BCC Minutes 01/26/1982 R ' ).'" P 1 (' s, F lor 1 ~ ", .'T" n U;1 r y ?", 1 n n ? tF.T IT PF. RF.Mr.MPr.nr.D, thnt th~ Ao~rrl of ~ounty Commisslonp.rR in and for the County of Colllr.r, and ~lso acting ~s th~ govprnlng bOðrd(s) of such sp~cl~l districts as hav~ hp~n crentr.d ~cr.ording to Inw nnd havin~ conductr.d husincss herein, mr.t on thIs ~atr. ~t ~:oo ^.~. In Regular Session in Auildinq "F" of thp. Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CIIA T RMMJ: VICE CflAIn~l\N: C. R. "Russ· Wim~r ~~ry-FrðnCp.s Krusp --- ---- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - --- -- --- John T\.. PI stor Clifford Wf'!nzcl Dl'lvid C. Brown "L~O PRr.~ENTI William .'T. RellCJltn, Clor'; Hi!lrold L. Hall, ~hlp.f Deputy Clerk/Fiscal efficor; ~~urccn Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Donðld Pickworth, County Attorn~y; c. h'illli'1m Nf.rmiln, County Mano!lqerl F.dwðrö S~lth, Admlnistrðtlv~ ~orviceG Anmini~trator; Np.il Dorrll1, Public fillfoty ~dmlnistr~tor; Trving Perzon, UtilitIes Manl'lger; Tprry Virtð, Community Dcvelopm~nt Administrùtor; Lor. Kirchhoff and Terry Clark, Planners, Jpffory porry, Zoning Director; Clifford Barksdale, puhlic Works Administrãtor; Grl'lcc ~pduldlnq, ^dminlstrative T\.ide to thr. Po~rdl and, Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's ~Cpðrtment. P~q C ) BOOK 067 fACt 281 '''''''''''''L'', '~~w.o..'~' __,,",.~",.'~~_·_N" .,_._""",-,.._""__ Jl'lnu,'ry 7(" ,~~? "ï,F:Nt:'^ _ ^PPIHWPf' \-1fT" THE F()t.L()WT~\' C",.~r.P!', T\.T'lT"TTTI"Nf1, M'n DPr.r.1'rON~! Commissioner Wenzel moved, scconned hy Comml~sloner plstor and carrIed un~nImously, that the agenda be ðpprovrd ðS ðmendrd: a. petition Cr-R}-37.C, Collier Development Corporation, wi thd rawn. b. PetItion CP-"1-15C, Goldie F. Bowcr~ock, withdrawn. c. Repl~t tracts """ ~nd "8" an~ Block IQ of "lde~wny Bcach - 111dN1Wl'lY pcnch, Inc., wi thdrnHn. d. Change in descriptIon r~qðrdlnq resolution to rCCQvef fun~s expended by the County to abate puhllc nulsðnce on Lot 1~, Alock 17., Old ~arco7 Rlock 12 to rcad Block 1. e. Rccommcn~~tion to tðkp bids for pu.chnnr of ð double-wido mobIle homp. for use as a courtroom. withdrawn for anditionðl research. f. ^ddition of discussion under ~oðrd of County Co~mlsaioners rcq~rdinq lease with Elye Treadway ra FarmcrG Home Administration Offlc~ in J~mokðlre. g. ^ddition uf discussIon under Boðrd of County Commissionpfs rcgardinq construction of Riqqs Road. h. ^ddition undcr ~oard of County Commiasioners rcgardinq discunsion of 5ACC confcrpn~cs. i. Addition of prcnent~tlon of nward by ~r. Fastwood of ;,outhwcst Florid.'! Rc.'CJion..,l Plrtnning Council to Co~m15sionpr pistor. j. Chnnqp. item unner Old Business, rcql'lrdlnq Comprch~nsiv~ PIl'ln, to be brought up hy Ðoard before Puhlic IIfHHinqf>. MINUTES OF f)F.CfMflf.R n, RE\,ULI\R "ND SPECIAL, J"NU!\RY ~, RF.ï,ULAR ANT' SPr.CT~L; ""In .1MJtJM¡Y 1/, RFGUL^I? - I\PPIHWf.f). Comninsioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioncr pistor I'Ind clIrrird unnnimously, th..,t the minutrs of f)pcrmbcr 27.. )~PI Rcqulðr nn~ fipeciðl, Jnnuary ~, l~n, R~gulnr an~ ~pcclðll I'In~ J~nuary 17., lqn, Rcqul~r, h~ approved ns prCficntcrt. 11"11 f' , BOOK 067 PACt 285 - - - - -- - - - - - -- - --.- -- -- -- - - - - - - - ---........ -- - - - - - - -- .,,.'·-;--.,.....···---""7"-----·---.----'--n.....,"'""~·L-··---~-·-···-~" '....-~._-..., - MOK G 6 7 PACE 288 J~nu~ry ?~, 1QP2 pnF.!'EtIT^TION OF ""'!^I1D BY /ton. F/lS'T\'IOOf'l nF' SOtJTItHF.:'1' FLt"'iI'Ur.A Rr.c.rnNAL PLANNINC COIINcn TO COI,,¡.q;':'10NF:R PIf,TO(l FN~ r-I"Pi1ECT1\TION OF WORK r.1" ST\.IO COUNCIL. ~r. Rolðnd ~Astwood of the Southwpst Florid~ npqionðl Plftnnlnq Council prosented Comnis!'11oner pistor with ",n I\w/' rd for serving on the ~outhwcst Flortdn Rcqion~l Planning ßOl\rò since t97~. He expres5e~ his appreciation f~r a job w~ll done. Commissioner Pi~tor expressed hla ~pprcciðtion for the Dward, further stating that he hoperl to continue att~ndlnCJ meetings. RECONSIOER^TION OF ^COPTION OF ORDTN^NCE P?-q PF: Rr.('\UIRF~ENT OF 4/5 VOTE FOR CO~PRFIIEN;'TVr. L^ND u!'! ^MENn~FNT - APPROVrn, CONFIRMATION OP ^"0P1'ION OF OnDJN/lNCF. r'-~ - F^TLEf'I CommIssioner Wimer expresRed his concern rflg"'rding the vote of Jðnuary 19, 1~P2 concerning the 4/5 vote rpquirement for the Comprehensive Land Use Amendment. He reportr.~ ~hat his belief is th^t an ordinance th~t requires ~ votes to t~ke ~ction should be adopted by 4 affirmative votes from the Board. He stated that If there is no member of the PORr~ inclined to change th~ir vote to affirmative for the ordin~ncc, he would lIke a motion for reconsideration, adding that he would change his vote until such tIme ðS the super majority of the Board feels the same. Commissioner pistor stated that In view of the f~ct thftt %oninq chanqes require 4 out of 5 votes, it seems Irregular to try ðnd m~kc changes in the comprphcnsivc plnn with simple m~10rlty, ~dding that both items Ehould tdkc ~ out of ~ votes to m~kc ß ch~nCJp· ChaIrman Wim~r st~tpd thðt ho aqrecn wit~ ~o~Missioner rlstor, Pl\q to " .---------------------------------------- 'i i..··'·'··.. ,:;##. L J~nu~ry ?~, lQn1. ø~dlr.g th~t ð slmplp. m~jority shoulrl not s~t tho rules for ð sup~r majority, further stnting that if it tnkcs ~ vot~s to tl'lke ~ction It should take ~ votes to en~ct an ordinønco. CommIssioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown ~nd carried ~/l, (Conminsioner Wenzel opposc~), that the Bonrd rnconsider the previous nctlon reqnrdlnq the r~quir~m~nts of n 4/5 vote for the Comprehensiv~ Land Us~ ^mpn~ment. Commissioner Pistor moved, scconded hy Commissioner Wenzrl which failed 2/3, (CommissIoners Krusu, Brown, and Wimer opposed) that Ordinnnce P2-~ r~qardlng the ~/5 vote requirement for the Cnmprehen~ive Land Use Amendmont be adopted. ORDINMICE A2-l1 RE PETITIOU Cr-81-?1.C, Wn:::ON, /'lILLER, B^RTON, ~OLL J\ND PEEK, INC., REPRr~ENTJNG LELY EST~TrS, INC. nEOU~STIN~ T\. LAND USF. .a.fo1f.NDMF:NT fRO!'1 RF.f,IDENTTJ\L LO"-~\F:DTU'" DENSITY TO RESI!1CNTt1\L ~EDtUM-lfrG!I DF.NStTV FOR APrfWXTr-c"TF.LY 73. 'i "CRrS LOCATED ALONG THE f,OUTIf !)rN~ or RÞ.1'1'LF.f,N!\KF: I!M'r~()CY ROllO - ,.DOPTF:D. L~q~l notice havinq bnon publishod in thp NapleR D~ily News on December 25, 19R1, ðS evidenced by AffidavIt of Publlc~tlon filed with the Clerk, public hearing was oponcd to consider Petition CP-Pl-'~C, Miller, B~rton, 5011 ~nd Peck, Inc. rcpr"senting Lcly Estates, Inc., requesting a land use ~m~nñment from residential low-medium density ír.