BCC Minutes 11/10/1981 R e '. ...._ '.... .... ~.. I _~_______________..........--__ ._....-____________. _~______~....J..'~ " ,'./ ' Ni'lpl(ls, Florida, No .' 10,19111 . . . . LET IT DE R~:I_\I::~nEnED, thðt the Doarc1 of County commiualonorc in and (or tho County of Collier, ond ðlao ðCLl"~ os tho qovornin9 bOðrd(s) of such spc~l~l dlDtrlcts ðS hnvc boon cronted according to lAw nnd hnving conducted buninccs horcin, mot on tllis d~tc ^t 9:00 A.M. in R~'Jul':H SCRsion a. ~lldln9 "F" of tho courthOUGð Complo)(. wit.h the ..¿.);.;~ . '. ~1 ~~.~ ". !þ~.·~,.·.~~I. . :..'J ~·j¡i~l· .~¡ 1,::':ì.I\.:, /~ ',:r~Jf':,' ,~. \ }i" l~:",:l'¡L '~~"¡~\¡X, ·,~1¡' ;;~I'~"~ ì" · ?;rt~'i~~/ )\.,.;. '." . . following TIeJT\borl\ prcrM1ntl CI!A t ru~MJ: VICE-Cllf\ IR~~MI: ,lot'" f\. I.'i otor Clifford Won~:C!l c.n. "Rung" wl~cr Mary-frðncaß Kruso David C. ['Irown ^I..SO I'H 1':.: r.tJT: \'i11lillm .1. HCMJT1n, Clerkt IJ,'rolc1 t.. 11.,11, Chicf t(~pul.y Cll'd./F1ec.il offIcer; ElInor /.... ~,Idnn~r .,nt f).:1r}(:nC' t')¡)vldtlon ( ::~, I'.~\.' I"('l'uty Clt'rk!.it f'\un.,ld 1"1ck\.lort.h, County ^Lt.ornC'Yt KI'r. Cuyler, ¡\r,:;1·.t,Jnt cl)\lnty ^ttornny; Irvine) BC'rzon, tlt1)1ti,'L.: ~'.1n"I)t'r c. h'iJ11..m I'or~.'.'n, County r~,I n.HJI..rt t!{dl r,orr111"flt1mlr\1~tr.,tlv'l Asalct.:mt1 'jerry Vlrtd, C'or-.1'111!1Ity r.~v~lorrn(..nt '·d,~lnlr.;tr.-]tnr: L('f' l:lrch:lOf( <Jnd ¡(.try Cl.nk, Pl"I,nr:t!~t ,1cffory rl~rry, ?on!.nl) f) r(~Cl.ort Cllfrord nllrkr..dillc, Nbl1c I-:orka ,.dr.dnlt1lrntor; Cr,'c(~ :~p.lUlc11n'J, ^drdnlctrl'tivl' Nlde t.o th~ £1o':Hd; ùnù, D()puty Chic! ¡¡('V [\/Hnl'tt. t ~, ~.' :'IJ Pllq 0 1 &O~~ 066 rACf 01 ... - -.. -- - --. _.~ - -- - -.- - - -- -..- -- -.-- -- -- ----.+- ---~---_................. . . MlcrotUller'" Memo: The lellb1l1t,y otX, pr lntlng on thl. pe&e.ztll unlltlar8ctory ,~:~"'\L ,:. ¡ tor a1crot11a reproduè!\lc:.n when r.c.lv.d~.~~~·ll ... .... ..,.., ......... ., .__. UJ!", i - . - _.. - - -.- - .-- - - --- -- - --- --- - - - ----- -------- Novftmber 10, 1901 ,:'. 'f,/ ¡~:':'.,' j. ",;,I,.,·,,,n '..:'",;"",:, I': , ~\~¡; , .' " - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - .'. - - - - -- ----- ----- &OQK 066 PACt '06 ACEND" _ "('PROVE!') ,-nTH FOtt.Ç)WING CIlI\N~F.r, I ^. DiscuGsion rQ nce moetinqo week of Th~nksqivln9 ond botwoen Christmas and Now YODr'S Pðy. B. D18cus~lon ro no dischðrgo of flre~rmÐ, 9(B)3 C. Movo Item 12(A) ro Certificato of Compotoncy for Specialty Contractors to 7(J) MINUTES OF OCTODEn 13 AND 20, 1901 ME~TINcn - APPROVED ,~mI5Dloncr Wenzel rnovøð,. soconded carried unanimously thð~tho mInutes for nltH,tings be approved os di!\trlbutod. by commlssionor ~ruøe ðnd October 13 and 20, 1901 BCC rnOCLM'''TION pnOCLM~lING rlEE:1< OF NOVEMAF.R ,Mt~ 1931 Mj "YOUTH APpnECIA- TION Wr.I::K" - ADOPTf:n :~~!~~~ Chðlrm.:ln piRtor relld tho proct'~m.,tlt~oclnlmlnCJ tho waek of . Novem'out' 15, 1901 liS "'iouth APprCc1"t1d~::~~k" and Admlnlctratlvo Assiatnnt Neil Dorrl11 accepted It ðnd cxp1nlnod thnt tho County Manager's offIce hlls bocn invited to ~ spocl~l youth bðnquet on November 17, 1901, dt which tlmo the proc1om~tion would bo prftsenteð to the optlmlat Club nt t~c Gold~n Gate Community Centør. Page 2 ... . . . '.¡Þ .' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - - --.- .... . Hovcmbcr 10, 19tH Ma~ 066 P~~t 08 NO DCC MEF.TING WILL E\E IIELD ON NOV£MDf:n "4, H)nl, DF.CIßION~r WHETnr.n ,.;I~; ""f MEETING WILL DE tlELD £lETHEr.N CllnTGTMAS I\ND HEW YEI\RIS DI\V TO BE M^ÐE ^,r~,:.;'. ..~... 1\ U\TF.R OI\TF:'~! (:'~; ",: ChaLrman pletor Ro1d th~t it has been tho cuatom not to hold 8 ace moeting during Thðnkaqlvlng wonk. Commissionor Drown movod, socondod by Commlssionur Wimer ond c~rricð un~nlmouBly, that no DCC meotin9 bo hold Novombor 24, 1901. Tho point WIIØ mndo that the throo publio hOllringÐ schoduled tor that moetlnq would bft rc-ðdvortiood. It wnD tho gonornl cons~nnUB of tho Board that a deciøion would be mado at a later dato ðß to whot~or or not ð BCC moetlng will be hold during the week between Christmas IInd New Year's Dðy. RE~OLUTION 81-239 RE r~TITION V-~1-22-C, non~nT CU"RDI\DCIONE, REOUE6T- ING A V^nlI\NCr. FnN\ 'filE nf.('tJlnF.!) N\HKING FOn A Rf.GT¡\UHANT IN AN EXIST- ING f,IIOprp:c CF.tITf.H ON t.QTf, 6-10, BLOC!: 5, UNIT l, LOT f', HEPI."T ALOCKS 4 MI\) 5, NJ,PLf.S PI\RI< - I\DOPTf.n \'I1'm STI PlJL."TIJNS Logal notIce h~vlng bCDn ~rlv~rti5cd In tho Nnp1es Dally NowS on Octobor 25, 19C1, ðS cvic1cncad by ^ff1d~vlt of publication filed with the Clerk, public hc~ring WðS opened to consl~cr p~titlon V-81-22-C, filed by "obert Gu~rd~Gclono rcquustlnq ~ var1a,cu [rom the required p~rk1n~ for ð rcstn9fðnt 1n ~n cxistlng nhopplng center on Lots ~-10, lIlock 5, Unit 1, Lot r,~ rcplnt [Hocks" ðnd 5, N.,pleø p.,rk, locAted at tho H.W. cnrner of 10~th ~venuo N. at u.S. ~l. Zonir.') Pi rector Pnrry 8.31d thðt th(' petitioner is asking for a vðriðncc to th~ p~rking requ1remr.nts 1n ardor to havo tables and chAirs In his plZ7.lIrið. lie roforred to tho F.)(ecutivo f;uMmary datGd 10/21/01 which statod when lhn ohopping center "Mß dcøignc·.' in 1978, It was designed with ~ p~rk1ng lot wIth twenty-one parking opaccs based upon Pa9 e 3 . .' , " -------------------~------~------~~-~~-- ." '1 . . . November 10, 1981 rJ:I ~ :::I .,', "1 , . . "'f'" . . . . ( . - - __ __. ____ __1______------------ -...---------~-- . tho roquiromont for rct~l~ ootnblishmontß ðnd thnt those requirements would not permit tho increaso in the IISO to " restzlUr"nt without havi ðdditional plHkinq spacos. lie Baid thðt the pllrking roquirements requlro Mr. cu~rdnÐclono'B rcntnurnnt to hnve 12.5 parking spaces al10tcd to it insteðd of tho current 3.5 and that, baacd upon sOQting CApacity of 8 Bcats, Mr. Cuardasciono would be roqu1rcd to have 4 park1ng npaccs. Mr. Perry said that tho pnrkin~ ordinance requiros thAt whon calcul~tlng a rastöurant pðrkin~ requiremr.nts, tho grantor numbor of opaccs required, In thiG caGO 12.5, is to be used. Mr. Perry s~ið that Mr. CUl1rdnccionc maint~ln5 thnt tho other UÐOS in tho pl~z~ close ~t 5:00 P.M. nnd lIro Goldom open on weekends GO e thore would bú I'Jmplo s['aco provided durlnq his ponk hOllro In tho ovon1ng, nnd that he h~n lI~rood to only UGC tho tðbloÐ aftar 5s00 r.M. and on woeknnds. Mr. Perry u~ld thnt, bnn"d upon the cr1tcrla i~ tho Exccutlvo SU~ TIlIry, the ßt~(f rccomMondB drnl111 of Petltlon V-nl-22-C. Commissionor \.¡lr.wr IIsk~d Mr. Pcrry ..,hllt hiD pcrnonðl f.C!'clln~ rcgnrd1n~ tho rcquc5t W~D ~nd Mr. Parry s~i~ th~t eta!f chockod into th~ petltloner's 1n{orm~tlon r~~~rdln~ the occur~ncy ~~O 'of tho plðz~ an~ thðt thu petitioner Is corrcct In st~ting tho other buslnosses cloGU "t !):OO P."'. .1nd that, por&onni'lly, he hðØ no.joctlons to the roquust but, ðccording to tho ordin~nco, tho iecommondation of denial has to be m~do. Commins!"ncr \olimor Bldd ho h"'J\ 100kerl at the arca ðnd he would look favorably upon the request. Commissiohvr Wonzol asked why some of tho graDD 3roð shown 1n tho Exocutlve SUmm~ry could not bo uøcd for Pð9. 4 ~oo~ 066 rACE 09 --------------------~------~-----~--~-~--' , . . . . . - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- -- -- - --- Novvmbot 10, 1981 MO~ CBB PACt 10 Qxtr~ pðrklng apacoø and Mr. porry otated that tho County's dralna90 requiremcnts~woUld prob~bl~ bo affected. Mr. Gunrdðsclono, petitlonor, askod tho Doard to consider his request (or ð fow tnbloø to bo usr.d only lIftar SeOO r.M. slnce his rQstaurðnt is the only bUDlnosB open after that hour. Mr. Miko Zewalk Bpoko 1n OPPosition,l¡tho petition. .. Mr. porry advised the Bo~rd that in the recent changos to tho parking ordinancr., ð Dhopping centor otandard hOB boen created which would roquiro moro parking than this con tor currently hoe and, thorefore, a problem such 08 the one under d1ucußsion, hos boon corrocted. Commlsnlon~r Kruso nskcd If ~r. Porry moant that undor the new rcqulrclTlcnta the potitionor would not ncod 1'I vllrinnco and ~r. rorry said th.:lt if the !JlloL~plnCJ cÐnttH worc built todny mon parking would be provid~d and in that inatance the use of D bualnoG~ could be changed without rcgnrd to tho parking. 110 Baid thi\t thio shopping centor was built heforc the ahopplnq c!!ntcr code r()C ulreMcnt was In affoct. ComlTlln~loncr Wlm~~ Moved, £econded by ComMiß~ionor Brown ðnd carrIed unðn1~ously, thnt thr. public henrinq bo closed. COr.'unili!11ont!r Wlmr~r rnoved, sccondcc1 by COMmløaioncr Urown tlnd cnrrlcd 3/2, wlth Commlng~onars Kruso Dnd Wcn%ol oppofted, t~~t nesolution 01-239 ro potltton V-Rl-22-C, ho Ddoptad with thJ stipulation that tho tablea a~~ chairs could not hn UGod unt11 ~ftor 5100 P.M. Pð90 S . . , - -- - - - - - -...------------------------".---.-....._- . . . i Mlcrof l1mer '. Memo: The leglbll1 ty , of "1tjl ¡ :t printing on this pege WlIS uns8tisfectory ...r,! / "'~ I for microfilm reproduction when receivec'" 1~:'~~1 , __________-----~~~-~----.-,-----------ØL~ Novembor 10, 1901 PETITION V-01-2S-C, COLLICR DEVELorMENT BY EnWARD KANT, REQUESTING ^ V^RI"NCE TO THE SIGN RIX:UL^TIONS l\T TilE r.NTI11\NCr.S TO ·COLt.ICR MRK OF COMMERCr." _ CONTINUr.D TO nf.CE~HER 1, lonl Legol ootlco hovlng boen publl.hod In tho Naplo. Dolly Now. on· October 25, 1901, ðS evidonced by "ffidnvit of publication filod with tho Clerk, public ho.·lng wno opened to con!1ic1cr Potlt\on~1-25-C, fUod for CollIer PovPloprncnt by Edward J{l\nt roC]uostinq a9ðnco to the sign rcgulnt~cns ~t the entrr.ncen to Coll1~r P~rk of Commcrco. Zon1ng Director Perry rcforrod to thu Exccut1ve 5umm~ry datod 10/21/81 which oxp1vincd tho potlt1on~r'a rC~uo5t to h~vc two oin<]lo-aidod proj <"1.. t 1 (1 û n t 1 f i c., t ion G i'1n!; "t (\.,ch of: two cntr.Jceß to CollIer PlHk of: COMMcrce r¡¡ther thðn the onf" doublc-GiclC!d ðirf:ctory slC)n at uðch en..rancc \o,h ieh in parmittcd by tho codl). lie caid thðt the type of siC]n, which thr: potU.Sonor deslrel' to erect, iB pCHmittod in 011 tcshlul\tlt'tl distrIcts anI th1'>t ßtnCf recommends opprovnl of patition V-P.1-25-C. In responso tO.:l l1ucfltlon by Ch.,lrr:1t'1n 1'1ntor, ~r. S'erry uðid tht1t buolnossos In the development would be un~blQ to qat perMitB to orect . additional niqns. Mr. Edw.ud Ki!nt, reprenenting Collior Corpor:ltlon, placed ð skotch of the proposed oign on an ovorheðd boðrd and dlnplayod ð drowlng showing tho proposed locðtlono of tho signs for thu dovelopment. Ho soid that Collior Corpor^tion 1. in tho procoSB of cxtonn1vo londsC4plng in the ðr~ð and the compðny'G objoctivo i8 to m^kO a quall t.y dcvolopr.'lcnt. 110 8~ Id that thoro oro reøtr lct lvo coveni'tB on . the ~rk ~hlch would apply to the other nlgnn to which Chairman Pi8tor roforred. rl90 6 ao!)« 066 rAtë 13 '... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _.JIl_ - - -- --- - -- --- -- --- -- - - ----- .', '.. ..' . . . . . - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - -- - - -- .---- November 10, 1901 MQ~ CBB PACt 14 Commlssloner Wimer roq~eBtod thðt the potltion bo continued until Docomber 1, 1981 sinco he hðd 80me questions reg~rdlng tho roquoøt. ^ft.or ð short discUGsion, CommisGloner W1mor moved, seconded by Com~ miasioner Orown ~nd c~rriod 3/2, with CommisBionors Wonzol and RrUBO opposed, that Petition V-Ol-25-C be continued until Docember 1, 1981. e':'! '~; RESOLUTION el-2~0 RE PETITION V-nl-23-C, ROßERT E. DENNI~, REQUESTING ^ ,~ 100 S&TOACK VA",^NC" IN ORD"" TO CONSTRUCT A DETACn"D CM'cE ON LOT 20, . ... ,./~ REPL^T OF !'LOCK!:; 1\ ^ND S, N^Pt.f:S P,\RI<, UNIT } - ^DOPTED'..'::;;'! .,'. ';~', ;,j", ;,?~ L~gnl notice hnvinq been publish~d in tho Nðplos Daily Nows on October 25, 1981, DO r.viòcncod by ^ffidnvit of publication filed by tho Clerk, puhlic he^rlng WD~ opened to consider Petition V-Al-?3-C, filed by Robert E. Denniß requnst1ng ð 10' n~tbnck vnrinnco 1n order to construct 11 detðchoù t)lHðC)C on Lot 20, rcplllt of Blocks 4 and 5, In Naples Park, Unit 1. Zoning D1ructor porry referred to tho Exocutive Fummory dnted lO/21/0l wh1ch oxpl~in:J tlhH tho pet1tlonor in ~skin9 tho [Iollrd to ,.pprovo A vlIri.,ncc t.h,h. would purm1t tho conntruct.ion of n dct.,ched gðrðgo IS' from the ri9ht-or-w~y 11no on 107th ^vonuc North. "0 said thðt 8tðff rccommcnd5 npprov31 of pet1tlon V-nl-~3-C. Commission~r Wlmor moved, Gcconded by Comm1snioncr Dro~n and cDrr1~d unðnlmounly, th^t tho public hnnring be closcd. ~ Comm1sftloner Wimer moved, sccondod by Commluøioncr Brown ðnd c~rrlcd unðnimou91y, thnt Resolution el-2~O rft ratition V-Vl-23-C b. adopted. Pð9' 7 .__..__n M1crofl1mer'8 Memo: The legibility of prlntln& on this paee w!! un~~tt.f.ctory for microfilm rt'production when recdved. ._------------~- ., .......,. ,._. ...,.,...,hJ..,....