BCC Minutes 12/01/1981 R Naplos, Flo~idn, Docemhar 1, 1901 LET IT ~t REMEMBERED, thnt tho Doard of County Commissioners In and for the County of Collier, and also ~ctin9 ns the Gover~in9 ßoard(s) of such special districts as have been created accoròing to law and h~ving conducted business horoin, met on this date at 9:0n ~.M. In pogular Sassion in Bulding "F" of the courthouse Complex with the t following memhers prcs~nt: CH^IR~^~: C. R. "RuSS" wimor VICE C'\.~lRM"N: Mary-Frðncos Kruse John !\. pistor Cllfforñ \'!enzel DðVid C. Brown "LSO PRE5E~T: william J. Reagan, Clerk; Harolrl L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clcrk!Flscal Officer¡ ~iureen Kenyon, Elinor ~. fikinner (10:22 !\.M.) IInd D/Hlcne DlIvldsc..n (1:3" P.M.) Deputy Clerks¡ Donald pickworth, Counly ^llorn~YI trvln1 Oorzon, Utl1itirR ~anaq~rl C. William ~orman, County Manager¡ 'Neil Dorrill, Administrðtive !\ssistitnt¡ Terry Virta, Community Development "dministrntor¡ Lee Kirchhoff an~ Terry Clark, Planners¡ Rollie Pice, Director of Parks and Recreation; Grace Spauldin~, Admini5trative "ide to the n~nrd; Joffory Perry, zoning Directcr¡ and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Dep~rtment. .,:- PAl]e 1 ,o~~ 066 tAct 209 . . . < ,-""",~,~"",~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,- AOO~ 066 fACt 210 December 1, 1981 AGEND" - APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CIt"NGf;S": ^. Item 9E2, presentation of Facts B~ek meved te 'Item SC under PrlOlclamatiens. , . e. Item 71, Petition CP-81-14C moved to Item 14 under tho Beard of County Commissioners. Item 9P.3, acceptance of quit claim deed and resolution fer tWG lots adj~cent t$ Bayview Park to bG heard at 11:00 A.M. C. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCTOBER 27, NOVEMBER 3, NOVEMBER lS, AND SPECIi'.L MEETING OF NOVEMBER 3, 1981 - "PPROVED. Commissioner Pistor moved, secended by Commissioner Brown and " carried unanim~usly, th~t the minutes of the Regular meetings of October 27, November 3, November 10, and the Special meeting of November 3, 1981, be approved as distributed. EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS PRESENTED TO ALTON CLIFTON, (20 YE"RS)1 AND LaNNI E CLARK, (1'" YEAR!,;) 1 RO^D DEPARTMENT, I MMOI<,.,LEF. Chairman Wimer presented Employee Service Awards to Alton Clifton for 20 ~ears of service and Lonnie Clark for 10 years ef service to the Road Department in Immokalee. Commissioner Wimer thanked them for ~hei, years of d~dicated service te the County. PRESENT^TION OF $15,009 TO THE BOARD FROM HERB KIECKHEFER, PRESIDENT OF TflE GOLDEN GATE FIRE ^SSOCIATION FOR DONATIO~ FOR A GOLDEN GATE FIRE TRUCK (^CCEPTED), AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATE LETTER OF APPRECI~TION TO BE SENT. Mr. Kieckhofer, President of the Golden Gate rire Assoclatien, presented a check for $15,998 to Chairman Wimor Cer ~ denatien fer the . I ~ f :' , I' , ~ I -: I " 0 ~. \ :-, .. I ,',1 I .! I : , . , Page 2 (' c ..--. .J ~... ~,.__._., December 1, 1981 Golden Gate Fire Truck. He stated that they are continuing to provide auxiliary equipment for the Fire Department. Chairman wimer thanked him for the donation, stating that it would be a tremend~us help. He stated that tho appropriate letter of appreciation would be sent. PRESENTATION OF $5,ØØØ TO THE BOARD FROM CHIEF REEVES OF GOLDEN GATE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR A FIRE TRUCK; AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATE LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO BE SENT. Chiof Reevos présented a check to the Board for $5,0ØØ that the firefighters raised from Bingo games. He stated that this $5,000 was for the donation of the Fire Truck, adding that this was proof that ðll the men stand behind their fire department. Commissioner wimer thanked him for the dona,ion stating that an appropriate letter of appreciation would be sent. PRE5ENT^TION TO THE BOARD BY DON NORTON, CETA DIRECTOR"OF THE REVISED INDUSTRIAL AND STATISTICAL FACTS BOOK OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID~ (ACCEPTED) . Mr. Don Norton, CETA Director, presente~ the revised industrial and statistical facts book of Collier County to the Board, stating that .. he was~asked to coordinate the activities from the County offices, adding that the the book was preparod by George Chockmolkee which will be released withir. the next few weeks. He stated that the facts book provides a common body of economical and statistical Information which can be used by government and busines8 alike. He said the work repre- sonts a major step toward establishing ba8~ year data which will facilitato future trend information. ne also stated that tho facts Page 3 &C~~ 066 rA~r: 211 . ..~ .'~--~ December 1, 1981 &C~~ 066 rA~t 212 book represents the utilization of previously available but largely unused infQrmation. Mr. Norton said that he hoped and requeated that the c.operatien experienced during this effort would continue in the future. He stated that Mr. Pat Tracey, President of the Naples Area Chamber of Commercel Mr. Jack Humphries, BOArd of Director of the NAples Area Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Councill and Mr. Bill McGowan, Executive Vice President of the Naples ^rea Chamber of Commerce, should be recognized for their effort In this project. He concluded by stating that Mr. George Chockmolkee, the author of the document, was in tho audience to answer any questions.~. commissioner pistor stated that he thought it was a fine job and that he had found inf¥rmation in the book that he had ueen looking for in other places for some time. RESOLUTION 81-246 RE PETITION V-81-25-C, COLLIER DEVELOPMENT CORPOR~- TION, REQUE::iTING A VARIANCE TO TilE SIGN REGU[.^TIONS AT TilE ENTR~NCES 'to ·COLLIER r^RK OF cOMMP.P~r." ADOPTED. Leg;,l notice hðving been published In the Naples Daily News on October 25, 1981, as evidenced by ^ffidavit of publication filed with the C~erk, public hearing was continued from November 17,1981 regarding petition V-81-25-C, Collier Dovelopment Corporation by Edward Kant, requesting ð variance to tho sign regulations at the entrances to ·Collier Park of Commerce·. Community Development Administrator, Terry Virta, stated that the petitioner is requesting that the Board grant a variance to the sign regulations by pormitting two single-sided project identification signs "I , t,. I" PAge 4 .' " ~ o '~f'Mooo~ ~~-"'~¡ ~,~~ . " ,~.,,,. o ,.-...."""'""..-..,...., December 1, 1981 at each of two entrances rather than tho one double-sided dIrectory sign at each entrance that is permitted by the Ordinance. He said that the Collier Development Corporation is renaming the East Naples Industrial Park and wishes to identify the development by placing project entrance signs at each of its entrances. He stated that the petitioner wishes to place one single face identification sign equaling 99 squere feet on each side of each entrance road, adding that the total of the four signs will equal 396 square feet. He concluded by stating that Staff recommends approval of this request. He. Bill Ha tch of Collior Development Corporation stated that he did not have 8i"IY presentation, 'but would be willing to answer any questions the Board may have. Commissioner pistor stated that there were temporary signs up which looked very nice. There being no further discussion, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissio~er Pistor, carried unanimously, that Resolution 01-246 ro petition V-Bl-25C, Collier Devel;þment Corpor~tion by Edward Kant, requesting a variance to the sign regulations at the enlrancos to ·Collier Park of Commerce-, be Adopted. PaC). 5 &I)'J~' 066 rA~t 2..1.3 December 1, 1981 ßI1~~ 066 r^~t 216 ORDIN^NCE 81-74 RE PETITION CP-81-2ß-C, PARCEL 12, TilE COLLIER COUNTY PL^NNING DEP^RTMENT REQUESTING ^ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT FROM AGRICULTURAL TO RESIDENTIAL LOW-MEDIUM DENSITY (0-4 UNITS PER GROSS ~CRE) FOR A PORTION OF SECTION 18, ~NOWN AS THE CORKSCREW COMMUNITY. ^DOPTED. Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on . Octobor 9, 1981, as evidenced by Affidavit of publicat1~n filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from November 10, 19B1 re93rdi~g petition CP-Bl-2Ø-c, Parcel 12, the Collier County Planning D~partment requesting a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Amendment from Agricultural tit Residential Low-Medium Density (0-4 units per t\. gross acre) for a portion of Section IB, Township 46 South, Range 2B East, known as the Corkscrew Community. Planner Terry Clark indicated the general location of the property on a map, stating that the objective was to amend the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate the existing lot sizes in the Corkscrew Community. He said that the petition is related to the proposed zoning ordinance which originally suggcsted that the Corkscrew Community be zoned -VR-. He indicbted that, in order to accommodate that zoning, staff recommended the Comprehensive Plan designate the area as Residential ModiUl., Density (Ø-6.22 units per gross acre). lie stated that on November 1Ø, 19B1 the Board of County Commissioners considered the request to amend the Comprehensive Plan to Residential Medium Density but, during the public hearing, tho audience voiced disapproval of the request as they did not want to lose their farming and grazing ability. He said that Staff was then directed to review the request and bring it back to tho Board at a later date. He further indicated that Staff has I . Paq8 6 .. December 1, 19B1 since reviewed the request and Is now recommending that the Corkscrew community be zoned -A-2- which will allow lots smaller than five acres t. be grandfathered in and will also permit farming and grazing. He also stated that Staff re~ommends amending the Comprehensive Plan to Residential Low-Medium Density (Ø-4 units per gross acre). He said that this is required in order to grandfather in nonconforming lots. He indicated that under the requested Residential Low-Medium Density d~signation, nonconforming lots will be able to build single family residences, adding that with that designation residents can continue to use their prc?erty for agricultural purposeo. He concluded by stating that he 1s requesting the Board to amend th~, Comprehensive Plan from Agricultural to Residential Low-Medium (Ø-4 units per gross acre) for the area known as Corkscrew Community. There being no further discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor, carried unanimously, that the public heðring be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, secon1ed by Commissioner Brown, carried unanimously, that the ordinance, as numbered and entitled below, be adopted, and entered into Ordinance Book No. 13. "r ORDINANCE 81-74 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 79-32, THE COMPRE- HENSIVE PL^N FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING TilE LAND USE ELEMENT WORK STUDY AREA MAP 16 FROM AGRICULTURAL TO RF,SIDENT!^L LOW-MEDIUM DENSITY (0-4 UNITS PER GROSS ACRE) FOR A PORTION OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTII, RANGE 28 EAST, MORE P^RTIcULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINI AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. rag e 7 ~c~~ 068 FA~t 217 . ... December 1, 1981 ~ffI¡;f& irï~~~ST^BL.ISHING STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES FOR PERMITTINO ^MRULANCE ~MERGENcY MEntCAL ~~~VtC~~. AOOPTEO. L.egal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November ll, 1981, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinðnce for establishing standards and procedures for permitting ambulance emer- gency medical services. Neil Dorrill, Administrative ^ssistant, stated that the ordinance attempts to overcome defi~iencies in the present code and establishes standards and conditions necessary to receive a Certificate of publi~ Necessity and Need as required. He stated that it does not address rescue services other than Advanced L.ifo Support. He said that the ordinance Wüs developed by the Public Safety Administrator an~ the County Attorney, adding that the EMS Advisory Council and the County Fire Chief's Associati~n have agreed te the o!dinance. He conclud~d by requesting that the Board adopt the ordinance establishing standards and procedures for permitting ambulance emergency medical ~ervices. There being no further discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, carried unanim~usly, ~~at the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, carried unanimously, that the Ordinance, as numbered and entitled below, be adopted, and entered into Ordinance Book No. 13. , ~, rag. 8 --- "\ Docember 1, 1961 ORDINANCE 81-75 AN ORDIN^NCE REL~TING TO THE OPERATION O~ PRIV^TE, VOLUNTARY, AND GOVERNMENT^L AMBULANCE AND RESCUE SERVICES1 PROVIDING FOR PURPOSEI PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS OF TERMS, PROVIDING FOR R~qUIREMENT OF CERTIFICATEI PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS AND EXCLU- SIONS FROM CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENT; PROVI~rNG FOR PROCEDURES FO~ OBT^INING CERTIFICATE; PRO~[DING FOR REVIEW OF APPLIC^TION; PROVIDING FOR REQUtREMENT FOR DO^RD APPROVAL IN GR^NTING CERTIFIC^TE; PRO- VIDING STANDARDS FOR THE GR^NTING OF CERTIFICATES¡ PROVIDING FOR RIGHTS AND DUTIES GRA~TED BY CERTIF- ICATE; PROVIDING FOR RULES AND REGUL^TÎO~S, PRO- VIDING FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF ~~R1IFI- C^TES; PROVI DING FOR PENALTIES; PROVIDWG FOR INCLUSION IN CODE; PROVIDING FOR APPLIC~~ILITYI PROVIDING FOR REPEALING LAWS IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF R^TES, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIOING FOR AN EFFECTIV~ DATE. PETITION R-81-23-c, B^RNf.TT BANK TRUSTEE, REQUESTING REZONING FROM -A" ^GRICULTURE TO "DUD" PL^NNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR ^ 14+ ACRE PROJECT KNOWN ^S SUMERWOOD LOc^TED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF RADIO ROAD WEST OF PALMER c^ßLEVISION. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. DECISICN CONTINUED TO £.f:CEMBER 21., ) gAl. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News .n October 9, 1981, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from November 10, 1981 r.g~rding petitl.n R-ßl-23-C, Barnett Bank Tlustee, requesting rezoning from -A- Agriculture to -PUD· Planned Unit Development for a 14+ acre .'. project known as Sumerwood located on the south side of Radio R.ad west of Palmer Cablevislon. Planner Lee Kirchhoff indicated the location .r the property on the map And stated that the devel.per is proposing 92 multi-family unitn at ~ density of 6.1 units per acre. She statod that tho petition has been reviewed by all b.ards and has received n. objection subject to the following stipulations which are to bo included in the PUD c1.cument I M~~ 066 fA~t2J.9 . Pa90 !oJ ..., 8C0~ 066 F^~ë 220 1 December 1, 1981 A. Lakes be no larger than the minimum required for water manAgement. B. Detailed w~tcr m~nÐgemcnt plans shÐII be 3ubmittod to tho County Enginecr prior to the start of any construction. A 60' wide drainage easement Is to be dedicated to Cðlller County for the relocated drainage canal. Drainage canal between Sumerwood and R~ck Creek shall be up-graded to provide for all design flows. The developer shall provide left And right turn lanes on Radio Road. C. D. E. F. The entrance driveway Shðll be in alignment with the entrance to the industrial park on the north side of Radio Road. G. ~. of the capi tal costs"of by the County En~in8er. maintAined by Collier The developer shall pay his fair share a traffic signal when deemed wArranted The signal will be owned, operated And County. Planner Leo Kirchh~ff indicated that the Co~stal Area Planning Commission held their public hoaring on November 5, 1981, but continued it to November 19, 1981, due to further consideration of the sewage treatment plant and bike paths as there was opposition from property owners to the west. She stated that the petitioner has relocated the sewage treatment plant to the main portion of his property and placed the bike paths around the entire lake area ~ith access to the loop road. She said that on November 19, the Coastal ^rea pIAnninq Commission recommended forwðrding the petition to the Board for approval subject to the staff stipulations and the site plan as amended. Sh~ concluded by stating that she is asking the Board to approve petition R-81-23-C, subject to amendment of the. PUD document and the amended site plan. I" pag. 10 '- December 1, 1981 To Commissioner Wenzel's question of what tho density and tho zoning are in the area, Lee Kirchhoff replied residential with 4 units per ðcre, add i ng that the area has been 6.2 units per acre since 1979 and this development w~ u 1 d be 6.1 units per acro. To Commissior.er pistor's q~estion of what i8 located te the East, Lee ~irchhoff replied Fex fi re and Palmer Cðblevlsion which has a density of almost 4. Commissioner Wimer questioned if the North - South arterial Road had been accommodated. Lee Kirchhoff indicðted thðt Staff is recom- lIending that the road....ay be removod IUJ a major ~rteriðl. Mr. Wafaa ^ssaad, of Wil son, Miller, Bl'..ton, Soll and Peek, stated that the site is zoned Agriculture ~t the present time and consists of 15 acres of land, adding that the Master Plan indicates a residential use of Ø-6.2 units per acre. He stated that he is requesting a Planned Unit Development zoning of 6.1 units per acre which Is in accordance with the Land Use Comprehensive ~lan Element. He said thðt the plan consists of two story multi-family buildings clustercd around lnke. with a tremendous amount of open space and parking provided on the outside. He indicated .n th~ map where the sewage treatment plant was origInally and wh~re it would be moved to, due to the objections from ". the neighbors. He said that the bike paths hðve been extended from Radio ROAd around the lake and between the buildings. He stated that the petition hns been approved by All necessary boards. He said that the developor is proposing to extend water lines into the development, adding that there would be underground facilities such as cablevision and telepheneo. Ue said the concern by the surrounding proporty owners page 11 'a')~ 066 FAI.t 22i --'-..."",..,-.,.,.,. '! BOO~ 066 PALë 222 December 1, 1981 has been dealt with by trying to keep tho,units aw~y from the single family area by putting enough buffer between the ontrance road Ðnd tho , ' existing single family homes. Ho said the multi-family units have also been placed closer to Foxfire so that they will be compatible with the surrounding uses. To Commissioner Wenzel's question of having a density of 4 units to the acre, Mr. Assaad answered that with only 15 acres of land the density at 6.1 is very compatible to the rest of the area. Commissinner Wenzel asked Mr. Berzon if the water and sewer design had been approved, to which Mr. Berzon answered affirmatively. ~. To Commissioner Kruse's question of what was located to the South and the density, Mr. ^ssaad replied that Buckeye Estatlots was located to the south with a density of 2 units F'!r acre. Commissioner Pistor questioned who the actual owners 0 f the property are, tQ whi~h Mr. A9saad roplied that Mr. Ewing i~ representing tho development team. Mr. Barton of Wilson, Miller. Barton, SolI and Peek stnted that the primary concern of the residents is the sewage treatment facility. He stated that the previouw do~ign on the project 3howod tho sewage treatment pl."Hlt in the strip of land thðt acts as the entry road to the project. He indicated that three things have be.n do~e that were significant in revising the sewage treatment facility. Ho stated that (1) the sewage treatmont plant i. now going to be a new system that has been used in Europe and Canada extensively and has received permits in FloriJa on three differftnt occasions. He stated that this plant d.e. not use air as a moans of treatment, but works a8 a small trickling I " Page 12 '---"'.