-~ unltR pr.r gross acre) to rcsidential medium-hlCJh density (6.2?-~O units per gross acre) for ðpproximotr.1y 21.5 acres in S~ction 21, TownshIp ~O Routh, R~ngn ,~ ~ðst, 10cÐtcd ~lonq the south 8id~ of Rðttlesn~ke ~~mmock nOðd, opproximðte1y '-1/~ mi1~s e~st of u. s. ~1. ~r. Terry Cl~rk, Plðnner, indlc~tp.rl on ~ m~p the location, stl'ltlnG that thl'! proposed devclopml'!nt 1n ð mlddl~ incom~ rentÐl r('tirem~nt Ptll] n ~ MOK 067 PACt 287 --- - --- -.-- -r--- -- ----- ---- - -- ----- --------- ;. ..-~Ølllrr..\I'i~....~:..-.- 4.~ ......--""'- , "~·..~-..,.r.L·- r..,....""'~~__- ~OOK 0 B 7 PACt 288 J~nu~ry 7.(" 1~~1 f.,cility wit!': :"Qr. rC!Ji""ntil'll units ,tit: 17.7 units f'~r IIcro ",no .., propos~d 1'0 bed t'>('"lth Cllre centcr. He rl'port.tHt th.,t Gtllff 1:. recomM~ndinq I'Ipproval DS it would he compðtib1~ ðnd co~plimentnry to th~ surrounding l~nd use, it 15 in ~n orca which rncour~q~ß the effIcient nnd cconomic~l extension of community supp~rt services ..,nd f~cilitic~1 nnd tho petitioner iR ottemptinCJ to identify the sp~cial need~ ~f the eldcrly ðnd hnndicappcd. fie ~onclurled hy stllting that on J~nuary 7, 19A2 the Colllnr County Planning ^qency recommended approvlIl of this petition. ~r. Rich,Hd IIcnderlong of WIlson, Millcr, [\<'\rton, f,oll nnd Peak, reprcs~ntinq Lely Estates, Naplcs Retirement Corpor~tlon lInd Rp.tirement corporntlon of ~erica, stated th~t thr. request i5 for n hiqhcr lnnd' use density from rcsldcnti~l (O-~ units per lIcrca) to the (~.7.1-~O units per groSS acrr.), ðddlng th~t in conjunction with this request the dcvcloper has filed ~ plðnned unit development document that will lock the property into ð ñcnsity of no CJrellter than 1'.7 units per ðcre. He reported thðt this project would bo n skilled health core facility .ssoclntcd with a rental retirement community, whIch will contain a variety of mixed useSI i.e., 250 np~rtment5, 12 l~isur~ li~inCJ units, 1~ villa type or duplex units, IInd ^ 120 bcd health core center. He rcferred to the project 05 ~ rcntal unit oriented project thl'lt 1s not life ('ndowment tied, oddinq thi'lt the rent is Opl!n to low ðnd middle income. I(' stllted that thE" projoct hlls arlequate community facility services for the requiren d.nsity to support this type of use. Hp $lIid the project would serve to p~rtlnlly mep.t the county's need for he~lth cðrc f~cillties 1'15soci^t~d with rÐsid~ntial communitirs, nddlnq thnt PilI)" " - -- --- -- - - --- - - - ---- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- -' L -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - -- - - --- -- -- - -"~ J~nu~ry ::>(" lqn? the project will alao provide an ~dp.qu~to housing source for rp.sld~ntB soeking retirement, rental lInd sholter. "0 indicated that there would b. housing to meet th~ spectnl noeds of the oldnrly nn1 the rotirement community of Collier County. H~ rrported th~t transportation, hy me~nB of ð bus, would be provided for tho r~sidents of the community In order to conserve energy and mInImize p.xc~sslvo movp.m~nt of traffIc. He concluded by stating that there woulrl be a hel'llth care cðnt~r for patients th~t require limited life support hut ~re unðble to meet the crIteria for hospltalizntion, ndding that the pro1ect is wòrthy of conslderiltion. Mr. Bruce Holly of 71';0 Eatey Avenue.' expr~ssed his desire for contInuity relative to the prescnt comprchenGiv~ land use plan. Thoro being no further discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, scconded by Commissioner !'rUfiO bnd cllrrietJ un~nimously, thðt the public hearing be closed. Commissioner rlstor moved, seconded hy Commissioner Yrusc ~nd carried 4/1 (Commissioner Wenzel opposed), th~t the ordin~nco ðR numbered nnd entitled below be adopted, ðnd entered in Ordinancc Book No . 1 4 . ORDTNANCF. NO. R7.-11 AN OROJNANC'f. ""'F-NOTN\. ormINANCr. 7C\-1?, THE COMPRf.IIF,!\'!1IVF. PLAN FOR COLLTf.R COUNTY, rLORTD~ PY ~~F.N~TNG THE L^NO URE F.LF.~F.NT WORK STUOV ^REA MAP .~ FRO~ RESTnF.NTTAL L()\...-~rrTtJM f'\F.N~T1'Y (0-4 tJNJT~ PF.R r;f'lO~:, }lC'Af.) TO RF.~¡n¡::NTT^L MF.DTU~1-I1TGI! J'lf.NSTTY ((,.77-'1" UNTTS PER GROSS "CRE) ON THE FOLLO~TNr; DF~rRTnrf'\ PROPERTY: A PORTTON OF ~r.CTTON ::)}, TOWNSHTP c;n SOUTH, P}\Nr,E ?r; F^~T, 1"ORE PMtTTC'tJL^RLV T"r.~CRrnF.D l1f.nrrN; MID PfWVI[')ING fiN EFFFCTIVr. )flTE. P,1Cl e r, 800~ C6? PACt 289 ~,...-------- -----------. . 'L "'''''','''<'. ~--- .... . "" ..,. """-'~""'--"'-"'~'~-'- Jnnu~ry ?", In~? ~oc~ 067 PACt 290 pF:TTTrnN C'P-r1}-27C, C"OLLJr.n rouwl'v rlT\.¡'INTNG DF.Pl\nT~f'NT - CO~7~~:tIED TO FErRU~RY '1, lOn? plnnner Clnrk indicnted th~t Rt~ff is requPRtinq cuntlnu~tion of p~tition CP-RI-7.7C until FebruQry ?~, i9R?' In ordor for the Planning Agpncy to hold another hp'l'Iring. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by COMmissioner ~ruse and carried unQnimously, that Petition Cp-P}-?7C, be continued to February 23, }C'lA7.. PETTTTON cp-n l-~?C, COLt Tr.11 Dr:Vr.L\lPto'F:NT ~('Inpnn^T r nN - WTTfInRA'r!N Commissioner Wenzcl moved, seconded by Commis3ioner rlstor and cnrrled unanimously, thðt p~tition cp-~1-1?C, be withdrAwn, as requested by the petitioner. ORDJ~^NCE R?-l? RE PETITTON CP-Pl-]3C, COLLTrR DEVELOPMF:NT CORPORATION RE L^ND URf. ^MENDMr.NTS FOR VARIOUS P^RCELS ON THE WEST SIDE OF U. R. ~l - ^DOPTED. Logol notice hDving be~n publishp.d in the Naples Dðlly News on December 25, 1981, as cvidenc~J hy ^ffidavit of publicatio~ filed with the Clerk, public henrinq was opened to consider potition CP-RI-33C filed by Collier Development Corporation for land usn ßmcndmants for v~rious pðrcels on the west side of U. S. ~l. Tcrry Clark, Pl"nner indicated th~ loc~tion on an overhead map stating that P~rcel 1 is npproxiM~tely lo.ns acres which is located along the west side of U. R. ~l, south of Walkerhilt Road. fie said th~t the rpqucGt is from ~ommcrciðl to Residp.ntial Medium Dc~sity (n-~.22 units pcr qros~ ncrc). To COMmissionor Pistor'ß qurstion, planner Cl~rk stated that to Paq c 7 ---------------------------------------- _ .:..::.:J "/.; _".,'~.-...'~....,.. ....'........_.,...~....- . ~J,..,.,. -.-.....,..," L .--.....- ·....,"'.~,..,.......-- .'~nll"ry ~", lqn:> the North ~nd ~outh is comm~rcinl7 to th~ F.~st, rp.si~cntinl low-mrdium density, and to the West, reBidcntl~l medium dDnslty. Thore holng no further ðlscussion, COMmlss1on~r Wenzel moveð, seconded by Commission~r Kruse ðnd c~rrlod unan1mouRly, th~t the puhlic hearIng bo closeñ. Commissioner Wrnzel moved, seconded hy Commission~r Arown ~nd carrlod unnnimously, thðt petition CP-Pl-~1-C, for ð land usp. ~mcndment from commercii'll to resldentiðl medIum density 10-(,.22 units pp.r qross acre} for 10.