BCC Minutes 07/23/1981 W
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,N~plea, Florldn, July 23, 1981
~ET11("~¡ REMr.MBERtD, that the Board of County Commis.ioners in
end tor the County of CollIer, and alao acting as the gov~rning
board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to
law and havin9 conducted business hereIn, m@t on this dato at 9100 ^.M.
in Budget Review Workshop in Bul1dln9 -F- of th~ Courthouse Complex
with the following members presents
John ^. piator
Cll Hord \o/anzel
C.R. -Rusa- wJmer
Mary-Francos Kruse
O"v id C. Drown
"LSO PRESENTI William J. Reagan, Clerk I Harold L. lIall, Chief
Doputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; D~rlcne Dðvidson nnd Elinor Skinner (1130
P.~.), Deputy Clerks, Brent Perkins, Budgot "n~lyst c. William Norman,
County "'ðnager(9:-15 A.M.), Henry fUll, Manllgor.H,'nt ^nalyst(9145 A.M.),
and, appropriate Divi6ion/Department Heads and memborß of staff
I. Circuit Court Clork (20-010)
II. County Court Clork (20-020)
II I. C lor k tot h It no ðf d ( 02 - 010 )
IV. C.J.I.G.(21-010)
V. Circuit Court/Judge Carlton(20-040)
VI. Circuit Court/Judge Cnrlton/Crtrm. Op~rðtlon8 (20-041)
VII. Circuit Court/Judgo Drousseau (20-050)
VIII. County Court/Judge Trottia (22-010)
IX. County Court/Jud~e Hayes (22-020)
X. States "ttorney (24-010)
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XI. Public Defender (25-010)
XII. EMS (40-020)
XIII. Animal Control (73-010)
XIV. Medical EXÐminor (42-010)
XV. Isle of Capri Fire Department (28-020)
XVI. Golden Gate rlre Department (2e-03~)
XVII. Ochop.. rire Department (2~-040j
XVIII. Helicopter (99-040)
XIX. Fire Control District ,l (28-010)
XX. Henderson Creek Fire Control DistrJct (28-020)
XXI. Civil Dp.!onse (38-0l0)
XXII. Public Sl'Ifety (26-010)
XXIII. Community Devolopmont (10-010)
XIV. Planning (11-010)
XXV. Block Grant (10-040)
XXVI. Environmental Conaultant (10-020)
XXVII. Zoning (12-010) (12-020)
XXVIII. Agriculturo (72-010)
XXIX. Heðlth Department (72-010)
xxx. C.H.S.I. (77-0.30)
Fiscal Officor flÐrold 11,,11 stated thðt he is proposing changea in
certain dep~rtment numbers which will ~ore accurately reflect
departIQ.nt responsibility. fie said that this will he cOIQpleted and
presonted to the Board prior to the public he~ring on the proposed
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July 23, 1981
budget. Mr. Hall reterrad to the Property Appraisor and Tax Collector
units and noted that they will be moved over to General Government. He
added that certain areas presently under the Clerk will also be more
clearly defined so as to reflect that he is only responsible for the
Circuit Court/Clerk, County Court/Clerk, and, the Clerk to the Board
AMOUNT OF $285,007
In answer to Commissioner Kruso's query regarding the Circuit
Court Clerk budget, Clerk Reagan explained that lino item 490,
(C.;¡~).~,{ssionß l1nd/or fecs - clerks), represents certain servIces that
this office performs for different functions for which rees are paid
back to-tho Board. He noted that the Witness Assistance Program hos
experIenced a significant decrease and, in response to Commissioner
Wenzol, ho saId that line item 349, (Contractual Serviccs), has also
becn reduccd. He explained th~t this ,is due to the use of a new
information proccGsor for hand11n9 land records, etc. rothcr th^n
contractIng that work. Clerk Reagðn Baid that hc expects to save
approximately $20,000 per year by uBln9 this new syatem.
The Commissioners jointly expressed pleasure that the Bubj~ct
budget only reflects an over~ll At increase and Commissioner Wenzel
moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the
Circuit Court Clerk budget (20-010) be tentatively approved in the
amount of $285,007.
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OF $G85,890
Clerk Reagan stated that the County Court Clerk Budget (20-020)
represents an overall increaae of-12' over last year.
Commissioner Wimer mov~d, seconded by Commissionor Brown and
carried unanimously, that tho County Court Clerk budget (20-020) be
tentatively approved in the amount of $685,890.
OF $7,1~,1i9l
Clerk Reagan statod that the Clerk to the Board budget (02-0l0)
reproRent& an overall increase of 13\ over last year. He said that tho
data procossing costs for the next'year have increased a tremendous
degree over last year, adding that he has not been able to dotermine
the reasons thus far, however, if satisfactory answers are not
forthcoming, ha intends to como back to tho Board with some 8tr~ng
Thoro was a lengthy discussion regarding the Data proceøsing
Department and the posßibil1ty of an in"daquat.e system for charging
having been established in the earlIer years of service, the fllct that
the Clerk'. Office c~nnot continue to pay such hIgh chargos in the
future, as explainod by Clerk Reagan, who outlined ~hQ possibility of
his purchasing separate data processlnq equipment for his Office's
needs as on nlternðtiv~1 the possibility of the present data proceasing
equipment not bolng used to its c~pabilitlo8 In the future, and, the
tact that the current system hða the c8pðbilities to runction
adequately tor the C1ork'a use if cortain problems are worked out
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satlsfectorily. ^lao di8CUS80d briefly was the C.J.I.G.(Criminal
Justice Information System), Clerk Reagan's statements regardIng the
noed to follow through with the Pive-Year Plan and s~parðte thð
C.J.I.S. from Datð Processing, rosulting concerns regardin9 control if
thi8 separation should take place, and, Clerk Reagan's offor to take
the responsibility of the C.J.I.S. when the separation is initiðted.
Fiscal OHIcor HnrQld Hall added that it is costing far too much for
data ~rocessin9 servicos.
CommiDoioner Wimer stated that he intends to rely solely on Dr.
Thomas' rocommendations before voting favorably on any furthcr issucs
that come before him regarding tho use of computers of 8ny kInd. He
said that he believes that one parson with an overðll knowledge and ð
degree of expertIse In this fle1d needs to mako the dpcisIons. He
said that, at this time, he Is looking to Dr. Thomas for the overall
direction, however, if Clerk Reagan or Mr. Hall wants tho
responsibility, he would agrce to consldor this. Clerk Roa~ðn remarked
that, whilo hn agroes with tho philoaphy of one porDon 1n charge, he
takes issuo with certðIn stntcments that Dr. Thomas has mðdo 1n regards
to data processIng for Collier County.
The discussion continued includJng alternatIves to using tho
County's dota processing system, the high costs as~oclðtod with some
alternativesl contracting out data procosslng work vcrsus using
in-house syotem. and, the tact that, although the prescnt computer
system has grown, it does seem to be lacking controls, as alluded to by
ChairMan Plstor, who added that Dr. Thoma& did poInt out that the
County has computors in ..rvlcD that ~r. not compatible. Clerk Roagan
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asked if Dr. Thomas haft boen hired to mðko specific recommondation. to
the Board rogllrðing the use of Qðta Proceasin9 functions? Chairman
pistor repliod nogatively and Commissioner Wimer added that the final
selection has not beon decided at this time, however, he 18 leanin9
towards Dr. Thomas. He referrad to her background and past projects
that she has completed for the County anð said that he has a groat deal
of confidonce in her. Fiscal OffIcer Hall stated that there ie a real
need for one contr~l coordinatIon spot for all public funded agencieo
regarding ðata processing functIons. He added that it is not ð matter
of having one person controlling d~tð processing, it io a matter of
having tho one parson act an the central coordinator who can consider
~ll the factoro relating to the data processing functions for the
variouo agencics or users invo1vÐd in order that the governing body can
understðnd what they h~ve to deal with ðnd what the nceds are that
require addressing.
Chðlrmðn Pistor said that thero will bo a proposal coming before
the ~oðrd for consideration within a few weeks that will help the
situation. Tho discussion continued, including problems related to the
method in whict dðta proccssing was handled in the past, aß explained
by Commlssionar Wimcrl the Dðta Procossing Com~lttee's efforts to ~ake
appropriate recommendations to the Board in An effort to make the
system work betterl and, the results of extensive research efforts in
responso to direction from the Clerk rog~rding what tho datft procesoing
problems cre and how to solve them, as explðined by Mr. Hall. Mr. Hall
sðid that it has been ascertained thðt the present datA processing
system w~s w~ll suited to the neeðs of tho Board of County
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Commisslonors whon it W~8 purchoDod and that it atill i8. Ho said that
some of tho programs are not written as well as they should be,
however, that i8 understandablo aD they woro the first programs for
Iftost of those people.
Commisnioner "l1mor expreaeed conccrn about the fllct that so mllny
individual computorn aro being purchascd and that no ono Js approaching
tho Board and saying that nll of these are going to work together ncxt
year or Ðven fivc years down the ro~d. Ho said that he understands
that more officeD in the County intend to buy additional computers lInd
he clarified the fact that, if ð requost comes b~fore him, he does not
intend to voto to ðpprove any morn computers until he has been told
t~a~ thoy will illl be compatible. This was discussed briefly, during
which Clerk Roagan referred to Dr. Thom.!ls' r~marko to tho naa rd .!I few
days ago and her rocommondation thnt they not purchnse nnything unless
it is compatible to something thRt is going to be purchðBcd five years
from now. He said that no one knows what the nceds will be for Collier
County five ycars from now. He rcferrd to the chðnglng world of
technology related to computers and he said that it 15 impossible to
choOSÐ a specific brand nome as the answer to the County's nceds five
years from now. Clerk Roagan stated that any manufðcturer will tell
tho 'Bollrd that all brands inter!lIce. Mr. Ra<'l9ðn stater'! that he wllnts
the 8~ðrd to und~rstand th~t the Clerk's functions depand on datð
procoÐsing ðnd unless tho sorvice improves, he will hav~ to do
Upon conclusion of tho discussion regðrd1ng the ðforementioned
.ubjects, Commissioner Kruee ~oved, socondcd by Com~i8sioner Wimer and
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carried unanimously, thðt tho Clerk to the Board budget (02-010) bl
tentatively approved in the amount of $733,691.
