Agenda 03/08/2011 Item #16G2
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3/8/2011 Item 16.G.2.
Recommendation tIIat ~BoardofCou..tyCommissionel'l(BCC),aetin.asthe Ail'portA.~ty.
approve and autborizetbe Cbairmaato execute thea~bedc.trRental Service Con~es..~re
Agreement with EJ,lt~rise~iDlC()mppy of Florida clJ,b/a Eatel'prisellent-A-car -'pr.QVide
car rental services at tbel\faI'Co IsbuldExecutive Airpo~ "'JII~kalee Regional and Everglad~
OBJECTIVE: To obtain.approval,ofConcessionaire Agreement toalJtborize Enterprise Leasing
Company of Florida d/b/a Enterprise Rent-A-C~ (Enterprise) to pFOvide~~services at the Marco
Island Executive Airport, 1mm0kaleeRegional Airport, and Evergl~~k;
CONSIDERATlON~:Enterprise desires to enter intoan~mentwitht:h~CoI1ier County Airport.
A~thority to provide re$I. . services at the. Marco. Island Executive. Airport, . Immokalee Regio...
Airport, and Everglades Airpark. .
The opera~ions'of Enterprise will not . interfere with safe, efficient OperatiollS.~anYO( the County airports
and will.enhance the overal.l1evel of services. available to ..airportusers... The concession fee of fifteen
pereent(IS%) of gt'OS$receipts to be paid by the concessionaire, and facility. leflSe fees forcou~terspace
at the Marco Island Executive Airport.are consistent with the 2011 rate sched\de approved on January 11,
2011, Agenda Item 14B.
The attached agreement and insurance requirements have been reviewed by the Risk Management
Department and the County Attorney's. office.
FISCAL. ~AC'l': The fiscal impact of approving.thisagreement will be an Jncrease in Airport
revenue in Fund 495. . The do.11aramount is not known at this time.
LEGALCONSID~RATl9NS:. The County Attomeyreviewed the proposed~~m~nt, which is ready
for Board action. This jtem.~uires majority approval. -JAK .
~~O~YBQ~~COMMENDATION: At the February 14, 20IJmeeting, the. Airport
Advisory. Board votedUJ1animously to recommend. that the BCCapprovellIldiauthori~ itsChairma.nto
execute..the attached Car RelWll.Service. Concessionaire .A~ement with provi<ied~ rental
services at the Marco Island Executive, Immokalee RegioJlaland Everglades airports.
GROW'l'IMANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth ManagementImpa~associated with the
RECOMAJENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, acting as the Airport Authority,
approve and authorize its Chairman to .executetheattachedCar RentalService~o~cessionaire t\greement
with Enterprise Leasing Company of Florida d/b/a Enterprise Rent-A-Car topl'ovided car.
at the Marco Island Executive Airport, Immokalee Regional Airport and EVerglad~s Airpark.
PREtAQ:DBY: Chris Curry, Executive Director, Airport Authority .
.f'i::'.".";"_:' ,,'
3/8/2011 Item 16.G.2.
IkJarcl iofCounty Commi.ssiQners
Item Number: 16.G.2.
Item Summary: R~~mm~ndation.that the Boardof~GUnty Commissioners (BCC), aCfing
as tile Airport Authority,. approve and Ciuthorize the Chairmantp exe~ute the attached Car
Rental Service Concessionaire Agreement with Enterprise leasing Company of Florida d/b/a
Enterprise Rent-A-Car to. pr()videc~r rental services attheMarcolsland Executive Airport,
Immokalee Regional and Everglades Airpark.
Meeting Date: 3/8/2011
Prepared By
Name:. BrueggemanDebra
Title: Operations Coordiniuor, Airport.Authority
2/22/2011 I 1:47:01 AM
~ Submitted by
Title: Executive Director- Airport Authority,Airport Authority
2/22/2011 11:4 7:02.AM
Name: ClJnyChri~
Title: Executive Director - Airport Authority ,Airport Authority
. Date: 2/24/201 I 10:23:03AM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title:. County. Attorney,
Date: 2/2412011 2:44:2TPM
Name: GreenwaIdRandy
Title: Management/Budget Analyst,Office ..of Management & B
Date: 2/25/2011 3:45:57 PM
r-'\ Name: IsacksonMark
TitIe:Director-Corp Financial andMgmt Svs,CMQ
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Date: 2/26/2011 1:15:06 PM
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THIS CONNCESSIONAIRE AGREEMENT made effective this _ day of
::!O 11. between the Collier County Airport Authority Board (hereinafter called the "CCAA ") and
Enterprise Leasing Company of Florida, LLC d/b/a Enterprise Rent-A-Car, 1905 Boy Scout Drive,
Fort Myers. Florida 33907 (hereinafter called "Concessionaire").
