BCC Minutes 02/09/1982 R - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- Nnplos, Florida, February 9, 1982 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting ~s the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regulðr Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members prescnt: CH^IRM^N: . VICE CHAIRMAN: C. R. "Russ· Wimer Mary-Frances Kruse John A. pistor Clifford Wenzel David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: Wi~liam J. Rcagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal OffIcer; Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; Donald Pickworth, County Attorney; Ken Cuyler, Assistant County Attorney; I"ving Berzon, Utilities Manager; C. William Norman, County Manager; Edward Smith, ASGIst~nt County Manager; Donald Norton, Public Services AdmInIstrator; Terry VIrta, Community Development ^dminlztrator; Jeffory Perry, Zoning DIrector; Clifford Barkgd~le, Public Works Administrator; Dr. Mark Benedict, County Environmentalist; Grace SpauldIng, AdmInistrative Aide to the Board; and, Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. r.:lgc 1 &OCK 067 PACt 388 --.--... --_ ___ -- -- --_._._ --- -.__ ____. .__ __ __ _e__.. . ..~__...__. _______ ___ _ __ __ ------..----- -- - ------- --------- --- --------- Fobrunry 9, 19R2 ^GEND^ - ^ppnOVED WITH ADDITIONS AND Dr.LETION - . Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Plator ðnd carried unanImously, that the ~genda be approved w1th the following additions and deletion: a. Request for emergency ~pplic~tion for Music Festival Permit for South FlorIda Bluegrass ^ssoclatIon, Inc. (9-~) b. Report by Dr. BenedIct re red tidc problems. (A-l) c. Report re publicatIon of delinquent tax lIst. (8-2) d. Rccommendðtlon to môke contract un 1 modificatIons/reductions, Construction Mðna~er and ^/E A~re~m~nts deferred one week; brief dIscussion re same at Workshop this date. MINUTES - JANUARY 19, 1982 - APPROVED AS CH^NGED; JANUARY 2fi, 19P2 - APPROVED CommIssioner Krus~ asked that In thc January 19, 1982 minutes, page 11, lino 7, the words "commcrcial sIte wIth" be changed to "feasIbility study for". CommIssIoner Wenzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that those minutes be approved as changed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, th~t the January 26, 1982 mInutes be approved. RESOLUTION 82-17 RE PP.TITION CCCL-8l-1l-C, ARTHUR II. STEIDEL OF MARINER PROPERTIES, INC. REQUESTING A CCCL VARIANCE FOR PRnpF:RTY KtJONN AS E^GLE'S NEST OF MARCO BFACH - ADOPTED WITH STIPUL^TIONS SET FORT" IN RESOLUTION Legal notIce havIng been published 1n the Naples Daily News on January 24, 1982 and the Marco Island Engle on January 2R, 1982, as cvidenced by the Affidavits of Public~tion filed with the Clerk, public hearIng was opencd to consider Petition CCCL-nl-ll-C filed by ^rthur H. Steidel of Mnriner Properties, Inc. requestIng a varIance from the Page 2 &OOK 061 PACt 392 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --...- - - - - - - --. - - - - - - ----- - --- ----------- -- - - -- ---- -- - - -- ßOaK 067 PACt 393 F~bru~ry 9, 1982 Co~stal Construction Control Line to permit the construction of thrPo. cle"~tp.d b~~~h ~ç~~~D bonrdw~lk~ sct.wnr~ of the CCCL on property located in SectIons 17 & 18, T52S, R2fiE, Eagle's Nest of M~rco Ceoch. County EnvIronmentðlist Benedict explÐln~a ~hð~ tho boerdwnlks are to be designed and constructed according to the standards of the Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Beeches and Shores. He said that following construction, all dune vegotation and/or topographic rolief unavoid<1bly dllmagcd or altered during construction wi:ll be restored. Cnmmissioncr pistor R,id he felt that construction of the boardwalks wIll be an improvement as far as beach access Is concerned. Mr. George F. Keller, Prcsld~nt, Collier County Civic FederatIon, spoke In opposition to this petItion. CommIssioner Wcnzel moved, seconded by CommissIoner Brown, to close the public hearIng. CommIssioner pistor said that the use of the boardwalks would preserve the natural dunes in the area. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously to close the public hearing. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Ccmmissloner Brown and carried unanimously, thnt Resolution A2-17 re Petition CCCL-BI-IIC, be adopted with the stIpulations set forth In the Resolution. Page 3 I -----------------------------------------~ I . . - - - - - - .-- - - _..- - _..-..:.- - - - - - - - -- _. -- --- - - - - - - - - - - -- Febru~ry 9, 19P2 RESOLUTION 82-10 RE PETITION CCCL-P.I-BC, BORAN, CR~IG, BCARECK CON- STRUCTION C(¡MPANY, INC. RF:(lUf:STING A CCCL VARIANCE FOR PROPEfNY (~OWN AS CJ1".RTF:R CLUB OF' MARCO BEACH - ^I"OPTED WITH THE STIPULATTONS SET FORTI! TN TilE Rr.~OLUTION Legal notice h~ving been published In the Nap'~A n~lly News on January 24, 1982 and in the Marco Island Eagle on January 28, 1982, as cvidcnced by AffIdavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearIng was opened to consIder PetItIon CCCL-Pl-8C, filed by Boran, CraIg, Schreck Construction Company, Inc. requesting ð variance from the Coastal Construction Control Linc for property located in Section l8, T52S, R2~E known as the Charter Club of Marco Beach to permit the erection of temporary construction fencing 1 to 25 feet seaward of the CCCL. County EnvIronmentalist Benedict explained th~t the fencing is to keep the gencral publIc out of the constructIon area and to provIde sIte sccurIty. He said that this tcmporary fencing dOPG not set any precedcnce for the locatIon of future structures seaward of the CCCL on the property, and that he has requested the requirements wIthin the resolution that he be notIfied followIng the construction to make sure the f~ncing Is rcmoved ðnd that all beach dune vegetatIon and/or topography of any dIsturbed area wIll be restored followIng the removal of the fence. Commissioner Kruse congratulated Dr. Benedict rp. the tcrms of the resol utlon. Commissioner Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commissioner PIstor and carried unanimously, th~t the public hearIng he closed. Commissioner PIstor moved, scconded by Commissioncr Brown and carrIed unanimously, that Resolution 82-18 rc PetItion CCCL-Rl-PC, be ðdopted with the stipulations set forth in the ResolutIon. Page 4 BOOK 067 PACt 396 ---------- ---------- ----- ----- ------ --- --, - --- - - -- - -- - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ----- February 9, 19R2 RESOLUTION 82-19 RE PETITTON CCCL-Al-ClC, ROR"N, CnAIG, SCIIRECK CON- STP,UCTION COMPl\NY, INC. REQUf.STING A CCCL VAKI^NCE: FOR PROPERTY KNOI'!