BCC Minutes 08/26/1981 B
Naplos, Florida, August 26, 1981
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board .of County Comm1ødonera lni~,~, .
and for the County of Co1lior, ðnd årao acting as the governing
board(ø) of such special districts aa have been created accordin9 to'
law and having conducted business herein, mot on this date at 9137 ~.M.
in Budget Workshop Session in Building -r- ot tho courtho~so Complex
with the following mombors presontl
John A. p1øtor
Clifford Wenzel
M~ry-Frances Kruse
Duv Id C. Drown
C.R. -Ru.s- Wimer (^b..nt)
~LSO PRESE~TI William J. Reagan, Clerk, Virginia Magri, ceputy
. Clerk, C. WIlliam Norman, countý Managor, F.dward Smith, Assistant
County Man.90r, Honry Hill, Management Analyst, Brent porkin., BUd90t
Analyst, Lowell Rainos, ~~Intenance Director, Ted Thorwood,
Halntennnce, Dr. William Cox, County Health Diroctor and Dr. HeInrich
Schmidt, Modical Examiner.
Notin9 tho proposed hi9h budget, Chairman Pistor said that the
Board will attempt to determine 1f there 1. any place they can mako
change.. He said that Mr. Norman and Mr. Rill have'done somo reaearch
and he roferred to 0 sheot ot proposed changos previously distributed
by Mr. Norman. He said that there have been some chang.s ..de In the
eeneral Fund and 1n the MSTD fund.
Mr. NorQan recalled that Chair~ln Piator requested so~ethln9 to
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.erve a. framework for this morning·. dlscusaion and he reterred
prepared llat which outlino. each ot the I.sue. and amount. of ~onty¡ 1
Involved and the Impact of the Board·. action to tither add to Of
aubtract from the net portion of tho Board· s budget and said .that these
items directly affect property taxes. Mr. Norman laid that any chang'.
that come out of this morning'. meeting should be entered Into the
tentative budget at the end of tho first public hearing_
~r. Hill said that tho sheet 1s a re8tatement ot tho budget
workshops and tho gcneral budgot section has been refigured. ne said
that this 10 the impact of the decisions that the Board has made 10
far. Chairm~n plotor asked if this includes the fact th.t the
occupational licenses fees will be adopted and Mr. Norman answered
affirmatlvel y.
~r. Norman said that he mot with Dr. Cox an~ Dr. Schmidt and that
they would like tó uffer additional Information to the Board.
Dr. Cox said that pursuant to the County Manager's roquest they
are submitting a new he schedule. Ite said that in terms of the
general public health and protection of the health of the people of the
County, the tÐX structure has been that it provides funda for that
purpose. He said that, to date, the funds have been adequato, however,
there are cortain groups of people who receive certain public .ervlce.
fro~ tho Health Department and It la hi. feeling that tho.e people that
receive spftcial sorvices should be asked to contribute to the
maintenance and development of tho.e proqram.. Or. Cox .ald that thla
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has been taken Into conÐlderation In the proposed fe. schedule. He
emphasized that the foe 8chedule w1l1, in no way, deny anyone the
acceS8 tO,the programs because of lack of funds.
Dr. Cox said that he broke down the FY 1980-R1 bud98t to determine
the funds supporting the Health Dopartment, aðdln9 that thoy came from
State, Fedoral Grants and $372,995 from the County for a total budget
of $847,900. He said that tho figure he asked for last year was over
$500,000 but subsequent to taxpayers revolt that was cut down. He
noted that thoy roceived fees In the amount of $29,l42 from vital
8tatistics, in the patient care section they billed 535,123 of which
they col1ecteð 532,951, onvironmental health section billed 555,RlO tnd
collectod $55,610. Total fees billed 5120,075, total fees collecte~
$117,900, leaving a total of uncollected bills in the amount of 52,17S.
