BCC Minutes 12/08/1981 S
1itoplès, Flodda, December a, 19B1
L~T IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Chairman having issued the call and
t~c Clerk having given due no~ice ao pr~scribeð by ordinance No. 75-16,
.~~, Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier met
in SPECI~L SESSION on this date at 2:35 P.M. in Building wF· of the
courthouse Complex with the following members pre.ent:
CH~IRM~N: C. R. wRuss· wimer
VICE CH~IRM~N: Mary Frances Kruse
Cll Hord wenzel
David C. Brown
John ~. piator <^bsent)
ALSO PRESENT: William Reagan, Clerk1 Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy
Clerk/Fiscal Officerl Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk1 Donald pickworth,
County AttorneYl William ~orman', County Manager1 Neil Dorri11,
Administrative Assistant, Grace spaulding, Administrative Aide, and
Ch~ef Deputy Raymond Bðrnett, Sheriff's Department.
I. Further Consideration of Courthouse Expansion plans
II. Adjournment
Chairman wimer atat~d that there are questions in the
Commissioner's minds regarding the courthouse oxpansion, adding that
rather than waiting for another week or two, he wanted to discuss edch
commissioner's f.elings on the subject.
Commissioner ~'n%ol ot¡teð that hQ 10 fer Item -A·, adding that
when the project originally started It was the Sheriff that indicated
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that ,he needed more .pace a. the State and Federal Agencies laid the
jail needed upgrading. He stated that he felt the jail was the oryly
item thðt neoded to b~ ~xp~~d~~ and p~sslblY the addition of threc
storie. on Building ·F" for future space. Commissioner Wenzel said
that, in going over the present site lay-out, the right-of-way could be
purcha~ed to accommedate l,eee cars which would meet the county's need
until 1992. He indicated that the next generation could assume the
responsibility of purchasing more land or additions.
Commisshner Kruse stated that she was' not in favor of the
courthouse expansion when it began, adding that she waB told that the
jail h.d to be built. She stated that there has been a lot of money
spent on a premise that the Courthouse expansion is being pursued. Sht
said that if the County is going to plan ahead for the future, the land
should be purchased so that i~ will be availabl~ when needed. She said
that if the County is going to look at alternative sites for such an
expansion, there is a potential for a DRI impact, adding that this
could take another 18 months and would cost an additional $4,908 a day.
Commissioner Wenzel stated that as the County growS there will be
a need for satellite facilities,and Commiss\oner Kruse stated that she
would be willing to have satellite facllties if they were very minor
and specific.
Chairman Wimer stated that there are already satellites through
the branches, adding that the Immokale. land is owned, Harco is being
leased and North Naple. i. being leased. He stated th~ he would lik.
to .ee additional land acquired for more branch.s.
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C~mml.sloner Brown stated that during the w.rkshop session, of
12/4/6l he had halfw~y decided on plan wrw but was not sure of the 36
u~llion dollar figure. He stated that he voted in this morning's
..ssion to go ahead with plan ·F·, but was not satisfied with it,
addinq that he would like to see the expansion explored more. He said
lhat he cann.t see placing the burden of 36 million dollars on the
people of Collier County. He stated that it is costing the County
¢4,U0é a day for the specialists for the project. He said that the
jail should be built and three stories added to Building ·F·, adding
that this would be enouqh for the taxpayers of Collier County to stand.
County Manager Not'lan said that tt".e cOllcept that the County was
following was to concentrate the initial effort upon the architects to
develop a long-range plan once the need for future space waS
c~~~~li~hed. P.c oaid that In tc~ms o! the cost, it nceded to be
decided what the most cost e Uective way of proceeding would be or what
~ould be done in "tagl'!s. He stated that it is now for the Board to
decide which way to go. He sa id that he had been working under the
premise that the Board had directed the initial construction phase be
oriented to a 10 year program, adding that the contracts had called for
the Ma~ter plan and the expandability to cover a 15 year period. He
stated that, if development continues to occur around the complex in
the next ten year~, ~here will not be any land available.
Chairman Wimer stated that the thrust that he received from the
Board, as well as his own opinion, Is that each Commissioner wants to
plan ahead for the future, but with the realization that the cost of
the development to build an expansion to cover the next 19 or 15 years
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would cause a great burden, adding that in the future there would be ð
lot more people to carry that tax load. He stated that the Board ~ånts
to expand, as necessary, but in a frugal manner and to possibly acquire
land for the future. He stated that the land that is now owned should
be utilized on a growing progressive plan to the best of its ability.
Commissioner Wenzel stated that as a commissioner or a clti1en he
would never vote for a 36 million dollar bond issue.
County Manaqer N~rman said the initial emphases was on the Master
plan which takes into consideration long term noeds, but the short term
ability has to be cut back, adding that these two items should be
merged. He stated that once there is an agreement on the Master plan
and the le or 15 year expansion has been designed, a decision could bo
made on cutbacks without creating unduly costs in the future. He said
that it may be possible to build a new jail and a couple of courtrooms,
but continue t$ u~e the courtrooms th~t are a¡ready available and
continue to use the old jail in a reduced way, adding that the office
space expansion CGuld also be limited. He said that he wa~ hoping that
the Master plan issue could be settled, and concluded by stating that
perhaps the architects could design plans for 15 or 2e,illion dollars.
commissioner Wenzel stated that he felt the architects could
dosign plana with tentative figures for the jail and the 3 floor
addition to Building -F- to pre.ent to the Board.