~5 acres l~ ~t~d nlQng the west side of U. ~. ~l, south of W~lkerbl1t Road, be approved. Terry Clark, Planner, indIcated the location on an overhenú mðp stating that Parcel 2 Is ð request to amend the comprehensIve pl~n from reßi~ent1al medium density (O-~./.2 units pcr gross acre) to commercIal for 20.(,5 acres, located at the northwcst corner of U. f>. Al and Vandprbilt Road, adding that ðpproxlm~tely (,.1 ncrcs òf the parcel Is presently zoned ~nd designated commercial. There beinq no dIscussIon, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded hy CommIssioner Pistor and cnrr!ed unanimously, th~t the puhlic henrlnq bp. closed. Commissioner Frown moved, sE',~onded by Commissioner \IIen'lf'l lInc1 cÐrried unnnlmolJsly, th;¡t petition CP-~1-1~-C, for a 1<'1nd ust" Ðmt"ndmp.nt from rt"sldentl;¡l medium densIty (O-~.22 units per qross acre) to commercial for 20.(,5 acres, locnted ~t thp northwest corner of U. R. ~] I'Inn Vnndcrhllt no~d he approved. Planner îll'lrk indicated thr. location on ~n ovp.rhp~d mðp Rtntinq that p~rccl 1 is dir~~~ly north of Parcel ?, n~~inq thl'lt th~ r~quest is to ~m~nd the comprch~ngiva plan from commercl~] to r~~irlrnti~l medium MOK C67 PACt 291' PlICJ r n - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- ...-...,.-,-_.. . , ...../.!II .atI1\.oIItL-"'~"·"· , '. ,., 'iì ~OOK 067 PACt2.92 ,"c'lnu.,ry ?/;, }t!P? d~nnity for ~ppro~im~t~ly , ð~r~R. There huinq no discußsion, Comnissionp.r ~~nzel mov~rt, Gcconðcd by Commisßion~r ristor nn~ carrip.d un~nimously, th~t th~ public hcnrinq be closed. Commlss10nr.r Brown moved, Gccond~d hy Commissioner Wenzel ðnd c~rried un^nimounly, thðt r~tition CP-AI-"-C, for ft l~nd use I'Imcnnment from commercial to rcsid~ntinl mpdlum d~nnity (~-~.,/. units por gross ncrc) for 3.1 lICrOG, loc( ted l'Ilong the W~5t gido of U. 5.41, south of 91st Avenue bp. ~pprov~d. Upon the ðbo~e rcf~renc~d motions boing approved nnd c~rrylnq unanimously, tho ordinance 6S numbered nnn ~~titled below was adopted, ~nd entered into Ordinance Pook No. 14. ORnTN~NCE No. R2-1? ^N ORDTNANCE AMENDTN~ ORDINANCE 70-)~, TH~ COMPRF.HENSIVE PLAN fOR r.OLLTf.R COUNTY, FLORInA, BY A~f.NDING THE LAND U~E ELEMENT WORK STUDY l\REA ~AP ~2 FROM COMMERCIAL TO RESIDf.NTIT\L Mf.T"rUM DEN-:;rTY (O-li.?? lINITS rf.R ~R(\SS lICRE) ^ND FR0M Rf.SIDf.NTIAL ~~DIU~ T"f.NSTTY (O-~.?/. UNITS PER GROSS ^CRE) TO CO~MF.PCrAL ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRTBED PRCJPf.T1TY: "PO~TTnN OF ~f.CTJON :n, TQ\¥NSHJP .1A SOUTH, RANGE ?r: f.~ST, AND ."1. PORTION OF f>ECTION ", TOWNSIIIP 4R SOUT'!, RANGE 25 EAST, ALL liS ~ORr. PARTrCULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND PROVITHNC AN EFFf.CTIVE DATE. PETITION CP-fH-15C, GISEr.f. E. GOODALL, REPRF.f:E'NTTNG GOLDIE F. BOWf.R~OCf( - WTTHDI1~."''N. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and cðrried unðn1mously, th~t Petition CP-P1-'~C, be withdrnwn, as requested by staff. pnCJ n n ---------------------------------------- -- L < "'....----.. J~nu~ry ?r., lOP? ORDIN^NCE P7.-13 CnE^TINC TIIF. T"LL rJNF.~ f.lInnrV!~T(,)N r.TRr.ET UC:HTTNG ~UNICTrAL f.F.RVICf. TAXING UNIT. - "OOPTF.P. Leg"l notIce having been published In thr. Nðplf"s l>c!tlly Naws on January 7, 19A7., as evidr.nced by AffIdavit of Publication filnd wIth the Clerk, public henring was op~ned to consider ~n ordinance creating the Tall Pines ~ubdlvision ~trcct Lighting ~uniclp~l ~ervicr. Taxing UnIt. Cliff B~rksdhle, Public Works ~dministrator, st~ted that this request Is to consider the r.r~"tion of T~ll pines SuhdivIsion St.root LIghting nlstrIct, dddInq that SubdIvIsion PeguJðtlons require that the strept ll<j;,ts DC installeci .'!nd th;'Jt the ci('v~loper has tr>I> option of installing them himsplf or requestIng thnt ð dIstrIct bu cr('~ted, the latter beIng the request. p..r. Bruce Holly stated thðt 11f: was not opposed to the $trf'et lighting but th()t, ...ccordIng to Floridn Power .,nd Light, these lIghts could he inst",lled 1£ ¡;l\\ of tho resIdents sIgn i'I pct! t ion and r<' I se the money for thp. equipment, I'Iddinq that over a 10 yeè\r period their money would be refunded. ~r. Barksnale stated that whcn the Govcrnm('nt creates the district and it is to be C:cvornment oper~tp.d, thero arc no upfront monies involvF.'d. lie sc'lld thllt the powcr cOl"lpnny Instnlls tho lights ðnd stands the cost of thc Initiðl c~pItnl invpstment. Th~rc heinq no furthrr dIscussion, Commissioner W~n7.al moved, seconded by Commissioner ristor ...nd carried unè\nil"lously, thnt t.he public heRring be clospd. COl"lmtGsioncr Pl~tor moved, ~~condcd hy Commts5ton~r Kruse ~n~ cArried un~~!Mously, th~t the ordin~ncr. as nurnh~rc~ ~nd entitlad h~low h~ ~dortpd, ~nd entered Into 0rdin~ncc Pook No. l~. BOOK C 6 7 PACt 293 P-"qo ] (I . - - - - - - - --.--------- ---.--- ---_._--~--------- ---- ·~-·'...,L '''.~-.,.~'"~,-"''"'t'*',...."'''''''''''.... ..""-~._.........-,,,. Jnnu~ry ?'-, 1~~? &OOK 057 PACE 294 (')RorN"Nr.E P?-l' "N C'lnonr"NCF. cnF.^TTNr. 'T'Hf. T"LL PTNF.f, f,IIROIVI!;I(')N STRF.F.T r.Tr.IITTNC ~'UtHl.I P^L f,F.T1VICE TMnNr. 'It.JTTI pRf'\'TOHI(1 Tiff: !\(')UND^T1Tr~ CF TI1f. U>.JTT, DF.!;rCNfITrNr. TilE \,OVEIUITt.JC f'OI"Y OF TilE UN 1'1', /lI]T,,("R 17.1NC T\. T"X Lf.VV "5 PROVTr.f.D RY L'IW I pn(')VIDINn FOR CON~TRUCTTON T\.ND AN EFFr.rTIVE I"~TE. nr.QUEf.T FOR APPROVAL TO RF.PLAT TRACTS """ "NI" "8" "NO BLOCK lq OF TilE pL~T OF I-IInr.",.,.J\Y IH':M~1I - HIl"fl\WJ\Y RF.I\C"H, TNC". - ""TTllnnl\\<".t. CommIssioner wenzel movc~, seconded by Commissioner Kruse, and carrIed unünimously th~t the r€quost to replat trDcts """ and "0" and Block 19 of the plat of lIideaway Beach - Hideaway Beach, Inc. be withdrawn, ns requested by the petitioner. RESOLUTTON H7.-11 TO RF.COVf.R FUNDS EXPF.NnF. ") AY TIIF. c(')uwrv TO 1\B"TE A PUBLTC NUIS^NCE ON LOT 57, UNIT 1, ALOC~ 2~, M^RCO TSL^ND. (GULF CO~ST INVf.ST~F.NTf,) - ^noP'T'F. "). CommIssioner Pist~r moved, seconded by ~ommlr.sioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Resolution A2-1J tð recover funds expended by the County to abate a public nuIsance on Lot 57, Unit 1, Block 24, lllrco Islnnd, (Gul f COf1st Investments) be I'Idopted. pM1 ~ 11 ---------------------------------------- =:) ~J ...- - ........_,_~._._ ......·,··__..¡..l......,..··..."'.......__......,... ,.