BCC Minutes 02/23/1982 R -,.'""_..~._"'._--,.._- - - - -- --- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- --- - - - - - -- I NaplC's, Florida, Febru;,ry 21, 19A2 LET IT BE REMEMB~RED, thnt the Board of County Commis~ioners in and for the County of Collier, ~nd also actinq as the Govorning BOðrd(s) of such special districts as have been r~eated according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.~. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the followinq members present: CHAIRM"N: C.R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-CHAIR~"N: M~ry-Frances Kruse John A. Pistor ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Re~gan, Clerk; ~Jrold Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Elinor M. Skinner and Maureen Kenyon (10:15 A. M.), Deputy Clerks; Donald Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Borzan, Utilit10s Manag"r; C. William Norman, County Manager; Ed~ard Smith, Administrative Services ^dministratof; Terry Virta, Community Development Administrator; Martha Skinner, Social Services Director; Neil Dorri!l, Public Safety Administrator; Gil Oliver, Block Grant ~rogram Coordinator; Barbara Cacchione and Terry Clark, Planners; Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Grace Spaulding, Administrative "ide to the Board; and, Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. Pn9C ] &OOK 067 r^Ci 557 .---.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - --- - --- _. ---.--." - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ..- Fobrul1ry :?', 1~A2 "GEND" - APPROVED WITH ~nnJTTnNR Commissioner Kruße movcd, sccond~d by r.ommissioner ristor and carriod 3/0, reflected by the absence of Commission~!~ Wcnzel and Brown, that tho agcnda be approvcd with the following ~dditionsl ð. Proclamation re National Engin~cr'B Week for February 21-27, 198:? b. ^uthoriz~tion of execution of a new franchise ~gre~ment with Warner ~mex C"'blo to correct typographicnl errors; County Attorney's Report. c. Resolution rc reapportionmont L~gislatur~ Plan; County Attorney's Report. MINUTES OF FEBRU^RY ?, 19"2 MF.ETING - "PPROVF.D AS AMENDF.O; MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 1~R2 ~F.ETTNn - ^ppnOV~D AS PRFSF.NTEn Commissioner Plstor asked that the following changes in the rebruary 2, 1ge2 BCC minutes he ~~de: a. P~ge 372 and 171 - ch~nge Commississioner pistor'n comments to re~dl Commissioner Pistor 5tnt~d that Mr. Wynnt "mðde a statement about tho circu]ation being, I think, four times whðt the oth~r5 arc, ~nd I think the Star has ð circulßtion of about 11,000, so has the r.aql~, so r don't un~erstðnd when thoy claim circulation of 17,-2R,noo, som~whr.re·s in there, my mathematics doesn't quite add up, since four times C'lev~n is 4~,OOO not 2R,000 comparod to 2:?,000 unless my mathematics 8re wrong." b. PlIge If', in ~Llrk Merenda's statement, thr worcis "the f:t1lr's", in tho first instance, should be Chðnqpd to ·our" and in the secon~ instðnce, the word shou]d be ch",nqcd to ·~ngle·s". Com~issioner ristor moved, secondeð by Commissioner Kruse and cnrried 3/0, that the minutes of the February:?, 19P2 RCC meetlng he approved as amended. Commissioner Pl~tor moved, ficcondcd by CommiBnloner Kruse and carried 3/0, th~t tho minutes of th~ Febru~ry Q, )~R2 AC~ meeting be approved ðS prescntcò. PaC) 0 :? eo~ 067 mt561 - -- --- - - -... - - ---- ---,-----------------------_. _...,.,--..~_..,~.,.,,~. .---------------------------------------- f'obru,tIry '3, ]9R, &O~~ 067 PACt 562. PROCL"",,.,.rrnN )F'!;rr~"'''''IN(: ¡"F.ARUMt'i ~1-í''', lQP, AS NArT(oNI,t f:Nr.TN¡':¡':R'~ WEEK - PRE~ENTEn Following thQ rending of a Proclðm~tlon ~eslqn~tfnq the week of February 21-27, 19P2 ðG National F.nginecr'R W~ek, Chnirmnn Wim~r pr~- sented the proclnmDtion to ~r. John Aol1 who r~prescnt~d the engineers. r,'qf' , ...... - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - -- - -- -- - -..- - - - - - - - - - -- --- .......--.. - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - --- &O()K 067 PACt 564 Fohruary ", l~r] SOCIAL ~rnVTCC CA~E~ W-'~!; W-~~I~I w-rr'~ - ArPROVED ComMis~loner Piator moved s~condcrt hy Commi~Rioner KrURC nnrt cnrried 3/0, thllt Social Sorvices cases W-)';4, W-¡ 9l4, ..,Id W-~R'f\ be approved. RESOLUTJON MWS P2-2 RATTFTNG FJN"L A~~~S~~rNT RnLL FOR M~RCn r~L^ND SfWER PI/^RE: I nlPROVF.MF:NT5 - An0P'T'rD. CLERK JNSTRIJ(:T~D TO NOTIFY PROPERTY O~NERS OF ~5SF.~~~rNTS Lp.gnl notlc~ h~ving been puhllshed In the Nðples D~ily News on Febru~ry 7, 19R~ dS evIdenced by AffidavIt of Publication {il~d wIth tho Clerk, publIc hellrinq w~s opened to consfder tho final IIS5cssment roll for the Marco Islllnd Sewer Phase I Improvements. Utilities Manllg~r nerzon explained that tho ~l\rco Island ~ewef Ph~~e I has been completed; th~t the sys~em 18 In op~ratlon ~nd thðt the mDjority of customers have been connected. He sðid thllt the assessment program should be completed at this point. He located on 21 map the ðroðs indicated in green DB those served by the MRrco Island Sowe r P'lð Be r. He cl~rlfled thllt, IIlth~ugh a single contrðctor was IIw~rded the contracts because of the low bids, c~ch of the lift station arelll A, B, P, IInd Z wore let out as 8ep~rðte contracts be~nuso of the construction and type of characteristics in each area liS boing dis- tinquIshod from the others. He caid, liS ð consequence, that the assessments in ellch of the (our areas lire differ~nt. He referred to the F.xecutivc Summ~ry d~ted 2/5/"' ~nd noted the tabulation of th~ net project cost and the ðsscBsahlc coat per footftg~ in e~ch of th~ above-mentioned project IIreas. Mr. Perzon cxplolned that the cost of the entire proj~ct includes tho construction ðnd the non-con8tru~tion co~ts such ðG the legftl fefts, P<1ql" .c . -- - - -- -- -------- -- -- ---------------------- ------------------~----------------------~ Ff:'bru.uy ?':1, 19f':? the int('rest during construction, the finðnclng costs ~nd othp.r r~lnted non-constructIon costs. He stated thnt, duo to tho irrcgulðrtty of mðny of tho 8tr~ets ðnd the consp.qu~nt irrrqul<'1rity of the lots in the project ðren, the engineers took the mid-points of thn lots which became the assessnble footnqe for each lot, in~tc^d of taking the frontage as the bM'I1S for assessment. lie cxpll'dned thl'!t this mC'thod tended to provide a grenter equaliz~tion of the lIctunl costs for th~ pðrtlcular lots. ~r. Bcrzon st3ted for the record thl'!t the following people ~ent letters of objection t, the method of the aSSP~RMp.nt, which the Com- missioners have seen: Mr. Merrill S. Matson City Electric Contr~cting Co., Inc., Wilmington, Delðwaro Mr. D~vid f.. ^t~inEon Dr. N. J. Kalu7.niak Dr. Thomas ~. Stolee L. J. McKniqht R. TI. Fox J. V. 1'0rscll1no Mr. Edward Hofstetter Mr. Fred Kcck's lcttpr pertaining to nddrcs~ cll'!riflcl'!tion w~s cntC'red (or the recorrJ by Fisc,-,l Officer Hall. Mr. Bor7.on clðrified that if the assessment was m~dc strictly on the basis of frontllqe of a lot as it exists on the street thorp. is <'I groat inequity betwoen the p~rcels of land. Ho said that ~RseRsment is a reflection of all the costs less <'Ill the Incomes th~t hl1ve been earned by the projects which arC' the inve'stmcnts on the monies thnt were available during the construction ðS well as credits thnt wore given to the pr01cct for force' m~in construction in rxccSS of whnt w~s nceded on the project for th~ future. Ho ~xp1ðinpd th~t tho~~ monl~s c~mc from t~xcs which w~r~ col1ucted in 1977 nn~ ]97n hy the district ~oo~ 067 PACt 565 Pðq r. I; _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. e. ! I --....