-~.~..IMt..,__~.. ....-- 0<'-" "- - - --- - -.....- - -- -......- - ----- * « .. . . Microfl1mer's Memo: The legibility of printing on this pege w~s unsstisfectory for microfilm reproduction when received. ,.......------ (;'.'r ' . ',~' <, '~ , j '. . , .. (/1~))! -~----------------------------~~-----~ November 10, 1901 ORDINANCE NO. 01-67 R~ PETITION R-Ol-22C, WILLl^M L. B"RTON, TRUSTE~, REQUr.GTJNG rn:7.0NING FROM "1';'-3" TO "r\.tD" rem PROP¡::I"tTY I<NO\"t>I "5 WILL- OUGI1I3Y c^nD~:NS LOC^TED ON PII'r.n nOULEV^I"tD IU;TWr.r.N L"KEL"ND l\NO EUCLID l\VE:tW~:S IN \','tLLOUGIIBY l\CRES - ^DOPTF.D r,un.1ECT TO n~PU4r\"l~' ('ETI- TI ONER' r. M~H,"F:Mr.NT 'rO fi'i't PlJt.^TIONfi M,;cr.rTr.o ' i J 'h,_,' Lcgðl notlcC! h~vlng bo~n published In the Naplcs Dðity News on Octobor 9, 19n1, 08 evidenced by "ffld~vit of publication filcd with the Clerk, puhlic hODrlnC) W.:HI o wnC!d to con3ic1or petition Il-Ol-?'C, filed by William L. r~rton, Tru"tco, rcqucst1nq rozoning Crom "Rr.-3" to "PUD" for property It.nown .'15 \':11loughhy Ct1rdcnß locntod on ripor ßoulcyord between LnkQlnnd and Euclid ^vúnucs 1n Wl110uqhhy "cros. . plð-nncr Leo ~:ccchhof! Inrlicllt('r} lh(' g('nernl lo;.:,'tion of the proporty de~crlbcd in Petition n-~1-22C on a map on an ovorhand bo~rd and nt.ntrd lhllt thu ),=,tiLonl'r 1~ propo:'iil1C) to dev('lop II v1l1n and g~rden type ^partmnnt developMcnt wIth 90 unitG nt ð donaity of ~.l units per ðcre. ~hu nxplnIncrl thnt the r~pc hclc1 t.heir public hc~rinq on October 29, 19A1 ðnd rccornmunded fow~rdin~ tho petitlon to tho Goard for ðpprov~l subject to nmr~dmcnt of the "PUO· document ~9 ^~rced to by the potit1onor. Mr. Tom pe~k from Wilßon, Miller, Pnrton, ~oll & Peck, project engineors for tho project, rcsponrled to n quantlon from Commissionor Wcnzrl by stiltlnry thnt tho Comprchenclvc ~lnn W~8 ch~n~ed on ~Ðptcmbcr 29, 1901 (rom 4 to r..22 units por Acro ðnd thAt at tho ti~~cuSsion WlIB hold rcgtHding tho ovor~ll Willoughby "Cr(!B o'\rP^, cvcl\\ tho chango, would still be below the 4 units per Acre 9rOS8 donsity. Ho explaIned that the p~rcel of land fronts on tho 1ðr9~ canal on tho north aido of Immokalcc ROAd and that hiD firm faIt thðt. 81ngl0 fA~11y houøinq immediAtely ndjacont to the canal would not serve the boat use P.9. 8 ,oo~ C 66 rACe! 17 ~ -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ...- - - - -- - ..-...., ..." ~) (~,\ .' \.... ", ,............ .. " ..._r' . t· . ~\ I; , ,'i; " \. ' ./ \.... <,. . ... - -- - ---- -------------------------------- Novembor 10, 1901 eo!)~ GBB fhCi 18 for the. GroG, but thot a multifamily community which provides for a mðximum of ~wo Dtorles wit~ intermix of villna, townhousus And oport- manta would provido the boot buffer, betwoen the mojor o~teri81 and tho cDnal, to tho ~xic~~ Wl110ughby Acros Subdivision. In responGo ~~~)qUestlon by Cha1rm~n pistor, Mr. pook sAid thðt considerotlon hod beon givon to Imp~ct foes ðnd thnt when ð county-wid. ordlnðnco io ðdoptcd, thi~ developmcnt would be required to contrlbuto. Commlnsionor Wenzol movod, soconded by Commissioner Kruso and c~r~(6l\n^nimOUDly, thot tho' public heoring bo closed. \~~-) I .' . Oomminuionor Wimcr movc~, socond~d hy commiasionor Brown and corricd ~/l, with Commis310ner Wunzel opposed, that Ordinonce 81-67 ro Petition n-Rl-1.2C as nu~borcd ~nd cntltlr.d bolow be adopted ond antorod into Ordin~nce nook 131 OfHHN1\NCE 01-67 AN onDIN^I'CE AMENDING onrHN^~~CE 7"-30, TilE COMPRE- liENS IVE ZOIHNG IH:GUL^TIC\N~ Fon TIIF. urnNconpOIlATED ^,~E^ Of' TilE COJ\ST1\L M¡EA pr,MJNINC DI!>TRICT DY M\t:NDING TilE ZOIlING ATLlIS H^r :--IUr-1OEft "8-25-1} BV CIIM!GING TII:; zCtIINC CL¡\!;SIFIC1\TION FnOM "RG-3" SINGLE fMnL'l 10 "PUD" rL^tltJF.D urnT Dr.Vr.L()P~'EtlT Fan 90 VI Lr.i\!i, TOh'tI OU;,I~S ^ND ~1UI.TrFMqLY UNI1'!; FOR TIlE PROJECT KHO\'IN AS \'IILLOIlGIIBY G^,H'If.Wì ON TilE FOLLOW- ItJG l'E5cn IBED Pf10PEf1TYI PMìT Of' SECTION 24, TOW~15I1IP 4A ZOUTII, RANGE 7.5 EAST LOC^Tr.O nr.""E£N LAY.I:LMm ^ND CUCLlD AVENUES W WILLOUGltOv ^CRE~ t ^ND ['I'x' PROVIDING AN EffECTIVE D^TE. ,-... MlcTofl1mer'o Memo: The legib11ity of ~Tlntlng on thi8 pAge w~a un8~t18fActory or microfi1m reproouctlon wh,.n TfOC"f't vf',1. Pac;¡. 9. . .- -- _."-- ~- ------- ---- -..-- - -------------------- . , _ ----- -- _ -- _ -........,....----- ---- -- --- -- -- - -·----1' . . .' ,~. ,,~ .' :: !i~ " :!1'1. . t.:~ ! ,.,..', \ ¡' ·;"~~:..'~~I '\'~...:,.~'/ '",' ",. . , - - --...-.- - - - - -- ----- - --------------------- Novembor 10, 1981 M!)~ C55 fACi 20 O~DIN¡\NCE NO. Ol-(if RE PETt'TION R-Al-17C, U.S. flOME, RF.QUESTING MIENDMENT OF THE KINGB t.A1<F: NORTH "('UO" TO ALLO\-I ^ NEN r.UBDIVI!iION KNOWN ^n FOXFlnE LOC^TEO BETWEEN ""DtO RO"D AND D"Vt~ nOULEVARD IMM!:':DI¡\TELY NORTH OF KtNG!' L¡\KE SUlHHVIf,10N - ¡\DOPTED, r,UOJf.CT TO AMENCMF:NT (')[-' Tllf: "ruo" PC1CW'ENT ANn CORRECITON nEtNG MADE TO Tnt HIGIIW^Y L^YOUT PETITIONER'S ^GREEM~NT TO GTIPUL^TIONn ^CCEPTED I Legal notico having been publ1nhcd in the Nnples D~lly He Octobor 9, 191'1, ÐB cvid~ncp.d by ^ffi~Qvlt of publication filed with tho Clnrk, public hcôring wna opened to consider Petition R-Ol-17C, fl10d by U.S. Homo r~qu~:;tlng' amendment of the KinCJD Lake North "PUO" to allow ð new suhdivlfilon known ðS Foxfire locotod between Radio Road ðnd DðVis Doulcvord immediately north of Kings Loke Subdivision. Plnnncr LflO Korchhoff rcf~rrcd to tho Ex~cutive Summary in tho t'lgen~<'I (or th~ mceting whIch c (pl"incd th.:\t t>f' p'!titioner propOG08 to dev~lop a cubdivls10n with 927 nlnqla, garden ðnd multifamily units at ð dennlty of 2.91 unitIJ pt.'r "crc which i!1 tho flðmo donGl",. 68 tho ," :,' , oxlstlnC) KIngs [.(1)-:e North "PUD". Sho inrllcDt<H1 on a ma(>aÞ~fln ovorhelld bOllrd the <]t!ncr¡1l loc( t1on of tho property l\R bn1ng on the north aido of D.:wis l'Ioulcv.1rrl extending to tile south 8ide of Radio Rond. !õho said th~t the C^PC hold th01r publIc hcnrinq on October 29, 1ge1 and recom- mended to (or~~rd petition R-el-17C to tho Uonrd with a rcco~m~nd^tlon of .,pprov.:-1 ßUbjl!ct to "m.:ndr.'ll'nt of the "t'U[I" doclJment concernIng c:ommltml'ntti rulðtinq to w.,tur nnd sewer to which tho p!JtitioncH agreod. Mr. nich.ud IIcnderlonq (ro~ Wilnon, Miller, Parton, Sol1 & Peek, represcnting tho potltlon~r, pl~c~d tho Master plan on ðn overhoad boord ðnd cxplnlnod that the previous owner, Kings Lako North, has sold the proporty to U.G. Home ðnd thðt the devolopment provides for an increase in acronqo to tho multlfðml1y Innd uso tract areas from 58 Pð90 10 I \ ~.~ I;,:~:~ .,,' ..' :; 'I'·:':" , , ~(, . ;ii' '~~"", ..~ Sf J; "', . ."~ ,:ii !t ,:;: ~5;i ~; :~i ~w . :!~¡~ j.·e.,.,, e, ". ',' _ _.-:.. _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ --' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:... _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...;f., ~ t:::] 'eì . . Novombor 10, 19~1 :::J ~crnß to 78 acres with 0 reduction in not donøity to tho ~ultlfoml1y nrolls from 12.0 to 9.H units. 110 oxplained thllt tho amendment pro- vidos for ð raduction in tho golf course ond commons arOðB fro~ 172 acros to 15fi ocros nnd that tho sa roductiona wero dona to gðin moro common open apnca in cluøtor houslng and multifamily oreðß. He said thllt thera will bo ð rcductlon in the oingle low density singlo roaidontinl ðrons from 220 unita to 200 with tho donsity he1ng reducod [rom 2.115 to 2.4:7.. 11ft r,nld that his firm !ucln theBe! chongon will not havo an ûdv~r5e cnvlron~ent~l i~ract. ChðirM~n FiGlor n~ld he fclt that nn nccc~S ro~d chould bd rûguircd on tho Wl!litern aid(' of tho projf'ct l1nd h~ 'Iakod if thcre W<lß IIny conGldoration for one, to which ~\r. I!ondl'rlonq rCf'Jpond<>d that 10 ð rODd ðllqninC] wIth E...tcy "vonuet tlwt tht~rc is a north/couth t.horoughflH'e which will be a puhlic thorou<Jhf.H~ wIth Ð blkC! p.1th Davis noulcv~rd to RadIo ROlld and that, nt the 5ubdivinion Reviow CO~MittQO moeting, the County Engineorinq Dvpnrt~cnt roquûßt~d that dcvclopurD provide an coote-n IIllgnmcnt tor 0 future doemed it necessary once the propertleß IHU devoloFC!d. Ita Rl'dd there under dll>cLJ!lslon. In rcspnnse to Ch..drm^n Plotort[\ f u"ntion, I'Ir. oro four locot10nD throu~h which the publIc could ~nter thQ projoct lIonc!orloog slIid thoro is no connoctlor, !rum. tho midpoint of the property northwnrd. Commissioner wimer asked if Llvinqøton Roðd continup.s to the 'o)(f'ro project, nnd Mr. IIondorlonC) said thðt At tho tlmo tho Trðna- poration Mastor Plan was devoloped, the western ~d~e of tho soction linoa woro conøidored ne boln9 n futuro north/oouth ftllC)nmont ~ 06B PAri 21 ,,. .....,_....~._._-- ~) .. ._ ...... ~._ __4 _ _ ._ -- -- - -- .-- - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - --- Pðge 12 : .j¡1~~· ..!'t)if ;'.;1 ';?'" ,ï~,r :j~: _.. _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - -r- - - - - - _.: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -~~~.#~ . ,-;;~*} .< November 10, 1981 e1J!)~ CBS fAct 22 thore Wð8 flexibility provided within the plan which stðted that as dovolopmontB camo in tho l'Il.ignmontB could bo rolocatod ðnd at prosent the north/south alignments Are no longer on tho soction linos but aro mo~ndoring through the projects in tho nruð. Ho paid that thQ purposo or tho trannportntion plan was to give a øofÐguard to the County for ð futuro public north/south alignment from tho Coldnn Cato Canal to Rottlonnðko Hammock Rond. Commisaloncr Wimer asked if Mr. Hondorlonq mcant that the moand~rinq ro~dß would bcco~c the north/south artoriAl route to which Mr. IIcnderlong- responded ðfflrmntlvoly. COr.\misølonor Wi~or a~id he ~trcnuouGly ohjectod to this plon. P1.1nncr I<erchho(f G.,ld thnt. eventul1l1y lI<twal1 !ìoulevl'Ird is to connect wIth KlnqG Lnkc ~oulcvnrd t.hrou0h roxfiro and thon through Orlorwood and thðt WOD tho original plan when tho four developmcnts in thu IIroo wcro pll1nnt·d pr lor to the Ddoption of tho 1979 Comprehensivo Plðn. 1Jhp. deGcr1bccl tl10 rOlld p..ttO!~ in tho dreð on ð map on an ..'fa ovurhtJlId bOllrd and ~)(pl"lncd th"t 1~7CJ the 1/2 ~llc soction on thc cðst sido of tho inau9trinl p~rk ðnd the ~i10 lon9th on the cast side of rl~mingo F.stðtca ~nd Coconut Piver wcro ndded. Comml~sionor WIMer Goid thnt ho felt som~ nl1qnmonts should be mDdu on the cðct ßld~ of the throe subdlvlclonn In th~ IIreHS. Mr. Hendcrlong IHl1d thilt the lots in t'w lower one third oé the foIaoter Plan of the project under dizcusslon Drc ðlr~Ddy p1~ttcd nlng1c fðnily lots and It would be very difficult öt this timo to work wlt.hln tho project nnd provide n north/fiouth .:111qnmcnt. COMmisßionor \-:Imcr slIid he folt the problem should bu ðddrr.nocd now while tho proprrty is just plattcd nnd no hom~R or stroct9 aro in th~t arc.:1 and he r~quostod that this be' dona scp~rato from the issuo under discuaslon. . ." :t~~; . . , . November 10, 1901 Chairman pistor said that the Board would ask Mr. v1rta to look into tho situation. Commls~ioner Wenzel asked if the sowar plant for Foxfire is a permanent facility and Mr. Hendorlong said th~t the developer intends to own and operate the sewer plant and thßt in tho event the County goes to a re~nal system this project would be connected. Utilitles Manaqer ßerzon said that this development has an on site facility and the developer is obli9nted to operate thAt f~cility until there 1s a regIonal facility nVðllnble. lie ('xplldned th¡¡t there WAS lIn agreement reached in March lCJßl \.hðt permitted t:.e Kin\l5 Lake developers to sell 0(( the north portion of thpir property hut that agreement also requires that the ('ntire development on the south and north will he s rved by the one sewer [¡¡cUlty with no tIme limit for the County to assume responsibility. commis510n(H".nzcl moved, seconder) by Commissioner 1<ruse and clIrried un,1nlmollsly, th,1t the public hcar1nC} be closed. commission~enzcl moved, seconded by Co~gsioner Wimer and carried unnnim~, thllt subject to amendment of the "PUD" document ðnd some correction beIng mlld(' to the highwny layout that tho ordinance as numbered and entItled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book 13: ORDINANCE 01-1)8 AN ORDINANCe AMENDING ORDINANC~ 7~-30, THE COMrRE- HENSIVE ZONING REGU['ATIO~5 FOR TIIF. UNINCORPOR^TF.D ARt:^ OF 111E COASTAL AR~^ PL^NNING DISTRICT BY AMENDING TilE 7.0NING ATLAS M"r NU..,OER 50-21;-3 l\Y ^M~NDING TilE F.X ISTING PUO KNOWN "S K I'~GS L.~KE NonTII TO A NEW PUO TO BE KNOWN AS FOXFIRF. ON THE FOLLOW- I NG DEf>CR I !H:[) rnorERT'i t rTl.RT OF TII E ,.,EST 1 /~ OF SECTION 6, TO\ol~f,lItP 5n SOUTII, RANG~' 2r; EAST AND BY rnOVIDI~C "N EFFECTIVE D"TE ao~ 066 'Ati 23 paqe 13 . Microfilmer'e Memo: The legibility of printing on this pege was ~n~8t1sf8ctory for microfilm reproduction when receiveð. , . - - - - --- - - -- ----- - - --- - --- -- -_.