Commissioner Kruse øtated that she would like to see the land
acquired as it will not go down in price and WGuld then be available
for County use when needed. Also, the expense of constructing ·
building is not the only factor involved, adding that there is heating,
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~~r conditioning, and maintenance t. be considerod. Gha scid that, by
~~;11ding for the future, the Cou~~y would be hurt by the operational
bill of the ad valorem tax base.
Commissioner wenzel questioned if Commissioner Kruse was saying
that the County shøuld remain with plan _~w, but buy the land for Plan
-F.? Commissioner Kruse said she was referring to something similar,
~dding that she did not want to pass this problem to the nex~ board.
Commi3sioncr Wenzel stated that, according to Sheriff Rogers, this
1ssue waG being forced on the c~unty because of the Statœ and Federal
Government mandates.
Deputy Chief Ray Barnett stated that it is possibl~ for a ~ourt
order to be issued for the County to build a jail Immediately. He said
that, since the County has been doing this study on the expansion,
/:.:,\I.:.suito hc.ve not been fi~,ed rcC;o:.rding the jail expansion, c.ddi..g that
the jail has beén outgrown and the Federal and State titandards are not
b~ing met. He said the County is on the border line regarding the
housing of prisoners.
Chairman wimer stated that he has no problems in acquiring land
for the CourthQuse or the branches, adding that we should grow for the
Cømmissioner Wenzel stated that for an additional 34 acres, it
'fill cost 3 million dollarm Ln3t would jus~ lay for future expansion.
"0 said he feels that plan -A· is the best one for the present needs.
County Manager Norman stated that irregardlesD~f what plan is
considered, the new jail should be located in accordance with the
Haster Plan that goes with the ultimate .ite development, adding that
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if expansion is crowded into one place, the Mast~~:~lan could not b.
carried out in terms of the larger site, if it was adopted. He said
that whatever is built should be built assuming that the total site il
the ultimate goal.
Commi~sioner Wenzel questioned if the County needs would be met
,until 1992, if the new jail was built and the old one renovated.
County Manager Norman stated, -Now, adding that if a new criminal
juktice center was built, the needs could be met for additional office
space~ He stated that his concern was to locate the jail properly in
order to serve the ultimate combination of activities regarding the ~
most efficient arrangement.
Commissioner Wenzel stated that one building for a jail and
combining the sheriff, the courtrooms. the state attorney's office and
the public defenders office, would leave an increasingly large amount
of,space in Building ·F", which should meet the County's needs until
1 99" 0 r long e r .
To Commissioner Wenzel's question of the price of the Justice
Center, County Manager Norman replied 21 million dollars, adding that
it could be phased out ove~ a period of tim~.
Chairman Wimer stated that phasing is the key factor, adding that
the County should let today pay for today and tommorrow pay for
tommorrow when and if the need is there, adding that the Board wants to
plan for tommorrow, but not pay for tommorrow today. He questioned
whether the Master plan, when completed, would be the final plan.
County Manager Norman said that when the County actually builds on the
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:',«.1",1 according to the Mt.s\:er. plan, tho:., County would be cemm'l.:ted t.· tho
'~roximity of the ~dditions in the future.
, Neil Dorrill, Administrative Assistant, stated that an excellent
example would be the jail which 1s architecturally programmed for 400
cells, adding that it would be ludicrous to build a 400 cell jail that
has 200 empty cells during the first year. He said that the Master
plan provides that there be three schemes with detail, giving the land
~~nftguration of possibly the first fiv~ years, the next five, and the
last five years, adding that there would have to be room for expansi~n.
Comm1.ssioner Wenzel asked the County Manager if he w~uld have a
~iroction to f~llow i( the Board were to set a maximum figure of 20 '
mUll-" dollars, including the acquistion of the additional land?
Mr. Bob zimmerman of Ross/Erhrantz stated that it w.uld be
G¡ff~cult to figure what 20 million dollars could buy, adding that the
~,mp.":tant fl\cter i R that the :1astc;r plan process has five, ten and
fifteen year incremental plans. He stated that there would be dollar
~mo~nt& attached and a review at the time of the Master plan process.
Ho .~id that there would be flexibility in terms of the location of the
build Ings.
To Commissioner wimer's question of the cost of the Master plan,
It,. 0\ Dar~'l Bailes of pol1:zi/Heery stated that the total cost through
'~he Master planing phase, at which time the board would adopt one of
three options, or a combination, would be approximately $168,000. He
said that Polizzi/Heery was not included in the $168,000.
Count~ ~anager Norman stated that the Master plan needs to be
~:f~ncd, adding that it 1s more than just a layout. He said that it 1s
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the analyses the County has been going th~GU9~' a' floor plan layout ~f
what is to be built, and a number .f optional planG, adding tha~ ~he
finaì product will be a Master site plan and the flo.r plan layout ..
that all the buildings will be in the initial construction phase. He
said th~t the Master plan WQuld last for 15 years.