Clerk Reagan saId that C.J.I.S. is ð In!oroation processIng
sorvice that i8 offored to all Criminal Justice Systoms. Ho added that
It is currently run on the one mðin computer hi the Compl~x. Fiscal
Officer 11l1rold Hall Btðted that this budget ðctually reflects the
amount of money that the BCC pßYS to nata Processing for the CJIS. He
said that the Clork'a office is attemptIng to got to the point whero
the Clerk administers this Ðrea because the costs have gono up so high.
Clcrk Reagan soid that he intonds to make a proposal to the Board to
put CJIS under a unit d1ffcrcnt thlln that which it is under at thø
preÐent ðnd that ho wants to break CJIS out coparately in an offort to
determine the basis of appropri~tions of cost for all of the users and
make those co£te e~sily identifiablo.
Com~is5ioner ~enzcl moved, aðconded by Com~issioncr Kruse and
carried un~nimously, that the CJIS buågct (02-010) be tentativo1y
approved in the Ðmount of $125,050.
nF:~^Rf<S Oy FISC-1\L ()FFICF:R RF.GMmING f,CIlr.J)1JLE 9 Re CLE:R!< TO Till': BOARD
Fiscal Officer Harold Hðll referred to Schedule 9 of the Clerk to
tho Board budget p~ckðge and stated that, according to Board direction,
the Clerk to the Boðrd is going to contract out as much of the work as
possible and that this should result in not having to hire one
accountant this Y0~r and one the next. He said th~t th~ contractors
will work on speciðl projocts here in the complex.
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Fiscsl OffIcer Harold Hnll said that, through tho multiple efforts
ot many members,o! staff, tho new Judge has been provided with ample
room for an o!!ic~ and that hoaring rooms have been arranged, however,
this now Judge's post ion will have a big impact on tho Judges' budget
tor the noxt yenr and even morc the next.
RECESS - TIMEs ~:30 ^.M. - 9:45 ^.~.
The meeting rcconvencd with CommIssIoner Wimer absent.
County Man~ger Norman ðnd ~on~9~mcnt Analyst Henry HIll
entered the room at thie time.
* * *
Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wcnzel and
carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wimer absent, th~t the Circuit
Court/Judge Carlton budget (20-040) be tentatIvely approved as
Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commlss10ncr Wenzel ðnd
carried 4/0, with Com~issionor Wimer absent, that the Circuit
Court/Judge Carlton (Courtroom Operation, Maintenance) budget (20-041)
bo tent~tively approved as presented.
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Commissionor Brown moved, secondod by Commissioner Wenzel and
cðrried 4/0, with Commissioner Wimer ~b8ent, that the CIrcuit
Court/Judgo Brousseau bud90t (20-050) be tentatively approved as
Commisslonor Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and
carrlod 4/0, with Commissioner WJmer absent, that the County
Court/Judgo Trettis budget (22-010) be tent~tivcly approved ðS
Commissioner Orown moved, scconded by Commissioner Wonzel and
carried 4/0, with Commissioner W1mer absont, that the County
Court/Judge Hayes budget (22-020) be tentatively approvßd liS presented.
Ass1stant St~te's Attorney Donald Pellecchia reported that the
State's Attorney totðl budget request ls for $6~,5ROI $28,000 i6 for
maintenanco related costsl and, $3A,SOO is being requested for
oporll t ions. fie ex pl a i nod the v"'r Ious sources of revenue derived from
evidonce, etc., last year and how a portion of those funda were used to
offset ð portion of the salary of the A08lstant f,tate's Attorney who
handlen the County Ordinance related cas.,o.
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Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnd
c.rried 4/0, with Commiøøioner Wimor ðbsont, that tho Gtato's "ttornoy
budqet (24-010) be tontativoly ðpproved in the amount of $66,580.
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Co~mlssioner WImer entered the meetIng at this time - 9s58 ^.M.
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In anawer to CommiGsioner Arown, Mr. Pellecchia reported that
thero is an increasing amount of drug smuggling goin~ on throughout
Collier County ðnd he ~ddcd that hø connldera thðt if the authorities
make arrests regarding 10' of the amount of Rdopc- coming into the
County, they are lucky. He s~Jd that drug related cases are currently
taking 45' of his office's tIme In Collier County.
Mr. Pellecchia said that he accomponiod the State Attorney to the
capitol on an annual trip to request fedoral aid in dru~ smugglIng
casos, which they conßlder a Federal problem. He said that prior
admlnictrations have indicated that if thero Is a local problem, his
office should call on the Federal Drug Enforcement Admlnistrðtlon and
U.S. Customs. He saId that it was not until two yoars ago thðt U.S.
Customs even opened an offIce in thi8 arca and that thIs Is in Ft.
Myors. He sðid that, whIle this is a holp in some aroaa, tho major
problem occurs because the U.S. Attorney General would rother see the
Stnte's Attorney's office prosecute drug related casos because Florid~
has stiffer penaltios than the Fedoral Government. He sðid thAt whnt
ia happoning is that the Federal authorities are referring more and
~ore cases to his off lee which takes more and ~ore tlmo away !ro~
prosecution of caaes related to burglary, etc.
The discussion continued, during which Mr. Pollecchia stated that
hi. office ia qoing to add three attorneys now and tho end of the year
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that would not be needed except lor the drug trÞfficklng problem.
Thore was a dincussion regarding the possibility of encouraging
legislation requiring Federal Assistanco in these matters, during which
Mr. Pellecchia explained that the Federal ^dministration is preoently
cutting back on many of the agencies that could have been of
ðS61stanca. He said that another thing that has hur~ his office is the
Public Information Act, wherein the ability for his office to work with
the IRS with theso cases Is prohibited. He reported that there io a
bill pending th~t would chango this and that it's chancos of passing
looks good. fie cxplllÍnf!d thc!lt, if this occurs, his office can begin to
work with tho Post Office and the IRS and that this will help the
p~~s~cution of drug related CQ~es as wall ~s discourage many operations
before they begin becauso the smuggler's operating cxpenSQS can be
attacked. fie also saId that the new R~ckctcering Stlltute that was
passed by tho legis1aturo will also help. He saId that, under this
Statute, offIcials clln go aftcr the smuggler'o real property, land,
homes, ute., ~nd, hopefully, the Attorney Coneral's offlee in
Tallahassee will handle this. fie said that if "big- money Þnd
potential lon6on such as thCSQ arc lit st~ko, this might discourage some
of the drug oper~tlons thnt now experienco no groat finarcial losses
when prosecuted. He G~ld that he cðnnot see anythIng posItive becoming
a reality for at least another year. Mr. Pell~echl~ added that drug
smuggling cnses take more timu to prosecute than a murdor C~BO and that
his offIce is getting two or three ð weck.
The discussion contlnuAd, including alternate methods of combatIng
drug smuggling, methods of procuring dollarð with which to prosecute
drug relllted caoes1 and tho fðct that omuggling druga 1a really a
fedoral crlmc ðnd that {aderal dollars are needed In order to keep up
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with them. He said that it monetary assistance 1. not to b.
torthcomin9, then, the Federal Government should prosecute these dru9
cases and tree the StatQ to handle other kinð3 of cases. The conaensus
ot the Board was that they agreed. At the conclusion of this
discussion, Mr. Pellecchia offered to gather pertinent data, facts,
figures, cost estimatoD, etc. relatod to the prosecution of drug
rolllted cases and to presont them to the Doard so that they may
consldor the adoption of nn ~ppropriate resolutIon r~questlng Federal
intervention and/or Fedorðl dollars to fight drug smuggling in Collier
County. His offor was accepted ðnd Chðirman piator thanked hIm for his
interest and timo, addIng that the BCC recognizes the problem and will
b~ glad to cooperate in whð tever way it ClJn.
Fl scal Off icer lIarold Hall stated that the Public Defender' 8
budget requeot for operating expenscß of $7,000 is up $1,190 over last
yellr. He said thðt Asssistðnt Public Dafendcr Robert Hines is presont
if tho Board has any questions.
Mr. !lines explained why communlclltion costs ðro the reason for the
increase, including the fðct th~t telophono calls are made on a daily
basis from Immokalee from prople who are belng kcpt for pre-trial
dentention there because of the overcrowdod situation in Nap1cs. The
coats of these telephone calls was discussed, includin~ the fact that
there 18 no -tic-line- available, as explainod by Mr. Norman who saId
the PublIc Defender only has one tol~phone and that It is not connected
to the complex owitchbollrd, thorefore~ the dJscount.ð rates for -direct
Une- to Immokal.. doe. not .apply. lie said that this will be
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Thore was ð brio! discussion rogarding tho allocatod charges as
outlinod within this budgot, during which Mr. Norman s~id that they did
not look accurate to him. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall saId that soveral
of the figures soemed to be original figures that wIll hove to bo
CommIssioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commicsioner Kruse and
carried unanimously, that the operating portion of the Public Dðfender
budget (25-010) be tentntlvely approved in the amount of $7,000, also,
the County Mannger is to invostigate the accuracy of the budget figures
rel~tcd to allocated chargos prInted In the presented budget.
,.,AN^GF:n· S OFfICE
County ~ðnager Normùn ref~rred to page~ 36 through 38 of the
ßuðgct MOSSðQO, regarding the Collier County Emergcncy Medical Sorvice
Oudgct (40-020). ne said that, in prepðring the issue paper, he
attampted to try to Qrrive at t~o proposed costs In context with tho
projected rovenues and the not coste, which wero the basis for the
contrc'tct pðymonts made to Amcric...n ^mbulance In the prIor year. lie
referrcd to the fact thðt he hao made the Po...rd awara that there were
some errors thðt occurred regarding wrong information that was put into
tho computer in on attempt to get the budget ready for presentðtion ðnd
ho stat~d, for tha record, that the following paragraph on page 37 ol
his Issue pnp~r should r~nd as indicated balow, including the corrocted
liqurea indIcatod in bold print.
