BCC Minutes 08/04/1981 W ....-----~ -:.l_ '- ~ N~ploø, Florida, ~u~ust 4, 19n1 · ,. , . \ LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that th~ Boord of County·Commi~sioner. in and for tho County of Collier, and a180 ~cting 08 the governing boarð(a) of auch special districts as hAvo been created According to law anð having conducto~ buslne!B herein, .met on this date at 1130 P. M. In Budget Workshop Session In Poul1ding "F" of the' Courthouse Complex with tho following members pr~8entt CH^IRMI\Ns VICr. CTlI\RIMI\Nt John ^. PIstor Clifford Wonzel C. R. "Russ" Wimer Mary-Francos Kruse DAVid C. Brown ^LSO PRESf.NTt William J. Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer, Dar]cno Oðvidaon, Deputy Clerk, C. william Norman, County Mnnðgcr, Arp.nt rerkins, nudget ^nnlyst, Robert Best, Information Coordlnlltor, Henry 11111, ~1ðnl'lgement I\nolyst ~lOc'I, vorlous Division/Dopartment heads ~nd mcmbp.rs of st~ff. " 1\GENl"i1\ 1. ^lcohollc Informntlon ClÐ6GCS (22-040) 2. Economic Crime Rehabilitation ('2-030) 3. Court Counseling Progrðm (23-020) 4. PAlican Bay Lighting District (~4-040) S. Risk Managemont (99-0~0) ~. ^nim~l Control ((73-010) 7. Helicopter (99-060) A. property ~pprðiaer (l~-OlO) 9. Data Procossing (9R-OIO) 10. Other General Administration (05-010) .' ßGC~ 062 fACE 700 l'ðgO 1 ---~------~-------~-~--~~----~--- . h It ¡ ¡ l' 1 \ .------- ---- -------------------'---" ßOÒK 062 PACE 701 ^ugust 4, 19R1 Rr.~~RK~ nv CO~~IS~IONr.R WI~r.R nF. HP.LIC~PTr.R Opr.n~TION~ Rf.L~TP.O TO F.MG I ¡ I \ I ì ! CommisnionAr Wim~r reportc~ thðt, because of the r.cent debate over the County's use of the HUlB helicopter, he requestod the County Manngor and tho Sheriff to connuct a'test run. 118 slIid that, after taking what they fo1t ware the necessary procautions to insure a safely conducted tost run, thoy conducted II simulated accident test run, out along ~lllgðtor Alley at the 35 mllo marker, on Mon~ay evening, ~ugust 3rd, which in ~2 miles from Napleo Community Hospital. Commisstoner Wimer said th~t he rodo with E~S Director Douq Greonfield. Commisaloner Wimer said thnt he is very impreGsed with the entire emorgency personnel Involvf'ld. He said that it was an experienco to actually ride alonq, 900 what happens, lißt~n to everything, and to learn what ðctunlly happens in the c~so of an accident. ~e said that the ~rnbulllnco pcrsonn~1, thø Sheriff's ~Opðrtmcnt, lInd tho Ochopoe Fire Department ðre to be commended on their cðlihor of work and efficiency. Ho added thðt he (cols that tho County should be grateful for this fino , I i I j I ¡ ! ! I , I \ I .1 j , t \ emergency personnp.l. Commissioner Wimer rcported thnt the EMS Dircctor disp~tched the alleged accident ns occurring at (,:39 P.M. Monday evening. He Baid that the helicopter ~nd tha ðmbulðnc~ were dispatched Into sorvice. Refer~1ng to the logs, he 5ð1d thot tha helicopter llfed off from thA airport at 1)15'" P.M. He said th.'It Eè'lrl Sðnborn is to be cOr.lpl1monted on tho t Imel y 11 Hoff. Ite ðsked Mr. Snnborn if ho cnlls the airport ahead, when ð call in put in roquiring the holicopter, so that the stðtf at the airport cðn hllvo the helicopter out of the hangar and ready to 11ft off when he ðrrives? ~r. S~nborn replied thnt this 1_ the procedure which is followed if it in bofore 10100 P.M., at which timo there is ~ò one ðt the nlrport to do this preliminary work. Page '2 .... ----- - - --------- - ------- ------- \ - , . , __----------------:...Þ--------------- ^ugust 4, 19A1 commissioner wimer Btated that at 7112 P.M. the Colden Cate unit . ,~ (ambulance) arrived on tho Rcene on ~lligðtor ~lloy ~nd the helicoptor landed et the øcen~ nt 7tl~ P.M. Commissioner wimer said that both vehicles turnod around and came strai9ht back to Naplos, with tho holicopier landing at the school yard, at which time he waD tr~ngferrc~ from tho helicopter to a waiting ambulance and brought to tho hospital, arriving there at 7t40 P.M. He 8aid that the Golden Gate unit arrive~ at tho hospital at 7s~9 P.~., which means that therc waG ð nino minuto differonce In an hour and ten minute run. Commlßslonar Wimer co~mente~ thnt he is surprised that the difference was not any ~rÐoter than nino minutes, however, it has been pointod out to him that the further out the ncci~ent would have happenod the groðt~r that time differonco would be, espp.ci~lly if it were in a rcmote area or wooòed area. Commissioner Wlmor thanked tho County Managor, the ~heritf ðnd everybody thtlt worked DO hor'" on this test. He lidded that, based on what ho experienced and ~rter tnlking to Many people, his feeling now "is that the County shou]d r~t^in the use of the hp.licopter. However, he continued, there must be very stringent guidelines regarding the use of the holicopter anò theoe gulòr.lines should ho ~dopted by tho Doðrd. ~t tho conclusion of the report, Commissioner Winer offered to answer any questions. Chalrm^n pistor said thet one of the quoøt10no that has beon asked of him which se~ms' to he relt'vant is, when non~ of tho Board m~mber8 othor thnn Co~miaBloner wimer knew about this tnst run, how was it authorized and how wan tho expenditur~ of all the money involved authorized? Chairman p18tor Ral~ that It is a County policy that any expenditure of this size requireD authorization of the entire ßOOK 062 rÂCE 702 paqe 3 .'-- .-- -:--- -- - - .--- -----.-- ,--- ----------. . I ¡ ¡ \ ¡ ~ \: t~ } f¡ ,J rr I, ~ ~ ----~--------------------------- BOOK 062 PACE 703 lIugu.t 4, 19ß1 soard. He also stated that he has been naked about the legality of colling a false emergoncy Buch aB this, espocially on such a busy highway. Commisßioner Wimer rospondodthat "'r. Creenfield said it was ft .classlc texthook run, the time of day was chosen because there was very little traffic, and, it was ideal planning time for the helicopter. He also B~ðt~d that this 10 generally tho time of rlay when ðn accident would happen on Alligator Alley. Commissioner wimer stated that nobody knew nbout the test excopt tho County Mana90r and the 5horlff. He sðid that he aske~ them to run the test and they consented. Com~iosioner Wimer roforred to the Ochopee Fire control DiAtrict personnel, and statoò that he waR vory improssed with the responso of tho emer90ncy porsonnol of thnt ncpõrtmont. Commissioner Wimer said that when the announcement w~s ~adÐ by Mr. Groenflold that it was not an emergency, tho Ochopee Firo ropartmont vehicle wnB already only four milos south of Alligator ~llcy. H~ snid that speaks ð lot for the Ochopee Firo Depnrtment'a ability to rp.r.pond. HI) Mid that the County should exploro wayß to "beof up" the rescue c~pabilitles of the fire ðep,:,rtrnents. Com~issioner wimer rcrortp.d ono instancc which turncd up during tho tost which ne~~s immcd1nte attention, specifically, th6 parðmedlc supervisor who gOCS to the ~lrport to meet the helicoptor does not have a card or key to got through the airport g~te. no said thnt this caused him to hnvo to run around the bul~inqR, drive up the taxiw~y and almost hit ðn ~ircr~ft in his effort to qP.t to the helicopter. He s~id th~t tho FMS Director anò tho pðramodic BuparvlBor should have a way to get through that ~ato. Comml8Bio~er wI~or statod that the hftlicopter can be a vary useful paqø 4 ___-_---w-- .._..._0_. ..