- - -- -- ------.... <~~~'~'. /; aoo~ 066 m~ ~5 '''9'' 1~ "~~l~' U'1I!õ ...f!,w, <; \'4,"; ',' - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --. ~....';... ~}~:. ;¡-.fGÔ~ :,,<rio,., ;:1· , ." , ' ,.,. " .'. . ~ Novrmh~r 10, 1901 PETITION R-n1-2JC, D^nNF.TT A"NKR, TRUSTEE, RF.OUf.~TtNG REZONING FROM "^" TO .. PUD" Fon THt: p£10rOf',ED 15 flcttr. rrW.lr.CT Y.NO\'ŸN Mi SUMF.RWQOD LOC^TF:D ON Till-; GOUTII GIOr. OF ""DIO HO"D \'/EST m' P^Lfo1f.R CMH.EVJGION - CONTINUED TO or.cr.p'or.n 1, 1 r¡n 1 Plllnnnr L('Q Korchhoff (JXPll\in~b2lt ot/'lff requcRtM) Petition n-(11-Î.~C be continued to Dcc<: ';1bcr 1, 191'1- COl'lmlosloncH \'¡enzcl m~, &dod by cOr.lmlna1oner Kruse Ðnd cordcd untlnimou!lly lh,1l lhu petit.ion bc çont1nut'rl to "ocenbcr 1, 1901. ORt1H!/\NCf. Il:. Al-r.0 rn: PF:TITTON n-rn-:?rC, IVY .1f~^N NtOm:, np.OUF.DTTNG Rt:ZONING rnr!\ "CoPC" ,,!:r. "\lr·\-If," '1'0 "1'Tnv" ron "I!f: pnnF'r.IlTY yrl('\vN ,,~ 110CI< C:Tlr.r.'~ Tn,. I Lr.n P^1i!: Loc.\Trn ml 'rill: ;r.U'r1l ~! nI~ N' I!('\PTn not\D f,OU·..H ('r '\"lIf: 'dln'on' ' - l,r'GPT~~l' ~:IIr..'H:T TO :ìTJrIIL^,J'10N~ìt pt.~1'r1'tn.Nr.lt';' M~nl:E~'f.tJT TO T!lr ~;"tru[.^1'r()W~ ,.cr.r:r'jTD Lcgül not IcC' h.w In') heen pub! i1¡hl'ù in the .'plt!H !",dly Nc\\'s on October 9, 19R1, ðß t'vidf!nccd by ^ffid.wlt of Puhl1c.'tion fIled wlt.h ltlC' Clcrr., public 1:(:,Hln<) ..,.,:,. opened to C"cr.dllcr pf!tltlon !'.-nl-2Cr, riled hy Ivy Jc~n Nl.'bu~ rcqucDtlng ra7onln1 from "CnC" Jnd "RM-l^" to "'''1RV" fur the ptolH!rty ~no\\'n 011 Rock Crc!·k Tr.Jil('r I'l'IrklC1t:c1toc1 on tho Douth !11dc of North Ronrl r,outh of. the .,irpört. Pl~nner Lee Kcrchhoff rcferred to thu Excculivn ~umml'lry in the ~gcnd~ for this meeting \\'~h expl~lncd that the pr.tltlonrr proposcd to exp~nd the exIstIng Roc~ Cr~ck Tr~il~r p~rk ~t the lor.ation Dh~ Indl- cDtcd on ð m3p on <'In overhcðd hOl'lrd. elll" 61'1i<1 th.,t the C^rC heIr! th~ir public hetH 11)<) on Oc lobor ~I), l~nl o'1nd røcomml"nded tl1l\t t.hu pI/tit ion be forw~rdcd to tho ßOl'lrd with t.ho rccommcndJtlon for opprov~l ßuhjcct to tho tollowln9 st.ð(f otlpulat1onol 1. Dc>t..dlcd ¡¡ite "net I'\I'IBt"r dr.,ln,'ge plltnn b~ Gubl'\lttcd to t.hn WM^D tor roviow and ~pprovnl prior to nt^rt of ~ny constrUC- tIon or raconutructlon. 2. Dct4'lllod plðnø "nd npcc1f1c..,tlons for thn proposod sowN:J0 t.ru~tM~nt r\~nt nh~ll br auhmlttud to thu UtilIty "ivlølon In ~ccord~nc~ with Ordlnðnc. rl-]12 prior Lo Lh~ laouðnc. of any building prrnlts. t;:J C:-;'J I.-..J ¡ M1crof11mer' s Memo: The leg1.h111.ty ~f , l~~;n;t~~o~~ l~;:p~~~~c~l~ u~~:~ 1~~~~1 ~~t ,œ~" __________________________~_____________m NovembQ f' 10, 19 0 l'~~t~!~C;~' ~ ,,' OF'··.. *.**Comminnlonor ßrown 10ft tho room at 10rOG A.M. and roturnod ðt IOrIO A.M.**··· Mrs. Cecil Holley, rosident of Rock Croak Trðilcr, spoko in favor of retition R-ßl-20-C. Mrs. M~ry Sch~ntzen, prop~rty owncr of onD of tho hou8~n n~~t to the trailer pðrk, ðnd Dloo rcprosentinq Mrß. K~thorlno Lutz, ownor of Lot 13 of tho IllIddluaton Suhdlvlclon, spoko in opposition to pot1tion R-nl-20-C. At Cor1miÐf1lonor \l1C'nzel's requeBt, r~rf3. fichl'lntzan inclicntcd the 10c,1tlon of hcr propprty on lh~ "",p. ~r. r.lIddentw/'Id expllJin~d to Mrs. Sch.1ntzc/I tho pllln to CrCH)to II new rOlld to her property I.lnd thl\t h Q r utili ti c n \0,'0 u 1 cI b Q pro t,(, c t pd. r~:J. Kcrchhcl [ n,) ld th;'It the nun'"u 0 r !IV latlan In T¡lll."t\"ssao LInd the Nnplcß AIrport ~ulhor1ty h,wc) rccommcndC!d thc1t l\\nd s\lrroundinC) ðlrports bl' ZOIH:cJ SOI"1p. type of com 11~rcll)} or inductrl,ìl usc and th~t otllff hAS done Dtudlcn In thc ðlca ^nrl p}~n to tðkc the ontirn north slc1c o( nock Crt.',·k hl' OW North nO;1(} to II cOI"1 1'\(·rc1.'l 1,' nc1 .Ufll~. Mrs. Detty V3n ^rcd~ln spoke oh1cctlnq to the potition nod rcqucstl.d that the no.ud conuldt.!r 110M£' type;' of rc::lr .·nt1l:\l 7.ordnl) tor tho property und~r dlncusslon. In [(,GponGc to 1\ qlll'Htioo by COMm19Sionc.·r W,~nzcl, Mn. J<orchhotf ßð1d thc'lt in the -TTRV· Dlstrict thrrc arc requirements for scrooning nnd buffcring of tr~ilcr p^rkn from ro^dw~ya. Chc'llrmðn Plator l'oked if tho petitioner would I'Iqroo to put GOmo kind of buff~r in front of thw prunnnt cðmpRlto, "nd ~r. Cl'lddrnhobd 80id they would bo hðppy do 80. Mr. foI... P. ~lo...n spoke in hvor of p"l1tlon R-Al-'O-C. 'Commls&iønor Wenzcl moved, 8nconded by Commlssionor Kruso and carried unðnimou.ly, th~t the public hOðrln~ bo closud. Comml.sloner Wlmor moved, ftocondod by Co~I..lonor KruI. ~nd . &œ' 066 PAct Z1 ,,',t i,";"' ." PAC)O 1~.::. ,~:;:r~~'t¡' ::'¿ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ii::l.i.'.j.",: . .", '1],:_ ~, "¡' --------------------------------------~~~ . "i'~)>i'( <Ii; 1);·f:~~~,~', "..;,,~;J"'....".'/F . ~?''"~\~.~p~: ......._"................ Î u.......r P" r-"· ...;...;,¡¡.'i" ,':',ê,''','',t';á' ...'" ,", -.-.......... ,..~"\ ~ - - - -- --- -' ---.-- -- -- -- - - - - - - - ------- - --- -- MO~ 065 P^Ct 28 Novomhrr 10, 1981 c~rrlcd unðnimous1y, thðt Guhjcct to tho Btlpul^tlon that the existing pl\rk bo uP<Jrndcd to meet the County's roqulrC!mentlS for -TTnv· bcforo tho t\doptlon of tho fln,ll alto plan the ordinnnco ðB numbr.red and ontitlod bolow bo ~doptoð ~nd ontcrod into OrdlnDnco Oook 13t onDINANCE A1-6'.> Ai' N ORDINflNCr. M1ENDINC OnDINM!C£ 7(,-30, THF: COMPRE- I/,é! r.xVE ZONING REClJr.ATIONr. fOR TilE UNINCORPORATED il';i. , 01-' TilE COMTA[. 1\Rt;^ PLANN rNC DISTRICT BY \ ',' f.NDINC TilE ZONINC ATLMj MAP NU~1[IER 50-25-1 BY C'11^NGlNCi TilE ZCNWC CL"f.!iIFIC1\TION OF 711E HEREIN DESCRIRED REflL pnOp~nTY FROM "CnC"-GENER1\L RET1\IL COMMEHCI"L "ND "m~:-l1\" SHIGI.f;' AND ~'lJLTTFM JLY TO "TTnV" Tnf\VEL Tn^rL~R fiND RECRr.^TTON^L Vf.IIICLE OI!:;TRIC1': RLCCIŒ F, G ^~m II, ROC)( CHEEK Tf:HRACE "NO LOTS 5-11 MJO LOT!; 14 linn 15, IIlIDJ')LESTON GUBDIVIGJONt AND OY rnOVIDING ~N ~PF~CTIV~ DAT~. ..._-,,~._....'..- Mlcrofllm~rta Mpmo: Th~ legibility of printing on th1a psge W~I unsstiafsctory for microfilm reproduction when recp.lved. ..,.', ....._---~.. P19- 11 . I . . ,& } . j -:,",i' ./., , .-J~' -.. --.... ---- .- - - . - - - - - -... - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -. -.- - - '~._.,...;. ~mbcr 10, 1901 ~OQ~ C 65 P^Ci: 30 .....RECES5s 10140 A.M. RECONVENED I 10150 A.M.····· QRDlIJIINCF: NO. r 1-70 RE PETITION CP-O l-?O-C, TilE COLLIER COUNT'l PLMIN.ING DErM,,.t~r.NT, rtr.OVEr-TTNCo Cm\l'>nr.IIENSYVF. PL1\N [,1\NO Ur-r. t:LEMP.NTS MIENDMr.NT£t f'RO'" VMlIOUG DCr.IGNATICWf. 1'0 v"'nou~ CE!ìICN1\'I'ION5 Tl1ROUCIIOUT COLLIER COUNTY _ 1\D0PTEDI 1tF.1\RtNG nF. fl1\nCEL 12 - CONTINUF.D UNTIL DECEMDER 1, lf1f1) L~qnl notico h~ving buen publlßhe~ in the NDplea Dnily NOW9 on Octobc.or 9, 19(11, 11,. Io.'vidcncncJ hy Af,UdllVit of. PubÙ<':(ltion filod ..lith thu Clurk, publIc h~nrlng WJB.opqncd to conGl~cr Petition CP-~1-20-C f.11ud hy the Col11~r County rl~nnlnq D~pðrtmrnt r~questinq Comprchon- ~1vc Pl~n L~nd UOQ E1umontG ^m~nrlmpnts rrom v~rfouß decignatlons to vnrious dt.::;ignùt Ion::. t.hroughout Collior County. rl~nn~r Tvrry C1ùrk cxplnlncd thnt thafO lIro tw~nty-fiVQ parcels of Innd throul)hout C(\l11er County wh1ch Llrt> In conflict botweon ".ho 20n111<] Ord In.lnCl~ IInd the Conprchcn!'!lvc: Plðn lInd thðt on :Jctol>or 1, 19F.:l the CArC C':ont;lcI~r,'d pf!t1tlon CP-31-n'i-C I1nd recor.lm~'ndcd lIppro\'"l for (\11 till:' e"!i,lnqI1S oxcept. U,0!W (or t'.:1rr.ola 19 .,nd 23. Mr. Clnrk indl- C,1tp.d the 10ct1Ltoll of tt.c propt'rty on r.,.,p!'\ on IIn ovorhclH\ hODed for tho follo~1n1 p~rcQIQ: ,1) r.'rcf~l Q _ rroro~!Cd :,:onlnq In "I", rr¡C \I(!5tlnq !In "mcndmcnt from '\fJr1cultur~ Dnct Comr.wrcl.Jl to Inc!UI:¡trl"l (or the l,nmok..l!1(! )I,irport "n<1 prop('rty ::¡ollth of L<Üt> Tr.,Uord ROll<'1 br.l""l'en Jcffcrnon "venue (Ind New t1iHkrt ro¡,d t b) r.-,rcol 1:7 _ propo~;(1 zoning if) "vn", r('qu"rtlnq .,n l'ImCndMl'nt from ,\qr1cultllrr to l1~slð('ntIDl Mc(Hum rcn~lty (O-f.." units per <Jrosø .'cr'~) tor proprrty loc.,tcd In Towm.ldp ~r, South, n.)n(JC~ :7(\, r....st, ~nctlon 1P, known as thu Cork~cr~w Co~~unity' c) r~rccl 13 _ prooRrd zonlnq is "110", requeGtlnq ~n ~mcndmcnt [rom l1er.ldont1l'11 Low-"~('dll1m DI'nl11ty (0-" units per qrosn /'Icre) to I1ccrc,1t lon Open ~jp.'cl: for tho bonl romp on Ltlkc 1'r., Hord at the end or L.1kc Tr.:l((ord r.o.:ldl d) (JIHCd:" _ proposrr1 'Zonlnl') Is "C-II", rcqurot.lng IIn lIr:lendment froln Henldcnll^l Mcrllum-lIlgh DunR1ty (".21-30 unitR por IJrosø acr,,) to Commcrciðl for Loll) 1-(; of "lock 27 ,'nd Lota 7-12 of Clock 28 of Pago 18 . Microf1lmer" Memo: The lellbl11t, or printing on thil pa,e WAI unl.tl.tactor, tor microf1lm reproduction when r.cei~eð. .. "',.,.¿......'.....J,iw-..Io,i'_...-....~,,.,,...~<..........,......~·..._·'...._.................,·· Microfilmer's Memo: The legibility of printing on this pege wes unsetisfsctory for microfilm reproduction when received. " , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.. - -- - - - - - - -- . Novrmbcr 10, 19R1 0) N~W Mnrkct G~hdivlnlon 10CDtcd ð10ng New Mnrkot Street botween Gl~des Stroot nnd Fl~qlcr Strootl pðrCC! t~ _ proponvd zonlnq in "TTnvC", roquesting ðn Dman~~cnt from nr~Rldent.1al I"cdium DI'nsily (O-li././. unltn per CJror.tJ lIcro) to Commorclnl for proporty comMonly known no L~ke f,ðn M~rino locntcd north of Roynl Covo Drlvu ~nd oor.t of U.R. 411 f) Pðrcol l~ _ propocud zonlnq Is "nMF-~", r~quvztin9 ðn nmcnðmcnt fror.\ Comr.\l"rclù1 to Hc~jdr:ntl,11 t-',cdlum n'~, ty (O-li.'2 unlt~ por groGu ~cr~) for prop~rty lo~3t~d Dlong t nouth Bide of Wigg1ns p,~ 11 R Ho.1 d II P!J r 0 x 1 m " t t:l Y 1/2 r,)}.'.~ (~ ~';'/~ u t 0 (.. . G . 411 Pðrccl 17 _ proponod zonln~ is "R~~-1", r~qucnting ðn nmcndr.\ent !rol~ 11(1:,.1 dcnt1 ,1 I ~'"dlul"1-I\ '1h o<.:nof;'!y (1i.,'-:lO unlt!3 pot t)r03s ncru) to 1l"r.ldcT1ti,)l /·'.t·dlum Oann ty (()-r..?? unit.!') pcr <Jrons acrc) for prop('rty 'oc.~t(·d ;donl) t¡r.tll 'J('rr('~t'/ f3.\'/. b('n/c~n 17t.h fw('nuo, s.W. Dnd If\th Pl, .:.'/ ;'.'tJ. In Go1(:cn G,1tU Cityt g) h) !',Heel In _ prol()~¡t'd zon1n'ì 1!¡ "n~;['-1", rnClu\~¡,tln'1 .'n l'ImC'nc1mt'nt (rom H,.~¡I(:'ntild I,\t'dlum IIIql1 ~"n:¡\ty (¡;.~~-'( units rH~r qro!3A Dcre) t,('I ¡¡(J~d(1('ntl.'1 t-\('dll1r\ r...n:¡lty ((1-f..7?' unite p<:r r¡ro5!J "cr~) for prol"l:rty loe,lt('d ¡:¡}onlJ thr '~£lr.t !'\Irln of I1nlh Tcrrncl:/ f..W., bl1twc(..n ¡:r,th Plac(', f..\':. .1nd 1M,h r).1":(~, ;'.\0:. In r.ol(h:rI r..3te CltYI I } P"rccl l~ _ propo~\f'( 70nlnq In "n""F-f.", rC'<1ul'~tln(J .'In "'m('ndmC'nt (rom Î.o¡-.mcre loJ) to n,:nldf:nt 1,)1 "~er1ll1f"1 [)t"nul ty (1'1-'-." unIt!> per gro:Hì .1Cr(~) for property )oC:c'ltar! ,,)ong the north nIdI' of nnttlr- un:lko l1~nmock no"d, ",¡j>rox1r.~.,tl'lY II}. r:dlc ('.H.t of rolly 1'.v('nUQI' Attorney ,1ðmo11 E. \\'1111ß, rcprcf,ontlnC) Jon('ph 1~.H!'\z/ll~,owskl, 8t~tod hIs cll('nt owns npproxlmðtcly ~ ?~ nern pJrcel of lond in thO' lIrf'n IndicDtcd 0'18 P....rcol 19 on tho r.xccutivc f,umm,'HY. fo1r. Willis 61\ið that the northwost cornl'r of thl' I.rolmrty hits nn cxlstlnl) comM('rcl",l propcrty o.1nd that in tho neIghborhood thrr" lHC no Rlnqlc (IImily or mult1fùmlly structurt1f1. 110 fMicl thc'lt no ann in tht: IHO'~ h,H' r(.'C')uest"d thllt tho propcrty bo rczoned nnd thnt 1( the Aoðrd follows the atðff's recommc.:ndnt1on rl\thcr tll~t the C^PC'l) rocoml'lulld.Jt.1on, thùt property ownC'rø who hilvo rolied upon thn "r.nc" %onlnl) for tho p38t 15 ycr.HB w111 bo /,\sk,.rl to l'Iðko II prt'ßcnt d,'y logs of their polont.1111 1cq~1 us.,.. 110 sðld h~ felt It ðpponrc~ moot lIpproprlnt~ thnt tho ~wners' Interest. not h~ tllkon l\W~Y, wh~n thorr. to no cOl'lpcll1nl), IM~cdillt~ nt'~~ to challl)o tho zoning, .0 that, It (uturo dC!vcrlormc-nt In tho ðroa Dhow. a aoo~ G66 PAtE 31 '''9{' 1 ~ .... - - _. - - .._ - - - - - __ - - - - - __ - - __ .__ ._t _..- - - - - - - - - -- - -- --- - - - -- -... - - -' -- -- - ..... - -.- -'- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -..... .- -- --- - _.- -.- -------- ~--- -- - --- ----------------- ßOOK G6$Ct 32 Novembor 10, 1901 local need fOf nelghborhood, commercial UBca, the property will have the zoning noadod for it. lie lIsked tho Donrd to follow tho C"PC's recom- mendation not to approve tho ðmendmont to tho Comprehonsivo plan which would chllnge thin propcrty from Commercial to Residential. .....Commi~sioncr Wenzel loft the room at llsOO ^.M. and returned nt 1110~ ^.M.