate with the people and have a
commander that can identify their problems and work with them.
Mr. Don Hunter, with the help of several visual aids, related the
calls for services from 1q75 to 1980, indicating that there has been an
increase of approximately 78\. He cited the increase of 42.6\ of
offenses, noting that this category does not include narcotics, drIving
under the influence, and all of the other offenses that are considered
to be Part II offenses. He said that they investigated 1229 automobile
accidents, adding that each investigation takes 1 hour and 29 minutes
which equals 1757 hours or one man per year. Regarding road strength,
Mr. Hunter related that in 1975 there were 61 road deputies compared to
68 in 1980, an increase of 11.5', which is not enough people to deal
with calls for service. The addition of 29 road deputies that are
bping requested brings the proposed new personn~l to 55, he said.
Commissioner Wenzel questioned the 55 new positions and Mr. Hunter
explained that, in addition to the 29 road deputies, there would be six
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investigators and the remaining would cctu311y bo supporting personnel
other than those Involved In the jail. Mr. Hunter displayed a chart
outlining the typical schedule of IS-man squads and said that the
offectlve ~tron9th would be increased by approximately one man.
Co=miasloner Rruse ~sked if they are playing ·catch-up·? Mr. Huntor
replied In the affirmative, recalling that they have had a 78' increase
in the calls for service and only an 11.5\ increase in road deputies.
Commissioner Kruse questioned if the much larger budget is attribut~bl.
to the gro~th over the past 2 year9 or over the five year period and
Mr. Hunter said that it has been spr&ðd over ð five year period. Mr.
Huntor reported that they have only been experiencing ~ 2\ lncroðse In
road strength, nnd added that thoy have tried to implement so~e
cost-efficiency methods, such as receiving complaints over thft phon~.
He said that last year they established a five-man unit callod "Focus-
which i. very speclall%ed and avail~ble to impact the high volume crl~Ð
areas, patrol the beach, and fIll in the gaps th~t they are unable to
provide with the road patrol. Aloo, they wore trained as a ·Swat" tnam
and they~have ð canine unit. He Bald that they find they are not able
to keep up with the demands for service, and as the demands increase so
do the needs to increase the road stren9th.
Referrint) to the proposed 55 new people, ""r. Hunter ludd that they
hAve ostab1ished a phase-in and would hire immediately OCtober 1, 1981
12 poople for road deputies, also, 2 radio diapatchnrs, 1 tor Naples
and 1 for Immokal~ft. He noted thÞt ð8 a result of the phasft-ln they
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should realize some cost sðving ~round $210,000 because they would not
be hirinQ the people tor a full year.
. ..Commiasioner Brown left tho meeting at this time and did not return··
Mr. Hunter said that the only re~eining personnel requested is in
the jail section and it wôs a recommendation from the Department of
Corrections that they increase their staff of correctional officers and
that they only i~creascd it by 10 and since thnt time the formula used
has chnnged and they arc requesting ð total of six officers {or Naples
and 3 for Immokalee which brings them in line with the minimum
The only other major cost In the budget is for mIcrofilm
equipøent, sold Mr. Hunter, which they havt! been contemplating going
into for a year, and arc pl~nning for a carnera and reader/printer.
Also, they havo projected S63,000 for the Golden Gate Sub-atation for
personnel and office expenses.
Co~mlsaioner ~cn%el que~tioned if there wae Ð hreakdown for the
stocknde cost? Mr. Hunter s^id that they have project~d $~73,102 for
t~ I~mokalee jail center which is 0.7' of the total budget and 3~.6'
of the total budget increaso over 19AO-Al.
Co~mis.ioner Kruse noted that they are requesting 29 road
personnel and 41 vehicles. Sheriff Rogers 8ftld that the vehicle. are
b.aed on ð for~ula and that th~y try to assign ono car to two road
deputies and that they trado in the cora at around 75-80,000 miles. ft.
..ið thftt the Inv~8tigðtors do not have regular ah1fts and that they
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July 20, 19ft1
have to have their cars with them and also certain staff that has to
respond. Mr. Hunter explained that they have 15 trades, marked
vehicle8, 5 trades, unmarked vehicles, for current staff, and
additional vehicles would be 15 marked and 8 unmarked pursuit veh ic-'. os,
6 of which would be ðss1yned to the 6 new investigators and, also, 2
cars would be pooled among the administrative staff.
Sheriff Rogers also advised that there are hidden items such as
mental health and medical expenses. He said that they do try to work
with the Health Department on medical needs.
