BCC Minutes 12/22/1981 R \ . I I I -'- ___ ___ - - - _- - __ __ ____ - _____ - _- - - _--- ___ - __..1 Nap 1 C ß, F lor: i d ", Dc c I.; )':\ h l~ r 2 2, 1 ~ ß 1 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, thnt the Board of County Commianioncrs in and for the County of Collier, and also acting 05 the governing bo~rd(B) of such special districtD as hove been created ðccording to law and having conducted bUßiness herein, met on this dote at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building ~F" of the Courthous~ Complex with the following members prcßent: CI!!lII1M!lN: c.n. "RIH;!'" h'imer VICE CI!!lII1M!lN: Mary-FrDnccs Kruse 4 John A. pi star , Clifford Wenzel David C. Drown ALSO PRESENT: lIl1rold L. lIall, Ch ~f Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; ;; Maurct!n ¡(OilY un Clnd DiHlenQ {),1vid!':on, (10:30 !I."'.) Ooputy Clerks; Donald pickworth, County !It torney, willi~m NormDn, County Manager, Neil Dorrill, Administr."ltivc MJslst.ant, Irving I)Qn~on, Uti] ities Manager; 10rry virta, Community Development Administrntor; Loe Kirchhoff and Terry Clark, Plftnncrs; Jeffory P0rry, zoning Director; Clifford I)arksdalo, Public Works ^dmlnlstrator; Gr~cc Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the DOcHd; IIcnry I!ill, Budget Ani!lyst; Doug Grcr.nficld, EMS Director; nnd, Deputy CI,ie! Ray Dftrnctt, Sheriff'ß Deportment. P.'g e 1 hcaK 066 PACE549 ... ... - .-- ,.- .-- ~ .... ~ -. . ...... -. .. ..- . ..-. ......... .... -. .. - .......~..-... ...-..-..--...-..' ---..- -.....-- -- ----.. --,",...~--~- --- -- -- - - -. -- -- -- - - - - - -. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- t· b jt: .~~ Dccombor 21., 1981 /I(~r.NDA _ !\PP\10VF.D WITH TIIr. FOLLOWING CI!!I~ GES I ßOOX "066 PACE 554 commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commiasioncr plstor ~nd carried unDnimously, thClt tho ~gQnd~ bo approved with the following changesl !\. procl~mðtion to Airport Authority added. B. !\ppointment of WMAn vDcnncy - ndded. C. Deletion of Docember 1, 19a1, minutos. D. Deletion of Item 5C - Rcsolution rc leavc of ðbacnce for James F. Sm i t h . E. Deletion of Item 7B - Ordint'tnco l1mcnding Ordini'lnc~ 75-2l ðnd 7G-~2, Protected Tree Ordinl1nce. F. Deletion of Item 902 - ßid .53?, Office Microcomputer. COI-1MEtJD^TION Rr. P^f1M1f.DTC .1^M[;' F. Sr~l'f - ^DOrTED. Chairman wimer pre!:i0.nLed i' commcndCltion to p,Hùr11edic Jé\mcs F. Smith for acting in û hcroic f~~hion on the ~ight of the November l, 19ß1 accident. He ~t~tcd th~t he wns hit by ~n oncominq vehicle whilo tranaporting 11 pl1ticnt to Nùplos, which demolished the I::Wì vehicle. lie reported thùt pélromcdic Smith WùS seriously Injured in the occident, but roacted to the critical and medical needs of the ~~cident victims until lIs91stûncc ðrrived. lie ;,aid that for tho c,:¡lm nnd profcIH;1on,:¡! mnnner in which pornmcdic Smith performed at the scene of the ðccidont, tho Boord rocognlzD9 and c~~mDnds the horoic ðction9 of porømcdlc James F. Sm i t h . Commi~9ioner piutor moved, Reconded by Commisnioncr Drown and cl1rried unanimously, thnt tho commendation be adopted. Pðq 0 2 ~~, , \- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - --- - - - - -- - -- .. . .. - - - - - - - - - - -"" - - - - -- -- - - ....- ...- - -- -- ., . -.- --. -- - __________ --- __I Deccmber 22, 1901 ßoaK 066 PACE 555~~ COMMENDATION nE EMT RICARDO CARCI^ - ^OOPTF.D. 1 Chairman Wimer presented n commondotion to EMT Ric~rdo Garci~ for the calm ~nd professional manner in which he controlled and manipulated tho ambulanco beforc nnd ðftor impact in tho accident on tho night of November l, 19A1, in which ò potentLJlly trðgic nituðtion was tlvortcd. Ho stated thtlt tho Board recognizes and commends tho hcroic nction of EMT Ricardo Garcia. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioncr Kruse and carried unanimously, that the commendation be adopted. ¡ rag e 3 r - - - ..~ -- -. .- - - - --:- -- - -. - - - ..- - - - - - - - -- -.- - -- - ---- - -- \ - . I \ . ... ,.- . - -- ,_.. .... ~.- -- . .- -- - -.- -- - - -- --- - -- - - - ------- ------ ;,(¡0K 066 PACE 558 Decomber 22, 1901 PROCLMIl\TION Cor~MENDING TilE Nr-.PLES AIRPORT r-.UTIIORITY FOR Accor~p['Ir,H- "IENTS ra: TilE r.^P¡\I~st()N ^im COf;T nr.DUCTION OF T1ìf. Ì\tnp('jRT. ADOPTF.D. Chðirman Wimer stDtod that the l\irport Authority hðs opened a new terminal building, adding that it is very benefitting for tho County to rccognize the individun15 (or their time nnd effort. He stated thc3t he was very impressed with the facilities as well nS the cost factor por squ¡)ro foot. Grace Spùulding, Administrative Aide to the BOðrd, rend the proclðmation, wheroupon Commissioncr pistor moved, seconded by Commis- sioner Wenzel Ðnd carried unanimously, th¡)t the proclamation commending the Naples Airport Authority members be adopted. Chairman Wimer presented the proclðmation to the members individually, expressing thimks. PlIg e 4 i------~--------------------------------- -------- --- - -------- - - ----- -- --- ---- -- - - -" Dccember ~2, 19ß1 ORDINANCE ßl-9l RE PETITION R-81-23-C, B^RNETT DlINK, TRUSTEE, REQUESTING REZONING FROM II TO PUD FOI1 RUMERWnO{) LOCAT~D W~GT OF P^LMEI1 ClIBLEVISION ON RlIOIO ROllD - lIDOPTED WITH STIPUL^TIONS, AS ^MENDED; PETITIONER'S lIGREEMENT Tn ClIPC STIPUL^TIONG - ACCRPTED. Legal noticc having been pUbliRhed in the N~ple5 Doily Nows on Octobor 9, 19ß1, as ovidenced by Affidavit of Public~tion pravioualy filed with the Clerk, public hc~ring wa~ continucd from Deccmber l, 1981 to consider Petition R-8l-23-C, Barnett RAnk, Trustoc, requ~sting , rozoning from A to rUD [or ¡,umcrwood loc~ted West of PDlmcr Cablevision I on Radio Road. L e Kirc¡'ho[(, planner, indic"'ted the loci\tion of thC' propcrty on a map, odding that the petitioncr rropo~eß to dovelop GO units at a densit of 4 units per acre. She stnt~d th~t at the December 1, lSAl meetin , the Ðoarn continued this petition in order for the residents and th developcr to agree on the proposcd changes: Chango density from G.22 to ~ units per acrc. Chl1ngc number of units from 92 to fiO. Provide buffer Drea along Wast nnd Southern edge. She reported that thcGC changcs were ~pprovDd by the 5urroundin] Coconut Creek property owncrs aCtor meoting with the devcloper on Docembor 3 and Deccmber 10, 19B1. 5he stated thClt on the rcvised site plan tho road has been moved further to the East with ð minimum of on 80' buffer which spreads 50' on the West and Southern side. Sho reported thot the parking and the lako have been completely moved to another portion of the property. She concluded by stating that Stoff rccommends approval, as amended. PMJ~ 5 hOOK OS6 PACE 565 .. . . ~ ..'... .... ~ ~... ~... . -. ... .. --... .... - ., - ... .,- -.' ....-- .'- . , ,_... .' -". -~. -.. - - -.... .....- .....--.. -- .--... ·-------------------------------- '~jX 066 r:~i~1 rmon wimer's questlen ef :::::::r t::' n::::y property owner. hnvc been contðctcd, Mr. w~fðn F. Ausnod of Wilson, Miller, ODrton, .~ Soli ~ Peek replied nffirmDtively, ndding that tho first mooting was to obtain ~ list of concerns ~nd tho socond mceting was to indicato how their conccrns would be resolved. "0 stated that the neighbors have now indicated their Dðtia(nction of the plan. Mr. Tom Deaver of 345 Esther Stroet, representing the Coconut Crock property owners, stated th~t he appreciated the concern the property owners were given ônd the cooperation received from Wilson, Miller, D~rton, 501l & Peck, adding that the tlom~owncrß consensus is to approve tho project. Thore being no further di~cu99ion, Comml90ioner Wenzel moved, ßocolldod by COl1\mlsrdoncr KC\J!;'~ ¿Ind c'Hrlcd unanimously, thðt tho public hearing be clo5cd. CommiD~ion('r Kruse moved, ~wcondcò by CommIssioner Wenzel ðnd carried unDnim~u~ly, thôt tho Ordinance ns numberod and entitled below be adopt~d, and entcrcd into Ordinônr.~·Dook No. l~, Dubjcct to stipu- latio~s and DO amended, and, thôt the PetItioner's ^greement to CAPC stip~lðtions be ôccepted. onDlNlINCE 8l-9l AN OnDINMJCE "ME~JDING onDtNANCE 71)-30, THE COMPRE- IICN!;rVE ZONING rn:GULA1'!CHIS FOn TI1F: UNtNCORPOf!ATED Af!EA OF TilE COASTAL MEA PLMINlm; DISTRICT !,\y AMf.N[)ING '1'111: ZONING ATLAS MAr NUIO\J.n:n 50-/.5-1 [W Cll^NGING T!Ir. ZONING CLMHìlFIC^TION OF THE HEf!EIN DF:SCIUJ..H:D I1E^L PHOPEn'I'Y FnOH -A" AGIHCUL'I'Uf!E TO "PUD" PL^NNr.D UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR ~n MULTIFAMILY DI.J¡:[.LING UNITS: p,\nT OF SCC'I'ION 1, TOWNSIIIP 50 GOUTII, n^NGE 25 ElIST; lIND B'i rnaVIDING AN EFFF:CTIVE DlITE. PðCJ C Ii ! . ... - -- - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - --- - -- --- ø If. j~ 1! ::' - -- - - - - - - - ~.- - - -- - -- - -- - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - --. .. Docember 22, 1901 ORDIN^NCE I'Il-92, ADOPTING TilE 1979 EDITION OF THE ST^NDlIRD PLUMBING COD ~ WIT H 1 9 (H1 1\ N D 1 ')P. 1 !ì r. V I !~ T n tHL " D () P T r. D . Legal notice having boen publiGhod in the Naplcs D~ily NCWD on November 20, November 27, December <1, and Decembnr 1l, 1901, as ovi- danced by lIffidðvit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider MJoptinC) on ordinnnce whct"(Jby Ordinance! No. ßl-G3 would be reaffirmed tlnd tho 1979 edition of tho Stand.:Hd PlumbinC) Code with the 191'\0 ond 19ß1 revisions ~doPtcd. Mr. Terry virtð, Community Development Adr.dnistrLltor, stated thðt this itom WòS previouslY ðctcd upon, but due to ch~nges during that hearing and t~chnicðlly intcrnòl problcms, it did not get to Tallðhassee in time to be recorded in the proper fashion, ðdding that the Board is now being rcquùstcd to re-ndopt the ordinancn for the stnndnrd plumbing co~c. Thore bcinC) no discusr,ion rogilrding this mðttcr, Commissioncr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that tho public heðrinC) be closed. Co~mi5sioner Wcnzol moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, thðt the Ordinance £'IS numbered nnd cntitleà below be adopted, and entered into Ordin~nce nOOK No. l4. p¿1CJ C 7 Malt 066 PAtE5S7 --.-. ..... . ,......... ..--.' -.-......... -- .-..-.....- ..._- --. -.. ..--...- - - ...----..- - .-........ -.- ·- -.- -.- -.- .- -- ----.-- - -- .- .- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Decembor 27., 1901 066 PACE 568 ORDINMICE ßl-92 !\N Of'tDINl\NCE ESTlIB LISt! ING THE "COLLIE!"! COUNTY PLUM£' ING C::ODE" BY ADOPTING TIIF: "ST"NDlIfH) fJLUMB ING CODr., 1979 EOITION," INCLUDING APrF.NDIXES 1\, n, C, D, F., r', G, lIND ILLUSTf'tllTIONG, }\ND M'1f.NDMF.NTS TO TilE "STANDAf'tO PLUMßING CODE" 1980 .,nd 1901 REVI- SIONS TO TilE 1979 r.DrTION, AS PUßr.ISIIED BY TilE SOU'I'llf:nN BlI I LDING CODE CONGI1f.SS IN'I'EnNlITIONAL, INC., liS lIMENDED, AMEND SECTION lO~.2 FlIILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT; Ar~¡':N[) SECTION l()(j. J SCIIEDULE OF PERMIT FEES; AMEND SECTION l07.2 NOTIFICATION; M~END SECTION l07.5 (a) - METIIODS OF TESTING DRA INAGE MID VENT SY:ìTF.MS; AMr.ND SECTION 302 DEFINITrONß; AMEND SECTION !i02.ln JOINT FOR PL^STIC PIPE AND FITTINGS; lIMEND SECTION 70n.2 LOCATION; AMEND SECTION 70~.5 BASE OF ST^CK5; AMEND SECTION 905.1 FIXTURESI AMEND SECTION 120~ PROTECTION OF POT^ßLE WATEn SUPPLY; REPf.lILING ORDINANCE 7!i-69 AND PROVIDING Fan CONFLICT, SEVERlIßILITY, PENlILTIF:S l\ND PROVIDING AN EFfECTIVE DlITE. 0I1Dn~ANcEt"nl-9J M1ENDING TIIF. COLLIER COUl~TY !)TRF.f.T LIGHTING DISTRICT onDINANCE..NO. 72-l ,\'0 ItICLUDr. CF:fìTAIN LANDS ALONG OlJTRIGGf.R tllNE, COCmJUT RtVr.R r.~;Tl\n::;. ^DOPTED. Lcg~ notice hDving bean pUbliGhed in tho ~~plcß DDily News on D~ccmber , 19B1, ðS ovidenced by AffidDvit of publication filed with tho Clark public HHHing was opcnod to connider .1mcnding tho Collier County 5t uet Lighting Di(~rict OrdinDncc No. 72-1 to include certain lands ðlo 9 Outri~~ur Lane, Coconut River Eßtntns. ~r. Cliff Bðrk5d~lc, Public Works lId~lnistr~tor, stl1ted that D .~ \~ petition WðS received from 65\ of tho prupprty owncrs requesting tho installation of strcet lights. Ite SQid tcn SHOO lumr:n, high pressure! sodium vðpor lights woul~ be provided ðt ðn estimated YCDrly cost of $1,69fi, adding thnt St~ff rccommends that the ßODrd approve the Ord i n,'Inco . pag Q 8 . -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - -.- - -- ----- -- -- - - ---- -'- -- --------- - - -- -- --- -- -- -- - - -." Deccmber 22, 19!'1l There being no dißcussion, Commissioner Wenzcl moved, seconded by Commis!1ioner pi!1tor and cðrriud ulì(l(\1r.ìcu~ly, th!lt thr> pnblic hearing be closcd. Commissionur Wenzel movod, seconded by commisnioner pistor ond cðrried unanimously, thût the Ordinance as numbered nnd entitled below be ðòopted, and entercd into Ordinanc~ nook No. l~. OI1DINANCE Rl-93 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 72-1 BY ADDING CEI1TAIN LlINDS ALONG OUTRIGGER LlINE, COCONUT RIVER ESTATES TO Tilt: COLLIEn COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT, PHOVIDING fon CONSTI\UCTION, lIND AN Efo'FECTIVE D!\TF.. RESOLUTION (\1..2(,2 AUT!\onIZING TilE f.Y.CIIl\NGr. OF EXISTING RJGIIT-OF-WAY FOR PROPOSED HlGIIT-OF-'''';AY TO Foun-L¡'.NI~ PINE RIDGE nOllD - ADOPTf.!ì; PonTION OF TilE EXISTING RIGIIT-OF-IoJ¡'Y Dr.CLARr:D VAC^TED, M\AND(ìNDED AN!) DISCONTINU¡'~D; ST^TUTOHY rEED AUTIIO¡¡IZF.D F()1ì EX~:ClJTrON ^ND RECORDl'·TIO;~; CLERK DIIìECTED TO ADVf:HTTf;E TilE M'ORf~~II::NTIONED lIDOPTION AND ¡':XI;CUTION ONE 'rHH: h'ITIII!J TI1IRTY DAY~ Tm:rn~o¡.'. Legal notice having been published in the Nðple5 Dnily News on December 6 and 13, 19('11 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the cxchðnge of the oxisting right-of-woy for propor;ed right-of-wi1Y to four-l:tno pine lìidg~ Rond. Mr. cliff D£lrksdale, public I"orks Adminintr.'tor, stated that the two small pc)rcel5 in tho vicinity of th~ lìo!3em<"ry Cemetery consist of 332 ßquðro fcct nnd 33~ square fü~t, Adding thnt on~ exiDting right- of-w"y is not roquirccl for tho con:>tructior. of pine Ridge l1oad. lie stðtad th"t tho other right-of-wny is r~quirad from the private prop- arty owner, ndding thnt several weeks ðgo it was ðpproved to oxchnnge pðqe 9 hOOK 066 PACE5S9 . . - ,- ....,'.... -.. ..-....... ._-- "'..........--.-...-------- - .. .. .... .'., I ...~.. .. .- -...... - -.-.. ..~ . --- ... -.. -" ..- - -.. ..- -- .._- - - - - ..- -- - -- - - - - - - - .