····· Mr. Ren L. Wect, propcrty ownor in the Þre~ under discussion, soid that tnero are approxim~tely lO lots in the p~rcel wIth four or more owners and he folt thðt this would mnke it unfeasible to build multi- family unIts on l\ 100' lot which would be surrounded by h1qhriso . bu lld ings.. In responso to n quc~tlon by Ch~lrmðn rlstor, Mr. Clark an1d that the curroundlng propcrty Is zoned "nM-l^" ~nd "AM-l" and it 1s proposed to be changed to "RMF-G". Follo....ing tho c\1c;c\l5s10n of p¿Hcel 12, Mr. Cl.Hk continued to indicðtQ the fol10wln~ piccps of property on the maps I j) parr.el 7.0 _ propon()d zoning I::: "C-4", requestIng ðn IImendment from Rcsld~ntl~l M~dium-Hlgh DenslLY (~.2?-JO units pcr groSS .1crc) LO Commcrcl.11 f9.Jl prop~'rty 1oc.lt('('1 ,1pproxlmðL1dy l!)O foot ~~st of Kelly R~~, frontIng ~n the Cricket Lðko devol- OpMentt k) p,Hccl 21 _ proponcd zoninl] 18 "C-l", requcstlnfJ ðn ,1mcndment from HCßldcntli\l /oI(~dlum-lIlC]h Dcn81ty (f;.2?-30 units per grosS ùcre) to Cor:1I;\crr.lL!1 (or property loc.:ltcd just nort.h of tho County Complex, ~pproximatcly 200 foet eðGt of "lrport Ro~d 1) Parc~l 22 - proposc~ zoning 10 "C-~", rcquuntinq lIn amendment (rom Rcsiclcntl.ll "'cclium-lIiqh (1;.22-30 units per gross ðcro) to Comm~rclðl for property locntcd ðt the sout.hcðst corner of tho Int.craoct.lon of Airport Road and Davis Doulcvard Uge 20 , I :r' ((f) '.;,:.:j ~ - - - - - - - - -- -.:.. - - -"-- -- - - - - - - ""'- - - - - --.- -- - - -- ......-... , . November 10, 1~~1 m) Parcol 23 - proposod zoninq 1s "RMF-G", roquesting an amend- ment from Commcrc1c;]l to Rosidonti.:11 "'cdium Donsity (O-fi.22 units per gross acre) for prop"Jrty located south of Rock Creek, npproxlmately 300 f~et north of Estey Avenuo nnd west of lIouse Streot, n) Parcel 24 - proposed zonIng is "TTRVC", rcquosting on nmcnd- mont [rom Rusldcntial Low-Medium Denßlty (0-4 units per gross ncre) to Ccmm(~rc1ill for nn cx1stlnC) trll11l'r pt'rk loclltod Ðlon0 the wcut nldo of J5lPG of CDprl RODd, approxlmðtely 1/2 mile Routh of If~:ndorson Croek 0) PlIrccl 75 _ rropoDed ::onln(J is "T'I'RVC", rog\lcstin<J I!n amend- mcnt from nc~:;1dl:ntL11 LO\-l-M.:dl\1m DC'n~dty (0-t1 un1t!3 per gross' lIcrc) to Comr.¡crcii)1 1Q'::l1tf'd Ð10ng the.' r.outh ~ldc of lìðrofoot w1l11.:lIns noad [or tile KO^ 'I'r,1Vc!1 'l'ridJcr Ptlrlq p) Parcel 2(, _ propo:¡CÙ ...onlnq Is "'r'I'nVC", rt'gtloatinq tin amend- mcnt [rom p~!;id,'nt1td ~'('dllln Density (O-fi.~/..units por groan IIcrc) to COrlr"'rr!¡d íor propl~rty ,,10nc.l the 50uch sir1(' of U.S. 011 c1r)proxlrn.,tr.1y ?J r.d1,::; ·,'r~t. of 1:;1<.> of C.Jpri no¡¡cI, known <"IS lr!1pe.'rll'll ~ll1(krnc5!1 1'r,wr:l Tr(111er p¡lrk; q) p,Hc':l 7.7 _ pro[-'ose(1 :'.onlnC) Is ""-1", rC'1ut?Htlng l'I nm('nrlm<.'nt from 11!'~'lC1('ntl.ll Lo\~-t-kdll1m ~cnr.ity (0--1 unit.:; i ('r r¡ro!Jr; II c r e ) to /"<') r1 c u 1 t u ref 0 r ~; (' c: t ! 0 n r; ~ 1, H, ;1 3 1'1 n d /. " 0 r 'I'o\m:;hlp 010 f.auth, n,1nql' 27 t;,lGt, cOr.1monly known 1'I5 tJort.h Gold0n G~t<.> City; r) rllrccl ;HI _ prororH!d 7.onin0 In "C-l" nnd "C-t1", r('gu(·stlnt) ðn ,1mcndmcnt írar.¡ (I,~~ld,~nti"l Mcdlun Dcnnlty (0-(,.21 units per 9r05511crc) to Cor.¡mcrc.I,¡} for property 10c<1tp.d north of ~olnnn ROdd, Douth of ~orningGldo DrIve, npproxlmðtely "00 foet c¡¡at of u.s. "1, s) r.Jrecl 29 - propoR('d zoning in "C-4", r~guDstlnq nn .Jmondmcnt from Resldcntii'll MedIum Density (0-(,.22 units p"r qrofiS ncro) to COrlí1wrcl..d for property "lonCJ the cc'lnt nine of U.f,. 41 just ~outh of Lhv ~p1it of Old 41 .Jnd tho Tnmiomi Trail, t) , ('"reel ;1 - propor-cd zonlnq 10 "Rf1F-:l", r(!qu~ntlng lIn c'lmond- mont. from nccic1cntial McicJum-lIir¡h D~nsity «(i.n-30 unIts par gr065 .,crc) to R('sld~nt1Dl Lo....-f04cc11um ncnsity (0-4 units per gros~ i'lcre) for dpproxin.Jtcly the ....est (i~O foot of vlctorið PDrk Subdivision, i'lpproxlmi'llcly 1 m110 woRt of A1rport ROlld, u) Pllrc('l:12 - proposed zoning is "JlMF-12", rcquosting IIn ðmendmcnt from I1cnidt'ntil\l Low-MNl1um Dcnfltty (0-4 units per gross ðcro) to R('Bidr.ntitll "'~dlum-lIlgh Drnnity (6.22-)0 units por gross .'Iere) for .\ tri'lct of 1,1nd 1n the R 1/2 or Victoria Pðrk ~pproxlrnðtcly 3/4 milo wast of Airport Rond, v) Pftrcel 33 - proposoc1 zoning Is - I- I1nd "TL", requostinq an ømnndmcnt from Commnrcinl to Industria\ \or ð porcol of land wlth i'lpproxlmntoly 1,150 fuot fronLlng on tho north lid~ of &O~ 066 PACE 33 pa90 21.' .. ..... .. _.......' - ...-.. ... '. ...4O .__ -.... .... - ...- . .~. -.... -- .. ·, ....~.....~~.....-.....- Novp.mhor 10, 19B1 MQ~ 066 rACt 34 u.s. 41 EaBt, ~pproximntQly 450 feet in depth, locðted npproxim^tcly 600 fco~ west of Auto Ranch Rond, w) l'\1rcol 34 - propoaod zoning iB "MIISD" and "A-2", roquoBtlng an nmcndmcnt from Agriculturo to Rcsidentlnl Medium D~nBlty (0-G.22 unlta per groaD acre) for the west 420 feet of Section 20, Township 51 South, Ran~e 27 Enst, approximatelY 1,000 feet south of u.s. 41 East and 200 foot wost of Auto Ranch RO.:ld, x) Parcel 35 - proposed zoning is "A-2" ond "MHSD", requesting an nm~ndmcnt from Agriculture and Residential Low-Medium Dcn:Jity (0-4 units pur gross .:Icre) to Residential Modium DensIty (0-(,.22 unIts per grosr; ncro) for proporty In the SW 1/4 of tho SW 1/4 of Section 17, TownshIp 51 South, Range 27 l~st, south of U.G. 41 Eðst with ðpproxl~atcly 1,~OO feet fronting on u.S. nl Enst with Auto Rðnch Rond, running directly through itl nnd, y) porcol 3fi _ proposed zoning is "C-~", requ~stlng 8n Ðmendmont from Areas oC Environmcnta1 Scncitlvity t.o Commercial for property <'Ilonr) the ~outh aide of Ronlt,) Rench ROðd approxi- m,1tcly 1/2 mile wcst of West ^vl!nuc. *****RECE5S: 11:10 ^.M. RECONVENED: 11:16 A.M.····· DiscussIon followed rcgnrding Parcel 12. Or. G. Bruce Williams, rcpresenting hImself .]nd Hugh "",,,thison, said he and ~r. Mathicon own cJpproxir:1ðlcly 30\ of p...rcol 12. lIe ß.:1id he was conccrned about the rcason (or the proposed ch~ngQ and that he desires to have the areD left with the AgrIculture zoning. Zoning 01rector pcrry R^irl thnt the p.:dsting zonIng in, Immok.11ee Agriculturnl .'nd that p.Htlcul,;¡r zonIng allows ~qr1culturðl, single family, ~ultifðml1y, 8nd ~oblle ho~p.s and that the Comprch~nsion rl~n deslqn~tion for ^griculture s~id one bouse pcr 5 acroS ~nd doen not nllow singl0 family development in t~c 'orm whIch is allowed by the ~oning category. lie saId th"t upon rcsearch of the Droa staff found a sr:1ðll 8rea, couth of ð road he pointed out on the map, is 8ubdivided into smaller trðct8 of lðnd of 1/2 acrc, 1 acre and 2 ðcro l~tø and thnt 80me of those vacant areðs would not be able to devolop under an a~rlcultur. land U80 dcoi9notion without ~ acroa. Ho oxplained that tho "VR" categories would allow cosontiÐlly exactly age 22 , _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - - - - --- -'iiìiiiI-.- , . , . J1<~ ';', - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - ---- - - - - ---"'- - - - - - -----.-: Novembor lO, 1981 what tho property owncrs In the area have now w1th the except1~~ of some of the farm anImals and that stoff's intention is to cor~öCt tho defect which would Qxint whcn tho Immokaloo 89ricultural zoning is changed to tho n~W category of agrIculture which would not allow tho myriad number of UDc9 which nre allowed undor tho proscnt zoning. COJnmlGsloncr \1imcr moved, seconded by Cornr:dsr-;ioner Wen7,.al l1nd carried unanimounly that Parcol 12 be withdrnwn from tho ord1nnncc to be redcfined ~nd con~lò~ren ~t n l~ter dnt . DiRcussion follow~d rcg~rding Parcel 23 and Mr. Clnrk Gðld that the C^PC fclt t11P. prop"rt.y In th.,t ,He" 8hou1d rcmzdn Commrrc-hl but staff recomrnended "nMF-~". Mr. wl111~rn Vines, rcprcsentlng the Flcir.chn"nn t.:.t"t(l, '" propl'rty owner in t.hl" .1(e." ox..,)¡dnN! th;\t thp proparty In pnrcrl '3 in n portIon of Rock CroOk Terrflcc Subdivinion whIch 1:; n pl.1ttcd l1llt n('vcr imprcvr:c1 ;'lIhcJi'.dr.lon. II'=' sl'dd tho Flclschrn~nn EGt~tc own~ npproxlmntoly 11-1/2 ncrC9 in the /lroa ~nd the prescnt zoninry wna cstdbllshcd ycðrs ngo ðnd i~ ~ mIx of commerciðl ðnd rf'sidontL'\l. 110 sald that Borne tl1'!1C nl)o the detcrmin.1tlon W~8 made tlwt this aret' WIIß II <Jood locðtion for n nclt'Jhhorhood chopping crnter when tho ,Hell ¡.rld dcvc1opC'd sufficiently. lie slIid thnt this usa WIlß pre~ontcd whon lhe Comprt'hcnsivc Pll\n W,1S hol1\CJ dnveloped nnò that aqroe1'!lant wan rOl\chod no th~t the Comprohennivo rllln identifies thDt arc~ os futuro commcrci~l. He sald thr zoning pDtt~rn waR not chAnged nt that tlmo hocnuse thore wore no flrm pl~ns for 3 shopplnq centor development prcs(!ntoò. Hc ntðtcd thllt dur Ing tho four-l~ning procells of ^irpart Rand, nddltional right-at-way WftB obt~inod from tho Fl~lGchm~nn r.~tnte ~n~ ('ntr~ncc drives for th~ futuro øhoppinq contor wero developed alii II part of tho four-hnc conøtructlon. 110 said that the .tnf! rocommondfttlon would roturn tho aroft t~ strip commercll11 'OOt 066 PAct 35 Pð9. 23 .+... - '... --.-- .._.... ,._.. r--'" .__ _ _ ..... ..-- -.... ." ~A .- - -...- -.......... --.-.. <' . . - ,.' ." . . -. ',. -:--.... .f' -'.. oJ . .. " . ,.. 7.14. . . .,.,':" '1~ -.-.... .~,,-...J,',... _..._d._.. ..""....__._____"..."""""'_...__.,"f.____..__...;, It ., '." " 't" . ...' -'. . ,. ... -.. -. --"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .,- - - -- ..- - ......-... ".' . {~.(~:,;\ ,~, ,.,j November 10, 1981 Ma~ C6ß fACt 36 (,"-::;¡ -'" zoning along ^irport Road ð.nd multihmlly rosldontial to the wast. no said he felt th~t the zoning Map noeds to bo corrected and that the ComprohonsivQ Plðn should not be changed. Com~i~810nor Wnnzel moved, seconded by Commissionor Wimer and carried unanlmously, that tho public hearing for Pot it ion CP-8l-20-C be closed. Commissioner Wlmcr movod, seconded by Commissioner Rrown and cðrrlcd 4/1, with CommiQsioner Kruse opposcd, that tho stðff recom- JT1cndDtion that thl! Comprchenslvl! plan 'bc changed for f'llrcel 23 from Commarcial to "RMF-fi" be accepted. Commlsaloncr Wimor moved, scconded by CommIssioner Wenzel and carried 4/1, with Cormlssioncr Krune opposcd, thðt thr. staff rocom- mcndðtlon thllt the Comprehonslve Plon bo chtlOged for Parc<.>l 19 from Commorclnl to "RMF-6" be accepted. Notel Commisaioher ~enzQl voted ':\C)lIln£t the change for thla parcel when t.he vote wan tl'lken for the ontlro ordinðnce. CommissIoner wImer movod, seconded by CommlGsloncr Wenzel and c~rried unanimously, wltll CommIssIoner Wenzel stating ho was opposed tn thu at..1ff r(~commcndatlon for itcms f, 1, n, u, w, and x, th,')t with p~rccl 12 excluded, the ordinance liB numberod ~nd entltled below be odoptcd and entured into Ordinnnce 800k 131 ORDltJ1\NCE Rl-70 1\N ORDtUA.l-JCE, AMENDINC ORDIU1\NCE 79-32, TtlF. COMrHf:I1E~t'VF. rL"N FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID^, BY 1\Mr.NDING 'M'It LMW USE F:LEtoH:NT ¡"'C"RK STUDY 1\RE1\ MAPS '2, 0, '01, '5,1 ~fi "1m t7 FROM V^RIOU!i DESIGN1\TIONS TO V1\nIOlJS N;f,!GN^TIONS T'IROU(iIlOUT COLLIER COUNTY, 1\LL ^S MOR~ rARTICULARLY DE!iCRlnED HEREINI ^ND PROVIDING 1\N r.FFECTIVE D1\TE Commissioner Wimor moved, socond~d hy Commissioner Krusft and cðrriod unðnlmouoly thnt pðrcel 12 be continued to Docembor 1, 1981. .-- - - -...... - --- - --- -- - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- . I " Paqo 24/ ,.\;... " , . _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ -"" _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ _ _..Iio- __ - - ----- November 10, 1901 EMERGENCY rECLARED, ORDINANCE NO. 01-71 AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 78-2, nr. CERTIFICATF.f, OF COMPETF.NCY - "DOPTED At ChaIrman piRtor's roquor.t Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commisslonur Kru~c ~nå carried unDnimously to dcc1Dro thðt an emergoncy existS ðnd th~t irnmedinte enactment of the proposed ordinðnco regarding Certificðtcn of;Computcncy is nOccssðry. Mr. Dill Joncu, vice ChoirMðn Of the Controctor'c Llccnalng DODrd, said that it had c"m~ to the ßODrd'o attentIon that nincn the now T~x Collector hns tnkcn officv rnDny apcclalty contrnctors have approached thC' ContrllC':tor '5 Licen:.in/) BO."lrd i'lnd r('qllc~.tcd to he "grllndf.:¡thercð In" and given l\ CcrtifiC':<ltc of Competency. lIe Rnid th...,t in 1975 Ordinance '/5-57 Wð~ pé1!>scd which rcquir~d th~t 0311 ml'\10r c:ontr,'ctors, I.e. ðlr condltionlnC), electricill, <;I<,n('r.l1, ,roofer, swimming pool nnd mcchl'lnicol contractors, hnd to h~vc ð ~ertlftcAtp of cn~pctonc:i. Hp Rn ~ thnt in 1970 Ordinnncc 7n-2 waD pasBcd which rnquircd thnt npccialty contrac- to:s, i.u. In~ulntion, cnrpentry, ccm~nt, cublnct, fence <,rector, landscape, p3inting and tllo contr~ctora, had to hnve a Certificate of Cor.lpetcncy. 