~' ^S G~" WINDS OF MARCO OE^CH - ^DOPTED WITH ~TIPUL"TION5 SET FORTH IN THF. RESOLUTION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on January ?4, 19B2 and in the Mnrco Island E~gle on January 2B, 19B2, as evidenced by ^ffidavIts of publication fIled wIth the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consIder Petition CCCL-81-9C, filed by Borðn, CraIg, Scheck Construction Company, Inc. requesting a vari~nce from the Coastal Construction Control Line for property located in Section 18, T52S, R?6E, known as Sea \ll!nds of Mar' 0 Islsnd to permIt the erp.ctIon of temporary construction fencing 10 feet seaward of the established CCC L. County Environmentalist Bencdict explaincd that the fencing Is beIng buIlt to k~ep the general public out of the construction area; to set a seaward limIt to potential constructIon related impact on the natur~l systems and to provide security fot the construction site. He said the varIance does not set a precedence for the location of future structures s~ðward of the CCCL on the property, and thõt he has the requIrements withIn the resolutIon that the fencing be removed immediately upon completion of the project; that any vp.getatlon and/or topography of ~ny dIsturbed area wIll be restored to the natural, pre-construction state, and that he be notIfIed of the project completion so that a fInal site InspectIon cnn be conducted. CommissIoner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the publIc hearing be closed. Commissioner plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carrIed unanimously, that Rdsolution 02-19 re PetItion CCCL-Bl-9C, be adopted with the 8tipulationa set forth In the Resolution. &OOK 081 PACt '400 Pago 5 :~ - - ...- ~.- - - - - ~ - -- - -'" -- -- - --- - -- -- -- - -- - - -.-... -- _.~ - - - -- - - - - - - - - Februnry Q, 1982 RESOLUTION P?-20 RE PETITION C.CCL-B1-10C, BORAN, CRAIG, SCHRECK CON- STRUCTION COMPANY, INC. R~:OUr.STING ^ CCCL V^,lIANCE FOR PROP/:;RTY KNOWN AS GULfo'C:; IDE CLUB OF MARCO BEACII - ADOPTED WITH STI PULATrONS SET FORTH IN THP. RESOLUTION Logal notlco having been published in tho Nr.~'~3 Daily News on January 24, 1982 and In the Marco Island Eagle on January 2R, 1982 as evIdenced by AffidavIts of Publication filed with tho Clerk, public hearing was op~ned to consider PetitIon CCCL-81-10C, filed by Boran, Craig, Schreck ConstructIon Company, Inc. requesting a variance from tho Coa~tal ConstructIon Control Linc for propcrty located In Scction 18, T52S, R26E known as GulfsIde Club of Marco Beach to pcrmit the erectIon of temporary construction fencing 20 feet seaward of the establishcd CCCL. County Environmentalist Benedict explaIned that the fencing is beIng buIlt to keep the general publIc out of the construction area, to sct a seaward lImit to potential construction rclated Impact on the natural systems, and to provide security for the constructIon site. He saId that the varIance does not set a precedence for the location of future struc~urcs seaward of the CCCL on tho property and that he has the requirements in th~ resolutIon that, ImmedIatcly upon completIon of the project, the fencing will be removed and that vegetatIon and/or topography of any dIsturbed area will be restored to the natural, pre-construction state and that he be notified as soon as the project is completed so a fInal site Inspection can be conducted. CommIssioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pIstor and carried unanimously, that the publIc hearing he closed. CommIssIoner PIstor moved, seconded by CommissIoner Brown and carrIed unanImouDly, that Resolution 82-20 re Petition CCCL-Al-IOC, be adopted with tho stipulations set forth in the Resolution. &OOK 067 PA~¿ 404 Pðg e fi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.- - -~ ----------------------------------------- February 9, l~82 RESOLUTION f¡2-21 RF. PETITION V-R2-1-C, EDWARD P. BUSH, RF.OUP.~7ING A VARIANCE OF 4 FF.ET TO A Rf,0UIRED FRONT Y^RD SF.TAACK ON LOT ?5, BLOCK 32, NAPLES p^nK UNIT 1 - ~DOPTED Legal notIce having heen published In the Naples Daily News on January 24, 1982 as evidenced by the AffidavIt of publicatIon filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider PetitIon V-82-l-C, filed by Edward P. Bush requesting a 4 foot variance to a required front yard setback on Lot 25, Block 3?, Naples Park UnIt 3 in ordcr to permit a garage extension. Zoning Director Perry explained that the petItioner owns the lot on the corner of 95th Avenue and fith Str~et in Naples Park and that his residence Is located 20 feet from fith Streec ard 30 feet from 95th Avenue. Mr. Perry said that Mr. Bush wishes to extend an additIonal 9 feet towards 95th Avenue North and convert his existIng cnrport into a garage with ð driveway on 95th Avenu~ N. He said the mInimum yard required on 95th Avenue N. Is 25 feet and that I'1r. Bush's proposeå add 1 tion of 9 fcet wo u 1 d result in a 21 foot front ya rd . Mr. Pcrry said that the petitioner has Include': a letter from hIs neighbor indicating no objection to this request. Mr. Perry said that staff does not feel that suffIcient hardship has been demonstrated that would justify supporting the variance a~d recommends denial. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Perry saId th~t the petI- tioner proposes to build a new roof over the ~ntIre structure if the 'permit Is granled. ReGpondlng to Commls~ioner WImer, Mr. Perry explained that the petitioner proposes to buIld a one car garage and that the remaIning portIon, the present carport, will be a screencd porch. Mrs. Fdw~rd Bush requested that the ~CC grant the vðrianc~. CommIssIoner Wenzel moved, seconded by Com~isBioncr Pistor nnð &OOK 067 PAGt «>B Page 7 --- -.- -- -- --- - -- - -- .-- ---- - -- - --- - -- --- - ---- -------- -- - -_.....þ......... -- - - _ _ _ _ _ _....~_ __._ _ __4_ _____ -- - - --- -- ...---. .-- ---- -- --..-.- -- -- ----- - -- &OOK 067 PAGi 409 Febru8ry 9, 19~2 carricd unnnimously, thot the public ho~ring ba closed. Commissioner Brown moved, ~ccon~cd by Comml~~loner W~nzol and c~rriod 3/2, with Commlss{on~rR p{stor ðnd Kruse oppos~d, thnt Asolutlon A2-1.l re PetItIon V-R2-1-C, be adopted. Pðg e It ~---------------------------------------- .....__....~ ...-'..---....,......"-... -------- --'- --------------- --------- - - -..- -_. Febru~ry ~, 19A2 ORDINANCE 82-1" ERTAnLIS"TNG tJSF.R FEES OF ~l.no PER YARD "'!TII A "'TNT1~UI'1 OF (:3.00 PER DUMP FOR COMMERCIAL I!AULERS FOR TilE SOLID WASTE TR^NSHR STATIONS TN COLLIER COUNTY - ^DOPTED Legal notice havIng been published in the Naples Daily News on January 21, 1902 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, publIc hearing was openùd to consider the adoption of an ordinance establIshing user feeg for comm~rclal haulcrs for disposIng of refuse at the County's Solid Waste Transfer Stations. Public Works AdminIstrator Barksdalc referred to the Executive Summary dat~d 1/A/A2 and explained that the budgùt whIch was adopted for FY 1981-82 called for several new increased "uscr fees" as a means of reducing the Im~~ct of higher County operatIng costs on the property taxpayers of Collier County. He said that user fees werc proposed for all persons using the three transf~r statIons, howcver, durIng the budget hearings, the BCC decIded to limIt the fees only to commercial enterpriGes. He Gilid that a recommended fee for commp.rcial haulcrs only for the three transfer statIons is $1.00 per y"rd with a minimum of $3.00 per d urn p , whIch 15 based on a study thðt indicated the average hauler for the transfer statIons was carrying approximately three cubIc ya rd s. Responding to Commissionp.r Kruse, Mr. Barksdale said that his department recommends that the CIty of Evcrgl~des be classified as a commercial user nnd pay the dump fee. He said that the City of Everglades is currcntly ncgotIating to see if WMI cnn take over the collection business in the City of Everglades. He saId thc ~ayor of the CIty of Everglades w"s informed of this meeting, that the fee WðS beIng proposed, ðnd that hc had a choice of hauling to the Inndfi1l or paying the fce. Rcsponòing to Chðlrm~n WIm~r, Mr. B~rksdðle s~id that MaK 067 PACt 412 Pðge 9 - -_.