-.. - - - - - -- ,.OGK 066 PAGE 570 Decembcr 22, 19A1 tho so two parcels. He concluded by ntnting that Staff rccommonda that the Board opprove tho Dxchnnge of the pnrcel0 ond declarc thc exinting right-of-w~y v~catod, abandoned, and authorizo the Chairman to cxocute thc appropriatc resolution. Commiszioncr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor Dnd carried unðnimoualy, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, saconded by Commissioner pistor ðnd corried unDnimously, th~t Refiolution 8l-2G? authorizing the exchange of the cxisting right-of-way for the proposcr1 right-of-way to four-lðne pine Ridgo Roðd bc. adopted; the portion of thc existing right-of-way be declared vacated, nbandondod and discontinucd¡ the Statutory Decd be authorized [or execution and recordation; and the Clerk be directed to ndvertisf! the "1foremcntioned ,jdoptiol1 and execution ono timc within thirty days thcreof. PMJO 10 .. -. - ---...- - -.. -- - - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - - - ..-- - -- - -- - - -- ... -....- .....- -.... - ..,- -...- ·- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - -.- -- - - -- .- . .". December 27., 19f\1 Rf.!;OLUTION f\l-?,ri) In: PETITION £\':{ ~'AX TIIOM TO VlICNTE TlIlIT PORTION Of Tllr. TI:l~ (10) FOOT U'rII.T1'V r.^SE~\ENT LYING n~:1'\'¡¡':f.N Lorn 399 ^ND "0", "ND ßETI....EEN LOT!:; 400 AND "o~, UNIT l, PMJ~' mVI·:n l':!ì'l'NI'ES. ADor'J'ED. Legal notice having been published in the Nnples Daily News on Deccmbor 6 and l3, 19ß1 ð5 evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing W~5 opened to consid0.r ð petition by M~X Thorn to VlIClltc th£1t portion of the ten (lO) foot utility ciH3ement lying between lots 399 ând "0", £1nd b~twQen lots 400 and "03, unit l, pnlm River Estatos. Mr. Cliff Barksdale, Public Works lIdMinistr~tor, reported thnt letters of "No objection" have been receivod from the utility companie~ with the understùr.ding thùt tlw (HlnCr will c]ec1ic"to the utility ei'lSC- ment to them as they r~qulrc service to the proposcd use of the lùnd, adding th~t therc ùrt: no wtlt.er r'll'InngC'ment problems. Mr. George B~llentinu of ll5 Palm View Drive, Naples, stDted he lives Ðcross from Mr. Thorn's motel on lota "0" nnd "03, adding thnt lot 404 i5 not occupied at this t1r'1c. lie referrcd to his ilbstrûct Cor his property which was rccorcl(~d in P1.'\t Hook 3, Pt1CJc 90, di'tcd 1959, ðdding th.::lt the restrictions I,"ould not expire until 1989. lie reported thût the restrictions indicDtud no lot or pûrcùl shnll bc uscd cxcept Cor residential purpofic5, etc. lie (lsked whitt the purrone was to vacate tho 10 foot Ollsement "nd whllt lIuthority there if1 (or clasaifying the motel ,HClI ðD gcnC!r,'¡ retail commercial? lie fUt thcr lIsked why tho rcsidents ~djðccnl to the motel should h,'vc to put up with l.Jrgc trllctor trl1ilers <'IS they orc not considcrf)d tourists. lie said thðt the lor:aion of the dumpster cloco not cnh,'\nce the property owners homos or the z:rclI. 110 Pð<JQ l) &ODK 066 PAf'£ 573 ~.. ...-. ..."... .-........ .. ... -.-- . _..- ........-.-.. - -.-.- --. .... -- -.. -. .-....- ....-- - - - - - -- --- - - - - --- -- - -- - -...----- ßOOK 066 PACE 574 Docomber 22, 1!)8l questioned what the ruquirud ,¡mount of porldng Spl1C'':- iR for (>o1eh motal unit? He stated th.1t he in conccrned "Iith Lot 404 lit this time and docs not w~nt the ù~gement vðc~tcd. Mr. Don Bollcmy of Bellamy Engineering stated that the property in zoned "GRC" which has the capacity for building the motel, adding that the owner would like to ~ppcùse the people in the suhdiviaion ns much liS possible. He said th.:1t the rcason for vac.3tinCJ the property ia that it would bp mora pleðsing to tho arca to orient tho motel in nn cast/west direction, adding that without thc vlIcntion the motel can still be built but it would be facing tho property owner ðcrosS the street. Mr. Do...1lcl pickworth, County Attorney, stated thùt the County Zoning is different thùn tho Deed of Restrictions, adding that tho County doc::. not h.:\ve thc ùuthcrit'l to enforce Deed r<e::.t.rict.1on::.. !Ie stated th~t tho individunls hnvo the right to enforce 9ueh restrictions. Chnirman Wimer stnt~d that it is ß civil mattDr which is bctw~en tno !ndividuùl parties, ndding that the County docs not become involvcd. Mr. DRllcntinc Btùt~d th~t ~nothcr concern Is the adorn from tho dumpstcr which permeato thc whole arca. Commisnioncr Wenzel quostioned if the location of the dumpster wao violating any of the zoning lows, to which Mr. Perry replied nl?g.3tlvely. Mr. Bellomy st~ted that the potitioner is willing to relocate tho dumpstcr in ð Gcrccncd ðr~ð. t'.'1C}o 12 : .....--------.----------------------..-- ..----.---- ... " -- -- - - - ----- - --- - --- - ----- -- -- - - - --- - - - -.- ..-. Deccmber 2?, l0ßl CommioRioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnd carried unantmously, that the public hearing ba closed. Commissioner Kruso moved, seconded by Commisc1oncr Brown and ClIrried 4/l, (Commissioner Wenzel opposed), th~t Resolution 8l-263 re petition by MilX Thom to v,1cato that portion of the ten (lO) foot utility casement lying between lots 399 and ~O~, Dnd between lots 400 and ~03, unit 1, pðlm River Est~tcs be adopted. ··i , p.:¡CJC 13 aoo~ 066 PAct 515 ..... ...,..- ._..-.'.... "... ..._0 .,. .. _._ .__.-..... ..._.. _ .._ _.. _._ .__ ..._ .._.. .._ .__ _ _ _._. _ _ _ _ ___ _.._ _ .._ ,··4 ..__ _ ....... ..- ..... - -- ~---- .-.. - -- - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -. - -'- - - - - --.-. Dccemh~r 22, 19f\1 ORDINANCE ~l-9~ C({~lITING PINE RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK MUNICIPAL SERVICE TlIXl:!r. ".ND nn¡EF1'1' lINTT. lID()rT~D. Lcgal notico having been published 1n the N~plea Daily News on December l, 1981, ¿¡ß evidcnced by Affidavit of rublici1tion filed with tho Clerk, public hearing Wi1ß opcned to considor an ordinðncc f.or pine Ridge Industri~l PiJrk Municipal Service Tnxinq and ßcnefit Unit, Section ll, Township ~9 South, Range 25 f,~st. Mr. ß¿¡rk5dalc, puhlic worKs ~dminiÐtr¿¡tor, stnted thðt during the Board meeting in August ~nd ðfter a report from the Utility M~nðger ~nd the County En~lneer regDrding the water and fire hydrðnts [or the district, the Board decided to include wnt~~, sewer, ro~ds and Jrðin- age. lie reported thnt since thðt time there hi15 been cost estim3tos and advertising proposcd for thc profession~l serviccG in ordcr for the tðxing district to pny for tho prcliminiJry engineering report. He stated that, at thi1t time, bi1sed on the enqineorG report, it waS decided how to proceed with construction ane! how to flnoncc. 110 si1id that the taxln~ district would genorntø the funds for this preliminary rcport which is currcntly estimated to be Dpproxirnalcly SRl,noO with nn estimé.1ted millage of 3.857l based on the currcnt i1sSCRscd values. lie concluded by f3tating thDt the fintll design llnd con~truction cost \·/Ould be finnnced through the assossment method and/or grants if any b~come aVDilDblo. .. To Commissioncr Krune's question if it Wð5 taken into considora- tion that some of those roods arc non-dedicated rOé.1ds, Mr. ß^rksdale replied affirmatively, ndding th~t somc of the right-of-way casemcnts htlvc been dedicated Dnd most have heen rescrved for ðcce5S which would P.H) l' 1" lIO~K 066 f'Ati 577 ._-- ---- ---- - - -- -..- - --...-------- - ..--- -..- --..-.-----...---..-... .--..-_.- ..... December 21., 19ß1 . - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- ..- -- -' -- - - .- -- -- ._- -- - . ßCD~ 066 PACE 518 bu pllrt of tho prol1minDry <:>nginocr1ng rcport. lie concluded by stating that the m~jor p~rt oC the rr.port would h~ d~tPrmlnlnq which acceSGefi ~ro dedicated and what action would bo required for righta-of-way and eðGOmentß for the utilitics. Mr. Michi'lcl Carr, oporator of Sunshine pipe r. S"pply, sti1tcd that aftor talking with mMny property owners in the pine Ridge induntriðl area, the consonsus was overwhelmingly fl)vor.1ble rcgarding creating 11 taxing unit. There being no furthp.r diGGuQsion, CommissionQr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commlssioncr ristoI' ðnd carried unnnimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pi:jtor moved, !:¡econded by Commi!Hdo!\er Brown Zlnd carried unðni~ou5ly, th~t the Ordinance ðS numbered ^nd entitled bclow be ¿¡dopted, i1nd entereù int.o Ordin,1nc~ nook No. H. OROINANCE NO. Rl-9~ AN OI<DINANCE TO CIŒ^TE TI!f. PINE nIDGf. INDU~';TI<IAL PARK MUNICIP^L S~RVIC~5 T^XING ANO AENEFIT UNIT WITH PO\oJClì5 ^U'l'IIOnI7.ED UNDEn C¡t^pn:R 125 OF THf. FLOI1IDÌ\ STATUTES; F:5TAIILISHING THE I)Ol\nD OF COUNTY cm'Y'¡!;Sl(1Nf.R~; AS TilE GOVEr'NING 110ARO, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE D^TF-. onDINI\NCE f1l-95 l\MENDING 1'11E COLLIEI1 CoUtITY STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT ORDINANCE NO. 7'-1 TO INCLUDE CREWS 5unOIVI5ION. I\DOPTED. Lcgnl noti~a havin0 been published in th~ Naples Daily NewS on December l, 1981, ilD evidenccd by Affidavit of PubllcJtion filed with the Clerk, public he~rlnq WJD opDncd to conoidnr nn ordinðnce to ðmcnd the Collier County Stroot Lightin~ Di~trict Ordlnnnce No. 72-l to includo Crows Subdivision. p.1ge 15 . .-.. - -.- -- --- --. -.- -- -.--.------------------------------- .. . ---- ..-... ...........- -... --..- ..-- -. .-...- --.- -.--- -.......--...--------------- December 2?, 19ß1 Mr. B~rk~dðlc, Public Works Administr~tor, Bt~ted thnt n petition w~s received (rom C17\ of the property owncrs within the proposcd subdivision. Ho s~id the e~tim~t~d cost would be $300.00 per year, adding that Staff rccommcnds includin9 Crews Subdivision in the Lighting District. Commisnioner Wenzel moved, scconderl hy Commißaioner ristor ðnd cllrried unanimously, th.,t the public he.'Hing bo closed. Comminsioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the OrdinDnce DB numbernrl and entitled bolow be aûopted, and entercd into Ordinance nook ~o. l~. OnDIW\NCE £11-95 AN onDINANCf. AI~¡':tJ[)IN(j ORDINlINCF. NO. 72-1 ßY ADDING CERTAIN LANDS vlITIIIN cnr·:v¡:, !~lJr.f\IVISION TO TifF. COLLIER COUtJTY STfn:r.T LIGlfTIIJG Dlf,TnICT, PROVIDING Fan CON~;TfWC1'ION, M:D M~ HF'r.CTIVE DATE. ORDINANCF: 8l-96 RE rETITION cr-:ll-~~-C, (^, THE COLLIER C'Olll,'TY PLlI.NNING Dr.Pll~TMENT REQUESTING II LAND US~ ^MEND~ENT fROM CCMMr.nCIlIL TO RESIDENTIAL ~\F:DIml ¡¡F.!~f,ITY ((,-li.n UNITS PER r.nos!; ACRE) FOR APpnOXIMATf.LY ~.5 ACfH:~; IN SECTION lr" TCI\'Nf,lfIP ~n f,OUTIf, nAtIGE 25 ElIST' LOCATED AT 'i'lIr ~;OUTII¡':M;1' COf1NW or GULf HAnnon ROAD AND ','IGGINS PlISS ROAO. ADOPTED. Lcgð1 notice having been published in the Naples D~ily News on Novembcr 20, 1981, as evidcnced by Affidavit of Publicðtion filed with tho Clerk, public he~rin9 W~5 opened to consider petition CP-31-J4-C, (A) the Collicr County Planning DepHtmC'nt requesting ð lDnd use lImcndment from Commcrcinl to f1p5idC'nt1.,l t-Iedi\lm Dcnr;1ty (0-£'.22 units pcr gross acre) for ðpproximõtely 5.5 acres in Section 16, Township 40 South, nl1nge 25 E.1St, loclltcd nt the southe~st corner of Gulf HlHhor Ro.,d ðnd Wigg ins PlISS noad. P,'g l' 1" aO~K 066 /'Au579 .__~h ...~_..._....._ ."__"'__". ..........--.--. · .- .._.. ..- --+ ---. --.- --- ".-. .- ,. -.- . -. .._- .--- -- - -_. -- -.- -- ..-- --. -- .-. . ~.~ 066 P^CE 580 Dcccmhcr 22, l~r.l Terry Clark, Pl,1nncr, Indiciltccl the <]cn<'c.-tl 10c,ltion on i'I m,lt', add1n'l lhi1t It)l~ II1L<'nt L~; to m,lk" t.I,'· CU"lId":i' iì:~t'..C rldr. ,1n.\ ~hf> prcpc~"~d 7.cnln'J ror~ply \.Ji~h nLlch ot\ìcr. II'~ st.ltnd th",t t\ìl' rp.<:J\\'>st is to ,1!1'H'nrl t\ìc Cor;lprc'l1l'n~\vc Pl,1T\ Erorn Commcrc\;Jl ta nc~>idcntlill ""~cdium Densily to ,lcconl11od.lle HMF-fi zoning. Cotl\lnlssionl'r ri!,I.or nn1jf'r!. !'",('col1d,:rI by CommL:;5Ion(~r \"cnzel ,1nd c/\rr\I.'d UI1;II\11110U:;ly, \.h,.:' Lhe, putJllc ¡c,,,rinc¡ hI.' r:lo:'crl. T\¡('re~ heiJ1'J 110 furllll~[ di';CII,;;;lc)[l, COr.1¡r,i:;:,[ol1cr rlstor mavl'd, secondc'cI by C()I"':\l~~,;\oIIL'r l'rowI' "I,d c:1t r led 11/1 (Cor:II:1i~~:;lor1f~r ~1c'J17,cl OPPü:>l:d), th,lL tI\I' ()rdlll,H\(:" '1~; numl)"r,'d rnd entiLled hc>low he "darted, and I.'ntcreJ \nt<) C',[<lll'"l[\r:(' ¡'ook N'J. , . 1 -I . ('flP¡;~",t:(:í: ~l-I)(, ^;.1 (JI~!',r1~¡,:;r:¡ f~'f'::íll':r; ()ilr)l~ir·r:CI: 7n-'./, 'I'1Ir-: C('r~rpr> ,¡Hi: [\il. I'¡.r·': 11 í~ (:'¡,I.TI ,I (',ilJ:;'ìY, ¡:f.I)P¡¡'^ PY l\i'1f:~:D- HiC Till: IJ~JI' II~;I: ¡:f.J:! :;'1' \.I'P!: :~T:Jr '¡' ^111:r\ r,l!d) '17 l,!;nr., CI;~·"'II..{'¡I\1. '¡'Ii HI ·¡¡¡·'I'ï!1\I. '·'!TI'¡,'" ru':;]'¡"{ (1-(":':> IJ:;IT:: !':'!' e;¡I': ,\1'1;;:.) {\;I "';;1' :'ii!.!.I"(jrr;r, I""/'J, r:'!T' 1'\,111'11 TY: t, ¡'I;I·"¡!I'" 1'1' '\ I"J U'N ¡(" 'ï c..'... ; :: . ! ~ ! I} I~ ~ ~ ¡ I I r':' ¡ :, p {, :~ (: ¡. ..' I) 1.\ ; , 1 .. í ~ ! J ',...., r ~ T t (' I í t .,\ n t. y IH::;('P¡¡'I,I~ IILIiI,;;!; r·~:1J l'II(;VI\Jll:(; ,\:; 11:¡'ï:CTiV!': [),\T!·:. OHDr:u,¡:C\: PJ-'1'1 1,:1: Pr.T1T!(¡:J «'-\1-1,1-(', (I') '11'1: (1)I.1.11T~ C(1tJ! TY I'L^N~1!I¡c.; fJl:I',\lnr,\I.;:n IU:CIJI':;,'!,:C I, 1./':;1' \;:;1: n'!:;["'J':I'!',('~: I"~' if'! :¡ ' T,I. l.()h-~'I:DrUM L ,:,:;11'\ (()_,~ 1':;1'1:: ['I.i' ('P(,,;: ,"~'¡:1') 'fl" P; ,:¡['! ':,'¡¡d, !,~,T¡I!:~ r;r:',~;I'J"{ (I\-G.);J tJ:IIT:: I':,: ",',111.11 ,\,'!'!¡r,y["!-."ll,Y ~.' ¡\('HI:; I': :,:CTt0N 77, 1T',.ì:::!\Ir' ,¡'I :::II';,!!, 1,:·''('1: :",1.\:";',1.1:(',','1'1,1' li'i';' T!:i' :;(:11'1'11 :,1[',[ OF CYI'IU-:::¡: '..;Cl;~J 1:\11V;'; Tr, TilL ¡",'Inï! ::¡['ï I1F ('( (if" 11 I::í\ll:, ,'. ,(J:IC 1'lir. \.,'['::;1' ~!J~:' 'II:!I';'1\ ";'~~~:"-~~~~I~~'::'_I"'::'~::_~!..~:~'_..!.:.!.'~·_~'_~~":'~-=-~~~~~~_~__,\l1nr'if.n, !.,:rJ"l not.lc" \1,,\'il\lJ t'f/'11 pu!dl:,\1,'cI in ttl(' :I.\pl·':> [\J!ly N¡'\r. on NovcmtJt'r :'0,1""1, .,:' .:viti,'ncpr l)y !.rfidllvlt of puI)11c,]t.lon f!led with lh,_' Cl~'rk, puh1i.: h".Irln'l ....,.:¡ o¡.'.:n.'r! '0 ("(;I\:,I,:('r P..t.!t [on CP-ì\-J~-C, (1\) LI,(! Call \,'r ('oul1ty 'LI[\:,in'] [)cl'"rt~\('nt r,'qIJl,:;tlllr¡ .I 1"ncJ use I I \ I I 1',1C] t~ 1 ì - ~"_.. --- ~-- --~ . -- -~ .'... .- --- -- -- --. - - ~- -- ---- -.. -- --- -_.- ..- - -- - ---. - ~ _.- --- .-- __ __ __0 ___ .-- -- -- --- -- .-,-- .--- ._- -- -- _.- December 7.'), ]')f\1 ^m(~ndm('nt tron, Rc~;ld!:lltliJl Low-~1cdl\lm D¡;nelty (O-t, units pcr gro!>:; IIcrc) to Rcc!dentLll 11cdlum I'(:n~;\ty ((1-(,.77 units per groen I'!cr(~) (or ðpproximate1y ".S Acre:; In ~;cctlon 7.7., Town"ldp 1\9 :,outh, )<"ngc 7.5 E I)!, t, 1 0 c " L (' d [r 0111 t h l' Nor t h :~ ide 0 fey pre u S Woo d [J r I vet 0 the ~ì 0 u t h (¡Ide of Cooper Drive, ,dong the Wc':¡t ~dcJ(' o( Tenth f;trcct, "pproxi- IT''' t (' ] y 7. 