CAC Subcommittee Minutes 09/22/2004 September 22, 2004 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, September 22, 2004 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Sub-Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1 :00 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Ron Pennington John Arceri Tony Pires ALSO PRESENT: Ron Hovell, Utility Engineering Dept. Maria Bernal, Tourism Maura Krause, Parks & Recreation Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Director Jack Wert, Tourism Director Naples Daily News 1 September 22, 2004 CAC SUB-COMMITTEE Mr. Pennington called the meeting of the Sub-Committee to order at 1 :05 PM A quorum was established with the committee Mr. Pennington appointed consisting of Mr. Arceri, Mr. Pires and himself in attendance. · He explained he had brought to the County Manager's attention a lack of management coverage from the County Staff for the Coastal Management; the beaches, inlets etc. Mr. Mudd asked if the Coastal Advisory Committee would provide a recommendation to the County Commissioners, consequently the appointment of the sub-committee. · Mr. Pennington handed out a letter he drafted to Donna Fiala, Chairman Collier County Commission. (attached) He sent a copy to Mr. Mudd, County Manager and received a response that said "Ron, you hit the name on the head - good to go." · Questions were asked what the County Manager's concerns, problems or examples of problems they are trying to solve. Mr. Pennington responded they had the item concerning Wiggins Pass concerning the dredging of Wiggins Pass. They found there wasn't anyone available or in charge to make a decision on dredging it or not. There is no one in the County directly responsible for the Counties greatest natural resources. Mr. Pennington went through the different departments and staff and found there is no "one" department or staff person responsible for these responsibilities. · It was noted Parks and Recreation initiated and sponsored the project. But passes do not fall within their purview. · It was also noted the Coastal Advisory Committee can only recommend and they have limitations. They have no authority to carry out governmental responsibilities. They do not provide oversight to all the beaches. Again many of the departments and Advisory Boards were mentioned and what responsibilities each one has. None were responsible for the beaches and inlets. In the mid-80's there were three marine biologists PhD's in charge of what they are referring to today. Mr. Pennington said it has fallen apart since then. · Mr. Pires felt they are to talk not only about comprehensive management but planning also. Would require re-allocation of funding as the 2004/05 budget is in progress, or a need for a budget amendment for implementation. He felt "planning" should be an important element. 2 September 22, 2004 · Mr. Pennington mentioned the County Manager is trying to keep staff at a minimum. Discussion followed on staffing and how it can all be integrated. · Mr. Arceri's opinion is that the way it is organized right now - the past beach management is fragmented and decentralized. One group may be responsible for one aspect, they do other things rather than beaches and one group works on other aspects of the beaches. It should be centralized for maximum control with a beach person in charge and people that work only on beaches and passes and not split their responsibilities in other areas. We need strong centralized management control and to be focused on the beaches, passes and inlets etc. · Bill Lorenz - Environmental Services Director - gave some factual information about the organizational structure and history. Within Environmental Services they were the old Natural Resources Dept. and then combined with the Environmental Review section of the permitting section of Community Development. Their functions within that division, of which Joe Schmitt is Administrator, conducts sea turtle monitoring along with a number of other sections. There is no other person that is has that responsibility of managing or controlling Coastal projects. He talked about the off shore, near shore (beach renourishment), raking functions of beaches, restoration, pass management, waterways management, listed species protection and monitoring. Different expertise is needed for these different functions. He mentioned the biologist in the 80's were under contract - not employees. His department is responsible for the permitting review and land use projects through the Growth Management and Land Development code. He is not prepared to give a position for Coastal Management. They all felt Jim Mudd; County Manager is looking for integration at a lower level then himself for Coastal Management. · Mr. Hovell felt it wasn't so much the organization as the funding source. The two FTE's in the Public Utilities Divisions related to the Coastal Zone and are 100% funded with Tourist Taxes. By State Statute they are precluded from doing activities that others might expect them to do. He asked how they would pay for things that are not established policy. · Mr. Pennington did not feel they should get into the organizational aspect. Who takes over the management of the dredging of the passes etc., should not originate from them. Planning is very important with looking at the overall picture. Mr. Pennington gave an overview of what Dr. Staiger's position is with the City of Naples and dealing with storm water management, developing policies, management