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July 23, 19ß1
-Baaed on this projected revenue, the net cost to the county
90nerðl fund would be $A43,7GO (Sl,44G,OlO - $~02,250), or an
increase of $140,9G9 ovftr the prior yoar to be paid by the
taxpayers for ambulðnce service.-
Further, Mr. Normðn stated that tho figuros on the top of pago 3(, of
his issue paper should re~d as follows with the corrected figures as
indicated in bold print:
Regarding the basic issuea, Mr Norman stated that they are complex
and that Mr. Greenflel~ is presrnt to tell tho Board why he feels these
increased costs are necessary. 11ft said that the incrcased costs ðra in
rcgards to four additional peoplo and c~pital outlay requirements.
Rogardin~ the four oddltion~l peopla r~quc8ted by the EMS
Director, Mr. Norman sald that lIll four would be paramedics, thðt ':~ree
of them would be out-stlltioned in Immok~lce to provide the throe man
24-hr. ronponso which In nccenG~ry to provlde lILS service to the
Ililmokaleo area.
CommissIoner Wenzol asked Mr. Norman if he has qiven any thought
to cetting up l\I!\bulllnce service on the MSTD method? Mr. Normðn roplied
that he has given thin thought from time to tim~, however, hp. would not
know how to nlngle out tho Immokðlee area liS a separate dlntrict
becðuso thls is a county-wido service. He said that if the City would
contInuo on the courso that it seems to wiah to undertake, wherein it
provIdes ita own ambulance service, then, MSTD'. would bocome ð more
viable approach. Tho diocussion cont~nucd rcqðrdin9 MSTD'S for
ambulance sorvlce, using Commissioner's dlatricts ðS the boundaries for
Ambulance M5TD'a 4IInd tho problems related to thia approach, as
explained by the County MlInðqer.
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Regording tho fourth position being requostod in the £M5 budgot
Mr. Normðn said that this would be ð supervisory position, providing
on-site superviBlon of the EMS headquarters when the EMS Director Is
not there. Ho .aid that the supervising paramedics all work the 24
hr./48 hr. shift schedule, and are in the field more than they ðre in
the office.
The discussion continued, during which Commissioner Wonzel said
thnt he cannot understand how American Ambulance could do the good job
they did In the field with the amount of employees that they corrip.d,
and now tho County has to have so m~ny more. He objected to the jump
in anticipated costa for provIding scrvice to the Immokalee area from
525,000 to $175,000.
RegardIng the recommcndations that he has offered to reduce the
EMS budgp.t, Mr Norman stated that they consist of not replacing one
modular amhulance unit, recognizing that the County will have purchascd
two units in the lQat yenr two ore preaently on bid, and two
addttionDI units Dre proposed for rcconditloning. He said that he
feels the County should bo able to manage without that unIt which would
coat the ~ounty S30,000. ^lso, a subst~nti~l amount of new equipment
i9 beIng proposed ðnd he foels that if the County has gotten along
without all of th~so Items In the p~8t, why make such a quantum jump in
inventory ~t thin time. Ho said that he i5 rocommending that ð total
of $50,000 be cut from the presented budget.
Public Sðfety Administrntor Thom~G Hafn~r rcferrod to ð ch~rt
which outlincd the differences in cost of op~ratlon of the a~bulanco
sorvico for FY 81-82 by the County a8 compared to what it would have
cost if the contrDct with Amerlc~n ^mbulance w~s to have continueð. H.
a180 displayod ð ch~rt that outlined the amount of money from the
Pal] e Hi
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July 23, 1981
General Fund that it cost to pay for the oporatlons of American
A.mbulanco for tho first G IIlontha of F'f eO-8l liS compl1rcd to tho cost
from the General Fund to run the ambulðncð aervic8 as II County
Department for tho socond half of FY 80-81. He said that the net coat
of oporating the ambulance Dcrvicc, (ncluding contractual oporations
and those of tho County E~S totals $1,142,266 for FY 80-81. 110 said
that it is anticipated that tho Goneral Fund will have to fund
$l,446,010 to operate the County EMS in FY 81-82. fo'Ir. flafner concluded
his presentation by statIng that the projected F'i 1981-82 budget io ~,
higher than the cost for ðmbu1ance service last year.
Management Analyst Henry Hill stated that, during tho ovening
before tho bud~et hcarinqs began, all of the CommißGioner's budget
books WÐr~ collected and certain corrections in thc EMS budget were
made, based on revIsed figures. fie Bald that the rccord should reflect
that ccrtain figures in tho EMS budget have becn changed including
adjustmenta for saJðries and insur£lnce a110cðtions. I!f} said that thfl
total budget roquest now should re~d '$1,466,010.
In rcply to Comml£sioner Wenzel, EMS Oirector Ooug1as Greenfiold
8tntod that the reason for the add~d parsonnol ovcr that under whIch
MleriCðn Ambu1Bnce's opcrat~d is becðuse Ñnerlc..,n /,mbulancc WI'S in
violatIon of tho licensing roqulrements. He soid that the 5tðtO was
eXð~inlng American ^mbulanco license and wðn not sðtisfi~d At the time
when the County took over tho service. Commissioner Wenzel asked hIm
it the St~to is requiring the requo8ted four positions? ~r. Greenfield
replied affirmatively, adding that th~ State Law re~ds that in an
advanced lire Dupport situation, an availabIlity of ~ second regIstered
CMT or Paramedic in the p^tient care compartment durIng transport, must
be aø5ureJ. 110 8ðid that he hao been able to provlde that in the
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BOOK 062 PACE '425
~etropolitðn areas of the County by ualnq the paramedic supervisor who
responds or by using a member of the Fire Department who rosponds as a
part of tho two-tiered portion of, the system. He said that the Fire
DepartmentÐ have two EMTts on board their vehicles and that iø why he
is assured of that capability in the urban areas of the County. Mr.
Greenfield Baid thnt in Immokalee he hns not been ðssured ol that
capabIlity. He said that, although he has tried to get some response
from the Fire Chief In Immokalee Dnd the volunteers, the interest just
does not lie there for the pðrticlpation 88 a back-up to the system.
fie said that Immokðlee docß not have cxtrication cðpabilities either
and, mðny times in the p~st, ð deputy has hðd to transport ð
firefightcr from North Naplcc to Immokaloc to offer that capability.
In ðnswor to Commissioner Kruse, Mr. Greenfield sðid that he is
running the same number of ^LS units as was American Ambulance, and he
went on to explain the reasons for the additIonal man in Jmmokðlec, the
problems involved with Wdown tlmeW when the backup unit from Golden
Gate makes the run to ImmoKa1ec1 the time it takes to mðkc these runs,
and, that he has found through study of otatistic8, that ~O, -70\ of
runs to Immokalee are ßLS in nature and only require an f.MT. Howevor,
he explained, since tharc is only one ALS vehicle thore, it makes that
transport. He 3aid that hIs alternative to that situation Is to loave
ð third mðn in Immoka1ee with ð spare truck, equlpp~d and manned, a8 a
first respon50 vehicle. He 8ð~d that will also provide tho third
po r son , 0 r tho Co 1 d (1 n c: at. un i t \o(h e n it II r r1 v ell. fflt II aId t hat he
considers that ImMok~leo i8 being given good blanket coverage by addinq
just the one a~ditional person. He Baid that he considers this method
a good compromise and, at the Bame time, it meets the Stat.'.
requirements ond keeps the SY5tCM v1t~1.
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Commi8aioner Kruse ðakod Mr. Greenfield If it Is absolutely
necessary to have nnothar supervisor and, if it Is, docs it have to be
a paramedic? Mr. Gr~enfield explaIned thot he is out of the office on
official bueineos a lot of the time, the existing ßupervisor is now on
the road constantly throughout tho day becauso he Is aloo acting as a
backup to the Dyste~, and, at thiß time, the dispatcher/sccretðry is by
herself and does not have ðn opportunity to t~ke a lunch brc~k unless
someone congo back and rclievo hor. He saið that he plnns to rotate
the four supervisory paramedics between tho office and the field. He
caid that he considers thla klnd of a system more cost-effectIve than
having to hire ðn operations manager as is done in ~any other systems.
Commission~r Wenzel asked for an explanation of tho request for
additional furnishings and ~r Greenfield said that the Immoknlec
station is in dire need of cooking facilities, Mðrco f,tation has not
been ronovated, and North Nðplcs needs additional furniture. He said
that by furnishing the stationa ~nd making them more livable, he c~n
put more domands on tho cystem, i.o. cutting down on activities of
ambulance vehicles away from tho st~tion5 to t~ko care of p~rsonð1
Commisslonor Wlmer saId that he has heard many good comments
regarding tho upgradp.d a~bulance system, adding that he hð8 enough
faith 1n Mr. Greenfiold th,H H he eays he needs somethIng he would
vote to get it for h1m. He asked Mr. Greenfiold if ho feels that tho
requosted modular ambulance 1s a necess1ty, or, did he feel that ho
could qet along without it? Mr. GreenfIeld replied that he def1nate1y
feel. that it is ne~ded to replace the 1974 model unit which has
already had one chnsois replaced and 1s rU8ting out. He said that it
Is not dep~ndðble and, In hiD opinion, would not be worth InvestIng
~OOK 062 PACE 42B
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BOOK 062 PACE '427
more monoy towDrds contInual repaIrs. In answer to Commissioner Wlmor,
Mr. Greenfield offered justificðtion for all tho equipment that he is
requesting be purchased. He said thðthe was well advised to keep his
requests to a minimum when preparing ,the budget, adding that all tho
equipmont that he hlls requested is requirod to provide an appropriate
level of servIco. He explaineð the need for various items, i.e.
thumpers, pry axes, extricator kits, stretcher stair chair, etc.,
adding that these arc things that responsible systems throughout the
Country use 5tandardly every day.