110 said th,H the ~ntrl\ctor'B t1connlnC) Boord folt, becðuso of tho questions which "rOGer by one Tax Collector lid he ri ng to the po 1 icy i\nd the other T"x Collector "pp,:,r()ntly nol, that thcre were ~ome qucstions in order. 110 8.:11d that many of the specialty contrÐc- torn ~ro not in tho nui1dinq D~pi\rtment on ^ r~newal basis ~nð ftro not listed on the buildlnq permit. Mr. Jones 6~ld th3t the Controctor'R Licenslng ßonrd hold a speclnl moeting on August 18, 19n1 and committeo r~port. woro prosonted ~nd the Contractor's Llcensinq Ðoðrd ftdvlsðd the Bee that thore ~ro .o~o dlßcr~p~ncios in rrcoqnizlng the speclðlty contractors by tho ni\turo of tho typo or work which thoy do. ~~ e6B rAti 37 ra90 2S " ... -- ..-.. -., ....... .......- -.-. -." - - ...-.. ...... .... ..... .... .......... .. .- .-_.. -". -. -- - --.---- - --.- -- - ---.. 'i;"" ,.' -"",";,' . ",-ii' . , --.-- ..-.-.- J ~ u -~ - ...... .... . !i"'J ._- - - - - - - - --.- - --- - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- " :' \\ Novombor 10, 19B1 MO~ 055 PACt 38 ,Mr. Jones said that at tho present tlmo the specialty contractors do not hove anything but an occupotional liconso ftnd the County 1s plnnnin~ to hire a compliance officor to check to see that the apccialty contractors orc propcrly licensed ðnd the Contractor's tf Licensing Boord feels it is serving the community to keep the quð11fi- cations of thone porsons correct. Community Development Director Virtn said that opproxlmatoly 153 persons would be involved in this situation. Mr. Jones sold thðt the ContrDctor's Licensing ßoard requosts that tho BCC ~nðct tho propoG~d ordinance "grondfothcring" those specialty contractoro who have obtained their occup~tionol 11ccnG~s each year from 1978. Mr. Gilmer Whidden, a general contr~ctor livIng in Fort Myers, stated he hos been licenscd In CollIer County each yeor since 1962. "0 requested th~t the Boord ~xtrnd tho "grnndfðthorlng" proces~ to apply to general contr~ctora who do not h~ve n Competency Cord. Tho Board suggosted thnt Mr. Whidden apply to the contractor's Licensing eoard and request ð Compcntency C¿Hd bð5Cd on hIs years of business and current 1ccupùtionðl license. Mr. reto M~zzocchi, ðn ðir cond1tlon1n~ contrdctor, cold he h~ß had l' occup,"ltional license since 1973, but that he did not have .. Competency Card. 110 8ðld he had lIpp~"rcd beforc the Contrðctor's Licensing Board ~nd w~s denied ð licensc in 1978. Mr. Jones said that Mr. Mazzocchi did not come before tho Contractor's Llc~nslnq Boord in time to got qualified for the oxemption and that he did not want to tðke the test which ho is roquircd to toke undor the ordinance. Commissioner w~~zQl recommended thnt Mr. Mðzzocchi bring somo letters from hIs clients whlch show he haø dono satisfactory work And Page 28 ~--------------~------------------------- . . . , " '110 , . . $ . _. ___ ____ __ _..... __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _.J... __ _ _ _ - - -- ---' November 10, 1901 appeal his caso boforo the DCC. Mr. Jones soid that if persons such as Mr. Mazzocchi ðre denied ð liconse by the Contrndtor'g Licensing Board they cnn t~ko thQ examina- tion, which is given by Block, or npponl to tho ßCC. Somu discu5510n ensued regiHdlng tho fC<lsibllity of the Contr~ 1\ ,)).1 tor's Llccnning ßOûrd creating an c)(.Dminatlon lncto~d of using the Block exðm. Mr. Robert Towlu, Chalrm<ln of the ColJ ier County Contrnctor's Llconslng f3o,Hd, Gldd hI.! W.15 not spcnklng for tho Boord today. UO . requftsted <'In umbrcll~ Including the m~j~r contractors who woro qunll- fied whon Ordinancc 7B-2 was pAnncd. Mr. Repndorf, SupcrvlGor of Occupational LicQns~s, ntntcd for the rocord th~t the Tnx Collector would like to "grandfather- everybody or nobody GO that ~voryonp is trc~t~d cqu~lly. He aaid he felt that as tho ordinnnce now rcads, the differcnt contr~ctor6 ore bclng ðifforcn- tlatcd in cortain arC~8. H~ sûld that thore nro morc th<ln 151 persons involved. Chairm<ln pistor said he felt that tho gen~r(\l contrnctors should bo considered at ð futuro dato but he would prcfer to act on the ordinanco as it is prcsented and nmcnd it Inter. CommiGsioner Wimcr moved, woconded by Commlss10ner Brown and cðrrlod unnnimously thðt tho ordinanco ßS numberod ðnd entitled below bo adoptod ~nd entered inþo OrdlnÐnco Dook 13: OR DINl\NCE tH-71 ^H EMERCr.NCY ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINAHCE: tolO. 71'-21 PROVIOINC FOn CONFLICT::;, SEVER"DILITY, EMERGF.NCY, ANO AN EFFECTIVE D^TE Comml.øioner Wenz~l move~, ..condod by Comm1~ftloner rlator and f.l1ed 2/3, with Commi..lonoro Brown, ~rufte and Wl~or opposod, th~t tho ao~~ 0 66 P'\~t 39 '190 2"1 -------_._----------------~----_.~-----~-~-- ~ ~~. ~ '~f '·'1 .' ".\ 1:~ .:' ~aQK 066 P^Ci: 4.0 staff bring bðCk within three weeka a further or~inðnco which rosolves the rcst of the problem re~arding "9rÐndf~thering in" ~~othor people. ',~.:..\.;~';! RE50~UTION 81-241 nE PETITION PU-Ol-13C, WI~KINSON-MEFFERT CONSTRUC- TION, REOUE~TING pnOVIf:IONAL' USES (1) ,. (") OF THE "GRC" DISTnICT FOR A SHOPPING CENTER AND C"R W1\511 FOR pnOPEl'tTY LOC^TED AT TilE NW COnNER OF C.R. 951 ^ND GOLDEN G^TE P^R~~^Y IN COLDEN G"TE CITY - ADOPTED 5UBJECT TO ÐTIPUt.^TTONS P~TITIONER'S ^GRP,F~F.NT ^ND FINDING-Of-FACT "CCEPTED plnnncr Leo Kerchhoff e)(.plained that st~ff and CAPC recommond approval of petition PU-Al-13C with the following stlpulðtionst @' 1 . Detailed site drainage plano for the ontIre site bo submitted to the County EngIneer for review prior to st~rt of any construction. "j '\ ¡ ;..' ________________________________________0 2. Developcr sh~ll provide nn enntbound left turn storage lane on Golden Gate PDrkwðy at the casternmo~t entr~nce. 3. D~velop~r sh~ll provide left nnd right turn storage lanes at the entrðnce on c.n. 951. 4. ^CCCSS to the p,Hcc1 in tho SE corner of the site shall be internal. No direct ncces~ to either County road shall b" pc rm 1 ned. 5. [.ocntr. employee p.Hking t.o the rc.H of the centor and roduce space size to 9 x 18 In thIs area. 6. Dl'velopur sh.:lll lðndsC'.Jpc the western sIde of the alley ûbutt1ng the propert.y. The following persons voiced th~lr approval of the petition: Jo!wph J. Lc tu R"ymonòl1. He Img 11orm.)n Verrett Thoro wore seven letters pxprosnlnq ðpprov~1 for Petition PU-Ol-13C r~colved by tho Boðrd. commlsg1oncr Wimor moved, s~condod by Commloßlonor ~ruse and cnrrled unanimoualr, that RCfiolutlon 81-241 re Petition PU-81-l3C be adopted wlth tho abovo stipulations ðnd that the pctltionpr's ^greemont ðnd the Finding of Fact bo acc3ptud for the record. Page 28 . , . . !!!! f!!!J I!!I!I "-''',.,-_.~"''- ..-- --- -- --.-.--.-.--...- ..- ..~. ~ November lO, 19R1 ~o~~ 066 PACt 4.8 .....nrcEss: 12:05 P.M. RECONVENED: 1:35 P.M. at which tim0 Doputy Clerk Skinner w~s replaced hy Doputy Clerk Dilvldson.*tt... SERVICF.r. OF J\PPRJ\TRF.R PIITt.t.IP PTCKrNS Rr. COUNTY RECIONJ\L WJ\TF.R SYSTEM TTtENI't-'F.NT Pt.^N1' !ìrn: J\PPR^T5^t. - "UTIIORYZF.D Utilitlns ~~n~gar IrvIng Rnr7.on cxpl~ined that tho Courts hove Qw~rdcd the County tho lÐnd for tho County Regional WJtor System tra~tmont pl~nt through condemn~tion proceedings, however, the fInal purchaGc p[lç~ hás Yèt to be dotr.rmincd ðt Ð trIal to be hold somotimo du[ln~ the middle of 19~2. Mr. Rerzon explùlned that J\ttorney Joo Fixel, reprcsonting tho Coun~y In this n.lttcr, h.:IS [ecomr.1cnded thùt t:1C services of an .,ddition,1! ilpPrldl;lJr, ~·r. PhilIp pic:kunR, be lIuthorized to !ltrengthen , tlw County'g por.ition In holdIng down the finðl cost of tho subject property. ^ftcr ~ brl~f diHcu~r.lon, COr.1MiHSionnr Wcn~ol ~ovcd, seconded by Commifisioncr Kruse ùnd c~[ricd unanimously, thðt th~ servlcQs of Mr. plckcnü be authoriz~d. C^!~N!V^L [FI1MIT NO. 111-4, OUR LJ\DY (JF GU^[)"r.UPF. C^THOT.TC CIIUnCII - ^PPROVr:O fUI\,1F.CT TO !ìTI PULNt'TON ZonIng Dlrp.ctor Juffory Perry ßt~tcrl th~t Rcverrnd Rlchnrd 5ùndcr~, Pastor of Our L~dy of Cuadnlupn C~tholic Church in Immokðl~e, is requestIng a Carn~vnl Purmlt ro pp.tltion C-Dl-5-I, for ~ c~rniv~l to be held on the Church propcrty from November lA through 22, 1981. Mr. Parry cvplnlned that tho petitlonor 18 rcqucotlng that the Suroty Bond. the Occup~tional Liconse fee and tho requlremcnt for tranamittlng tho n~mcs, nddrp.sscs nnd social sQcurity numhcro of the cnrnlval workers to tho Shoriff, bn waivod. PðqO :t9 ¡ " .- - - -- - -- - -- - -' '.- - '-'or-~ -- -- - - 0'- ,.-- -- - - -- - - - - -------:;1"~r . . . Yi;!.ti ,('t]:íf . \':~'-~'~'!i; "l',~,-"·,; Z~<~ .. ~;(:'t -- .-1 ~". ~ ~..;.;:;::a )' . , ·r: .. "..,.,...,.~....,.._- ---",. November 10, 1901 Mr. Pcrry stated that staff ispropnrod to rocommend approvnl of tho subjact permit, lncluding the wniving of tho Surety Bond nnd tho ..~T"" '¡ Occupati() 'I"ll~t,cQnse fcc, however, the peti tionpr should bo required to furnish the Gheriff with the nhovc-raforonced information relntcd to the cðrnlvnl workcra. CommisMlonar Dro...m mov~d, RecondC'd hy Commi!HlinE'r Ncnzel l nd cðrricd unDnlmously, th~t r.ðrnivðl P~rmlt No. 8l-4, b~ authorIzed for Isßu8ncc to Our Lðdy of Gu~d~luro Catholic Church in Immoknlce, subject to tho stipulation rccprdlng the' lnform.1tlon "bout tho cnrniv.'\l wo r k c r s, èI sou tl1 n c cJ h Y Mr. 1"(' r r y . aoo ( OOß PAct 49 -- _. -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - .-. -- -.. . - - - -- - - - - - - -- --... -. - -..... -.. "'. o : ___ __ __ _______ _ _ _______ ___...t..'______ ___ _ ___ November 10, 1981 CONCESSION l\CnEEMENT nETWEEN TilE Dce AND JOliN & EDNA SCI1ILLER Fon 951 BO"T nM~p - "UTIIORI7.F.D FOR EXECUTION Chairman Pistor notcd thnt tho terms of tha l\greemont ~etween the Boðrd of County CommlaslonerCiand John ~ Edn~ Schillor for the oporÐtlon of ð concession at the 951 bont rllmp ðre complete, with tho exception of a typogr"phlcc11 error on page one. flo said that the ðddrcsG on lino 4 ahould be corrccted to rood "139 Ccho Rios St." CommisRloner Wimer DHkcd Mr. Schiller if the torms lIrc agreeable to him ~nd he repliod nf(lrmDtlvcly. . Commisn~oncr WImer moved, 50conded by Commisnionor Wenzol and c,~rriod unünir.1Ously, th,)t tho Concession ^grcemcnt with Mr. "nd "'ra. Schiller be ðuthorizcd for the Ch~irman 5 execution. 'O!)~ 066 PACt 51 œ '090 :U ...- - -. ...,.. -..... --- ~.... ---..----....... - ---------------------r-----..--. .-..,.,.,....._~.....~ -.-",.--,."".,,,,,...,,..-., ;,r¡ <'..:" .....- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - -.- ...-.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---...,. ~,~~ ~OQK 066 PACt 58 N~~~m~~( 10, l~Rl LETTEH TO CORPS AUTtlORIZED FOR TilE CII,URMAN'S EXECUTION REGARDING TilE COUNTY'::; WlLLINGNB~W TO l\CCJ::PT 570 ^CREG Of' pnEIH:nV^,I'ION L^ND ^CCORCINO TO Tm; SPI::Cll\L CONDI'l'IONS OF TIlE .10INT ^PPLIC"TION FOR PROPOSED FILL r>r.RMTT IN Tm~ VIC lInTi' OF UPPER CLMI BAY WITH PF.LICl\N BAY County "ttorney Pickworth roforred to ð momorandum dated November 4, 1981 in which he outlined tho fact that, although tho original Devolopment Order nnd PUD for pellcan Bay provides that the "pron~rvntion nre~" w~s to be conveyed with appropriato rostrictions for preservation to the resldcnt5 of Pallc~n Bay, the permitting procuss hau produced an objection to thio propoGal by a number of aguncioB who desire that theBe l~nds be conveyed to D governmental agency. lie s<Jld th,1t the ['Iodrd h.:1s conaider"d this mattor lInd has gone on rccord as favorIng the conveyance of tho property as provided In the origln,1l ruI:'. How('vcr, fwid Mr. Pickworth, In dlr:cusslons wlth the dcvcloptH, it hM3 bl!come <lppnrcnt thnt thla relativoly mInor point could potentially cnusc ð problcm In the lssuanco of the Joint ^ppllc~tion for the proposed FIll PermIt from tho Corps for the vIcinIty or Upper Cl~m ß~y. ^ccordin~ly, said ~r. Pickworth, the developcr 15 rcqucstlnq th~t thc County 5ign ð letter to the Corps to th\! effcct that the County will 1'IC'C'''pt tItle to the 570 acres of prcsvrv':lt1on Idnù in .,ccordðncc wIth tho speclnl c~nditlona of tho fill p~rmit . Mr. Pickworth rcc~mmcnðed that the Ro~rd 00 authorlzo such ð letter to be executed 3nd forw~rded to the Corpu of Engineers. CommIssioner Wenzel moved, noconded by Commissioner Brown and cdrrled un~nimously, tha~ the ðforcmcntloned letter to the Corps be authorIzed for tho ChQirrnnn's signl'lturo, as requratod by the developers of PelIcan Bðy. Page 32 Mlcrorllmer's Memo: The legibi11ty of printing on this pile WI' un..tl.rectory ror microrilm repr~uctlon when received. .. , '..; .,."~".",.",...._.-",...,,.¡"""""'I._,)ii,~~'{~It.U~","'\'~""\;."J.....