__ __ -- ..--- - -- - - -- - --- -..----....---- , , . . .----------------~----------------...- August 4,19131 tool in the F.MD program aB well aR ðn effective tool for low . ·1 enforcement, If it is properly run. 110 s~id, that for these reluson8, he will be happy to ·b~ck up· an~ Bay, "we ought to keep it". He said th^t thin is only on the condition that proper guidolines Dre doveloped In reqards to law enforcement and the EMS ·program. ~e said that he 18 also recommending that tho County work towardo better coordination and assiotanco with the partlclpðtlng fire districts. # HELICOPTER BUD~ET (2'-O~O) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED AS ORIGIN1\LLY PRE!jr:~Trm WITH P()TI~ Hr.LTC()rTER~ The dtscuRston which originatcd with Commissionor Wimer's report as outlined ~bove continued, including consid~ration of the Rolicopter buðget (22-0nO) ~G originally presented, including operntions, of tho HUIB and the A~ll 47G helicopters. ComMloeloner Kruse com~onted th~t she Is particularly concorned regarding the conflicting figures ßho has received from staff rogarding oporatlona of th~ HUlA ~nd thoDO she h~B boen quotod from several outside source~. She said thðt hor major concern io that the costs associated with the amhulance service have escalated rapidly, ~rid although she has vote1 fovornbly on all of thom, sho feels that when the County in considering something that excoedo the "standard", then the cost should be bornc by those utilizing it. She said that she is surQ that ðnyono who needs ðn Dlr-ambulancc in ordor to Gave a life wi11 be willing to pay wh~tcver it costa for that ðmbul~nce, and she urged the ataff to submit hotter operational cost figures to tho Board on which to make thoir decision. She said that she wðnts to know exactly what it will cost for us~ of the IIUIß es An air-ambulance In ordAr to make tho billing tor that uso as ~ccurðte as possible. She BOOK 062 PACE 704 Ptlg8 5 ----------------,------------------ . . . · -- ------------------------------ t\ùO:< 062 P^CE 705 1\ugust 4, 1 ~81 said that, on those conditions, sho will vote to keep thð HUlR. Public Ðatety Administrator 'I'homllS Hl'Ifner stated thtlt the HUlB costs S152.8(' per hour to run, including pilot's salary, fuel, pðrts, maintonance ðnd insurance. tlo said thl'.lt the $290 per hour Is ð flguro that was dovelopod based on the number of hours the aircrnft flIes divided into the ðctu~l total of all rolatod costs in orðer to ratio out an hourly rate. Com~igsioner Kruse reiterat~d that it Is hor opinion that, it tho Foard ahould elect to keop the AUlR, ~r. Hafner should look moro closely at tho6e cost figures. Commissioncr KrUl~e ðaked Mr. l1afner if, in tho $150 charqe he is proposing, he ie figuring that the H\J1B will use 1;0 gallons of fuel per hour. Mr. Hafnor repliec1 affirmÐtivcly. Mr. Sanborn, the County pilot, Raid that thc tank holds 155 gallons of fuel, the helicopter can run about two hours and five minutes pßr tnnk, and, the holicoptor uses anywhero from 60 to 70 gallons per hour. Mr. Hafner cl~rlfied that this all deponds on the speed ot which the nircraft Is traveling. Commissioner Kruse said th~t most of the helicopter dealers to whom she spoko said that the I1UlO should be uolng eO-90 gal. per hour. Commissioner Wenz~l sðid that he has rocolved Ð lot of tolophone calls and lettars from tho public requesting that tho helicopter be retained, including a latter from Dr. Tober which ðrrivec1 this mornln9· He said that he knows tho helicopter is more rapid and more efficient th~n an Dmbulðncc for long diGt~nces, however, he dOOB not he11evc that ~r. Hafner Cðn compðre the coun~y's cost with that of ð prlvete enterprise, becauso tho County does not omortizc any c~pitðl invp.etmont8 or overhead. H~ Roid thl'lt hð feels the fiqure of $152 Is too low ðnd that it should be brought up to at loast ~17S. Mr. "afnef Bnld th~t the ~290 Þotherr.d him bncnuso it jU9t doenn't come out thnt pðge G -- - --- -------- - .----- ---------------- , I . -------------------------------------. . "ug U B t 4, 1 9 f' 1 high, however, th~re are certain vðr~ðblcs involved. CommlsAionorø . " ~rus. and pistor concurroð that tho $~~O WðR ~lÐrminq to them as well. CommioDloner rIntor ðßkeð what kind of Inßurnnc~ will bo nocessary to carry because this helicopter will bo used BS an emnrqency vehicle? Mr. Hafner expltdnad that there is no hull insurance boc8uSO it is so expensive, however, the helicopter is insure~ for $100,000 liability. Commiøsionor ristor anld th~t he knowS that this woulð hnvo to be changcd in orðr.r to meet the requirements of State Law. ComMisoioner wieler rcvIcwe~ hia position on the need for accurate information from staff. He saið th~t tho helicopter either grnduÐted or evolv~d into An air ambulance without the Board's Knowledge or permission, ~nd he thinks that is wrong. Thle ~houlð hnve heen hrought to the Board with full documentation 60 that the Commission could have made a proper decision. Commissioner Wenzol said that he could not approve the proposed charge of $150 because it is too low. He said that ho foels sure his follow Commissioners will go along with keeping the hellcopt~r as it will be valunblc In emergencies, however, he would like to see Mr. Hafner propare moro ~ccurÐte figures for charges that will be mado. In rooponao to CommlsÐioner Wimer's raquest, Mr. Greenfield adðreRBcd the test run on ~onday evonlng. He said thacnormally, the ambulance would hðve been on the sccne prior to the helicopter ønd easistcd in the tran~ltion ~t the sceno which would equato to an aðdltlonal tour or five minutes of time savArt in tho transition. ~e said that the 35 mile ~nrker is the shortoßt ðistnnc~ that would be used for the hollcoptor, adding that most runs Involving that aircraft would bn out to the ~5 mile merker, the Ochopee eres, or the r.verglades oua. Ho said that thio is when the helicoptor would oave even more BOO~ 062 rACE 706 Page "7 ----------------- --"\- - r- -"-- - - - -- -- --- - -- -. , il . __---------------------------~---J ß~OK 062 PACE 707 ^uqult 4, 191.'1 tim., espoclally since there ar- eo many milas of two-1oned traffio botween those aroaR and thè hOApital. Commissioner wimor ðsknd Mr. Greenfiold to commont on the øðfoty of the test and he replied that thia was the first time ho has ever beon involved in a test where the ngenctes involved