00 [¡; c t e.1:~ L 0 I. U. f; . I¡]. p1lJnner Tf!rrý Clil!\-: Indlc.'lted t.he gcncnll loc;\tlon on ,1 mùp, ðddlng thclt l,lH~ Intent I:, to m;,'," the C[)mp[('h('n:~lv(' 1'1,1n ,ìnd thc proposcrl 'lOnl!FJ COII1!,ly ,11th l',1Ctl ot.h<,r. Ill' :;t,1tcd th,)t the ri"qu1,'st 1~,1S t.o ,ìm('nd the Comp!c'II"II~;iv(' P¡,ln from nC':jjc1(~nl¡,'1 l.ol,¡-t·lC'dlllm Dcn:;ilY to H.e~;idi"nt!.11 l"II:d¡\lI~ !ì"n:;!IY tc ,\('r()[;11110d,-JL(~ nl~F-( zoning. COI~m!GS!ün"r pi:;t.o! I~()\'('d, :;"conr1,'d l1y Commi:;:;i()n('r \';r.nze1 ,'1nd c,1rrlcd un,\nil"()II:~ly, 111,,1. III" fld-,¡Ic tJ",1ring he cl()~;t'd. Co f11 In i ~; ~; I () nI'l' I ' i ~ '. ! (If ,';(J V , :,¡, : ; t ' ( . (J n d , . d t, Y C 0 I'~ rrlÍ :; :; j () n .' r r> row n ,'11 H J c"rrlcC1 11/1 ((an,f1'.l~~~~inn('! \':"'n~,.,·j opro~;""ci), thnt Itw Crc1in,1ncL' ð:; numhC'rl'cJ ilnr\ ('Ill!t],d \1<'Jo'.' \ll' ,yjor:t"d, ,1r1d ('nt"[,:d into Orc1ill,'1nCC Poak No. 111. OPlì1t:lINCI': RI-')'/ AN orWI1J!..tJCr M1f-:Nf111:C. onDTlJMJCE ,/<¡-,\/., 1111' c(~r1pr~l> IIFNf;IVr: I'lJdoJ ron C(1l.LI!Ii ((¡lINTY, fLonTt:JI [lY MH'Nf\- INC Tllf. IJÜ'l) lI:;~: J:!.¡·~!-'wr \>í('ln: ;;TUOY ^nEI'. r-"Iir ~l FRm', fìE:;I1ìI.tHT,''¡. l.m·:-~'1i'f)¡U~\ f)U':.ITY (O-I¡ urn'!';; PEn Gno:;~; ,,('FI:) TO HL"TP!' ì'II1L '~!TIl' ~ DrN~;11Y ([1-(,.7.7. UNITf', I'Ll' CI«1:;:; /lCllt) (i!! Till: H)l.1.(lI·JII"C rìl::Tl1rr\Er PIHW¡:I1'l'Y: II 1'(!f('fJI1N (¡f' ,-,Fcnoti ii, T(¡....'t::;I!Jf'..,q f; 0 1I T II, !; r, N C r. :' r, 1-: t\ :' T I' (1 H r: f' ,\ 11 T 1 (' 11 L II 11 L'I fi r ~ . C FIr I: D 1H:nrIN¡ I\~!f) pPC1V¡\)¡:¡r, MJ r.FFI:C'I'IVr: [)/lTE. PM)/' In p,o~( CBB rA!;i 581 1 I , ..__ ._. .04_ '.'-_ .-. .-' ..,. .--- --. ---. -- -- -. - - - .- --_. -- --- --- . ßOO~ 066 PAGE 582 Dr:r.C')':\bcr ??, l<)f11 OHDINANCE rll-9f1 HE n:TITION N7.-f11-7-C, JMIF.S VF.W~P.L ^ND AS~OCIATES iH:('UF.STINC A,.'F.:-JmlF.NT TO TilE POINT "',AHca PUO LOC^TEn ON TlIf. ~~OUTIIWf.~;T POHT! ON OF "',1\, HCO I ~~ LAtH). M)0f'T I: n \'1'[ 1'1 I ~; l' T PI LA l' H~!I;; . Leqlll notice h.lVinq bpr!n published in thf! N'\P~l~S Di'dly NewS on Novcmber 25, 19r.l, I\nd the M;¡fCO Isll1nr] ElJgle on Decembcr 3, 1981, liS o v i d C! nee d by A ff i d ,w i t 0 f rub 1 i c " t Ion Ole d wit h the C ltH k, pub 11 c hearing was opcncò to consider petition N7.-81-7-C, JDme5 vensel ðnd A~soci~tes rcquP3tin~ nmrndment to the Point M~rco rUD locnted on tho ~;outhwr'st portion o[ "',Irco h;l.lnd. Lee Kirchhoff, I'l,)nn(~r, jndlc"tr.d tJ)(· qcncr"l locê\tion on a m.Jp, ,)tiding that ttlf' pctltionr.r i" r('qul!~,tln'1 <1n option to build eithor ., 1"JU.l ûr rc::L~r.r:':.:"l \1~l\t_., In 1\1\!1r11nr ^rr" ~ .lr.d u; pr0posinr¡ to dccd to the County êI 7n f(,ot ,l,C('f;:; ,llonq the north propr.rty line. Sho statp.ò th.Jt the pun WdS ,'P[)[()'JI'd hy tlw !'.o¡Hd on ~"'Y l~, 1')f\1, noting th,1t the present pur' pr'Jvld":; lor lïfi ~r'lrtr:1'!nts "ncJ 77.5 hotel/.Jp.lrt- rncnt units. ~; h l' i fI d \ (" iI L I.' d U I ,1 \ t 11 c c1 c n ~; i t Y u n ( h' r t h ,~ c x 1 ~; tin r¡ P U D would be <lpproxln,ltl'ly ìn.< \:l1it:; p('r ,,.:rl', ,lrldlnq thèlt if the option is ¡dlowod thnrc would he 01 f('rlur:lion in th': hatt' units r:1i1kln'l more ,1p.Htmcnt units on the ¡,rop"rlY, but ""cHild r,~duc(' the tot.1l dcn~;ity to ~~.08 unitu r"r ilrrn. ~; he (. ü : 1 r' 1 \Jl cd h Y ~, t ,) t i 11 '1 t h (I t t h" C ^ roc rCCOf,HT1endcd dPI'!<JVdJ :;uhjcct to the ~¡tipIJ1,ltlnn th"t If i1ny TOR'S ilrc not 1J~,ed due to thl' ["dllction In unit~, thf'Y will not be .'llow:'d In thn f u t u reo r to bet r .1 n ~;( c~ ! r I,' c1 too the r I r <) I-' f' r t l e H . pctltion.~r .J.1f1"'~; V,'n~;cl ~"t"tf'd th,1l ""I]('n t\l' ,lPIj(~ùr('d h('forc the llo,'rd in April, Uwrv W,1!' !:o;~" dlf,('w¡!,lon conc1!rnlrv bcar:h 2Icce!,5, iHldin<] that thl're W,I~; I'Il~~o ,1 ht',lch nOllr !~;hm('nt ¡"'rnit th.'L W'1D to be Pt1CJo 19 .. --. - -.,. -...-- -- - - . I \ \d I I I i . j 1 1 I I \ , I . ;.. - .--" -- -'- -- - .- - ~ -- - ._- -- --. --- ..- --- .- - ~.- , ~ DI' C I.' m \) Po r ? '), 1 C) n 1 Gubmitt~~d to the Corps i.1nd the Gt.,tc to nour Ish tho nou:h end of the beach. He G~id th~t thin permit iG stll] ~endin~ suhject to some additlonnl inform~tion. 110 oLlJtcù th,~t it i:> uncertrdn due to Fcd~rùl policy whcttH'r thin type of ..'ork will tw .111o....·rd, ,)ddlnq th"t thi:=; if; wh Y t t1 e tH' ð <: h J ell' !) :> h ,,:> tJ \! ',or I 1 r,' 1" d ." I I \ I. ¡, I 'j I' ' (1')1' ¡ t . II" (IJrth(,r Btllt.ed lh,'L l),dLvil'¡ ('uIFor,'\Llc,n h.':. :.Inee "ppf'.,r0d hefore the 80ard concerning the sult.1hllity of he,lch ,]cce~;!; in tll'~ ~\ilrco .:Ire., in con- junction with the bC;lch ;)CCO!;!'; ordlnilnr('. He ,,1.;\ tccl th" t r:c: 1. ton~ Corpor,1tjon hils prov1d,,¡j i1 !;uiJ~;t.lntlill "mount of beñch iJCCCSG ovcr .1nd é1bove the lin(..:11 rC'lldl"¡O"nt:; of thl: orrllnrH1C"" adding th2't the bench ,'cc~s:=; ordinance t¡,1!; \),!en cor:lpll(}(] v.'lttJ on the T:;J,1nd. I1c !;tðteù tl.,1t he has dl!';cu:,;:d'cI \o;iLh hl!,; ('] I"nt, to tw Inclu:l(d In tl,j~; reque~;t, tIll' convcr~;1on of the norlll ;>0 fev\. of th" f'rG[!prty to pcde~lr¡,1n .1Ct.l'S:; in order to :;'Jrvl' Uw:;,' r1lJltl-f, f'lily ,1r"I1:; Of) tll,' :~o\llt1l:rn end. II,' t;tI i d tha' . t. l. t t: i.- c: q tit :;, L ¡ is (lIe ~. l11 t () f ~: C ú n ()n~ ~ C l: ':J íl\"3 1 t ion ~~ r1!; 1 t iòntici- L" - "~, .... p.:1ted th.)t, upon qri'ntil\<) tll(' orl(Jlnd] I'\JD, i'I II1(lJDr hot.!..'l \.Jauld be con st r \J c t I'd I ::',¡n ( d ¡., t " 1 Y . lie :;l,lt("J tI"lL lie I:; ,1:;r:ln(] tor the option.ll uüe of r<::;jd"nll,¡j ,l¡:,HlJ:,('nt:; v.·ld,~11 \,I'JlIld}". ¡>ul]! ,Il thf' lowcr rCf.l- denti,ll ilpilrttnCnt dcn:;lty in cornpll'1nc!' \.J1th lIw pre:>('nl. zoning. 11c sUIted th:lt he would ,11 :;0 1 11<,(· UII' Po,-Ird to ~omr'H'nt ,1:'-. t.o m,)lntC'niJnc(' of the 7.0 foot be,lcll ,~cc(':;,; .1nd Lhe p.n~'.!n(J wllich "';auld Inpo:;(',' problc'm in tlw .H(·,~, if .lllo,,',d. Cornmh¡~;iorH!1 ['i:;tor qlll':'! ioned it t.lll' r1"n:;jt.y would go up if the hotcl Wi!S built, to which ~'r. Ven:;c·l fer] II·d lit flrn,1tivcly. P,H]l' ?O M~'; CBB f't\~t 5B3 i \ \ I ¡ . I , , I - .-- --. _.- - - .~- - -- --~ .--- --- --. -- ..- --, -,- -- :~~ 066 PAGE æ4 Deccmber 22, 19A1 Commissioner ristor st"tcc.) th,lt the pðrking is ù problem, but .Jrr.:1ngcrncnts coul'] u, 1\1""'- t" ¡::~\.. ..:~ "'!~ !,~...¡'\n'J" r.lfJnq, nf1d\n'1 th.,t enforcement would b'.. _IIC THoblem. County ~1"ln;J'J('r Norr",ln W,1!¡ r\irl~ctî.'d hy Ch,lirm.Jn vilrner to hannlc the milintt!nancc, to which he St.1tCcJ th,1t. he ...Iould follow up on it as it is the County's rL':Jpon~;ibll1ty. Commissioner \>I(~nzel rH)vl'd, !,cconcJl'd hy Conmlf.!;loncr pist.or ùnd carried unanilOou~jly, th,lt the ¡:'Jhlic he;\r\nl] be closed. Commissioner pistor Inovl'd, sl'<::ondcd hy Coml~U¡slon(~r Kruse ilnd cilrried /I/l (Cor.\missloner vlcnZ(!] 0PI,Os(!d), th,)t the Ordln,'lnce !'IS numbt.'rcd ilnd entitled h(~lr)\: be ,¡<lopted, ,lncl C'ntercd Into Ordin.:1nce Dook No. 11\. nnI'Iru,tIO: Pl-(1f1 ^~ UH!1JNM:CE N'¡::[:]::C (['I'¡r:¡\t:CI: 7(-'0 ^NT1 nnf1T!JANCE f1]-;>", \lY M"¡.'~:1'11:(: TII) PCTN'i' r'fIU"(J 1'\ If' TO I<[,LO',-I FOn ¡':1T\ìlí~ 11:.i'ITL (1)! l'f::'Tr'! r:'l Tì,t, 11::Tr~ T~J ¡'IJTLDING Anp.^ THFr:¡: iì) Mil) ','(I ¡\i"Víï,¡, í',~,í; ;, ';',;I:WI'Y (70) ;c'C~G':' [1¡,;;,CII ^C(r:~',:~ <Hi '11'1' r;('I,IIII!i:, H)PTT()t~ :JF T!:E pn(1p- r:nTY; ~',!\T[> ['UD 1'\ I~IC Li'{'¡\'iTI' n'l TII~: EX'J'[\I'Y,¡': ~;OUTI1- \"I';~.;TI'PN ['OPTIm: ('(,' ~~^PC() T::LI\ìJl' "t:t' LGr¡\Tf,:n HI ~j!:CT¡('N:; 1'1 ^:,¡, :'n, '1'(;'. !·.:I~¡I) '7 ~;(1IJTll, P,\N(;[': ?Ii ~:^~jT; Mm hï (,j(IV!¡¡P;C; 1," I:ITICTtVI': r.~¡\T¡':, NEW fU:VI:'ED n^TF. :~Tlll1CTUIiI': ¡:n:' ('C,LLIT:H C(ìU~HY "";, - ^CC1FTr.O AS pnl':~;f'NTI-:D, UTf'('TTVI: THf'; r\/\'1'I-:. __.____ __.___ ____.______4____ ! ¡ I ! i ! Mr. 1!C'nry 11111, Hu¡J'J,'t AI\,1\y",t., ~,t,ql'r1 th.lt iI r 'vl:;o¡\ r,It!' struc- turc t",~ been prl~1'11rcd th,lt. do('~; Iwl ,ì!l'~lìpt to m..d-:t' up [or tIle P"'5t (i y (: .' r!) 0 f r ,l t I' 1 11 ere,' ~ ¡ (':; 1 n () Ill' Y I' .I r . Ill' I n die .-, l f' ¡J 0 n ,1 c h ,1 r t t. h ~ dlffl!rC'nr.e bl!t.wC'en t.he E~'~; propo,..~d r,'tt~ r;tructurc of li1st WIW}.. dnd the revl:¡cd r,'tc r;tructure ot fJrl:~cnt. lie !,t.ltt:d th.,t the b,1Sf! r,1tl.' should p,'qe 21 i - . __.. ~ - _. __0 __ _ _'" _ - -- -. - .. -. _.-. --- --_.. .- _.- ---.. ._- --- ---- -,_.- - -- -- _..- - - -. -,--- . _.~.- Decemher :;>2, ll)rn bo set I't $7':,.00 ....hich 15 fin increase from tho current rl)te of $40-$SO depending on the type of cmergency. lie slated t 11 LI t iL .~ - , ...- UJ. ov LCCCr.; - monded thðt thcrc be n BLS 6urch~rge of $:;>5.00, an Increase of the ALS surcharge to ~f15.00, and tin increase of the mllciHJC chiHge to $:;>.50 a milo. lie reported that the problem ....itl, the proposed rates is the in.:Jbility to (.JPncrill'· the full ¡.mount. of rC'JCnlJ(' thiJt ....as budgeted. IIc I3tlltcd that if thcre is iJ 70'11 collection r,ltc, there vJould be ¿1n ultimate collection of ~.r,1I ,()(I[), Ì'llllell vloulcJ he,1 SC'jO,OOO shortftdl. Mr. r-Hke Ze.....,llk, rCl'rc~l~n1.ln'J North tJ"pl(~f> Civic I\!.;sociiltion, stated thiJt people ;Ir(' ('YI't:ctlnrl t.he "'oard to kr.·ep theIr ....ord c1S to .... h ,l t \'¡.:J;' r r 0 ¡;¡ i !; cd" t I) II d (J (.. 1 1I'H", Ildr11nq ti't'1L (1 Ln,"": rc.itc ._....::::: ."!C':0rtr~.1 ß t t h ,1 t t i m t! ....!\ i l" h rll" 1 t t ! \(. r" I ",; ....'0 lJ 1 rI r .. n it \ 11 l h c [, ,1 m (' . H~ st"ted tth1 t t h t~ t r u (! pic l U r I' ~ it I 0 lJ ] tI :', t ,. If tOe t 0 b (' r 1, 1 I) f1 7, i n ~; t e ,1 d 0 f h ,. v i n <J to P"y tor U~(' [{,'['l.,'" 11' 1\1 ,,I ('(:11 j l)rl('nt tit! ,", YI'.H. II" conclud('(j by 5t,1tin'j t~,;òt t~,( C:C"lllty ::hol';';!'; ,..orr, (~;l~:;cnt on collccticn~;. County ~'"ln,Hl('r I'nr::\.lrt ~;t,-\\,'rI th,l\ tI (· lìo,Jrd r1l:VL'r cOIT\mltt(~r) Itself to hold the rilte ch,lr<](, [c)[' , ;lhlJlilnr.'~ ;;"rvice ,I~; 1',Ht of t.he, '1ud'1ct, lidding tll.1t !w I.olrltvd o\Jt (¡II !';(·vrr.ll OCC,l,;!on:; the f1('/'d to ¡)(Jjur.t th\~ r<1'd~9 in order to rl,}jnt ,In It)(. t"d,H\l:l' !1/'twr'cn '...'h,lt the t"xr,IY"n; P,IY tine! ....h<lt the rate p.J)','r,; p.lY d:; P,lIt of tl\<' hlld()r.t. Mr. !-:CJon l1ill, CI1,1\[[;1.1I1 of U1f' Fmer'J"nry ~I('dic,11 ~;erv\c{~S ^dvlsory Council, 5t.i\tl'd tl1,lt IY:,^C ;;\Jqql,,;tt'd dlff','I"nl ch.H(¡'~:; tll¡ln \,Ih.-It h"VL' been propo:¡l'd. IIc :;t,Itl'd lh,lt hI' felt th,-¡t ttH' u.;crs "lIould p,'y {or t h c' s y ~ t l: m, but I [ t h ',' Y C ,1 n n 0 l 1")), t ~1" 11 l h (: t ,1 X P CI Y I.' r s !> h 0 u 1 d h ,1 vet 0 PllY, but th(' cnlll'ct.lon !;y:;tl'rl :;hould be ll1cr('.1:>(·(\, County ~'.,lndCJcr I\:orm,lr1 !;l,ltr,d th,lt /I m,'jor f,),:tor would he th(' 105!> P"'<JC 2' tlu:;~ CBB f1r.t 585 .. .- "--. - -- ~ ~ --..-. ( I I \. f .- -- - - -- - - - -.-- - .- - - .---.- -- -.. -- - - - - - - -_. -- -- .- -- --- -- - - '- -- -- -- -" - -- ~C:J~ 066 PACE586 Decembcr 22, 19P1 of pùy(~cnt5 by trar'sicnt;. i:1nd t,(!oplc t.1,at dO not. I'dY propcrty tl!XC~ .'1(1 woll iJS in5urtlnce u( f'leùic.HL' i\nd ~;<:di<':illù ....hich arc significant sources of revenue to support this operation, hut ~re not p~rt of tho taypnycrs hurden. Buù'J.~l ;'I),J1y::.t. Henry IHll st"ti'tJ th,")t the average cost to lOòd one person in ùn ùmhu1.1nCf! C1nd transport is ~,2¡;h.OO pcr transport. lie s t ð t c d t h il t t: lee h ,1C g e s m iJ cI eon iJ n ,W l.' r ¿1CJ e h " s i s r il n g c fro m $ 4 R - S 1 III , iJdding that the proposed r~t~S ùre still below the ilver~ge cost to tr.:lnsport. Cor::misslon...r \':('nzel .J'Jkcd it tr:cr.e flYU1<:'> ...:.r.:: ;~:;ri':cd fr0m thP. mileage, salflry, ovcrb(',ld, .1nd dc'rrccidtion of vchlcler;, to ....hlch Mr. lIenry Hill stated th,lt the hucI(]"tr.'d 'l'Jure Is divided by the cstir:1ated number of transport:. p..'r yc.lr, ....hich (]iv('~j an ,1Vl'raC)c cost per trans- port. Ch.l1rr.l,)n I,'limcr ~;t,1t,((1 th,lt thl' rl,lin rp,l~;()n f'Jr st,lying ....ith free enterpri!;c W.lS due to t!,,~ co~;t 1r'crL',1~;(~ olnJ the decrease of collec- t ions. !Ie! ;JL1ted tr¡;lt t:w F.i'i~; Jo('~; ,1 fin.. joh lnd h,'s ,'I (ine st.:1ff él5 ....cll .15 1'1 systpm that I~; [..¡nnin') nnd ~lOrKln<J, but needs to be funded. County ~·,'n.lqcr ¡";orm,ln ~',t;lt.cd tt¡,lt .,ith th,.' r;¡t('s bedn'l propost".J, there 1" still ,l proj(~ct(~d ~;t:ortLlll of -::100,('1()()-t>200,OOO, ;)dding th,lt his rc~;ron:;ibi 1 ity \:lI1 be to COI:!C to th\~ no,Hd with l\d(litlon.:11 rccom- mendðtions re(prc1inr) lhdt !',hort f,dl elther in reductions of the f.~~S budget or in other dl'p,HtmL'nt.~l ,1cti'Jitll"s In order to provide the General Fund b,l1.1nc<.> th,lt I!; npcd·'(]' lip. :;,1Id ttlllt the E~'S budr¡ct will be cðrclully !;cr'~L'nL'd In conjunction wit Ii tI I~ ^dvl!iory Council t.1') sce j ¡ i ! ! ¡ I 1 \ if there Is any w~y of rcducinC the f'xpl';"\se sldp. of this equfttion, P"'q c 2 J .-.-... --. ,'. ...-...-- .. -,-.- -_. --- -- 1 I ! I I \ 1- -- I I I I , i \ ~ - -- - -.. -- .- - ..~. .-.' - -- .+.- ._< -.- -- .__ _._ __. __._ ._.. ..u_+ __ _ _ -- +... -.- _..- -. -+......- ---- D<'cefnt:wr ??, 19f\l furthpr noting that this will not solve the revenue side. Commissioner Kruse ~tnted th~t the co~ts hnvn dr~stic~lly in- creased Dnd the ilmbulance should not be exempt from theÐe co¡>t¡>. She stated that there will he a shortf,1l1, the sy::>t0.m will require better collection work, and there will b~ a reduction in the EMS, but this rate structure Is the best for the time he1n1· To Commissioner Wen7cl's qucstion regnrdlng what laws are required for an i"mbulance service, County 1~,l¡\,lg('r Norm,ln repl <,,'d that there arc statutory provisions thiJt state It ~nsic Lifu ~upport service is pr0vlrlp~, certain criteria hiJS to be met In terms of p0.rsonncl and equipr.'.cnt. There being no (urth<.'r dlscu~;~jicn, Comrr.1ssioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ,1nd ciHricd ]/2 (Corrrdssioner Brown and Chairman Wimer opposed), th,lt thr: new r<:vi~;cd r,1te structure incrf'(lsC for ColI ier County n:s, n~; Sl:t out hclo\~, he adopted i'JS presented and effective this date. There \<,Jf¡ ð gent'r.11 COfl~~I'flSU;, lh,lt tlH' f;t,lfí provide the Eìoùrd with a monthly summary of collections i'Jnn billin~s ðS well as indic~t- 1n9 where ùdju:>tmcnts wi 11 hp miJ(i(' In clJttinq bðCk the budget. Chairman Wimer stated t.hat he would like to rcdtcrilte that the debatc was not on the qu,11ity of the service that i~ given, but rðther how to fund the ~crv¡ce, adding that the ~MS is to be commended for the fine job being done. I I I I I I Pag e 24 BO~~ CBB fACE 587 . - - - - - .