- _.- '" ~ ~..". . "" L .'lII1u:lry ?r., 1 (l1'? &QOK 067 PACtZ9S RE!ìOLUTI(,,\N r.7-1/ TO Rf:cnVf,R f'UND~ F.¡.:¡:t,NN'f'I i'\' THF. rnllw!'y TO ;'!'\T\TF. 1. P1J!\[.IC NI.II~r.NCr. ON t(':~ 'U', PLnr ( 1, nLn ~~}\f1CO. (P-ITLDnF.n FO:O - r-T",OP1'F.D. Commlsnloncr plstor ~ovp.~, scconrlcd by Commi~sloncr Wenzel, ~nd carried unðn1~ously th~t Resolution P?-l~ to rp.covpr funrls ~xpended hy tho County to abate ~ public nuinancp. on Lot ~P, Alock 1, Old M~rco, CI"ildrcd Fox) be arloptcd. Pt'HJO 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- ;"-l ~~...., L Jnnuðry ?~, lqn? M~~ 057 PACt 298 I'rTITtm: Tn !"~-r:-(", r'Y("!l1\FL 1(. f"TF.t,1"'~ nr.("\I1F.~TTNc' 11 , ",nUT" EXTF-Nf-;Iml Tn TIIF' 'n~~'P()R/l.RY RF:- J Dr.NCr. Pf.R~' JT ()N ' 'I1f. 1-" J ~O' OF TRi\C'1" ,r;, ml~T ] P, ~0LnfN n~TF. F.nT~Tr~. - ftrrnnvrn. ~r. r~rry, 7.oninq Director, ~tnt~rt that petition TR Pl-r.-C, hy ~ichnrl x. ~h\olds, is rp.queatinq 1'1 three month ~xtcnsion to thc tr.mpor~ry travel trðilcr permit in Golden c,~tc Estntcs which ~t~ff rrcom~rnds for ~pprovnl. ~ommis5ionrr Wcnzal Moved, seconded by ~ommißsioncr pistor ~nd carrIed unaninously, that Petition TR Pl-~-C, Mich^cl K. Shiolrls requ~stinq a 3 month extension to the t~nporDry roaidcnce permit granted on the W l~O' of Trðct 3ñ, Unit lA, Colden Gato F.statos, b~ approved. PF.TJ'I'TON TR PI-12-C, .ìF.MIF.LL RCP.Ft~TSON RE('UF.~TnJc, '" TIIRF:E MONTH r.XTF-NSI0N TO ^ TPMPOnllRY PF.PMIT ON TRACT 5', UNIT 10, GOLDEN G"'TE ESTATES - ~ppnOVED. Mr. Perry, zoning Director, stated that Petition TR nl-l7.-C, by J~8ncll Robertson 15 ð request for ð three ~onth extension and Staff Is recommcndin~ ~pproval. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Co~missioner pistor And carricd unaniMously, that petition TR Ql-J2-C, Jeanell Rohertson requesting a three month extension to ð temporðry permit granted to use a trnvel trailer ðS a temporary reslnence on Troct ~', Unit 10, Golden c'atc Fst~t"S, h~ npprovcd. GUN PERMIT P'-l FOR'" CONCF.^LF.D PISTOL REOUF.STED BY COLON H. ~/l.MrOS. - M'PRnVf.D. N~11 norrill, Public ~ðfcty ~nministr~tor, st~ted th~t this item is an eMcrgency ite~ for ~ conccl'Ilcd pistoi pernit. He stl'ltr.d that there hnß hcrn vr.rificl'ltlon by thp r.heriff·~ ~~p~rtmrnt that thi~ is a PM'" l' -- - .----- ----- --- - -- - - - - -- --- -- - -- - - - - - - - -.. ..~..," ..... ,., L ........... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .-- -~ Jc"InUMY 2(;, I q~? lcqitlmnte use and n~~~ ~t this time, c"Id~inq th~t ~tc"lfr r~comM~n~s ðpprovol. Commisnloner w~nzcl moved, seconded by Commis~lonc" pi~tor ~nd cðrried unðnimously, thAt r.un PerMit P~-l for a ~oncenled pistol rcquested by Colon H. CampoS he èlpproved. Ch^irm~n Wimcr directed rounty Attorney pickworth to r~9cnrch whethcr those permitß could be procc9fWcI wi th 21 CllS" numbp.r instC'l'Id of nðMp.S. BYD fr,~~, ~^RC0 ~'F.DY^N TREE TnY~MINr. - AWARDf.D TO TOTAL C^RE TREF. SERVTCE TN T!1r. M,ntJNT ('IF' t~lnn.n('l LeCJðl notice hðvinq heen published in the Naplc~ Daily Newn on December 22 and Dcccmbcr 7.~, lqR], nnd the ~l'Irco Islc"lnn F.~qle on December 2~, ]9Pl, as evidenced by AffIdavits of Publ1cc"Ition fIled with the Clerk, bi~s were received for Rid ~SJ~, for MlIrco Tslc"lnd mp~il'ln trce trimmlnCJ, until 7.:'\('1 r.M., JlInU/HY l~, 19A~. CommIssioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wcn1e¡ and carrle~ unanimously, th~t Bid f5)~ for ~arco Tsl~nd mccll~n trC'e trimminCJ bo awarded to Total Care Tree Service In thc ðMount of ~410n.O('l, as recommended by the rurchnsing ~irector, the Marco Tsland Bc~utlfication Committee, ~nd the County F.nqineer to be the lowest responsible hId in the hest Interest of the County, c"Incl th~t the Chl'lirman bo authorized to sign ~nd the clerk to o!Ittest the resultIng ðgrcCmp.nt. RYD '0;'\:1, p.',{'ITOR p('n[. VF!lI('tFS - ^¡.;~nrFT' TO TM"Y^MT f'OrH'\ C0RPnrH,TI{'IN' RFGf.NCY DOf'ï.F: ÎrHrOPflTT0N¡ ~,.ptf:S f"~T!,;l1N¡ liNT' fl\~ Gl\tt.O\>'IIY FnRT' ('oPPOPI\TT('\N. Lc~~l notice h~v n~ h~~n ru~llqh~d in thp Nnp1cR T'nl1y ~CWg on OCCl'mbt'r 1 ¡,nd T't'CN,twr ~, lorI, ,1~ I"vidC'ncl'd hy 1\fficl"vit of BO~~ 067 PA~t 299 rM!(' \~ _ _. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ _ _ _. _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 __ _ \..... . "_.';F. :.'.'r,:",,~..ø:'::.~.;¡",:]-'~~ -.., "fI[.,...~'ÞJ '~.'~fP''''''_''_''.'-'-'--''''~'-'--'''''''-- ,.-.".- L . . -."_'''~lIv.-,.,... ~OOK 057 PACi300 J 11 n 1I.')( Y ?", 11'102 publicatIon filed with t~e C:crk, bid~ uarc rcceived for Bl~ ~~3~, ~or motor pool vehiclea, until /.:3n P.M., ,i¡1t\U,HY ri, lQR'. Co~missionQr Brown moved, seconded by Commi~sioncr pistor and carried unanimously, thDt Bid *533 for motor pool vehicl~s be aw~rdod to the following companies: that the purchas~ of two (2) panel vans in the ~mount of SR58~.35 e~ch for the ~nimal Control Dept. be aWÐrded to Tamiami Ford Corpor~tion; two (2) 3/4 crew c~b pick-ups in the ~mount of S9412.13 each (Statc Contract) for the Parks & Recreation Dept. be awarded to Regency Dodge Corporation of Jacksonville; three (3) economy pick-ups in the amount of $~77~.3n each for ~ldg./park9 & Rec. ~ept. be awðrded to Naples Datsun, one (l) mid-size 4 door vehicle in the amount of Sfi949.C'll (State Contract) for the Agriculture Dept. be awarded to Sam Gallow~y Ford Corporation of Ft. Myers, and that the Fiscal Officer be directp.d to prepare the n~cessary hudget amendment to provide funds for these purch~5cSI and also, th~t the purchase of o~~ (1) mid-size 4 door vehicle in the a~ount of $6949.9l (State Contract) be awarded to Sam Galloway Ford Corpor~tion of Ft. Myers ($~5nn.nO w~s budgeted), and one (1) economy pIck-up In the amount of $fi774.30 be awarded to Naples Datsun (Sfi400.00 was budgeteC) and that the Fiscal Officer be directed to prepare the necessary amendment to provide additional monIes in the Road and Bridge Fund ~313_~41-01-12-fil-04n-r,40, as recommended by the purchasing DIrector to be the lowost responsible bIds In the best interest of the County, and thðt the Chñirman be ~uthorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreements. BID ~535, PARKS ^ND RECRE^TION DEPARTMENT FIELD CONDITIONERS - ^W^RDED TO DEBRA TRACTOR AND I~PLEMENT COMP^NY IN THE AMOUNT OF S7090. (~FTER TR^DE-IN). Lr.qal notice having bp.cn publIshed in the N~p1es ~~ily NowS on December Rand Decemher 10, lQR1, as evidencpd by Affidavit of (\'CJC 1'" - - -- --- - ---- - - - ---- --- ---- ---- - - --- -- -- -- L