BCC Minutes 07/29/1981 W '.I J~ .....-.-"---""'-.- ---/---- . . Naples, Florida, July 29, 1981 LET XT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the governing board(s) of such ~pecial districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:10 A. M. in Budget Workshop Session in Building -F- of tho Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. pistor: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel: C.R. -Russ- Wimer (absent A.M.) Mary~Frances Kruse David C. Brown (absent) ALSO PI<ESENT: wlll1.!lm J. Reagan, Clerk (10:15 A.M.)1 Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscâl Officer; Elinor M. Skinner ðnd Darlene Davidson (1:23 P.M.) Deputy Clerks; Adam AddIson,Tax Collector's Office; Bob Best, 9udget Analyst1 Donald pickworth, County AttorneYI Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections, C. William Norman, Co~nty Manager, Edward Smith, Assistðnt County Manðger, He:1ry Hill, Ml'Inagemcnt Analyst; Neil Dorrill, Administrative Assistant; Martha Skinner, Social Services Director; Tom Kehoe, Veterans services Director; Frank Wilcox, Purchasing Director; Tom Hafner, public Safety Administrator; and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Offic~. "GENDA 1. Supervisor of Elections Budget Review (lR-OIO) 2. OCcupational Licensing Budget Review (17-990) 3. Social Services Budget Review (80-101, 020, 030) Page 1 &OOK 062 r~CE 55f -------------- ....._-.--- -- -- -- --- -- -- - -.. - .--- -- -- -- -.----------------- ---- ----- --.- ~OOK 062 PACE 552 July 29, 1981 4. County Manager Diviaion Administrator Budget Review (68-010) 5. CETA Budget Review (69-010) 6. County Manager Budget Review (03-010) 7. productivity Division Budget Review (03-040) 8. Administrative Services Budget Review (09-010) 9. purchasing 043partment Budget Review (14-0l0) 10. Motor Pool Division Budget Review (99-101) 11. central Stores Dnd Xerox Budget Review (99-030) 12. '<'lord processing Department Budget Review (99-020) 13. Agriculture Department Budget Review (56-010) 14. Home Economics Department Budget Review (80-032-033) 15. Golden Gate Community Center Budget Review (88-101) 16. Veterans Services Budget Review (71-010) 17. Sheriff's ßudget Review (27-010) 18. Public works Division, ^dministrative nudset Review (60-101) 19. fire lIydrDnt District, North Naples Budget Review (28-94) 20. Fire Hydrant District, F.ast !Japles Budget Review (28-095) 21. Water Management District Budget Review (57-101) 22. Road and Bridge Section Budget Review (61-010) 23. Road Maintenance Districts ßudget Review (61-021 through 61-025) 24. Traffic operations Budget Review (61-030) Page 2 , . ------------------~----------_...------ ---------'---- -- -- ----~----_. ---- - --- - --- . \ July 29, 19R1 25. Secondary Road Con~tructlon Budget Review (61-·040) 26. Rood Construction-State Roads Budget RevIew (61-050) 27. G~C Improvements Budget Review (~1-060) 28. Road Construction-County Roads Budget Review (61-080) 29. Engineering Department Budget RevIcw (~7-010) 30. Airports Budget Review (65-010) 31. Cemeterys Budget Review (74-010) 32. Beautification & Others Budget RevIew (63-01 through 63-04) 33. Lighting Districts Budget Review (64-010 through 64-190) 34. Special ðssessment Road ConstructIon Budget Review (6()-010) 35. MST Road ConGtruction Funds Budget Review (62-010 through 050) 36. Solid Waste ExpendItures (010-42) 37. County Attorney Budget Review (04-010) SUPERVISOR OF F.LECTIONS BUDGET - 1'ENTATIVF.LY APPROVED Rupervisor of Elections Mary Morgan explained recent ch~nges in the State Statutes that require the department to give anyone eligible . list of those people who voted in the last election and she said that hor departmcnt does not have the capacity to do this at this time. She .aid she had money in her budget so that a program could be developed Page 3 &OOK 062 PACE 553 ~------------- ---------------------. -- .-- - - -- ---- ----- ---- - - - - - ---- - -.- ----- ~OOK 062 PACE 554 July 29, 1981 which would dove-tail with the automatic purge. Chairman plstor ~aid that sinco the Tax Collector and Property ~ppralser have purchased their own computer there will be some capacity on the 5th floor computer. He said this would increase the cost since those departments will not be contributing to the program anymore. He asked if Ms. Morgan had asked for enough money tor computer needs for her department and Ms. Morgan said she discussed with Mr. Bill Denty what she needed and he helped hcr compile the figures presented in hor budget request. Some discussion was held regarding postage rcqucst which Ms. Morgan said is necessary becausc of tho purge notices and the absenteo ballots needed for the four projected elections next year. Chairman pistor noted the salary increases would be 16% which Ms. Morgan said inclüdes a part time employee she is hoping will not be needed. Since the 16\ includes the 10% adjustment, there would roa1ly bo only a 6\ increase for salary, Mr. Hall explained. Some discussion was held regarding the increased amount of out- of-town travel, which Ms. Morgan exp1ðined was nccessary since she wanted to take some of her personnel to some of the meetings she Is required to attend. She said she is required to at~end tho State scheduled confcrence in ordcr to retain her certification. Ms. Morgan sðid by obtaining her supplies for all of the projected elections, evon though one 15 to be held the following year, she Cðn get a 40% discount on her supplies. Pl\qe -4 -- - - - - - -- - -- - -- -...- - - ---.... -.... - - -- - - - - -- - -..--- - --- - -- - - - -- - -- - ----- - -- - - - ---- - -- -" - - -- . \ July 79, 1981 Ms. Morgan pointed out thðt there has been no provision for increasod growth for tho past three years and she has to provide for it now. Ms. Morg~n explained the furniture needs are an additional desk, additional storago space, folding tables and chai~s for precinct polling places, micro-film reader, a credenza, computcr terminal for on-line registration, and a typewriter. She explained her screening process for poll worker selection and that a video viewer would be helpful in the trðinin~ program for the poll workers. The point was made that this piece of equipment could be used by other departments when it was not in use in the Elections Department. A discussion was held regarding establishing eligibilIty for voter registration. Ms. Morgan said she was prohibited by läw to require a birth certificate from people applying for voter registration. Commissioner rruse moved, seconded by Commissioner v:enzel arlù cÐrried 3/0, with Commissioners Orown and Wimer absent, that the budget 'for the Supervisor of Elections be tentatively approved ðS presented. TAX COLLECTOR'S RUDGET RE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSfS - FEES TO BE INCRE~SED County Manager Norman explained that he, Mr. pickworth and Mr. Hall met with Mr. Carlton and Mr. Adam Addison and Mr. Marty Repstof and reviewed a joint recommendation by Mr. Carlton ond himself thðt the occupational license ordinance needs to be amended with the fees upgraded. He said questions which remain are how much increase and whether the fees wero justified on the basis of cost collection. Mr. Norman said that Mr. Carlton feéls strongly that there needs to be an increase, as evidenced by his memo to Mr. Norman who gave copies to the Pl1g e 5 aDOK 062 PACE 555 ._._ __ _______ - .__ .__ ___,___ __ __ ___ __.__ _~_.____ ___0·- __~_ -- -- - --- - --- - -. · __ _._ _ __ _.__._ _ _ ____ _ __ _ -- .--. - -- - - -- -- - ----=------1 t 062 E556 July 29, 19A1 MQ~ PAC Commissioners, in which he states the amounts he is collecting, do not covcr even the direct costs in tcrms of fees which he Is entitled to collect. Mr. Norman salð Mr. Carlton has disçovered a lot of people who are not now acquiring the licenses. Mr. "dam AdðlBon referred to the statement entitled -Selected Statistical D~tðft for the Collier County occupational fees which the Commissioners received and noted that in the extreme left hanò column the license charges were segreg~ted starting at ~100 to $300 and $300 and over. He explained that In the next column are percentnges which in their experience 95\ of his department's fees range below $100. In the next column, Mr. Addison noted are listed the actual lIcense fees collected during the 1979-80 year amounting to approxi- mé:ltely $100,000.. 