In answer to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Greenfield explained that
the Medical Director is requesting .!!n additional $12,000. He said that
he 15 currently holding specializeð training classes on a continual
educational level in order for the paramedica and EMT's to meet State
Roquirements. He said that Dr. Tobcr wIll use $6,000 to sct up his
officc/tralnlng room near the hospltal and he also said that some other
systems spend upwards of $100,000 for a 5pcci~lized training offfcer.
Mr. Norman said that Dr. Tober 15 requesting $6,000 for salary.
Co~miSBioner Wcnzel stated that the ~ore budgets that he Is
revIewing, the more he believefi that ~any Divisions should be funded
through MSTD's. He said that if he votes ngaInst them during the
publIc hearings, It is not because he is against the sums of the
budqet~, it Is becausc he thInks they are being ðllocated wrong.
Commissioner WImer moved that the EMS budget bo tentatively
approved as presented, includIng the equIpment and modular ambulance,
as recommended by the EMS Director.
There WAS some diacuosion regardIng the $20,000 in tho EMS budget
request for holIcopter reimbursement. CommIssioner Wenzol stated that
thIa i. a matter of £traIghtening out bookkeeping and Co~mission.r
Pðge 20
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July 23, 19A1
Krus. dIsðgreed, atating that it shows up a8 an increaso in th~ EMS
budget. Commissioner pistor stnted that Mr. Norman hfts prepared ð
memorandum on this and ho believes that Messrs. ßafner and Groenfield
will b. making a b~parato presentation to tho Boord for ðpprovnl of the
$20,000. Mr. Norman Baid that the iSBUO of the helicopter will have to
be addressed by itself.
Commissioner Kruse said that since this 1s a tentatlvo opproval,
she would second tho motIon on the floor.
Upon call for the quo6tlon, the motion carried 3/2, with
CommIssionors Drown ond Wenzel opposed. Commissioner Wenzel stated
that he approves tho EMB budget, less the throe PQr~medlcß.
Fiscal Officer Hall atated that tho rocord should reflect that the
motion was based on the correction5 that were made to tho figures In
the budget os penciled in the Commissioner'G copies and montioned
earlier by Mr. Hlll.
County ~anðger Normðn rcforrcd the Board to his issue paper on
page 22 of tho Duñget ~~s~~ge, and said that he Is rvcommending the
Animal Control Dudget as presonted by th~ Director o( Animal Control.
Ho said that the m~l1n chùngc in the budget is relðti'Jc to thr. onimðl
shelter operation. He said that tho particular emphasis in hIs Jssue
papor is on license fees, adding that if his recommcndðtions ðre
adoptod, they would occommodðte the increased costs with the exceptIon
of the capital outlay costs. Ho sold that the issue 15 three-fold the
shelter the hJgher liconse teco) and, the ðbandonmont of the neutering
prog rom.
There wa. a brief dlscusaion regarding MSTC's, ðuring which
'MOK 062 fACE 428
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Ju\V ", 19111
.800K 062 PAGE 429
Commissioner pi.tor stated that conslderotion ot any MSTD's that might
... .... -.--
bo formed would not hove any effoct on the budgets now baing di8cussed
and Commissioner Wenzel said ho understandn this, however, he still
w3nts the Board to conðider thom for mony of these DIvisIons.
Commissionor piator said that if this is the case, th~n, tho Board has
to move Cast, as they would have to be formed by January 1, 1981.
Commissioner ~rusc agreed, and saId that tho same holdo true for the
Golden Gate Fire Deportment, if this i6 to become ð MSTD.
Public Safety Administrator Thomos Hðfnor stated that he believes
the Mr. Norman's Budgct Mcosagc is very clear on what is necessary Cor
next ye~r's budget, bosed on the County operating an animal shelter.
Commis5ioner Kruse asked if, by ßdopting the presented budget, would
the Board, in f~ct, be dropping the n~uterin9 progr~m without public
input? Mr. Norman replied ðfflrmatively, adding that tho Board would
be rooking the policy decision that this is what they want to do.
Commissioner Kruse expressed concern, adding that this is an iSBue in
which tho public would be interested.
Mr. Norman stated th3t therc aro two facets of tho neutering
program that the Board muot consider. The first is the Ordinance which
states that liccn~e fees shall be $3.00 anò that $1.00 of each licen~o
sold will go towards the neutering program. l1e said th"t this $1.00
do~s not begin to cover tho cOßt of the program. Regarding the second
facet of the neutering progr~m, Mr. Norman said that ho is proposing
that the money that has beon collected and carmark~d for the neutering
proqrð~, to date, in the estimated amount of $14,000. be utill~ed,
instead, to offset the cost of the new facility. He oald that directly
related to this, ho is also recommonding an increase in fees and that
this incr."se would not include the e.,rmarkin~ of any portion of fe..
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collected for us. in the neutering program.
Commissioner Kruoo asked if it 1. very often that capital
expenditureo are paid for from foes, ðnd Mr. Norman said that it is hIs
porøonal feeling' that it ought to be mora often. He said thðt this was
done in relation to Tigortail Park.
CommIssioner Wimer stðt~d that he hos no problema with fccs for
things like at Tiqertail bocau9G that ia a straIght -usor feo-,
however, regarding animals, the people who pay the foo And purcha&e
licensos arc not contributing to the problems, the problems originate
wIth those people that do not have liconseG and let their animals run
free. He said that ho ls concerned with the idea of forcing the peoplo
that comply to the law to pay tor tho ones that do not.
The dIscussion continued, during whIch CommisBioner pistor asked
why the County cannot charge feeo for adoption, and ComMissioner Kruse
explained th~t if tho Board approves this budget ond accepts tho County
Manager's recommendations, then, no one con adopt an ~nimol (rom tho
County Sholtar. She said that animals will havo to be given to tho
Humane Society if they think they Aro ðrioptoble, or, the County will
have to exterminðte them. She ßðid that this is her objection to the
proposal. Thare was additional discussion regðrdlng the Stoto
mandating that adopted animals be neutered or spðycd. Mr. Norman said
that the problem i~ thðt there Is no profit in adoption ðnd that
revenuo from this sourco would just be offset by tho paperwork involved
; in processing the adoptlon. Commlssioncr Plstor stated that the County
f would just charge the adopting person whatever it costa to neuter the
~'anilDðl and Mr. Norlllðn saId that, it this. Were done, the County will not
.dopt any animals lInyway. CommIssioners Kruse and Plstor concurred
that they aaw no noed to have an anImal shelter JUBt to extermlnate
~OÒK· 062 PACE 430
Pago 2 J
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Mm: 062 fACE 43I
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animals. Mr. Norman said that there itl still the need to have a place
in which to hold an animal for ð period of time to allow ita owner to
reclaim it. Commissioner Wenzo~ agreed.
Commissionor Kruse soid that she believos that tho Board needs
more publIc input before adopting such proposals and that she would not
vote on this budget without it. She said that she has received
complaints already from people who want more public hearings before the
Board decides not to have Dn adoption program and sho would also like
dIrect input from the local veterinarians regarding the claima she has
heard that thoy refuse to c....opcratc wIth the County should the County
have an adoptIon program. Commissioner Wimer askod if this proposal is
not premature? Commissionar Krusc stated that she thinks it is.
Mr. Normßn said that, if the Board wants staff to develop a
program which includes a full ßdortion program, then, he believes that
staff needs to come back with a revised budget. The discussion,.
-continu~ù, Including the group of volunteers that wish to help in an
adoption progrðm, the fact that they orc under tho impresaion that
their help will bo accepted with the underatanding that ðn adoption
program will be undertðk~n, peat volunteer work in tho shelter at the
Hu~anc Society and how it works to keep clerical ðnd janitorial costs
down, the need for the vetocinariana to make a public clarification of
their posItion re~ardlng cooperation with the County and costs of
neutering vðrying costs roloted to adoptIon fees, costs for
inocu1ntion, philosophies regarding neutering progrðms, and, an
/Ðxplanation as to how the ndoption of ~nimðls works now through anImal
control oporntionn, DS outllnod by Mr. Staudenmaier.
It was the consonsus of tho Board that thoy do not h~v. enough
lnform~tion on which to make 4 decision on thiø budget ðnd Commissioner
pago 24
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July 23, 19131
PIator directod staff to bring this budget back noxt week and to
Include the information roquested by the Commissioner..
There was ð discussion regardinq the neutering program: tho funds
collected thuB far I the fact that there lø an error In the presented
budqot and that the corroct oporating total should be $148,727, a8
reported by Manðgoment Analyst Henry lUll. Also dIscussed was the
possibIlity of justifyIng the hiring of a full time veterinarian
working for tho County, to run tllo ncutoring progrllm, durIng ",hich Mr.
Staudonmaier Gtðted that thero is not enough of thIs kInd of operations
done to justify ono. CommIsaIonor Wimer asked that thIs also be looked
into and be made a part of the presentation next week. Chairman pistor
directed Mr. Norman to brIng in more facts and schedule this budget for
next Wednesday, July 29th.
Chllirrnan Piator stated that 'tho SherIff will have an itemized
listing of hir. budgct for eDch of tho CommlGsIoners by tomorrow
aftornoon and that he has rO-Rchcduled a hoarIng on the Ghcriff's
budget for 1J30 P.M., Wednesday, July 29th.
* . .
CommissIoner Kruse left tho room at this time - 11117 A.M.
. * .