J,1nuIHY ie., 14~r. r~blicnt!cn fil~1 wt~h the Cl~rkt bids wcrp. recoived for Bid .535, for Athletic Field CondItioners, until 1:00 P.M. Decembcr '3, 19~1. Commissioner 8rown moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse ~nd carricd unanImously, that 8i~ ~S35 for two Pl'lrks anå Rccrebtion Department athletic field conditioners be awarded to DeBra Tractor and Implement Company of Ft. Mycrs, in the amount of $7990 total (~fter trade-in), as recommended by the Purchasing Director to be the lowest responsIble bid in the best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. BID 1538, I\ERIT\.t. PIIOTOr.R^PH - lIWI\RDED TO J(UCERT\. AND T\.SSOC IT\.'I'ES CORPORATTON, IN THf ^~nu~'I' OF ~lA,q,~ Legal notice havIng becn pllbllshed in the Naplos Daily News on Doccmber 29 lInd Docember 30, 19B1, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clcrk, bids were recoived for Rid *51A, for Aerial Photography, until 2:30 P.M., January 14, 19A'. Mr. Terry Vlrtð, Community Developmcnt I\rlministrator, statcd that the sources for the photos are grant funds that h~ve been obtllined in order to identify the wetland areas for the Estates and r~mokalee are? planning, adding that it is part of the overall work program. Commissioner pistor moved, seconderl by Commissioncr Kruse and carrIed 4/1, (Commissioner Brown opposed), that Bid ~53P for aerial photography be awarded to Kucera and ^ssoci~tec Corporation, Lak~land, Florida, in the amount of ~18,92~.on, as recomm~n~ed by the purch~sing Director nnd the County Planning Dnpartment to he the lowest responsible bid in the best interest of the County, and th~t the Fiscal Officer be directt~d to prepare the necessary bUd<Jnt amt'nr1mC'nt, and thi'tt the Chairmnn bc nuthoriz~~ to zign I'Ind the Clerk to attest the rÜ6ultinq nqreement. BOO~ 007 PACt 301 - -. - - - - - -- - - -_.. - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... P<\9C' IF. . '- ,..- .~._. -~..........-..-....--- ·-.--·---.---....·-ø..1fII!Itrl...."'..' _·_~·........~...,.._··-..·__~·-..._..".,T - --·~"n· L . . ","" -". ..., ,,.., d.......<___~"'_....."t',·.........,_,_ "" H ~_~ "'_'" MOK G57 PACt 302 .JlInu,HY ')(;, 1<)P/' ~E('IlIr.~T rol'! !I!~f; Tí.NI-1F.NT OF TWO NFW COP.114UN rTY IìF.Vr.LOP""r.NT POf, !'!'I(,\N~ TO Tllr. Cr..^:'GIf¡':-:t\'rIO:~ ;,;-.;rì 1',\'/ PU,!. ( j()U::;T!~í. PROí.Ri\r-l ~lIPF:KVI:'Cì~ ¡'¡"Ïo PI'!Or.H;,,., COCìRDINT\.Tnl'!) AND nr.CLAfiSTFICATION OF ONr. r.XTSTTNG POSTTION, (HOUSING CCìOROIN^TCìn) - ~PPROVr.O. Mr. Smith, ~dministratIve Services Administrûtor, statpd that this item is a request for assignment of two new community development positions to the classification and pay plan and recl~ssificntion of one exIsting position. County I"ßnðger Norman stated that these positions ar~ p.~!1ential to administer grants that the County has already been approved for, adding that these positions arc totally funded by grant funds. There hcing no further discussion, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ùnd carried 4/1 (Commissioner Wenzel opposed), that the rcquest for Assignment of two new community development positions to the classIficatIon and pny plan and the reclassification of onc existing position b~ approved and that the position of Housing Program Supervisor be assigncd to Pay Grade 21, the position of Housing Coordinator be ass~gned to Pay Grade i8, and the existing postion of CDSG Coordinðtor be reclassIfied ttl "lIo'using Coordinator: (Rec13ssification froM Pay Grade 19 to Pðt Grade lR). RE('IUr.ST FOR CETA MODTFrCATIONS fOR TITLF.S IT-B, IV, ^NO VIT - APPROVr.C. County MAnager Norman stated that thIs item rp.presents a further adjustmpnt to the progr~m funding to shift funds from one project to ~rlother . Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by CommissIoner pistor o!Ind carried 4/1 (CommissIoner Wenzel opposed), that the rcquest for CETA contract modifications for Titles II-B, IV, and VII br approved ~nd the Chairman be authorized to execute same. Page ] 7 ~.. ----- -- - ------ --- - ---------------.----- 1 - L r.'C'1~ , f' ---.J- ---- --- - -- -- -- -- -- -- --.- -- - - ------- ---- . J~nu~ry ,~, 1~"' RP.f.OLUTTON MW5-f'?-1 ~r.TTING A PUBLTC tlF.ARING FOR FEARUT\.RY ?~, 19R1, RE ADOPTTNr. THE FINAL Mf,r.r.r,~FNT ROLL rnR T}1E MARCO f,r.Wf.R PHAf:F. 1 T~PROVE~r.NTf, - ^DOrTr~. ~r. Aerzon, UtilItIes ~~n~qer, st~ted that h~ is requestinq ð public hearing date be set for the ~Asr.ssmant program on M~rco Isl~nd. He st~ted that the assessment nreas aro divided I'Iccordinq to the 11ft station arco!lS, ð~dinq that the ~sscssmp.nts r~nge from ð low of t.22.~? pcr front foot to 1'I high of $2';.7<1 per front foot, all of which arc under the eatlmnto prior to conntruction. Ho concluded by stating thðt he 1n requcstinCJ th~t the Ponrd accept the ðssessment roll, set a ho~ring dl'lte for Fcbru~ry 23, lq~2, ~nd ~uthori7.~ thn ch~irman to sign .ft rcsolutlon rcg~rdlng s~me. Comml.Gsioncr Wenzel moved, secondcr1 by Commiasioncr pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution ~WS-P2-1 settinq ~ public hearing for February 23, 19A?, rr. ~r!optlnq the finD1 assessmcnt roll for the ~nrco Sewor Phllse I rmprov~rncnts be odopted and the Clerk Ðut~orlzed to send notices t~ eðch propcrty owner advising them of the public heDrinq and tentl'ltivc assessment for their pr~perty. 800K 067 PACi '315 ~'~""'L' .._--..·..-,.-.r ... ., ,·,._~..___....o.."._,+",__ ". 'w___"',~_ .'lInu.'HY ?I\, 1/'1R1 ROUTT"E PTLL~ - p^Tn through Fric1ðy, Jilnullry ?', IC)F1', in p,'ymcnt of routinp. bills: Pur8u~nt to Rp.solution nl-l~n th~ followf~g ~~~~~s ~oro issued FUNO CHF.CK NOf.. "'~OUNT County Ch~cks 2f\31-1n57 S <:\Rl,ll\<1..,.; CET^ n1R,-R"'2 ~,<14".49 BUDGET ^~rNnMENT P2-40, TO PROVTnE FOR cnN~TRUCTrnN AND nF.~URF^~TNG OF TAXIW^Y, I~~nK^LEF. ^TRPORT - AnnPTF.D T~ THF. ^~nUNT OF ~7n,n~0. carried 3/2, (Commissioners Pistor and Wenzel opposen) thðt ~udCJC't CommissIoner Rrown moved, seconde~ by C~mminsioner ~ru5e And ^mendmcnt R7-40, trllnsferrinq of funns to provide for construction ðn~ resurfacing of ð t~xlw~y to improve nCC~8S lit the JMmok~lee ^lrport, he anopted in the IImount of ~2n,OOn. M~K OS7 rAc¿3Z3 ---------------------------- -.-.--- - --..------. ..' --. r,,1'J (' J" ~~.~.~:-: -.'.....':""j.~."'~-~'''":'r,._.or_''P~..... 4>- ~---~,..,..t:",.. ..:I '--"'" ...........'a.4"r ,·-'......""...':""'....,...,.~.......,..r.....'""Ir. "'""'-"'''''''1'''-~''''''''- ,------------------------------------------ ,,,.,,"'",,.