I. SCOPE. The CCAA hereby grants to the Concessionaire. and the Concessionaire hereby accepts
from the CCAA, the non-exclusive right to operate the following described car rental services at
the Marco Island Executive Airport. 2005 Mainsail Drive, Naples, FL 34114 and to provide car
rental services on a limited. on demand basis for the Irnmokalee Regional Airport and Everglades
Airpark in conformance with the purposes and for the periods stated herein and subject to all
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth,
A, Term, .l"he term of the Agreement shall be sixty (60) months,
B. Facilities. The CCAA shall lease to the Concessionaire the following counter space and six
(6) motor vehicle parking spaces:
Sixty two and one half (62,5) square feet of a one hundred twenty five (125) square foot
counter space in the Marco Island Executive Airport Terminal Building, as specified in
Exhibit A. "Counter C' Space.
Six (6) parking spaces reserved for parking (6) passenger sized motor vehicles as such
spaces are depicted on Exhibit B, "Parking Space Designations". attached hereto at th(.~
Marco Island Executive Airport. These six (6) parking spaces are for only passenger motor
vehicles to be rented by Concessionaire to its customers pursuant to this Agreement.
C. Uses. The Concessionaire is authorized to conduct the following types of business and to
provide the following services. and only such business and services, at the location as set
forth below:
To provide ear rental services at the Marco Island Executive Airport. Immokalee
Regional Airport and Everglades Airpark.
NOTICES. All notices from the CCAA to the Concessionaire shall be deemed duly served
if mailed or faxed to the Concessionaire at the following address: .
Enterprise Leasing Company d/b/a Enterprise Rent-A-Car
1905 Boy Scout Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33907
Attention: Robert Wilson, Vice President/General Manager
FAX:. 888-312-5998
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A II notices from the Concessionaire to the CCAA shall be deemed served if mailed or faxed
to the CCAA at the following address:
Collier County Airport Authority
2005 Mainsail Drive, Suite I
Naples, Florida 34114
Attention: Executive Director
FAX: 239-394-3515
3. NO PARTNERSHIP OR AGENCY. Nothing herein contained shall create or be construed
as creating a partnership between the CCAA and the Car Rental Service provider.
Concessionaire is not an agent of the CCAA.
4. ASSI(;NMENT. The Concessionaire may not assign this Agreement. or any part hereof:
without prior written approval of the CCAA. Any attempt to assign without such approval
shall be void. Concessionaire agrees that without the prior written consent of the CCAA, no
shareholder shall sell. assign, transfer or convey hislher stock (except by operation of law),
nor shall the corporation issue any additional shares of stock, if any such transfer or issuance
will effectively change the ownership of the corporation. However, the shareholders have
the right to convey between themselves and their spouses and children without the CCAA's
5. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS, Within the con tines of the Concessionaire's counter
space area, the Concessionaire shall. to the satisfaction of thcCCAA or his/her authorized
representative. provide normal and routine daily maintenance of the facilities, designed to
keep the premises free from hazardous conditions, thus providing for the comfort and safety
of visitors and patrons,
6. TRASH, RUBBISH AND GARBA(;E. The CCAA will provide all garbage, tra()h and
rubbish receptacles within the contines of Concessionaire's counter space area, and within
the confines of and/or reasonably adjacent to the Concessionaire's reserved six (6) motor
vehicle parking spaces, The Concessionaire shall be responsible for the pickup and removal
of all rubbish. trash and garbage from the car rental area to the trash receptacles.
7. UTILITIES. The CCAA shall pay for charges of utilities to the designated premises
including. charges for water. sewer, and electricity during the teon of this Agreement. Any
utilities that are for the benefit of the Concessionaire shall be paid by the Concessionaire (i,e.
.rclephonc ).
8. SECURITY. The Concessionaire must provide at its expense any security measures to
protect its area. equipment and materials, Such security measures may not violate any other
restriction( s) of th i s Agreement.