County Manager Normðn roferred the Boðrd to his issue paper on
page 45 - 46 of the Budgot Mes8ðqo and ntated that, historically, the
BoArd has been confronted ~ith ð nignificant numbor or cases handled by
tho Medical Examiner as well os a 81gnificant increase In tees that he
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BOOK 062 PAGE 4-33
has.ent&red into agreement with t.he County to charg& for his s&rvlces.
He Bald that the combination of the.e increðøes has totaled a propo.~ð
62' increase in the lImount Collier County paid to the Medical Examinor
in the last two years. He said tbat the majority of these costs relate
to the personnel area, including fees for himself, his assistants, and
other rolated costs. He saId that the cost that he is focusing on
relates to personal service costs paid directly to tho Medical
Examinor. He said th~t he feels that these costa must be stopped from
growing at the rate ttat they have in the past. Mr. Norman oxplainod
that the Medical Examiner is appointed by the Covernor as an Officer of
the State. He saId that, by State Law, he must reach som~ kind of an
agrcement with Col11er County relating to compensation for his
services. He recommended that tho County adopt ð policy of paying the,.
Medical Examiner on the basie of per capita method rðther than on a per
c~se basis. Mr. Norman saId that the Medical Examiner, Dr. H. Schmid,
i5 presently on vacntion ðnd plans to return to Nðplcs on lIugust-IOth, 1
if the Board would prefer to deter taking action at this time. Hcaring
no objoctlons, the hearing continued and Mr. Norman recommcnded that
the Board adopt a flat amount to be the basis for the Medical
Examiner'9 compens~tionl this would not affect the costa of rent,
sccrctðry, etc. He said the compensation would be adjusted oach year,
ba.oed on the populatIon of Collier County ðnd not on the number of
cases involved.
Commiasioner Wenzel moved to adopt the County Manager's
Commissioner Pi3tor asked where 6ecrctariel fees, rent, ~tc. ~how
up in the budget, and Mr. HofnQr ro!erred him to line it.~ 349, (Othor
contractual services) which 10 $24,000. Mr. Norman said that offIce
Page 26
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July 23, 1981
rental io undor 11nQ item 440, which 1. $12,11G, this i8 paid by the
Medical Examiner and tho County then roimburses him, ba8ed on vouchers.
lie said that this includeo offico spnca at $5,616 nnd morguo fees at
$6,500. Thore was a brief discussion regarding the area in which the
Medical Examinor has his offIce ßp~ce an~ tho tact that it might be
lesa expensive to the County if it were c1sewhera, as exprcssed by
CommIssIoners WImer ~nd Wenzel. Mr. Hafnor sold that this hns been a
conslderatlon in the Polizzi/Heery space study and he addod that tho
Medical Examiner would prefer an office at the complex in tho proposed
new addItIon. Tho m~thod of payment for varIous costs to the Medicðl
Examiner was discussed and, in answer to Commissioner Wimer, ~'r. Hafner
said that, for tho first six months of this fiscal year, ho has
received a delIneðted list of what tho MedIcal Examiner has paid out
for each month when he requests rcimburccment. He added that ho haD
now inItiated a strict requIrement that he wants to sce actual
Tho dIscussIon continued ~G to what will harpen if the M~dIcðl
Examiner disagrees with this policy, ðnd Mr. Normðn sðld that he
believes that ho will havo to go to Court. In ona~er to Commissioner
Wimer, Mr. Norman stated that the County CDnnot hire its own M~dicðl
Ch~irmðn Plstor seconded the motion on the floor and, durIng the
ensuing ðiscusslon, Mr. Normðn $tated that the MedIcal Exeminer is
requesting the sum of ~127,OOOI that he does hiro pathologiÐts to work
on his bch~lf ðnd compensateo them for this service from that amount,
hovever, ho do~s not know how much. In answer to Commis.ioner Brown,
Mr. Norman saId that he will rocelve, $86,550 this (iscal yoftr, which is
on. of tho highe&t cost per cnplto ratIos in Florida. Mr. Hafner said
, ,
~OOK 062 PACE 4.34'
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062 fAtf 435
thot the averagc cost PQr capita Is 43¢ and Collier Is p~ying $1.01
Mr. Norman told Commissioner Brown that h. Is recommending $96,000 be
pc3id' to the Medical ExamIner In FY.81-02.
, . . .
COØ\misoionor Kruso returned to' the room at this time - 11130 A.M.
. . .
Commissioner Brown st~ted that he cannot vote for the motion on
the floor unless it etipulotos that the Manager is authorized to
negotiato and Commißsioner Wenzel said that this is undorstood.
Chairman PIstor concurred. Mr. Norman clarified that the dollar amount
is not at iSGue, the basis on which it Is arrived is tho subject of the
policy change. Commissioner Plstor askod for clarification as to
whether the Medical Examiner would get extra co~pensðtion for court
appearances, etc., ~nd Mr. Norman replied negatIvely, explaining that
h~ will rcceivo a fixed amount of moncy to perform all of his dutios.
CommissIoner PIstor clarif~ed that the motion is to accept the
County Manager's reconmend~tlon ðnd authorize him to negotiate w~th the,
Modical Examiner for the terms outlined on pðge 46 of the Budget
Messaqe. Upon call for the questIon, the motion carried 4/1, with
Commissioner Wimer opposed. Commissioner rl1mcr clarified his nogative
vote because he foels that the total amount to bo paid to tho Medical
Examiner If still too hIgh.
APPROVf.D IN Tm; ^~0'J:'1T OF ~2R,79,,}
Com~i5sioner PiBtor asked if the "dvlsory Aoord for the Islo of
Cðpri Fire Control District hð5 reviewed the preaented budqet for the
Isle of C~pri Firo Control District ðnd Public Safety Administrator
Thomas Hafnor roported that they hðd.
P"9. 28
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July 23, 1981
Commisslonor Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and
carried unanimously, that the Io1e of capri Fire Control District
~udg.t (28-020) bo tentatively approvod In the amount of $~Ð,792, aa
outlIned on page G-2R-l2 of the Bunget Package.
Public Safety lIdministrator Thoman Hafner stated that the Advisory
Doarð of the Colden C~tc Fire Control District h~g reviewed the budget
and i8 rocommending approval of same as presented. The dlscuBoion
continued, durIng which Chief Dave Peeves Rtated thot the taxpayers do
not seem happy with tho increaso in the millage. Ho Baid that tho
major objectiono hÐVC come from m~mbcrs of the Civic ^ßSOciðtion, ~nd
the gencral membership hð5 not voted on this. Chief Reeves said that
the obj~ction5 seom to centor around the fact that the $20,000 loan
that the Board approvcd that is to come from revenue from Fire District
'1 to help pay for the fire truck. CommissIoner Xruso 88kcd if the
budgot, ðS presented, pays off the fire truck rathor than financing it?
Mr. Hafner Baid thé1t the problem lies in the fl\ct that if the Firt'
^s6ociation provided $20,000 the Board would match that with the
$20,000 loan from Firo District 11.· He said th~t when he applied the
one mill for taxes, the District could provide enough revcnue to pðy
off tho truck and S<lV(' $11,000. lie said that certain objections ðre
baing mnde bccður.e the Bonrd nqrccd to borrcy. tho monoy and now is not
going to. Commissioner Kruse stðted that the record should roflect
that, by approving this budget, the Board is changIng its previous
action. ~r. Norman s~id thftt he believos that the ~ard should be
guided by the ^dvisory Boards In the CAse of the dependent fire
iÖOK 06Z PACE 436
poge 29
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dlntrict8, and Mr. Hafner concurted.
Commissioner Wimer paid that the Colden Gate area Is one of the
fastest growing areas in the County and they havo boen underflnanced
since they havo been formed. 110 said that hQ believes that it Is time
for them to -stand on their own- and levy the taxes required to operate
properly. He moved to approve the Colden Gate Fi re Control BudgClt
(28-030) in tho amount of $250,987. Commissioner Kruso soconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
TilE M'O'JNT Of' $132,27A
If: reply to Commissioners Kruse "nd Wenzel, Public Safety
Adr.dnlstrlltor Thomas Hafner explDined tho source of funds for the
OChopee Fire Control DIDtrict's budget for FY 81-82. He said that,
when prepDrlnq this budget, the District will be receiving the
-in-liou-of-taxes. payment from tho Federal Covernment for FY 81-82.
lie said that other sourcos of r~venue include lid valorem taxos,' -..
inter-governmontal revenue, and intorcst. In answer to Commissioner
Wimer, Mr. Hafnor explained that tho $39,200 intor-governmental revenue
is Fcdural payment for fireflghting ßervices for approximately S1,000,
fedoral payment in-lieu-of-taxes in the amount of $38,000 ðnd local
govern~ont additional homes toad exemption trust fund payment of $200.
Chairman Viator askod if the in lieu of tax payments will
con~inue, and Mr. Hafn~r said thnt they will not continue ðfter FY
81-82. The problcms related to the decreðse in revenue for this
District. were discussed briefly, durin!) which Mr. flðfner sldd that the
Ochopeo FIre Departmont will only hðve ~pproximatoly $27,000 with which
to oporate next year. The large communities that depend on thla
Page 30
July 23, 1981
District for tire sorvlcð were outlined by Mr. Hafner, includinq
Chokoloskeo, Plantntion, and Everglados City.
Commiosionor Wlm~r moved for tentative approval of Ochopee Fire
Control Diotrlct Budgct (28-040) in the amount of $$132,278.
Commisoioner Kruse seconded the motion which carrlcd unanImously.
Chief Vince Docrr etated that tho Ochopoe Fire Control District's
revonuo base will require some close stu~y [n th~ neðr futuro. He sðid
that he and Mr. HDfner ~ro prescnt1y trying to work out altcrnatives
for revenue including additional contracts for service because, when
the Foderal in-lieu-of-taxes pnymonts stop, the District will not have
enough monoy with which to operate. He said that the Ochopee Fire
Department has mndc 260 responses this year covering ovcr 3,500 miles.