When you subtract the fees collected, 8aid Dr. Cox, from the County
contribution of $372,995, it comes out to $255,095 a8 tho actual coot
to the taxpayer last year. He notod that the County contributed about
30' of their total budget, adding that this i8 one of the lowest In the
State of Florida. County Manager,Nor~an said that t~e amount of County
contribution is net, not gross, and Is a revenue item. Mr. Norman said
that the net local contribution to the Health Department is the total
of tax.. plus fee. paid, 80 local contribution 1. ~ore like 70'.
Chairman pistor pointed out that the collection of fe.. keeps the tax.s
froD going up. Dr. Cox recalled that in the budqetary proco.. last
year they were 9iven an estlaated collection of tee. a. $98,000 and
they have exceeded that by 20'
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Coml8ø1oner 1<ruse questioned whether or not Dr. Cox was bound by
Title 20 to which he answered ne90tively. "
There was a len9thy discussion between Dr. Cox and M~. Norman a8
to how tho figure. rogarding the County contribution were derived, with
Mr. Norman noting that Collier County has one of the highest ratios of
ony County to the Health Department. Dr. Cox said that the Board
should be aware of the fact that the WICK program has brought into this
County $300,000 for the care of women and children who are
~alnourishod. In addition, he said that they are initiating a program
where the Health Department Is involved in the care of the Sherift's
Department and he said that their s.rvice now exceeds anythinq that the
Sheriff has ever had before.
Chðlrmon plstor said that the new foe schedule will have to be
brought up in Re9ular Session tor approval by the Boord. Dr. Cox .aid
that he Is not roquoatlng a chnn98 in his budget, he Is requesting a
chango in hi. too schodule. Mr. Hill confirmed that they hav. $22,000
in the bud9ct which was already approved by the Board.
Commissioner Wonzol movAd, seconded by Commissioner Drown, to
tentatively approve tho proposed tee schedule. Clerk Reagan questioned
the legality of the action taken by the Board. He sold that the action
amend. an ordinance or changoß a Special Act. The Chairman did not
call for the vote.
CHSIt Dr. Cox said that a re~ue.t was ~ade by CHSt, by To. Clark,
and In that reque.t he asked the County Comml.slon to provide a .~ of
$12,~OO ~o help CHSI meet the required payments for the transfer of
certain ~edical function. from the CHSI to the Hoalth Dopar~ent. ne
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.ald that the funds were primarily for renovation for BpðCO that would "
be required by tho noalth Department and, the second thln9 that they
were getting from them was $2,000 for x-ray se~vlces which they
provided. He said that this is an essential service. Dr. Cox noted
that Immokalee io a high area of TB. Commisoloner Brown pointed out
that many of the Haitian and rofugees have p1acod a big burden on the
Health Departmont. ~r. Cox said that he bollevos $12,000 Is a
reasonablo figuro and that he is concorned with the fact that thiø
agency is already hardup and for them to spend $12,000 to holp out the '
neal th Department does not make much sense. He. sa ið that he would 11 ke
to have the Board have tho CIIS I bill the Heal th D.partmen~ and the
Board 9ive the Hoalth Depðrtmont the $12,000 and they would pay the
bills. Mr. Normam noted that thesQ items are a direct cost to the
Health Departmont through CHSI. Chairmæln pistor noted that cnSI has
had a cutback in funds the last yoar and Baid that he doos not believe
that the Board has any choice in the matter other than to continuo the
service In Immokale.. Commissioner Kruso said that moot ot the Federal
cutbacks are showing up here and the County is picking up the tax
locally and she cannot believe that every County i8 pickln9 up the
tax~s. Commissioner Wenzel noted that the Board does not have to pick'
them up and that 20 yeðro ago they survived without many of these
.ervices. Mr. Norman reported that the County is not picking up
everything that 10 being dropped. He 8ald that they are only picking
up a small portion. Chairman pistor noted that Dr. C,x Is going to
.ove some of his staff to Immokalee and 8aid that 80me money ha. to be
spent if Dr. Cox 18 going to operate In Immokale.. ne .ald that If
they are going to operate a healthy County they need to provide the
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Auguat 26, 1981
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Commlosloner Brown movod that the $12,000 be put into one of ' the
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budgeta and that this be accepted one way or the other. Chairman
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Pl.tor secondod the motion which failed 2/2, Commlasioner. Wenzel end
Itruse opposed.