~-".".. December 1, 1981 filter plant. He sl11d it .is still an aerobic design, adding that it uses oxygen and the organisms to utilize the sewage and treat the sewa98, but it does not have an airflow through the plant. He stated that this would reduce any odors that, might be associated with the plant. He further stated that this plant w~uld be completely covered and does not need to be open. He said that (2) there w~uld not be the oxidation ponds but instead there would be a c$mpletely covered under- ground drainage system, similar to the type that a septic tank w$uld have. He stated that (3) the current standards of DER require that this type of a facility be remote from a private well a minimum of lØØ feet. He said that this s¥ste~ would be designed to be twice that f~r a le0\ safety factor. He stated that it is necessary to have interim plants in order to build customers ao that when sewage treatment facilties come to the property, they can be paid for by the customers. lie s:'.ated t:-I~t tt..He is no situation in thE! State of Florida where the interim package plants have caused a health problem for people, adding that people are trying to protect themselves from something tt.Jt does not occur. To Commissioner Pistor's question of how deep th~ underground drainage wou14 have to be, Mr Barton replied that it would be built r similar to a drain field that serves a septic tank and W$uld have 18 to 24 inches of soil cover over t.he top of the drainfield system. Mr. Barton presented five pictures of the treatment plant to the Board. 1'890 13 M~~ 066 fA~r: 223 ...f " December 1, 1981 ~~o~ 06R m¿ 224 ' - The ~1lowing persons spoke in opposition to the proposed project, citing sewer pollution, people pollution, over-crowded scho.ls, increased traffic, devalued property, deterioration .f natural landscaping and various other reas.ns: Mr. Billy Seiffert Mr. Paul Mason . Mr. Fred Maurer Mr. Th.mas Beaver Mrs. Linda Heims Mrs. Anna Morris Mrs. 1(athy Fort Mrs. Jane Paquetto Mrs. Kathy Forte read a letter in opposition of the project which ~.. she presented to the Boarù. Mr. Thomas Beaver presented petitions to the Board signed by homeowners of Coconut Creek in opp.sltion to the projoct. Mr. ßar~on stated that the water main that one of the homeowners questi~ned would be installed by the Development, but the water charge and the connecti"n feo wo u 1 d bo the cost of t.he homeownor. He :1aid that, in rega rd to the operation of the sowðge treatment plant and guarantors that it is going to operate 100\ efficiently, it is not possible to gu~rantoo. He indicated that these small plants arc very tolcr blo and will not cðuse problems ovon thou~h they may be operating inefficiently fer short periods of time, adding that they recover very quickly. He said that thore may be an occasion that within the plant itself there is an odor problem because it is not functioning properly, but with this type of plant that i8 totally enclosed it should not pose any problem to the surr.unding property ownors. He said that a septic tank is nothing morft or less than a sewage treatment plant, adding that it is cevered and in the ground. He said that from the standpoint .f pag. 14 -.- December l, 1ge1 noise pollution, visual pollution or groundwater pollution, there are no problems. Commissioner Wenzel askod if the lakes were being dug for fill to rals8 the elevation of the land. Mr. Barton answered that the main reason for the lakes was storm water retention. To Commissioner Wenzel's question of whether the developer had given any consideration to making this project a single family devel- opment rather than a multi-family, Mr. Barton answered negatively. There being n~ further discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pintor and carried unanlm~usly, th~t the publiç hearing be closed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Pctltion.R-Bl-23-c, Barnett Bank Trustee, requesting rezoning fro;', -,.,- Agriculture to ·PUD" Planned Unit Development for a 14+ acre project known as Sllmerwood, locðted on the south Ride of Radio ROlld west of Pðlmer Cðblevision, be approved subject to staff stipulations, the amel:dcd site pl.,n, the buffer be increased to 50' on the West I'Ind South line, and the Multi-family "PUD- be amended to 4 units per acre for a totðl of 6Ø units. Commissioner Wimer stated that there was such a drastic change .. f" that he w~nted to give tho residents of Coconut Creek the opportunity to discuss the matter during ð five minute break. ****RECESS: 10:10 A.M. RECONVENED: 10:22 A.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Kenyon was replðced by Deputy Clerk Skinner**** Page 15 ~c~~ 066 PALé 225 B00~ 066 F^~¿ 226 December 1, 1981 Chairman wimer called the meeting to orderl ðsked if tho renidents met; and requested the person who responded, to please come forward. Commissioner wimer explained that, because of the drastic changes in Potition n-81-23-C, with tho Commission's indulgence, that extr~ time was allowed. Mr. Thoman Beaver stated that there was a considerable amount of discerd and that he th~ught he would take advantage of wilson, Miller, Barton, Sell and Peek, Inc.'s offer to the preperty owners to go to their offices and talk with them. Chairman wimer said that the decision w~uld be the Board of Cou~ty Commissionersl that a public opinion poll Is not the legal way to decide zoning1 and that the CQmmissioners had merely given the property owners an opportunity te address the revisions in the petitio~. Chairman wimer asked if Mr. Beaver was telling him that there "is no consensus": Mr. Beaver responded -correct-. Commissioner Wenzel withdrew his second to the previous motion. He offered to make a new motion if Commissioner Brown woul~ withdraw his motion. Commissioner Brown stated he wished to leave his motion stand. Chairman Wimer asked if there was a new second ~o Commissioner Brown's motion: motion died for lack of second. After a shert discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried 3/2, with Commissioners Brown and WImer opposed, to continuo Petition R-81-23-C to December 22, 1981. County ^ttorncy Pickworth clarified that the Board would be voting on petition n-81-23-c on a continued basis; that he understood, since I" Page 16 .'- __~".'á.",·_·""· December 1, 1961 the public hearing had bettn close"", ',that it is the BOArd's intenthn that there would be no further public hearing. Ho said that, if there was t. be further discussion, the public hearing would have to be re- . opened. Commissioners Wenzel and Wimer Agreed. Chairman wimer stated the Board of County Commissioners would continue the vote until Decem- ber 22, 1981. An unidentified person asked if the residents would be able to present their side at tho December 22, 19B1 hearing, to which Chairman wimer responded negatively. He said that, if the Board wishes, on December 22, 19B1, one representative from the property owners and one· representative from tht devclopers-own~rs w~uld be allowed five (5) minutes to restate their positions. O~DIN^NCE 81-76 RE PETITION R-Bl-18C, LELY ESTATES, INC. REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" ^GRICULTURE TO -PUD" FOR 9.15 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT TilE ENTRANCE TO B^REFOOT BEACH, NORTH OF THE EXISTING BAREFOOT BEACH ESTATES - ^DOPTED SUBJECT TO UTILITIES MANAGER'S AND FIRE DISTRICT'S STIPULATIONS, ^ND AS AMENDED RE COUNTY rARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMPND^TIOH FOR 93-~P^cE PARKING PL^N; DEVELO~~R H^S,AGREED TO CONTRIBUTE $'/5 ,00" TOWARD LAND5C^PING 01'" THE BEACH PARK Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 19, 19B1, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tho Cl.rk, public hearing was opened t. consider petition R-81-18C, filed by Lely Estates, Inc., requesting rezoning from -A- Agriculture to -PUC- for 9.15 ,cres of land located at the entr~nce t. Barefoot Beach, north of tho e~i8ting Barefoot Beach Estates. Pa90 17 ~Q~~ 066 PA~i.2/l7 . December 1, 1981 BC~~ 066 FALt~8 Planner Lee Kirchhoff referred t. tho Executive Summary dated 11/13/81; she indicated tho property .n a map on an overhead boardl and ~O~CL· ibec1 tt.e zoning ûnd lûnd use for the surrounding property ro Petithn R-81-18C. Ms. Kirchhoff explained that the CAPC held the~r public hearing on N.vember 5, 1981. She said that staff had rec.mmended denial of Petition R-81-18C, duo to comments by Little Hickory/Bonita Sh~res Fire District re water pressure in t~e area (see Executive Summary, 11/13/81). She explained that C^PC recommended 6/1 to forward petition R-B1-18-C to the Board for approval, subject te the following stipulations of tho Utilities Manager (Pages 2 and 3, STAFF RgPORT, ". Memo ·10/27/01): A. The developers will enter into an ^greement with t~e County Water-Sewer District contði~l1ng the following conditions! 1. The prop~sed development will be permitted to connect to the County's sewer facilities only if the proposed proje~t does not represent a cumulative demand on the sewcr system which may result in exceeding the current cnpacity or required wðter quality standards facilities, by State and Local regulatory agencies. 2. Connection of the proposed development to the County's (District's) water system may be denied if, at the time that a buil~ing permit is requested, thA pre~sure or available water flow during peak demand periods on the existing system are not adequate to satisfy the pro- jected cumulative peak flew and pressure requirements resulting from connectien of the proposed facility to the water system. 3. The District (County) shall not be obliged to accept either water er sewer development charges and or con- nection charges for connecting the development to the sewer or watcr system unless the developers will guar- antee that if a Certificate of Occup3ncy is not issued within 12 months after the Building Permit is issued, the Developer will be responsible for and will pay all monthly water and sewer user fees from that day forward, notwithstanding, that the living units are not ready fer occupancy. I " r49C 18 ...._......*._---,-,.,,,,,-,,,...,,-, December 1, 1981 4. If in the opinion of the County's Utiliticß Manager .r up~n notifi~ation by the State of Florida DER that the seWAr plant is approaching or exceeds its capacity to meet State treatment requirements, then no connecti.ns to the plant will be authorized until a program for expansion has been implemented. Tho County through its utilities Manager shall notify the Developer of thia fact, and the Utilities Manager mar' in his discretion, take into account current applicat ons for connection by other applicants and make reasonable allocations among allowable connections. The intention of this provision and thQse of paragraph 3 are to allow for the allocation of applicants for service so that persons who are ready and able to immediately build and connect will not be denicd service by reason of future commitments in excess of current capacity and further to fairly distribute the burdens created by insufficient capacity. Hs. Kirchhoff noted that a variance to the CCCL will be required boforo tho bCðCh park plðn west of t.his ·PU~~, (not part of this ·PUD") can be developed, and that the developer has also agreed to contribute $75,000 towards landscaping of the beach park. Ms. Kirchhoff stated that Petition R-Bl-lB-C was recommended for appr~val by the ~AP~I subject to the stipulations of tho Littlo Hickory/Oonita Shorcs Fire District. Ha. Kirchhoff said that Mr. Vine'" and Mr. McKay, reprcsentatives of the petitioner, wore present at this hearing to answer questions the Commissioners might have. Hr. Vines reviewed briefly tho 9+ acre tractl he stated that tract ~:" is the northern-most portion of a -330 acre, 2 mile long stretch of Gulf beach front land-, at tho north end of the County, which Lely acquirod in 1974. Hr. Vines gave a brief, historical background of tho project¡ stated that the bulk of that land was utilized in the development of the single-family, Barefoot Beach project, which the ßo~rd of County PI'9t! 19 &OO~ 066 PAW: 229 .-........--,#'"".,...."......., December 1, 1981 M0~ 066 PA~¿ 200 Commissioners approved as a ·PUD·, that tho northern-most tract was slated for either motel or condominium development 1 that said tract was not included in the Darofoot Boach ·PUD- because the developer~ hAd no firm plans, at that time and, therefore, would have had no ability to ~n~wer specific quentiona about its development. Mr. Vines said that in 1979, when Collier County adopted the Comprehensive Plan, the County recognized the approved Barefoot Beach "PUD" as low density, single-family, and the County designated this tract as higher density, multi-family, permissible for development up to 39 units per acre. ~. Mr. Vines explained that there have been a number of questions regarding utilities; that he believed those questions have been ade- quatcly answered, ðnd, that appropriate representatives were present at this hearing, if tho Board wished to discuss those aspects further. Mr. Vines agreed with Planner Kirchhoff's previous statement that the net density prop~5ed for the 9.15 acre tract is 24 units per acre. He stated that the 2 acre tract of beach front land, in front of the 9.15 acre parcel, was dedicated by Lely to the County whon the Barefoot Beach ·PUD- was approved. He offered his explanation for tho Board of County Commissioners' consideration as followsl 1. If the 2 acre tract is considered as part of the gross site, the net donsity would be 19.7 units per acro. 2. If the entire tract, which Lely acquired in 1974, is considered the gross density w~uld be 2.17 units per acre, 3. That petit'on R-81-18C represents the end of ~he dcvelopment of the original 339 acre tract .f land, which Lely Estates, Inc. acquired. Page 2Ø t, - '-~-""'..",'~.". ..,^" December 1, 1981 Mr. Vines askcd tho Commissioners if thore were any questions? Commissioner Kruse directed a question to Utilities Manager Berzon. She stated that she was more accustomed t. seeing his stipulations in regard to multi-phased developments; and that, since the projoct under discussion is Ma singleM, she asked if that affects the situation. Mr. Berzon rospondod affirmatively and agreed with Commissioner Kruse's contention He said that the aforementioned stipulAtions wore probably more appropriate for a phase-type development. He suggested those stipulations might apprQpriately b~ modified, to MtrackM the County's .rdl~ance, i.e. the case of ·Sewer 80-12-, so that the wording could be change..! ,to) som')thing simpler, Qut be equally encompassing as said stipulations. He suggestod the following wording: . 1. Water and sewer facilities will be provided through the connections to the County's water and sewqr systems. 2. These connections will be subject to physical conditions and limitations existing at the time of application for the building permits, as well as all existing State and County rules, reg~lations and ordinances. Mr. Berzon said he thought that typo of stipulation would cer- tainly be protective to the property owner, as well as to the countYI that any problems that have t. be dealt with, at the time of the ". building permit application, could be dealt with within those con- straints. Commissioner Kruse stated that Mr. Berzon's suggestions would more aCfectively ~nswer her questions. Commissioner Wenzel asked Mr. Berzon if the low water pressure complaints, which h~ve occurred over tho years, with regard to property ownerø And fire-fighting aspectø, have been eliminated? Mr. Berzon PðCJe 21 &~~~ OBB PA~t' 231 . - -_......~.~.....,," Dece~bor 1, 1981 ßr.~~ 066 f^~é 23Z stated that the probl~ms hðve not completely boon eliminated, but that part of said pro~lams will be addressed ~nd, hopefully, will be eliminated when tho firot ph~sc of the County's Regional Watcr System has begun. Mr. Borzon explained that, At that time, a l6-inch line will be installed, fron the City's existing storage tank off Hickory Road, which will supplement and actually rpinforc~ the entire distribution network in the North Naples area; that when the pipe "comes into place·, there should be significant improvemont in the pressure in the area. ~. Mr. Berzan explained some projections f~r the area to thp. CommIs- sioners by stating that, in about throe years' time ·from n~w·, the County is scheduled to put in ð storð1e tank in the vicinity of Wiggins Pass Road and V~nderbilt Beach Drive. He said that storðge tank, along with the previou31y ~oscribed line, should improve the pressure condi- tions of the area substantially. Commissioner Wenzel asked if tho developers' willingness to ·put in" a storago tank would suffice until such time as Mr. Berzon'a projections ~~rc completed. to which Mr. Betzon responded affirma- tively. He said, in his opinion, if an adequate storage tank and appropriate pumping and emergency, stand-by generating facilities were installed by the developers, the firo requirements should be "taken care of·, but that would be a decision for the fire people to make. Chairman Wimer asked for questions from the Board. Commissioner plstor said he had looked through petition R-81-18C but was unable to find the statements which assure that the developera are going t. put '" Page 22 ,q December 1, 1981 in tho storage tank to meet the Fire Department objections. He asked If the storage tank will be above ground and requested the page number whero the aforementioned assurance could be found. Mr. George Baile, representing Frizell Architects, responded that the ~~~~~ subject was addressed at the Planning meeting approximately two or three weeks ago. lie said that the building will contain 4 stand pipes, which require a total of 1250 GPM; that "we" will provide storage capacity to meet this requirement for a period of 30 minutes, which is the recommended amount. He explained that the tank will not be elevated, that it will be provided at or near Lhe ground-la·...ol; but that there wil] be fire pumps operated by emergency power, as well a~ the regulðr power, to handle the pressure requirements. Mr. Baile stated that the building will be completely sprinkJ~redl that, in addition, because of the new requirements under the Standing Building Code for -high-rise buildings", it will be quite an efficient "fire-fighting machinew, and he sp~ke of the following features which the building will hav~: 1. Complete communication systems; 2. Control cc~ter for the Pire Department, wheLe they will use a public address system to communicate with all the apartments; .. 3.~ ^ two-way voice communications system to talk to fireman in stairwells and corridors; 4. ^ voice alnrm system, which will give a pre-recorded messa1e instructing people what t. do, in case a fire occurs in their portion of the building; and s. ^ complete emergency system to operate all these features. PAge 23 &C~ ( 06 B PÅ~t 233 ,.-~..._.._.". ~f)O~ 066 FA~t 234 December 1, 1981 Chairman Wimor asked If there were any questlona and none wero forthcoming. 110 ~~kod 1f thero were any reglstered spoakers. ~'rG. I::. Green, 7-l/2 year resident of Bonita Shores, stated she was present to see what was to happen to that end of Bonita Beach which, she said, she belioves, is the only natural beach left in Southwest Florida. She listed various building projects in the area and polnted out that the land under discussi~n is the only area for residents' use between that end of 10nita Boach and Wigglns Pass. She asked the CommisDioncrs to consider that the area is served by a small 2-lane road, 1.e. Bonlta Beach Road; and that "our beach is divided batwoon Lee County and ~. Collier County", and she noted that Collier County's area had space for approximately 20 cars. Commissioner Wenzel asked if Mrs. Green was saying there is not enough parking since he understood the development would not affect the beach. Mrs. Creen stated that the project is "right on the boach". In the diDcusslon ',¡hich ensued the following points were made: 1. Commissioner Wenzel ~~id he understood 93-parking spaces are to be made for the residents. 2. Pl~n~er Kirchhoff stated the Parks B~ard stipulation stated that the parking has to be in "prior to the ifisuan,~e or the first ccrtificate of Occupancy" for the beach. 3. Responding to Commissioner Wenzel's question, an unidentified architect said that the building would be 20 stories. Chairman Wimer asked for clarification of the public parking which "is to be completed before the Certificate of Occupany is issued. Hs. Kirchhoff stated that the petitioner did agree to that stipulation of the Parks B~ard1 she noted the original approved "PUD" required that tho Parks Dcpðrtment approve the beach parking plan, alonq with tho Page 24 _"'__n...'