He saið that his District covers over 1,000 Equare miles. He said that
because his Department continueD to serve out1yinq areaD, cspeciðlly In
the rescue areas, he would not want the County to glide backwards by
not continuIng to provide ~hese cervicea. Mr. Hðfner concurred, and
stated that, at thIs timo, th~ Ochopoe Fire Control District's primary
response vehicle 15 ð ?-l year old pumper. Chicf ~err said that the
pumper is used to respond to aroaa ouch as Chokoloskee for a heart
attack. The discuGoion continued and othcr problems relating to l~ck
of funds wert! outlined by Mr. Hafncr nEter ....hich Commissionor Wimer
stated that he understands tho problem, howev~r, whon this District Wð9
created, he recognized that this day would come and that he i8 not
surpriscd that the revenue i5 inftdequDte. Chic! Doerr sðid that ho has
the documentation to prove that the neod 1a there regardles8 of the
fact that the revenue from taxes i. n¿ 10ngor available because of the
Big Cypress purchase. County Manager Norman stated that there iu a
po..iblllty of contractual ~ork tor support tram the Di9 Cypresa
&OOK 062 PACE 438
pag_ 31
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July 23, 1981
BOOK 062 fACE 439
Preserve nnd this was discussed briefly.
^lso discussed were the
proposal. reqarding cooperation with the City of Everglades, a.
explained by Mr. Norman, and the terms of the Big Cypress Preserve
purchase DS outlined by Chief Doerr, who remInded the Board that
Ochopee Fire Control District a180 serves Lee Cypress, Plantation,
Remuda, and other srAas besides Ochopee, which are all growing areas.
County M~nðger Norman stated thnt he did not identify the
Helicopter Budget 88 on iSßue because the costs are basically the 8ame
except for the F.MS program which causes it to riso and fall.
Commissloner wenzel asked why the Civil Defensc Departmcnt is planning
to use the helicopter at a cost of $8,025? He asked if this is a just
anticipated revenue?
Commissionor Wimer asked if the Helicopter bud90t Includes both
helicopters snd Mr. Norman replied affirmatively. He said that the
m~in in~reasQ in the helicopter budget is tor fuel, etc, and he
rôferred to the cOÐts anticipated regardinq helicopter use by the f.MS
which is £hown as ~n expcnBO In the EMf, budget and a revonuo in tho
helicopter budgot. Commiasioner Kruse asked what the $15,000
contingency is that is marked -now· on thc oxp~ndlture sido of the
holicoptcr budget, idcnt!fied os code 9~O? Mr. Norman said that,
bCC4USO thin is ð separðte fund, there is no way to trðnstvr money into
this fun~ and that is the reason for tho contingency, howover, he did
not think th~t the amount was this lðrgo initially. Commissioner ~rU80
expresaed concern that thia iø ð lot of money for a contingoncy and Mr.
lIall ðgrep.d.
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July 23, 19A1
The costs per hour for the helicopter ....as dofined by Mr. Hafner ðB
$290 for the HUlD and $75 for the 47C. Co~mlsoioner Wimer asked for en
explanation of the sentence on Exhibit wF-, which states aB follo....sl
~.fforts to acquire ð Jet Ranger holicopter (5 passenger or 1 liter/l
EHT) will continue-. He said that he was not aware that the County was
looking for ðn additional helicoptor. Mr. Hafner expl~ined that this
kind of aircraft i6 less expensive to operate and that he i8 just
looking. He said that there arc companies around the country that
would trade both County helicopters for ono Jet Rðng~r. He said that
this, is being pursued because a Jot Ranger will do the slime job as
~ithor county helicopters and will only cost about S~5 per hour. He
said that this would be ðn even trade with no money involved. various
costs of operations of a Jet Rnngor werp. outlined by the CountY'ß
pilot,. Earl Sanborn.
The discuGsion centored around tho contingency figure of $15,000
and County Manager Norman Dnd Mr. 1I1'Ifner oai<1 that this figure was not
among their !1CJurcs. FiEC£ll Officer Hall ntðted thnt the revcnue sido
of the budget had II projectod rt'vcnue of $15,704 hiCJh on the
expend i ture side, "nd that thi6 figure was pll~';1ged in late frldðy night
to balance the two. He said that what can bc dono 15 to strike that
expenditure by that amount and reduce revenues by the slime amount. 11e
asked what the total amount of the budget was that was sub~1ttcd, and
Mr. Hafn~r said that it was $77,267. Mr. Norman Daid that he still
belIeves that thcro Is ð noed of ð contingency becauno of the unknown
in dealing wJth helicopter servicQ. Chairman Pistor asked Cor
clarification as to transferrIng of adðitionlll funds into the
helicopter budget if needed, and Mr. Hall stated that what has to be
done, baaed on the tact that this is an intornal service fund, 1a
&OOK 062 PACE 440
raqe 33
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July 23, 1981
BOOX 062 PACE 441'
increðsa tho bIllings. Ae said that if the expendItures wore to be
largor th~n the revanuos, and charges were not increasod accordingly,
than, the only other alternativo would be to have ð budget amendment
adopted that would transfer monies from the contingencieB in the
Ceneral Fund into the Helicopter budget, in the form of a contribution.
He said that this is what io done on Ð~bulðnce services.
Commissioner Wimor said that the torm ·revenue- in rolations to
the helicopter budget Is confusing because whðt is' actually being done;
Is transferrln9 t~x dollars from one budget to another. "0 said that,
in reality, it all comes from one source and ahould not bo contused
with outsido revenuoo.
Commissioner Wimer said thðt he fllvors selling the IIU1B bcc,luse he
considers it an -expcnslvQ luxury-~ lie sðId that he would bo happy
with just the one 5rollllcr hellcapter. The discusalon contInued
regarding the pos31bI1ity of trðding for ð Jet Ranger1 the fact that
the IIU18 is worth $250,000 on the open market, DS rcported by Mr.
S~nborn who outlined the problema related to finding a suitably
outfittcd Jet "linger that h~s ar ambulance door, which would cost
approximately $13,000.
. . .
Commlßsionor Brown loft the room at this timQ - 12:01 P.M.
. .. .
Thoro was futher diacusGion regardIng the costs r~lðted to
outfitting aircraft for UGC as ~n ðmhulancc, the foct that the HUlD 18
not certified a5 -ðirworthy· by the F^^I and Commlaslonor Kruses'
co~m~nta reqðrding the need to ~llocate ðny ~dditlonðl costs to equip a
helicopter ðS on ðmbulðnco to tho ambulance's budgat.
There was a brIef discussion regarding the use of helicopters in
tho cases of accidents for transporting patients to the hospita11 the
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July 23, 19R1
responae time involved in ranching outlying ðre~s of the County ðnd
r,lated matters. Chairman Plstor exprcssed surprlao that the
helicopter h~d boon used to tr~nsport paticnt~, as outllnod by Fire
Chief Doerr and Mr. Hafner, ond stated that the Board was never ask~d
to authorizo thin. Mr. Hafnor stated thðt these instancOB wore
.~ergencies. He 9ðld that the HUlB 1s certified os ðn air ðmbulancQ
and that this kind of use is parmitted.
Charging [or ambulðnce service by hollcopters WlIS discussed, 'after
whlch Commissionor Wimer stated that he will vote ncgatively on this
budget unless something is donc to scale the opcrðtion down to only
r~nning one helicopter. lie moved to dispose: of tho HU1ß. County
Manager Norman said thðt this kind of motion will give him direction os
to what the Board wants, and Commisoionar Kruse seconded the motion
which carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown ~bsent.
County Manager Norman asked for clðrlfication os to the action
just taken. flo ðsked Jf the Eoðrd is dIrecting hlm to prepare 0
revised helicopter budgot on tho basis of no longor operating the BUlB?
~ :.' . \
, ,
t Com~is810ncr Wimer stated that this wan the intent of hls motion.
" :
\ Mr. \Hðfner aakl!d if the Board wished the staff to Investigato ðcquiring
\ .,
'ðJet Rangcr to replnce both holicopters presently being used, and
CommiGsioner ~imer said that h~ would consIder this, however, he still
likes t_he 47G. Mr. "afner e)'.~;ll\lncd the problcms aSGoc1.~tccl with using
tho 47G tor tranaporting ð pathnt as .... part of the ambulance
op~rationa, spoclfically, that it requires.... sling npparatua rathor
than ð patient compartment an would bo available In D JQt Ranger or the
,,,, \
HUIB. Ho askod if thla diroction is part of tho motion' ~nd'
Co~mlsaioncr Wimer ....nswðred negatively. Chairman Pistor dirQctod Mr.
Hafner to investigate the matter and rcport bðck to the Doord. Mr.
80bK 062 PACE 44.2.
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July 23, 19B1
W!)( 062 rAr.E443
Sl1nborn ðsked 1! he understood thllt, as of O<:t:.ober 1, 19B1, the HUlB
will no longer be budgeted lInd Chðirmðn piøtor replied èffirmativGly,
adding that ho hopl)s that something can be done to got rid of the BUlB
in the next two months.
Commissioner ~rus. left the room at this time - 12112 P.M.'
. . *
County Manager NorroDn said thÐt FIre District '1 is a tÐxi~g
district lInd that the expenditures are trðnsferr~d to the East Naples
Fire, District and the Goldon Gate Fire DIstrict for the .Hea8 that. they
serve, respectively. He snld that the Board has tentatively approved a
one mill budget for Goldcn Gate and he understðnds that tho East Naples
Firo D13trict will be going to 1.1 mIlls. In answer to Chairman
pistor, Mr Hafner explained th~t East Naples can go that high because
they have II l.5 ~ill cap.