---;.... ~ - _. - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - -.- - -- - - -- - -- --- 60:¡~ 067 PACt 500 F~bru~ry :?~, ]nA7 ~nd wpr~ crodit~d as ~nrnlnq8 on the projprt. The followinq perfions spoke in oppositlón to the mptho~ of ~~lcu- lation for tho ~SGescmp.nt roll for th~ projp.ct un~p.r dincusslonl Mr. John M. D~lton nr. Victor II. Sllherstein foIr. Morrill B. M"tson Mr. Joe Fullin ~15o st^tc~ that his driv~wðY hð~ bran ~~mngr.d during the project construction ~nd hnn not bc~n rnpnircd, nn~ he qucstioncd the contrùctor's fðulty elevðtions for the swales as we 11 . Mr. Berzon responded that there ðre oth~r Icqßl methods for ðssp.ssing the project under di,scunsion, however, the method that wns used is, in his opinion, perfectly legal. He asked the ~ngincers to cxpla In the method usp.~. Mr. Bill ß~rton, of Wilson, ~iller, Barton, ~oll and Peek, project engineers on the Mnrco Toland Phase I ~ewcr District, explðine~ thnt M~rco Island is a very difficult site on which to determine assess- ~cnts. On an ovc~hcad bOðrd, he diagrammed rp.ctnngulðr lot3 with generally t~e same frontnge on a street and compðred those lots to the lots which hove diffcrp.ncos in sizes and conflgurationn. He drew two lot .ines which encompassed two lots and explained if the lot line through the center is perpendicular to the stre~t resulting in equal frontages, thðt the obvious woy for asscssment is on a front footngc basis. He explðlned that If that same interior lot line Is drawn on an ~ngle that two equal size lots result but that the front frontage for one lot (lot )\) Is shorter that the other lot (tot B), however the 1111d-point of the two lots h.we a similar rcllltionshi.p. fte 9ðic1 there would bo no (nlrncsG in lot A being assessed at one-half of th~ ~mount of lot D, which would h~ppcn if tho ~S8r.S5m~nt w~s on a frontage bðsis. PðqC " --- - -..-. - ---.- ---- ------ ------------------------ _..._,..........",;;"'~,.......'"',,...., ----------------------------------------. f'l'bru.HY ", 1 9n, "0 explftincð that ench lot would have tho 8ðm~ npproximðt~ aron, and along tho street at thoir mid-point virtunlly the snmc distnncc, thereby each would hnvc crentp.d npproxim~tely tho some nmount of s~wer requirement. ne said the aforemcntioncd metho~ of cðlcul~tion is more equitable and is the renson for the use of the mid-point to Mid-point detrrmJr,oti'.:'". ne descrihod thc probl('ms which confronter! his (irn with regard to lh~ cul-de-sncs and lot lines that resulted in signifi- cantly larger land oroa for those lots than most of the intp.rior lots on Marco Island. ~r. Barton said his firm felt that using n Mcthoá of uniform cost per lot throughout the project would be more unfnir that the method that wa~ ultimðtely chosen. Mr. Berzon elðborðtcd on the problens which occur whp.n the streets in question begin to curve and result in frontage on on~ side of the strcet bcing small and the frontage on the opposite side of the street being large, which is another jURtific~tion for ·sprcðdinq out the cost". IIc explained thnt the tcrm "front footnge· in the cðse of assessments, pa r tic u 1 n r 1 y for SCWf:>r imprOVCMf!nts, is n mianomer becnu:c;e the coat to the prope r ty is a reflection of not just construction cost in front of the propprty but the tot<'!ll construction costs related to bringing the service to the front of the property. Hi'! listed for oxample the costs for the project under discussion for monholes, pressure lincs, and pump stntion costs which serve thia project and <'!Irc included in the ðSfl('SRMcnt. "e (>xplðincd the benefit for the project is that the cost for the pump stðtion does not appc~r in the user d.ðrgl's. lie explained there Is <'I total of 7'0 plus connoctions but thQ actUðl conn~ctcd number Rtl1rting the projrct ia ðpproximðtely ~or.. Responding to a question by Chairmðn Wimer, ~r. ~erzon ~xpl~inp~ P"'q~ 7 SD:>1< 067 ati$7 -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - --- - ---- - - -- --- _'".'.'<O"'._"'"""',"'_~_,-...;~. -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --. &OOK 067 PACt 568 Februnry :?:I, ]()A, thðt $7,500.00 hð6 been retðincrl from the contr~ctor's fin~l pl1yment to use to take c~ro of nny unu8u~1 ~efccts in driveways and miscellaneous defects in workmanship. Uo oxplalned th...t thr.re is a gU.3rðntee maintenance bond for tho project for one full yoar to cover any add i- tlon~¡ detects which might result. Commissioner rlstor moved, sccondo~ by Commissioner Krusn ðn~ c.3rriod 3/0, th~t the public hearing be closed. A short discussion rcsulted in Mr. ficrzonrevlcwing the contento of the aforementioned let tern which rangecd from objection to the cost of tho project, objection of the different lot frontages and the aforementioned cul-de- sac problem. Ch~irmðn Wimer ~skcd that the in~lvldual situ8tions be invcstigated of those pers~ns who spoke at this hearing. Commis~1oner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruso and cnrrind 3/0, that Resolution ~ws R2-2 ratifying the final Ðss~ssmDnt roll for the M~rco Island Sewer Phase I Improvements, he adopted, nnd th~t tho Clerk be Instructed to notify the property owner~ of tho assessment. NOTE: DOCUMENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK OF THE BOARD OFFICE AS OF 3/1/82. paq r. fI - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---- - - --'- --- .--- ........~._,.;....... - - - - - ------ -- - ------ ------------ -.--------. r,.brul'lry :?', ]I' '" ORDTNAHCF: NO. P'-19 RE PF.:1'TTJON CP-P'-M:, Ace Rr.(")"F:~TTNr. II L,1IND USE IIMENDr04ENT FR0M RF:!=:JDF:NTI."L ~F: )JUM f'\ENSTTY 1'0 C(,\M~\f.RCT"L FC1R IIPPRO)'. ], ^CRE~, LOC"TF:D rR()M THF: SOUTH !;ID~ OF !>Ot,/lN" R()II ) TO THF: r-;OUTII SIDE OF' COOPER DRIVE M.ONr. TilE WE!ìT SJDt. OF lOT" S'rRF:ET, APPROX. :?(l0 FF:FT EII!=:T OF U. S. ~l - ~f'\np"F:D Legal notice hðvlnq b~en published in the Nl'lpl~ß Dl'lily N~ws on January '2, 19r.2 ðS evidenced by ^ffldðvit of Publlc~tion filed with tho Clork, public h".ring ....lIS op~np.d to consider PC'titlon Cp-P?