~_"'< Microfl1mer'B Memo: The legibility 01' rinting on this pege wes unsetisf8ctcry ~or microfilm reproduction when received. . -- -.----..-.. Deccmbl'r I, 1981 Enginc~ring Dcparlm~nt; thnt nftcr those reviews, thD nforcmentionnd slipulDt.ion ...I.-H, ;,\grl:()c1 to by tilt! plZt.itioncr, .:Ind the> ûgr(.·om(!nt i~ reflectcd in the minutes of the Parks ~nd Rrcre~tion Advisory Bo~rd. Ché1irmnn \.¡iml'r s"id t.h.:lt "'r. Vinl!s h-3d mcntion~d the pJrking woulrl hc eithcr shell parking or pûvcd; he ~sk~d who mokcs that rlct~rmlna- tion? Ms. Kirchhoff rczponöed th1t the Zoning Dir~ctor would have to make that ~ecislon, since h~ has tho ðuthority within the zoning ordlnðncc to not require ~aph~lt p~ving in cert~in CðSCS. Chë1irmûn \'timer 't'.!skcd if the developer h,15 1)150 Dgrc')è to con- t.ribute Ë75,(100 tow,Hds th0 l,1noacÐping of the' p.Hk in CJu:.'slion; "'5. Kirr:hhof[ rcsponded lIUirmntiv,oly, !;l.:'lting ..hl':t fðCt is in the' Parks Ro.1fd minut<..s. I!c,Hing tl)()fl' wurC' no furthnr CJuctittons, r.ommissioncl' \"en7.cl moved, sÅ“cond~~ by Comml~sioncr Kruse ðnd cnrricd unanimously, that the public hellring b~ ~lOHCd. Commis!:do:1':'r Prown movN.', scr:ond('(1 by C'orr,nif;r,ionrr V-rIJSC .:1nd cDrrled Un;¡nir.101I!;ly, thùt thp. Ordin.1: CP, DS nunhcrcñ ,'Inc1 f'ntftlcd be 1 0 ~I, h c: "d 0 P tE' d "n den t C' r c: din t: 0 (' r c:I in'. nee roo k 1:3, sub j i' C t tot h C' ðforemontioncd Utilitif1s ":l1n~CJer's st1pu],~tion!J, l'IS t\np.nd'!'! this nornL~g; the Fire Jìistrict's stipuL'tions lInC'1 tho pC'tition;..ors' :\1gnr.:C'1 lIgrcemcnt to rrovid~ ~7~,(1cn for l~ndsc~ping tho bcftch r~rk. aRT) T NMJC r. P 1-"7 (, ^N Of"lJìIN^"Jr.F: N~f.t'DT"'C. C'R£'1H'''~'cr. 71;-30, TflF: C0~1'ln~llr"·~~IVr. Z0NING rn:r.UL/\1'IOIJS rOR 'I'flr. UNTNC(1HP0R,...1'E'f"' .\PF.f' nr TI:E COAf.'I'^!. Mn:,l\ PLMJt-.:ING orS'J'RIC''f' IW "~IF'~'rr"'(': 'T'pr. 7(WTN( "TL1\S ""^P NU~'£'.e:r. ¡IF'-'S-1 RV r.11.",,·r.TNr. 'I' E 'lC'1J1Nt:': cr.t.r~ T- rlC^TIr.N Of' 'T'J f. FOLLO\\'HIG DF:!.'CRTPf:D p(\Oprr-1'V ff"lN' "tOO I\GH1CUI.1'UIH' 1'0 "PUP" PLM,¡t.¡f;D liNn f'r.vn.OI'''rN'r: I'''RT r,¡:- !)rC1'IC'~! r., 1'r.'·N:IIIP ¡If> ~'nIlTI', R1-Nr.E 2!\ rM:'f' I\tJo P.V f-IWVIDTt!G l\N f:rFl.~1'IVE N,·CE:. &OO~ 066 PA~i 235 P"9 c ,~ M~~ 066 me 236 [)t!crmbt>r J, lc:'(\l R~~nLUTInN r)-~~7 HE rETrTI~N OD-Pl-PC, COLLIER MARrNE RErR~SENT[NG CLM:D,IC'r. cox: nf.(ìI F.f~7n'r. ¡';XTF:N~:!("N ~F l', e(').I\~ l'C'cv. TC' ~0. FF:f.'J' n! ~r-!oC'!< A^V, r^~n P^(0 nnTV~, rnLE~ nr r^rnT - ^nnPTPn L~qdl notier h0ving heen publiBh~d in tho N3plos D~ily Ncw~ on Novc~ber 19, 1~8l ðS evidenced by ^ffidnvit of Public~tion filed with till! r.l~rk, public hC';.r1nq ~"'s opc:nt'd to consider putit.ion P,P-f1I-f1C, filu~ by Colliur ~arinQ represent.ing Cl~rcncn Cox, rQqu~sting In cxtl.:n:1ion of .J bo:\t dock to 3f1 ft'l.1t in Gnook l?i1Y, P,1'JO P.:1go Drive, I ¡:; I 'Hi 0 f C,J P r i . Pl.:1J1ncr Lr.!: r:ir,hhof( rl.'fC'rn:d to the I:xccutlvc Eunm.;¡ry d,Jtud ll/lO/IlI, ¿¡wI .,dvisec1 th,)t the dock cxtrnsion is 10 feet ov~r t.hC' "â' fect m3xlmu~ ~llowc~. ~h~ not~d th~t th~ ("APC h~ld their public hc~ring on Novenber ~, I~Rl¡ con5idrr~c1 fActors of fection 8.'n of the Zonj~g Cr~in'ncc; ~n~, rcconnnnded fur~~rding petition Bc-el-~~ to the Aoarc1 for ~pproval. She 5t~tcd th3t ~tcff rf'commQndcd ~pprov~l of s~ið p'1tition. ~"he cxpli1ined t,h,'t t-lr. B.'HnhHùt ~/C)!,; prcsenL Lu ðnS\Jcr ðny c:ucstion~3 .....hich th,~ Cornrni~sionQrs might h;wr. HI1,"'\rin<) th<'!t there were no c.Jc£tionR from the fOé1rd .::nd th.1t no onè W',)5 rr.:gi~t<:rcd to spe.lk, Commissioner pistor ~ovcd, sccon~led by co~rni55ioner ~~nzel ~nd c,)rri j unanimously, that the public ~0~ring be closed. commis~ioncr Pistor moverl, 5cconded hy Commissioner ~ftnzel ~nd C,1rricd un.-,nir.10Ufdy, thi'lt R(,501utlon 1'1-/....7 rC' pt,tition BD-Hl-':'C be ê"c!ortcd. -,-----~..._---~ MlcrofI1mer's M~mo: The legibility of printing on thIs p8ge W~8 UnSfttl8f~ctory for mIcrofilm reproduction when r~rrived. r."t'J~ ,r. f'\0c<'mh(!r 1, tC)Al r.r.SOLUTJON r.1-?,~P. nr. 11F. l'f,'I'TTrON V-1'1-2I1C, f)'WTD L. FF.}'7. T: HF.':)tlF.S'I'PJG " F'110N'r Y"IH) f-é:TI\I\CY v"nT"NCf: TN C"nl"r.n TO CON5Tnuc'J' I\N f\I"'PTTJf'\N TO HIf, Hr.SH)F,NCr. ON rp!'!1 )7 f. 11'1, ["LOCK 7, NflPLFS p"nl(, liNT'!' 1 - I\fV1P1'F.D Lcgc'll notico h<.:ving hn'n pUblishotl in th<' N.,plcs ["idly }I,:!WS on NOVCMber )9. 19r.l ~s cvidcnc~d by "ffi~ðvit of Puhlic~tion fil~d with th~ Clerk, public h~~rin~ opened to consid~r pctition v-~l-?~C, fil~d by David L, Fund, r¡:CllJL<zting l\ front Y/'Ird setbnck v,'Hi~nc(' in orr'<'r to . construcL .:n ...cJclition to his rCÐi<1cr.cc: on tots 17 F. )[', Blod. 7, /-1.'plr·5 PMk, Unit 1. Zonin~ rirc~ctor ['rrry c!Í<:rrr.(! to Lh,' F.xccu>:.!\'c foumm.'HY r'Ot0rl lO/21/Al, ~nd exp1~in"~ th~t th~ p~tition~r i5 ~s~ing the norrd to approve oJ 2 foot vèrL'1 cc to ttlc" fl"'quir('r1 2S (oot front yðrr' fictb"r;k in order to permit thi' "'nclo~;urc of ..,n I'xi!'lting porch into pûrt of the living roon, !!{'¿Hing th'lt thp.rl: ~I,:,r(> no pt>r!1on!': rt)C)i5tt:!rr~(\ to 5r'~l\k on thn petition Dnd no questions frvm th<: p.o:1r~, Conmir.sioncr '¡.'(!n;:r'l mo\'~d, seconded hy Cor',r,l:,:doner Pro\VIì r.nd ct1rri('(! un:,nimollsly, th;t tho public h(>:Hinq he (.los,~d, conmificioncr ~~nz01 nov~d, sccond~d by Comnlssioner Pr~~n nn~ c,1rri~d un:H'dmour-ly, lhl\t Hcso)ut!on J11-?"~ rc rl'tltlon V-o'-lf.C hr::- .Jdop':~d. Mlcrof11mer'n Mpmo: Th~ lcg1b111tJ of printing on this pl'lge w~8 unsl'ltlsf'1ctory for microfilm r..productton .,.,h('n rN'(>lved. M~~ 066 PA~¿ 239 r.1<JI: ,., printing on this page WI,::; ,,,)[.,,,,,.., " for microfilm reproduction when rec~1ve~. .-.__.._~--_.~- ,.---.------ M')~ 086 FÂL¿ 242 J"It'cI.'mhcr l, )~Pl r.nF./lTtNI 0F 'rf1nf.f (:1) ;'Tnr.f~T Ltr.I1TTNG ,.,tmTr.TP^L Sf:nVT~r. '1"^XHJ( lINrTS - .~.rpr~O\lED. OIWH''''''Cf. t'(). 0]-77, p.^rLllr~"J"I T~rUS"r.IAL PI".rI(; ()nrp',"~¡CE NO. (H-"r, ~~ ,)G~:,^,I[.D ~ìunnTVInON; f, OR[,H~."NCt: ~!(). r)-79, r.OLr.!F.n c(',U:~'1"Y pnODUCTT01J rJ\m~ - l' ')~rTr,D Y..~:';¡dl no tic!' hí\ving bel.!n PllbliGht:d in the N;'ples C"ily N~WG on t~o...cmb(:r 11, l!:'Bl ('H f>vidcn<:~..ù by "ffiù"vitu of puhlic,1tion fllc~ with thl.! Clark, public h~orinCJ WÐS opened to considrr the crention of thrBe 0) Stre¡;t ti<Jhtinq ~'unicip;11 f',c:rvic:e T..,:dnq Un'it£j (~\f:T1J'tJ) for t.ho following subdivisions: 1. I::lilhl).~d fndu:;tri,1] p.Hk ~. 2. !:dlJ l1 w i 1 d ;, u be! i vi 5 ion 3. Collier County Pro~lIction p,'uk Puhlic workG l'dministrntor/f.n1inerr Aðrk£jJ~lc referred to th~ Ext.:clItiVf) Sl;,nm,HY in the "C)(!ndc"1 for 12/1/81, "Ind explain~d th,'t the d(.'v(.doper~ of tile ,1[or()mcntioncd 5ubcJi'¡i¡:;ionrl, in .1ccordDnc'..' with the current Clj:1i0r CO\lnty ;'ubrìi.Ji~ion T1cgul.'Jtions, tVIV(\ opt'ld to r"lquest the County to crellt(' .) ~trc("t lightinq (Ii strict for the In5t.,111ltion of the s t r r ~ t 11 q II t Gin the r U;Ì pf' C t i \' e ¡:; u be! i vis ion 9 . ~~r. B,H~:r:<1,llc ~t"tr.rJ th;H !':t"ff rrcomm('nd~ò th,¡t the' ['.()..rd adopt ': h r c' (n 0 r din .1 nee ~, c r (; ,., tin '1 to' S T L1 ,~ for the '" h 0 v (! 1 i 5 t !' d H ( 1'1 s, to hdcome uffvctivc nctober 10C2. ~'r. r..:'rk~,dl\l!: st,'tl>d th~\t t.he crc,'tion of ß.1id M,STlJ'S I~; nccessðry in orrlcr [0 h~vn thC'm on thC' tðX rolls ns of J~nu~ry 1, 1982. County ~1.'nl1ql.:r NormM1 noted thllt no persons .....cr~ rr:giGtcrt:'d to sp~~k on this item, Commissionrr Pistor movrd, sccond~d by Commis- sioncr \-11.>117.('1 .Jnd carrie" lIn.:lnimously, lh~t the public hCi1rlnq bo cloSI!(l. 1''.1') > '1\ Microfllmer '8 Memo: 'J.'II~ J..C¡l,J..U"~"'''J .., printing on this púge w~8 unsstisfactory for microfilm reproduction when receive~. .< _..-_.._--~. -......--- t't:!cC'mbor ], 1~f11 Chðirmðn Wimer ßoid that h~ would quoation thot some of th~ Lighting DistrictS appcnr to he getting smal1~r and smaller. re. BÐrksdftla s~id th~t after the MRTU's nrc cr~ðted and in effpct, that the Li<;¡hting Districts Drc rc::vic!\.wd ~nnuðl1y to see if sone of tho smaller ones can b~ incorporntad into the Collier County Lighting District. lie st.Jtl'd th,')t hi:> dCpcHtmcnt h~~3 just compl<.:tC?cl .;I rC!viC\~ of some of the individunl ~STU'S for this yenr, nnd, he said, th~t it w~s his opinion th~t two h~vc bcen identified which CJn b~ incorpor~lcd for the n~yt t-;' )( yo,H, without having any dr.;)stic errt:ct on th<! 1"; 11P1()C> in either one, since, h(' stilted, thDt is the crit('riô which his f;('pJrtment llSCS. Commissioner riztor mOYl'd, 5ccond,~d by commizsioncr \o!t:nz,..l and carried un~ninouzly, that Orrlin~ncc No. rl-77; Ordinnnce No. rl-78 ~nd Or ci i n T\ n c c I,! o. C 1 _ 7 ", i) S (' r, tit 1 c c1 h (' 1 0 v:, b ~ i) d 0 P t c rI a n ~ en t Po r (> ,'I i n to Ord!nilnce Boo~ l~: OHDH!^NCf: ~;o. QJ-ï7 FIN orH~IN""'r~ Crn.:f\1'H!G TIll: n"rL1'E,~D P.'Dl'S'T'HI~,L P,.HY STHEr.T LI(;!1TINr. r'1U~~ICIr/\L sr:nvrcr: T"XING U'HT¡ PROVIP'p.'r TilE BOUr-T"nIE:' (,F Tnr. U!~I1'; N~~;IG""'Tn'C TI~r. covrPNTW' BODY OF TilE U \'I"; f'.UTt!(!U7.HIC AT">' Ll::VY M: pr:OVIDI:D £'Y LAW¡ rnOVIDIN(; ron CO~STRUCTION ^ND AN f,FFr:CTIVE D^TE #0 (' onr I tl^,ICr. NO, R 1-7r ~N ORCINANCE crr:^TING THE EDG~~rLD SUßDIVI~lCN ~TnEf7 LICHTING ~',u:nCIF/'[' f>f,nVICF. TI\XI"'G U~IIT¡ pnOVIt'IN(; Tilt E\OUI~r"',RIE~; CF '¡'Iif: UNIT; Df,SIG"'''TT~'C TIIF: (':(WF'1t-'TNC PO['Y OF Tm~ UNIT; AU'1'II('1nr7.PIC " Tr,x LF.VY !\f' pnOVIN:r ßY L',"'; PROVWING Fon CONSTRUCTION AND M' EfFF.CTlVE DII.TE onDIN~NrE NO. Pl-7Q AN orWINANCf. CTlf.^TING Tiff. COLr.rr.1ì rOUN'rY PHC'DurTIC"N PM~ ( ~IU"'ICII'AL ~;(:?Vlrr T"XIrlG lINIT: r>ROVlr.ltJï, TilE orU'<If'"prr.<; Of' "IIf. UNIT¡ N:;,IG"{lTI~G TPf. C:OYFfU'tt.:G '1('1DY (IF TIIF: U,.·TT; ^UTI:onI7.n:r. !, ",\X LeVY f:, provIDr:fI ßY r.!I·...'¡ rrWVIOH'Î, Ff"f' cOt";.TnUCTICN Mlr !It! rFrr.CTIVF. DlITf. ~Q~1. 066 fA~tZ4.3 rL''J<' ?" .. Dp.ct'mbcr 1, }0r.\ MO~ 066 P^C¿ 24.4 COUNTY l'TTOI1NF.'l I\lITIIOIUZlm TO Dnl\FT LET't'ER nF. MF.THC'I'í'LI'J'^N PLI\?- NJNG ORG!\Nr7."TtCH'-1 'l'O C,OVEHNnn C,IìI\HM-pn N'FtCF. "ND TO TifF. CITY OF NI\PLr.!;' MI'YC'H 'rlll\1' TH~: Bce [)E:~;lRE:S M.P.C', !\PN"ItN'J"¡,'f.Wrf, tj.: C01·1fo'('\pr'~/·,NCf: OF fi'1'I\.TF. 5'1' ".':'ll TF:r. Chl'irmlln 'i.'1mN rcfl.'rrc.-d to his ~cmo dL1tl'c! ll/]~/r], to County MðnMJcr NormDn, \-lldch if' includod in Itern 1'1(") of the ncc I!Igfmdl'l for 12/1/el, r~q~rding Governor Gr~hDm's appointM~ntß to the ~.P.O. He noted th.:lt th~! othr:r Commissioners h:w~ /) notn f.rom him on the Gubjp.ct; that Commissionnr ri;,tor hJS talked with the Mayor Jbout the ratio of n,'prcst'ntðtion, b<:tW'~~n Collier County and th.! Cit.y of N,"\ples, for the ~.P.C\, I.,.. 1 r. ~ or") F. ? pen;ons, and the post;lhility of those "t' pcr!:ions chosc!n to then choose one more ~wmhcr, chr"\irm"n \.¡im~r said he did not know if the City coun~il hðd taken action, to which Commis- sioner pintor noted th~ Council meats 12/7/Pl. Durinq the discussion which followed, Co~missioner ~anzol stated th.1t, slnc.) he rpprcst:nts the ~ntirl:' City, he would he '"illing to slJrve on the ~,P,O. ~nd h~ would bo ahle to vote both w~ys, l.c. City ðnd County, for morl' reprC'5cnt,"\tion. lie s<'Iid h~ \<:·)S Jgrcc,>hlc to 2 ann 2 p~rsons Dod hðve one ~ppointed. CommlssionlJr rruzc s"id tl\r"lt sh,~ tholl'Jht th1t thl) ].lW Is v!ry clQ~r, i.e. r~prnsentJtion b~ popu~ation; also,th"t th- COMmlssioncrn ðrc r1ected ~t-lòrga. Ch"irm<'Jn Hlmt..'r concurred with Com~i:Hilon.~r KrusE"'!; st"tCll\ent 2. I[p s"id t:hl'! Gov(>rnor'fI offic~ inrJic"lcd to him they wen' quite rClIdy to ~ tile. c l h.e " p po i n t m ~ n t s, h t' ,,,\ S 5 U m ed, n y the c ri t (' r i oJ 0 f ~ h (' I oJ \01. CommiGnioncr &ro~n said ho fa1t thðt tho A03rd of County Commis- :3 ion ern s h 0 U 1 d h II vet h (~ ~1 a j 0 ri t Y v 0 t (J 0 nth c ~~. p . 0., ~ n d he 1\ s ked for pnq. 30 ... Mlcrofllmer'D Memo: The leglbil1ty of printing on th18 page ~.I unlatiarlctory for microfilm reproduction when rect'I v~l1. Jl~~:~:~',: ,:Jf.~' ..'~- ~'I<." . i '~"," ÞO.'O ,,":è k" ., ;~O" 0 ~ ; .µ.... "1"-: u ., '"III U '~~ ., '.... "'104 '1"4 .... '.-4 ~ r:: ~.., ......c 1lØr:;~ ~:s ....8 ...,..... ~..., , II ~ .. :'8 i Øo~ -" '" ., ;1;.....104 .c ...,8 .. r-4 "'5~ !~~ .... U \.4 ..... O~. ::;~104 !''11040 ;I; Øo~ r.(·c:,·nh"r 1, )('\~1 thr¡ options. Ch~lirm.'In ',o'il':'lcr rC!';Fondccl thf.lt th(~ Bce could st...nd f.irm ,:¡nd 1f:t t,hf) Governor r.',,)I't,;' t..hl'! ':ppointl':'l.:.nls, or t.h.:1t th~ BCC can ê)gr~C' to compromis~ with thC' City, which is ðpp~rcntly in violûtion of the l,)w. Commi6~ioncr Rrown said ho would not cnd~nvor to compromise with the City in violation of the l~w. ~ftar 3 short ði~cussion, eh~irrnJn Wimer SJid ha ~id not know for surn if D compromifio would he in violÐtion of the lAW. CommiRsioncr Pistor said th~t the 'ctu~l poru1~tion r~tio is 17,000 in thc City o'f l'!apll"5¡ 35,000, npproxil'1,1tcly, in Collier County a r~tl0 of County 2 to 1. He said he felt th)t ~ ~ to 2 ratio I':'\~~nt thl\t the County ¡llre...Jy h.!ld compromiGcd oome¡ thilt Commissioner Wcnz~l's suggc~tion, th~t the District ~~ Commissioner clwoyo be a member of the ~.r,c., ~ould hp n Curther compromis0 which could tJ mðc.j~. 1:'1 s<Ùc:, aG .1 fl.':.;ult, tt'('fC' ',,'ould be 3 COr.1missionç:rs, on:! rupre:::cr.ti:~'J U~C City, (\nd U;.:1:':, he hoped, ~h"t Yloul(~ b-::: :¡de-quate. chJirm,',n \dr.1':f roinud out tt-.:Jt he ho,d no suggcstlon¡ toe c:1ðrifiorl \'Il:S ner<.'ly rcli'1ying the informi'ltion, .35 he r.,d tol~1 thf) GovI·rP'lor's ~'(\YOf'S officI's h::o wOlll~ do, to Lhl> fo.'rd of County commission"rs for the Bo~rd'~ direction, 1:(' ;,sknd County ",ttorn;~y Pickworth i ( he had ðnythJ~nCJ in l,~q,ìl fr,'m'!~'ork to offC'f on the r.Ubjl'ct. ~\r. Pick\Jorth r....spond~~ th."lt In U£tcning h<.ò t'¡Ollgh'; consC'nsus of th: Collier County i10¡HrI of ('(¡mml!l5ior.';f~ is: d c' 5 Ire 5 tit,.) ,.., P. (', t 0 he c r c.H cd I n con!: n f n .~ n c C' 0 r the 5 t. " t U t .~ s; t. r 11 t the. f'o..'rè do,!S not r.psÌl¡c to r('~ch 1n .'Icrommo-i<1tion with thC' City, merely for th~ pUrp06Q of rc~ching nn ðccommod,tion. f!r oU"'rN:! his SU<JCJ('!ltion tI~,1~ ttw COllnty (qrl'çt :J l<,ttJ.r to tI,...·,c:Ovo'fI'10r'S orfi~c, P;~tJ ~ -, &O~~ 066 fA~t 2,4.5 . . ÞOa'O ..." \040 ° Io +a.... " u " þ~~ ....ID... .-4.... .c+al: ~ III" ,,§i .-4.8 ...e.... t;_+a ~~ .. tD '8 SØo~ _t.! ID " ;1;....... ¡::, .!'+I~ ...1:..-4 !0'ö ....~~ \04~..-4 0+1. ~ oS ... ..-4...0 X Øo~ M0K 056 FACi246 Dcc~mbnr 1, '~nl 31~o to the City, Dt~ting th~t th~ Do"r~ st~n~ß r~~~y to ent~r into ~ny ~qr0rrn~nt for the composition of the M.P.O. consist~nt with the requirements of 13w. Mr, Pickworth clnrificd hi~ opinion by rLJdinq from the St~tutory Ch,1ptur on t-'.P.O.'G which, he s.,id, begin'.> with vp.ry specific verbtge. HI! listed four (") points in gcncr.'\l torms: 1. Th0 Governor 5h~ll QF?oint the M.P,O.¡ ?. The numb(·r to he ch:tcrmin<;d on "n p.qllit(\b1~, g.::oC)r:'phic populûtion r,1tio h.,sis, by thc Covernorl ~, J. ^ ClDllHC ;¡t: thc.o C'ncl of tht, stiltUlD on the t-~.P.O. 81'1YS "Upon not if!ci1l:ion by the Fn.dcrûl GovC'rnmrnt t.h.:lt any provision her!·in conflicts with rcdcr~l l~wu ur rrguli'lt ions, thl.! Fer1!!rl\l 1.1~JD or r<"'Jul.)tions !>hall t·:\kc prrccdcncc to tht) .~xtcnt of the confl \r.t, ~r, Pic~worth 9t~tcd th~t, ~ubs~qucnt to the above ~ct, the fcdur:ll rugulatio:1s "comc out" ,lnd '.>i:.!y, "Dcsi.,n<\tions o( ~'.P.O,'s shëll1 be m~,du by ,'gr,O(~r1l:nt :H:,ong the ul1its of q,~ncrc:d purpose local qOV('rnm0:H :'\nd t!~0 r.o,,:,rnor": which contlnu~,s 1;0 D"Y th.:1t the clcsiC)ni:.!tion Shidl bl' ('~t"'h1i!1IH'(1 undC'r 5pl'ciflc St¡\te L£'glslðtion. lie S.:11rl th~t he fclt the County could lc~lt\mntaly s~y th~t: to eatnbli3h th0 kind c( M.P.O. int0ndcd, ithout 50mc bðsis, Lc, gcogr.:1phic, populðtlon, rotc., whcrD ~qujl reprcscnt~tion woulcl mpet that requireMcnt of tho St.:1tutc, Mr. pickworth clld not know how the County cOllI d ,~<) r c e t 0 ~ i n~ ply i C) nor " l h1 t 1.1 W , ~r. P!ck\,.orth explainrd that if there ¡H(: fo'lctors which constitute <'1 11.'gititnLlt~, t!quld b.'si~1 \olt1lch would support equ,;ll reprC'sentl1tion, th.:1t would b~ ~nothcr m~tter. Comtnlss!on~r Drown moved, soconded by CommlssionC'r KrUSL ðnrl cðrricd un~nimously, that the Ao~rd Dccopt tho County ^ttorncY'ß r¡H1' 12 ,.....1. .'......'I"J\: , . '-.~;,~ ~V': - ,.!;·....I, ' ... ,¡~ lJ"f' . ".".1" .', '~ . ¡,f~¡ '0 ~o~ ,0 +' .-4 '.J... U II ~~. U +»\.411 ....... ... .t ;;;.¡~C .Dell ~,.c lIa~ ~M. 8 ..-4 ~+' U II~ .. :'8 ¡Q,s. .4.1 III II ;:F,.-4'" .c IQ+'S . r-4 Io4S~ !~~ ... u '" .-4 o 4J S ~.s ... ......0 :II: Q, '" Dcc~mbur ], ] ~r.l recommc-nc1ût.ion to drilft a lotter for the Chë'lirm"n'G cignùturC' ro thr~ c['(:t1tion of thl' ~'(~lropollt.....n Pl¿lOnlng Crgl1niz.:1Lion to (';ovc'rnor Ct'.:1h:IM'!; oUica .,nd to the City of Nl.lples' M.:Iyor, to t,ho p.ffcct th,o¡l the BCC dcsircu ,....P.o. nppoinlmcnts in conforr.u:JOC:() of f,tiltC'1 Gt"tutos. Counly I".:1n<'lgcr Nornan said r,r. Bruce C. Holly, t.'.,p1fJS rl~sidl:nt, WJS rcgislcrt:d to spc;'Jk. Ch.,irnz.n \'l1mcr .'pologizcc' l1n(1 nskccl I'1r. Polly to come fOOI.:'rct. ~·r. I:olly g{ ict he felt. the BOéHd should wi1it until lifter th'1 CIty e1t'ction dnc(~ morC' ~oop~r1.lt1on mi'Jht be t1chip.\lcd from nC\J Co unc ¡ 1 IIIC;7It;.....::-!':.. Commisßion~r pintar po1ntnrl out th,t th~ formntion of the M.F.C. is impcr..'lt1v~ sinc,. th'" County.'s position iz jcopflrdizC'd, ';!ß fllr as the distribution of rpdl'r..11 (:'1onr;y for purpo~cs such ac ro"ds, cte., in the coming ye,'r. ""r, !lolly p01ntr,'d out th,îl the City in!:ists on p.1ying only :,r.". of the forrl.,Uon o( the I""r.o, I,(:c"ur.e thi1t is b");.¡;:d on popull':tion. !~c slIid he ,'C)rc'~~ \...it~1 Comnif,f,!on"r \"Qnz~l <Jnd r.onmis!;;ioncr "rus!! -'1nñ thðnkcd th~ ~o'rd for thn opportunIty to spc~k. Ch.:Jirm,'n 1"i(:'1.:-r SUtter. the· votc h3d be>t'n t.~~k(!n, ~h,~t t..h(' C"unty /0, t tor n c y wo ul Ii d r" f t. s ,:' i d 1 ~ t t (' r . .. ~ oRrsñor ;,CPErIJLfD ]'l/"'/'11 "''1' o:Or. ".1'1., Rf' Rf.POP~' r\Y CCU,...'TY "TTmU·'p.v ON LCG"L LH',T'T^TTNIS nr. LrC"TT~t· or ('f'UWT'Y 0fFICE5 IN RF.C'''RD '1'() 'T'1!r. ·COUI-'TY SEf,T" /ldmin1Btr,'tL/1.! !I!'\t>ist:'nt Nt~il £'\orril1 I't..t(]d thr,t th.· itt.m rl'<JIHciin<) ,In iniU.î1, sitc-r."lcction rll·tcrnin1tion h.HJ h,,'~f'\ niscu!i!;("l two w~cks ~qo, '5 thðl dnt"rmin~tlon relnted to thp ~~strr P1~nning effort ilssoci,1lN1 ..dth the County'!; .~){p,'nsiol1 progr,îM, 1.(0. c~n"nti llly PM]" ., '11 &O~~ 066 fA~t24.7 . ."'''. ". ,,""1">,;\1/;' '. ¡''}'-',',1' "~"~' ,;', ' "I" ....' , Jr'·' '\"", ,1( )¡'" ,~,q;, ~ . ','1':' ... 'C ,~, 104 tI '.'~ 0 .. ,0 +J ... ';, CJ II ." ., CJ ~~... =-=104 ........c ,øatl '.... II' t'! :6'· .....B .,.,... t::-~ II=' .. ¡~ j.~ _.-4~ .t:: ~+J~ ~§.-4 '! 'õ .... ~~ ~.::.... o~. ~~~ .-41040 :II: ø. ~ -'0>··_..·.1...",..----"..-.""" rkc ~mlh'~r ], 19£'1 M~l< 06:6 PACt 248 o1n ~'ntlC'ip..!t;'d new \'IJsticc Centor Complex. Pc ref('rree! to thl! ~cmoranrlum d~tcd 11/~0/A) from County ^ttornpy pickworth to the RCC. ~~r. Dorrlll \)xpl.:lin.:d th.:1L, ,"IS û result of t.hi~ mr.'mo, ct.,"lff h: ;Hildng t.o !)l't up ,"I \/orknhor with tho PCC to furthcr di!'>cuss thin mr.mo; come Midition,.l inform,ltion, "'Ihich st<1ff h,:¡g, ,:IS thC1 it()m rcL1tcS to the h~rLlofor~, unkno~n E~st N~p1us' duoirynation ~c b~ing thr "County roc,'t"; some possible site> configur"tion ch"nges' rclllted to <lltcrnativc propl'rti;15 .1SGocL"ltcd .....Ith lh.? County's historic,.,l ::¡itr hero1 nnd, soma diffuccnt ~cquIsition costs ~rr~nqcmcnts which may h~ pocßlblc as ~ rCHult of modifying t>OI,\Î.I v.,c.Jnt l'Ind C1v,"JiJl1bl" J[opçrty. '\, After Q chort ~i9cus5ion, during which Ch~irnan Winer explained he .....ould lh: uni'hlC' to ¡¡ttpnrJ Thursday ,"JntJ Fridé1Y, DlJc-"ft1ber ~ é'lnd "1 Cornrdssionc" PIstor t'Xplidn~d h·.! woulr:J be abscnt DCCI)MbiH 2¡ Ch,,,irman wlm"r s,'id, ;:~ th\.· pl<:t,surc of th~ Po"rd, "..orksl1op (lðtt;> \...ould be left open to ,Hr,:.nqù thO;) most co~p"'tib1e dntc. Aft~r contInu0d discussion, Commissioner Pistor rnovorl, r.ucondp.d by Comrnission,.H KrUSt' ,~nd c.Hricc! ~/l, Ch,"lirrn¡m \<-'imer op¡:os~d, thl1t <'I Horkshop ,,'()uld he held r.' r"port hy County ¡',t:torney on 1eg.:'!l Lmité1tions [or locatIon of County officcs 'in rcgllrd ':.0 tht' "County SCdt" on DDccmb~r ~, 19R1, ot n:oo ",M. CrlrT~^NCE NC. el-rn RE n~QUfST F0R nrccNqIÐErATION OF PE~ITTON p-~10-"2C, un: n:GINEf.IUNG, INC" RF:PHE<"f.NTHIG !,EC0 CRnup, INC. RF. RF:'~(" r!"G rnrt-, VIIRTOUS CL.n:~rFIC"Tl(,"'S TO "PUD" 1"r;11 PRl"\fEnTV KNOIi.., ",S cvrHr:!;~¡ !1r.'D Lor:fI,TF,[) l'1F:'ì'\"f.E:'" ocr ",NO I~r',' ll.