~..., :::l ~ :':~': ;:~' '::',', :,; CII " ,. ~of1lmer's Memo: The legibi11ty of p~t1ng on this page was unsat13factory for microfilm reproðuction when received. }:;, J <J _, ~ :~:-::.~,~,·;t ' . '. I .:¡:.:~',\',. ,:~ . - - - - --- - - - -- -- - - - - -- -..:.- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- -;...;.:..;",1, Novcmbar 10, 1901 TEMPOR^RY RESIDENCE PERMIT RE PETITION TR-Ol-27-C, FRED & B^RDAR^ II^MILTON, TO UTILIZ~~ ^ MOTOR 110ME DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PRINCII.'LE R~SIDENCr. ON TRACT 53, UNIT ll, COLDEN C^TE ESTATES - ^PPROV~D fon I~DU^NCP. CommIssioner Wimor moved! seconded by Commissionor Wenzel nnd carried unðnlmously, thllt D temporary residence pe r m it rc pctition TR-8l-27-C, f 11 ed by Fr()d ð ncl B"rbara 1I.,m 11 ton, to ut 111 ze a motor homo durlng the con:>truction of /) principle residence on Trl!ct 51, Unit 11, Golden Gnt~ EDt/)t~s, be ðpprov0d for loounncc. NO ^CT I ON T^ K r.N ON M)O PT :TeHJ or n F S OLlIT rr'\l~ ;, 11 ppon T r NC; fa·, f'n PC' f, RECO~i~'ENn^TI01~S R¡~ 1 f:cr:~;;,^HY Tn'\!..:~;rrr¡1'l''J'tON H1pnOVf.Mf.NTG IN COLLIER COUWfV M; ^ ru:r;ULT ('f BC'NIT^ B^,i f)[·:vrLcrn:NT 0F Rf:c,rON!IL IMP^C'f IN LEE COUIJTY ThC!rl! W,,,\!;.:1 jen<]thy r1ir;cu:;r;1on r(,<]l1rding tho pr.Jposcd rcr;olutIon In support oC the ;,outhwcst florid.1 Ht!C)lon,1l P11lnnlng CouncIl's rccommnnd~tionß conc~rnln~ 11cccsnnry trnnRport~tton Inprovamonts ln Collier County 1I!1 ð rC'Rult of th~ Bonit., l'l1Y ~avcloprncnt of Regional I m pð ct. CommunIty Dcvalopmcnt ^dminIslr~tor Torry Vlrt~ stnted thüt he is recommcndinC) thnt the ~o~rd ndopt tho subject rosolution In suppørt of thf' findIngs of tho ¡'WfRPC l\nc1 npndCylnq flpcc1flc rot1dw."IYs thllt wl11 be impacted in Collier County. In ~n8wer to Commissioner W~nzol, Mr. Virtð explninC'c1 th~t the BonIta ß~y Development wIll ?c locatnd in Lee County, just ð fow milea north of tho Colllnr County lino. Commior.ioncr Wenzel moved to ndopt tho subject Resolution. Tho lIIotion diad Cor l.1ck of ð second. ComrnlcDic"C'r WI~~r Btnt~rl thnt, in ~BDon~o, whðt Collior County io, ðøkin9 is thðt tho project In Loo County help pay for aomo road &O?~ 066 fACt 59 P:UI10 )3 ~ I,; . ..-......-..... "-- ........._..~,,-_..-..__...._...----...__..'._- - -.-------..----------- /.-: -.:', .ti~ i \1; .... ...- .......... --.' aoa~ 066 PÂC¿ 60 Novr.mbor 10, 1901 ..-I'~'.-"-"." --.-.- .-------...--- ------..---------.......-------. 1\,," 'I:~'P' projocts in Collier County. He said that hô never remembers Loe County ðsking projects in f'olorth N..;plos to p<'y for the rondwi'lYs in Lfte County ¡'y......., and he is uncomfortablo with tho idea of BQtd~ such a precedent. lIe said that he 10 opposed to adoption of the resolutIon and prefers to lcove the mnttür nlone. Choirm~n Pistor explnin~d that whon this developm~nt becomes complotu it will reprp.scnt an ndditlonal 4(,,000 vehicles per day on tho subject rOi'ldways and thnt the RWFRPC's report indicDtcs that Bonita Bench Roðd will have tu be four-lanod ns ~cll as other maln arterial roads in th~ ...ro.... lie 5l!id thnt it stllnds to reason thÐt the developer should beÐr Rome of the hurden for the impact that theie development wIll have on the communIty. ComMlRGloner Kruse t'lgrced on the concern with sotting " prcced('nt in Inltii'lting this kind of inter-county support.. Mr. Vlrtd pointed Ollt thc1t the LOQ County development will be of tho samc m~gnltudc l!3 Pollcnn ßi'lY ...nd thðt, when completed, the traffic on !rnmolt.-:,Il',·c !lo"d wIll f!)(r:('ed ~c'p<lclty. C\:)mmIRslon"'r Wimer stated thDt he believcs thnt ImmokðlcD Ro...d traffic cap~city will bo excccdo~ even If thin dCvDlopm~nt wr.r~ not constructr.d in Lao County. CommlG~lDn~r ~imcr moved nnd Commis3ioner Brown seconded a motion not '.~ tðke any Dction on the proposed rCßolution ~t thig t1~e. Commi8sion~r Brown st~tcd th~t he doeG not want ðny help from the peoplo In Loe County to take cJ'lro of probloms lhðt exist Gololy within the confincs of Col11pr County, nor doco ho favor tho revorso. Commissloncr ~l~cr cl~rifled that his lntont Is not to "closo tho door on tho issue", rathcr, it Is to hðvo tho m~ttor studicd (urthnr and not takc c'.Iny "cUon .,t this time. 110 Bald thl!t ho 1n opposed to inter-county flnðncing without more roør.nrch be1n9 conducted. Paq 0 34 .- -- -- - -.- - - - -....- - --... .~.... ,... ....- - --- -----.. - -.- -- ---- . . . ~ ..".~~- ~~) ,. , 5" ," o . .. ~,\. . - - -- - -- - - - -- - -- -- - - ~- - - '-- - - - - - - - -- -- --- November lO, 1901 Upon call for tho question, the motion carriod ~/O, with Commiosionor Pistor opposed. QUIT-CU\IM PEED FOR U\NDS IN SECTIONS 3 Ii 10, T49S, R25E, MID SECTION 3~, T4AS, R~5E - AUTHonTZRP FOn EXECUTION Publlc Works Administrator Clifford n~rksdalc recommended that tho Board Ðuthor1zo tho execution of ð quit-cli'dm deed for certain propcrtles whIch arc th~ flubjcct to previously executed Ðnd rocorded instruments contðlning revcrter cl~lJ~cS wh_ch have become effective. lie oxplðincd that the Gubjcct 1l1nds life locl'tcd 1!,' Sections 3 .:1nd 10, T49S, n25£, ßnd ~cctlon 3~, T4n~, n25E. Comml~sloncr Wl~cr ûsked if the County has any legal clnlm to th~ subject 1,1nds and Mr. ß.uk!ld.:1lc replied rlt'qatlvely. Commis~ioncr erown moved, s~condcd by Commlssincr ~rusc nnd carried 4/1, with Conml~!110ner WcnzC'l opposed, thl~t the above-described qult-clûlm d~cd be nuthorlzcd for C'xccutlon by the Chðlrmðn, as recommonded by Mr. ~~rksdalo. .~ 066 PACC 6f '.9- '35 ' --.-... --. -- -. ..-- -.., ~- ..... ....- ..- "- ..- - ...- ---- ...- - .-... -. --. -.-..- ---..---..... ---....-- ~' , . . " œ..~ .. ',' " -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ~J - - - - - - --:-~ - - --- ---- .' I~ ' Novcmbor 10, 1901 ~~ FLORID^ POWF.R & LIGHT CONSERVATION LIGIITING COVERS ION AGREEMENT FOR STREET LIGIITING - ^UTIlORJZP.O FOR r:XF.CUTION Commiasionor Wenzol moved, seconded by Commisnionor Drown and cðrriod unanImously, thot in tho Int~rcst of conacrving energy, tho Flor idð Po\,c>r r. t41ght Company's Lighting Convorvlltion Agrr.E!ment for convcraion of ðll compðny ownod stroet light~ to high presAure sndlum vapor lights be authorizc~ for Execution by thc Chairman. ~t)~~ 066 TAti 63 PaC] Q - - ----- -~ - - ~:i --- --- - -- - - -:-' -. -- -. - - - .--'. ---, -.-""'-"""-'=>'--..-,.-.-.. ·' , . ~-------------~------~--~---------------~~~~ . -.. ....- .- -. -...- - -...- . - -..- - . - -.. - - -... - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- _.............~~, '-..,"", @J 7:":' Novcmbcr 10, 1981 COUNTY ENGJ.NEEn AUTIIC'I1IZF:D TO INST!\LL "NO DISCIIARGE OF FInEARMS" SIGNS IN TilE VICINITY OF Tm: P.ESIDf:NCE OF RODERT MINIm, ~!)TH. AVE. N.W., SUBJECT TO THIS AODI1ErïS DEING LOC^TED WITIIIN TIm APPLIC^ßLE UNITS COVr.R~;D UNDER TilE JH;L~V^NT OI1DIN^NCE AMENDMENT TO API"LICAOLE ORDIN!\NCE TO DE PI1r.PAnED If NF.CF.SSARV CommissIoner ßrown ruportod th~t Mr~ Robert Minor, residant on 35th. Street, N.W., hc'ls complðlnnd of continual dischargc of fircðrms withIn the viclnlty of hi£.: J1vmc and rcquested lh<lt the County instðll "No Dischnrgc of Flrcc'lrmo" nlqns in thr vicinity thereof. County Engineer Clifford·ß~rksdnlc stc'lted that he ls not certnln thðt Mr. Hiner's home is loc~t~rl withIn thu UnIts ðddrc~5cd in the ðppliceblc OrÙJn~nce. Commloo1onor ~rown rnov~d, sccond~d by Commissioner Wenzel ~nð carried unanimously, th~t tho County Englncer he Duthorlzed to crect the subject Bi<)JlS if tho f.1ubjuct. !>tOr>lHty in lIppl1cJ\:Jlo undcr the rolovðnt Ordlnðnce nnd th~t an nmcndrncnt to the Ordinnnco covering Mr. MInor's property b~ drð(tad if nccea~ary. 1975 MnUI..^NCF:, PROPEI1TV '5328, ^UTIIORr7.ED FOI1 S^LE AS S^LV^GE FOR $50; "'UNDS TO nr. PUT rNTO EMf, DF.P!\R1'Mr.NT nUDr.F.T Commißsionor Drown moved, soconded by Commlanioner Wenzel and cnrried un~nimoualy, thnt tho 1975 Ambulnncc, Property 1532R, SN 3550193274, bo authorIzed for 8ðle as salvago for tho sum of $50 and that tho funds bo put into the EMS Department Audgct. U~£ OF IIUlB 11EI..ICOPTER FOR Tn^N!;PORTING f:Lr.CTrOU DALLOTS - APPROVED Public 6afoty Administrator Thomao 11.,fnor roported that Elections Suparvisor Mary ~or9ðn has requasted authorization for the use of tho HUID holicopter for tho transport of election ballots from Immokaleo and £y.rglðdoa City to tho Courthouor. COmpl"K~ which will coat ,o~~ 066 PACê 7! PlUJ. 37 --,_.,--~ '..-....-- ~o~~ UUU IAIII. " - ð PPIic:>X imð to 1 y $290.00. 110 explained thðt the funds lire Ava ihble under tho DCC Revenue description, Coda 99-101. iT,~ ,'J. ;,' ACter ho a r 1 n9 from Mr. lIðfnor that the fÚght at night i",õ<, the nu ID ,) i8 safe, Commissioner 6~own moved, soconded by Commissioner Wimor, ~hðt 1 Ii"~- c 1:1 Mrs. Morgðns' roquQst be granted. ,. r: f' 1,,' 1/ , I Commisaioner Wenzel asked' why this is b.oin~' considered now, whon tho Elections ,HO not until" noxt 'N~vomber, Bnd Mr.Hðfnor replied that " it is just ~ mùttcr of plDnning.' Upon call for thu quc5tion, the motion cùrried unllnimoùsly. EMERGENCY MEDICAL S~RVICRS RAT~ STRUCTURE AN^LYSIS TO BE TRANSMITTED TO THE EMnAC FOR REVIEW ANO R~CO~MEND^TrONS County "1ð/\/'I90r Norm¡)n stated that he fools it neccssðry to emphùsizo that the rate structure for the EMS rcqulres restructuring in ordcr to bu consistent with tho FY 81-82 burlgct DS ùdopted by the Board. He sDld that he h~s found that the staff was cverly optimistic when Dnticlpðtin~ the revenuer. ùnd rate of collectIon for EMS servIces and he considers tho m~tter critical and r~ferred the BODrd to tho informùtion outlined within the ~)(ccutivc nummory, dated 11/2/61. Commissioner Kruse stated that tho r~cord nhould reflect thðt t:¡erc wore m¿¡ny elderly cItizens presenl during the entire .,orning sossion of tod~y's meet1n(] who were vitl111y concerned with the proposed incrcùsc in rnte~ for ðmbulnnce sorvlces but are not present for thIs ðfternoon'n session becðusu they had sImply r013ched the extent to which they clln physicnlly rcm~in 8oðtod ðnd wðit (or tho matter to como up on the l.CJonda. Commlr1s10nor h'onzol concurred, add i nlJ thllt he Wð8 approðchod by mtlny o( theso cltizons who requested thðt he express their fo c li n'J thDt tho County should maintaIn the rates lIS they are for Pago 38 , " " " r"".i ~------------------------~---------------- . I . ~Qj. . , ~ ~..........J ¡::rr~~t: ; ' i..........,..Jo_.. ......'" ~ tq' '.,.,-. .,.,~ .. ."'.....,<.."',.,-,,;"_..~------ ·, , " I.:', t.'~ ø ~.' ~ o ,- ------~-----~--~--~~--~~-~~~'~-~---~----_. i,' .. ,.., , » ':) ", 'Nov'ember 10, 198,1 c ' thii year becauso the County haD not vorificd tho collections at this point in tIme. lie said thnt many of thf: senlor citizens f~lt that'the 0 rata of collections may be grcater in the future than thay havo baen in tho pc) st. Mr. Normðn reiterated thnt he consid~rs the anticipated rnto of ~ collectIon ~nd cutlmated rcvenues overly optimistic. However, ho enid, the collectIons ~ystùms Aro not "in full swIng" at this time. Commissioner rJim('r C':omplimentcd M..1nagcmcnt An,'lyst lIenry Hill for the content of th~ report ðO submltt~d with the EXf:cutive ~ummary, notIng th.-Jt Its cont('ntr. r{:(loct!J "n obviou~ lImollnt of research and anðlysiN. Com"i~sionrr Wimer alÐlcd thnt his po~ition Is th~t more emphð!Jis should be put on the co}]cctJon procC'durlJ of the r.MS opcr~t.lons i,nr1 thl\t tilt.' rc1tl" structure increase!1 sho\llù not be connidercd until some futuro time when th~ County io marc flure of what tho collection!; <'Ire going t·.;) be. He s"i( th:1t he prc>fp.rr. to w,')it a year ,')nd continue to operate undcr the prcscnt rntc !Jtructure. Commissioner wenzel motioned th<'lt thin m~Ltnr be forwarded to th~ Emorgency Medical Servicos AdvIsory CouncIl for theIr review ~nd recommendation before the Bo~rd tðkes nny furth~r nctlon. Commlss10ner Wimor seconded tho motion which carrl~d unðnimou~ly. County ~nnngcr Normnn stated that he feols obligated to report to the Bonrd thnt if this mattor is not t,')k~n CArn of in the noar future, he wIll hnve to seck ßo~rd diroction on n Menns to brlng the budgot back Into balancp. Ho n~ld that, for ev~ry month the County delðYs, v~st ~mount8 of monoy ~re being lost. Mr. Hl11 stntcd that, as lndicted within tho ~xecutivo Gummðry, the ~ifforencQ between the current r.Hp.fi "n" the' propo!lorl r^tes would ðmount to npproximðto1y Pðg. 39 ~ 066 PACë 73 .. - .. - - .. . - _.- -- -- .._- ...-...- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -:-- - - - - --.... " . It "--......-.-....,...- '0 November 10! 1981 ~o~~ 066 PACt 74 131 '.. f,'~ ~ , $27,000. per mo~h. sCQmm~~S1oner~~enz&~ aS~~d 1f th1s ~ans that the ~ propoG~1 would lncr~n5e the rcvenur.s by approxlmðtoly $300,000 annunl1y 1\\ f.'