15% of that is retained, he said, with the remainder turned over to the Board of County Commissioners on ð monthy basis. The current year projection is $125,000 based on experience to dat~. he said, indicating an $18,000 feo to the Tax Collector's o~fice. During the last two years, Mr. Addison explained the department hñS been experiencing an average growth rate of approximately 20\ so the 1981 year amount is increa5ed to rcflect that, amounting to $150,000 for the fiscal year ending September 1982 without an increase In 1 icense feea. He explained that ~ccording to the License Ordinance those fees under $100 can be increased 100\ and those from up to $300, 50\ and those over $301 can be increased 25\. ^ projected revenue with 20\ growth rate i1nd increase to mðximum ðmount of fees w~uld ðmount to $295,000 r~sulting in ð 15' retalnðge by the T~x Collector of $44,000. Page 6 ..--- --- --..-.. --------------------- ----- ----- - --- - - - - - --- - -- -- - - - -- - ----- - - - - - - --- . \ July 29, 1981 Mr. "ddison said he had indicated a direct cost of oparatingthe Occupational License section of the TðX Collector's office as $42,000. Mr. Addison answered Commissioncr Piitor in the affirmative stating his officc checks to see if a person h~s a Certificate of Competency before an Occupational License is issued. Mr. Norman said that Septembcr 1, 19AI is the deadline for the new fee schedule being effective, so if the Board directs in terms of the budget, this matter could quickly be brought before the Board. The fact was pointed out that the County could only double the fees within the law. The last time the fees were adjusted W~5 1971, Mr. Norman no ted . Chairman pistor asked that when the item is brought back to the Board that thore bo an indication of when another increase could be dot!1!. Commissioner Wenzel moved, Commissioner Y.ruse seconr.ed ðnò =~rried 3/0, with Commissioners ~rown and Wimer absent, that the fees be increased to the maximum the law allows. HELICOPTER nUDGET This item was deferred to a later tim~. SOCIAL SERVICES' BUDGF.T - TENTATIVELY ^PPROVED Mrs. Martha Skinner, Director of Social Services, noted that the Community Care for the Elderly Program Is new this year stating that Collier County will be the lead agency for all agency programs by offering three service8 that are not available no~ to tho Collier County frail elderly in the community. Pag e 7 ~OOK 062 PACE 557 --- - - - -- -- - --- - -- - ---...--...--...- ~-...- -- -- -- - - ~_..- -.--- - -----~-------~--------------------- ------_.~-~---~-_. ßOOY; 062 PAGE 558 July 29, 1981 Ms. Skinner said the CCE program offers more advanced caro to the frail elderly, personal care that will enable more people to rema1n 1n their own homes. The entire budqet requ~6t, she said, 1s $2l6,466, and the state revenue coming in against that amount is $196,4A9 leaving $19,977 for the County's portion. Ms. Skinner sa1d that since the budget was prepared the ^rea Agency for Aging, which is the regional agency controlling aging progrõms in a ten county ðrea, asked her department to budget for $200,000. She Baid Collier is one of four counties in the state targeted for this help to its ncedy because of Collier County's elderly population growth. She said with the money coming in, 13 new people will be able to be hired and give help to at least 250 individuals in the County. Tho point w~s mðde that th~ budget for Social Services is up approximately 5%. Ms. Skinnor said that ßO% of the people served are Title 20, or poverty level, persons. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, and carried 3/0, with Commissioncrs Brown and Wimer absent, that the Social Services Budget be tentatively approved ðß presonted. ·····**RECESS: 10:15 A.M. RECONVENED AT: 10:20 A.M.········ NEW POSITION OF DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Chairman pistor ðsked for clðrificðtion as to why Mr. Dorrill or Mr. Smith could not take on the responsibilities of the new position that the County Manager is requesting. paqe 8 . ~..- - - --- ------ - - - - -------- - --_.~-- --- ----------------~~--------------- July 29, 19P1 Mr. Normðn said Mr. Smith is Assistant County M~nager plus Admin- istrator for the Admini5tr~tive ßervices Division. The Administrative Services Division includes Building Maint~nðnce, Personnel, Word Processing, PurchasIng, and Motor Pool, he said, which is a full time job for Mr. Smith. Mr. Dorrill is a special projects person, Mr. Nor~~~ explained, who handled the Wiggins Pass project and is now working on the capital budget to be presented in the near future, a150, he is involved in the abandoned vehicle program. Mr. Norman said he has weekly meetings with his staff of the eight departments nnd five agencies but he could not bring fourteen more people in and have meaningful discussions. A long discussion followed about various divisions such as Youth Guidance and Veterans Services and the question of overlapping and ð method of streamlining and consolidating the divisions. Mr. Norman described Mr. Hcnry Hill's function as re1ataci ~0 productivity, and said he was grateful to have his assistðnce for the budget compilation. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commission~r Kruse and carried 3/0, with Commissioners Brown and Wimer absent, that th~ position of DIvIsion AdminIstrator be ~entatively approved in the amount of $9,900. CETA BUDGET - TENTATIVELY APPROVED CETA Director Donald Norton noted that the CETA budget is a very tentative one since it is not understood how much Fodera1 money will be available next year. The budget is based on the best estimatos of what he thinks will become available, he explained. Thore has been a 56\ decrease in the amount of funds that he is projecting to be available ~x 062 rACE 559 paqe 9 - -"- .--- * ,...... -- - ....--.- - -...-..----- -- -- -.- -- - -..- - -- --- -- -... - --- -- --- -- --- -'"- ---- -- ....-- -- - - ---- -- -. - - - - - - -- ~-- - ..- -..- ----- BOO~ 062 rACE 560 July 29, 1981 with actually a 43' decrease in the amount of money that was receiv~ð by Collier County last yoar undcr CETA, he said. He said R5\ of the CETA money rcceived will be of dIrect benefit to Collier County's economically disadvantaged unemployed citizens, with indirect benefits reaped by businesses, governmental sector ðnd non-profit private agencies. Mr. Norton said, with the elimin~tion of the public servlce program reccntly, the trcnd in CETA is tow~rd training with particular emphasis in the private sector. He said on-job ~nd classroom training l1nd work experience training hopefully will be increased and will be geðred towðrd privl1tc sector placement. He said recently the CETA Department has been enjoying a better communication system and rclationship with St~te CETA officials ðnd that he hoped this could generate some additional CF.TA funding. Commissioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Commissio~er Kr~se and cdrried 3/0, with Commissioners Brown and Himer I'Ib:~ent,that the CETA Budget be tentatively ùpproved. COUNTY M^N^GP.R'S BUr-GP.T - Tf.NT^TIVP.LY ^ppnOVED County ~andger NormDn cxpl~ined that the salùry budget appears down because this year the Assistant County Manager was made Admini- strator for Administrative Services which moved that position out of the Manager's budget and set it up in a new division budget. There is a 4~ increase, he said. Mr. Normðn explained he had included S3,OOO for other c~ntractual sorvices without a specific program in mind, but the money would be used, for example, to retain Dr. Ruth Thom~s for special ßtudy in a problem arell. PlIqe 10 - - _._ - __ - _0 ____-- --- - ------ ---- -------- . , -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - ---- -------~--- - - - - -- -- - - --. July '9, 19A1 . Mr. Norman explained that Building MaIntenance Special Services would be partition changes which will be needed to try and recover a conference room which was lost in thc Cou~ty Manager's Office. Under rent^lS and lease5, $4,500 would come out since Dr. Thomas recommended it would be more economical to purchase the word proccssinq equipment rather than lease it, but $1,500 for maintenance would remain, Mr. Norman said. The point was mnde that Xcrox charges have raised ð grcnt deal. The allocated cost of Xerox copies has increased from 3.1¢ to 4¢ per copy. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse und carried 3/0, with Commissioners Drown and Wimer absent, that the County Manager's budget be tentßtively approved as presented. PRODUCTIVITY BUDGET - Tf.NTATIVELY APpnOVF.D Mr. Henry Hill pointed out that he had only been emr-loyed for a short time so that the salary projection for ncxt year reflects a large increaGe for that reason. Commissioner Wenzel movod, seconded by Commissioncr Krusc ðnd carried 3/0, with Commissloner5 Brown and Wimer absent, that thc Productivity Rudgct be tentatively opproved as presented. ~DMINISTRATIVf. SfRVICES eUDGf.T - TENTATIVELY APPROVED ~ discussion w~s held regording the percentaqe that this budget has beon rnised, t"king into ðccount all of the departments. /'Ir. Ed Smith noted no new positions have been added, leasi~g of an IBM display &OOK 062 PACE 561 paqe 11 ----. ~ - --- - --.