~'-......~,"...... '. Jnnunry ?~, 1~~? 8UDCET ~MF.NO~F.NT n,,-~], TO PROVTDr. POR r.~~T OF rT~Tp. ANn FFnF.RT\.L LICF.Nr.F.r. AND pF.nMrT~, r.NGINF.F.nJNC OEr~RT~rNT - ~nOrTF.O TN THE "MOUNT OP s,oo. Commissioner ~ruse mov~d, sccond~d by Commissioner Brown ðnd carried unðnimously, that Budgot ~menðmcnt n?-~], transferring funds to pr~vide (or cost of State and Fnder^l Licenses and permits In the Engineoring Departmont, be ndopted in tho t"Imount of ~100. BOCK 067 PACt 325 f>nf1 (' '0 ...........-;;::;:"I'L~,l, ..., .:1., '-·....-~·L'-"'~· .. "" n Ul\f y ? r., 19 n =' COM~T~~IONERR W~NZF.t, rI~T~R ~ND WT~~R ~PPOTNT~D AS ~OUNTY C"~MI~~TnN nEPpr~CNTT\.TIvr~ TO TflC ~rTPnpOLTT^N PL^NNING Onn^NT1~TTnN. Ch~irman Wimer Gt~t~d thðt, in nccorðence with tho ~qreement with the CIty of Naples, Commissioner W~n2el Is to be "ppoint~d to the Metropolitan PI~nninq Orqnnizatlon "s w~ll ð8 two other Commissioners, addinq th~t the floor Is open for motions. I 11 I~ CommissIoner Brown moved, se~on~r.ð by Commissioner Kruse nn~ cnrried un~nlmously, thðt ~ommlsnioner Wenzcl be appolntcn ðS ð County Commission Rcprcsentntlve to thr. MPtropolitðn Plðnninq Organizntlon. Commissioner w~nzel moved, seconde~ by Com~lssioner ristor nnd carrIed unanimously, that Commissioner pistor and Commiasloner Wimer be appointed ~s County Commission Pepresentl'ltivcs to the ~ctropolitan Planning Orgnnlz"tion. ChnIrmðn Wimer ~irected Grace spaulding, ^rlmini~trotive ^ide to the Bonrd, to preparc the ðpproprlðte lett~r to th~ City of Nnples. DISCUSSTON Rr.C:1\nTHNC p.·prHWE"'F.Wr~ ON nTCGS nO^D. (NO ^CTTON T^K~ Commissioner Drown stðted that ~r. Cody cnlled rcq~rdlnq the progress beIng made on RiqCJ8 Rond. Mr. Cliff Bar~5dale, Public Works Admlnistrntor, atated that the ~tntus regarding RIggs Road is thnt construction beqan on June 1~, IO~] with a complp.tlon rl~tc set for ~"rch 1, lQP2 adding th~t the ronn, to dðte, has been llmerocked and primed, the swales hnvp hr.en rough grð~ed, and nIl the rlr1vc plpPR hl'lvt' been instnlled. 110 rpportcd thnt the r~mðininq ~ork in the fine ~rndinq of the Gw~len, puttinq in the llncrock drivc~ ~nd p~vlnq, and further ~dñln~ thRt cOMpl~tlon is now schec1ul~d fcr the w~ck of FdHUIHY ~?, P'P:'. f1r. noted th..t th"rp. hlw~ br.pn compl~intfi from Mr. rody, but mrmhrrR of ~t~ff h~vo b~~n MOK C57 PACé 327 r,'qr " - - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ _u _ __ __~ __.... .... ... - . '--'C~lI1L'- .~ ,.--:':..~';:';':j.'~,~~--- U) ..11:1 I·,·.s Vi~~l 8 '111 ~~. ~ M~K 057 PAC¿ 328 "" n u ~ r y ? r.. , 19" , coopcr:tiv~ ~n~ hcvc rn"t with Mr, Cod~ to ~xpl"ln the wark th~~ SR bl'\nq donr.. "'r. ,'TM!'IeS Coòy, rC'siòcnt of Riqgs Roac1, st......,'·t tni\t thert' UGPd to br culverts 15" in òi~m~t~r on Riqgs Rol'I~ which were not l...rqe enough to c~rry thr w~ter, ~nd qur.stioned how )n" culverts thðt ...ro hring inat~llcd will be ðblc to c~rry the water for 1.7 miles. He s...id thnt tht' culverts .1ro hc1 ng plðcrd thrce ft'et helow the drc'lSnl\qe hed, ðddinq th~t thr.y I'IlreDdy h¡'lVp. fIll in them. He reported that upon ~rrivðl of the first rl\in, they will he pI ugg ed IInd the water will be worse than in the PIIst. He concluded by 8t~ting that the culverts are not lðrq~ enough Dnd lIrc inst~llcd too deeply. ~r. Kuck, the project enqineer for the Riqgs Rond job, stðted that the minimum pipe size Is 1'", lidding thðt the swales to thIs point h...ve only been rough graded IInd arc not in an nccf.'ptabl~ situ"tion. He stated thi\t the swales h~ve to be cle~ned out ~~d when the job Is comploted, it will have been donc properly. Chairman Nimcr stòted thc'lt ~r. Kuck's response was acceptablr. ...nd thllt if th~re were Dny further questions, they could he tc'lken up in thr. County Managrr's offic~ ~(tcr the Po...rd mpctinCJ· Commisslo~er Wenzel stated thc'lt the minutes should reflect that the f.nqiner.rlnq DCpc'lrtMcnt s~ld the job i~ being done proprrly nnd If there is ð problem in the future, it will he the pUhlic's Axpcnso to rectify the problem. DISCUSS TON nr tF.J\SF: wnn RtVF. "~EADW~V FOR FAR~F.R5 HOf04E ^DM INTr-:TMTION OFFICf. IN TM"'OI<AtF.r. (NO ^CTTON TJ\KF'N'. Neil Dorrill, ruhllc f,~fety J\~mln\8trnto" ~t~tPc1 th~t Farmers Homo Adimlnstration h~s h^ct nn offi~p. in Tmmokn1er. 'or thQ P^st l' yr.nrs, ndctinq th~t p~rt of th~ original ^qr~emcnt st~tr.d th~t the ROl'lrd r;'Hl~ ?, .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- L .'nnunry 7.r., Joni' of County ~ommis510ners would provide (or o((ic~ sp~ce. He R~ld th~t the County ~an~~cr'R revi~w of outstðnding leases InrllcatPd thnt tho .'C'deral FlJrml~rs !to",.! OffIce out of f,t. Louis hðd monc.¡ wl!llðl'lle 111 order to pay th0ir own ront, which wns SJ~on per Y~ðr for an office n 15:1 !~ {Ii .,1~ that is 10c.1tcd in the "'orton Building. He rpportcd that he incHcated to the Propprty ~'lHH1q('mcnt Division in f.t. Louis, the ñesirr thllt lifter 12 yeðrs they would nssume thpir own rentnl payments, arl~lnq that this Wo!lS lIgrcpd to by Jetter, wheroupon MrR. Trcðdwl'lY was inforned liS well as toIr. Cochrl1n, who is In chl1rgc of the> Immokl'llÐe Office. He further stated that thn County would p~y their rpnt on ð monthly bnsis until the new fiRCð1 year, at which time the Fl'lrmcrn Hom~ Þdmlnistrntlon would aSRum0 their own p~ymen~s. H~ reported that the Property Manðgement Division in St. Louis stl'ltc~ thllt Mrß. Treadway's voucher WllS issued ,Januilry"', 19P.2, for thp. Octoher, NOVf'mhf'r, and t'eccmber payments, whIch Rhou1d bp. received by Mrs. Tre~dway this week. He said thllt there is a fedpral lease thllt will have to he pnterrd into since Farmers lIome ^dmin1ctration is now assuming theIr own IfJðse. He concluded by statin~ thl'lt therc is ð hllsP rent plus ~n a~ju5tment thl'lt is paId which will mcC't or excoed thr. rent thl1t Mrs. Treadw~y has entered into wIth the County. * Ii . R[CESS - 10:]5 A.M. - RECONV~NF.D 10:'~ A.M. * * "PPROV^l. ('IF l>N'TUT:'Tn"TTVr. rr.nSnNNfT. 'I'n ^T'I'f.NO ~I\C'(' ('nNfr.nf.NCr.~. Com~i5sion~r ~rus~ ~t~t~d th~t p~rt. of the r~l'Ifion the rounty loscs r~oplc from ('ovcrnm~nt sêrvi~~ if> thpir in~bility to Qrow ^nd fun~tion \/lthir. their job. :-h~ Rt.qt~rI th"t f'~mlnllrr; utlould he ~ttcn~t"rI hy mor'.' of th~ County pCDp]P in orrlcr for rmploy~rs to h~com" mort" ~ncpt ot &QOK CS7 fA~t 329 P,I"I(' " ------- ---..- ~------- - --.- -- þ- . .-.- -- _...- .~-... ..,. .-'-... ..-- -- --- .,' .~..._- ~r . _._.__._-_._._--_............,._."-~.[._. -- - --.--.. -.. ..