-- - .. - þ- - . . - ~ . -<. . I 'I' , , 1 ( ] I II I I 1 ) i J 1 ) I I -- -- --- - --- - - --.- --~.-..----- -.-. ..-- .--- __.. __ _ _ __ __ ._ _ __ __ __ __ _"4 __ ____. ,~~~ 066 PACE 588 December 22, 19R1 Fee ~u(jlJected 11.1tCS Base Rate t,75 Mileage $7.50 in-county/ $4.00 out-of-county B LS 5 u r c h a r <J e $25 l\LS Surcharge $05 First Aid/Cancellation $3'> Wait Time $25 for l~ minl,tes Special !landl ing $15 Ox YI] en ~15 IV Start $5 Medical Procedures/Suppli(~s: ~'.1jo r Trd u;;-,.) Minor Trilumil $25 SID Dr u'J 5/ Am pu I ~ ~/ ~30 1 ~ t ion s S10 Each Special Events St:¡ndby ~/c,o First r, hr. of 12 I1r. Pl·r iud/ ~ <;0 c,lch iJdd' t hr. l\ccompiJniod Prisoner Transport :::15 Hcqul<'lr ~ (- c; T m In 0 k ,11 (! t~ Body Removal $)5 Helicopter: In-County ~~ c,O/nl u:.; ,1ny slIrch<HC]CS or supplies as needed. /lnbu L, nee b.1~;1 c r,' to pllJ:; rC'Jul.-,r he 1 ieopter allocated riJtc. Out-of-County * . * Recess _. Time: 10:20 ^.~L t.o 10: 10 ^.M., elt which time Deputy Clerk Kenyon W,15 (('pl.lced by [;c JUlY Clerk r::dvid:.lQn * * * Pðge 25 ,I :1 ---- -.-.- - __ ._ _.-,_ - _. _.,. ._ ._. .,._ - .__ .._ 0·' __" _ -.- --~ -- - 1 , I ¡ I I II ! \ I ¡ ¡ 1 I I I I I I I I \ i I I I I ! II I ¡ I 1 J . __ _~ _ ___..._ __ _ _ ~_ __ _._ ___ .__ __ .._.. __ ,._ __4 __ ..__04_____ .~_. D('cemhcr 7.7, 19111 STAFF "ND CO!J~UL'J'ANTS l\lI'I'IIOIlIZt:D TO PHOCf,f:D WITII rU::VISED/IlEDUC~:D COUNTY GOVf.nNr,~¡:II1' I:XPAN::rON !~corl~ or ppnr,pt\r,\ A:~ Pln:~;I,:tl'1Tf) rw nM;S/EIIRr.NKHl\NTZ Mr. Hùt.>CHt Zil\lIl,c;riT,,'õ~ ::;f p':)~:<:./Fhr('nkrr1nt7. cxpli'lined t)1òt, pursuilnt to the Board direction oE last week, his firm has heen working with the staff to dcvelop a revised Ðnd reduccd County Gov(:rnment Expanoion Progr¡)!t1. lie r('ferrc(\ to the informiltion outlined in detail within the Rt>port cntitleJ ~yll!cr County G0\1r>rnr,rnt C("r_t'~r EX.Ei1n~;ion Tìeport to thc BC''!rd of County ConnU¡:¡lolI,-rs, dðted Dec:cmb(,r 7.2, 19C1 and g.Jve é1 brief description of the pro(.Irdr:1 thðt has been (\cv~10red. He began by stating th;jt the tot,11 packMJP for th(' rcvised plan will cost $19,535,000, hi1Vlnq I)(,en reduced from S7.r),OOO,ooo as proposed last week. Mr. Zimmcrnéln outlineù t!H' follo~¡jnCJ !,COpC of the expansion program while his .:I~;socli)t(' In, lc,lt<,d c,1ch arC,l on enL1rcJf'd drilWil)(js: 1\. There will hI.: i\ nl'W 1,111 (j(jD u-ll!;) ;.;ith ;¡ hrid'1é' ,..('\nnl'~tinC1 It to the l'xl~;t\IìCJ j,lll. 1'11(' ex1!.;tlnC1 i,,l will he- minimally rl:nOVclL,~(j tü hOII::;t' r,t, w('ckpl1<1\'t"->, work rcl(',)scl.':-; :,nd tru!~t,,(,s. The neW jilil wil) b,.. dcsi')nrd for future cxp<Jnsion. B. The Slleriff [\ep,lrtr.cnl will be h0us('r! on the second floor of the new j,lil. C. The Flr!;t floor of I\ul)rllnr¡ "A" I!; to hf' rr'novntcd to add two courtrCOõ:1!; ,1nd rllnill1,)) support, the existing courts will not be rcnov·1tl'<I. D. There ilrp to be thrf'p MJdltlon;J] floors to P.uilc1lnq -f", with only two cOf"plet('d to hO\l~~,c thc CIeri', of Courts, thc St.:ltes Attorney, the r'lltd\r O('[cn<l('r ,~nd Court [<cporter. The third i1 d d 1 t Ion d J f 1 00 r w ill be:; h l' 11 (' don 1 y, for ex p.) n r, 1 c. n i} t c) later di.tl~ when nc('cjNI. Eo If the r',(¡dr, wlr,!1('(] to rJcdw;t the .1Cidlt!on,11 third (loor for lIu1ldJnq "F", t.hpn, ,)jlproxln,llely S70H,OOO could be (educed from the S19,r,V:J,oo() cost for !;C:OP(~5 "N' throu<)h "D". F. If the HOi1rd wlshe~, the ~hcrlff's off1cC6 do not hðve to be Paqe 2F. M~( CBB fA~589 - .._- . -~ . - -_. -- -- ..- .-- - - - -~ .-.- -- .-.-- -.-- I __ o· _ __ __ --+ _ --- --. -- -- -- --- .--- _.. +-- . - - --.- - --- - - _.~~. -- - - - -. . - .- -- -.- .- - - - - -- . ôO~K GBB PACE 590 December 27, 19R1 hOllsed on the second [loor of the new j.,il lInd this would [~duce the ~o~t of th~ j~il from SI5,550,OOn to ~IJ,295.000. Th() (,bove-rc(erenccd scopes of the expr.(¡;:;ion proCJrùm WAre di~;cu!:jsed briefly, "nd it wù!3 the consensus of the BOIHd that the Sheriff's offices should be housed on the second floor of the new jdil lInd that the third ad~itionDl floor dhould be constructed over Building UF" ùnd "shelled In" r"ther than finished él\: thin timo. Ch(1irm"n Wimer ~;t"ted th,1t hf! WilS very plcòscd with th~ rcduced scope of expansion and the sub~;c(' ucnt reduction in cost, lidding that he would still like to S'~(: the co::;ts lower. r.aryl ß~ilcs of Polizzi/P.ecry stùted that. furthc,r rcduction~¡ m"y he p05~;1ble, once the 80,'rd gIve!:. the authorization tG move torw"rrl on dcvr,loping some schemntlc designs and the ßOilrd h,'¡; the of,portunity to see wt,.~rc everything will be pI ùr:"('c] . HI' ,Hided th,lt. in t1if; ""plnion, lI1C projected reduced cost of the project at Sl9,S3rJ,OOO i.:. re;l~;on,lble. ^dminlstrntlvc ^~slstnnt Nril Dorrlll ~xrlnined that, becnuse of the subst.,nti.11 chan(Jc::-; in t.hp ~,cope of the expanf;lon proC)riJrn, he is requ....sting g('ncriJl direction from th(~ Po,Hd. fie ::;.lid th"t it appears to him that it Is no lon')cr nf'C'~::-;~;dry tc forrlul¿¡t(~ a m,lstf"l plùn for expdn~iün l;<lfJ,ILJll i l !(',~ ov~r U:c ;ìf~xt fl ft.!'''n Y"',lr!õ 'lnd, thf"rcfore, it is neCCS::;,lry t.o c1rwnc! th(' con!;ult.in(] "rchlt,l'cturcl1 ,1CJreCf;1Cnts, hClving oriCJin,~lly bcen quatI'd <It ,lpprc«ir.'ltcly SIOO,OOO. He st.:\ ted tha t the contriJcts will t!(1VC 1.0 reflect th" scope of work the ßoard d,-'sires bo carried throlJ'Jh. 11<:> Ilskcd !()r dlr,":tion to r(~rlllce the scope o! prc-plùn:1ln<] ,1nd mlJlitl'r plannln'] ,l1ìc1 pos~;lbly ellmln,lte the m,1ster planning staycli completely nnd move ri'Jht Into the schenCltic design P.'<)O 27 ._._..._~.._~ __._ ~.__._'._4___ t I I I I ¡ l._- I \ I I , i 1 t , 1 ! ! I I \ ! I ¡ I ¡ I ¡ I I f ! I ¡ \ I I ¡ I I I i I II t I ..' - ..'- - _.~ ...-- --" -- -...- -- .-.. -_.- - -- - --- -- -- -~ _.- - - -... --- - ---- O('c('[r1twr 77., 1<)111 phðse [or the reduced 0xp~nsion progrnm. Mr. ['lor rill ex p lid n e d t h i) t he would like to re-(,vlJlu0t(~ the exi¡.iting schl'dule of critical dates l1nd come back to tho Doard with complete schcmntic designs and floor/partitioning plans ~t which time the BOßrd could make further )':\odif1c,1tions rcgnrdlng such thing:; .)~¡ numtwr of cell!;, etc. prior to construction and bonding nnd finnneinl nrrnng~mcnts. lie said that, hopefully, construction cOIJld 1)('( ln In Lltc 1907.. After a brIef dI5cu5~lon, Commi~sinncr ~('n2~l moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor nnd cnrricd unnni~ously, that the staff and the consultiJnts be ,luthúrizcd to proceed with the revis('d/rcèuccd expansion progrilm, including Ull? ~;cor"~; of prograr.1, lctu!rs "^" through "'ù", as outlined above. Mr. Dorrll. ;'I',lt..'n th;Jt he \,ou1d hi' \oloddn<'] with thl' con¡;ultants on revisions to LI\,-'lr contr,J"\: th,lt vlill r(·f\(·ct the r('(j:1cLlons in the scope u[ Lilt:: It.:vi,,,·d pro'Jr,lr:1 ,In,: ',,;Ill COé.C ["lck to th(, ['0,lr(\ with schematic designs élnd blu('!'rinUi, etc., for further direction. In response to SCVl'rill mCr:1ber~-, of thC" ,ludlr~nc(', Courìty ~'<1n.1(J('r Normi'ln clbriUed that it i¡; the BO,Hd's intl'nt to ,~I t.h()rlZe ,,11 of those recommencJ:Jtions which will [l~:>ult in the redllction of "ost for tho expansion program [rom 525,000,000 to S19,SJ5,nOO and there werc no objections to thl!; el.H Ific,ltlon forthcol'1ln') fron\ t.lIl' members of the Bo,' rd. I n r (? 5 po n 5 (' toe 0 Tn m I ~¡~; Ion c r ¡.: r II ~; (', C 111 (' f ['c rut y C 1 e r kiF i s c c3 1 Officer II/HOld I!.::dl report('d that he 1¡; pr('~;f'ntly compIlIng c'I complctc list of Collicr County's honr1 i"filll':' Inclurllnq the prCRcnt zt"tU5 of ellch. PM e :>R M:»); C66 PA~591 . . -~ - - -- -- - - -- . - - . -6 _ _ .- _ _ _ _ __ __ ._. __ __ - _.. .- - __ . . - __ __. _. .__ __ ___ __. ___ Þ_ ___ -6- _ _ _. _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ __ BOa ( CB6 fACt 592. Decembcr 22, l~nl RESOLUTION NO. Pl-7~~ n~ PlTITION PU-Al-lnC, CITY OF EVERGLArES, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL lJ~~E ¡.'C1!( A ¡';^T!::R Ti!E^'i'I-¡ENT rL^NT ON .MNE'S SCENIC DHIV~, NOWfll OF COPELMW - I\DOPTI':D, SULI.1F.CT TO STIPULATIONS: CAPC FINDING OF F^CT M~[\ I'ETITIGNI::({'S AGH[,:H1[NT TO CAPC STIPULATIONS- ACCf.PTF.D Commis~loner ¡';cnzcl moved, Dcconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unùnlmously, thi\t Resolution No. Ol-264 re PetItion PU-81-18C, fllcd by the City of ~vergli\des, requesting i\ provision~l use for éI , Wl1tcr tredtmcnt pli\nt on Jane's Scenic Drive, north of Copeland, be ì adopted, slIl))ect to :;t,ir1il,1tlons, (H1(1 lhdt the c¡"rc F1nding Of Fact and I Petitioner's Agreccmcn~ to C^PC stipuli\tion~ bc 0ccepted. ¡ I I ! ¡ I ! ¡ 1 ¡ ¡ PdqC 29 - - - þ-- -- .-.- - -- -- --'+ I _ _ _ ._ _.._ ..·h &OO~ 066 PAGE 59B 11)111 Decembor 22, .. Commisßioncr Kruso .. .. .. stepped oul of the room nt this time: .. .. 101117 ^.~. PETITION TR-O 1-2-C, O^RW:Y £,^XLEY, HECUf,:;T HIG I, 'J'!lnEE ~i()NTII f.XT¡':N~>IOt' FOR ^ n:MPonM~Y HE~~rDF:NC¡': PEHMIT FOH NOH'!'!! 'I':.' OF TilE: ~;OUT lCO' OF TRACT 111\, UNIT 11\, GOLOI:!. r.NrE F:;T^TF~; - r.r.^NTEO Commissioner Wenzel Moved, scconucd by COMmi~ßioner Plstor and ciHried "/0, with COMmi5~>loner Yrusc nb:.;cnt, thàt Petition TR-f!1-2-C, filed by U..1rney e.Jxlcy, t,!uue~lil\(J .1 thrce ;:-,an!:h cxt<:'I"'''f')r1 for 11 tempor,~ry rcsicJcncc pernlt for thl' north 75' of the south 180' of Tract 114, Unit 14, Golden C;,ltc r::~;t.:ltes, be gri'lnted. PETITION TH-nl-10, Tllmli\~; L. ('U~q~T1Jr.~;, r1f:C'1Jl:~iTING A T[-:~1POr~^R,{ RESIDENCE PER~\IT FOH PPOPFHTY OtJ 'l'lil: J:¡\~;T IC,(' , OF Tí!I\c;'l' 10J, lJr~IT 97, GOLDEN GA1'P. E;'1'I\'!'r.~; - GHM"'!'I:f1, :;1 ',, U"[' TO IH:(,FI'/Tt:G 1'. rUTt.I1INr. P¡':L~lI1' Commission"r hot1zcl ~1()vcd, ~;('cond('d by Conr.dssionf.'r pistor ònd cñrrled 4/0, .,.lIth CO~¡1'11~;~;I()n('r I<ru~;(' ;)b:;{'nt, tl1.1t p~tltlon TR-OI-30, filed by Tl1omd~; L. Cur:1inl:F)c;, rt'qIJe~;tln(1 a tf'r'1[:or"ry r('~;ldence permit for us co 0 f .1 t r ,1 '/ (' I t r " i 1 r 1 r d IJ r I n r¡ r 0 n ~; t r \I C t Ion 0 f <, r r I n c i pIc res \ d l~ n ceo nth.! (' " ::> t 1 c) (l I 0 f T r iì c t I 0 'ì , Un I t (J 7, Go I (j co n G.I l co Est ð t e :j , be gr.Jnt(!d, subject. to (('cl'l\'ln<] " huildlnq [h~r::11t. . . .. Co~~issloncr I<ru::>e .. relurn,::d to tho M('('tln1 at this tlmc: 10:-19 A.M. . . PETITION 1'11-81-1:..', 1,'1'IJ[\r:F~: M:D .Jnll~¡ n~r;YctJ, Pr:()lJI':~;Tlr~G ^ TP.MPOR^RY RE~;IDF:tJCE rU\r'~IT ['1m PIH1I'I~ <TY IN 1'111: tJCJI1Tl1 ao' CF TPM:T :lJ. UNIT lJ, GOLD~:N G^ï'F ¡':~;TI\'I'I:~; - (;!:/'.~:'í'!:n Cor.lm 1 ~51 one r \\'I..'n?c 1 rl<Jv.'C , ~;l'rOI1e1 cel by Cor1m 1551 oner I<r use <lnd ctlrrleù unanlMolJ~;ly. th,Jl Petition TR-fll-32, filed by ~.:1rucen "nd John Kenyon, requestlng.1 tem¡,or<lry r('<,ldl'ne,' ¡;('rnlt to u:.c <l trclvel trJilcr while con~;tructlnq iI principle rcsld(~ncl' on pror..'rty In the north IrO' of T r 1\ c t J 3 , UnIt 1:1, Go I d (' n G.:' tel: ~; t ,J t e:3, l: e q r l\ n t e d . Pi) fJ" ) 0 ø _ ._ __ _ _ _. I I" -- - - ,f , I 1 , I I I I , _ _ ___ _ __._ __ _ __ _ __ __4 ._.. __ _ _ __.. __ _ . __ __ _ . .___ .._ ___ _.__ .___ _ __ ..__ -- --.- - _.. .- -- -- . ~I'c('rnhcr í'í', Innl RESOLUTION n1-í'('5 IU:: PETTTIOr¡ PU-fll-E,C, NAPLfS Rf.~ìOUHCfS HECOVI::RY, INC., REOUE::~;TING PIWVISION/I.L \I~;¡':: (2) OF TI!E "I" DI~¡'j'RICT Fon ^ .1UNK YlIRD fOn ¡¡ECYCLING ON A 1\ /I,cn¡.; TR^CT LOCATED ^T THE NOnTI! END OF YAIIL STHEET IN PItH; nIDGf. INDUSTf, T^L Pl\RK - ^nOPTED, ~~U",If.CT TO STrrULlI- 'TIONS¡ CAPC: fINDING OF F^CT AND PETITION[:n'~; ^G\!8t~I,a;NT TO C^PC 5TIP\JL'''''i:8:~~; ACCErTFD; ~;TAFF rlnr':CTLrJ TO ^l'UID ClI'ITGOHV PEHT!\INING TO \'IOHD ·JUN~Y^H~" HE 7.0NING OHDINMICE, ~)M1t: TO IJE ^rPLIC^BLf. TO TilE 5Uß.1ECT IJROVI~jI,ìN^L \I~, ; Chðirm.-,n \~lrn('r explained th,1t. Petition PU-f.11-1~,C, filed by Naplc!; Resources Hcco'll'ry, Inc., r('CJlI ~ó.tln1 II provl:;1on,ll u:;c for 1\ jun\...YLlrd to opert!tc é.J recyclinr op¡'rr,t!on In Pin(o RldlJ(ò Indu"trL:J1 P,'rk was continued to this d"te to he pre!;l'nterl to a full bo,lrd, ComMissioner Pistor h.:lving been ,Ih';('nt 011 17/1r¡/f11. 11(' ,l:¡J.:ed th" Pl.lnning stùff ~f the y h iJ V e [ n y fur l he f r (: COr'. f'1 U \ r! ,It ion~; ,1 n d P 1 " n n (' r L(! e Y. i r (; h h 0 f f r (' r lie d negatively, it(jcllnq th,lt S~~l' \11.':L'f';toorl th,lt ^ttorn"y .J,lrne~; Wil1h, wi shed to (¡(Id rl!G:' the [>0,1 rd. Mr. '.'.' ill j s, r err (' ~; 0 n tin ': t :: n r'(' tit 1 Q :~:: r, s t ,1 t (' d t h iJ '- h~' has !'1 <::' t with ttw adjilCl!nt property o~:rwr~; who rer¡lstcrcd ohjectionr; to the subject provl~;lon(d LIS',' dlJrir\C1 L'~;l w,-'('k'~, nll'f,tln,] ,lnd th::Jt 11" wisl'cd to offer an iJddition,d :;tipul,.tlof\ to \,;}1Ích his cllcnt h,lS <lflrrcd wtl1ch ðddrcsscd all concrrns raised I,,~t week. II p r; ,'II d t ~ \ ,I t t h l! Y h ð V C .11 reo d not too b j (' c t tot h C! pro v b, ion, 11 u :> e j fit I:. g r " n ll! d, sub j e c t tot he C^PC stipulation:; itnù tllc fol1r).drlr¡ .ldditiof\,ll ~,lll''Ildtion: "No junk c,lrs, trurk;" or at/.cr v('h '·lr.~; or P,Ht:; thprf!of shall he stor,·" on th,' ¡·r'·nir;,!::. "II 1:I,1tcrLdr, sl\,111 b(' slored In ( n(',Jt arid or(!"11y ,'f.t·ion. Ttw y:nrj if> to ht' m.' í n t,) 1 n,' d In q 0 \>' i 0 1 (~ f' 1 . \ 11' j t () t t'" " x t (~ n t r (' qui r f. r!, i' r 0 r (' r t y sh.lll be mowed .lnd wecdC'r] pcrlorllc,1l1y. /,]1 r1.:1tl'rla1::. <1nd oppralions :;h"ll he !;lort'd ,Inrl ror1dllct('rJ withll1 the conflnc!; o f a 1 O' h 1 ( II f'; (' ,1 I (' d f (' n "', f' )( C (' ! l f (l r fin i f'; t)(' d r'1 ,1 t f' r t., 1 s rCilrly for ;"lle to U:l' ¡"ihl!c which r;"y b,' ¡\jr;pl..y.,ò ....'ithln 100' of ltJl:' t!"st boundnry 01 tile pr,'lni:.(.':,;." Rl:fC'rríng to the t.1Ct tI),lt th~ proposc'd o¡wr"tlon of 1'1 rt!cyc11nq f' ,'H} (' J 1 BC~( CBB f'A~ 599 ! ¡ , 1 i . I I t"r;~~ t \ I J , . t I } I I J J I f I I I ¡ ¡ I J 066 PACE 600 DCCèrr.ber 22, 19f1l - -- -.