PERMITS. LICENSES. TAXES. The Concessionaire shall obtain and pay for all permits
and licenses necessary for the conducting of business and shall comply with all laws
governing the responsibility of an employer with respect to persons cmploye~ by the
Concessionaire. 'rhe Concessionaire shall also be solely responsible for payment oj any and
Enterprise l'nn.:essionairc Agreement - 2011
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all taxes levied on the concession operation or any other taxable activity on the premises. In
addition, the Concessionaire shall comply with all existing and future applicable rules,
regulations and laws ofCCAA, the State of Florida, or the U,S. Government.
I O. CONSIDERATION. The Concessionaire shall remit to the CCAA. as consideration for this
Agreement a concession fee equal to fifteen percent (J 5%) of the gross receipts of every
customer rental agreement.
The percentage shall be based on total gross revenues cumulative year-to-date. Said payments
shall be tendered to the CCAA by the 15th of each month for the preceding month. and such
payments shall be accompanied by a statemen~ of gross receipts for the preceding month. The
CCAA is to receive its revenue payment as net. free and clear of all costs and charges arising
from. or related to Concessionaire's obligations under this Agreement, and the percentage of total
gross revenues be paid monthly. The term "gross revenue" or "gross receipts" means all income
collected, accrued or derived by the Concessionaire under the privileges granted by this
Agreement or other document entered into with the CC AA. excluding amounts of any I~'ederal
State or other tax collected by the Concessionaire from customers and required by law to be
rcmitted to the taxing authority, The Concessionaire shall provide the CCAA Finance
Department a Statement of Gross Rcceipts.
r:acilitv Lease Fees - Concessionaire shall lease the counter space at $18,00 per square I{K1t of
counter space per Agreement year, tor a total of $ J, 125.00 per year plus applicable Florida Sales
'rax. This Ice shall increase three percent (3%), compounded, at the start of each subsequent
Agreement year.
Vehicle Parking Spaces - Concessionaire shall lease the vehicle parking spaces at $10.00 per
space per month. for a total of $60.00 per month plus applicable Florida Sales Tax. This fee shall
increase three percent (3%). compounded, at the start of each subsequent Agreement year.
II, DEFAULT IN PAYMENT. A monthly report of gross receipts, the payments computed on that
amount, and any other taxes and fees due must be submitted to the CCAA to be received by the
filleenth (15th) of each month. In the event the Concessionaire tails to pay this consideration
\vithin five (5) days of such due date. there shall be a late charge of Fifty Dollars ($50.()()) l()r
each such latc payment. If the payment of consideration and accumulated penalties arc not
received within thirty (30) days atter the normal monthly due date, then the CCAA may lake
possession of the Concessionaire's assets located within the CCAA terminal counter space and
may cancel this Agreement. A monthly report of activities shall be submitted to the CCAA or
their designee by the t 5th of each month, This report shall accompany the monthly statement of
gross revenues and will be subject to audit. The C:CAA has no duty to notifY the Concessionaire
of its failure to remit any such payment or report.
t 2. FORCE MA.JElJRE, If closure of the lacilities or loss of equipment is due to unforeseeable
causes bevond the control of Concessionaire. and not due to its ownlault or neglect. including
but not r;<;tricted to its contractors. acts of nature or of public enemy, acts of government or 01"
the CCAA. tires, floods. epidemics. quarantine regulations. strikes or loek~outs, ~he CCAA will
allow pro rata adjustment of monthly payments up to the time such damage IS repaIred.
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13. CONCESSIONAIRE NOT TO REMOVE PROPERTY. Concessionaire shall not remove
from the Marco Island Airport Concession any office equipment within thc CCAA tcrminal
counter space area, this statement does not apply to the rental vehicles, brought thercon or any
replacements thereto by the Concessionaire for the purpose of this Agreement, except such items
as may be removed with the express written permission of the Executive Director. Upon
expiration of the term specified in Sectionl.A. of this Agreement. if the Concessionaire has made
full payment under this Agreement, and has fully complied with the terms of this Agreement. he
may remove his personal property including equipment from the Marco Island Airport
Concession and shall do so within fifteen (15) days following the expiration of this Agreemcnt.
provided slIch personal property and equipment be removed without damage tothe premises. On
Concessionaire's failure to do so, the CCAA may calise same to be removed and stored at the cost
and cxpense of the Concessionaire, and the CCAA shall have a continuing lien thereon in the
amount of the cost and expense of such removal and storage unti I paid. and CCAA may sell such
personal property and reimburse itself tor such costs and expense. plus all expenses of the sale.