~, 1'1 - ,',rnPTr.f) L.l.'C),¡) notlc(! h.:tvlng bpcn published In th<:! N,'pl~:; D,dly Nuws on ~o~c~bcr 5, )981, ~s evidenced by Affid~vit of Public~tlon filr1 with Pðqc 14 !~~'·~t·:':~t'· !~;~~i' . í.......·,,·> '(;.:-::.- "~<, , 'i:.f"þo''O .~~~., ,",,011> ,O+' ..... .~. C)., ".... .. u '+a fM ., ......~ ...c..... .....+'c:: ~.." ......c: 'till c:; ,_ "::II ~.8 ..tit..... t:;.~ "g .. i~ B.e- ~........ .c: ~~~ ~6;:: !!~ .... u fM ..... o~s t~ ... .....~o :Ie ø. fM ',' Decomhr:r 1, J 9" 1 the Cll:rk, thn Ch;:d rmiJn opC'nc:d for cHr.cuÐ!3ion rcconrdc1cr.:ltion of the 60~rd's previous decision rcgDrdin~ p~tition n-sn-~~c, fi1nd hy Ink Engineering, 1nc, rcquesting ð chQng~ in the zoning classificRtion from "R1-l", "ml-1f,'''', "nM-2" and "lWI-2ST" rcsidc-ntiDl multif.nmlly to "PUD" Planned Unit Dc:ve1opmr·nt (or property in Section 9 ç. 10, Township "A South, R.,nge 75 ¡:;(\st, knovln !IS Cypn~sD l1eé\d. ~1rs. Kirchhof.f notl"'cJ thllt the Boarrl dünicd this petition on May 2", 19P1 with a "/1 votP.. plRnner Le~ Kirchhoff identified the surrounding nr~d on A m~p on an overhcM! hOtHd rc'g:Hding ['('tition R-PO--17ï.. She irJcntifi';!ci th~ proporty known J" Cyprcs!. IICI.d, which liQS b~t"'lccn Ne't¡ u.s. "1, running north to Lee County )n~ Old u,~, 11, running north to BonitR springs. rols. Kirchhotf cxp1aint.:c] th.1L 1·.~ssr5. Cll1rr. Nichols ønð .i1m J.:Iclf, wer\] prcsent to rcprc!'n.nt Ink F.nginccring, rne, Chairman wimer not~~ thnt h~ h~li(vcd retition R-pr-~7C was requ<.:5tl'C! for rc·con"i(1r.r,'t !o~, by Commi!.l::;ionl~r ristor ¡ Cor,lI:1i!>~iorH·t" ristor r0sponrlcrl ~(firm~tlv~ly, ^':.tornLY ('1 ñr \<, '1¡("hols, rl!prr:,::;.,-ntillg Ink f.TìCjin('crin<J, Tnc., petitioner, expl~incd thot Petition n-rO-~2C c~me h~forc the Bee thi3 dlltc, with "pprov"l of ,,11 tl1~ comrdcsioner!i, \-1Ith 1'1 nt1nber of ßignLtic~nt recommendations b~ing mDd~ by th~ Ðo~rcl, nll of which wprc acc~pted ~nd ~~r~cd to by lhe p~titioncr. ~r. Nichols 0xpl~in~d the lnrqe rnrc~l G!z~ is ~prroxi~rt~ly 2nn c'~cres, <!nd th¡1t un1cr ;tllo\·¡,~bl", clIrn:>nt 7.on!n~, thl' dcvclop~ro could hnvE' ð m.H!mun zoning of (,.?? lmits pC'r "'Icrc~, for " total of 1,'~4 unit!!. HI) l'xpl"inl'd th'lt th,.. r,-quc!:>t tbiG l!,'tc is for 7..1(1 units which r..'g~· ~~, t>QI)~ 066 p~~¿249 ~ I"·,' .....,1,.J\... l .",!J :p;,:' jf~ ,~~<::\r . ...... ~, I~: '. . . ";'~'O :0 ~-., ì 0 ~ ~.O ~ 111"4 ,": CJ., i'" .. CJ '+' \.4 ., '.... ~ to. lr1~c:: ~.. ., t..,.. . .c ::§ - .....~. 8 '....,111"4 .~ -~ &I~ .. :'8 aø.~ "1!2" XIII"4'" .c:: ,,~~~ .,..... C 111"4 '! 0 '"' , 0 5'" 'I'i U ,~ 111"4 .,o~ . '''' C U.r-4 to. ~"'o ,:I: ø.~ ,#,., , :/~w &~~~ 066 fAC¿ 250 DN~Cl"'lh('r 1, 11)f1l conlputC's to "pproximl1toly '?7 unlt.s pcr IIcr", i.e. "somewhere, s1 il)l:L1y in cXC~:~:; of ~nt of rallol.;"blC' 7.0n\nl)". Mr. Nichol:.> qùvc p1,11\ dc~crirtions rc If,ultlplic1ty of purposes MId ncude for ~ny rC9id~ntlDl rlcvclopmcnt ~s follows: 1. There Is an ~pproximÐte ~ ncrQ site in the ðrea which will b~ dLvclopcd ~n~ uLili7.nrl nG ~ playground, with rccr(,Ation~l ~quipm~nt b~ing installed by developor; 7.. Pr:: b~licvcg th;~re Is Jpproxim,:¡tcly ('iO-l/~ "cres, \,:hich \lill b(' left in thcir n<ltur"l Rtl1te¡ throughout nnid r,cr(::1qp., .....he~rc ,"'Ippropri,'t~, ('ither jO'Jgir,'3 or \I,~lkintJ p~th5 wil1 he instc111cd¡ said pnths to be oithC:'r shell, on th'~ groul1'; if th,1t ',;111 not int~Hfcrt' I.lth nc'r r1i5t'Jrh t1.:.: shcctv,',"tcr flow in the ,'r(.~; or t.h~ p....ths 1'1111 i1\' l'~<:v"L'",,:; û:: '..'~::~!:.:1 h-:o.,,.d'.I:JIlb;, if rlctcrmin.'1t~on Is 1':1,"¡<I(; th,"'\t slIrf:'1C:C: level p,ïth vlould C,'URa é.1ny d;,\ngòr or dc.trlrn.-,nt to tt1': n0tur¡¡! environMr,nt in th,"It lIreD. ], Therr. h::l;' h~~(~n no rr1quf"st or .,Ffort to obt.:\in ...ny ~~,r¡p-co~f1crc1.'1 on ('itt~/,~r Gle! or 1-1C:I' lI.f....,1. Tho front::l)<: on n(!~/ U.f". .11 vllll cont"!!n ð ClllbhoU5t?, vllth;l l,,!nr.sc¡lpe bllfr'rinl) zon<: Iv.!tlo.'c,..n th':! buiJdinq ./OcJ the h i (J h \'1.' Y, to u'~ r vet h (.; me m b t' r !j hip ¡ 11. Th'-~n 11111 be ,~pproxim.:ltcly il 5~ /'1cr(' golf course' in th~ " r I: ',1 for 1(1 d i t ¡ 0 n l1! r (: ¡; t' ~, 11 t i 0 II for the r ~ 5 1 eh- n t a ¡ 5, ~t"ff ~3kcd ~n~ devvlop~r h~s ~'1r~nd to provide left ~nd riqht-hnncl turn l~ncs on hoth Old U,S, ..,1 ðnd ~cw U.S. ~l, opposite th~ cntrnnC~D to th~ sub~lvln'ons¡ ~. ^t ~tnff request, tho davrloPQr h~n n~r0n~ to provide, or ¡ [ Llìl'l C' ¿HC otb: r!> in tho(, "'rf'.'I '.10 ~hou1c1 "Iso contr Ibute t.o the cost. l.~tcr, or r:ontr {"ute to .1n ¡Ippropri.:,:.c: trr1fflc slgn,"'Il on "'0\/ '..1.:-;. "1, .....hf,n tho tr~ffic counts ~n~ flo..... In the lIre~ .....~rrant or nC'ad slIid nign,d; ï, County r,.I,1t(;r in ,v.1i 1"¡") C'¡ ohviou:>ly thrl County w"ter ¡l':1p~ct f"0~ will he paid wh0n building p~rmltg ðr~ ¡~su':~ on indi'lidu,1l lots; fl.. H:oll'Jh County 5'~wcr is not In this .'rc,:,: ,H tho: prcsent tir.H', lhl1 ç1,!v(\lop.:-r \00111 r3Y the I.'xJt:tir.g £yst('¡I!'\IS il:1p.:'ct fN~5, for ttw 51)Wl'r syr:t('m, ¡It th" time lndi- vidu.:ll hltlldlng p.Hr.dts ,"'Ire issu,'d for individual lots; t'ngo ,,, ·":'~.,I!" ," ~.:.,. .. (Y~,;,4.¡,~- , , )'~ ~,," ,~r\,~: ',' ".:'$, \rI'" . ~~, Þa '0 ',t,·" ~ QI ~O,.. ,o+' .... ~oL CJ ... ~.() +'~&I ....~ ,r-4 .... . ....., c .-:a.... .....,c :~~ P"4.S .,.,... ~.~ ...=' , bØ'8 "«I 'i ø,~ QlIQ&I :c....~ ,c !'+'~ ....c.... il°'õ ~ bØ '" ....c::u ~~.... 0+'8 ~ oS '" "''''0 :II: Ø,IH DN~C'mbcr 1, ) !'Irl1 N01'F:: Collier County \till bo collcctinq the ;'Il1oc!'lt~d ~Gtipul<:\tod .1mount for exp.1ns10n of thé1 C(')unt.y'~ suw~r f~cilities, pven thou~h th~t cxp~n~ion is not currently unc1enIDY, and thl' rounty !HN('r s~rviccs art! not currently going to be provid~d to this particul~r lire". Mr. N1chols 1nt~rjC'ctcd ~h~t he understood, from st~ff report, that pl~ns arc und~r davclopm~nt for extansion of the sewcr to this <Jr<','; hi: 5"id, hopefully, it ....·ou1d not be t.oo 101'1') a period of timo!'; before Ð~id extension would be m~do. ('I .' . Tempo'rary trl'c1tMcnt will be provided by thl' usu-,l DER npprnvcd p~ck~q~ pl~nt¡ Collection system will be dcsign.:?d )nd constructf·d 1n .1ccordðncc ....·ith stðllli,.(ùs for Collier County utilities¡ \'{hen Colli(.r County uLilitip:l li.1<!s <Iff, tlVl'ilðt)lc, the lines will be "hook~d into the County at no cost to the County" und th0 dcv~loF~r will dism£~tlc nnd remove the temporary plèn~¡ 10. I], 'j'h () è ( vel 0 r r~ r r. h .'J V f' pro \' i c1 c' c1, i n <:' x c e S!i, t 1"1 ') ð rr. 0 u n t 0 f recreation~l nreJS r~comm~ndrd by the r~rk 8oÐr~, in the pl::ygroun.J notc'd in item 2, r-lus previ-JuDly :v;)teð Dmenitics. rr, }!ichol~ noter! th.:-t, prior to ,1ttunr.ing th~ rec !'1C'-:-ting this date, h\? èlr1 Lilli: with r.ti'tff to SC'(' if thoy h,"I(\ I'ny furtrar 5ul)gC'stions to tl1:' di!V,"lof-':r or ,"lny ch;,rqc5, ,1nd h(' W,15 told th" lnf;\""r wi,S no, I!" said ht: did not kn~'" if the C:>r.-,r",i!'os!onC!rs h,1~ .H1Y conr('rns. P" slIm- m"rii~d the follo...ling points "'Jhich, hr.' fLllt, w<:!rc prrtinl.!nt to this development: 1. :~';rip comm('rci,11 drvclopmn~ h,'r, hccn ~\'oid,:,d¡ ? provision hn5 bC'~n m~de for t~" public ncods which ~rc r'!quirrd¡ J. ^ll County r"'lulrcl11r:'nts h~v., bt'r.n m.:-t. Ch.lirm,'n \"imer .H',k,'d for nO,1rr! r¡u.stion:;, eOI'1 T1ir:f.lon..~r \'.'cnzC'l dirc!ctcn hi:> qll('!\tion to ULiliti('f; ~·,1n~rJl..r trvinq P.'r?,on rc p.,~k",C]" ~~~~ 066 ~I: :251 PD<JI' ''7 ·' ." . . .',,' 'þ,,'O ~" f' .... ., ,\04 0 II' "ý.O,~ .... tt 'U ., ,:Þ:: ~ '.-4. 104 1"4.... ..-4 ~ s:: Þ." ,û'i ·~s , 10 8 ~.,.... ...., U ,,::I .. &~ i.~ :1....104 !lfi,!! ,;j' 8~ . 0 "<Pi !9 ~ \.4.::4.... o +' . ,t~ ... .......0 .:11: ø.'M ·c,tl){. ~;;.~t:~ . rOr'(:mb~r 1, 19f'1 ~o~~ 066 FACt 252 pl~nt "huslne5G" Comml~sionnr Wenzel hnd previously rliccUSÐCd with Mr. Ber zon. Comll,iGsiont~r Wenzel .u.ked if ~~r. Si:-n:on :\nd he I-",d not "mcrc'-or- In~U" rgrc"~ th~t, wh~n tho l\n~s worc dcdic~t~d to Collier County, th~¡ PQ~kag~ plant should ~]so be rl.dic~tcd to the County I that the County would b(' rp.sponsib1c for moving s/'Iid pl?nt¡ and, thl'\t the land could b~ ~lthcr disrOBed of or used for som~ "kind of facility"? ~r. 8~rzon Qnswur~d I'\fflrm~tivcly. Me. f1(Hz~n point0d out. that nom<1 of tho oth~r Commisgion'1'rs h~vp. cxprotH",NI the Si1mt1 position 1n tÍ1Dt [\.'y.H,1¡ ..nd th:Jt, tn t'hf'lt extent" hA ~xpli1ined, In th(: originol Gtiru1~tions which he sot forth in M~y, 108J, (Note: Mr. Borzon 5,,101 hl~ bc1i~v\'d the CO!':1ml!Hiioncrs h"ò II copy of oom" of tho!>'J ntipu1.1tlons) trilt lU'm W.'H not spC'r'iflcltlly ..,ddros- s·:d. Hn....'i"v("r, t'r, Rcn:on s.,id t.he question or the i'pproval by the ßce of the rntPS to be ch~rg~d by tho on-oite f^cility, hcforo tl-~ facility woul(l hI' iMpJcr...!nti1ò, w.'"S a r,tiru1c;tion. Hr. P.~rzon sl)id he was ~~9urning by Mr, Nichols' co~montn th~t the dnvelopor is now tnklng c~ccption to th~t point. ~r. Borzon point~rl out, with r~g~rd to ~r, Nlcholz' co~ment about further r,!quircmunts from the st.:lff, thAt ha WL1S ,,',.¡ay, 1.1st week, hut th,lt h" \~,\S not ¿HI,;re tInt tr,c m,'ttcr \'I'~B to bo r~h"':1rd by the BeC. H(! s~ld th~t if he had b~~n ðdvisdd r~gnrding the p~ti~ion's r"consid~r- é1t!on, he rrob:..bly would hl'!ve ml.'ntioned to the rlcvdoper th'3t tho qUl!:>tion of thf' d~dic.')tion,of tho on-sit/) trc,1tml'nt fðci1ity WðS lI1so ~ conlJi(1~r.,tlon to ""ldch the P,o,~rd h.Js b!'~n giving :ìC'rlOlJ!,) 3ttcntLon. He pago 11J "~'h'f:':- . 'ft~/·· :*<1""· ' ¡~~~.;) , '1);',"1,"::: ,- -:,. ' -)' j'<t. .~ . ".' ~ . ¡~_\~"h~ :".,',... ~ '\04 ° ;:.. ,O+'~ ')0', u ~ '~tD U '....~ ~ '.... II ... "....~ .'" +' r:: 'þ II ~ ~".c :~". ~1Q8 wtD~ ~·t 11::3 , ~ .. 19 '8 iø.~ .!!II~ ...~... .c 11+'8 . ,- '... r::~ tl°.... '~ 0 ~ ~M ~.::1~ 0+18 ~ oS M ~...o :c ø..... D(>cC'1'\l,cr 1, )o!'!l noted that ha felt this might be¡ <In i1ppropr1,1tc time to ask t.he devel- opers if they wrrn nmannble to tho Be provisions. Mr. Nichols st"ted f.or tht' recorö thllt the dcvp.lop(~rs ¡HO "CJrl't> ng to the Commi!>sion setting the r..tes. I~c s¡dd th.)t "th~ que'lÖtion" of the provision dnclication of on-sito tr~ntmcnt fncility ~nd lnn~, to which Mr. Rcrzon referred, is "brand new" to him. He ~sk~d ~r. Jim Jack to ~drlr~ss this point. Mr. Jim .J:1C,{, with Inl: Engineering, Inc., l\grend thllt thi¡:; point. was new to the developers, Be stated that, as ho understood the situðt1on, the County is lookin(" [or II type of f.1cility to be portl1blc in n.ïturc ¡ th,-t ,,11 ptlckêlgc pll,nts Ylou1d be conslderp.d port:'!b1c; but th~t he w~nted th~ Commissioner" to be ~w~r~ of the point th.)t ~ome package pl"nts do not havD thnt cap~bility. He asked for clarifica- tion. CommI5R'on~r ~'cnzcl rcspondc~ th~t h" did not think the qupstion is wh~th~r the f~cillty is port~hl~ or pcrm1nrnt¡ thllt, once t~e m~jor systC'm 1(; in us~, the ¡:.lDnt ~/olllè. b!" c1ism..'ntlL'r:\, "ftr,r bein<] :,~p:: in the ,HE:l'l for II cprt"ln time, to see if "pv('ryt.ldng i~ \·;orklng finp" in th(' conn"'c~ion to thl' !'1"jor County f.1C"il!ty, ~uring the ensuing discussion, ~r. Her~on st~tprl th~t the ~ystem is <I "ph,"IS0-tYPI'" (11'I,'i'lopm'~l1l¡ .:'111(1, thf,t thl' COUfllY i~ in tt':~ proc"fJ3 of dcsigning the <:,cpêJndC'o r.;1ciliti'.'s .....hich Ehoulrl bC' conplt"'t.<·~ "nr! constructpd \,Jithin lh" nex.t t....'o Yl',¡rs t.o 27 monlhn. p..' o:pL,in.:rl, \lith conGidl'r.:otion of thp Fh.1!;!ng of thiG proj.:-ct, thAt th', dz'~'nd nc{'d of t h r i n t C' ri m ~) 1.'1 n t \,'0 U 1 c1 b c: ., r t, t h I' r s h 0 r t pc ri 0 d . P"C)" ~!' &C~~ 066 fA~r:Z53 4;~,'~I'!''', '."'~'."""'.. '. "....,c ~'. "1.JI ;.0 ~~;~~,.,:, ,,' ',,",'0 '''.''':~- " :~.s~ I..... tI " .....U .+J ~ " ::1.=" ....+Jc:: þ." ......c :§:J ....8 tiel'" ~:J~ ,,~ to :'8 S ø.~ ~tI . " JIO...... .c .!"+J~ "St ! ~~ ....cu ......... o·P IS t~... ~...o :Ii ø. fr~ .,., !~: M~~ 066 fACé254 p¡>c(mbcr 1, .19(11 "r. ,J.'ck !òt,"l~è th¡lt the rlr.v::lopC"ro I"ùy choo:3r: to put in , pl1ck,'9" pl:,n~" tol.'] Iy port;1hl," t.h,:tt. l.tH' c1r,vE.lopl:nl "'culd bn ¡¡hIt: to !:;C'll in (Jrcl,,~r to r,!(;OllV ~;om~ of thcir ('xp(!nscs. I:p pointc1 out th.,t tho d....vt:lop('r5 !1dVI; ,11r('"dY1gr\~(~{ ~o p,~y Imr"ct f(?('~ .Jr." th.-\t selling the P;:GI<..:gc pl:lnt '..,·oulc1 Insnlm the bur(1~n on th'" dcv(·lop("[!~. Ch¿,irmðn h'im:!f stiòtl;d tl1¿1t ~'r. P.~r7.0n W~g being rcquI,stQc! to dcv,'lop èI uniform polic..:y ...1Ith rl.'g.Hd to the !whjoct ,,,It\) ~~r. BC'rzon st"ting th.1t the [\rc h15 not F.orln:1l1y r()c upstC"d th,:¡t. Ch.fdrn:Jn \\·lmf.'r !i,"\ i,\ th,"\t' hi' Inri rI"CJlI"~tcc! th.:1t " unl fort., policy blJ dev')lopcd. ,¡. ..' Commis9ion~r ristor Movnd, n~condcd by Commissioner Prown ~nd C,Hrl,,!d "/1, ,Jill! C'omMU;:.;ioncr \':1/"1('r Orros0d, th.)t th(> Orc1in.'\ncc, as numr:.:rcd c1nd rntitl':d hc~lo\'.', b< :,Ic1opt~d "n~ ('ntl"rcrl into 0rdin1ncc Pook 1]: 0RnrN^N~~ ~('\. P1-~n Ì\N r;nDP':,YC¡': n'c~'r!N(; "'rrp',HI~E ìt:_'1(1, 'îf!F. Cr.~'Pr.f.Pr.':,lfIVr. 7, ON T !.!r. p t ..U Ll, ';' T N ~; r OR '1'1' r: UN PIC nr, ['("1ft" n~;) ¡\!1 f,Ì\ Of I'll f. Cr.~~:'l'}\L M,E~ rr.r,·'¡~JT~'G !ì!S'¡'nrCT PY P'f"f)TNG -rnE ZONING .\':'LI',:' ,.·f.P N'n,\pf:n t,!-:'''i-;> I'Y r.f:t~'GP!G 'i'IIE 7.(,~!TN(; CU.S~rF'TC^,"'T':N ~HOI'I F!~\-I, m1-1~'î, rH~-? .~·~'D n~-?S'1' Rf.~:JD~~ï'TrL ~\l L'j'Ir^~~ILY TO PUD PLI'.t:rn:[.' U'- ~1' r.('·"Er.l)p~n'T ron PPoprRTY rt~ f'f,CTHW:' ~ (, 11', 'T'C:I':~¡~!1!r ðr> f('HITII, r,\Nrr. ?'" E^;1' Fen rnr 'foRTV J\~!C''':t-.' M; C'{PIU:".S 11F:I~D¡ "!olD BY PHOVT[\I!"G ^jJ FTfr.CTIVE DI.TF.. HES('ILUTTC"I f'J -;'10. f.xrpr.s~If\'G I'rrTn.crr,TION '!'c ~~HS. PUT!! Rn}\f!!F.f\q AND ~1J~~:. ro. ,1. "Cl.:'I.:Y" ~'Il.LEn FOR TJ1f.tR C(ìNTIlTEWTTON ('If' 'T''''O L01'5 'TO COLLIFR CC'U\;7Y _ "0(:[>1'(:['. (',lilT CL"l~\ r;EEr. ron r...·1'; 1,(;1';' JI '),l,...CfN'r 1'r. f'.~,yvrr.\o.1 1'^I:K - ",CCF.r'fJ:O Count.y ~i'n~'J"r ron1.ln Intror1LI<:('I! "'r8, "'. J. "C.': I:y" ttill.!r ,'nd ~'n;. Ruth Br..H;I1,'-'!r who h(lv(> c1on"tm t"'O pt'lrcl'ls of prop('rty to thn Cou:'\ty. P"9 t' ,HI /;~~" . 1Þo.'O. . ~ . .,r·...~ u \ot: 0 ,.. ..o~.... ~. CJ ., ,'"_ CJ ;.... fM ., '..... ... 'f"4 .... ..~c:: .:~-1J .,§JI "tae ..II.... t;JI..,a ,..' ., ~ , .. bO .~ II '8 iø.~ .Ill II " ,;11;.... ... .~~~ fo4S.... !~~ .. u fM .... O~ . ...... .a ~...~ _ ØafM ~,~!tf;{t,". ·""1.., .,1 f'(!<':\'mhl'r 1, ]()OI ~r. nice. p~rkc ~ Rccrcntion nirn~tor, s~id th~t Mr~. rrnnhpar ~n~ /tors. ~'iller h.1VI) hc:.::n instruml...nt.é,l In thl' (h;v(:lopm~:nt of ['.oIyvl.;\., p"rI; f.rom thf.! bug inning. 11(' gtl.1ted thnt thl! dontltcd Iota ..'1'111 b'.'! £I gre..,t .:1ssct for f\ltl1r(~ (·xp.1ngion of t.he p.:Jrk. rrs. Br~sh0~r g~vn ~ bricf history of t~c ~re~, noting some of thu ~rcviOU5 ~on~tions from proporty own!rn, pnrl ~xpl~inc~ lh~1 th~ 3-1/' ilcr'!S of l,'Ind, Hhich thin don,'tion rt:'prof1"!nts, \.,i11 n....kc.> 11 bOllutiful pJrk for Col1i~r County. Ch,'irm,~n 'I/!m-:'r 'th"nklid Mrs. ~~1l1or ,1M rlrf" P,rDshc.:,r, on b'õlhi11f or the Commission nncl the pooplc of Collior County, for thcir untirinq wo r k, no ton 1 y for Ü i'" P,1f k, but f 0 t' ...11 t h <: i r (' [f 0 r t B . Commission(:r \"en?C'l mov('·:1, ~~cC'onrjQri hy Commi!>Gioner pistor ",no::! carried un.~nimously, thJtn"solut.ion rl-2t,~, i:xpr(13s!r,q "rr>r(~cirtio:'i t.o Mrs. Brðf,hc~r ~nd rrs. Millur, be ndopte¿¡ ~n~, to qrrtcfully ~ccapt the QuiL C1c)il~' r",I.'(! for LoU; ::1 .)I1(~ !:,', r't¡;lt'f, T',~yvi"'\, fubdiv!:::Son. ..", P"<J" " ~c~~ 065 FÂLi 255 , . . "'" , , '" , c~" . ' ... ~o.. 0...,.... ". "', CJ " ':.: ~ a'~'~ ,,~14 ~J \ 'js! ..Jlø ~~ .. " '8 iQ,~ ,t,! . " ;:1;....104 !,5~ kS.... !~~ .... 104 ~ ~ 04-3. ~~ 104 ~1040 ;:I; ø. ~ O\:c",,"hf't' 1, t n" 1 br.~~ 066 fhC¿ 258 1"'T:'(,,\J:'~,T(l11 nF: PC'S;', !L~nrHfn, C"vrr.rr, PM1cr.n: !"I.'I) rf.!'I::('I,,~~1 np,r()p~ M!O rn:cl)l' ~'F:,t '."'n (J\ 1P'~ l'I'r:"n~rr' "T "N' C'1' 1"I~I·:~n - '\'('I 1'1: F"I1',:r:I'('l"rl~I" ,:' I~ In \ -- - .. Crmn\un!.ty !),'VC10PII'"Jnt". r.irt'ctor Virt,' l~::rl..,inod tho itr.m fDr co:')r"lr!l.r¡.1tion "f r,)'H inl.tL'l report rrrt.drdnCJ to i.l"p:,c:t !C(~5 for C)olll.irnm0nt tHHV 1.t:11 (M: i I!. t i~t1, p"Hk~, ,'nd rO:'ld5, FlS prcp\H~d by the nOS!;, n",l.'ò!.I.S, Q'K"'rofr:, P"hcock <.:nd r..,rsonR' firm. tin rl:f.crru<.1 to the Exrcut\V~ fumm~ry, ~g~ndD item n(d) this datr, nnd c~!.d th~t Mr. DDnlo1 ".', ("Connc:ll, rf'prc!>~:nt.it1t:) G.:-II.r' OrM, plll!; othr..r principJl mlmbcHS of Ror.r., 1:,Hdi~s "s~;oci"t.(Js l'lcr'.! prctH1nt t.o report to the Com/1issioncrs. Mr. viC'.;11 1.'):plcJincd t.h,'\t Cr. J,1ml:S Fr~nk élnd Mr. 11')fhcrt wrrc prescot ,. ... to cxpl~in ~omc of the tcr.hnic~l ~Sr-0ctS of thu r~port ~nè to ~nswer , .~ny l¡U.!st ion!>. "r. virt0 c:uic.kly r(:vi,:\'cd till..! "bottom lin~" <:s h.:: interprets the rr:r.omM-::n(!.ltion from ross, !1,J.òi'!s ;In" ^n"oC1,1~CS 115 follows: 1. 'In,,::' t~.l' ('ounty not .:1<j')rc$si\',;)ly pursu~ thn f.ee r~lI1t.ed to gov:r~rnan';.~l sccvice f~cill.ties, 1..0. thu Co",p1~x; 2 . Th.:. l I. 1.". r: 0 u n t y r u r ;, u c the d t V è) 1 0 Pr'.': n t 0 f <: n i rn p.:1 C t f c ~ for r:ùrl-'.!3¡ .'Ind Thë,t th"~ CO:,Jroty cst.Jblish ~ sOL:nd~r d~t., b~sl.s ~)r1or to pursuin1 "n imp.:1ct fe~ for ro~1 dcvnlopmnnt purposes. ~'r. virt) InLCO(:IICC(1 r'r, O'Cor.ncl!. Ch.,irnlln \"ir.',er .JskQd if th'l .., - . ßCC dcsir.~1 ,'n in d'1pth ('ir.;cussion on tht! suhjC"ct at t:his time, to \lhich Comrni~5ionL'r I':~nzcl ~t,1t..:d the Con,missl.o~'\\~rs h,''; th03 rc.poct to [t,:d .1nd it \-If'S h1~ opinion spccific qU¡;!1tionr. should b~ .')!3k~r.'. "',c. J:\r.it.:l ~~. ()'Connell ir.trodllced !lis il¡j!JO<:!..,t:'!ß, i.(!. ~'r. cr.,iq Hic!'tHÒ~on, 1,'110 hi)!> b(~cn "vnry lIctivc" in tho dofcnsQ of th,. p.,lM ßoac:h coun~y Ilnp~lct F.".' Ci1S(S Dl', .11m f'r.~nk, from f'lorlrJa f.U\t,~ I.:n\v~rsitYI ùnd r1c. I'ruce Klc1tù. r"<J c ~ 2 , . :I":",{~;.-':.}':: ',"I_f' t,...., ". U'·, ;~'«~~L ~' t'OZ: , 0,. I+- .... Uti ~~ t . . ... ..... t~ C I . Ii ~§i t.8 I ..... : -., , tI 1« ,:'8 !Q,~ I · " ..... ... ,5~ . c.... ¡ 0 'ö ~~ ,~.... I~ . : oS ... '... 0 : Q, \.4 ['H:cc'nu"" 1, , I) F' \. Cor.\Inisr.1oner pistor notlJd, cJurlnCJ c1iccuGGionli hI} h.l\c1 prcviouz1y h'H with h1m, tt.-It ,.',r. O Connl~ll h{1cJ pointl"c) out cll':Jrly t.h:lt if iI\1p.,ct filuG IIrò colh:ct,~d, thoGl: (01.16 mUût be spent in tho .:Iro:~ \Ihorc col hctl'd for th~ bcn<; fit of the: peop1 c who pc) id thou'! rucs. COMMin~ioncr pir.tor vsk~0, if ~n impl1ct f.úc for p~rks is or.t~bllshuð, if the County could "sct it up" co thùt ~ntlrc Co~nty could U3~ thos~ fece? ~r. C'Conn011 cxrl~in0c1 th~t th~ fD~r. ar~ purposrly ~csignt~ to meet thn Dun~d¡n t~r.t, ·.,¡hlch hoss, l1.:1rdic:: !>.s<;nr.\ßtI'!S h:ls rav1~wcð ,~ith tht: Comr.d5r:;1on'~rs, Lonc1 ~Ihic.:h It; the proto-tyPi'~ for" lcg.:111y cJC!fr.nsiblc impJct fr:c, lit this !'òtùgc, 1n 1?lor1da. lIe st;1t,!G th.:tt ona r(,>(]l:irol'\~nt is to rOc'\son.:lbly rel;\tc tht: <.xp..:ncJ1 turc: col1ectf'CJ from t;.h~ inpac':. fee to the dp.velopncnt thlll is c¡¡udng tho nced for tile f.!\cil1t1.1s. Ho sðid t~ls results 1n the ~rcfcr~b1c crcation of v~~lous districts rDthcr thJn to have on~ County-wide f~cil¡ty. ChDlrrn.::n .....i~...'r nOled th..1t i( th(.:rc w¡::::; to b(' " 10:1<] dir.cussion, per~lIpS a \/orl<s!:op s~.ol!lcl b:- sch,,'dul.1è.. Conmlsr;lonl'r rlstnr ...skod if <In 1mp.'\ct (l't' us-:' C"'lllc..; be .."rlr,c1 l!ccotcHn<) to c!!st.r\ct5. I"r. O'Conn(fl1 r~::;ponc'~d th.H he wOllld c~l1 uron !:'r. "r'lnk, ~h~ firr:¡s' p1l1nn"r.CJ I.!Xp"'rt, br:c.'Ur.c he rc.:c:omrn~r,ds th'.' m,'nncr th:,t pl..,nning clistr1cts "rc r!',tl'lblist:,!(I, In orc1cr to ,'chiC!vf> th(' C'ffr:r.t. Comrnlssiont'r Plf¡tor is rr~qu.:st1n'.J, ,'1n( tt:l l~CJ,l \:¿'y tlqt oth"r countl..~, suc.:h ~I'\ (\,,1n Pui'lch ."nd Brow.'rd County, h;'lVC! becn -\cdl)n"tcc1. !'c intro~ucc:~ tlr. CridC) Rlch..:rr.non rcg,Hc1in!J the 1cl).11 i:clv.:·nt:I'J.... I"r. Crrig Rlcl;l'r~son stðt('c} th,'t fr01"'l the' 11''.]/11 pt.rr.prctlvO th~ r...'.' 1 C'('\nc'~rn i~ \:11.::.\ do...~ tIll: County r'::::>1r,) frorn tl'·' , p.-.r':!. fytjt"'mJ r/'lqr. ,,~ ~c~~ 066 fAte 2.59 . ;'~';:~;ç:' ~.; { -'I i; . 'h~ ~~i;:' ...- " ' ,~:O ~ 0........ ~.." U .. 'þ:= ~' ;a~'" ,~ .... C ' ,Qetí 'Q~.c: tla- M'. B '!