> ' . .ft\d Mossrs. !IUl ðn~ Nor~:'1n.:rE!ÞÚod ~"ffirmatlve1Y"l' (> , , . ') ..., .. . Commlasioncr"Wimor stated that ho has n ~roblcm with penðliz1n9 r, ... If. ·,1 the pooplo thnt dò pðy in ardor to recover those funds lost due to the ~ i nob i11 ty, to col iCc t from otJ,o r s. ~ 0' He said that ho stonds on tho position that more enorCJY needs to be cxpended tow8rd~:'increasln9,:§!the rDte of collection. 110 8ðid thë1t he foala strongly that, oven if it takos ~ Budget Amcndmcnt, ho prefers to wait and see how future collections work out. 111) said thnt ho is willing to hold the m,o,ttor in abeyance until tho EM5AC roviews tho roport. There was ð diÐcuÐ~ion regarding tho County ~ðnagorts statement that tho current rate of collection, wIthout going through n colloction I'Igf!nr:y, is 4S\,¡. II" expli'dncr! thi'lt the anticipat.ed projectJon that WDS ml'lde during the formulation of the FY 81-02 budget, was 75'. Also discu~ccd WðG tho f~ct thðt, currently, ther~ Is no chi'lr~o tor, "cancollod" tranaports and tho prop~Gnl th"t Q $25.00 charge be made Cor such c.Jlls, l1S cxpL,innd by Mr 11111. CommissIoner Brown ackod if any thought has been glvon to revertIng b.1ck to an M~bulance service provided throug: privðte cnterpriso lInd the bid process? 1:·- stated that ho is very concerned about long-term deficits and the spIralIng costs of Opcflltionß of the County EMS proqrnm. Chbitmðn Plstor notod th~t thIs is not boing connidored ~t this time ðnd CommIssioner Arown stllted th~t he is on rocord as favoring EM5 servIces prov1ded through tho free enterprise syntcm rather thlln by tho County. paqo 40 ...- - - - - --..- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- -..- ---- ---.... . , . . ~ ~ !!!!! .1) .. To) . . -- - - ~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - __ - ~ _ _ _ ~ ,,_.1....4 _ _ _ __ _ _ _.œ_____ Þ;:., . 11 '" ,j Novembor 10, 1901 " (, > ^ . (í 0 " " 0 <.> 0 LE^SE WITII EVERGL^DES ,CITY FOR EMS .RESCUE VEHICLE - AUTtlOIUZED FOR EXECUTION IN TilE ^~OUNT OF $1. no· 'PF:R ~'iEMt·, , ., '. Upon hoaring thðt tho term,s o( tho Lease ^greo;;'on't botween the , . County Ðnd EverglDdos City a,pcc1f,ie.B thðt tho st~ffln9, mði!'t~,t;llIñce, and insurance responslb1-l1tlcß for the EMS reOCUQ vohiclo are. soley , ~ EVl:lrgladcs Clty's, CommIss10nor ~Iimor moved, seconded by Comml~sio,ncr Brown and cllrrl"d un'i'lrdmously, that the LODse ".grooment with Evor,glllde),l ,"\ -)0 CIty for the EMS reDCUC vchlclc in the amount of Gl.00 per year, b~ authorized for cxccutlon. ',) () ("......, Pð90 41 ao~ 066 fACi 75 - ..'. - ... - ..-- ..- ------.-....---.--------------------- -"~,--,,,.,---..." "" .~ t,'1 \>f- " '~'"'-'-""-"'''-' " @) , ., ,.'~ ----------------------------------------.. .." November 10, 1981 Ó' -,,) " HELICOPTER POLICIES AND PROCEDURES - ADOPT~DI BASE RATES APPROVED FOR APPLIC^TION ^S D~T^JLEn WITHIN S^ME Aftor ð brief deoëription of tho tlolir.optcr Policies and ... ¡ \ .I ProceduroA, nB detni~9d wlthin the Exocutivc Summnry dated 11/~/A1, by . I ( r Public Gaioty Adminlcd:r.1tor .Thom<HJ Hafnor, Comul1ssioncr ~1mcr moved to . , adopt the ßubject policl~ß and procedures ðnd thßt ð b~sc rntc of $134.29 plus hourly rntco of' $83.30 (opC!Dt1ng) 'ðnd $-10.21\ (pilot) for th" "47", ðnd hourly r,1tC:5 of $2)2.01 (opurntlng) lInd $48.42 (pilot) for tho "lIuey" be lIpprovcd ðnd ,1pply "5 det"ill!d therein. CommtAsionor Brown Bccondcd the: mo '.1 on. Thera w,'s ~~om() dir.clI!>slon ð!.i to the l!ollcoptar Budget, during which County ",.1n,vJer NormJn expl., tned tl\l\t, ðl though tho funds Dro 1Villlablc, the ¡;ubjcct budget wIll hl>\I(1 to he re-exltmlnod If the Board adopts tho Gubjcct Pollcy becnuso it wns pre~lcnted on different allocê!tions. Commlaslont'r IVl.'nzal ðGkt'~ i( the con~idcr/'lt1on of repll\clng the two hclico~tcrs with one new one 18 ð "dcðd issue" nt this timo? Mr. Normnn explained thnt, becAUso of Its vornntility, it has beon docided thðt it is in tho b(HJt lntC:Hcst of tho County to kop.p tho IIUlB. Upon call for the question, tho motion cðrricd un~mlrnously. P098 .. 2 Wt 066 PAtt 19 --------------------------------~~~-~-~~~~ '..-.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -.-- ..- -. Novomber 10, 1981 M~~ 066 PACt 94 CONTRACT AWARDED TO COL-INS~CO CORPORATION FOR PIDER OPTIC DATA COI·\Mu:nC^TIONLINE, nr. CONNEC"TION OF CO~'PUTER ROOM TO S.'\TELLITE BUILDINGS - .APP~OVr.D 'INTllf.i AMOUNT OF, $21;",377, ADDITIONAL $4,500 AUTHORIZED FOR TERMIN^L SUPPREsnORS Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzol and carrled unanimously, lh~t the contract be aw~rdcd to Col-Ins-Co Corporðtion, dB sole 50ur~o providor, for fiber optic data communications line for connectIon of the computer room in the Courthouse Complex wlth selected sðtollite huildings in the amount of $2(,,377, s~me replacing tho data communication circuitÐry excluded trom Bid '519 <1w,Hdcd October 20, 1901 lInd that the ðdditioll.ll cxpC'ndlturp. of $4,500 be ðuthorizcd for terminal suppressors, ÐD recommended by the consulting enginecr ùnd the County Dùta Procp.Rßing Director. Note: No contract was rccciv~d ~)y the Office ~f the Clerk of the Doard as of 11/23/81. /11 1/ ~ If: ~~/!' ~,t' /, //'/ VpJ &' )' '" Pð<;Je <4) . -- -- - - - -- -- - - - - ...-- - - ---- -.- --- ---- -----------.... ~ ~ E!.!J .----........., ~) (g. . )' ~ I I .. .: 1,1 . ". - - - - - - - - -,- - - - -- - - - - - - -""" - - - - - - - - - - - -.....- - - - ---- November lÒ, 1981 ,.., (\ CONTR"CT ßJ:;TWEEN TBF. BCC "ND ST"TE HRS Fon ¡""TCfIING FUNDS FOR nENOVA-~ TION!3 IN THE COLLIER COUNTY HEALTH BUILDING IN Ir1MOY.ALF:E AUTHORIZEP, ~t'\ M"TCHING f'UND5 IN TilE "MOUNT OF $9,750 l\UTHORTZED IF CONTRl\CT ^CCEPTEOO Dr. Cox, County lIuðlth OffIcer, ~xplülncd the propor;al to renovllt~ /Snd modernize tho Colllar County 110ðlth Building in Immokalca in J 'conjunctIon wlth ~ State-County m~tching fund program. Ho said that tho 1:!0nrJ 1)1.(!.....iou~ly .::rrro;'''''' t-h,. t'1<pcnditurc of ~1,500 to lIccommodato tho new Bei11th !)epùrtm~nt ðctivitic!3 In the rmmokc"tlcc Clinic building,;') however, because lllU ~pportunity b~Cð~C avnilðb10 for matching grant·~ fund:1 throuC)h the Stoto 11Ii!}, the rcnovl'tt1ons werc C!vi11ui:!tcd. Ho rcquc~Lcd thr')t the Llo,1fd npprove the contrt1ct between tho BCC and tho BRS for ð mðtr:hing ('.ndD grilnl in the l'IMOunt or $9,750, .,ddlng that, if the contr.,ct is ¡¡ccp.pted by the liS, he is rcquesting the i3pprovðl of the exprnditurc for the nütchlng fundo [rom the County in tho same amount. ^(tur n brIef dlßcu~~lon rcgl'trding th~ impnct of nc~rly 2000 HDitiðna 1n tho Immok~l~Q arell on the Iloðlth nepRrtment's ðctivitlcs, Commissioner Wir.H!r moved, .seconded' hy Commlns\onor Brown and ci1rr1cd unlJnimously, th.,t Dr. Cox' 0 rnqucst be grðntcd ðnd ÚH\t tho contract with the Ims for ð matching funds gr.,nt be! .,uthor l,zcd 1n the IImount of $9,'750.00 lind, if lIcceptcd by tho !IRS, tho lImount of $9,750.00 for tho County's sh~rc of the match be lIuthorizrd. (@ Page .... e~ 06S bti 95 - -- - -.... - -.. - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- ---- - -- - -........ --".. - ..'-...--.. ~ .... c::1 ~ ~.- . ,C)/ ,. -- - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - - ~~- - -:- - - - - -- - - -- - --- --. Novombor 10, 1981 " BOARD POLICY RE f..ßANDONED I.'ROI.'ET\TY ADOPTED AND S'fAFF'DIRECTF:D TO IMPLEMENT G^Mr., PUBLIC I1El\TUNG AND ^DVlmTI!HNG UFo PQ1.TCY "'ND nr.LEVENT ORDTN^NCf. MITIIORI7.E!), 11:' f)F.F.~1F.D NEC¡:'f,ST\rw TVi THE COlINT" ^TTORNEV Comm(ssioner Wunzel movod that the Boord Gat a dote for tho public hearing to consider the adoption of ~ Boord Policy r~g~rdin9 ndnndoncd property. The motlon dlrd for l~ck of a second. Commissioner \~ir.1cr ð!3ked w}'¡y thl"t D01Hd il:: required to hold an ~dvcrtised public hc~rlng In order to adopt ~ policy? County M~nðger Normðn ßtated th~t County ALtorney Donnld Pickworth rccommcnded that thIs be done by the 1\c1optlon of ,1n orõlni)n( c, which rC'1uirc!i l'!n advertised public hcnrinq, rnthcr than n resolutl~n which docs not. CommisRloner WImer ilSkcd th.1t the ro.ud ,1c1opt the policy todny and dircct the ßt.ðff to lr.1plement the procedurcs thereIn. Not.lng that f'.r. Pic~worth wða not prcsent ~t this tlr.1c, COMmi6Glonar Wlm~r ~xpr"~RPd concern ilS to why, ,1(ter .:111 the t.imo that t1ìl~ st,1ff has worked on the devcloprr.ent of thin policy, thc Count.y flttorncy sudu/!nly feels it ncce~sary to Miopt the policy by ord In.,nc07 I!u said that he WZIOts the Bo ð r d to Lldopt the policy .1nd, if the County ~ttorncy cicCPS it nCccssðry to sc t ¡In .:\dvurtiscd puhllc hCIH i ng d.H.e (or the pur pose of ðdoptinq ð relevant ord1n1\ncc, he would he GO "ut ho r izt>d . Ch"irmðn pistor concurred. Commlsnioner Wlmur moved that the adv~rtising for ð public hoaring rc the adoption of an ordin~ncc adoptinq the ~oðrd Policy re abandoned property be authorized, if deemed necessary by tho County Attorney, and, in the meantime, the subject policy be ðdoptcd and the staff Inspructcd to impl(>~cnt the provisions thereof. Co~missioner Won~el Pa9 e 4 S ,~ 066 PAct 97 '" ----.--..................,.... .. ...... _... ... .......-.-- ._--.....-..---~..._---------- --------------------- Novembor 10, 1981 JOOK 066 P^Cè 98 '" (e/ /B¡ seconded tho motion w~ich carried unanimously. IjIr, (ð, Commissionor Wimer ins.tructed tho.,County ML\nllgor to rc$:~t an nnswer to his question rcgrding why tho County ^ttonney feels it nocoBRðry to adopt an ordinance Ðnd why the Ronrd ~as not made ðwa10 of -').. </;1' :0 .J <:¡. this b(!~9ro now. (¡ I§) PA9. 46 . -- - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - --- - ---....- - --~ . , ,.~ . ,_______------------.--- t~ -------------\!7J----...-----... M~~ 066 f^Cc 106 Novombor 10, 1901 ó. ,. .. '(.'1" nOUTINE BILLS - P^tD pursuant to ROßolutio~ 01-150, adopted by tho Board of County Commissionors on Mðy 26, 1901, the following checks were issued through Friday, Novcmhcr ~, 1981, in pðyment of routine bills: @ FUND CH~CK NOS. - M10UNT Gencrlll Fund 11 29090 - 30¡\14 3fi8 - (,55 $ 27,033.04 281,485.60 481,064.20 DCC Payroll County ChC'cks BUDGET MIENDMENT NO. 82-13, rl10VIDING Fall COST OF NF.W POSITIONS IN PL^NNING !)!':PlII1T/''a:NT - M)OrT[;D TN TUE M'ntINT OF t,!iO ,117 CommIssIoner WImer moved, soconded by Commisslonnr Wenzol ðnd carrled unðnimously, th~t Gudqct ~cndmcnt No. 82-1~, providing for the cost of new positions within the Plnnnlng Dcpðrtmcnt, be adopted in the amount of $60,117. Pð90 47 (c.-;) .- -,-.- -----..-- -------------------------------- ~j . , ~@ '~"O' ---~~--------------------~---------~----~ . -.. -- - -- - -- ...... -- ..-- --.---- -.- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ~ % Novambnr 10, 1981 bao~ 066 PACt 108 nUDCET ^MENDMENT NO. 8"-14, PROVIDINC FOR COST OF OFFICE SUPPLIES, EQUIPMF:NT AND FURNITURE Fon NEW POSITIONS IN TilE PL^NNING DEP"RTMENT - ^DOPTEO IN TII~~ ^",OUNT OF $7 ,050 Commisaloncr Wimor moved, seconded by Commisssionor Brown and . cDrrlod unanimously, th~t Budgot Amendment No. 82-14, providing for cost of offica..,suppl1as, cquipmant and furniture for new positions 1n the Plðnning Dopartment, bo Ddoptod in tho Dmount of $7,050. ;;:v r) \:-...... Page 48 @ . I . ~ ,.' r' 1. ~~.~. .0, - ß1J7 .. .. ,~ @ «ãt ..... ì I "11r 111 ::-,.1'..., ,," L.j'.~'!!',L&· :..... ",' '~t"1,ø....... ..- - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - -- -- - ..- - - ..... Novembor 10, 1~81 MI)~ 066 PAc¿110 BUDGÈ'l' AMENDMENT NO. 82-15, PROVIDING FOR ~IIE COST OF UNINTERnUPTED POWER f,UI.'PLY (MOTOn (;ENER^TOR) FOR COMPUTER 'PROTECTOR SYSTF:M RE D^TA ~ROCEr,SING DIVISION FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST 1977 FUND - ~DOPTED IN TilE Afo:OUNT OF ~o1f),41l. . Commiosioner Wenzel moveù, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carriod un~n~ously, thDt Budget 1\mcndmcnt No. 81.-15, providing for tho cost of unint~rupted power supply (motor generðtor) for computer protoctor system for tho Data processing Division from the Capital Improvcmcnt Trust 1977 Fund, bo adoptod in tho ~mount of $46,411. as recommended by the County M~nag~r Dnd the D^tD Processing Director. ® (~) @ Pago 49 -------------~-------------------------~- . I " ~ - .'.4O __ _~_ .__4O - ....- -- . __I .- -- ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..- - - - - - - .