14. RECORDS, AUDIT. Concessionaire shall establish and maintain such records as now exist and
may hereafter be prescribed by the CCAA in the future to provide evidence that all terms of th is
Agreement have been and are being observed, The Concessionaire grants to the CCAA the right
and authority to audit all records. documents. and books pertaining to the concession operation.
Such audit will be conducted at locations and at a frequency determined by the CCAA and
communicated to the Concessionaire. The Concessionaire agrees to provide materials f{)r the
audit at the place designated by the CCAA within three (3) business days after the CCAA's notice
to do so is received by Concessionaire. all at no cost to the CCAA.
Concessionaire shall use electronic point-of-sale cash control equipment for the proper control of
cash payments, Cash register tapes must be maintained and made available to the CCAA upon
demand during the entire term of Agreement. All electronic ca<;h control equipment and
accollnting procedures shall be with the approval of the CCAA Finance Department.
15, COOPERA nON, The Concessionaire agrees to cooperate with the CCAA in the conduct of
surveys and to provide reports of visitor usage of all concession services. The CCAA shall
provide Concessionaire \-",ith advance notice of any special event and shall coordinate with the
Concessionaire regarding same, CCAA shall provide Concessionaire with notice of the
availability of plans for any remodeling of the facilities.
16. INSPECTION. The Concessionaire's six (6) vehicle parking spaces and Concessionaire's
counter space area may be inspected at any time by authorized representatives of the CCAA or
designee. or by any other agency having responsibility for inspections of such operations.
Concessionaire shall undertake immediately the correction of any deficiency cited by such
17. WAIVER OF INTERFERENCE. 'fhe Concessionaire hereby waives all claims for
compensation for loss or damage sustained by reason of any interference with the concession
operation by any public agency or official in enforcing their duties or any laws or ordinances,
Any such interference shall not relieve the Concessionaire from any obligation hereunder.
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W AJVER OF LOSS FROM HAZARD. The Concessionaire hereby expressly waives all
rights, claims, and demands and forever relea<;es and discharges the CCAA from all demands.
claims, actions and causes of action arising from this Agreement. except intentional torts
committed by Collier County employee(s) and/or by Collier County ofticer(s). Such employees
and/or ot1icers include employees and/or officers of the CCAA.
NO LIENS. Concessionaire will not suiler or through its actions or by anyone under its control
or supervision, cause to be filed upon the property any lien or encumbrance of any kind. In the
event any lien is filed, Concessionaire shall cause such lien to be discharged within ten (10) days
after \vritten notice to do so from the CCAA.
ORDERLY OPERATIONS, ETC. The Concessionaire shall have a neat and orderly operation
at all times and shall be solely responsible for necessary housekeeping services to properly
maintain the premises, There shall be no living quarters. nor shall anyone be permitted to live on
the premises.
21. EMPLOYEES; MANAGER. The Concessionaire shall employ people to work at this facility
who are neat. clean. well-groomed and courteous. All employees shall observe all the graces of
personal grooming, Subject to the American with Disabilities Act. Concessionaire shall supply
competent employees, who are physically capable ofperfonning their employment duties and the
CCAA may require the Concessionaire to remove an employee it deems careless, incompetent.
.--... insubordinate or otherwise objectionable and whose continued employment on CCAA property is
not in the best interest of the CCAA. All Concessionaire employees shall wear shirts with the
Concessionaire's logo or other identifying marking, The Concessionaire shall have an
experienced manager overseeing the concession operations at all times when open f()f business.
HOURS OF OPERATION. The concession shall be open and properly staffed six (6) days per
\veek. The hours of operation shall be from 8:00 a,m. to 5:00 p.m.. Monday through Friday and
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p,m. Saturday, including holidays. The Concessionaire may open at an earlier
time and closc at a later time subject to prior written approval of the Executive Director or his
designee. All hours of operation shall be conspicuously posted and easily read by airport visitors.
Concessionaire hereby authorizes employees of the CCAA who have reccived training to do so,
10 renl Concessionairc's vehicles and accept returns of Concessionaire's vehicles at all hours
other then Concessionaire's hours of operation.