- ...-.. -. .... ...- ~.- -.--. .. - "-.- _.. - -. _ _ _ _.... _._ _._ ,__ __4 _ _ __ ..... __.. _ .__ _ .. __4.'___ _ __. _._ _._ ___ _ __ __ _. · ___ _ __..__ ...____ _.______ _______________ ·ø_ _ ______________ '~ BO~~ 067 PACt 41~ Februnry 9, 19R2 th~ City of Naples hnuls dir~ctly to the Inn~fill wIth their own vehiclos. CommissIoner Wenzel moved, seconåed by Commissioner Brown and carrIed unanImously, that the public hearIng bp clos~u. Commissioner Wenzel moved, s~condcd by CommInsloner Brown ~nd carrIed unanImously, that the ordinance as numbered and tltlod below bo adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. l~. ORDINANCE NO. ß?-l4 AN ORDIIUQ¡CE -;r;TMH.ISIIING USER FEES FOR COMMERCIAL IIl\ULERS FOR DISPOSING OF RF.FUSE AT THE COUNTY'S SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVr.RABILITY: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE T.R. Pl-9-C, CAROL N. GRAHAM, REQUESTING A 3 MONTI! EXTENSION TO ^ TE~'rOn^RY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON A 2.5 ACRE LOT IN GOLDEN GATE rSTATES - APPROVED Zoning Director Perry explaIned that petition T. R. RI-9-C, filed by C~rol N. Graham Is requesting a 3 month extension to a temporary residence permIt approved on July 14, 19P1 on a 2.5 acre lot on the W-1/2 of Tract 15, Unit 8, Golden Gate Estate~. He said th~t staff has revIewed the site progress and has found that, although the house may not be able to be completed, with the requested extensIon the ¡ctitioner could close in the buIlding to secure it from vandalism and theft. CommIssIoner Wenzcl moved, seconded by Commissioncr Brown and carried unanimously, that a 3 month extension to a temporary rcsidence permit for PetItion T.R. 81-9-C, be approved. RESOLUTION 82-22 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED ,BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE ^ PUBLIC NUIS^NCE ON PROPERTY OWNED BY CAR~INE ROBERTO IN GOLDEN GATE CITY - Jl.DOPTf.D CommIssIoner Piator moved, seconded by COMmissioner Wenzel and Page 10 .- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -~ - -- - ----- -- - -- adopted ðS recommended by Zoning Director perrYI Lot 10, Block 239, UnIt 7, Golden Gntc City Owned by CarmIne Roberto ~--------------~------------------------- 'II February 9, 19A2 carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-22 to r~cover funds oxrendod by the County to abato a public nuisance on the following property, bo pnqe 11 &ODK 061 PACt 414 -- ---- ....- - -.. --- _.- ----...--- -... --- ----- ---. --- .-- ------. - ---.--- - -... ----. --.---- - -- - --- - -----'-...ï,.:;;r.,.v- 'J', --:::"P~-- i'D:!S"r ',' t..... ~ ,~. "T.'P"" ~ ~,'::_"'-_' ''''{7If'' F.r)~ .r.;¡.f1T-' 7:J'V ""!I.I1Zi';FJ!.=- , I ;;:;"~':"7!71!:. ...nc::'Ð:;'-''!2"7'';;;;'~"7' ,.--: _ ..~ .. . ¡o '. . r.-::- - ~U,. "'~.~, JI"-:r?" ~~;,~- ~:JnT""",·'_.;¡;__r· ..~'": .,jJ\.~;, _~.~...~'lf:r.--~,~ ~-~::üI&L" A!IœiI:U:'""-ërClCUT. ~.. :rc-:.e::1y t!'X;rLll~fAd' :::!:"..I!' C'«C:~s¡,¡UL"'4 en" =ttr ,;u;~'Dd.äzr .nd saId th.!t arrangf"ments have been made wIth the £v,.rg}·..,.s Conser- vation , Sportsmans Club, Inc. to hold the annual conventIon there on Februðry l2, 13 & 14, 1902. He said the organization was not ðwðrc of the lIccnsIng and pcrmIt requIremcnts necessary for such ð function In Collier County. He explained the arrangemcnts whIch hðve been m~de to comply wIth the requirements Dnd stated his appreciatIon for the cooperatIon he has receIvcd from staff. Hc said If the Festival does not occur his non-profit organization wIll suffer extreme financial ruin ðnd he Bsked for favorable consideration of the request by the CommissIoners. CommunIty Development Director VIrta explained Petition C-82-lC filed by South FlorIda Bluegrass AssocIation, Tnc. for a musical festival. Mr. Virta saId that he has talked with Deputy Chief Barnett who indIcates that the Sheriff's Department Is satisfied with the ðpplicatlon. Mr. Virta said that staff rccommends approval of the 8pplIc~tion subject to the following stipulations: 1. Any required occupðtion~l licensc be obt~ined and proof be provIdcd prior to the start of the Festival to the Zoning Director. 2. ^ copy of the li~bility policy be provided to the Zoning Director. 3. Some indication of approval by the SherIff's Department be provided. 4. Thðt the HClllth Dcpi'lrtment inspect i'wd approve the operation of the concessionaires prior to the beginning of the Festival. 5. That the petItioner provIde the addrcsses of the concession- aIrcs prIor to the beginnIng of thc Festival to the ZonIng Director. ~. Because of the dryncss that exI5ts in Collier County at the present time, that the petitioner report to the Zoning Director that he has coordinated the camping aspect of the operation with the N~tional P~rk ~orvicc and the Ochopce Firo Ptlge 12 ßOO~ 067 PACt 416 -- - - - ---- - - -- -- - -- -- - - ---- - -- ----- -- -- - -- -- "¡'i: ~ ,... }r " .' &- .-. .-...... -------..---.... ---..- - _.. - -- .-.-.. --.- - -..--. ..---.---...--.--..-- -- ----.--... BOOK 061 PACi417 Febru~ry 9, 198'- DIstrict prIor to the brg{nnin~ of t.hp. Festival. County ~,'nl'lqcr Norm"n stated [or the t ccord that tho proposed Festivl'Il is a country music fðmlly type actIvity nnd not a rock festival. lie said thðt historlcé111y there hl'lve not been unexpectedly large crowds attracted to the Fe5tiv~l dnd thnt the people who attend are gcnerl'llly well behaved. CommissIoner Wcnzel movcd, seconded by Commissioner Brown 8nd carricd unðnImouGly, that Music Festival PermIt ~~?-l for South Florida Bluegrass AssocIi)tion, Inc. for Febru,HY 12, D, f, l4, 1982 be ðpproved wIth the aforementioned stipul~tions. Chairmßn Wime( thanked Mr. Rackear for his cooper~tion In me~ting the requiremp.nts. PUBLICATION OF THE 19R1 DELINQUENT TAX LIST - AWARDED TO THE NAPLES STAR, T!If. ~ARCO ISLAND F.M~tr. "ND THf. GOLDEN GI\TE f.^GLF. County Manðger Norman explnined that presentatIons were mé1de at the 2/2/P? BCC meeting by the three major newspapers in Collier county for publicatio~ of the delinquent tax list and that the BCC agreed in conccpt to a polley of rotatIon whi~h would assIgn public~tion of same for last year's tnxes to a combInation of the Nðples Star and the Golden Gate Eagle and the ~arco Island Eagle. He saId that the BCC directed that the newspapers coordinate their efforts I'Ind return with a price é1nd proposal for publicatIon of the delinquent tax list. He refcrred to a letter dated Fcbruary 9, 19n? siqned joIntly by George BIggers of the Nnples Star and William Tamplin of the ~arco And Golden Gate Eagles Indicðting th~t the list would be published four times at $1.20 per lIne, whIch Is the prIce that waS paid last year to the Naples Daily News for the ßðmc type of pUblication. Mr. Norman saId he has checked with ~he Tax Collector and verified that the numbers arc ðpproprIatc and that the Tax Collector will png 0 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... - - - --- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- -- - - --- -~,""_.".'