-... -- Novcmbor 10, 1901 ~oo~ 066 PAc¿112 (i) CHAIRMAN PISTOn EXPRESS~D THANKS TO CLERK, STAFF AND MEDI^ FOR THEIR HELP, COOPERJ\TION AND TIIEIR DE~10N5TnATION OF COOD R^PPORT THROUCIIOUT TIIF: LI\ST 'iF.l\n Dun tNCì \~II tCII ·11F: IIJ\D I\CTF:D f\G CIIA TnMAN Chairm~n piÐtor cxpr~sscd his thanks to the Clerk, stnff and medin (;", ",-, for tholr cooperation, help, and ~ood rnpport throughout tho past year during whIch ho hðS acted os Chairman. He said thnt hn trusts thðt tho upcoming y~ar wIll move forward in the somo spirit of cooporation. COt-lM TSf, IONER WIMER ELECTED C\I^IRMAN 1 COt-l~Itr,5 IONER I<nusr. ELECTED VICE-CII^IR~'^N; ROTII TO Sr.RVE Fon ONE YEl\n, r.f'Fr.crrIVE NOVEMBF.R 17, 19R1 Clerk William J. Re~gðn was coIled upon by Chairman pistor to conduct the eloctl.onu of Chnirm~n and Vico-Chairman for the upcoming yc~r, each to serve ~ tcrm of one year, effoctivc Novcmb~r 17, 19R1. Clerk RCÐg~n atùtcd that he will open the floor for nominatIons from members of the Bo~rd. He Gùid th~t the nornin~tions necd not be soconded, howevor, he would ~pp~eclnte it if they wore. Mr. Ro~gan Ðtatcd that If there were more th~n ono nomination for each office, the ~lcction would covcr each nomineo, In order of nOMination, until such timo as one nominee rcc~lve5 ð mnjorlty of threo votes. Clerk Rc~q~n op~nud thu floor for nomInations for Ch·.irman. CommissIoner Kruse stûted th~t, In view of her stRted polley that the BODrd should follow the rotational system whlch was i~ offoct prlor to her election ~s ð Commioslonor, sho will nomln~tQ the DistrIct Two Conmisaloncr, Mr. Wlmor. Commissioner Drown secondod the nominatlon. Upon call for furth~r nominðtlons, Commlsaioner Wenzel nominated CommIssIoner Pistor. Th~ro wos no second forthcoming, nn~ noting that no no was necessary and thllt there woro no further nominations offered, Pðg8 50 .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -. - -- - - - -. - - - - - -- - - - - --... .....- . . . , . Novomber 10, 1981 tho nomlnations wcro cloncd by the Clerk. Clerk Rc~gðn conducted D roll call voto on tho quostio~ of nominee Commisnioncr WImer DS Chnirmðn. Commissioner Wimer wos clectod 8S Chairman DO íollown: Commlnrdoncr Kruso: ^yc Commiunioner WImcr: ^yo CO!nml!isloncr Drown: ^yo Commis5ioncr ristor: ^y0. Comnli~510nor Wnnzcl: ^YP. Clerk n~ng~n continued, ðnd opened the floor to the members of tho Board for no~ln~tlonD for Vicr-Chnlrmnn. Commiosioncr Wonzel nominate( CommIssioner Pi5tor. No ßccon~ wns forthcoming. Upon noting that D second was not neceRsary, Clerk neðgan Dsked for furthßr nominntlons and CommiHslocnr ~rown nor.in~tcd Commicsioner Krune. Comminsioncr Wimer Geconded the motIon. Henr1l\g no further nomln.'tlons forthcomIng, CIC'rk ncngan closod tho nominatIons and cnllcd for the qu"stion on numlnee Commiasionor PIstol' I1S Vicc-Chnlrman which failed 2/3, wIth Commlsrdoncrs Orown, Wimer i1nd Kruse OPPODC(\. Clerk RCi1gnn cðllcd for tho qucntlon on nominee Commissioner ~ruse as VicQ-ChnirmDn which carried 3/2, wIth Commissioner Wonzel and Plator opposod. ~ ! mov cd , Gocondcd by CommisJionor Brown and Commlssionor Piator carried unðnimou~ly, thnt tho election of Commlnsioner Kruse as Vicc-Chnirmðn be unllnimous. PaCJf' 51 ~~ 066 tAri113 ....... --- ..-*- ..- -- - ....- .~.. ... - ..~- -.. ...- - - - ..- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- --- - - --.. -"'"---_..,.,...."" STATUR "~PO"T R~ EMrLOYEE EVALUATIONS/MERIT PAY GIVEN BY COUNTY MAN^CER County Manager Normon circulated copios of on ovaluation results porcentage distrubution comparison from FY 00-81 and FY 81-82 Ðnd a fund impuct cstim~lu, ba~cd on tho completed cVðluation of Boarù o~ County Commissioners' employeos. Ho explðinod that 011 evaluations ðro completo, with the exception of 14 employees that report directly to the County Man.:.gcr, same to bo finished by Novembor 23, 1981. Bo szl1d that he connidcrs the results of the evaluations to be representative of n ~ood "sprcad" botween tho marginal and superior rated employees. 110 not~d th.1t the numbers rolated to those employees found to be in tho "Excollent" cùtogory was inadvortently left off of tho comparison list, and reported thc!'lt they ropresent approximately 48\ of tho Boðrd's cmployees. This w~s di~cusscd briefly, during which Commissionors Kruso and Wenzel exprcssed somo doubt that 48% of ~ll Board employeos could be consldored as "excellent". County Manger Norman confessed that perhaps Gomu of hiD department hc~ds conducted the eVðlatlons In IS less than pcrfect manner, notlng that thero would bc morc cmphasis on "how to conduct "'II cv..,lu.:It1on" in the future. Mr. Norm~n reported that all employecs receiving merit incroases Ðnd/or one tlmo c~~h bonu~cs, will h~vc thr.m includ~d in their pdyc~cckG to be distributed Decemher 4, 19R1, retronctlvo tu Octobor 1, 1981. Mr. Normðn Ðtatr.d that, ðlthough he is not sure that the cvnluations reflect n totally accurate picture of all of the Boðrd'. employees, he dO~B not f(!cl thllt tht.·y should be rodon" lit thl S po Int in Page S2 "'- - - - - - - - - - - - - --:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - --- . , . . c::J r-~'""":" L..........J rPr" ~".. ........';,_.".~.."!. ~, ).~&,þ. ,; ...... I , ",,..,.. .',;~;~4~4 , . . - - - - ---- -- -- -- - - ----- - - -- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- ..... ,- .......-....-,.."'."....".,"'"',"-,.., Novembcr 10, 1901 time. Rather, what needs to be done in to instruct tho departmont head a on how to batter and moro ~ccurDtcly conduct an cvðluðtion. Commissioner Wimcr agroed th~t it woulJ bc unfair to the mnjority who are dcsorvlng employees to hold up tho payment of theIr raiseR ðnd bonuses, odding that he agroes that thore are some areas that ~ppe~r to need to ho Morc cDrcfully cvoluatcd In tho future. Chairman pistor 5tnted that thoro is no nced for any formal action on the report ~nd he thanked Mr. ~nrmDn. CERTIFIC^TES or CORR~CTION TO THE T^X ROLLS AS RECOMMENDED SUDMlrTED BY Tllf. T^X M'pnAr¡;r::n'~ OfFICE - ^UTIIOnI7.F:O Fon CI1.~IRMAN'S EXECUTION Commls!J1oncr h'cnzel moved, 5econded by Commi. sionDr Kru!;c .1nd carried unðnimouuly, that the following CertIficates of Corrcctlon to the T<'Ix Rolls .'5 !lubmitted by the Property ^ppra!r,cr's office be authorized for rxecut!on by the Chairman: NU/",ßERS D^TF:S 1980 Tl1X Roll 542 - 51\3 11/2/81 1981 T.1X Roll 1 - :3 11/2/Al 4 10//.7/81 5 - 8 11/2/81 9 11/1/Al 10 - 11 11/2/"1 12 - 13 )O/2~/Ol 11\ 11/2/01 15 - 18 10/30/81 19 - 41 11 fUR 1 42 - 43 11 /3/P. 1 44 10/2/81 1\5 - 49 11/3/81 50 11/2/81 51 11/3/81 52 11/"/81 53 11 /2/81 paqe 53 wx 066 PAct 115 .4 _41 __ _.._... ..._- _ -.--,. ...... --' .,.-..... ''''. ...--- .... ....-- -- .---.......-.- ---..--- .------- .---.-.... ___--.c,,'_.." .....~...........,..u..............................-----.-------............~ .~' '., ..... " f'J.' -....--...-. ,., -- --.--.-.- ...~ ...... , . 1..... _ __. _ _ _ -.1.. -- - -- - -...,.. --- - - - - - -- - --- --- rq) No~embor 10, 1901 Boa~ 066 F^Ci 116 54 - G 1 "2 1)3 - 09 90 91 - 105 lOG - 117 118 11/4/01 l1/3/A 1 11/4/81 11 /3/81 11/4/81 11 /S/A 1 11/13/81 T~ngiblc porsonðl Property 1981-19 - 1901-24 19B1-25 19B]-29 1901-30 - 1901-32 11/2/81 11 /V81 11/4/01 T~/ENT'l-FOUI1 lIoun M:;;, IGNMf.NT OF "WTOn VEil ICt.E FOR J\GfI ICUI.TURE EXTENSION DTnr:CTon/VEGf.TMLf. crwps ^Gf.NT - ^UTI101117.EO Commissioncr Kruse moved, sncone!cd by Commissioner wimer ~nd c"rrl(~d un.,nimously, th,1t twenty-four hour .:Issignmont of ð motor vohlcle for thc ^griculturc Extension Dlrcctor/Vogct"ble Crops Agent, be authorized. MISCELL^NEOU5 CORRESPONDENCE - FILEO ^~o/n" n~FERRED There being no objection, ~hc Ch~ir dIrected tho following corr(::;pondcnce bf' filed nnd/or ref0rrcd to the v,Hlou5 departmc:nts aG inc\ lc.:ltad: 1. Copy of DNn Permit t CO-~O, Cðptrßn Devlcopmcnt Corpo(l1tlon .'\nd Robcrt II Fp.rCJus, I!15Ued Novcmbt:'" 6, 19t)1, for con:.õtruc-t1ol\ of 26 units ~:'I<1 ..,ssocil1tcd deck ð nd S plI ('If ell. F 11 e d . 2. Copy of DNR Permit t79-P-..,09 ("') ("'), "'r. to M·G. John F. Don,lhuC', I~5U(,c1 June 7., ~9ßO ðnd ~odifled July 1, ðnd Novcmber 3, 19n1 for conutruction of n 14 ft. x 30 ft. clcv~tcd, pilc-3upportcd concrcte deck tine! stðlrw~y and sub5equont modiflcðtions. Filed. 3. Mcmorôndum dnted 11/4/01, from Department of Veterons ðnd CommunIty ^ffôlrs, 01vlnlon of Local Resource Mðnagcmcnt, rc proposed ðmondmentH to the Outer Page 54 ..... - ---- -- -.- -- ---- - ---- ---- --- -------- ----- . , , . , ,.f,l'''''',.j,,; ,,,":....:,, '. . ~ ", - ~ ~ ~ @) . . " , . li_______,____~________________~___________ Novembor lO, 1981 Contlnentðl Shelf Landa Act ~cndmentD and the Coastal Zone M~n~gcmcnt Act. xc Mnssrs. Norm~n, Virta, Dnrksdòlo, FlIed. 4. Lettcr dòtcd 1]/3/Rl from Oircctor of Bur~nu of tho Ccnsu3, notIng that ColI lor County's census count h~s been revifie~ to 05,971 pcople nnrl 50,74] houDlng unIts Dnd tr~nÐmlttlng ccrtlflcntlon thDroto, as of 4/l/AO. xc l-'.l~:>5es. 11.,11, tJorm.:ln, Viet,1; FlIer!. 5. Lr,tU: cL,tcd 11/"/Al fror1 rl,GT of ^Morici), Inc, offering conøultinq ~>(}rvice:; for EI'1:; proqrnm. XI,; 1···..::~r.r:::. tJ"r"'·'I'1, I" en..: r; Fi 1 ed . 6. Letter dntecl 10/20/"1 from ~r. ~ ~rs. Petor J. MiHhkð, ob~ectin0 to the mctho~ of ~ew~ge nnncssent applied to their rropl.·rty loc.,tl·d on " cul-dc-s,1c, tot Po, P.lock 1'\1, H.:Jrco r.p"'ch, Unit J (1(.?1í nrillrwood Court). xc Utllitios r~1\n/1(1Cr; Fi J NJ. 7. Lett"r d,ltN] 11/7/nl froM Collicr County \'/oMCn'!! 'I'í'nnls I\S50C., tl,[.nl\inq tl1fl nee Cùr procl:¡Jnin thf' week of Novpn!H:r 9, 19!ìJ ,"t; T~nnh; \oJI"I"k. rlluL 8. Copy "f letter dùt(~d ll/s/rl from ChIef Jim ,10n(!s, North N,'pl,'~ rlre D"p.lrtment, to Utl11t1!'!"; ~,lnMl'H, rcquo$r.lnl) that r:. Til1l:1i11l, o\,'ncr of .:J rC'f:t"\UCilnt ,ll tht' !;outhw:'zt cornl:r of 9?nd. M1d u.s. 111, be rcp"irl the tl??.OO ho p.:Jid tht' rOllnty to r(\i$(' thl! fire hydr'-Int in th,'t 10c.1t ion, clncc tho work if' to be.' (\drt of .1 ~yrir,'nt rðlG!ng project conducted by ðnd ~t the expcnse of the North N¡lplcD FIre Di!Jtr1ct. F'llcd. 9. Lutt('r dnted 10/16/81 from FOOT, tnlll'smittinq 1I rcport oft hI' f 1 n ( n c 1., 1 po ~ i t 1 0 n .1t 9/1] / 0 ~, 0 f t h 1 ~ co \J n tIc s 80\ port lon of thc !:;tlconù.HY Trust Fund (cp.cond CJas tl1X - !)th & 6th c(!nt) .1nd Iptt<'r d.:1tl"d lC1/)O/Bl r" SIIMC report .,t 9/30/81. xc M01;srs Norman, lIal1, E',Hkadlllc, F 11 cd. 10. nul.ldinq rnnpcctlon D(!plHtmant "<,port re Building rc·rmlt& ¿,nd rol.:!tcd lIctivlty for tht' month of Octobcr 1 9 6 1. f! 1 cd . 11. rteport from E\ul1dlng Dopnrtmct ro [)wt'll1nC'J unlt pcrlllits nppl1cd for [rom 1/1/75 through 10/l1/8l nnd stðtus thpr.,oC. Filed. 12. Mlnut(!ß of Nðplos City CouncJl mect1n9 of October 21, 1981. Fllud. Pð9. 55 " ......1 nRR ",,:~ 17 -" I~·~.- . ~." " .' J'. . ...-..- L ( '.:' -..-....-~ J. ~............-..- ... ....4·_ -. -,-_£.-- -, --., -~ -~ --------------------- Novomber 10, 1981 M,)~ 066 FACt 1iS 13. Minutea of Ochopoe Fire Control District Advisory Committee rn~cting of Nov~mbar 4, 1981. Filed. 14. Minutcs of Go1òen Gnte Community Center Advisory Doðrd mc~tlng ~f f,aptdmbar ~9, 1901. filed . . . * * * * . . . . * Thero baing no furthor busincBB for the good of the County, the mooting was Ddjournod by order of tho Chair - Times 2.32 P.M. ROARD OF COUNTY COMMI5STO¡':ER!;/EX OFfICIO GOVERNING DOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DI5TR ICTr. jUNDEry_ ITS CON;rnOL \ I (, I ) f· _1-1-- ,6'1\.,~, I '[. -.-{ v If.'l John ^ P stor, Chalrmðn .' '. ~i J. ... '! ~,'" .! 1 J :0: PðtJe 5f; .- - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -:-" - - - -- -- -;-- -- -----. . ..._"",-",....--.,.. .,." . . 10) . . ------...-,----~._... Naplos, Florid~, Novomber 17, 1901 - " LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Bonrd of County'Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, ðnd also acting as tho governing board(s) of such spacial districts as have been created according to law and having conducted businoss herein, ~Ðt on this date at 9100 A.M. in Regular Seosion In Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the followl ng' members prcsent 1 CHAIRMANI VICE-CH"IRMANI C.R."Russ" Wimer Mary-Frances XrUDC John A. Pi stor ClI !ford Wenzel Dav ld C. Bro....n ALSO PREZENTI William J. Rcagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Chief Doputy Clerk/Fiscal OffIcer, Darlene D~vidson, Deputy Clerk, Donald pickworth, County Attorney, ¡rving Berzon, Utilities Manager, C. William Norman, County Manager, Neil Dorrill, Administrative Assiatant, Terry Vi r ta, Communi ty Development' Admin 1 stratòr, Danny Crow, planning Director, Jcffory peiry, Zoning Director, Clifford Barksdale,' Public Works Administrator, Grace ~pauldlng, Administrative Aide to the Boðrd, and, Raymond Barnett, Deputy Chief, Sherlff's Department. '-9- 1 aOQ~ 068 'A~£119 ---~~~-----~--~~--~-~~-----~~-----~-~~ .;