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Agenda 03/08/2011 Item #10E
3/8/2011 Item lO.E. r'\ '.EXECUTIVE S....R't ReCQmm8ndation to ....>hIre ..pee.lized 0ltt8icte.. ...i"I.~op..ltoreVhl.i''''' recommend any nec...,.y......and revl8kJ..tC)....rd~..euFl'.I1t~ apprOved Purc:haeJngP<JIicy. . O~ECTNE: To obtain.recomm.~iorl$from speOill~'out$..;coun$e1 to.erl$U(t/ttlat the County'spurchasingpoUcy ancfprac;tioes are c~<aod~stlfIIdent C.ONSJD~T~S: . The 8Qard of County Commi.OI'let$pre$cri~a~.mapolleytbat provides direction todepartrnents under . the purvie,*,of the ..aoaru..,.8f<fing mthe <purchase of commodities and$ei'VlOes. The.policy aUthorizes theoreation oftinadtnin.,.ative proCedures manual.anc:f cfele9atesauthoritytothe County Man"ger, thePur.ch8fling1~1 .~QsDirector and otherCounty staff. . Questions .continue to 0. raised ....gardi"g the .tegatityof sev.,....~~nsWithin thepOliey. Accor'(jngJy, staff is re~rnrnendingthat the ftrmof ~er>&Poliakoff be retained to com~vety . review .the. current.poIieyand .re,comrnended~..,.reto.. The .el'lgagement would be managed by Att(Jl'ney ~ Cea, a Shareholder with_fiJrnWhois a. FIOridEtSQard- C8rtifiedConstructionattomey with extensive. g.ovemmentalprocutemEtnt experierice representing bOth private entitiesin~idand contract di$pUt..>Jlnd> governJ'l'lentatagencies with d~, arnending.and implementingpUlchasingpolictes and.. procedures. . r'\ .,.,..Cea'sfindings will be reviewed and broUght back tothe8Qard it'tlMfonn ofa repQrtand proposect.:changeslctarifioations to the existing policy. GR~'U~NA'i'@:fT'MPACT: Tbere...iI no Gr~~_ntl~8S$O~Witb1his Executive Summary. .. FISCtLIIPA~'T:Theamti~cost of this engagernentisn()tEtxpeet,ctto exceed.$1~OOO. Fundsar.e.va~Wittintt1e.Pur~sing Depaf1t1'lent's.aperatit\9.~_. . LEGAL C;~N,,~nO"': ....ThiSitem hasbeenre,,,i$WedandapprOYed:QytheC~,A~Y's., Office, ..is,tegally sf.lffiQentfor BoardilCtion and Only. requires a. m~y(lt~RT..' . RE"'t4~'I)(If:... that the. Soard .ofColJnty~mrnission.ets ...~.thehirin9';l)f"~firm ~l"'~~iconduc;rt an indepencientcompr.hensiYerevieWoftMC:.~UntY's curriMlt.~rQ approved~~jcy. P~.,.eD BY: SteveeameU, PLll'Ch8$ing/GeneralS.ervicesD~r ,,-....., 3/8t2011ltem lO.E. ~ COLLIER COUNTY' ....... .ofCounty ~rs Item Nt.f",ber: 10;E. Item Sumrnary;: . ReC()mrtlend.ati~ntphire outside,leplcouns..1itorevieW', update.d... commer'll on thecurrel1t8()ardapprovedPuJchasingr>(JliczvClDdPC'QP~changes . Metttin,Date: 3/:812011 Prepare4By Name: CameUSteve Title: Director. PurchasinglGeneml Services,Purcbasing 2/23/2011 2:48:47 PM Submitted by Title:.I).~r--Purchasit)glGeneralSCrviee$,Putcba&ing Namer CarpeUSte"ve ~ 2/23/2011...2:48:48PM Approved By Name: SmitbKristen Title: AdtD.inistrative .Secretary,Risk Management Date: 2/23/20113:13:09 PM Name: TeachScott Title: Deputy County Attorney,County Attorney Date: 2/23/2011 3:24:15 PM Name: PriceLen Title: AdminiS1rator"A.dlIlinistrativeServ~s, Date: 2/24/2011.11: 15: 19 AM Name: Stan1eyTberese Title:~~~Ana1Yst, Seftior,Officeof~ement~ll\ldget Date: 2I24/20H 2:21:57 PM /~ Name: K1aQkowJeff PacketPaae..72Q.. r'\ r'\ r'\ Title:Q~tyAttomey, Date: 2124/2011. 2:55:34 PM 3/8/2011ltem lO.E. Name: lsacksonMatk Title: Director-corpF~8DdM&tntS~s.CMO Date: 2125/2011 3:17:16 PM Packet Page -721-