Mr. zimmerman said that there would be three schemes which w~uld
require owner approval. He stated that the owner would indicate at the
five year increment what is intended to be done and the associated
construction dollar figure used, adding that this w~uld again ba done
at the 1e year and 15 year period.
To commissiener Wimer's question of the cost for this progr3m,·~:.
zimmerman stated that the total cost from the time polizzi/Heftry came
on board to ~o the questionnalre and interview through the end of phase
I, and the associated cost for the architectural engineering services
through the Master Plan, would be $sSø,eøø.
Neil Dorrill, ^dmlnsitrative ~ssistant, stated that the detailed
budget line item is $163,0001 however, phase II is n~t budgeted because
it is contingent on a Bond Issue.
r~unty Manager Norman stated that Phase I was part ~f tne 1977
Bond Issue.
To Commissioner Wimer's question of whether the ~aster plan hao
any sltos for branches, C$I\Tlty Manager Norman replied wNo, that Is not
part of the present contractw.
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Commissioner Brown moved that no land be purchaßed, contain the
'county. on the property that iß presently baing used, the jail be
. uuilt as orginallY planned and, also, accommodations be built for the
Commissioner Wenzel stated that he felt the right-of-way should be
purchased fer parki"g with Commissioner Brown remarking that he did not
~hink that anything should be bought.
Commissioner wimer stated that he thought the motion should be
uithh61d and let the architects come back next week.
Commissioner Brown stated that tho County is paying $4,000 a day
for their services, but he would hol~ his motion until next weok If
that was Chairman Wimer's preference.
Commissioner Wimer asked if the Staff and Consultants would like
(~ como back next week or if they pref~rred a motion today?
County Manager Norman replied that he understood Commissioner
Drown wanted to adopt plan .~. as the Master Plan slte. He stat~d that
if that is tne Board's decision thore is no need to come back next
Co",missloner Wimer stated that a key element he did not see 'in the
plans'~as activitie~ for branches which would dramatically effect the
pl."oscnt site.
County Managr.r Normar. :!Itated that the consultants could contact
each of the departments t. determine what could be located in a
satellite situation and then the square footage could be reduced,
~dding that it is basically known what can noW be done on the present
~it.. He said that, if th~ Beard desires t. use satellite locations to
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the maximum, he would return to the Board witnaddltonal informatien
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regarding same.
Chairman wimer stated that, in looking at satellite location~,
there is a need t. look beyond today's technolugy which Is difficult te
do. He said that satellite locations are cheaper and closor for
people .
Commissioner Kruse stated that satellite facilities should be a
county-~ide operation which benefits all citizens of the area or there
would be arguments regarding taxes. County Manager Norman aaid that
Mrs. Kruse's point was well taken as the County c.uld become Inv.lve4
in double taxation, adding that each satellite would have to be treated
as a non-county wide activity.
Commissioner Brown stated that hi. motion stands.
Commissioner Wenzel stated that he wanted to know the cost of plan
"1\" next week.
Commissioner Brown stated that he wanted the new jail and thre~
stories Qr. Building wr".
County Manager, Norman reported that the architects and the Sheriff
wt.\ted to see the cQurtrooms and the jail next to each other, adding
that ~nder plan ,,~w this was not considered.
Mr. zimmerman stated that there would be an addition on the
pre~ont courthouse that wouJð be part of the new justice center. He
said the jail would be 8 stories, adjing that the cost would be 19\
more than a 2-story jail. Commissioner wenzel stated that the jail
could be designed for 8 stories, but .nly 2 stories built at this time.
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<.:~.lof Deputy Barnett stated that thore is a need for 400 cells,
c.~ding that a jail is more costly to operllte when it is built up\lard
rather than .ut~ard. He stated that the idea is to keep the ja1~
connected with the courtro.m in order to keep the prisoners inside to
prevent escapes.
Chairman wimer stated that Commissioner Drown's motion is for
expansion on the present courthouse property and to come back with
rll'ns fo r tha t .
Commissi~ner Wenzel seconded the motion, adding that there could
b) some revisions made on the schmatlc drawings.
~ Thore was a general dl&cu~sion iegarding p.ssible county
courtrooms, sheriff's facilities, etc. for satellite locations.
Chairman wimer stated that Staff was asked if they wanted to come
bbCk next week, adding tha~ the motion is to expand the pre~ent
courth.use prope~ty only.
Commissioner Kruse stated that the County has some one story
~uildings that can no longer be devel~ped upward because standards have
changed, a1dlng that there is no way of knowing if, these dosigns will
be ~-..veloped, as¡ standards may change in the future.
'Tþere being no further discussion, èhairman wimer called for tho
~u.stion with' ~he ~otlon passing 3/1, (Commissioner Kruse opposed).
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Th~'o being no furthcr bus1nesø for the 900ð of the County, the
meetLng was adjourned by Ordor of the Cha1rat .3:49 p.M.
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