were not notified ahead of time. no s~ld that the time of day w~A ~ppropriate and the test was well monitored by tho other polico agenclos. He romarked that his only point of contention i13 thðt he would have liked to hZ've gotten hia Division hoad involved, adding that he was very uncomfortable about that. fie soid thnt evoryono cooperntc<'! well, the test went smoothly, the helicopter pilot WÐS at homo whcn notified ðnd the preflighting was done by other agencies in cooperðtion with the ~Mbulðnce service, and, he termed the test ns ð Mtext book" type of operation. Commissionor Wimer et~tc1 that, in rotrospoct, ho has to aqree that ~r. Hafner ohould have beon notified and that it would havo been better if tho rest of the Board had bp.en notified. He said that he felt thl1t the effect of tho test was based on it being aD close to actual conditions aB posßible and, if there waß ð bðd ~ccldont on 1\lligator Alley, tho Ooðrd woul~ not bo cDll~ð, nor would Mr. H~tner bo notlf.iorl. Ho cl~rlflerl thßt he tricd to slmulato ronl condltlonB, as closely ðB posaibla. Commlssioner Wimor moveð that the helicopter be røtained In the budget, however, Dtrinqent quldollneß bo brought forth and approved by the ~oðrd rogarding tho u~o ~nð.circumÐt~nCp.G of use for ~S and law enforcement. Mr. nnfnnr ~tntod that ho feels thnt there arc Rome facts that are being treated l1qhtly. He sald thnt it i_ a fact that the helicopter is usod for othor departmontD, 1.0. poat hurrlc~n. rescue and paqe A .6.._ ___ - - - --- - ~--_.-...--- -. - --..- --- -- - - --------- I , I d ¡ I I I , ¡' 1 1 , ¡ . , I ¡ i I ! - --- ---- - ----- -- - ------- - --- -- - - - - -'- \ . . "u<J u I!\ t 4, 1 tI n 1 reconnaissance. Commissioner Wimer s8id that he is ~ot èxcludlng thes. other U506, he wðnts strin10nt guidelines for 811 uses. ~r. "3rn~r said that thQ State alao uses it. CommSßnioner pi$tor said that he is still concerned regarding conflicting information rr.qardinq the nßcQssity of spending funds tor cartlficatlon of tho HUlB. ~o G^ld that last week tha ~o~rd was told it would CORt $250,000 to get the HUIB certlficcl aD -airworthy" and this week the Board is told th~t becðu~e the Coun~y Is ~ governmental body and will not be running the air ambulance for profit that it will be certified. He said that he does not undertand the diffnrence and he wants to nee that it Is cortified nnd documented thusly, so that it will meet inSUlðnCQ requirements for liability. He said that he wants to see it all in writing before the Board sdopts any guidelines, as well as documentation that the insuranc~ company will covor the County if the helicopter 16 used for an air ambulance. He said that his Int~rost also lies in secing documentlltlon of ÐCCUrl'lte fll)lIres so th8t proper chargoB CQn be doveloped with no "guess work" Involved in budgeting this program. Chairman pistor stated that it is his undcrst~nding that the intent of the motion was to Includo tho nelicopter budgot figures ~nd that they he properly adjusted to reflect actual costs, otc., and Commissioner Wimcr agreed. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Chief Vince Doerr, ochopeo Fire control District, asked to make a brief statement. ne said that Ochopce hOB covered 45 accidents, 54 meðical runs, 3 aircraft down runs, driven over 4,000 miles anð mado ^ total of 271 c~11s. He 8aid th^t when ho was notified that the emergency run th^t he and his men wore on was a tost run he waR ~ miles south of ~he ^lley, which i8 14 to 1~ minutes running time. He said ßOOX 062 PACE 708 raqe 9 ..-------- _----.-- - - __ - - - __ - ___ __ _._ _0-- _._ --- - -- - - -- - -- - --- - - - -- -- ----- - --- -- BOOX 062 PACE 709 ^uqust 4, 19R1 that, at that time, ho did not know how to t~ko it, bftCOUØ8 hð was never in this kind of Ritu~tion bofore. ~e said that his concern at this time lies with the fact thnt he and his depArtment were -put in a bind- by not bt!'lng notified that this woe D test run. flo also ref.rrod to a newspaper account In tho Miami Herald which c.,rded a st....tement by a man from the DOT who sold that thoy hnve a hard time getting anyone to covor that ~rCð. He asked the Board to request that the County fo1..anðger or Mr. Hafner contllct the new:ilpaper IJnd correct this misinformation.' lie outlined the agendes involved in providing c~orgency covcrðge for thðt ðren of the ^]ley and the nroa9 of responsibility for each, adding that the response time of the Ochope~ Fire Control District unit W~8 qood. Com~iGsioner Wimer apologized for having put Chief Doerr In the position of tlcing "caught by surprIse-, however, he said, "this WÐS the only f~ir w~y for tho tost to be run". He said that his intent was to sl~ulate an actulJl condition and that he- thinko that it resulted in bringing forth cert~in information that needed co bo brought to light. ^lso, the Emergency Control Center wns notified that this was a test and were standing by in case there was 8 reðl omergcncy somewhere else, in which case the entire test would havo been canceled immediately. Po zðid thnt this i8 the stipulation that the County Manager, the Sheriff ðnd the F.MS Director rut into the test proqram ~nd is wh~t he ~gree~ to. Chief Docrr stated that, if he hðd boon told it WðS a test run, he would have seon that certain cmergency medical equipment was lcrt at the station, to provic' e adequato covorage in tho case of ðn ~ctuðl emergency in the Chokoloskeo, Plantation arGa. He explained thnt his unit was traveling away from a populated area when called to the ^lloy and his concern lies with those poople who were left with no medical equlpmont it it had been nfteded. Chiof Doerr paqe 10 I' I ~ .1. )' -.-.------ ---..------------------.------- , , -..-- -_.---....-~~ ".,,--.,.----.. ----------- .-...........".-... /I I I 1\ugust "', l~fH I ,1 also explnined somo probloms rel~teð to road conditions In tho general Drea hie unit h~B to travel in tho caRO of n m~dicnl ~merqency or fire on ~lligator ^lley and urged the Pooard to conBI~er hnvinq some of those access roads improved to 1111 ow for ð ",0[8 specð~ emergency run. Mr. ErnefJt K~nelos, representing the Naplc!'\ Area Chamber of Commerce, SPOkA in fnvor of retðinlng tho HU1ß helicopter, under the close ßupervislon of the Board. County Manger Norman outlined the circumctanccs of the decision to procood with the test. ~o said that he and the Sheriff and Commissioner wimer debated the issue for nearly an hour before deciding to proceed, having thoroughly covered the varlouß alternatives. no said that, in hindsight, he is still confident that they made the right decision, primarily for one reason. He said that he felt, after recognizing the risks and the fact that 0 lot of people would not understand, he still had a lot of confidence In the pcrsonnel that were to be involved. He s~id that he felt that the helicopter dop.G have a valuable future and can be very useful ond he believed that the County personnel would demonstrate this ~nd prove th~t this is the case. no apologized for the rost of tho Board not having been notified. Chief Coecr stated that there are 12 people who r~side in the Ochopee and Evorgl~deß City ^rea, Including the Mayor of Evergladoft who wlshe~ to address the Board, Dll of whom are In favor of keeping the helicoptor. upon call for the question, the ~otion c~rrled unanimously. BOOK 062 PACE ,710 Page 11 ------ -- - ---.