---- ----------------------------------------~ Fabru~ry ~, 19R1. ~tt~mpt ~o update tho list, prior to each of the four publications th~t are r~quircd by l~w, to delete nIl paymcnts th~t are received ðrt~r the original list was prepared so that the number of insertions i8 reduced and no embarrassment of people who have p~id th~~· tax~S ~ill take place. ChaIrman WImer said he understood at the present tIme there can be no commitment on future rotation which will be handled In a separate discussion next weck. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commis- sioner Wenzel "that publication of the 19~1 delinquent tax list be awarded to the Naples Star at the rate of Sl.2n per line. In consld- eratlon of thIs aW(Hd, the delillquent tax list, pursuant to law, shall also be publIshed in the Marco Island Eagle and the Golden Gate Eagle, besIdes the Naples Star, with the allocation of the $1.20 per line to be as agreed upon between ~hem. This award Is made with no under- standing or promises as to any future years". Responding to Commissioner Wenzel's question, Mr. Ðigg~rs, publisher of the Naples Star, said there will be approximately 21,000 circulation per week with a total circulation of approximately 00,000 whIch wilJ include circulation to out-of-statf' subscribers, and that this amount will be in the neighborhood of the Naples Daily News' circulation. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. DR. t-IARK ÐENr.DICT RF.PORTED ON TilE RED T!DE PRnALFM AND THE BF.ACH CLEANING PROCESS UNDERTAKEN Tn REMOVE TAr. nr.~( LT^NT DEAD FISH County Environmentalist Benedict gave a spf'cial report of the red tide related fIsh kills a10ng the Collier county coastline and the County's response. lie baid th~t starting on Jnnuary 25 and continuing to this date a large numbcr of phone cðlls hðvc br.cn received com- &OOK 067 PAGi418 PlIlJe 14 - - --. -, -- --- -~ - - - -- -- --. ---, .-- --_.- .-, - .. -- -- --.- --., -- - - --- - --- -- -- ._- --- - - - -- --- -- - ---..- .-. .. -. . _ _ .~ _. .__ .. __ _ '4 __ __ __ - - - - - - -_. --~ -- _. ~- - .-- - - -- - - - - -- -- _.- - - - -. BOOK 067 PACt 419 February 9, 19"2 pl~ining about the dend fish w~Ghinq on tho County bo~che8 and rotting in the Bur. ~~ ~y.ol~incd during the first woek that the complaints concerned the County beaches north of th~ City of Naples, that during the second week, most of the complaints concerned Mw~CO Island beaches and th~t ~urin~ this thIrd week, the complaints were being made about the Vanderbilt Beach area. Dr. Benedict said he discussed the fIsh kIlls with the personnel of the Department of Natural Resources, St. Petorsburg M~rine Labora- tory, and was informed that the fIsh kills were related to red tide locatcd 10 to 15 miles off the coasts of Lee ~nd northern CollIer Counties. Hc saId that ch~nges in wInd dIrection durInq the lnst week In January resulted in the fish killed offshore beIng transported inshore ~nd deposIted on the heaches ~nd that the red tIde organisms were transported Inshore and resulted In the death of more fIsh. Dr. Benedict said County Manager Norman appointed him coordinator of the red tide fish cleanup effort on January 27, 1982 and suggested that hc work closely wIth Public ServIces Administrator Norton. He said the decision was made that date to use County personnel to clean the County beaches where t:IC fish ki 11 was sign if icant. He described how a crew comprised of employees from the Public Work!> and Parks and Recreation Departments removed fish from the developed County beaches north of the city lImIts and south of Naples Cay and buried them. He explained how a crew, under the supervisIon of Mr. Norton, removed dead fish from Pelican Bay to Wiggins Pass State Park on January 29, 1982. He said that cleanup of the Marco Island area was accomplished by a crew of Road and BrIdge Dcpartment employees on February 5, 19A~. He explðIncd thðt ðnother clcanup of the V~nderbIlt Beach area will be P~ge 15 __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ -- --.or-- - --- - - --- ----------------------------------------- FcbruRry 9, l~A? need~d as soon DB possible and that the cleanup will be continued ðS needed. Chairman Wimcr thanked Dr. BenedIct and the ontiro staff for the prompt actIon regarding the red tide problem. APPR^ISAL CONTRACT FOR TWO PARCELS OF LAND ADJACENT TO THE COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX - AWARDED TO STEWART & STEPHAN, INC. FOR THE PRICE OF $1,800.00 Public Works ^dministrator Barksdale explaIned staff recommenda- tion to award an apprßisal contract for two parcels of land adjncent to tho Collier County Govornment Complex to Stewart & Stephan, Inc. He said that the RCC had asked that the land be appraised os part of the Courthouse expansion, and that two responses WL(e received following requested proposals from cleven appraisers on an approved certified list of appraIsers. Commissioner pIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1, with CommissIoner Wenzel opposed, that the aforcmentioned appraisal contract be awarded to Stewart & Stephan, Inc. for the prIce of $1,800.00. Note: No contract received by Clerk of the Board's office. ~OOK 067 PACt 420 Page H -- .... ...... --- _. ...--' -- -' -- .-- _.._- -.- -~.- ~ ... _. ..-- ~- - .---- -- -... --- --. -.. -- - - -- -- .-.---.------- .._ _ _ __ _ _ ________ ..__ _.. _ ø.~ ____ ______ ___________e_ ~OOK 067 FA~i42.1 Fr-bruory 9, 1982 FUNDING ^GREr..·~ENT rc~ 'fflE CAN.1"L ",/\ INTE!,!"t-!CE PPOr.RM1 BETWEEN B!G CYPFU:~S BA5IN/f>FWMD ^~D COLLrF.R COUNTY - APPR0VED Public Works ^dmini~trator Barksd~lo expl~i~e~ the funding agrecment wIth thc Big Cypress Basin Board to particIpate in the canal maintenance program, and that as pnrt of the budgp.t hearings $100,000 was programmed to be funded by the BCBB for same. He referred to the Executive Summary dated 1/2ó/A2 which identifies the list of canals which have £In exIsting or planned structure for which the BCBB/SFWMD has assumed maintenance responsibIlIties and on which the money could be spent. Hù saId thc agrcement is simIlar to previously executed funding agrp.emcnts with the ACBB and that stßff recommends approval of the ùgreemcnt so that the County can receive the AntIcIpated revenue that was includeñ In the budget. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by CommissIoner Wenzel and carri~ù unanimously, that the funding dýr~em~nt for the Canal Maintenance Program between the Aig Cypress BAsin/SFWMD and CollIer County, be ôpproved. P"ge 17 -- - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- -- - - --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1 BOQK 067 PAci42.5 F~bru"ry 9, 19A2 l' UNDINe: Ae:RF.r.",F.NT FeR TilE CCCOH^TCHEE CAN1\T. W1\TF.ft CONTROL f,TFl!