---~~_-:-r-::r~_ - ,,N...~tt:' II'" ~ , ,." .·"~4~_~__.___~.-._"._,,·~ .. aoOK 057 PACt 330 J"nuary 2", 1°1'17. ~hQt they arc doing within thr.ir own role. ComMissioner Kruse mcved, s~condeù by Commlssion~r ~rown ~nd c~rri~d unùnimously, th~t for these reasons ~nd becausa sp.ver~l County peopJe are beginnln~ to be on more of thp St~tr. Committee~ with the SACC conferences, thðt Aåmini5tr~tive ~ssistants b& ðllowed at individual times to ðttend the conferp.nccs in order to be ßwðre of the structure of S^CC nnd how it functions. DISCUSSION RP. G. E. C^RROLL REPRESENTING R08 LF.E, r.^PF. COD EST^TES - SMP-~1-5C. P^CK^GE PLANT OR ^LTERN^TTVE TO BE BROUGHT B^CK TO THF. 1301\RD WTTllTN ONF. OR TWO \o.'F:F.KS FOR CONSTDF.R^TTON. Mr. G. E. Carroll stðtcd that hiÐ client, Cape Cod Estates, has a five acre tract whIch he Is trying to plat. He said that in May of 1901, Cape Cod Estates could hook into watcr and put in an i~~erim septic tank, addIng that by the time plans went through DER and the plant w~~ pr~par~d, Willoughby ^cr~s w~~ dev~loped. ~~ furthp.r rcported that the disagreement now lIes in where to hook up the sewer systc~. He stated that the sewer system is contiguous to the property ~nd the Utility Department wants Cape Cod Fstðtes to run 1700 feet from the end of the connection to hook Into another ðrea. Mr. Robert Lee stated that when he made applIcation, construction h~d not started in the area ðnd Mr. Derzon indicated at that time thðt there was cðpacity for Cape Cod Estates to hook into willoughby Acres. He stated that, after almost a year, approval was given for city water at which point the septic system was designed and then turned down. He said that now the County wðnts hIm to run lines 990 feet and then another 600 feet to get sewer. Mr. C~rroll stùted that the problem is Cape Cod Estates has to keep going bðCk to f,tðff for the approval of th~ subdivIsion. H~ st~t~d that C~pe Cod r.5tðtes Is now willing to put in ð pumping station rllq~ ?4 ~ ~-..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- -~ L ,_..,~._-_._-",-,',_. J~nuDry 2~, ]~RÎ. w.t~ a cost of approximately $20,000, but if tho extra 1/3 mile line is ne~ded, there is a possibility of D need for two pumping stations. Hp. stated th~t when the project first started, ~r. Lee asked for the sewer line to be lowered so that there would be gravity flow, w¡.~ch th~ client agreed to pay, so that a pumping station would not be required. He reported th~t there WAre 1~ lots which were reduced to 15 lots in order to have Beptic tanks. "e noted that by the time the subdivision was redesigned and through DER, Willoughby ~crcs sewer system was bp.inq installed at which tIme Cape Cod Estates r.ould not get their approval for the soptlc tanks. He stated that the Eng i nee r redesigned the pll'lns and submitted them to Mr. 8er zon, showing a ~umpi ng station and suggesting that Cape Code Estates hook into Willoughby ^cres, adding that according to the EngIneer, Wil10ughty ~cres system had the capacity to handle the additional lfi lots. He stl'ltcd that he wanted to know frol:'l the Boarc1 if they could hook into Willoughby ~cres. Commission~r Wimer stated that if he understands the situation, thare is fIve acres wIth 15 or 16 lotq with city water and septic tanks to be installed, but there is a need to hook into the sewcr system and by doing so, Cape Code Estates would be willing to put in the pumping station and pay the impact fees. Mr. Carroll replied affirmatively to thIs. There was ð general discussIon regarding septic tanks I'Ind lot sIzes for five acres. Commissioner pistor stated that last summer there waS a dIscussion regarding the sewer problom, ac1ding that t~~ lines were not l/'lrge enough to take on additIonal sewer plus the fact th/'lt other developments I'Iround the area would also want to tic in. ~r. ~pr7.on, Utiliti~s ~~nð~er, st~tr.n that Willouqhby Acres pr01r.ct Wi1S funned hy the F(!rm~rs lIo!':'\c J\clmln!!':trðtion in th~ form of ¿" C67 PACt 331 MOX Pl\qr. 1.1) --- ¡ - -- __ _. ._._ __ - __ - - - - - - - - - __ .__ __ .__ - - - 0_'" _ -_.' --~ - - _.........-~,.~ - '...,,<~.. L.:......," ---,,----- ..c., ,"~ - ~'~~;-;,:;";:;Þ:"'~:-";":--- ._'.I·."·'~""--~ .,---.--..-. - - -- - .. ..... ... - -. - - -... .. - - - ~ - . -- -. .-- . .- - - -- . .... - - -- - - ... --. -. -- - . - - - - - -- p - - Jl\nu<1CY ,r-., 1qR? ~oo¥. C57 fÂti '332 101\n, W~~ rl"Riqn~d un~er their criteria, nnd thr project enqineers, WIlDon, ~lller, Barton, SolI nnd pr.ck cmph~t1cnlly s~id thDt ~ne ~~w~r system within Willoughby ^cr~~ is not cnpûble of serving nnythinq br.yon~ the Willoughby ^crCD property itsplf. He state~ ~hðt they did ~jY that the Wdter could he extended beyond Willoughby Acres. Mr. 8erzon stated that lnte last spring he informcd Mr. Lee that he would not bp. able to tap 1nto the Willoughby Acres project, nor could anyone else. He stated that the mntter went before the planning CommIssion and the Board at which time, he was told the same thing. He reported that the Board defcrred any further act10n or approval on this project subject to the developer coming in and actually showing a plan for the five acres to tIe Into the force ~A{n on piper Boulevard. Mr. Bcrzon stnted thnt near the end of l~st su~mcr a set of plans were submitted to his office which showed ù ccnnection directly into the Willoughby project ':!hlcn was Cl1ntCiHY to thc directions of the 8oard, the Engineers and and a letter written to Mr. Lec by himself in August of 19AI. He stated that at the last meeting regarding this matter the Board directed that there shall be no scptic tanks on thnt property, ,1ddlng that centrûl sewcr wOI'ld ho!lvc to be provined and connected adjacent to Immokaloe Road on Pipp.r Foulevard. Commissioner Kruse stated that in the meeting of last yp.ar there was also a discussion regarding the distance of the lInes which was determined at about 1000 feet, adding that Mr. Berzon and Commissioner plstor are correct In their facts. Mr. Carroll stated that there is 17no feet of line that needs to be run which is making the land unusable to a resident. Chairmo!ln Wimer stated th~t he recalled the issue, adding th~t the suggestion was to hook into Willouqhby ^cres. but the Engineers said thIs could or should not bp donr., which is where the problem occurs. P~'Jt' 21; - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --" -- --.- -- - -- . '--' ~ . .~ ~, ....,o>",._...,...~~,.~__ -------------------- - --- -------------.....-.-.