-r.C filed by the acc requesting a lðnd use ðmcndment from Residcntinl medium density to Com~erciðl for approxim~tely I:? ðcrr.s lo~ðted from the south side of f>olðnQ Rond to the south side of Cooper Drive ~lonq th~ west side of 10th Street, lIpproximatel: ,no fcp.t cast of U. 5. AJ locðted in Section 72, T~9S, R2~E. Planner C~cchione indicated the lo·~"'tion of the property under discussi~n on ð map nnd sðld that ntaff has conducted an on-site inspection of thC' prop~rty ðnd h~s requcsted the lIforementlon~ò chðngp in order to reduce the number of non-conformities in the ðreð. She stllted thðt thC' CCP^ held a public t-carJnq on Febrt (HY 4, ]~n, to consider the pfltitlon and voted to forward Petition CP-P,2-~C to the Ace with thp recommendlltlon of lIpproval. The following persons registered to speßk lndlc~ted they were in favor of the petition: Ross Longmirp. for No!Inci~ ,'ðmi80n lInd Youth !laven Jim McK..,y II. /lntonissen Rlchðrd G. nun~l(' John S. 8erlo, ....ho qavc c~ch Co~mis~ioner ~ letter r~g~rdlng hi~ buoines~, ß-B Bull~cr6, ðn~ why ho would like c-~ zoning on his property. Chðirmðn Wlm~r said th~t h~ thouqht th~t th~ cntlrp ~cr Is in (ayor of Putition Cp-n2-~c. Commissloncr Piator moved, ~ccon~rd by rMJf" n ~QQ( 067 ~~ -- - - -.--- - - -- ------ ---- --- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - ---... ,~ -".,._.,~.., I I -----------------------------------------1 &OOK 067 PACt 570 Fcbruðry ", 10,,:? Commts~ion~r ~rU5~ ~n~ c~rrf~d '/0, th~t tho ouhllc hcnrtnq be close~. Commißsioner Pistor movpd, secondQd by Commigsion~r Y-rusc nnd c~rrie~ 3/0, that the ordinllncp. ns numberp.d ðnc'l tit)('rj bcl,'- be adopted nnc1 ~ntr.rr.d into OrcJinnnce Elook No. 14. ORDINANCE NO. R'-19 ^N ORDINMK:~' 1IMF.NDTNG ORDTNANCr. 79-:-1', THE COMPREHENSIVE PL^N FOR COLL1 rn COUNTY, FLORTI),A. BY ,..MENnING 'rilE WORK STUDY AREA M^P n FRO.~ REfìTDENTIAL ~~ErHUM L'f.NSTTY (O-h.2L UNITS PF.R GROSS ACRE) TO CO,.,Mf.RCIAL ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRTAED PROPERTY: ^ PORTION OF SECTION ", TOWNSHIP "9 SOUTH, PflNGE L!i f.flS'r, COLLTER COUNT'!, FLORIDA, MORr. PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; fiND PROVIDING ^N EFFECTIVE D^TE Rr.sponding to Chairmnn Wimer, Community Development Director Virtð said his department would be in contnct with the people who wero present at the hearing, ~s well is thosr. persons ~ffccted by the ch¡'lnge, with rp.gard to steps to lIe ti'lken for the Actu(,l zoning of ellch plecp. of propprty. lip. refcrnuJ to th(? specific direction from the ecc for Mr. Berrio's property. ChD~rman W1mer indicated that the affected people would be notified when the next meeting regarding the zoning of the property would be held. DISCUSSION RE ORDINANCE "~ENDING OnDTN"NCE 7~-2l fiND 7(>-4', PROTECTED TREE rmDJNANCE - CONTTNUF:D TO ",APrll Q, ] I')P., WIIF:U FULL BOARn TS PRF.SENT ^fter ð short discussion, ChDirm~n Wimer exprcssed his opinion that the public hearing regarding the Protected Tree Or~~nance should be held wh~n ð full Board is present. Commissioner pistor movod, bcconded by Commissioner Krus~, that th~ public hcaring be continued until March 9, 19A2. County M~nðgcr Norman indicat~d that two p~ople were registered to speak. Those persons declined to speak at this timo. Upon call for the question the motion cl\rricd 3/0. P.'Ige 10 _.. _ ø._ __. _ __ ..__ _ ___ __ .._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --,,,,,.--., - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- -- - - ---- - -- - -- - --. F('brul'lry ", 10ft;:> PETITION C r-. 1- 21C, COL L IF.R COIINTY PL'"'"NG DE PART~ 'NT R '~II '"TINr- VAR 10"" LANO 110 E A~"O~'NT" - WI THORAW" AT "TA FF ANO CCrA R 'Oil "T Chdlr.dn Wt.er dtdted thdt PO'ltlon CP-RI-27C, flIed by the ~lllor County Pldnnlng Oeportoont reque.ttnO vorlou. land u.e o.end_ mentd, hdd be.n reque.ted to ho wtthdrdwn by .toff dnd 'he CCrA, CO..I."oner Kru.o .ovod, .econdcd by CO..I"'oner Pt.tor ond carried J/~~ that Petitfon CP-P]-:?7C be wfthdrðwn. onDINANCE NO. R2-,. R'Dr.SrGNATtON OF Cr.RTAtN F"rLOYEE" A" CONTROCTOR", LICENSING INVE"TrGATORS AND ZON'''G INVPST'GATDRS TH'R'Ay '~rOW'ArNG TIIE~ TO IS"UE CITATIONS FOR vr OUl TION" OF Tllr. APPLICARLr. COrF" _ ADOPTED Legdl notIce hdvlno been Publl.hed In tho Nople. Datly Now. on Februdry 3, 19R2 d. eVldencod by the Affl""vlt of PubIlcotlon flIed WIth tho Clerk, pUbllc hedrlng was op'ned tv con.tdor on ordJnance reldtlng to the de.tgnotton of certdln ernployoe. d. COntrdctv,.' Itcen.tnO Inve.tIOdtor. dnd zonlno 'nve.ttoato,s, the'dby eopowerlnO the. to I..ue Cltdtlons for vtoldtlon. of the dppllcable cOde.. Coo.untty D.v"opo.nt DI'.cto, VI'ta expla'n'd the '.quost for ACC Consld.,atton thdt the Cont'dctor.' Itcons. Inv..t'O.to,. ond the "nlng InvestlOdto,s 'n the Zonlno Dcpa't.ent be d¡low.d to I.sue cttdtlon notice.. He refe,red to the Fxecutlv. Su..ory doted 12/J7/PI regd'd'ng the sP'ctnl Stdte LeOldldtlon enacted In 19RI to dllow for thh desIgnatIon. lie exp¡dlned thdt hh depd".ent hao heen WO'k'ng wIth the County Atto'n"y" offIce dnd the .tate'. Atto,neys Office to doftne the P'Oce.. to .dke 'U'e thero wtlI be d. few p,obIe.. dS possfble. Mr. Vfrtil POfnted out that f/l th(' propo~ed ordfnlln~c th"'rt> is emphasis on thf!' fo1]owfng i tC'ms: &OOK OB7 PACt 57.1 P,'9~ ]J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- '.. ,_.. ------~---------------------------------~ &OO~ 06'7 fACt 572 Fcbru.HY :n, ] CIA;) ]. Tho dutlcß of the dCR!qnðted pcrRona I1ro r~lntrd with dr(lnltlon of wh~t thp. persons wou]n not hr rmpow~rcd to do, I.~. no d~pllcnte pol1c~ forc~ of I1ny kind. 2. The tr~ln!ng qu~lificntion~ required for the per50~~. J. The sprcific authority th~t ~llows th~ IssuAnce of ctt~tions. Hearing that no p~rGons wor~ reqlst~rcd to 5PQ~k, Commlsslonor Pi~~~r moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and cnrrled '/n, th~t tho public hUðring be closed. Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnd carried 1/0, that tho ordinance as numbered nnd titled below be adopted ðnd entered into Ordin~nce Book No. l4. ORDINANCE: fl2-20 "N ORDINAt--:CF.: flUTItOT"!I7.ING TilE nO/lRD OF COUNTY COMMT~SIONER~ TO DESIGNATE ~GENTS OF THE COLLJFR COUNTY RUILDJNG COOr. CO~'PLIMJCE Df.P"RTMfNT ,.S CONTRI\CTORS' LICf.NSTNr. INVf.STIGATOR5 ^ND TO DESTGtJ^TE AGf.NTS OF TIIF. COLLIF.R COUNTY ZONING DEPAT"!T~F.NT AS ZONING INVESTIG^TOR~; "UTHOT"!rZING SAID rNVESTIGATORS TO I~SUE CTTATJONS FOR VTOLATIONS OF COLLIER COUNTY CONTT"!"CTORS' LrCF~NS ING ORDINANCE fiND ",..ENI"MENTS THERETO, "ND ZONTNG ORDINANCE "ND "NY ^~ENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FCR co~rLICT, 8~VER^NC~ AND PENALTIES; AND ny PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE D^TE flESOLUTION r2-27 RF: TilE EXCf!J\NGE OF EXJSTING RfGHT-OF-\o/AY PLUS OTHER t0NsIDEnATrONS FOR DR/lTNAGE EASEMENT NECESS/lT"!Y FOR S""TA BARB^RA BOULEVMm I/>1PROVF.MF.NT PRl:.