-.----- -------------- - --- - -- ---- - ---.-.- -- -'--- ------ -------- --- --- ^ugust 4, 1981 &OOK 062' PACE 711 Chairman pIßtor ðsked the staft to prop~r8 revlsionø of the helicoptor budqet, lncluoive of the flUla. Thoro wns a brier disucs810n regarding the Intent of tho motion and subsequent Board ~ctlon, during which County ~ðnagcr Norman said that he bolioves that tho Board's intont is to tontativoly approve the original hølicopter budget. He a_ked for clðriflc~tion Dnd Chnirm~n plstor stated that the record should reflect th~t the Board tcnt~tively ~pproved the original flellcopter budget (99-060), os presÐnted.~ -This oction WAS· clarified in mora detail latcr in this session. "'ayor 110 rmðn "skorn of F.vorglðdes Cl ty commended the BOArd for incorporl'lting the HUIB in the helicopter budC' et. He Bold that there are appropriate plllces b the Everglll~es êlratl on which to land a helicopter ðnd tha Import~nt thing is that the helicopter can qet to places which ðn ambulance cannot. COURT COUNSF.LING PROGRAM (23-010) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED 1\8 PRESENTED AY JIlOOf. TnF.TTIS Judge Trottls refcrred to the Court Counscling Prog~em budget, lind, although funded through moniea given by tho County and funneled through the Mental Reðlth Clinic, he sold th3t ho is not proposing that, ðlthough the program Is bAoicolly the samø, the monies would no longer go through the ~'cnt<ll Health Clinic and would rem"in within the Bonrd of County Commissioner budget. He s~id that tho program would be administered by tho Mentol HeDlth Clinic, under contract with the Board of County Comm I!:Sß loners. He sa id that the Judges mc t ðnd have ðgreod that the counnelorB would be ~nder tho overall direction and control of the Judgea, however, the Mental Health would conðuct the technical aspects of the proqr~~, I.e. hiring, supervision, etc. He said that there is no i~crenB~ in the budget. paqe 12 _..-.- ----...---------------------------- I. " ,,' ¡: " 't \. '" , , ------ - --"-- - -- - --- --- - -- --- -- -- -- - -- -- -- ---- - -- August ~, 19P1 Court counselor Tom Traxinger stated that he unðer8~~nds that tho Mental Health Clinic will be tllklnq the funds out or their budget and putting them under the County Commisaionors. County Manager Normnn said thllt the ~uh1ect program is the one which he has aðdrcsned in his issue paper rogarding tho ~ental Health Clinic, recognizing that tho sum of $15,000 for this program WIIS 8 part of the Mantal Honlth Clinic's budget last yelJr and waD not shown in this yoðr's requost. He sai~ that h~ had been told that this amount was going to be transferred to the Courts. lie said that he docs not think the monoy is In tho budget at the present time. Mr. Norman asked if this nmount is to be added to tho Court's bud~et, or has it already been included in that budget? Clerk Reagan explained that the reason th~t it was not recorded as a part of the Court's budget is becauso, organizationally, it WDS originally going to chðn~e from under Mental Health to unðer the Courts. tie said thðt this hl'lB changod because, Ðccording to law, the Judgcs cannot have direct jurisdiction ovor ð program to which they will send inmates. He said that although the Courts will still'try to maintain some kind or jurisdiction over the program, it is being shifted under another budgotary nrea. Thoro WS9 some rl~scusBlon rogarding the Montnl Health budget and whether or not it was reduced by tho amount of the suhject progrðm's budget, after which Commissioner Brown moved for ~pprovðl of Judge Trettis' requeot Anð Commissioner Wimer seconded tho motion. The discussion continued, during which Clerk ReagAn said that it Is the JUdiciary's position that thin proqram is needed, and they ar_ requesting that it bo funded. Chairman pistor relerred to paqe r-23-~ or the budq.t package and said that Audgetary unit .23-020 ontitlod eOOK 062 rACE 712 paC) e 1'3 ..------- --.....--- --.-. --------- ------------ . - - - --- - --- ---- - ---- -- ----. ----- -- -- - - --- "uqust 4, 1981 aGO~ 062 rhGE 713 Justico System Servico (Court Coun8~ling program) totðlo $130,301. There was some diÐcuoslon ro~~rding whether or not this total lncludos tho aforeMentioned total for the suhject program, during which CommissionerD Brown ~n~ Wimer ~qroed that t~o intent of the motion was to tent~tively npprove tho Court Counseling progrðm's budget, wherever it is plnced. The motion carried unanimously, with Commission9r Wenzel clarifying that his voto was cast favorably, so long as the monoy for tho Court Counsoling program was Includod in tho figures as indicated on plllJO F-23-6. Fi scal Off icer Hall reported that $041,902 has been included in thle hudqot. .. .. .. Commissioner wimer left the room at 2zln P.M. . .. .. TRAVP.L TP.~TI\TIVr.LY I\prROVF.D Fan CH^rn~^N TO T^LL^HAS~Er. ON e ~ 01 Commissioner Brown mov~d, 6cconðed by Commissioner Wenzel and cðrrled 4/0, with Commis~loncr wimer absent, that tentative travel and related expenscs he approved fOl the Chairnlln to tr~vel to Tallahassee on 8/6/01 regðr~ing S.R. 951. BOl\nD ACTION P.F.GARDING THF: HELICOPTrn BUI'>CF.T CLARIFrr.D, HELICOPTF.R BUD(;F.T Tf.NTATIVELY I\PPfWVF,D WITH ALL FIGURP.S RF.LATF.D TO JlUlB JTF.LICOPTE'R Rf.TN!ìFRTP.O. pursuant to some confusion r~gardinq previous action taken this session reg~rdlnq the h~licopter hudget Þn~ discussion thereof, Fiscal Officer Harold f1~11 requosted clðrificðtion that it is the Board'. intent thðt ~ll figures previously rcmoved from the helicopter budqet related to the HUlA will not he reinBerted nnd that it is the inclusive totðl which the BOðrd hð~ tent~tivcly approved. '. ' Paqe 14 t. . -- - -- ---..- ---..- - - - --.. -- - --- - ------- - ---~--- I -- ----------------- - -------------- , , " u') u n t ", 1 C) " 1 Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by CommiBsloner.