- -- --.. -- -- -- - - - --. -- -- - - - - - - -- - - -- -- ---; i .. - -- - - - - . center for construction matcri~ls is being rüEcrred to ð3 a "junky~rd" by the stnff and, therefore, requiring A proviDional UHU, Cum~13siancr Wenzel asked if he could store his construction materials on his prcmisos without benefit of a provisionùl use, if hc were operating a construction business in the sam~ Industrial area? Mr~. KIrchhoff rcpllüd affirmùtively. Thc term "junkYJrJ" was dl~cussc~, during which Commissioner Wenzel stated th~t he does not see how this term appli~s to the propos~d operation. ^ttorncy r,llJl ~:-:hryvpr, rp.rr"sr;nting /"r. St. George, ¿¡n adjacent property owner who re(Ji~;t(~rf'd cp.rt.lin objections durinC) last week's meeting rC(J,lrdinC) tlw prof,;0:;"'1 rrcycl inrJ oprriltlon, Sldll:d that, \'Ihilc his client agrees th,lt the .','!dltlon,;l !;tlpuliJtl()n ,lddressed most of his concern:" ht: [¡till I~; conc(:r'j('" ....·11.1": the affe,:t:; 0n future use of the property tt¡,)t the t.erm "junkY.J[(I", h,lvinq hr>cn offici¿¡lly 'lffixed to the µrovlsion,11 lI:j'!, 1:1i'Jht \)"/(' In r(~'J"ré1~; to ,'my future o\,mcr or thc :,uL,ject bll~lnc::'3 II It I" !'v', [ r':~;old. If,. Cxpl,llned th,1t such S tip u 1 (I t ion S i1 r (' not. 11,'\ d ,. ,\ n ,'1 t L (' r (I r r u h 1 1 <: rt": 0 r d, 1. c. 0 f fie Ll 11 Y rrrc0rded¡ thus, tt~r:y iH" n')t ""l:;lly picked up hy ,¡ tltl(' sc,lrch, etc. II c ~ u g g e :; t e rI t t¡" t tll e H II ,r, ì II f (' 0 Ii I', t 'r' (' 0 r:1 r1\ !','; 1 () nf' r s f I .I d ,1 m 0 r l' suitùbIe \olord th,ln "junkY,Hd" to :Ie:;crlhc' thL; kind of rl'cyclinr¡ opl'r.1tion~¡, iHldinq tlI.1t If t.h,: Padre! wir;h(~!;, he will he (JIar! to work IN i t h the ~; t d ( f . /'~r. ~;r.IHyv('r :-,t,ltcd tt¡dt h(~ r,'"liZf::'s thi¡t, if the BO'Hd grdnts the :;\Jhj"':l r"~.ltlnl1 tnr ilY. It mu:;t b(' for th,! provisional us.! as it is prc:¡pnt ly t"rn' oj, hü\-Jcv'!r, he r"qu",;tl'd th,lt ùny chi1nqes In tL'rrninolo( y ,1doptcd "pa:;t (dCtO· ,1l~;ü be ,'lppll,~rI to this provisional u :¡ c i n ¿¡ n ,. I for t t 0 ,1 V 0 ! d f \ll u r r: pro hIe T1 D . Corl::\! ;;rdoncrs y,'enzcl nnd rlstor .1qrccd. rl\ q (> :I 2 I i I t i \ \--------------- - , ¡ I \ I \ ì I I , ,I 'I 'I I - ---. .-- -- -.- -- -- ._- -- ~-- -- -- _.. -- --- . - - ._.. ---- --- -- -- - -- .- -- - -- *- Dccemher 27., 19A1 Attorney Willlb rle~dcd with th~ nn~rrl not to defer ð dccloion on his client's provisional use today. even though he Hgre~s that the term "junkyard" does not apply t.o his client's proposed operation. He stntcd that his client will h0 ~ln~ to rDlin~ui~h the term "junkyard" ðt a 1 ð t.? r d ,"1 t e if the re~uested provisional usc is npproved today. Mr. nob MO~tC5, owner of property adjacent to the petitioner's, withdrew all former objections to the pctition in li~ht of the new stipulation to which he 11M; M)l"e(,Ò, S'"1me having been outlined by Mr. Willis e':1Cl1er. In nnswer to Co~~is~loncr Drown, Mr. Montes stotcd that, to hIs kr,o\oo:lrJgc, non" 01. In" ol'I:['r prOr('fly o\omcrs in the arei1 :y of the propos('d recycliwJ opr,rntion object to the approval of the provision.::Il u~e ho\oo..cvpr, tIH're 1:; concern .15 to the stigméJti~m th,'t might be attachl'd to the ll'r~ "junky,l(rl" in rel.Jtlon to Pine nldgc Industri,:¡l Park. Commissioner "'onze) ~()V(,, , ~;r.condcd by Com~is:;ion(~r Y,ruse and carried un¡'nimolJ~.;ly, thi\t Hc~;ollltion r11-/r;~), <,prrovinr¡ the provl!;lon"l use rcque~;ted In Pl'Lition PtJ-Pl-15C, hi" acloptt'd, subject to the CJ\PC 5tlpulations anù the ':lddJtionLJl ~;tipuli\llon as read by Mr. Willis; th,'t " th~ CAPe Finding of Fact and the petitioner's lllJreement to the C^PC Stipulations be ilcc:"'pted; ,1nd, t!¡'1t thl~ ~;t.'~ff he instructed to ðmend tt>,e terminology r"<Jardln'] th-,' term "junkYilrd" fro~ thL' provision,:¡l use category of the Zoninr¡ Orrlin( nce ~s ~oun a~ possihle, Silme to be <'Ipplicable to the ~ut)ject pro\'i~ion~) lJ~;e. Commissioner Crown ¡,uggp!:',tcd that this be discussed at tho public hear1n'J sched\Jled for thi~; evC'nin') rec rtrding the new proposl'd zoning ~ ' Ordinance and Ch,:¡irm,:¡n ~lmer 5t~ted th~t he i~ suro thnt the stDff will take the neccDs~ry m('~surp5 to develop ~ more ~lIitablr term as soon as pos91 blc. M:)~ 066 f"~ 601 PMll' 1J - -- --.. - _.,- -. - -. -- -- _._- --- - -.- -- - - --,- .. -- - - -- -,- December //, 19£\1 CONSTRUCTION OF PIIM;¡:: 1 T^XI'o~AY EXTEN:'ION ^T Tm: WMOK^LEF: MRPOHT MID EXP~:ND!TI:n~ NOT TO n:s:rFD ~7n,nnn AU1'HOHJn:O Pursuant to Public ¡'JorkG ^dmin strðtor Clifford n;HJ.:sdDle's prcs~nt.ltion of the ÍclCt5 pert,lining Lo th(' df'\'('lormf,nt pl;,ns for the Immokalec Airport, ~s more fully defined within the Executive Summðry, Comr.dssioncr Kru:.e moved, f,1'condcd hy Comr.ds<;ioncr P.rown .1nd c,lrried 3/2, with Commissioners Í\'en7,cl ,1nd Pistor oppo:ó"d, LI,.¡t the con:.:trur:- tion of Ph<Jse 1 LL1xiway l:xtl'n:.ion at the Immok,llf'C' l\irport and the expenditure of not more Lh,ln S20,nO() (or this pro:jl"ct, h~! ,1uthori7.c:d. TWO ('UIT CL^IM m:¡:[ì:; FPm, ¡q"^l)O ,J. crd\Hrn^ ^/Jr· CIlf.,HU::; n. F. HETTY .J. WILSON, Fr'l~ prWI'1:WY \'iITIIJI~ ~~!:CTT[ì~,:, 1', MJD Î(" T4f1S, n::H;E, FOR PUBLIC HO^D ^CCr.:;~; - M:Cr:¡:'j'¡':[) ¡:~1¡¡ l;iT()¡:!1l'TTf1~: Up~n hCiHing that tI,e County '....ill not he rc~;pow>1hlc for O1oiltu:n;n.cc of th('> r;\lbjf'ct rOdd Mce:',:;, fron1 Public Ÿ.orkf' ^dminlstr"tor Clifford BiJrKs(]Jlc, Con'mi!~:.ì()nl~r \,,(,tlZI'l Move1 lh,1t t!','J t\;O ('Iuit ClaiM dceds from JI,m<1do.J. C.lbr(~r,l ,In(] Ch;¡rl('s F. F. f'»tty.1. vliJson, for property .....~tt1in St:ction:-; 3", ¡,nd :1(" ,;,~p;, 1~;>r;I':, for p'Jbl1c rOM! L'lCCf.'$S, be accepted for rccordt1tion. P,,,,... '1 II ðC~~ C66 fÅ~£ 609 -. - -. -. ~ 1 ' ì i ~ ~._-_.- .-,..~~. - - -- .- --.. M~~ 066 PAGi 612 Dcccmhpr 77, 1~f11 EXCAVATION PI::RI-I IT NO. ')(). 1 J J, \'/II1'rf: CONSTrUCTION COMPANY INC. (1-75 BORROW PIT) - I\I1TIIOI\1Z1:D rOR I;';'\)^IJt.I'; ¡:. u lJ 1 i c \-) 0 r ~ ~ p. ~ ~ l n I "t r iI tor B.:1 r "- s d ¡, 1 0 s t ,1 t t! d t hat W hit P. Con:;truction Comp,1ny, Inc. i5 rcquesting the approv,ll of F.:xc.)vëltion Permit No. 59.l33 for a borrow pit for furnishing ro~dwðY con~truction materials for construction of the ùdjðccnt section of Interstate 75, 1oc~ted in nnd around ^11i~ùtor Alley ~nd County Rond 951, nt the 5 l/2 of Section 35, T"'9~;, H7.(,E, north of 1-7~, r!gllt-of WdY· Mr. B ð r k :; d .] 1 c :; t <I t C cJ tt 1 <1 t dw \~~, ^ ß h" 5 rev i ewe d t h c sub j P. c t requcst and recommends ilpprovZll, subject to the following stipulations: 1. D(~pth of I~XCZlv,ltion ~h,11l be limited to 7.0 t.ect (c1I}v,1tlon -9.0) ,Hid d wdter qu,d!ty monitorin') 3ysterl :;h,111 be instù11ed. 2. No off-~;ite d!';':~I,lr(J\è of qroundw,lt('r l1n1('~¡f¡ pcrmilt(~d by :; ~ì'iM D. 3 . Ins t ~ 1 1 ,1 t ion () [ ,1 t)l' r r"1 ,'11 \ d i J\ L ,', r c c [ \ 0 r d 1 t c h ,) r () u n d the perimct,~r ()[ th,' prop','rty. " . lJ s C 0 f f ill S hl 1 1 b'~ 11m i t (' d tot ~I ,H r e qui r (' d for I - 7 5 construction only. 5. Size of cXCdvatlon ~;h"dl be 11mlterl to 70 ilcr,·s. f,. ^n'l bl.J~;tlnrJ on sit(! will rLquire tht-' ISSU.-lnC(! of ,1 s(!f1<lrate b 1 <1~; t I nrJ P(~ r m ¡ t . 7. 1\11 iJi)plic,¡ble proví: lon~ of C'rrJlniln('(! ~Jo. f10-7.() sh<lll bp. ,ldhcred to !ncludin' ~;lJb"itLll of t.hc' ('XCiJ'I,ltinr\ fee In the i1r'ount of "'?,r:r:n :,r~d ~;ubf'1!t~,ll of ,1 1',:rforM,lnC1' bond In the iJmount of sso,non. Mr. Bc1rk:;da1c rl;col'\r','nded thc' folJ<)',·¡[rHl stipulation iJlso be ð condition for 1!~'>LJIH)c.:t.' of the !;Uhl,-,cl ('X'-;:Ivid Ion permit: 1. TI,.. IS:>1.J,IncL' of t11l' I'x,."v('~l()n pI'rnlt r.h,lll b!? contingf'nt on successfully obL,dn!n(] ., provi!;lon,11 u:;c. Comë1issioncr Pi!;tor r'ovcd, !i('condl!d by ('()nrlh;~donf'r Rrown ðnd c,lrrlcd unnnlr:ously, th,lt EXC.-lv"ltion Pl!rr11t. No. ')1).133, ~'h1tc p" q e ) ') - . - _. --- - - _.- -- -- I f -- - -- -- -- -- - I I 1 I ! I - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - --- - -- - - ----- ----- ._- -~.- -- DC'cc-mbcr 2:7., 19P1 Construction Company, Inc., be authorized for issu.:Jncc, subject to the Wtr\¡\iJ stipul::ticns ~n~ thp ~ddltlonðl stlpul~tion aforementioned recommcnded by Mr. narkndo1le. SYSTEMS STUOY OF PUI\LIC WORK~ DIVISION ~y M^NAG[MENT CONSULTlINT L. RUTH TIIO~'^~; AT ^ C()~;T ()f S 7,700 f\UT!10H 17.[:0 Chdlllf¡¿;n \;iI'iL[ cCi:",,'ntr"! th,lt he be] ieves th,lt Dr. Ruth Thomi1s has done an excellent job for the County in Lhe pùst ùnd that he l1grp.cs that 5h~ should be qiven the o~portunity to underta~e ð systems study of the Puhlic Works DIvision ,It a cost of $7,/00. Commissioner 8rown movC'd, scconrlrd by Comnif,sioner pistor ðnd carried 4/1, Idtt¡ Comm's~;\üll"r \'.'('n;:cl ')pro~,..d, thi1t a sYGtems study of the Public \"orks Divi~;ion hy r:1i1n,l'1<,mr,nl r.onsultùnt Dr. L. Ruth Thomils and the expenditure of S7,20n, öS payment upon completion of the rroject, be ,luthorizl'd. BID ~!)2R ("NO h/\KJ:" ~~TGt~:') ^":MdJFD, PEND!!.r; I1rCf,:lrT OF G!Udn FUNDS, TO MARCO DOCK T. ¡'J!.It:", jt;c., I'M;CO !:~r,/,~~n, rr.(J~'TD¡\ IN 'ìflE Ar'~OUNT or" Sll,320; CCLN'J'Y UJCINI,¡:¡; ^UTllnPIZH) 1'(1 1'1'1.1)/.1.[ TflE J;~:c!::.;,"ny CR^!.T APrr,IC/\TION HI: FLIWlr./, I'O^TII.'r. ^Nn T~'rpOVn'f~1T r¡¡(Jr.¡;:\r~. Legal noticc t ,Jvinr¡ t)('0.1\ ¡'lJhli~'L"rl in the "i'tpIes I),lily News on November 10 clnd l2, lr)f11, ,'~¡ cvlrlC'nced t',y AUirJavit of puhlication filed with thp CI(~rk, bl(~f; W01(' r[~c('lv"d for r.ld ~,)?P, for "No \olake" signs, up to Decemher 7, 108]. Commis~;ioner ri~¡tor moved, !';(·cor.rlcd by Comm\~¡~"¡oncr Yruse .,nd c/Hried unclnimolJsly, th,lt Bid t".7r, for "No \ol¡¡ke" :i1gns, bc "w"rcJcd, pending recf'ipt. of gr,lnl funds, to "'"rco Dock f, riling, Inc., of Marco Islc'lnd, Florida, in the i'!mount of ~11,:l70 !.Inci th,lt the County EnC)incer be "utlloriz('(~ to prrp,lfC' the n('c(,~;sùry 'Jr~lnt ,'ppl1c,Jlion rc Florid!! r~o"linq lInd Improvemt"nt Pro<Jrl1l1'. M~~ CBB ""w: 613 P~gc 3" .... -------------------.---------.----..--- - ..-.. _.. .. --- ~ - -- .- .- ".-- -~~ - ~~ U66 PAw:614 10nl nl'r.l.'mh,~ r ?? , SID ~~29 (SEW~n PLANT S~nVIC[~) - R~JECT~n j ': Administrative Scrv1c::PG lIrlmlnistr,Hor ~~w(1rd ;,mlth recommended Lllat Gid ~529 fur Sewcr Trcntrn....nt Pli'IOt Services be rejected bccòuse 1I rC'Ii"Ion of hid "reclfIc"Uon5 Is requirC'd tn reflect the ðnticipôtcd early 19r2 connection of two of th0 County-own0d sower plants to the Immokalce ~e~er System and to explore the possibility of contract servicc;, from the ImmokÐ1cc SnnitJry Di5trIct. Commi5:>ionL'r PI~lùr novul, seconded by CO::-:::1i:.;::;iun~{ ;';enzc,1 ðnd carriu~ unanimou31y, th~t nld 452~ be rejected as rccommcndrd by Mr. Sm i t h . SID F:>10 (SOL' FCR I\ALLFIr:[,D AT ~;\rLE~~ PARI< ¡:U:MF:r.JT¡\RY ;'CIIOO[.) - AI-I^RDED TO l.^I;D~;CArF:~; UNLIr~ITr-:r) CCRrOI;,\Trc'~¡, ~!\rLF:S, FLORID^, IN THE N10UNT OF S5,f100 t f ! t ¡ ! J J I' . t r ì ! Lt{g<:d notice hdvln'J bec.'n plJhll~;hcd in the tI,)plcs D"I1y News on Novf'mbcr 17 ,Ind ]'), l'JB1, ,1S ''!'¡Idr<:"c;cd by ^[(ld".¡It of Publ1c,ltion filed with the Clerk, bir!~; w'~r,~ r'·c<dv....cJ [or Bid 15'0, for sod for the bc1l1tlc]d ,.t N')rl('~; I'clr>: ~:ll'r;1('nt,lry ~;chool, up to CccC"mbC"r 12, 19A1. CO(';lmis~;íoncr Bro'WrI moved, sf~cor1ded by Comnissioner ristor and Cd r r1 (' dun.1I1 i mOll~; 1 y, t h ( t J i d , r, J 0 , for ,,0 d [ 0 [' the b ,) 1 1 fie 1 d ù t N ,'I P 1 e s P,'rk ~lcment.Jry School, be a....,1r(]CÒ to LrJnd!;r,lpe~ Unlinitcd Corporl\tlon, of N.Jples, florida, in Lt¡.~ ¿Imollnt or ~'),l1nn. CO~:~;IL\r:H,ìTION Of ¡\PPrWVA[. OF FY l,)P] r.ET^ O:NTR^L SEHVICF: COST A['LOC,\TION - \':ITIICH^\\'N AT C()U~ TY ~1/1.t'¡\,CF:I<'r; H[:C.'l E~;T MJIJ RE~;CIH:r:lILED Fon l/'j/B / County t-'i'!n,)CJl'r rJorl~,]n rf'qLJ..;.t,~d tt1;lt tll" conslch'r"tion of .)pprov~l Page )7 I í i " - ___,. h._ _. __~ __ _ __. II - .' - - - - -- - .- ---. -- - - - -- - .-- - - - - - - - _.~ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... December 22, 19[11 of the F'f-l9!1l CF.T/\ central !;ervicc cost ùllocðtion be withdr"wn lInd rcschcùulcù fur t;-I(: ~~:i~~ry 5 1~r? nH',..tina. Commisaion0.r Brown so moved, seconded by Co~missioner Wenzel and carried unùnimously. ~OLF: BID FOR CCNTf1/1r'flll\ I. F'1.F.f.T M^ I NTF:NfdKrn'^N.I\GEm~NT rnOGR^M SUf3M ITTED BY AH^ SF.rWICr.~; or PIITU'.[)¡':LPIlIf" r,n;NSYLV^NI^, ^CCE:PTI:U, CUN'11N(~EN1' 01'; SUCCE~~fUL CONTn^CTU^L NECOTJ^TIONS Public Safety ^rlministrõtor Nei] DOfr!]l rccapped the information outlined within the F;y.(~cutjv(' f"lImm,:ny, d<1ted 12/1<1/(11, regarding the sole bid rec~ivcd tor a contr~ctual fleet m~intenance/manJgeMent progrëH':1 ilS submitted by ""n^ Service!> of I'hilJdelphia. He said that Mr. Rogcr liar rison, 1~<lna<Jer, <lr1cJ John ¡¡owalck, HcC iona] Gcncrill Mùn¡:¡gcr were present tocl¡:¡y to (~XrL1In their propc..:'iJ1. Commi.ssioner Kru!~e ,]!;k!'d if th(~ proposill Includes servicing the ambul....nrcs "no ~'r. DorrilJ replied é.1fflr~eti'/cly. Ch;:ir~::1n !"'imcr ðsr.ed if therc arc any prohl(~ms ,1ntlcip,'lll'd rccJ,lrdlnr¡ !>ervic(' to emcrgency vehicle.s:> Mr. ILHrl!;orl !;t,:tl'd Lh)L ¡,... did nut forL'~;eC' any and he outlirwJ 50rne of the evpr,rjpncc ^P^ ~;,'J:; ~1,lrJ in r1c.Jlin<J with cmf'r<Jency vehicles in G,linesvi11c ollld Fort L.llJrl(~rd,lll'. Co~r'¡ssloncr Krusc asked if AHA has evcr ~orkcd on a~bul,)ncc vehicles In cithcr Gõinesville or Fort Laurlerocl1e and ~·r. J ow,)]pk repllNJ ne'l¡,tivr~lY"'iì~;"~\ñ,",,)ítlt.'-l\R~~S ....; ," .. 1..-~1- ,... prim"Hily serviced police i¡[vi firc dr~riJrtT':1('nt vehicle!;.' " '",', .t· '~ '..-", ' Referring to the rropo~;r'd cOl1tr,'l("t, CO!:1I;dsslon(~r ~~u5e i}~k(o(J if ARA proposes to worK w('ckc'nds on cT':1('rqpncy vddcles7 ~',r. Howalek r e p Ii (' d t h <] t t h (' r l' I s i) r r 0 vIs ion i n till' con t r o'! c t ( 0 r (' Mer 9 L' n c y services on weekends (or these vetdcles. ~'r. f)orrill l1ddNJ th"t ARA ðlt:io ~JCOpOS(,5 to work " sC'cond shift, I.e. :?:"1(\ P.I'I. to 11:00 P.M. I'Ir. M~ CS6 ,['Af.t·615 P...gc 1f: . . . -~ --- --~ ---- . - .-.-. , / - --- -- -"- - ..-.-.- _. --- -. ~~ 066 rA~i 616 D('c~~hcr 77, }'1n} !I;HriGC"In stated that the contract .1lr;o h,1!> 0 provision whercby vchicl(;!1 will bo cðtegorized dS to priority. There W,1S II brief dl!1cur.sion rC<J,1rdlnq c1r1rlflccJtion of "down time" o( vchicles, :\" d!'scrlh.:d hy r~r. II,~·.·' "~k, ~.ho stateù that AHA's ~verð<Je down time for regular vehicles was 7.