ìECT - ^DOPTEJ":I; CH^TRM/'IN flUTI10RtzEO TO EXECUTF: S^ME /'IND f>TI\TUTORV Df.F.D Lcgðl notlcp. h~vlng been published In the Naples Doily News on Febru~ry 7, ]9R2 ðS evidenced by the ^ffidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hOðrlng was openpd to consider approval of the exchange of existing right-of-way plus othcr consldcr^tion for a drainage eascment necessary for f,ðntn Barb~rð Poul~v~rd rmprovem~nt project. Henring no persons wero rpglsterpd to spc~k, lommlsnloner PIstor P~qP. I? - -- --- - - - - ------ ------- -- -------- - ------- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- ---- -- -- -- ------ -- Febru~ry ~', 1Qn, moved, 8~conded by Commlsßlonor Kruse an~ c~rri~d 1/n, to clos~ thp. public hC!arlnq. Commissionor Pistor movc~, seconded by Commissioner Krus~ and carried 3/0, that Resolution R2-'-7 be adopted, which approves oxch~nq~ of Parcel 103 for r~rccl ]O~ and, In addition, compensnto ~r. C~rter t3ryðn S9~1). MOK 067 PACt 573 Pl'IqC' I' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- --- - --.- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~- f'cbr·,...ry ,~, 111P? onDINMICE NO. P.?-11 ^UTHORTZ ING TIlE RF:PE^L OF ORDJN!\NC'F. N(î. 711-] n ^ND r.STAE\t.I5HING 'TWO DOLL!\R5 ($2.00) ,.f, TI1E MOUNT (IF FtJND5 Tn1\T MAY AE COLLECTED Fon CRr",TNJ\L JUSTTC~ F.DUC!\TI0N ~'¡D TRJ\TNTP~ - J\"OrTEn :, Lngal notice having b~cn publ1shp.d in th" Naples ü,-,.'y News on Februðry 3, ]qß2 as evidenced by ^ffi~avit of Publication filr.d with the Clork, public h~ðrinq W~8 op~ncd to consider nn ordinnnce repr~linq C¡dinance 74-19 and estðbllshing n County Orrllnnnce for the coll~ction of funds to be utilized for Criminal Juntlcr. education ~nd training. Heorlng no persons wrre rrgistcrrd to gpQ~k, Commiscioner Y-rusr moved, seconded by Commlßsioner Plstor and carried 1/0, that th~ public hearing be closed. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconde~ by Commissioner Pistor nnd carried 3/0, ttat the ordlnnncc as numb"rcd and titled below br ndopted and entered into Ordin~nce ßaok No. 14. ORDINANCE NO. FZ-21 !IN ORDTNJ\NCE nF:L!\'!'ING TO COUR'!' COSTS; F.S'!'J\BLIf-PH'C: !IN OnDIN^NCE '1'0 PROVTDr. FnR TI1E I\SSESSMEN'!' OF 1IN ADDTTTON!\L CC-'UI1T COST (W '!1vO DOI.L!\RS (!' 2. (\0) !\Gr,INST F.VF:nY Pf.Rf·ON CONVIC'!'En FOR VTOLA'!'JON rF ^ 5'!'1ITE PF:N"L on Cfn~qNI\L 5TI\TtI'!'F.: OR ^ COUNTY ()RDIN!\NC~, EXCLtfOJNG '!'1IF'RF.FRO"l VIOL1\TJONS Rr'~^TING TO THE P^R (t!-JG OF Vr.HTCLES: pnOVIl"n ~ FOR 'T'\!F EXPF.N~I'!'URE OP ~I\JD FUNDS, RErEALTNG ORnINANCE 7~-lo "ND PROVIDING J\N F.FfECTIVr. ~^'!'F. .PETJ'!'ION CP-Rl-10C, J. C. ~1IRUTHERE & I. K. STEU1\RT REPRr.~r.NTJNC ^PR^ OF COLLIF:R COUNTY, THC. RE0UES'!'ING V^RIOU~ LAND U~r. !\~ENrM~NTS FOR ~n ^CnF.S EAST OF JNiERSf.CTION OF S. R. q51 AND RATTLESNAKF. IIM1~OCK ROllD- nENTED L~gðl notic~ hðvln9 been published In tha Naplps nnily News on Dccrmbcr lR, }1)1\l ...s I'vlc1onc('('\ by /lffið/'lvit of Publlc¡,tion filed ,..ith th(' Cl~rk, public h(!cHinq W^s contlnuNI from J/lnul'lry I~, ]q", to consider Petition Cp-Pl-lnc, filed by J. c. Cnrutht:'re nnd T. K. Stou/lrt P"CJr. 101 ~ODK 067 PACt: 577 -- -_.- -- - - - _. - - --.- - -- .----- ------ -_..- --.....--------------..- · --.- ---- -- ---------~---- ------ --- -------~----------~ MOX 067 PACt 578 F~bru~ry :?1, 19"' repro!~ntlng ^PR^ of Collier County, Tnc. r~qucstlnq ~ lanrl us~ ...mcnrlmcnt from ",I' rlrultur,'l to Resll1f'nt.ll'll \C\\o.I c'l'nRity for approximately 40 acres and from Aqrlcultufal to Commcrcinl for ~n acres locðted ~pproxlm~tely 1/2 milC' east of the Interse,~40n of r,. R. 951 ðnd Rottlesn~ko HOMmock POl'ld. Planncr Clark Indlc~t(d the locðtion of th~ I'Ifcrementlon~d prop- crty on II mnp nnd explained thðt thc two ~o ~cre parcels of land ðr~ contiguous. He referred to thn Executivc Summary I'Ind explained that staff recommends deni~l of petition CP-~l-)~C for the following rellsons: I. The property doeß not hðve ndequnte ðccess. 2. The property is not adequately serviced by comMunity support serviccs I'Ind facllitios. ). The property is not in ~n Dr~~ presently serviced by w~ter and 5c~er f~cilitics And, duc to its relntivcly inolated loc~tion, it is not in I1n ~rel'l which nnturally extends from future plðnn~d community support fl'lcilitles. 4. It Is not compdtible nor complimentary to the surrounding pro pe r t y . Mr. Clark explained that the CCPA considered the petition on FeL(Uðry 4, 19P' and forw~rded tho request to thp. BCC with the recom- mend~tlon of dcnll'll. toIr. Willinm II. Morne, representinq the petitioner, explained thðt he Is the Trunteo of the 40 acre trl'lct which lies to the south of the aforementioned prop(>rty. He (!xplllined the request to chðnge thlR property to Estnto zoning for the propoRcd slxt~en '-II:? acre home- sites, that would be Indp.pcndent of city w~ter ðnd Bewer connection. HI! said that thero would be no LHgc number of childrp.n to be C7onsic1- ('r~d tor thl! school DYRtcm with th~t low density. Ho cxplalnrd t~~t he Pðqo 11\ ~.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- ---------------------------------------- F('brul'try ?', ]np, and all thn m~mbcrs of th~ TruRt arr members of tho ~M~rlc~n Pistol ~n~ Rifle ^sGocl~tion ~n~ that the purpose of purch~sing the properly is to provld~ r~sl~entl~l lots ~o th~t mpmbers of thp orqðniz~tion could build their homes and reside in the neighborhood ot the APR^ clubhouse ðnd shooting facility. He describe~ how the property would ultimately border on a proposcd extension of nl'lttlesn/'lke Itðmmock ROi'ld nnd thllt, ninco the propcrty in 1/' mile from C. R. 9~1, there would hc two connections to the State Road via the existing shooting rangp ro~d to the north and the I'Iforcmcntioned extension. Chairman Wimer explained thðt he hðd neglected to offer ~r. Morse the courtesy of having the petition heðrd when a full Roðrd Is pre~ent. Mr. Morse consulted with Mr. Cðruthcrs and the decision was mañe to continue the presentation. Mr. Marso explained thAt the propcrty under dlocussion Is rlr~inpd by tho 5. R. 951 ~ðnal and that he lives on the lower reaches of the cðnal in l1enderson Creek F.sti'ltt's. He deGcr ibed the mc'lOner in which he hða devoloped his property with ð fruit grove over the cournc of twenty yeðrs, and he ~skcd that the r08rd g{ve favor"ble con9i~eri'ltion to Petition CP-PI-~OC to onable the proposed sixteen homoßites to be devnloped in a like manner. Mr. J. C. Caruthors, represpnting the petitioner, expl~inerl that he is ð Trustee of the 40 acrc tr~ct of lanrt th"t is b~ing requested to be chanqed to Commercii'll zoning in order to have i'I nv pðrk primi'l!ily for the use of the property. 