Concessionaire shall. at "peak periods" of operations, holidays etc. as determined and mutually
agreed upon by Concessionaire and Airport Managcr or designee, provide trained. competent
staff to execute rental car agreements and perform all other necessary duties required to deliver
and or reccive rental cars tolfl'om customers in a timely and cfficient manner,
USE OF THE FACILITIES IS PRIMARY. Marco Island Airport is for the use of thc public
and the right to such use shall not be infringed upon by any activity of the Concessionairc.
However. this does not preclude the Concessionaire from scheduling promotional cvents, which
might temporarily limit access to the event site, subject to the prior written approval fi.)f each
event, on a case-by-case basis, by the CCAA or their designee,
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24. NO IMI>ROPER USE. The Concessionaire will not use, nor sutler or permit any person to use
in any manner whatsoever, the concession facilities for any improper, immoral or oflensive
purpose. nor f()r any purpose in violation of any federal, state, or CCAA law. ordinance, rule,
order or regulation. or of any applicable governmental rule or regulation now in effect or
hereafter enacted or adopted.
In the event of any violation of this Agreement by the Concessionaire, or if the CCAA or its
authorized representative shall deem any conduct on the part of the Concessionaire to be
objectionable or improper, as noted on the Concession Inspection Report, the CCAA shall have
the right to suspend the operation of the concession should the Concessionaire fail to promptly
correct any such violation, conduct, or practice to the satisfaction of the CCAA. The
Concessionaire shall not commence operation during such suspension until the violation has been
corrected to the reasonable satisfaction of the CCAA.
25, PRICES, .rhe Concessionaire agrees that prices and fees charged for car rental services will be
competitive with those charged for similar car rental services in the general vicinity. All prices
must be displayed and visible by the Concessionaire's customers. All sueh prices and fees must
be approved in writing by the CC AA or designee.
26. NO DANGEROUS MATERIALS. The Concessionaire shall not use or permit in the facilities
the storage of illuminating oils, oil lamps, turpentine. benzine, naphtha. or other similar
substances, or explosives of any kind, or any substance or articles prohibited in the standard
policies of fire insurance companies doing business in the State of Florida.
27. l>EFAULT AND TERMINATION, If the Concessionaire fails to comply with any of the terms
and conditions hereof and such default is not cured within fifteen (15) days after written notice is
given to the Concessionaire. the CCAA may cancel this Agreement and revoke the privilege of
the Concessionaire to come upon the CCAA's property for purposes for which the concession
was granted and may oust and remove all parties who may be present, or may occupy any part of
the premises for the purpose of exercising any rights so revoked.
28. NO I>ISCRIMINA TION, There shall be no discrimination as to race, gender. color. creed or
national origin in the operations referred to by this Concession Agreement: and further. there
shall he no discrimination rcgarding any usc. service, maintenance. or operation of the premises.
All facilities located on the premises shall he made available to the public, subjectlo the right of
the Concessionaire to establish and enforce rules and regulations to provide for the safety. orderly
operation and security of the facilities,
29. TERMINATION. .l'he Agreement may be terminated by the CCAA immediately due to any
material breach of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, failure of the Concessionaire to
maintain the approved hours of operation or failure of the Concessionaire to provide a receipt to
each customer for every transaction. The CCAA shall be sole judge of non-performance. Further
the CCAA Inay terminate this Agreement 10r its convenience by giving the Concessionaire not
less than a sixty (60) day written notice of such intent. During the notitication period, both
parties agree to meet its respective contractual obligations in good faith.
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will preclude the CCAA from using the public areas of the Marco Island Airport fi)r public
and/or civic purposes. In the event of occurrences previously mentioned, the Concessionaire will
be notified. as deemed necessary by the CCAA or their designee.
VEHICLES: The six (6) motor vehicles to be leased by Concessionaire (to its customers) shall
be parked only in the six (6) vehicle parking spaces as those spaces are depicted in Exhibit B.
"Parking Spacc Designations". attached hereto.
STORAGE. Concessionaire must obtain advance written approval from the Airport Managcr
befure storing any equipment and/or any material(s) at the Marco Island A irport. Such written
approval shall specify the authorized types of materials and/or equipment and the authorized
places !()r storage. A reasonable amount of equipment and/or materials normally stored by
Concessionaire at its airport counter space is authorized by this Agreement without such
additional advance written approval.