~enzol and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wimer absent, that the Intent of the Board when tðking previous action on the he 1 I copt or is as deocrlbed by Mr. Hall and that it Is the total budget request inclusive of all figures related to the operation of tho IIU1B holicopter and those presented as a "revlsedw budget and related to only tho ~ell holicopter th~t has be on tentatively approved. Chairman pistor commented that this is the sðme total ß9 w~s originallY presented as the helicopter. There was more ðiRcusslon regÞrdlng this action, during which County Man~gor Norman rcplied to Chairman pIstor that the ~oDrð cannot rovlse the tentatively approved figures in tho holicopter budget if it 10 discovered thðt it will coat leGs to run tho HUIO per hour, etc., becouse the COgt oßtim~tcs in the orlqlnally presented budget wore based on fixed costa, ~n~ the cost por hour is baße~ soley on the numbors of hours it i6 used. He said that thore is not much that can be done to ch.,ngo the baBe cost. He s1Jid thtlt the problem tHIS been how to include the fixed coot in an hourly rote, I.e. wh~ther or not to include all fixed costs in tho actual hourß flown or whethor only charge out-COGts on the boais of the coots incurred during thoso actual times in flight and ~b80rb overho~d costs. Chðlrmðn piotor requested that the County Manager fully outline thoDO options in final form for consideration by the Board In order that thoy may ~ake ð discretionary decision one way or the other whon the aforo~entioneð guidelinos for helicopter operations are heing approved. ., :\' :¡ t aDOK 062 PACE 714- . Page 15 ~ ------------------------------------.. ~ ,.~. ^Ufjust 4, í901 . òOO:( 062 PACE 715 WORKt)!lOP RPo PL^,'JNINC m::rM1TMr.NT PO!;TPONr.D TO n 1~/81 Chairmon Plator dirocted th~t, in light of tho length of toðay's . agendo ond tho lntencsn of the hour, tho worknhóp schedulod for this dote be postponed until August lO, l~el in ordor that ~ore time b. mad. available to the statf for their presentðtion. ANIMAL CONTROL OUDGET (73-010) - TENTATIV~LY APPROV~D A5 PRESENTED IN THE A~nUNT OF 915~,797 pursuont to the cxplQnotion that the major capital improvements wero mistakenly entered into tho computer d~ta haBO when computing the totals which appoðrcd in the originally presontod Animðl control budget request, Commiaaioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and cðrricd ~/O, with Commission~r Wimer ~bscnt, thot the Animal Control budget (73-010) be tentatively approved In the amount of $lSfi,797. PELICAN BAY LIGHTING DISTRICT RUDGET - TENTATIVELY APPROVED 1\8 PRESF,NTED Fiscal Officer 1I8rol<'l Hêlll rcferred to ð contractual arrðngement that the County ^ttorney drew up for tho ßoard regarding the administration of the Pelican Aay Lighting District. He said that this I arrangement Is not eð~ily administered by either tho County ~anDger nor the Public Works Admlnlstrlltor. Ho ê'lddcc'l that this acrðn')cmcnt is ðkward becau~e tho Ðoard la, by contractuDl arrangement, either delegDtlng or coming closc to deleg~tlng purchasing renponsibilltles. Mr. n.,ll sldd thDt what mU3t happen in tho future 1s "hat payments will htJve to be pro,;ented to the pðord for npocial action each time that a payment Is to be made. lie sðid that he sees no alternative because they are not being processod in accordance with the establiGhed policies of t~'Ooðrrl. He explðlnod that, at this time, someone ols. raqe Hi I, . -----------------.---------------- ____----- __ __ __ __ __1....--- ---- --- ---- ---. ^UC)UAt A, 19A1 i8 incurrin1 tho~~ cxpenG8S1 paying for thorn, and, then, asking tho t . !¡ County for roimhur5encnt. Hft soid that he will discuss thin with the County Attornoy and get hack to the Board. Mr. Hall statod that thcre is no way for ~~ssrs. P.ark~dal0 or Norman to administer t~e paymonts nor is there nny way for thcm to be administered by himself. Refnrrinq to tho pclican ~ðY Llqhting District buðget, Mr. Hall said that it is his recommendation thðt the Bonrd tentntively approve the budget AS prescntod todðy, evcn though hc is very uncomfortable with some of the things in it. He Qxplained th~t he has gone over certain things that pert~in to the general law applicable to expendituros of the Ooard of County Cornmlosioners in specie) taxing .districts with the principles I)nd that he intends to get it all ....orked out between the County Attorney ond Pelican Bay to make it use the right words ~nd flow tho way it should. Commissioner Brown etated t~at, on the advise of tho Fiscal Officer, he will Mðkc ð Motion thnt the Pelic~n pny Lightinq Di3trlct budget (r-~-040) he tent~tiv~ly npproved as presonte~. Commissioner Kruse seconded th~ motion which carrifld ~/O, with Commissionor Wimer absent. COUNTY ATTORNEY TO PREPAnE Nf.CESS^RY LEGISLATION REOUEst RE TR^~SFER OF ^DMINISTRI\TION RESPONSIBILITY OF PELICI\N PAY LIGHTING DISTRICT TO PELICAN RAY IMPROVEMENT DISTnICT ßo~nD County Man^gor Norman stðted that he has boen trying to got the str~et lighting portion of the pclicðn Bay Taxing r.istrict added to thoir Special I\ct which would make It a p^rt of the Indøpendant dlstrict'a operations becðus8 that is tho way it is working now. Ho said that the County does not have the "administr~tlon handle" to fulfill its legal obligations in cðrrying ou~ the ~8he. of the Board BOOK (}ô2 PACE .716 page 17 - - ----:--- -- - -.-- --_.,--- -- ~...-"...-----.----------- - - - -.. -- - --- ---'---"---"~" l ^ugust 4, 19A1 teùK 062 PACE-717 In termD of ovorall policy. II. .,lid thðt he had hoped that this was going to be taken care of lnet yeðr and he 10 r~mindeð that the time or yeðr for ð Ðr~ci^l delegation hoaring i8 Ðppro~ching once again. Mr. Norman said that they operate a lot of servlcos ~nd thftY are totally responsible for all of those services with tho exception or street lighting. He ad~ed that, tor some reðnon, stroet lighting is pu1led out ond made the responsibility of the Board. Mr. Norman said that he wants to give thom streot lighting along with all the othor things that they administor,. This w^s dir.cu8~cd briefly, Ðn~ Chnirman Pistor said th~t he would like to have tho County Attornoy prepare tho oppropriate legislation request for prencntðtion to the leginlntlve delegation as soon as possible. Fisctll Officer 1J,,1l clarified that the pelicl'ln a....y peoplo do a good job manðginq Money and Mr. Normðn agreod, adding th^t no one is critical of what they do, it is simply that they do not operate in the same manncr as the Aoard doen. Commissioner ~rown moved that the appropriate request for legislation b~ dcvp.loped r~gnrding trðnsferrlng tho I'Idministration of tho Pelican A~y Lighting District from tho poard of County COMmiDolon~rs to th~ pclicnn Bay Improvp.mAnt District 80ard. Commissioner Kruse aeconded the motion which carrind 4/0, with Commissionor Wimcr nbscnt. ECONort,IC crUME RF.llAO I LITATI0N BUDGET - TENT^TIVf:I.Y ^PPROVED ^S PRr.RENTf:D . Upon heðrln~ thnt the Economic Crime Rehðbilitatlon Budget Ie complotely funded ðnd that it do~s not impnct the taxes, Commissioner Hrown moved, Beconded hy Commtnsionnr ~ruso and carried 4/n, with P"f10 1" .... -... ------------- ~- -- ~"-- - --- --...