BCC Minutes 02/09/1982 W ~----------------------------------------' N.!tples, Floric1l1, r~bruary 9, lOP' LET IT R~ REM~~AERED, thnt tho ~onrd of County CommiB=loncrs in ar.d for the County of Collior, nnd also acting as tho Governing Bo~rd(s) of such apecial districts as have beon Cfððtcd ~ccorðing to law ~nd hðving conducted buslness herein, mot on this dntA at }Ot17 A.M. in Workshop Sossion ln Building "F" of tho Courthous~ Complox, East Nnples, Floridn, with tho following m~mbors presontt CIIAIR",lIN: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mary-Frances Kruse .'7ohn ^. Plstor Clifford Wpnzel Dav id C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: Willlnm J. Reagan, Clerk: Darlene D~vldson, Deputy Clerk, Wllllam Norman, County Man~ger, Npil Dorrill, Public Rnfcty Director v~riou~ m~mbers of the Citi7.en's Ad Hoc Committee re Spnce Study nnd various represontatives from tho firms of rolizzi/H~~ry and Rc,ss/Ehrcnk rl'lnt z. AG foNDA Justir.e Conter F.xpðnslon, Pr~limlnnry Schem~tic Designs Review ~'\"'rf.S ATT0nN~Y AND PURLle DF:FF:NDF:R '5 ()F'FrCF.~ TO IIlIVf. ONf. RC10M FOR EACH ûFFICE WHICH WTLL SERVE A~ cn~nlN^TrON CONFERENCE ROOM AND LlnRlIRY, F:XISTTNG rUf\LIC U\\.¡ LlP.~^RY TO OE EXPANDED HITO SPACE rREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED FOR FUTURE EXPANSION rublic Sl'Ifcty Adminlstr~tor Noil Dorrill g~ve ð synopsis of whðt the consultants have ðccompllshcd in tho ~cvolopmcnt of the prelimln~ry schematic dcsignn for the now and r~nov3ted space ð8sociatcd with tho JUßtice rentor fllcilities. n~ explzltned thðt, for the most pllrt, el'lch sch~matic drawIng thnt will be pr~scnted has bacn revicwed ~nd PMJf" ) BOOK 0 67 PACc' 467 -- - ----- ----- -------------- - --- - - -- - - - --. --"'_.~-"~..'-~~"""~'..- .._. - ----... ..-- -- ----------- -- -------- -- - - - - ----- aOOK 067 FACt 488 rcbrunry q. lq~, subsequ~ntly npprov~d by the constttutlon~l Officer ~nd/or Dopftrtmcnt Ual',d for who~" opt'rl'ltions r.~ch ftrea is deß1C1n...ð to houso. ~r. Dorrill also stnt~d that, ùD pn.t of ~~~t w~~~'8 ~~~nd~ pllckðge, th(! [>olHd .../i 11 be pres"nteõ wi th ð ro'~:; '( and proposod reductions rclðt~d to the architects, ~ngineerB and congtructlon management contrnctG that will r~sult in a savings of approximately GI,nOO,Oon. He said th^t ð roco~mcndation for ~ stag cd or phasod design develo~~ent Gchodule for the prepar~rtion of d~slgn documents ðnd entAring into the biddirg and actual construction ftdministratlon rclnt~d to the expansion proqram will a190 be pre8~ntad nf:'xt week. Mr. Dorrl1l nlso stated that the County has received the prcliminnry finðnclðl report from the joint venture of Fischer, Johnson Allen & Burke and Southeastern Municipal Bonds. Inc., concerning ðlternðto mcthods of financing tho subject ~xpðn8ion program. He said that this will be furnished to each of the members of tho BOl'lrd ðnd will be discussed durfng next weeks meeting. He said that the financiðl consultants wish to discuss some items before the gtate Legislature conc~rning the ~tDte half cent salas tax, and other matters ~elðtcd to the creation of Phase Two of this project. Mr. Dorrill welcomed the memhers of the Citizens' Ad Hoc Space Study eommittee nnd noted thðt they have not SQ~n th~ drawings th~t ðre to be presented, however, upon their Insp~ction, he woul~ welcome any of their comments and/or recommendntions. Mr. Dorrill stated that the prcllmin,HY schematics are to be presented todDY and ~r. Bob 7.1mmermnn. of Ross/Ercnkrantz, went over each drAwing in detaIl tor tho members ot the Board, includIng the following I PlSq e , -- - - ------~--------------------------- --- '-"-'^'-<~'''- - - - - - - ----- - - - ---- -.. --- -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- February 9, 1~n2 1. Ground floor of Rul1~lno "A"(~xlstlng ~hortff's Ð"pnrtmrnt) ~ showina two ~ourtroomG, two jury rOOMS, ~wo eddltionnl Ju~qðs' ~ultc9 ~epo61tlon rooms, nttornoy conference rOOMS, ~nð ndditlonnl npnce to bo nllocatpd for future cxpðnslon (to bo loft unfinishod). (This phn was ðpproved by the JudgeR this morning). - - - - - - --- - - -- -.-.----- --- --- ---- --- -.-- -- - -- 2. ntudl~B of pl~v~tions of the ~xintlno ~~ilr showing the addition of two fire stnirs for fire protection, at the end of tho building towards the existing mnlntcnnnco ðrca. 3. Proqr~G~ print of ~rnwino ~\: showing n hordltne of the courts fl'lcllitlcs on first floor, ~uilding -^". 4. proarcss Trlnt of dr~wina I': showing n hnrdllnc of two of the jð I floors, court holrlinq nr~~, minimum socurity cell, dormitoricD, ðnd also houGlng for work rclcasees. 