( II 'I"f ¡:;..... , ;, ., ~ " bØ'Q ä&[ .!Ie.. -...... lilt 5. . t"'4 ."1 6~ .. !!9 ... ~~~ 0.... . t,s... !"'t...o :II: Øo~ [\('cr:mt-OC' 1, l~rl bO~~ 066 f~t¿ 180 i.r,., in P,CO',I,Ht' r.Ollnty .1n or~i.,.1nc·" \Mt~ d.H~ignN' f.ot'., u,~gion~'\ (\HIt!' , , r.yr.;c(, tI é\nrl tJIl ~·~'t¡it1(.n\: ; from thj~ tmtl.rt~ county ':1l'1~ ~oinCJ to pDrticip~tc ~nd buncfit from tho pnrks nn~, th~roforr, the f~D is Got on ~ County-widL b~~is. ~~ stoted, if the pAck ia to bon4flt ~ sp('cific nt}\ghhorhood or qC'ogr<1phic,Ü are;), th'J le:göl rcc;ulrcmont8 would \:)1.. ~udl LI~.:.It only thos.. p(:oplc using th,: p,;'ICk ~:ould pJY for tht1 ft'ic. fo(tcr II l'.ngthy .]lfi<..:u£¡uion, Cor..lnisr.ionor ristor sùid ho felt, in thiß complic¡)tcr\ procudurc, thllt, tJppðrH:1tly the Commisaioners hJd ~? ".. d\;cid., heforc! s(.tt\ng up the fccs, hO\o1 th~ ,"on'!:y coll::cted is to bu . uued, i.e. roodo, parks, etc., ond, if. ~ Coun~y-wido pðrk syst~m, the ro~~ syztrm eoul~ vilry. ~:. O'Conn~ll elnrtficr\ th~t Collier County currently had ~n "èopted Gt"r\c1¡~ rd, '....11 1ch hI) rJGsulncd th';' County ",'oulr'i w/!nt to purßue, thl t t"C'flccLS /!. set of (~15tdct p<lrk::> i'I:1r1 " :><.!t of Count.Y-I..ido prJrks. !~~ notod thl'\t th0. (115,:r let piH!O; hiwC! Z! stanò.1Cò 'of 2 "crt~S pC!r ~ ,00t' p~'oplc "nd 5 i1Crf)$ pc." 1,('00 for thIJ County-wide p.lrkn, ::~ st:ltcd it Hould be (',1propri..'Jt<: if t!·,: County chose to. set up ..'I recreation irnp.3ct fct'. .:.~ s.,lù t!.<~t thor-c rno:1ics, I.¡hich .1((.; col}.::CL~cI (H tho COllnty-\,dtle fdrks, \/Ould not hllvc to bo cxp",ndl)d on.:l district b·18is but" r.::th.-:r, [or thl County-\/ièç [.:.c1llty (l'.:'!'òiC]nt'c] to scrve c:vt.ryonlJ in the County. ~ r, O'Connl'll !>t!Jted th.~t thos... monir:r, coll:'~~".:.j for di&trict . p,Hks woulJ be' cxr"n~\Jd only in thl' d1stdct withln ...,hich t.he monica .)Ct colh:ctt:cJ. lie of(crt:d t.h~ t:xr.r.lpl<J th.:1t, 1! th,:rc ....JS 11 dClfic¡"·ncy 1n rl~nnin~ nl~trlct \], nnd ð distri~t pork W~5 not in th~t dißtrict P.:ICJC 01<\ . ,,"1 f,; -.','," " : ... "0 '~~'h ¡.." cþ . O~ ". .... ... 1 U ., ;.~. U .~ \.4 ., .... . ... f'4111'4 ,0p4 .... c= :a." .,Di ..... . 8 ..... ,:;..... .,~ .. ::''8 iØo~ .e,¡ . &I :I: ... ~. ,C ~....~ ...S~ ! ~~ or4c::u \.4~'" 0.... 8 ...c:: U....... or1"'O :I: Øo \.i f'cc '.oMbtl r ~, 1" 1') t.o !>I:rvc new rt~ :¡idents, thL'n i) (cu would be col1cctl:d fror.'l devclopmont co~dng into District D £llId CJ:x{l~ndl:d \dlhin lh.)t. dir.Lirc:t. Rosponding to 0 qucÐtion by ConniGGionor pistor, ~r. O'Connell G~1d thl)t, if th:Ht' (\rr: Gufficiont p.Hks [or th~ 19G1 popullJtion in 1\ district, the only need for ~~ðitionDl parks would bo th£lt resulting from new d~velcpm~nt. Comminsioncr Ero...," 5.:.i(1 thl'iL he is oppo~('d to tin ir..pJct fe~~ sinl:l' he felt that imp£lct f~C5 tend to raiB~ monuy in an unworkablo mrnnor. Commiasionrr Krus~ broughL the discuscion to parks end not~ò two items which concurn her: 1. Th~ (bct is not ~ùdrc5scd th~t possibly r.o~ plus of the COUI~t.y'5 \"nd is currrmtly in tot.:.l presfH\'ation or consc:rv"tion, includ'inr.¡ p'1rccls of FC!dcrûl r;¡rk, i .c., Ten ThousDnd T!:lZlnd5, ~lc. 2. District ~~ encQmp~3SCG land r~ferrcd to ~s Golð~n G~tn F.st,)t(!~; tl1l\t, on ,1 long tarm basis, tho County (,YP,~cts to receive over 1,0no ~crCG of th~t land for governmtnt,l Gnd pDrk purpo~cs" Thp d~ngity in th~t er~~ is I on 2-1/~ or ~ IIcrl's';ì!1d, in son(' in!:ltè\ncC's 1, if lr ÐcrC's is o\:nec]. 'l"his 1,000 ðcres is not t~drcsGcd in Ro!:!,;, n"r:::!ic-:'i ASSt'cii1teR' report " tt.r. O'C(.¡nn~11 s<'Iiè. thf;~ in thc (/Joe of l\ FC'dor~.l Pi1rk, tllDt cxpensa would be shared ..dth cvcryon,~. He dCfiCrihcd the procct3urc ....h~rcby the riltC' of increes':: of USZlgc of F('drlll PlIr¡",s I::; COr.1putC(~. 1~ oxp111\nC'd that hiG Cirm did not conn in to [('write Collier County's Conpr~hcn&iv~ rll'in nor to compl~tc1y ~o ~ p~rk ~nd1ysis, County ~r.n"HJc.'r ~'orn\':'n intrrjrctt.!d th"t onc prohl(·r.1 in thio discussion nic:Jht hl' th.ü tht:orrtici.'} id~"s !ll1vn been studi('~' I!c sUtJCJrstt.d th,':It the òirccLiol1 nil)ht bf! hClt<.·r nppliod to whl't: CoJlicr County h,15 .::l prrsl~nl clOd wh.,t t!lt' County n('(.'(1D. "lr. ("Conn,.}l '\CJr(":~r1. rl'lC)<' A I; ~o~~ 066 fAL¿261 . ec~~ 066 r-A~¿262 n~~~Mb~r 1, l~P' ,"r. 1-'01'11\.\0 r.U",M~r 17.1"':1 the fo\) 0\'" nC' polntA S ) . nO~HI, II,' r(11<'o fino l'töIiOC" Llt'.'L' d(H~C no\. ,.,('1 tllrlt C01.lltu' County C:Jn (.ffcctivn\y h1\V~ :In il~pIH~t f.t:'(, for puhlic f ~I ci 1 i. tic:J ; 2. '1'IH' fir", r.~comrl.~nr1ß .J,~ditlon,"\l \o,'ork h(..'(ort~ t1:'1 count.y could be in ò po.dtion to If'vY.Jn imp",ct fP.l· for rO.1ds. ~. p.\rks Zln~ thv:' on~ ltem ',.'hid, t;'.1n b~ ,:'\ddrcHßcd r.,lrly 1'I'\811y. lIe s :' cst her. 0 m r r ~ :, ,1 n G i v (~ P 1 .:: n ;) sin... r.J (" C \I.Ü (';, con t r a r y to HonG, ti.Hèhn ,Int! l'SCOCL1t,,;:¡' opinion th..~t thu County Comp[l~hcn~ivC' plnn ia one of the best,th:tt firm hZ's saon in t..h... ~;t.Jtl.: of nodt!'''_ ~!:J thir\l:~ Lb.! in.:C uity in tho Flc'ln clIn b~ Ov(~rCOII\C ~nd i~ not £I :n.\jor prohl!:!m. t"r. No[r.¡,.,n noted th,;-l!:, in tire cOJ:\rrchr:n3iv~ Plðn, Collicr County 1,;..115 t:-,~ di~trir:t r"rk~; "Community P,HKS", hut thn plnn hDs not ~ 01 .. ¿¡cl'uri1tdy defined 1,·II..t f.1ciliti(:t> will be constructed in thosa Conmunity P,1CKS, Ilc..1id th.Jt 5 p.:HKS .1ro proposf.·d; t,hDt most of Gol~rn G~tu will not be in ~ny pJrk dintrict bccZ'usc th~y Jre too fðr ,,,.¡,,\Y frol7l the p;HI:s to b<:nl:fit. Commis~ion~r Kru~c int0rj~ctcci th~t th~ County n~ads thoso p~rkG no \0/ lInd thc'lt, consist":l,tly, tho Coml7li!:$sioners h.,vo boen told th,n lr.¡¡:.,c~ fci.!S ClInnot bo u~..:d for whllt tho County n~üdG tod.JY· Mr. ~orm~n snid thðt n059, HnrdlcG ^sßocint~s ðrc rncommcndlng ci ntrict p.::rr.s¡ definition o( community p.H:XS' f.1cilltios <\I~d U5~ i5 n~cess~ry; loc~tion of p~rkg rn districts ~nd us~go needs to bo to be duflnbd to ~0~t th~ currant POFulðtion; and, tt,:tt th~ c~pit",l progrDrn to cover th.J c;xpt:nd I tllrl!tI for the so neeùß must bo clC'f1nod. ~ftcr ~ lcntQhy dlscu~sion Ch~lrm~n Wimer ~skuci if tho ~o~rd 1....1nt!.:c1 to \/orksl:oµ the ltl'm? Commiscioncr riotor moved, !H~conc!cd by CO!1r,duslon,;H \:t:n:t,I'l, th.1t tile n.1port be \lor"'~hoPP':d in orrler to discover whether It is f~"'51b1~ for Colller County to collect monuy to P.3 (,)t' 45 f(¡j.",..,. .",'<'~ "¡:'¡J.r. ! ,":.,'" .. '.""'" " ,¡("t~ !~Y'..· . ',-I' " . , t. ... 'tI . ~.'. ~-" ,~C > ..C~"" !.. CJ" ..'" 10 CJ ...~" .....~ ',M .... i,0r4 ~ c= ·AII " ..~ , s:: .,S- M.S !tit'..... ¡::.~ "g II :'8 iø.~ "II" X"" 100 s:: .~ s .. r-I ...c=.... !C'õ .... !:9 100 ~~~ C~ s t oS ... ....~O X ø. \-0 f)\lccmbor 1, l~Rl help I'~y for soma of the costs of groHth which thc~ COllnty is cncountur in/)o ~\r. D;Jvid Crl\h3m, Go1d~n G.;¡tt: rusidcnt, regi5tcrl:d speakor, exprcssed his oppo5i t ion to impLlct fl)C'G. lIe SÐ icJ th¡¡t', impact fees used to stop growth iu illc0l\1 in the Stalt: of Floridð. upon cAll for the question, Commissioner pistor's motion carried 2/'/., with Comnis5ioncrs l:nl(>C "nd \,~im"r oPPo!W~. Commissioner ristor noted ~omc of the fi0ur~5 on which Impact fc(!s coulù l".: L,.:;,:G :':'. th':' ~1')~~J f'l1rriil'ß ,¡nr] lssoci.'It:cs' r<!port. r~r. O'Conncl1 rC5rond~d by stJting tnDt pl\lm B(!~ch County uses ðvcr~~e costs /Ind percent thosl' «es "~"1y-bclow" \/hot t~c stlltir,tics could !'>how is th€ impJct of n ~wclling unit, which could he used to define some of the iSGUCS "'lldeb ~'r, Cré'\r..lm r"iGr:d. . . . 'l'he! meeting r<~C('s!j('J at I'oon 1\nd r(!con",pned ,it l:"'IS P.~" with Deputy Clerk Skinner rcpli1ci..'d by D'~r\ltY Clnrk DciVldson, ,'Ind '~or;\I"i::;sionl'rs Brown lInù pi stor ..1l>sent, . . " BUILDING rER~IT ~O~, PI-19~, Cl-197 ¡~D r1-1op, FeR nUILDINCS ~3,.~, & ¡\S, (TilE ~;\tJC'T\J.:\RY ',T rE:LTC'''~ P,^y~ - r.XT~:I':Drr raR C'\('I C'W:; Comnunity rrvclopmtnt ~imlnistrntor Terry virt~ referred to the inform~tior outlinerl within the Ex~cutiv~ ÐUMm~[y ð~lCd 11/12/81 ~nd ^. cxpl~ínQd thnt, under the provisions of nr~inRn~e P]-'I, Section l"~.?, th\! first ('xt'.::nr.ion o( ~("I d.:>ys h,ld be.,;n gr;.nt,·d for I"'uil(~ing p,rmits Nos. 81-1~r" 01-197 {,nd P\-19f\ for B\ll1clin'.J5 n, ..., .:'In" ~S of The S.,nctu..HY .It pl!lic<ln P,'y. Ite t'lf1c1cd th~t it is hi!> r"cor:\!11'_ncl.¡tion u".t lh~ ~onr(1 authorize II further cxtennion of ~n c1~Y5 under the provisions of Cld1n^nc~ ~l-'l. . r"g. þ 7 ~c~~ 066 rACt 263 . ,I. ',""."," " 'f/:!," ~~"::'" I - ';';",' : A,.;;",', 'f\:;·.;~_. ' . :if,· ~i:~,ç ).~:' . ',I' ÞI'C '.~' ... " .....00> +'.... " U II ·"'IIU ~'"''' 'P4.... f""4.... 'P4+'C:: A." ¡§i ....8 .' ..-4 t3.~ ,,=' .. =' '8 io.~ .tl . .' :II: or'"'' .t:: . +' B . r-I "'8~ ! ~~ 'P4cu '"''P4.... o +' B t,s,.. ....,..0 :II: o.~ r.(~ c (~m h ~ r 1, 1 !'I !' 1 MI)~ 066 FACi264 COlnnd~;r.1onr.r l\cnz('l t:\oV<J(~, fi('con~ed ny C'Olnmif!ßiont'r grus') (lnc1 c..:rrl('(\ 1/r., lh:Jl th\.' ¡;.fore'ml,otionl.'J bu11c1ir.<) p\.'rmit~i b,-, t·xt.:nrkcl for 1)0 c1,ty:.. L.~tcr in thr s~:;:Jion, \IFOO entr.r1n<J the m"l~tin<J in prö<JrcsR, COlilt:\lccionr:r r-tO',/I1 rc·C)isu.:rr(j l1n \If.firmDti'lt: vO\;IJ. .. ~ .. C~nniusionQr pistor ~nl~r(,d th~ m~ctin<J nt this timn: l:3P P.~. . . .. f.):r.~~PTI0.N FrH'fo' ~',Gn.I\T('nIlJ~~ ()!.I fI,PPLTC^':'10"'5 Fort pnC'VIfiI0,,'f,[. U!=;E PEH~tt'r~ r;n^NTrn TO GRI~SON C~Tr.RPrSES n~ nO^D rrrn0VEMENT p~OJECTS (RIG~F/~UTO :¡I\~TI' 110,~.r,S) ¡ ,\LL S!i-ILI',r. f\CI'.C r¡¡C.1ECT-CCl":Nr.C'ì'J:D J\rPLICl'.'rIN!S 'l'C OE }\ en: P'f F.D ~~. I P1~nn~( Lee Kirchhoff r~fcr(cd to ~ mamornndun from Ch1irt:\Dn ~\'incr, d:)t~'è Novc'r1bcr l~, 19Pj :Jnd t3ubmitt::d ù:3 pélrt of the Excc~utlve Sumr1nry, ~n~ uxpl~in~d thbt it is st~ff's recot:\mcndDtlon that tho r.1or.:\torium b~ \4Jivcd in the? C.1St: of the: zubr;dz5ion of an ~ppl1catlon for is pro'/i~ionCl1 \J::;o by rri550n r.nt\.·rprisc,r., b<!C,1U51! th~y ùro s~e:Cing s~mc in ordcr to ::;upp1y (i11 motorial for ir1pro!~ncnt work for Auto Rtlnch ."\nd P.iCJ<J:; Po."j for tht' County; .11so, th'.Jl:. ~'xccptions h'1 r.H,dc to the s\Jbj('ct mor.:'.ltorll1l1". rag,Hding .111 such ilpplic,1tions connected \1ith roed ~~pro:~r1cnt construct~on projects. Com~issioncr ~anzcl moved, seconded by Co~mlsGioncr ¥r\Jse ðnð c..-:rri..::i "./0, \;ith Co~mis5ionct' r:ro\,n "bsc.nt, thJt the .'forpt:\t':nti.,ned ~xcmp~l.on to thr moratoriu~ on the ~cc~pt~ncc of Clrpll.c~tlons for Provit.iIOl\i"1 U:HS b,: gr,.ntf:c1 .:\nd th:)t .111 nlnl1.n ':'l'r1I.c..~t1ons connected \/i~h road conutruction rrojcc~S ~190 be ~cc0ptrd ~s ~x~eptions to tho ::;u'">jPct r1or,'torium, '(:he:n ':omr.ds::;loncr 8ro....n ,ret\1rn.:d to th',: meeting he r,~C]lst('rcd -'1' "C(lrrr,iltl.vc vote. P~q 0 "8 1~i '>" . t. ,";"""'. j~~)'.:"-~~-- ' ~J},: · ... Þ\OC ~-II \o40~ cO+,," " U II Þ\IIU '~\0411 ~:=k "'..,C ~.II tIØ~.c:: lIa:' .,.-4. B &I..... ~:.+' &I~ .. :'8 i ø.~ _f,/ . " ;11;...... .fie .. ~ 'k c'" !0'ö '" ~~ \.4'::¡," O+'S ~~... "'kO :Ie ø. \.4 DC'cc:mbror ), 10r 1 pF:TITlm1 FP-fJ)-7.2C, "'!'I:f. pnr.Sr.HVf Of NYNDEMr.RI:" LOr:"'!'f.D HI THE t.10!ì1'H\':F::'T PORT I m! OF I"Yl\!l)n~ r:n F ;, 1 If", Tn VI S r C1N - CON'!' Pili F:O "0 N P.XT '-iF. F.I< p1nnner LOR Kirchhoff roportcd thDt th~ Enginecring Ccpørtmnnt has comrl~tC1C1 their rc:vicw of thl1 ðr~wing!l, ßpecifici1tions and fin..l p].1t ro pctition FP-(11-/./.C for '!'hr! f'r(~f3CH'I" of \o;yn']('mcrc, lOClItN] in tho northwuSl portion qf Wyndcrmcre Suhdivision, "nd thut th.s~ documents tire in conforml1l"\cc with the .:1pprovcc1 PUr., the County Subdivision Regulation!.; L1nd the- Florid," St(~tc !:tðtutc, Ch¿¡ptC'r ] 77, f'ti~ sc"Iid thëJt It i: ~h~ dC~01~p"r~' Intent to proceed with construction but to with- hold tho recording of tha r]~t until .:111 improvements ~nd construction aro t.cccptcci by the Co~nty or untiJ ~u'~h tiT:'1c t~é1t ùpproved security is received by th(' County. ~\r~. I:i rchhoff stùt('c1 thl\t. 5ti'l (f recommends th~t the Fin~l Pl~t for The Preserve of Wyndem~re be ~pprovp.~, subject L~ th0 stipul~tlon th~t th0 p1ftL not be rccord(~ until ~ll improv~ncntG .:Irr. const ruc lcd nn:J ,~ccüpte(1 by the County or unt i 11pproved sC'cur i t. Y is n:ccivcd by th~ Cour¡ly. County Utilities j>1,\n.C]cr Irving [..,rzon ~t"tcd th,1t, \Jhen this matter c~m'~ up in the spring rcgording the rcl¡ltivc ruzonlng, he (orwc1rdcd {'(,rLc,in COr.1n'!ntf, rcll1tcd to the dedicl'\tion of \J.~u~r .1nd sc...·cr fl\cll1-tlr:5 which h.we not, to hi5 knowlcClgc·, bcC'n cdr1rC$5Cd. 11(' pointed out that on th(! copy of t.h(! m,'p, ddch ho h.:l~ in his possl'ssion, thrre r'1rc no such de('lic~tion5 nor .Jny r~coCJnition of othr.-r rcqulr~f1.::nts th,'t hI' h,~r; rt'coml!1!'ndcrl. II~ qurct.ionC'd t~r:: il!1pllcùti(.\ns of thiG pl.Jt not bldng rè'corc1cd for som~ tln~. ~'urt.hcr, ho rcquclSt~d th.Jt the t1PI)fOv"l of th~ nubjl'ct petition be.' upon th·.' st.ipulatlon t.h.1L the ....~tcr "n~ !'<,w('r r(~ci)itlcs be ~f'rll{':ltf'd to thr: County, ðf1 h-'s bl:cn PM.)" ..n M~X 06 G FACt 265 ,~,.,: 1···;;¡,,1't.···.'.··.'.·.",:,· . , ~~. t·,.' ., 'I' ,'¡' I~' , ¡~.,. , .;:: ~~ , ' Þo4 &I ~OÞO ,0 +J..-4 ,'. CJ &I ....IICJ +J\.4&1 ....tQ~ .-4..-4 ....+JC 'Þ II &I ....tQ,c ': § :J ,-4.8 .' ....,. ~·t , . &I ::s : ~'Q t. II 0 Sø.~ &I II &I :a:..-4~ ,c II+JB . r-4 '... c::~ ~0'ö ~ bO ~ ..-ICt) \.4~~ O.¡.)B t.s~ .......0 :II: ø. \-4 DCr.C'Mnc>r 1, 1~r1 ~!)')~ 066 f,~Gt Z66 t:on~;irJ,~tcÙ "norr.\"l prol:,~dur~" Cor é111 other '['1,1t .ìfprovrlr:. Upon notin'] d,lt it i:1 /lpp-,rl!nt. th:,\t cl"tt.;dn (.'onr:"rnc of "~r. r.0rzon's II:lV'~ not b~(:n .:'nS\Ú~rN~ ,1nd thrìt ther~' is "n ,'pp.-'rent nQccI for v;,riou~ m,mu~r:; of ¡:;l.ñff to t,ddr\.!B!'> t.ll·~r.\' cont:l~rl\!>, rh;.irm"'n 1,lim'1r fiugg':'::Jt\!ll t!1I',t U1(~ mi1ttcr he: continuC;.'d to n(J)(t we(·k. HI' Mlc'ccl th.)t 1)11 such çoncernn ~;hou)d h(- "\'lOrkl.'(] out" prior to () p.o:lrn mr.eting ,'nd hr' polled t.h'.' rt1¡;mbl~rs of th,; Bo,'Irc1 [or 3ny obj<..:ctions to th(! m,:ltter hcinq ç 0 n tl n u r: r! for ,1 we! (' k . COr.\l,'1f,r,!"n.'f '··"r.Zt.l r1ov'.:~, !>'('on~hrl by Commi<;r.ior.('r !:ru5/' ;Jnn ..' c.H'ricd "/0, \,'Ith Commissioner Brolin ,"\bscnt, th,1t petition fP-rl-2:JC'bc ("'ont. i nll<:,r1 fo r onC' , ·,'(;k. rr:T;T!r.~~ rlJ.:"l-)r.-C, C¡~.~r.Lr::::· f'I\LCO, rE(",:!:~'TING pr.OVT~!::;~ "L USES (~) ¡,I,D ( 5) OF TII S F.;' -:~ ';TS r I f" 1'IF CT FOP, f> I~ Cld1!J T Nr !;C:~(1() L ni,) "'II r \-; r.s r s r r.E OF I<IV-fl',) rCIJLr.V~nr 1/"1 nLF: ~()f '!'1\ CF C'1r.r.f.I' Gl',rr r'Í)ULEVl>n¡-, - rr.~TED rl¡nn.:r I.,.;,: I~!rchho(f r,t...tr!cI th,1t it ir. staff'5 rccomMcn~Z\tion tt:...t Pltition rtl-rl-)r.r, fllL~ by r.hDrles f'.'11co, rcquc5tlr,g provislon,'l l1s.:s (n :1nd (':) of the C!>t..:'tí!S Di3trict for ,:I ROi1rdinCJ School on 1'ri'ct 1:?1, l'rd t 17., Col(J.!n C:~t': rBt.:Jt^S, .\oc:1tcd 011 the lit'st sidp of 1,'i130n [,QuI: I,ud, 1/:' mill: !1outh of Coldl·n C.Üc BOlll(,l/l1rd, b,' ,ìpprovI?ñ. COI11',1\!;sion:-r I<rIJS'~ ,"'SkN1 hOH m¿;ny r.-hiIr1f(·n ",'QuIrl b~' involvt-d with the !1chool (ìnd ~·'r:J. I\irchhoff fitatcc1 Lh."\t sh(~ un,l('rstoor! th,1t 'Ip¡.ro;-{im,'tcly c(' t:hiIdrl.n \1111 hI' ,'CCL'Pt'··.~ fro!"'. gr,~(I'!5 "1<" tr:rouq~ "1:?" (.nd th,.t ~_h(' seLoal ...lUlIll1 huild up to : n 1!!HollM(·nt of ilpproxn'atl!ly 1'(1 stllrtl'nt~¡ . P"<J c ~ 0 ,,:¡',,' ,",' ~,.. "."t' -" "1:'.-, . ~,::~'I. . '. ó~'2 · 0 =- )+' .... ¡,,·tJ tI ~~ ~ f~ k' 4 +' c:: ~ . tI II ~i ,a .,. B il ¡; · " ~ .:'8 iP,~ I . " s .... '" .r:. · +' ~ 4£::.... !O~ ~~t ~~.... ) +' . ~ oS '" i k 0 C ø.~ J)C'CClT1bl~r 1, )~R) In é1nswer to Commissioner KrUf;C, "',rfi. Kirchl1o(f st::1tp.ù th"t lhl' subject pllrc(;l of 1;,rld i~ rive ilcr_,s in fli zc. C:olT1rnissioner \'Icnzel ~sked if there W3S more 1ðnd available ðn~ Mrs. Yirchhoff st~tcd thnt RhL did not know, Cor.òmissioncr l:rU3C ðsked tht\t. tilt: r~cord rCfll\ct th.Jt. st)() hCls rDccived object.ions from property ownorn in the vicinity. "'irs. N¿1ncy EiGbn(~, 2~n(1 \'llIiL~ Pou11:viHd, stl1toc1 th-"t. sht' objected to the subject pntition, h~Ged on carloin f~c1in~z townrd thn petitioner which she' exprcfr.ed, !ìhEl qUI::RtiontJd his credibility, educ~tionDI hDc~grounrl ðnd the source of his fin~ncia1 bðcking. C!I,:drm;ll) v:irncr noteò lhdl the pùlition.r w<'\z nol present to nùkc éI stat.cmvnt and Commissioner Wenzel t\skcd Drputy Chief Raymond Bðrn~tt if he h.::s any knoHl(:dge of th,' conlent of M.a. F.!if1bi:c'¡:; st..:ItcrnC'nts ðnd he rcplied n~gativcly. Commi5zion.~r ''''';:I;.:.~l Moved to continuc th') m<'1tter until :::uc~ ttnc ðS the motter c~n he Rturli~d futh~r. Th:! Inotion r!icù (or lilck of II second, COMni~siontr rru~e rn~d~ thn following st~temcnt, "notwith5tn~ding t hat p., r tic u 1 a r \,0 r t;.j 0 no! it, do not fLCI th~t this is th~ aFpr0.frinlc plðcc for iI school of this si Z~, in th.1t Hf'<1." She ~ continucd, "Therefore, move to rlcny till' p(·tition". CommiRs!onf't Y:,~n7.Cl ¡¡('canòee1 the motion ",hie-II c.1rric~ 3/), with Comminnioncr pisLor oppos~rl .1nd CommissIoner Brown ~bR~nt. La t e r i n the scssior., upon l:ntc~rinq lhf' ml~cting in pro<]rc::-.s, COr:lMibsloncr ero\m rrgistnrcd n vote for dcni~l of p~tition PU-nl-l~-C. p,'g~ 51 M~~ 065 fA~r: 267 :, )ó H ~1~.:~!;~, ~t.",,> .~ ~¡~~:"'~. 'J-' ~.!".,,;.; i".' ..... ,.... . .;¡,~~/,; " ~"'_I'. . -V';- 1" " ., o þo' "'.... U" ~~ := ~, ...c:: ." §i .8 ...... ~.... ~8 .'8 ø.... ø. 10" ....... 5~ c.... o \., o Å ~ .... E... ...0 ø.\.4 [)1'C.:('mh'~r 1, l~r.l M~~ 056 PACt 268 Rf.!j('LU'L'I"l-1 r'J -;><;0 Hr. rr:ïI'rINI Pt1-nl -lï-C, t.. N. T!\'r.~n"r,\, tJ r, RE0Uf.f,'rINC r1'OVT~~T()N/\L t1~~r: (1) Of "r,nc" rN: " 'jlfnr:r. /lCiU': ~iI:(1rrH'r, CE~''rf:l¡ LnC!I'rF.D ml "J11~ l'lC11"11',''I':~:1' C0!ì!!Fn OF \"F[~Y~ JlVr."'Uf. l't-'T'J v.rLLY rr~,"f) - 1\,f)()P'!'rm, ~:lJf'.H'("r 'ro ~1'T r"IL"'!' rN'~:; C:f. N' To' PIDJtI!l'~ (')F F¡\(" ' ""If) pF.'1TrTONr:n' f; r-CRF.F.- r,F.Wl' T(') !ì'rIPlIU,'71N':. ~.('n~r"'T\J pli1nn,!f Lt'" I'irchhoff rvfcrrf..rJ to thl' infof"':\tion n''1!lrr1inq pptition PU-f'J-17-C, f11f'r. by L.N. rngrt.m, UT, r,~qu0sting provision:l1 U~;'I (1) of \;11-: "CHe" for .:J U:rcc ::crc £hoppinq cr.nt('r lOCi'tnd on thp r.ortt'.\'m!3t r:orn,~r of I,Iceks ^v"nUf~ iln(1 Kelly Ro,"I~', inclur1inq the filct t"~L tllP. petition i!~ r(:cornl'1I'ncf.·c1 for c'pprov;11, 5ubjrC"t t,o thl' follo\-:1ng stl.¡:ul:Jtion5 : 1. rcfl.nit1v(' ~itc IJr;d.lg:,· ¡)j.<l1 h; .:;t.:~:;::,.i':.t~'~ to r....'lnty F.n'Jir.òcr for r,~vi...\.. -"n(' ,1£1£1rnv,,1. 2, Îonn :ct '.0 Cour.ty ('cnUl'} :'(:\oll..'r ~Y5tt'm \Ihen .,v.:dl"bl(! ,:'\nd PdY ,311 ,¡rp11CDhlc \oldter ,~nd ~L·...'cr ch.1rgl1s. 3 , 1'\ f" 1 0 c: :, v: \." ~ ~¡ t, ,~ r rI C n l ( <, n c ,.. tot Ii " fro n t. 0 f t h .~ we s t 'J r n buildlnl). ", ;:irJl'\,.'H: rpquir", en ',':l!cks t'\"..'nlF! L'r.d Y"lly no,vJ. 5, Hight-turn 1.,r.l; on '....,:f!kc ^v':!nuc for soUt~hOIIr.c1 trí1ffic onto K.;lly fìo.,ri, (,. T¡wrf" she'll b.;, no .'ntr.:.nct. r1irl:r.tly onto YLlly !ìo,1d. 7. ^11 future 511)n3 mu~t bl' l1pprov('d by 70ning f)ircctl')r. r. 1\11 lir¡hting must b: dtu"tc(! so '"s to ",voi~~ 'Jl:lrl.. to neighhoring r.tr~~tS and properties. project ,ìrchitt:ct ~',Hio r.;j~·"nrlolll ¡:;tl\l·. c1 t:.h,H ho believes th·)t ':.t-~ ¡,rortr ....prroc'ch to th~ o('vc]opm':!nt of the suhj('ct sitt· is through tho ¡,rovision)} W;L' £11'0<:,';'5, t,!ius ,lVol~ing "rot!' 11' dCVLlorlnq" .'n(1 h,! .)l~ð cxpl~incd thnt thiu will rn£ure ~dequnt(' r~r~ing fre}itics ~G th" p,'rkinc¡ rl.quirf'n"nt!. for dC:\'Llo£1incJ th... pro£1f'rty -'5 "str~dgt:t. GPC" ,"\rc luSG rCßlrictiv~. I:e: ,~lso 5t'ltr'(j th.'It th(' p\!titionl.:r 1s r'lgr('t;!;)b1t;! to ('.11 thf! ,,(o«'"IC'nLioll"ù ::tipul,'lion:.;. P':'(JC' ~:' , t:~' '~. ~:", }- . ~~.'\ Þ\ 'C 'k-" ':0 ~ \, +' ¥4 ~"U ., Þ~i1 ........ .~::.~ ~=! .,§a ro4.. . 8 ..... i3a~ , II g , tQ'O i&~ -" . ., ~¥4'" ~~~ ,k 8t !!~ ¥4 u ~ ... O~ . ~ oS ... !I1"'O JIi Q, ~ ',1,,". ~..~,. ., p()c'Jmh~r 1, , o,R 1 * .,. Coru\1issioner Oro',/I1 enL('!rI'd the n1('cling Dt this tim~: * .,. .,. 1 : 11 P P. ~1 . .,. Comr.tissioncr \"cnz\~l mov<>d, i1nd COn!nic;Gioner KruSoJ Hcconc1e:d, thZ1t Resolution r.1-250, rn pl:titior. PU-f'J-17-C, fi1C'n by L. N. Ingr"m, III, rc:quP'f!ting provi¡;ion:!l Uf!