----- -- ..--- .._- --""" -.- ----- ------- -------.---.----- ----- ----- .-- -..- - .. __ _. _________ _____ __ ___ ______ ___________...___________._ __ 0-- BOOX 062 PAGE 562 July 29, 19A1 writer will take plðco in Word processing replacing a Mag Cðrd type- writer. Commissioner Wenzol observod there was an increase of 11-1/2\ in this division. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0, with Commissioners Brown and Wimer ðbsent, to tentatlve¡y approve the AdmInistrative Services Budget. punCflASIIING DEPART/-IENT - TF.NTATIVELY APPROVED Mr. Henry Rill notnd that exhibit "E" ha5 had line items change to reflect allocated cost. The increase over last yenr's budget is 10\, Commissioner ~enzel noted. After a short discussion, Commissi~ner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carri~d 3/0, with CommissIoners Brown and Wimer absent, that the purchasing Depnrtment's budget he tentatively ~pproved for $12:),120. Note was mnde of the recent resignation of purchasing Director Frank wilcox. /-IOTOR POOL GUDGET - TFN~ATIVELY APPROVED This department is under the domain of the purchasing Department, Mr. Smith observed. Commissioner Kruse notcd that the increase is 1\ over last year. Some discussion was held regarding the helicopter. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse, and carried 3/0, with Commi:·sioncrs Brown l'Ind wimer ab!'>ont, thllt Motor Pool's budget be tcnt~tive1y ðpprov~d. Mr. Norman called to the Boacd's attention ð change in the Motor Pool since in the past ycar the charges pcr mile were included in Page 12 - -- -- -~--- --. -~ --- ---- -- -- -- -- --. ------ --..------------ -- -- -- . \ -- - -- -- -- ---- - ---- ------ - --- -- - - - - - - -- _.- July 29, 19AI increment tv~ depreciation. The amount proposed to be spent each year in replacement equipment has been relatively close to the amount bascd on allocation for depreciation, he said. He said thðt this year the reoerve for futuro expenditures is $98,000 but Mr. Wilcox said they are only planning on purchasing $5h,~OO worth of veh{cles GO that woulò leave a cash carryover in the depreciation account of $42,000 to have a reserve when more vehicles are purchased. "fter a short discussion on expendable trust fund, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and cDrried 3/0, with Commissioners Brown and wimer ñbscnt, that the Expendable Trust Fund be tentatively ap~roved for inclusion. Commissioner ristor questioned 49% increase in salaries which Mr. Smith attributed to the extra mechanic due to the ðmbulance situation. SM~LL STORES AND XEROX - TENTATIVfLY APPROVED Mr. Smith explained this department is the inventory of 0ffice supplies which can be purchased in bulk ~nd the savings pa~5ed alonq to using departments. The increase is because of use, Mr. Wilcox stðted since this year approximately $57,000 worth of material will be ordered by the varIous departments and next year the same amount a~ this year will be purchased, he estimates, but there will be approximately ~ 7\ increase because of rise in costs. Mr. Wilcox attributed the increased purchases to departments expanding and gave as an example the Building Inspection Department whero 11 or 12 new employees need more supplies and equipmp.nt. It wa 9 pointed out that the Health Department and Sheriff's Department lHe now using Central Stores. Mr. Wilcox explained the increase in rental and leases as due to ., . MOK 062 PAGE 563 Pðge 13 t. . t' ----.. - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- -- .--..--.. ""","-,",.,-.,.._".-...,,,-...~ - -- - -- - -- ---- - - - - ~------ - -- -- --- --- - ---. ~OOK 062 PACE 564 July 29, 1981 the chðngc in the Xerox system to the installation of a more sophis- ticated machine. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnd carried 3/0, with Commissioners Brown ðnd Himer absent, that the Small Stores and Xerox Budget be tentatively ðpprov~d. wanD PROCESSING DEPAnTMENT BUDGET - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Commis5ioner \'Ien zc 1 questioned the item of $2,000 fo r contingency and Mr. Sm i th sldd there is a 2-1/2% contingency added in ",11 internal services fund 9 to cover unforeseen circumstances which wo u 1 d cause budget increase. There was ~ lengthy discussion with Mr. Norman explaining the reasoning behind setting up contingency funds. The need for trnvel for this depa~tment was questioned and Mr. Smith explained that the Word Processing Director would like to attend a conference sponsored by IBM held in the past in Atlant~- There was some discussion regarding training sessions in Tamp~ or Fort Myers and Mr. Norman observed there usually is not much training offcred in Fort Myers. Mr. Norman explained that a year ago rOM was force~ to stop offcring freo trnining ðS they had in the past. There was an increase in retiremcnt since th~ State made a change and a CETA position was eliminated which necessitated the county picking up that position, Mr. Norman sðid. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0, with Commissioners Arown and Wimer absent, that the Word processing Budget be tentativoly approved. ********.Commissioner Kruse left the room at 11%40 A.M.·*······ Page 14 __ __ __ __ ____- - - --r-- -- -- - - -- --- - -- - -- -- . ' · ----------------------------- -- --- , \ July 29, 1981 ^GRICULTURE DEPART~f.NT BUDGET - TENTATIVf.LY APPROVED Mr. Norman explained the Lethal Yellowing program had been covered previously. Mr. Norman said retirement ia up 20~ because of ita cost and the transfer of the person from Leth~l Yellowing, plus retirement increase, are the only increases for this department. In answer to Chairman ristor's question rc former Þgriculture Director Don Lðnder's salary, Mr. Norman sðid that on the organiza- tional ch~rt the salaries for the Director; Extension Agent, Hortlcu1- ture, Extension Agent, Livestock are all included under the $33,000 which is paid by the County to supplement what the State pays. The fourth person ~,hose sðlðry is paid is the F:xtension Home Economist, Mr. Norman explained. *.*..**.Commissloner Kruse returned ll:50 A.M.······ Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissione~ Krus~ ~~d carried 3/0, with Commissioners Brown and Wimer abse~t, that the .Agriculture Department Bu~get be tentatively approved. Chairman pistor noted tha t it is not known what will hi'lppen with regard to the Agriculture Director and he asked if money hl\s been allocated for his salary or if it is all paid by the Sta te . Mr. Norman said the money allocated is based upon the County's portion as it existed under Don Lander. ROMF. ECONOP-lICS AlJDGET - Tf.NTATIVELY APPROVE!) The out of County travel has been increased 23\, Chairman pIstor noted, and Mr. Norman stated the fitate's formula has gone up 23\. ~r. Hall saId most of the Department heads did not realize there had been an incrcaco in per diem in mileage allowance when the budgets were &OOK 062 PACE 565 Pag. 15 --.---" -- --..---- -- ----..-..--- ------ --- -------- ----_.- ---.-... ------.----..--- - - - -- -- - -- - - - --- - -----.- - -- - - - - - -- -A___ ßGuK 062 PACE 566 July 29, 1981 prepared so some minor adjustmonts may need to be made with the hope the Department head can stay within that amount. Mr. Norman said the increase has been from $40 to $50 a day and the mileage has gone to 20¢ which accounts for the increase. Commissioner Kruse moved, secondod by Commissioner pistor and cðrried 2/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed and Commissioners Brown and Wimer absent, that the Home Economics nudget be tentatively approved. Mr. Norman said the Home Economics Department operðtes like the Health Department in that they are State employees and the County provides them space. GOLDEN GATE COM~U~ITY CENTER BUDGET - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Mr. Norman explained the main increase relates to a position lost through CETA which the Golden Gate Board of Directors approved. CQlnmissioner Wenzel moved, 5cconded by CommisBioner Kruse and carred 3/0, with Commissioners Brown and Wimer absent, that the Golden Gate Community Center Budget be tentatively approved in the amount of $123,000. VETp.n~NS SERVICES' BUDGET - TENT^TIVELY APPROVED Mr. Tom Kehoe noted that the budget is approximately the same as last year. He said that on the average 15 to 20 people come in each day and that even after the veteran dies the department continues to assist the widow and children. He said he spends one day a week in Immokalce. paq. If; - .. -- -- - - -- -_.