% and that heavy equipment down time ran 2-1/2L lie explo'1inecJ that do~m time is prorc1t<,d, hourly, ðnd that it is bðGed on whether thðt vehicle's normal use time-span is 211, 12 or ß hours. Also diDcussed W~5 the fùct thðt AnA will be "on c~ll" 24 hours ð d.,y, i1S outlined by the AHA reprCGentiJtl" -' and the anticip.Jted level of regular m,1int('niJnCC proqr,"rn;; undc:r An^ iJS outllncò by /o'r. Dorrill in ðns~er to concerns expressed by Commissioner Wenzel who referred to problems .....iLI dmbuldnc(:;; that Wl'rt: not f'rUpt~rly ,".dnt.1ineè ?tnri t1110wed to de t e r i 0 r ù t c by t h,} [J r 1 vat e [I r rl t h.1 t r " nth e ,1 m b u 1 <1 n c e s e r v 1 c e i n the p,' 5 t . rornmi:;;;ion"r \·/t'nzpl .,::;kf·( wl1,'it C lJ.1f,lntec th.lt the County has of the level o( \vork th.ít i::' <Jüln<J to be òone? Mr. lIow.,lck statcd that AnA ~lill be MoJint"lnlng the (~q'1ipf'1!.·nt, not lI~;1n<J it; thc[(!fore, tl~osc County personnel who ,'re U.slll() the v('hlr.l~s on .) regular b,1;;1s wl11 be m,l!dng conpl,dnt::; if till: vehlcl.·s ""._ not [l)nr'¡nq properly. Commissioner Wenzel .,~;ked who Hill be thp. in;;p(~ctor for vehicles undcr the contract and f~r. Carrl1l expl'-l,nt"( t.h.1t ther(' wl11 h,.. " flcet manðgcmcnt uupcrvi;;or who will nl::;o act as the contractor officer. He said ttlat thU; lndJvldudl 101'111 he .....orkJnq d;lily with th.... contr,1ctor, be In char<J~ of lnspectlons of work th~t IS don,.., asslst ~n the purchdse and v('rific.ltlon~;, on ,) monthly ho1:;is, of p,lrt:. ,lnd he In chðrqe of the controJctor officer controlling orders, etc. r-lr. Doc 111 ,1ddeJ th.:Jt will work closely with the MU, pro;C'ct n¡,1n"CJpr, who wlll he the! person PlI'JC 39 ,'C CIJ :> ..... CIJ (J CIJ ~ .. CIJ .c ~ c: o ..... .., (J :5 '''0 o '. ~ 0. ~, ... E M ..... c.... G ... () .... E '... o " ~. --- ---- --- -- ---- - _.~. - _ _ __ _4_ ..__ _._ ___ _._____ _---".._______. Decembcr 22, 19"1 in ch,Hge of Bch0dul1n<) the work to bc cùmpleted. In rcsp?nse to Conr.ll:3¡,loner Drown's ßt-'ltclT1l:'nt 01 concern t.il<.lL County employees m~y be "laid off" if this bid is accrpted, ARA'a plans to hire ðll present County employ"cs [or i1t least )0 days, ßt which time the number of emp10yc~s outlined within the contrùct will be retðined, were di5CU:3ned briefly, Includinq the exception of manD~pmcnt people that ARA intends to bring into Collier County, ~5 outlined by Mr. Dorrill. Mr. Ilow¿dek st,lted th,lt, in Gainsville, where ARA has maintained [leets for ovcr three yp0r:3, ns% o[ ARA mechanic's wcre formerly City elT1ployec~;. fie !;¿¡ id thiJ t. ^RA Intends to train ~nd retain present County umploY0cs. Referring to "rotation,1) ;Js~;j'Jnr.:cnt of vehicles", as outlined within the proposed contract, Cor;1t:1isslon(!r Kn:se i'lsked wh.:¡t affc!ct this might hi1ve on the ability tor i! r(>(ju).n]y .lssir¡ncd drlv('r/operator to recognlze potcnt1iJl prohlc'm~" witl! ttìC' vehicle hC' or she in useå to in comparison to th(' driver/operator who Is bclnC) rot.lten7 Mr. Dorrill explainL'd th,lt thl: intent of thl~; prvvlslon Is to sce tt1i1t vehicles arc rotated ðmong the various types of uses within the County rnther th3n using the s<lme vchlclc~ for anI' pllrpO!.;l' nIl the time which tends to place II heavy burdL'n on th,lt p.nt.lcl¡J,lI vehle]", I.e. builrllng .\~ ~r ...... inspection, thus illlowinrJ (or .'1 morl! ('vcn i1r10llnt 61'1:·w¿·.~r\\.,r'ÍÍè"""6)(r51·(li~eÙ .... . ,- that this rotatlon..l proc,·~;~, prin,Hily df'i'!11õ with unas~;l'Jn~ò vt"tdclcs '. .......~ ''\ belonging to Lhe 1I10tol pool. In .ln~Wcr to CorH:1!,,:;ionr:r Wl'nzcl, I"r. I'orrl11 cxpLl1ned th,'t !IRA primarily will ma1nt,1in wh,Jt 1s termr'rl, the "running r¡c<'Ir" of County vehiclC's, l!ltho\J<)h ccrL,ln other work Buch iJ:; rcpliJC'cment of sirC'ns, (' t c., wi] 1 con t 1 n II p to h (' r (' r for 11'\ {' d h Y !I H ^ rTH' (" h " n 1 ("" Iõ . PðqC: 40 &C~~ C66 rAti617 I , ._1 . BC~ ( C6B PA~t 618 Dp.ct'mher ??, ¡lìnl In rcspons~ to COmmi5Gion~r Brown, Mr. Oorrill explained thðt the propo5cd cont[M:t c,11l~ for ,11î inlt!,1\ tprrn of thrl'(, Yf',1r9, however, the contr,lctor will be considered .)s iJ dep,lrtment het\d and, every yelH during the budget compil~t!on process, the (ollowing year's budqet will have to be agrced upon. If this c~nnot be agreed upon, then, the contr~ct outlines thnt thl' contr~ct may be broken by mutuðl ngrecmcnt, cxpLlined Mr. Dordll, who ,lrlded th,lt, tJ,lsicùlly, il will run like ð "ye,lr-'_0-yc,1r" contr.Jct with ;.nnu,'¡ ne'lotliltions for price. Deputy Chief fl,1YMond n.Hnr.tt cLHificd thi1t the Sheriff's Oep,lrtment vehicles wil \ not. hi! :;I'rv!ccrl undcr this contriJct. ~1r. DOfrill concurruJ. Cr¡unty r'~,lnd'lc'r Norman stated th,1t he understood that th0 work that i:, prt':;"ntly hclnq conducted by the Motor pool will continue through the cont.r,Jctor olnr] /'1r. Dolrn~tt replie'J that It 1s the Sheritf's undL'cstJnc!if\<') t!;.¡t t!',lt .....,)[k wi II h,lve to be contr,lcted out indepcncl!.'ntly. ^ftcr '1!:,';IJ:;:;inrJ U',1:; further, Mr. !'..lrnett reported that, if the contr,orto I:; \o,'! \ 1 in') to cont!nll\' to do certain work, the Shcriff will h.]v.! to ~;tu, y ttH' COf1tr,lctu,ll 'Hr,lnq('mL'nt'.; before making In y comm i tnc'n t . T h.! <i í ~; C II c¡ ,; ion con tin lH' d r '-' 'J .1 r c! in':) P,l ~> t ,1 r r ,1 n'J r- men t 5 ...·'th the County motor pool r(~l.lt('r] to the ~;IJ('rlff'" Dl'p,lrtmf'nt (loet ùnd the method of cL.JrrjirH] dnd IJlYI,¡'!lll for th,ll \o.'l)[k. Commissior\.:ré; \'¡imf'r ,Ins 1','(,f1zl'l ,ôt,lted th,)t tl1ey Wf'rf' in hopes of t!lC County ac:tlJ.1l1y ,-."I'/ln'1 thl' rrr¡j('ct,.~ ,1IH)UnU; ol IT,onvy thdt is .1ntic:ip,ltl'd by contr.1ct tf1< out thi~¡ work ,1nd Cor,ml~~slol1cr rlé;tor moved th,1t the sole bl,j for 111(' contr.lctu,ll (l'!l't malntcr."ncc/r,ðnaqemcnt proqrar:\ ~¡ubr.l!tt(~d by ^H^ ~~('rv!cl's, be ,1ccepted, contln'1ent on ~'J':"r.t':';5f\ll cnnlr.1ct nL"joti,ltlon:;, tl1,! tntt1.¡t"!un ot: ~..IJ!ch Is <.1uthori7.ed. Commissioner ht'n7.(d St.1tf'rl tthlt, ,llth'Ju'lh he Is skeptlcill, PM) C 4] - - --- -- ---_. .- --- - -- -- ---. ._- -. . - - --- -- ._- "- - - --. _. - -- - - --- .- - - - --- - - ----.-. Decemher 'J?, 19f1l he seconds the molion. Upon c~ll for the question, the motion cðrried 4/1, with Commissioner Kruse oppose~.~ *upon the conclusion of the mr.etin0, Commi5sioner Kruse submitted the following written :;t,lt,.r.\('nt of cl.HlficiJtion to the Clürk'l:> office rcgûrdinq her opposition 'co the / be\'c-r('ferenc!~d action ùnd requr.stl?d t h!l t j t h I" ¡Hi (it:,¡ I, v I ¡, ,_ I " (; ù r d : ·PlIrSlIi'!nt to the vote on the fleet Mf]intcnt'lnce, I should like the rr.cord to cle~rly reflect my Qdi'!m~nt opposition. As the record Indic,ltcf;, t.hls pdrtlcu].H firm hitS n'!vcr maintùincd ambulanc(~s. ,) I;\<ljor ciJpit.t11 investment. of t.his county. Thcir pcrformðncl' on ot}¡er (:J!)f,'rgency vehicll:s ll'iJves ù greiJt doal to be questioneù. A contr,1ct of th¡~; ~1<lrFdtude ~;hould not be entered into without i. very stiff r"·rf"rT'1.1nrp hand bl'!i/vj posted. ^ddition.1lly In ~;ppt"mh('r thi:; (Irm W¡.I~¡ not providing, to the C it. y pol I c (' (; [ c; ,1 f n (' !; v I J 1 (~, t. 11 c f 1 (, e t 0 f v'!}¡ i c 1 (' sin res e r v e to covcr down t.imp. I belicv(! LId:; contr;'ct }¡;I;' .1 potl"ntl.11 for r;erio\Js conr;cqucncns to our county';. Inrge flr.et of vehicles." RESOLUTION A]-7.(;(; ^DOPTJrH-; TIIf~ UTJLTTTF.:' DIVT~;Tnti POLICY - !\DOPTf:D; WORI<~;II(1P ~;ClIl:f)UU:D FOP 1/10/P? In-: L¡:LY/GL!I!;f:~; SEh'F:f1 TRE^T~\ENT PL^NTS, E!\GT NAI'L[:, ~;n...¡.:p ~Wr,T!:;/~ M':[1 ^FfTC'¡":: fH~ ~;M1F RJ:L^Tf:D TO Till': UTILITIES DIVTSTOIJ POLICY Uti 1 i tie s ~. i1 n d (J l' r I r v in CJ Be r 7. (\ n ~ t " t. e d t h" t., pur S lI;j n t to Ro ¿'Ie d conr;!derdtlon last week of the èldoption of the Ul1l1ti('s Division Policy, under which the County tJtillt.le~; Division h.~s been operlJt1ng for the pilst YC<lr, it i~3 his understanding that, witt, the exception of the c0{1s1ùerðtion of the IIJnr!s wtdch \,.ould result in tr,(' c1edlciHion of trcðtment fclcilltlf'G, the E\o.~rd's pl'rc('l'tlon and ilprrov.1] of thl!J policy 101,15 f~irly well GLltcd },lst Wl:t'k. Iluwevl"r, hL aòc!eò, the Aoard did dcfer ðction to this wer.k in order to qlve the m~tter more thought. He referred to the LìCt tll,H Mr. Willl.)r1 P.Hlon, of I-,'ilson, poIiller, D~rton, SoIl ~nd Peek ~ld offer cl"rtnln commcnt~ during lð~t week's r.lqc 42 ðO~~ CBB FA~' 6i9 -- 'I I I I t 1 , 1 -.- -. ~-. --- --... . . - .---- ~ -. -- -- - .~ - _. ,"!~~ C66 PAGt: 620 OeccMber 27, 19n1 meeting and he nssumcn thnt he will offer ~dditlonn1 comments ~t this t:rnc. * * * Commißsioncr Kruse stepped out of the room ~t this time: * * * 11:22 ^.M. ChAirmnn Wim~r nuked Com~I~~ionrr Pistor if he has any questions [ut r·',r. Dcr;:on. ';v~!!1':: th.,t tht<; n,'ttl~r w(,s deferred because he (Cor:missioncr Pistor) W,l~; ,lb::en'. L1St wc,..k. COMm!Gsioner Pistor ntated th,'t he bel ie\'ps th,1t the subj(~ct polky is simply a met1!;urc thDt is beiny t"kcn tow,Hds th" "rr:or1f}li:;hm(~nt of ttlf.' County wëlter/sewcr system th,lt W.1S conceived by ttlL' r:CC prior to his t1iJving b,..en elected to the Commission. Comnis:.;¡oncr \','cnZl!1 ~;t.lt('d th,ll h..~ hrll('ves that thir; is d good lrJCd bCCtlU5t! it i:.; t¡rll~ l!ldt till' Cou Ity tric:~ to recoup some of its ex pc n rli t u res. lie ti,lid ttldt he hl'll,'v('!; ltlnl thC' po! icy offers the Count~J 'n ür'\~~0~'.\I~it.y to <lcqIJ!rt_.~ thr~ tl·()··-~-mpnt pl<ìnts f!"0!T" rJev~1or'~rs ,lnd, if they h,lVl ,1ny 'J,ilu,~ 'It, the ll~lf' It¡r.y ,-,f" rl1ol!;crl out, the County Cdfl :il!ll th(:n. Ill' :;,1 id th.lt., at tl1,lt time, the 1.1nd Ci!n be used for p"rks or r!¡:;po:;.'d of hy the County. HI' :¡t,)t.:cI ttl.lt he consIders the pol icy ,1 S cl "5 t ,. P ¡ nth e r i '] h . rI i r \~ c t 1 0 n" . r-< r. L! c: r ~ 0 n s t ,1 t ': cI t h " t , .1:;t \,,'...,·k, thl' lìo.lrd's "ttcntlon seemed to b...' focused on Lt,., 1.1n<l .)C'lld:;itio;¡ (!~Je;;llon. I!/~ ,¡,dd thJt, to hiH f.:collrCllon, tb,: ru.¡rJ \.i,lnt·'<I th,· .1cccpt,lI1C~ of the L1nds on \.ihlch a p1.1nt is :dtu,ltf'd, to ~H.· ::or1,_'thln'1 tl1.1t \.,1:'; :.ubiect to the> P-o.:Jrd's dpprov,1l. 1'(' s,drl tb,H hI' looulc1 l1b~ Ir) qu.llifj' th,1t with thQ stronq rl.'conIM':nd,lt1on th"t ,111 the l.lnd:; be considered. He said that, if the PO,He! wl:;h.·:¡ to qu.llify th.Jt cert,dn f~j(c(~pt1on::J b<! 1'1,,<1<.', he ....111 ("orne b.1(:k ....lth ù recorr>tn"nddt1on ,15 to qui(',,! 11101; (0r m,'klng thHI;(~ PI1 q e Ii 3 -. _.- -.- - . ..- -- -- - . I J . j I ~ _.' __ __ _ __. __ _. _, _ u i I I - ___ __ __ - __ - _4 _ _ ~_ _ _. __ -- -- - -- -- -- - -_. --.- ~_. --- ---.- - - - . D0ceJ"1be r ') ') , 19 n 1 exceptions. He said th¡,t, othcrwi5c, c('rtðin "ðrJminißtri'ltivc ðnd political hasscls~ muy occur, wherein, it could he construed that some person and/or persons received certain trp~tment other thðn that which is'offered to ¿mother person. Ch~irmDn Wimer stùted th~t it was his intent to .Jllow the Ho"rd th:; option not to ,1cqlJire lônds if they do not feel it in the ~",-;t intr.'re:...L of the County. Mr. Bcrzon stðted thùt while he under5tand~ the Intent, he fc~ls th~t there will h(lvc to be certain r,peclfied guldl'lln('~; rJC'vclo['(:d for qu,111f1c,1tion for this option. Cha i rm"n \oJiml.'r ,1'j rc(~d . . . . Commissioner ¡.tll)::'( rcturn,'rj t·o thC' room at thl5 tir.1c: Il:?9 A.M. . . IIttorney B. Clc,cr: IlicIHJ1~;, rl.'rre~;(.'ntlw¡ Lcly F:!';t,¡tcs anò The Gle,dcs, rl'qul'~;t,'cj th,t ttil' forn,l) ilr!optl;fj of ttlP Utiliti"5 Policy be defcrred at thi~; ti(':1c h"(·.lu~,J' hi' h,,~; r0cC'ntly r(''Iul'~ted that c1 workshop be schc~ulcd rt"~"r"in'J cpr!"in ""I,'r>r f,!,)t'l""' In F,1r:t "Ji'r]r>"-. "" c::~Ir! thclt represent"tlvcs fron Ll.']'j r,:~;t,1tl'S ,Inri 1'111' (;l,ld('s \01111 be present at this \oIOrkbhú[_, ,HJdlnq thdt !JOltl l'r~\.lti,·,; o~m ilnrl uperate substcJntidl utili t Y 5 Y 5 t C' 1"1 :¡ I n 1-: il :; t r:, i' 1e ~.; ,\ t t h l:i 1'0 i n tin t I "'. e . II!! si'lid th,lt he ha5 held 1'I mectin'] Idth I·'~:,::rs. Perzon and Plc~worth exploring certain proposals .....hlch ¡'f! int(!nd'; VI ~1<1~;l' t.o the /loard ilnd he élddcd that these proposðls rwy cC'nfllcl llith :¡(,ml' of t:\I' prollision:; of the proposed rolicy. lie sðld that he· hell(!ves tI~;lt It Is ,1dvlsi'lh1c to defcr r. 0 n sid c r .1 t Ion 0 f tile p r (> po ~;.. cI f'o 1 1(' Y I In t I 1 t h ,. Ho" r d c " n con Rid c r i t 1 n the 11ght of Wh,lt will be di5CU~;~:f'd e,t thl' worl.;shop s0sslon. III.' 5.1 1 d thðt thcrc wl11 he pr()po~;'¡:.; 1"1,1rle th,)t m"y or r'1,1')' not he ðccept.:Jblc to the !J 0.' r d, h 0 \.' (' vcr.. r,' t.l1 (' r t h " n 9 r ,1 n tin '1 h I~; r I' a lJ (' ~¡ t for a WQ r k 5 hop 0 n the samc topic "'(tl'r h.1111;1(') i1dopt('d .HI offlci,l follcy on the mllttcr, r.,I')t' 1,., ac:)( CBS PA~'6Z1 - - - .. ~ . .. ..- -.. -. -. -- . -.. . - .-. ( M ._. ._ __. _ _._ _. __ __ __. ___ .._ __ .._.._ --.- "..- .".-- . ",'1~P; 066 PAw:ÐZ2 Decl'mber 22, 191"\1 he would like tho opportunity to m~ke his pre5rntntlon ~nd offer hln propos,:lls first. lie ".:lid th;lt portion:, of the propo!;cd policy ,HC ~1~ llnc· with wh~t the County h~G been rlolng in the p~5t, ~ddlng th~t he h.1S no quarrel with thos~ p.lrtlcular provisions. lIowcver, gðid Mr. Nichols. with respect to the dedication of the plant and lands, he believes thðt the County will run into ~~ny problems, ~spcclally wh~n dc.lling with !;mall p,Hceln of land whcr~ the dt'dication of the plant and the l~nd on whlr.h It !>It:; will repr{!s'~nt i\n extreme economic burden to the developer. He !;,lid th,)t he Iwlll'vcs th,lt if the [lo¿¡rd c1dopts the proposed polley ,1nd pur:;Lle~; molnd'ltory dcdic,ltlon of all pl¿¡nts .,nd rcl.ltlve land, tht,y ....ill [1m MJ undue risk of liti(Jc1tion. lie explained that, whC'thcr Ilticl,ltlon i;; :;Ué:CC':;:;[IJ! or not, it ....ill he most disruptive and he ....ent on to exrl0in ~ome of th~ nrqativc effects of utility litigation. Chd i rr.1.Jn \"i I~l' r Jtd t ('d lI1J t Utilities Policy reli,tc5 l(J tt¡,: h,: doc:; not. undcr:;t,1nel ho.... the proposed exi:;llnq plant:~ In The Glades or Lely i:~ ,. () n :; i d (> r In') the .1 ò 0 P t Ion 0 f " Est.Jtes. He s,:, Id tr,) L thp HO,l rei policy rpl.1ted to fulure P,lc¡'"lqe tre"tn('nl ¡,i.-,r,ts. Mr. NlChol::. ref('rrl.od ,,0 ttH' tWG ,1f'Hf.·mr:nt.ioncd plant~> ù5 exl!;tlng plants from which ~;"rvlcu:; ,lrt' belnq "xf',lnded \¡[lhin the conflnl's of thl' !.'nò:; .....!Jich till' rl'~;I',~,~tiv(' o....'n'·r:; '!"'J1'lup. 1'1' :;;dcl th<'lt the policy r~lgcs the qu'~:,li()f1 "Wlil ":1\1' (Iold(':;, hy exp,ln;'ln'J service to other land:; owned hy th.' ';,1[11' Ov.r1,'[/dev1:lo["·r, f"ll unr1er trll' f1rovi~ions of the policy, Wli(:I,'by the :;uh:;t.lnt\.''