110 explalnpd thi'lt the F.np.rqy Rcsc.:'Irch Institute is on the site conducting Dn l1grlcultural f'xperfrTH'ntiltion with alcohol for motor fuel, which would hðvc wc~k-long seminars for persons to ~ttend from all over th~ country to l~~rn ~bout th~ pro~~~~ &oOK 067 PACt 579 Pl.lq~ 1 r, - - -------.---- --- --.----- - -- -- - -- - - -- --- - - _. - - -- - - - - ..- -- - --- - --- ----- - - - - --------- ---- ---I I &OOK 067 PALi580 Fr.hrui\ry ", lOP' II ~nd techniques, and th~t th~ RV pnrk would provide thr. neCp.9sary I housing. nf" a01" th:'lt thp "mortetl:"! Pistol tlnr! tHEla fln50("1.,tton m('('t!! .He hC'ld during tt,t' year and thl1t the RV p.Hk woulr on"bll1 provision of proper facllit1as for thos~ meets. lie stnted th.Jt th<! ~V pðrk would he used no a commorclðl vcnturo when it Is not useð for the two previously mentioned needs. He Clðbori\tcd on tho proposed cntorprlnc and cxpl~incd that the impact on tho arca would bc trnffic. He snid there would be an on-site newer nnd water ~Y3tcm. He explDin~d that his organization hðG been proffiiced the ~O' easements from the property owners which would extend nnttlcsn~ke Hammock no~d. Commissioner Krusc moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 3/0, to close the public hCJring. Commissioner pistor said that the property being requested for thc RV park is "pr~cticðlly flood levol" during m~ny times of the year, unless ð conslderðhle amount of fill waG used, and that, in his opinion, would create a continual proul~m. HI: ~aid hl~ coulù look morfc' favorably on th~ r~quest (or the 2-l/~ ðcre lots for b u il d I nq homes; howc'"er I since the request is combiner! , he mover! , seconðað by Commissionr.r Kruse ðnd clIrried 3/0, to dt!ny ret i tion CP-Bl-30 C. Chairmðn WImer r.aid he thought that the BCC was sympathetic to· what the petitioners wero attempting to do and that there were nltor- native wðyS to accoMplish their goals. He Invit~d.~r. Mors~ nnd ~r. Cnruthers to m~rt with the rlanning stnft to Invegtiqat~ 8 bp.ttcr way to r~ach their n~cds. ······Rcccss ]o:n~ a.m. - Reconvcnerl ]0:15 a.m., at which time Dcputy Clerk Kenyon replacp.d Deputy Clerk ~kinncr. ***.*. P.'q e 17 .,- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- F(!hru.1ry ", }CIP' "r."NDONEO Vf.IIJr.LF: I'nLl(,Y "~r.N()r.O TO RF:OIlCr. r,..pnUNnr-"f.NT TT~r - "pJ'>R0vrn. Zoning Director Perry s~id th~t h~ w~s requostlnq the ~bðndon~d vehicle policy of Collier County to be nm~ndcd bo" reduclnq the impoundment time from ninC!ty (1)0) dðyS to forty-five (4!;) dêlY9. fie stated that ðfter the policy was adopted, contractors thought the impoundment time waR excessive as moat towC!d vehicles arc 1unk lh~t have been deliberately ðh~ndoned by tho owners and will nevpr be reclðimcd. Commissioner Krus~ moved, seconded hy Commissioner Plstor and carried 3/0, that the abandoned vehicle policy be amended to reduce tho impoundm~nt time from nin~ty (90) days to forty-five (~~) d~ys ~nd thC! Ch~irman be êluthorized to execute"s~mc. &OOK 067 PACt: 581 P"q C! ] n - --.--.--. . - -.. - - - -- - - -- &- - - - - -- - -- -.- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -. . ----- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - --- , -----·--1 F~hrllttry ':", 19"' . i I, ! Mm~ 067 rÂ~t 588 ¡:W¡LPIt~G !..t:1\Sr. .\cnr.p'ENT Bf.TI'IHN THr \'('HINTV AND T!lF. M~rPT~I\N Lrr.TON POST '7~' TN TM~nK^Lf.E - ~rrnOVF~. ------ Mr. Terry virt~, C~mmunity O~v~lopment I\d~ln18trðtor, 5t~tcd th~t he w~a rccommpndinq a r~quQßt on h~half of the Community Dcvclopmrnt Block Grant Proqrðm In Immok~lr.c to npprove the execution of ð leðSo with the Americon L~glon Post .,~] in Tmmok~lee, to lcnae to them their structure which is built on c~unty land. He stated that the int~nt w~s to improve the building and lease the builrllnq to the ^rncricnn Legion with the idea that they will opcrate the building but m~ke it ðVðilðo¡~ to community groupS within thc Tmmokalee nrcð to serve 88 ð community center in ðddition to 8 m~eting plnee for the American L~qion. He sftld that the lease h~s been rcviewed by the ðttorney's office and found to be legally 5ufficlcnt. Mr. Eqon H111 expressed his concern that there would be duplicate work done 85 thc Amcrican Legion has two buildings In Immokðlea, whereupon Mr. Virtð stntcd that the work would be coordinðtc~. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ~nd carried 3/0, that the building lcase nqrecment botween the County ðnd thc Amerlcnn Legion Post '2(,:" in Immokalee be ðpprov~d and the Ch~irman authorizcd to execute 8ðld ngrecmcnt. NOTE: DOCUltENT NOT RECEIVED IN OFFICE OF CLERJ< OF TilE BOARD AS OF 3/1/82. P~qP 1 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -'- - -- - - - - - - - - -- --- ---- - - - -- - - ----- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - F'cbrlll'lry ", lOp' ACTING I\PPOINTMENT ^ND CO"'Pr.N~^TTON '1'0 CHIr.F ST^TU5 FOR TilE GOLf1F.N C,ATf. rIRr. Of-PT. CAPT^IN'~ P0r.TTTON - I\PPROVF.n. Mr. Neil Dorrill, Public Sl'Ifety ^dmlnlstrotor, b~~t~d th~t he w~s requcsting an int~rim fire chief nppointm~nt for the Golden G~tp Fire Control District, adding thnt In December of 19P1 the Golden Gate Fire Chief suffered a hel'lrt nttl'lck during which time the C~pt~in hl'ls been serving ðS Ðcting Fire Chief until thp. return of Chief Reevp.s. He concluded by stntinq that he is nsklng that th~ Poðrd recognize the Coptl'lin'~ scr\iccs /'IS Chief ~nd compcnsl'ltc him with a In, incremental increase in his s£llary untl1 such tim~ as the Chief returns to ...cti"~ duty. Commissioner Kruse Moved, se~onded by COMmissioner Pistor nnd cl'lrrled 3/0, that Cðptoin GayInnd Moore receive a In. incrementl'll increaso in regul,'r salary retro/lctivo to ,Janu<'lry 1, 1<\(1?" in recognition of his service 1'18 acting Chief, until Chief Reeves returns . to full time status. BID '5~1 AWARDED TO NAPLr.S STFEL PROCUCTS FOR WTNf10W Sf.CURTTY SCREENS rOR T;.F. II'1~Or.JlLF:r. ,'AIr. CENTrR IN Till: ^M"lJ~JT OF ~!O,r,'~S. Leg 1'1 1 notice having b~en published in the Nðpl~s f1nl1y News on January 12 nnd Jnnuary l~, 1982, as cvid~nced by Affldðvit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids w~re reccive~ for Rid 'S~l for çpcurity screens for the Immokalee Jail Center unt ) :?:10 p.m. Fnbru~ry 3. 198:? Mr. Edwl'lrd Smith, I\dmlnistrntive Scrvlcc~ Þdmlnistr~tor, slaten that he WðS request! ng ., r~comr.1enrl/'l t ion to IIWIHd b 1 ci 'S-1 1 for wi ndow security 8cre~n5 for th~ Tmmok~lre Jðil Cnntpr to ~ rroRpp~tlvn bl~~pr. &O:)K 067 PACt 589 P~CJ~ 20 -.- - - - - - - - -- - - - -.