~"UFE B&~~Er.W nIe c~pnr~~ B^S¡N/SFW~P 1\ND COLLIER COUNTY ON 1. ONE-THIRD/DhSIN TO TWO_THIRDS/COUNTY n1\5T5 - lIPPROVF.D PublIc works 1\dministrntor ~3rksrlðlo explninod th~t the Big Cypress Bðsin Board agreed to fund one-third of the construction costs for the proposed structure at the Cocohatchec main canal on the nort~ side of C. R. R4fi. He saId the BCBB ngrees to fund up to approximately $fi7,OOO ðnd that thcre is ð provision In the agrp.cment that after the '. bids are in if the cost is higher that the BCBB will go up to one-third of the costs. He said those mon~ys were included in the budget for this year. CommissIoner piator moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rown and carried 3/', with Commissioner Wenzel and Kruse opposed, that the Funding Agreement for th~ Cocohatchee Canal Water Control structuro between Big Cypress Basin/SF\"¡~\D and Collier County on ð one-third Basin to two-thirds/County basis, be approved. PðgP. 1" - - . --- -- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -.,..-..--- -.--. -...-------.--.---- .-.- ---- .-- - .-- - -- -- ------------.. &OO~ 067 PAG¿431 February 9, l~A2 FTNAL ACCEPTANCE OF T~LL rINES SUBDIVI~ION ~~D RELEASE OF THE IOi MAINTRNANCE S~CURiTY - APPROVEO Public WorkG AdmInistrator Bðrksdal~ explained staff recomm~nda- tlon for Final ^cccptance of Tall Plne~ SubdIvision and said that preliminary Acceptance w~s granted on January 13, 1981. He sðid the developcr h~s mðintaIned the project whIch has been reinspected. CommissIoner Pistor moved, seconded by CommIssIoner Brown and carried unònimou<.ly, that the PCC grAnt Final Accp.ptance of Tall PInes SubdivIsIon and release the lO~ maintenance securIty (Irr~vocable Letter of Credit No. ?~11-AO-~4 from the pank of ~ontr~al in the amount of $33,578.1(,). MII,STER DRlIrNJlGr. PLAN ANn FILL PERMTT APPLICATION FOR THE NORTfí1,<lEST FILL AREA/SYSTEM VI FOR PELICAN B~Y - APpnOVED SUBJECT Tn STIPULATIONS AND CO~1PLtANCE l-lTTH ALL OF THE STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCY Pf.RMIT REOUIRr~MENTS . PublIc WorKs AdminIstrator Barksdale explaIned staff recommenda- tIon for approval of thc Pelican Bay System VI Mastcr Management and Drainage Plan and the fill permit for the northwest fill area which lIes just south of V~ndcrbilt Beach Road ~djacent to the Gulf of Mexico and extends southward froí, that point. l1e said th,)t the proposed Water Manage~~nt Plan for System VI closely follows the concepts whIch wero prp.viously utIllzc~ for the other five storm drainage systems in Pelican Bay and provIdes for the management of 2~ year/5 day design storm event. lie sêlld that the WMl\B revIewed the request In December and recommended aproval with the followIng stipulations: 1. FIllIng operations ~ may commcnce withIn the limits as ~hown on the Water Management Plan dated November 12, 1981 by Gee & Jensen. 2. No construction of roads or structures MðY be Inlti~ted wIthout prior submissIon ðnd approval of detðilcd construc- tion plans to the WM^B. 3. The Corps of EngIneer's permitted Drca ~ Is approved by the WM^O. 4. If, upon revIew ðnd approval of the permit application by I Pl'lgP. 19 ..- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- --- . .....~-_.... - --- ---- - - - -'- - --- - - -- - - - ---- - - - -- - ---- -- - - - -_. FebruMY 9, 19R? South Florida Water MðnQ9~mcnt District, the District r~quir~s nny signific~nt changes, the project must ue rcviewr.d by the WMAB ðgain. Mr. ~~rk8dðle explained that the requirement docs trigger the dedication of the lands which were included in tho r·!. ~can Bay "PUD" to the County for park systems. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded hy Commissioner Kruse and carried unðnimously, that the Master Drainage PIon and Fill Permit AppliCðtion for the NorthweAt Fill Ar~a/SYDtem VI for Pelican Bðy be approved subject to the aforementioned stipulôtions and compliance with all of the State and Federal ôgency permit requirements. RESOLUTION fJ2-?3 lIUTHnIZING CORAL RtrGF.:-COLLJEn PROPERTTF.:S, INC. 'fa CONSTRUCT TilE PELICM~ BAY POr<TION OF \vEST BLVD., INCLUDING ITS CON- NECTION TO SEAGATE DRIVE, lINP SIMULTANEOUSLY IMPROVE SEAGATE DRIVE FROM 1'1'10 LAN::S TO FC'm LlINF.S HITH ".PPROPR IlITE LEFT AND RIGHT TURN STORAGE LANES, FROM U.s. ~l TO WEST RLVD. - ADOPTED Public ¡"orks Jl.dministri'ltor BarksdLlle explained staff rcco!:1menda- tion to approve a resolution ßuthorizing Coral Ridge-Collier Proper- tics, Inc. to connect to the Pelican BôY portion of West Poulevard to Se~gÐtc Drive. He said that the Pelican Bay "PUD" approved by the ncc in 1977 specified thot tl.·) cQnnections of West ßlvd. and Crayton Road from Pelican Bay into Seagate were not to he constructed until authorized by the BCC. Mr. Barksdnlc said that by a letter dDted 11/20/81, the developer has requested authorization to construct the Pelican Bay portion of West Ooulevard into its connection at Seagate Drive and that this is predicated on the [act that tho southeast qUDdrant of the property Is being developed into a commercial ðren and that the developer feels that the traffic to be generated from that area will be sufficient to require the connection to Seagate Drive. He said staff concurs with that traffic an"lYflis an<"1 thðt the conncction will he w,Hranted when BOOK 067 PACi432 PðqO 20 _ _ _. þ.. __... __ ____ _.___ _.... ___ ___ '_'4 _ "__." .-.. ._-. -.-.- .. _. - .-.. _.. _... ..,...-. .. ..... þ . ... -- --... . .- - -- - _.- -- _. -- --. ._þ - - -... - - --- -... - --- -----. .- - -... ... - - - - - - - -- - - - ...- - - -. - -- - Boa~ 067 PACt433 FcbrucHY 9, 19R2 that southß~st qu~dr~nt is dp.velope~. Ho snid thnt staff requests th~t th~ developer 5imultaneou3ly improve Se~qatc Drive from two lanes to four lanes, with oppropriðlc left and right turn stor~qe lanes, from u.s. 41 to just west of West Boulevard. He said that the construction would be timed to coincide with the County plðnned construction on tho eas~ side of u.s. 41 ~nd the four laning of Pine Pidge Rond that would make the intersection a complete functioning four lßnc intcrsection Dnd savc the County money on the project. Commissioner Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse thRt Resolution 8?-23 ~uthorizing Coral Rid~e-Collier Properties, Inc. to construct the Pelican ßay portion of We5t Boulevard, including its connection to Señq~tc Drive, and simultaneously improve Sp.ðgato Drive from two l~1es to four lanes, with ~ppropriote left ~nd right turn storage lones, from u.s. 4l to West Boulevard, be adopted. Mr. Mike Zp.walk, North N~pl~s Civic AD~ociation, spoke in favor of h~ving West Boulevard and Crayton Ro~d be connected from Pelic^n Bay to Seagate Drive and that Seagate Drive ~e four laned to its last terMinus going west. Commissioner Kruse stated she was in full agreement with ~(. 