plans and budgets with the beaches. There should be staff people overlooking the whole concept and looking at the conditions of the beaches and inlets. · Mr. Pires pointed out the Board has their budget done for 2004/05 and has their budget philosophies and principals. They will start early next year for discussions on 3 September 22,2004 the next budget. Need to focus and have a consultation with the County Manager. Maybe they need a particular group focused and centralized on this issue of Coastal Management. · Mr. Arceri agreed with Mr. Pires. If there isn't a rush right now, they need to help Jim Mudd sell it to the County Commissioners. Need more detail on the problems. What are other counties doing? Write more specificity of what the problem is. · Need to know: Facts/Problems/and Examples. Commissioner Henning will want to know the facts. There is no centralized manager in charge. · Ron Hovell mentioned they would be surprised to find out how many things never make it to the Committee when they get inquiries from the public. It is a bigger policy issue than what they may think. To his knowledge, there is no commitment on the part of the Board, consequently no staff to manage navigation channels etc. No funding commitment - so no staff. We recognize you have identified a problem, and in order to fix it, will have to petition the Board and establish a Special Taxing District. Without money there is no solution. · Mr. Pennington agreed with Mr. Hovell. Mr. Arceri stated they don't need a Special Taxing District to take care of the navigational problems in the County. He said there is no one to fight for funds, so it never gets presented. No one is fighting because no one is in charge. Discussion followed on getting policy approved, needs for the funds and selling the program. · Bill Lorenz mentioned things that are not getting done. Need to identify them and then the manager needs to determine how best to get them done. Need someone responsible for creating a vision for the Coastal zone. The problems, needs, alternative solutions and opportunities. There is no entity to identify them. Ron will evaluate projections for revenue structure from TDC - but not for the whole Coastal zone as to what needs to be done. Funding source to him is secondary. More details need to be discussed - creating vision is what is lacking. · Need more specificity - need to identify specifics - why is change necessary- shorebird and sea grass monitoring was discussed - no vision or advocate - they don't want to make organizational changes - County needs to be interested in beach and navigational issues. Tourist Tax will enable them to pay for more of the beach renourishment etc. Discussed past problems with Tourist Tax. Mr. Pennington noted Commissioner Henning thinks certain things should be done but not out of Tourist Tax funds. BREAK - 2:21 PM RECONVENED - 2:29 PM 4 September 22, 2004 · Mr. Arceri said they should let the Commissioners know what they, as a committee, see as things that need to be done - that may not be getting done right now and leave "how" to solve the problem to the County Manager. The following changes to the draft letter and 4 points the Sub-Committee noted are as follows: 2nd Paragraph - however a void exists for comprehensive management and planning of our beaches and inlets, for example, the committee feels the following are not adequately being addressed: · There is no overall Comprehensive Strategic Coastal Plan for our beaches, passes and waterways and that most work is done based on specific projects. · No detailed overall comprehensive data driven, monitoring, assessment or surveillance of our coastal areas except as it may pertain to a specific project. · There is no detailed Comprehensive Coastal Zone Management Plan (shorebirds, sea grass, turtles) and again, work in these areas is only associated with approved projects. · There is a need for stronger advocacy for Coastal funding for both TDC and other County funds for critical Coastal needs. Discussion followed on sales tax, creating a taxing district and TDC funding and other various projects. Mr. Pennington will finalize the letter as an Agenda item for the next meeting........ ...other members can change or add things they feel should be in the letter. Mr. Wert - Tourism Director - stated the members made good progress and informed the Committee members of some changes. Mr. Hovell is moving to the Facilities Division -working with buildings and structures. Will hire a full time Coastal Manager which will be funded 100% out of#195 Tourist Tax Fund. Maria Bernal is now hired as a full-time employee as of October 1st. Will move Al Madsen, who is their Beach Inspector, and is also paid out of#195. Those three positions will come under Tourism Dept. 5 -""'-- September 22, 2004 He mentioned from Management it will help. There are so many places Tourist Tax funds are being spent that he has no supervision over. He needs to know what is happening. If the new position gets established, it will work out well with someone overseeing new projects and the lines of authority will be well defined. Mr. Hovell mentioned Al Madsen was recognized as the Employee of the Month for Collier County and happy to have him and does a great job on the Beaches. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting adjourned by order of the Chair at 2:59 PM. Collier County Coastal Advisory Sub-Committee Ron Pennington, Chairman 6 ____._.._._____~.._".,._._,.__.___._ft"_"__.~'_,.__._