-þ-- -- ----- ----- --.------- ---- I , , ----- -- - - ----- - - - -- - -- - -' - - - - - ---- July 29, 191'1 Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0, with Commissioners Brown and WImer absent, that the Veterans Services' Budget be tentatively a~proved. It was pointed out that no money support comes from the Federal government. Mr. Kehoe explained that $2l~,322 in recoverIes for the first half of 1981 represents money brought into Collier County. Also, he said that thero is a change in the law and the County is being reimbursed for cemetery sites in Immokalee for migr~nts, etc. buried there. * * * RECESS - TIME: 12:0l P.M. - 1:23 P.M. The meeting reconvened with Commissioner prown absent and Deputy Clerk Davidson replacing Deputy Clerk Skinner. * * * SHERIFF BUOGET (27-010) - TENTATIVELY APpnOVEO AS PR~~~NTED Chðirmðn pistor stetcd that the Board has exprcssed d desire to have a further breakdown of the Sheriff's budget, in order that it .might more closely parallel the other budgets submitted for their review in an effort to make it more easily understood. Sheriff Bogers stated that, in response to the memorandum from Chair~an plator regarding this matter, he and his staff have prepared a budget in the requested format, to the e~tent possible. Referring to the submitted budget, Sheriff Rogers stated that the breakdown has becn preparcd in ordcr to answer any concerns that the Board might have and he asked if thcre were any further questions that he might be able to explain regarding his budget. Chairman pistor complimented fiheriff Rogers on the resulting budget format and the discussion continued regarding the unavailability of tho data MOX 062 PACE 567 Page 17 - - --- -- -- - - -- - - ---- -- --- - - - --- - - - -- - -- - -- - ---- _ __. _ __..._ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ ._._ _ _ __ 0.- , . 062 PACE 568 July 29, 1981 800K processing system for hIs finðncla1 recorda at the present time and the fact that this capability will be availablo in the near future. Also explained by Sheriff Rogers was the criteria outlined under Chapter 218, which specifies that tho uniform accounts and records arc to be under the Comptroller's Office. He sald that the Sheriff's records were not brought under this program because they were gov~rncd by separate laws and that the Sheriff's Offices of many areas have requested that they be included. He said that the Comptroller's Office has indicated that the Sheriff's accounts will be transferrcd in the fiscal year beginning October 1982. Chairman pistor referred to the breakdown for Naples, and asked if it represents the better part of the budget because of the administrative costs of the Sheriff's Department being charged to this area? Sheriff Rogers said that this Is really an estimated breakdown, based on the information available. He said that the 3ala(~ of the Sheriff is charged to the Naples arca and the sala~ies of thoso personnel working out of this office, although many of them are support personnel for all of the offices, are also reflected in the subject office's breðkdown. He said that the investigation costs arc 81so charged to the Naples area. The problems related to a manual breakdown of the budget was outlined by Sheriff Rogers, during which he explained that certain information was impossible to breakdown by areas, becaune it has never boen entered 85 such anywhere. He saId that the pres0nted budget outlined on the front page of tho newly revised broken down budget is accurate and shows the correct totals. Commissioner Wimer th~nked the Sheriff for the brenkdowns, and he Page 18 - -.- -- - - - -- -.-. _._- _.. -.. --- -- - - -- -.. --. --.--- -- - - -.--..- - --- -- _._- --- -- -- ___ _ __ _ __ .__ _ _ ____ __ _ _ ~ L_ __ - -- - -- - - - -- -- --- - -- July 29, 1981 asked him if the budget includes a beat patrol for the North Naples "rea? Sheriff Rogers replied thðt it is not broken down in tho budget ð 1 tho ug h s u f f i c i c n t fun d s for t h i:J ð rei n c 1 u d cd. 11 e 0 u t 11 n c d the t i m e frðme for initiðting this progr~m and the correlating costs estimated, concluding thðt it is anticipated that $50,000 will be needed. When Commissioner Wimer askcd if thore will be an additional man stationed only for patrolling tho beaches and beach accesses along the north Naples arcos, i.e. Vòndcrbilt Beach north to Lee County, Sheriff Rogers soid that there would be 0 man assigned to that particular duty. The kInd of vehicle to be used for the beach orea patrol was discussed, during which Sheriff Rogers said that a four wheeled vehicle will be used for this purpose and that this hðs he en provided for within the budget. The operation of the Sheriff's Department and the effects that the eBtablishment of MSTD's for funding these operations wa~ discus3~d at length ðS was methods of determining district boundaries; the need for data processing capabilities in order to make the determinatlo~ of whcre funds arc being spent in relation to any MSTD'S¡ the problems that wIll have to addressed If MSTD's are developed, Including level of service guarantees for eðch district¡ whore to charge ccrtôin costs that would benefit all districts; the need to estahlish certain mutual aide agreements between dIstricts; and Sheriff Rogers' statement that MSTD's could work with the proper amount of control and sufficIent cost accounting and data processing information. He also sðid that one problem that must be f/'lced is that, often times, the a r ell IS with the highest incidence of cr imc and thus the greðtest need for law enforcement, is the sðme ðreð th",t has the least ability to produce the &OOK 062 PACE 569 Pago 19 - - - - -.-... .--- - -- - - --- - -- -- -- - - -~- ..._-.. --- -~- - - - -- -- ·____0.___ _____..____-----------.--------.---.------- 0---- 0 -- ----..--- BOOK 062 PACE 570 July 29, 1981 amount of tax base required to maintain the proper level of services. Various kinds of information that is necessary for m~kin9 determination of district boundaries, i.e. numher of cases related to one type of crime, number of calls to one certain area, etc., was discussed, during which Sheriff RogerS stated that the full use of the data processing system is a prerequisite to the availability of this kind of information and thðt, at this time, there is no basia from which to get that kind of information. Commissioner wimer suggested that this theory be workshopped and Chairman pistor agreed. In answer to Commissioner Wimer, Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that if the ßoard intends to make any suggestions regarding changes in the Sheriff's budget, they must be completed by ^ugust 1, 1981. He stated that, regarding the property Appraiser's budget, the Board has until August 15, 1981 to comment to the Dcpðrtmpnt of Revenue on this budget. He said that all Departments fully f~ndeó by the Board of County Commissioners have to be approved or disapproved by August 1st, and, if no action is taken by the Board by that date, the budgets are considercd approved in the amounts submitted. Sheriff Rogers stated that he did not feel that the Sheriff's budget could be broken down into any established districts before it is considered for approval. He said that he is proposing to break the entire department into work districts established by his Office, i.e. North Naples, Golden Gate, East Naplos, Marco and F.verglades areas. He said that, in the future, all operations of the Sheriff's Department will be broken down into these four areas and he added that, perhaps, the Board would want to follow through with these same districts. He Page 20 . ------------------------------------ July 29, 1981 , \ -- ---'--'--- --- ---- - --- -.