During discussion it was clarified that this is a ·catch-up·
measure for the Sheriff's Department; the increase is not necessitated
by events of the past year or so and that it will take one year to
implement the propos~d personnel. He also noted that since the County
has gone into the ambul~nce business they are doing a considerable
amount of more work than before, and they are doing ambulance book-
The Sheriff said that he has met with several civic associations
and they-all want more people and whether or not they are willing to
pay for them remains to be sr.en.
Chairman pistor questioned whether or not the Sheriff has ever
gotten any help from the Federal or State government to assist with the
smuggling problem and the Sheriff replied that he has not received any
money; however, there is a seizure law. He said that the thing that is
hard to explain is that these drugs are causing som~ of the crime in
the County. Chairman pistor noted that several cases are dismissed
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July 20, 1981
because of lack of evidence and asked if additional help would improve
this situation. Sheriff Rogers advised that they only make the arrest
and the States Attorney does the investigation.
Replying to Chairmen pis tor, Sheriff Rogers expleined that the
proposed salaries are figured on the actual time worked, adding that
the Department of Administration is doing a pay plan study for his
depðrtment. He said that he is losing people to other areas of the
County because he is losing ground-with the salaries.
There was a brief discussion regarding those people under_-special
risk- and the Sheriff edvised that the State re-evaluated this and
found that there were people in this classification that should not
have been and they had to recertify some of their personnel.
Commissioner Wimer questioned the format of the budget. Sheriff
Rogers explained that they have tried to get it changed to where it is
prepared the same as other budgets; however, the Florida Sheriffs'
Budget Law tells them how they will prepere the budgetJ they make up
the forms and then have seminars and training sessions based on that.
He said that they would like to have it the same as the rest of the
County. Commissioner Wimer said that he would like to have a breakdown
of the budget and questioned as to whether or not there is a law that
prohibits it from being provided.
Mr. Hall said that he believes that the Uniform Chart of Accounts
requires the reporting of correction expenditures separate from law
enforcement expenditures. Also, the Sheriff's budget is one large
figure and there is no way for the Board to get a good picture of it
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July ~O, lqRl
other than the verbal presentation being made today.
Again, Commissioner Wimer recalled that last year the Board askftd
for a breakdown and the Sheriff said thðt on the basis of the request
they have attempted to get the Florida Sheriffs' Law changed.
Chairman pistor thanked the Sheriff for his presentation,
commenting that he will not say that the Board is satisfied, adding
that they understand the additional money Is not going to come Rout of
the clouds".
Commissioner Wimer questioned if it was thp. consensus of the Board
that they want the breakdown figures and Chairman Pistor confirmed th~t
they do. Commissioner Wimer said that he would like the breakdown for
the different sub-stations. Replying to Commissioner Wimer, Fiscal
Officer Hall said that there is no law that says ~ny Constitutional
Officer could not furnish to the Board whatever they ask for. Mr. Hall
said that he is sure that there Is nothing that prohibits the Sheriff
from providing the breakdown and that when he puts it together in the
beginnIng that is the Wðy all of the information comes in, then all of
the information is consolid~ted into line items. He said that as a
minimum the Sheriff must submit to the Board the five line items, plus
contingencies; that is the minimum required by Statute. Commissioner
Wimer requested that the Chairman send a letter to the Sheriff asking
for a breakdown of divisions, categories, etc. Commissioner Wimer said
that he thought that with the double taxation suit that there had t~ be
8 breakdown of services. Fiscal Officer Hall reported that the dollar
estimate was obtained from Deputy Chief Barnett which was arrived at
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July 20, 1981
last year by a formula used by a consultant who did the work. Chaif1l\an
pistor asked why, since Everglades is a city, the Sheriff cannot charge
for his services rendered or ask them to form their own police
Utilities Manager Berzon distributed a prepared memo to the
Commissioners, pointing out that basically his division prepares and
administers 25 budgets of which 10-12 arc active and only one has any
~ffect on the millage and that is for the Everglades 201. He said that
other t'.an that everything else that they do is totally operating
revenues with one exception which is the East Naples MSTD which was
used to borrow the money to develop the plans for the area. He said
that they have already paid 1/3 and will pay 1/3 this year and 1/3 nex~
Everglades 201: Commissioner ~enzel questioned why the County is
considering the 201 study for Everglades and Mr. Berzon said that
literally nothing has t~ken place because there have been no funds from
the Federal Government. He said that they are just carrying $10,000
which is 1/4 of the amount needed if the government comes through with
the S30,000 or 75'. He suggested that the Board carry it one more year
in case they go through with the study.
Commissioner Wenzel noted that the Utilities Division is working
~I in the black. Mr. Berzon reported that they will need one increase
", this year and next year which will bring them to a revenue that will
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support the water system. Mr. ßerzon said that revenue is generated
from user fees, monies levied for new pipe lines and system development
charges which will raise approximately nine million dollars. He said
that they have already collected to date about $l.5 million on water.