FLORIDA LA W. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
Law of the State of Florida.
34. SIGNA(;E. The Concessionaire shall provide, at his sole expense, required signs at all public
approaches to thc facility. All signage, advertising and posting shall bc as approved be the
~ Executive Director or authorized designee.
35. INHEMNIFICA TION. Each party shall be liable for its own actions and negligence. To the
extent permitted by law. Enterprise shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CCAA against any
actions, claims or damages arising out of Enterprise's negligence in connection with this
Agreement, and CCAA shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Enterprise against any actions.
claims or damages arising out of CCAA's negligence in connection with this Agreement. The
f()regoing indcmnification by CCAA shall not constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity beyond
the limits set forth in Florida Statutes, Section 768.28.
36. INSURANCE. Before commencing work of any kind (I) the Concessionaire shall procure the
f()lIowing insurance with insurance companies licensed in the State of Florida. and (2) shall file
evidence of such insurance with Collier County's Risk Manager.
A. Commercial General Liability: Coverage shall have minimum limits of Sl.OOO.OOO Per
Occurrence, Combined Single Limit tor Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage
Liability. This shall include Premises and Operations; Independent contractors; Products
and Completed Operations and Contractual Liability.
13. Workers' Compensation: Insurance covering all employees mceting Statutory Limits in
compliance with all their applicable state and federal laws,
C. Automobile Liability: Owned/Non-owned/Hired Automobile Included limits of
$1,000,000 Each Occurrence.
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Special Requirements: Throughout the entire term of this Agreement, the CCAA and Collier
County shall be Additional Insured under Concessionaire's Comprehensive General Liability
Policy as well as Concessionaire's Automobile Liability Policy. The Certificate Holder shall be
wrhe Collier County Airport Authority tor the benefit of the Collier County Airport Authority
and of Collier County.
Current. valid insurance policies meeting the requirement herein identified shall be maintained by
Concessionaire during the duration of this Agreement. Renewal certificates shall be sent to the
CCAA at least 30 days prior to any expiration date. There shall be a 30 day notification to the
CCAA in the event of cancellation or modification orany required insurance coverage.
Concessionaire shall insure that each of its laborers. contractors, subcontractors, sub-
subcontractors, etc" at every tier, and its materialmen and/or its suppliers. if any. who come onto
the Marco Island Airport to perform work on behalf of (or at the invitation of) Concessionaire f()f
more than twenty-f()ljr (24) total hours in any thirty (30) day period shall comply with the same
insurance requirements that Concessionaire is required to have pursuant to this Agreement. Each
of the same shall promptly (within 24 hours of the request) deliver to the Executive Director
certificates of insurance that prove all such insurance coverage if requested to do so by either
such individual. It is anticipated given the nature of Concessions authorized use of the Marco
Island Airport that absent unusual and unforeseen circumstances. such an event is very unlikely
to occur at the Marco Island Airport during the term of this Agreement.
37. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. This Agreement shall be administered by the CTAA.
38, COMPONENT PARTS OF THIS CONTRACT. This Contract consists of the attached
component parts, all of which are as fully a part of the contract as if herein set out verbatim:
[:xhibit A, "Counter C" Space: Exhibit B, "Parking Space Designations''. Insurance
Certiticate(s): Concessionaire's Proposal and RFP No. 06-3903. In the event that any
'l'erms and Conditions of the Request for Proposal are perceived or found to be in conflict
with this Agreement, the Agreement shall take precedence.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Concessionaire and the CCAA, have each. respectively, by an
authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the dale and year first above
/' /
con~~.. i.o.f~~~~~S~g Company o~. 0.-':. i<!a. .......L....-..~-.~_.^~~~.~~~=~~:~S RE.Q...... UIRED)
BY%rC. c.;:,.-r'-::: First Witn '. ___.:..::'__.-- " __~__=-
(Slgllalurc' of ()l1ic~r) A~h, t (<. .l:;,. \ - . .
Title: \/ i-'lticL >TUIJfl..T tJl{L/l]w
Datc:--1.lJl2J.u J
(Prln! Name ofl'.i,rsl Witnc'ss) I
Second Witness: (j{~-}V'ILL,('{.J..L
f }f V\ (Vii C (t r tt~L'c-l
(I'rin! Nam.: "I' SCl'llnd W,lness)
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3/8/2011 Item 16.G.2.
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