Mr. Norman said that he is reconmending b 1 mill levy for Fire
District 11. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall said that the anðlysis of
al10c~tions of ;ovenucs for this Di£trict over the last five years has
not been completed, and that he has instructod the people involved to
11~it the analysis to eight hours and to come up with the best figures
available in that time. tie said that all the expenditures have been
computed, howevor, the amounts of revenues Ðttribul~ble to tho various
entitios, I.e. Marco, Golden Gatð, E~st Naples, and North Naples has
been a difficult chore, especially nlnce those areas of concern have
changed over the years. He said that the report should be complete by
next week. Commi~sioner Wimer sald that he considers that the charges
allocated are not commensurato with the level at service provIded and
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I Ju1Y 23, 1901
that h. will voto neq~tivcly on tho budgot base~ on 1 ml1l.
. . .
Commissioner Wenzel loft tho room at thl0 ti~o - l21lA P.M.
. . .
During the ensuing dIscussion, CommissIoner WImer ~ald that he h~B
requestod for Doverel yenrD a breakdown of District 11, on tho bools of
concentrðted popu111ted "reas having more thallI mill and loss
concontrðted ðrClIS being 1060 thon 1 mill. Mr. 11ðfncr said thðt thi!J
kind of n breakdown would b<t impossible by October 1, al thou~h it could
be initiated.
Commisslonor Piator said that this District ought to be broken up
and given to those DistrictD that servicos It. Commissioner Wimer saId
that he has asked for ~llocðtion of revenue bðEed on the potcntiðl of
servIces rondercd for years and this has ncver been accomplished,
thereforc ho intends to vote "No-. Chairman Pistor said that Fiscal
OffIcer Holl has outlIned the problems with ðlloctltion of this revenue,
l1nd that he agrces with Mr. Hall that this area nhoulc1 be divIded and
ðsslqned to the Districts thðt will be givln~ the servIce.
Commlss1oner WImer stated that thore is not a quorum present,
therefore the Board should be considered adjourned. Chairmðn pistor
stated that the mcetlng will rcccsa at thls tim~ Ðnd shall reconvene ot
1130 P.M.
County Mðnager Norman DoId that tho proponal to roia. the mil1ago
for Ochopce Fire Control District to ovor the present 1 ~il1 Cðp hnB
just been brought to hi. attentloo, adding that when the ßoðrd
reconvenos this needs to be considereð ~nd recognized.
~ 06% Pt\Cf ~4
Pa g. 37
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BOOK 062 fACE 445
July 23, 1981
In anower to Chairman Plotor, Fiscal Officer Hall explainod the
~ethod for approval of a ~illago increase, Inclu~ing that Board's
directing th~t a public hearing bo advertisod and held to consider an
amendment to tho relevo'nt Ordinance which specifies the millðge fllte
t~....~~o:ee. Ho saId that if the millage cap io approved aCter the
PTbliC hearing, then, tho millage can be raised durIng tho public
hearing on tho Ochopoe Fire Control District budget to whatever millage
was adopted in the nmonding Ordinanco. In answer to Commlosioner
pistor, Chief Doerr Baid that tho proscnt millÐgo is .75
RECE9S - TIME: 12:25 P.M. - 1130 P.M.
The meeting reconvened with Depúty Clerk Skinner replacing Deputy
Clork D~vidson ~nd ComMissioners Wenzol and Wimer absent.
. . .
Chairman pistor said he felt material should be prepared to.~8~ign
the different arcas of Fire District '1 to the proper areas that are
taking care of them Dt the prescnt time ðnd notify thoRO pcople 80 that
next year's budget praparðtion they can think about the larger area
they are covoring. Mr. Hðfner sðld 49\ is covered by Golden Gate and
51\ by East N~ples. Ch~irman pistor said they shoulJ be taxed in the
proper district and not have a District Il.
Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commi5sioncr Kruse, and
carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wonzel and Wimer ðbsent, thDt th~
tentDtive budget be approved with tho proviso that tho distribution of
the 116tricts be corrected.
Com~issioner Brown moved, 86conded by Commlasioner Kruse, and
cnrrled 3/0, with Commissioners Wenzel and Wimer absent, that Henderson
Croek Fire Dintrlct Budget, be tentatively approved.
PAge )8
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July 23, 19A1
Com~ls8ion.r pistor asked to have tho Henderson Creek district
examined to see it there i8 some way to derive moro income for that
area and include the district with [ðst N~plÐ9.
.....Commlasioner WImer cntered room at 2100 P.M.·····
CommIssioner WiMer noted for tho record, rcgnrdlng th~ Fire 018-
trict '1 vote, that he would have voted Dg~lnBt the ite~ hðd ho been
Mr. Norman said that b~sicðlly the Civil DelenGe budget is the
continuation of the Sð~e opcrðtions as in the past. lie (¡aid thcre Wè\S
Þn ~ppðrent In~roase because the helicopter budget has been Dmended to
tCc!lnsf~r ð portion of thl\t expense to the Sheriff'a DCpDrtr:1ent.
Commissioner Wimer moved, secondcd by CommIssioner Brown and
carried './0, with Comminsioncr ~enzcl absent, that th~ Civil Daf~nse
budget be approved with obvious changes re the helicopter to bo mado.
Mr. Norman &ðld th~t he hnd recomMcnded reducing trÐvcl COgtB,
from $2,915 to $l,400, eliminating tho radIo ðn~ thn purchase of ðn
automobile. He saId the Civil Defenso vehicle would be readily
available to the Safety lIdmlnistrator.
Commissioner Wimer movod, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and
carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, for tontative approval
with the aforementioned modIficAtIons of the Public Safety Division
bud9~t .
~OOK 0 ~2 'Äl44Ö
rage 39
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W:3X 052 rACE 447
July 23, 19tH
Mr. Normnn Baid his recommendation recognizes thnt it is going to
be difficult to hiro the number of people proposed and they will not be
employed for a full year. He slIld he felt approximatoly $60,000 could
be doleted recognizing tho fact that It would be i~pos8iblo to employ
Dll the now people immediately, and said he recomm~nded increased fees
in the Contractor Licensing section to keep p~ce with the coats which
h.:we occurred.
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and
carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wonze1 absant, for tontative approval of
the Building Code Complianc~ Budget for $ll4,974.00.
Mr. Virta noted thore ~rc four buðget~ in the Building Code
Compliance Dudgot, I.e. Administrðtion, Inspectors, Plnns Complionce
ðnd Contractor's License.
Mr. Norman noted he wanted to discuss BBtting up the Community
Devolopmcnt DivIsion aa a sep~rate fund bec~use of the highly variable
revenues that occur In that department each year and an ~ssurcd way of
carrying thoso revonues over from one YQ~r to the noxt is needcd, since
as permit activity falls off revenues f^11 off but Inspectlon6 lag from
soven to twolve months after the permit fee is p~id and those monieo
need to be held in reservc. Commissioner Wimer asked ~r. Norman to
disçuss the situatIon with Fiscal Officer Hall and bring a recommend a-
tion back to the DOðrd.
Mr. Norman sðid one of th~ ðifficultieo i6 thðt the ~STD general
fund for tho unincorporated ðrcð covors the Sheriff's p~ymonts,
engineering revenuen ðnd expcndltures and because they bro lumped
together any cxceS9 revenues generated by building tend to go to offset
the QXpenS8s that ^ce locked In as for as the other activities are
Pago 40
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July 23, 1981
Mr. VIrta said there is no change in the budgot request except the
a~ount 1s up for the following reasons I
1. Personnel added to the dep~rtment, but phasing in was
delayed to rcduce the current yeðr's budget, so there is
a delayed impact on tho budget.
2. The other cost is that whIch is associated with zoning tho
remaining portions of the F.stðtes.
Mr. VIrta said that he has prepared an abbreviated outlIne of the
work lIctlvities fðclng the PlannIng Department, and ho said Mr. Norm~n
suggested It might be appropriate to workshop tho planning progr~m the
Planning Department has boforc it now.
.......Commisslonor Brown left the room at 2:05 P.~. ..........
*......Commissioner Wenzel entered the room nt 2:25 P.M.·······
A short discussion cov~red the items consisting of th~ Planning
Department ßudget, i.e. Block Grant PrograM and the Tree Ordinance. It
was the general consensus of the Board th~t a workshop should b~ held a
week from Tuesday. Commissioner Pistor nskcd thðt cach project b~
aaBlgned the nmount of time that the project would cnt~11.
Commlss10ner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and
carried 3/l, with CommIssioner Wenzel opposed and Com~lsoionor Brown
absent, that tho Planning Department budget be tentatively approved.
.......Comml.alon.r Brown returned to the room lit 2J3~·······
aoOK 062 rACE448
Pag 0 4 1
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~OM 062. PAlE449 JulY 23. 1981
-Commissioner wimer mov~dr seconded by Commisaioner Brown and
carried 4/1, with Commissioner wenzel opposed, thðt the Block Grant
Budget be tentatively approved.
Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and
carried 3/2, with Commissioners pistor and Wenzel opposed, that the
Environmental Consultant'S budget be tentatively approved.
Mr. Virtð said the primary reason for the increase in his budget
is that ð position w~s added to hia section in May which will be filled
next week and there will be a full year's salary on next year's budget.
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnd
carried 5/0, that the Community Development Dudget be tentatively
The point waS made there are no new positions in this budget.
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and
carried 5/0, that the Zoning Department, consisting of Administration,
Technical, and Investigational, be tentatively approved.
_........n.ECESS: 2:10 P.M. RECONVENED: 2:40 P.M.········
Mr. Norman stated all monies in AgrIculture Department are
budgeted the in Gen~ral Fund. He Ððld the department is operating the
same as in the past with the exception of Lethal Yellowing which will
be operated as a self 6upporting program relying on fees ðnd fines to
pðy the costs. There arc no parsons assigned to Lethal Yellowing. The
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July 23, 1981
c03tS for Lethal Yellowing consist ot tr~vel oxpenscs, postage, word
processing charges and advertising. Tho program does not include
.el11ng materials. Tho budget 1s $1,700 rcvonue with ð complot~ total
of $B,300.
Commiscioncr Wimer moved, aeconðed by Comm1ssioner ~ruse ðnd
carrlad 5/0, for tentat1ve approval of tho Lethal Yellowing Budget.