- -- _.- - - --- ---. -- - - - - ---- --- -"" AuquØt 4, 1901 ------ --- - - ---- - - -- - -:.."-- -- - - ------- -- - - - .. Commissioner wimer ðbaont( that thlß bu~got be tønt~tlvoly approvod ns . .~ pr~sentod. I\LC01l0LrC INFORMl\TION CL1\SS p,urx;F.'t' - TF.NTT\TIVrLY ^PPROVED 1\5 PRf$EN"'EO upon hcaring from Fiscðl Officer P,arold flaIl that the Alcoholic Information Cla5G ~oneratc9 sufficient revenues to pðy for itself, Comr:1is9ioner Aro\oln moved, seconded by Commisflioner 1,o.'onzel ðnd cllrried 4/0, with Commifislonar wlm~r ðbsent, th~t tho ~lcoholic Informntion Class budget bo tent~tively approved as pr~senteð. RISK M1\NI\r.F.Mt::NT BtJOGET - TF.tJTT\TrVELY I\rpnOVr.D A5 AMENDED - RESPOWHßTt.1TIF:S TO RF. ~r.tfC:I\Tr.D 1\S OtlTL'INF.O rw rTf,C1\L OPFIcr.n FI£lcðl OfFicer lIarol(l Hall explained th~t the Risk Mðn~CJcment Progrðn W~8 initlðtod by the Clerk'a office for the Aoord of County Commissioners three y~ars ~qo when thp. County went lnt? pðrtial self-insurance for workers compens~tion. He said that, l'1t this point in time, the County Is rcady to initll'1te the analyais of partil'1l self-insuronce for the other kinds of insurance on an outside contractual basis, having profcssionol firms prepare the specifications ðnd follow through with tho analysis. He said that he feols this It the best method for doing this. ~r. Hall said that it waG anticipated that the risk m~nageme~t program ~ould "dove-tail- into a safety program under the County Mðnager IInd that th~ Risk ~~lInlHJ('ment operðtions wou1ð eventually become a part of the County Manßgcr'~ oporatlon. "0 said that this h~s not " come to pass and Mr. Normðn in not ready to include risk manaqcment into his r~ðlm of responsibi1itles, therefore, he is requesting direction from the Board regarding the phnolnq out ot the Risk Manltqemftnt officn. 110 nl'lid that tho claims would be coordinated . BOOK 062 rACE 718 rl'lq e 1 f\ ._--~-------------~-~------------ ¡ ; i I \ I I \, ..- - -- -- -- -- - - -- - ---------- - ---- ----- ~~OYi 062 rAGE 719 ^uguøt 4, 1961 ¡ J , through ð clerk in Finance, all the nllocntiono would be maðe through the cost nccountinq operntion, and, the direct contact for claims would be with ß.I.^.. 110 said thl\t thiA would, in effect, oliminate the Risk Management office. Mr. Hall said thðt Departments would deal ðirectly with tho adjusterB ðnd eliminate the mlddlo step. He oaid that it it is found, for any reason, this procc~ure would put the county win a blnd-, then, tho Foard could reinstato any port of the rløk mðna~ement operations that m~Y bo appropriate. Mr. Hall said that he belioves that this method of handling risk managomont concorns will work well, resulting' in 8 significant reduction of allocatod chnrgeB per departmont for this service. He cald that, if thn Board concurs, the Office will be phoBod out over a period of time. Mr. Hall oxplained that the Personnel "apartment will bo accepting ð partial transfer of the work from the subject of rice, at a cost of approximDtely $3,000 annually. Mr. Jlall Mid thðt th~ budgetary unit will be kept, the exponses outlined In the budqet package originally prcsent~d will be reduced by two pnoplo and thair op~rotlng cont, nnd, chnrged b~ck into the budgct~ry unit will he l/? of one perflon and 1/4 of ðn ðccountant, plus $3,000 for the porsonnel copartl!'cnt. He said thðt the County would be ßðvlng a substðntin1 amount of monoy and tho offico apace 1s deDper~tely neo~ed for Duditing purposes. I~, t. I \ ~ Chðirmon pIstor asked what the Object co~e .319 (Other profess10nðl Fees) totl\l1ng $219,000 represents. ""r. ".311 replied that thore has bocn a data entry ~rror which shows up as ð mistake In the printout and the amount should be $21,900, which Is the amount that is paid out to Workers Compensation for administration of paymentB made. lie tolr1 the BO'.'Hd tbl'lt the $150,000 for employees claiMs I1nd (Insurðnce P~gð 20 ..-.--- - ------.- - ------- ---.------------- ." , . . ___-- _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _'-":'L-- _ ___ __-- -- -- - - 0'· ^uqust 01, 19~1 _ casuðlty and linbility) totaling $247,000 will rom~in in tho ~uðget. . .~ Mr. nlll1 r~ported that tho County hao built up the rosorvo that It WAS looking for, although it io not as much ao ðnticipated. Jlo adt1ød that tho workers compensation chargee to the DepnrtmentB will probably . be eliminated within two yearo if the employee's claims do not become exceßnive. 110 said thnt the interoBt from the resorve will make workerg compensðtion clntms. In answar to Commis6ioner Wonzel, ~r. Hall saið that it 1s ðntictp~tcd that the reserve will bo brought up to approximately $700,000. Commissioner wenzel stnted that he did not think that this will be sufficient and that he thinks that tho reserve should be built up to approximately $2,000,000. Mr. Hall rcqucÐted that tho nOllrd tentatively approve the Risk Management budget (99-n~O) aD revised to reflect decrellsing tho full time ataff and all of the charq~s coming In on an "ðß n~e~eð" baBis from the Finllncp. Department and ~he personnol Department. Thia wan discu~s~ò briofly, during which ChnirmBn ristor asked for clarification liS to th~ need to keep the monies!n the budget until such time as the chnngeß outlined take place. Mr. H~ll Ðaid th~t all the funds will remain in the budget, with the exception of that amount associated with the two full time employeeA, tho budget will be reduced by that amount. He said that the work will be done hy the rersonnel Department, the Finance Departmont, and, the vorious department headA. CommiBsioner Drown moved for the tentative approval of the Risk Management budget with the recommended chðnged as outlined by the Fiscal Officer. Management Analyst Henry Hill stated that the rocommended changas should a180 include the addition of a lin~ item totaling $2,R90, which BOOK 062 PACE 720 pafJ8 n ---~------------_-.----..------------ _ _ _ ... ._ ~ _.._ __ ________ _ _. ____~ __ __ __ _ _ __ _JI ~oo~ 062 PAGE 721 ....ugust 4, 1981 will bo ð charge to tho Risk Management fund tor services renderod by tho Pør~onnel Dop~rtment. Commis31oner KrUDO seconded the motion which carried 4/0, with , I; Commissioner Wimer absont. DIf,CIJSS!ON RR PROPf.R'I'Y lIPPR^ISER'S AUOOET Fiscal Officor Harold Hall eKphlnod thðt if the BO/!lrd has no comments to make on the Property ^pprðiaer's budget /!IS tentatively approved by tho nep~rtm~nt of Revenuo, then, no floard action is required. Ho Ððid that if tho Board has any co~ments to m~ko to the Dopartment of Rcvenue on the subject bu~qQt, then, these comments must be forw~rded by August 15th. There wðS a brie' dincu5sion regording the subject budget, during which Commissioner Wenzal stnted th~t, if the subject budget shows an expcnditure for ð new computer, he will not vote in favor of the budget during the public heðrlng. Il,r. Hall said that it is included in the Rubject budget. Chðlrm~n pistor said that the computp.r will be delivered soon an~ rcferred the Board to tho summary sheet which indicates that tho property ^ppraisor's budget includes "n expenditure of $F.l,onO for ð COMputer. Ch~lrmðn pistor Rtated that the Tax Collector's budget ðl£o ineludea a portion of the tot~l cost of this computer. Mr. H~ll cmphaGlze~ th~t by not taking any action on this budqet by August 15th, the Bonrrl will be indic~ting their acceptance of it. ^ft~r he~rlnq this, Commiss10~~r Wenzel stated thnt he wiohed to p.xprosD the following commcntt -I ~m very sorry that they (TaX Collector and proporty lIpprai~cr) went ahead and bouqht n computer when tho County n1rP-ndy hðS one." Page 22 ..