7ewalk regarding the two connections, however that public notice would have to be mnde regarding same. Mr. James A. Galligher, Park West Villas resident, spoke regarding the projected population of Pelican Bay and asked that consideration of the increascd traffic be given to the school childrcn who need to cross West Boulevard and Seðo~te Drlvc, and he asked thot Seagate Drive be widened as far os Crayton Road. Mr. ßraksdale explained rcgarding the continuation of the four laning of Sengate Drive westwðrd to Crayton that the reccnt study, done by Anrr Dunlðp ASGoci~tes for the City of Napl~s, concluded thðt since PMle 21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --~ - - - - - --- -- -- - - - - - - - - --- ----------------------------------------. Fcbrllllry 9, ) 9£12 the shopping center is to be devoloped in the near future and nince the ~pprovùd plan provides for only one lIrtcri~l access point other th~n the existing one on U.s. "1 there would soon be a ne"d for completing the planned conn~ction to Seagllte Drive at West Boul~u~rd. He sai1 this would make the shopping center lInd offices in Polican Bay more accessible to Park Shore, Moorings, t.nd Gu1fshore area residents and staff agrees. He stated that the study concludes there is no nee~ now and probably will not be for ten to twenty years for a second conner.tion between Pelican Bay and Seag~te Drive; that a single con- nection will r,ufflcc to meet the above need and provide access via Seagate Drive to residents in Pelican Bay. lie said that the Pelican Bay traffic w$th connection to Se~gate Drive will have a relatively small impact on other streets in the Park Shore area, and he referred to the projected incrp.~se in traffic over the next thirty ycars. He said staff agrees with the analysis that the traffic situation would not warrant the four laning of Scagate west of West Boulevard for some time. He stated that a traffic signal is planned for the intersection of West Bou)ovard and Seagate Drive. He explained that due to the short distance, approximately 1200 feet, between U.S. 41 and West Boulevard, staff would have to look at a detailed design to determine ~hether another intersection could be pro~erly installed in that ðrea and meet all the desIgn criteria in that short distance re turning lanes, tapers and storage lanes. Responding to Commlnsioner Wenzel's questIon, ~r. Barksdale said that West Boulevard could be widened to match Crayton Road, however, Crayton qoad serves ~s a collector roadway through the subdivisIon ðnd that West Boulevðrd serves as n local street between Sengate Drive and NcnpolItan Way and that he did not Dee a need to widen West Boulevard. BOOK œ 7 PACt 434 Pllgl! 22 -- --- -- ---- - - -- --.. -- ---~ --------- ---"'-'--- - - ---- --"'-- - - --- -.., ..- _...- ,~,c,",""",,",,'""""""'_'"___ - -- --- -"- -- - - -- -. - - - - - - -"" - - - - - - -.. -- - - - - -- - - -. ~- - - - - - - - BOOK 057 PAGê 435 February 9, 1981. Responding to Chnirmon Wimor, Mr. Bnrkada1e sßið if it is determlnr.~ thlli: WeRt BOlllf>vtlrcJ should be widened in the future, there ia sufficient right-of-wðy to do BO. Upon c~'l f.or the question, the motion cðrried un~nlmously. Page 21 ------------------------------------------ I _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - - --1 bOOK 007 PAc¿437 February 9, 19A2 ..*..nr.CF.Sfil 10:00 1I.~. RECONVENEDI 10107 A.M.*·*** [\ID /lS44 HC,:;:::C'j'r:ij, 3CC TO orrr:n 7:1:: Cr.Ur-T ,..r:.nINrSTRlITOR Uf,E OF COÒ\R~- ROOM WHEN NOT USF.D BY ncc, MOVF. SMlILtF.R MEETTNGS OUT OF ~O^RDROOM, AND TO TNVES'l'I(j"'1'e; \1RTlI TNTNï- " FnUHNG PI\P'l'T1'ION 1'0 CREATE CONVF.RTIBtE MEF.TING ROOM SP"CF. IN P~PT OF THE ~O^RDROOM ..-. --- .~,- Leg~l notice h~ving been publiohed in the Naples Daily News on January 19 Dnd 2l, 19A2 as ~videnc~d by lIffidðvlt of Publicðtion filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid ~544, for ð double-wido office tr~iler until 7:30 P.M. February 3, 19P2. Administrative Services Administrator Smith referred to the Exrcutivp. Summary d~t~d 2/~/8' re awarding the bid for ð modulðr office for court UDe which comes from the Administrative Judge and tho Court Administrator. He explained the addendum to that Executive Summary d,1ted 2/fI/P? which results from II suggestion mðdc by Chairman Wimer that the BCC consider the use of the Boardroom as an over flow courtroom. He said that ð folding pa r tit ion wo u 1 d be installed in the back of the Bou rd room which would mc'!l<e it possible to divide the roo:n in two part~ ~nd, if suitably soundproofed, it would b~ possible for two sm~ll group meetings to take plac~ in the room simul~ðneously. He said if that ùltern~tive is approved there would be a sðvings of approximately $?1,000 which would bo the cost of the ,nodular unit, even though some money would have to be spent for the folding partition and for the furniture necessary to replace the fixed seating in the rear of the Boa rd room. Chairman Wimer explained that the savings would be approxlm~tely $50,000 by the time the trailer was purchased, installed, furnished ðnd a recording system installed. He s~id better utilizntion of the Boðrdroom could bo mAde, and that after me~ting with the Judges, they have offered the use of some of their sm~ll hearing rooms for some of the various smaller meetings. Commissioner pistor said that the Page 7.4 ... .. . --.. .-... ~. .. - - -- -- - -- _.. -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - ..- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - ~-- Fehru~ry q, 19R2 Boardroom is used now by the courts on occasion and he agreed with Ch1.lJrman Wimer. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor, that aiC! 1544 bc rcjected and thðt t:',e BCC offer th~ Cou .. ~dï..inl strater the use of the Boardroom when not used by the BCC, to move smaller meetings out of the Boardroom and to investigate obtaining ~ folding partition to create convertible mp.eting room apace in part of the Boardroom. Commissioner Brown question€d the Boardroom being used for meet- ings other than for BCC business. A discussion followed during which Chairman Wimer said that the prices for a partition would be brought b~ck to Dee fcr a later ~ecision; that the small meetings now held in the Boardroom would be placed in smaller hcarings rooms, and thðt the primary function of the Boardroom .would be for the BCC, the Court system and possibly the Coastal Area Plðnning Commission. Upon call for the question, the motion c~rried unanimously. BID 1534, CONSTRUCTION TRAILER FOR ENGINEF.RJ.NG - ^W^RDED TO WILLI^MS MOBILE OFFICES IN THE ^~OUNT OF $~,7nn Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Docember 1 and 3, 1981 as evidenced by Affidavit of ?ublication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid ~534, for a construction trailer until 2:30 P.M. December 22, 1981. Administrative Services Administrator Smith explained that the construction trðiler is requested for use by the Engineering Depart- mente Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commisisoner Wenzel and cðrried unanimously, that Bid ~534 for one used construction trailer he awarded to Williams Mo~ilo Offices in the amount of $ñ,700, as recom- mended by the purchasinq Director to be the lowest responsihlp. bid in the best interest of the County, ~nd thot the Chairman be authorized to ~OOK 067 PACi438 Page ?5 -- ---- ---- - - - --- - - - - - - - -- -- - ---.- - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "1' -- - - .... ------------- ~oo~ 067 PACi439 I FC!bruary 9, 198? ! \ I I nign and the Clerk to ~tte8t tho rosulting aqreoment. CONTR~CT WIT~ COLLTF.R SPORTS OFFICIALS ~SSOCI~TION - ^PPROVED public Sr.rv\ces Administrator Norton explain~d the request for the BCC to entcr into ðn ðgre~ment with the Collier sports Officials ~ssociation to provide for necessary officiation at various parKs and recreation softball activities. He said that the BCC has entered into such contractual arrangements in past years. Commissioner Wenzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the BCC approve the aforemontioncd contract wIth the Collier sports officials ~ssociðtion and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract. p~ge :H¡ - - . -- -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- ! - -- _.- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - ---- - ---- --¡ I I )oo~ 06 7 PACt 441 February 9, 19A2 C"^ :~MAN AUTH()fH7. r.O TO SIGN CONTRACT Fem r':. · In OI'EMTING "RANT FRO~ STATE LrBR^PY OF FLORrOA I'ublic Services ~dministrator Norton expl~ined the request for the BCC approval for ð contrnct for receiving State fin~ncial ðid for the operation of the County library system. He explainp.d that $~7,45B.OO will be available to Collier County, of which ~5R,POO has already been included as ðnticipated revenue in this year's budget. He said that the necessary budget ~mendmcnt~ will follow upon BCC approval. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carrie~ unanimously, that the ChÐirman be authorized to sign the contract for FY 182 Operating Grðnl [rom the State Library of florld~. P~gc 27 ---------------------------------------- · - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - -' - - - -- - --I I BO()~ 061 PAGt 44.5 F~bru"ry ~, 19A'- nEnOLUTTON R'--2~ RE ASSUMPTTON OF FULL ^OMTNInTR^TIVE RE~PON~TßTLtTY BY 'I'm: cr.¡:í1i< nF COuwry Dl\T,\ rnOCEf>G ING SYSTEM ,".~1D f\Jl.Tl\ PROCF.;'S HJr, DIVIS tON - "'10 P'rF.D Ch~irmðn Wimer referred to a letter he distributed last wnek regarding the ~dditionol computer acquired by the property Appraiser ðnd Tax Collector ^nd his recommendation that ðdmini6tr~tively the BCC turn the Data processing System over to the primary user which is tho Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded hy Commissioner Kruse that Resolution 82-24 re ôssumption of full administrative responsibility by the Clerk for the County Data Processing system ðnd D~t~ processinq Division, be adopted. Commissioner pistor said he feels that the responsibility of the operation of the County basically lies in the ~CC. He said he could not vote to turn the responsibility of the Data processing over to ðnyone other than the BCC and that the BCC should hire 0 competent financial man to be the BCC Fiscal Offic~r to prepare the budgets and I I I i : I I I I I I I I also oversee the oper~tion of the rata Processlng System other than the CJIS equipment which was purchas'd l~rgply with LEA" funds and is the responsibility of the Clerk of Courts and the Sheriff. commissioner ~rown said that the acc has turned much of the BCC's valuable business over to the Clerk of the Circuit Courts Ðnd that there is no boundary to the faith that he has in his capabilities. Upon roll call vote, the results were as follows: Commissioner Brown l\ye Commissioner Kruse Aye Commissioner pistor Nay ComMissioner Wenzel Aye Chairman Wimer Aye Page 'A '.0_. _ __ __ _.- - -~ - -. - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - - - - - -- ""....-'".""',,,,.~""'''. " '. " .' -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --....... --- -- -- -- ------ -- ---- - ---- ---------------- February 9, 1982 UTILITt E~SEMENTS FOR V~NDERBILT BEACH ~ND HARBOR CLUB PROJECT ARE~ - ~CCEPTED AND AUTHORIZED TO BE RECORDED Utilitios Manager Berzon explained that the developers of the Vanderbilt Beach and Harbor Club are offering a 20 foot x 20 foot easement in which the County is g01ng to install a water meter. Commissioner Wenzel moved, soconded by Commissioner Kruse ~nð carried unanimously, that the utility eaB~mentB for Vanderbilt Beach and Harbor Club project area be accepted ~nd authorized for recordation. \ BOOK 067 fA&t448 I pago 29 . ,~ . ..- _ _ _ _ _ _ -- _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - -- - - - ..., I bOOK 067 PACt 453 rebru~ry 9, 19P' R~UTINE RILLR - I\PPROVRO FOR PI\YM~NT pursu~nt to R~r.olution 81-150 the following checks were issued through February 5, 19R2 in payment of routino billsl FUND CHECK NOS. AMOUNT - Co un t y Checks )3R9-3501> Sfi50,717.94 County Checks 3507-38l? $228,319.33 CETA 8423-8463 $ (,,9~9.P9 BUDGET I\MENDMENT NO. P2-~5, TRANSfF.RRING FUNDS WITHIN HEALTH DEPI\RTMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FOR TFMPORARY REPLACE~ENT OF THRFE C.~.T.^. POSITIONS T\T COLLIF.R HF.lIL'r1l SERVICES - ADOPTED TN THE T\MOUN,. OF' !ie ,57", Commissioner Wenzel mov~d, seconded by Commis~ioner pl~tor ~nd carried 4/l, with Commissioner Kruse opposed, that Budget Amendment No. 82-45, transferring funds within the HeDlth DepRrtment budge~ to provide for temporary replacc~cnt of three C.E.T.A. positions at the Collier H~Dlth Services, be adopted in the amount of $8,575. Page 30 .- - - - -- - - - - - -' -- - --- -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .j ......;.",-,.".'..."'"."."....~.,.,,,..._'" · .----------------- ------- ------ --- - --.._- ... --. ----- -_. &OOK 001 PACt 455 February 9, 1982 BUDCET ~ME! ~MENT N:. n2-^~, Tn^~5FERRTNO FUN~~ WtTnJN H~LICnPT~R OPERA1'IONS FUND TO PROVrr1F. FOR PlIRCHAf.E 010' f.L.ECTR IC Hl\NG^R DOOR OPENt:~ AND A SF.TWtC~ PT.A.TFnR,., L./\f)[)F.R - "POPTEO TN THE ",.,nt/NT OF to} ,000 Commissioncr Wenzel moved, seconded by Comm.~~ioner Kruse and cðrried unðnimnusly, that Budget Amendmcnt No. 82-4~, transferring funds within the Helicopter Operations Fund to provide for the purchase of an electric hangûr door opener and a service platform ladder, be adopted In the ~mount of Sl,OOC. p,]rJC 31 r-------------------------~--------------- __________________-----------------------J I 1 &OCK 067 PACt 457 February 9, 19A2 BUDGET A,"IENDMF.NT NO. A/.-.17, TR1\Nf:FERR ING FUNDS W ITII IN HF.LICOP...·f:R OPP.RA'rIONS l-'\JNTJ '1,(> PHOVI DI:: FOR cos'r OF 5r.~UR TTY AU-R'" 5YWt'F:M FOH "^;':\~;I.~ _ AOOPTf.D IN TIIP. M10tJN'J' OF <31,1i1:,r) Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commist:ioll~: J<ruse ".,-1 carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. A2-47, transferring fundc wIthin the Helicoptor Operations Fund to prov!de for the cost of a security alarm system for the hangar, be adopted in the amount of $1,650. Page 32 . --- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ¡ ----'----------------1 9, 19~2 I I .~--- -- ----- - --- ---.--------- -~ -' ----. MOK 067 FAGi 459 February BUDGP.T ^MENP",F,NT NO. n,-.u~, TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR COUNTY ,'JUDGP.: ""YES TO PROVID! FOR ^DDITIONAL "'ON~YS NEEDED TO PUnCH^S~ OFFICE E~UrPMEHT - ^DOPTED I~ THe Þ~nU~T OF ~77~ Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unnnimously, that Budget ~endment No. 02-4/., tranøferring funds for County Judge Hayes to provide for additional moneys needed to purchase'a typewriter, a service contrðct for same, a recorder and a typewriter stand, be ndopted In the ðmount of $770. Pago 3J . --------- --- - ---- -- ----- -- ------ - ---- ---- I ' B'IDCET T\MENDfoIr.NT NO. ~?-o1Q, TRANSFF.RRING FUN[I~ FOR t\CC TO PROVIDE FOR PUTtCHM;E OF DE!'; X , MID TO MORF. ^r.CUR~TF.LY RF.FLP:CT ClIRRENT EXPEN;:¡¡:TURES - !