Mr. Norman said that anything the Board does needs to be confirmed '
80 that it con be presented, or not presented, at tho public hearing
Tuesday evening.
Commissionor Kruse asked Dr. Cox it he did not got tho funds how
he would handlo it and he ropliod that he would havo to readju~t
prloritieo. Commissioner Brown emphasized tho noed of the program8 ot
Dr _ Cox.
prcncnt ntl1tll!'3 of monitoring of Naples BðYI Dr. Cox said that in
the 1979 atudy certain f~ctÐ woro brought out that certain pollution in
the bay water could affoct the citizons of Colli~r County. Ho laid
that certain bacteria in thoso watero could caule serious dllease. In
~an nnd ho folt that they needed more Information and, b~causo of that,
he talkod with tho people at tho Consorvancy and requosted that thoy
submit a proposnl which would 90t them tho information along ~hls line.
He said that the proposal was for 4 one yoar study and tho p.oposal was
presented to tho BCC and passed for $l2,OOO that year. ne r~ld that,
noxt year again thoy felt the need for tho continuation of this
proposal and ðtF~ ~n h was presented and approved. He said that this
yoar they are coming again to ask approval of the propolal, addl"9 that
tho proposal makes a significant contribution to the health and weltare
ot the citizens of Collier County. Dr. Cox said that the intormation
1. essontla1 to him Ind he wont on record a. asking that the Board
agaln aako the contribution. Com~i.8ionGr Wenzel clarified that thl.
1. not a study, i.o. it Is for the ~onitorin9 of the Day, adding that
they already know the condition ot the Bay. Dr. Cox reported that la.t
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Medical Examiner's budget and that he has Agroed with Mr. Norman that
he will maintain the Coe schedulo of last year, theroCoro, there will
be no inflation impact. He said that he expects chanqe. In the
ca..load of ' this County and that he would lik. to have 'ara9raph '5 ot
the contract deleted. ~18o, he has agreod to a ret.ln.r a9r.~.nt and,
b...d on the 1980-81 budg.t and considering that th.y will have
approxlaat.ly a 10-lS\ Iner....d worklo.d he b.ll.v.. that 20' Iner....
would b. fair tor hh a..ociate. a. well a. hl",s.lf. County t4anag.r;<
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August 2t), 1981
week they had a discussion among a lot of scientifically orlonted
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people and they all rev1øed the proposal to Includo the 8tudy of toxic":
~etal. which ml~ht be in the Bay. ~l.o, the study of radio activ.
~aterlals that may be In tho ~ay and a patholo~lcal study of the Bay to
which he 18 opposed. Dr. Cox advised that if the Board does not wish
them to pursue the project they will have to return ~pprox~motelY
$4,000 to the Dr.R that was awarded to thom for the project.
Commissioner Wenzel movod that they set asid~ up to $12,000 to
obtain bids. Commissioner Brown socond~d the motion, adding that this
I. for the health of tho entire County. Also, he said that ho would
llke the support of the Roðrd for the people in Immokaleo·the same way
he supports the study of the Pay I~ Nnples. The motion carrlod 3/1
with Commissioner Kruse opposod~ County Manager Norman clarifiod that
the Doard Is tentativoly approving a formal prosentation next TUesday
for $12,000 for tho GtudY of Naplos Day ~nd $4,750 for additional te.t.
which will be fundod by DE~.
Mf.~IC~L r.X~MINP."