-- -- - --'-- - - -- --- - - - -- -- -- said thðt they were estllbl1shed in such a manner as to lII10w neðrly equal patrol forces for each rcspective area. The consensus of the Board was that this budget shall be consid,ored, as submitt~d todðy, lInd thðt the possibility of developing MSTD's will be explored further at a later date. County Manðger Norman discussed the idea of MSTD's that are coterminous with the Commissioner's districts, stating thðt this is contrary to the understanding between the County and the City regarding the double taxation issuo, wherein the principle that all deputies that function out of the heÐdquarter~ of the Sheriff's repartment in Naples lIro con5idered as hp.ing of real and substantial benefit to the City of Naples was agreed upon. Pc said that, if the BODrd dORS consider dividing up taxation between the Commissioner's district to operate the Sheriff's Depart~ent, they will have to fnce the reality of losing the City's tax base for evcrything except that which CDn h~ consi~~~ed as a county-wide service. He said that this could mean d subst~ntial increase in the cost of operntions of the Sheriff's Dep~rt~ent for the people in the unincorporated areas. Upon conclusion of this matter, Commissioner vlimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kru~e and cðrried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Sheriff's budget be tcntðtively ðpproved liS presented. Commissioner Wenzel clarified his fðvorable vote by stllting that he still considers that there is ð big inequity in the distribution of the Sheriff's budget funds. '&OOK 062 PAGE 571 Page n ..- -- -~- -- --- ----- - -- - - - - - --- -- -- - -- þ- - --- ---. ..- -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- - - - ---- - - - -- ---------------1 ðOOK 062 PAGE 572 July 29, 1981 RE~AR:<S FROM SHERIFF AUBREY ROGERS HE HUIß HELICOPTER Sheriff Aubrey Rogers stated that he hð~ become aware that the Commissioners ðre considering eliminating the HU1B helicopter, ðdding that he would like to point out that the ðircraft was obtained, aomctime back, primarily by the Sheriff's DCpðrtme~t. He said that subsequent to that time, due to ·red tapc·, it had to be given to a Civil Defense Unit. I!e scJid thðt he believcs that most of the allocated time for use has heen hy the Sheriff's department. He said that, although he is not sure the Sheriff's Department could jtJ~¡tify the cost of operations for the helicopter by itself, he does knoW that, at times, it has been an invaluable piece of equipment to the Sheriff's Department as a tool for seùrch ~nd rescue operations and, in othcr kinds of law enforcement oper,,,tions. tIc cxpl;:dncd that the HUll' has been used in nrcas in which ð small helicopter w^uld have been of little or no use. He said that in the case of ð natural d~saster, this helicopter would also be i'.In effective piece of equipment. He said that it would also be effective for use by the f.MS in cases of emergency. Sheriff Rogers ðsked the Board to allow him the opportunity to evaluate tho possibility of taking responslbility for the helicopter before any finc1l decision is made. Ho said that ho has a finðncia1 interest in the helicopter, he has his own pilot, and he ~ould like the opportunity to see if he could justify t~king it over for use by the Sheriff's Dep~rtment. He said that if he should find that he cðnnot take over the operations of the helicopter, then, he would urge the Boðrð to considcr it for some law enforcement agency. Commissioner Wimer stated that the ßoard unanimously decided to get rid of the HU1ß and he added that, if the Sheriff wants it, he would be g14d to sponsor Page 22 ~ - - --- - -- --- ------- -- ------ -. ---. --- - - --- - --~ - --.-- , \ -_.- - -- - - -' -.- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - --- - - -.- -- - - -- . . July 29, 19[11 a motion to give it to him. The discussion continued rcgðrdin~ applications for use of the ¡¡UIB by the Sheriff's Department; costs of renting or leasing ð similar aircraft, and, the 5tßtem~nt that Commissioner Wenzcl did not intenrl to give the helicopter away when he voted; he intended that it would be traded. Co~miDsioner Wimer rosponded to this statement, saying that the motion was to "get rid of it" and it was not decided that the HU1B must be used for a trade. Also discusscd was the fact thot, if the Sheriff takes thc helicopter as ð part of the Sheriff's Department, he will olso need an appropriate amount of money budgeted for its operation. Sheriff Rogers coid that he is not prepared to make a formal recommendation at this time, and he snid that he will talk to the Public Safety Dircctor and get back to the Boord. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION [\UDGET (60-010) - TF.NTATIVEt'i APPRC:.'::D IN THE l>./~OUNT OF ~137,R12 In answcr to Commissioner h'enzel, Public \'lorks Administrator Clifford Barksdale stated that the Public Works Administration budget has increased approximately 5l~ over last year. He told the Board that this includes the new property management section. In ans....er to Commissioner pistor, Mr. B~rksda1e stated th~t the line item referring to contractual services incorporates 011 of Dr. Ruth Thomas· recommendations as approved by the Board. In anwer to Commissioner Wenzel, he explained that the 1ino item regarding rental/leases refers to to the mag-card type....riter that is to bo transferred to the Public Works Divioion from the County "ttorneY'5 office, 08 per Dr. Thomas· recommendation. ~OOK 062 PACE 573 Pag. :n -. .--' --- -~- ---- - --_. -- ----- - -- . -- -- .-..- _.- ---~--_..-_.._-_...- --- -- -- --- - -- --- -- . - ---- ~-,--- . . . . .-- - - -- -- -"- - - -- ~ - --- --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- BOOY; 062 PAGE 574 July 29, 19ß1 After a brio! discussion regarding the administration of the No-wake signs, ðS explained by ~r. 83rksdale in answer to Commissioner Kruse's quer1es, Commissioner w1mer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and cðrried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the public Works Division Admini~tration budget (60-010) be tentatively ðpproved in the amount of $137,812. NORTH NAPLf.S FIRE HYDRANT DISTRICT BUDGET (28-094) - NO ACTION Rf.Q1JIRED (CLOSED OUT) ¡ II II ;1 I, I ~ It w~s noted by Public Works Administrator Barksdale that the North Naples Fire Hydrant District does not requIre Board ðction regarding the FY-Bl-82 budryet as it is closed out. F.AST NAPLP.S FIRC 11YOrHI.NT DISTRICT - NO fiCTION Hp.0lJTREn (CLOSF:D OUT It was noted by Public Works Administrator Barksdale that the East Naples Fire Hydrant District doe5 not require Roard action regarding the FY Bl-82 budget as it is closed out. WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT BUDGET (57-010) THROUGII (57-011) - T~NTflTIVELY ^PPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Wimcr moved, seconded by Comm1ssioner Kruse and carried 3/1, with Commis~ioner Brown ahsent and Commissioner Wenzel opposed, that the entire W~ter Manngement District budget be approved as presentod. Commissioner Wenzel stated that he is opposed to the water management system. paqe '4 _..-- -.. - -- -~- -.--- - --. - ~ - -- - - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - -- · ----- ------ -- -- ------------ ----- --- -- -- - .---- , \ July 29, 1981 TnANSPORTATION _ ROAD ~ND BRIDGE SECTION BUDGET (~1-010) - TENTAT!VF.LY ~PPROVED AS PRF.SENTf.D Commissioner wimer moved, secondeð by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown abr.ont, thnt the Trensporation Road anð Bridge Section budget (61-010) be tentðtive1y ðpproved as presented. TRl\NSPORTATION nOAD MAINTEN!\NCF. DISTRICTS (fi1-021) THROUGH (GI-O?5) - TENTATIVrLY !\ppnOVF.D AS PRESENTED CommiSÐioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Prown absent, that the Trðnsportation Road and Bridge budgets for each of the four districts be tentatively approved ðS presented. TRANSPORTl\TION TR!\FFIC OPER!\T!ONS AUDGET (61-030) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED IN THE l\~WUNT or ~3"'1 ,7Ql Commissioner Wimer Moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse an~ carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Transportation Traffic Operations budget (61-030) be tentati~ely approved in the amount of $3..,1,791. ROAD CONSTRUCTION _ COUNTY BONDS BUDGET (61-080) - TENTATIVELY l\ppnOVED "S PRESENTED Upon hearing that this budget is funded froM other than ad valorem taxes, Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Road Construction/County Roads budget (~1-080) be tentatively approved as presented. ~OO)( 062 PAGE 575 pag e 25 --- - ~- --- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - - .--- - -- -'- - --- BOOK 062 PAGE 576 . -- -- --- ----- --- -- ---- - -- ---- ----- -- - ~- -- ~ ¡ I ! July 29, 1981 SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION BUDGET (61-040) - TENTATIVELY "PPROVED ~S PRf,SENTED Upon heDring that this budget 1a funded from other than ad valorem taxcs, Commissioner Wimcr moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruae and carried ~/O, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Secondary Road Construction Budget (61-040) bo tentatively approved as presented. GAC IMPROVf,~P.NTS BUDGET (6l-0hO) - TENT^TIVf.LY APPROVED AS PRESENTED Upon hearing that this budget is funded through the interest received from the GAC funds, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Ccmmlssloner Kruse and carrierl ~/O, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the GAC Improvements budget (61-060) be tentatively approved a9 presented. ROAD CONSTRUCTION - STATE RONDS BUDGET (61-050) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED AS PRESENTED Upon hearing that this budget is funded from oth0r than Ad Valorem taxes, Commissioner Wimer move~, seconded hy Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown ~bsent, that the Ro~d Construction _ State Roads budget (61-050) be tentatively approved ðS presented. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT (MSTD) BUDGF.T (h7-010) - TF:NTATIVELY APPPOVED IN TH P. A/"OUNT AS COnTH~CT P.D BY COUNTY ~'MJ^G FR I S (W¡:' ICF. In answer to Commissioner Wenzel, Puhlic Works Þdministrator Clifford BarKsdalo explained that the line item rcferred to as .Contractual Services" represents the amount of funds reimbursed to th~ Utilities Division for reviewing plans. County Manager Norman stated that the County has to develop ways and means to charge thes~ costs back to the developer nnd Mr. Barksdale stated that he has ~eve10ped a Paq e 26 .- -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - -... - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - I , \ - -- - - -- - -- ~ -- - - - - .-- --- - --- -- --- -- -. -- - - - - -. Lluly 29, 1981 new fee structure that will be coming before the BOðrd in order to change the appropriate ordinance. He said that the Board approved the fees paid to the Utilities 01vizion. Comminslonor wimer moved for tentative approval ûf the Engineering Department (Administration) budget (G7-0l0) as presented. Chairman ristor asked what the line item referred to as "purchðse of publicatIons for resalc" represents and Mr. Darksòðle explained that this is the amount of money spent to purchase maps which ûre sold to the public. Mr. Norman explained that the printout for this budget is not consistent with the p.xhibits and that a motion should be made to tentatively approve the correct total of $231,111, ðS was penciled in the Commissioner's packets. Mr. Barksdale stated that the revonue side of the subject budget (page 67-10) also has the wrong tot~1 ~nd that Revenue Code 3fi9.5 (Unincorporated area M.S.T.D. Genç;ral) should reaò $231,100. Commissioner Wimer clarified his motion as covering the corrected total amounts outlined by Messrs. Norman and ßarksdale. Commissioner Kruse seconded the motion which carried 4/0, with CommissioneL Brown absent. MOK 062 PACE 577 Pðqt" " -- - - _. - ""- -- - . - - -" - ---.- .. . _e _ - --- ---' -- - -- .----- -~- -.--.- -"----_._- --------- ------. -- - -- ---- -.- .------ -- --- --- - ---- -- --- - ------ - --- BOOK 062 PAGE 578 July 29, 1931 AlnpORT~ BUDGETS (h5-010) (h5-020) - TF.NTATIVELY APPROVED AS PRfSF.NTED In answer to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Barksdale stated that he i8 making a concerted effort to increase the revenues regar~tnq the airports. The discussion continued rcgllrding the ðnticip<,)ted revenue for Everglades Airport, during which Mr. Barksdale outlined the problems in the past regar~ing collection of revenue for the use of this airport and the propos~ls for future revenue. It was pointed out by Mr. Norman that there is presently $l,OOO in revenues ðt Fverglados Airport. Also discussed was the possibility of giving the airport to some other agency/entity, during which Mr. Barksdale explained the agreement which was entered into when the airfield was constructed between the FAA, the County, the City of F.verglades, and the N~tional Park Service and tho terms regarding the methods of funding, proportions of contributions, and the acquiring of Feder.'l1 Funds necessary for the project. ~lso discusseñ was the Cact thòt this airport will provide revenues and be of useful service in the future. Commissioner Wimer said that he feels it worthwhile to keep this airport as long as it is properly managed. Mr. nðrksdð1e pointed out thnt the expenditureß at the F.verg1adcs Airport have been cut dramatically. Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruso and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Airport budqets (65-010) ((,5-020) be tentatively approved as presentad. Page 2A - ----- -- - - - -- --- ------ - - ---- - --- - -----.--- , . ---- - - -- - - ------- ------:-- ---- - --- -- - - --- July 29, 19A1 CEMETERY BUDÇET (74-010) - TF-NTATIVF.LY ~PPROVf.D AS rnr.5ENTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner wimer 8nd carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Cemetcry Audget (74-010) be tentatively approved as presented. BEAUTIFICATION (. OTHER MSTD BUDGETS (63-010) THROUGH (63-040) - TENT^TIVELY APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner wimer moved, scconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Beautification and othcr MSTD Budgots (63-010) through (~3-040) be tentatIvely approved as presented. LIGnTING DISTRICTS BUDGETS (64-010) THROUGH (64-190) - TENTATIVELY APPRCVF.D AS PRESF.NTFD Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner wenzel and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown absent, that all (If: the lighting Districts hudgets (64-010) through (64-190), he tentativley approved ðS presented. SPECI"L ASSESSMENT RO"D CONSTRUCTION BUDGET (66-010) - TF.NTATIVf.LY APPROVED AS PRESENTED upon hearing that this budget i5 funded through special assessments, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0g with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Special Assesment Road Construction Budget (~6-010) be tentatively approved as presented. ~OO)( 062 PACE 579 Pag. 29 -- --- - -- ----- -- -;-- ----:--.---------- -.------ --- - . - _.- - - -- - - -.. -- - -- - - - - -- -'- --- - - - -.- -- - - - - --- ._- - I .. . I>OO~ 062 PAGE 580 July 29, 1981 REMARKS BY COUNTY MAN~GF.n RE BUDGET CORRECTIONS County Manager Norman remarked that there hðs been some confusion regarding changes that have been made in certain budgets that have not been entered into the computer. He said that he is organizing a master list of changes that must be entered into the computer, including corrections and BOl1rd action. He said that he will come back to the ûO.:lrd witi, tr-.is mðster list for approval liS part of the formal overall proposed budget approval. lie pointed out that certain chònges that the. Board approved in the Maintenance budget will require certain changes in all of the allocation costs charged to each Department. He said that, because the Maintenance budget is an independent fund, and unless all these chl1nge~ are made? th~re will not be sufficient funds in the tax base. Mônagement Analyst Henry Hill stated that most of the changes with significant impact were penciled in on the Com~issione.~· copies of the budget packets. ~ommissioner Wimer slIid that he considers changes in allocated charges a matter of bookkeeping. Mr. Norman explained that the Clerk's office is responsible for seeing that the Board has approved every change. MSTD ROAD CONSTRUCTION FUNDS BUDGET (~2-0l0' THROUGH (~2-050) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED ~S PRESENTED Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried ~/O, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the MSTD Road Construction Funds budgets (62-010) through (62-015), be tentatively approved as presented. I. ¡, ;" ~; ~ '.' :'-". Page 30 . ..+-----------------,----------.------ . ' July 29, 1981 __------ __ _---- -_---:.0---- .--- ---- - --- ----- SOLID W~5TE BUDGETS (55-010) THROUGH (55-042) - T~~TA7¡~ELY "PPROVED AS PRESENTED Mr. Barksdale stated that only the revenue side of Solid Waste budgets have been formally approved by thr. Roard and he requested that the expenditure budgets be tentatively approve~. He said that there will bc a significant decrease of approximately $30,000 under .contractual services·, as soon as the finDl quotations are received. He said that he intends to cancel the contract with U.S.G.S. for conducting water qualIty monItoring at the landfill sites. Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Solid Wðsle Budgets (55-010) through (55-042) be tentatively approved as presented. BUDGET \I!ORKSHOP SCnF.DULF.D FO\1 8/4.