>!'C'I"'TE[,) TN '1'"1" 11"'-('''-'1'1'1' nf' ~, /n,,'" - Commissioner Kruse moved, üeconùed by Commiccioncr Wcnzel ~nd , . ._ _ _ _ _ _ -'- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - J 06"7 A~' Februðry 9, 1982 ' &OOK ~ PACt~ carrIed unanImously, thal Budget ^mcndment No. A2-~9, " ~nsfe~rlng funds for the BCC to provide for the purchnse of a desk and to more accurately reflect current expendItures, be ðòopted ~n the ðmount of $3,065. pðge 14 __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __,____ __-___---- _f'-I-_.__.A. -JAAA--------"--- , I I ___ _ _ _ __ ___.----;- _- ____-----------..---- - ---1 BO~~ 067 F"~i 4.63 rebrunry ~, 19A2 CII/lrl1,..,,11 I\tlTIHHH7.f.':f' Tn flTG'" C':ERTTFTC1\'!-r. FnR c.ORRrC':TTC'lN TO TJlF. ''^X RC'lLLf1 commIssioner ~Qn~el move~, Gcconrled by c.omrni9sion~r P18tor ~nð carriod unanImously that the Chairman bA authorized ~~ oign tha f01- lowIng Ccrtific~tc (or Correction to the TðX Rollol Tl\NGIDLF. PF.R50N1\L PROPERTY ~ 1981 NUMAF.:R O^T£ - 1901-98 2/2/62 Bce RF:OUESTS THREE NI\MF.S TO fiE 5U£\MITTED BY FLORTT11\ COopp.nI\TIVE EXTENG¡ON SERVrCf. FnR COUNTY EXTf,NSIml FJ\CULTY Vl\r.J\NCY J\dmlnistrntive l\1dr. to Lil~ nonrd Spl'l1l1cHnq explained that a letter has b0en received from District Director Stephen o. Rynn, Flurida Cooperative ExtensIon scrvlcp., stating that thore Is a faculty vacancy In the area of lIvestock and agronomic crops ðnd that the BCC can request one nðmc of a qu~lifled indIvidual or three names of qualified indIviduals for the v~cancy. County Manðqcr Norman suggested that three nameß be requested. Following discussion, Commissioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Commis- r-Ior..:r Pistor and c,HrIe(1 un"nimously, t,hllt the DCC request th\1t three nnmes of qUðlificd Individuals bo submitted by the Florida Cooperative Extension ~crvice for the aforemcntion~d faculty vacancy. Ff,DnUI\RY 21, 19R~ ncc Mr.r.TrNG WTLL OE HELD ^dministrlltive AIde to the Eoard Spaulding referred to ð memo from Chairmnn Wimer regarding conflicting schedules for tho RCC moeting of February 23, 19A2. A discussion followed rcgðrdlnq the possibility of cðncclllng sald meeting. Commissloner pistor snid that ð public hClIring hðs born ðdvertlspd for sower assessment rates for Mðrco Islðnd for th~t mooting. p~ g e 35 I" - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - -- . ' ----------'----------------- ----..- -- -- -- - -- F~bru^ry 9, 1~n, U~11itl.s ~Anngor ßorzon 8Ald ho hnB diøcussed tho cancellation of tho moeting with tho County "ttorney IInd bafl been informed by him that there is no legal mechanism for continuing the meeting for one week, unloGS three CommIßsioners attend tho meeting And movo ~r.~t tho hooring be continued for one ....eek. lie said that another alternntive is to re-advortlse the publIc hearIng which would delllY the hcaring from throe to five woeks which would be costly to the County becnuse the flrat installment paymcnt of tho debt service for the IIsscssmont program Is due soon. Hp. requested that the meeting be held, if possible. It ....as the conspnsuS of thn ~CC that the meeting of Fpbruary 2], . 19~2 should be held. MISCELL~NF.OUS cnRRE~PONDENCE - FILED ~ND/nR REPf.RRFO There being no objectIon, the Ch~ir directed th~t the following correspondenc~ be filed IInd/ur referred to thp vllrious departments ~s lnd icated belo....1 1. Memo dated 2/2/8? from Supervisor of Elections ~~ry w. ~orgnn re the need for Another p~rt-time p.mploy~c to prapnrr. for elections nnd to Avoid time And II holf pðYf budg~t nmcndmcnt ....ill be requested in tho nenr future. FlIed. 2. Lettcr rlnted 1/2,/R7 from Chief JIm MUm.!!n, F.ð8t Naples Fire Control DistrIct, stating his intprest in continuing Rervicc on the F.MS^C when the Council is cut to five mp.mber~. xc Messrs. Norm3n and Dorrill. Filed. J. Letter "c'lted l/25/0? from HIHold L. IIughes, President, AmerIcan Cnblovision Servicp.s, Inc. re ñorrqulatlon pprt~in- ing to rat~ ad1ustments, that they h"vc no ob1ections liS lonq as they do not lose exclusivity of their fr~nchiRO. xc Messrs. Norman and pickworth. Filed. 4. Memo dated 1/'S/P2 from lIarold L. Hughes, pr6s1~Ant, ^mnric~n C~blovision r,nrvIces, Tnc. re p~ra~r~ph r, of their fr~nchisp. ngrenment, pcrt3inlng to County CommissIonrrs nd1ustinq r~t~n of bnsic C^TV srrvice, nnd rnqupstinq th~t the p~r~qrðph of the frDnchioo be dercgulntcd by th~ PC~ of Collier County. xc ~essrs. Norman ,~nd Aarkañnle. Filed. ßOO~ 067 PACt 4B! Pl'Ige :Hi - --- - ---- -- - -- -- ---.- - - -- - - --- - - -- - -- - - -- --- ...,*'".'".,..,-,_..,~"".,-- 5. Letter dated 2/2/02 from Vow~rd L~n~nkron~r, ~r~hitect, At~tin~ his firm's intcrest in providln, ~rchit~cturð'/- r;nqin.tf"riflq Consulti;":g :::cr...icc~ ~~r th,. ..r,"I111~herlff ~~p~rtmf"nt ~nd Courthouse. xc Mr. ~hiAl~. Filed. --------------------------------------~ ~OOK 06~ PALr:4.65 Februl'lry 9, 19~2 i ~ \ I Ii. Copy of Golden GotQ Co !\muntty Cc:>nter ^,:'I..t .,ory Committee minutes, 11/24/R2 me~ting. Filed. 7. Copy of Nðples City counctl minutes, 1/20/~2 meeting. Filed. R. Copy of C~pC !\tnutos, 12/17/Al ftnd 1/7/P'2 mne t 1 ng 8. Filed. Copy of CCPA minutos, 12/17/81 and 1/7/82 met'tings. F 11 cd . Co py 0 f Subdivision Review Committee minutfls, 70/R7. :n~eting . Filed. 9. 10. 11. Copy of Df"pðrt~ent of corrcctions rcport of Tnspection of State Institution for Copelðnd Road Prison dated 1/11/82, ovprall rotingl good. Fllcd. 12. Copy of letter òðtpd I/H/P7 from D~viò A. Turner, controller. Yahl Broth~rs Disposal transmitting f,upplcmcnt to ~nnual Report ðn~ Petition for Incrensc for Gðrbage and Trash Collection Servic~s. Filed. 13. Copy of p~titlon dated l/25/R2 signed by H~ resid~nts of M~rco Shorcs Estatf"~ rcgnrding th~ l~qalittes of a traIler park in Section 10, T51f>, R7.r.r.. xc Mossrs. Norman, B~rk9dðle, and Vlrtð. Filed. 14. Letlcr dated 1/7.7/~7. from Stephen D. Moon, Comptroller, trðnsmitting DOT report advising of fln~nci~l po~ltlon on 12/11/e7. of Collier County's P,O~ portion of thr. fiecond~ry Tru!;t Fund (sC!conr1 Gas T<lX !ith lInd I;th cr.nt). xc l'4essrs. Norman, Barksdðle and Hnll. Filed. 15. public Scrvice Comm~5i('ln Notices! Docket No. 8l0241-F.U, Or~er No. 10555, RP.2 Adoption of Rule 7.5-l7.1(, issupd 1/29/81; Docket No. R1n2~1-F.U, Order No. 10554, Rp.1 AdoptIon of Rule 25-]7.1r, iS6ue~ 1/29/827 Notice of PrchcarIng Confercnce to ten telf"phone companies reqarding prchp.aring conference on March 10, 19~2 In Tallahassce at 10:00 ~.M., issued ?/l/P2, nnd Notice of Haering to the nfor~m~ntionp.d te1ephon~ comp~ntp.s reschedulIng date and time of hearing to P-IHch 22, lC1P7. ~t 9110 A.M., issued 2/1/82. F 11 ed . pnqo 37 - - - - -- - - --- -,-- -- - --- - -'- - - -- -.- - -- -- --,-,---- ----------------------------------------- Februnry <'I, 19A'- . . . . . . * . . * . . There being no furthp.r business for tho qoorl of thn County, the meeting was ðdjourned by order of the Chair - Time: :f.'29 ~.M. DO^RD OF ~OUNTY C.OMMYS~TONr.nR/£x OFFICIO GOVr.nNJNG POAnD(S) OF ~Pr.Ct^L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CON~OL C~ !2 fA )(~ C.R. "RUSS" WIMER, CHAIRM~N February 23, 1932 ðS on presented ~ or as corrected \. BOO~ 067 PACt 466 Page ,~ ----------.--.-.--. ------~--_.------ - - -- _..