He said that they are coming close to the time when they will have to
borrow money.
Other 8udgetst Referring to his other budgets, Mr. Berzon said
that he has had no new people with the exception of two people in Area
.AW because the DER may want th~m to go back to a 16 hour day, 7 days a
week operation and if they have to increase the hours of operation th~y
will need the increase. Another increase, said Mr. Berzon, is for nino
new personnel needed to operate the new plant 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week. He said that he does not anticipate spending any of that money
in the coming year; however, he may need it in August, 1982. He noted
that until they hire the people there is no expenditure. Also, he said
that he needs a secretary in the administrative office. He explained
that the increase in the administrative budget is because they are
carrying three people that were carried by the Clerk's office.
Immokalee Water/Sewer Dfstr ict : . Fiscal Of!1cer RaIl sa id tha t
there is another item that required ad valorem taxes which is the
Immokalee Water/Sewer District, an independent district under the
Board. Mr. Berzon recalled that when the Immokalee sewer pla~R were
being prepared in the early 70's the Board was advancing the monies and
until the independent district was formed it was the intention of the
Board to do the project and the district was to repay the Board. He
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July 20, 1981
said that in September of 1980 they did repay the County but instead of
turning over $320,000+ like they should have they only repaid a
portion. Mr. Hall said that the County started billing them for
interest in the amount of funds th~y would have earned had the funds
been invested. He said that the district has the money and that it is
his understanding from the FmHA that it should be paid. Mr. Hall said
that All funds advanced from the General Fund are to be paid as soon as
avai]a~l~. Mr. Hall said that actually the money is due to the Gencral
Fund from the Immokalee Water/Sewer dependent district under the Board,
and the Board has taxing powers, and the Immoka1ee Water/Sewer District
independent board owes it to the dependent district and one way to gP.t
it is to levy a tax. Mr. Hall advised that the amount involved is
$2R,6l0 which is mostly interest and the FmHA advised him that they do
not intent to repay it. Commissioner wimer requested that Mr. Hall
find out what bank the money is deposited in and what interest rate it
Is earning.
It was the general consensus of the Board that a taxing district
be created to recover interest due on the loan.
Capri W"ter Service: Chairman pistor noted that Capr i Water
Service is included in the budget and Mr. Be r zon said that Is because
if the County buys it they ....ould have a budget. Mr. Hall noted that
every ycar they budget the total amount of a capi tal expenditure and if
it does not come about that yeðr it Is budget~d in the next ye~r. Yor
8erzon added that, from a planning standpoint, you can deal with it if
it materializes. Mr. Berzon said that he is budgeting on the high side
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because there is not enough historical background and they are
beginning to obtain surpluses in certain funds.
Chairman pistor thanked Mr. Berzon for his presentation and s~id
that he is doing a good job as well as working in the black.
Mr. Reagan said that he preferred to wait until there was a full
board and this was agreeable with those present.
Mr. Hall said that they have paid off one of the issues that is
funded by ad valorem taxes and the ad valorem tax for debt service is
low. He said that the race track money and the guaranteed entitlement
portion of State Revenue Sharing are two big issues and there is
nothing unusual about the debt service retirement schedule this y~ar.
Referring to Page 8-92-1 within the proposed budget, Mr. Hall said that
they have the 1961 and 1966 General Obligation Issues on Courthouse
improvemÐnts. He said $361,400 is pledged in race track revenue. He
said that they have Golden Cate, which is not county-wide but is one of
the debt service items of $24,000. He said that the tax in more than
that, $24,000 goes to debt service and the remainder goes to operation.
Mr. Hall said that State Revenue Sharing Guaranteed Fntitlement
Portion, which was the last big bond issue of $5,000,000, was used for
completing the 5th floor, bikepaths, etc.
Fiscal Officer Hall said that there is debt service on lhe Gas Tax
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Bonds 1980 issue of $1,800,000. Chairman pistor questioned if there
would be a problem if people do not buy that much gasoline and Mr. Hall
said that the County has pledged the 9th and 7th cent on the $6,000,000
issue. He said that the $10,000,000 issue was handled by the state and
that comes from the 5th and 6th cent; however, the County's coverage is
almost doubled of what it should be so the County has the 9th cent and
7th cent obligated. He said that the only problem the County might
have is if they go back and exercise an option and issue more bonds
against the obligation of the 9th and 7th cent. He said that if the
Board elected to go back and issue another $6,000,000 they would get
the coverage down real tight.
'.' ~ .' : '. ... . . .
There being no further reviews scheduled, the meeting was
adjourned by the Chairman at 3:58 P.M.
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