Mr. Norman notcd that in his Issue Paper that fIguring the
County's relationship to tho Statc's portion of the program is
extrcmcly comp1ic~ted.
Mr. Hill not~d that the amounts shown on ExhibIt -E- are corrcct
and that Exhibit -C- lino item 1s incorrect. Mr. Normðn explaincd the
syster.\--relatcd to HRS rf'gl!rding COGts. !Ie said rovcnues CO)':1e bðsiclllly
by tees collected locally and feos that arc collected for programs that
are directly opcrðted by State and nro ðddcd to the m'!s bill and used
to pay that bll1.
Dr. William Cox dcscribed the situðtlon In the Immokalee Clinic
which has suffered due to 10s1ng all the CETl\ personnel. They wore not
tibia to sustnin 1111 the clinic oper'ðt1ons so the flealth Dcpartmf"nt hllf
assumed r.\ðny of the responsibilities formerly done by the Immokðloe
Clinic, he Boid. fie gave the eXlImple of the County hlwing the only
clinic that treðts Tuberculosis and the County has taken over the
direct treatment of patlents in the ImmokÐleo orea who have veneral
d1soasea. He oald the WIC and food program has been significantly
increascd to corr~ct some of the severe malnutrition Cðsea, prlncipal1y
in tho Haitians and to 60me extent in the Mexicans and Cubðn~.
Dr. Cox Baid he tðlk~d wlth the cllnic dlrector who told hlm, out
'aOOIt 062 fACE 450
Paqlt 4 J
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P¡I)O~ 062 rAtE 451
July 23, 1901
of hia $1 million budget, ho would estimate from 10\ to 15\ of the
thrust of the budget went toword the ttems which the County now do..
t.o. treatment of Tuborculosis and venereal dlseðDe8, BO the County has
inhcrited ð possible financial burden in the neighborhooð of $lOO,OOO a
yp.ar for performing th~se scrvices. Dr. Cox said ho dið not feel it
would coat tho County nearly that amount to perform the TB, venereal
disease treðtment and treat malnutrItion. The Heðlth Dep~rtmont will
try to ~ake up the deficit, by taking thc moncy they would spcnd on the
proqrams the County now handles, Dr. Cox said.
In respon5~ to Chðirm~n Pistor's asking if the Immigration
Departmont could not pay something, Dr. Cox said last year thoy did
alloc~tc $20,000.
Dr. Cox described the ncw progra~ innovated by tho County in
relationship between the Sheeiff, the County Health Deportcnt and the
Personnel Pcport~~nt which has upgradéð the poor health facilitIes in
the Sheriff's Departmont. Dr. Cox rolðte~ a situ~tion in Voluoia
County which rcsulted In the Ju~iclnl System cIting the Health
~pùrt~cnt for contempt of Court because of the mcdlc",l cllro of
prisonors in that County and he said he wao afraId that could happcn in
this County. He sðId a cooper()tivc medIcal progr(,m hll5 becn devolopod
whereby the Hoð1th r'epðrtmcnt provides medical services to th. Sherif!
and porsonncl Depðrtm~ntB. ~ll of thu phYRic~l oxnmin~tions are
provided by the He~lth Deportment tv the County employees and an
arrangement has heen atarted so th~t employees injured on tho job CDn
go to the clinics and receive medical ottcntion, he explðlned, with
facilities to rcfor ðnything that the lIeðlth Dcp<Htment c.:lnnot handle
to tho proper medicol facility.
Dr. Cox naid dðlly sick c~ll has bo.n instituted for the Sheriff'a
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July 23, 1981
Department and medical complðint9 are handled by the Health Department.
He said ð much mora effectivo, efficient system 1s now in progress at
~uch less money. Ho said thla program is beinq watched by other stato
Health Departments since such a 6YOtC~ 1s not happening any~hcre .lso
In the ~tðte. Chairmnn ristor pointed out the dental requirements of
the SherIff's Department, lI1ao. Dr. Cox £8id that the Sheriff in
Glades County hrings his inmates to the Health Department for dental
wo r It, a 1 60 .
Dr. Cox explained that the W¡C ~oney is returncd to the County
even though tho Hell1th Dep¡,rtm\!nt pays it initially. He saId this
program brings $350,000 of Federal money into the County overy year.
He said it was an effective me~ns of combating malnutrltion In the
Commissionor Kruse noted thcre w~s D computer rcquested by the
Health Dopartment ðnd shc said Dr. Thomas had mentioncð she had not
recommended a computer for this dcpartment. Dr. Cox cxplained that the
computor ho rcquostod io the name typo as used at Fort Myers ðnd the
Lee County Health C'Cpl'lrtmcnt has offered free use of 1)11 their
softwl'Irc. lIe Bðid tho computer requeßted in made hy Tandy Corporation.
Mr. Norman said ho ðid not rccommend againGt t~is request because
it waD a special purpose, inexponsive computer Cor the onvironmental
health information process.
Dr. Cox 8ald thðt ~1r. Norman suggested the Health I:'epllCtmont see
if they could influenco tho State to have the State Funds come through
the County system which would b~ ðccounted for and spent by the County
Instead of the dual ayst«un now employed. "0 said such a program i.
being considered In Le. County now but thoy arr rather diøcourðged
after two year'o work.
aOOK 062 PACE 452
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~CDK 052 fAtE453
July 23, 19B1
Dr. Cox said in tho past ho has appearod bofore tho Board at the
Budget Workshop. and had his bu~get ðpprov~d only to fln~ that at
subsoquent meet1ngo his fundo ðre cut ðnd he roquested the prlvilego of
being prcscnt 1f his budget is discussed ðgaln. Chairman p1stor agreed
to 1nfor~ him If his budgot waD to come under 3crutlny·
Mr. Norman prc~ented tho issues as listed in his Issue and options
papor noting that the Naples Day cost was recognizod as a r~vonue. Dr.
Cox saId that the monitoring of Naplcs Bay is rCDlly not ð responsi-
bility of the County but it iÐ ð DEn rosponsibility and tho district
dlrector has written to Dr. Cox recognizing that fnct. Thore was ð
lengthy di~cussion reg^rding the morits of tho Naples Bay monitoring
program and the possibility of hòving ð local firm do the program, with
th~ notation thðt tho Conserv~ncy now does ~ similar study. Dr. Cox
wðO oxplicit in his contention that it waD ð vital progrðm which should
be continued to ward off the possibllity of ðny threat from salmonella
and sinilar diseascs.
Dr. Cox made a direct recommend~tion to the Board that, it the
Stato doeS not do the N~plc5 Day monitoring, the County should do so.
Scvcr~l timen Dr. Cox explðlncd that tho Conservancy is not
testing for the name items which tho County nccda to carryon proper
monitoring of Naples Ðay.
Commissioner Brown ~oved that ~onitorinq of Naples Bay be odded to
the l1ea1th Departmont budget. The motion failed tor lack of ð second.
Dr. Cox waS directcJ to get in touch with ~arco Islðnd ~rlne to
Goe if they ðre capablo of doing the snmo testß ~~ nre now being sent
to the University of florldô for study.
*******Commission~r Wimor left the room at 3:15 P.M. Returned at
4100 r.~.*****·*
paqe 46
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-~- - -- -. -- - - - -. -- - - - - ---
., u I Y 2 3 , I 9 e 1
Commissionor Brown moved, secondod by Comm1Bsioner Wimer and
carried 3/2, with Commissioners Kruse llnd Wenzcl opposcd, that the
Health Department budget bo tentatively ^pprovcd with the County
Manager's rocommendations on lncrcas~d fees of ~22,OOO, deletIon of the
WIC equipment and purchase of 1'1 computer with tho corroctod amounts as
shown on Exhibit -Ew.
Mr. Normðn stated that the rellson for incrcl'Iscs in ClISI i5 for
building mnJntenðnce and cU5tod1ðl ond ðctivlty services and Is asking
that x-rays tllkcn lit the requant of the Heolth DeportMent be paid for
by the County.
Mr. Tom Clark of the Immoknlee Clinic exp1ðined he was asking for
10\ of actual expendituro to be reimbursed by the County. He sllid 50\
of the patiante seen in the three clInics are renidents of the County
and not just mlqrant farm workers. The point was made that the total
amount of the budget is ~43,?32.
...Commissioner Wimer left thA room lit 3:15 P.M. ßnd returned at
4:00 P.M...·..-
^fter n lengthy discuEnion, Commiasioncr Brown movcd, 5econded by
CommissIoner pistor, th~t thn budget be approved as recommended by the
County Manager in the amount of S43,P32. The vote waS 2/3, with
Commissloners Wenzel, Kruse and pistor opposed.
"fter ð dißcussion regarding alloc^ting money for the ob1igðtion
of tðkin~ cðro of tho building, Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by
Commisslonor Kruse ðnd carried 5/0, thðt $31,832 be tentatively
approved for taking care of tho building.
800K 062 fA&E 454
PAge 47
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._-----'------------- -----"- -"--~-
~~ 05Z 1'A~455
July '-3, 1981
Mr. Norman said he rocomrncnd~d en 1ncreðß~ of occupational licansD
fee of ðpproximately $40,000. He noted he has a letter from Tax
Collector Guy Carlton supporting that and he would like to ~ork into
the fee echedule amounts to cover the coat of investigative ectlvl-
tios Mr. Carlton has to do. It was decided thðt this item be brought
back for diacu9sion.
Chairman pistor noted that in approving the Ochopea Fir~ District
budget the cap of 1 ~i1l was exceeded. Therefore a public hearing has
to be advertised to raise the millago to 1-1/2, he said.
Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ond
carried 5/0, thðt ð public hearIng be aòvertised at the earliest
possible time to increase the millage for the Ochopee Fire District.
There being no furth~r business to come before the Board, t~e
meeting was adjourned by ordor of the Chair - Timel 4135 P.M.
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