- -- - - -- - -- - --- - --- --- - - -- -.. - - - -- - - - - -- - -- . _~_________________________________J ----- &OOX 057 PACt 590 Ff'brunry :?1, \90:? Com~I~~ion~r PI~tnr ~ov~d, ~c~nndpd by rnm~issioner Kru~e ^nd c~rricd ~/O, that Rid '5~1 for window security Hcrrcns for the Immokaleo Jail Center bf! <1w.3rdr.d to N",pl(Hl Stp.p.I PI -'~ucts, Inc. in tho amount of S19,~~S, ^s recommended by the Purch~sing ~irrctor to br the lowf'st responsible bid in the bost interest of th~ County, and that the Ch~lrm~n be authorized to sign and the CIC'rk to attest the resultinq agreement. BID t54~ AWARDED TO DUR^LAST ENTERPRTS~S, INC. FOR P^V~MENT SEALTNC FOR THE GOLnfN GATE CO~MUNTTY CENTER IN THE ^~nUNT OF ~,n72.1? Legal noticc having been publi~hed in the Naples D~Ily News on January 26 and January 2P, 19r:?, DB evidenc~d by ^fflòavit of publication filed with the Clerk, bids werc received for bid '~4~ for p~vement scaling for the Golden Gate Community Center until 2:30 p.m., Fp.bru~ry 10, 19R2. Mr. Smith, ^dministr~tivc Services Administr~tor, stated he is requesting ß recommend~tion to award bid '54r-, pavement s~aling for the Golden Gðte Community Center. There being no discussion, Commissioner Pistor mo'.'ed, s('conded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/0, th~t Bid '~4~ be awarded to Dural~st Enterprises, Inc. for pavement saaling for the Golden Gate Community Center in the amount of $707'.12, as rccommendrd by the Purchasing Director to be the lowest responsible bid In the best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to si~n and the Clcrk to attest the resulting ~greemont. Pl.'Igc :? 1 . ~- - -- - -- - -- - - - - -. - --.. -- -- - - - - - -- - -- - --- - - - - - - -- . '·'1 ----------------------------------------- Fchru~ry ~~, JqR7 W^TFR f'''CTt.ITTF.S WTTHTN TTMBERCRf.F.K Pfl"Sf. T "CCEPTEt"1 FOR "\orl'1r.R~ftTP, OPEll'lTJON MJD ~"INTEN^NC£. f,EWFR F^CJLITTF:G \-:JTIITN TTMI"IF:PCRF:F.K r"~f,r. ACCEPTED FOR OWNF.RSIIII" "Nt"1 CI!^IRM"N ^UTII('IRT7.F.D TO EXF.CUTF: TilE LE^~F. ^GRF:E~ENT FOR LF.^SINï. PflCK TilE r,F:WFR F^CILITTF.S TO Lr.LY f,ST^TF.r-, INC. Fon OPF.Rl\TTnI'l "ND ,..,., HITENANCr.. Mr. Irving Rcrzon, Utl1itics ~ðnnqcr, 8t~tcd th~t Lc]y Country Club is offering Tlmbercreek Phaso I ~nd TT for the Po~rd's ncccptance for ownership, operðtion ðnd mðintenðnc~ of both the wðter ~nd sp.wcr fncilitics, ndding that in both cases the seWer will be opcrnted on ~ lcane bllck .:Jrrnngcmcnt by thC' Lcly Estc'ltcs 5ewagc pl/'lnt. lIE'stl'ltl'!d that,the project hns been inspected and recommends thðt both pro1ects be nccepted. Comminsion~r Pistor mov~d, seconded by Commissioner J(rURe nnd cllrried ~/O, thl'lt the water facilities within TiJnbercre£'k Phc'lsc T for ownership, opcrDtlon ~nd m~lntcnðncr be ðcccptcd, and thAt th~ ~pwer facilities within Tlmbercr~ek Phase J for ownership be accepted and the Chðirml'ln authorized to execute the lc~se c'lqreemcnt for leasing back thl'! sewer facilities to Lely Est/'ltcs, Jn~. for operlltlon /'Ind mc'llntcn/'lncp, and that the following documents be accepted for recordlltion: Deed for the water lines in Timborcrp.ck Phðse J. Dced for the scwe r lines In Tlmbercrcck Pha sp I. Bill of Side for the w.:ltcr lines in Timbercrepk Pha se I. Blll of !)"l e fo r the 5cwe r lInes in TIm be r c r C (J k Pha 50 T. Uti 11 ty F.ðscment for the wc'lter c'I nð scwer 1ln~s in Tlmhercrt't'k Phô sc I. Sewer Facil1ticG L~l'Ise for the sowrr fc'lcl11tIes In Timbprcr~ck Ph.:15Q T. FIn~l r.clc"~c of Lcln for tho wðtcr ðnrl sew~r fðcilities wIthin Tlmbercrcek rhð5C I. P.1q c '7 ~OD ( 067 PA!.t 591 - -- - - - -- -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - _. - - þ- - -...- - - - - .- - - - ..- - - &OOK 067 PACt 5U2 F~bru~ry ?', \9n? I .. - - -- - --- - - - - -------- --------.--- ----------1 Copy of the pressure tests on the ~~tcr lines for Tlmhercr~~k rhl) se r. Copy of th~ \nflltrlltl~n tp.st on th~ r.pw~r system for Tlnber~r~~k PhnDe I. Contr~ctu^l ~u~rðntc~ for w~tpr ^n~ sewor fncllltlcs within Timbercrf'~k Phase I. Ccrtificôtion rcq~rdlng contributions in Did of construction for Timbercrf'ek Phðfi~ I. tetter from the DF.P certifying th^t the w~ter mnins IIro bacterio logically cleðrcd within Timbcrcreek Phase I. ^n up-to-dat~ list of customors ^nd/or property owners for Timbcrcret'k Phl'lso I. Letter from the Engineer of R~cord certifying thðt nll the wðter and sewer f~cilities nrc located ~ithin a dedicated easement for· Timbcrcreck Phasc I. Verific~tion of final costs of the sewer system within Tlmbercreek Phase I. Vcrific~tion of final costs of the wðter system within Tlmbercrcek Phase I. A set of ðs-built drnwings fer Timbercreek Phase I. PI1Qr. :? 1 . .. - - --- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - _.. --- --- -- - - - - -- -'1 ----------------------------------------- F('brul'lry ", lC\R? &Û::~ 087 PA~ 60D \,\'^TF:R F^CI ['TTIE:~ \'¡TTIIIN 1'T,..P,r.RCHHY., P"M~F: r r ^Cr.r.r>TF.[,\ F'0R ('I\!~F'Rf,fITP, OPER^TTC'~I liNn MATNTr.NANr.r.. f:F:Wf.R FM·rL(Trp.~ ¡-/nIlT"! 'ìT"'f1f.RCPf~f:I' 1'1I)lf.r~ II )lCrEPTf.n Fon OWNFRSIITP ^ND CIIATn,.,"N ^UTIIORT7.f.D T0 rXFr.UTf: TilE Lr1\~£ "GRr.r.~·n!T Fcn n:";,INC 11f11':Y. TIlE f,f.\"ER r)lCYtTTrr.S TO LFty E~T^Trc;, PIC. Fon orEn~TTON AND ~~INTEN^Nr.f.. Commissioner Pistor moved, ncconded by Commisgion~r Kruse ðn~ carried 3/0, thnt the wntcr fncilftles within Timbercrcpk Ph~8o rI for ownersh1p, operation and m~intenðnce be n~ccpt~d ~nrl that the sewer facilities within Timbercrpck Phaoe II for ownership bp. accepted and the Chairmnn Duthorized to execute the l~asc ~grecment for lensing b~ck' the sewer fDcilitics to Lely Estl'ltes, Inc. for operation lInd maintennnce, ðnd that the following document6 be nccepted for rccoròðtion: Deed for the water lines in Tlmbercrct'k Ph"'sc IT. nced for the sewer Il ncs in TlmbercrcE'k Ph<'!se TJ. B111 of Sa 1 c for the Wll tcr Ii n(!fj In Timbercrt)('k Pho se II. C 111 of C.-Ie for the r;ewcr l1nc:> in Timbcrcrcck Ph.) sc II. Utility ElI5cment fo r the wc!ltt"r and scwe r lines in Timberc reok P!.a!>e II. Sewer Facilities Leaso for the seWE'r facilities in Tlmbercreck Ph ð se I I . . F1n~1 Relcnsc of [.('in for thp water and sewer fncilitics within Timbl!'rcreek Phl'lse I I. Contrnctual Cu,rðntcp for the wðt~r and sewer f~cilities in Timbercrcck Phnse Ir. Certification rcql'lrdinq contributions in /'lid ot construction for Timbercrr.ek Phase IY. Letter from the r.£R bl'lct~riolo~icðlly clE'ðring the w~ter lines in Timbercr~ek Phðse IT. ^n up-to-dl'ltc list o[ customers ðnd/or propprty ownr.rs for TiMbercreek Phlloo IT. Pl'lq,. 'II ,- - - - - - - - - - '-- -- - ---- - --- -- --- - - ----- - ------- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -------- - ------ - ----- ----.. Ff'hrlll'lry ?', lQn7. L~tter from the Enqino~r of Record certifying thl'lt ~ll th~ wnter and sp.w~r f~cilitte8 !'IrQ constructed within a drdfcat~~ easem~nt lor Tinh~rcrf'ek Phase TT. Copy of the laboratory results on the wntrr m~in3 for Tlmbercrock Phaso II. Copy of the presGuren tests on tho wðtp.r lines for Timhorcrrek Pha se I I . Copy of the lnfiltr~tion test on tho GflWer system for Timhprcreck Ph!'lse II. Letter from t~c F.