Dr. Schmidt said that he has writton ð 1.ttor to Mr. Norman, of
which the Commlsslonors have copies. ne said that he has takon into
consideration that the ~oard would liko to maintain control of the
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August 26, 1981
Norman said that he recommends the rotainer at a 20' increa8e. '
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Referring to Paragraph IS in the contract, it waB noted that thi. put.
a cap on the amount to be paId. Hr. Norman said that the Board
approved $96,550 and they are asking for $103,860.
'Commissioner Brown moved for the recommendation of the County
Manager to approve the addition of $73,10 to $103,860 for physician
feea and that the motion includos the concept of . retainer.
Commis8ioner Wenzel seconded tho ~otion which carried 4/0.
Chairman pistor noted that the Board did not accopt the County
Managor's recommendotion in regards to the Building Maintenance
Depart~ent budget. Building MaintcnDnce Director Lowell Raineø said
that they did not ask for salary Increases, they asked tor new
positions, adding that he asked to have two men promoted. County
Manager Norman cocalled thnt tho recommendation was that the Board not
approve tho $95,000, arldin9 thDt thero wero two custodial positions he
did .not recommend that the Board approved. Regarding malnt~nance, he
said that he recommenrled that two the requested position8 not be added
and one vacancy not be filled.
Commissioner Wenzel moved to accdpt the County Manager'.
recommendation of no additional cURtodial or maintenance personnel and
that the one v~cancy not be filled. Mr. Norman øald that Mr. Smlth,
A.sistant County Mana9lr, be1ievDs that through various technique. they
can provide the ~ainten.nce without addln9 personnel. Mr. Raine.
advl.ed that they have not added peraonnel in three year., other than
1/2 person for Marco Island. COlluniøøloner J(rus. pointed out that, if
they have not added anyone in three year. they ~ust recoqnlae the fact
that they have added square footag., trailer., eta.
,aq. I,
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August 26, 1981
There was a-brlof dIscussion regarding subcontractinq out
cu.todlal service. and Mr. Raines said that he has found throu9h
re..arch that thiø just doe. not work.
'Hr. Smith said that when Mr. Raines made his prosentation to the
Commission last time he said that the budget was deslgnod with one goal
in ~ind which waG to keep the cost aD low os possible. ne added that
the Flocal Officer sent to all dopartment head. a memo regarding the
financial policy adopted by the Board. Mr. Smith soid that his
Interpretation of the policy statement artoptod by,the Board was a
11teral one which he felt was consistent with what tho Board wanted.
Mr. Smith said that they have, øince the Board heard the department
haad's report, promotod from within an electrician and plumber. Mr.
, Norman said that it i8 his Intention to do an In-depth analysis of
workload and possible placement of 80me of this work out by contract,
adding that he Is personally not really satisfied that he h~a
8ufflclent information to mok. a determination of performance. Mr.
NOfQan recommended that they stay with hi. or191nal recom~endation not
to approve the additional four and to d.lete the one vacancy.
The ~otlon was seconded by Chairman pistor and failed 2/2,
ComMI.sloners Krus. and Brown opposed.
COlDlllsl1oner J<ruse aaked Mr. Rain.s if h. had a choice whit it
would b. and he replied that he would pref.r to have the electrician.
It vas the consensus ot the Board that the .lectrician po.ltlon be
.alntained. Hr. Raines said that he cannot maintain the level of
.ervic. without the requested Incr.a... Commissioner Kruse .ov~ to
retain the el.ctrlcian po.ltion and modify the budg.t eccordlngly.
Chatta.n Piator ..conded the .otlon which f.lled 2/2, Coaal.sloner.
Wenzel and Drown oppos.d.
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Commissioner Wenzel moveð to accopt tho County Hanaqort.
r.co~~enðatlon regarðlnq custoðla1 personnel. Chairman 'ls'tor s.conð.d
the motion which cårrloð 3/1, Commissioner Brown opposeð. It was not.d
that tho budget will be adjusted 80 that it can bø discussed TUesday
,Chairman pløtor laid that If thoy cut out haul1n9 it woulð save
some monoy, ~dding that Ever91ado8 City has their own colloction and
the Carnestown tr~nsfer is boln9 maintained only for Evorglades City.