--... ~~nu~ry ?r., 19R2 CommIssIoner Wenzel stated th~t Mr. L~e should consider putting 1n a package plant, to which Mr. Carroll stated that therp. would be no objection to thnt If it waS approved on that bns!p Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommIssioner Brown and carried unanImously, that the 80ard consider the packAge plant concept or some alternative to be brought back to the Board within a week or two. CERTiFICATE OF CORRECTION TO THE T^X ROLLS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE TAX APPRAISER'S OFFICE - ^UTIIORI7.F:D ron C"T\.TR~^N'~ F:XF:CUTION CommissIoner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the following Cr.rtiflcnte of Correction to the Tax Rolls as submItted by the Property Appraiser's Office be ~uthorized for execution by the Chairman: 19R1 TAX ROLL TANCIBtf. PERSONAL PROPERTY NUMBERS DATE 1981-94 l/lA/R? EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR IN~^TE NO. 1~~R7 - APPROVED. Commissionor We~zel moved, seconded by Commissioner plstor and carrIed unanimously, that 24 days extra gain time be approved for Inmate No. 3fi487 chùnging the date of rclease to FebruRry 7, 19R2. FORMAL ACCEPTANCF: OF FOUR-WHEEL DRTVF. FOR THE EMS DF:PARTMENT FROM THF. SHERIFF'S OFFICF. - ^PPROVED. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommIssioner pistor and carrlcd unAnimously, thðt formal acceptnncc of the four-wheel drive vehicle for the EMS Dcp~rtm~nt from the Sheriff's Office be approved ûnd thnt tho ChDirman be nuthorized to ~lgn th~ tr~n£fcr D~rc~~ant. &001< CO? PACt 333 Paqe '7 .. . _,__ - __. - __ __ __. __.. __.,,__. ._0- _. __.._ _._ ____. .-- .--- --- -....- _. ...- -------.. ..-...-....- ...._. --''''-.--- .... . ... .----.---.. ..--...~.~-'..,.-~'"'_.._---~;~-~ '--..... """"">"', '.' - ·J",n lI,uy ') (.., top ') RE~OLUTTOtl "'-]!i f,Uf'PonTING T,IF: ('('\NTTNlJlI'1'TON OF TII¡:: FULL MlITCIITNG RE!ìÞON!'iIPTLTTY FOR /l.RF.!I l\CENCrF.!> ("IN M:TNG RlrD\.F.T:' BY ST^Tr. COV!"~NMF.NT. - ^t10PTrn. Gr~co ~p~uldin9, ^dmlni8tr~tlvc !Ii de to the Roard, 8t~tCrl thftt Jim Stephens, Ao~rd Pr~sldcnt, of the ^rcft lIqoncy on lIglng sent a letter requesting 1'1 resolutIon to support the continu~tion of the full matching responsibility for area ~gpncles on l1ging blldgt'ts by the Statp Government. Commirsioncr W~nzel mnu~~. ncconded hy Commissioner Plstor and cðrcied unanImously, that n~~olution ~?-]5 supporting thp. continuation of the full m~tchlng respon"lbllity for ~rc~ agencIes on nqtng budgets by the Stßte Govcrr..ncnt bf" ðdoptC'd and the Ch2l1rman ~uthorlzed to execute slime. ' Note: Do document received in office of Clerk of the Board as of 2/4/82. BOO~ 057 fACt 335 PM1(' ," _ _ _ _ _ -;-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ -.. _ __ _.... _ _ .. _ _~4 _ _. ~"""""""""~"'t.,..t....Jo"";:"~"·.,r,-; .._...'''iUt:-~ . _.,._._.__~_._--,.'"1"- . .,' ···.--.r...,~ ,.,:". J". .', ~..._,""..,._....- 4 ,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _.. ----.----..-------..- -.-..----.-.---.- --~._... __ .._ - - _" - - _I _. .__ _ . J1Inll.,ry ,~, I~P? MOK Cß7 PACt 336 ~''T("'('r!.[.'',: r.("\U~ rc'nnr~,r""~!T)n'cr. - FTr.r.n ,MIT'/0n PFF'f\Rnf'n Ther~ beIng no objection, the Ch~ir directed the following corrcopondrncc he filrù "nd/or r~f~rr~d to the v~~IOUF '~"rt~pnts liS Inriiclltc(f: 1. L~ttr.r c "tC'~ J(lnll~ry IP, lClP?, from M,Hk 11. ,""orton, Tnternal Auñit supcrvisor, rp.~~rdinCJ conslripr~tion by his dcp~rtment to ~urilt this Ðq~ncy liS lIuthorizc(f under Ch~pters 1'1 IIn(f r;c;o, F.r.. C'uC'stionnnire <\ttllchcd for conpletion and to bC' returned within two weeks. xc ~r. lIilll, P-Ir. Norm¡ml Filed. 2. Copy of l/'l/P' trnnsnlttlll from nr.R to Rruce HlIyhoe, 7rcotops of Nùples, enclosing pcrmit Number CSOR-48540 to install HewilgC' collC'ction/transmisslon systems. Piled. :". Copy of 1/ln/£'2 trtlnsnittðl from Dí:'R to '\l",n DoLuca, Prps., Solol;.i'lr Corp. of Florid,', ('nclosing pr:rmit Numbor CSII-Sl147, to in~tall collp~tlon/transmis6ion system. f i I Pod . 1\. Copy of mcmor;Jndllm d,1tcd 12/?,IRI from DF.R to pprMlttecs of Existinq rncllities ùãvisinq of 8n error in their lO/?7/Pl m~mori'lndum conccrning requircm~nt for oxisting f~cl11t!~s undcr the ~~~ Chðrtpr 17-f>, (Wi\~tewnter f.Jci~itics) on P"gf' '), lcJst line of GE'cond p¿HlIgrtlph. xc ~'r. P,crzon7 Filed. 5. MC'MorDndum ci,1tcd 1/,?/£I' from. ,I,Hold Hnll, Fiscal 0fficer, with Dtt3chcd upd~tcd listinq of fixed assets from ^moric~n ^pprllis~l. Filed. h. Lr.ttcr d~tC'ò 1/'0/02 from Represr.nt~tivc 8~fðlls rC'q~ròing distrihutlon of m~pS rcgarninq thr. recent hnrricr isli'lnds l~gislðtion. Thc Interior OPopðrtmp.nt has pr~p~red ð full pxpl~n~tion of whðt is to be considered devC'loped ~nd unòev~loped, and the' definitions should be includ~d with the M~p5. xc ~r. NorM~n, Mr. virta, Mr. B~rksd~lc ðnd Dr. ~cnpdict, Filed. 7. petition (fated l/lA/R? from P.o~rd of ~lrectors of thr. Gl~dcs ~ountry Club Associðtlon, rC'gardinq th~ high rðtes ch.1rqcd anI'J their thouc¡hts on hrlHlnqs for thc purpose of frnnchisinq ~nd the srtting of fðir r~tPs for hoth water ~nd sewer. xc Mr. Berzon; Filed. pnqe '9 -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -",,,..-,,,,..._",,,,,,,--~-- IO. Pnrks ~ Recreation Flnancl~l Advisory ~o~rd ~lnutc9 for 1/~/A2. xc RCC, Filed. ~I----------------------------------------' : JAnunry ?(;, It)A'J . ( ~. Drp~rtm~ntnl Report ~~t~d ]/r./~2 from Chris ~nder~on, Dlv1c1on of Forrntry. xc RCC Fil~d. 9. Rr.port on Juvp.ni1~~ incl'lrcer~ted for th~ ~onth of December, I~Al. Filed. _____ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _.. _ _ ___~___ _ ____ _ _~_ _.~ .._. __ __4 _~ _.~ _.~ . 11. Mnrco Islðnd ~~autificßtion Committp.e Minutes for 1112/1\2. Fill'''. ]2. N,'p1(!s City Council ~inut(!s for 1/"/"2. Fllr.d. 13. Copy of Land Opve10pmcnt Lo~ns avnil~b]e, third notic~. Notes new closing ò~te, M~rch ~O, 19P2. xc Mr. Normnn and Mr. Vir t a F 11 cd. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. There being no CurLhtc"r busine:::c for thf' 'J001 of the County, the meetIng was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 1]:O) ~.~. ..<:.... , .' "I f.,: (,. BOllRD OF COUNTY CO·'M TSS !nNERf;/EX OFFICIO r,OVF.nNTNG Ao^nO(f;' OF SPECIT\.L DISTRICTS UN~ CONTnOL CJ Il &)~ C. R. w'RUSS" WIMF:t{, CIIl\ TRI"l\N Thcsp. mInutes npprovrd hy the BCC on February 9, 19B2 as presented x or as corrected BOOK G 5 7 PACt 337 PngC' 1n .'~"-':-- ..... .--.....-..--. ..(9Iop''¡.~ ,..~_""$~':"r=...,.,._-