ßl- Chairman pistor directed that a workshop be scheöu1ed for 8/4/81 regarding the Data processing Division, because certain information will be forthcoming. n~ said that there is also other budget items that will need to be clarified at that time. FIscal Officer ~all said that \1isk Management will ð1so he considered at that time. * . RECESS - TIME 3s00 - 3:15 P.M. . . . . COUNTY ~TTORNf.Y BUDGF.T - Tf.NTATIVELY APPROVf.D "S PRESENTED Commissioner w~nzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and cArried 4/0, with Commissioner Elro';m ðbsent, that the County þ.ttorney's budget be tentatively approved as presented. ~OOK 062 PACE 58! p.ge 31 - -- -- --.- -- -..- - --- - - - --- - -.- -- --,...- -- - - - - - - - - _.- . . . . ..- - --- -- - -....-..- -.- - - - - ----- -- - - - - -- - - -- - -.-- July 29, 1981 BOOK 062 PACE 582 REVISION OF Hf.LICOPTF:R t\UDGET - CONTH1IJED TO 7/29/81 Public Safety Mministrator Thomc'lD Hc'lfner Btc'lted thot h~ has submitted a revised helicopter budget relðted to the use of only the Bell 47G helicopter. He said that 7 line items wilhin the object codes related to direct costs associated with the nUlB have been cut, which resulted in ð reduction of $29,853. In answer to Chairman Pister, ~r. Hafner stated that the operations of the HU1B helicopter only, costs the County approximately $29,000 a year to operate. The duties of the helicopter pilot were discussed briefly, during which Commissioner Wcnzel remarked that the helicopter pilot used to work in the Zoning Department as well as for civil Defense and that, as far as he can determine, his only duty now is to be on call to fly the helicopter. Mr. Hafner stated that he assigns certain other duties to the pi1~t to help him in various ways. ~~en asked by Co~~1ssioner Wenzel if the pilot works for other departments, Mr. Hafner replied negatively adding that he does take care of the maintenance of the helicopters as well as fly them. He said that he intended to look into other assignments for the pilot. In answer to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Hafner stated that ho is still actively involved in trying to find a vendor to trade the HUIB and the Bell G47 for ð more versatile helicopter. ~r. Sanborn, the County helicopter pilot, stated that he has contacted several agencies throughout the Country, some of which are internc'ltional brokers. He said that the problem is that the County Is trying to acquire a Jet Ranger with an ambulance door which will ðdd $13,000 to the cost of that aircraft. He said that the requirement for the ambulance door Page 3' ..---------------------------------- . . ____________-----.:..A..----~- ---------..- July 29, 1981 restricts the availability and, In response to Commissioner Wenzel, he added that there are no surplus helicopters of this type available because the O~~A are actively in use by the Navy. Mr. Sanborn stated that ð used Jet Ranger about 5 years old is now selling for approximately $185,000. He said that the HUIR, is worth up to $250,000, if the County can find a buyer. Mr. S~nborn explained that he has been trying to find an interested buyer for six months. In answer to Commissioner Wp.nzel, Mr. Hafner stated that the County can sell the HUIB because it is "surplus" and was paid for in cash. He said that the Bell helicopter, on the other hand, is ·cxcess property" and that the County cannot sell this aircraft; it must be given back to the Federal Government for distribution to another agency. Mr. Sanborn clarified this and explained that the only way the Bell could be sold is if no other agency want!:> it. ,He said that he knows that it is ð high demand item and said that the County would have to ~ðY out 30% of the acquisition cost of $62,000 for thc Bell If It 'Iere sold. He said that would cost thc County $18,800 and he added that, even if the County could sell it, he docs not consider that it would not be practical. There was a lengthy discussion over the figures for the helicopter budget, during which Chairman pistor noted that the original budget totals $92,784. Mr. Hafner said that this figure is not correct and that the original expenditurr. budget was $77,000. He said that the original revenue budget was $92,784. He said that the new total for the revised helicopter budget is $47,414. The FA~ inspection of aircraft requirements was discussed as waS the -airworthiness- certification for the helicopter. ~lso discussed BOQK 062 PAGE 583 Page 33 ---- ---------------..-- ~--------- - --- _._ _ _____ _----"--.a..------.~----~------ &OO~ 062 PACE 58" July 29, 1981 were the provisions tor landing a helicopter in close proximity to the hospital, the fact that the hospital does not allow the helicopter to land at the field next to the hospital, and, the proposed use of the elementary school ballfield for a landing site as an alternative until the hospital completes the new annex which Is intended to have a helicopter pad on the top with a bridgeway between the two bulidings. Also discussed was the fact that the County has issued an air ambulance certificate for Air Jet South to opcrate an air ambulance out of Naples Airport for out of county medical tranRport. There was some confusion as to what the total revised budget figure is, with Chairman pistor stating that the budget sheet that he has before him totals $45,644 and Mr. Hafner stating that his earlier figures have been corrected and that the total is now $46,153. The figures which represented the use of the HU1B by the Sheriff's Departmp.nt in the original budget was discussed, at the ~oncluÞ~o~ of which Chairman pistor stated that, based on the figures given to him by Mr. Hafner, the revenues that were ~nticipated from the Sheriff's Department are only $9,000 less than the total amount of the budget being cut by virtue of eliminating the HUlß. There was a lengthy discussion regarding certain figures related to the costs for use of the HUIB, the basis on which certain anticipated revenues in the original and the revised budget were based, concerns relating to using th~ helicopter for transporting patients, including the fact that transport in the HUlB waS not charged because of the inability to acquire the airworthiness certification, concern. expe.sed by various Commissioners that the costs related to EMS helicopter uøe could not be recovered and therefore not properly Page 'U . ---- -----------....-- -.--------------- . . _ _ ___------------~L.---r-----'---- ---- -- -- - -- -- t \ July ?9, l~Rl allocated in the presented budget, apparent inequities in ~11ocðtion of costs for the helicopter operations ðccording to the I!IreaB of U!1~ anticipated, concerns related to insurance in the case of li8bi1!tyr \ ¡ i ¡ 1 possible methods of charging patients for such transport1 ~nn, the fact that Lee County EMS is presentlY leasing a commercial helicopter for t ran s po r t 0 f pa tie n t s, t h (} ref 0 r e, the y can p... B S t his cost 0 n tot h e patient. "t the conclusion of the discussion regarding the above-referenced matters, Commissioner wimer stated that he [ec]S that the County should get rid of both helicopters. Chairman ristor gt~ted that the Sheriff might wðnt to take the HU1B and run it out of his , , . ¡ . ! ¡ i I ¡ t { f 1- j ¡ r t ~ ~ \ Department. Mr. Hafner explained that the Shcriff will have to pay more than the total amount cut from the budget related to the ¡¡UlB if he were to take over operations and this WßS disussed at length. The figure of $290 per hour for use of the HUIB waS questioned by Commissioner Wimer and Mr. Hafncr said that this figure includes all of the associated costs and is, in hIs opinion, an ~ccuratP reflection of operations costs. lie sðirl that if only direct costs were figureå, I.e. fuel and maintenance, the ·bare hones· cost is approximately $150.00 per hour. The corresponding commercial rates for use of thJ ·204·, which is the same thing as a HU1R, were outlined by Mr. Sanborn who gaid that the rate is $900 per hour. He also referred to Schedule 9, related to the helicopter budget and stated that tho standard Industry averðge for a Jet Ranger, which costs only half as much to operate as the HUll.!, Is $13,900 per month plus 5120 per flight hour. Commissioner wimer stated that he understands what Mr. Sanborn is saying, however, he øtill concludes that the HU1R is Bompthing -nice· to have but it Is not a aOOK 062 PACE 585 Pð9. 35 - -.----- .._---- ---...--- - --- .----.....---.--.-------.----------- - -_...-..~-~----_._- - ---- - ----------------- --- --.