Mr. Norman said that it servos tho whole e~st~rn portion of the County
and it does more than any other step to prevont roadside dumping. Mr.
Norr.'lan sa id that he seos the implemontð ion of II transfer fee. 110 laid
that bonofits of trðnøfer stðtions arÐ being derived by l~nd8cape
poople and people that do not pay to have it collocted at their home.
Hr. Norman said that they could tako a first step and chðrgo commorclal
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Commissioner Srown Moved to Institute a transfer fee for
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commerch)"J,laulors. CommlnsJoner Wenzel leconded the motion which
carried 4/0.
Commissioner Wenzel moveð to add tho amount of propos.d revenue
in the County M~nð~er'o issue paper into the budget. Commls8ioner
Drown 8e~ondeð the motion which cðrriod 4/0.
County ~ttornoy Pickworth statod that an occupational licens. Sa-
'baslcally a tax for the privilege of doing busine.. in the County.
Nor.an pointed 'out that .11 bu.ln..... In the City mu.t also purchas. a
County lic.nlo.
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~en Cuyler, ~ssiÐtðnt County ~ttorney, reviewed some of the
proposed chang os In the occupationðl teos.
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1971 Statutes they cllnnot chango classi£ic~tions.
Mr. Marty Repsdorf, r.eputy Tax Colloctor, recalled that the ~oard
established a feo of $30.00 for ðstrologcrs in July and a~kod if they
should be doubled also. It waD tho conscnsus of the ~oard that the foe
tor an astrologcr's license would be doubled, i.e. $~O.OO.
Referring to peddlers, commiasioner Rrown said that tho proposed
$100.00 is too much. It was clariflßd that only thA porson owning the
mar~et would pay and it would be up to him 1£ he charged for tho
8talls. Commissioner Prawn said that he was concerned about the
vendors with pickup trucks and said thal he would prefer it to be
Commissioner Orown moved, 8cconderl by Commissioner Wenzel that the
fee for a stall be $30.00 and that this would ðlso apply to selling
from a truck.
County MðnDgor NorMan said that It is his understftnding that the
revenuo from this ordinance will be distributed on population and ~r.
PIckworth confirmed that this 1. required by Statuto.
Co~issioner Wtnzcl movod that funds be put Into the budgat tor
revenues from occupational lIcenses In accordance with population
census, taking into account the proposed chango in feoø. Commissioner
Kruse øeconded the ~otion which carried 4/0.
r..-.s 8UOOr.T
Hr. Norman .aid th.t in goln9 over the llat of thing. that he
thought the Board 1119ht want to talk about, he would reduce the trevel'!'
expenditure of the EMS Director and MOtor Pool end he reco..ended th~i~
'3,500 be cut out, 81,500 out of travel, for the Director only, and
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AU<Juat ~6, 1981
that his motor pool charges bo cut from $5,200 to $3,200.
Brown moved to accept the ~ecommendðtion of the County ~ana9ør. .Motlon
aøcondod by Commissioner Wonzel and cørrlod 4/0.
A list of the following recommendcd changes w~s distributed by
County Manðgcr and he' sll1d thnt they are all agreo~ble to him and the
respective department headst
Account .
Descr! pHon
Word rrocessing Equipment
Word Processing Charge.
Additional Revenue
Defer Capital Replacement
Contract for ~onitorln9
Contract for ~onitorln9/
Oecreasod Fill
Transfer and Capital
001 03 010
( 4,500)
( 500)
( HC)
Commissionor Kruse moved that the recommended change. bo approved.
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion which carried 4/0.
The meeting W~ß ðdjourne~ hy order of the Chairman at 12122 P.M.
'.ge 12