¡ tcrt.\.\ry p],H\t will have to be given to the County?" III' :;,lld t.h,lt the s.lme ....'oute! bl:' true for Lcly [St,1tUS. Mr. Nichol!! stated that hIs client" I're!>C'ntly hi'lve a rezone pt:tltlon coming ol:'tore the Po,'rd <'111", In ,1n!i""I'r to ComnlG:1ioner \".onzel, PIIIJO "5 _ u _ . ... _._....._ ..__._ ___0 _. _"_ I ¡- .. - - - --- - - - - - .- - - --. -- -- -- -- ,-- -- - - -- --. i ..--- .- --- -- _.-. - -- -- -. -.- - - - - -- - - - -- - - Decembcr '2, ]9nl he I)dded that they :hi8 cl1l'!nts) hðvc applied for ð frl'lnchi5c. Commissioners Pistor and Wenzel stated th~t this would not be tne applicðtion of the propo~ed policy as they understand it. Chairman Wimer stated that he undcrst,lnds that the Eoard c.ln waive the requirement in existinq !"¡¿J!\chir.c é1retls. Ilc Sd id tha t he docs not believe ttlC pOll':}' spccifirully ddùl,~S5C> tLc r:XF,1r.si~n of ;,n existinq pl~nt and asked Mr. ßcrzon to addrc5r. Mr. Nichols concerns. Mr. Bcrzon stated th~t the policy provides that, In those situations, whereby ~n existing subdivision has their own utilities, such as in the case of Tile Glades or Lely F.st<ltes, they could have an agreement with tl,f' rOtJnry "imilùr to thðt \·/dch the Deltona Corporation has, w h (' rei nth e s C \oJ ,1rJ .... i~; t r (' iJ t.? d () n c1 b u 1 Y. r ù t e bas 1 5 . He said that this means th..lt the thl' pl..\nt, <I:; such, i~; cnrudnly not In contention here. lie salc1 th-lt if tl1;Jt ~;,l~)e pJ, nl h,l~; heen cxp,lrdcd beyond the needs of th~ i~,:"'~'JI-'t(' subdivl"!0:1. th"11, tl~ilt cy.p<'ln~ion is r0nsirlpr"d as an InvestmC'nt c1nd .1~; a rl!;k t,ìken by the dpvclopcr. lIe said that if lands ¿He uiludleò CJO~,I' !.>n(Ju1h to th"t p"rtlcul.:1C l'(opcrLy to be served hy that utility and the Po,lrd see:. the :.crvlce to the ,lddit.ional property as bc:ncfic1.l1 to the tot,ì] utility p.Jckil']e, thl?n, a bulk r.:ll£' agreement, such <'IS the onc rl0scrlbcrl e,ìrlier, would rn.'Ike the developer "whole" financially. lie b,dd th,ll, under this klr,d of I\n "CJreement, the developer would not he In ~ny ~ore fln~nciðl jeopðrdy than he is before <'Iny further lnnd~ arc drvclopeò. Mr. Nichols referrcrl to his client's rezoning ðpplicfttlon for lbnds owned by The GladcH, immediately ndjacent to property currently owned ,lnrl gcrv!c....d hy Thf' CIllo!.':.' utility. HI" 5...ld thðt the CAf'C h<'ls considvred the subject petition and fo[w~rded it to the BCe. lie BDa~ 066 I'Aw; 623 r"'q~ 4(, . . - - - -. - - -- - . - .-. 11/ I - .-.. . -..- -.- ::~ CBB fACt 624 lìeccmÎJp r ..,.., ~. ,J , Inl explðlncd that Mr. Bcrzon's recommendations, bùsed on the application of the proposed policy, iu th,1t, as " condition of ,'1pprovill for the r(!;¿olllng, The ':11'0"" mllst in~té1l1, ,1t its own (>xpensc, on Its own lðnd, ðll of the collection r.YGtcm. 110 5"in that, (1ddltionðlly, The Gl,'des will be required to pay, to the County, .1n imp,'ct fee for using its own plant. He said that, at that point, The Glnde~ would be forced to ,;ntl:t lllLù LI Lulk r,1tc tr~:.~t:",n...~ ",;y""mf'nt which will be favorable to the County for treAtment on lands which It owns. lIe sùid that this kind of ðpplic,ltlon wIll leMI "str(,Ir¡ht to the courtroom" becausC'! it is not somcthlnr; thi.1t ,1f1Y cievclopc'r could 'Icccpt. ~r. Nichols repeated his ple,' to defcr ;¡ctlon on the nropo5crl policy until ùfter ð workshop. Comml5!.;ioner \Ú'";-"1 ';!.1lcd t.h,lt. hp h('ll'~vl:s that If Mr. Nichols' c lie n t s ')'~ t 5 ,1 [r,¡ n c ~1Ì :.; l', t. to, l' r (' .... I ] 1 not be a r rob 1 em . ~1r. rcr~on r(':;prndc~1 to '.Ir. r ic,r)l~;' st,lt':mcnt~ hy "sklnIJ, "vlhélt if the lûl'ds th,lt élre eonliquou:, <It!! nüt o'....:ìcd by th'! c:"m" parties that dcvclu~...\:J dlì~j u'...rt tt'¡.lt p.jrticul.ìr r..1j'ìr.t .li.d ~,;ubdlvl.!;i()Î' ,-¡~d, for conveOlicncc s¿¡kt:, tho~ú 5,1["," own'!rs <]0 out ,1n<1 purchiJse the contiguous l¿¡nds?" lie selid th,1t, und.,t th,)t Idnd of ,'rr,'nq('m,~nt, there is no limit ~s to how t.H this p,lrtieular probleM could ')0 on. III' referred to the [czoning pL'litlon for' intL'r¡;,1rk, to '"'hieh Mr. ~:lchols referrcd carlier, expLlin!n'1 that triC flllbr.chridn f"nily, who arc the owner/dc....t:lopcr~; of The \'1",I,'~, ,d~;() nwn thl~; propr-rty loc~ted north of The GI.1C!cs. III' ~;.'ld th,1t tli~; r':':tJrl:'1"ndl'd :;t! ,ut.'tlon5 ,1pplied to this petition art:' ,"n diffl'rerH t'l,¡n ttln~;r.- th,1t 1-,'r,uJr! "pply to ¿lny ot.her Gubd!v!~lon loc,1~('d ,lny"here elst'. i.. ~;..l1d tI',1t the requlrcmcnt of Install ing \o!"trr/[;l:W(![ 1 in!':.; !~; ,~ r('qll! rf'rll!r1t "I'Pllf'd to all ::> u b:! i v 1 ~ lon!1 ,,1 nr I' I rJ7 Ii . Hcq,1rclinq the :;y~;t"IT'~; dt'velopmf'nt ChtHqcs or P.H]C 4? .. ---~. -. ..... _... - - --. -._-- - -- -- - "- - - - - -- <-- - -- - -- -- - -- - -" --- -- -- ~- .--- p-.- -- -- - - - - -.- - -- --+ Dcccmbcr 22, 1981 imp~ct fee, Mr. Berzon st~t~d thJt they wo~1d apply to ðny central fðCiiiL¡~b \.~",t ·...i~l t:..:- !~'.!I1~; ':nmf't\me 1.1 t.he future, by Lhe Cour,ty. 110 Bald thðt the bulk rate .1greemcnt deals spcciUc¿'Illy .....lth the cost of treating the scwage currrntly in The Gl~des' plant, with no timc limit set forth. He s"id th,1t If '.he 80ard sees fit to gr.:mt a fr.1nchig'" to The Gladcs fOf sCfvicf. to 1,1nds within their own 5enlice ar~d, a long-ter~ bulk r~te aqrc~~"nt could be arranqcd for tre~tn@nt of sewage to thoGe adjilc¡'nt lùnd!;. lie siJlrl that his position is th.:Jt to ·slngle out" this ~ilrt!cular project area, sinply because the same !i)mlly o\olns ildj,~c('nt l:,wl:;, Is "¡tvoirlinr¡ the issu(;'''. r~r. ßerzon sti'lt'!d that he ~eli('\'(.·:' th,1t "the l!;sue" is whether or ¡,ot the County wi she. to pursue the po Ii ~y 01 nandatory df.rlicat!ons and also how they (the Board) .!Ire goinS _) So .1t:out qr.H:ti:;'j franc-his@:.;. Chairmðn \~irnL'l ,,;,~:,.; ('(;,:::t~( ~',)",'(!""r ~:"rn, n If the workshop h,15 beer ::c~c~~led ,,:;~~ ~~e r(~pl ie(~ t~:,1t it "'!,1~, 'nnt.1t ivcly sch~dL J PQ for January 12, 1982, ho·...cv(·[, hr undr,'rstdnd~; th.)t the County }I,ttorney prcfcrs ,1anu.HY 19, l'ln? ~\ [, P i l' ~, '.... 0 [ t L ': 0 "c 1I r r c J, C).1 r i [ Y 1 n'l t h oJ t the mðttur will t...y.c :;C;f"'\(' tj~,~ ~n rof'! lrip[ (Ind he r(!..dn~('d thf' 80ùrd th,1t there is ð ....orf:!,hu(J 'icL,'· (;lr·(j rt"J'-lr(~ir.g Ir.F.)ct f(>'.'5 on .J,1n'Jary 12th. ~'r. I.\crlon uryuG U,( 11th'!.] U. tdk.... il dlffprent din'ction thi1n wh,1t has been sU<JC)L'stcrl. 1If' ilsk,'d ther' lu "dol;t. the pro¡)()5C'd pollcy tor\.1Y and the n, a 5 f " r ., s '010 r kin <J 0 u t t t I r: d (> t r1 ! 1 s t I-¡ ,I t "r I.' 0 f c () n C c [n to c'I n y p,1rtlcul.:1C development or ,1[,1" ¡:,ul !(:lIldr tnt/'r!'st!;, they Ghould Òe dealt ....lth under the terMS of <1 [['dncllls,', "5 provlrir'd fur unrl/"r the provisions of OrrllnancC' 7(,-77. HI' sllid thclt those provisions c.!In be modificd to f!t ðny rMrt!cuL1r r1l'{·ds. III' ,1!;k¡'rl th.:lt the POi'lrd not consider the "doption of t.t1e ro1tcy b,~sed on I!ny p,Htlcu1/n interest. ~QJ( CBB FA~c {)Z5 PIHJ C 4 ~' - -'0 __ ._.. __ _ _ .__ _ ___ __0 ___ __ .. __.._ - __ ---0 __ _ _ __..__ Dccrmbl"r 22, 19£11 eO~K C6B PACt 626 Ch,ll rm':ll\ Wimer 5uql)csted th,)t the pol icy could he ,'dopt~d tod<1Y by anH..-nding the lDngu,lgt' ttlerroi, rt~ilr'ctlnq tilt: l'l<.:lusluII u[ d pL'vvision ttlòt the bOc3rd re:.wrve!; the option to w.Jivc ùny of the requirements of the policy. H~ s,lic1 that, until :;uch time 115 tho relevant ordin<:lncc Is ~doptcd, this would give the Boord the flexibility required t~ h~ndlo these other conc~rns. 110. ,1skcc1 lht' County Attorney if this would be "too bro,HI" ,lnd Mr. Pickworth slIid that, ri1thcr th,)n doing that, he would !3urJgt'~t that the ¡¡rJo('tion he held "In "bcyance~ until Jiln'J,lry 19th ilnd lit? C'xpLdned th,lt lie ~IOL.lc1 hùvc ð more flexible policy prepared for con:.;Ir!('r.ltlofl ,It that: time. Ch~irmùn Wimer agreed. C()r'lmls:.;ioner f:ru:;f' r('q\ (~:;t('d th.lt /Ar. P,-rzon provide the floðrd with more dct.ll1 on t~:I_' f i¡¡,lncl,1! ,l':¡Jl.'Cts of the policy oeforl" they be .lsked to co \sider .ido[H. I r,c¡ t.I¡,! t'ollcy. ~;t1f-! :,t,ltcd th,1t, whilf' shn serB no prohlc'n1 with rh,' :julle.1t Ion of linr::; dl\d 11Ct stdtlons, she foresees c e r t .,¡¡ n (i n oJ n c ; ,1 1 f' r 0 hi" n :; r" 1 ;, t t· ,¡ to.:, r: f'1l1 ! r 1 n c¡ 0 n - s 1 ~ ~ ~ :- :::.) t ~::::-: t plants, i.e. the question 01 UIC !'<juilY in op"rJt.I(1( il11 of the <1CquiCf~d pl¿Jllts under one 11~1hrcllcl ,il1d bll1ln'] C'vcryone equally for tutill costs of ol"~rdtion '."/l'n thou'lh ~;Of'1e plnnts iJ[(' no«! ,,[fiel.'ot and cust etfectlve thJn others. f<~r. Pcrzon rc:;¡;of\rI,:.J th,lt th,.. ultlm.1tI! int.,·nt of the lJo,Hd is to operate ;111 ot: t~)C pl,1nt!, cInder a sin'll,' ur1brpJl,', ,'cdlo<) that they ..·;ould he o¡wr"l<~rJ unr!,'r ,1 \I;lIlo[!'1 ("\J!;l In order to (ltt.)ln " uniform U t 1 lIt Y r ,1 t e co lIll t Y - ~I i rl c . HI' ",lId th,lt, h.1:.cd on U-.c t.1Ct th,)t hI' Is proposlnc) whl1t h,~ SI'I'!; ,is th,· I'o.nd's Intention!;, he I:; ~;orkln<) tow,]rds the SM~e r,lte lor IJtIJltl,' for f'veryone In the County. 'rhe ¡-,roIJJ'T1:; Inv()lved In ch,lCgln'l rvrryon" the t ,lmc rllt(' structure when the pltJntfi from whlL'h ttlcy will t)<.: !1crviced iHC not ('qual io Pðgc 4') --- --- -- I I, ---~ -.". -.-- -. . ..-- -- -~ -- '--- --- --- - - - --. -- .-- -- -- --- - -+- -- .--- - ~- .-..- ..-- D('cemht1;:" 2;>, 19A1 efficiency and/or oper~tion costs were outlined by Commis9ionar Kruse who alao pointed out that, when it comes time to sell the pl~nts ~~~ land and the respective values ¿HC not equlll, th'~ inequitie::: become even morc apparent. Sh!~ st,'tcd t.h"t ~h0 i5 i)(Jain~;t tIll' pro!,osal whereby funds received fro~ the R~le of utility plnnts and/or relntive lands will not be 1J:;l'n to kp!,p down the oper;H,ionòl costs of the systems upon which the appllc.d¡}c r,1te !.tructurc will be hi\5Cci. Upon conclusion of Commi:¡:;lonf'r Kru~;e':; 5tiltf'mcnt5, Mr. Rerzon M1reed thlJt during the first year, there will he problems in sctting the rates, however, most of thp pLlf1tS ~iÌll only hI' 01'cr.:'lted for five to seven YCdrs. lie s.l~d th.)t ".1rh yr,1[ the prohleM ....,llJ "lcvC'l off- until the rate struct\lre bpcom{';, cqulLlhlf' uó1dr,r tllc contr0l of the County. f>lr. lJerzon st03tcd th.lt he bellev(':', th.lt thp Bo.lrd need:. to address the qUC'5tion, " Jio....· mL;ch doe:- tllr ¡'o,Hd [('''I I~: rl<¡ht 0:- f.:J1r (or ð developcr to burcJ(,n till' n{'w tJuY(Cr:.; in or( ¡'r to operùte utilities'?" The disClJG~;ion cont inu,d, In,-1wilr,(] costs of op('r,ltlnq v03rlolls type5 of tr<:atment ¡¡1.lnts; voIrioIJ:; n(',ln~; of ~I:;p,,:;.)l; the ilffects of good englneer1nq .lnd :;tiJtr' ,lnd ('Ollnty r .'qulolt1()n~; for 'C\~,'trncnt pl/'lnt.s ilS related to co~;t of op(,r.1t ion:;; ('''rt,lln dlsp,\rltlc~; betlo.'ccn present rates bClfH'J Ch,lr'll.'<1 tlY privi>tt' ut!ll'l!':; ,\nrJ ttwlr ¡¡ctll,)l opcr.Hion:d costs; the need (or control over ttl('~'C r,lte:;; lInd the intent of the County to rrovi~e II county-wl(~e sy:;tpn In the future ùnd the need '"or prepðr/1tion and I'l;lnnlnq tow;1[d:; th.lt end, 1'15 outlineò hI' ~1r. ßer7.on. Mr. Will!.lM 1'.lrton, :.pe.lklng for hln:,t.'lf, ~t<Jtcd th,lt he believes the County i:. miJkinq " serious nl"t¡¡ke In tc1kir:q thf' direction thftt it i tis go 1 n r¡ 1'1 t l h I 5 t1 me I not ð !'\ I ~ t ,) k c fro m t h ,. r1 ev (' 1 0 pc r 's po i n t 0 f view, r"t/l...r, ., ml:;t"lu,-' from the ~t,H,dpolnt of UH' County'!_ intcrc:::t. Pðqe SO M~~ CB6 P4f.i 627 - .". _... · 1 I ¡ I I I j i I i i J I { t j ¡ 1 . II I I ~ ¡ \ 1 j f ~ , 1 i j ¡ ¡ / ~4 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ - - -- ---. - -- --- _.-~ --- -- -- - --.. - - -- -- -- -- - -- - - -- - -.- ':~~ C66 fAGr: 628 December :I./., 1911.1 t \ I ¡ ¡ \ I I lie rofcrred to v,uious dr.:1wing:. of projcetf; throughout the County l'In( pointt:'d out thr. prohlems th,lt the County might run into ií Ultc'Y ií,:öi;:;t on manda~~~y d~die,)Lion of treatment plants ~nd the land upon which the y 1 h., 1. E. pI., n t 5 I 0 c ,ll cd i nth c mid d 1 C 0 ( g 0 1 f co u r s e 5, I c) k e s , parking lots, etr.. lie furth"r pointed out the fin.lncial hurden to the county if these p~rcels ð[e L0kcn off the tax r01]s and the ilpparent lack of ~ "good u~e" for m2ny such p~rcels due to various reasons, IncludIng sm.;¡ll ,lre,l, bð<Ì IocntIon (lnr:! In,ldeC],-",tC' .:1cccs~;. /'o'r. Barton ponted out that most of the dl'v(:lopcrs would not w"nt to pUrChi\SC the land back from th" rounty for the ~t1m" rea50n~, as well as the fact ttl..l t. the y mil y h <1 V e u ~; e d l ¡, l' cI. n ~ ; 1 t 'r' I i nIt " t i 0 " 0 nth ere 5 t 0 f the devclopr.1cnt ,1ncJ could not t.ui lrl on tt',,, p'lrcel eVl.'n f they (iid purchase it LL\ek fron thp. County. I!,' ~"id th,lt, thif; could .:1150 negðte the possiblity of ðnyone else fce);.., buIld in') on thC' parcel, thus, t.he County could en:] up owninq .;¡ lot o( "non-cJr"/elop.:1bl('>" p,1rç('1~; ot l(1nd locùted in .:1rl.'.1:3 that were not bl!ncflc!.ll for ;;~je oIS anything other than vacðnt land ùnc.J v.ould not OC receiving t.1XC!; on them .:J~ it ,/QuId h.,vp' if they were not o....ed by the l.ol1nty. County ^ltornC'y rick....'orth "'Jrc"d th,lt, if the den 5 i t Y 11m ita t ion i s rea d ¡ e don the n, 5 t 0 [ " d e V" 0 pr.1C nt, the land on ..hieh the trc,)tment pl.lnt Ii!'!; could not he developed. Mr. B,lrton stated th,1t t1l~ cannot !'(".' ,",'hy the County wnuld Wclnt to tclke on further fin.lnci,d burd('nr: hy .1cc0.ptln<) th('~;r' pHc('l~ of Llnò. lie .,1 so said tl1.:1t the develüpcrs ....111 find t!1!5 m~thod of tr,1n::;fcr ,'cceptlsble hec"usc, ·...hen.1 I'[oject I" cOI'1pletcd, they will not hilvP to be the responsible party th.,t must di~;n,'ntl(' ,lnd r('nove the tre,1tml'nt pl..,nt. Ill' s.:Jid th,'t if thp intent of the no,led Is to ral9'.:' the level of he....lth 5t,~ndardf rcllJt'c'd to thl: oper,'tlon ':Ind m,llntcn,lnc(' of th....::;c tcmpor,1ry pnq e 51 ) -. -~ - -.. - - -- - -_. - Decembcr 22, 19P1 planta, then, therc are better way~ to h3ndle this. Ilc sðid that ho luu;"b û[,';'iò t!