5. 2nd. Floor, Aul1rlino "p.: sho~inq th~ Clprk's Depart!':\cnL, includinq tho Civil, RecorrHng, Public Viewing, Misdeme~noi, ~nd Felony nrOOR. ThA~c nr6 most of the! court rl"].Hcd funct.fons of the Clerk'r. OfficQ and will be connected to thE.' bridge to th9 exi:3tir.g eourts, (with thC! e~ceptlon or minor furniturÐ layout modification, the Clerk hlls ...pprovcd this plðn). Ii. ~ml\ll Sp.ctlon of ~r(). F]oor: sho....'lng Harold ""ll'fi Office, Public Rccocdg, Minut~5 Arcß, and public viewtng "rot!. 7. 4th Floor: showlnq the ~qriculturr Drp~rtm~nt delrt~d (m~vcd to 1st. Floor) nnd including plan~ to hOU5Ð the Fln~nce rcpartment, Prob~te and Juven110 nrcas of the Clerk's offices, the Clork'a Officc! lIdministr~tive Services! the Pudget DCpðrtncnt nnd ~ Vnult. The public will be mot ~t ~ counter, in the corridor, located in front of the elpv~tor. 8. ProoreSH print of ~th Floor: Hhowinq State's Attorney's Offices, including nrrðs {or tðsk force, mlsdc~cðnor soction, Executlvn Offices, nnd Tnvp.stiq~tivc Sections. (Photo ]~b will be userl for photo~ròph9 not for ~icrofilming) (~tðte's Attorney h~ß ðpproved this pl~n). 7th. Floor: showing the Public Defend~r's Offices (plans I'Ipprovcd by Public Defender) th~ Court Reporter's Offices (planß I'Ipproved by Robert H~rrln~ton)! ðnrl a amall segmcnt of the Stðte's ^ttorney Offices that will 9. Pc'"lqc 3 aOOK 067 PACt ~9 ,.,."..."-."...,,.........._""'- . --- - - -- - - -- -. - -_.-- - ---- - - - --- ----- - --.- -- -- - -' Fobruary 9, ltlP2 . BOOK 067 fAGé4:7D be conn~cted to their ~th floor ottic~ by Internal t't<"lrn~ . 1 0 . R" v 1 u ¡ 0 n 1; tor u h 11 '= f'I ~ f ('., r1 e r 'K it, ". .11; I ( ".p pre ','" r\ h Y Ft. ¡,' yo n. 0 (f i.:; c) 11. Court Rpportern' Pl~n~% Mr. Zimmermðn stated that his firm is prcGcntly in tho process of working with tho Sheriff req~rdlnq the d~v~lopment of plnns and sch~maticß for the jðil and tho j~il fôcilities ~nd would profor to wait until somo agrecment hns been roached before reviewing the drawings. There W8S a lengthy dincussion req~rdlng tho ^ppðrent lnck of need for both the Stðtc's ^ttorney nnd the Public Defender to ellch have ð confer~nce room and ^ library, when they coul~ comhlne the two useS into single rooms, each maintllininq their separnte libraries in the 6~me room 8S tho1r conference tables would be Act up, .!IS was suggested by County ^ttorney pickworth. Mr. pickworth referred to the Public LðW Library, which hð5 not been considered for expðnsion, and ststed thðt, while ho understood the need for the public Defender I'Ind the State's Attorney's offices hðvlnq separate libraries, he felt th~t the amount ",f spðce thðt rould be saved by combining each of their librl'lrles with I thoir conference rooms woul~ afford sufficlent funds and spð~e for ~xp~nsion of the PublIc Law Librl'lry which is In dlro need of more spnce. Aftúr hcðrlng Mr. Curtis pulitzer of Foss/Ehrcnkrðntz state that ð combination library/conference room was suqqosted to both the Gtðte'a ^ttorn~y ~nd the Public Defendor by the consult~nt and subsequently met with strong oppo~ltion by both, ChaIrman Wimer explained that no one is suggesting that they not have separate library facilitles1 It is being recommAnderl th~t they ench combine th~ir own rage 4 .--- - - _.- ---- - - - -""""--- - --- ---- --- -- --- - --.----- -~~ ---- -- --- - -- - ----- --------- --- - --------------- Fobrunry 9, 19P., library nnd conforcnco room., in the Interent of cost Ððvings, efficiency ðnd need for exp<insion of tho Publfc LA\~ Llhrc'lry. "'r. Zlmmermðn stðted that thero is sufflcl~nt OpðCO on the ground floor of Building "A" for ðn oxpðnded publ ic LðW Librllry. It was the conr.~nÐUS of the mcmbers of tho Board thc'lt the consultc'lnts investigate tho fOl\slbility of ~uch ð change and lncorporato tho BOc'lrd's desires for two combination library/conference rooms, one for the Stnto's Attorney I'Ind one for the Public Defender nnd that provisions bo mðdo for tho expðnsion of the the Public Law Library. Chl\irman Wimer requested that extrð co~iaR of the aforementioned drawings and prints he mc'ldc available for thp. ad hoc committee m~mhers and the entire Ooard offered to loan thc~ their copy. ThnrQ being no furthor business for the good of tho County, the workshop Wc'lS c'ld1ourncd by order of the Chair I'It ll:OO A.~. P"'~~ c; 800K 087 PACt ~ 71 - - - - -- - - - - - - - -...------þ--.---.--.--¥.----.-.-... -----..-...¥--__ ----f""II"--...4 _,4,