~st Nl'lplps Fire Control DiDtrict ðcccptinq ownership and M~intenancc of the fire hydrants within Timbercr0ck Phase II. Verification of the final costs of the sewer system within . Tlmbcrcreck Phël~ r I. Verification of the finnl costs of the wotcr oysten wIthin Timbcrcrcek Phðse II. One set of as-built pll'1ns for Timbp.rcreek Phase II w~ter and sewcr facilities. P,'q (' ~ c¡ a~ 067 at!: 601 --------------------------~-------------- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -- f'("bnJ.,ry ", 1rJP:? NF.W F:\ANCI1T5E AGRf.EMENT ^CCr.rTF.n WT'!'U WflRNrR-^MEX CfIB Lr.VJ~ TN! INOIC^TJNG CORRECT COMPflNY NAME '''ND LOCl\TJON. \.H"TR""~N l\UTI10RT7EO TO EXr.Cl1n~ !;,,~r.. County Attorney Pickworth stated th~t h~ need@d the ~oðrd's acceptance and the Chairman's authorizðtion to sign ~ new franchise agreement, adding thnt the original aqrecmC'nt identifierl the corporation as Warner ^mex Cable Communication, Inc. which is ~ctun11y Wðrner "mcx Cable CommunlciltionR Comp..,ny nnò .'Joint Venture. He l'Ilflo stated that the original agreement listed the company as existing under the State of New York Insteðd of the State of Jllinois. Commissioner Pistor moved, sccondC'd by C~~mlssioner Kruse ðnd ~arried 3/0, that the new frðnchlsc ~grcement be accepted and the Chairman authorized to execute sl'Ime. G0-7 pÄCt609 bOO~ u P.'q(' ?" - - ----- - -- ----.. -- ------- ---- -- -- ------ -- -- - --- --- ~.-- ... - -- -~- - --~ .- _.-. -... . ~.. -- . - - - . - ...- - -- -... - - .- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- frhru,HY :>'), IftP:? REsnLUTT0N A7.-?" ~UPP0~TING ~NY PL~N TH^T W0ULD PUT CnLLTF.R COUNTY TN ~ SEN^TE Dt!>TrHCT CO/-lPOf,F.D Of' C(1IJNTTr.~ OF ~OlJTHWE:~T OR r-;ClJTH CENTR^L FL()RTf)~ rXCLUDHI(; r:~nF. OR rmm'''Rn C0UNTrr.s - }\D()PTF:n. County Attornry Pickworth stðtcd that sevcrnl weeks ~go v~riou~ plans wrre discU5scd for sents in the Florlrla S~nðte. He reported th~t an Qlðbor~tc proposal h~d bQ~n presented to the no~rð as well D5 ^ proposal for D combined Lee/Collier County district, nddin~ th~t hr. felt the consensus of the Bo~rd was to go on record as supportinq ßny plan which would put the County in ~ senßte distlct compos('d of counties in southwest or south central Floridn, furth~r noting thßt hp felt the Board's consensus was in opposition t~ any plnn thnt woul~ make the County ~n append~ge to ð district which prlmnrily con~lstpd of Dade and/or Brow~rd County, ßrlding that ð resolution to that effect h~s been drafted. "~ st~ted th~t he Is rpqu~~tin~ thp Ro~rrl to ~dopt said tesolution Ðnd the Chairman be authorized to execute s~me. Commissioner p!stor movrd, second('d by Commissioner Kruse nnd carried 3/0, that Resolution ~"-2B bupportlng any plan th~t would put C~111er County in n Scnßt~ District composed of countlcs of southwcst or .south central Florida cxcluding Dnde or Broward counties, be hdoptcd ~nd the Chairmßn ßuthorized to execute s~me. ðOOK 067 P^ct: 621' Pl1ql' '7 .- ----- ----- --_._-- .......-...--...- _..._-----~-- --~_._-----_. _._.-.~ - --- -- - - - -- - - - -- ---- - -- -- ---- -- - - - - - - - -..- I Fcbrul1ry 71, It'1P.7 ROUTT~E DTLLf - ^PPPOVED FOR P^Y~r.NT PurSu3nt to Rcsolution 8J-l~0 the followino checks wer~ issued through FrlððY, F~bruory 19, ]QP.2, in payment of routinp. bi11ß% fUND r. HF.CK NO~. County Chp.c ks 4055-<1?~' CET^ 84 fi 4 -A 501 General Furo 10 P<"Iyroll Fund 2 " ,",aUNT $713,1'<;.1(') F.,19.11.7C' 9."'4 2, '719. ~.II BU~~\T ~"'F.NDMENT ~o. A2-S5, TO PROVTDC FOR INSTALLATION OF WATER TRF.^Tn;NT UNTT, fOR f,::".LJW; OF P^RKIN~ LeT "ND FOR EX,;rRIOR PlIINTTNr. OF GOLDEN GATE COMMUNTTY CENTER. - ADOPTED IN TIlE ^MnUNT of S'7,nnn. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor ðnd =~rricd 3/0, thnt Budget ^mer.dmcnt No. P2-5~, trnnsferring funds to provide for in~tðllatlon of w~t~r trcatment unit, for sC<"Iling of pnrking lot nnd for p.xterior p~inting of Colden C3te Community C~nter, be ~doptp.d in the ðmount of S7,C'On. &OOK 067 PACt 623 p¡,qe :?I' .- -49 --- -.... -___ - -------.-------..-...- -------------------. , ' , , to -- .. .~ 8 1i} .. ~ .~ o ~ ; .9.S Vlt. ~ g¡ j ¡ .~ ~1)~ ~-&I~ ---- ---.- - ----.--. -.----------------------------- f'cbrl1l1ry ,~, l~(I' CERTIFICATES OF conRECTTON TO TilE T,.X ROLLS ,.5 PRF.~F.NHD £\Y TIIF: PHOr~RTY ~prR^T~F.R'n OFFTCE - TlUTHnRT7F.D f'0R C:11~TR~^N'S F.XrrUTTnN. Commissioner Kruse moveJ, øeconde~ hy rommisslonrr ristor ~nd cðrricd 1/0, that the following Certiflcðt~ß of Correction to the T~x Rolls as submitted by the Proprrty Appr~lscr'~ Office he authorized for execution by the Chairman: lqP] TflX Rr'lLL NU~~ßERS n,..Tr.S 100 2/1:?/R7 101 '/19/R, EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR JN~"Tr. NO. ~F5]~ lIND IN~^TF NO. '~~on - TlPPRnVr.n. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commission~r Krus' ðnd C,Hr1t:ù :ì/0, that l!xtra gðin time of (;(¡ d,)ys be lIpprov('(j tor Inmate No. 3~514, making the r~lc~se date Mðrch ~, ]9f12, ~nd ~o days for TnmÐte No. 36500, mðklng the relcðRc date ~~rch ~, 19R2, ðS requested by the Sheriff. LE^VE OF AnSENCE FOR AnA DI5PL^CED EMPLOYEER IN ORDER THAT THEY RET^TN TH~TR FULL F.MPLOYEF. ~RNFFrTR - ^PPROVED. Commissioner ristor moved, srconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnå carried 3/0, that n le~ve of absence for the following ^N" displacrd employcc5 in order th~t thoy r~tnin th~lr full rrnploycr bnnefits, bc approved: "l<ln G. Pnrduc, So]In W,1StO nð]r Frp~R, ~otor Pool Frftnk ~leschkQ, ~otor Pool 80DK 067 fACt 625 PM n '1) --- - - -- - - ---- - --- -- - - ~-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- ---- in .. ~ .~ o ~ ; ·'.B 'f1~ 1 !:í 1 ¡ .. ~i11 ~ "3 '1 ~ -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ....- -- - -.- -- ..-.. &OO~ 067 r^~t 525 FphrUMY :n, 1~f1:? SELECTIVE f.E!W:!''.:E nr.(:T~'rnM''T';' r.r~'I'f. 'I'n I'F: P0S'T'F:O roT 'I'1Ir. M" TN EN'T'PI\NCr. OF [\UTLrTNG "F" ON 'I'flF: I'IULr.f.'1'TN P.N,J{D. Grllce Spi\ulriinq, l\dministr¡'Itivl! Aid!'! to th" Aoord, sti'lted thnt thl! lints of sclective s~rvicc r~qlstr~nts would bC' pli\cp.d nt the mnin entr~ncc to Building "F" on the hulletin bo~rd. WCRY.f,fI0P TO fiE IIELD AT CITY HALL ON TUESD^Y, MI\RCII 9, )~fl2, RE Nl\'I'tONI\L FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRl\M. !\dministrntive ^ide Spaulding stnlcd that ð lettcr hlld been received from James H. Snyes, Stnto \.oordinntor of the NFIP, rpqnrdinq severðl changes in the National Flood Insurnnce Progr~m thi'lt becðme effective in l~Pl. She stated thnt ð workshop will be hp.ld at City H~ll on Tuesday, M~rch q, 1902 from q:n~ D.m. to 1,:nO noon. County Mùn~qer Norman stated thùt there would be someone representing the County lit said m~etin9' PUBLIC SF:RVTCE COMMISSTON MEETTNG FOR 'rHE GENER"L PUBLIC AT 5:00 P.M. WEQNESDÞY IN nULQTNG "F", lRD FLOOR. Mr. Berzon, Utilities Manager, sti'lted that there would bo ð Public Service Ccmmission mp.etinq for the general public nt ~:oo p.m. WednosdllY in ßuilding "p.., ~rd Ploor, i'lddlng that it mi\Y b~ quite beneficiðl for the County. Pi'lql!' '0 - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---- - -- \ ." I~ ..8 . 