(' (1) for " thp;<.: (:') Clcrc f¡hopping c(mLt;)r on the i1boVQ ".:>scribed prupcrty, be Ðdoptl!d, suhj,~ct to the é1hov~- rcf(!r~nc<.:d stipulëltions .:1nd thi)t th¡~ C^PC Finc.1ing Of F;~ct nnd thc Petitioner's ^grcc·(r.'JI1t to stipu1,)tions be acccpte<1. Nr, lngr.,", rl.'quL;f,tur1 further condch:rDtion rt.:latilllJ Lu r.tipu1::ti:::::1 '2, i .0. tho r.t.:"nc1<1tory hookup <1n<1 Rub!';cgucnl- p<lytí'cnt of ill1 applicable water llnd !:,c\. ~r dlrlrCJùs, fl,: cxr1.:)jn~d that his prr~cJ('cC'ssor in title paid for two miles of scwer lines extcn~Cng to the City ~nd for a seWill)C lift stc1Uon !;om( t,hirtct-n yc"rr-: 11<)0. He! noted th:lt this .cCH'H Cacility i5 on-rite, Jh funct.lonùl <In(l hP.l:'; the c,'Pl'lcJty to hðndle th~ Froj(:ct. Curing thl! ç\iscu:>~;ion, ~<r. lngri'lm stJtcc.J hi!; ohjc.'ctionr. to hllving to p.'Y for t.h(f,(~ Iln,¡g t~Jj("1" \~h(:n tl)(' County r'~I.'cr s(:rvic~ bC'coM('5 r,v"il,'blc, ULiI11.Il~f; ~<.ln~t(:JL'r rrvinq E<.!r7on pointr-d out. thDt foir, Ingr':'ill <,,'ould not be.) r<'3¡...onsihlc for .!Iny .H¡GC~;Crn('ntR for th<' linec, r..'lther, t:c "lOulcl only b(; r,'sponr.iblc for the "itr.YMct" fc~s for tlw "I' v~rious unitfi, ~r. rn~r~m i'lcc~ptLd th~t axpli'lnation, noting thnt thin W.H\ mi\ù~ clc.u tc hir,l bl!J.ort' ,:H1d th;1t h·, 1101(1 no probll.l~ ..dth tth' stlpuli'1tion if this iR ~h~t It mC'ðnt. Upon (",,11 for the question, th·, Motion c"rric'J urH.n1r.l0Ils1y. &r>~K 066 fA~i2.69 r<19(: ~:\ " !~1 >'" #'\~ :j~~;,:t . . ,~~;..; ','t' ..;~~~ :." ,~~...- ., '. '0'" :;O+,~ ".''':;''U II 'ftlllU ~"'". '.-4 ~ ... ',0,.4 +' c:: ,,Q III II ir4D.c: ,till . 'II "illS IIID~ t:;.~ "g .. :'8 iØo8, 1111111 :a:~... ,!Jfj~ ~5~ ~!~ O~ . ~~ ~ !'1~O ;Ii Øo~ IkCf'mbcr 1, 19r.l " " 11 ^t this timc, Commi5SioJ).;r Drown rcgist.(.c('d his vott'!j on th\:! various items discussed during his ~bsancn earlier this session, RAma t,.)vin') being 11Pproprilltdy il1~icéltcd within tl1<JSf.'t ninutos. ft ft 11 nEf,OLUTION f'1-2~1 nE PE1Ti'rO!-1 S!'JR-f:1-H'C, \.rIGr.~NS Pl\Sf, CLU?, REOfJF:S7T"'(: ¡'';Pr.¡::T Nl't'\[ "prn:W^LS FeR NCRTHJ:f1f:'T Pl·S!?/I,('F:, ::,Ol'TI1F.l\P'1' r"~f""GF., ccr--,pl',SP POINTE p!,mi,'\GF., rOUT11f.!H' cr;oss PMf,i\GE, ¡JOR':'ll S'J'''P P¡,f:?\GI: JltJC !IMÅ’Or."·"f;'!'ER c H~CLF:, /,,[)OP-:'f,[) COfnl-:\iS5ioncr '.I",1117.c1 mO\'F'd, SI~con.:Jl'ù hy commisSiunL,r ri:;tor onè i' I CDrr ed IIn,'n1mously, th,ìt RC50'lution Pl-251, rL Petition St>1T{-f1.J-10C, Wiggins PAsa Club, requesting street nDffi0 npprov~lR for Northccst P3HSOgu, SoutheJGt p~S5ngc, CompJ5fi fointn Pa5ßßge, Southern Cross p~SSùgc, \lorth S'.:lr Pi\5Si't.': ¡:¡:1(~ 11<,rh()rm,~5LI.r eirel':"" ,.11 locat"d in SLction )7, T~PS, R2~E, h~ ~do~tad, "r MOl( 0 66 f~~t 217 r.'<1" r, ~ ~~" .~ -\..'~~';' tJ~:i' U'''' :~O.; .a-,:'" ,\1 ...... I;t¡" CJ . .u ~". CJ ~ .'4» \.4 U', ~""~:~,:; ~"d' .o.U :¡§~' ..... C 'l:?¡,;f.O . :11.... ~ '"... ~,/~ ~ ':;'.. 8. '8 I~~ '"., .c :...S '.' ~ .1<4 C.... '11 0 'ö ".:I th.. t:.$~ ,: 0.. . . ... é CJ ~ ... !I"'t...O . :II: Øo\.4 ¡~\ ~'d"; D0ccmhcr 1, l~nl RF.f,OLUTION Pl-?5? HF.r.ovrmrNG FUNDr- ~~XPEl"DF.D P,Y 't'HE COUNTY '1'0 "f\f\'1'E ^ (1URLIc; rUISl',NCE: ON LO'!' A, UNIT 1\, 8Lr.c:r. DII, ~"RCO lSL",ND, POSEN! f,ULLrV~N) - ^OOP7ED Commission~r pistor mov~d, Racon~~d hy Commissionùr ~'~nz~l ~ncl cnrricd un~nimously, thnt Rcsolution Al-252, rocovcring funrls ~xpnndc~ by ttle County to nh~t0 ~ public nuis~nce on Lot P, Unit ~, Rlock 13~, ~~rco IBl~nd own~d by Joseph Sullivan, be adopted. ,. f' M~~ OBB f/M.279 r.1'J ' r. r '.,.... '~~ ,: '",. . . . ",' ,. 't:'O ' ,,,~,,,..;t'{.. .. ,\04' ° ¡; ,0........ .......:u II '..... U ..... ~ II -.411'" ....... ,'........ c ,,Q . II ~".c ..§~ ~.S ...,.... l3~t II ::s .. :'8 iø.~ 11.41 ::a:....... .c ..... s . r-1 ...c.... !o'¿) .... ~~ ~~.... 0.... . t,S... ~...o ;:Ii ø. ~ f)("!ccrnhcr 1, l~r] TIIREE I-'ONTI1 F:X1'EN~ìION CRAt'I't'ED RF. 't'EMP0TU\.n.'{ RF.r.;Inr."~Cf. prn,,'I'l' m: PETITION Tr.-r.1-7-C, MIL1'ON t-Il\HTtN, (S 1/2 OF TI1 !\C '1' 3r, UNIT (" CCìLrEN G,A,TE EST"TES) Conmis51onor ristor moved, s~condcd hy Commissioner W~nz~l nnd cðrricd unsnimously, thðt n thrc~ month extonsion b~ granted for ð ter\porðry r~slncncH p(.rmit rc Petition TH-f.1-7-C, Milton M.;¡rtin, for use of ~ travel tr~lcr ~s a tcmporñry r~5idencc on property locðt~d in the south 1/2 of Tr~ct 1n, Unit ~, Golden G~te ~stÐt~S. Tf.~ronJlPY nrSTnFNCF. pr.mlIT m: PF.T!'I'IGN TR-Rl-?r\-C, JOGf.PH P. MCSPOL£'of,R, TO UTILI'l.r: T\ 1'r.T\V~~L THfo'l.r:n DU!ìHIC Cr:t,¡;.'!'rU'CTJn!~ 0F ^ P~INCJPLE RESIDENCE ~N TRl\CT 10", UNIT 7^, COLDEN ~^TE EST^T~S - T\PPROVF:D COI':,u:dS5ioilcr I-'i!>t"r mover,! !'~conò0d by COr\missIonf'r "'''nza1 and carried uilðnimou~ly, thnt the tcmror~ry rcsin~ncp permit rp Petition Tn.-81-?D-C, for .ì05Cph p, rlosho1c1cr, to utilize LI trc1val tr.dler during t~e conRtruction of ~ principle rcsid~nce on Trnct 100, unit 14, Golden Galc E~tðtes, he nPFrov0d, T~MPORAHY RLrilrENct PE~MTT R~ rFTl1'IO~ TR-nl-30-C, KENN~T" E. oprrE, 1'0 UTILIZ~ ^ 7R^VEL TR^ILE~ DUnING CON~TnUC~TCN OF ^ PPTNClrLE nEsrDE~C~ ON ~l/::! CP 'T'p"",:, 1 (1/':, U:H'T' 1/, ~()Lr.r.'" r,"Tf. rS':'¡\1'f,S - ,~rpnavr=:D _ COr\mi::;f:;ionr.'r Fistor ;10Vl:rl, StcorHJcd by CUIIiI:1ir.5ioncr "~":n1:(>l r:nd c ¡) r r i IJ d II n LI n i t:1 0 u" 1 y, t Ii .1 t l h (> t t.: 17. po r .H y r ~ :;¡ 1 (, (.' n c \~ PI' r r\ 1 t r f) PC' t III 0 n -. TR-C'1':'30-C, for i<cnnett; E. C'FPi(', to utiliz(' c1 tr,)vc] traller durinCJ con£truction of ,I principle' rt."ic1fI'H;C on lh~ C(lst 1/':1 of Tr"ct Jr.!;, unit 1', Goldt'n C:)l," EstDtcR, He ,'pprovud. M~~ 066 fALë281 p1\(J' ~ f, :.. ~.<~'. ~'cI'il '~~ CJ " ;:¡;~ ~ ~:!j := ... ¡:;¡ +a ' C ,::.Q ., " :'9§i .... :' C ,~,. c .., .,.-1 .a.~ ~'II ~ >:ä &l .,.." :K"'¡'" "i'. ç: .~~~ ~â~ ~tIO~ ;j~~ ,0 +J B t~ ... ¡t t.~ , t;., I.""¡" 1 r.ccr.,mbcr ], 1 ~r.l ~M~ 066 p¡\të282 nr¡':.'I.U'I'''C.N 1'] -;:,c:.l ^u~t:nnTZ ING l'r.(ìl1IST'rJC't! ('If " 1'r.~~p('ln"r.v CN':-1'rwr.'rtntJ r.,.,::;E~\r.Wl' (PM:cr:t. 7tH) rOI< rÎJ~:!1T (I!C'l'r()U or rHm THrce' n0.l'r r.,...·rr.~;.T~N - r-r0PTr.1" COlT1mi!.Hnon~:r [>.ro'vm r.1úvçc1, Hl'col"'.lc(1 hy C'oni:.sion'.r ¡:rUSt' ë'ln(l' r::arri,,'rl "'0, \d'::h Commi(j!Jioncr \"<:"nzcl OPPODCÒ, th:'It ¡¡¡;-solution fI)-?c;:!, Juthorlzlng :.cquisit.ion of :1 tCIT1¡:,or;,ry construction 'O:."It;cnc.:nt (p,HcC'l 7(1) ncc0.S!i,HY for the conr.truction of pln(' ni(1<J~ nO.1('1 F.xtc·nslon, be .J(!optcd. oit., 1'''''1 C' r, 7 ;~ ;;il.' ~ ~ ,'; 'i)J1~( ; ",,', '2, o þo" ~, ~...., ' ~·U II :¡., ~ ~ 1=,,='104', 7.... ~ a ;i~i i ' ....·d ;'I"'~'. 0 '~~ ..... 'It- ~ ' 'L,' ø 8 ;':iil ,:I~ ~ !'~~ -.48~ "'~~f '\4~~ ..o~ . ,t.a ,.. ....,..0 JC ø. '"' ;¡~t'" Ot~c~rnbcr " 1 C'!~1 TRlIGT !':'f.r.D rnR LOT 1, RLOCK ::>, VIr.TonJJ\ rM~I: N'r., (r-f.f.F:RSr.O V^Ltlf\'J'ION OF ~A5n,~7~) J\CCEPT~D ~R COM~TnUCTION ~r.ctJRJTY Fon CO~PLETrON OF vrC1'Cf\Tl\ p,.ny. 1'WO !>DD11'ION1 PL"T or VICTORI" PMU< TWO "r.OJTION /I,prnOVED FOrt m:coP,I',""" r('lN Commls[;ionor ristor movl"(1, sncc>nc1c~d by Cornrnisnion\!r ~rown .:1nd cùrr1cd un;,nlmously, lhL1t the TrufJt f)l'I.~d for Lot 1, Block?, victor1tt PArk Onr be ~cc"ptRd AS con~truction RPcurity for complction of vlctorl.:1 P,nk T\<¡o ,1dditlon !1nd tlwt th" plllt for Vlctor1l'1 [''Irk 'r\~O ðddit.lon bl.! ,1pprovod for rccordûtion. -" &O~~ 066 rACi 285 P.H) (, ". n $f~.\.,.!~,."è". ,./>~lj~' .if"." b:" \~\;,'" í&"·' . ~:, þ"og ,~~~ ';,0 +J..... ;'þ.. ~ ~ '~ \01 II ,.... III ... ,M ..... ....~c= ;',0 III II -Q'i ~a ',., .6 .,.,..-1 ~JI~ .' ~g 'ä a.i _tl III II :......... , .c: .!'~~ ,~ 1:..-1 '! 0'ö ..... ~t \01'::'..-1 0""'& t oS ... !"'f"'O :. ø. \01 neccmhl'r ] I 1 ('\f'l rucm'-or- \'I^Y ~1T\Pfj Fcn SM'TTI n!lnnTlnfl r,O\lL~~VTlnD (cn-n,>,; TO GOLDEN Cor-'m C/,,"I"L), PINE ftICC,f, nc¡\[' (cn-:n '1'0 1-75) fiND c.OLnr:I" C.l\Tf: EOIlLF.VMm «~n-:') 1'0 '[ _:!:» lIr.cr.r'T'f.D rnn nECOI\r,l'TION '[N snt) " PflGf.!; ~~ TI1110Ur.11 lOA COMmiHsion0r rintor mov~d, 5c~on~~d by Comrnisnionnr Brown 1nd cDrried unnnimously, thðt the right-of-W~Y m~ps for r~nt~ Barb8r~ Bou1c\'i1Cd (CH-r.SI'" to c.oldcn c,,)tC' C.,nr.1), pin:: r.i<ÌCJC'! (1o(lc1 ((:11-::1) to Y-7S) Ðnd Colden G.:1tC' Fou1cvé\t'd (CR-Jl to 1-75) br- ;1cccpt<>d for . rccorcL'Ition in ~nD /, p;¡gws I)" throuCJh lC'1~, SIX (,~) Eì'-:.;r;"r~:T~, r.f'n I. '~t ~"!',P"'!\Y H'r>nn"r.MF:t',:,S - J'CCEP'J'TD Fan Tu:ccnn^TTN' ComMicsion~r pistor movc~, Dccondcd hy Cornis5ion~r rrown n~d ct\rricd unl~nimously, t' ;It the follo\dn1 c,1:::\:m~nts for rOZld'rI,:tY lmprovcrn<:nLß be I'tcct'pt!'d for fl'cord~tlon: 1. Drr.incg/, [~,15í:nl'nt, Lot 15, Plod: 50, N,~plc5 p,1(k Unit 4, from Jam.:!;; l~ol(>.d' ilnç ~','\ry K:~n:1Y· 2, [) r ù 1 n ;1'1 e F\~ 5 L' 1:1 ,~n l, to t 15'), I;, 1 <! 5 ':) f ('.'1 P r1, Un l t 7., fro 111 I', r. d n r J Mrs, II. \'¡, Shook. 3. Drl'lin:1gL! f<"\sl,ncnt, Lot 357, 'ts1es of Cùpr!, IInit ';I, from ~r. "nrJ ~rs, C, V, ~boo~, I.. Or,qn"gc r."\SI!r,\rnt., Lol JOr.I., r."\lr.1 niVl'r EsLt.t<'r., \ln1t '-:0. 1 f10n J 0 Ii n r.u z c , 5 . F:,I 5 ~ r.:.. n t f 01 t. r ,) f fie !'; i IJ n ,1 1 j !"f; t ,111 ,"' l i 0:1, P:1 r C" l' 1 ",.", Pc 1 i C J n F\ ~ Y Unit Ont', [rom N1plcs f(.'cl(·r,Jl Sèlvlng!J :Ind Lolln. .. .. f). r.,1srmcnt f01 tf.lffic dqn,"l lnst,:ll.:llion, r.~rc"l Unit Cn~, from Cor~1 Ri~gr-Col)¡cr rrop~rti~5, " ," " , pl'l i C , n R" y M~ ( 066 P~Lt 289 rMI' 1\('\ w __......~--.-._-_...__......-..... Microfilmer'a Memo: The legibility of printing on this page w~s unsatisfactory for microfilm reproduction when received, _ ~4_·_~_~_· ~OI)}I. 066 FA~¿ 300 [)C'c ~~!1ìblH 1, U" (1 J rn:LF..^!ir. M',nr.~:~q;~N'1' \'11'1'11 PlI'1'R IÎt" f'LOYi"' r:r: ~f.1"rr..Em~N'r Rr.r.!\Tr.D Tn p¡'/"~r:~:n'ï' rF FT I.t (,:,' r.l',~.'[' l' f').J!'C¡;~IT Tn I:r-:t:rr.r::·m' cr,f,r.1: \',!,~'t::P. ('r.~''1·r.OL f ' ¡: UCTU n \.: - ^ r rr¡l~v r.r. ton r.x I':CUTJ NJ puhlic ';'or1n; "rir.dnintr,1':.or nifford F','HJ.:t d,'l~ st"tC"'d th:lt on '!ovt.:r.,bl:r i, 1979, till' r.o.ncl C!ntC're<1 into ,) s(,tt lerncnt !\l]rec.:r:H:'nt ilnd R'Jle,1Sr.' \:ith ....lilli,lm L, Jon;)!; ,1nd N. [':11(' C,lin \\'110 w~'rc "0\mcrs" r-rl.'(!ccessor£¡ in title to " pJrcc:1 of 1.1nrl ,):1j.~c()nt to the" IIcn(~arson Crec.,I: h'ltf'[ Control ;t[uctur'J, lr' £..1111 th.lt, during the course of con:.;truct.1on of this proj'Jct, tilt! new o'rm('r of the IlJnd, p~trici¿) Fluyc:, r(;qu~st.:d ch.·.nCJl.s in the pl,::cem.:.'nt of fill on tha subjf)ct '4, proporty, including the pl~c~nùnt of fill to In elpvation of G.. feet r.::tho::r :,)¡,1n '-;.£1 f,:f!L ,"s ou'.:J in:on ~dthin th.:' oriCJinal l'CJ(IH:ment. He s~id th~t therp w~s ~lzo GOffin cl~cring ~nd qrnding work comp1oted. ~r. E ,1[ )~ ..; -:I " I ¡: :=; L ,'. tr'rl t h " t, h (' C ,11 \ ~ c t h " f ill \1:1 r.; not pI J C C' è t I) C h '- (¡l r v .1 t Ion outlincd in the original ^qrecment, " Rc10DS~ fgrcømrnt from the rresont owner is r~qulred. Cor.Hni!';!:¡(orh1r ~~rU~H' .1nknd ~\r, p,jfksd,11f' the slzt..! of. the subj~ct prorerty .1nd ""h.1L the cost to thù County W,lS for thl! work? Mr. F'"ltksné!lc f,t,1tr~d th,'t h2 d1:! not h'\Vo th,'t inform.:ltion fit this point in tjr.1t., ho~wv(~r hI' offered '.0 invC!stig.1tc the· m.,tter Jnd make Co roport lê)t'~r in the s~:3!ölon, Commi~sioncr Kruse :'gn't'oi, "riding tlMt thc: r,,~Eon ~hc is ~sking is thct ncither th~ ori~in~l ~gracment nor the one b<'forr.' tll',' ro~\rd lOci.'Y incluc'''s tlli£ inforrn."\tion. C'ommis!'doncr ri~tor movC'd, t;....cor.r!pc! by Comnis!'!ioncr \~·rn7.cl .'nd cùrriucl IIn:1nimously, thH ~r.,~ Hr.l":IUl 1'1Jf(,,~r.'·r.nt ",ith p,:ItrlcL') rloyi! f('S.;.rding th" s(~nlcmont rel·HI.·d to tho pl,1r-rment of fill on It':lnc1 r,'''J''' ,. fI CJ . ...._",..1 1)(~c('mh(:r 1, )~~1 1\c!j,1ccnt to 11,~n(1r.rson Creek \-';¡tor Control ~;tr\1c:tl1r(' he ~uthClriz('~ for cxcc:utio:"l. "'ote: L",tcr in t.hln sCSGlon, ~1r. P.1[I~tH~c,l(' rq:ort~rl th:Jt t.h,;: sul1j(!ct prop~rty is ).5ß ~crcR in Rizc nnd th~t the t.ot~l bid pricu for the filling, c:lN'lCing, ,'nc1 grr,ðing, ~/ilr. ~='l,!í(1C. Microfilmer'D Memo: The legibility of printing on this pAge w~s unsAtisfactory for microfilm repr~ductlon when received, .. r M')~ 066 P'\~t'301 P~tJt' '-] [\t:c"mber 1, ]or.1 M~K 066 PALi 304 rH:~;r.LlJTT('1\~ r'J _:'~)~ rH':<'\lr~"T.~Î, 'l'IIE f'N'\'I' "l'(,) E,,'f('lIK'F. VF.1ITrL~~ \·'r.H~T1T H F.:;1'!ì 1 C1' T C'NS ml ('OLL JIm C0tI'I'!'Y 11(')!1f'S - ^n0r-rrn Conmi us 1on<:1' ri ~;lor mov<.,ç, ~1~condN1 by (.ol1"n 1 ~!~ J ont-'r ~,'i.!n7.c1 {InrI c<"Irr1cd un:'Jnlmo\l:11y, U\<ìL \It;~ollltiol\ ~1-2~4, rC<'jl,csting the FnOT to l:nforcc vC':hiclc \Icight rcstrir:tions on Collier County nO.:ltls, be ...,'optcd. 'Ìl, Microfilmpr'Q Mpmo: The legibility of print1nl7, on this pllgP ',1"'8 Im81JtlBf~ctory for microfilm r~productlon when recplve~. (','\fJIJ ~'- _..._--,_., ~o~~ f.J6G fÂ~t'306 DI.'r;'~r.1b(~r ], 1 (' PI CULF 'rTI'Lr. !~I¡'L:(I:,!'C¡:; ,.rr.NCY, TW·. I rATt:",,,Fr;T TT,Tr.~~ GlIl\Ii"WI'r.r. r.0 ·ír~NV or FLcnT('.\, fII\:1ì T!'l'LI-: MT 'l'HU:ì'l' CCf'.'rM:Y or rt.r'ln!T)I\-!;()~~r.("'::'f'n~ TITLE Cr."I"lI'¡Y I"IT \1 l:i! 0'1 0U!\L(fn:r. Tr. pr,OVII'.:'L'· '!"'rLF :-a;r.VT("r:::~; F~n vr,I"tTOUf, T'U!lr.r.c i',C"~':~' nIV:¡'IPI ,~r.('IJTr.TTT")~!;'¡ Croll"'''' r.~'GTn:rn ,"tJ·!'!'''''~T7.n'l TO f'.!J::r.!)T''''t'E ,"',:'IT' t;~~:~c:ur:r: '!'IT!.:: ;'1~r.Vrr:l~ Ìlrl"tr.[·~,..r:'T:-; FnH r;,."'E "or,11",iSDion'"t ri~lor mo"cd, ¡:;,·conr.((! by ('o~m!r.uionl:r \"cnzrt] ;~nrl cilrr1cd llO:minour.ly, th,1l th~ ÎounLY EnginC',:r bl' ,1l1thori?C"å to l1t:'goti.1t.' _101 CY.N:lItl 'flU..' ~('rvic" l'grc'cl1'I';nts \lith 1.11.: follo\Jing firms to rrcv!c1(! ~itl(. srrvic\)s for vr.rious Public ','.'orkr. rivision lçCJui~!tlons: 1. r.ulf 'l'itl,' Tnfur.mC,. ,",grI'.CY, Inc. /. /Y'ic.h':"'!it Tit]c: ('u:r~ntL'<': cornp."nY of Florid,' ., ~'itlf' :ri(1 1'ru:;! (:0r.1r,:'ny of noriè;,-!loM','O'l'mCr3 T iLl r: Com r.' n y I' i 'J don. ~, "1.'~IV'L L£/\~f I'T')'I: ';"I'F !!,\ru:r .fTHr~nT rlJ'!'!'(~T1r1Y F0P. TilE 1~,...rr..F:~ ~(1r..I ,) ~'I'I'.S 'I E 'fI"t/lt!Cfo' En ~: 'j,!, T r (' '., - ! tJ T II('P ] 'I LI: F0 H E: n:r:u'r r 0.'., ('or,ìMißsio~,r.r r\¡:;tor nov<!c!, scconèt'd by Conr.1i~s\on':r \'.'()nz(;l and c;.:>rricd un¡mlr,\ou~;lYI th,1t ttw <,nnu:>l L~<~!'1(, I,';th th0 :-:",plp'fI I'drport , U t Ii 0 r it y for t ~,,' tJ _ P 1 P 5 '¡ r .1 n 11 f l r r: toiL \ 0 n I) r r. u t. j¡ 0 r i z IJ<~ for ex c cut ion. .1 -,r--- Microfilmer'o Mpmo: The legibility of printing on this psge w~s unsAtisfActory for microfilm reprl-,duct1on when recf'1ved. _.-..~""','.,........,..._..- . PMJ C' r. ') '"',.........-4 ...._._J [\pc('mhnr 1, 19f'!J Lf.l',nF. Fon LM1DS TO '¡'!IE H:MOK^LEE '·i'\TEn/~F.:\\f.R DTG'I'nJ'C'r FOP f'F'f:'L\JF.tIT f,PR!\Y D¡Sr<"¡~;I\L /'nF':!\ ".r¡' TflE n;~'OI<"LEr. 1\TT1I"(1R1' - ^\I'1'II(,Rt7.r::D FOR EXF:CtJ'I'TrJ"I Commlssion~r pistor moved, snconded by Conmissioner W~nzcl nnd c~rrltd un~nimouslYI th~t th~ Lc~c~ for londs to the rmmoknlc~ W~t~r/Scwnr District for cfflu~nt spr~y di9roD~1 nrað ~t the Tmmo~~lcc J\irrort be ,1Utr.orizcd fot execution. Microf lmpr 'f, Mpmo: The legibility of printing on thlß pRge w~s unsRtlsfnctor for mtcrnfilm rf'pr0duction whf'n r(>(,f'lVe~. ..,. ~MK 056 PALr::'313 r~'IJt. r:" ~~~. "tJ~':';' ' ~..... ~~~, . "J'¡ ~'O ~" .,.- ... ,",oþo 1.0 +' .-4 """ U ... +' :n~ ,.-4 IQ ... ,t"'4 .-4 .-4+,«:: .~., ... ...Si ~.e ...,.... ~ lt 11:::1 .. :'8 SØoâ, ........ :.:....... .c ,!O+'~ "'«::.-4 Sl°'¿) ~ bO... .-4Cu ~........ ,0 +' B ~ oS ... .......0 ::c Øo \.1 '~.. , f't'C':t'rnbc:r ), ) ("1[' 1 '~!)~~ 086 rÂ~¿ 330 I~TrI ~!'?~, !",!, <y!"; !d'n n rcr:!,'^T TN! nErl'n'n'~:N1' r~r~'J[m¡, M'P' rTF~r.D rC'r"r.T"r()NFH~ - rn:,n:r'f F:n Lcg,-,l noti("t :.;,ving I),:..'n pl1"'lishpc! in th..: ìJ"p1d:: D<lily 1,,:.....1:> on Octob(!r 2'" ;.nd ~(1, E'r1, ,'Hi c'vickncld by 1'ffid"vit o[ Pllb1ic.:'tion fi1':)d with tha Cl~rk, bid~ wcrt receivLd for rid ,~?~, [or gr~Gs cutters ~nd c:onrlitton~rs (or tilt: P,'tk!; .:\n,.1 lìr.c:rc"tion r."p,\rtm·:-nt, up to ~'ovclt'.b~r 11, 1°81. l',:;sir,t.1nt county ~~,'n~gl'r f.rh:q·r ;,rdth ruport'Jd thrlt: the:' inform<'Jtion outlinré1 \'tt'in thr.' rxr·cutiv0. fumr.-..HY, c1,'t::d 11/17/1'1, r ~ 1 to Ling to r. i rl · 5 ') ~; is no 10n'Jc.r r ppllC':~!;)I(;, b;Js(,(~ on informJtion q. rcc~'iv..?d .,ft<.r s,~r:\'_ \:,)5 \'Irittr;n, rcg,'rding thf] cëVé1ile1bility of sir~i1(\r cquipment. thro:""Jt1 ~t,..t': Contr,',ct. fT, rt'commr'n:1t'cJ t}¡·,L .:-11 bida rcc~iv('d undf'r Pi(1'~;>~ ti! rl.j('c·.''1(1 Jr.d the)t the:! r('1'11:.~r1 purchlls~s be flad,: throllC)h ~t."l( Cont f,1ct, Commis!3io:~,:r \·',~:îz\.~1 nU\f!.d, $t)cond¡'r! by romr~is~ion!'r plator and C fI r r i -:: dun <I n i m 0 u ~ 1 y, t " ,I t ,1 11 b 1 d !> r r.' C C' i v e Ò 1I n rJ t: r E' 1 r1 I\!i /. C) 1)(' r I' j C c t t.! d ùnd that thù pllrchJ5l!~ 0<:- mMj(.· t.hrougr, St-'tr. C'ontriV:t. E'~CRGENC'x' PtJnCII^~;E OF (I¡\.'L'^ I'!WC£f,~; ING Cf.NTF.lì ,.. In co:mTTrrWEp. (t,rpr::OI,'/\,.F:LY n l,l?/) rn.P' c^npC'tL I'Tn ~YSTE~;~, 'fM~r"., Ft.onrD^ - !',unIOn. r 7. r.D Comnission~r Plstor movcrl, ~~conrl~d by ronmlG!3ionrr Rrown nnd c~;rri",1 "/J, \dth Ct)~'rnls!310n(\r Krus!' orp05C'C1, th.:ot the: cm"rgf'ncy purch,'\s.;,' of ,1 ['It) l'ro(;(·sr.lnq r"ntl'r !'.ir r::ondlt.ion·~r ,11:. the ,)ppro'l(lm.1t,~ cor.t of nl,1í''' frorn C,uroll ^lr Syntl;!ms, T,'\mpa, Florid.:'!, be .1 U t ho r i z ~ ('\ . ET ') P!";>:1, ~~I',r.ÎC 1ru.I.r: PT 1f' I' ~'l't"'· ·F:N^NCF. cr~l,.n,~r.î' - .".'·'fln.r,r,O TO sp.'..nl~Y'f, MI'T1:TI}J"~Cf~ r:0np(,Iì,\TTO:~ HI ,..!r ,\~'('UN7 OF !,;>c>,7('O L'g.-1 l1o~ll~' ~,:"ln(J ...,·';fI puhlir.~~c! in the "·~rlL".: !"."Iily ~'=W:J on C::tob(.r ~r. <H~~j "(I, lr'1r1, .l!i "vir1l}nccd hy I\f(icl.wil of rublic..,tlon rilc~ P,H] I ~Ij t""".) ,.,,1 December 1, 1981 with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 1523, for Marco Island Median Maintenance Contract, up to November 11, 1981. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissiol\er Wenzel and carried unanimously, that aid 1523, for Marco Island Median Maintenance Contract bo awarded to Sparky's Maintenance corporation in the amount of $20,780.00, as recommended by the Marco Island Beutification Committee and the County Engineer, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. POSITION OF FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST, RETITLED TO PL^NS COMPLI^NCE SPECIALIST (FIRE PREVENTION) IN PAY GR^DE 17 Assistant County Manager Édward Smith recapped the information outlined within the Executive Summary, dated 11/23/81, related to the recommendation that the position of Fire Protection Specialist, Pay Grade 16 ($Ui,85G - $23,216), be retitled to Plans Compliance Specialist (Fire Prevention) in Pay Grade 17 ($17,670 - $24,400). County Manager Norman explained that the subject recommendation is consistent with the Code Compliance Department budget. Commissioner piator moved, seconded by ~ommissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the position of Fire Protection specialist be .. retitléd to Plans Compliance Specialist (Fire Prevention) in Pay Grade l7. CIIAIRMAN ^UTHORIZED TO EXECUTE 1 YEAR LEASE/PURCHASE RENEWAL CONTR^CT FOR XEROX COPY M^CIIINr. PRESENTLY SITUATED IN BUILDING -(ì- Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to execute the ono 'M~~ 066 PA~r: 331 paqe 66 December 1, 1981 F\(\N n~~ p,\L¿'332 (1) y~ar~~rse/Purchðse Rcnewal Conrðct for the Xerox copy machine pre~ently situQtod in Duilding "G". . . . Commissioner Wenzel left the room at this time: 2:15 A.M. . . . Note: Loase not received in Clerk of the Board office. BID PROCESS WAIVED ^ND PURCH^SE OF ^ RADIO SH^CK MODEL III COMPUTER' ASSOC V\TED EQU I PMENT !SUPPL I ES FOR TilE ENVI RONMENTA L IIE^LTH DEPARTMENT - ^UTHOT1IZED IN TilE ESTIM^TED AMOUNT OF $4 394. ^ssistant County Manager Edward Smith explained that the ~nvironmentðl Health Department is recommending that the bid process be waived and that the purchase of a Radio Shack Model III Computer and'" associated equipment and supplies be authorized because they are able to acquiro a software packnge suited to this kind of ð computer from Lee County. He said that this will s,we the County anywhere from $7,000 to $15,000 in proqramminq costs by using "compatible" equipment. Commissioner Krus~ ~(ked that the r~çord reflect that the subject computer is identical to one situated in her home and that the cost of the programming is not that expon~ive. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 3/1, with Commmisslonc· Kruse oppo~cd and CommlRRloner Wenzel absent for the vote, that the competitive biddinq process be waived and the purchase of a Radio Shack Mø~el III Computer and associated equipment and supplies be authorized in the estimated amount of $4,394. Upon returning to the meeting later in the session, Commissioner Wenzel registered an affirmative vote on the subject motion. NEW POLICIES ^ND ~ROCEDURES CONCET1NING FEES AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY HEALTII DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED¡ IMPLEMENTATION OF TIME-P^YMENT PL^N FOR THOSE CLIENTS WHO MAY REQUIRE SAME AUTHORIZEDI NF.W FEE SCHEDULE TO ßECOME EFFECTIVE IN GO D^'iS There was a discussion regarding the prop.sed increase In certain fees for services provided by the Colier County Health Department, as Page 67 ~'.....~--..,'.... December 1, 1981 recommended for adoption by the County Health Director, William W. Cox, M.D. Commis~ioner Kruse stAted that she feels that tho increÐse in the foe for individual inspections of septic tanks from $20.00 to $50.00 is excessive and asked if this can be justified. Dr. Cox assured the Board that the suggested fees can be justified, based on the time involved and the professional personnel entailed in the various services. In answer to C~mmissioner Kruse, Dr. Cox stated that the fee for septic tank inspections does not have to be $50.00, however, the reason for the increases is to produce more revenue for tha Health Department in order to offset the increasing operational expenses. Commissioner Kluse stated that, as she sees it, the biggest increases in fees are directed towards the "average middle class" citizen who requires the least amount of services from the lIealth Department, including those fees related to area restaurants and construction of homes, e tc . Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 3/1, with COffi~issioner Kruse oppo~ed and Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the New policies and Procedures concerning fees and services provided by the Collier County Health Depart,.lent be adopted; that approval be given for the development and Implementation of a .,~ time-payment plan for th~se clients requiring same; and, that the new fee Hchodule become effective in 60 days. Note: Commissioner Wenzel registered an affirmative vote upon returning to the meeting. D~SIGNATED HOLIDAYS Fon EMPLOYEES UNDER TilE BCC - ^PPROVED, AS RECOM- MENDED (EX^CT D^TE RE OnSERV^NCE OF VF.TF.RAN'S D^Y TO BE DETERMINED) Thore W^S ð discussion regarding the designated holidays for employecs under the Board, as recommended by the C.unty Manager, during w,)~ 066 rAte: 333 paq. 68 December 1, 1961 M(\~ 066 m¿334 . which ~ómml~sloner Plntor asked Mr. Norman if he knew which dato ha3 been designated by the Federal Govftrnment as tho "official- day of observance for Veterans Day? Mr. Norman said that he did not, and Commissioner pistor said that most such holidays are designated so as to allow employees to have a three day week-end, i.e. holidays designated to be observed on a Friday or a Monday. He noted that Mr. Norman's recommendation for the observance of Veterans Day was for November 11, 1901, which is a Thursday, and he suggested that perhaps it shQuld be observed on the next Friday. it, upon completion of the discussion, Mr. Norman recommended that the Board approve the proposed designated holidays, including ane day in November, 1981 in observance of Veterans D~y, the exact date to be determined Svme time in the future after he has more fully researctled the matter. Commissioner Brown so moved, seconded b)' CommissiolllH pistor and carried unanimously 4/Ð, with Commissioner Wenzel absent at the time of the vote and registering an affirmative vote upon returning to the meeting. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT NEIL DORRILL PROMOTED TO POSITION OF PUBLIC SAFETY ^DMINISTRATOR WIIIC" WAS RECLASSIFIED FROM PAY GRADE 27 TO PAY GR^DE 25; PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICE TO BE RELOCATED TO FIRST FLOOR WHERE VETERANS SERVICES IS PRESENTLY LOC"TED AND CIVIL DEFENSE SECRETARY TO PROVIDE SECRETARI^L SUPPORT FOR BOTH OFFICES: RF.COMMF.NDATIONS RE RELOCATION OF VETf.RAN5 SERVICES OFPICES TO AF. PRESENTED AT A LATER DATE Commissioner Drown moved, øeconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 3/1, with Commissioner Kruse opposed and Commissioner Wenzel absent at the time of the vote, that ~dministrðtive "ssistant Neil Dorril1 be promoted to the Public Safety Administrator position, which is to be reclassified from pay grade 27 to 25; that the Public Safety Office bo relocated to the first floor to tho offices now occupied by Pðqe G9 \....,'~" J " ,",,." , Decemþer l, 1981 Voterans Sorvices, adjacent to the Emergency Operations Center 1 that the existing sec~etary for the Civil Defense Department provide Gecretarial support for the Public Safety Administrator; and, that the final recommendation regarding the relocation of the Veterans Services offices be presented to the Board at a later date, as recommended by the County Manager. Upon returning to the room Commissioner Wenzel registered an affirmative vote for the action taken. * * * Commissioner Wenzel returned to the meeting at this time: 2:25 P.M. It was at this time that he registored affirmative votes on all of the matters that were voted upon during the time that he was out of tho room, each having b~en appropriately recorded in these minutes. * * . RESOLUTION 81-255 REVISING RESOLUTION NO. 78-149, BY WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CORPORATE SEAL ON FDOT PERMIT APPLICATIONS - ADOPTED Commissioner ristor moved, seconded by Commissloner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolu~ion 81-255, revising Resolution No. 78-149 by waiving the requirements for the Corporate Seal on Florida Department of Transporation permit applications, be adopted. .." &O~~ 066 fA~t 335 PIge 7. .....,'~,-'" ",.j Miarof1lmer'Q Memo: The legibility of printing on this page w~s unsstisf8ctory for microfilm reproduction when received, f' ,~ccr.1hl!r ], 19P1 FTm1 or D!'RlW, ~ !EI',I1F:t.I "ND \'.'F'JI:ff'l"N, P.1\. '1'HIPJ\, FLC'r.U''', rH~~TCt'l\'1'E ,,) ,,~ ~\'^'J'f.R/rF~'lI:n UT r !.tTf.S f1^n CC'JI·!::UL'T'''!\'T f'or~ t!TT LITT r.s rTV':!; rON ¡ 11f:'rqNf.rt OF UP TO t.1C'C'\/ro, I~on ." P~IH0D NC11' '1'0 f.xr.rmr. fJ).' ~'(")}''T''';, - ~ !1'T'~:0nl1,ED Utilities ~·,'r.~'](:r Irving Pcrzon r'i"COMm(!r:!('c! thllt th'~ ['Oäf(' dosignnte the firM of Dnrby, ShÐðhen ~n~ ~~IGsmon, P.~. from T~mp~, F 1 0 rid:l, ...1 s t h (~ r:1 t . ~ con HJ1 t ~ n t for W'~ '. I: r / £:: .! ,,~ r for t h ;., tit i 1 i t iI's Diviflion. Ht, f':fcrrl'ù the I'o,'rd t.o thr~ Exa-:utivI, SUMm"ry, dntuJ ]1/1(,/£:1, whf'r0.!n UII' U\L..·s t ¡,~L lh'~ :.:uhjcct f.lrn 1.;11] Ch.:,fgc ~\rc fully out1in¡:à ;1nd h(: r('ci1'pp(:d sonf; of the bilcr.groun(Ì of the 5ubjl'ct firn. Mr. p.(!rzon 5t,1t,"(i tl1,~t it is his opinion th!\t: th..· zr:rvices of the? zubjcct firm will ']fC0tly .:lid the County in ir:1pl("r.1cntir.'J tht:' provisions of (~fóin,1ncc 7"-J1, rf'li'cing to Fr;:;)chi::;r. <~n() rüt·; <'p¡nov<-ls by th£: Bce. In lÎnS"'Ür to Commisslonc.r ristor, ~r, ['.cn:on zt;,t;d th",t hp. is not surt: hOIJ r:1ue:J t}¡~ tot:,j \:ill r,\) for s::'rvie("~ f(':,)-]Pfl'rj hl'CcH1S:: ~r.ch it P P lJ c;: t ion \d 11 b~' COli sid (' r "'! .J G l' "s (.T" n: t I.' () n tit Y It , !!n.....f"VC r, hi" said, th.;o firm h;s ''''Jru:~: to give- th~ PO.H:! ."1n ~r.'.1~1:1t.( of tir:1c ,)nr:\ ehéHC)'::'S for ¿.1ch, .'..]so, :J."1irl /"r. 13"r7.on, it is bplng roC'nrmcndO!d th:Jt " rct.'in::r of up to ~1nr. per (10~t!: (or .1 [""flat! not to I'~C',-:' six (t;) months boJ p.:dd to the: SL.;bjccc firm to COVI..'f phone c.,11n, ro~t¿oC)f', "r,r, o c c " s ion " 1 t, r ,"1 v lIt ('1 l II e;: C:> un t y, ,- 5 I Ò I' fro n ~ n y t r :J v ' .., :; :: ~ '': i .) t ': d IV i t h .,~ sp"cific proj,~et r(:vILI'¡s, CommiH:>lonCt I1ro'.m novcC1 1:0 ;'fJprovi.' ~ r. P()r;',on's r(C'oITlr'o<.nj;'lions "n.:] Co~mir.5iorlt'r Pir,tor ~l.'C'on:4u:: tht notion ....'hieb C'.êrri,~(~ un.'ninou~ly. &O~~ 066 PA~c' 337 r.\fJ' 7) ...h...._"',._ ......................~i........., ~L!~ ~ ................w...._.. ..... _.~. ~. ~.. _..... ... Microfilmer'a Memo: The legibility of printing on this page w~s un88tisf~ctory for microfilm reproduction when received. . .------ D!)~~ 066 PAr t 338 n~)c(:mbl1r 1, 10P 1 SE\"F:H F'\CrLI1'IE~; nr. LIrTtf. IfICTr!ì'x' B^Y COND(")m~tJMr; JlCCF.PTED "tJD DOC:U MEW1'Nf r 01'1'\ 11'T'!!O n !Z En F0r: n r.r.rHD)I,'l' r 0"J Cornm1S5ion~r ~enz~l mov~l, snconded by Co~mis5ioncr Kruse ðnd c¡nr1C'd unJlnimo1Jsly, th,1t the POilld (ICC(~pt the ol-'O;)rr.hip, op~r/)tion ltnd malnt~n~~nce of the sLwaqc 11ft 5t~tion ~nd forc~ m~ln located witin ~ utility (·;¡scm....nt on th,~ Little lI¡'ckory B"y Condominium Project ,)nd th,H the following documents be ~cc('ptcd for rrcordation: 1, W~rranty ~c~d for the sewer f3cilitics. 2. Results of prn~suro tC'sting the forc~ mein. 01, 3. LottlJr from thç En'Jinl·,!r cort.ifying that th~ pump :3tlltion 'haG boon construct~d within the utility ~~scm~nt. 4. Copy of the inUltrdt!on tl)St. 5. Bill of Sðla. 6. nclC~GC of Licn, 7. Cl1rtification concerning ~ny contribu~lons in-~id of construction. 8, Verification of final cost of tho 11ft Kt~tion ~nd forc~ mûin. 9, Up to dDtc list of cu~tom~rs nnd/or own~rÐ of individu~l lots. 1 0 . Uti 1 i t Y E ,1 fi I.! r.1 '= n t ['0 c: 1I m "n t . 11. Contrùctu.:ll (;lI.3rantac for mùtcril\l find Ilorkmllnship for ð period of iH l,·,)st. one (1) yuar "ftcr thr: pr;c ,1ccr:-pt.:1ncc: for hoth watpr nnrl sewer f~cilltic5. 1 ? , Cn.:: (J) s" t 0 f û U - b u i 1 t rJ r " \Ii n'J sui CJ n .:! c1 <' n d 5 '! ,) 1 cd by the Engin~Qr of Hecord. f'H11' 71. .~: " " µ ~, ;i. {'I("C('l11bl'r 1, 1~r1 IUVI/:n^ FOUNT^IN~; PI~M;~: TV f,ND V, \t:^,l'f:R/Sr.\.'a:n r!\CTLTTTEf. ^Cr;r.PTI-:D OY THC COUNTY, SUDJ~CT TO COUNTY ^TTCnNF:y'n Vr.nTFTC~TTON O~ ~UFfTCTENCY OF nF:L^TED rCCU~~NT~TtnN UtilitiC:':1 '''(In.:HJ('r Irvlnl) T'crzon rc~porlN1 thùt h(~ h.'ls hecn rcquested to h~va the ~ccaptnnc(" of the w~tcr/s~w~r facilities at nivlcrD Fountains, Ph~se IV ~nd V, on todDY'S i]~endÐ, os ou~linrd in ~ mcmor~ndum sent to the BOÐrd this morning. He recommended that th~ BO,lCd I1CC(pt the \o,¡Îtl?r/sC\lU f,1CilitiQs, suhject to t.h(~ County ^ttorncy vNiCying the legnl sufficil>ncy of the rel.'1lcd doclIr."'nt,,t1on prior to their record~tion, Commissioner Pistor moved, s0condvd by Commls£ion~r Wenzel ~nd c~rr¡'e~ ~/l, with r1MMI~~lnnpr Rrown opposnd, thnt th~ wnter Ðnd sewer fÐclliti~s for the nivivr~ Fountnins PhdSQ IV ~nd V, he ~cc~pt~rl by ~hc Boarù, subject '0 the County ^ltorn(~y's v0rific/'Itlon for 1eg11 s u ( f i C i ,~ n c y 0 f t h l' r (! ] iI t r'rl doc 1I m" n U: t. ion, r r i 0 r tot r. 0 I r r ceo r ð ,\ t ion. -...." ,,_. .~'..... ..... .." Microfilmer'D Mf"mo: The lcgibll1ty'(')f prlnt.1n 7, on this pAge w~s unsAtisfAct.ory for microfilm repr0ducLion when rcc~~~~d. M()~ 066 PALe: 341 rl'l<J~ 73 ,--", -- !:'N:l.:mhcr ], 1 <):"1 þ.o~II,A6,q}F~~~&'~~'n. rpF:D ,1. ~,("Il'ìn:r;-(,\N, PIH~ST!'1r.NT, ,.IIE !'1r.VF:Lnr~I':N'r C(j~'PM~Y Of ~'t,t'Lt:~;, H'e, 'J'("! 1'1¡(\(,I~r:D \':1'1'JI ~~EI'~I\G[: C('Ir'¡¡',I:r.T101"¡ '~'TTrr F!('\0Kr.llr P"Y lI'ltLT'I'TI':~; Fnn ;',1 \J~!r'l ~EVf':[.or""f.N'f (HI !lr.~mr.I\;'o/\ <:r;r.n, r.nrvt:; COt!1':'¡"x' N:"ICJrWr.y /It<':1 lITILr'rH:~; "':t\',',Gr:n /lUTI10!ìI'l.r-:D 1'0 PlIH¡'u¡.: T1:¡'; ~',"T1'F:n 01" TilE D~VELOP~r.NT ("If ^ Fn^~~llr~E ~Gn~E~E~T ^ND/0n TEMprn~RY C("INTn/lCTlInAL "nH^NGCPPIT~; nTI! IH")r:'la:I~Y PAY UTILJ'TIF.f. Ut:.ll1Ll<.:~ r",<"in,~<]r.r Irvln<] Perzon st.:lted th.,t thp. County Milnl1gcr hr1s pl.:,ced thr: con"ict~rdt:ion cf i\ r<IBoluP.ion of 51.: \""<] c.' ßcr·!iCi> il'\pé'ss': for a propos('(~ 2: unlt d':v<:lopn\'nt on I:enrlcraon Crc~l: Drive on the ùgC!ndil thls cL'ttc, in r'-,sponsc to a rQ(luc~t by Mr. Fred ,1 ~'orrl~on, President of Th,! Dcvr~10pm('nt COMp,~ny of N,,,¡plcs, ]nc. Pro r'::-rzo'1 "LÜ,r,d t.I;,'Jt, wlH'n th.:? m,1t.tcr first c.:¡mø b"fore tht' ".. C^PC, he m('t wlth ""r. ""'orrison ,'nd his ."is:.;ocilltc: 5cvf1ri)1 times l1nd, on on:~ ocr.dslon, ,:c. ~'r,'(!(', frof'1 1100k'-,ry r~y Utilities \0135 present. He S<11d th"t .,t " I,Her r!,1t(! t-:r, ;'p,d.: ~nrj his Jttorn~y Cðr.ìC to his officI) .-:nc! ~noc.hC'r r.1<:.!tin'J \:,15 1,'..1c! 0:1 lh,! S,1r:',(~ m,Üt. r. 110 r'~qu<1stcù thæ::t the record rnflcct t:l::; ~¡t.1t'~r:\~nt tll,)t "thf> County Is not tryinC) to put ~·,r. Spddt· out of blò:¡iIH"~>s nor d'!rrive hlm of .:my of hiR properLy or rlghta¡ rethtr, t~c County h~3 m~dc him a gencrous o(f~r, ~inili\r to thðt which tl~\.' County !ì.1" \:ith T'"lton" r'd...tlnq to the trc,:¡tlnr¡ of tLe ~'iHC'O J~1~nd 9~Wll<J0 f~cil iti~s", After expounding on tho terms of th~ <1Cjrc:.:'r.1!'nt \lith Lnc ,..'.'reo JsJ:':1d firm, ~:r. Rt,rzon :>':."t·~.. th.it he S'1CS no r~~son th~t ~ ~lmil~r <1~r~cm~nt would not work for Mr. Spnde. t'r. F'rcn "'orri!ìon rcEcrr('d to J 1t:tter <',ite.! "'ovcmb(~r 11, 10£1, wt'.ich ~Ie ,-:ddrt'ss<.!d to tht' County M'tnc1rJC'r r"l).:1rdlng the prob1,:m for whir.h h<1 :s 5l~""I;ing rl£o)lI::ion. I~o si1d th,'t, h,'cr'u:3e,hc w"n told hy Mr. I'..:r~on durinq th" f110rtings ,,11urled to ""¡Hli~r, hr! ("'r. P.crzon) OP!Il't('(! \lnrll~r ::h" ¡:ro\'lsion:.; of th~ County 0rrlin.'ncl~; or ilt the pl,',lsurv of thn ßCc, !1nd hr.C,111S~ of ., suhs'~<1ul'nt ßt;llt.'nt.!nt fror:\ the COli II t}o' fo, t tor II :l y l h .H t th; fl.' 11; n.;) s p, elf I ~ pro \' i :; 1 0 n .... i t h I n l h.:J Crdin,'t(Ic.·~'D th,'t ~ov('r:. lid::> pdrt1clll.H problem, h~ is :H}()~i"q .'n .'\nswcr r.I9C 71', "_f"'_~"'" Decembcr 1, 1981 plcasure .f the BCC, and because of ~ subsequent statement from the C.unty ^ttorney that there is no specific provision within the Ordinances that covers this particular problem, he is seeking an answer from the Board. Mr. Morrison outlined the background of the situation as it now stands, including the fact that the County will n~t approve the sewer connection from his proposed 23 unit development to Rookery Bay Utilities because they are a non-franchised utility. He said that he foels that the County is placing him "in the middle" of the impasse between Rookery Bay Utilities and the County and that all he wants is sewage service to the units in his development, r~gardless ~f the outcome of thßt pro~lem. He further outlined the various requirements that Mr. Borzon has notified him were necessary to approve this connection, amon, them being that Mr. Spade of Rookery Bay Utlities meet certain criteria for franchising beforo he may serve tho proposed dovelopment and he rcquestod that, because time is of the essence, he be allowed to make the subject connection under the terms outlined on pages 5 and fi of the aforementioned letter a9 soon as possible, without having to walt for the problems botween Mr. Spade and the County to be solved. He said that he was also given the ~ltornative of providing an on-site sewer troatment package plant and he outlined the many reasons ,. .. that this is not practical, including the probability of additional pollution during high water tables into Henderson Creek. . . . Commissioner Brown left the room at 2:22 P.M. and returned at 2:27 P.M. . ,. . Mr. Morrison stated that another of his developments, In the 8ame aroa as the subject development, Is proDQntly being serv~d by Rookery Page 75 &C~K OGG mi343 '-" December 1, 1981 Ba}O&\iQPt~o~~~i~~ Also, there are 3ØØ units located adjacent to the subject proporty that are currently being served by RBU. He said that RBU is State certified, has the capacity to serve his project and he added that ho seeS no roanon for not being ^llowed to connect. Mr. Morrison outlined the proposals to which Mr. Spade has agreed, as described within the aforementioned letter, including the fact that Mr. Spade has agrced to allow him to dedicate the entire facility to the County rather than to him as has been the case in thp past. Further, Mr. Morrison said that he agrees to pay a systems development ree for the future Regional System, provided that the funds are used -.. for the people in that area at such time as it might become appropriate. In anwser to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Morrison said that "the hang up" is that there is J personality conflict between Messrs. Berzon and Spade and that, because they cannot settle their differences, he is not able to make his connection. He also stated that he agrees to all the stipulations with the exception of the requirement of putting in an on-site treatment plant. lie said that Mr. Derzon has said that he will not approve such a connection until RßU becomes frðnchised and he pointed out that this could tane a long time. Commissioner Wenzel asked the County ^ttorney if the County has the means to insist that Mr. Spade become franchised and Mr. pickworth replied affirmatively. Commissioner Wenzel asked Mr. pickworth what the time element would be for such A procedure in order to get this resolved? Mr. Pickworth said that the matter is not that complicated Mr. Spade refuses to produce bn audited set of books on which to make a Page 76 1'''''''-' ""_-." Decembcr 1, 1981 determination of hi~ operational costs. He said that no franchise agreement can be worked out without them. Mr. Morrison agreed, adding that this is why he is caught in the middle. The discussion continued, including an explanation from Mr. Morrison regarding future availability of the subject sewage lines when and if he is permitted to have them constructed. He said that he will allow any of his neighbors who wish to hook into the lines to do so free of charge. It was pointed out that if the County accepts the li~Ls from Mr. Morrison, they would not be responsible for supplying free hookups and Mr. Morrison ,agreed, clarifying that his intent is not to make any money from his neighbors person~'ly. Chairman Wimer stated that he sees no problems with Mr. Morrison's intent, that the problem lies in dealing with RBU. Commissioner Plstor stated that he did not see why Mr. Morrison is running into problems with the subjec~ project when he had no problem getting the connection ~pproved for his other project on the same road, which is hooked into RBU. Commissioner Kruse asked Mr. Pickworth if tho County could take the same position with Mr. Morrison, as was taken with the Lakewood connection, wherein, Mr. Morrison would be allowed to hook up to RBU .,~ and the subject utility would be told that they must work out a fran- chise agreement with the County, and until such time as RBU has gone through a rate structure hearing, they cannot raise the current rates? Another question she asked was ·what means does the County have of speeding up Mr. Morrison's ho.kup?- Mr. Morrison said that Mr. Spade has asked him if he would sit down and work as an arbitrator between Page 77 ~o~~ 056 PA~r: 345 '·_rt,ü._ Docember 1, 1961 M~K 066 f^Li 34.6 the County and RBU. lie said that Mr. Spade has claimed that to go back 3 or ~ yearn for certifiod audita would cost $75,ØØ0 and that he is requesting that the County just go back the last year. Mr. Morrison said that he agreed to ask Mr. Pickworth, who he feels should be the arbitrator, if this would be agreeable. He said that he did agree to sit in on any meetings between Messrs. Berzon and Spade. Further, he noted, beth gentlemen have strong feelings on the matter and that he sees no way to answer the problems without negotations. County Manager Norman stated that Mr. Berzon has suggested a contract, wherein the customers of RBU would be the County's; the ~ County would negotiate with Mr. Spade to provido service. Mr. Morrison said he has no objection to this, however, Mr. Spade has indicated that he has. Mr. Berzon stated that the County does have the means to insist that this kind of a contract be initiated, via Ordinance No. 76-1l, whereby either a franchise or a contractual arrangement must be entered into by the utility. He said that there is no reason that these provisions for a contract are not enforced on an interim basis, until th~ franchise can be agree upon. lie explai~ed the reasons for review- ing the audited bOOKS including the fact that thore needs to be proof of operating and capital costs for any business that ~s seeking a franchise. lie said that he has already told Mr. Spade that he is entitled to capital investment recovory through a connaction charge and he will receive a monthly user charge which represents operating, maintenance, and the debt service charge. Mr. Morrison stated that one point needs to be clarified. He said Page 78 ...