~:: i~~" I')f thn ('"Olmtv owninq Dl1 ther.e plants 111'1 burùensome and expensive. He suggested that the ROùrd workshop the mLlttef before taking fInal ~ction. Chairm~n Wimer st~tccl thot Mr. Rðrlon brought up m~ny points that reinforce his b~llcf that there is a nc~d for the Roard to h~vc the option of waivln') th(~ po1iry rC"qulr..r:,ents. lie 5.:1id thnt ttlcre .,;111 b~ c1ddltion.:J1 <Heð" of ttl<' policy tll"t '...'111 h.l\'I~ to b('! hrought hack to the Board fOf clÐrlflc~tlon. Commis~ior1l'r \':('nze! stðt.N1 th,lt he bel icvcs thùt most of the Commlssloncr~ i1gre(' th.:tt tl1(,' BO,ìrd nl'('(ls to h,1VP. the option to deciàc if ù particu].H ¡:;.:Jrcl'l of !iln~1 I:; to he ë1cceptC'cJ by the County. Commlsslon"r Pi~;tor I:,ovpd, :;I'condcd by Conml~sloncr Wenzcl and carried 3/2, with Conml:,~,ion"r Kru:;p and nrown OPPOSl!d, Lh,!t ¡;èsollltion Bl-26!>, i1doptin'J the' Uti1iti,,:; Division PolIcy, as reconmendcr.J by st.", f f, be ¡,dopt cd. ChairMi1n ¡"'II"',er st.1l"d th,lt tl¡\~ po!lry :,t.:tU'mcnt Is the cul¡.lin.ltion of 1üJ1(J-tir,1' efforts on t,hc p,Irt of thC" sLtff .)nd th·,t he re..:lizcs th"t th,,[(' ,HI' c(~rt,lin ,1r(',~~; th.1t Illl requlr<' morc work. He invited all int(:rC'~;t('d piJrtlf's to t.Ü,(' part in those revisions /Inri st.:'ltcd tlwt he 1:; !;lIr" th,Jt whf'n tl1l' workr.tlOp t,lkes pL~c(> on ,1,1nu,~ry 1 9, 1 9 A 2, t h.:J t t his w II 1 b (~ co n sid I' red . Note: Later In the m('(~tlrlC1, Mr. \)('rzon rcql (,~;te'd c1.~rlficdtion ,'s to .....heUH'r lIH' ,·,bovf'-rl'fcrcnced ....'ork!;l.op will COVl'r the Utilitic~; Dlvi~ion Policy or th" ~!,('clfic cancr'rns of tht:' Glildcs l1fl'J ['"ly !rMlchlr.('? Ch.llrn"n \~Im('r Dti~tcd th"t It will include the srccific- conr'L'rn~ of 1'11" ('.1.1(\('5, the L~ly ,1nrl the t:.) ~; l N,' I ¡J L' S !; L' we r :; y 5 l (' m 5 . fI (' G -, i d t I, ,'\ t, tile r t' m " y he eli 5 C U !'. :; Ion 0 t t h.. r n 1 ¡ c y, b.. (" " u:; <' hI' i~; 5 II r c t h'll t 11 <' Y i\J 1 Intl'r.ìC"t. **Reso1utlon not ¡-ece :J In Clerk':, a' rice .1:3 of 1/8/82. ßO~~ CbB FM.c' 6Z9 I"'CJC c,1 . - -- -_. _.- ..- -.. - -- --... -- - .. "'" I( I I I I t I ~ ~ -- .. ~K CBB PACt 630 Dccenbcr 22, l~nl HCUTINE BTLl.S - f'I\IO rurGu~nt to Resolution RJ-l~n, thc follow1n1 rh0cks w~r~ i5sued through Fric.J,1Y, O ~cenbcr lA, 19f1], in p~ymcnt of routine bll1~;: FUND CIIFTK NOS. M'OUNT I.>CC Pù y r u 11 11<173 - 3700" $ l02,303.74 County Checks 1(;7'"> - 1%2 1,131,009.77 Payroll Fund 1 70,000.00 A. B. "}\L" CURR" J\rrOr:ar:D TG fIL... \,^CM:CY œ/ ¡"Y1IB rUF. TO RESIGNATION OF JOHN PTnCL:.: Conml:.;sloncr (irol,;n 1:,,,\,,,'<1, ~,'c:ond ,d by Cor~mi:,sioner v.:enzel i'lnd C ù r r i e d II n " n i ro 0 LJ sly, t r"J t r,~ r. 1\. P.. .. 1\ I" Cur r y be ,1 r po i n t cd to fill t h..~ Vrlc:mcy on th0 ,.;~,,\p. dul. to the r<:sign,lt.ion of /0'':'. John Price. C:::HTIF IC1\TI:: cr C(1r¡¡H~C'['1m: Tn TAX POLL p.:; PFFSU!'!ï:;[¡ BY Pf10pr.nTY J\PI'I¡^I~;EH':: 0rFIC¡: - "1]1:1';1:1;'['[\ HiP u:r,CUT!"tJ!W C1!f\rp~',,,t'-! Cornr.1i~;~>ion':r V"'[\z,!] mov"d, ~ 'cond('rJ by Comni~;~;ioncr Kruse <'Ind cùrried un,'nimou~;1y, th,lt t.h(~ Ch¡drm,ln b(~ ;1uthorizcrl to exccute the following Certl(icale of Correction to the Tùx Roll, <1S presented by the I'r 0 pc' r t y I' P r r " i s r: r ~; 0 f fie e : 11)[1) fl\X ROLL 'iM;C I 1',1.1: 1'!'P<;(INld, p[HJf'f:nTY ~Iwr~u¡ D¡\TF: -- 1 n Sll - H 0 12/1G/Pl rOUH ADDITIONAL WEE"": LF'\vF: Of 1'1;~',F1ICF F'P rU!;CIIA~~TNG r.EP^nn'ENT r.n>!.f)Yu: JUdmE \,M~NFH r.PPfH1VFD Commissioner ~0nz~1 novrrl, s0con~~d by rommissioner plstor ðnd c"rrled un;tnin()u~,ly th,1t. four ,lCJdltlon,11 w('(Oks lC,1V(, of ùbsenco for PUrCh,l!;inr¡ rep,'f tr"'nt ,.,ployC'(" J.~annp. \o.',10rJ'r, be 'lPl'fOVC'd. P"<}I! ') J .. --- _.- . ~- -- -- -~. - - -- -- . - -- --- ·' I .. -. - .-.. . ". w_ _ ___. _.__. -_. ._ -.... ---. .- . _ w_ ___ _ __ _.- ____ ," - -- ..,.- - .- ..- -- --. -- --~ -- -- .- ~ . Dt~cf'mhcr 22, lCJl1l DISCUSSION 111:: VACI'Nc:rES Fon pn()VJ PEH n¡:;rnE~ENT,\TJVE ON SOUTH CENTnAL FLO!HD^ IIE^LTH :iX':; í:;':~; CGl;~:~;IL, !,Ir., - NO f\ï.TTON T^KF.N /ldmirdstratlvc Aide Grùce Sp':JUlding reported thi'lt II letter, dðtcd December 11, 19£11 hðl:; been H'c(~!vcd frorn th(! president of the South Central rlor!d~ Health Systcm~ Council, Inc., soliciting further nominðtionJ Lu fill t~o v~c~nc!es fnr rrovirlcr rcprf'scntðtives. She explained thñt Dr. Cox ha~ previously bcen nominated and that the ,~ Collier County M('c1icid ;,oc!('ty iflt(~nrlG to nor:1in.:¡tc Drs. Lloyd C,'udlc, and Kðttcrhagen ~nd !\dmlnistrDtivc ^sslstDnt ~ichcnl Jernigan. After ð brief rliscusslon, It WðS the consensus of the Board thðt no further nominðt ons be made. RESOLUTION r.l-;:>('7 :iUPI'OHTH1G :;rCTd:TI\I¡Y C1f STATE CF.0HC[ Frrn::iTorJF:'~, L~;Gl:;L^TIV¡'; UUCCrT [¡f:('lJl':::T TO !'!1nVTnr: FULL fUNDING FOn STATE AID TO LIBRAnI~S L^W - AOOPTED ^c1minisLrutive /,1dt: Gr¡¡Ct! :,p,)uldlnq reportc'j th,lt ,) lettcr, dated Deccmber 15, 1081, h..¡~; hc('n rCî:,'!vcd frol'l ;'ccrr>t.)ry of Stt1te Gcorr¡e Firestone, actin'] !n the car'ðclty of Chic[ f:1ccted L!briJry Officer for the State of Florid~. ~; h c e Yo p 1 a 1 11 e d t h ð t ~1 r. F' 1 r,,~; ton c h ð s r c que s t e d the Boðrd's support in his effort.s to proviùc full funding o( the State Aid to Librðr!e5 Inw and the State's construction grJnt program. After ~ brief di!;cuss!on, Comml:.>!;loncr rlstor movpc1, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ,1nc1 c,lCrlC"j un.H1In()u~;1y, th:lt Bc!;olutlon f1l-:7r.7, !n support of SccrC't,'ry of ~;t,1t_c F!r,:,!'>tonc's 1<'q!!;].ltlve bud'1et request to provide full func1!nq for the State ^leI to L!br.lrips ¡,)W, be ac!opten and copies of sðmc be transmitted to Collier County's Lcr¡lslativc DelcC)ation. p^ q e 5" M~ 066 fic.t631 . . , ''''''''-''"'''"'''~'~'''''''''-' ;, 'I - - - - - - - _. - - .__. - --- -- .- ,~- - ~- -- -- --. -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - -~ .~ - - ~ - _.- .. Dcccmber 22, 1901 LAKE TRAf'F'OHD MEMUH1^L l.AtŒ·Ei';::; RECORDA"! ON ~""Þ.'""''t:'''n''' '-. L-" I Lo A I'" .. rr.:.1.:' ~In. ?riO - ^lJTIIORr7.F.D ¡-'on Pursuant to Jetion of the Bo~rd Jðnu~ry 10, 1978, wherein the Chairman WJS Duthorizd to sign various d0Cds to Lake Trðfford Memori~l Gardens Cemetery lots aÐ the need arises, the following Deed No. 2R9 waH rccorded nnd flIed for the record: r.:Jqr 50; ao~~ C66 fM.c" 633 -.,."" I I I I I I r- _.-- I I I ! I I - . - - - - ~- - . .._- N__. ___ _ _ -- --.- - - - - ...-- .-,. - -- ~. - - -- -- - .-~ . -~ -- - - - - -- Dec"mber 27, 1981 REPOHT PIŒSI::NTlm !lY DI!;TIHCT rorn::'TFH P. T. P¡':NNH1()!U: H1PlICT OF TIII~; Yt;^,l':~ FIí\E :-;r.l'.~;r)!!; p~:~nfll1'TnN rn-?'('!l. FLOI1IDA DtVI~,ION OF FOHE:,TRV'!, r;¡:OUEST FOH ADDITIONAL P~RSONNEL - ADOPTED In:: POTF.N'T'I1\L sup~onTtNG ftJNDS AND District Forester rùtrick T Fennimore g~va a brief prescntation on the potential impilct of this YI~¡H'~ fire season to Collier County and :;tated th,~t CC'lll1er County is thp State's highest Eire danger ,nCd. lie Sùid that this ye~r promlsc9 to be the worst fire scason in the history of the State of Florida and that the state-wide droughl topped by Collier's C'òr1y frceze thU; wint,:r ha~; contrll'utcd to an early outbreak of forest fires. 110 ~¿¡id th(lt t)£!ct3use of the largo amount of draina<)f' and the siqllific,lnt M101Jf't of peop1r' ,lnd their activities in oU',lying areas, Collier is in (;1~ln(!nt cJ,lwJcr of fire disastf'r. Mr. Fennimore asked for support fror;1 the PCr. for the forüstry DivL:;lon's request for addit.ion.ll [;tatc monlcs to rc['locL' the brol'.en QC'lwn "nd worn out equipment ..dth which his dcpartm<:nt h,JS to fight firl'::> in t.his County. Mr. fenninore rcque~tcd th~t the Poðrd nJopt the Resolution supportin<:T the st~te lcgl~;Lltlon. that would prnvi<io for addltion"l funds ðnò personnel íor the Division of Forestry. COr.1m\!¡';iol1er ....cn;:cl r.10\'c<1, sC'conc1cd by Commissioner KrlJSe and carried un3nifT\ouGly, that Hc¡;olutlon f11-/('8, sup¡:,ortlng thl' Forer.try Division':; requl'st for ,lliditlon..tl funrls nnd per:;onnpl, be adopted "nd that copies of same be transmitted to the Legislative Deleqation. ....Note: R('soll1liOI1 n<>t 1'('(clVl'd in Cll'l"k'5 offil:" as of 1/B/H2. r"lqc 56 ßO~( 066 r.t~ 635 -- I I \ .. _ _ _ _ -. _ --. - -- .-. --. --- --' ----- - -.- --".- --. -- -- --. -- -- .-. - . --- -- -- -- -- --- - .- ¡ I ,- --'I : BD~K C66 PAGi 636 Decembor 22, 191.11 ¡;::;'8::':' ¡>!:~:~~::~'T~:[,,\ IW nr,,1'nTCT Fon~::,TF:n P. T. FEtlNI/o1Ofn: FŒ DILL REVISION (CII. 1í':).77, ~'.~;.) DII1ECTING Cf\\JWl'Y P"YI-'FNT~: FO ( :,IAIi', "iLiiL¡'.~;ÌJ ¡'i~'· prWTECTIOI~ TO 11f. Rr.T'.JnNEO TO nr~;rEC'T'IV~: CO\ltITTE~, FOI1 :'\IPPORT OF RL"RAL FInr r'r::r",Hn:U:T~;; L[CL;L^Tlvr: !;[Lf(;^TIOt! TO P.f. tJOTIFIED OF pce's ~;I ['ronT or ~;M'E [lILL r¡¡':Vlf;In1J Followinq ~n 0xrl~n~tion hy District Forcster Patrick T. Fcnni~orc rc<]itrdlng the bill revislon (CII. 12~.:.>7, F.S.) which directs th<1t County paYMcnts now twing p,licJ for state wildl~nd firo protection to bt! ruturncd to the re~;pectlvc count1("; for 5\1pportinC) rural Fire OcpJrtmvnt5, Commissloncr WrnzeJ moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown ;Ind carril'd un<1f1imou51y, th,)t Collier's LcglGlt1tive DelegûtIon be notlUed at the üCC's support [or sur:h ,1 hill revision. Durin'] the ,)foCf'mentiollcd pr~s,,·nt¡'t.lon, Mr. Fennimore requcst(!d l h ¡¡ t hI.! b'~ " 1 low l: d to (' 0 P\I! h" c~; tot h'~ no tJ r r\ for ,I wo r k '> hop 5 (! ~ s ion r,-,C),'cdln'] fhl, celiltion:.;hip h"l.W'.'r\ :lorllr,r¡ t',-,t uléJtions i"nù/or r(!I]Ul,ltions !"10ter) to the l,,~;I¡,lr\C(, of t)¡iÌ lcllng Fl'rMits ,1nd the Forestry [')iv!sion's inability to ottr~r dclf'qu.lte ftrc prot,,'ctlon to homr:s perMtLted to t')e COnBt.rtlctr.'rJ In ,;;¡i>llrb"n/rurdl ,lr".1G wh(~rr'in the ~;tructlJrc Is surrounded by he ,IVY qrowth zInc! n,'tur,ll Vf:() ~t,1ti()fI. IIp,nfng r,o obj,!ctions f'Jrthcomln'l frofl the rlemhpr" of the £1oélrd, Ch.dr.:I.1rl ~dmer di!pctecJ tr,r! ("(J"nty ro',Jn,l(J'JC to !;checJulc such ð work"hop for ~;OMC IJ.1tc in till' n(!,lr l¡¡ture ,1n(1 Iii' U1i1r,kl" Mr. Fenntmore, on Ct,h,11f of the BO,lCd, tor hi!) pre!;.~nt,ltlon. ~'r ~:O,LI.M: Fnl¡~; ,:onn f':': ['()nr,'~H"f: - I'r u:n ,1\1;p/On rn:n:nm:D The r L' b" 1 II') no 0 h j (' c t 1 () n, l t1t' (' h ,1 i r rI 1 r e l7 t e rl the f 0 1 low 1 ng corro.~q)l')nt!L'ncC' be filpt! and/or refcr!ed to the v.lrlous rJeI),Htments <19 tn'Jic.lteù: P<'I<]r. 57 . -- -- -.--- --., 8, "-.- . -" --- -- -- .--. -- -- _._- ._- -- ~-- - ._-- -- .---- --- ,..- -- -- - -- -- -" -- -.... - _. --. - -. -", - - .- -- - - -- " [)ncember 22, 19f1l t ~ 1. Latt:.:r dated Deccmber 7, 19R1, fronl FOOT transmittinq a copy ui. r,(;"":; r(:1~"'~'3t'> IV". f11-102 re construe-tion of I-75 in Collier County. Filed. 2. Letter di)t~d Decc!'1bcr 9, 19f1l fro!:' FDO'!' tranr;r.dtt1ng 11 report re Collier County's position rcl.lted to the ao-. portion of the Secondary Tru9t Fund (Second G~s Tax - ~th i)nd (,th cent). xc I-Iessr!>. Norman ùnd ßarb¡dùlc; Filed 3. Dcp':Htr "nt;¡J Heports i1R foil own: County Forester (Nov. 19R1); Zoninq De¡.1I"tmcnt Invcstig.Jt!ons (Nov. 1ge1); Ochopee Fire Control Distrkt ^dvl:;ory Committee (17/9/81 rl,lnutes); Court Aiòe ~~ùry G. Pra5ch's Report re NUl'lbcr of Juvcnil(::~ incarcerated in Collier County Jnil (Nov. 19f1l)¡ Filed. 4. PSC Notices an foIJow!;: (Filed) a) Docket No. f1l010P-RH rc complaint of ~obile Chemical Co iHJi)!nst ~;('id)oi'rd CO,ìst Line R¡lilroad Co!:'piJny, issued l?/9/R1. b) Dockl:t No. 7r071~~-TP rl' lJnlll'd Telcphonp Co./Fla. rcquest [or ~xt('nded area service, Issued 12/9/01. c) Dock«t. 1:0. 7110771-1'1' r(' Unit.cd Telephone Co./Fla. cxtemj¡,J <Ìre.1 of. !;\~rvlc(', 1s~\Jt'rl 12/'J/Al. d ) Do c k t' l t; o. [11 (] 1 I, ~, - F: U r (' ,11 1 e J I: C l r i ç u t 11 I tie 5 r e need fo. .ìfJd!ton,Ü son KV lr,ìn!;,~1~~;ion l1ne <'15 per Order t;o. ]027[1, i!;!';uerl ];:>/10/[1]. (' ) Do c k f' t Nos. P, 1(' 1(,(, -1' PIP 1 n;:> f\ 7 - T P ¡ r J () 107 - T P ¡ 010\/.7-'1'1'; rlOlI,7-TI'¡ !)d~3r'I-TI' (10 Tell'phone Comp,1I1i(:~;) rc pelitiolì!; for r('soJutlon of settlement of di~putes, l~su('d 12/l1/81. f) Dod'.ct No. OlO)/.7-TP; Comp,ìn1rs) l2/l1/Bl. Bln]~~-TP; PI07P7-TP; RI0107-TP; P.I03t,ï-TP; r.][)1C1-TI' (JrJ TeJpphone r Cpt e - II C c't r i n (J con f C' r c n c e, I S 5 U c d g) Docket No. 7c)Olf1l-TP, United Telephone Co./rIa., requc!;t [or f'xtc'nded .,rea service, I!;!;u('(i 17/9/81 h) Docket: No.RJ001~,-TP, Ordr'r No. ) ()I\t,Cì, Southern A!'ll Telephone (, Te]t<)r,:¡ph Co. re rate incec,se, Issued 12/15/01 i) Docl;,..t No. 800~;:>2-¡'¡ulc, Order No. l04r,(" IIdopting (,mendml'nts to f1ule 25-17.0/, FflC /1nd IIrloptlon of Rule 25-17.0~1, re conservc'ttlon <Jo~ls for electric utilit1es, lssuld 12/l(,/P1. M3:( CB6 fA~f}37 Pog~ !)A ------.-----...------.--- --.-.... -. _._,.. ....--.£_~"-<!-.~.... I I . ____.__________.__..___..___ -____..0"._-_.-·- _ _____ ._..___........___....__ o _ __ .. ~ _. no~~ C66 PAw: S38 December 22, 19A1 j) Docket No. 8l01BI-EU, Order No. lO~S1, re amenðment to null! 25.17.11, FAe, F:nl'rc¡y Conserv.J::lon [.0,," C 11.1 r .1 n t c (!. 1 S G U C d 1 2/1 fi / Pl. 5. Mt'moré1nc1l1m from Op.p~r:tm(!nt or AdlTdniatr.,tlon c'li'ltp.d Deccmber l11, 19111, ,'e Wi'ICJC status of v£1lup. of mCills ëtnd lodging. xc Original to Mr. Normi'ln; xc Payroll; Filed. . 6. Notice received December 11, 19111 from Bureau of Dig,lster PrcpilCNlnes!'I, rl" effective dé1tc of l1ule 9G-ll, having oecn extended to February 15, 1982. xc ~essrs. No rm<1n IJIIJ 1-;,11 ke r ¡ F il ed . 7. Copy of Nùples City Council Minutes of Dcccmber 2, 19ß1. F i 1 ed . 'It 'It 'It 'It .. " " .. " 'It " . , I I ! I I ! Chalrm~n Wimer noted that therc wcrc no meetings scheduled until cJftcr the b',qinnlng of the new Yf'ar (!nd he wished cvcryone D h.:1PPY holiday é1nd a hCill ttlY and prosperous '1CW yeJr on bchòl f of the BOilrd of County Commissioners. There hein(J no further busincs~; for the 'load of the County, the mr!cting \'¡,l~ ,1~!journrj :y urc.er of the Chair - Time: l2:l8 P.M. OOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX CrrrCIn GOVfRNING pn^RD(~) Of SPECIAL DI~;TI<Ir:T~; UNDeR ITS CONTP0[. c£ ~~ . C. H. "HU.;:;" ~IM~rH"'1M'¡ ^TTEST: . \'JIl/LIMY,J. f1f.M-;^N, i ' I . j¡ I' / ! / .1/' ,.' / U( \ //t., ¿ C . ! Cr.EHK '- , ' , , j ",I Thf'Sl' 1'. i nutl's ,1;':J!·'·'.·,·¡J by t!1t' f\Ce 1;' .~(,!8!. PIHJC 51) - ... .. ...- -- ---- - -.. .-.. -- --- - - - -- -- -- - --