-----------.... MDt( 062 PAtE 586 July 29, 1981 .necessity. adding that the ~orc he hears, the more convinced h~ Is. All of the Departments that U3e the helicopter were discuggcð, a8 wð8 the various hours allocated for use by the helicopter, after which Commissioner Wimer stated that he feels that if the Sheriff w~ntB the HU1B, he would move to give it to him. At the conclusion of the above referenced discussion, Commissioner wimer asked that this p.ntire matter be brought back next Tuc~Ù~y· Chairman pIstor asked that the revised budget, deleting coSt8 , associated with the IIUll1, be tentatively approved at this time. , Commlss!oner wimer stated that he prefers to se. the entire thln,t.,.!n' and not make a decision at thl. time. Commissioner Kruse agreed,' adding that she sees no point in changing back and forth and prefers to have public input before making a final determination as to whether or not to budget only th~ Rell helicopter operations. She said that she wants the public to know that the County cannot charge for air ambulance. County ~an~1er Norman stated that thi~ is not entirely accurate and that it W~3 intende~ to charge on the basis of per~onnel involved according to standard cost per run. Mr. Hafner dlsnqrced, adding that the County 15 prohibited from chargin~ because the HUlB is not certified as airworthy. Mr. Norman said that this cðn he done by offering free transportation, but charging for the pp.rsonne1 involvod, i.e. "LS or nLS servic~. He said that this would help rccover some of the expense Involved. The discussion continued, during which Commissioner Wimer asked Mr. Norman how much of the $?90 related to helicopter Uße would be recovereù, and after further discussion, Mr. Norman replied that, theoretically, none of the $290 would bo recovered. Further review of this budget was discusse~, ðurinq which paq. 3ft ..-. --. --- -- ---- ----- ~ - -.- ..-- - -.- ---- ------~-------- . . ___----------------'--..-~------------- . t r JU~Y 29, 19f!1 . 1·5 h commissioner pistor stated that, as fer as he is concerned, he hns alwaY8 felt that the HU10 has always been ð -luxury item- on the County budget. Commissioner Wimer stated thnt if a decision has to be mðd~ today, he would vote to r:JP.t rid of the entire Helicopter operations. EMS Director Douglas Greenfield outlined tho use of the I1U10 as an EMS tool, the fect that this particular helicopter has patient Cl1re capabilities that none of the other helicopters offer, including the, Jet Ranger Mr. Sanborn recommended earlier. He said that it will only I t:' ~ ~ \ I ¡ ~ I t, cost the County $29,000 for the use of the helicopter as an Air Ambulance, and that he considers this justified in relntion to the time ßeved in getting a pðtient to the hospitDl for emergency treatment. He said that the ambulance usually is setting down 2-3 minutes after the first ambulance Ðrrives at the scene of an accident in the outlying areas of the County. He said that 1f the County is required to statiO' ~ unit in th~ outlying ~r0.ð5 to assure tho appropriate level of EMS service, it will cost approximately ~165,OOO annuel1y. He sðld that the level of service for the Everglades City area is dependent on the use of the HUIB as a back up to the system, and that because of this he does not hl'\ve to send units out to those areas for an accident. He said thab he does not consider this as ð -nice- thing, h~ consið~rs this as a method for kecping the size of the ambulance flcet down and still adequately protect the outlying areas of the County. He went on to explain the necessity for quick rcsponse time and patient transport f time in respect to trauma casesJ ~ha problems associeted with pðt1ents withstanding a 40-50 mile trip to the hospit3l In an ambulance, even if ¡,~ ':~.j., they were made avail~ble end, an outline of the time invol~ed from the t moment a call comes in, through the preparatIon of the helicopter, anð i~ .. . -- -- -- -- - - -- - - - - ---' ---,-'-- - -------- -_....:- -- -.- - -- MD~ 062 rACE 588 July 29, 1981 including tho flight time to the outlying areas. Rft said that the prosent response -off the ground- is 10-15 minutes. He said that the helicopter has only been used to respond to 2\ -3\ of the emergency calls. Tho discussion continued, during which Commissioner Kruse expreased hcr views rcgarding the use of an air ambulance in Collier County, including that she does not feel that it is the responsibility of the County to provide this service to those people who choose to live in rural areas, nor does she feel it the responsibility of the County to provide this service to those people who travel the highways in Collicr county, any more thon she would expect that service available to her in other ðreas that she might be traveling through. She said that this whole thing should be put in perspective and she believes that limited avail~bility of certain services is a choice people make when they choose to live in rural areas. Commissioner Kruse said that she considers helicopters as a "fringe- offered by the County and she asked ~r. Greenfield if he is justifying retaining that -fringe" because of the potential medical cabl1ities. Mr. Greenfield stated that he considers the medical capabilites as important, however, his argument also concerns the costs associated in replacing that capability with ambulance units, personnel, etc. He explained that by eliminating the helicopter use from the EMS operations we will have to face adjusting the long range plans for additional EMS units upwards by two to three years from the t~me ~nticipated for purchase of these units if. the need was addressed, based soley on the growth of the County. Commissioner Kruse stated that this matter should be taken up ~gain next Tuesday. Commissionor Wimer said that the problem of Paqe 38 _ .._ _ _ _ _ __ __-- _ _ .t.-__.,..-:-- ------ - -------- . . I . ----------------_.-:...~--"---------_.- ----- July 29, 1981 wanting a service available, before the populfttion is there to justify it, is recurring. Commissioner pistor said that he finds it hard to justfy keeping the helicopter to serve th~~e people that happen to be traveling the roads in Collier County. He directed that this matter be continued until Tuesday, August 4, after the Regular Session concludes. RF.MARKS FROM FISCAL OFFICER RE SHERIFF'S ~UDGET Fiocal Officer Harold Hall stated that allocated charges for custodial maintenance should not be a part of the Sheriff's budget, since the Board of County Commissioners must supply this office with space with which to operate. He said that this has been Bet up as a separate section, which will indicate the appropriate costs. Mr. Hall stated that he would draft a memorandum regarding the MSTD related to the Sheriff's budget requegting the Sheriff to review the figures for acceptabilIty related to that which was approved last ye a r . Also, Mr. Hall stated that it is his understanding, even though he has not found it within the Official Minutes, that it has been agreed some time ago that the Bonrd will pay the medical expenses for prisoners over that which the Sheriff has agreed to pay. He said that this cost has become a sizable amount of money and that these funds really should not be in the Board of County Commissioners' budget. Mr. Hall stated that he would like authorization to follow up on this and check to see that the Sheriff has all of the medical expenses for prisoners within hi. budget. He said that in the event that he expends that amount, then, the method that is entailed in getting additional funds would be two-fold, he can take funds from other line Ite~. within ~OOK 052 at£589 page 39 -----:--------- -- --.------ -------------- . , ¡ . . . . .----------------.----------------- BQOK 062 fAct 590 July 29, 1991 his budget, or, he can come to the Board to request a budget amendment. Mr. Hall said that this will also be included in the aforementioned memorandum, as will the question of whether the Sheriff has the helicopter ralated expenses covered in his budget. He said that this is being brought up now in an effort to see that all these concerns have been addressed prior to the final adoption of the budget and to avoid any surprises during the year related to where funds will be corning from and in which budget they have been addressed. Also discussed briefly was the fact that the Sheriff has budgeted $59,500 for medicðl costs and the Health nopartment's budget reflects anticipated rcvenue for the care of prisoners in the amount of $130,000. Mr. Hall said that he would look into this. It was the consensuS of the Board that the Fiscal Officer be authorized to direct the nforementioned memorandum to the Sheriff. ADJOU~NM~NT - TI~E: 3:45 P.M. There being no further business for the good of tho County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at ~:45 P.~. 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