-......,..., ^--'-" December 1, 1981 that Mr. Spade has agreed to waive the "hook-up" charge to connect to RDU, becauso Mr. Morrison told him he could not pay it to him, pay for the installation of the facilities, pay an impact fee to the county and dedicate all the facilites too. Mr. Morrison said that he would only be paying Mr. Spade a monthly service charge, which is probably within $1.50 of what the County charges. Commissioner Wimcr stated that he feels a contractual arrangement with Mr. Spade is the answer. Mr. Morrison stated that Mr. Spade is willing to servi~e him in the meantime and sit down with the County and negotiate a franchise. I!e lIgain urged tht: Board to approve the connection in ::he interim, Be 'stated that he does not want his connection to be conditionðl on any agreements between the County and RBU because there is no way to tell how long that may take. Commissioner Wenzel asked why the contractual agree'1cnt cannot be workeå out betwcen Mr. M~rrison and the County and, in the interim, the County negotiate a franchise with Mr. Spade. Mr. Berzon explained that any contract would have to be between Mr. Spade and the County and would not include Mr. Morrison. Mr. Morrision concurred, stating that this is the problem, i.e. he is not a party to the problem between the Countý~and Mr. Spðde. Commissioner Wenzel asked him if he agrees to dedicate the lines to the County and Mr. Morrison stated that he has agreed to that, as per his letter mentioned earlier. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the documentation required from Mr. Spade in order to roach a contractual agreement; the fact that this should have been resolved years ago, as pointed out by Com~issloner Pistor, tho relative provisions of the Ordinance; Mr. pago 79 M~K 066 PALc:347 December 1, 1981 !In" ( 066 P'\~¿·34~ pick~r'th s expIan~t1on regarding tho establishment of a franchise, and the approximate time that it might take to work our a satisfactory arrangement with Mr. Spade. Mr. Pickworth stated that the consulting firm just hired by the County would undergo this project, if the Board agrees to move forward with Mr. Spade. In anwer to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Derzon stated that he believes an Interim contract with Mr. Spade is a necessity and he pointed out that tho rate established under this arrangement would be subject to change when all the info',"mation and documentaticn was available. Commissioner Pistor asked for clarification that, if tho Count~, 4" approves Mr. Morrison hook up t. RBU, he will be a customer of RBU and Mr. Berzon replied affirmatively, explaining that this would be until such time as ð contractual agreement is signed between RBU and the County. Commissioner Pistor suggested that the County approve the hookup for six months, and Mr. Morrison said that this will not work because he will not have sewage service in six months if the County and Mr. Spade have not reached an agreement. He said that he needs a3surance of a permanent service and he added lhat he does not care who provides that service. Mr. Derzon requested that the record reflect that this has not been dragging out for years; the County has not been enforcing the Ordinance up to now because up to now everyone who has boen involved in operating a utility or wanting a franchiso has been operating under the County's rates, thus, providing ð service for less than· what the County charges. He said that RBU has not been connecting onto anything new until last year. lie uid that the the County is plðnning ð Rel]ional pag. 88 ""-.-""". December 1, 19a1 System out there In this area and, unless this is settled properly, the County will jeopardize its position in that area. He said that atte~pts have been made to settle this matter with RBU since May this year and the only thing that has not been done is to -bring the force of the law down" on Mr. Spade. Chairman Wimer stated that he thinks it is time to do that. Commissioner Kcuse asked Messrs. Pickworth and Berzon if it is feasible to do the following: first, let Mr. Morrison hook up to RBU; second, hire the rate consultant to meet with Mr. Spade to determine a fair rate structure; third, if Mr. Spade doesn't like what the rate consultant decides, let Mr. Spade hire his own. County Manager Norman explained that the Coun~y is not prepared to do Mr. Spade's audit work. Commissioner Kruse stðted t~at she does not believe that the County can continue tG keep Mr. Morrison "hanging" while the problems with Mr. S~ade are being worked out. Commissioner Kruse moved to allow Mr. Morrison to h~ok up to RBU; to pursue agressivcly a franchise agreement and/or a contractual agreement with Mr. Spade on the part of the County Attorney and the Uti~ities Manager. Commissioner Wenzel aske~ if this means that Mr. Morrison will meet tho terms outlined within the aforementioned letter, i.e. dedications of lines, etc. Commissioner Kruse concurred. Commissioner Brown sec~nded the motion which carried unanimously. ROUTINE BILLS - P^ID Pursuant to Resolution 81-150, the following checks wore issued through Friday, N~vember 20, 1981, in payment of routino bills: Page 81 M~P: 056 (A~¿ 349 December 1, 1981 MCK D66FUWJ35"O CHECK NOS. ~MOUNT Gonerd Fund 5 315 - 1"25 30415 - 30942 $511,964.41 $321,644,10 $214,361.95 County Checks BCC Payroll The following checks were issued through Friday, November 21, 1981, in payment of routine bills I FUND CIIECK NOS. AMOUNT County Checks $1.125,612.21 1026 -1243 Ceta Payroll $ 6,152.26 6230 - ~272 .I, .' BUDGET AMENDMENT '82-16, TI1!\NSFERRING FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR PLANNING TECHNICIAN POSITION - ^DOrTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $16,783 Commissioner Kruse moved, soconded by Commisisoner pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment '82-16, transferring funds to provide for Planning Technician position, be adopted in the amount of $16,783. Page 82 .'.~_....~ December 1, 1981 BUDGET ~kfN~~~TF1~fl~?, TR^NSFERRING PUNDS TO RE^LLOC^TE SAL^RY OF ENVIRONMENTALIST FROM CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TO REGULAR SAL^RIES - "DOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $32;0+10 Comminsioncr Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 182-17, transferring funds to reallocpco salary of Environmentalist from contractual Services to Regular Salaries, be adopted in the amount of $32,ØØØ. 01, .. Pðg. 83 Docember 1, 1981 '. I\. ~r.~~ 066 PAL¿ 354 CONSIDER^TION RE ^DOPTION OF ßUDOET ^MENDMENT ESTABLISHING A NE\., SPEC IT>.L FUND FOR TilE SliER IFF: 's CONF I5C"TED MONEY AND PROCEEDS FROI·' S^LE OF CONFI5C^TED P110PE11TY IN l\CCORDì\NCC WlTlI 198" MIENDMENT TO FLORID^ ST^TUTE 943.44 - CONTINUED TO NF.XT WEEK FisCDl Officer lIarold lIa11 recommended that the Doard adopt ð Dudget Amendment thDt will set up a special fund for the proceeds from the s~le of property confiscated by the Sheriff's Department. He said that this money would then become available for expenditure by the Sheriff. He said that this recommendation is in accordance with State Statute 943.44, having been amended in 1980, wherein these funds no longer come into the General Fund, rather, they are retained for ~ .. expenditure by the Sheriff. He further explained that the proposed Budget Amendment will accomplish two things: firDt, it will set up the fund: and second, it takes $12,632, that has been received from the Sheriff, and puts it into that fund to bo appr~priated and spent by the Sheriff as needed. County ^ttorney pickworth stated that he does not understand tho necessity for Board action, noting that the law specifically requiros that the fund be set up and the monies deposited in the fUold. He said that monies acquired prior to the relevant law taking effect should not go into that fund. Mr. Hall explai~ed that the $12,63¡ is the first money to come into the County since the new legislation. There was a discussion as to the need for Board action, with Mr. lIall chiming that it 1s necessary and Chief Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett explaining that it all has to do with the fact ~hat the Sheriff cannot get the money from other than the Board. Mr. lIall stated that he intends to meet with the County ^ttorney to discuss the technical Page 84 ____e._._·_ OE;!ccmbcr 1, 19!'\1 point:J as to how this money will he apprl)prié'ltcö hy thn Ro~rò. lie Ðskcð the Bonrd to ftdopt the proposeö hu~gct ßmen~mcnt, notin~ thnt he docs not consider that the County has any choice in the mntter. Mr. pickworth /lsked ~'r. Hall if the ~t(lt\Jte SðYS that the Board shall Qstablish the fund or, ðop.s it just say that the money shall be put into that fl1nd? Ho quostioned tho need for the Brjarri to take action to estðhl ish the fund. Mr. Hall stated that he considers this to be the same as 1\ grant, wherein the Board must appropriate these funds, thus performing a ministeriðl task. Chairman wimer requested thnt this matter be continued to next week's agenda, in order that the Fiscal offi Dr and the County "ttorney may meet é'lnd work out the det~ils. He r~llcd the members of the Board re~arding any objections they might have Jnd, noting thllt none were forthcoming, directed that the mntter be continued for one week. ßUDGRT ^~r.ND~r.NT .8~-lR, TR^~SFF.~nING FUNDS TO PR~VtOF. ~on OFF!CE SUPPL!F:S ,,~') ¡':QUIP'''F.''IT RF:L~TE!J TO PLI\~NtNG TF:CII\ ICIT\"J - I\OI)!'TET) t~ THF: ~MOUNT Of $~,)~R Commissioner pi:Jtor moved, secon~ed hy Commissioner Krusc é'ln~ carried unanimously, that Rudgct ^mendmcnt '8~-1~, transferring funds to prq;.'ide for office supplies IInd equipment rell\tc(1 to the PJi\nnin'J Techniclðn, he ndopt~d in the ðmount of $~,14A. Pð<JC ql) &C~ ( 066 PA~t 355 December 1, 1981 BUDGET AMENDMENT 182-19, TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO COVEn COST OF REP~ACEMENT AIR CONDITIONER AT STOCKADE IN IMMOKALEE - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,563. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wen~el and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 182-19, transferring funds to cover the cost of a replacement air conditioner at the Stockade in Immokalce, be adopted in the amount of $l,563. ..~ PAge 86 &C~K 056 PAL¿357 December 1, 1981 BUDGET "MENDMENT 182-20, TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO PROVIDE ~on COST OF SHELVING FOR IMMOKALEE STOCKADE FREEZER - ADOPTED IN TilE ^MOUNT OF $1,1511. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimounly, that Budget Amendment 182-20, transferring funds to provide for the cost of shelving for Immokalee Stockade freezer, be adopted in the amount of $1,150. ..,. Pðge 87 ~~~~ 066 rÂ~t 359 December l, 1981 DISCUSSION OF PETITION CP-8l-14C, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION REQUESTING TilE "DOPTION OF l\ COMPREHENSIVE PLl\N Ll\ND USE AMENDMENT - . ITEM WITIIDl1AWN BY CONSENBUS, AS PER RF.QUEST OF STl\FF Commissioner pistor stated that he would liko to discuss Petition CP-81-l4C, filed by tho Community Dovelopment Division, requesting the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan land use amendment from residential uses to industrial uses for approximately 71.2 acres of land in section 15, T48S, R25E, along the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, which is being requested for withdrawal by the Community Development Division. He said that he feels it important for the County to have industrial lands in this particular area, especially in light of. the fact that this area is closely proximated lo the railroad. He said that he feols that it Is important to keep the railroad in Collier County because he believes that the economic feasibility of trucking in certain commodities, such a~ construction materials, etc., versus using the rails will change in the futuro and that, without suitable amounts of industrial land for use as a depot, warehouses, etc., the railroad will pullout of the County altogether. Commissioner Wimer stated that the zoning is not in que~tion, and Commissioner pistor stated tha~ both the comprehensive Plan and the zoning should be industrial. Commissioner Wenzel stated that he feels that there is sufficient industrial land and that the subject lands should be for residential uses. Commissioner Brown stated that he fa~ors kceping this land for rcsldential use, as was requested during the zoning public hearing recently, and he noted that, when this issue came up for consideration at that meeting, there were no requests made to keep it industrial. He said that he voted to keep this land residential at that meeting and he will not change his mind. PAge 88 bC~~ 066 FAG,361 December 1, 1981 :n":( n~~ PA~¿ 362, CommuMl~y~~~Iopmont ~dministrðtor stated that thero are already lands around the present terminus that may be used as industrial. The discussion continued after which CommlsGi~ner pistor stat~d that he simply wished to express his views and the consensus of the Board was to take no action and to accept Mr. Virta's request for withdrawal of petition CP-81-l4C. CERTIFIC^TES OF CORRECTION TO TilE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY ~PPR^ISF:R'S OFFICE - ^UTIIORIZED FOR CII^IRMMI'S SIGNATURE Commissioner Wenzel movcd, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and -, .' carried unanimously, that the following Certificates of Correction to tho Tax Rolls, as presentcd by the property ^ppraiser's Office, be authorized for the Chairman's signaturc: 1980 T^X ROLL T^NGIßL~ P8Rf,ONAL PROP~ NUMIJERS DATF:S 180-165 11/24/8 1 19B1 T^X ROLL. 101 189 19" - 192 193 - 219 220 - 235 236 - 247 248 - 259 262 263 - 267 1.. /1 7 /81 11/1b/81 11 /19/81 11/2"/01 11/23/81 11/24/81 11/24/81 11/25/81 19B1 TANGIBLE PERSONAL. PROPERTY 1981-50 1981-51 - 1981-53 1981-54 - 1981-58 1981-59 11 /1 7 /8 1 11/18/81 11/19/81 11/20/81 Page 89 ,.,... -....... Decembcr l, 1901 1981-60 1981-61 - 1981-69 11/24/81 11/25/81 " . 20 D~YS r.XTR~ G~IN TIME ~PPROVED FOR INMATE t392Ø0 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that twenty days extra glin time be approved for Inmate 1392ØØ thus changing the release date to 11/26/81. ~DMINISTRATIVE ^IDE REPORTS ALL SEVEN ~LS "ND BLS VEHICLES UNDER BMS II~VE BEEN INSPECTF:D AND FOUND îC Rf-. "ROAD-WORTHY" - NO ~CTION TAKEN ^dministrativc Aide Grace spaulding referred to a letter, dated November 16, 1981, from the Health Department Director William W. Cox M.D. and Director of Environmental IIcalth, John H. Stephens, R.S., Indicating that all ambulances, includina ~LS and BLG units, have been inspected by the lIealth Department. She stated that all EM vehicles huve been found to be in ðccordance with all requirements of the State of Florida and are "road-worthy". L^I<E TRAFFORD MEMORIAL DEED NO. 286, ~UTIIORIZ¡:;D FOR EXECUTION BY THE CIIAIRMAN Pursuant to action of the Board January 10, 1978, wherein the Chalr~~n was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Cemetery lots as tho need arises, the following Deud No. 286 was recorded and filed for the record. PðgO 90 ~C~K 066 fA~t 363 December 1, 1981 MISCELLAN~OUS conRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Thero being no objection, the Chair directed the following correspondence be filed andlor referred to the various departments as indicated: 1. Lettor dated 11/10/81 from FDOT, regarding Off System Fedoral Bridge Agreeemnt, Plantation Parkway Bridge 103~0"2, Budget Item No. ~2Î.031, requesting the County fund the right-of-way portion of said project and transmitting project agrcements re same for execution by County. (This matter to come before the BCC for official action at a later date) xc (cover letter) Messrs. Norman and lIall¡ xc (cover letter and original agreements) Mr. Barksdnle. Filed. 2. Lotter dated l0/30/Al, from Chairman Gene Sims, Holmes County BCC, Bonifðy, Florida, transmitting xc of Resolution requesting the Govornor to put local governmpnt finances ánd state mandates on the agenda for tho upcoming Special Legislation and to either fund certain mandates or remove the requirement that counties fund them. Al so, requcsting that Collier adopt similar resolution and forward same to Govornor and our Representativcs. Filed. 3. Lotter from County ~tlorney Devitt Adams, St. Lucie County, transmiting ð xc of II resolution roquesting that the Constitution be amended to prevent tho State from mandating programs to be funded by Counties and requesting that the Directors of the State ^ssoc. of County Commissioners submit this proposal to its members in September. Filed, 4. Copy of memorandum dated November 24, 19B1 from County Manager advising the Board that he has appointed Don Norton, CET^ Director, as Public Service ^dministrator, effective Novembcr 30, 19B1. Filed. ..f:"" 5. Copy of letter dated November 19, 19B1, from Profcssional Condominium Manaqement Serviccs, Inc., to MArco Disposal Service, Inc., complimenting their entire staff on the quality of services. xc Messrs. Norman and Barksdale. Filed. 6. Letter dated 11/3/Bl, from Dianne L. Rabkin, President of the PTA, Golden Gate Elementary School, thanking Mrs. Joan Jenks, Director, Golden Gate Community Center, for her aßsistance on the rccent Halloween PlIrty held At tho center. Filed. &C~ ( 065 f,\t.i365 pðge 91 December 1, 1981 ¥? 066 f"~~li366 Memorandum dated 11/16/81 from Bureau of Explosives and Fire Equipment, Office of State Fire Marshal, tra~~mitting ~pplic~tions for fire equipment dealer liccr.~o and permit rencw~ls. Also Cer~i(icDte of InsurDnce form to be completed and returned. xc Messrs. Norman, Dorrill. Filed. 8. Letters dated 11/20/81 from Lee County Electric Cooperative, Inc., re street lightß added or removed from Immokalee and Collier Co./Marco Lighting District for the month of October. Filed. 9. Copy of memorandum dated 11/7.4/81, from CDßG Coordinator Sandra Yates Crew to Community Development ^dministrator Terry Virta, reqarding a referral of complðint re the Collier County Housing ^uthority, explaining problem and method of solving same re eviction notifications of certain farmworkers residing in Farmworkers village. F il cd . .J. . 10. Copy of letter from Victor Hugo Bouse, dated 11/19/81 re available property in the vicinity o~ 1mmokalee Road and the 1-75 interchange. Filed. 11. Monthly Dep~rtment~l Report' as follows: Zoning Department ¡October 1981)¡ Forestry Division (october 1981)¡ Golden G~te Fire Control District Advisory Committee (Minutc5 10/13/01 and 11/10/81)1 and Minutes of F.MSl\C (Jl/U/81). Filed. 12. PSC Notices as follows: Docket No. 800719-PU (RP) (Order No. 10409 issued 11/12/81) re Moption of proposed Rule 25-14.03, (Order proposing rule adoption), Docket No. 8~0723-TP (RA) (Order No. 9935-6 issued 11/12/81) re Chapter 25-4, Sunset Telecommunications (Amendatory Order)¡ Docket No. 81ØØ92-S(CR) (Order No. 1-388-A issued 1¡/16/81) re Application of W~st Orange Utilities, Inc., for a staff assisted rate increase for sewcr service.(^mendatory Order) 1 Docket No. 810218-"DM (Order No. 10417 issued 11/20/81) re adoption of Rulo Chapter 25-22, and Repeal of Rule Chapter 25-2, F.A.C. (Order Mopting Rules). FUed ' 13. Letter from Stevens Construction Corporation, dated 12/1/81, requesting an opportunity to discuss competiti~c bidding for futuro projects. xc Mr. Norman, F 11 ed . 14. Letter dated 11/2J/81, from J. Allen, Inc., notifying their interest re construction of now jail, and criminal justice center. xc Mr. Normanl Filed. PlIqe 92 December 1, 1901 15. Lettcr dated 11/24/81, from John Mallett, 804 92nd. ^ve. N. complimenting tho Board on recent construction of bike paths in Naples Park and Vanderblt Beach Road. xc Messrs. Normðn, Barksdale¡ Filed. 16. Copy of News Release dated 11/12/81, re Land Development Loans avallable (2nd. Notico!) from Dopðrtment of Vet.eran and Community ~ffairs. xc Messrs. Norman, virta, Hall; Filed. .17. Copy of lotter dated 11/17/81 from DNR to Robert E. Forsythe, ^.I.~. notifying him that his request for ð one year time cxtension of permit 79-P-409 M) (M), John Donahue is granted and said permit is valid to December 2, 198 2 . F i led. 18. Letter dated 11/17/81 from Polk County and attached resolution confirming that Board's support of the proposed imposition of a local option one-half cent sale~ tax. Filed * * * * * * * * * * ,. * There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by ordc~ of the Chair - Time: 3:Ð9 P.M. ßO^RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNINC BO^RD(S) OF S~lCI~L ~~R!Zs~SZ3~ .' , " 1'\ " ~ "1 "', ' 6C~K D6G PA~i 357 Paqe 93