1 ,¡ .- r'll ï J I ~ - - - - -- - - - - -- --- --- -- - - - - -- - - - ~- _.- - -- - - - - -- -. -- - -- - - - - - --- rp.brui'lry ~:", 19P2 ~J5CELL^NF.OU5 conRfSPONDENCE - FTLED AND/OR REFF.RRED Tr.ere being no obj~ctlon, the Ch~ir directed the following correspondence be filed and/or rcferrcd to the v"'ri~ IS dC'pilrtments as Indlcllted: 1. ~'onthly Report from ~ary G. Prl1sch, Court "Idc, dated 2/JJ/R:?, rc numhcr of juvenllcs Incllrc~rAted In the Collier County Jail for the month of Jðnuðry, 19B~ - Fi1 cr1. 2. ropy of letter to Community ncvclormcnt "dmlnlstrator from forestry nivision di'ltcd :?/3/P'), re I'Ictl'dtif!s for thc f"1onth of JDnulHY J~~/. FilC'd. 3. Rtports re monthly ðctivlties for 70ning P~pArtment ( .1 ,1 n U i1 r y) (f (' h r u... r y), ] 9 P ?. F I 1 cd. C Jsle Of CApri Fir/'! Control DI~tr1ct ),rl\1'''',· AO/lrd m!nutc5 of :?/l/A, mcct!ng. Filed. 5. Minutes of ]/28/P2 Llbrðry Advisory EOllrd rp.eting. F il cd . ~. M!nutes of 1/')(,/P2 Golden Gl'lte Conmunity Center ^r1visory Committee meeting. Filed. 7. Lptter received 2/23/R2 from Tmmokðlcc Childcare renter, Inc., requesting information rellltlng to the {ntital- IDtlon of sewage linp.s In front of the Center. xc Mr. Rcrzon; Filed. 8. Lettt'rs d/lted 2/1'i/82 from Lee County Electric Cooper- ",tlve Inc., re street ligh~6 ~dded and/or rcmoved from Tmmoklllee Lighting District during J~nuary 19R2 and thosp. rel~ted to Collier CountY/~ðrco Lighting District. xc ~essrs. B~rksdale, Norman¡ Filed. 9. Letter dllted 2/15/fl2 from "rea Agency On "g ing transmitting copy of TnitiAI N~w-projcct Visit Monitoring Report for Collier County Community Care for the Elderly Project. xc Mr. Norm~n1 FlIed. 1 O. Letter dðted 2/9/R2 from rDOT tr~nsmitt1ng finðncial position of Colll~r County's eo\ the Secondary Trust Fun~ (~econd GðS Tax - cent) for period 7/1/A1 through 12131/Rl. NormAn, Hall, Barksdal~¡ FlIed. r~port re portion of 5th and 6th xc Messrs. P~CJe :n MOK 067 PACt 6Z7 - - - - -- - - - _..- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - ---- . ----------------------------------------- . FebruðrY 23, 1982 &OQ ( 067 f~Ct 628 11. Memorandum dated 2/1~/B2 from Repre8~nt~tive Mary Ellen Hawkins transmitting a copy of House Bill ~05 ro distribution of PO, of the 5th and ~th cent of the gasoline tax and the revised procedures for accountinq by recipient counties thereof. xc Me~srs. Norman, Hall, Barksdale¡ Filed. 12. Letter from City of ~iaml Clerk Ralph G. Ongie, transmItting Resolution P/'-99 and Ordinance No. 9371, adoptcrl 2/1i/82 re prohibition of -KTW- projectile. xc Messrs. Normðn, Dorrill, Sheriff Rog~r~, City of Naples; F II ed . 13. Copy of letter to Governor Gr~hðm from Clerk Beck, Glndes County, Florld~, dated 2/l'/A2 transmitting copy of Resolution 8/.-4 arlopted ,/P/A2 opposing state mandatcrl programs without state funrls to Implement them and rcquDstIng that same subject be put ~~ the Agenda tor Legislative SessIon; xc ~r. Norman; t"lled. 14. Copy of St. Johns County Rcsol~tion 19~2-2ð, a~opt~d 2/9/P2 objecting to st~:e manr1tcd programs without stðte funding for Implementati~n and rcque$tIng that samp. subject be put on Aqenrla for Leqi51~tIv~ Session. xc /'Ir. Norm,'n; FUed. 15. Letter ¡ ,H-:-d 2/1/;/112 from !IUD rc Section A Existing or Modcrðt~ Rehðbl1itðtIon ACC: FL29-K14l-0nJ, tranEmitting copy of execut~d ~nnual Contributions Contrðct and <lpproved !IUD forms for thp. pro;ect. xc I"r. Norm.1n : F 11 erl . 11". Letter rlrlt"~ '/lS/R? from .1. þ,]l"n, Tr.c., requI'stIng th~t they be considered when selecting a contr~ctor for Court.holl~;('/.1ustlcc Centcr cxp,1nslon pro1"ct. xc Purch~sin~: Fllrd. 17. ~emOr¿)n(!lIi1 r1.1U'rl ¿/¡1/R2 from ['ep1rtmcnt of Vl't"r,1n ¡)nrJ CommunIty ^ff~lrs, urd~tlng r~~cnt fcrll'r~l ~ctlons ~nrl proposrr) pollc rs rf' Sti'ltc/Lorrl1 ('Iuter Contlnent.1l ~he1f Pro~r¿)i1. xc ~r. Norm~nl Ftl~rl. l~. Copy of Nc~~ R('l,,~sc, nðt('d ?/¡0/R7 from D('p~rtm"'nt of Tnterlor rc Undvvrlop"rl COi' st~l R~rrtcrs Workshops. xc Mc~srs. ~ormi' n, Virt~, Benl'di~tl Ft1f'r1. 10. Lrttu c1t1t('d 2/1/;/117 from SFW~1D Controll"r J\lyc¡'1 Pryor trllnsr:1Iulng ." ('\,rtlfl('(~ Copy of l(lPO-Pl ^urlit Rt'porL r 11 ('d. 20. Letter d~t('rl 1/75/112 from Govl'rnor í.rl"hñ:T~, tnvitlnq p.Htlc!p.H.ion In thr Council on PhyslclIl Fitness .,nd Sports' iurnðroun< ~'orkshf)p, In Orl.'lndo, March 11, 101'2. Filed. 21. L,.ttp.r d..,tf.'d 1/1"/Q7 from Govcrnor Grllhc'lm's fncrgy Office Dlrl'ctor .Jay B.'kes, IInnotlncinq th,1t funding P,'gc '2 - -- . - _! , ......' 1 - .- -- --- -- -~- - - - . - +- - -- - - -- -- - - - -- - --- - ,-- - --- -- - - --- - - .- - -- - - - - _._- F~bru~ry '3, 1~P.2 ðPplicðtions for th~ Jnstitutionðl ~ul1dlng Grant Program Cycle TV will be accepted until Mny ~, 1~~2. xc M~$nrs. Hall, Norman1 Filed. 22. Pf,C "'ot1ces liS follo....s: Docket t'o. 1.'00';03-5 (CR), Order No. 1(,~"C:, issund 2/12/82 re applicðiton of TntrDco~st~l Utilities Corporation for increðs~ð ~cwer rates1 Docket No. F7000';-W!> (poIC), Order NO. 101';03, insucc1 2/17/R2 re rstnblishm~nt of ð Minlm~l 19P2 rðte of return on Common equity for water ~nc1 se....er utilities1 Dock()t No. P:?0005-WS (~C), Order No. 10Fo02, Issued :?/17/P:? re 19r.:? Price Tnèex for W~tcr ~nd f-cwer Uti I I ties; ['ocket ~~o. "1()o109-S (fX), Or~er No. ]n¡:;Of;, issued :?/17/P:? r~ ðppllcDtlon of Prima VIst~ Utility Company, Tnc., for f'xtcnslon of CC'rt1flclJte No. 1]"-5 to Inr:lude t('rr1tory In Orflnoc County, fIoricL" Dock,..t No. P.20()71\-WS (MC), 0rc1er No. ]r¡:;OCl, issued 2/17/P2, re rpguest of Floridn Ridge Utllltes Corporlltion for permission '.... ,1t11ntain its books and records outside the Stllte of Florlda1 f'ockc t No PO():? 1(;-WS rc Orðnge Plosõ.om Hills, TnC'"., d/b/a Orange Blossom Gardens heAring 3/]1/8:? In Leesburg, Fl., Docket No. 7RI019-TP, Central Telephone Co. of Florida, Floridð Central Telephone Co. ~nd Flor~la Tclephone Co. hearing 4/2Q/A:? in Crestview, Fl. Filed. * . . . . . . * . . . There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Tlmel ]():1~ P.M. "..... . ,.., ~ í'(i . ¿,-- FOARD or COUNTY CO~MTSSTONER5/EX OFFICIO GOVERNTNG AOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTR JCTS UNDER TS CCW7RO L r / i ( r ATTESTr _ W!L~I^M /t ~E.^GAN, CURl': ... ~. ~.. - ~ tI'.~. Th~se minutes ~pproved by th~ ~CC on presenteð~ or ð8 corr~cted Ha r c h <J I 1982 1'111 ~ 067 ~t\:6Z9 pag. )) ------------------- ------- .