- - -. - - -- _. - -- --- -..- --- -- ----.- -------------- I. } of , I - -- - - -. .-- -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - --. - --..- J\ugust 4, 1<)n1 . . RECF.GS - TIMF.t 214n P.M. - 3tOO P.M. . . .. .1 . DJ\TI\ pnOCESSTNG ~UDr.r.T TF.t1TJ\TIVF.LV J\PPROVr.D Comml sa loner Wp.nzol commcnt~d thl!!t the DI'I tl1 Process inCJ budget is up 19\ from last y~ðr ond he asked DatI!! proccRsing Director nIl Denty to expll'1ln. Mr. Panty sðld th~t th~ priml'lry reason for the incrcaÐÐ is due to salarioa, increaRcd costa for malnten~nce of equipmont and a small increase in the amount of equipment in his dnpartmont. Ho said that ðnother item that hðG increased significtlntly is supplies. He said that the Datn processinq ~p~rtment Is now supplyinq all usera with stock forMS ðnd that this was included in l~Ðt year's budget. Co~mlsnioner Wenzol qucntione~ the Amounts allocated for travel, and Mr. Denty replied that this is broken down where ßpproximatoly $l~,OOO will be used to cðuc~te one more person within the department in the technical anpccts of the system. ne said that the other Is an upgrading ßes~don and two people will nttcnd this scsaion in AtlllOta Ga. which is whero tho Diqital Equipment corporation is locatod. There wna a discussion regarding tho Tax Collector and Property "^pprl'liscr's officos ·pulling out- of thp. County's data processing system, during which Chairman pistor ðskeö Mr. Denty how this will affoct the anticipl'Itûd revenues from theso dep~rtment8. Mr. Denty replied thnt he has not figurod tho totðl ðnt1cipatad revenues for the entire year ðnd hðs only figurod a proportion of the revenues from these department. He said that the Tax Collector will remltin on the SYBtem until the 1981 tax roll 1s closed out and that the property Appraiser will bQ on the nystem until the middle of October ðnd will be hðvinq Bome very honvy us~ge dur1ng the next monthø getting out the BOOK 062 PACE 722 "' t .-.---:---....- - ------.--..-------------------- Pa~e 23 .- - - -.- -- -- -- -- -- -.- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- BOÒ~ 062 PACE723 ^uCJuet 4, 1981 final closing roport8 tor the 1981 tax roll. "0 stated that he anticlpðteo Ðufficient revenue to offset the exponditures of the data proceaslnq system. Thore waG ft lengthy discussion regarding the n~ed for capital improVft~ont8, as outlined In tho presented budget request, totaling $3~,OOO and moro equipment to incrcÐse the capacity and capabilit08 of the syatem prcsnntly being operated, if the property Appraioor and tho TðX Collector will be leaving the Aystcm, during which County Managor Norman Raid that thin figure is a part of the capital improv~ment proqram budqet thðt will bA presonted to the Roarrl at a lator date. Chairman pistor stated that tho County will not have to purchase Ðny additional mojor ploccn of equipment r.or t~p data processIng syatem. Mr. Dcnty said thðt tho ßyntcm will have additional CPU capabilities whon the cash register operations of the Tax Collector's office Is off tho syntem. The discußsion continued rcg~ròing the amount of peraonnel th~t will be ncedod to bog in initiating many of the programs for the Board thnt h~ve bean hel~ in ðboyance bOCÐuse of insufficient computer c~pabilitles and personnel time anò the some of the programs thct will be Inltiðted for other conatitutionðl offices. ConmiORionor wonzcl moved, seconded hy Commissioner Arown and carrieõ 3/1, with CommloDloner ~rußO oppo~od anò Co~mlbsloner Wimor absent, that the Data Proco9sInq bu~got bo tftntativcly approved ðS prQsentod. CO~ME"TR FROM FI~CI\L OFFICER ~r "AT^ PROCFS~ING Fi scal Off icer Ha rold Hall ðsked that tho record renect the followlnq COMmÐnto which nro baing directnd for the benefit of th. BOl'\rd. ... . Page '4 I. - .--- - - - - --------- --- --- - ------- --- - --- , ------------------- ------------ --. 1\ ug U A t r1, 1 () A 1 Mr. Hall stðted thl'lt the Clerk 19 very concerncd o,?o~ut tho ,high chargeR for dota procensinq and explained that tho Clerk to tho Boord'. budget included $15,000 for FV eO-Rl tor theso costs and that, to date, th~ ch^rges h~vo totaled $~O,oon. Hr. said th~t this is the reason the Clark to the Aoard'B budget Is 1St higher thAn lost year. Mr. Hall Raið that approximately 18 months ago ne became oxtr~mely unhappy with tho lacK of accomplishment in convp.rtlng the Board's progra"'s to the new computer. He Bl'I ið thllt tht'!ro WlIS ~ICR eC' ui pmont on the first floor th~t could not ho tÐkan out nnð, thorefore, there was a dupl ication of coots. 110 DO Ie] thðt the Clerk'R office began to submit written requp.sts as to when this would he accomp1inhed and how much it was going to cost to do it. He roportod that, to date, with two exceptions, his office has not received replics to these inquiries. He clarified that he lß ðdðre5~lng these comments in relation to the Data Procossing Department in general, and reMinded the Board that Mr. Denty has only rocently tðkcn over as Olrcctor. Howavor, Mr. Hall said there Is one l'Irel'l of concern that directly involves Mr. Donty, l'Iddlng that yesterday he waG told by Mr Oenty that during the ninety day mor~torium on new programs he is revlßing ð lot of progrnmo, including those progr~ms for tho Clerkin office, and that the Clerk's office In baing ch~rgod for thin. ne said that he disagrees with this ~pproach, ho~ev~r, he intends to settle this mattor with Mr. Denty separðtoly. Mr. ßall salð that he Wi6hcd the ~o~rd to undorotand tho status of tho problem and give it their considoration. He said that he spent four hour- disucssing this problem with the dobt service people and that no answer was forthcoming req^rdlng the reft60n9 for the nforomentioned problems. He 8~id he cannot det~rmin. whothor the department hna equipment, l!Ioftw.'1te, or poople problcM". He Raid that he did follow up BOOK 062 PACE 724 Pðq. 25 .___.----------------------.-----0....--- I -- _:.. - - ---- - --'"--'_...._.~,_._--------'---^"-_.---"--"---- -....-.- -.. -- - -. MDX 062 PI\GE 725 ^uqunt ~, 19A1 with soven other or~ðnl%ðtlons, tour of which are public funded orqanlzctions ðn~, in each caso, thoy told him that tholr PDP 11/70 was 9ro^t ond functioning bt~uiifully. He said that the reasons have 90t to be estah1lshed in the near future and ~hero the problems are originating need~ to bo dotermined, i.e. equipment problema, mðnufActllrero ßortw8r~ problomn, data bOBS probl."'s from Florida Co~puter Sorvlco, or, progrð~minq problema resulting from manðqement problema. lie Bðlð that wherever thoy originato, it has been hurting tho Clerk to tho Doord'ø orrico. ~r. Dcnty replied that, ovor tho last 90 doys of tho morotorlum, the proble~B thnt have beAn experionced Are problp.~9 that tho Cl.rk and some of the other ~op~rtmonts hBVP. beon chðrqn~ for which have bean proqrðmmlnq problomA thnt he Inheritod. ~r. J!ðl1 conclu~cd that tho rCODon that he hOG l\9ked to make the.e commente for tho record in to makn tho ~oard ðwðro that therQ arft prohlem~ onð thðt tho Clark i6 very unhappy about them. ~o said that ho iß in hopos thot Mr Donty con ßolvo thoDo problem. "'r. 11.')11 lIS).:o(l to nddrcG~ tho S36,000 rC"'I)ininq In the c^pitnl Impro',;,::;:-,C!nt progrllr:1 for d..,tð processing l'Ind he rocommcnded that the ooðrd put 0 hold on ony cxpon~ituroß for data proceÐsinq until it la ~scertnined whoro th~AO Dforem~ntioncd problems originate and what direction will b~ tðkcn. ~180, tho timr. for expcndlture ot these funds under tho 1977 hond \B~ue han run out nnd tho Ðo~rd mðy ~18h to roproqrðm thtlt $3£',000 if)to ßOMethlng olse with lIn Immediate need. Ue said that he would tnlk to Mr. n~nty l'Ind Mr. Normðn on this. ~r. 11011 sðld that it iD his unrlerstl'lndin9 thl'lt nEC has completed l'I study ðnd h1l8 prnpnred 1'I proposal (or ft thlr~ ~ain-tr8nft (rop ll/7n). lie sAid tt>-t thin would "l1ow the property Apprðiøer's and TMC " . . Pn()e 2~ " , . -- - -- - - --. - - -- .-- -~,--'- -- --- - -- .---- -------------- , I ~"--------------------------------' ", ~{ ,~ '" " .' " , " " f l.uquet 01, 1 ()(\1 C~llector'ft work to run on one, tho (inancinl ßYBtn~ an4 ~ew progrnms on tho oth~r. He ønid that, to his knowledge, thio propo,ull never qot to the Policy COMmittee. Chairmnn pløtor concurrQd. Mr. Hall øaid that inftt~ad of ðddlng a PDP 11/70 th~y have elncted to purchaøe NCR equipment. 111) Rldd that this lel1vGS tho !:3n,OOO in question. Chðirn~n Plntor ð~ked if this monns that tho d^ta proce~fting system hno onough c^pncity to take carn of. nil th~ np~ð9? Mr. Penty sðid thnt he ahould he able to hnndle tho noe~s of many of the prngrnmo under tt1e !3onrd of County Comm1aslon~r9, with the exception of p080iblily hnvlng to ~dd more tormlnals and communication lines to h^ndlo theRe termlnnlB. Hn snid th~t thin is the only exponditure he feels ,,"'Ould be necolJ!3ary for possibly t....o more y~8rR. The dls~Bsion continued, incluðlng the coot of the neoded motor gen~r~tor for sur~c problems in tho data procosuinq SystCM ðnd the poeslb1.l1ty of u!;lnq the $31',0('0 towards this. ~r. 11.,11 ßltld that this would bo ðpproprlote. Mr. Normlln said that thero nre additionnl funds avðiIðblc In Mðjor c~pltðl Improvemont Fund 102 which could be used to Ðupplement the S3P,COO. Chair~an pIstor outllno~ tho rOD~ons (or the need for the motor gen~rlltorl tho motho~ o( operðtlon, tho nppl1cnt1.on of its use ~s a corrective ~onßur~, and the study conðucted hy ~r. Murray which resulted in a reco~rncnd~tlon to purch~so it. ^ftcr the a!orerncnt10nod dløcuRß10n, Mr. Donty stated tÞat there hn8 beon nn extreme numbor of probl~m8 reInted to ðisc units ønd that the data proc~a8inq system hðS heen down ~8 lonq as rive out of eS9ht ' hours ~ ~^Y for the last throo dayø. Mr. ~al1 ft~id that this kind of problem can bo ~xp~cted whon h^rdwaro ðnð oporating coftware systems 600K 062 PACt .726 r...qft "7 -------- --- ------------- --------- -- - --- - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- -~'---- --- - - - - -- -- 800~ 062 r~CE 127 " u<) us t 4, 1 9 1) 1 ðr. hein9 roplacnd, oßpocl~lly whAn Intcrføclng ðlfterant klndn ot equipmont. OTIIF.R ~r.Nr.nllt. I\f)MJUT~TR^TIVE (O~-OlO) - TF.NTM'IVr.LV ",PPROVED, M1 ()t 'T'LYtJEn rw nr.C:,A.L (')FrycF." Mr. \Toll 8xpltdnC!d thnt the Other Gonornl l\i'mlnløtrlttion budgot hn~ throe functlonD ror the DeC, firet, by l~w, thiø i_ the ~ccount th~t ~11 opcndlturon Dnd revenues of tho CenerDl Fund or. reflected in if they cðnnot be clðo~ltiod cls~whero, cecond, It Is us~d 88 n cll!'ðring l\ccount, ðnrl third, this Is where the ROllrd hudgots the ad valorem tðx rcvcnu~ for tho GenorDl Fund and ,,11 other qcner~l revenues and the ßo~rd budgots th~ contigcncy for the Gener"l Fund in this Account. Mr. Hall ßðid thnt 1£ there ðre ony major expenditures that th~ noðrd knowß will he co~inq up but it h~ß not bo~n determinod from whcro they will bo Ma~o, tho fun~~ for thnt exponditure Is put in thlu è\ccount. ~r. 11<\11 outlinod the Buhjp.ct hudCJet IInd notod thllt a substllntial emount of funds havn open daßiqnatod for out~ide contractual services for n COMputer b3serl comprehcn~lve financial mannq~ment system. ~r. H~ll 6ðfd thßt the co~puter printout th~t the poðrd hos bofore them dO~5 not show tho $100,000 the Bonrd ~pprov~d for ~ðlntftn~nc. and thot this will bø a~rlcd to tho subject budqet. ~r. ~nll otated thðt he ~onslrl~r~ the subjoct budget ðS Rtight· nnd that hû i5 not comfortðble th~t it Ie l~rqo onough. This was discuseod briefly, nftor whlçh Commi~810ner Kruse movod, seconded hy Conmi~Bioner wcnznl ~nd cDrricd ~/O, with CommlRsloner WiMer ðbsftnt, thðt Other Cencrðl Ad~tnistr~t1v~ hudgot (05-0]0) be tent~tively approveù flS prÐ~~ntod. . I pl)~ fP ," .-- - --- - ....-- - --- ------...-------------.-- --- I, C",,",foIUNrTV Dr.Vrl.()T'r,\F.NT f.lIVr~T/')H TO nE MOVF. ') 'P'PO"1 FUND 17!; ~"'f') 5F.T UP 1\r. 1\ f,F:P""^Tf. nf.vr:t!U'·~ FUtH) n 17'7) Upon hoarlnq ~n explanation Ðnd recommcndðtlon from the Flscel Officer ns to thð n~vðntðqOß of Aopar~ting tho ~om~unlty ~cvolopment Division from Fund l7~ ðnd ßQttlnq it up ðR ~ D~p~r~te revcnuo run~, COMmlSßlon~r Wenzol moved to nrcept ~r. ~ðll'n rocommenðntion nnd direct stDff to follow through with the aforcMentionod 90p~ratlon. , \ , I ----- - - - - - - -- - - ,- .-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- \ 1\uqunt .1, 191\1 I ,~ Commisßlonor Kruso neconòcd tho Motion which cðrrlod ~/O, with COMmin~ionQr wimer nbDant. ^DJOunN~r.NT - TI~r.t 1t~O P.~. Followln<) ~~r. Hðll'a explanation that the remaining buø1noss beforCJ thÐ f\oard rnllRt taka plllce In RoqulDr r-05sion and upon completion of all tho proliminary reviews of budgotn for FY AI-A2, the budqot workshop sOAnlon waD adjourned at 3,40 r.M. by order of the Chair. , i,.':, t' ,. " , , .; MOX ,062 PACE 72B s ___------------J-----~-------:~~~ =-- ",